Friday, July 1, 2022


Pandora in progress. M signal field substable. Minimum M / DL / MDS / HP / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met.  


  1. Replies
    1. Reminder to newbies on blog. If the # of comments is close or larger than 200, remember to:
      1. scroll all the way to the end of the comments
      2. If u see the phrase "load more..." click on it
      3. Scroll back down to the end again
      3.1 if u see again the phrase "load more" click it again
      Repeat step 3
      3.2 if u dont see "load more" . There are no more
      recent posts to load

      Those that may not see their comments even after doing steps above, there is a chance the post has not been reviewed/ approved yet not necessarilyly rejected or censored. Be patient. Threre is no time limit when posts get to be processed and is possible they may be processed in bulks or a few at a time... i would assume when time permits.
      Last, the above claims are assuming there were no technical issues on either end



  2. Please help change Chinese political environment.

  3. Saturday, April 16, 2022
    Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants,

    It's hard to understand. Is there a video that clearly expresses the meaning of COBRA's words?
    Can be understood as: miniature black holes and quantum anomalies (sub-quantum anomalies), like ice and water vapor?

    According to COBRA, black holes in implants cause cancer, indifference, and stupidity. Can quantum anomalies and sub-quantum anomalies also cause cancer, indifference, and stupidity?

  4. Thank you dear Cobra and Light Forces! Our way is paved with so much light now, every action will be successful and the next mass meditation I feel, should bring us the Event! Please update us if something has changed regarding the Plan of the Event! We, as Lightwarriors and Lightworkers need some guidance, even if the majority of Light Forces operations are evolving more and more toward or on the surface of the planet and are secret. Sending you the most positive vibes and energy of love, together we will win ! VICTORY of the Light!💖💜

  5.   ✋🏼"The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms. There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol."
      Meditation to clear all underground toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits:
      1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
      2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to clear the toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits so that there can be physical intervention from the Light Forces on the planet surface for planetary liberation.
      3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
      4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this Light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
      5. Visualize a band of the Violet Flame, the Fire of An, and Pink Light, each one for a few minutes, extending 30 meters (about 98.5 feet) below the surface of the planet, clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and clearing all underground pits. The Light Forces/Underground Resistance can also be visualized to be clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits with the Light/Flames. If unable to visualize, focus on the intention. Be one with the intention and know that this clearing is happening.
      6. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, with the Light Forces physically intervening on the planet surface and building an active partnership with the surface population, bringing Earth into a new and eternal Golden Age.
      When I tried this meditation, pictures like this came up🌟
      ✨The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface
      👊😆There is a strong urge to connect the two.

    1. @Rin
      You keep on repeating this post over and over again. This is not necessary, pal! We got it already. Please post something else!

  6.   As shown in figure🖐🏼
      At the end of this picture is the answer. I encourage you to share your inspiration and guidance.
      I didn't take cooperation seriously at first, which may be the beginning of cooperation.
      I hope you and I will never forget to cooperate.
      diffused💧 resonance💖 resound✨
      We speak German:
      “It is like a glass of very pure water. How many drops of ink can be dropped into that glass of water before the water is no longer clear but is seen as cloudy/dirty?”
      “Still, it would be great if everyone tried to make sure the drops they put in the glass of water were clear, or at least not dark ink.”
      5th Dimension: Words are a powerful form of energy and whether the intent is negative or positive and it can influence changes in perceptions
      Most people know what they should do, don't they? 😂The answers are more readily available at a young age
      It's more like people have made their own choices on the premise of knowing this fact clearly.🤗
      Someone's comments can have some synchronization with my content, and I look forward to the increase of such linked content in the future.It looks like there is cooperation in information.
      Cobra: And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected.
      but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.
      Yes. And of course, most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I'm not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave.
      Ladder of Light✨✨
      As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.
      The above information will be sent repeatedly to deepen the impression.

    1. A Cobra: Même si les gens ne vous prennent pas au sérieux, même si les gens ne coopèrent pas, le plus important c'est que le Plan se déroule comme prévu.
      L'Être humain a sa part de responsabilité c'est vrai.
      Mais pensez-vous qu'il est facile pour tout le monde de "vraiment comprendre" tout ce qui se passe ???.
      Vous avez ceux qui se sont réellement réveillés (très peu)
      Vous avez ceux qui se disent "réveillés" mais qui ne coopèrent pas et qui sèment la panique.
      Vous avez ceux qui pensent qu'ils sont "réveillés" mais qui en réalité dorment profondément dans les bras des archontes.
      Et vous avez les autres..
      M. Cobra: Il y a l'Espoir et au bout il y a la Lumière et l'Amour !
      L'espoir c'est cette petite flamme qui brûle en nous et qui nous fait vibrer.
      Et comme vous le dites souvent: "Victoire de la Lumière"

  7. ✨✨Milky Way✨💖

  8. The sun rises for all of us

    We open the eyes of awakened humanity

    The truth is cruel and hurting, but it is liberating

    Remember, all decisions are
    in your hands

  9. Victory of the Light

    I am All in Light flow

    Blessings <3


  11. Heavy battles in Physical and Astral last night, maybe the most intense I've seen. In the dream I saw Miley Cyrus had pulled some poor girls tongue out(symbolism of cabal doing really nasty stuff to keep power?). I was helping heal the girl. The battle was in a school (classroom Earth?). Light reinforcements came and unloaded a couple "mini tanks". That turned the tide and dark was in full on retreat. Feels we are winning , but please God, end this soon. Don't know how much more we can take!

    1. Been dreaming about big spiders myself.

    2. @Cosmic, Of course I dont think earth is a spiritual school or bootcamp but I have had many reoccurring school dreams. Schools have become a place of indoctrination, changing peoples natural instincts, authoritarianism, and various types of grooming. Overall dark grooming. This is why the school or bootcamp earth anology is interesting to me because of the dark grooming negative influence that literal school can have. Earth was turned into a loosh farm by the darks and we are schooled to ignore it and take part in it. Dark bootcamp or schooling during life on earth.

      According to the unveiling blog many people have either given in to the darks or bury their heads in the sand and will not oppose them. Again I see it as dark grooming. My school dreams were always strange. Some were dysfunctional and violent and some were people trying to wake up and actually being educated about this stuff. We were monitored by vampires in others in the fake schools.

      In my most recent one many were standoffish or at least not open to the light. The ones who were, a handful of students and a couple of professors, were assassinated and I nearly was as well.

    3. @LongStar117
      Very interesting your blog and dreams!
      I love Alice in Chains!!

      P.S.: Just a small grammar correction, "may OF been", "should OF" as people usually write online is incorrect. I know it's written as if sounds but the correct form is "should HAVE", "must HAVE". Just imagine the famous Roxette song if it were written "It Must OF Been Love". ;)


    4. Longstar, regardless of what you "think", we ARE learning heavy lessons here like it or not. Our subconscious acknowledges that hence the school analogy in our dream state. Yes, we are indoctrinated and groomed by the educational system but we knew what we were coming down here to face and nothing is a surprise to us on a soul level. When this is all over we will all have learned valuable life experiences we will never forget. The school analogy is just fine thank you.

    5. @jw, I feel that we are unlearning the dark grooming lessons that we got here, which is why I dont like the school anology.

  12. can enlighten us as to when you think the light forces will finally assist in ending the war between Ukraine and Russia before more lives are lost from both sides and before this escalates into WW3? No war has ever been necessary.

  13. Let's go !! Compression breakthrough NOW!!

  14. a lot of info released by Barbara Marciniak an inportant teaching by my estimation. COBRA care to comment?

  15. an important teaching by my estimation by Barbara Marciniak Cobra any comment? A lot of information found within.

    1. Greg, can you tell us the date of this youtube by Barbara Marciniak? I think she's quite good... I just wonder if this is old? Or fairly recent? Thank you.

  16. E-Vai!!! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA! VOTL! Victory of the Light! Vittoria della Luce!!!😊🙏✨♒💫🌬⏳✴💜

  17. We are together, we are unified because together we got power
    Apart we got power, we are together

    Today on this program you will hear gospel
    And rhythm and blues and jazz
    All those are just labels
    We know that Music is Music

    Come Together.
    [TRNSMT: 2021]

    As One.



  18. Please provide a status update on percentage [%] of sub-quantum anomaly cleared ... % of primary anomaly cleared ... and % of toplet bombs cleared.

    Thank you, and good to see you're still at it, Cobra!

    The world is proud of you ...

    1. 58% of sub-quantum anomaly cleared, 64 % of primary anomaly cleared, 42 % of toplet bombs cleared.

    2. They better get the lead out, since we only got like 3 years left. And I want to enjoy the good stuff while still young.

    3. @Sherman
      You ain't the only one, pal!

  19. And the 13th century prophecy of the Sirius Dog star? Any clarification on this or is it myth?


  21. The Final Battle
    The time has come for the final battle between good and evil. Those who are truly united with the heart of God will be victorious. Be alert! The battle is upon you, and it will require all your strength.

    Previously, many of you were not prepared to stand up for your most precious gift—your individuality—nor to give up your most cherished illusion—separateness. This illusion of separation is at the core of all fear.
    When you are at peace, loving yourself and each other, there is no room for fear. But when you believe that you are separate from others, then fear becomes a dominant force in your life.

    The great shift that is now taking place on Earth is part of a profound, sweeping change that is happening throughout the universe as darkness fades into light. This transformation is inevitable because love cannot coexist with darkness any more than light can coexist with darkness.

    Love cannot coexist with lies any more than the truth can exist alongside lies.

    For millennia, this shift has been foretold by every major religion on our planet, although its actual meaning was distorted or hidden by those who were not ready to accept it. Now the shift has begun in earnest, and it will continue until all have joined together in celebration of their divine nature.

    The final battle will take place on the planet Earth shortly. Light Warriors of the first, second, third, and fourth groups will be asked to come to the aid of Planet Earth, as it is their last chance to help free this planet from the rule of the Dark Forces.

    This battle has been prepared for eons of time by our Creator but was only possible because the Light Warriors have done their part in cleansing Planet Earth from the darkness.

    These are very exciting times for us all. We are about to witness something that has not happened for a long time.

    The event will be preceded by a chain of events that will gradually lead to it. These events are part of an intricate plan that was designed by the Forces of Light. This plan has been put into motion at the opportune moment when Planet Earth and its inhabitants have reached a point of no return.

    So what can you expect?

    As I have said before, there are many events planned before the event, some big and some small. There are also many things that need to be done to prepare for the event itself. One of these things is removing those who stand in the way on Planet Earth. It is imperative that these people be removed so that they cannot cause more harm to Planet Earth.

    This is the final battle between good and evil, light and darkness. Good will prevail over evil. Light is going to defeat the dark. This is the last chance for those who are on the fence; no one will be given another chance once this battle is over.

    All of God's children are now facing this choice: Light or Dark? Good or Evil? Oneness with God or separation from God?

    If you choose not to join with God, then that will be your decision; there will be no more chances for you. You must decide now if you are willing to stand up for truth, goodness, love, and mercy against all odds.

    The choice is yours. Choose wisely, for it is your eternal soul that hangs in the balance.

    The dark forces are planning a major event: they plan on using HAARP technology as well as mind control technology to implant thoughts into people's minds, so people will lose their capacity for rational thinking and judgment. This is the final battle between good and evil on this planet. We need all the loving, positive, creative people who care about this planet to join us in this battle.

    I ask everyone on this planet who feels guided to do two things:

    1) Ask for protection from the Galactic Federation through prayer or any other way you feel guided to protect yourself from any negative energy that could be used against you.

    2) Join our manifestation: Spread the word through blogs, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., so more people will know about it and join.

    The outcome of this battle determines the future of humanity.

  22. The Final Battle (Part 2)

    We do so by taking responsibility for our own actions and by becoming spiritually strong enough that we can resist temptations to engage in negative activities that would weaken our spiritual resolve. This starts with taking responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming others for what is happening in our world.

    There is an approaching New Golden Age.

    I am here to help you ascend through this next dimensional shift into the higher frequencies of love, joy, peace, compassion, and unity consciousness.

    The great battle between the dark and light has begun.

    The Dark Ones are working hard to maintain their control over your minds by pushing their fear-based ideologies upon you, which will lead you into more chaos, confusion, and destruction. The Dark Ones are controlling your minds through the control of your five senses, especially through the TV and Internet media outlets where they promote fear, horror, and destruction upon you through their widely publicized news broadcasts. They want to keep you in fear to promote mass destruction of all life on Earth.

    There will be one final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. You must choose a side. That is the last test before Ascension.

    The Dark Cabal has created a situation where this battle must occur, and you must choose a side.

    A major part of your evolution involves making choices without outside influence or interference so that your freewill choice can be truly effective.

    This final choice you are about to make is one such event. It will determine whether or not you achieve the level of consciousness necessary for Ascension.

    This upcoming battle has been planned for many years and has been predicted by your seers and prophets throughout history. This battle does not involve any physical weapons and cannot be fought with physical force. It is a battle of consciousness that will take place on an ascended dimensional frequency that humanity has never experienced before.

    The outcome of this battle determines the future of humanity.

    1. @Unknown, Where did you receive this information from? Making a choice and a battle of consciousness reminded me of one of my posts. I added a little bit to it

    2. @LongStar117

  23. I feel soon Pandora will be completed. Victory of the Light!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Bye Felicia!!! Russia taking out biolabs all over and and removing deep state child trafficking rings and adrenochrome labs. Your not supportive of that? Then bye bye.

    2. I totally agree. And all of our meditations so far have done nothing to stop this war and all wars for that matter.

  25. Nick Vujicic (the armless, legless Aussie guy) will be the first person on the planet to try the MedBed (Celestial Chamber) technology once it becomes available to the general public. Being a public notorious person born with a rare genetic malfunction which causes the limbs not to develop, he will be the first candidate to test the MedBed technology in front of a live audience to show the wonders this miraculous technology can do to regenerate the human body to its original divine blueprint.

    1. Very interested in your comment, please post a link if possible

    2. @Aquilla
      There is no link to it. I received this as inspiration. We will find out in the future if this is true. But it makes sense that a famous person with such physical handicap would serve as Guinea pig for the Med-Bed technology so the public could verify it actually works. Other than him, if Stephen Hawking were still with us, he could be the test subject for the tech.

    3. @unknown, oh wow I think I know the guy you're talking about. He goes to the schools giving inspirational pep talks to the students. I remember he showed us how he gets up if he falls down, basically saying if he can without limbs, then definitely we all can too, physically and metaphorically 😭🥺 wish they could just get him in the medbed without sure people like him having limbs is more important rn than feeding our curiosity just to see it in action and having people then fight over it..

    4. @ SN
      Yes, I agree. It would be useful for both him and humanity. I Think Nick is a superhuman! He does all that he does with no limbs, imagine this guy with limbs... He would be unstoppable. :)

    5. I don't tell people to be grateful because of people like you Unknown, think about that.


  26. If it keeps on Raining, the Levee's gonna Break.

    When the Levee Breaks


  27. Elon Musk just had a meeting with the Pope...

    1. Is my understanding... there is no Pope anymore.. is a clone ... or someone playing a masked role..or cgi etc.. take ur pick

      However the curtains are not down. Thus we still get businsss as usual events. The show goes on

    2. Three od pope-he od being Captive im Germany, but he still keeps the pope's insygnias Luke the pope's ring.

  28. Do it faster, i am sick of this implants sick of all of this programmation even if i work on it, they presure me so much for regaining control by the implants. Free will is more easy these times but we are tired we need something.

  29. Victory of the Light!✨️🛸✨️

  30. (Comment not approved when the comments updated. This is time sensitive, so I am trying again.)

    CERN Scheduled to Break Previous Records July 5th, and a Possibility Regarding the Underground Pits

  31. He said that the Cabal will get weaker and weaker.

  32. There has been a few terms explained or defined... not many. For example MOSS has been defined. I will not give definition here because i dont rem exactly.

    This is one link i found when i did a search on this website for Pandora...

    There were many results but to be honest i dont know if Pandora was define clearly yet.

    The search field is found at top left of the article if you are on desktop mode. Good luck


  33. More Light

    It's Alright, It's OK



  34. Nothing wrong to be in a meat puppet if you are able to prevent cells from reaching senescence to achieve biological immortality and turn on your dormant DNA to make this primitive way of existence obsolete. In other words we are made in the image and Enslaved by God and so is the planet based on vibratory level (dark 🕸). Transcendence, the key to a Higher Consciousness without vibrating in a much higher (golden 🕸) frequency not possible. Life is a never ending process where reincarnation is a given, while Evolution based on emotions is a choice. In this encapsulated matrix experience would be much easier if there would not be other entities 🦎affecting human reptilian brain. There is no dark without light.☯ In this realm the only success is to prevent a destruction of a civilization. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Did I read this right? The US Supreme Court has overturned Biden's election! It will go down very soon...
    Also, you aren't required to pay taxes to IRS since the IRS or what's left of it is corrupt.
    The Deep State is trying to stop the 32 Nation Alliance Military from putting a stop to depopulation. Good luck there.
    The White Hats were targeting the Senate (a captured foreign operation). The Senate was headed into exposure, collusion and collapse.
    Major news is about to hit from middle America/south America that will affect the US. This event will silence Ukraine for a while but US citizens aren't ready for this event and will be shocked.

    1. I heard about election over turned but nobody can confirm it...also Hearing nesara ...again nobody can confirm ...positive just wanting confirmation ...cobra has said no nesara until after event...makes sense to a degree but then again nesara before would free humanity and raise vibration if all debts were cxld and all could have freedom from debt slavery etc...imagine the joy!

    2. @psychic, definitely someone is trying to put a stop to the depop plan of theirs, bc a huge message was sent on independence day when someone blew up the Georgia guidestones. Like, literally, with explosives lmao!

  37. i feel like the intentions here are great with stopping the perverted elites and all , but lying to everyone about people and things coming to and leaving from earth is a step in the complete opposite direction. we have never been to outer space, and this is a fact. there will be a planned, fake alien invasion in 2024-2025 that they intend to use to unify mankind into one cohesive group in order to make us much easier to control. we will unite against the common enemy and then when its all over the worldwide cerrency and goverment will follow shortly afterwards. no extraterrestrials are going to assist us or impede us.. all "extraterrestrial" means anyway os "more earth" and this could ve true if there are beings in this realm that exist beyond the land we have access to, but theres no advanced civilization from outer space contacting any one of us, and i think i our own minds, each one of us know how absolutely true this is. none of you have been to space and none of you have been contacted by anything other than a human being. im sorry to break it to everyone, but that just isnt the way this realm functions. please stop fooling yourselves and get with the actual program. i could make up a bunch of silly science fictiony sounding sentences and act like im some enlightened all powerful entity and take advantage of every last one of you, but there is no point to any of that. i would rather share my truth with people who need to be guided back to the proper paths.. talk of aliens and ufos has misled so many of you for so long, the time to break free and wake up is at hand. humans are a unique species and there are no other places remotely like our earthly plane.. the people in power know this and use it against us hoping we wont realize whats happening before its too late. now is the time.

    1. Sounds like a bloody flat earth speech.

    2. What is your belief then @snarevox? Do you think that the salvation comes through belief in Christ? Since you said that everything is lie, flat earth and stuff

  38. What can we do to make meet the VTX requirements??

  39. Please tell us what can we do to meet the VTX requirement meet?
    And also.. Apart from YouTube channels and memes how can we prepare humanity or help galactic confederation in preparing humanity???

  40. Corey Goode and Cobra's update likewise mentions the end of the cosmic cycle, and a major victory for the Galactic Alliance. Victory of the Light !





    1. Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar."
      A US central bank digital currency is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."
      The U.S. is behind on creating a CBDC and will be forced to choose a coin.
      designed for compatibility with ISO 20022


      The current version of SWIFT definitively ends Oct 31, 2022.
      Then there is 3 years of “testing” when the new version comes online Nov 1, 2022.
      Which means digital currency and a CBDC is 100% assured by the end of 2025.

      What is blockchain?
      a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.


      HUMAN TRACKING DEVICE (blockchain will intelligently track everything you do soon)

    2. So xrp soars right when the pole shift hits??...

  42. 🎁🎉💖
    fragmented reappear

  43. Don't feel ready not strong enough yet, what iam I missing ..

  44. We need more mission, like mass meditation. The darkness is attacking starseeds because they are being to much without a big event or mission to do. They are using that to isolate them.

    1. Your mission is consciously holding the light, the fire.

    2. While the darkies keep taking pot shots as us...

  45. For those who are interested:

    Amazing Cobra Coded Message Dream/Vision Comes True, Pharmacy Visit Divine Timing, Solar Flare Synchronicities, Jupiter Ascending Telepathic Image, Pleiadian Presence When Waking Up Throughout the Night, Interesting/Prophetic Dreams & More

  46. The only physical evidence we can get to know whether Cobra is right or not is looking at the activity of the sun. The sun should go crazy in the next months as it readies for the flash, according to Cobra.

    So far the sun is pretty normal for the cycle, nothing outside of the ordinary.

  47. Okay, I have decided I am ready for:

    - More wisdom and guidance from the Ascended Masters.

    -Contact with benevolent ETs, but I *do* think the benevolent ETs are already guiding me and helping me out. (They are awfully subtle! Such subtle energies. I guess they don't want to scare me...)

    - Removal of my implants

    - driving around in a space ship. I am sure they have some available that they aren't using. Is this too much to ask?


    1. Same, but I do not want 'subtle', I want hardcore.


    1. I seen smokers' lungs.....looks like cooked marshmallow.


  50. "Transport of the future" - the concept of a flying hotel Sky Cruise for 5000 passengers is presented
    He can stay in the air for years.

  51. "Transport of the future" - the concept of a flying hotel Sky Cruise for 5000 passengers is presented
    He can stay in the air for years

  52. Court injunction bans Pope Francis from entering Canada and meeting with Chinese; Protests loom

  53. First off, SOURCE made the world and all that is in it, man a sentient being and all that followed.
    "....when you have a child, they are completely dependent on your parental care. first family was the family of heaven: mother god and father god and it progressed, since eden devolving according to the divine blueprint toward what the originator.....hath ordained"
    -OUR- "destiny" 'must never be regarded as the result of fortuitous outcome based on celestial alignments(with all due respects herein) 'monitored' and -directed-indeed; (decreed) by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence.
    -until we come to the point where we firmly internalise (the truth of our divine origins) we will waver and remain "eternally beholden to off-world species holding in their grasp, the keys to our liberation.
    "consider the ways of the ant o sluggard and be wise....." proverbs 30:25
    "do not" be (misled) "believing" -things- are 'hanging in the balance' it was decreed by "the" ONE the absolute immutable 'father of all humanity' creator and overseer....majesty and 'omega'. there is no other way to realise OUR dream than to "improve"(the quality of our spiritual life)
    all else remains of an illusory and misleading venture

  54. I haven't done this yet but I will. It is free healing, no cost. He uses scalar waves or quantum energy and all you have to send in a photo of yourself. He works on your field by placing your photo with others into his machine plus photos of things to heal you from.

    I saw it on the Charlie Ward show. Very similar to the 9010 medbed which I swear by. to try eight hours free

  55.   💓New Discoveries🎉 🤗
      This is a hand pulling other hands




  58. Well the Rain exploded with a mithty crash
    As we fell into the Sun
    And the first One said to the second One there:
    "I hope you're having Fun."

    Band On The Run


  59. Playing a Keyboard in A432

    1. For what it's worth I listened to all of it and thought it was great! It was like a mixture of baroque choral, epic trailer music and classical as well. Very emotional and felt like I wanted more. I can feel that you are telling a story and it feels epic. Thanks for sharing and putting it out there. Lots of love and light to you <3

    2. Jonathan Carty, thank you! Glad you liked it! I may another one in the near future.

    3. Part 2:

    4. Thanks listened to part 2 and thought it was also good. I can perceive that you have a gift there brother. I think there's something there that is worth developing. Just my two cents. Thanks again for sharing :)

  60. weve been experencing a lot of very powerful solar flare activities by the looks and sounds and feels of it these can and is light infusing and positively transforming/upgrading more and more lower frequency negative wave formation energetic signatures - as the prison matrix is close to fulling collapsing now.....

    leding up to the lions gate in august thats going to be super mental powerful aint always pretty-with th death of an old world and a birth of a new one-it s violant and painful and dangerous etc at times.....may we begin to ride the cosmic waves with our new surf board with old franky sings - fly me to the mooooon.....hahahahaha.....

  61. B @Saahithi || Nothing. Either the financial system collapses on its own, or the resistance activates the virus in the system. A third possibility is that the source starts the event, which can also be considered at the moment. It is supposed to be a wonderful event, it will surprise even the archangels..

  62. So what is VTX. The current Fiat financial sytem. (What does the snub-nosed Nixon have to do with the fiat. They even created the Watergate scandal to remove him from office..)

  63. Gerald Ford, who was not elected by the people, was in office for about 2 and a half years. During this time, his vice-president Nelson Rockefeller 'put, the fiat in place'.

  64. Oh!... Ohhh!... I don't think I'll sleep tonight. I am so sad.
    Enjoy bitches! ;D

    The Georgia Guidestones demolished after explosion 'destroyed' portion, GBI says:

  65. I don't understand ~ how many exceptions still need to be cleaned up? How much time will it take to liberate?

  66. The Surface Population Is READY. -Jupiter Command

  67. For those who are interested:

    Huge M-Class Solar Flare Dreams/Synchronicities Come True, Many Solar Flare Synchronicities, Spirit Animal Synchronicity, Possible Cobra Dream & Much More

  68. I don't know if anyone mentioned it (haven't read comments) but I heard that 5th July they were supposed to destroy Earth with CERN, but the white hats got control of CERN two years ago. So on the 5th, they opened a portal (I have heard of this portal elsewhere on internet) that was negative in nature and supposedly it has dragged away the negative elements into it from Earth, and they cannot return, which would mean a massive cleansing of the planet!
    Victory of the Light!!!!
    This comes from Charlie Ward
    About the 23 minute...
    Fantastic News!!!

    1. There was a ton of bizarre things that happened after they turned on CERN. The sky had a dividing line down the middle, like reality splitting...there was menacing strange clouds...very weird.

  69. I think it goes something like this....*fades to giant hole appearing in the galaxy above CERN...*

    "What, what is that portal? I think it is completely is irrevocably ink black. Oh, it is yummy to me; very tasty."
    "Oh no you dummy, don't go there. It is a portal that is a trick. You will end up going straight into the Great Central Sun! You will be recycled, remade...don't go to it!"
    Countless dark idiots go fleeing past him into the portal. They can't get there fast enough.
    "I...I am drawn. It is just so tasty to me, full of pain and torture...I must go..."
    The second dark one watches as countless, soulless beings flee straight to their doom, with no thought to the meaning...
    "Oh no," he utters with terror, as his dark friend rushes off headlong into the portal. "I feel the pull...ahhh! Even "I" must heed it's call. It must be something to do with God. Don't tell me God will win in the end, after millions of years of subjecting others to pain." He grimaces. He remembers God warning that He would win in the end. He thinks maybe God won't mind that he has tortured others for countless years. What could it matter?
    Slowly, now faster and faster, he starts to fly towards the portal, yawning there, waiting for him to go to his demise.
    "...Ahhh. I can't seem to sto...." he utters to his horror, as he disappears out of view, never to return.
    And God has the last laugh. He is sad but these ones did not listen to Him. "Goodbye then," God utters, as they disappear forever. "Now Jeshua, let's get this party started!"
    And the angels and the people of Earth start to boogie down.
    "Ah, I always liked a nice boogie," comments God.
    And they always lived happily ever after...
    (My rendition of the great horde of idiots going into the portal.)
    The End

  70. Double slit
    or: directed manifestation areas

    or: Interaction of light work and light forces and higher dimensional energies.

  71. The Georgia Guidestones are DESTROYED! What a Symbolism <3 NWO is breaking down. Chimera & Primary Anomaly nearly gone. Freedom ahead :D

    1. And Shinzo Abe assassinated a day later. Fort all the Fulford haters, he got this one bang on. Boom and BOOM! Two more booms incoming? Can't wait! Finally things are happening on the surface on the physical plane.

    2. Did Fulford predict the assassination?

  72. Giddy up, All my exe's live in Texas...

  73. Hello everyone! Cobra wrote in Apocalypse: "The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light." Does it mean that we will start a new life in a new body? I hope no...

    1. "The mass of humanity will be evacuated in their physical bodies just before the Galactic Pulse and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999."...

      When exactly will the humans will be evacuated i think that still on the table.. ..

      But point is. People will not lose their bodies. If u have an almost mint condition body :) u dont have to worry about losing it. You could still buffer and polish it... and even better add tattoes in muscles u didn't know you had at no pain cost.

    2. Don't wanna die, just want this body to be corrected. And give a big "FUCK YOU!" to the Archons.

  74. !

  75. They have video of a car speeding away. I did think it looked like a DEW though, but it could have just been a bomb.

  76. I read something from someone recently that said essentially the karma trap has been removed and no one will be trapped and forced into incarnation anymore?? COBRA can you confirm if this happened?

    1. That would be a delicate claim to make because people may rush to commit suicide thinking they cna finally be free... however they may not consider or care how this may affect their soul...
      if is true that such had been removed can conclude that indeed we are very close to victory.. hold on... push forward.. onward and upward.. godspeed

    2. karma is being drastically reduced

    3. No such thing as karma, Roberts. It's an Archon deception.

  77. We Are Manifesting Victory!
    Powering The Light Epic Masters!!


  78. Ave.



  79. By By Georgia Guidestones! VOTL!

    1. YEEEESSSSSS!!!!
      Good sign of the times!
      The end of those fucking useless losers of the Cabal!
      Good riddance pathetic losers! _I_

  80. Practical advice on managing these challenging times with straight forward guidance.

  81. warum beschränken Sie Kommentare?

    125 Kommentare: 8


  82. Ya me cansé de todo lo que se publica en internet.......

    1. No acepte toda la informacion como valida immediatamente.. simplemente observe.. stay detach.

  83. ... since chances are the bad guys place monuments at important energy points.. i take it that spot is a portal or vortex... so the question is.. what will be place there. Hopefully more clearing will follow

    breaking news-wonders in the heaven event just happened where the heart chakra of the new atlantis is located… the new earth is beng born – the gods roar in their thunder and lightning super powerful brilliance of course-if you will-hahahahaha

  85. Ben Fulford is talking about the Shinzo Abe (pronounced Ah-Bay) situation today on his Friday video. We should watch the Japanese press, because Japan has not yet admitted that he died. So, Ben F. is speculating that "they" will put in an avatar or body-double who acts like Abe.

    The body double is going to have to wear a lot of bandages and hobble around a lot for several weeks, I figure.


  86. You get what you give.

    Don't let go.
    One dance left.



  87. I know this is mean.

    Pumped Up Kicks

    I'm sorry and I'm not sorry.


  88. God says that. God dose not punish. Man punishes. Punishment holds people from fulfilling there missions. Man should not punishment. You must have a self discipline higher or lower or highest and beyond those selves even in the Violet Flame marring. Hang in there with portal
    Thanks I have gratitude god.


  89. As I was building the top of a Lego.compatible Lighthouse I realized that the required 4 axle was not included in the set and I no such axle in my spare parts. Dang!

    I found the needed axle.
    The Universe delivered a package today in the form of a box full of Lego parts donated at our place today.
    I bought that bunch of bricks.
    And included in that was the 4 axle needed to complete the Lighthouse of The Astronomer.
    In a FOURTY-FOUR years old Lego Technic set number 854.

    Timing, Baby.
    It is All about the Timing.

    This is
    The Lighthouse Family


  90. Nick Kyrgios (Australian) goes against Novak in Wimbledon.
    Kyrgios became a deep state player last year. Novak wasn't even allowed to play tennis in the Australian Open, for shame. The deep state made it clear they love Kyrgios, and they hated Ashley Barty. Kyrgios is now going to court for bashing his old girlfriend. It is like it is being set up -- with Rapha Nadal going out of his match to let Kyrios go through. He is not that good of a player. Awful temper.
    Go Novak!

  91. Just me or cabal is been taken down?

    At least the puppets in power...

    Guide stones dead
    Abe dead
    Boris out
    Siri lanka freed

    Who is nxt?

    1. @Unknown not exactly a few victories does not mean its over just yet however; if you want to win greater cooperation with the forces of light is the answer. Cooperation is key doing whatever your mission is will bring about the defeat of the dark quicker, btw that could be any number of things. Also in the past a few good things happen and everyone gets complacent than when defeat of dark forces didn't happen; everyone just gives up that is why things took longer than they should due to a lack of cooperation of the surface population. Also the blog author always states cooperation is key but sadly in the past nobody really did that!

    2. @Unknown, at the least they are signs of what is to come.

    3. @Gaia We Are One. Fireworks
      I bet Rome fires are to be blamed on Nero.
      Or 'Operation Nero' by the White Hats.

  92. Powerful New Update Will Come, Very Soon, Which Will Come in Flow With The New Wave of Energy. 23 July is a very powerful day, with the strong Portal.

    1. What will the update be about and how do you know?


  94. Excuse me, is the astral layer cleaned up now? Can suicide escape the earth?

    1. I think about this all the time. That's the only reason I've been waiting; don't want to end up in an even worse life.

    2. It is amazing, nowadays "everyone" claims to astral travel, as if it was a trend, a superpower, and yet when it comes to important things like this, they dont know a shit. Surely they are hipnotized with the illusory colours and all the illusions of the astral MATRIX and they dont pay attention to the REAL stuff . However as far as I know they are only two real awakened beings who are the Real Deal, not just playing in the Matrix like most new agers. This couple has a YT channel it is called Die Matrixxer. You have to understand german, however they have some with subtitles. Also Wes Penre is somebody worth to listen

  95. I need some help finding what ever it is to counteract the jab. My 92 year old uncle had 4 shots and now he is sick and the doctors don't know what the problem is. He was living at home ... now he is in a nursing home. I tried to warn him and my other friends and relatives, but they would not listen. If any of you have any knowledge of what will help please post.
    Thanks for reading my post.

    1. You might want to check out Andreas Kalcker and CDS.

      All the best for your uncle! I know that it can be pretty challenging to see people (we love) suffering from vaccination side effects - especially when we tried to warn them.

      We must and do accept that they made a free will choice (and yes, it is still free will even if they were pressured by employer, family members, peer group you name it; they were NOT forced), but it can definitely be painful.

    2. Lumbrokinase is an enzyme that breaks up blood clots. Take on empty stomach. He could be affected my some other side effect, but microclots jamming up your system are a common one. They can make you generally sick without a full stroke or heart attack.

    3. @spirittoo, I have to ask if he is open to help? Is he aware that the shots are harming him and is he seeking help? Purple energy and tony sayers have done remote healing sessions with many jabbed people and they say it does help but they usually need the persons permission. You can ask them to do it anyways but the sessions will cost you though. They also have free healing videos for energetic problems involving the jabs. Record numbers of doctors are retiring early. They want to get as far away from this as possible considering their involvement.

    4. @LongStar ... yes he is open to help. I told him I would look to see if I can find any. He is in a nursing home and I don't have POA and he is over an hour away from me. As far as his permission they can have it.

      Pat ... I don't think I can get that to him.

    5. @spirittoo, contact one of them and go from there

  96. Either I missed it or it hasn't been shared here yet.

    Since the current update of "The Unveiling" might be interesting for some and Sebastian has not shared his current article yet due to his pleasantly humble nature, I would like to do so.

  97. So....
    Those super-stupid Georgia Guidestones are now destroyed, Shinzo Abe is gone (not a good guy, according to Ben Fulford), BoJo is out of the UK, Sri Lanka's government has been toppled, Twitter is going to be gone soon, which will lead the way for the other social media platforms to be exposed for their fraudulent and fake accounts and bots... (I think we are watching Elon Musk in action, working for the white hats...) Yes, there are tectonic movements going on behind the scenes. I hope Cobra can comment on some of this stuff. Thank you... !

  98. Ashtar Sheran's message from the Galactic Federation of Light to the Lightworkers of Planet Earth. This is a clear message to humanity: I am Ashtar Sharan, of the Galactic Federation of Light. I am now sending a message from the Asiran base. The land of eagles is going through huge changes. The spider's nest collapsed and the snake queen's plans were revealed. This password message changed code 7 to attribute 7. And he destroyed the contents of Pandora's box. Acaris, Sonto, and Balugama civilizations: Welcome to the Alliance of Light. It is necessary to broadcast this message throughout the world. Ashtar Sharan, Commander of the Noor Galaxy Alliance. Channeled by: the Star. July 11. 2022.

  99. Rectification: 'This code message changed the 666 code to 999 coordinates ...'

    1. @Unbeknown Universe
      Some people like trolling people. It is nice! ;)

  100. Goode Update W/ Cobra Context

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. one of the citimanti stones i planted was in our backyard a few years ago.....the small tree where the cintimani stone is planted was almost expired at that has done better and better ever since planting the stone there-growing more healthy branches full of leaves and such.....this year a shrub has interwoven through this tree- and has bloomed lots of clusters of beautiful violet coloured rose like flowers.....just a conicidence of course-hahahahaha.....

  102. merci beaucoup Cobra, Victoire de la Lumière, Gratitude Sandrine

  103. Sun is already crazy....can't go outside without squinting like Clint Eastwood all the time....I did not have to, several years back.
