Situation between Russia and NATO is deteriorating fast:
The Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in our urgent meditation for peace. Instructions are here:
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
Situation between Russia and NATO is deteriorating fast:
The Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in our urgent meditation for peace. Instructions are here:
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
Woke western countries and their baby seals on heels armies have no idea what they are dealing with if they decide to push nato even further down Russia's borders.
ReplyDeleteI hope the situation is reversed, because Russia's hypersonic nukes can wipe Nato out and they won't even know they have lost.
the galactics can and will easily disable any and all nuclear weapons, that might be launched. this is not of concern. but still the situation needs to be resolved, so keep meditating and holding the light! 💖
DeleteA 3M-22 Zircon missile coming in at 9 times the speed of sound ( 3,000meters/s ) will do serious damage even with a conventional warhead.
DeleteEnergy of moving object = 0.5 x mass x speed(squared)
The child diddlers who run the physical manifestation of the Cabal need to be taught a lesson anyway on top of the crimes they did promoting the scamdemic, on top of everything else. And the soldiers under NATOs banner who think they could get away with just being a low level 'doing my job' type.
In Russia pedophiles are made to dig their own grave and then stabbed to death. That's the real reason why they want to contain and take over Russia.
Hahaha stop believing russian propaganda, they are poor and weak only fueled on Putin's ego. They have no chance in war against NATO.
DeleteI like to comment here what Kerry Cassidy said in her telegram. This would be a practice war to get ready for open war with ET.
DeletePart 1:
Part 2:
Truth seeker Russia isn't weak..they modernized.their weapons systems ...hypersonic missiles would take our our carriers quickly ...if a conventional war erupted they have tanks and artillery and fighters that equal the US also they spend their military money wisely vs US that uses it to launder money for the elite who own defense companies...don't underestimate Russia ...
DeleteSome good news here
ReplyDeleteCovid: Face mask rules and Covid passes to end in England
Arabic translation here:
ReplyDelete:الترجمة باللغة العربية هنا
If Putin really works for the Light, he will not go to war.
ReplyDeleteYeah yeah, i do not agree with you, if russia do nothing to protect their country, i can garantie you that the other side corrupt as they are, will not hesitate to lunch a missile on Moscow. Comments like yours makes no sense.
DeleteThe real question is will putin and people working behind the scenes will actually manage to stop cabal agents to start world war 3 that's the question.
And clearly i am impressed by the patience of russia. Really these mf deserve to lose badly and be removed (they are completely lunatics and posseded to a hight degree) pushing and pushing the same shit for decades provoking Russia over and over again.
This thime no war will be allowed, us lightworkers and the people behind the scenes will stop this but i can say it clear without any shame, that the people behind the scenes especially behind ukraine gouvernement and the US and NATO (only the ones creating this) need clearly to be removed and i will not say no to a painful one.
Hope that no civilians will be injured.
Doesn't matter if you work will the light, if you work with the light but you can't find a solution to a iminente treat to your people what you will do?????
That's what i want to know.
So pray and be destroyed, let your country be steal and do nothing.
Sorry to say but if i can't find a solution where peaceful or not peaceful work behind the scenes can garantie peace to my people and that they will lunch missiles on my house, i will not just let them hit me and be a victim because i work with the light.
These people are dumb stupid people working with very intelligent cabal agent that can manipulate them easily to start a war with a treat that doesn't exist.
Ahhh, never mind this war will not start but please light forces just take these people out of this planet immediately and heal them after the event.
And putin works with the light but please don't think that working With the light means to be a saint!!!
You have to do sacrifice in this world and somethimes doing what his necessary to protect people you love. Especially when you are a president.
Funny) Putin is Yeltsin's successor and for 20 years ensures the stability of the colonial position of the Russian Federation, the social genocide of the peoples of this Federation and the replacement of the Russian people specifically by migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia who are already openly slaughtering Russians in the streets, and Russian old people are told "pigs, whores, this our country, when the time comes we will kill you all." The average GDP per capita in Russia is already comparable or less than in African countries. Would you say that Putin did not have time in the enemy environment? Stalin built industry for the USSR in 10 years, carried out purges against the supporters of Trotsky, an agent of the Comintern (the organization of the Rockefellers for coup d'état, 1 attempt to create a world government). Putin does not remove, imprison or kill any of the officials pursuing the corporate interests of transnational corporations, the vast majority of whom, in addition to government positions, have their own business and live 5-20 times better than the average "Russian". What TV dump did you get here from? Or are you an idiot? Or are you an agent of "Putin"? Russia is the most endangered, smoking, drug-addicted country, your comment publicly pinning hopes on Putin is insulting to you!
DeleteConcordo com Galactiquewarrior17, pq estamos num mundo em que as vezes temos que fazer o mal pra nos sentir bem, e neste caso será uma legítima defesa.
DeleteRussia is doing this right for sure
This is probably why Russia has developed hypersonic missile technology as a response to the Pleiadians letting them know that nuclear weapons will not be allowed in combat.
DeleteDr Stephen Greer pointed out that form of weapon sends 'dangerous' scalar waves across dimensions.
The other alternative is increase the speed which increases the energy delivered by the projectile by the square of that speed:
Kinetic Energy = 0.5 x projectile mass x speed squared
The 3M-22 Zircon which is now deployed on surface and submerged vessels travels up to 9x the speed of sound, or 3000+ meters a second.
Their nuclear ICBMs can be re-fitted with an undisclosed number of Avangard glide vehicles with conventional explosives option that can glide in at re-entry speeds of over 27x the speed of sound or approaching 9000 meters a second.
Russians also know from recent history that occupying a country is a bad idea. But a lightning war that has a defined exit strategy like the 100 hour Gulf War 1 where key infrastructure and the armies wiped out and leaving the country to implode on itself is far cheaper and achieves the objective.
We will see the truth in the end!
DeletePeace is equal light.
DeleteAs white hats is in control why does US send troops there ? I am confused.
DeleteIn German / auf Deutsch:
Here is the translation in Romanian and Italian! Thank you Cobra and Light Forces!
ReplyDeletelet's stop this further mad attempt to harm humanity
ReplyDeleteJe ne crois à une guerre nucléaire. Les Galactiques ne le permettront pas.
ReplyDeleteAnchoring The Violet Flame Around All Lightforces
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't the light forces just stepping in and intervening why is there no intervention
ReplyDeleteI don't get it .why are we still going thru this.. Ukraine is ran by DS we all know this.. NATO UN.. all DS. Hard to know what to think here.. pleiadians and Russia must not be agreeing ? Q speaks of a near death civilation event.. scare scenario.. is Q real is Alliance part of it all.. will this trigger ebs .. military take over all nations .. what is truth..?
DeleteMen, read the older post please!
They just did. C's post is a call to action to all available light workers to meditate to peacefully resolve this. There would likely be war already if other Light Force counter measures were not in place.
DeletePlease remember this is Our Part of the liberation process. Humanity must be the main actor wherever it is able and it must rise to reinforce every grace given by the benevolent forces that have come to the aid of humanity.
They just did. C's post is a call to action to all available light workers to meditate to peacefully resolve this. There would likely be war already if other Light Force counter measures were not in place.
DeletePlease remember this is Our Part of the liberation process. Humanity must be the main actor wherever it is able and it must rise to reinforce every grace given by the benevolent forces that have come to the aid of humanity.
DeleteShared on our PFC group! We do it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cobra for the update.
ReplyDeleteFrench translation of the post.
Traduction de l'article en français :
Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !
We can do this people, calling on you reader (yes you!) to do the meditation to de-escalate the Russia and NATO confrontation.
ReplyDeleteNo creo que Putin iría a una guerra
ReplyDeleteSomeone please explain to me ... if the white hats are in control as many are saying, then why are they allowing a conflict with Russia?
ReplyDeleteIs this part of their plan in the extremely bad movie, they are showing to wake up the sleeping?
Why are they willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent people? Which is why their so called movie really sucks.
Exactly ...I am frustrated at all the fear to meditate for . I mean isn't all part of the plan? Was it a volcano in the Pacific?? Or rods of God and dumb taken out? We are in the dark..
DeleteI don’t know about the “white hats”, but in Russia the descendants of the members of the Comintern who were shot and sent to camps under Stalin, an organization created with the money of the Rockefellers to overthrow monarchies and nation-states, are in power. The first attempt to create a world government in the form of a communist international. Khrushchev, who killed Stalin, was a Trotskyist, and acted under the leadership of a man who survived the "Stalinist" purges in the ranks of the party - Otto Kuusinen, the man who wrote the rules of the Comintern for Lenin. It was through him that in 1960-1970 there was a connection between the West and the traitors in the ranks of the USSR. It is most likely that through him a government decree written in the West and implemented in 1955-1957 was implemented, which destroyed the unique Stalinist economic system, thanks to which the USSR was the first in the world to abolish food cards. And so, by 1991, the Western forces bargained with the traitors and agreed on a price. Yeltsin became the guarantor for the disarmament of the USSR from nuclear weapons, and Vladimir Putin (after his mother Shalomov) became the guarantor of the robbery of my country by the hands of the oligarchs who moved their families and assets to the Western world (80% received Israeli citizenship). By the way, it is impossible to obtain Israeli citizenship without passing an exam on the knowledge of their holy book and not taking an oath to serve Israel (as well as serving the United States for Americans), and so in their holy book it is written that only Jews are people who have a soul, and all the rest these are cattle and slaves who must serve and die for the sake of the Jews. Draw conclusions who is in power in Russia with Israeli citizenship.The USSR was an alternative for the world 6a peaceful coexistence, and the top of the CPSU in the 1970s refused to switch to post-capitalism in order to preserve their privileges: in those years there was already a project for a cold thermonuclear fusion reactor, rocket systems buried along the perimeter of the US coastal shelf at the bottom, space landing a ship, and a lot of things that we will not know and will not be told to us. The fact is that a bunch of old people sold the planet's hope for a life free of the rat race for the sake of delicious food for fear of being replaced by a computer system and unloading the bureaucracy. They stole not only the Russian future, but also the future of the Western countries. the countries of Europe were communist if someone forgot, and already in 2021 your youth has communist views. Amazing, isn't it? :))
DeleteThey are NOT in control yet. From recent Cobra report:
Delete"The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power."
If the good guys were in control, then we'd already have the First Contact, many disclosures in news, and soon the Event. But we're still waiting for the
Dark Forces and Cabal to lose more power on the physical plane. Nothing significant and clearly visible will change for the better until then.
The claim that "white hats are in control and everything is just a show" is a complete disinformation by cabal agents infiltrated within the alternative media.
DeleteTruth is only to a certain degree that the white hats are in control not yet totally cause the cabal are still in power. We are still at war and we are all doing what we can to end this war and let our planet be finally liberated sooner than later.
i dont think i have read yet that the white hats are in full control as there is still clearing to do
DeleteFrom previous post
"The Pleiadians have communicated that nuclear escalation will NOT be permitted and all missiles will be intercepted, but they are still asking people to meditate for peace between Russia and NATO to avoid any unnecessary violence:..."
From 2 or 3 posts back
"...The final offensive of the Light Forces on the physical plane on the surface will NOT be initialized until the danger of excessive violence is removed, and both non-physical planes and primary anomaly need to be substantially cleared to achieve that..."
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDo you think they in control of Russia? It doesn't work like that. There's factions and factions in factions so to speak. Putin isn't a white hat he's just trying to keep russia viable by what ever means possible whilst feathering his own nest. Even the q white hat narrative seems to be mostly dead and was really a psyop of elements of the cia or other intelligence. There so much Grey area with all of this. There's elements of dark light good evil white hat dark etc etc involved in all aspects of this situation. It's a constant tug of war between the different interests for control over many different aspects of the surface situation. Even the off world lf is constantly struggling in this push pull scenario. It's just a matter of not letting it get to out of hand so not to much death and destruction occurs. They trying to resolve it as peaceful as possible and neither df or lf really want to expose themselves to the masses because the chaos would be the end for the df and alot of collateral damage for the lf. If it was that easy to end the war it would be done already but we dealing with 2 highly capable sides of the equations and neither really has the ability to take overall control so we seeing all turmoil play out as it is!
Delete"if the white hats are in control as many are saying" false, dark forces control the surface of the planet that's why they can trigger a war.
DeleteIt is my understanding that Russian troops will invade Ukraine to weed out the remaining deep state and reinstate a legitimate government
DeleteOk hold the phone..
DeleteAre Dracos Chimera Greys removed from earth or not??
If so who on earth can challenge the galactic fleet??
If Q is a psy op.. then how will we ever take down the deep state anyone?? Oh meditations??
What is the plan then?? Civil Wars?
Mass protesting to do what exactly it will take decades this way..
If there isn't a part of the military that is going to act then all the qhht practioners have been duped..we all have been... The only answer is trigger event.. let everyone choose which portal they want and be done with it..
The meditation in spanish
ReplyDeleteLa meditación en castellano
V slovenščini:
ReplyDeleteVabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
Thank you for the post Cobra.
Victory of the Light!
the cabal desperately NEED suffering and death as source of energy, the plandemic circus is falling apart every passing day, they absolutely NEED human suffering and submission. let's do our job and stop all this NOW!
ReplyDeletePeople are now going to die of the vac and spike proteins immune systems are taken out..t cells destroyed ..all needs stopped more movie no more ..take over mass media broadcast what has happened..this is all pretty absurd to think all of.this is part of Source experiencing itself..children raped tortured and killed in dumbs?? Come on people .. galactics please end this now...people aren't waking up..they need shaken awake
DeleteNo one said the white hats are in any control of any situation.
ReplyDeleteOnly the fake channeling messages and psy op, q and other similar shadow websites that work for the CIA.
Personally, I am really surprised Russia was put up so long with this crap coming from the Cabal.
However, let’s not forget Russia it’s also part of the Cabal since they haven’t release anything publicly about the Cabal ever and they buy into the same crap with the vaccination.
About the war, I think Cobra is exaggerating now buying into the Cabal typical fearmogering.
Is not going to be any war with or without any meditation.
Mostly, the front will be open in the 2 Ukrainian regions (Lughansk, Doneksk) which actually was never closed and the cabal media will go crazy as an www3 just started.
But nothing more. No one has any interest in any big war not mater what some cabal faction want.
The Cabal has many different factions. The ones who wants the www3 war are a minority.
Other Cabal factions dont agree and they usually work against it. Other factions have a different approach in mind (Cip pass control utopia controlled society as in the WEF vision.)
It will be the same old song on the MSM “the war is here” as it was just before the pandemic. Nothing has change, so we go back to normal as the pandemic will be fading out. Until spring the pandemic will fall out as it never was and the Cabal will go back to the warmongering, climate change, economic crisis, political correctness, woke propaganda, etc.
Yep! Let Cabal losers be losers until they are taken out permanently into oblivion.
DeleteI've seen evidence the white hats are doing well. You're comment is about spreading mistrust. People do not take what this person said seriously. We are in a better position then it seems! VOTL
DeleteI must concur.. unless we see scare event ..martial law and these 3 8hr movies running to awaken the masses..all of these qhht practioner s and their clients stated would happen so all can be exposed. Has cobra said this will happen? Based on posts before once war went hot btwn galactics and dark ones it wld be over quickly that was over a year ago!! Galactics can intervene directly per mediation so please do it! This has been dragging out far far too long...people are questioning now we have to pay bills we have to buy amount of mediation will manifest gold bars on my table..who is able to do this?????
DeleteNon capisco l'inglese.
ReplyDeleteUtilizzare Google tradurre il mio amico, fare clic destro e utilizzare tradurre
ReplyDeleteYou got it!!! ❤️
ReplyDeleteCome on, let's do what we have to do, the victory of light.🙃👋
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to address dr che Khoo based in Sydney before the 23rd, otherwise all bets are back in 24hrs for response
ReplyDeleteIt was the Chinese Communist Party who created the bio-weapon. It's the CCP who are behind this attempt at WW3. The CCP probably take orders from the Jesuits.
ReplyDeleteI'll do the meditations.
Pleadians should order Russian military ready to fight against CCP.
DeleteThe political focus of world isn't europe but Asian pacific area.
But why can't any lab isolate any virus??? Only computer vax has weakened virus.. so was there ever a virus?? What made me sick in 2020??
DeleteAccording to fullford ccp is just another cabal faction. Don't put to much blame on China for the world's problems. Don't forget Russia is working with China on many levels. And it was seen faulchi and western cabal elements funded the virus research in wuhan. All is not as it seems. Don't listen to the west's propaganda but don't think putin is just an innocent bystander. There's levels to this ....
DeleteSheeple, correct, it's important not to blame China. I'm using the term "Chinese Communist Party" from now on, which does not represent China. Fulford has also been known to be misleading at times. Cobra stated in this update that it was a mistake for Putin to have an alliance with China (he may be referring to the CCP).
DeleteDougJamesVOTL, there are many layers of deception. There are those saying they have isolated the virus. Then there are those who say it's never been isolated. This kind of confusion contributes to mass psychosis. That's how I'm looking at it currently.
ACE, maybe violence is positive but only when used against the ones creating unnecessary violence (engineers of wars). What violence is necessary and what violence is unnecessary is one of the most complicated subjects I've come across.
I will pray for ☮️. Cobra. I've read your blog for years. With some scepticism but at the same time with hope that it's all true.
ReplyDeleteI would think that most people want peace in the world. And if there are beings out there they surly know that.
But maybe people themselves should remember that we are all part of the same family.. in the sense of being human and ask ourselves just what we are fighting for or about.
If our collective mind was one mind we would be very sick. We need to stop. Calm down and realise what's important. Our loved ones and our familys. And also to respect others as they only want the same thing. If we could see ourselves in others and realize that they are very much like us then we wouldn't have all these problems. We wouldn't fight each other because someone in government says we should.
Let's start working on it right away!
ReplyDeleteAlot of us don't care about nato and can't the light forces just magically interfere on a physical level anyway if anything does happen?
ReplyDeleteRussia and NATO need to realize that it's the CCP and Jesuits who are the real enemies. Russia and NATO need to not give the CCP and Jesuits what they want, which is an open war between Russia and NATO countries.
ReplyDeleteA war between Russia and NATO countries is very convenient for China.
The United States and all other NATO countries need to immediately discontinue all hostilities toward Russia for a peaceful resolution.
You are right
DeleteI am chinese lightworker.
DeleteI know CCP is the son of Jesuit and chimera.
ACE, maybe enough people can become aware before it escalates too far.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is not to talk against this meditation and none of us wants any wars ( hopefully ). Just hope that "stabilizing the situation " won't mean more dragging and struggling in a fake "peaceful " European tyranny
ReplyDeleteI don't believe any war will happen there , this is again some distraction. Only good for more dragging and delaying of the planetary liberation
Guys- this is not about Putin starting a war. It's about preventing DS cabal starting it. Nukes are not allowed by higher forces. Rest is about awakening the sleeping humans and getting rid of inner demons aka invisibles. Hang in there and let your higher self navigate you through the storm.
ReplyDeleteI'm not the least concerned about all this fear porn. They have been bombarding the fake news with rumors of world war for over a decade and nothing happened. Does anybody still believe in this bullshit?
DeleteRelax everyone! The LF got this!
Go do something productive with your lives and never mind the fearmongering bullshit! We're almost there!
Freedom for humanity in 2022! Bring on the Event muthatruckers!
DeleteBeloved, this is the wisest comment so far in all of this that I have read.
Why fear?
It is what 'they' are pushing and looshing from us all.
If God=Thought
and Thought=God
and God IS the perfect 'state' of Love;
Then Thought too is that Perfect State.
WHY must we degrade our human thoughts to the level of fear?
Choose Love and you choose God who wins this war for the Mind.
Universe is electric and mental, thought matters.
Ditch the fear and KNOW that we are all Divine, and we prevail. God wins this chess game. He owns the chess board.
Of course, I will focus on alleviating the energy that causes all of this suffering,
but I also have a deep sense that Putin is not one of the bad guys, rather he is sage from his experience.
Get calm, have poise, and peace with clarity.
That brings equanimity.
Victory of Light= Love= God= Thought.
So be it.
It is as simple as that.
Don't complicate it.
Keep it simple.
@lightwarrior, unknown, sojounerbe, It looks like trump, biden, covidism, etc, were used as distractions the whole time. I felt that way about trump but usually kept my mouth shut. There were trumpers who chose to start to wake up to some things and he told just enough truth to help nudge them. With biden its so obviously clownish, freakish, and absurd. Its a humiliation and demoralization ritual as well as distraction.
DeleteUkraine is run by zionist puppets that need dealt with
ReplyDeleteKeep an eye of the Winter Olympics in Beijing either, Cabals gonna release new viruses on this
ReplyDeleteThis may make it easier for Light forces to block the operation of warships. (Putin is no longer the old one. I think it was replaced in '15. (...))
ReplyDeleteGreat news - Czech Republic's government didnt approve the mandatory vaccination!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am from Czech Republic. After a long time, we felt happy here and we felt the return of freedom (people here are very sensitive to the loss of freedom - 2x World War, 40 years in communism .....) Perhaps this small event is the first drop in a sea of positive change in all over the world. Keep the light on!
DeleteWhile in Austria the parliament just vote for the mandatory vaccination…
DeleteBut Austria did !!!
DeleteEs español:
Many layers to this ,,who sees them all,the war is for harvest so peace .
ReplyDeleteI heard this is a scare tactic or a SCARE EVENT and the white hats are in charge.
ReplyDeleteIt's a movie.
It is supposed to wake people up and doing stuff we aren't aware of.
But I agree it's a bad movie...
Exactly!! Unless Q is a psy op..but so far all had come true..waiting on London bridge to appears to me we need a ww3 scare event ..martial law...special forces arresting the dark ones..what is really happening etc.. we hear so many different ascension we hear once toplet bombs are clear..we are good to go..but then there are nonphysical archons..mental planes..implants .I am grateful just want to know exactly where we are and what needs removed and will there be mass disclosure before event..
ReplyDelete"He who takes a gun is lost by a gun."- Jesus Christ
ReplyDeletethey had guns when jesus was around?
DeleteRight! So let's beat the Cabal and Archons with flowers! Guess it'll work better and faster.
DeleteI believe Jesus said "sword" as there were no guns in his time.
DeleteDon't distort the Master's words. Gratitude.
There were no guns when yeshua walked the earth.. also the galactics arent negotiating with the chimera and Draco's ..or special forces clearing dumbs.. this sit and do nothing is why we became enslaved
DeleteThat's Tupac, paraphrased, derived from the sword thing.
DeleteThere were guns in Jesus' time?
DeleteDiscernment please.
He who fights without a gun is an idealistic fool - Sherman
DeleteDid guns exist in jc's time? In fact did jc even exist? Atleast as jc? Just somthing to ponder my bro!
DeleteSince when did guns exist in Jesus' time?
DeletePlease keep an eye of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, important Chinese intel source claimed Cabals gonna unleash a new type of virus on it,stay aware people.
ReplyDeleteTHE EVENT SOLAR FLASH 2022 January 21-22 and hereinafter
Archangel Micheal gathering/wakening his brothers and sisters.
Victory of the Light!
Sounds like more scripted nonsense. See the drama unfold before your very eyes, so spooky lol.
Oogie Boogey lol.
The divine intervention meditation and petition was not sufficient?
ReplyDeleteThank you cobra, thank you RM, thank you The Light Force and to all sisters and brothers. Peace, Happiness, Love, And Abundance to all.
Whatever happens in this situation will not lead to a global conflict. Humanity didn't choose to experience WW3, they chose the pandemic.
ReplyDeleteAnd you think the plandemic was a much better deal ?
Deletewe are all tired ... but this is no time and no place to let our frustration overtake our duties- let's write less and meditate more!
ReplyDeleteAlthough some people do not want to hear the following: the Event not having happened yet is actually a good sign overall and from a higher perspective. Though it is not exactly better for the higher Lightworkers and Starseeds as they would profit fast and drastically, it is much better for all other lifeforms especially many smaller ones who were stuck in the cabal system for thousands of years. The longer time the Lightforces can prepare the Event (up to a certain limit of course), the more stable this shift gets for the majority of all lifeforms on Earth. The timing of the Event is in the hands of the highest of high Lightforces out there and it not having happened yet is a certain sign that the Lightforces are still winning more Souls to be saved in liberation. The timing of the Event is a sole efficiency calculation for saving the highest amount of Soul possible - overseen by the highest of high with absolute knowledge and certainty. As long as the amount of Soul the Lightforces rescues rises at a certain rate, the Event will be delayed - at least until a certain threshold of Souls is in safety. For those wondering how the ascension window till 2025 is connected: the planetary as well as the individual ascension will be nearly done at that time because several events will have happened that will end a fast ascension at this rate for Earth inhabitants. Many ascendents will be pretty much finalised at that time at least for an ascension with the current, accelerated speed. Some ascendants will have left the Earth by that time and will continue ascension elsewhere. But generally many processes of the liberation will be finished by 2025 which makes further ascension of this accelerated kind hard if people decide to stay on the Earth. Prognoses look good that the core cabal and biggest villains will have been gone in 2024 already (regardless of the Event happening or not), preparing the final stage of ascension for the rest of the time because their departure will of course make further fast-forward ascension even easier.
Thanks to Sebastian (The Unveiling) for posting!
As we are ascending in our bodies, ascension has absolutely nothing to do with dying, rather the opposite is true. Until the Event many humans on the Earth will still die in the manner as before and they cannot be protected by the Lightforces yet before compression breakthrough. Those who still die prior to the Event might have better chances for a rather comfortable continuation the closer we get to the Event - help will get easier. Some of those humans who die prior to the Event might even be reincarnated after the Event if their death was more ‘unfair’ than usual and they orient towards the Lightforces.
Cobra can you please list all that needs completed and indicate what has been completed and a approximate timeline .. are we still years aways
ReplyDeleteMonths weeks.. we need to know where we are on this journey..we just keep walking thru the forest thanks
Cobra.. per Ben Fulford we and earth is being controlled by Rogue AI.. how can we defeat this?
ReplyDelete@Doug, keep resisting it and it will fail.
Delete"Nothing is happeniiiiiiiiiiiing!" =,(
ReplyDeleteRead and weep:
Medical Tyranny Protesters in Bulgaria Storm Parliament as Representatives Cower in Fear (Video) - Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Bulgaria, a country that toppled Communism is now facing another form of Marxism out of their own government, and the people are not having it. On Wednesday, the people met to protest outside parliament against the green certificate health pass. It quickly turned into a storming of the parliament with agents of the state surrounding people and Bulgaria’s security services barricading the building in an attempt to keep the people out.
Time to enforce the Galactic Codex and let the chips fall where they may. How much more tyranny is the Multiverse expected to take.
ReplyDeleteLove and Power to All Lightforces ❤
You are old and come from afar...
ReplyDeleteYou are close to the cycle of completion of incarnations...
And now, at the end of this cycle, your energies have become more graceful, gentler - you have become full of compassion, wisdom and sympathy in your soul...
But you are also discouraged...
From time to time you feel an inexplicable depression and pain, looking at the state of this planet ..
When you observe relationships with others, you feel that you are missing something, you definitely lack openness, love, fun and a sense of belonging ...
You yearn for a reality where you can share it all with others - it hurts you...
You hurt for this world, for the people around you, you hurt for yourself -
limited, placed in the conditions of a dual kingdom.
You feel a great yearning and deep love within yourself that you find it difficult to embody "here" on planet Earth.
You are not from this world..
You are visiting here..
If something stirred in you while reading this text, you are the ones ...
Deletewhat dat is the meditation?
ReplyDelete'Nothing is happeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiing' around the world:
Massive Protests Erupt All Over The World Against CONvid-1984 Tyranny: “We’ll Never Give Up!”
Nothing to see here whiners!
May the power of the Goddess Light empower every person, we have to stop having people divided by nationalities we are all children of the Earth and the galaxy is our shared heritage. There is no division other than 'made-up' reasons to insulate ourselves from each other. Wake up before it is way too late. Love this planet and all of you. Thanks Cobra!
ReplyDeleteLa situation est toujours délicate...N'oubliez pas qu'il y a encore des otages à libérer...
ReplyDeleteMéditez, SVP.
Meditate for Austria - they have declared the poison jabs mandatory.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, can we also do meditations for other places & people who are suffering from this covid tyranny, so it & other planned pandemics will finally end once and for all?
Meditate for Austria - they have declared the poison jabs mandatory.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, can we also do meditations for other places & people who are suffering from this covid tyranny, so it & other planned pandemics will finally end once and for all?
That's what I say. But it seems they don't see that as the main priority. Sadly
ReplyDeleteIs Citigroup Under Orders from Its Regulators to Break Itself Up?
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 20, 2022 ~
Image: Jane Fraser, Citigroup CEO
The last thing that Fed Chairman Powell needs in his second term are the sleazy details of the Fed’s trading scandal being released by investigators and to have to bail out the same megabank that Fed Chair Bernanke secretly bailed out from December 2007 through at least mid-July 2010. Obviously, we’re talking about Citigroup.
Citigroup has been announcing major asset sales so rapidly since December that one has to wonder if the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and/or the Fed is cracking the whip.
(We’ll get to the significant details of why that might be the case in a moment.)
On January 11, Citigroup announced that it intended to sell its consumer, small business and middle-market banking operations of Banco Nacional de México, otherwise known as Banamex.
In 2017, Citigroup settled a criminal probe with the U.S. Department of Justice over money laundering at Banamex USA, involving money transactions in Mexico.
As part of the settlement, the bank “admitted to criminal violations by willfully failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) compliance program with appropriate policies, procedures, and controls to guard against money laundering and willfully failing to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs).” The bank paid a $97.44 million fine.
On January 13, Citigroup announced that it was selling its consumer banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam to UOB Group. The sale was expected to be valued at approximately $3.6 billion.
Notably, Citigroup made sure to point out in its press release that it expected the transaction “to result in the release of approximately US $1.2 billion of allocated tangible common equity, as well as an increase to tangible common equity of over US $200 million.”
On January 18, Bloomberg News reported that Citigroup was in “advanced talks with Taiwan’s Fubon Financial Holding Co. for a sale of its mainland China consumer business….”
Bloomberg reported that the assets “could be valued at about $1.5 billion.”
On December 23, Citigroup announced that it had “reached agreement with Union Bank of the Philippines on the acquisition of its consumer banking franchise in the Philippines.”
Again, Citigroup emphasized the positive impact on its tangible common equity, stating that it expected the transaction to provide “an increase to tangible common equity of approximately $500 million.”
Tangible common equity is what federal bank regulators look at to see if a megabank like Citigroup can weather significant financial strains.
In 2008, Citigroup did not weather such a storm and received the largest bailout in U.S. banking history.
The U.S. Treasury injected $45 billion of capital into Citigroup; there was a government guarantee of over $300 billion on certain of its assets; the FDIC provided a guarantee of $5.75 billion on its senior unsecured debt and $26 billion on its commercial paper and interbank deposits; and secret revolving loans from the Federal Reserve while Bernanke sat at the helm sluiced a cumulative $2.5 trillion in below-market-rate loans to Citigroup from December 2007 to the middle of 2010.
Despite all that, Citigroup became a 99-cent stock in the spring of 2009 and its share price (dressed up with a 1-for-10 reverse stock split) remains down 88 percent from where it was trading pre-crisis on January 1, 2007.
Sheila Bair was the head of the FDIC during the 2008 financial crisis. In her 2012 book, Bull by the Horns, Bair makes an astonishing revelation about Citigroup.
Despite the trillions of dollars in revolving loans and capital infusions used to prop up Citigroup, its federally-insured commercial bank, Citibank, actually had only $125 billion in U.S. insured deposits according to Bair.
As it turns out, the bulk of Citibank’s deposits were foreign and a large part of those deposits were not insured or had low insurance amounts.
Had this foreign money decided to run for the exits on fear of a Citigroup collapse, the FDIC might have been looking at just a $125 billion problem but the rest of the financial system was looking at $2 trillion on the books of Citigroup, $1 trillion off the books, and God only knows how many trillions of dollars of derivative counterparty agreements lurking in the shadows.
Bair indicates her belief that Citigroup’s two main regulators, John Dugan (a former bank lobbyist) who headed the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and Tim Geithner, then President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, were not being forthright with the public on Citigroup’s real condition.
Guess who is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Citigroup today?
The same John Dugan. (You can’t make this stuff up; it’s simply too Orwellian for the human brain to assimilate, which is what the denizens of Wall Street are counting on.)
The first hint that regulators were bearing down on Citigroup came when Citigroup’s Board of Directors decided to cut its CEO’s pay by $5 million from what it had been in 2019.
Michael Corbat retired as CEO in February of last year, handing the reins to Jane Fraser, the first woman CEO of any major Wall Street bank.
The Board provided the following statement in an SEC filing to explain this drastic pay chuck for Corbat:
The actual situation was decidedly worse than the above paragraph suggests.
On October 7, 2020, when the public was focused on the vice-presidential debate that evening between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, the Federal Reserve and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced consent decrees with Citigroup’s Citibank, and levied a $400 million fine.
The OCC’s Consent Order was like nothing we have ever seen in our 35 years of monitoring Wall Street.
Harsh penalties were threatened but the actual crimes or transgressions the bank had committed were not specified.
In a breathtaking sentence, the OCC reserved the right to order the firing of senior executive officers and “any and/or all members of the Board.”
A bank regulator firing an entire Board of a megabank on Wall Street is unheard of. Something very serious must have transpired to unleash such a threat.
There was a clue in the Consent Order from the Federal Reserve about something that Citigroup might have done to earn the wrath of the Federal Reserve.
The Consent Order referenced the statute 12 CFR 225.4(a) which includes a section on the Federal Reserve receiving “written notice” before the bank purchases or redeems its stock when those actions over the preceding 12 months would “equal 10 percent or more of the company’s consolidated net worth.”
Bloomberg News had reported that over the prior three years, between dividends and stock buybacks, Citigroup had “returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares.”
At the end of the third quarter of 2008, the year of the Wall Street crash and Citigroup’s implosion, Citigroup’s federally-insured bank, Citibank, was sitting on $35.6 trillion notional (face amount) in derivatives according to data from the OCC.
... shows Citibank sitting on $44.37 trillion in notional derivatives.
Not only was there no meaningful reform of Citigroup, but its risk profile actually increased.
If you genuinely want to save the United States from another economic and financial collapse, make the time today to call your Senators and House Rep in Washington and demand hearings on restoring the Glass-Steagall Act to separate federally-insured banks from the Wall Street casino.
While most focus on this "imminent war danger" Austria has passed through the mandatory vaccination "law ". So why not a DAILY 4 hours meditation to completely stop all these vaccinations and all other plandemic measures ? Starting to lose faith in this , something is seriously off out there if the galatics can't ( or are unwilling ?) to stop this genocide
ReplyDeleteDick Cheney Convicted of Treason, Homicide
ReplyDeleteA 3-officer panel at Guantanamo Bay convicted former VP Richard Bruce Cheney of treason and murder after hearing only two hours of testimony Tuesday morning.
Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps said in an opening statement that Cheney and the late George W. Bush were co-conspirators in the 9/11 tragedy and plots to criminally thrust the United States into unjustified wars.
Their motives, he said, included destabilizing the Middle East, personally profiting from opium the U.S. military had seized in Afghanistan, giving the military an excuse to wantonly live-fire test novel weapons, and earning a hefty kickback from insurance money paid to Larry Silverstein, the American real estate mogul who owned the towers on the day they crumbled to dust.
As Cheney sat stone-faced behind the defense table, Rear Adm. Crandall showed the panel financial documents the military had acquired during its investigation into Cheney’s past. Five million dollars, paid in five installments, was dispersed to an offshore Cayman Island bank account bearing the name “Eric Burchard,” an anagram for “Richard Bruce,” Cheney’s proper first and middle names.
The transactions took place between 11/7/2001-02/17/2002, long before Silverstein Properties Inc. received a 2bn settlement.
“We know with certitude that Eric Burchard is Richard Bruce Cheney; our investigation established this fact.
The account was opened three days prior to 9/11 and had only the minimum balance needed to keep it open until Silverstein’s money poured into it. Silverstein knew he’d get a huge payout, it wasn’t the 7bn he wanted, but still.
And the defendant, in opening the account, knew 9/11 would happen well in advance.
If he has another explanation for taking the payout, we’d love to hear it,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
“Rot in hell,” Cheney uttered with clenched teeth.
Additionally, Rear Adm. Crandall played the same audio tapes he had used to help convict George W. Bush, the ones Donald Rumsfeld had secretly recorded as he, Bush, and Cheney devised a plan to carry out 9/11 without being implicated. On them, Cheney told Bush “Not to worry” because he would “take care of everything.”
“When we first spoke to detainee Cheney, he tried to put the whole thing on Bush, and when informed that Bush is, well, dead, he got quiet.
He refuses to explain why he fled the country the night we caught Bush.
JAG and the OMC believe Cheney’s actions, the tapes, and his taking a payout from Silverstein prove beyond doubt that he is guilty of treason and, like Bush, must be held to account for the deaths the persons who perished in 9/11 and all American soldiers that died in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We seek maximum punishment,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
In an unusual move, an officer on the panel requested to ask Cheney a question directly.
“Have you any remorse? Do you ever think of the people who’ve died, or what the lives of their friends and family must be like? Do you have guilt over the callousness of it all?”
“Have you ever seen the film A Few Good Men, with Jack Nicholson playing Colonel Jessup? He wanted to strengthen our country, and without admitting anything, the same is for me.
Any actions I might’ve taken were in the name of protecting and strengthening the United States,” Cheney replied.
Ten minutes later the panel reached a verdict: Guilty.
It endorsed Rear Adm. Crandall’s recommendation that Cheney be executed for his crimes.
A date of execution is pending.
I propose entering into and accepting the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons by both parties.
ReplyDeleteThey reported publicly Nesara Gesara via the ticker on Trump's last speech. I saw it; it was fake Trump as it is too dangerous for him personally to do a speech. Good speech.
ReplyDeleteThey reported the death of the Queen on TV so that has been fulfilled as well. I don't know reporters overseas. Everyone else was quiet and did not speak about it, but clearly and loudly he said "The Queen is dead." Haha.
And we find out they had to wait a year until Jan 20 to take out action against the cabal...apparently there is some law about Belligerent Occupier. I don't get all this but if there is a belligerent occupier then the country has to wait 12 months before taking action. That time is now over so we should see some action here on fake Biden, or maybe they will take down Fauci? I don't know anything like anyone else until after it happens. We will see. I'm holding my breath.
Don't you understand that this is another war? World War III and again with Russia? What do you need from us ??? How much can you???
ReplyDeleteTruth out!!! Ecohealth alliance is a CIA Front!!!
More of "nothing is happeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" =,( for those who don't wanna see that things ARE actually happening and changing:
ReplyDeleteA few signs that indicate the COVID-19/vaccines “lockdowns” are coming to a close… (as of Jan 19, 2022):
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
Israel’s Finance Minister calls for the ending of the Green Pass
Scotland to lift most remaining Covid restrictions – BBC News
Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: ‘We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society’
Hey Guys and whoever calls himself Cobra.
ReplyDeleteCan you actually provide a solid PROOF of you’re words?
Not just some articles that only represent one persons ideas with no evidence attached.
What makes you think that something or someone that we never saw and don’t have any evidence to firmly say that this exists. Will by some miracle come and save us?
Especially taking in consideration that this forces of light or aliens and what not which you claim “represent an ancient civilization” and thus have been witnessing never ending hunger, poverty, slavery massacres of entire nations, corrupt leaders, WARS and all the other “good stuff” that keep on going for the entire recorded history!(thousands of years) Have not even ONCE stepped in to help us,
will actually DO IT now?
And that this isn’t just a simple imagination of a “childish mind” that just hopes that someone will come to the rescue? Like the goddes mother that will come to give us love and a kiss on the bubbu.
Can you provide a SOLID proof?
Well if one is to assume that liberation of the planet is something new and just started last year or 10 years ago i could understand your statements. The situation and predicament Earth is under is more complicated where one word answer would not suffice. There has been succeasses and failures.. push and delays along the way upto where we are at. If you feel guided go and read some of the oldest posts to get an idea of the predicament we have been on and some of the steps taken. Since there is quite an extensive amount of info for the sake of discussion perhaps you may want to pick a specific subject.
DeleteA solid proof of what exactly? that we were ever influenced by perhaps warmongering extraterrestrials...
Of the suceess and failures in an attempt to break free?. U could find such info if u read older all depends how opened you are to information. If your idea of proof is that any claims had to be written in "scientific americana" magazine or else is not believable well... chances are u may not get such an answer in such format and if you were aware of the type of games being played in glocal and local scales you would understand why you would not find the answer so easily in mainstream articles... especilaly present ones.
Is good to claim to be a skeptic... but is double nice to be an informed skeptic of both views. Challenge is will you take the time to rearch for the answer yourself
Hey Guys and whoever calls himself Cobra.
ReplyDeleteCan you actually provide a solid PROOF of you’re words?
Not just some articles that only represent one persons ideas with no evidence attached.
What makes you think that something or someone that we never saw and don’t have any evidence to firmly say that this exists. Will by some miracle come and save us?
Especially taking in consideration that this forces of light or aliens and what not which you claim “represent an ancient civilization” and thus have been witnessing never ending hunger, poverty, slavery massacres of entire nations, corrupt leaders, WARS and all the other “good stuff” that keep on going for the entire recorded history!(thousands of years) Have not even ONCE stepped in to help us,
will actually DO IT now?
And that this isn’t just a simple imagination of a “childish mind” that just hopes that someone will come to the rescue? Like the goddes mother that will come to give us love and a kiss on the bubbu.
Can you provide a SOLID proof?
ReplyDelete... OK
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité !!!
ReplyDeleteWhere is this mountain she is part of?
ReplyDeleteHow each person's vibration creates our current reality.
Foreign ministers of Russia and US shook hands in front of cameras just now.
ReplyDeletePlandemic narrative falls apart.. World war narrative falls apart.. Victory of the light!
Can we just stop being dumb idiots and come together as humanity??????
ReplyDeleteUS foreign policy is terrorist.
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding the NATO Russian situation.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all when Russia took Crimea there were protests in Moscow by Russian & Ukrainian people.
Then Putin took Donbas and there were protests in Ukraine. Ukraine like other former Soviet Union Republics has always had it's own history, culture and language. Ukrainian people want to join NATO for many reasons. This has nothing to do with any deep state nonsense. Ask yourself why Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania joined NATO and they too were former Soviet Republics. In 1932 and 1933 roughly 3.5 million to 7 million (with some estimates going higher)Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a genocide and man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government of Joseph Stalin. So why would Ukraine want anything to do with Putin or Russia? They want their freedom and independence like all former soviet republics. Putin is a power hungry control freak and would like to see all former soviet republics back together and under his control. But that is not going to happen. I feel sorry for the Russian people because they are governed by a mad man.
You are terribly confused. Drivel. Without Mr. Putin, this planet is already on fire. You read the information that cabal spreads.
DeleteYou are very intelligent! Tank you.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo those who rule and are trying to implement their global consolidation: This is your last chance to save your own skins. Nothing will stop the collapse, but you can at least abandon your nefarious project and its totalitarian blueprint. It’s your only chance to avoid the Sarlacc pit, and that’s a slim chance indeed. Collapse will focus your victims’ attention on their ruination and your responsibility for it. You’ll be lucky to escape their retribution. Your odious class has always hid your failures and tried to shift the blame, but that game is up.
ReplyDeleteYep. The Jedis with The Force will take care of them.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou guys buy too much into this war fearmongering bullshit! Haven't you learned from decades of rumors of wars and propaganda that NOTHING is gonna happen? The LF are preventing major conflicts. If something does happen it is obviously aimed at taking down the last remnants of the Cabal for good so we can have peace and go on with our lives without their nefarious interference.
DeleteWe Got this!
Trust the plan!
But should action be taken? There's this to consider:
Ukraine can't just be allowed to commit genocide.
ReplyDeleteI feel as if my energy field has been cleared up recently. If not, I can also feel that something is getting better.🙃🌟✌
ReplyDeleteA universal aspect of humanity is that humanity has major trust issues because of eons of abuse. The negative forces took advantage of these trust issues.
ReplyDeleteSi van a ver arrestos y ejecuciones para que el mundo se entere de una vez por todas de toda la porqueria que no ha rodeado desde hace muchos años ??
ReplyDeleteGesara se va a implementar o es puro cuento ??
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they do trust the Light Forces. I don't know what's really going on, and I'll have to be ok with that.
DeleteRussia can't really be expected to just sit back while being cornered. My intentions were good but I'm out of touch with reality. Therefore, I'm deleting the comment.
DeleteThe meditations do have a positive effect that can be felt though. The pink flower of life has a strong beneficial effect.
Furthermore, when lightworkers get into conflicts with one another, it's from a lack of trust in one another. The belief of "You are trying to hurt me" stems from mistrust. (Of course there are those who really should not be trusted if they are agents.) The surface population is hard-wired to mistrust because of countless historical betrayals and abuse. This is why even the most pure-hearted beings are not trusted by many. Mistrust has become a very deep aspect of the surface population.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't have to be this way though. People can learn to trust again.
So true. I've found that the more honest and communicative you are, the more you are mistrusted because everyone expects everyone to be like them.. full of secrets and hidden intentions.
DeleteI believe this will only happen after the Event and after all this primary anomaly and scalar brainwashing weapons are removed. Event the most pure-hearted people with good intentions are mistrusted by others because they are brainwashed zombies.
DeleteDidn't know that "peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks" would show as a want of Nato-Russia conflict. The idiocy i read at the newsoutlet and social media is beyond description. Thankfully, we can prevent this by meditating and our friends can live a life without a regret of starting a useless war that only serves the caBALLS.
ReplyDeleteThis is NOT a real war, it is propaganda by the fucking Cabal as always to instill fear in the sheeple. This is a take over of a Cabal hub, a scare event 'false flag' by the white hats to take over the system and trigger the EBS to disclose the truth to the sleeping zombies.
DeleteWe got this!
The madness at the end of time seems to be at its height. NATO-Russia escalation is its physical manifestation. Stupidity is really blooming now. Let's meditate.
ReplyDeletePsychic and intuitive Michelle Fielding gives her latest insights about the current world situation on the Nicholas Veniamin Show, for those who are interested.
My mom said she liked that picture so much she printed it out.
ReplyDeleteHello american friends!☺ About Russia is everething OK! Cabala have to be Cleared over Russia and Plejands. That is The Moment comming to The Event! Good Will and Good common Sense Freinds! Good Time Best Time!😊😊
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but wasn't previous meditations supposed to end all this bullshit...?
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, ukraine is a cabal stronghold so let it crumble, let the russians take it back.
I wouldn't even mind if they take over nazi Germany
DeleteGame theory, bub!
DeleteIt's all a show, for optics, waking up the sheeple.
Scare event necessary to trigger EBS and take over of the system by white hats according to Q.
Don't buy into the illusion, bub.
Wake up!
Prepare for big scare event ! Is coming. Don t be scared. Q is not a psyop. Here are so many deceivers. Belive in you,in what you feel, not in what others try to put in your mind.
Convicted criminals facing arrest for medical genocide, child trafficking, and murder: (top left to right to bottom)
Albert Bourla (CEO, Pfizer), Gary Paterson (United Church of Canada), Phil Spencer (12 Mile Club child/organ traffickers)
by the Warrants and Arrests of the International Common Law Court of Justice
- AND hear more of the details of who did what, when, and where!
This Sunday, January 23 on Here We Stand – the Voice of the Resistance and the Republic
At - 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT
With your regular host Kevin Annett
On the 27th anniversary of his illegal firing by the United Church of Canada for exposing their mass murder of native children
For recent updates and copies of the Warrants, see:
Na co czekają siły światła ????????????
ReplyDeleteWhy not any update yet?? All this "russian thing" is just a scam..
ReplyDeleteYep! Game theory.
DeleteDaca Rusia taie gazele au castigat 'razboiul". Nato se va rupe in doua, o parte condusa de Germania si ulterior urmata de tot UE si o parte condusa de SUA. Apoi Rusia se va distra privind la cele 2 parti luptandu-se sa reprezinte comunitatea internationala. Ulterior, sub presiunea propriei populatii infrigurate, caci le sar fuzibilele cu atâtea resouri in priza, Germania va conduce o delegatie europeana, ignorand total SUA, la un nou tratat de pace Minsk 2, unde vor accepta toate doleantele Rusiei de control asupra " teritoriilor" cu singura conditie sa fie "impachetate in poleiala democratiei si dreptului international intre ghilimele. Si gata.
ReplyDeleteEtapa 2 de retragere nato se va face prin subminarea din interior a acestuia si prin scaderea rolului international al SUA aflata in incapacitate de plata, congresul nevotand cresterea plafonului de indatorare pentru a putea sustine budgetul . Ulterior Rusia va propane o alianta europeana din care va face parte si ea si care chipurile nu va intra in contradictie cu alianta nato. Doar ca o va face neoperativa. Mat.
Ce nu stie SUA este ca Germania vrea sa se retraga din tratatul de liber schimb SUA -UE de cand cu invazia Tesla care va ruina in 2-3 ani intreaga industrie auto germana. Si asta doare mai tare decat criza gazelor care in 5 ani poate fi trecuta prin reconversie pe electricitate. Astfel Germania renunta la piața americana pe care deja a pierdut-o , multumindu-se a-si securiza piața europeană plus Rusia si republicile intr-o noua arhitectura mondiala in care Germania si Rusia vor avea puteri egale la nivel politic.
Excellent Work LightNinjas!!
ReplyDeleteThe Positive Energies Are Rising!!!
Yes, I register that too.
DeleteI affirm that nuclear weapons are illegal on this planet under international law.
ReplyDeleteThe Tongan detonation could have been a Rod of God that was plunged into the volcano to destroy Cthulhu (the ‘mythical monster’ that lives deep under the ocean and is said to control all evil entities). The detonation definitely was NOT nuclear, as some Anons are speculating.
DeleteThe Creator banned all nuclear detonations in all multiverses decades ago because of the catastrophic damages to souls.
Interesting astrology that readers of this blog may find interesting and important.
ReplyDeleteKARMIC CHANGES Altering Course of Human History! Lunar Nodes in Taurus & Scorpio—18 Month Forecast!
C'est peut être la Russie qui déclenchera le blackout avant l'événement, non ?
ReplyDeleteAll this " Russia War threat " is just a clever distraction created by the cabal to create more fear and confusion while they try to escape and hide. Meanwhile the surface population is thrown under the "bus" of both dark and light agendas
ReplyDeletePartners of Duality confirmed.
ReplyDeleteNegative network along interconnected lines between nuclear weapons installations confirmed.
Active impulse manipulation at atomic/subatomic level confirmed.
Collaboration suspected in warhead detonation South Pacific, Kissinger network, related signs in various manifest signs detected.
Plus a whole lot of other really relavent stuff, that we can talk about later, if we live that long...
ReplyDeleteSeriously though,
ReplyDeleteI do confirm my observations as stated.
I also confirm observed signs of collaboration regarding cv19 bioweapon along all subverted institutional vectors of both American and Russian structures.
I suspect collaboration between criminal elements of both nation's military structures in the recent warhead detonation in the south pacific (not necessarily confirmed, but, the absolute silence on every single observed comm channel is very suspicious).
All relevant posts on sponsored communications sites, do very little to dissuade my suspicions.
Don't worry.
ReplyDeleteI do this sort of thing all the time.
I'll be fine.
I will say this,
ReplyDeleteI was quite surprised at the fragility of a certain ego when it was exposed to the 'trump treatment'.
I expected the subject to be more secure, mmore pulled together, if you will...
ReplyDeleteIf we are really at our leisure here,
The impressions that I recieved during the remote interview process with the subject in question indicated not only a fundamental egoic instability, but also a negative and inhuman influence upon the subconscious and conscious presence of the individual.
This observed condition seemed to me to be responsible for certain almost instinctive negative reactions from the subject upon communicative stimuli which would have been otherwise acceptable to a genuinely human soul which was not under inhuman influence on these levels.
ReplyDeleteThough we've not always been exactly friendly,
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to have someone to talk to who understands what the hell I am talking about.
Though, I am fairly certain, I have provided some unexpected, unforseen, instances of revelation, hopefully.