Friday, December 17, 2021

Divine Intervention Activation Update

Signing process for our Planetary Liberation petition has been very successful, on both petition websites together we have gathered more than 165,000 signatures until now:





This is already well over 144,000 signatures needed, and a certain exopolitical protocol will be initialized at the moment of our meditation at 4 pm UTC on December 21st: 

You can definitely keep signing the petition if you have not already signed, but our main focus now will be to gather over 144,000 people meditating at the exact same moment at 4:00 pm UTC on December 21st.

Therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in our last booster  meditation to help reaching the critical mass. This booster meditation will be taking place at the moment of the full moon on December 19th at 4:35 am UTC.

The exact time for our ultimate booster meditation for all time zones worldwide is here: 

Instructions for the booster meditation remain the same, and are posted here:

Ultimate booster meditation livestream video in English is here: 

You can watch SpaceX CRS-24 liftoff (scheduled a few hours before our meditation) here:

You can keep signing the petition here: 

And finally, the instructions for our main meditation on December 21st are here: 

Victory of the Light! 



  1. Cobra and Friends:

    Hurrah! This is great! FORWARD MARCH to the December 21 meditation.

    Thank you and Victory of the Light!

  2. We'll be there for this final booster and main meditations!
    We got this... WE SO GOT THIS! 😉



  3. Anyone on here use telegram and want to connect? I think that would be what Cobra wants. Let's link up everyone! VOTL! Don't be scared to link you TG account here, we have already won! We KNOW this!!! We need to spread the word and FAST!

  4. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

    We will achieve it Cobra!!!

  6. Understood.

    I am very proud of the success of the petition!

    Next step: booster and main meditation.

    Let's do it!

  7. Yes looking forward to the meditation and updates afterword

  8. Great! Freedom and prosperity for all living things on earth. Looking forward to meeting my (our) family.

  9. Why I think this is our last chance to be VOTL!


  10. A Bread-and-Butter Wave?

    The political consequences of hunger are profound and unpredictable but could be the spark that lights a powder keg of anger and resentment that would make the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests look tame by comparison.

    President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are sinking, with some polls showing he is backed by only 39% of Americans.

    Even fewer – 31% – think the country is on the right track. Already, Republicans appear to be making the greatly increased cost of food and gasoline a major focus of their attacks against the 46th president.

    The hashtag “#ThanksgivingTax” trended on social media last month, as conservatives pinned the blame for the costly festivities on their political opponents.

    All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 34 Senate seats, and many governorships and state legislative majorities will be decided in the 2022 midterm elections.

    Preliminary polling suggests a huge red wave of anger (hunger) sweeping across the United States.

    As CNN recently wrote, “Pretty much every single indicator that pointed to a Democratic wave in the 2018 midterms now points to a Republican one in the 2022 midterms.”

    Biden has backtracked on debt cancellation promises, while the Democrats, stymied by the stubborn recalcitrance of Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), appear to have shelved the Build Back Better agenda until at least the new year.

    Build Back Better includes a great deal of poverty relief that food banks and other charities have been imploring the government to pass.

    While the general public often pays little attention to political scandals on the hill, food and gas prices are things that tangibly affect every one of us.

  11. ...
    The predators know that desperation forces girls and women, with no alternatives left, to trade sex for the most basic staples of life, including food and shelter.

    In every conflict I covered as a war correspondent there was an explosion of prostituted girls and women.

    And as we are burdened with greater and greater numbers of environmental migrants — over a billion by 2050, by one prediction — fleeing droughts, rising sea levels, flooding, wildfires and declining crop yields these exchanges of sex for the most basic elements need to survive will become more common.

    The scourge of male violence is growing, not decreasing.

    George Bernard Shaw got it right. Poverty is:

    “[T]he worst of crimes. All the other crimes are virtues beside it; all the other dishonors are chivalry itself by comparison.

    Poverty blights whole cities, spreads horrible pestilences, strikes dead the very souls of all who come within sight, sound, or smell of it.

    What you call crime is nothing: a murder here and a theft there, a blow now and a curse then. What do they matter?

    They are only the accidents and illnesses of life; there are not fifty genuine professional criminals in London.

    But there are millions of poor people, abject people, dirty people, ill-fed, ill-clothed people.

    They poison us morally and physically; they kill the happiness of society; they force us to do away with our own liberties and to organize unnatural cruelties for fear they should rise against us and drag us down into their abyss. Only fools fear crime; we all fear poverty.”

    Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said of society that “some are guilty, but all are responsible.”

    The crime of poverty is a communal crime. Our failure, as the richest nation on earth, to provide safe and healthy communities, ones where all children have enough to eat and a future, is a communal crime.

    Our failure to provide everyone, and especially the poor, with a good education and housing is a communal crime.

    Our failure to make health care a human right, forcing parents, burdened with astronomical medical bills, to bankrupt themselves to save their sick sons or daughters, is a communal crime.

    Our failure to provide meaningful work — in short, the possibility of hope — is a communal crime.

    Our decision to militarize police forces and build prisons, rather than invest in people, is a communal crime.

    Our failure to protect girls and women is a communal crime.

    The misguided belief in charity and philanthropy rather than justice is a communal crime.

    “You Christians have a vested interest in unjust structures which produce victims to whom you then can pour out your hearts in charity,” ...

    If we do not work to eliminate the causes of poverty, the greatest of all crimes, the institutional structures that keep the poor poor, then we are responsible.

    There are issues of personal morality, and they are important, but they mean nothing without a commitment to social morality.

    Only those who have been there truly understand. Only those with integrity and courage speak the truth.

    And at the forefront of this fight are women.


    1. “[T]he worst of crimes. All the other crimes are virtues beside it; all the other dishonors are chivalry itself by comparison."

      Except one crime - genocide. A crime committed almost exclusively by socialist and communist regimes in modern times. The regimes that promise you to get rid of poverty, but ALWAYS exacerbate it in the end. Only heavy socialist (including national socialists - nazis and fascists) and communist regimes made MILLIONS of people literally starve to death and genocided MILLIONS of people for wrong ethnicity or beliefs.

      Every injustice you accuse capitalism of was committed on a far far bigger scale by those totalitarian regimes. And they NEVER created the utopia they're preaching about. They always created more suffering and injustice than any system with personal and economic freedom.

      Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's "the lesser evil". Freedom and risk of being poor is lesser evil than no freedom and a risk of genocide by a totalitarian government. The LFs have helped create The United States' Constitution and NOT The Communist Manifesto. Because personal freedom and free market are the best we can achieve in this 3D matrix system with no access to advanced ET technologies. With access to them, neither capitalist, nor communist systems will be necessary anymore, because we won't have limited resources anymore. But for now communism is the epitome of evil on this planet, and no other system has committed so many attrocities in modern times.


    2. "And at the forefront of this fight are women..."

      I guess the writer behind the linked article has never heard of ex-Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer and his team, as well as many other men who have risked their lives.

      Virtue signalling works only with troglodytes, the common core educated, and rotten swiss cheese for brains.

    3. The few professional criminals are those, the sheeple refer to as "authorities".

    4. there is enough food and wealth for happy and prosper lives for all on this planet IF WE STOP LIVING BY GREED, FRATERNAL DIVISION AND HATE, MATERIALISM AND CONSUMERISM. ... And there is plenty of new worlds out there for the generations to come ... IF WE JUST CHANGE OUR HEARTS AND MINDS ...

  12. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  13. Divine Intervention Activation Map:
    If you are going to participate, please add your point of light, be as specific as you wish. Let's see our network of Light!

  14. Nothing will stop me from being apart of this reality changing meditation. I will participate with all of the energy I can put out. I'm ready to meet them. It's all or nothing.

  15. Critical Mass obtained, go Earth Alliance! We're #1💯 Quantum upgrades in process, looking forward to the mass miracles coming straight our way❤❤❤ con mucho mucho Amor
    #SisterhoodoftheRose #TheEvent 🌹🌹🌹

  16. The time zone converter on google is not matching this chart that is put up, on google it says in Sydney it will be at 10:00 am wed 22, but on yours it says 3:00 am, if we have to do it at the exact correct time, then what is correct?

  17. Good news! But why is it necessary for the LF to wait until the time of our meditation to initialize their protocol? The number of signatures is clear and it means that we have reached the critical mass, beyond doubt. The first actually clear physical sign of reaching the critical mass, as Cobra has said. So why waiting again for something else? I am sorry, but i just cannot get it because the sign is clear now...

    1. I do not understand either. Maybe an explanation for the possible failure ?!

    2. Because specific dates and astrological configurations are important for magic and rituals. They amplify the energies many times over. The cabal and DFs also have to wait for specific dates to perform their dark rituals and get their desired effects. It's not enough that they have millions of members to do their bidding and assist them energetically. They still have to wait for the right timing as well, just like we do. This is just how the laws of this universe work.

      Signing the petition is important as a physical document to show our will. But attracting the energies has to be done at specific dates to achieve the desired effect. Mass meditations at other times have an effect as well, but it's much much weaker.

  18. I grow very tired of the children and bullshit, I do not see a billionaire making it with me... not now, they best take the lead on disclosure and keeping it safe. Let one wealthy influencer, time variant, instigate bravery from a protective facility, I won't play the fucking ass mouths games anymore.

    can't stand a single one of you.

  19. Fiz um grande texto para lhe dizer o quanto sou grata. Mas acho q tive dificuldade ao enviar, pois estou no celular, no Brasil. Resumindo: uma palavra sua, deixa uma imensa esperança e injeta energia na minha fé! Gratidão por tudo!

  20. This may be too difficult for some to understand. You just need a post in which there is a link to the site with the date of the "meditation" with the time zones of the capitals of different countries and the text with the postscript "this must be said aloud" in English with the text of the intervention call itself, Google translater will translate this for each person.

  21. Wow...Maravilloso...Lo logramos 165.000.Victoria de la Luz.

  22. excellant works on going lightforces brothers and sisters.....bravo zulu

    hats off off to cobra and his crew for onging primo works for the victory of the light.....

    a third booster meditation - the ultimate booster - definitely a great addition to the mission by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....

    these high end lightforces soldiers are smart for real arent they - hahahahaha.....

    we earth surface inhabitants can learn much from our big brothers and sisters - in this extreme war of the worlds ongoing.....thankyou very much- hahahahaha.....

  23. A Happy New Year indeed, VOTL!!! 🎉🌈

  24. Great Job you guys!! 🥳
    And perfect timing for another booster meditation!
    We will keep advertising it and easily make it to 144.000++ !!
    Victory of the Light! 💖

  25. We must all meditate, only days away now. It only takes 20 minutes. This is gonna be great!!! Let's do this!

  26. Sim, tenho certeza que vamos conseguir!

  27. I don't want to enter the meta universe, I have to meditate. I also don't want to regret that I didn't go to meditation.

  28. join ~ constant effort brings success

  29. Thanks Cobra for the update french translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !



  32. This comment has been removed by the author.


  34. My apologies... didn't realise we have another meditation before 21st. So kindly ignore my previous comment
    Thank you

  35. Let see if Cobra can follow is worlds...

  36. Ottima notizia!!!
    Andiamo Avanti con Forza, Coraggio e Determinazione!!!
    Siamo Pronti e Preparati per il prossimo Passo: Booster + Meditazione Principale!!!
    Vittoria della Luce!!! Victory of The Light!!!
    Un abbraccio di Cuore di Luce a Tutti Voi!!!💖💫♒♾✴

  37. German anime video to illustrate the meditation instructions / deutsches Anime-Video zur Veranschaulichung der Meditationsanleitung

  38. Yea could use a cobra TG channel maybe? Good way to share info

  39. Victory of the Light !!! <3 <3 <3

  40. Wo sind die echten 144.000 minus 97 oder 143.000 Menschen? Sie sind, wo und wo sie sind. Könnte est nicht sein, dass die Archonten sie gelähmt haben ?, ()(reparatur:143903.)

    1. Kann es sein, dass sie hier sind und immer hier waren, aber die indoktrinierte Menschheit sie ignoriert? Und warum minus 97?

  41. They think they can hold us down forever
    But no one can beat us out of phase
    We live hard, creatin all the terror
    The government is shaded by our craze

    Won't take shit from no one
    Breakin' free, never stop
    Livin' rabid in the everland

    We're the kids of the underground
    There's a riot in everyone
    We're the kids of the underground
    And we're loud as we tear 'em down
    We're the kids of the underground
    There's a feelin' you can't deny
    There's a feelin' you can't deny
    'Coz theres a riot in everyone

    They say you shall live as you are told to
    I say you gotta be strong and make up your own mind
    Be your self not a puppet in their freakshow
    'Coz that's the way you'll end up when they beat you blind

    Won't take shit from anyone (NO ONE)
    Never played by the rules
    'Coz we're the kids of the underground

    Our time, our ways, we're the wasted generation
    Our life, we pay, with our nasty reputation
    We will always be livin' free
    Always on top of the misery
    To live hard is a luxury
    And to die of our prophecy

  42. Baby Jesus is looking foward to the meditation...

  43. Excellent news Cobra! Victory of the Light!

  44. We will get up tomorrow at 5:30 am at our home in Belgium for this booster meditation and we will go back to bed happy with the work accomplished! You can count on us! Victory of the Light !!! (V and M-H)

  45. Really interesting video featuring Dr. Michael Salla and Elena Danaan...

    ...worth watching... use discernment...

    Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance

  46. This is a really interesting video.

    Dr. Michael Salla and Elena Danaan. Dr. Salla does a good job of laying out these huge concepts.

    Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance

  47. Ready to make something happen. Lets Go!!


  48. I want to feel sunlight on my face
    I see the dust cloud disappear
    Without a trace
    I want to take shelter from the poison rain
    Where the streets have no name

    I go there with you.
    It's all I can do.


  49. What is the exact time of the winter solstice?
    10:59 A.M. EST
    The first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by the winter solstice, which occurs on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 10:59 A.M. EST. For the northern half of Earth (the Northern Hemisphere), the winter solstice occurs annually on December 21 or 22.

  50. For Sherman:

    FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on Celestial Chamber Updates: "New Body, New Life!!" 29 Nov 21

    Very interesting presentation by Jared Rand on Celestial Chambers (a higher tech than Med Beds) that reatomizes the body and you can build a holographic image of how you wanna look and the chamber changes your body's appearance into the new form.

    1. According to Pattie Brassard the celestial chambers as he calls them are a trap so that they can steal your soul, and he's also asking for a lot of money for the tech which alone is already a big red flag as they are supposed to be for free. The only med beds one should trust are those run by the military, which are indeed free. Link to the interview with Pattie regarding this same subject and more -

      Second link to a different interview with Pattie which is longer -

    2. I don't think this intel is accurate or truthful. Jared Rand is vetted and working for the LF. Whoever this Brassard guy is, he is not to be trusted. Just my two cents anyways...

  51. Saturday, Dec 4 was the second booster meditation.

    Impact on signatures: Indicated is the approximate number of signatures of the petition per day.

    At the moment (18 Dec, 11:01pm) the number is 81,676+88,606=170,282 votes. This is 18.3% above 144,000 votes.

    Blue: Over 144,000 votes

  52. For the synchronization of meditation, it is recommended to be familiar with the content of meditation in advance.


  53. ...
    Already dealing with the economic fallout from a protracted pandemic, the rapidly rising prices of food and other key commodities have many fearing that unprecedented political and social instability could be just around the corner next year.

    With the clock ticking on student loan and rent debts, the price of a standard cart of food has jumped 6.4% in the past 12 months, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with the cost of eating out in a restaurant similarly spiking, by 5.8% since November 2020.

    Eggs, sugar, and fresh fruit and vegetables have also hit consumers’ wallets, putting the average cost of hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at $53.31 this year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual survey.

    This is up from $46.90 in 2020 – a 14% increase and the most expensive it has ever been since the organization began tracking costs in 1985.

    An unmerry Christmas: Food price rises are merely one aspect of a worrying overall trend, which has seen the consumer price index – a general measure of how much it costs to live an ordinary life in the U.S. – increase by 6.8%, the largest year-on-year spike since 1982.

    Gasoline costs 58% more than it did last year, while gas heating has increased by over 25% and home electricity costs by 6.8%.

    Rising costs disproportionately impact working-class Americans.

    The poorest fifth of households spend far more of their income on food and groceries than the richest fifth, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 42 million Americans rely on the SNAP program to buy food.

    Seeing the urgency required, the USDA increased monthly payments in October by an average of $36.

    Still, the majority of Americans are already flat broke.

    Nearly two-thirds of the country currently lives paycheck to paycheck, and just 39% of Americans believe that they could cover a $1,000 emergency.

    Thus, with rising heating, transport and food costs, Christmas is likely to be particularly lean this year for hundreds of millions of people.

  54. The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell which began this week in Manhattan will not hold to account the powerful and wealthy men who are also complicit in the sexual assaults of girls as young as twelve Maxwell allegedly procured for billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

    Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, hedge-fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, former New Mexico Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury and former president of Harvard Larry Summers, Stephen Pinker, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, billionaire Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner, the, J.P Morgan banker Jes Staley, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barack, real estate mogul Mort Zuckerman, former Maine senator George Mitchell, Harvey Weinstein and many others who were at least present and most likely participated in Epstein’s perpetual Bacchanalia, are not in court.

    The law firms and high-priced attorneys, federal and state prosecutors, private investigators, personal assistants, publicists, servants, drivers and numerous other procurers, sometimes women, who made Epstein’s crimes possible are not being investigated.

    Those in the media, the political arena and the entertainment industry who aggressively and often viciously shut down and discredited the few voices, including those of a handful of intrepid reporters, who sought to shine a light on the crimes committed by Epstein and his circle of accomplices are not on trial.

    The videos that Epstein apparently collected of his guests engaged in their sexual escapades with teenage and underage girls from the cameras he had installed in his opulent residences and on his private island have mysteriously disappeared, most probably into the black hole of the FBI, along with other crucial evidence.

    ... With Epstein dead, and Maxwell sacrificed, the ruling oligarchs will once again escape justice.

  55. This is so awesome! Bravo, 👏 Bravo! 🐬🐋🌈❤️ VOTL!

  56.'d we do on the booster? 🤞

  57. A challenging challenge, a challenging challenge, a challenging challenge!

    However there is hope

    that the Event will occur beyond that!

  58. Looks good.Ready to do this on the 21st.

    I just saw this video:
    This man (Riccardo Bosi) is a military man and seems to be speaking on behalf of the positive military in Australia.
    He talks about the removal of the cabal in Australia and says the white hats are about to take control. The removal will accelerate in the next months and the month of March is going to be pivotal. He urges to stock upon food and cash for a few weeks. After that he says free and fair elections will take place around May. He openly talks about the white hats in the Military.
    This man looks very genuine, so if he's connected to the positive Military, does it mean we might expect the big arrests in 2022? I assume it's not going to be only in Australia but it must be happening all around the world simultaneously. He finishes that this time next year we4re gonna be living in a different world (free and fair and happier). A message of real hope to the people of Australia and to all of us around the world.

  59. In Spanish with live meditation!
    En Español:
    Tendremos una transmisión en vivo el 21 que comenzará 30 minutos antes de la meditación:
    Hagámos nuestra parte para la Victoria de la Luz.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Cobra, if we let helium balloons fly, can they make a hole in the quarantine?

  62. To those who have signed this petition.

    Be sure to join us for this special global mass meditation that day!

  63. 对那些已经签署请愿书的人来说。


  64. we reached more than 170000 signs 'till today 19th and likely ends up with around 200000 signs before dec. 21st - So if everyone will do the meditation correctly at the same time this will have an immense energy to change the current situation into a VERY better one! LET' S DO IT! LET' S DO IT! LET' S DO IT!

  65. Where will Nuremberg 2.0 be here.? Can they continue their vile actions in another galaxy ?

  66. "Congratulations!

    This is already well over 144,000 signatures needed, and a certain exopolitical protocol will be initialized at the moment of our meditation at 4 pm UTC on December 21st:..." Whether we reach a critical mass of 144,000 meditating people.
    Right? Or we have to wait for the poleshift.

  67. Galactic Federation of Light:“Grand news to bring much jubilation…your Ascension Event!”

  68. Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance

  69. Fortissima la Meditazione di oggi!!!
    Un abbraccio di Cuore&Luce&Speranza a tutti Voi!!!
    Vittoria della Luce!!!💖💫♒♾✴

  70. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light! ✨🌟💫

  71. I did not realize that the signatures were saved from the first posted original petition. I accidentally signed the second petition thinking my original signature had disappeared. Please take off one of my signatures. Sorry for my confusion. Thank you. VOTL!!!

  72. We are approaching a historical exciting meditation that will forever change our planet for the better! Yay us!!! VOTL!!!

  73. COBRA...Would it be possible to please activate the live chat portion of the YouTube video prior to the start of the live Divine Intervention meditation on Dec. 21st. This way we can all connect and feel each other's energies while typing into the live stream chat box before the meditation begins.

  74. thank you cobra, RM, the light force and all brothers and sisters ready to go

  75. that ultimate booster meditation was a real nice piece of work put together by senior capo lightforces here in theatre of war operations - i would propose....bravo zulu.....

    i found that the after the first half of the meditation i seen and felt brilliant white light flowing through all of lovely mother earth - arriving from the great cosmic sun -and along the way picking up all sorts of scared energies from the galactic central sun - from various sacred suns of the galaxy - and from the sacred sun of this solar system....

    a full purging flow i would propose of shan now is in process-an ultimate booster meditation that has delivered at levels that have triggered a full flowing purging operation - unreversible/unstoppable by any demon force in play-nothing short of - via high light quotient high frequencies brilliant white light signatures in full flow through the lovely planet.....

    after years of advanced lightforces clearings operations of all sorts ongoing - of dark force energetic weapons anomolies lifeforms etc -that have paved the way for this finishing energetic purging that now has been activated.....

    the booster was enough to trigger this finishing stage i would propose - now an energetic brilliance fully penetrating through from upper earth orbit mid earth orbit low earth orbit - and through all earths lands waters airs-purging transmuting and sending harmful energies out of gaia.....

    the devine intervention medidation now awaits the super powerful meditators to gather again for devine justice and liberation for all.....these meditators are a lightforces army more powerful than the earth surface has ever been blessed with - and this devinely decreed army/navy/airforce/marines special forces types grow exponentially now - as its chosen members awaken into their mansions of cosmic mind expansions -including white magicians,shamans,priests and priestesses,lightkeepers,lightwarriors,starseeds-etc.....

    this fine and fierce and skilled and courageous and super determined army of light are packing gear from all these sacred disciplines,all these occupations.....

    so be it - we hit a cosmic grade grandslam for the victory of the light now - we will not fail we will not balk we will not flinch we will not hesitate.....we will march hard and fast and tough into planetary liberation now - so be it as devinely decreed.....


  76. Galactic Federation Of Light: Congratulations dear Hu-Mans, you have completed the Grand Experiment!!

  77. I tried to sign but I didn't get confirmation email... somethings wrong with that platform....

  78. For those seeking to understand what Ascension is all about. As always, use your own discernment. (Recently, I sent a message to the universe for explanation about ascension. Interesting coincidence.)


  79. Can I post some Chinese My right ?Excuse me my English not well ,but hope you can use some translate to understand! don't worry ! I am carry you's a someone!I right a writings for can As much as possible to simplify explain all
    situation and try to convince other one any dispute point ,so
    should Suitable for Suitable people to transmit,welcome everyone to use ,hope everyone feel OK!!~....although it's Chinese ,but
    maybe translate can help many!!~Good Luck everyone!!~it's in here:抱歉昨天、之前沒傳給你們,少了一次,總是少了一些效果,不論我若傳給你們,你們再傳出去會有多大效果,但已經很多人在做這事了,總之明天晚上台灣時間是12/22凌晨0點開始約15~20分鐘這個最重要,可自己查自己在的地方是幾時,因為要全球同步才有效,若在台灣想成是12/21晚上12點跨12/22凌晨0點就不會錯,另外,若要,還是照著上面的冥想指南比較好,不然可能不會被算進能量人數裡、沒理想效果,就功虧一匱了,我們不囂張,我們也希望以大開放的方式也可以,但我也擔心不照著若真的不好則不好,畢竟這次真的很、蠻重要的,我們已經真的達成第一階段的超過144000人聯署了,接著就是要12/21的冥想也達成超過144000人臨界有效能量人數,這是量子學的瑪赫西效應,現在地外正面外星種族已經正視並認真真心看待這次達標活動了,他們真心也願意一起正面互全面交流並即使邪派外星種族還佔領著地球,還沒完全正面地球解放成功,他們也願意冒著人質風險試著先接觸看看,並他們願意把這次連署當成正式的星際外交法律文件,完全承認並同等沒高低貴賤的,因只要是客觀的真正好或客觀的真正正面的存有、存在都是這樣的,現在是800萬年的銀河戰爭的收尾階段了,就要成了,我們不囂張,但就一起做成它,誠摯邀請各位,希望大家願意,包含到時內容中的其中一段當下大聲宣告的念出來,如果擔心他人,可以自己在家或在外面隱蔽或較少人情況做,他們也會考量整體安全度再與人接觸,總之不要放棄啊!一直以來都是因為地球人質問題,所以正面才不敢直接與人們接觸,才讓人們以為光明勢力失去信用,其實正是邪派利用了這點不對等,卑鄙手段!我們就直說了,邪派利用一種超級核彈叫頂夸克炸彈,加上偵測技術,正派太大的行動可能引發邪派報復引爆炸彈同歸於盡,所以一直以來才這樣,那核彈本來不阻止它的威力可直接以超光速炸毀大半個宇宙,但光明勢力有能力將其範圍和威力限縮,所以頂多是地球不見了,但大家永遠都會在,只是變成靈魂狀態而已,只是光明勢力不想讓大家受苦,所以才要等拆光,一直以來他們也已經拆了無數層不同版本的炸彈了,也有好幾次能量大事件的加速讓他們階段性的飛躍性的大拆,就是因黑暗勢力太中二,做了無數層防線才會這樣,但因資訊高度不對稱,神聖源頭過去被邪派威脅如果告訴光明勢力他們卑鄙的情報他們就大幅傷害人質,神聖源頭擔心眾生才不告訴光明勢力情報的,因此才這樣,現在神聖源頭決定光明勢力每拆一層炸彈或威脅他就告訴大家下一層情報這種保險方式,現在應該是最後一層了,不是也不要怪他們,因如上已解釋,並神聖源頭某方面在“時空連續體”裡不是全能的,不能完全直接介入,就如你我在日常中所見,這我不確定就是了,但合理,這牽扯到世界根源誕生過程,去那邊訊息看看就可知,另外就是人質問題,光明勢力一直在開發可中和那些武器的技術,現在大有進展,先放心,擔心某方面沒用,我們只要覺察它但不恐懼它,恐懼某方面只會更糟、只有不好效果,或增加“顯化”它的機率,當然不好有時可能會意外的反而帶來好的發展就是了,但終究是病態的,還是不太對,其實這是“邪道”的一部分,其實據真相說法:是自己奮鬥成長的功勞,而不是因為不好的一切讓人成長,我們當然不過河拆橋,但那邪的一切是真的不對!以上,所以我們某方面只要有即使冒著炸彈爆炸的風險,也要已有覺悟跟它們全戰下去到拆除或大成功,有這樣的覺悟某方面才會真成功!希望大家願意一起參加,不需要什麼其他條件,不需要錢,也不用集會,自己照著那指南參加即可,Good Luck!讓我們不囂張,也不要失望啥若沒有,如上解釋,我們不講這些,膽我們就一起實現“真正好大成功”它!!~

  80. And this:


  81. Roughly and almost these Speech,thank everyone!!~:





    A ship partially cloaked.

  84. 10 long years with Cobra, we are finally at the portal, the final battle, MOSS. 2022 prepare for change. We are witnessing the greatest moment in all of history. Much gratitude for this incarnation. Forgiveness must be in our hearts to really stop the vicious cycle. Christ Consciousness. Thank you Cobra for leading us to this final countdown. I lost the love of my life on this journey, but soon we will see thru the veil and communicate once again. Peace and love ☮❤

  85. An Historic moment awaits Us! Thank you Cobra, Light Forces, Light Warriors for All that has been done and the sacrifices made. We are the ONE! The Light is Victorious!!

  86. Grazie, ho firmato la petizione e ci sarò il 21/12/21 dall'Italia alla meditazione. La luce ha vinto!

  87. Light is victorious Love is victorious❤😍😍

  88. A LUZ Suprema a iluminar o UNIVERSO e em Particular a Nossa Mãe Gaia.. Gratidao a todos, unidos marcamos a diferença... Que as hostes Celestiais iluminem hoje e sempre nossos coraçoes, nossa consciencia , nossa Mente para que o Amor Impere sobre todas as coisas. Grata a todos võs pela oportunidade de podermos estar Unidos e Juntos nesta Sintonia Luminosa..

    Abraço em Amor e Luz da Todos, curvando-me perante dos Mestres Ascensos e perante todos Vós na Gratidao elevada. O AMOR É TUDO o AMOR é DEUS.... Adozinda de Jesus Seixas- Portugal

  89. A Luz seja bem Presente elevando nossa Consciencia e nosso Coraçao nesta hora precisa de nossa Individualidade. Adozinda de Jesus Seixas- Portugal

  90. Sabemos que esta Quadra Festeja a Vida da Luz ao Mundo...
    Entao é hora de pegar a chave abrir nossos coraçaões e expandir a luz que nele sempre habituou, habita e habitará.
    Honremos a vinda do Grande Avatar que nos trouxe o despertar para essa divina harmonia.... JESUS.... Honremos a Dádiva da Vida Neste Planeta Lindo....Que nos recebe e tudo nos concede para vivermos em harmonia.... Honremos nossos Pais que nos deram a oportunidade de descer a esta Grande Universidade para aprendermos a AMAR Infinitamente... Meu Abraço em AMOR e LUZ minha Linda Familia Universal.... Todos contemplo com o mesmo sentir, sem ser preciso conhecer Rosto.... Unificando nossos corações pela luz que nos Rege...SEJAMOS e SINTAMOS a UNIDADE.... Agradecida por existirem e fazerem para da minha Jornada terrena...Adozinda de Jesus Seixas- Cabeça de Mouro( esta pequenina Terra que me Recebeu Meu Paraiso). De Portugal o meu Pensamento em todos Vós...A.S

  91. Cobra said the Event will be "when it will be" ... but if the window of opportunity will close on summer 2025 and assumed we need at least a couple of years to prep ... well this means 2022 will still be a year of troubles and battling ... so KEEP ON HOLDING THE LIGHT !!

  92. Hi Cobra!
    Thank you for everything you do!
    And Hi everyone!
    This was the best, deepest, most valuable, most powerful mass meditation I have ever done!
    Felt so strongly how the energy went straight through the earth, as if the whole earth opened up like two halves.
    Intuitionally that 355,000-433,111 people were with us and a very targeted, on focus.
    Intuitionally that there were twice as many people than before.
    Personally, I was completely exhausted after the mediation and fell asleep a while after.
    Intuitionally I saw the first page of the movie Tron, while he holding the disk, and the energy went straight up, so powerful.
    Hope the energy reached all the way nowe.
    With Light and Love, Mr Indigo
