Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Alert downgrade to yellow


  1. thank you cobra, thank you RM, thank you the light force, and thank you to all sisters and brothers peace, happiness, love, and abundance to humanity.
    peace meditation, peace meditation, peace meditation.

  2. Thank you all!!♡♡ Aquarius time is here♡♡

  3. This feels positive! Thank you!

  4. Never seen a downgrade to YELLOW before... I know it's definitely better than black or red though. Good job guys!


  5. I am now going to sauna and enjoy myself with honey-seasalt treatment :)

    1. Я рад за тебя дружище1)

    2. I do not understand russian language :)

    3. Only words: spasiiba, pashaalsta..sorry but I really dont know language ♡

    4. @ Mh165

      Satellite Freedom said "I'm happy for you buddy".

      You can use Google translate. It translates Russian into English almost 100% correctly. ;)

    5. Satellite Freedom is saying, "I'm happy for you buddy."
      I put it in Google translate.


    did the intervention meditation yesterday! It was as great as the one from dec 21st!

  7. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? anyone?🙂

  8. This feels positive! Thank you!

  9. Dieu merci 💛💛💛 courage!!! Yellow vest chafi. Love you all 👍

  10. I haven't laughed so much in a long time,)))))I remembered the words from the song Yellow Submarine And I really love the color yellow..

  11. I'm guessing yellow is better than red, yes?

  12. Fatto!!! La Meditazione della Luna Piena in Cancro, Pura Magia!!! Un mega abbraccio di Luce e Amore a tutti i miei Fratelli/Sorelle che si stanno impegnando per la Vittoria della Luce!!! VOTL!!!💖💜💥💫♒♾✴🙌

  13. Causes of Gateway 504 timeout error
    Since the 504 error is due to a timeout between servers, the problem is probably not with the client device or internet connection. This also includes your device and your connection. A 504 Gateway Timeout error indicates that the web server is waiting too long for a response from another server and “timing out”. There could be many reasons for this timeout: the other server is not working properly, is overloaded, or is down. The other server does not always have to be an external server (eg CDN, API gateway). It can also be a server-like entity within the main web server (eg reverse proxy server, database server).🖖🏼💫✨⚡🌟🔥

  14. E agora, trabalhadores da luz? O que ainda estar faltando para a onça beber água, e a luz finalmente vencer as trevas? Por favor alguém me responda com clareza, porque já estou numa idade avançada e gostaria muito de ainda estar nesta terceira dimensão, assistindo com prazer, o final dessa guerra.

  15. The Meditations!! Yesss💫💞✨💖💫

  16. I would like to help but I can't meditate... Anything else I could do ?

    1. State the decrees aloud at that time and any other time you feel like

    2. Anyone can meditate. Just learn it.
      It's a beautiful thing, even if you dont meditate for a cause. Just do it for yourself.

    3. http://theunveiling33.blogspot.com/2021/11/so-chimera-invaded-earth-what-to-do-to.html

  17. Querida Dagmar,

    Raramente escrevo aqui, mas te diria para priorizares aquilo que é essencial ao teu entorno, o que te traz conforto e qualidade de vida. Não tem de ser caro, na verdade, o luxo está no detalhe, mas aquilo que transforma os teus dias em momentos de grande valor e significado. O Evento não superará nada do que possas ter vivido hoje.


    1. UHAUHAUHAUHA a Liberação do Planeta de 26 mil anos de trevas, envolto na Luz Divina que cura TUDO depois de tantos milênios de miasmas e anomalias nao super TUDO que existe agora?!?!?!? Tá brincando com a minha cara!!!

  18. The Monday Jan. 17, 2022 Divine Intervention Meditation during the full moon was magical. I hope others felt that as well.

  19. COBRA...Could we please do a meditation for Russia not to start a war with Ukraine.

    1. You all need to really read updates first. Most questions are answered there.

  20. THE EVENT SOLAR FLASH 2022 January 21 22 and beyond

    Archangel Micheal gathering/wakening his brothers and sisters.
    Victory of the Light!

  21. How very sweet shall be the glorious moment that The Galactic Codex is implemented in the Entire Multiverse ❤
    Thanks COBRA, LF, LW, Resistance, Galactics and All WhiteHats Everywhere.
    Cobra&LF, I know I'm not alone in saying I love you and appreciate you.

  22. It's about the situation un Ukraine ?

  23. It's about the situation un Ukraine ?

  24. Who knows exactly is breaching security I thought the Dracos chimera greys etc were gone from the planet?
    What is left to clear .. before event can be triggered? I don't think any on this forum are clear on what step we are on and how many are left and what is the probable time frame to finish all the steps.
    Are we talking weeks, months or years still?
    Thank you very much

    1. Not weeks, months and years. It's 100 years! Probably a day in the time structure of the Galactic Federation.

    2. I dont know if it has been said that all the chinera has been cleared.. rem there are bad groups not only in the physical rhealm.

      If i recall one post had mentioned that Darpa was one of the locations where some of the physical chimera still has control.

      In any case... imho if all bad guys had been removed thibngs would be moving much faster so one thinks

    3. Years for sure. The time runs very different in higher dimensions. One year here is like one minute there. In this way you can see why they are not so bothered with the timing while on our side we may not be alive when the changes start to manifest in the physical plane since all the nervous people.

    4. We ain't GOT 100 more years to wait....in 100 years, there will be NOTHING left to save...just a few survivors in tribal communities, engaged in local resource wars, ala Road Warrior.

    5. Many people will be gone by the time the Event finally takes place. I ain't religious or anything but I do belive the New Earth is only for the chosen ones. Chosen ones meaning the resilient ones, those who resisted firmly and boldly until the end (which means: the time of The Event).
      Good luck everyone! But I don't think more than 1 billion people will make it to the Event (and I'm being very generous here!).

    6. My 2 cents: NOTHING is gonna happen! This standoff with all this fearmongering and bullshit will continue for months with nothing actually coming to pass as the fake pandemic and all related to fucking fake COVID is unwinding and will finally end in a couple of months and the retarded Cabal monkeys will have no other weapon to instill fear and extract loosh from the sheeple, so it will be this stupid warmongering old playbook as always, people will learn the truth about the fake pandemic and get very pissed and will go after the traitor rats and heads will roll. Society and this fucking system will slowly grind to a halt and at some point totally collapse, which will be by the time the Galactic Central Sun will have had enough of all this bullshit and will send the Galactic Wave/Solar Flash to burnt to a cosmic cinder all the evil motherfuckers and help the starseeds to ascend. Before the Flash hits, the LF will evacuate the sheeple who can’t bear the high 5D energies into their motherships to receive healing. But something definitely has got to give in 2022. No one can stand this bullshit any longer.
      Let’s see how this whole thing will unravel.

  25. Really looking to progress of the LF operations on the mental plane. No doubt I am also affected, but oftentimes i am shaking my head when I look at most of the sleeping population.

    I really want to see the matrix collapse as we all heal and start processing things correctly.


  26. This is a long talk with Juan O Savin (not his real name).

    Many of you know who he is... but for those who don't, he is a government insider who knows a lot about how US law and Geneva Conventions law works.

    He is saying that after Jan 20, which is the 1-year point after Biden came in (due to the fraudulent election) things may get crazy and there will be arrests.

    Juan himself starts at about the 34:00 (34 minute) point. This is 2:17:52 long (well over 2 hours long)


    1. I can bet $100 that nothing significant will happen to the Biden administration this year. Back in 2020 the democratic party was supposed to be gone before the elections. Then they were supposed to be prosecuted for election fraud. Then Trump was supposed to stay as president anyway. Then Biden was supposed to be arrested once he took office, because that was the actual act of committing a crime. Then Biden was supposed to be a fake president in a fake White House, while Trump was still sitting in the real one. Then Trump was supposed to officially retake power in March 2021. And then NONE of these things happened. It's all just wishful thinking, distraction, and purposeful misinformation. And sorry, but a 1-year anniversary of Biden taking office is so arbitrary that the last year's predictions seem a lot more plausible. There's just no reason to wait an entire year to prosecute people for fraudulent election. The evidence is long gone, the damage was already done, and everyone forgot about the drama and got used to the new normal. March 2020 was the last date I had any hopes for. From now on nothing good will happen until the Event.

    2. You got that right my friend!

  27. Well, I can probably feel this. Now my feelings are much more stable than before. May the Force be with you!!

  28. Beyond Room 313 with Brad Olsen - Navigating The Esoteric Landscape and Beyond:


  29. https://novasvest.com/vesti?id=1373&cat=1638433438&v=sivi-dzedaj-porucuje Wake up!

  30. 0. Then, however, from the terrestrial year 1977 on, new technical possibilities arose for the 'Hardem', which again increased the danger that they could attack Plejaren areas and also advance into the SOL system to Earth.
    31. According to our probability calculations, this could have been the case from 1995 on, which is why we Plejaren were advised to stay away from Earth at that time, in order to avoid getting involved in warlike actions with earthly-military armies and the 'Hardem', because our directives prohibit such actions on foreign worlds.

  31. I have feeling or knowing and idea all 3 that we can have event in 2 months or so just by having fun together by listening same nice music in same time. Why? Because my window is getting to small for all those light beings or whatever whomever they are who appears when I'm listening to that music and just having fun with my feelings and thoughts. So I'm not alone on this planet or universe so I shouldn't do things by myself,, don't judge songs before you listen to them because you have Age of Aquarius and Best is yet to come and more nice tracks here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D6GKEh6tresc&ved=2ahUKEwilhojlv731AhXO57sIHbeOAVkQwqsBegQIBBAE&usg=AOvVaw0VjcmBUFa3Z8RP0uyPJ5e-

  32. As Albert Einstein said, "Strive not for success, but for the values ​​it gives..." Do you understand? Values ​​.. They have always, at all times been in the first place ... The ideology imposed from the outside has taken root here with these invisible people - and you lived differently ... Yes, how you lived ... On the night of February 21-22 it will be interesting event -
    they will show you in dreams HOW exactly you lived .. You will begin to remember ... A lot ... There will be no TV or Internet hacks - everything will be "broadcast" through a dream .. This is reliable ... Now the technology is being developed

    1. I won't hold my breath as I'm sure NOTHING will happen by then. We will see something happening a couple of weeks leading to the Event and I don't expect the Event to happen before either Midsummer or Winter Solstice 2022.

  33. Thanks to Cobra for all this feedback and the amount of work I imagine colossal.

    What the light is with you, the light is one with you

  34. Mas que coisinha danada de travessa esse setor 504, heim pessoal?
    Alguém avise aí que a luz já venceu, e ele fica atrapalhando o gado que acredita que isso significa algo.

  35. Have you also noticed how desperate "they" are becoming :D Mainstreem here in Finland are trying to scare people that Russia is planning a war...c'mon , what a joke :D We here in Finland just Love Russian people♡ They are so full of Love, very calm and polite and good-willing :) Just like we most of us are♡ Stop reading mainstreamlies! All is good!♡

  36. Did I mention very good humor? :) Fabulous people...I Love Russians♡

    1. you forgot to mention stunningly beautiful and feminine women!

  37. I wonder how many people participated in the full moon divine intervention meditation and whether there was a result to the meditation.
