when will that, because i sometimes read thing about people talking about the planets of the Pleiadians (or one idk) and i really want to go and see it but i have to wait for the evacuation but i don't want everything i worked on (like my physical and digital art) safe and things that i had for years safe too i hope once the times comes i will know what to do
I'm all set to go to Pleiades. Just need 5-30 minutes advanced notice to get ready. And IF it means leaving my stuff behind, no problem....for there is BETTER stuff out there. And remember...stuff is just that....things.
well for me they have either sentimental value, just things i had for years and don't want to loose or it's my art and i don't want my work (digital and physical) to be gone, it feels bad when i think about it
but you do you and i do me
i hope they will help us somehow, and i hope their food is safe for us to eat.
i hope it will be soon like around the 2020s or 2030s (mostly 2020s i hope)
also this song feels relevant now, what do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRcPA7Fzebw
This from The American Prince on Telegram, "What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal and corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE. We knew this day would come. United we STAND. We FIGHT. Conspiracy no more."
Stay stoic friends and hold excellent space for each other! We're on to the next phase now and it's a doozy! Wonderful workers of the Light, we did itππππ #SisterhoodoftheRose πΉπΉπΉ
random question, i know they are beings in Sirius that look like cats 9i think idk) are there beings that look like dogs because if there cats cat beings then why not dogs?
@ms100dragon100 No, dogs! Probably in Canis Majoris (Sirius) if that's why they call the star Dog Star. Otherwise, most likely lynx beings because lynxes are AWESOME!
Victory of the Light everyone!!! I was listening to Judy as usual, she said that babies are cloned in underground tunnels for abuse and adrenochrome and organs. OMG I thought so. Its so revolting. We have to finish off the dark for good!!!!! You know they clone human adults under Africa (takes a few months only) and they farm humans! I'm sick of it.
They are trying to kill babies everywhere. In Australia they stopped giving Ritalin for good I think. Stop drugging, killing babies and children! They are trying to kill them in Canada! Many kids have vax injuries.
The whole world it seems is blocking Vanguard-Rothchild banks, the climate agenda, and all that stuff. GOOD! There's an international manhunt against top khazarian mafia agents this summer.
The western starvation blackmail card is removed. GOOD! Russia to bring more grain exports to Europe. (No starvation!) New sea routes are opening up to allow this
Yes I am aware of the dumbs...gene decode and many others I pray they are being cleared. The level of darkness goes beyond evil...sometimes I think take it all out
James Gilliland's newsletters often contain themes and perspectives that can provoke reflection and deeper thought.
Perhaps one or two of you who choose to read this newsletter can gain something from it.
"Manchurian Candidates
How does one know when one is or has engaged a Manchurian candidate? There are several things to watch out for. One, do they come from a military, alphabet agency or illuminati family? Did they marry into one of the above at a young age? Do they have missing time and memories? Has there been ritual abuse, cult activity or secret meetings in the family? Are they very persuasive, put on an image of being a victim to draw people in when in fact they are predators? Some are handled by entities seen and unseen of ill intent? Many are chipped, some have implants, some are aware of the chips and implants, others have no knowledge of them or what happens after they are activated. Victims are often those with agendas that did not get what they wanted. If they don’t get what they want they play the Amber Turd card until the real truth surfaces and karma comes back and bites them in the butt.
I have had so many people come to me for validation yet if you question any part of their story that does not fit within Universal Law all hell breaks loose. They go on the attack making all kinds of false accusations rather than healing, taking the path of discernment and personal observation with humility. They are the stalkers who accuse others of stalking. Sexual predators accusing others of sexual predation. They are incapable of love, only manipulation and false promises. They are the crazy makers and it is by design.
No matter how much love, compassion , teaching and healing in the past it all goes out the door when they hit the wall of their wounds and traumas they are not ready or have the courage to face. When their handlers step in they are not in control some don’t even remember what transpired. A good indicator something is off in their story is when they become extremely defensive with the need to attack anyone that disagrees with them or questions the intent and integrity of their handler.
Many speak of abductions, chips, other influences that do not honor free will and cannot fully remember what happened? They often speak of off world relationships that bind them not allowing free expression in this life which can be either a form of avoidance or a sign they have given their power away to an external force or entity. Empowering the individual to make their own personal connection to God/Great Spirit/Creator upon which contact comes naturally is the path. It is not an external process this creates a dependency and is disempowering. I have always said my goal is to make myself unnecessary, empower people to make their own contact, their own connection with Source. That is the way.
Another question one might ask if one suspects a Manchurian candidate is there a history of one mess after another with whoever they get involved with? Are there conflicting actions to their words and do they weave webs of entrapment using their outer appearances, sexual energies, promises of future love or sexual engagements that never seem to manifest?
“Are they deceptive concerning events that unfolded even to themselves?” Always check their story.
The next trap to avoid is flattery. There are three kinds of people that fall victim to flattery, men, women and children. Manipulators will use flattery, statements like I love you beyond all human understanding, we are the perfect match etc. yet when you open your heart the knife is inserted, twisted followed by a myriad of cold hearted cruel words and actions designed to take you down. Not my first rodeo on this one. Luckily, I gained the wisdom from previous experiences, learned to shield up and the drama becomes a one sided event.
Unfortunately when you do this they will run to everyone else to bring them into the drama. You don’t have to be chipped or implanted to allow unseen negative entities in some are just too sensitive, not strong enough to keep them out or have too many doors open, unhealed wounds and traumas. Always remember trust is earned and it is often earned over time. Nothing wrong with keeping that guard up in the beginning.
It is hard to determine if it is just past life trauma, childhood trauma, projections and victim patterns being worked out yet if one has experienced some or many of the above aforementioned questions or patterns chances are that person has a handler whether it is seen or unseen.
There are many forms of chips, implants, influences and possessions. The ones influenced in most cases don’t even know it is happening, they have split personalities or just are not strong enough to clear themselves. The higher more famous one becomes the greater they are targeted, influenced and controlled if they cannot clear their space.
The honey pots used to entrap leaders, politicians, people in power later to be blackmailed into doing the bidding of whoever controls the honey is a classic example of Manchurian candidate behavior. This all is replete throughout the political, business, religious, movie and music industries. It is also within the UFO community designed to take down those who speak of spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders. Especially those who have the evidence to back up their claims of contact and a long history of helping and healing people. There are even those talking about Masters and Spiritually advanced ETs as a façade yet watch how they behave off the stage.
Again there are claims to be working with these highly evolved beings not knowing they are being influenced by those who are not who they profess to be. We call them faker spirits or regenerate ETs. They often leave a wake of chaos and confusion where ever they go and with whoever allows them in. Gossip and rumors are their tools preying on those who are empathetic, saviors, people without the wisdom to realize there is always two sides to a story or lack the spiritual tools of discernment. This, along with others of ill intent controlling the narrative is why spiritually and technologically advanced off world contact cannot come through the UFO community. “It is divided by design.” This however does not mean there are not contacts of a lessor nature occurring within the UFO community and contacts of a higher nature outside the community.
There are those breaking out of these scenarios, whistleblowers that need to be heard yet we still need to be on guard, things just may not be what they seem, the stories told are from one side, from one perspective. Before jumping in to be the savior it is always good to hear both sides with loving detachment. Something to ponder. It is the only way to get off the victim/savior/persecutor hamster wheel. The crusades can be a trap. The regenerates are feeding off the division.
In the words of Socrates, he was stopped by an acquaintance who said ``I have something to tell you, it’s about your “friend. That’s very kind of you Socrates said but don’t tell me yet I run all information through three filters to ascertain if I want to know it. First filter of truth: have you witnessed this first hand? Second is the filter of goodness: Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend? The last filter: is that going to be useful to me? If the statement has no personal witness, cannot be verified it is not necessarily true just a perception of another through their filters, it is not necessarily true. It is not good, it is of ill intent so it is of no use to me. “Paraphrasing a bit.” There are also three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and God’s business. Other people’s business is God’s business. Karma will rectify the situation and no one knows what another needs in their soul for completion. These are tools to survive the insanity surfacing within the UFO community staying centered undistracted, rising to the occasion making your own contact.
We have chosen to step out of the dramas in the UFO community due to getting entangled in them trying to help and bring healing and clarity to the field. It will just have to work itself out healing, ending the division, competition, cooperating for the higher good and staying on track is not a welcomed presence in the UFO community. ECETI will continue to do our own thing assisting in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth yet it will continue outside of the community.
A question we have always pondered is why masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, inner earth beings, and higher dimensional beings continue to appear at ECETI are witnessed, photographed, and video taped. Base logic would dictate we are doing something right. Those who have no evidence, generators of rumor and slander, those creating division or have clear ties with very unscrupulous people are the ones getting the most attention or the ones most threatened by those who are authentic. They are never questioned, especially if they play the victim card? Their true motives and intentions are covered by the card. Time to flip the card. The victim now is the greatest tool to sew seeds of division and deception. Time to remind them about personal responsibility and sovereignty with their energies. A victim is usually one that did not get what they wanted so they try to force or manipulate others to fill their void. It is a backward way of getting notoriety, financial or emotional support. They actually believe it is the rise to the top card even though it is on the backs of others. It is a short trip. This will trigger some people, if so there is something to look at. If it is not your coat don’t wear it.
There is very little love today in society in general. Each individual needs to fill their own void, not feed off others. It is natural and human to desire love, compassion, support, and intimacy. To the unhealed and victims this seems to be a crime. Seems like on present day earth it is like looking for art in a trash can. Possible, but not likely considering the whole world is in process. Cave is really looking good right now.
Our inner circle at ECETI is awesome, all earned their position through service to others, compassion and loyalty. We all love and support one another, help each other in their process. Something the UFO and Spiritual communities could learn from when the time is right. It is a prerequisite for contact with Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings. We have to rise to the occasion, create and maintain a sacred space. That was and is the goal of ECETI holding space since 1986. It is why the highly evolved beings are making their presence known and why we have a mountain of evidence. Are we perfect? No, we just don’t sweat and blow out of proportion the small stuff, take personal responsibility for our attitudes and emotions, each committed and doing the best they can in a profoundly unhealed society.
In the days to come we are going to see just how unhealed this society is. We are going to have to choose how much we want to engage in the dysfunction and learn to set boundaries. It seems the words for the day are discernment, respect, gratitude, and boundaries. Time to set boundaries with those who are disrespectful, ungrateful and in denial projecting and blaming others often for actions they themselves are doing and their present predicament. Seems the UFO community is no different than most democrats. If you want to know what they are doing, watch what they blame others for doing. There are three fingers pointing back to every one finger pointing forward. How many are going to have the honesty and integrity or spiritual advancement to own that? We will see. Not holding my breath on that one. If I did I would be one of those blue beings everyone is seeing.
We Speak German: (you speak English too, I have noticed...)
This is interesting from James Gilliland. Thank you for posting.
I particularly like the Socrates information. It makes me think about what I say about others. I am punctuating it below a bit differently, to clarify the quote.
"In the words of Socrates: He was stopped by an acquaintance, who said, 'I have something to tell you, it’s about your 'friend.'
'That’s very kind of you,' Socrates said, 'but don’t tell me yet. I run all information through three filters to ascertain if I want to know it.'
First filter of truth: 'Have you witnessed this first hand?'
Second is the filter of goodness: 'Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend?'
The last filter: 'Is that going to be useful to me?' If the statement has no personal witness, and cannot be verified that it is not necessarily true, [but] just a perception of another through their filters, it is not necessarily true.
If is not good, it is of ill intent, so it is of no use to me."
We all hope this madness is ending before autumn where they will start with mandatory jabs without which you will not be permitted to work, to move, to go into hospitals etc ... just 10% of humans managed to survive without getting the poison DNA editing jabs.... but during this winter it will be VERY difficult to preserve health integrity and freedom. WE NEED OPEN INTERVENTION NOW !! NO MATTER WHAT. IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE ! WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT, we are locked in a cage and the executioner is coming for us.
Better don't wait or expect the event or else you will only get disappointed. For years people have felt the Event would happen on that year and here we are. Try to go with your life like nothing is happening and someday when you wake up and tune in the news the Event is on.
@fil, there is no way that 90% got jabz although I am unsure of how many did. Huge numbers in india are rural, village, and town people and many in india took ivermectin. A lot of third world people were probably not jabbed and they are not being honest about jab numbers in the first world either. Hypothetically if around a quarter globally were unjabbed the cabal would have much more difficulty with their agendas. Many jabbed in europe marched against vax id and mandatory jabz. Things are messy but are not going according to plan for the cabal.
well ... me myself , as for friends no problem how they look like, but I would not like too much a partner with feathers, furry, scales etc ... ;) LOL ... for the color ... no matter at all ... but possibly not too taller than me ... ( in humor)
Will there still be an EBS? 10 days of darkness.. 24/7 movie looping explaining the control system humanity has been living under? Nesara? I assume yes! Imagine the vibration of humanity when all debt is removed and money isn't controlling us. Then as tech is released and truth is revealed the need for money diminishes to the pt where it become a history lesson in how the dark ones controlled earth and humanity for 1000s of years...debt slavery system
"Timothy Leary 's dead - No, nonono he 's outside, looking in...." . The Moody Blues (In Search Of the Lost Chord 1968), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0bXdKpya0
I love the good news Cobra especially when it means the Dark have suffered losses. It's time for the despoilers to be gone. I have noticed a lot of activity in the night sky I'm sure there is a heavy battle going on up there.
The light forces have to work within the contraints... many injustices stil playing out worldwide not just in usa.. the light forces are doing what they can and /or as planned.
all of the good guys are working tackling old and new challenges.. we often forget the good guys are not free to do as they please.. they have plans and they carry them out accordingly...
planning, organization, execution and mitigation may not be instant or on demand. specially if you are dealing with a complex situation. The planetary situation is complex.
Hearing u making such demands..makes me wonder if you have forgotten where we stand
To be honest... by the time 2024 election time arrives i hope things will be so different to the point where elections would not be an event as we know it.
I hope that by then if elections are still being carried out, that we will be at a place of confidense that whoever is running.. wont be bad guys..
So what needs fixing is the system.. what you may be seeing right now.. is a problem bluntently being toss to the face of the public... this is the opportuity to address it n highlight it
So what you may see as a panic moment.. it may be an opportunity..not for the bad guys.. but for the good guys..
Last unfortunately we dont know what is happening behind the curtains.. which wizard pulling the strings.
@DH I do appreciate your reply to my venting comment. Of course it was a combination of anger and frustration driven in response to the latest deepstate/cabal frame job fiasco on Trump and the Alliance but have since stood back and saw the bigger picture... π hence why I removed my original comment. I now view it as a sloppy attempt to counter the Alliance π€ͺ I've been following this blog pretty much from the beginning and only started commenting since 2016. I usually keep to myself unless I feel the need to share good thoughts and insights... but there are times I DO vent. I'm fully aware good and great things ARE happening behind the scenes but at times become frustrated with the pace... especially when it comes to injustices and abuse to my family and friends... to humanity in general. I get emotional sometimes because I'm a Lightwarrior in the process of preparing for first contact and Ascension while overcoming all the negative junk I've accumulated over lifetimes. I think it important to be honest and vent our feelings once in awhile in order to see and feel if I'm alone in this feeling or if it is a shared moment among the rest of you amazing individuals. π€ I'm VERY sure that COBRA, the RM and LF, Sananda, Ashtar, Semjasi, my 1221Team and the rest of the gang backing the 144,000 plus ground crew understand our feelings and emotional outbursts which is comforting. I'm still here holding the line and holding the Light... no matter how I feel sometimes, that my friend will NEVER change. π VOTL
Cobra, ca. May 29, 2017: „Crop circle in Fonthill Down and cloudships in Taiwan appearing in the last few days are Pleiadians expressing their support to Cintamani planetary grid project“
I also had a meeting on a non-physical level with a lion being. I remember he looked like this character: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/17/c0/cf17c02d627a9e71d34a1f9cff9e6238.jpg
Hey everyone for those that are interested you can come join the 2012 portal discord. I set it up since we didn't really have a proper discord server yet, And it's been awesome we've got 40 members so far :) Feel free to come chat!
Message from Master El Morya (love him!) Freedom Through Corona Vaccination?
God in HIS glory and a human being in THEIR love for God represent perfection – and you are getting closer and closer to this realization!
Beloved humans,
Everything that worries you today and leads to fears will resolve itself in one strike and on one day. There is no reason to distrust what is happening or losing courage due to the long wait for salvation.
Soon there will be no more death and no more dying. As soon as you are reborn, everything falls off and you see who you truly are and what a glorious future lies ahead of you.
Current events sometimes present you with almost insolvable challenges. How can one escape the increasingly tighter ties of the 3D system, and how can one remain unharmed spiritually, psychologically and physically?
Even if you can’t or won’t hear it anymore – the Divine within you will bring the solution!
This is why I sincerely recommend to you: Use every opportunity available to you to return to your inner core. Your inner temple is your sanctuary. From there, you have an overview of the day’s events and you are able to find meaning in them.
How can you maintain an overview if you tirelessly keep chasing after your restless mind?
As long as you get carried away by everyday life and by the low frequencies of the news, you are like a leaf in the wind. This must be avoided now, because the wind will soon turn into a storm sweeping over the entire earth.
Those individuals who get lost in the system or would like to change the system within the system are now taught the huge lesson that outer shifts are always preceded by inner transformation.
Those individuals who are taking themselves out of the system energetically, mentally and emotionally whenever possible in their daily lives and work on elevating their own frequency are no longer registered by the system and they are free.
This is why the rulers of cold light are doing anything they can to entrap as many people as possible in the system. This is done by means of skillful manipulation and continuous spreading and stimulation of fears. FREEDOM THROUGH VACCINATION CERTIFICATE?
Freedom only through vaccination certificate!?
Don’t fall for this deception, because the freedom of the human spirit ends with the mRNA-vaccination. The exact opposite is true – so please understand: truth is lie and lie is truth. FREEDOM BY YOUR GOOD CONDUCT!
This, too, is a deception!
Because your good behavior will be tested until the bearable limit is reached – until you can’t and won’t go on! Then it will be too late, often too late for immediate healing!
Leaving the system is the only and most efficient solution!
Don’t sign a contract with the system – the RNA-vaccination is a contract. You give your consent that the system may rule over your body and mind.
This may have an effect on several earthly lives and lead to significant delays in your process of ascension. Be assured: In the end, there will be a solution for that, too! But do you really want to make that detour?
Don’t give into this game, and don’t get fooled by the pressure that is being built up. This house of cards of deception and lies is about to implode! Because more and more people lose their faith in it, emancipate distance themselves from this matrix! This is the key that, in the near future, will open the door to everlasting human freedom. FAITH IN GOD IS KEY
Courageously stick to your NO, even if it is inconvenient and means trouble! Rely on the fact that your courage and your transformational work will bear rich fruit. Call God for help, ask your spiritual family for their guidance and support – we are rushing in and make miracles come true.
Have faith in God, HIS glory and YOUR love. Trust YOURself, and start thinking beyond the limits of YOUR mind. That is freedom!
He used that four letter word many hate now ... "soon" obviously the LF/RM don't know the meaning of that word. Let me help you all out with that ... Definition of soon: In the near future; shortly. Just prior to something; shortly. Without hesitation; promptly or speedily. How many years has it been that they have been using that now dirty four letter word? Stop using that word. It's not the truth.
Lol spirittoo. U need to do something nice for yourself and forget for 5mins at least the worlds' worries... :) go get some massage.. u treat urself nice for a min... u will help lift the light quotient :).. and if it does not at least u will have one less stressed muscle for mins :)
This is a summary of important information on "this subject" - difficult to digest and painful (even if one is aware of "these incidents"), but quite suitable to introduce others to this subject - but cautiously and with advance warning, since the evilness that is addressed is simply not imaginable for many.
I'm always in a state of conflict when people tell me they don't want to hear "about it" because the very idea of it alone is already so unbearable.
On the one hand, I can understand it and of course want/must respect it. On the other hand, these children experience this suffering (they not only hear about it) and how should this ever be stopped if everything can continue to take place in secret? Who should stand up for these children if not us (those who know)?
I just don’t understand, please help me understand why the light forces don’t take physical action and intervene and finally arrest these criminals? I’m sick and tired of this bullshit, if you care about us help us please please please do something stop sitting in your spaceships while you watch humans suffering everyday at the hands of the dark forces, stop giving us excuses why you can’t do anything I don’t wanna fucking hear it anymore do you understand me ? Do you understand me light forces? I don’t wanna hear your excuses ANYMORE, all I want is you to take action and take action NOW, I don’t care anymore , I don’t care if I live anymore, I just want to be FREE from this nightmare world , please FREE US , PLEASE DO SOMETHING please I beg of you if you have a heart please help us , please free us , please don’t give us anymore excuses why you can’t use your power to destroy the dark forces once and for all, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IT IS NOW OR NEVER LIGHT FORCES PULL THE TRIGGER DO IT NOW
They say that they cannot intervene with the law of free will. But what about our free will that is being taken away by the dark forces (even more now with the virus) ? LIES!! There is no non interference policy, that's cabal propaganda....also, our free will has been VIOLATED for tens of thousands of years. Also, it is said that the DF threaten them that they will implement vicious acts against all humanity, so they step back. But if that is the case (which is indeed serious and not to be taken lightly) and we are always afraid of them, we will never be liberated...! I cannot understand many things, too. If all the light forces (which are even more powerful than the dark) really cared about us and wanted to liberate us, i think that they would be a little more efficient. And last but not least, it has been said multiple times, even on this blog, that we are so close to liberation, when apparently we are still not! So, if they are so intuitive, higher dimensional, with psychic powers, how can they be so deceived, too? If they are not deceived , why do they tell us the same fairy tale, filling us with false hopes? I still believe in light and in God, but i really don΄t know what is true and what is not... I have even thought "what about if they are all on the same dark side and they are just deceiving us, to make us hope in something, so we don΄t take physical action?" I know, it is a really crazy thought but i have even thought about it
The forces of Light cannot yet intervene mainly because of the toplet bombs (very destructive for humanity) which have been set up by the dark forces... find out and go through this whole Cobra blog and you will understand ... You have to take the time to read.... Cobra explained everything here....
WHEN will the darkies RUN OUT OF FUCKING BOMBS? Gonna get to a point where the light forces need to take bigger risks...bombs or no bombs....I DON'T wanna get drowned in a giant tsunami in several years.
Enlil’s role in Sumerian mythology can be summed up with reference to humanity in one word: oppressor.
Enlil was actually the god who (according to the Atrahasis-Epos text) originally commissioned the creation of the human race.
You might think that would be a good thing, but the only reason he wanted human beings was so that he would have a race he could enslave to do his bidding.
In fact, this was itself a bid for power among the gods. In the Sumerian myth (not the Babylonian one, which involves Marduk), a number of the gods are on strike because they are tired of maintaining creation.
Enlil proposes that he will solve the issue of the strike if he is named supreme ruler of the gods. In this version of the story, it is he (not Marduk) who subdues Tiamat.
Later on, Enlil becomes tired of humanity’s “noise,” and as a result, decides to kill them all with the great flood. As the god of weather, this was easy for him to do.
This then brings us full circle back to the story of Utnapishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh, who was saved by Enki and corresponds to Noah in the Judeo-Christian version of the myth.
Amusingly enough, Enlil eventually gets over his anger after the flood and decides to make Utnapishtim immortal.
i hope the event happens during my life time (maybe around the 2020s or whatever) because i been reading and hearing (if i could find them) things about how the Pleiadians are like and their home world and it sounds neat but i also want to know what they have planned for humans since we are from earth and i really want to se their world in person.
will the event likely happen soon because i hope is not 100 years or more of waiting
Funny : I was praying and prepping for some healing activity so I saw myself showing up in the One Infinite Creator's office un-announced with my hands covering my eyes as to not get blinded by the voltage differential. Excuse my impudence! Our Luminosity and can we please get more help here on Earth as things are really intense in my Now ! Tall old white bearded robed person : Can , someone ( gesturing at the staff all around ) please take care of this man now ! So Creation business could proceed. Came back here with the help and supplies ! 8-)
I think "L2EXCS victory declared, L2LSIP minimum active, alert downgrade to red" just had a public response from the Cabal through the frame job they're trying to pull on Trump and passing a bill giving the money and ability to hire a private army under the guise of the IRS. If I'm wrong I'll admit it but I think the war between LF/RM and the Cabal/Archon/Draco just went public... π€
@BBB ??? What the heck are you talking about? I think you read WAY more into my comment than I said, meant or intended. π€ π π Ok... thanks for that. π
Entire US Government to be invalidated. (good, hurry up) "Soon at any moment a turn of events will invalidate the government, trigger the unbelievable. Biden (who is dead), Harris, members of the congress, and the Supreme Court will be removed..." From Donald Trump. The Deep State Coup has begun. This was signaled by the raid on Trump. This is only going to get worst for next 3 months into November. We are inside the near death civilization event happening. Lockdowns are going to begin in Europe first. (blaah). Then world wars coming to the brink! These are all planned by Deep State. White Hats knew they were coming and the only way was to let them happen. It's called Game Theory... In the final moment of these strategized moves, and after the Deep State has played all these cards, the Military will step in. (okay, we must wait a few months for these cards to be played, gulp). Then the Military to step in I hope.
Judy Byington knew it would all happen this way. We are inside the storm NOW. Remember, it is just a movie. Near the end of this movie it will feel like all hope is lost. And then in an INSTANT all will change (GOOD). They still say that the best is yet to come! Keep the faith.
We have 3-6 ambulances go by each day, sirens ringing!!! Used to be lucky to hear one go by a week, sometimes several weeks. 3 million estimated to die in 3 years. They (the media) are hiding it all. Now it is starting to kill children. Supposedly 96% are vaxxed in Australia. Just listen to the ambulances, OMG! So we must wait until this movie finishes in a few months. Just a few months of hell, hang on guys!
Japans entire government resigns? Power back to the people.
You're right Devon, I've been incredibly disappointed with the patriot community. There is very little evidence or even thought. It's worse than mainstream media and society. I have a handful of patriot Facebook friends so I see it all. Honestly it's getting worse all the time. I just saw someone say "The Mar-A-Lago raid didn't happen, it's all fake." I know they didn't even read that, it's just a thought that popped into their head and they believe it 100%. We are supposed to be TRUTHERS, and the truth has evidence. This is what attracted me to conspiracies since I was a kid, there was MORE thought and evidence. What passes for truth now on the internet is sad. Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to the truth movement. The way he is the singular mascot, a dyslexic, megalomaniac, actual retard, is terrible. The way supporting him is a requirement. It's getting worse all the time, every day Trump is exposed to be more of a fraud, yet people double down on their support. They are refusing to admit they're wrong which is what the sheep do! I thought we were supposed to be better than that. The way I see every single conspiracy and conservative source give daily coverage and support to Trump is really bad. The last leader we need is someone sloppy like him. He can barely even talk correctly! He must have an IQ of 75. Yet he's known as the 4D chess guy, the art of war, what a joke. There's no excuse to be fooled by this guy. Same with Biden, you don't even need to research, just listen to them talk for 1 minute. Have you seen Trump talk with Don Jr? What a difference. Don is normal, Trump has a learning disability. Seeing the two of them talk is like a normal adult and a special needs child. Most of what he says is gibberish! Can people not see that?
Taking into account the insurrection and martial law that has occurred in 2021, the MHC (Military High Command) can punish the insurrectionists under military martial law, and President Trump can remain as President during this time. The Insurrectionists cannot benefit from their traitorous actions by exercising Presidential powers unlawfully gained. Can someone explain to the cabal that they're a bunch of idiots. All President Trump and the MHC has to do is disclose how they are under Martial Law. Near the end now...Audacious attempts to solidify a hold on Presidential and Executive Authority over American Federal Government will fail. All those involved in illicit Biden administration are nearing the end days of final and decisive actions are taken by the MHC (about time, yes!).
So it is coming! It is on. We give it 3-4 months. We are at the End Days.
Who are the Watchers? Is a race of benign extraterrestrials secretly influencing the world’s governments? Are these creatures really ancient aliens sent to protect humanity from self-destruction, or are they evil beings set on deception as the world approaches its final days? Bene Elohim
A NEW FORM OF SPACE WEATHER ON BETELGEUSE: You've heard of a CME, a "coronal mass ejection." They happen all the time. A piece of the sun's tenuous outer atmosphere (corona) blows off and sometimes hits Earth. Something far more terrible has happened to Betegeuse. The red giant star produced an SME, or "surface mass ejection."
NASA astronomers believe that in 2019 a colossal piece of Betelgeuse's surface blew off the star. The mass of the SME was 400 billion times greater than a CME or several times the mass of Earth's Moon. Data from multiple telescopes, especially Hubble, suggest that a convective plume more than a million miles across bubbled up from deep inside the star, producing shocks and pulsations that blasted a chunk off the surface.
"We've never before seen such a huge mass ejection from the surface of a star," says Andrea Dupree of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who is leading the study. "Something is going on that we don't completely understand."
After it left the star, the SME cooled, forming a dark cloud that famously dimmed Betelgeuse in 2019 and 2020. Even casual sky watchers could look up and see the change. Some astronomers worried that the dimming foreshadowed a supernova explosion. The realization that an SME is responsible has at least temporarily calmed those fears.
Betelgeuse's brightness has since returned to normal, but something strange is still going on. Astronomers have long known that Betelgeuse is a variable star with a 430-day period. Its metronome-like change in brightness has been observed for more than 200 years. As Betelgeuse recovers, however, those pulsations are no longer regular: See the data. Spectra taken by Hubble and the Tillinghast telescope in Arizona imply that years later the surface of Betelgeuse is still bouncing like a plate of gelatin dessert--a testament to the ferocity of the blowout.
Betelgeuse is so large that if it replaced the sun at the center of our solar system, its atmosphere would extend past Jupiter. Dupree used Hubble to resolve hot spots on the star's surface in 1996. This was the first direct image of a star other than the sun.
What's happening now "is a totally new phenomenon that we can observe directly and resolve surface details with Hubble," says Dupree. "We're watching stellar evolution in real time."
Posted by James Gilliland on FB on August 12th - imho worth to be shared and contemplated:
"During these times of intense process just substitute they with I and say the sentence over of what you accuse others it will be a quantum leap in evolution"
I would like to humbly add that this could always be a good way, not only at the present time and even if you replace "they" with "you".
Hi! Would somebody be so kind and list the explanations of the most typical abbreviations or at least those mentioned in the post? Like L2EXCS and L2LSIP... What does it stand for? Thank you! π
A burning around my body and a release of past life trauma most of the time. I recommend reading the comments,people usually share theor experiences there
Some of the Pelosi family corruption is finally starting to surface. Check this out. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/taiwanese-officials-trounce-pelosi-after-sons-huge-holdings-china-tech-exposed
More members of the US Congress landing in Taiwan today (Sunday August 14). I guess it's still "the first half of August" so they need to continue to antagonize China?
@Libra Same here. For, right now, I feel we have been ripped off, in terms of that divine intervention....both the meditation and petition. It's like we're getting diminishing returns.
The Happiness Patrol continues to bark at me, for 'whining' and 'doing nothing', yet all I ask is WHERE/WHEN are the results, especially considering the pain in the ass the divine meditation and petition were.
We were told by the white hats that this time now shall be a "wild ride". I expect them all to be completely crazy now, while we arrest them etc. Like completely narcissistic. So it will be ugly now as we finish this off. We just have to hold on and wait for Christmas or before then to hopefully get NESARA/GESARA.
Not everyone will get it. For example some criminals won't get it. If you have murdered and taken a life, you won't get it. I'm thinking of the con people too. There have been many of them over the years, and I always get a percentage of their light quotient (from the angels). Most I won't talk about, I won't bring up dark stuff, but I will just bring up CW. I want to say I got his light quotient, and it was 70% dark, 30% light. That is really low, think it's one of the lowest I got. Anyway, people like this may be surprised when they don't receive any GESARA money. You cannot fool the QFS, because its quantum; it knows all about you. So I just think some will be surprised, that's all.
@psychic Honestly, I think this NESARA/GESARA is a carrot and stick, hoping for the masses to avoid worldwide rebellion and chaos. There is no time left for that, before we know it the pole shift will occur and the behemoth tsunami will wash the surface of the planet clean whole we are safely evacuated or not and we just die! And in New Earth there won't be any need for money or QFS.
I wish to add more to the last post because as soon as I hit post, a mammoth amount of questions came flying to me, so I have thought further about this quotient thing.
First, what I get in here is basically a very high quotient, so don't worry. Some are 70% light, some 80% light but most are high 90%. This is a very high quotient, we'll all get paid so I don't see problems. And I mean over 95% light. It's funny I never looked at this before.
The trolls here, I get that all is not lost, not at all. The angels and probably the pleiadians are willing to work with you to push your quotient higher, most of you. Even if it is below 50% light, they can work with you to get it higher, so you can eventually get some GESARA, as long as no murder is invovled. Don't just give up due to a low quotient. If it's a bit dark, it can certainly be improved, you can come back, it just takes real willingness to start. All can be forgiven.
As to Cobra's quotient (you can leave this bit out Cobra) well I got he's a 99% light, very few bad earth habits. I know I have a few of them but then I've been here 1000s years. So most of us just have a few habits, I think it is normal. Cobra is like exemplary. I get a strong pleiadian energy (no surprise) strong leadership energy, and I think all is going well with this forum. He is smiling? Hehe, I get that all is fine, hooray.
So if you had a few questions I hope I answered them. I probably won't come back to read this, I usually avoid my own posts, but I think I had kind of opened a can of worms and you may have wondered about quotients...
Same here, Libra In fact, I feel most at home at night, and so on...damn sun became so bright, I'm always squinting like Clint Eastwood during the day, outside.
Qui Gon from Star Wars, for example, only Jedi who made sense, and note that ALL of them were pretty much slaughtered, and that the big evil was right under their noses the entire time.
Having welcomed my dark side is probably why I'm still alive.
This is a great comment in more ways than one, and it makes clear - once again - the importance of chosen words.
And even if we choose our words carefully, it doesn't mean that everyone understands the same thing by them.
One reason for this are the points that have been raised here several times - lack of nonverbal and paraverbal means of communication, linguistic and cultural differences, different experiences and conditioning ...
@Libra That is why I embrace my darkness and bring some trolling and sarcasm to this blog while some whiners don't like it an call me "Happiness Patrol". Well, if I'm a Happiness cop, they are my dawg. Thanks for your post, some things needed to be cleared out so people understand better this game.
@Libra Excellent comment! I always had the same feeling regarding darkness and black. Black is my favorite color, my wardrobe is 98% black. How important it is to embrace our own darkness, how refreshing is a cool dark night after an intense bright hot day! One must embrace his own darkness to be whole, the integration of polarities which is what this cosmic game called life is all about. Your darkness can be something you abhor about yourself like the lack of physical beauty, wrong gender, your anger for not being born a goddess of beauty or going through life wishing you were someone else, not accepting who you are and being aggressive and rude to people that try to make you embrace your dark ugly self. Blessed is he who despite his imperfections, champions through the hardships and vicissitudes of life, embraces his dark side, his physical imperfections and becomes fully integrated and a champion to inspire others. Case in point, Nick Vujicic, a.k.a. the armless, legless aussie guy who despite being born without limbs, overcame his handicap, embraced his dark imperfect side and now is a successful inspirational and motivational writer, happy husband and father. A true hero of mankind that must be acknowledged and serve as a model of the invincible endurance of the human spirit.
The forces of darkness are in a very bad position. They already know they will lose, but want to create as much suffering as possible.
However, there is an inconvenience for them. Nowadays, all the suffering they create to others, may come back to them. Multiplied, actually.
So, in reality it is a lost cause. What is the point of “punishing” humanity as hard as possible, if the same punishment will be applied to you one day?
More at: https://earthdragonchronicles.blogspot.com
@LightPower - What's this fact? End of September? and why not the end of August? They know that the Dark don't stop for this aut aut. The Dark will go on and we suffer but the LF give them a time limit? And so on as it's possible? Why they don't finish the game now? I don't understand this infinite play, "touch and go", meanwhile the humans suffer and the planet is devastated... End this game. NOW! Or is there something that we don't need to know?
WoW wonderful!!! Great going Dear LF friends.. Victory of Light ☄️πΈπ
Solar storm warning: Air traffic facing disruption as huge sunspot turns to face Earth
Wonderful news!! What is left? Thank you all!
ReplyDeleteFor the major operations underway, I hope that the darkness will be completely eliminated and the earth will be liberated.
ReplyDeleteVictory declared! That's what we all want to feel! I look forward to hugging you all so hard! Much love to all. VOTL
ReplyDeleteAnother VICTORY... hurray. Well done to all involved. May the Victories keep on rolling❤
ReplyDeleteYesss!!! Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteGreat victory! Let's keep this trend going!
ReplyDeleteSounds good.
ReplyDeleteOh How We All Crave Peace ❤
When L0?
ReplyDeleteBig up.
ReplyDeleteFinally the longest black alert yet stopped.
Cannot wait for the good changes to hit the surface.
Im ready
Deletewhen will that, because i sometimes read thing about people talking about the planets of the Pleiadians (or one idk) and i really want to go and see it but i have to wait for the evacuation but i don't want everything i worked on (like my physical and digital art) safe and things that i had for years safe too i hope once the times comes i will know what to do
DeleteI'm all set to go to Pleiades. Just need 5-30 minutes advanced notice to get ready. And IF it means leaving my stuff behind, no problem....for there is BETTER stuff out there. And remember...stuff is just that....things.
Deletewell for me they have either sentimental value, just things i had for years and don't want to loose or it's my art and i don't want my work (digital and physical) to be gone, it feels bad when i think about it
Deletebut you do you and i do me
i hope they will help us somehow, and i hope their food is safe for us to eat.
i hope it will be soon like around the 2020s or 2030s (mostly 2020s i hope)
also this song feels relevant now, what do you think?
ReplyDeleteThis from The American Prince on Telegram,
ReplyDelete"What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal and corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United we STAND.
Conspiracy no more."
Join: The American Prince
Oh, I been ready for a long time to fight, Aquilla. I need healing/restoration and weapons to fight with.
DeleteStay stoic friends and hold excellent space for each other! We're on to the next phase now and it's a doozy! Wonderful workers of the Light, we did itππππ
ReplyDelete#SisterhoodoftheRose πΉπΉπΉ
random question, i know they are beings in Sirius that look like cats 9i think idk) are there beings that look like dogs because if there cats cat beings then why not dogs?
ReplyDeleteExactly my though! And I am sure there are! :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnubis shpuld comd to your mind... is depected huma body and dog face.... when art imitated life
DeleteLike what Noory said on ancient aliens about those creatures seen in Egyptian art on the walls, "they drew what they saw".
DeleteI say who cares....just let them GET HERE, then we find out what they look like.
i assume since if there is cat like beings in Egyptian art why not dogs
DeleteI'm feeling a bit ruff
Delete@sherman ikr i been reading on what the Pleiadians planet could be like and it sounds good
Deletei just hope they have things that can help us and i hope to see the evacuation very soon
DeleteNo, dogs! Probably in Canis Majoris (Sirius) if that's why they call the star Dog Star.
Otherwise, most likely lynx beings because lynxes are AWESOME!
DeleteYou and me both. I'm all set for evacuation.
@unknown what about the dog headed people in Egyptian tombs if they have cat headed beings then why not dogs?
DeleteThank you light forces. ❤ I hope we can have liberation in the next couple months.
ReplyDeleteVOCΓ ESTΓ PREPARADO PARA ENTRAR NO VO PARADIGMA DE PAZ E AMOR? PORTAL DE LEΓO 08/08/2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF5xBTvmJPg
ReplyDeletesounds like good news
ReplyDeleteC O S M I C D I S C L O S U R E
The Future belongs to Us!!! Victory of Light!!! VOTL!!!ππ«π₯π¦π⚖π§¬✨♒✴
ReplyDeleteVictory is a very lovely word π
ReplyDeletefor everybody who is in switzerland/ZΓΌrich. Please join our monthly "public silent meditation".
In German:
Jeden 3 Montag versammeln wir uns in ZΓΌrich um gemeinsam ein harmonisches Feld zu kreieren.
UnabhΓ€ngig von spirituellen, religiΓΆsen oder individuellen Ideologien sind alle herzlich willkommen.
Victory of the Light everyone!!! I was listening to Judy as usual, she said that babies are cloned in underground tunnels for abuse and adrenochrome and organs. OMG I thought so. Its so revolting. We have to finish off the dark for good!!!!! You know they clone human adults under Africa (takes a few months only) and they farm humans! I'm sick of it.
ReplyDeleteThey are trying to kill babies everywhere. In Australia they stopped giving Ritalin for good I think. Stop drugging, killing babies and children! They are trying to kill them in Canada! Many kids have vax injuries.
The whole world it seems is blocking Vanguard-Rothchild banks, the climate agenda, and all that stuff. GOOD! There's an international manhunt against top khazarian mafia agents this summer.
The western starvation blackmail card is removed. GOOD! Russia to bring more grain exports to Europe. (No starvation!) New sea routes are opening up to allow this
Yes I am aware of the dumbs...gene decode and many others I pray they are being cleared. The level of darkness goes beyond evil...sometimes I think take it all out
DeleteMy offer to help in the actual fighting still stands, Lightforces.
DeleteThings are accelerating in the us the democrats are creating inflation with a new $700 billion spending bill
ReplyDeleteThe Goddesses will have their victory. Nothing can stop what is coming. They will make sure of that. God Bless them.
ReplyDeleteHail Mary!
So BE it.
James Gilliland, part 1
ReplyDeleteJames Gilliland's newsletters often contain themes and perspectives that can provoke reflection and deeper thought.
Perhaps one or two of you who choose to read this newsletter can gain something from it.
"Manchurian Candidates
How does one know when one is or has engaged a Manchurian candidate? There are several things to watch out for. One, do they come from a military, alphabet agency or illuminati family? Did they marry into one of the above at a young age? Do they have missing time and memories? Has there been ritual abuse, cult activity or secret meetings in the family? Are they very persuasive, put on an image of being a victim to draw people in when in fact they are predators? Some are handled by entities seen and unseen of ill intent? Many are chipped, some have implants, some are aware of the chips and implants, others have no knowledge of them or what happens after they are activated. Victims are often those with agendas that did not get what they wanted. If they don’t get what they want they play the Amber Turd card until the real truth surfaces and karma comes back and bites them in the butt.
I have had so many people come to me for validation yet if you question any part of their story that does not fit within Universal Law all hell breaks loose. They go on the attack making all kinds of false accusations rather than healing, taking the path of discernment and personal observation with humility. They are the stalkers who accuse others of stalking. Sexual predators accusing others of sexual predation. They are incapable of love, only manipulation and false promises. They are the crazy makers and it is by design.
No matter how much love, compassion , teaching and healing in the past it all goes out the door when they hit the wall of their wounds and traumas they are not ready or have the courage to face. When their handlers step in they are not in control some don’t even remember what transpired. A good indicator something is off in their story is when they become extremely defensive with the need to attack anyone that disagrees with them or questions the intent and integrity of their handler.
Many speak of abductions, chips, other influences that do not honor free will and cannot fully remember what happened? They often speak of off world relationships that bind them not allowing free expression in this life which can be either a form of avoidance or a sign they have given their power away to an external force or entity. Empowering the individual to make their own personal connection to God/Great Spirit/Creator upon which contact comes naturally is the path. It is not an external process this creates a dependency and is disempowering. I have always said my goal is to make myself unnecessary, empower people to make their own contact, their own connection with Source. That is the way.
James Gilliland, part 2
ReplyDeleteAnother question one might ask if one suspects a Manchurian candidate is there a history of one mess after another with whoever they get involved with? Are there conflicting actions to their words and do they weave webs of entrapment using their outer appearances, sexual energies, promises of future love or sexual engagements that never seem to manifest?
“Are they deceptive concerning events that unfolded even to themselves?” Always check their story.
The next trap to avoid is flattery. There are three kinds of people that fall victim to flattery, men, women and children. Manipulators will use flattery, statements like I love you beyond all human understanding, we are the perfect match etc. yet when you open your heart the knife is inserted, twisted followed by a myriad of cold hearted cruel words and actions designed to take you down. Not my first rodeo on this one. Luckily, I gained the wisdom from previous experiences, learned to shield up and the drama becomes a one sided event.
Unfortunately when you do this they will run to everyone else to bring them into the drama. You don’t have to be chipped or implanted to allow unseen negative entities in some are just too sensitive, not strong enough to keep them out or have too many doors open, unhealed wounds and traumas. Always remember trust is earned and it is often earned over time. Nothing wrong with keeping that guard up in the beginning.
It is hard to determine if it is just past life trauma, childhood trauma, projections and victim patterns being worked out yet if one has experienced some or many of the above aforementioned questions or patterns chances are that person has a handler whether it is seen or unseen.
There are many forms of chips, implants, influences and possessions. The ones influenced in most cases don’t even know it is happening, they have split personalities or just are not strong enough to clear themselves. The higher more famous one becomes the greater they are targeted, influenced and controlled if they cannot clear their space.
The honey pots used to entrap leaders, politicians, people in power later to be blackmailed into doing the bidding of whoever controls the honey is a classic example of Manchurian candidate behavior. This all is replete throughout the political, business, religious, movie and music industries. It is also within the UFO community designed to take down those who speak of spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders. Especially those who have the evidence to back up their claims of contact and a long history of helping and healing people. There are even those talking about Masters and Spiritually advanced ETs as a façade yet watch how they behave off the stage.
James Gilliland, part 3
ReplyDeleteAgain there are claims to be working with these highly evolved beings not knowing they are being influenced by those who are not who they profess to be. We call them faker spirits or regenerate ETs. They often leave a wake of chaos and confusion where ever they go and with whoever allows them in. Gossip and rumors are their tools preying on those who are empathetic, saviors, people without the wisdom to realize there is always two sides to a story or lack the spiritual tools of discernment. This, along with others of ill intent controlling the narrative is why spiritually and technologically advanced off world contact cannot come through the UFO community. “It is divided by design.” This however does not mean there are not contacts of a lessor nature occurring within the UFO community and contacts of a higher nature outside the community.
There are those breaking out of these scenarios, whistleblowers that need to be heard yet we still need to be on guard, things just may not be what they seem, the stories told are from one side, from one perspective. Before jumping in to be the savior it is always good to hear both sides with loving detachment. Something to ponder. It is the only way to get off the victim/savior/persecutor hamster wheel. The crusades can be a trap. The regenerates are feeding off the division.
In the words of Socrates, he was stopped by an acquaintance who said ``I have something to tell you, it’s about your “friend. That’s very kind of you Socrates said but don’t tell me yet I run all information through three filters to ascertain if I want to know it. First filter of truth: have you witnessed this first hand? Second is the filter of goodness: Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend? The last filter: is that going to be useful to me? If the statement has no personal witness, cannot be verified it is not necessarily true just a perception of another through their filters, it is not necessarily true. It is not good, it is of ill intent so it is of no use to me. “Paraphrasing a bit.” There are also three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and God’s business. Other people’s business is God’s business. Karma will rectify the situation and no one knows what another needs in their soul for completion. These are tools to survive the insanity surfacing within the UFO community staying centered undistracted, rising to the occasion making your own contact.
We have chosen to step out of the dramas in the UFO community due to getting entangled in them trying to help and bring healing and clarity to the field. It will just have to work itself out healing, ending the division, competition, cooperating for the higher good and staying on track is not a welcomed presence in the UFO community. ECETI will continue to do our own thing assisting in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth yet it will continue outside of the community.
James Gilliland, part 4
ReplyDeleteA question we have always pondered is why masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, inner earth beings, and higher dimensional beings continue to appear at ECETI are witnessed, photographed, and video taped. Base logic would dictate we are doing something right. Those who have no evidence, generators of rumor and slander, those creating division or have clear ties with very unscrupulous people are the ones getting the most attention or the ones most threatened by those who are authentic. They are never questioned, especially if they play the victim card? Their true motives and intentions are covered by the card. Time to flip the card.
The victim now is the greatest tool to sew seeds of division and deception. Time to remind them about personal responsibility and sovereignty with their energies. A victim is usually one that did not get what they wanted so they try to force or manipulate others to fill their void. It is a backward way of getting notoriety, financial or emotional support. They actually believe it is the rise to the top card even though it is on the backs of others. It is a short trip. This will trigger some people, if so there is something to look at. If it is not your coat don’t wear it.
There is very little love today in society in general. Each individual needs to fill their own void, not feed off others. It is natural and human to desire love, compassion, support, and intimacy. To the unhealed and victims this seems to be a crime. Seems like on present day earth it is like looking for art in a trash can. Possible, but not likely considering the whole world is in process. Cave is really looking good right now.
Our inner circle at ECETI is awesome, all earned their position through service to others, compassion and loyalty. We all love and support one another, help each other in their process. Something the UFO and Spiritual communities could learn from when the time is right. It is a prerequisite for contact with Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings. We have to rise to the occasion, create and maintain a sacred space. That was and is the goal of ECETI holding space since 1986. It is why the highly evolved beings are making their presence known and why we have a mountain of evidence. Are we perfect? No, we just don’t sweat and blow out of proportion the small stuff, take personal responsibility for our attitudes and emotions, each committed and doing the best they can in a profoundly unhealed society.
In the days to come we are going to see just how unhealed this society is. We are going to have to choose how much we want to engage in the dysfunction and learn to set boundaries. It seems the words for the day are discernment, respect, gratitude, and boundaries. Time to set boundaries with those who are disrespectful, ungrateful and in denial projecting and blaming others often for actions they themselves are doing and their present predicament. Seems the UFO community is no different than most democrats. If you want to know what they are doing, watch what they blame others for doing. There are three fingers pointing back to every one finger pointing forward. How many are going to have the honesty and integrity or spiritual advancement to own that? We will see. Not holding my breath on that one. If I did I would be one of those blue beings everyone is seeing.
Be well, James Gilliland
We Speak German: (you speak English too, I have noticed...)
DeleteThis is interesting from James Gilliland. Thank you for posting.
I particularly like the Socrates information. It makes me think about what I say about others. I am punctuating it below a bit differently, to clarify the quote.
"In the words of Socrates: He was stopped by an acquaintance, who said, 'I have something to tell you, it’s about your 'friend.'
'That’s very kind of you,' Socrates said, 'but don’t tell me yet. I run all information through three filters to ascertain if I want to know it.'
First filter of truth: 'Have you witnessed this first hand?'
Second is the filter of goodness: 'Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend?'
The last filter: 'Is that going to be useful to me?'
If the statement has no personal witness, and cannot be verified that it is not necessarily true, [but] just a perception of another through their filters, it is not necessarily true.
If is not good, it is of ill intent, so it is of no use to me."
(Paraphrasing a bit).
VOTL Lightforces!
ReplyDeleteWe all hope this madness is ending before autumn where they will start with mandatory jabs without which you will not be permitted to work, to move, to go into hospitals etc ... just 10% of humans managed to survive without getting the poison DNA editing jabs.... but during this winter it will be VERY difficult to preserve health integrity and freedom. WE NEED OPEN INTERVENTION NOW !! NO MATTER WHAT. IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE ! WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT, we are locked in a cage and the executioner is coming for us.
ReplyDeleteYou are living in fear. Stop living in fear. Covid is over, we'll never be locked down again.
DeleteBetter don't wait or expect the event or else you will only get disappointed. For years people have felt the Event would happen on that year and here we are.
DeleteTry to go with your life like nothing is happening and someday when you wake up and tune in the news the Event is on.
Exactly Hiroman
DeleteActually monkeypox is their next pandemic ...V side effects of course but we need to stand firm and say no!
DeleteSome folks are finding it hard, if not impossible to avoid the jabs....and I myself keep saying it's time for DIRECT INTERVENTION.
@fil, there is no way that 90% got jabz although I am unsure of how many did. Huge numbers in india are rural, village, and town people and many in india took ivermectin. A lot of third world people were probably not jabbed and they are not being honest about jab numbers in the first world either. Hypothetically if around a quarter globally were unjabbed the cabal would have much more difficulty with their agendas. Many jabbed in europe marched against vax id and mandatory jabz. Things are messy but are not going according to plan for the cabal.
DeleteHope you are safe and happy π₯°π
ReplyDeleteoh wow
ReplyDeletekeep going ππͺ
well ... me myself , as for friends no problem how they look like, but I would not like too much a partner with feathers, furry, scales etc ... ;) LOL ... for the color ... no matter at all ... but possibly not too taller than me ... ( in humor)
ReplyDeleteThank you all LF brothers and sisters for your efcorts in helping usπππ
ReplyDeleteContact Dish for the Event
Cobra:”…Pure magnetic receptive feminine energies create a resonance field that is the Contact Dish for the Event…”
Will there still be an EBS? 10 days of darkness.. 24/7 movie looping explaining the control system humanity has been living under? Nesara? I assume yes! Imagine the vibration of humanity when all debt is removed and money isn't controlling us. Then as tech is released and truth is revealed the need for money diminishes to the pt where it become a history lesson in how the dark ones controlled earth and humanity for 1000s of years...debt slavery system
ReplyDeleteThe CCP run TSMC.
ReplyDeleteTurner wrote the Date of US Dollar Death.
ReplyDeletebeginning of the end of this Matrix?
ReplyDeleteCobra, os trabalhadores da Luz ainda estão recebendo ataques ? infelizmente, quase todas as vezes que participo das meditaçáes alguém da minha familia adoece, acredito que isso não seja por acaso. Obrigado. Vitória da Luz !!!
ReplyDeleteMuito obrigado a todos nΓ³s, que independentemente do que aconteΓ§a, continuamos a fazer o trabalho, atΓ© a grande Victoria final, muita luz para todos bem hajam, estou muito feliz com esta notiΓ§ia....................MUITO OBRIGADO DO FUNDO DO MEU CORAΓΓO ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteAwake My Soul
"Timothy Leary 's dead - No, nonono he 's outside, looking in...." . The Moody Blues (In Search Of the Lost Chord 1968), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0bXdKpya0
DeleteAre White Hats Rinos??
ReplyDeleteYou mean if light belongs to a political party??
DeleteNo are the white hats working on earth serectly dont give a crap about us and just stalling the event??
DeleteAnd part of the young global leaders crowd
DeleteI love the good news Cobra especially when it means the Dark have suffered losses. It's time for the despoilers to be gone. I have noticed a lot of activity in the night sky I'm sure there is a heavy battle going on up there.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe light forces have to work within the contraints... many injustices stil playing out worldwide not just in usa.. the light forces are doing what they can and /or as planned.
Deleteall of the good guys are working tackling old and new challenges.. we often forget the good guys are not free to do as they please.. they have plans and they carry them out accordingly...
planning, organization, execution and mitigation may not be instant or on demand. specially if you are dealing with a complex situation. The planetary situation is complex.
Hearing u making such demands..makes me wonder if you have forgotten where we stand
To be honest... by the time 2024 election time arrives i hope things will be so different to the point where
elections would not be an event as we know it.
I hope that by then if elections are still being carried out, that we will be at a place of confidense that whoever is running.. wont be bad guys..
So what needs fixing is the system.. what you may be seeing right now.. is a problem bluntently being toss to the face of the public... this is the opportuity to address it n highlight it
So what you may see as a panic moment.. it may be an opportunity..not for the bad guys.. but for the good guys..
Last unfortunately we dont know what is happening behind the curtains.. which wizard pulling the strings.
DeleteI do appreciate your reply to my venting comment. Of course it was a combination of anger and frustration driven in response to the latest deepstate/cabal frame job fiasco on Trump and the Alliance but have since stood back and saw the bigger picture... π hence why I removed my original comment. I now view it as a sloppy attempt to counter the Alliance π€ͺ
I've been following this blog pretty much from the beginning and only started commenting since 2016. I usually keep to myself unless I feel the need to share good thoughts and insights... but there are times I DO vent. I'm fully aware good and great things ARE happening behind the scenes but at times become frustrated with the pace... especially when it comes to injustices and abuse to my family and friends... to humanity in general. I get emotional sometimes because I'm a Lightwarrior in the process of preparing for first contact and Ascension while overcoming all the negative junk I've accumulated over lifetimes. I think it important to be honest and vent our feelings once in awhile in order to see and feel if I'm alone in this feeling or if it is a shared moment among the rest of you amazing individuals. π€
I'm VERY sure that COBRA, the RM and LF, Sananda, Ashtar, Semjasi, my 1221Team and the rest of the gang backing the 144,000 plus ground crew understand our feelings and emotional outbursts which is comforting. I'm still here holding the line and holding the Light... no matter how I feel sometimes, that my friend will NEVER change. π
DeleteIt will only mean a damn if we are alive and young enough to see it happen.
Thanks @Libra J. M. Aquila...
DeleteCintamani Grid?
Cobra, ca. May 29, 2017: „Crop circle in Fonthill Down and cloudships in Taiwan appearing in the last few days are Pleiadians expressing their support to Cintamani planetary grid project“
Onward and upward with strength and certainty of purpose.
ReplyDeleteTodays 'news' Biden about Finland...dont believe him mr Putin♡ Our politicans ds too..wwg1 wgall♡♡
ReplyDeleteI also had a meeting on a non-physical level with a lion being. I remember he looked like this character:
ReplyDeleteJa gyΓΆnyΓΆrΕ± gyΕzelem.a holdrol is lΓ tszik.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone for those that are interested you can come join the
ReplyDelete2012 portal discord.
I set it up since we didn't really have a proper discord server yet,
And it's been awesome we've got 40 members so far :)
Feel free to come chat!
I just felt a massive energy shift towards the positive!
ReplyDeleteAnyone else feel it?
Keep vibrating the awesome energies epic Ninjas!
Message from Master El Morya (love him!)
ReplyDeleteFreedom Through Corona Vaccination?
God in HIS glory and a human being in THEIR love for God represent perfection – and you are getting closer and closer to this realization!
Beloved humans,
Everything that worries you today and leads to fears will resolve itself in one strike and on one day. There is no reason to distrust what is happening or losing courage due to the long wait for salvation.
Soon there will be no more death and no more dying. As soon as you are reborn, everything falls off and you see who you truly are and what a glorious future lies ahead of you.
Current events sometimes present you with almost insolvable challenges. How can one escape the increasingly tighter ties of the 3D system, and how can one remain unharmed spiritually, psychologically and physically?
Even if you can’t or won’t hear it anymore – the Divine within you will bring the solution!
This is why I sincerely recommend to you: Use every opportunity available to you to return to your inner core. Your inner temple is your sanctuary. From there, you have an overview of the day’s events and you are able to find meaning in them.
How can you maintain an overview if you tirelessly keep chasing after your restless mind?
As long as you get carried away by everyday life and by the low frequencies of the news, you are like a leaf in the wind. This must be avoided now, because the wind will soon turn into a storm sweeping over the entire earth.
Those individuals who get lost in the system or would like to change the system within the system are now taught the huge lesson that outer shifts are always preceded by inner transformation.
Those individuals who are taking themselves out of the system energetically, mentally and emotionally whenever possible in their daily lives and work on elevating their own frequency are no longer registered by the system and they are free.
This is why the rulers of cold light are doing anything they can to entrap as many people as possible in the system. This is done by means of skillful manipulation and continuous spreading and stimulation of fears.
Freedom only through vaccination certificate!?
Don’t fall for this deception, because the freedom of the human spirit ends with the mRNA-vaccination. The exact opposite is true – so please understand: truth is lie and lie is truth.
This, too, is a deception!
Because your good behavior will be tested until the bearable limit is reached – until you can’t and won’t go on! Then it will be too late, often too late for immediate healing!
Leaving the system is the only and most efficient solution!
Don’t sign a contract with the system – the RNA-vaccination is a contract. You give your consent that the system may rule over your body and mind.
This may have an effect on several earthly lives and lead to significant delays in your process of ascension. Be assured: In the end, there will be a solution for that, too! But do you really want to make that detour?
Don’t give into this game, and don’t get fooled by the pressure that is being built up. This house of cards of deception and lies is about to implode! Because more and more people lose their faith in it, emancipate distance themselves from this matrix! This is the key that, in the near future, will open the door to everlasting human freedom.
Courageously stick to your NO, even if it is inconvenient and means trouble! Rely on the fact that your courage and your transformational work will bear rich fruit. Call God for help, ask your spiritual family for their guidance and support – we are rushing in and make miracles come true.
Have faith in God, HIS glory and YOUR love. Trust YOURself, and start thinking beyond the limits of YOUR mind. That is freedom!
I love you endlessly
**Channel: Jahn J Kassl
He used that four letter word many hate now ... "soon" obviously the LF/RM don't know the meaning of that word. Let me help you all out with that ...
DeleteDefinition of soon: In the near future; shortly.
Just prior to something; shortly.
Without hesitation; promptly or speedily.
How many years has it been that they have been using that now dirty four letter word?
Stop using that word. It's not the truth.
Lol spirittoo. U need to do something nice for yourself and forget for 5mins at least the worlds' worries... :) go get some massage.. u treat urself nice for a min... u will help lift the light quotient :).. and if it does not at least u will have one less stressed muscle for mins :)
DeleteNot enough, DH.
Until the GOOD stuff finally happens....not much to do here.
ReplyDeleteStand By Me.
ReplyDeleteVery good documentary about child trafficking
I sincerely hope cobra will post it.
This is a summary of important information on "this subject" - difficult to digest and painful (even if one is aware of "these incidents"), but quite suitable to introduce others to this subject - but cautiously and with advance warning, since the evilness that is addressed is simply not imaginable for many.
DeleteI'm always in a state of conflict when people tell me they don't want to hear "about it" because the very idea of it alone is already so unbearable.
On the one hand, I can understand it and of course want/must respect it. On the other hand, these children experience this suffering (they not only hear about it) and how should this ever be stopped if everything can continue to take place in secret? Who should stand up for these children if not us (those who know)?
ReplyDeleteI can't even read it. What exactly is it saying?
Alguma notΓcia sobre a captura da alma demonΓaca de Klaus Schwab? E quanto a alma igualmente satΓ’nica de Christine Lagarde? Embora a wikipΓ©dia negue este fato, eles morreram por volta de janeiro de 2022.
https://www.disclosurenews.it/operations-in-ukraine-part-1-the-great-quantum-transition-lev/?fbclid=IwAR1SdeqZhd5JLDIPKHWyAXuoB9q9YPhc06ivVO_VGuvEi1bZbqOeNZc8iMM ;
https://www.disclosurenews.it/operation-in-ukraine-part-2-the-great-quantum-transition-lev/?fbclid=IwAR1gDeWH9whqXDa1kYLQc3o-MIFI--c_Kx0oDwHiK147NUqCL1YJk36mN9I ;
http://murderbydecree.com/2022/02/01/a-call-to-the-truck-convoy-in-canada-10000-reward-offered-for-the-arrest-of-convicted-felons-feb-1st-2022/?fbclid=IwAR3hWwsFuzlMceAduQDVCCxFblkZqWJaeRrXRgSjhAVc-_cvSrgClbvM3lc#page-content ;
https://www.defconlevel.com/european-command-news.php?fbclid=IwAR2WM34dgbe3z6KeMjif04CnE76LfjOSBPqy0jERwIcuy1SkAJCBvZeLVgk#breaking-news ;
ANGELS LOOK LIKE PEOPLE (by Timothy Alberino)
Bob Lazar: Ancient History is Hidden From The Public (Elohim, Giants, Nephilim)
I just don’t understand, please help me understand why the light forces don’t take physical action and intervene and finally arrest these criminals? I’m sick and tired of this bullshit, if you care about us help us please please please do something stop sitting in your spaceships while you watch humans suffering everyday at the hands of the dark forces, stop giving us excuses why you can’t do anything I don’t wanna fucking hear it anymore do you understand me ? Do you understand me light forces? I don’t wanna hear your excuses ANYMORE, all I want is you to take action and take action NOW, I don’t care anymore , I don’t care if I live anymore, I just want to be FREE from this nightmare world , please FREE US , PLEASE DO SOMETHING please I beg of you if you have a heart please help us , please free us , please don’t give us anymore excuses why you can’t use your power to destroy the dark forces once and for all, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IT IS NOW OR NEVER LIGHT FORCES PULL THE TRIGGER DO IT NOW
ReplyDeleteThey say that they cannot intervene with the law of free will. But what about our free will that is being taken away by the dark forces (even more now with the virus) ? LIES!! There is no non interference policy, that's cabal propaganda....also, our free will has been VIOLATED for tens of thousands of years. Also, it is said that the DF threaten them that they will implement vicious acts against all humanity, so they step back. But if that is the case (which is indeed serious and not to be taken lightly) and we are always afraid of them, we will never be liberated...!
I cannot understand many things, too. If all the light forces (which are even more powerful than the dark) really cared about us and wanted to liberate us, i think that they would be a little more efficient. And last but not least, it has been said multiple times, even on this blog, that we are so close to liberation, when apparently we are still not! So, if they are so intuitive, higher dimensional, with psychic powers, how can they be so deceived, too? If they are not deceived , why do they tell us the same fairy tale, filling us with false hopes?
I still believe in light and in God, but i really don΄t know what is true and what is not...
I have even thought "what about if they are all on the same dark side and they are just deceiving us, to make us hope in something, so we don΄t take physical action?" I know, it is a really crazy thought but i have even thought about it
The hostage situation has not been resolved.⅝
DeleteThe forces of Light cannot yet intervene mainly because of the toplet bombs (very destructive for humanity) which have been set up by the dark forces... find out and go through this whole Cobra blog and you will understand ... You have to take the time to read.... Cobra explained everything here....
DeleteWHEN will the darkies RUN OUT OF FUCKING BOMBS? Gonna get to a point where the light forces need to take bigger risks...bombs or no bombs....I DON'T wanna get drowned in a giant tsunami in several years.
ReplyDeleteWith pulses a-raging and eyes full of wonder
Kicking out behind us again
We are In This Together.
ReplyDeleteEnlil’s role in Sumerian mythology can be summed up with reference to humanity in one word: oppressor.
Enlil was actually the god who (according to the Atrahasis-Epos text) originally commissioned the creation of the human race.
You might think that would be a good thing, but the only reason he wanted human beings was so that he would have a race he could enslave to do his bidding.
In fact, this was itself a bid for power among the gods. In the Sumerian myth (not the Babylonian one, which involves Marduk), a number of the gods are on strike because they are tired of maintaining creation.
Enlil proposes that he will solve the issue of the strike if he is named supreme ruler of the gods. In this version of the story, it is he (not Marduk) who subdues Tiamat.
Later on, Enlil becomes tired of humanity’s “noise,” and as a result, decides to kill them all with the great flood. As the god of weather, this was easy for him to do.
This then brings us full circle back to the story of Utnapishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh, who was saved by Enki and corresponds to Noah in the Judeo-Christian version of the myth.
Amusingly enough, Enlil eventually gets over his anger after the flood and decides to make Utnapishtim immortal.
i hope the event happens during my life time (maybe around the 2020s or whatever) because i been reading and hearing (if i could find them) things about how the Pleiadians are like and their home world and it sounds neat but i also want to know what they have planned for humans since we are from earth and i really want to se their world in person.
ReplyDeletewill the event likely happen soon because i hope is not 100 years or more of waiting
ReplyDeleteThe Cure?
Don't book a DQ finish unless it cannot be avoided.
Funny : I was praying and prepping for some healing activity so I saw myself showing up in the One Infinite Creator's office un-announced with my hands covering my eyes as to not get blinded by the voltage differential. Excuse my impudence! Our Luminosity and can we please get more help here on Earth as things are really intense in my Now ! Tall old white bearded robed person : Can , someone ( gesturing at the staff all around ) please take care of this man now ! So Creation business could proceed. Came back here with the help and supplies ! 8-)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think "L2EXCS victory declared, L2LSIP minimum active, alert downgrade to red" just had a public response from the Cabal through the frame job they're trying to pull on Trump and passing a bill giving the money and ability to hire a private army under the guise of the IRS. If I'm wrong I'll admit it but I think the war between LF/RM and the Cabal/Archon/Draco just went public... π€
What the heck are you talking about?
I think you read WAY more into my comment than I said, meant or intended. π€ π π
Ok... thanks for that. π
It's all good... just trying to figure it all out from my vantage point. Perhaps the best thing is just to observe and watch the circus play out. π
DeleteEntire US Government to be invalidated. (good, hurry up)
ReplyDelete"Soon at any moment a turn of events will invalidate the government, trigger the unbelievable. Biden (who is dead), Harris, members of the congress, and the Supreme Court will be removed..." From Donald Trump.
The Deep State Coup has begun. This was signaled by the raid on Trump. This is only going to get worst for next 3 months into November. We are inside the near death civilization event happening. Lockdowns are going to begin in Europe first. (blaah). Then world wars coming to the brink! These are all planned by Deep State. White Hats knew they were coming and the only way was to let them happen. It's called Game Theory...
In the final moment of these strategized moves, and after the Deep State has played all these cards, the Military will step in. (okay, we must wait a few months for these cards to be played, gulp). Then the Military to step in I hope.
Judy Byington knew it would all happen this way. We are inside the storm NOW. Remember, it is just a movie. Near the end of this movie it will feel like all hope is lost. And then in an INSTANT all will change (GOOD). They still say that the best is yet to come! Keep the faith.
We have 3-6 ambulances go by each day, sirens ringing!!! Used to be lucky to hear one go by a week, sometimes several weeks. 3 million estimated to die in 3 years. They (the media) are hiding it all. Now it is starting to kill children. Supposedly 96% are vaxxed in Australia. Just listen to the ambulances, OMG! So we must wait until this movie finishes in a few months. Just a few months of hell, hang on guys!
Japans entire government resigns? Power back to the people.
You're right Devon, I've been incredibly disappointed with the patriot community. There is very little evidence or even thought. It's worse than mainstream media and society. I have a handful of patriot Facebook friends so I see it all. Honestly it's getting worse all the time. I just saw someone say "The Mar-A-Lago raid didn't happen, it's all fake." I know they didn't even read that, it's just a thought that popped into their head and they believe it 100%. We are supposed to be TRUTHERS, and the truth has evidence. This is what attracted me to conspiracies since I was a kid, there was MORE thought and evidence. What passes for truth now on the internet is sad. Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to the truth movement. The way he is the singular mascot, a dyslexic, megalomaniac, actual retard, is terrible. The way supporting him is a requirement. It's getting worse all the time, every day Trump is exposed to be more of a fraud, yet people double down on their support. They are refusing to admit they're wrong which is what the sheep do! I thought we were supposed to be better than that. The way I see every single conspiracy and conservative source give daily coverage and support to Trump is really bad. The last leader we need is someone sloppy like him. He can barely even talk correctly! He must have an IQ of 75. Yet he's known as the 4D chess guy, the art of war, what a joke. There's no excuse to be fooled by this guy. Same with Biden, you don't even need to research, just listen to them talk for 1 minute. Have you seen Trump talk with Don Jr? What a difference. Don is normal, Trump has a learning disability. Seeing the two of them talk is like a normal adult and a special needs child. Most of what he says is gibberish! Can people not see that?
DeleteTaking into account the insurrection and martial law that has occurred in 2021, the MHC (Military High Command) can punish the insurrectionists under military martial law, and President Trump can remain as President during this time. The Insurrectionists cannot benefit from their traitorous actions by exercising Presidential powers unlawfully gained. Can someone explain to the cabal that they're a bunch of idiots. All President Trump and the MHC has to do is disclose how they are under Martial Law. Near the end now...Audacious attempts to solidify a hold on Presidential and Executive Authority over American Federal Government will fail. All those involved in illicit Biden administration are nearing the end days of final and decisive actions are taken by the MHC (about time, yes!).
ReplyDeleteSo it is coming! It is on. We give it 3-4 months.
We are at the End Days.
With all my respect/regrets, however, Trump is just a clone. It would be too nice if this were not true!
DeleteThe Watchers: Revelation (2013)
Who are the Watchers? Is a race of benign extraterrestrials secretly influencing the world’s governments? Are these creatures really ancient aliens sent to protect humanity from self-destruction, or are they evil beings set on deception as the world approaches its final days?
Bene Elohim
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
do you think this song is like a sign? because it feels like a relevant song to me
ReplyDeleteYou've heard of a CME, a "coronal mass ejection." They happen all the time. A piece of the sun's tenuous outer atmosphere (corona) blows off and sometimes hits Earth. Something far more terrible has happened to Betegeuse. The red giant star produced an SME, or "surface mass ejection."
NASA astronomers believe that in 2019 a colossal piece of Betelgeuse's surface blew off the star. The mass of the SME was 400 billion times greater than a CME or several times the mass of Earth's Moon. Data from multiple telescopes, especially Hubble, suggest that a convective plume more than a million miles across bubbled up from deep inside the star, producing shocks and pulsations that blasted a chunk off the surface.
"We've never before seen such a huge mass ejection from the surface of a star," says Andrea Dupree of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who is leading the study. "Something is going on that we don't completely understand."
After it left the star, the SME cooled, forming a dark cloud that famously dimmed Betelgeuse in 2019 and 2020. Even casual sky watchers could look up and see the change. Some astronomers worried that the dimming foreshadowed a supernova explosion. The realization that an SME is responsible has at least temporarily calmed those fears.
Betelgeuse's brightness has since returned to normal, but something strange is still going on. Astronomers have long known that Betelgeuse is a variable star with a 430-day period. Its metronome-like change in brightness has been observed for more than 200 years. As Betelgeuse recovers, however, those pulsations are no longer regular: See the data. Spectra taken by Hubble and the Tillinghast telescope in Arizona imply that years later the surface of Betelgeuse is still bouncing like a plate of gelatin dessert--a testament to the ferocity of the blowout.
Betelgeuse is so large that if it replaced the sun at the center of our solar system, its atmosphere would extend past Jupiter. Dupree used Hubble to resolve hot spots on the star's surface in 1996. This was the first direct image of a star other than the sun.
What's happening now "is a totally new phenomenon that we can observe directly and resolve surface details with Hubble," says Dupree. "We're watching stellar evolution in real time."
Posted by James Gilliland on FB on August 12th - imho worth to be shared and contemplated:
ReplyDelete"During these times of intense process just substitute they with I and say the sentence over of what you accuse others it will be a quantum leap in evolution"
I would like to humbly add that this could always be a good way, not only at the present time and even if you replace "they" with "you".
Hi! Would somebody be so kind and list the explanations of the most typical abbreviations or at least those mentioned in the post? Like L2EXCS and L2LSIP... What does it stand for? Thank you! π
ReplyDeleteThese are codes for the Resistance Movement...not for the surface population!
DeleteVan Ε volt a szeretet istene szerelmes volt belΓ© a haborΓΊ istene. A sΓ‘rkΓ‘ny isten egy vita miatt megmΓ©rgezte. VΓ©gΓΌl sok szenvedΓ©s utΓ‘n a hΓ‘borΓΊ istene megΓΆlte. Ez a balhΓ© miatt volt a hΓ‘borΓΊ az istenek kΓΆzΓΆtt. 9 bΓΆl mΓ‘r csak 4 isten Γ©l. /9 galaxis bΓ³l csak 4 nek van istene/
ReplyDeleteOne of the best way to break free from the matrix and its implants :
Bom dia!
DeletePoderia compartilhar sua experiΓͺncia com esse vΓdeo? Obrigado!
A burning around my body and a release of past life trauma most of the time. I recommend reading the comments,people usually share theor experiences there
ReplyDeleteBbb you are not right, so the lf target civilians now??!!! π€¦π½♂️ get common sense!
ReplyDeleteSome of the Pelosi family corruption is finally starting to surface.
ReplyDeleteCheck this out.
More members of the US Congress landing in Taiwan today (Sunday August 14). I guess it's still "the first half of August" so they need to continue to antagonize China?
ReplyDeleteVisualize peace.
ReplyDeleteSame here. For, right now, I feel we have been ripped off, in terms of that divine intervention....both the meditation and petition. It's like we're getting diminishing returns.
The Happiness Patrol continues to bark at me, for 'whining' and 'doing nothing', yet all I ask is WHERE/WHEN are the results, especially considering the pain in the ass the divine meditation and petition were.
We were told by the white hats that this time now shall be a "wild ride". I expect them all to be completely crazy now, while we arrest them etc. Like completely narcissistic. So it will be ugly now as we finish this off. We just have to hold on and wait for Christmas or before then to hopefully get NESARA/GESARA.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone will get it. For example some criminals won't get it. If you have murdered and taken a life, you won't get it. I'm thinking of the con people too. There have been many of them over the years, and I always get a percentage of their light quotient (from the angels). Most I won't talk about, I won't bring up dark stuff, but I will just bring up CW. I want to say I got his light quotient, and it was 70% dark, 30% light. That is really low, think it's one of the lowest I got. Anyway, people like this may be surprised when they don't receive any GESARA money. You cannot fool the QFS, because its quantum; it knows all about you. So I just think some will be surprised, that's all.
DeleteHonestly, I think this NESARA/GESARA is a carrot and stick, hoping for the masses to avoid worldwide rebellion and chaos. There is no time left for that, before we know it the pole shift will occur and the behemoth tsunami will wash the surface of the planet clean whole we are safely evacuated or not and we just die! And in New Earth there won't be any need for money or QFS.
I wish to add more to the last post because as soon as I hit post, a mammoth amount of questions came flying to me, so I have thought further about this quotient thing.
ReplyDeleteFirst, what I get in here is basically a very high quotient, so don't worry. Some are 70% light, some 80% light but most are high 90%. This is a very high quotient, we'll all get paid so I don't see problems. And I mean over 95% light. It's funny I never looked at this before.
The trolls here, I get that all is not lost, not at all. The angels and probably the pleiadians are willing to work with you to push your quotient higher, most of you. Even if it is below 50% light, they can work with you to get it higher, so you can eventually get some GESARA, as long as no murder is invovled. Don't just give up due to a low quotient. If it's a bit dark, it can certainly be improved, you can come back, it just takes real willingness to start. All can be forgiven.
As to Cobra's quotient (you can leave this bit out Cobra) well I got he's a 99% light, very few bad earth habits. I know I have a few of them but then I've been here 1000s years. So most of us just have a few habits, I think it is normal. Cobra is like exemplary. I get a strong pleiadian energy (no surprise) strong leadership energy, and I think all is going well with this forum. He is smiling? Hehe, I get that all is fine, hooray.
So if you had a few questions I hope I answered them. I probably won't come back to read this, I usually avoid my own posts, but I think I had kind of opened a can of worms and you may have wondered about quotients...
Same here, Libra
DeleteIn fact, I feel most at home at night, and so on...damn sun became so bright, I'm always squinting like Clint Eastwood during the day, outside.
Qui Gon from Star Wars, for example, only Jedi who made sense, and note that ALL of them were pretty much slaughtered, and that the big evil was right under their noses the entire time.
Having welcomed my dark side is probably why I'm still alive.
@ Libra
DeleteThis is a great comment in more ways than one, and it makes clear - once again - the importance of chosen words.
And even if we choose our words carefully, it doesn't mean that everyone understands the same thing by them.
One reason for this are the points that have been raised here several times - lack of nonverbal and paraverbal means of communication, linguistic and cultural differences, different experiences and conditioning ...
Imagine Charlie Brown squinting trying to be bad ass like Clint Eastwood. What a laugh!
DeleteThat is why I embrace my darkness and bring some trolling and sarcasm to this blog while some whiners don't like it an call me "Happiness Patrol". Well, if I'm a Happiness cop, they are my dawg. Thanks for your post, some things needed to be cleared out so people understand better this game.
DeleteExcellent comment! I always had the same feeling regarding darkness and black. Black is my favorite color, my wardrobe is 98% black. How important it is to embrace our own darkness, how refreshing is a cool dark night after an intense bright hot day! One must embrace his own darkness to be whole, the integration of polarities which is what this cosmic game called life is all about. Your darkness can be something you abhor about yourself like the lack of physical beauty, wrong gender, your anger for not being born a goddess of beauty or going through life wishing you were someone else, not accepting who you are and being aggressive and rude to people that try to make you embrace your dark ugly self. Blessed is he who despite his imperfections, champions through the hardships and vicissitudes of life, embraces his dark side, his physical imperfections and becomes fully integrated and a champion to inspire others. Case in point, Nick Vujicic, a.k.a. the armless, legless aussie guy who despite being born without limbs, overcame his handicap, embraced his dark imperfect side and now is a successful inspirational and motivational writer, happy husband and father. A true hero of mankind that must be acknowledged and serve as a model of the invincible endurance of the human spirit.
DeleteNEVER gonna embrace or accept my gender and genetics...so STOP trying to get me to accept what I am be that's it....NOT gonna happen.
DeleteRussia is buying oil they not gonna release free energy anytime soon it seems
ReplyDeleteThe two edged sword
ReplyDeleteThe forces of darkness are in a very bad position. They already know they will lose, but want to create as much suffering as possible.
However, there is an inconvenience for them. Nowadays, all the suffering they create to others, may come back to them. Multiplied, actually.
So, in reality it is a lost cause. What is the point of “punishing” humanity as hard as possible, if the same punishment will be applied to you one day?
More at: https://earthdragonchronicles.blogspot.com
@Earth Dragon
DeleteEver wonder that they are maybe masochists?
So it's time for another Planetary Situation Update. Thank you dear Cobra.
ReplyDeleteRight Between The Eyes.
ReplyDeleteFico um bom tempo sem voltar aqui. E quando volto estΓ‘ tudo igual. Nada de realmente relevante acontece.
ReplyDelete@LightPower - What's this fact? End of September? and why not the end of August? They know that the Dark don't stop for this aut aut. The Dark will go on and we suffer but the LF give them a time limit? And so on as it's possible? Why they don't finish the game now? I don't understand this infinite play, "touch and go", meanwhile the humans suffer and the planet is devastated... End this game. NOW! Or is there something that we don't need to know?
DeleteThere IS something we don't need to know.
Csak lelkek akik elΓ©rtek egy szintet Γ©s teremteni tudnak ezΓ©rt hivjuk teremtΓΆnek. Nem halnak meg csak ha megΓΆlik ΓΆket. Mint minden lΓ©lek te is. A teremtΓ©s felsΓΆ szint az arkangyalok felett. Ha egy teremtmΓ©ny elΓ©ri vΓ‘laszthat folytat egy meglΓ©vΕ galaxist vagy kap egy kΓΆzponti napot Γ©s ujat Γ©pit. 9 galaxis van Γ©s csak megjegyzem ennek a galaxisnak is halott a teremtΕje most az arkangyalok mΓΌkΓΆdtetik.