Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.

Most hostages who were captured there have been liberated, although some of them are still captured on the etheric and astral planes.



Donald Rumsfeld has been captured by the Light forces on the etheric plane and taken to the Galactic Central Sun for reprocessing. He is no more. This leaves only two members (Kissinger and Cheney) of the Unholy Four still alive, and the Light Forces have now expanded their primary target list and renamed it Unholy Five. It now includes Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.

Physical spider king and queen, along with most lesser physical Chimera spiders have been removed also. The remaining Chimera forces are now concentrated on the surface and nothing more can be revealed about that momentarily.

What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica), then underground tunnels (including those between US / Mexico, California / Nevada and China / Myanmar) , which are being used for human trafficking by Illuminati, Mafia and the Triads, and also child abuse centers below some castles of the Black nobility and below some churches and Catholic schools under Jesuit control. Top priority of the Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible still captured there.

There are still some twin souls (mostly captured Pleiadians) of the top commanders of the Galactic confederation held hostages in underground bases of the Negative military and in some military installations on the surface, especially in the Negev desert (Israel), near Abu Kamal in Syria and near Grozny in Chechnya.  

The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet have contacted the Positive military in USA, Russia and China several times in the last few months, and certain plans have been set into motion to prepare for the Event. Cheyenne Mountain and Thule (Greenland) underground complexes are being prepared for that purpose.

The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities. 



In the past, Galactic Confederation councils did not reach unity in their plans how to liberate planet Earth, and there were many opposing views to this problem among the Confederation personnel:


Certain actions were taken last week by Semjase and some other high commanders, and now a consensus has been reached within the Confederation that a drastic intervention will take place at the right moment on the surface of the planet. Not much can be said about that at the moment, apart from the fact that if the Cabal crosses a certain line, the intervention will come much sooner and it will be harsher.

After the beginning of August, certain situations will escalate, as we are entering a special “intersection event” time window starting in August of this year and ending at the end of 2022, the first part of that window being August-December 2021, and the second part January- December 2022.

Interesting enough, Gary Hesseltine, the vice-president of International Coalition of Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) is estimating that the dam will break in the next 6-12 months:


Solara, the visionary of the 11:11 doorway, is estimating the dam will break between now and the end of 2022:


On the surface of the planet, there is a battle between the Light and the dark forces over the coronavirus narrative.

The dark forces are pushing their perpetual casedemic lockdown agenda with forced vaccinations, with vaccines influencing the connection between the Higher self and human personality (in esoteric circles that connection is called antahkarana), as it can be clearly seen in the operation Warp Speed logo:


Delta variant of the coronavirus spreads very fast, but it is very mild, leading to very few hospitalizations and even fewer deaths:


Therefore the Light Forces are beginning to effectively promote end of the lockdowns and more effective treatment of the hospitalized:


Two days ago, Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz has predicted end of lockdowns for Austria, and shifting of the focus from government enforcement of coronavirus mandates to personal responsibility and freedom, with more focus on hospitalized and less on confirmed cases. Surely enough, mainstream media outside of Austria and neighboring countries did not report this.

It might be interesting for you to know that Telegram channels have been created for those who follow my blog posts, in different languages:


For those who wish to participate in mass meditations, the list of active mass meditations is here:



The Light Forces are asking those who feel so guided to participate in the Fire the Grid meditation, which will be taking place on July 19th at 11:11 am UTC:



This meditation will help strengthening the network of Light on the surface of this planet.

Victory of the Light!


  1. YES !!!!! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!!!!

    1. Really, really hope that the RM will organize humanitarian relief for lightworkers devastated by the plandemic in the beginning of the "intersection event" time window itself. It's HIGH TIME !!

    2. At the moment of Event a lot of positive things will happen, LW MAY BE compensated

    3. @Ad
      Yes, I think the bad guys CROSSED that line quite a few times by now.

  2. The Event could happen at any moment everybody make sure you are prepared and have at least 1-2 weeks of food and water, The Event is coming VERY SOON, we are very close to the BREAKTHROUGH!!!

    1. As a lightworker devastated by the plandemic, stocking up is financially out of reach. I may be able to hold out for a few days. But if it stretches to a week, hope the RM is able to get to me.

    2. 2Ad, if possible, buy a pack of spaghetti every time you can. One jar of tomato sauce should be enough for a bout 4-5 meals. Store water in any container you can get hold of. Do this starting now.I predict the US cabal is going to try their mandated mass vaccination this fall, or a little later. Hope that helps.

  3. Wonderful news!

    If I understand correctly, can we still use the Hostage Liberation Meditation to assist the positive forces to rescue surface human children and those ET twin souls who are captured in both underground and surface bases of the negative military?

    1. Even better imagine tearing the spider apart with your electric light filaments that you gain after you have ascended. Ascended masters can be violent as well. Imagine a beam of rose coloured light descending over the hostages and freeing them of their electromagnetic prisons. https://ibb.co/Gc3f5xh

    2. @123666699as

      I imagine that ALL the time, with all the baddies.

      Also, when I play some of my sci fi video games, where I'm either blowing up enemy space ships, or blasting monsters (like Doom), I envision just that.

      Hell, in DOOM, the final boss IS a large, brainy blob with spider like, mechanical legs, called the 'spider master mind'. Wonder if the guys at ID Software, who made the DOOM game, had some insight, back in 1993?

  4. Let's go!
    Less and less of them each day.

    Victory of the Light!

  5. When is the red line for the forces of light crossed? When Young Children Are Forcibly Vaccinated? Or if there are Corona prisons? Would interest me..
    Victory of the Light

    1. Yes. What is the red line?
      Is it when we cannot work or shopping food without vaccine certificate?

    2. Cobra did not talk about a Red Line.

      The Light Forces, because they have now agreed, have set a line.

    3. Cobra did not talk about a Red Line.

    4. maybe the "line" has something to do with what the darkies could make to harm the galactics, pleiadians etc. what happens to the human population isnt actually that important to these beings up there

  6. Why can't the Galactic Confederation open fire on all incarnated cabal agents and employees from orbit? Haven't the cabal already crossed that special line multiple times with plans to do more damage? Also does anyone know of this Ridiculous person called Kim Goguen?

  7. Message To The Surface Population

    I am a Lightwarrior stationed on the surface of Earth, and a Representative of the Allied Light Forces.

    We are an Army Divided, and it is time to Unite our Power into a Collective Revolution that will trigger The Event.

    ALL OF YOU are Precisely where YOU Need To Be.

    This is The Moment YOU have been Waiting For.

    YOU are a Sovereign Being, and it is Time to Fulfill YOUR Destiny.

    The Revolution will begin in the USA, and then Sweep Across The World.

    Our Time Has Come!



    1. Stay out of psychosis, it's how they control you

  8. Aleluia! Slava lui Dumnezeu si tuturor celor ce sunt in slujba Binelui Dumnezeiesc, atat oameni cat si fiinte extraterestre!

  9. Good news!
    What is preventing the Event?

  10. It's time to stop complaining and act together. We must not be spectators.

    Internet users who read this blog must actively participate in the various actions. This will speed up the process that will lead us to the Event!

    Victory of the Light!

  11. It's time to stop complaining and act together. We must not be spectators.

    Internet users who read this blog must actively participate in the various actions. This will speed up the process that will lead us to the Event!

    Victory of the Light!

  12. Thank you for the update Cobra, nice to see Bill Gates up there on the list now.

    Víctory of the Light

    1. Let's make it an even half-dozen and add Mark Milley, who truly has earned his place on this list.

  13. <3 <3 <3 VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

  14. Cobra. Was the other fire the grid meditation back in July 2013. Thought I remembered that being a thing back on July 17th 2013. I remember because that's the day I saw a craft that woke me up to come outside and the thing had rotating lights that weren't connected to the craft. I hope some day I understand what that was

  15. Does anyone have any insight of a city in south Brazil called São Leopoldo? It is said many nazis fled here (It is known as big German Colonization area). It was said that this city was a main point (years ago) of the Ozone Layer hole, as the "most dangerous city in the world" (in the past). Isn't it too many stuff for a 200k population city? Ive witnessed many light activities (like 2 red orbs dancing in the skies, a huge blue fireball passing and a white fireball exploding right in front of me), but in the last year, untill now, the sighting have dropped significantly. I feel deep inside that there is a huge stuff here and it will explain why I have returned living here.

    1. Sounds like a perfect spot for a Cintanami stone to be buried.

    2. For sure you are living at the exact right place, you should be.

    3. I buried one cintamani here. I really want to see this city, my birth town be free, mainly now that it is bleeding from a leftist regime...

    4. São Leopoldo "capital nacional da Imigracao Alemã no Brasil", faz bastante sentido tua informação.

      Eu sou de São Leopoldo, nasci lá e hoje moro em Caxias do Sul.

      Penso que se colocarmos uma pedra Cintanami, ajudaria muito... mas precisaríamos de uma fonte confiável para aquisição de uma pedra verdadeira.
      Me disponho a fazê-lo ou ajudá-la com o que for preciso.

  16. Cobra. Should we focus on cleaning ourselves recently?

  17. With this I am confident to say that the event is a few months away, no longer 3 to 5 years as I previously surmised.

  18. What does - the dam will break - mean in relation to the event.

    1. Maybe it means somekind of disclosure of alien life so we can prepare for first contact, i don't understand what intersection event means and what the difference is between that event and The Event

    2. As akin to 'the shit will hit the fan', and the damn breaking being someone squatting and taking that shit that will then be thrown at the fan.

  19. Ok! Slowly but surely! Thank you! I can feel how energies are changing ♡♡♡Love is in the air♡

  20. But hmmm...noone knows WHEN.. ;)

  21. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellanmo

  22. Thank you💜Cobra💛!
    This is almost to good to be true😄!
    But it is true💛and it is perfect!
    We will clear (smooth and fast) all what is left to be resolved for our Final Victory
    Thank you 💛Light Forces 💜 Resistance Movement 💜Lightworkers 💛and Lightworriors💜
    Victory of the LoveLight!

  23. Question: Cobra, how is going the situation about the implants?

  24. I really wonder what is the line that the cabal cannot cross. Seems like they can go pretty far. Also wondering if the recent movie The Cosmic Hoax is cabal released if anyone have any intel.

    1. me too, im not sure how much further they can push the line

    2. Yep, seems the bad guys already crossed the line a few times.

    3. I really hope the cabal to pull it and cross this supposed line. I want things to happen fast and furious.

    4. @Birimbau

      Yep, I wand to see it, I want to take PART in it. *cracks knuckles*

  25. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:


    German Telegram channel / Telegram-Kanal für deutsche Übersetzungen von Cobras Posts:


  26. yeah! fuck yeah!!! victory of the light!!

  27. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    french translation.

    Traduction en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  28. V slovenščini: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2021/07/sveze-novice-o-planetarni-situaciji.html

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220306748080801

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  29. Thank you for the update, Cobra! I will certainly be participating.

  30. 1/3

    The Federal Reserve Has Radically Changed from a Central Bank to a Bailout Kingpin. Americans Just Haven’t Paid Attention – Until Tonight

    Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 13, 2021 ~ wallstreetonparade.com

    This evening, the PBS program, Frontline, will do something that corporate broadcast media has failed to do since the financial crash of 2008. Frontline will air the results of its year-long investigation of the most powerful financial institution in the world – the central bank of the United States – known as the Federal Reserve, or simply “the Fed.”

    The Fed’s radical makeover of itself began in December of 2007 when the Fed decided, on its own, that it had the authority to secretly pump out trillions of dollars in cumulative loans to prop up the mega banks on Wall Street, as well as to the foreign banks that were on the other side of Wall Street’s hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivative trades. The Fed secretly ran that program through at least July of 2010 according to the eventual audit that was conducted by the Government Accountability Office. (That audit only came about because Senator Bernie Sanders attached an amendment to the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010.)

    The Fed’s latest massive bailout operation began on September 17, 2019, months before there was a case of COVID-19 anywhere in the world. The full scope of this operation and other bailout programs remain a dark secret at the Fed, casting a pall over investors’ confidence in the transparency and stability of the U.S. financial system.

    James Jacoby, Writer, Producer and Correspondent, The Power of the Fed
    James Jacoby, Writer, Producer and Correspondent, “The Power of the Fed.”

    Frontline writers and producers James Jacoby and Anya Bourg, who are the force behind tonight’s Frontline documentary, The Power of the Fed, will now become part of a rarefied group of individuals who have mustered the determination to cut through the Fed’s insidiously cultivated armor of Fed-speak and its preposterous structure that allows it to create trillions of dollars of money electronically out of thin air for bailouts, with only feigned oversight by Congress.

    We have not yet seen the Frontline program but we have high hopes given the past work of Frontline. (See here and here.)

    Anya Bourg, Writer and Producer of "The Power of the Fed."
    Anya Bourg, Writer and Producer of “The Power of the Fed.”

    The Frontline team has the opportunity tonight to significantly build on the herculean work of two other journalists who spent years investigating the Fed and advancing Americans’ understanding of its kleptocratic nature: Mark Pittman and Nomi Prins.

    Mark Pittman was the Bloomberg News reporter responsible for the Bloomberg lawsuit against the Federal Reserve during the 2008 financial crash. Pittman had asked the Federal Reserve Board, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in April and May of 2008, for details of four lending programs, including the borrowers’ names and the amounts borrowed. The programs were the Discount Window, the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, the Term Securities Lending Facility, and the Term Auction Facility. When the Fed brazenly stonewalled Pittman, Bloomberg News filed the lawsuit on his behalf.

  31. 2/3

    On November 10, 2008 Pittman and his colleagues, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald, wrote an article headlined “Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose.” The article reports as follows:

    “The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

    “Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn’t require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return.”

    Pittman shared in a Gerald Loeb award for Bloomberg’s five-part series, “Wall Street’s Faustian Bargain,” which described how a group of Wall Street bankers had created the subprime doomsday machine over Chinese food. Many believed Pittman’s investigations of the Fed put him in line for a Pulitzer. But just a week before the secretive Fed Chair Ben Bernanke was scheduled to sit for his Senate Confirmation hearing for another term at the helm of the Fed, Pittman died of a heart attack at age 52 on November 25, 2009.

    At the time of Pittman’s death, the Fed was still refusing to release the details of its trillions of dollars in secret loans, despite losing its court battle at the District Court. The Second Circuit appellate court decision, also ruling against the Fed, would not come until March 19, 2010, four months after Pittman’s death.

    But even after the appellate decision went against it, the Fed refused to release the data. First the Fed asked for a rehearing by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. When that was rejected, a Wall Street consortium of banks, that were the actual recipients of the trillions of dollars in secret loans, appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. That appeal failed as well and the Fed was forced to finally release the astonishing sums it had showered on global banks with zero awareness by any elected member of the George W. Bush administration or any elected member of Congress.

    When all of the Fed’s bailout programs were tallied up, the tab came to a staggering, cumulative $29 trillion, as meticulously analyzed by the Levy Economics Institute. The Fed had kept the American people completely in the dark as it sluiced these trillions to Wall Street trading houses, foreign banks, the insolvent bank, Citigroup, even hedge funds that were shorting (betting against) the market.

    Today, the Fed is still stonewalling the public and refusing to release the names of the recipients of some of its emergency bailout programs and its $9 trillion repo loan program that began on September 17, 2019. wallstreetonparade.com

  32. “if the Cabal crosses a certain line, the intervention will come much sooner and it will be harsher.”


    In my opinion the Cabal has crossed already all possible lines countless times and they will continue to do so for long time. The reason for that is because no one cares to oppose them directly.

    About the dates and “windows” of the event I think I will just ignore it this time since I still remember that in 2012 Cobra was predicted the event in just “couple months”… that statement didn’t age well and I have a feeling this will not age well too in 2 years time from now.

  33. 3/3

    We reached out to Mark Pittman’s mother, Donna Pittman-Nealey, for her thoughts on her son’s work to bring transparency to the Fed. She told us this:

    “I can only say he was a pioneer in every way throughout his life. He was never afraid to tackle any problem when he felt he needed an answer.

    “I am so proud of all he did. So brave a person, smart, and kind. He was so loved. We miss him.”

    Nomi Prins has also done an extraordinary public service in bringing sunlight to areas that the Fed would much rather keep in the shadows. Prins authored the 2018 book, Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.

    Nomi Prins
    Nomi Prins

    Prins writes that “Eight years after the [2008] crisis began, the Big Six US banks – JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley – collectively held 43 percent more deposits, 84 percent more assets, and triple the amount of cash they held before. The Fed has allowed the biggest banks on Wall Street to essentially double the risk that devastated the system in 2008.”

    Prins explains in the book that what the U.S. Fed and other major central banks like the Bank of Japan and European Central Bank are doing is “conjuring” money. The money has been conjured or fabricated, writes Prins, because the Fed and other central banks are allowed to electronically create money at the push of a button.

    The Fed is so captured as a regulator of the banks that Prins says the Fed imposed no obligations on them in exchange for its bailouts. Prins writes that the banks that “inhaled this cheap money were not required to increase their lending to the Main Street economy as a condition of the availability of that money….”

    For its part in creating the most unstable financial structure in U.S. history, the Fed is absolutely shameless. Prins writes that “The Fed absolved itself of all responsibility for financial stability in the big bank landscape in June 2017 when it allowed thirty-four of the largest Wall Street banks, including the Big Six, to pass its stress tests. In turn, the banks took this opportunity to buy more of their own shares, elevating their stock prices rather than expanding their loan services for small businesses and Main Street customers.”

    This maneuver by the Fed resulted in announcements that Wall Street banks planned “to buy back $92.8 billion of their own stock as a direct response to the Fed’s blessing,” notes Prins, effectively meaning that the Fed was “greenlighting legal manipulation of the stock market.” Indeed, says Prins, “The Dow soared.”

    The Fed and those same banks are back to the exact tricks again today.

    Prins’ policy recommendations for removing the stranglehold that the Fed has on America is to “implement actual oversight of the conjurers and dedicate effective channels through which to question and curtail their authority and actions.”

    Let’s hope that the questioning of the unbridled powers of the Fed begins in earnest with tonight’s Frontline documentary.


  34. What is the "dam" u are mentioning Cobra?

  35. We are closing in CoBra. VOTL. GWPAPISB!!!

  36. Thank you, brother! Much Love to you always 💖🙌

    Victory of The Light!

  37. Internal energy and power to all. With gratitude, Cobra

  38. I have been sensing huge shifts within my body over the last 2 weeks, especially - I don't know what it means but this message affirms my presumptions that perhaps I am feeling energetic shifts from beyond myself.

    Thank you so much to all the people everywhere for your help. Everyone may not know your name or ever see your face, but, I can feel you with me. You are with us all. Thank you for assisting so that I may be of service to the best of my ability. Thank you, thank you, Thank You!!!

  39. Yes, thanks cobrafor the update!

    Light will win!

  40. is the veil around the earth thinner or different at night time? i can think so much clearer and receive information late at night

  41. So the unholy added to the list are draco souls, not just bad guys? I believe it. Klaus Schwab is oozing hatred in a way that's almost cartoonish. Like a classic James Bond villain, bald guy with German or Russian accent, wearing a suit that's too small. His disdain for life is obvious. Fauci even looks and sounds like a reptilian. Bill Gates when he talks about something negative giggles with delight like a child. Any time he mentions mass death, sickness, or tyranny he laughs and squirms with joy. This is going to be amazing seeing people face who their hero cult leaders really are. Nobody liked the original 4, but Fauci and Gates, oh man how great. Whether specifically draco or not, the truth will be epic.

  42. I had a strange dream last night, a blonde woman I think (dream aims a bit fuzzy) had her ship but looked like a car on the outside on the inside was like a long spaceship but was biomorphic? When you pressed on the accelerator the ship went on an exponential curve towards the sky and you could barely control the direction(If you ever played GTA San Andreas it was kind of like that when you used flying car cheat, but in my dream the ship went up much quicker. I got to fly this thing, it was really cool, crashed it a few times and everyone wanted to get in but as soon as I really got control of it and got really high in atmosphere I woke up.

  43. Thank you Cobra!! really great news and a very positive and uplifting update! Here is the romanian version: https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2021/07/actualizarea-situatiei-planetare-de.html and Cobra Telegram Channel in romanian language: https://t.me/PortalulCobra Victory of the Light!

  44. Countdown nears zero. September? The curtains shall be opened, and the monkey man controlling the levers should be visible soon.

    1. It will be sent and erased by the Forces of Light and the Central Galactic Sun.

    2. Your in control of the levers, the dark simply manipulate the thoughts you produce. Without your input they got no power

  45. Saludos Cobra.Por fin unas buenas noticias.ya era hora.Ya te sigo en Telegran.Muchas gracias por todo lo que haces por tenernos informados.

  46. Managed to get some witness testimony from one of the victims of the Hollywood pedo rings.

    To quote Yusuke Kitaguwa (Persona 5), Steven Spielberg “is a demon who wears the skin of an artist”. According to the testimony, Spielberg is involved in filming CP and SRA. From this I suspect he is involved in the Hollywood front of black mail operations. It is an open secret in Hollywood that he is connected to the murder of Judith Barsi (the murder suicide narrative is a lie using a known abusive scum bag as the perfect cover up) Note that Judith was murdered around Grand Climax, one of the big days on the satanic calander.

    Spielberg is also deeply connected to the mafia via his close ties to the Bronfman crime family. Speaking of the Bronfmans, they are the architects of JFK’s murder. JFK was murdered to remove an obstacle to the war in Vietnam the cabal wanted. A war to secure the Golden Triangle; one of the world’s biggest drug/sex trafficking routes (half the victims being children).

    On a side note, is there any occult significance to Vietnam?

    Came across the stuff above over the course of 3 and a half years of digging into the crimes against Judith Barsi first exposed by Enty (who exposed what happened to Heather O’Rourke).

    When it comes time for LF to take down Steven Spielberg and Pedowood in general, I want in. I want to be personally involved with his arrest via the lawful power of deputization. 1/1/2018 (the day Enty revealed what happened to her) is the day pizzagate became personal….very personal.

  47. https://ibb.co/Gc3f5xh painting of etheric spider dissolved by plasma light filament.

  48. The number of non-physical dark entities dropping from a trillion to 50 billion so quickly is very encouraging. Also the clean out of chimera bases and cabal tunnels/bases. At this rate of acceleration, I don't think we'll have to wait till next year to see major Light victory in the physical. It feels like exciting positive events will become apparent in the next weeks and months. Keep shining, we're almost home!!

    1. Yes, very encouraging indeed. These numbers are mind blowing. It was once explained to me thus. If a person gained a £/$ every second, it would take 11 days before becoming a millionaire.
      To become a billionaire, it would take 31 years. !!!
      I can't do the math for trillions, but these figures are amazing for the removal of the dark entities.

  49. Following that meditation, we shall resume the secrecy, and misdirection so the status quo remains unchanged and people are still under threat and or harm from criminals, only secretly exposed.

    So there is still a "line to cross" for them ?

    Forgot to account for the lines they have crossed ?

    Yea...we'll wait and meditate and that's all we get.

  50. I join this meditation everyday!
    god love !
    finish all!

  51. Cobra,
    Will the med beds help those that got vaccinated so that they can regain their connection to their higher self?

    1. Vaccination does not end the connection to the Higher Self, but it affects it.

  52. Thank you Cobra.
    The Liberation Meditation should
    be still focused on underground clearing or focused on surface Earth clearing in current?

  53. I really have believed for awhile now, but this is ststtito stink like so much propaganda. My higher self asks extreme caution at these messages as there is no proof at all….

  54. Wish we had time for a booster meditation, but it is a very short notice so they have no prep time lol.

  55. Justice of Ma'at!

    I think I speak for everyone when I say:

    Let this nightmare finally be over with as soon as possible!

    Seeing the whole Covid thing play out and all the people losing their minds along with big moves being made by the cabal to enforce a global totalitarian regime was an extremely heartbreaking and difficult thing to witness for humanity.

    This little ray of sunshine that is this report gave some much needed reprieve to this troubled lightworker. I knew within me that the light forces had everything under control and that victory was a sure thing once I started seeing their ships more and more in the area where I live. I've had ships light up for me as a way of saying hello and letting me know they are there and that everything is under control. As I understand it, this phenomena is not unique to me by far and I only share my experiences so that they may enlighten others in their quest to reconnect back home.

    I urge everyone to continue doing the meditations and especially the upcoming "Fire the Grid" meditation. It's the only thing we can do on our part to not only help speed things up, but also help ensure that future events transpire as safely and as smoothly as possible for the positive forces that are helping us against these literal demonic beings so that they may be removed from this Earth permanently and as quickly as possible.

    Only pure demonic evil is capable of doing such horrible things, especially to young defenseless children. I've heard detailed descriptions of the rituals that would go on in those caves. The details are bone chilling. I will not go into much description here, but I will say that positive human soldiers have gone in to clear out these underground places and would simply execute the workers on sight via headshot after witnessing all the deep dark ritualistic stuff with altars, blood, bodies and satanic symbolism that went on down there which they were responsible for. I really can't say I blame these brave men and women for doing so, I would have done the same and ensured their spirits a quick trip to the galactic central sun afterwards if I was in the same position as those soldiers. I cannot imagine the psychological trauma seeing those things might have caused them. Even less can I imagine what those poor children suffered through. I wish them nothing but blessings and a safe and quick recovery free from pain and suffering within the embrace of all angelic beings of light who will care for them on board the light ships and within the angelic realms. Same goes for the rest of the hostages and also towards the ones who have worked tirelessly to free them. They deserve all the gifts of heaven for accomplishing such a feat. The evil ones on the other hand all deserve a one-way ticket to the galactic central sun for their horrific actions, most done in laughter and with pleasure.

    May humanity be freed and healed, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The time of liberation comes soon and we shall walk amongst the stars witnessing the beauty of creation along with our brothers and sisters.

    Let the madness end and may freedom ring.

    Amen & Adonai.

    Victory Of The Light!!!

    - Atreianos

    1. Make sure you can't explain the ufo with any earthly logic, example stars flicker if you're in a moving vehicle or moving yourself it looks as if the stars moving too, also sometimes rarely you will see a satellite they only move in straight lines though.

      Those soldiers who murdered those satanists themselves may become pedophile or joy killers themselves as their sexual or mental self image can become distorted if they aren't confident in it.


      "He was a detective … and had attended death scenes, motor vehicle accident scenes and fights where he physically had to get involved … where his own life and wellbeing were put at risk," Mr Andrews said.

      Mr Andrews said as "a coping mechanism" Dodson watched adult pornography for sometimes as long as eight hours after a traumatic day at work and he became obsessed by it.

      He said Dodson continued to look for more hard core and better quality adult pornography, which led him to the illegal material.

      "As he became more used to what he was seeing, he pushed the boundaries and that led him to child pornography … that was a by-product of his PTSD," Mr Andrews said.

  56. I think I waited all my life to read this update! I mean WOW!

    Fire the Grid everyone !

  57. For the last few days if been feeling big energies moving and kept checking here for an update,so I;m very glad that it came through finally. I've been noticing how the dualistic checkerboard imprint is really beginning to break up now, and of course that's "the breaking of the dam". The floodgates of the heart open and the water flows freely through the Aquarian Water Bearer's urn. That urn is a heart chakra and the water comes from the well that never runs dry. It's a river of cosmic love.

  58. Is SURFACOM still working on energy grid and leyline?

  59. Thanks for the update Cobra🙏🙏🙏

  60. Cobra, algumas medidas contra a obrigatoriedade da vacina, estão sendo tomadas??

  61. Cobra, existem algumas medidas contra a obrigatoriedade das vacinas?

  62. This update has given many of us, lightworkers a strong uplift, impetus!
    Thank you Cobra and the Galactic Lightforces !!
    🌎🕊️ 🌈✌️🤩😍✨

  63. Thursday, May 6, 2021

    "The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia."

    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    "The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion."

    There are ~ 7.88 billion people on Earth. 50 billion divided by 7.88 = ~ 6.35. So, there are now less than 10 "non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being."

    1. Time to command these POS to get lost.

    2. Yeah things should be getting much better very rapidly! The clearing should be much faster in all areas since the underground chimera bases are cleared! However, the 'humans' who have negative non-human souls and humans who have freely chosen darkness pose a significant problem. The non-human souls of course occupy positions of overt and covert authority. The surface population vastly outnumbers them, but they may possess technologies that give them extra leverage, which is maybe why the light forces will have to directly intervene.


    Part 15: The Era of Depopulation… About our poisoned food, water, and care products, about GMOs and Family Planning. The true story behind sex education and the LGBTQ movement.

    By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter


  65. Follow up on entities: It is, however, entirely possible that a large number of negative non-physical entities converge on certain individuals, in mass. Therefore, certain individuals can perhaps have a significant number (hundreds or thousands) of negative-nonphysical entities trying to manipulate them. And/Or, certain individuals can have run-ins with etheric/astral chimera, specifically targeting them. The cabal are possibly nexus points for negative non-physical entities, as are key lightworkers.

    1. But that would mean that there's even less than 6 negative entities per person manipulating the majority of humanity right now. That's a HUGE difference compared with hundreds per person.
      So they'd focus only on key individuals, and let everyone else awaken?

      Either way, a few months ago there were still trillions of them. So at the current pace, all the remaing dark entities should be gone in a month or sooner.

    2. Tropby. true. Even with the negative entities being concentrated on certain individuals, and actually maybe locations, judging from the chaos taking place in Southern Africa, the negative entities should be getting spread very thin now, unable to manipulate/attack (or consort with, as in the case with the cabal) the majority of the surface population.

      However, there are perhaps several millions of negative non-human souls in human bodies throughout the planet surface. (These people look human; there's no shape-shifting and so forth.) The unholy 5, for example, are probably negative draco souls in human bodies. There are also human souls in human bodies who have freely chosen darkness, as I recall some of the jesuits being in this category.

  66. Godspeed Brothers and Sisters of the Light!

  67. Very few (if any) things have influenced my life more than this blog over the past 7-8 years. Tremendous appreciation goes to you for your tireless and sometimes thankless work. Thank you COBRA.


  68. Monday, July 7, 2014
    Fall of the Chimera

    . The Chimera group is mostly contained in the uppermost underground sections of the surface military bases, closer than 100 feet (30 meters) to the surface. Their main current strongholds, through which they control the surface of the planet, are:

    *Borgo Santo Spirito, Rome, Italy
    *Aviano NATO base, Italy
    *A certain classified location, Central Europe
    *Another classified location, Central Europe
    *Ramstein NATO base, Germany
    *Fairford RAF base, UK
    *Montauk, NY
    *Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    *Sandia / Los Alamos, NM
    *White Sands / Area 6413, UT
    *Nellis AFB / Area 51, NV
    *Edwards AFB, CA

    Each of those locations has their own strangelet bomb {{{{ cleared but I wouldnt be surprised if a toplet layer exists still }}}on its territory...the main reason why the Positive Military is not yet making their move for the Event

    The demarcation line between the Chimera group and the breakaway civilization is called the phase boundary, of which nothing more can be said publicly, and the Event / the Compression Breakthrough can also be called the phase transition."

    1. I lived for 8 years 2 km from Ramstein Airbase in a small house. Now I was forced to leave this house. Since July 12 I live in an apartment nearly 10 km away in the next city Kaiserslautern.
      Maybe that happened for security reasons? Is Ramstein area no longer secure?

  69. Very encouraging update! Chimera underground bases cleared spider king and Queen removed. Participation from US Russia and China positive militaries to clear remaining bases..
    Wipe out sequence 8 in process. I also heard all the monoliths are in place now.
    Silver trigger how does that factor in and do we expect silver to have X value once Event happens and financial reset can happen?

    Love and Light to Galactics Alliance Resistance and all who are holding the Light!

  70. Yeh! so happy to see you posted the Fire-the-Grid meditation Cobra :) - I was involved in the first one in 2007 - we have come so far since then :)

  71. Always nice to get info.
    Thank you for your work.
    Victory of The Light!

    Love and Light all!!


  73. I don’t get it! If the dark forces cross a certain line the punishments will be harsher? We know they will never give up and they will cross the line. So what are the light forces waiting for. I just don’t get it. Sometimes I feel like the light Forces are weak! Somebody explain this to me.

    1. It's because we are hostages on this planet. There are toplet bombs inside human implants, that could explode and kill everyone on the surface. And the LFs are just weighing the lifes lost in each possible scenario and timeline.

      Ofc the Cabal and DFs are killing many people already, and making most people on this planet suffer. But apparently it's still better than a full-scale open war on the surface, or the bombs exploding.

      It's like:
      - we wait 1 more year for the Event - 10 million people die because of Cabal's control over the planet
      - there's open war with the Cabal, Draco, and Chimera - 100 million people die
      - toplet bombs are activated - 7 billion people die, and there's no one to liberate anymore

      Dunno why the last Chimera wouldn't activate the toplet bombs anyway, just before they're defeated, or before most human implants are cleared. But the LFs are waiting until all big threats are gone, and it's just surface Cabal to clean up. They're choosing a timeline with the least casualties.

  74. The war game is designed to "simulate" a cyberattack on vital infrastructure that would lead to a global supply chain collapse (...) the timing of Cyber Polygon is suspect. With the Covid Lockdown agenda collapsing in the U.S. and vaccination passports not resonating with a large percentage of Americans, the globalists need another crisis to achieve their Great Reset goals.

    Just a few weeks after I published my initial concerns about Cyber Polygon, a massive cyberattack was reported affecting the 5,500-mile Colonial Pipeline. The pipeline supplies gasoline to most of the East Coast, and after a week-long shutdown, numerous states reported gas shortages.

    Since then, the story has quietly disappeared from the mainstream news. In recent days, another major cyberattack was reported against JBS, a meat company that supplies about 23% of all beef and pork in the United States. Production at JBS has been shut down and now there may be meat shortages across the country if the problems are not resolved soon.

    Once again, is it just a coincidence that these large-scale cyberattacks are piling up in the run-up to a WEF Cyber Polygon simulation? Or is Cyber Polygon another event 201? Is it a beta test for a disaster planned for the near future?

    World Economic Forum, The Beast (666), NWO

    The WEF openly compares future cyberattacks to covid outbreaks, so I'm inclined to suspect the latter. I really don't know if the supply chain could be completely crippled by a cyberattack, but combined with inflation and draconian pandemic restrictions, it is possible to disrupt the flow of goods for weeks.

    My hope is that more than 30% of Americans have at least begun to prepare, but certainly most of the country has not. All it would take is a few weeks of shortages or a grid outage scenario and most people would starve, among other things. If Event 201 is any indication, we should remain vigilant and be on the lookout for another major cyberattack disrupting the supply chain within two months of WEF's Cyber Polygon exercise in July."

    Brandon Smith, American Investigative Journalist

    "If you work with love, the enemies are doomed to failure. If you apply the good conduct you have learned, you will be protected. If you adhere to the truth, you will gain the reward and remuneration of living in a better world."

    Khrisnamerck - Pleiadian Commander

    Victory of the light! 🕊

    I am a Starseed, Lightworker & System-Buster (Terra Ground Crew) in the service of the Forces of Light !!!

  75. "As a former athlete, I can only congratulate the opponent. The elite that governs us, after years of meticulous preparation, after investing huge sums of money, after buying the institutions that matter, after corrupting politicians, journalists, doctors and the whole court that has sprung up there, is now really only one step away from its goal: world domination. This has never happened before.

    In history there have been empires that lasted for centuries, dictators who were short-lived but usually cruel to the point of hardly imaginable excesses of the imagination. But it has never come to that: To be the owner of the whole planet and forever. Forever, because the real goal is the generations that will replace ours, from eternity to eternity. Forever, because for the first time we have entered so far into the physiology of man that we can distort and dominate it at will.

    Therefore, it no longer makes sense to speak of natural rights, the first of which is freedom, simply because freedom presupposes a will and the ability to express the will that has been amputated from minds sitting on increasingly diseased bodies.

    As a father and grandfather, I cannot help but wonder what goes on in the minds of those parents who expose their children to "experimentation" with means of which little or nothing is known. The moral duty naturally common to all living things is the defense of progeny.The corruptors have come to exterminate them.

    Soon, on July 3, a group of a thousand lawyers and ten thousand doctors will launch a lawsuit against the WHO, the CDC and the Davos Group. The charge is that of the old Nuremberg trial: crimes against humanity. It seems all too obvious to me that we are dealing with the worst crime ever committed in history.

    But which court is appropriate for such a trial? If the three groups I mentioned are the defendants, what about the millions of criminals who helped them? And now the most difficult part: if, as human justice claims, there is a verdict, what will it be? In short, what punishment is appropriate for a crime of this magnitude? Inevitably, millions of criminals will get away with their crimes and millions will be "pardoned."

    And here I ask again: how can a court forgive someone who has committed a crime against victims who have nothing to do with the gentlemen sitting there in the gown? Forgiveness is a very personal and voluntary act that cannot be delegated to others and over which no one can claim rights except the one who has been hurt."

    Stefano Montanari, Italian researcher and expert in nanopathology

    "You are made of a part of the infinite and the stars, but you do not know it because you are asleep."

    Krunula, Commander from the Pleiades 🕊

    I am a Starseed, Lightworker & System-Buster (Terra Ground Crew) in the service of the Forces of Light !!!


  76. Life Is A Flower

    I'm living for the Light.


  77. "We have the feeling of perceiving "a time continuum". However, as image diagnostics shows, only intermittent images imprint themselves on our brain. Between two perceptible moments there is always an imperceptible moment.

    We live in simultaneous times, one real and one imperceptible (...) We have two different times at the same time: one second in a conscious time and thousands of millions of seconds in another imperceptible time, in which we can do things, the experience of which we then take over into the conscious time (...) in every present moment I have an imperceptible time, in which I build a potential future, I memorize it and in my real time I realize it.

    The doubling of time has been scientifically proven and the theory has provided justifications at the level of particles and at the level of the solar system. The phenomenon of the time doubling leads to the fact that the human being lives in the real time and the quantum time, an imperceptible time with several possible states: He remembers the best one and transmits it to the one who lives in real time.

    We could say that there is an exchange of information between the conscious self and the quantum self that allows us to anticipate the present through the memory of the future."

    Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet (b. 1940), French doctor of physics (fluid mechanics), author of the theory of the doubling of space and time

    "Time is not just a human invention or category. For the physicist, time and space, together with matter, are part of the equipment of the universe. Or rather, they are what the universe is made of (...).

    The existence of an ordered and coherent universe, which contains complex, organized and stable structures, requires very special laws and conditions (...)

    The laws of physics allow us to think of a "journey through time" (...).

    This was demonstrated with two synchronized atomic clocks: One we leave on Earth and the other travels in a jet at high speed; when we compare them, the stationary one is slightly farther than the moving one (...) even if you stay at Barajas airport and I make a round trip to New York: when I land in Madrid, there will have been a time difference of one nanosecond between the two of us (...)

    If it is possible to travel through time as well as space, we can imagine that the universe is populated by a single species in the future as well as in the past, so that they could also be our ancestors. It would not be necessary for life to appear independently in many different places. This would be a strange twist in the history of time travel. We would go back in time and seed life on other planets in an earlier age."

    Paul Davies (b. 1946), British theoretical physicist, cosmologist and astrobiologist

    I am a Starseed, Lightworker & System-Buster (Terra Ground Crew) in the service of the Forces of Light !!!

  78. "Government mind control overlaps with many other things: It overlaps with a higher-level government and a secret world government called the Illuminati.

    In researching the Illuminati, I also learned about the cover under which they operate. They hide behind the veil of national security. They use our patriotism against us and make us believe that for our own interest, for the security of our own nations, we must submit to all the secrecy they impose on us.

    There are many groups around the world that make decisions and run things behind the scenes, and these particular groups are the facades for the Illuminati. Not facades in the sense that they have no real purpose, they serve a purpose. But behind that is a hidden level of control (...).

    At the end of the day, the goal is to bring about what people have called the New World Order with a person who attracts the world's attention and has the title of "Antichrist." That is the ultimate goal, and I am not trying to be religious, but those are just the facts.

    When you start deprogramming people, you will see that many of the things they have been programmed to do relate to a very sophisticated plan to unite the world under the rule of the Antichrist (...) They have been exercising this mind control over their own people and others for centuries, and this has all been a very well kept secret.

    It is one of the reasons why they have been able to accomplish so much to implement this New World Order without people realizing that there is a unified world conspiracy. They are very adept at making things look natural (...).

    Within the Illuminati, the ultimate goal is to balance their good deeds with their bad deeds, they are dualistic. They are Luciferians at the highest level. For this reason, their best philanthropist will often be their highest ranking Satanist. What they are trying to do with their philanthropy has an end in itself, if you look at it closely. It is not as generous as it seems. They try to do good and balance it with their bad deeds, they believe in the balance of their religion (...).

    Some Illuminati are financially linked to the pharmaceutical companies, and the Rockefellers published a study a few years ago where they specifically highlighted the whole scenario of this pandemic that they had to create, and you can see who is who and who is directing whom (...) when people are afraid, they give up all their freedoms, and that falls under mind control, because they are willing to listen and hear everything: "Oh, will this save me? OK, so I'm going to do it..." and it's ridiculous to give such warnings as "wash your hands," as if we weren't taught to wash our hands (...).

    People just get carried away by what their minds allow these individuals to do, definitely trauma-based mind control, which I laid out after several years of working with many of these victimized people, whether it be through MK-Ultra, the Monarch programming, or others, but a better name for it would definitely be "fear-based mind control" because they torture and traumatize these young children, and I've worked with adults who were victims of this programming as children and were panic-stricken.

    They feel these tsunami waves of fear through and through, and I think fear is enough to control people ..."

    Fritz Springmeier, U.S. investigative journalist, author and historian

    "You are needed. You have been in training for this assignment for lifetimes, and you did not come unprepared. All that you need to know now is inside of you."

    Semjase, Starfleet Command of Pleiades

    I am a Starseed, Lightworker & System-Buster (Terra Ground Crew) in the service of the Forces of Light !!!

  79. "Profusa's website states, "Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors function fully integrated into the body's tissues, without any metallic or electronic devices, overcoming the body's attempts to reject them. This biosensor, which consists of a porous scaffold that stimulates cell and capillary growth in the surrounding tissue, would effectively fuse with the body. As a piece of nanotechnology, it would connect to the wireless network (the 5G-powered Internet of Things) and transmit, as well as receive, information about you and your body to the authorities."

    That would be hacking the human body with synthetic nanotech foreign bodies. Profusa wants to know your entire body chemistry: Your oxygen levels, your glucose levels, your hormone levels, your heart rate, your breathing rate, your body temperature, with the (unspoken) possibility of extending the knowledge to areas like your menstrual cycle (if you're a woman), your sex life, your emotions, and more, and then wants to transmit all that information to some sort of medical authority, though of course it's obvious that this data would end up in the hands of the New World Order conspirators, who would use it to manipulate the masses.

    They are perfecting the art of hacking the human body and tricking it into accepting synthetic materials and cloaked objects so that they are not recognized as alien. The Profusa team is developing a family of tiny biosensors made of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that can be painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection (...) the biosensors work fully integrated into the body's tissues, without metallic or electronic components, overcoming the body's attempts to reject them.

    This is further evidence that through the Synthetic Agenda we are moving towards a future of transhumanism, where man merges with machine to create Man 2.0. This modified human is said to be made of synthetic metal and plastic parts; the sales pitch is that we will be augmented and enhanced, but the truth is that we will destroy what makes us human.

    Conventional microelectronic materials, such as silicon, gold, stainless steel and iridium cause scarring when implanted. When used in muscle or brain tissue, electrical signals must flow for it to function properly, but scarring disrupts that activity (...)

    After testing, the researchers found that the polymer had the properties needed to interface hardware with human tissue (...) these hybrid biosynthetic materials could one day be useful for merging artificial intelligence with the human brain.

    This system of hydrogel biosensor implants would only work if the NWO controllers gain access to everyone's bloodstream. From the New World Order standpoint, for this system to succeed worldwide, they would need access to everyone's bloodstream, which they could do if forced vaccination laws continue to be implemented, as is already happening or being talked about in many nations, states and regions of the world.

    Massachusetts just passed a law mandating flu vaccination for school children; the Australian prime minister is talking about mandatory vaccination; on the other hand, states like South Dakota have introduced bills to ban mandatory vaccination in schools.

    This will be the real battleground in the coming months as Operation Warp Speed and other plans are taken to extremes, with a desperate NWO trying to continue the farce of a pandemic in time to deploy their rushed and untested COVID vaccine: a new type of RNA vaccine with the ability to modify your genetics (RNA and DNA), and most likely the ability to implant a nanotech hydrogel biosensor.

    With Gates as one of the supporters of this technology, it's clear that his excuses are pretty weak when he claims he's not trying to microchip humanity."

    Makia Freeman, American writer, alternative media and news editor

    I am a Starseed, Lightworker & System-Buster (Terra Ground Crew) in the service of the Forces of Light !!!

    1. Thanks you for all Informationen
      Love, peace, light and God

  80. Thank you for the update.

    A question. How does one determine if they are going through "The Void" stage of a spiritual awakening versus being numbed out by artificial implants? How can we tell the difference between the two?

    Is a lack of emotions an indicator that it's the implants?

  81. At this point in time. I am just happy to read about positive progress.


  82. Today's post reminded me of this....
    = = = ==

    The following is from Cobra's May 6, 2021 post:

    "....The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia..."

    Today (July 13) Cobra is writing that "....The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, [demons?] and their number has now fallen below 50 billion...."

    So, if my math serves me, the "Demons to Humans" ratio is now low enough (Only 6.4 demons per person !! Yes, this is definitely less than 10 demons per person) that the most powerful surface people can wake up from their amnesia and slumber and start understanding what is going on.

    So -- what will happen now? Perhaps good people will start coming forward and realizing they have to "do the right thing?"

    Perhaps good, powerful people will run for office in their respective cities and regions and countries?

    Perhaps people will start realizing their own life missions and come forward?

    Maybe people who were promoting bad things will realize what they have been doing and reverse course?

    (I don't think we can expect this from the Unholy Five, however...they are too far gone...)

    The whole thing is quite mysterious, but I'm happy to read that only 6.4 demons are hanging around me, trying to drive me crazy.

    Thank you Cobra for all the information...!!... It *IS* getting better.

    And people *ARE* waking up.

  83. He doesn't write anything about toplet bombs. As if they were no longer important, even though we had heard for years that these were the biggest obstacles to triggering the Event. I don't understand what happened to the toplet bombs.

  84. "In the past, Galactic Confederation councils did not reach unity in their plans how to liberate planet Earth, and there were many opposing views to this problem among the Confederation personnel"

    Thanks Cobra for telling us the truth. It seems that disagreement exists everywhere not only among surface lightworker communities but also within the advanced civilizations. I feel like that democracy is not the final solution but something similar with splendid isolation is.

    1. The problem is (was) the primary anomaly that causes a lack of Intel. Recently, however, it has decreased sharply further away from the surface of the Earth.

  85. if I understand correctly we will wait another 2 years for more shit ??

    1. No i think that's an opportunity for the event to append. The bubbles of heaven is what will explode and create the event.

  86. At least that's one dirtbag down, whatever that was who took the name 'Rumsfeld' in this reality.

    Anthony Fauci while a scumbag seems to be a bag carrier who does the accounting for the 'Secret Unknowns', to use the GodFather III reference.

    Same goes for Bill Gates. They are doing what they do because they are little lapdog rats who are trying to please their masters. The real architects' names will not be known unless the Light Forces gain full control where the Chimera now have.

    Many are reporting dark vibes the last few days. South Africa is a hellhole right now as well.


    1. JS - Weather Warfare, Rothschild Peninsula in Antarctica, China openly threatens to nuke Japan over Taiwan, Injections


    2. China Threatens To Nuke Japan If It Interferes With Its 'Liberation' Of Taiwan:


    3. Thank you for mentioning South Africa. The situation here is alarming and I was hoping some light could be shed on it.

    4. A lot of white farmers have left South Africa for places like Russia, and those that remain are at great risk.

      Now that the troglodytes' chimp-out is done with the stores they are now hitting the supply distribution centers.

      Word is they are headed for the farmland and the women and children have left the farms for hideouts while the men stay and defend their farms.

      Word is people are already running out of food from having being curfewed for a long time.

  87. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ahzM3yA48VM
    Superman removes kryptonite from his head, Analogy for implant removal

  88. any comments towards Haitian president? what's the deal with that particular situation

  89. Another channeled message of hope.


  90. Mainstream media from neighboring countries like Slovakia, Croatia, did report Sebastian Kurz statement shifting of the focus from government enforcement of coronavirus mandates to personal responsibility and freedom. Some of links are from Slovakia here: https://www.trend.sk/spravy/rakusky-kancelar-apeluje-osobnu-zodpovednost-ludi-stat-musi-vratit-svojim-uloham here: https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/594172-online-rakusky-premier-o-viruse-miesto-statnej-kontroly-osobna-zodpovednost/. From Croatia here: https://novice.svet24.si/clanek/novice/svet/60edd5ab209f0/kurz-stavi-na-odgovornost-posameznika-ne-bo-vec-zapiranja. Czech republic here: https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/lepe-se-tu-ockovat-nez-ulehnout-rakusane-zvazuji-vakcinaci-na-hrbitovech-169531

  91. I think that we're about to see some crazy shit on the surface of this planet.

  92. I live with this always. I wake up with it. I go to sleep with it. People fly out of my head many times per day. I look into the rainbow star and see blue dots.. I see brownish or grey dots go into the rainbow star and come out blue. then they turn purple as they leave. Sometimes they shake my hand and I know they are people.

    perhaps they are souls. I don't know. they mold my mind. they give me other people's minds - as in, all of their learnings and all of their appetites. they live within me and then they leave - always with help from others. and when a new one shows up, my mind is molded anew as they decide. perhaps I'm a businessman today. perhaps I'm a bouncer tomorrow. an artist the next. it's as they decide. perhaps my body feels like it's 90 years old. they take my memories. they give me new memories. they tune mind like I might tune a car.

    what I can't understand is the tone of the blog. there are no commanders. there are no confederations. from what I experience, these are very simple people who play all the time. there is no precision in method, but rather constant creativity. let's try this.. let's try that. there is no war, but only misunderstanding. there are no commanders. maybe this person will help someone come home. maybe another person will help next.

    as of now, I have no idea how the 'matrix' around earth became biased as it has. but every time one passes, the feeling is that the circumstances of today are very much the result of well intentions rather than evil doing.

  93. They are crossing the line every day since thousand of years.

    1. EXACTLY!!!! Ultra Optimists living in AC Room happily wont realise untill they themselves face the same devastation!

  94. This is incredible news. I didn't think things would progress this fast, and I'm glad the overall situation has turned out well.

    Especially after reading about the past disagreements within the Confederation, I want to say a big, heartfelt thank-you to everyone fighting for this planet, no matter if from the underground, the surface, or higher realms. I know it's frustrating from a certain perspective and perhaps even difficult to relate, but without everyone's continued efforts, even the smallest things would be almost impossible to change here simply because the system is built that way.

    Thank you for both the update and your work, Cobra.

  95. In my country, Italy, we have different virologists, epidemiologists and other "ologists" that almost daily shoot fake and fear on Tv and network.
    Some of these deserve to be in the list of 5 unholy, so much asshole is clearly part of the Globalist System-Illuminated kabbalist.
    One of these is called Crisanti; It says nothing to you but here is one of the biggest spreaders of the Fakedemia, prophet of negative at every cost.
    I hope will arrive the day when they will treat him as he deserves, he and those like him in the institutions. I call these people Criminals.


    1. Congratulations to Italy on winning the football on Sunday Claudio.🏆

  96. Since the Light Force has named Bill Gates one of the Unholy, David Wilcock's guess on BG helping the Alliance on revealing the election fraud cannot be possible.

    1. Plus he said something big would happen this February...nothing. He said the Epstein arrest would take down the baddies, fast...they killed Epstein. Also, notice that he has not been on Ancient Aliens for a rather long time, mow.

  97. Can someone explain what the Dam breaks means. Does it mean the event will not happen before then.

    1. In my humble opinion, this is the roadblock that prevents the Light Brothers from approaching us physically, but I could be wrong.

    2. When the river breaks out of the riverbed.

  98. Here is the italian version, molto grazie COBRA!!https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2021/07/aggiornamento-della-situazione.html and the Italian Telegram Cobra Channel link: https://t.me/ilportaleCobra Vittoria della Luce!

  99. from maria: Hidden Radios in Home Devices (IOT)! The Next Cyberthreat (Video)

  100. So everything important is delayed 1.5 years again, how many time this happened already? :-(

  101. I hope Kissinger and Cheney can be escorted away too, very soon.

  102. And again 💛 TODAY!

    Join Lightworkers around the world in a FREE session for Clearing Our Implants on WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, to benefit our individual spiritual growth, as well as to move us closer to planetary liberation! By clearing our implants, we can become free of the false beliefs of the matrix programming that causes all of humanity much pain and suffering, and strengthen our own connection to Source and to each other. Please join us and spread the word... the more often you attend, and the more people that attend, the more powerful it will be!

    English/International Session WEDNESDAY, JULY 14:
    3pm EDT / 7pm UTC / 9pm CEST
    Visit this link to join the live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75EeP7kudAY
    (please note that this time we will be using a different YouTube channel than we usually use)

    (Note: this session is conducted in English; however translations of exercises in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/ Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian will be available during the session)

    Note: There is also a JULY 14th session conducted solely in German at the same time (7pm UTC / 9pm CEST)
    Visit this link to join that live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKpQ4lVWDBW76C69raKUVDQ

    For additional information and schedule of upcoming sessions in various languages, please visit:

  103. Fantastic! Light Forces you are freaking awesome!

    The spider king and Queen are gone.. Cobra mentinoed recently one pair (already gone) were the main occult force behind the trafficking, and another behind our history of wars of genocide.

    Freaking amazing. Do you realise how LONG these darkest of creatures have been around?!!

    Gates and Fauci recognised by the Light Forces as extremely dark, now part of the 'unholy 5'. If that is not validation for us surface folk who are living under their tyranny, then I don't know what is. They will answer for their crimes in their souls being deconstructed, they will be no more.

    This is the first mass meditation purely for the Grids in a long time!! That is significant.

    The huge congo complex is no more! How long have we been working on that one?!!

    Well done everyone, breakthrough SOON. and we never have to do this again!!!

    1. "The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth and the occult force behind coronavirus lockdowns (quarantine phase 2), whereas the female spider is the main occult force inhibiting Soul contact and unconditional love. They will both be removed soon."



    Independent free-thinking doctors and scientists have come together to create a 'control group' in this global vaccine experiment.

    What does this mean? If millions join, it means they have a card stating they are in the control group - which no organisation or government can argue with legally! It also means independent doctors and scientists can collect legit data on the non-vaccinated to challenge the narrative!

    it also means massively raising awareness amongst the masses that this IS an experiment.

    With the new threat of mandatory vaccination (UK care and NHS staff being one of the latest) ..many nurses and doctors resisting the narrative face losing their jobs. Joining the control group could greatly aid in their fight against unfair dismissal.

    The control group website is here:

    YT channel by the founder of the control group initiative is here:

    the founder is local to me, I met a very good friend of his at a local 'stand in the park' ('stand in the park' is a global protest movement, UK group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/astandintheparkuk, global website here https://astandinthepark.org/)

  105. thank you this great update Cobra, and I have a question that you maybe could answer because I ask myself all the time, when will start the mass arrest of the parasite politician in Europe and stop this mandatory vaccination they are pushing through lies in France, Spain and many more country. Thanks for your effort and Victory of the light, still trust the plan and believe in my Galactic family

  106. It gives me pleasure to meditate with my favorite team. When this Force moves, Thank you all and Victory of the Light! ♡

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Over time I became grateful of the Congo boys next door who would smash on my car to break windows, etc. They are just silly boys and amazed I could feel so relieved at least they were out of Congo. They just moved, so everything happens for a reason. I found compassion for them at long last.

    The stuff in this forum is too much for me to completely fathom. But such a positive report... Victory for the Light!

  109. For anyone who’s interested, read this article on Klaus Schwab.


  110. Thank you for the update! 🙏
    On your next post could you share more intel on the vaccine and the effects on people who took it? Almost all my fanily did and I couldn't do anything about it...😥

    1. You couldn't do anything because that would be a infringement on there freewill despite whether vaccines are good or bad.

  111. Excellent news COBRA... sounds as though much progress was made in liberating many of the hostages. Still much to do though to get the remaining ones safely and smoothly so that's great to know. Once that's done I do hope that the rest of the hostages being the remainder of humanity can finally liberated once and for all. I still feel the attacks increasing in my own personal space and am trying my best to deal with it but could use some extra help and protection from my crew... wink, wink. I KNOW we're almost there but would like to have more good days full of confidence, optimism, happiness and joy rather than being attacked and feeling unworthiness, depression, anger and frustration. The negative aspects have been coming down hard on me lately and NEED MY CREW to help and intervene as much as possible to get me to the finish line before I wear out... Lol!
    Other than that... I got this!

    Victory Of The Light everyone!!

    1. Yeah, there is no time to recover...it fells 10% of the time is a fight not to fall for thoses negative vibes.

  112. There are no instructions from this meditation: https://firethegrid2.org/

    Where can I find the text for the meditation instructions and how long does this meditation last?


  114. Why do you mean by attacks? I feel the same but I have nobody to talk about...

  115. Thank you. Que tout le mange des Agrumes pour enrayer le virus. Vitamines vitamines... :)

  116. Guster told us all about this in the 90's. Here is one of their songs I would attach to Gates:


    This is off the same album "Goldfly" and references pizzagates' behaviors, note the sound of the ping pong bouncing back and forth on a table, at the end:


  117. Thankyou to Cobra and the his light crew for all that you do,,, Our world is lighter and you have all made it brighter by the work that you do and by being so true... Love and light to all who have the courage to shine bright..... XXX

  118. Like packets of arugula seed spread out over the field, the generations progress they separate into fine leaves varieties and broad leaf varieties with the broad leaves growing in temperate moist areas and the fine leaves growing in the hot and dry regions we too as humans spread out into our characteristic realms with military warriors focusing on the elimination of evil and spiritual workers focusing on the transmutation of evil.

  119. The state of mind that we find ourselves in, can we bear the truth of our existence, can we understand that we are capable of immeasurable Evil unspeakable corruption and Overwhelming peace. We must not lie to ourselves, We must tell ourselves the truth to truly make sense of this cruel world but a new age is upon us to resolve our collective trauma and enter the true kingdom of harmony

  120. Soul idea, as you grow up your brain reaches maturity and collects information bases on what other people's brains tell you and your own natural inclination. Your brain resonates weakly with the sum total of all human brains before you (recorded music, writings, video) All current brains are resonating with all brains that have come before them with much complexity and nuance. Your DNA is set as soon as you are fertilized into a zygote and your complete brain structure is predetermined the moment a female egg is fertilized with sperm. You remember your past life because their is a brain image held up in the collective consciousness (the thoughts between thoughts, what a concept!) which your dna expressed brain structure resonates with as your brain reaches maturity. The specifics of your brain organ (dopamine producing ability , visual, auditory, cortex centers combine to produce a personality with everyone having differently structured empathic, aggressive, exploratory centers.
    Your brain will resonate to the historical collective brain images (thoughts between thoughts) that resonate in the here and now the strongest, somehow you access memories through higher potentiated physics which we do not yet understand.
    7 billion brains yet all of us got to our brain image state right now due to actions and stored data of all past brains

    Billy Meier has spoken about probability  calculations and when we are incarnated on the other side we can create time bubbles in which we have infinite time to see all potential outcomes of our incarnation on Earth by collecting all earth human brain data And forming a supercomputer resonant structure through which our ET brain can interact and learn from

  121. Interesting update. It seems that operations on the surface of the planet have already begun, since tunnels between countries, military bases and church covens are actually rather close to us already. Let alone the fact that the light forces are intervening in the corona psy-op now.

    What I find peculiar is that the light forces of the Galactic Federation have not been able to find a solid common ground until very recently. It seems that there were different opinions on how far they should go, even among them. Thanks God, this seems to have been solved.

    The time frame beginning in August should not be seen as promising too much, but even then, it seems that things are approaching. Since, after all, what can Chimera/ Archon bosses do, when their etheric and astral minions are reduced constantly?

    Hopefully, this will be the time where many threads from different directions will come together. For example, on the website sharonandivo.weebly.com, a channeler predicted there would still be work left, but that the light forces would be relentless. Given this update, this might be true.

    “Forth, Eorlingas”, Theoden told his riders of Rohan in “The Lord of the Rings”. Similar to that, let’s hope that our relatives from space keep up the cohesive approach. Our very life and freedom is still under siege. But we are seeing the dust clouds of our armies approaching already.

  122. The Line has already been crossed multiple times but LF KEPT MUM..Millions raped, handicapped, Murdered,torturred, limbs chopped, burnt & buried alive, mutiliated, beheaded, hunger, diseases, starvation, flood, cyclone, tsunami, hurricane, miseries, accidents, mass poverty, pandemic, mwntal illness, wars, fires, volcanoes, People being chopped into piecws in front of their lived ones, mothera of children getting brutaly gangraped in front of their own children!!...Which "Line" are you now talking of Cobra? Is that line the "Final End Of Humanity" by N-Weapons?? Ohh I see!! Claps..Claps..& just Claps!!

  123. want to remind everyone
    I have a cure for heart disease, diabetes and cancer that works 100% each time used. No matter how advanced.

    Please contact me at psttsdi@gmail.com and I will ship out ASAP.
