Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Pandora in progress. Mplan override command sequence L1 complete, sequence L0 in progress. M signal field substable, wipeout sequence 8 in progress. Minimum M / DL / HP / MDS / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met.


  1. I take it that L0 is the final one?

    1. If Cobra posts
      -Pandora Complete
      then that would be your answer

    2. No. It will take a morefew months to almost one year until the physical success of dissolving the toplet bombs it will take, so most likely the event will take place in September 2022, or in 2023, when the universe will be completely liberated from the dark forces , from anomalies. and all other interfering and blockages. This time distorted by the Matrix is ​​far behind the real time run many years ago. Even so, the light Forces speeds up the time so that the optimal frequencies and energies of the time are reached in relation to the Event and Flash Trigger graph. They all take us to the point where synchronicity is the free path for Event and Flash.

    3. Well you know it could go negative down the scale too, like L-1, L-2, L-3 and so on. I mean no one said L0 was the "last one", it's all presupposed, just like the "wipeout" sequences. Could be a future letdown in progress. Or fake progress in the name of being misleading. Nothing is off the table obviously, more things just keep getting piled onto it.

    4. @PoineerLiberation, I guess Pandora will be completed just before the event or just after the event.

      Speaking of The Event, will we get the update on new ascension plan after December 21st?

    5. I agree, late next year is when the event will take place. The Cabal will get to a point where they will feel that all of their plans have been successful then bang! They will be shocked to the core. They won't know what hit them.

  2. Thank you LF+RM. Thank you CoBra.

  3. Time is fcknrunning out in germany

    1. The end-time madness, as predicted. And the Bubbles of Light are also multiplying. And the Kundaluni energy is increasing - people are getting bolder. For example, you can see people's reactions to it in comments on Youtube videos.

    2. In Greece, a fine of 100 euros every month, for +60 citizens, if they are not vac... by January 15, 2022.
      It is impossible to live! HEEEEELP!!!!

    3. We all have a choice: either go into fear, or do the opposite and go into love.
      Open your heart and realize that all is as it should be, even if it hurts. All will be well if you don't give in to fear. Victory of the light.

    4. Worst in Singapore. Under full suppression. Too quiet from people reaction.

    5. In Australia the situation is getting worst.

      Australians Spoke and the Senate Voted them Down again.
      Today the Senate had one last chance to support an inquiry into legislation to protect Australians from coercive jab mandates. They had the opportunity to support basic democratic principles and they failed.

      We do need the Divine Intervention very much !
      They haven't backed off a bit.

    6. You Tube ( you are in a cube ) is lost and full of trolls !

  4. Love to all! Hang in there ♡♡♡


  6. Thank you Cobra. Much love and appreciation to those who have/are tirelessly and selflessly fighting for humanity's salvation.

  7. Thank you Cobra! Much love and appreciation to all who have/are tirelessly and selflessly fighting for humanity's salvation. The end/beginning is near!!! fah

    1. Yes, love and appreciation to all who are working towards freedom


  9. On December 21, a small solar flare will shift the Earth's time frame!

    1. I hope its a big solar flare, we need big change and soon.

  10. Thank you cobra and galactics! I see L1 was completed on Nov 7 and sequence L0 was initiated so hopefully L0 will be completed very soon. Hold the Light all divine beings! Gratitude to all involved helping to liberate planet earth. Doug US Republic

  11. Corona Dictatorship is also also full in progress and who bothers unconditional love to Fauci , unconditional love to Gates and unconditional love to Klaus Schwab right ???

    1. Give unconditional love to yourself and those willing to receive it. We are at war. They want to eradicate you. The criminals are to be approached as dangerous predators. Avoid hate as it could destroy you and cloud your judgement.

    2. Yeah,...this is a question, we respond to sheer evil ones. With 'Polyanna' love?'
      Love which isn't based on divine wisdom and authentic power.

    3. How about an unconditional prison sentance.

    4. Fauci, Gates and Klaus Schwab may all go the Central Sun and be all disintegrated. Thank you very much!

    5. You must act on a physical level and hang these demons, read the Hindu epic Mahabarata

    6. @R.T.
      Just give 'em an unconditional double barrel to the FACE.

      I take that back....

      ....unconditional double barrel to the CROTCH......

  12. Pas de changement visible 😟 on est encore dans la matrice 3d archontique ! Par exemple , Instagram m'a censuré une image sur les statistiques covid ! Il est temps qu'il y ai la révélation planétaire ❤️🛸. On n'en peux plus d'attendre...

  13. Thank you dear Cobra!!! I see all the day the number 144,000 !! Everywhere and all the time! It's our chance to really take our world problems in our hands! It is the moment in out own lives as simple earth human beings to show our power and straight, laser directed will! The main focus have to be our Booster meditation and the mass meditation at the winter solstice! And I am sure that your interviews will give a huge energy boost to everyone involved in Light work, spreading more wisdom and light around due to your huge efforts to help us and all humanity to wake up and be very aware of the mission! I want to thank Light Forces and Resistance Movement too, as we are not alone and they are our support anytime! Victory of the Light!

    1. @Eva, 1:44 on clocks, $144.00, 1.44 pounds, #14400, etc all the time as well as other numbers like 12 12, 11 11, 210, 321, 410, etc.

    2. Wow. I got a car downstairs says 144XX1 lol seeing it everyday too. I was amazed never saw it before just started last week. Plus now it’s more easy to visualize bright light and violet flame poured into and cleansing everywhere now. Government building, legal system, law enforcements, tv studios antenna towers and random people on the street. I used to believe just a few years ago I need to tune myself into energy of the place now they all seemed somehow … dirty of I may use that word. It’s much easy to visualize such any such things now at any time. There must be some real change happened now in the collective consciousness

  14. Wipeout sequence 8 sure is taking a long time, started in July I believe, most of them only took a month or two. I hope it's the last one which is why it's taking so long. Also good to see that VTX is now the only requirement not met, progress is being made.

    1. July 13, 2021

      "The remaining Chimera forces are now concentrated on the surface...What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica) "

      " The US military alone controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined. " -

  15. I wish I knew what all those letters meant…

  16. It's frustrating when I read this blog these days and it looks like progress is on the up but in reality the world is getting more and more unstable. Especially with Corona virus and the control that has come with it for governments via covid passports etc. I for one would love to see a fairer world. I'm not looking for paradise. Just something a bit nicer and a bit easier.


      "Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.

      This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth"

      Here is the 1st bubbles of heaven post :

      and the next updated post related to the ascension :

      also :

      " The Event will come when it will come, until then we need to do whatever we can to create better life conditions for ourselves and our loved ones, and do whatever is in our power to accelerate the planetary liberation process.The truth is that the Cabal went too far and the Light Forces are not doing enough stopping it. " -

      Victory of the Light !

    2. @PioneerLiberation thanks for the reminder

  17. Thank you dear Cobra! We love you but you know that! V and M-H

  18. ¡¡¡ Ayuda. que hacemos si nos quieren obligar a vacunar. soy de Argentina, se está acelerando mucho la obligación

  19. Danke Cobra. Eine sehr gute Nachricht.

  20. L0 Level Zero- Surface Level! Is The Event coming? VOTL!

  21. INTENSIVO “Círculo de Oração Celestial” - A Elevação de Dezembro - Por Dr. Schavi M. Ali #tornarviral
    O CÍRCULO DE ORAÇÃO CELESTIAL é mundial e é composto por pessoas que possuem vários caminhos: Cristianismo, Judaísmo, Islã, Sanatana Dharma, Sufismo, Cabala, Budismo, Sikhismo, Jainismo, Taoísmo e muito mais.
    Muitos dos membros também são ativos no “Movimento Mantra” e recitam o mantra “Aum Hari Aum” (“Oh, Divino, por favor, remova a dor e o sofrimento”) diariamente.
    Se você estiver com outras pessoas no trabalho ou em uma reunião, etc., por favor, seja corajoso o suficiente para convidá-las a se juntar a você em um momento de oração silenciosa e explique brevemente a elas sobre o CÍRCULO DE ORAÇÃO CELESTIAL.
    Lembre-se de que ser membro é o seu acordo em realizar a oração diária às 20h00 no processo de três etapas explicado acima.
    Não há documento a ser assinado nem taxas monetárias.
    Não é uma organização de membros “3D”.
    É uma sintonização sagrada baseada na Ciência Espiritual. A oração coletiva e a meditação são poderosas.
    As portas do Céu se abrem para os justos e bênçãos são derramadas sobre eles.
    Algumas pessoas podem querer segurar seu rosário enquanto oram.
    Alguns podem querer segurar um objeto sagrado (por exemplo, um livro sagrado, um medalhão sagrado ou uma garrafa de óleo sagrado com o qual o “terceiro olho” pode ser ungido após a sessão de oração).
    Em outras palavras, o CÍRCULO DE ORAÇÃO CELESTIAL INTENSIVO de dezembro pode ser tão único quanto você quiser, mas o foco principal está na ancoragem em FONTE.
    Para aqueles que não professam um determinado caminho, mas que acreditam em um PODER SUPERIOR, eles também são bem-vindos para se juntar ao coletivo mundial de oração.
    Como diz uma frase sobre o oceano: "Todos no convés!" O mês de dezembro de 2021 está repleto de energia cósmica: Eclipse Solar, Lua Nova, Solstício de Inverno (Hemisfério Norte) e Solstício de Verão (Hemisfério Sul), Vênus Retrógrado (19 de dezembro), Urano Retrógrado (2 de dezembro), Netuno Direto (também em 2 de dezembro).
    Todas essas dinâmicas são mensagens de eventos terrestres potenciais de grande magnitude e da disponibilidade de elevação espiritual.
    Existem pessoas que não acreditam na sagrada Ciência Cósmica, mas acreditam nas ocorrências astronômicas científicas tradicionais, mesmo que não entendam tudo de uma perspectiva intelectual.
    No entanto, os livros sagrados que a maioria das pessoas lê e em que acredita falam das mensagens nos orbes celestiais.
    Dezembro é um excelente momento para explorar os ensinamentos sobre este assunto nos vários textos sagrados do mundo.
    Muitos cientistas tradicionais agora os estão lendo em busca de respostas para os acontecimentos terrestres, bem como para os eventos cósmicos que eles não entendem porque não fazem parte dos currículos universitários pelos quais seus diplomas foram obtidos.


  22. Great. Aquadea vortex project is also running.

  23. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light! ✨🌟💫

  24. Victory of the Light!
    I wonder what all those acronyms mean??
    Probably something cool huh

  25. "I feel like most lightworkers don't trust the light forces anymore and no wonder I'm not surprised really and I don't blame them because of the lack of action and intervention. Unfortunately too much empty talking and not enough action so I understand how most people are feeling. We have seen zero help from the light forces no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day and they seem to be on vacation and not very worriedsskkkkzzzz...blip"

    You are welcome.

    1. We don't win WW2 in the easy way,right?

    2. JS - Lancet Journal: 'Vaccine' Does Not Work At All

      Lancet PDF [Download and Save in case of deletion]:
      'It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission.'

    3. @ Spec Ops

      Just because you don't see something it doesn't mean it doesn't exist or it's not happening. You don't see the wind but you know it exists.
      This is fuckin' WAR! Missions and intel are classified now. You will only see something happening once the war is over. So stop spreading negativity about the LF and take responsibility for your own life. No one is gonna save you. You are the savior you've been waiting for.

    4. @Unknown
      Every time I hear that old 'you are the ones who have been waiting for!' speech, I roll my eyes.

      We need WEAPONS and TECH. Also, my own personal needs can only be done with the help of the aliens. We NEED help.

  26. Como troco o texto para português?

  27. LF must intervent the Surface!

  28. Covid in 2040.....Lol

  29. Hello all! Please, join the first global quest of the Ground Crew of Earth.

    It's a quest to perform mass charity for animals on december 12th, and everyone can physically join.

    Thank you!

  30. Thanks for all people who work for light, fight for light. Let's keep going on this.

  31. Convert music to 432hz

    YouTube to mp3 to get any song free in 432hz.

  32. We shall not lose hope. Those are difficult times in different sphere of our live, but REMEMBER, WE SHALL WIN THIS FIGHT! WE SHALL OVERCOME!
    We are so close to the end that we can almost taste it...let's manifest this perfect world that we envision for all our brothers and sisters and in between �� i love each and every one of you, lets get this done ��

  33. For those who are interested, I recently played a part in a sci fi short film:

    Please be forgiving as were are mostly amateurs and I only got the script a week before, had 4 hours to shoot and we didn’t have much time to rehearse. Thank you for your time and much love to all.

  34. We are approaching a powerful Solar eclipse
    December 4th at 07:35 am UTC :
    As many people as possible
    (are needed)
    to do this meditation
    at the exact moment of the eclipse.
    You can find the exact moment for the meditation
    for your timezone here:
    Time & Date

    1. ... (insert image) Dr. Who- the Ancient One: meme
      We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the multiverse
      To cast spells
      Conjure shields
      & weapons
      To make Magic
      (posted to GretaThunberg's Twitter feed)

  35. Another thought struck me. For the regular people that see promo videos for our meditation and petition a number of people that watched the video may matter. People like to be part of significant groups to feel good. If they see a video watched by only a few hundred or a few thousand people only they may be like who are these lunatics..but if the video is watched by tens of thousand people, it will look more credible.
    Theorefore i encourage readers of this blog to watch at least once promo video in English and their native language

    1. I love that people are becoming more creative
      I agree and created this poll along those lines specifically for helping the other community members see that many support there willingness to join the cause :

      Victory of the light !

  36. Some musical inspiration - one day we will get over the rainbow :

  37. Mă întreb de ce rituale de-a lungul istoriei noastre ,suntem conștienți ori tot ne rugăm ,suntem slugi?poate schimbam ceva ,atitudinile de suverani.

  38. Further to my comment regarding watching promo videos by us, we should also leave positive comments under these videos s people see we are there

  39. Thank you, this is so encouraging! VOTL! If wipeout sequence 8 is related to arrests in the 3D realm, there's still a LOT of work to do - keep it up!

  40. Dumnezeu iubeste totul si tine un echilibru.trebuie sa avem incredere in Dumnezeu.
    Nu asteptati un salvator,trebuie sa participan cu totii..
    Sa ne dorim sa fim autonomi,sa declaram suveranitatea pe Pamant si in intregul Univers.
    Marea resetare va fi eliminata,urmeaza marea trezire a omenirii
    Trebuie sa urmam calea luminii si calea iubirii.
    Multumesc tuturor fortelor luminii care ne ajuta si sprijina sa putem face fata.
    Victoria Luminii !

  41. Tout mon soutien à tous les êtres bienveillants qui œuvrent chaque jour pour que nous soyons enfin dans une vie d'abondance avec l'amour comme unique moteur. Lumineuse journée.

  42. Omicron Draconians,

    The first proof of their fiddling with our computer can be seen here. I really haven't posted much, but I do seem like a memory-disease sufferer. Anyway, next happening.
    A few days ago I helped somebody faulding the laundry. In the living.
    The owners phone ringed, three times or more. Later I brought him his phone and said why.
    When I saw this person again he told me that on his phone there were no unanswerd calls at all. It was clean.
    May God help us.

    1. Call wasn't for him I guess? ;) Or he missed it? Interesting posts, however erratic and error prone.

  44. Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time, Huge Fines For Non-Compliance

    Hello Cobra & everyone
    If you feel guided
    A poll has been created in hopes of informing those key people with large followings
    that unity is okay & we as there "followers" support them helping this cause, I think they need to see this level of support & take the "leap of faith " pressure off their shoulders
    & we can all show that very simply here :

  46. The Market from Hell Arrived Today: Dow Soars then Plunges in 1,000 Point Intraday Range

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: December 1, 2021 ~

    Frightened Wall Street TraderIf you’re a stock market watcher you might want to invest in a neck brace if today’s whipsawing action is any gauge of what’s ahead.

    Just this morning we warned our readers to buckle up for the unwinding of the massive stock market bubble that Fed Chair Powell has been feeding with his keys to an unlimited, electronic-money printing press and his zero-interest-rate policy.

    As if on cue, the Dow Jones Industrial Average put on a firework display today, first zooming to an intra-day high of 35,004.64, then plunging to a low of 34,006.98.

    By the closing bell, the Dow was down 461.68.

    The decline in the Dow began shortly after 11 a.m. – almost three hours before the news broke that the first case of the new COVID variant, Omicron, had been reported in California.

    An Associated Press report was aired by Fox News at 1:52 p.m. indicating that the reported case came from a fully vaccinated person who had returned from South Africa on November 22, according to the CDC.

    At the time of the Omicron news, the VIX (CBOE Volatility Index) was trading around 26.

    It proceeded to spike to over 32 before closing at 31.12. Oil went in the other direction on concerns of an economic slowdown.

    West Texas Intermediate (WTI), the U.S. domestic crude, which traded in the early part of November with an $85 handle, closed today at $65.62.

    The airlines, anticipating a reluctance to travel by vacationers and business people until there is more clarity on the new COVID variant, were hard hit today.

    American Airlines lost 7.97 percent; United Airlines gave up 7.57 percent; Delta closed down 7.38 percent; and Southwest Airlines closed in the red by 4.17 percent.

  47. Thank you COBRA for protecting humanity! VOTL!

  48. How many has the first petition??

    1. on 11/27/2021, at 10:12 AM EST the first petition had 81,659 signatures.
      at 10:30 am, the petition was off-line.

    2. On 24 Nov, at 1:10pm, I read 81,488 votes. (UTC)

      When I came back a few hours later, the page was no longer accessible.

    3. Correction
      On 24 Nov, at 1:06pm, I read 81,488 votes. (UTC)

  49. I wonder if sequence 8 is the crown chakra... Or the chakra above the crown

  50. Is sequence 8 the soul star chakra?

  51. Keep Holding the Light 🙏 💫 ⚡ 🌟

  52. Our world is under the complete control of the Higher Forces. We are being watched by NINE GUARDIANS from the HIGHER SPHERES. We are being watched how we will act in the coming days! They can change everything in an instant, but they respect our right to change their own destiny and planet! Those who are tired and cannot cope are taken out of this world.

    1. Now, did you tell me the frank, the tut.? I think the new ascension plan will not deviate so much from Erich Klein's "plan."


    "Some may think that supporting the meditation and petition is just giving up our own power and relying only on Ets to save us. This is not the case. We can stand up for ourselves and stand on our own two feet and work with First Contact at the same time. These two aspects don’t have to be in opposition. I don’t see the surface population as being helpless without Ets, and the surface population should never be in the position of being helpless without Ets. No one is helpless. It’s entirely possible for the surface population to own their own power and join the Galactic Family at the same time.

    I’m noticing two opposite polarities:

    1. “We don’t need positive Ets for anything.”

    2. “We are nothing without positive Ets.”

    The middle ground is to know the following:

    We need positive Ets for assistance with certain matters that are beyond our control, such as stopping high tech weaponry being used against us, but we can still stand in our own power. We are not domesticated animals to positive Ets. We are sentient beings in our own Divine Right. We have unlimited potential, just as all Cosmic Beings have unlimited potential, and we look forward to joining the Galactic Family. Therefore, we will sign this petition:

    The negative elites and their minions have been taking the above petition down. At the time of this writing, the petition has been taken down twice so far. There is a backup petition here though:


  54. +- 131000 signature pour la libération planétaire, on y est presque 🛸

  55. Funny little world we live in. At the local shopping mall it's not required to wear a mask in the hallways, just inside the individual stores within the mall (found out through the head security officer). So I walk around with no mask on and the people I pass either ignore me or look at me weird or whatever. Some "pull up their mask" as they pass, a developed self-defense mechanism obviously bred from the "virus" fearmongering, or lack of common sense, either way it's a strong hold on some that literally evokes an immediate reaction. Can't help but laugh at them for being so silly. Yes, pulling up your mask as you pass me is totally going to help keep you safe and healthy, by all means lol.

  56. For those who are interested:

    Sci-Fi Film Synchronicities & More

  57. The NWO is going full force ahead. There are more than enough who wish to see this planet liberated. Many are censored, scared, have given up. I still do not know who is behind this site. I am not able to penetrate it. However, a part of me believes it is for good. So my plea is, we may not reach 144.000 in time, but there are billions who want to see this planet liberated. If this site is a cabal spy-op, nothing will change. If this site however is connected to a more benevolent faction, the time to act is coming up, with 144000 or not.

  58. The Commonwealth has been DISSOLVED. Countries that used to be in the Commonwealth are free to become Sovereign Republics. Woo hoo!
    The United Nations has been DISSOLVED.
    Washington DC (it's own country I believe) is no longer. Dissolved.
    The Vatican (it's own country) is Dissolved.

    What is happened in South Africa is the Light Forces are there. They are blocking flights out and blaming Omicron. Lots happening in South Africa. DUMBS I think are being destroyed, some of the last ones.

    Australia is next. So Happy. But they need to do something about parts of Europe. That really will change soon for the better.

    They were going to give Biden cancer to get him out of Presidency and Kamala Harris freaked out, so it's a no go. Hahaha. Word is that Biden will be out by 15th this month. America Corporation to go bust by the 15th. They got no money. It's really near the end now. White Hats are worried about Insurrection in Europe. May be locked up this Christmas, may be a White Hat plan. Trump is said to come back soon!
    Lots and lots going on. I'm excited. We've nearly won.

    1. Washington DC is dissolved? Go tell that to the prisoners held there without trial.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Another heartfelt message from Mathew Ward, deceased, to his mother Suzanne Ward about world situations and how they are changing for the better and there are many reasons to be hopeful.

  61. Liebe und Licht euch allen. Und danke Cobra.
    Ich sehe häufig die 11:11, genauso wie die Zahl 512 oder 5:12.
    Komisch für mich, weil ich am 5.12 44 Jahre Alt werde.

    Allen hier, haltet durch,egal wie Dunkel es aussieht. Wir sind immer Stärker gewesen.
    Licht erhellt alles,möge es auch Dunkel sein.

    Licht und Liebe!!!

  62. Why does Klaus Schwabs' daughter (Nicole Schwab) have a book called "heart of the labyrinth" you speak about the labyrinth group, Cobra. Release the interviews with Dr Anderson Now!!!!

  63. Hello good lightworkers,

    Please, do not fall into despair in these moments, for there is really no reason to do so.
    Turn your thoughts and hearts to the Light, just for few brief moments, call upon all the beings of Light in the Galaxy and they will surely respond to you call.
    They will make you feel the immense strength inside of you and they will show you that the whole power of the universe is behind us, which nobody and nothing can oppose.
    Surely not a couple of crazy parasitic beings who have nothing but fear and illusions, their only power is our power - the power we give them - SO DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY POWER FROM NOW ON.
    They will maybe scream, run around and try to stand on their heads, just like an angry dog from your neighbour who is barking violently at you, but when you show no fear, he becomes like a small harmless turtle.

    Keep sharing the petition, keep your spirits high, and keep meditating.
    It is time we finally fully show them that from now on THIS PLANETS BELONGS TO US AND TO THE LIGHT, and there is no space for them anymore.
    Keep your thoughts with the Light - WE DECIDE, NOT THEM, SO MAKE A GOOD DECISION.

    Peace out.


  65. Breaking News from the International Tribunal of Crimes of

    Church and State (ITCCS)

    Friday, December 3, 2021 (GMT)

    Pope Francis issues bribes, “silencing orders” to conceal his

    Dirty Wars crimes and cult ritual involvement – Pope will

    convene Ninth Circle ceremony in Rome on December 21 involving

    aboriginal participants, says Vatican insider – International

    Week of Action to End Vatican Crimes set to begin December 18

  66. Trigger the Event. We are tired of all this. PLEASE START THE EVENT THIS MONTH !!! S.O.S.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. absolutely - the draconians and chimera etc have their queens - and the humans also have their queens of course.....

    interesting i find on earth many of us have pledged allegiance to a draconian queen-i included as it was required to serve in the canadian armed forces - ignorance aint always bliss i guess-hahahahaha.....

    i heard there are many twin flames incarnated at the same time walking the earth in this most profound moment.....

    i know who my twin flame is,she is walking the earth currently - i had my chance with her many earth years ago-f$$ked it up of course-hahahahaha.....very powerful and such being around ones twin flame absolutely.....

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Thank you COBRA, GF, RM and all Light Beings assisting in the Compression Breakthrough and ushering in the Golden Age.

  71. Cryatal Healing for Children ~ Lisa Renee ~ Energetic Synthesis

    How Crystals Can Support Children
    With the current chaos and confusion becoming increasingly common place in the outer world, children are being targeted and subjected to much more difficult and harmful energy in general.

    Heated conflicts between those adults in supposed authority positions on enforcing rules for masking and injecting children is one such major concern.

    As parents, grandparents and concerned adults, it is getting harder to shield children from current events that are escalating throughout society and are very troubling as they can leave serious emotional scars, mental anxiety and chronic health problems.

    Thus, many are searching for ways to help children be able to more effectively cope with the emotional turmoil and energetic chaos that is building in the social environments.

    Crystals can be very helpful for sensitive children to move more easily through difficult times and life transitions, such as moving to a new home, going to a new school or even emotionally processing a death in the family.

    Most of us are aware the current cultural changes and future transitions that humanity faces through the planetary dark night of the soul are having direct impacts to our young children, and that many of these influences are not inherently positive.

    Every child will experience emotional turmoil from the process of life transforming on a shifting and ascending planet, no matter how much we would prefer to shield them from having to undergo such painful experiences.

    What is happening is a major consciousness shifting event, which your child’s soul has chosen to participate with in this particular ascension experience in order to ultimately learn and grow as a spiritual being.

    When we approach life as spiritual lessons within an ascension context, we can adjust our thinking to know these difficult experiences will help to shape the soul, to ultimately form into who your child is meant to become as an authentic spiritual adult.

    When we have proper context of the planetary ascension underway and have practical spiritual tools to help us move through these challenging times, whether adults or children, we all can better handle the pressures and challenges coming from interacting with the pandemonium of the outer world.

    Before continuing further, we suggest reading the newsletter, For Parents Supporting Young Children as a companion to this month’s newsletter.
