Wednesday, August 4, 2021

David and Goliath

We are now entering the crucial part of the year. Between August 15th and October 18th, Eris and Pluto will be in an almost exact square. This is the most powerful astrological aspect of the year and it signifies a battle between two timelines, the positive Ascension timeline and the negative Coronavirus reset timeline:


This period might appear to be very frightening, as the dark forces will do whatever is within their power to continue with their long term plan to impose vaccine passports and maybe even forced vaccinations:

Martin Armstrong, a well known economist, has developed a computer program named Socrates that makes predictions based on different cycles. Interesting enough, his predictions often match my intel. He is calling the period between August and October a dark period:

However, the Light forces are working behind the scenes to counteract this. On July 24th , Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement did a very powerful kundalini activation in the catacombs below Paris:


This has given much needed energy support to the protests that began on that day in many countries worldwide:

Gendarmes, the French paramilitary police, were supporting the protests, in some cases actually leading the crowd, with their helmets off:

There is a very powerful positive faction in the French military working behind the scenes, supporting this.

The protests DO have a positive effect, and Macron was forced to partially back down on vaccine passport mandates:

And Alberta, a province in Canada, was forced to drop almost all coronavirus restrictions: 

The Light Forces have communicated that peaceful protests against medical tyranny are supporting the planetary liberation process and can dramatically decrease the level of violence that might happen during the peak of the transition.

In the volatile August to October period, doing the Flower of Life meditation will be also very beneficial:

Right in the middle of this August to October period of Eris Pluto square, certain important operations of the Light Forces will be completed, and around September 18th  the dark forces might finally begin to lose power on the physical plane on the surface of the planet.

A hint:

There are two key countries in this process, France and the United States: 

Interesting enough, Martin Armstrong is expecting a turning point on September 23/24th in France:

This inflection point is NOT yet the moment of the Event.

In the United States there are certain things going on behind the scenes, as you can read in this partially reliable report:

The Resistance has communicate that it is not Trump who will return to the White House at the time of the Event. Rather, a provisional interim government will be formed until new elections can be held as soon as logistically possible after the Event.

Intel about fake duplicate White House is correct and has been confirmed by many sources:

More and more people are aware that only two companies, Black Rock and Vanguard, control most of the global financial assets:

Black Rock is the financial force behind the Great Reset plans of the World Economic Forum:

And is buying real estate massively from people so that you will “own nothing and be happy”:

Luckily, the awareness of Black Rock and their nefarious plans has entered mainstream and already generated protests:

The real reason why the dark forces are so much in a hurry to force their Great Reset is because they are afraid of the polar shift:

I will release intel about the coming polar shift and the updated Ascension Plan as soon as I receive clearance to do so.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Let's go!!!

    Victory of the Light!

  2. Thank you Cobra!
    Thank you goddesses of Paris!
    This all feels very big.
    I have wondered how authentic the McAfee Dead Man's Switch is, and it sounds like it is a real thing.
    Victory of the Light!

  3. Solid as rock information! Gogogo september 18th!! Cannot wait to see this house of cards crumbling down at once! :D

  4. Pra favor atualize o plano de ascenção....

    1. vá meditando caro irmão/irmã. trabalhe com a Amada Fraternidade Branca e seus Arcanjos. Ouça o seu corpo e coração para dissolver da melhor maneira possível o ego da mente é o melhor que pode fazer pela sua Ascensão. Deus o/a Abençoe.

  5. Very interesting. Thanks Cobra!

  6. Will do flower of life meditation more, VOTL!

  7. Replies
    1. When revolution in Chinese mainland?

    2. It was not said that the Reset timeline could be successful. On the contrary. If you read previous posts, you would be certain of that. They are trying their hardest be he always said they would never be successful...

    3. The Corona Report at the end of August will be a chance for Chinese Mainland Revolution

  8. Again and again a battle for the right timeline??..�� So tired.. I'm asking myself for what have we done all those meditations.. Thought we entered the Age of Aquarius? Is this now Delta Option already? Can understand those who start feeling fooled.. But will keep pushing, there is no alternative..

    1. Yes I thought Dec 21 2020 we secured the age of aquarius? Also wasnt the galactics going to intervene directly in August against surface chimera cabal agents if a line was crossed?

      Of course they may still be and cobra just hasnt been allowed to report which is fine we are at war!

      Thanks All keep the faith!

  9. Thank you dear Cobra for the Update.

    Let's concentrate on the flower of life meditation and make the best timeline happen.


  10. And so will we do everything that is within our power.

  11. Cobra, the change of chief of the French army was not planned, I think the positive faction made this change

  12. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  13. Wait, so Light forces are coming to save us all but there will also be a planetary cataclysm that will wipe out most life? Pick one, this is getting a little silly.

    1. Silly is commenting without reading previous posts.

    2. This is the ascension plan we received so far:

      Basically, we'll get liberated, and then evacuated before the cataclysm will happen.

  14. Things have really started to move now. Lets hope it will be reasonable stable and non-chaotic.

  15. Continued..

    Ok so this is my 6 cents worth (haha ~ my silly word play on “sixth sense” worth)


    Victory of the Light is near-(ish) ~

    hahaha…(tearful laughter)

    this long drawn out wait certainly is torturous.

    I’ve personally been being visited nightly now for five years straight from my star family and twin, including very strong kundalini connections as well and wow (!!) is it torturous being so “close” to them (& him) without actually being “close”.

    Ahhhhhhhhhh ~~ so many questions still and I’m being told over & over that I have to wait until after The Event for certain deeper questions and knowingnesses to be revealed. Arrrggghhh! And so I (and all of us) are learning a much much deeper version of patience….and of course patience itself emanates from The Goddess…

    All my love to all of those who are suffering just now & to all of the intense suffering previous.

    There isn’t a vessel large enough to hold all of the water from all of my tears shed for everyone and everything that has been touched by the darkness here in this distorted realm ~

    however then there is extreme Joy when shifting to the perspective of this distortion being cleared.

    Joy from the embracing of how now we are actually in the final stages of having this nasty darkness being cleared from this Creation Forevermore.

    Much love to All.

    1. You mentioned something that caught my attention. I do believe some of us are not from here. Pay close attention to your connection with your home planet.

    2. Welcome to the club, I had many dreams seeing myself, with my true gender and genetics restored, and seeing starships. Hope it's coming....

    3. @Jupiter
      Well, what did ya see? And how much longer I gotta wait?

    4. @Jupiter
      That's all well and good, though I am most likely going to find myself a lesbian alien partner.

  16. Lien français méditations / french links for meditations et

  17. For me the best update of the last months .. Let's hope that it will soon finally go physically against the dark forces and that humanity will get hope again..
    Victory of the Light!

  18. Great Intel. I just hope the updated ascension plan still has that the event has to happen before July of 2025

  19. Is this the same polar shift you referred to in the past that is happening after the event?

    1. I am a bit confused.
      I understand that things have changed which is why the Ascension plan has changed too. Cobra haven't mentioned the approaching planet and some more in the link he has given us.
      What is confusing is, why do the cabal pushing the vaccination when they think a huge clataclisma is coming?
      And they do know they cannot leave the planet, and I suppose they do know that the underground basements, cities? have been destroyed or in the process of it .
      So for them nowhere to hide.

      From the link:

      "The globalists are still buying up loads of supplies such as food, electronics, firearms, ammunition, communications gear, etc., and they need the masses to keep on working until the very end. Otherwise, they can’t acquire more supplies for themselves, even as these globalists are now hiding out on remote islands, moving into underground tunnel systems and cities, or planning to be off-planet when it all comes down."

    2. Yes, the last post said the polar shift would happen in 2025. The event happens before then. The surface planet will be largely evacuated before the pole shift.

    3. "At a certain point after the Event, there will be a physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis, which will be triggered by our Sun becoming a micronova / T-Tauri star, being triggered by the activity of the Cosmic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun"

      I think the dark forces are not seeing clearly at this point.

    4. Yes ~ but not necessarily in 2025, I think we possibly have a tiny little bit more “time”…

      But yeah, those who have not Ascended (having the ability to not be present on the physical plane) by the time the pole shift nears, will be safely evacuated to other 3D planets to carry out their growth/ascension etc…

      Cobra has mentioned this before here:

      “ The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity.

      At that moment, the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are Islands of Light, which are populated by advanced star beings, many of them being YOU. Then, the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth.”

      Victory of the Light!

    5. Good comments all.. I think cobra is telling us indirectly plans have changed .. if a pole shift is imminent then to get 3 waves for ascension things have to happen quickly. Also cobra was told LFs would intervene directly in August if a certain line was crossed.. well enter mandatory vaccines and delta variant.. literally forcing people to be injected.
      What about the remaining surface chimera .. no mention of them.. ?

  20. Victory of the light, thanks GOD and all of us, starseeds and our galactic family. Do you have some news about the food suply?

  21. Hello, it's time to join honest People. VOTL

  22. Thank you COBRA. Victory of The Light is Near!

  23. Now remember Cobra did tell us that they would be a very big tsunami hitting from the Pacific Ocean after the event however as I would suggest that this pole shift might not be as severe as these darklings are projecting

    1. You took just a fraction of what he actually said...

    2. Was only a fraction i could remember lol

    3. LOL a mile high tsunami isnt a fraction.. so clearly alot is happening we need an outline of the timeline as it keeps changing ..

  24. We the people worldwide can end this fake pandemic

    EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION AND WATCH THIS AND SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE because the mainstream media doesn’t want the to report on this because it would end their fake pandemic immediately so we have to SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE because now thanks to Patrick King we the people of the world have the tools to fight back and expose the cabal and end their medical tyranny!!!

    Patrick King subpoenaed government officials to prove that covid exists, and they could NOT do it.

    They entered it into official court documents that they could not produce covid.

    What this means, is that they have no proof that covid exists, and they admitted it on public record.

    What this means is that the tests, lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and so forth, have no basic for existing anywhere.

    They have no legal bases for any of it… anywhere, in the world.

    They have no basis in reality.

    It means the baddies have to give themselves up.

    It means the world will learn about the plans to exterminate 90% of us via their sinister mystery needles.

    It means is this is the greatest crime against humanity, are being exposed and stopped.

    It means they destroyed our lives, based on a lie.

    It means they conspired against humanity.

    It means they were pushing us on to their cyborg needles.

    It means they were turning us into non-human robots via their mystery needle ingredients hooked up to their 5G totalitarian control grid system.

    Remember, their PCR test admittedly cannot tell the difference between their covid, and the flu.

    Folks… listen…

    There may be a covid, but maybe not… however, they seemed to turn everything like colds and flus, into covid. Every thing they say about covid is a lie, from the masks, needles, tests, rules and they did all of it, not even having proven the thing even exists. They took away the rights of the world based on a lie… is that not a crime of some sort…and it’s a premeditated crime of immense planning spanning across countries, beyond borders, beyond organizations and local communities. The roots of this dark plan take us to the pits of the underground, that existed because humanity refused to see the truth… and thus, they were able to literally build an entire extensive underground network, that seeked to control us above, from below.

  25. again I keep saying that the good guys at any time of the day can purge the cabal from the planet at least physically and yet social development is going on as slow as possible

    1. Totally agreed,they probably don't really care.

    2. I just hope with all of my heart that verry soon the dark entities will be cleared and on September 18 the last underground bases will be totally destroyed and the underground world free.

      And that after the 18 we will see the positive military act with the resistance in a way we can see.

      We need the event this year and personally i think the light forces have practically done everything for the preparation of the event.

      The only thing is the underground bases

      Primary anomaly

      And the chimera (i don't think they will live long.)

      Guys common after September 18 is time to act for real on the surface.

    3. It seems they have big problems to finally do it like if they are scared to do it.

  26. Merci pour tout ton dévouement, Cobra.
    Nous allons gagner...
    Victoire de la lumière

  27. German translation of this article:

  28. How many times do I have to say, imagine, believe, visualize, and command I DO NOT CONSENT!... I do not consent to slavery, debt slavery, exploitation, financial systems of control, war for profit, medical tyranny, tyranny, etc... I DO NOT CONSENT !

    1. Say it as often as you like. It will be heard and followd as often as everyone likes, or by themselves because they already know:) Because you're not the only one on Earth Patrice.

    2. Hi Maria. Thank you for commenting. Yes I know. It does not matter. I just want to spell it out 1 more time. I'll tell you a secret, what ever happens next is behind my control. I have had friends visit me since I was born.I remember most a lot of it . I will be returning home in the near future. I am more concerned about what is about to happen here on earth.

    3. Bad guy's DON'T CARE about you not consenting.

      Bad guys don't follow rules, not even their own.
      Wake up and smell the mocha. This is not some catholic exorcism where a priest says "I order you to leave, demon!" Don't work that way.

    4. @Sherman, Agreed. I am leaving a confusing trail. I wish I could share more : )

  29. How little David fights the Goliath elite, cyber leviathan, and technological Big Brother of global control while athletes, actors, celebrities, and lawyers and scientists sue governments for their actions and the harms of experimental vaccinations.

    "America's decline from a free and vibrant nation to a sprawling dictatorship of a federal government colluding with unelected NGOs was hard to miss. Concern for the future of humanity was shared by famous writers of the day. Aldous Huxley had sounded the alarm in 1932 with Brave New World that technology had gone mad.

    Even more frightening was George Orwell's "1984," the story of a future in which Big Brother controls everyone with brainwashing and fear, deleting history and current events at will, changing language, and destroying all vestiges of past reality (...)

    There is reason to foresee deep trouble for America as the love of truth and justice is politically appropriated by leaders without conscience (...) A growing number of souls are finally seeing how far we have slid down the "slippery slope." Is it too late for a saving "course correction"? Can any American of good will, regardless of color, background or creed, find his way back to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

    This outcome requires every leader to reconcile their conscience with true justice and act accordingly, as if their life were in danger. Stop for a moment and think. After millennia of human existence, in the year 2020 A.D. Suddenly a virus cripples our way of life, forcing us to obey Corona police officers, power-mad governors and complicit community servants.

    Do you still call our government one that is "of the people, by the people and for the people"? If you think there is something terribly wrong with this "pandemic," you are not crazy or a conspiracy theory nut, but one of the millions around the world who will not simply roll over when our God-given right to life and liberty is snatched from us in a manic drive to control us from cradle to grave by an essentially haphazard class of tycoons with Marxist delusions of grandeur.

    Such blatant tyranny can and must be resisted, not only for us, but for our children and their children. The covid restrictions that cripple our lives will not end until we stop them. Returning to normalcy - which means being human again - must be a task for everyone who is not fooled by "the pandemic."

    It is time to stop the window dressing regarding the corona virus, starting with the lie that "a positive test" means there is another "corona case" to report to the public. Daily reports of "case" numbers help brainwash the public and keep them compliant.

    If we dare not live like normal humans now, we will be forced to live like imitations of humans in the future by dictatorial globalists posing as our saviors. For the many who continue to accept as true what they learn about the coronavirus from television and other media, and think that, well, "those reporters wouldn't lie," I have this to say:

    If you believe that mainstream news is delivering the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, you'd better think again."

    Anthony J. DeBlasi, American Writer and Journalist

    13 languages linked !!!

    Victory of the light!

  30. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post

    Traduction du post en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  31. Can I ask? If everything is so positive and Ascension which we all want then why are we expecting a global extinction event!? Isnt that negative thinking and how does that make people positive for the future?

    1. Yes, I have the same question.Global extinction is not what I want. I want Paradise on Earth for all.

    2. Humanity is to be evacuated into the galactic fleet before the polar shift.

      Read "sixth phase"


    3. There will not, and I repeat NOT, be a mile-high tsunami that will wipe out and kill billions and trillions of innocent animals.
      That has happened before due to certain actions by the dark forces. It will not happen again on Gaia.


    4. Congratulations! You're free! Unfortunately your dreams of building a new reality are moot because we have to get underground or off planet ASAP!

      I honestly don't know how to feel about this. ._.

    5. Earth does that cleaning process time to time. It will be the 6th time for humanity, Atlantis was the 5th...
      We are safe. We are not alone.

    6. I think the pole shift occurs after event and it is a timeline for many of the preppers and global ite who dont want ascension?? I assumed solar wave awakens all but I did hear 15% or so choose 3d and dont ascend and perhaps they want to experience pole shift etc.. ??

    7. I sense this plan may be updated. Just a hunch.

    8. Yeah but this is quite confusing. I am waiting for the update about the polar shift.

      So the polar shift is in 2025 or now is way more soon and the darks are freaking out.

      Cobra i think we need the clarification with the update soon like 3 to 4 weeks maximum.

      It's a bit confusing.

  32. Good to see this information finally being pushed publicly.

    Thank you for your service, Cobra.

    It is important to note the Medici's family involvement with cryptocurrency as well when it comes to financial tyranny.

    Stay safe everybody, may this nightmare be over soon.

  33. Also, October 19th is the end of a certain 34 year astrological cycle.

    1. My mistake. It is a square within that 34 year cycle.

  34. Cobra💜 what will happen to animals and plants on Earth during polar shift,Event, Ascension?

  35. And what is happening with Liberation of Hostages? Are we close to their Liberation?


  36. Given the biblical heading of the post, here is The Church.
    And No, not one of the fake pretend-to-be-good churches that mind-fuck the population with lies upon lies and performing dark satanic rituals.

    The Church:
    Under The Milkyway


  37. Wahoo quel honneur vous nous faites cobra et sûrement nos frères galactiques!!! Merci ! Merci ! J'en ai pleuré ! J'ai été aux manifestations ici a Montpellier et aussi à celles des gilets jaunes. Je me doutais de l'effet positif sur les lignes de temps, nous sentons ces énergies fortes en manifestation mais je n'espérais pas tant d'honneur. Le mouvement de la résistance et les galactiques vous êtes des héros bien plus que nos petites personnes. Tellement fière de vous. Je vous aime ! Victoire de la lumière !!

  38. I have no strenght yet and no hope..I cannot meditate anymore and all I fell since 2 months is fear :(

    1. Have faith my friend. It was always going to be the darkest just before the light takes over. I’ve known this for 20 years or perhaps my whole current life. Start with your breathing. Just focus solely on it. Don’t worry about trying to meditate. Conscious breathing is meditation. Slow your breathing and just be in the moment. Breathing is healing, breathing is centering breathing connects you to your soul. Don’t try to meditate, just be. Like q says, only at the precipice will the people find the will to change. People are adaptable but also like to be comfortable. The best way to awaken the people is to display that which is unnaceptable. When the good people rise up and say no, there’s nothing more powerful on earth. With one coherent voice we can do more than any meditation. All is as it needs to be. The push for ascension will be so much greater because of the negativetynwr have gone through and as many people as possible will have the chance for ascension. I had a powerful psychic give me a reading 18 years ago. Many things he told me have come true…except this…he said there will come a time when it is very scary…but you’ll make it through and it will be ok and it won’t last long…and I’d have “visitors” afterward, I assume extraterrestrial or something like that. The times we were made for is here. Rise up and out on your armor of God! The final spiritual battle is at hand. We will rise, we will win!

    THEY ARE THE STRONGEST AND POWERFULL Entites WITH UNLIMITED GODLIGHT ENERGY FOR THE FASTEST AND SAFEST WAY TO support light forces and destroy LAST DARK ENTITES STRONGHOLD. Return EARTH and prisoners from Dark[parasite] matrix system back to The Light home (GOD LOVE).

  40. Victory of the Light here and NOW, the Light already won, it's only a question of short time, the final touch to erase completely the cabal who is on the run and no place to hide or escape anymore, just a deadly wounded beast bleeding to dead.

  41. U.S. Banking System Has a $168 Trillion Nightmare Looming. It Was Ignored in Written Testimony for Today’s Senate Banking Hearing
    Derivatives Held at Federally-Insured Banks as of March 31, 2021

    Pam Martens: 08.03.21 ~

    Risky derivative bets made by the mega banks on Wall Street, offloaded onto inadequately capitalized counterparties, were at the core of the collapse of the U.S. financial system in 2008. That collapse left millions of Americans without jobs, which led to millions of families and traumatized children losing their homes to foreclosure. The bank bosses got their million-dollar bonuses from the taxpayer bailouts and the Federal Reserve secretly pumped in $29 trillion over 31 months to shore up the failing trading houses on Wall Street and their foreign derivative counterparties.

    Wall Street banks have rebuilt that derivatives doomsday machine today – a $168 trillion monster concentrated at four mega banks on Wall Street. But as we read through dozens of pages of written testimony submitted by witnesses for today’s Senate Banking hearing, the word “derivative” did not appear once.

    At 10:00 a.m. the U.S. Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing titled “Oversight of Regulators: Does our Financial System Work for Everyone?” ...

    The list of hearing witnesses scheduled to testify today notably does not include Gary Gensler, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has co-authority to supervise the derivatives market. It does not include anyone from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which has the other co-authority to supervise the derivatives market. The witness list also does not include Randal Quarles, the Vice Chairman at the Federal Reserve, who is mandated to supervise these mega banks on Wall Street and prevent them from blowing themselves up again and requiring another secret Fed bailout.


    SEC Chair Gensler gave a speech on July 21 in which he explained that 11 years after the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation was passed in 2010 during the Obama administration, the final rules to regulate the derivatives (swaps) markets >have yet to be fully implemented<. He also explained how oversight of derivatives has been bifurcated, stating:


    This is what Gensler does not explain in his speech. The Dodd-Frank legislation did not envision derivatives remaining at the federally-insured, deposit-taking commercial banks of America. Dodd-Frank contained what was called the “push out rule” where the derivatives would move out of the federally-insured bank and into another unit of the bank holding company that could be wound down without a taxpayer bailout in case of insolvency.

    But Citigroup, the recipient of the largest taxpayer and Fed bailout in the 2008 crisis, used its lobbyists to force the repeal of that part of Dodd-Frank in December of 2014.


    “The four banks with the most derivative activity hold 89.0 percent of all bank derivatives…”

    Those four banks are not the investment banking units of the Wall Street mega banks. They are the federally-insured, taxpayer-backstopped, commercial banking units of these Wall Street behemoths. Per the chart above, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Citibank N.A. (the federally-insured unit of Citigroup), and Bank of America are sitting on a total notional (face amount) of $168 trillion in derivatives or 89 percent of the $189 trillion at all banks.

    This is concentrated, systemic risk on steroids and deserves an immediate, separate hearing by the Senate Banking Committee.

    If you want a more thorough understanding as to why Congress has not intervened since Citigroup and its lobbyists overturned the “push out rule” in 2014, we recommend watching the Senate floor speech delivered by Senator Elizabeth Warren at the time Citigroup pulled this off in 2014. (See video below.)

  42. Event is near. Get ready to it!VOTL!

    1. No is not. Nothing will appen at least until October.

  43. Read the "Bubbles of Heaven" post of January 21, 2019.

    Saw a bumper sticker on a hot rod years ago. "Get in, sit down, shut up, and hang on".

    Get in - Get on the right side of this battle.

    Sit down - Stay calm.

    Shut up - Close your mouth and open your mind.

    Hang on - Enjoy the show.

  44. Chegou a hora de atualizar sobre o plano de ascensão... Precisamos de clareza!

  45. It's safe to goes crypto? To circumvent the FIAT system?

  46. Alot of great Intel in this update.. fake Biden.. fake WH as photos I had seen prior were shown again, the urgency of the vax campaign.. the pole shift.. all timelines are merging to zero pt. Lionsgate many expect people shifting but I think it wont happen then.. dont we have to go thru disclosure of all the crimes against humanity first that awakens more??

  47. this doesnt read like normal Combra comms ...

  48. In my country, more than half a million people have died from lack of vaccines. It is sad to see people on the eve of the Age of Aquarius denying science.
    Em meu país, mais de meio milhão de pessoas morreram por falta de vacinas. É triste ver pessoas às vésperas da Era de Aquário negando a ciência.

    1. Please do not spout your Covid propaganda lies here. We are not into your death cult.

    2. @ scathiebaby (from Dutch Maria)


    3. Za, the vaccines' a poison, sorry to tell you.
      And Bill Gates is an evil, money hungry, power mad, blood sucking, child raping nerd.

  49. Thank you for this good news. I think we will be evacuated off the is crazy!

    I have a Galactic Man update: I have learned that mostly the galactics are very disinterested in earth humans per say. They are way evolved past us and from talking to them, only mildly curious if that. It would be impossible to change that. Still, it seems it is possible to talk to them and learn things.

    Let me put it this way. Galactics are not unlike Tolkien's Elvin folk. Yes they are kinda aloof and separate, but you can talk to them (the 5D to 7D ones anyway). Not too personally, you understand. They live very long lives (like elves), they have their own cultures (not interested in ours). I learned they love to sing and do it often of an evening. They get together to play games (very involved games I was told) and also to sing. They love music and I was told it was more involved than our music - sounds interesting. Some of them even have pointy ears...again like elves. So it is easy to describe them like this, even though they are humans just like us. Elves love stars... Tolkien unknowingly describes the galactics. And, the way elves delight in killing orcs, this sounds much like galactics who are killing reptilians, and who can blame them? The orcs were once elves....the reptilians were once created positive, in another universe and came here to turn our universe negative and make it their own. Well, they can't have it.

    A very interesting thing I was told when I asked if any earth humans go "up there". There was one recently - a commander. I realised he was talking of Trump. He was telling me the commander looked very perplexed, no doubt from all the telepathic chatter going on and not being a telepath himself. It was a "funny" story from them. But the galactic guy was making fun of me also so I decided not to chat to him further. I'm still looking for a nice one who is open minded to take me up on a small craft and maybe who is interested in romance. Who knows? I'll have another update soon.

    I don't have time to come and read replies, sorry! But feel free to reply away.

    1. "Tolkien unknowingly describes the galactics."



  50. I still don't understand the meaning of these numbers that Cobra wrote down in a previous post and appear again in this post at the link Cobra gave:

    1789.53 and 2021.73

    Can anyone explain please? Cobra, can you explain it? Does it mean from year 1789 to 1853 and from year 2021 to 2073? Thanks all!

    1. 1789.53 corresponds to the revolution of 1789 which took place 53% of the year, so around July 14/16.
      2021.73 corresponds to 73% of this year, so the possibility of a French revolt around 18/19 September, to spread throughout the world afterwards.

    2. I wonder how the cabal will try to stop this. No seriously now the cabal knows something is up in this date. I am very doubting that something will appen. If so that's beautiful but if not just stop with these dates.

  51. Saludos Cobra.Muy buena información.Espero que digas cómo va a ser la Ascensión.Hay mucha desenformacion sobre la Ascensión.Unos dicen que solo 1/3 parte de la población va a pasar a la 5D.

  52. 光的胜利,来自中国的祝福

  53. So "The Light" is just a bunch of Trump worshipers trying to keep us trapped in a void loop? I'd rather be exploded to bits.
    Victory of the D*rk.

  54. Cobra, the U.S. Military is racing ahead of their initial September vaccine mandate projection in an attempt to force a purge in the ranks, and this can only be to weaken the military. This is clearly an escalation of the war against the people of the United States. This will help fortify an FDA rush to approve the poison jabs for the population widespread. Just FYI if you haven't already seen this.

    Secretary of Defense Austin to announce mandatory vaccine policy for all active-duty military

  55. o 'earth' hide me in your bosom, since I cannot inhabit the surface

  56. Protests are banned in Singapore, and the two Sisterhood of the Rose groups that were registered for this country were found to be inactive. They have been highlighted to the website and removed from the list.

    The globalist puppet government here are actively doing forced swab tests on various housing estates once they 'detect' the 'virus' in the wastewater or several cases show up, even though the last week has seen the CDC admit the swab tests don't work, and Pfizer indirectly admitting their mRNA vaccine is not effective.

    The contact tracing system here made mandatory after 90% compliance by the brainwashed population has in it a vaccine passport provision where the vaccination status of the individual is indicated.

    1. What do you expect from a population of folks who wear face masks all day long, before this covid BS?

    2. JS - Weather Warfare Crop Failure Status

  57. yes we are going to hold down the dark ones here, so they have to go through the pulse.... its the only way.

  58. I'm tired of this war, how long before freedom? How long before we have enough people awake to reach the tipping point?

    1. How do you know it's a war?! seems more like a comedy show. Always the same shit happening, always new excuses, always a new delay, always the evil side winning.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. The fake replica white house makes me laugh :DDDD

    And I think it is very likely that Trump will be elected back to the presidency in the new election after the Event.

    1. Seriously this is more than a jock is a comedy show. Just imagine when they will know what appen after the event.(the masses)

  61. Astrologers here in SL believe polar shift would happen in 2024.

  62. Ok I hope Cobra gets clearance asap to inform us on how to prepare for the polar shift. Because the article is quite clear about all the tragedies that will happen during that time.

    Will planting Cintamani stones inside our property protect us?

  63. IT IS THE DARKEST (the helliest) BEFORE THE DAWN.
    HOLD ON DEAR SOULS.... I know how difficult it is not only to survive, but to keep out vibes high. The reality we're living nowadays is worse than the horror movies....
    But I don't give up. I do believe that sooner or later, THE NEW DAWN will come over the Earth, and some lucky ones, will celebrate it!!

    1. I think we need some songs, like the Klingons have.

  64. Once that dam breaks.....
    energy is released,
    a cleansing begins. Renewal follows.

    How many beings are having very pointed, clarifying dreams lately?
    Almost prophetic
    as though the inner world brain is now connected in awareness to the material matrix.... which one is the dream?

  65. I don't get it...I thought we already were on a positive timeline? How is it that the dark seem to have the upper hand? It seems it's always one delay after another!

    1. Just like when there are new plans or organizations being created with well intended individuals... there is that threat of infiltration which weakens or destroys the project. There has been examples throughout the years when ideas have been implemented n reached but when not monitored n protected propertly it fails eventually.. why cause the bad guys do not just make one effort to sabotage nor in one form. They try to sabotages in many levels n in different ways n if not constantly depending on the gain or lose potential.

      So in short having to maintain or work toward keeping a positive timeline is an ongoing process because this game is not fixed is in flux. Their attenpt is not a one of a life time attempt to gain an ongoing. .they fighting not to lose power... for their life.

      timeline adjustment or reinforcement during important zodiac alignments is not surprising. The bad guys uses rhe star powers ingluence to attempt major changes.. one being timelines to go their way...


  67. Replies
    1. It was fun meeting you for the first time today! We hung out at Garden of the Gods. We got to enjoy nature, talk about higher matters, and laugh at the douchebags wearing masks, it was good.

  68. I have the worst migraine in my entire life yesterday, don’t know if it is because of the recent situation

  69. Right On!! Hold Fast LightWarriors!!!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. People are turning nuts here. As if there was any guarantee for the biggest villains in the galaxy to be removed in a certain timeframe in a certain way.
      Many comments here with 100% cabal thinking. This is what cabal-attacks on the truth and Cobra actually look like.

      Pseudo smart, pseudo logical/rational posts, undermining the few sources of truth - in this case this blog. And they are doing it everywhere. This is what it looks like if the cabal send their ‚minions‘ around to cancel the sources of info against them, info that pierces the veil.
      Sad thing is, these cabal-drones really believe what they are writing.

    2. Do you think Cobra is just doing this for fun? It is not his fault or the fault of the light forces that there are delays. It is also because of our unconsciousness and that we do too little. There are enough people here who only read and demand and whine. If all of us who read here would only meditate together for 10 minutes every day, we would already be a long way ahead.
      Cobra has lost everything because of the other side, do you think he wants delays? He can also think of better things to do than be blamed by random people. He is the messenger - we are lucky that he exists, that we know through him how the situation on earth really is. And we know through him what we can do to help.
      The liberation of the earth is actually the task of the surface population and not the task of the light forces. They could also just destroy the planet, and then the problem would be solved.

      Translated with (free version)

    3. In fact it is the Light itself that causes this delay, not to harm us, but to allow as many people as possible to wake up and be saved. Let us be confident, the world is awakening because the dark forces are brutal, but let us not forget that we are not a body, we are travelers of the universe, our incarnations do not matter, it is our evolution spiritual matter. Many of us have chosen not to wake up at the same rate as the others and to continue our evolution on another 3D planet, which will be much smoother to live with than this one. Our beautiful planet is an initiatory planet. Let us accept the choice of those who will leave; among the French demonstrators, many will sacrifice themselves to allow things to move faster, there are also heroes among us.

    4. @ starlight432

      I resonate with your statement. Doom and gloom are not part of my future! As the frequencies rises higher and higher we shall see soon who is the light…

      Love and light!

    5. @ starlight432

      I resonate with your statement. Doom and gloom are not part of my future! As the frequencies rises higher and higher we shall see soon who is the light…

      Love and light!

    6. Lotus yes but how many time they delay it? How many starseed have suicides themselves because of this presure the cabal is putting on them?

      How much people have died that we love?

      How much really suffering we have experienced here.

      The truth is that the light forces like have said cobra have just realized bit of our suffering in September 2020.

      How much time they have just watch us without understanding our pain. And then they are talking about delaying more.

      I love you cobra but this uptate just tell us nothing. Just rumors like in February and i hope now with the progress they have done, that they can do something now. Maybe they will lose power in September, for me is : they will find a way to delay more and nothing will appen until whatever the time it is.

      Common now is time. Again same talk like the last year.

      We will be in December with nothing accomplished. Now just prove me wrong! I wish you do it.

    7. @Sebastian
      "Cabal drones" - I have often thought something like that. At least the dark ones might have an interest in it.

      Or they work even more subtly by convincing awakening people that they don't need to work on themselves. Then the dark ones have an easy game with the lower self, which has no connection to the Higher Self.

      But the more evolved also contribute to the situation, simply by leaving the field to the others and withdrawing.

    8. @lotus
      Sorry, but MY incarnation DOES matter.

    9. Guerrier galactique 17, je t'offre cette canalisation française si tu le veux bien. je suis de très près cette médium depuis 25 ans, elle canalise des êtres de Lumière. Ses derniers messages sont hyper encourageants, nos frères disent que cette guerre sera bientôt terminée et que d'ici la fin de l'année beaucoup de choses auront changé.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Hold strong all.. you came this far dont jump ship the new world is almost in view!

  71. Cobra i really don't like the facts that you are give us dates. I think that's a mistake.

    If nothing appen in this week what we will look like? Bunch of addict waiting for something that was said 8 years ago??????

    1. Unless i have misunderstood... He is not claiming the event will happen on the dates above... but mainly operations being done n another timeline reinforcement junction.

      As far as sept 18.
      ..."...around September 18th the dark forces might finally begin to lose power on the physical plane on the surface of the planet...."
      Keyword here are "MIGHT" and "BEGIN"
      hope this helps.

  72. Replies
    1. Yes. I foresee 2 possibilities. Neo-feudalism and massive population reduction or a new heaven on earth. I cannot see past the wall. I have no perception past it, everything is jammed heavily. Be safe, put your house in order, and make sure to have food, water, pet food and cookies. This is it. I will say however, if you somehow feel you are not from here, ask to connect to connect with your planet of origin. I hope that helps.

    2. Yes. I foresee 2 realities. Either a Neo-feudal system with massive population reduction or a new heaven on earth. There is very heavy jamming happening right now and I cannot sense past the wall. Make sure to have food, water, pet food, and cookies.

    3. This isn't about you specifically but I was thinking of saying it anyways; when people ask for an update, really what they're asking for is the situation to improve. There's simply little good news to report. I'm in a similar situation as you perhaps, my only option is suicide. I refuse to live with the suffering and humiliation. But it helps me to accept our eternal higher self wanted to have a life in the Earth quarantine phase. Wouldn't you if you lived for eternity? Of course we'd want to do this for a measly 80 years. It helps to realize it's at least a logical situation. Unbearable yes, but it makes sense. An eternal being would definitely want to see clown world. We are right there with you, I get it and other readers gets it. I just met reader John Popeck in person for the first time and it was great. Cobra gets it, when he describes the implementation of "galactic high culture" instead of clown world, he gets it. He can probably conceive of a high culture we can't even imagine! That's why he reads tens of thousands of our comments and keeps going. I've been reading this blog since the beginning and it's the only reason I'm still alive. I hope he realizes how true that is, it's not hyperbole.

    4. Patrick Kehoe. You are amazing!

      I think I am in a similar situation as you. Yes same, i think we need to hold a little more, i just want to be with all of you very soon after the event.

      I really just wish that in September something will be visible. Personally i was expecting nothing but if we use logic the eteric and astral planes are already cleared or in finalisation. But waiting until another date and then the end of the year and so one and one is becoming frustrating. Why giving us dates?? Again i am sure at 97 % nothing will appen even if i want it with all of my heart!

      Maybe is this time but well we will see.

      I love you incondicionaly brother stay strong we will go to the end!

    5. Some of us were forced to come here, Pat.
      no way would I chose to come here willingly.

  73. Thank you Cobra for all that you do! Sending waves of gratitude to you.

  74. Cobra, what means in this post "the peak of the transition"?

    1. Probably the most turbulent time right before and at the time of the Event.



  76. those who really know lead you inside ...💜

  77. Fellows on the ships, do not waste time on details that related to the planning of the future surface world. You know very little about people on earth. You are not able to make an appropriate plan without lightworkers. Help us return as soon as possible, and we plan together.

  78. Nancy Leader of zetatalk already gave a date of 2026 for the pole shift of Nibiru. Why is no one talking about this?

    1. predicting dates at this juncture of the situation if futile... timelines are fluid.

    2. Nibiru doesn't exist! Re-read Cobra's interviews and articles

  79. So September 18 will be a very thrilling day. John McAfee gave something before his death to Ingersoll Lockwood which they will publish on September 18, McAfee's birthday!

    1. Maybe just maybe someone would be able to choose a date to create a magnificent change that would be special in its own way not because it used to represent someone... except Gaia herself. Has anyone bother to ask Gaia when was her birthdate.. her day ... her special day..

  80. This is from Bill Ryan in 2010 about the "The Anglo Saxon Mission"

  81. from Dutch Maria:
    ROMANA Didulo
    Telegram 8/4/21

    Forwarded message from Beth Ann Wright:

    Calling all Patriots!

    Instinctively, I went after the Fortune 500 (F500 Requests) that you have so awesomely stepped up to serve! I did this because intuitively the US companies with the largest market caps bear some correlation to the likelihood of the greatest number of employees harmed by the vax, PCR tests, mask mandates, lockdowns and quarantines.

    I now know we may have a far greater impact, my fellow Patriots. Many of you know of President Trump’s Executive Order 13818, Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, 12-20-17.

    I’ll keep this post at “30,000 ft instead of getting into the weeds of statutory construction, etc., since all of my fellow Patriots are non-attorneys.

    “Serious human rights abuse” most certainly includes the US Cease and Desist Order for “crimes against humanity” and “genocide.”

    A “foreign person” certainly includes an “enemy combatant” under the Insurrection Act/Martial Law.

    Question: Well my fellow Patriots, guess who has a well-documented history of controlling Western Medicine (government, agencies, higher ed, professional associations) and most of the Fortune 500 companies (“serious human rights abuse” and “corruption”)? Guess who is ultimately responsible for the fake pandemic and the campaign to vaccinate all humans (“crimes against humanity and genocide”)? Guess who has a “death warrant?” (i.e. “enemy combatant” status?). Guess who has substantial “Property” and “assets” related to such “human rights abuses” and “corruption?”

    Answer: David Rockefeller, Jr.

    One nugget, a reputable source to support this: DuckDuckGo search benjaminfulford with the dot net, and check out his Summer Solstice article 6-21-21.

    My fellow Patriots, do you realize that we might be able to serve a significant role to block the property and asset transfers of the very evil that we are fighting?

    I am calling on all Patriots to step up and serve the F500! We are about half-way through. I will keep posting them in batches of seven. Please check the feed. If someone else has accepted the assignment for a specific request, please sign up for a different assignment. I will keep updating which Patriot has accepted which assignment ASAP. I will keep posting new assignments until we serve all Fortune 500 companies!

    How fast can American Patriots come together to finish serving the second half of the Fortune 500? Let’s show the world! #CASTLEROCK


    cc: HRH Queen Lady Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, Head of Government of Canada; Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces; Commander-in Chief of Federation Command Forces and Allied Forces; Federation of Earth Defense Forces Commander-in-Chief, and Commander-in-Chief of Global Allied Forces.

  82. Which means event will not happen this year

    1. Which means we have to be prepared as phases are following quickly one after another, the Event may happen anytime from now until the end of 2022! It is recommended to join many of the meditations offered and requested by Cobra, which can be followed even on the Welovemassmeditation blog, and we have to do also our inner work, implants removal sessions, all preparing us in the best way for the Event! If I think deep, we have plenty to do, and we have no so much time! Victory of the Light!

    2. Not necessarily. When things start to change on the surface, everything is supposed to quickly accelerate into the Event. So succesful protests or revolution in France could trigger more worldwide changes, and collapse of the matrix this year. This might trigger the Event within a few weeks after what will happen in France.

    3. I don't really care when the event comes. I'm just happy when we start seeing that insane repression worldwide wind down and that vaxx craze and suffering decrease. Seeing sanity return would be a wonderful day worth celebrating.

      I do hope this year will be the year, but I don't hold my breath.

      I would say nobody here will see the event in their lifetime. It's for another generation to experience, just my oppinion though.

  83. Thanks Cobra I will be empowering that positive timeline. May the Goddess energy flood the grid.

  84. Translation of this article in form of a video in



  85. Here is the Romanian translation of this very important post, thank you so much dear Cobra!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I know how you guys feel.. I felt very disappointed last night reading this as I thought we were closer to the event.. but you know what? After reading it a couple more times, this seems like a very positive update.

    Cobra said in mid September that the dark forces might finally start losing power on the surface.. and that more info about the polar shift + ascension plans will be released soon.

    He also said mid September was not YET the date for the event! This means that there is a slight possibility the event could happen in September! I have never heard cobra say anything like this.. the updates are becoming more transparent which clearly means the situation is getting better and better.

    Let’s focus on the positive guys because for the first time ever we have a real date from the highest source giving us a possible turning point!

    Thank you cobra and thanks to all the light forces and everyone involved in our liberation! Thank you thank you thank you ❤️

    1. Yeah you are maybe right. Let's hope so.

    2. I remember Cobra saying after the mass meditation event a year and a half ago that he thought it could trigger the EVENT

    3. Agreed.. cobra used term "hint" things can move fast after the reflection pt..dominos start falling cascading effect as people awaken and more truths appear imagine what will happen!

    4. Every update we are closer to the Event.

  88. Your courage is legendary, guys... thank you for all what you are doing, really...

  89. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  90. Great update, and the information about the polar shift and updated ascension plan seem the most important.

    "The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity."

    If you read this update, the polar shift isn't supposed to happen until the sixth transition phase. So that's way after the Event, and not a problem that the Cabal should worry about. Of course we don't know what they believe will happen. Maybe they think they can somehow prevent the ascension, and survive the Event in the 3rd phase, and the solar flash in the 6th.

    But interesting that Cobra mentions this, as if it was a potential problem. Maybe, as I predicted, the ascension plan will have to get expedited, because we won't have time for 3 more phases, fixing the planet, healing all humans, and preparing 3 ascension waves until 2025, which is when the ascension window closes. Maybe instead we'll get evacuated soon after the Event, and let humanity heal and ascend on another planet.

    1. Only the Event window closes in 2025, the three Ascension waves may happen well after 2025.

    2. Good pt I was shocked to see pole shift in the update.. so help me understand.. I have read 5D earth is a separate planet not just dimension .. then I have read no earth isnt going anywhere just moving up in vibration to 5D.. we follow.. ok makes sense we dont jump into a new 5d body we transform..ok but then if we move up and earth moves up.. how is 3d earth still here to have a pole shift?? See my pt.. that's like us leaving our 3d body and moving into a 5d body.. confusing.. also I have read we were going to shift sooner than 2021/2022 we are past the date now.. I dont see people waking up now.. many taking the jab.. falling further down..

    3. Tropby: I was thinking exactly the same as you... in essence, the time window has become quite compressed and we don't have much time to get through those later phases...

      By the way, I read about the pole shift in my first Edgar Cayce books that I read as a kid (at age 8) and I remember thinking, way back then, "I THOUGHT this would happen." For some reason, the pole shift information made sense to me, as a kid. I remember being quite excited. "What an adventure!" I thought.

  91. And here is the italian translation of this wonderful post, thank you Cobra! Thank you Resistance Movement for all you are doing together for humanity on the planer Earth!

  92. I'm going to imagine the calendar of August and September lit up with bright healing, abundant light. Each day on the calendar will be lit up like a star. When I do this I feel cool energy sweeping down my body and that's confirmation. Really, any physical sensation as a result of using one's imagination for manifestation is confirmation. So in addition to the meditations when this busy mama can and saturating the Earth with light,this will be my own personal alchemy. Feel free to join me or share your own techniques! I'd love to join you!

  93. Davud took notice to my tweeting bird.

  94. Mentally preparing for a though 3 months. Though in Switzerland it's not as dystopian then in Australia, yet. I'm sure though the goverment will increase pressure with the "delta variant terror". Hopefully there's light to be seen end of October.

  95. Excellent comment.the way towards the finish line is not set in stone. Ascension symptoms latley? Absolutely. Feeling extreme pressure everywhere.

  96. 💜🌏🌎🌍💛
    Thank you. Beautiful💛

  97. How about take over MSM ? LIGHT FORCE PLEASE TAKE OVER MSM !!!

  98. And, agreed...
    "White man"/cabal intrusion/invasion on Natives around the Earth,all continents, was WWI. But Justice will balance it. Stay Proud dear Eagle brothers and sisters!
    💜Victory of The LoveLight💛!

  99. What software is that astrological chart produced by?

  100. From dutch Maria

    Lyrics from White Rabbit / Jefferson Airplane

    One pill makes you larger
    And one pill makes you small,
    And the ones that mother gives you
    Don't do anything at all.
    Go ask Alice
    When she's ten feet tall.
    And if you go chasing rabbits
    And you know you're going to fall,
    Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
    Has given you the call.
    Call Alice
    When she was just small.
    When the men on the chessboard
    Get up and tell you where to go
    And you've just had some kind of mushroom
    And your mind is moving low.
    Go ask Alice
    I think she'll know.
    When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead,
    And the White Knight is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
    Remember what the dormouse said:
    "Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head"

  101. So Event will happen before next USA election day!!!!!! Wow,, and then we need to run on another planet! Good Luck!!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. God Source Bless Us All. Victory of the Light. Thank you Cobra

  104. I would like to say like Yoda: I smell Victory♡♡♡

  105. Cobra never mentioned this but if 18th of September may brings us an opportunity for cabal to lose their power than its obvious they will fight back hard and do whatever they can to spoil this. They have beaten us so many times before. If 18th September is not a decoy than we should protect it with a meditation to secure breakthrough happening. A mass meditation with critical mass reached to secure breakthrough and stop covid madness is needed badly.

    Cobra, you're our leader. Please organise this. Get light forces told. They have a different vantage point but seems that they still haven't mastered understanding issues of repressed earth people. Time is running out for them to learn this.

    We need this meditation. If things don't change soon, there won't be much of us to these meditations anymore.
