Many sources state the ET's WON'T allow nuclear war. See, detonating a nuclear bomb will be felt in other areas of the universe. Also, imagine what happens in OTHER dimensions that occupy the SAME SPACE that the aforementioned nuclear bomb is detonated in.
Message from ascended beings: "Don't worry → everything will be alright”. The direction in which one looks influences someone's manifestations. Why do the dark ones manipulate people to change their line of sight (focus)?
from this website-quote----Veterans for Freedom (V4F) is a grassroots organization comprised of Canadian Armed Forces veterans who are mobilizing a nation-wide movement of peaceful, lawful, civic action. We join our brothers and sisters across the country to restore fundamental freedoms for all Canadians, and to honour our Fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for these freedoms. We stand on guard to uphold Canadian laws that are governed by the Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Bill of Rights. We call on all able-bodied veterans in Canada to STAND-TO.-----unquote.....
I was just thinking about this actually. It must be computer or astral battles, not like they're getting bombed and shootouts in the hallways. What about quantum computers so it's kind of like a hacker battle, but also has physical and energetic effects. Also the idea of hyper-intelligent spiders is disturbing. They're bad when they're just a tiny bug. I really want to see what these king and queen bastards look like. We'd probably faint.
But: Also our consciousness influences the quantum plane. That's why the dark ones try to put the people into fear, so that they execute manifestations desired by the dark ones with it.
You ignore sick weak people. They are never about them. It's always just about the vibration of healthy people on this planet of death.. Where is sympathy, graciousness, etc ..
Nothing the classic Dr. Who Story "Planet of the Spiders", John Pertwee's final story. Even the Doctor was a bit scared of them.
And I'm not afraid of the spiders. As I said, let the light forces pick me up, fix me up, and I'll be happy to SQUASH as many of those spiders as possible.
@CoBra and others, Daniel Birdichevsky as well as Emily Moyer say that recent air travel feels different. Daniel says it has a sort of higher energy feeling and it seemed like the plane wasnt even moving. It sounds like the veil is thinning out. He also had strong visions, one of which sounds like the event:
No justice ! The forces of light simply ignore sick people. Ashtar, Archangel Michael and everyone. Where is the truth here ?!! I have had enough of the channelling, they are all different channelling.
To many of you on this blog, may God have Mercy on your conciousness and may your Soul have Mercy on your Ego's. Hard for me to see where many of you will be accepted by any race, any place in the cosmos, who would receive this type of mind in a collective? Draco, maybe... Harvest, Judgement, is self-reflected.
🧙♂️💖 _THE_ST((Q))RM_IS_HERE_ 🌪 So it begins +Is🌕+Ra☀️+El💫 May the 4th be with you 💖 May_day. May the truth comes out. May_day. May it rain blessings. May_day. May you be free. May_day. Pray 🙏
In the last 24 hours I've been sensing a high amount of pink light and purple flames. This may be planet-wide. There is a huge clearing taking place. People have heard this before - I know. I've said I'm only focusing on personal liberation - I know.
Whatever happens, I'm not getting my hopes up, because that way, I won't be disappointed. Not getting one's hopes up was advice given to me as a kid, and I never could stand that advice. I guess I really am 'growing up,' lol!
The problem I keep running into with 2012portal is when I think about 2012portal, thoughts flood my mind about how humanity, the animal kingdom, and Earth in general keep getting gutted like a fish with zero physical intervention. Then other thoughts flood my mind about inconsistencies, paranoia, and anger at 2012portal and the Light Forces. Other thoughts flood my mind as well regarding how much 'life really just sucks' and so forth - my thinking because extremely negative, depressing, and destructive. All of this floods my mind in combination with brief positive thoughts about planetary progress being made. As a net whole, the thoughts that enter my mind when thinking about 2012portal are harmful, which is why I often put 2012portal out of my mind. I'm not necessarily pointing the finger at 2012portal. These thoughts may be coming from 2012portal followers. Yet, I will no longer allow myself to be dragged down like this. It's a huge hindrance. Enough already.
What does the above mean when I'm saying I'm seeing some massive clearings but am having to banish 2012portal from my mind? I really don't know, lol! Am I pointing the finger and I'm actually the source of all the negative thinking? Again, I really don't know. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is taking out the trash, at least currently.
Anyway, um, people can do what people do, and... stuff. I don't know what else to say.
I'll state one last time that rejecting negative thinking is very effective. This doesn't mean not dealing with reality, but when extremely repetitive, lose-lose thoughts keep flooding my mind, it's time to seriously take out the trash. I accept full responsibility for taking out any trash that crosses my mind. I'm not saying I won't screw up and make mistakes, but I will just have to keep getting back up and continue forward.
@starlight, more and more personal liberation adds to the planetary liberation. If this blog is a source of negativity sometimes for you then distancing from it is fine or looking at it neutrally is okay too without a strong focus on the event. Staying balanced and not getting hopes up to high can be a useful strategy. Highs still happen but arent as strong and lows dont hit quite as hard. Disappointments are more easily dealt with.
Knowing oneself as Undefined goes beyond the negativity.
My latest post:
The 3 words:
I Am Undefined.
Other words have been used as well that are similar, such as the Unmanifest and the Unmoved Mover.
I arrived at these 3 words because some of the worst definitions have been assigned to me. I arrived at these 3 words through humiliation and abuse, but arrived, I have.
Beyond even the Light, there is Source, and Source is Undefined.
Creation has definitions, aspects, parameters, and so forth. Yet, creation can be experienced as Undefined. Ridding the mind of all definitions, labels, judgements, and so forth, allows for the Undefined experience of form. All metaphysical realms can be experienced as Undefined as well.
Especially whenever the world tries to put one in a box, one can know one's true divinity by stating over and over, whether out loud or internally, I Am Undefined.
The world still must be 'dealt with.' One cannot be in an Undefined state all the time, at least not yet. True science is not disregarded. Using labels and definitions to understand the world can be very useful. It can also be fun to explore various definitions. Yet, oneself 'knows thyself' through knowing oneself as Undefined.
Here is a somewhat crude but effective analogy: What makes a strawberry taste like a strawberry, or a cherry, a cherry? They are differentiated and identified, yet are ultimately Unknowable.
All experiences can be differentiated, but are ultimately Unknowable. That is the great mystery, which is can also be a great inspiration.
One can connect to Source through being Undefined, and then still do this, if chosen:
Thank you so much for your work with the comming liberation of humanity.
I am now reading old blog posts from Cobra2012 and I was reading with pleasure that you did 5 years ago in 2017 several times with Corey Goode together an interview-cooperation.
In the interview Cobra2012 and Corey Goode both said, that they are interested into making a MassMeditation together with the goal for the comming liberty of humanity.
I am now wondering why there are not more MassMeditations-Cooperations and interviews together?
Cobra2012 and Corey Goode are my 2 Whistleblowers and FreedomFighters that I do follow the most and since many years. And I would love to experience a cooperation of this 2 freedom fighters.
I want to go home. Like E T. It was enough of 61years, more precisely 47 years of anguish-suffering. (Many live just that, 47 years) I want to go home from this slave planet. That was enough, it was very enough.
Ocean UFOs Newly leaked video shows a UFO disappear into the water The Pentagon has confirmed these images of UFOs are part of ongoing investigations. ... leaked footage taken by a Navy ship.
After every black alert, there is a major advance
ReplyDeleteEveryboday was...
Uphill battle
ReplyDeleteIt seems like it's hot right now!!! VOTL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you can learn anything from the dark ones, it is to never give up.
DeleteYess 👍✨✌️
DeleteYes !!
DeleteAgain? o.O
ReplyDeleteRemoving of sub-quantum anomaly does not please the dark ones.
DeleteShould we do meditation to avoid nuclear conflict ?
ReplyDeleteMany sources state the ET's WON'T allow nuclear war. See, detonating a nuclear bomb will be felt in other areas of the universe. Also, imagine what happens in OTHER dimensions that occupy the SAME SPACE that the aforementioned nuclear bomb is detonated in.
DeleteNo, there will be NO nuclear wars.
Will be NO NUCLEAR EVER AGAIN!! :) That time is gone forever♡♡♡
DeleteExactly nuclear like maldeck creates huge issues
DeleteDirection of view and transformation
ReplyDeleteDirection of view → Focus (wand) → Transformation (manifestation)
Message from ascended beings: "Don't worry → everything will be alright”.
The direction in which one looks influences someone's manifestations.
Why do the dark ones manipulate people to change their line of sight (focus)?
ReplyDeletefrom this website-quote----Veterans for Freedom (V4F) is a grassroots organization comprised of Canadian Armed Forces veterans who are mobilizing a nation-wide movement of peaceful, lawful, civic action. We join our brothers and sisters across the country to restore fundamental freedoms for all Canadians, and to honour our Fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for these freedoms. We stand on guard to uphold Canadian laws that are governed by the Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Bill of Rights. We call on all able-bodied veterans in Canada to STAND-TO.-----unquote.....
Progress is being made!! Votl 🎆👑
ReplyDeleteWho is able to breach 504? Chimera ?
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about this actually. It must be computer or astral battles, not like they're getting bombed and shootouts in the hallways. What about quantum computers so it's kind of like a hacker battle, but also has physical and energetic effects. Also the idea of hyper-intelligent spiders is disturbing. They're bad when they're just a tiny bug. I really want to see what these king and queen bastards look like. We'd probably faint.
DeleteArchons too. 504 is a light city, not only a Vortex.
DeleteThe dark beings capable of quantum manipulations.
DeleteBut: Also our consciousness influences the quantum plane. That's why the dark ones try to put the people into fear, so that they execute manifestations desired by the dark ones with it.
Who, who ? Well, the chimera .
DeleteYou ignore sick weak people. They are never about them. It's always just about the vibration of healthy people on this planet of death.. Where is sympathy, graciousness, etc ..
DeleteI guess Archons.
Delete@Patrick Kehoe
DeleteNothing the classic Dr. Who Story "Planet of the Spiders", John Pertwee's final story. Even the Doctor was a bit scared of them.
And I'm not afraid of the spiders. As I said, let the light forces pick me up, fix me up, and I'll be happy to SQUASH as many of those spiders as possible.
@CoBra and others, Daniel Birdichevsky as well as Emily Moyer say that recent air travel feels different. Daniel says it has a sort of higher energy feeling and it seemed like the plane wasnt even moving. It sounds like the veil is thinning out. He also had strong visions, one of which sounds like the event:
No justice ! The forces of light simply ignore sick people. Ashtar, Archangel Michael and everyone. Where is the truth here ?!! I have had enough of the channelling, they are all different channelling.
ReplyDeleteTo many of you on this blog, may God have Mercy on your conciousness and may your Soul have Mercy on your Ego's. Hard for me to see where many of you will be accepted by any race, any place in the cosmos, who would receive this type of mind in a collective? Draco, maybe... Harvest, Judgement, is self-reflected.
DeleteYou can follow the 3D realm and see the changes, not as hard as many make it, good luck in Judgement.
DeleteGlass houses pal, glass houses.
What makes you so.....anointed?
@PlanetX You know what ? Try what it's like to live in a double or even triple matrix .
Delete🧙♂️💖 _THE_ST((Q))RM_IS_HERE_ 🌪
ReplyDeleteSo it begins +Is🌕+Ra☀️+El💫
May the 4th be with you 💖
May the truth comes out.
May it rain blessings.
May you be free.
Victory of the Light
Does this affect us? My life took a sudden turn for the worse yesterday.
ReplyDeleteÉ serio isso? Não acaba nunca.
ReplyDeleteForward Direction
In the last 24 hours I've been sensing a high amount of pink light and purple flames. This may be planet-wide. There is a huge clearing taking place. People have heard this before - I know. I've said I'm only focusing on personal liberation - I know.
Whatever happens, I'm not getting my hopes up, because that way, I won't be disappointed. Not getting one's hopes up was advice given to me as a kid, and I never could stand that advice. I guess I really am 'growing up,' lol!
The problem I keep running into with 2012portal is when I think about 2012portal, thoughts flood my mind about how humanity, the animal kingdom, and Earth in general keep getting gutted like a fish with zero physical intervention. Then other thoughts flood my mind about inconsistencies, paranoia, and anger at 2012portal and the Light Forces. Other thoughts flood my mind as well regarding how much 'life really just sucks' and so forth - my thinking because extremely negative, depressing, and destructive. All of this floods my mind in combination with brief positive thoughts about planetary progress being made. As a net whole, the thoughts that enter my mind when thinking about 2012portal are harmful, which is why I often put 2012portal out of my mind. I'm not necessarily pointing the finger at 2012portal. These thoughts may be coming from 2012portal followers. Yet, I will no longer allow myself to be dragged down like this. It's a huge hindrance. Enough already.
What does the above mean when I'm saying I'm seeing some massive clearings but am having to banish 2012portal from my mind? I really don't know, lol! Am I pointing the finger and I'm actually the source of all the negative thinking? Again, I really don't know. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is taking out the trash, at least currently.
Anyway, um, people can do what people do, and... stuff. I don't know what else to say.
I'll state one last time that rejecting negative thinking is very effective. This doesn't mean not dealing with reality, but when extremely repetitive, lose-lose thoughts keep flooding my mind, it's time to seriously take out the trash. I accept full responsibility for taking out any trash that crosses my mind. I'm not saying I won't screw up and make mistakes, but I will just have to keep getting back up and continue forward.
@starlight, more and more personal liberation adds to the planetary liberation. If this blog is a source of negativity sometimes for you then distancing from it is fine or looking at it neutrally is okay too without a strong focus on the event. Staying balanced and not getting hopes up to high can be a useful strategy. Highs still happen but arent as strong and lows dont hit quite as hard. Disappointments are more easily dealt with.
DeleteJoy...never have high hopes for anything......MARVELOUS.
DeleteLongStar117, true, true, thanks.
DeleteKnowing oneself as Undefined goes beyond the negativity.
My latest post:
The 3 words:
I Am Undefined.
Other words have been used as well that are similar, such as the Unmanifest and the Unmoved Mover.
I arrived at these 3 words because some of the worst definitions have been assigned to me. I arrived at these 3 words through humiliation and abuse, but arrived, I have.
Beyond even the Light, there is Source, and Source is Undefined.
Creation has definitions, aspects, parameters, and so forth. Yet, creation can be experienced as Undefined. Ridding the mind of all definitions, labels, judgements, and so forth, allows for the Undefined experience of form. All metaphysical realms can be experienced as Undefined as well.
Especially whenever the world tries to put one in a box, one can know one's true divinity by stating over and over, whether out loud or internally, I Am Undefined.
The world still must be 'dealt with.' One cannot be in an Undefined state all the time, at least not yet. True science is not disregarded. Using labels and definitions to understand the world can be very useful. It can also be fun to explore various definitions. Yet, oneself 'knows thyself' through knowing oneself as Undefined.
Here is a somewhat crude but effective analogy: What makes a strawberry taste like a strawberry, or a cherry, a cherry? They are differentiated and identified, yet are ultimately Unknowable.
All experiences can be differentiated, but are ultimately Unknowable. That is the great mystery, which is can also be a great inspiration.
One can connect to Source through being Undefined, and then still do this, if chosen:
Something big is happening
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your work with the comming liberation of humanity.
I am now reading old blog posts from Cobra2012 and I was reading with pleasure that you did 5 years ago in 2017 several times with Corey Goode together an interview-cooperation.
In the interview Cobra2012 and Corey Goode both said, that they are interested into making a MassMeditation together with the goal for the comming liberty of humanity.
I am now wondering why there are not more MassMeditations-Cooperations and interviews together?
Cobra2012 and Corey Goode are my 2 Whistleblowers and FreedomFighters that I do follow the most and since many years. And I would love to experience a cooperation of this 2 freedom fighters.
Thank you so much.
@lightfulvictory, the dark forces dont want lightworker types cooperating and collaborating. The specific reasons why will come out.
DeleteStill looking for the WorldPeace Alert!!!
ReplyDeleteCome on LF's,
We Are Ready for Peace ❤
I want to go home. Like E T. It was enough of 61years, more precisely 47 years of anguish-suffering. (Many live just that, 47 years) I want to go home from this slave planet. That was enough, it was very enough.
ReplyDeleteSubq vomit removal in progress
Ocean UFOs
ReplyDeleteNewly leaked video shows a UFO disappear into the water
The Pentagon has confirmed these images of UFOs are part of ongoing investigations. ... leaked footage taken by a Navy ship.
ReplyDeletewipeout sequence 8 in progress where?
ReplyDeleteFollow The Sun