Around 15,000 people have participated in our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO. Although this is far less than the critical mass, the meditation has helped to ease tensions to a degree:
Our meditation to diminish the effects of the hurricane Ian is still very much needed:
Clearing of the implants is in progress, and one of the first effects is the rising of kundalini energy. This has sparked protests in Iran, where many women are revolting against the oppression of the feminine energy:
Those protests have the capacity to topple the oppressive regime, and now oil workers are joining in:
The Light forces are asking anybody who feels so guided to join the meditation to protect the safety of protesters and give them support of the Goddess energy:
A new Cobra interview has been just created, and you can read the transcript in English here:
In German here:
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And in Chinese here:
Or listen on Youtube here:
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
For newbies: If the # of comments is close or larger than 200, remember to:
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2. If u see the phrase "load more..." click on it
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a) if u see again the phrase "load more" click it again
Repeat step 3
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Those that may not see their comments even after doing steps above, there is a chance the post has not been reviewed/ approved yet not necessarily rejected or censored. Be patient. Threre is no time limit when posts get to be processed and is possible they may be processed in bulks or a few at a time... i would assume when time permits.
Last, the above claims are assuming there were no technical issues on either end Rin
->A good novice guide.🤗💖
When reading comments, you can choose a song that calms your mind.
->View on mobile phone Don't forget to click View web version at the bottom of the page to see more content.
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DeleteAs shown in figure🖐🏼
At the end of this picture is the answer. I encourage you to share your inspiration and guidance.
I didn't take cooperation seriously at first, which may be the beginning of cooperation.
I hope you and I will never forget to cooperate.
💓New Discoveries🎉 🤗
This is a hand pulling other hands
diffused💧 resonance💖 resound✨
We speak German:
“It is like a glass of very pure water. How many drops of ink can be dropped into that glass of water before the water is no longer clear but is seen as cloudy/dirty?”
“Still, it would be great if everyone tried to make sure the drops they put in the glass of water were clear, or at least not dark ink.”
5th Dimension: Words are a powerful form of energy and whether the intent is negative or positive and it can influence changes in perceptions
Most people know what they should do, don't they? 😂The answers are more readily available at a young age
It's more like people have made their own choices on the premise of knowing this fact clearly.🤗
Someone's comments can have some synchronization with my content, and I look forward to the increase of such linked content in the future.It looks like there is cooperation in information.
Cobra: And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected.
but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.
Yes. And of course, most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I'm not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave.
Ladder of Light✨✨
get rid🔒 liberate🎉 be reborn🌏✨
🖐🏼About Handholding🤗
there is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.✨
As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.
The above information will be sent repeatedly to deepen the impression.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks for part 1 of the interview and ...
ReplyDelete"The Light forces are asking anybody who feels so guided to join the meditation to protect the safety of protesters and give them support of the Goddess energy"
... understood.
will we all go to the Pleiadians in our physical bodies in a ship because i read something scary and lets just say i want to live and be in peace
Deleteare we going to the pleadings planet in our physical bodies, i'm scared right now
DeleteI'm all for it. Pick me up and I can start what I need to finally live a real life.
Delete@sherman and in our own physical body, i want to live the rest of my life in something that i can effort stuff and healthy food
DeleteI don't mind changing my body, so long as I do not have to undergo a death experience. I'll be glad to give up my humanity and masculinity.
Deletewell i don't want death either but i like my body and i want to be in this one and travel to see other worlds
DeleteYou'll get your body fixed up and made better, Dragon. You know that saying of being older and wiser? Well, imagine being younger and wiser.
DeleteDude, what the fuck? You only think about body body body body, WTF? First of all, you are a soul. Ascension is about the soul first and foremost. Concentrating only on the body will not do you any good as you have to change your inner side before you can earn a beautiful shell. Most Pleiadians or higher ETs are first beautiful inside which is why their exterior shell is beautiful. You got a looooong way to go before you are worthy to receive a beautiful goddess diva bitch body you are so obsessed about. I gather from your comments what a shallow person you are, only preoccupied with physical appearance and beauty. Whatever reasons you are incarnated in a crappy ugly vessel, either you chose or you were forced as punishment or whatever is irrelevant, you gotta work on your attitude in treating people better, respecting people, yo! You are not the center of the universe. The LF are not here to do your bidding. They are not your fucking slaves. You are too selfish, only thinking about yourself, your teenage wet dreams to become a pageant alien beauty queen bitch and getting a reckoning on the Archons because you blame them for incarnating as an ugly fuck and nothing else, you have no objectives or goals in your life, whatsoever. I really doubt the Light Forces will ever listen to you and give you what you want as selfishness is never rewarded, unless you sell your soul to Satan and join the Dark Forces which will be a major mistake. Anyways, just my 2 cents. Grow the fuck up and I don't care for whatever angry triggered reply you will give. Deep inside you know I am right. DEAL WITH IT, DAWG!
LF must succeed!
ReplyDeleteAll good news!
ReplyDeleteThank you COBRA, LF and the RM for all you're doing on behalf of the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Starseeds and ALL OF HUMANITY.
Thanks Cobra for the update.
ReplyDeleteThe post in french / L'article en français :
The interview in french / L'interview en français :
Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !
Strange, so far no changes have been noticed. Western governments are made up of Zionist puppets or outright Zionist Jews. Similarly, the government of Russia, including Putin, is made up of them. There is a version that Putin was killed and replaced by a double when he "divorced" his wife. I have some literature that can explain how the Jews took over the USSR and flowed into the control of Russia. If you are interested, then in the next news, Cobra can copy this text and paste it somewhere below (I don’t watch news regularly, I don’t read comments). I will provide links to books in digital form, you can read through googletranslater. The books were written by people who lived in the early-mid-late 20th century and forced the Zionist Jews to enter Russia together with Leon Trotsky, a direct agent of the Rockefellers. One of the books from Soviet times was and remains censored and destroyed, the author went through a series of hospitals for the mentally ill (read how in the USSR they fought the opposition, passing off its representatives as crazy).
ReplyDeleteYes, it's true, I live in Russia and I will tell you that there are Jews in all the ruling circles of the government and they hate Russia and the Russian people, they are the ones who started the revolution. They are also called red bastards. The Jews make the laws. They rob and steal everything and take all the assets abroad. They are corrupt and conniving. They oppress the local indigenous population. Many have been killed here for the truth. The Jews are snitches and snitches. For centuries the Russians have been fighting this scum. Czar Peter was also switched, as honest historians claim. He was a corrupt man, cheated and robbed people, and he is glorified here. There are a lot of lies here. Their conscience is unlikely to wake up. It will not happen because they have no conscience. They have no concept of conscience. They have no conscience.
DeleteThank you for your comment. Leave links I will read. And that's what drastic measures are needed here. We need to get the Kozlovs out of the way so the herd disperses.
Deletei have some questions:
ReplyDeleteWe will remember past lives after the implants are gone?
Will all implants be gone at the same time or will happen fast for some people?
It will be a choice for your past life I assume the implants will be destroyed as soon the flare hits
DeleteCobra answered the first question in one of the last interviews.
DeleteThis all makes real sense. Well thank you.
ReplyDeletemeditating doesn't do anything. you have to DE-Manifest. Meditating just pushes energy pockets around like bubbles. De-Manifesting pops the bubbles, ya gotta pop those dark bubbles.
DeleteRead Elena Danaan's new book 'The Seeders' and you will find out. Lots of useful info there.
I'd rather someone DEMONSTRATE it instead.
DeleteYou don't like doing your homework, do you boy?
You’d rather have someone do it for you so you can graduate without putting any efforts, right? Nawty, nawty! (as Borat would say).
Sorry, but things don't work like this on planet earth, boy! No pain, no gain! (as Rocky coach would say).
Cheers dawg!
Actions speak louder than words, and one learns from teachers.
DeletePersonal example: During the excruciating years of first grade to fourth grade, which covered 1986-1990, in a private Catholic school, I was struggling in math, always gets D's. The 'teachers', just some nuns, a day older than sliced bread, and the personality of a rabid dog, just had us reading the text books, never really saying how and why such and such math did this.
Well, luckily I got the hell out of that rotten school ( I don't know who were the bigger bullies...the students or the teachers), into a public one for 5th grade onward, and Mr. Buckman, the teacher I had for 5th grade, which was 1990-1991, actually would sit and explain it to me, and he would always say to me, or anyone else in class, "If you need help, stay after class, I'm always here for an hour or so before I go home, ask and I'll be happy to help. :) ".
And when 5th grade ended for me in June of 1991, I went from a D average in math to a B. And in by October that same year, I got an A average in 6th grade.
Teachers gotta show HOW something is done, and as I said many time, in my opinion, it takes MORE courage to ask for help than to tackle something alone.
So, SPARE me the Rocky CRAP, and go back to punching sides of beef.....
this interview had me worried about things like i like to keep my stuff i don't want to loose all my art that i have worked on for a long time, i don't want to loose my work
ReplyDeleteYou will lose nothing. Everything is saved in the Akashic Records. NOTHING is lost. Stop worrying about trivial stuff. There are more important things at stake like the survival of the planet.
Deletei know but these stuff is not trivial to me they are either just my things that i need, made (like my art both digital and physical) or have sentimental value but if they are stored in some records then i hope they can bring my stuff back to me once we move to the pleadians
DeleteThere are people who would give their arms and legs if they had any (as famous armless legless guy) to get out of here and be healed and made whole again (wait, does that make sense? give the arms and legs which you don't have to actually have arms and legs! Anyways, it came out all wrong but I think you got the point! A bit of humor in life is necessary if we ever gonna make out of this rock alive haha =))
Anyways, my point is, you worry too much, dude! Just sit back and enjoy the ride! Don't worry, be happy! (as the silly song says). We will all get what we want in the end. No need stressing out about it. I'm a happy careless tumbleweed in the wind. And fuck those who would call me 'Happiness Police'.
lol happiness police, anyways, yes i know i should not worry, i hope i get a ideal living space with trees a nice looking house
Delete(i like a Victorian look but who knows what kinds of houses they have that can be just as nice)
cloths places to hang out, you know fun, i still hope i can do art too and stuff and see the animals on that planet (if there is any, i'm sure there is but idk) so who knows i should wait and i'm sure i'll be ok
German translation of the interview / deutsche Übersetzung des Interviews:
Polish translation:
German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:
Thank you dear Cobra for the brilliant series of interviews, it was a huge and pleasant surprise, and a great joy! Here are the Italian and Romanian translations for your post:
ReplyDeleteItalian -
Romanian -
Victory of the Light & Goddess!
ReplyDeleteSüpürgesi Yoncadan
Thank you very much for mentioning and supporting the situations in Iran and Florida!
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated!
Even though hurricanes are bad, it is till is a walk in the park compared to the 350 million people facing starvation in Africa due to all the crop loses, fertilizer shortages and broken world supply chains.
ReplyDeleteIt's about 257 million people in Africa, but I see your point.
DeleteDo your math right. It's over 1.2 billion.
DeleteThe hurricane may have been planned to be used to push climate change though, along with 'carbon lockdowns' and so forth.
Delete"Key facts and figures
Number of hungry people in Africa: 257 million or 1 in every 5 people
Children under five affected by stunting (low height-for-age): 59 million (30.3 percent)
Children under five affected by wasting (low weight-for-height): 13.8 million (7.1 percent)
Children under five who are overweight (high weight-for-height): 9.7 million (5 percent)
Percentage of women of reproductive age affected by anaemia: 38 percent
Percentage of infants aged below 6 months who were exclusively breastfed: 43.5 percent
Percentage of adults who are obese: 11.8 percent"
The total population of Africa is over 1.4 billion, but of course, the entire population of Africa does not face starvation.
These numbers were from the good times, before all the disruption in supply chains and the energy crisis.
DeleteBirimbau, 278 million is the current number as far as I can tell.
Anyway, I'm going to be moving on from this, because debating numbers is a waste of time.
We have reached critical mass in several cases and still nothing has happened.
ReplyDeleteFor example, Covid didn't end two years ago, or the world went to hell after last year's "very successful" meditation. In fact, after most of the meditations, things only got worse. THIS makes me wonder....
So: no wonder fewer and fewer people believe in all this.
You can't see... That's it
Deleteyse, but... we didn't get (for example) forced vaccinations and/or chipped, so not the deepest of Hells either...
DeleteDon't forget the light grid failures....light workers just gave up. It's been very difficult.
DeleteYep. Guess people are waking up to the sham these so called 'meditations' really are. They are a way to suck vital force to feed the enemy nothing more.
Delete"Even Cobra has stated at the end of 2021 that nothing significant will happen with meditations. The only tangible thing will be the Event."
Exactly, so why waste one's fucking time with useless meditations? You can use your 15 minutes to help a soul in need, feed a hungry animal, do something good for your people/animal brothers instead. It's the little things, acts of love and compassion that will change the world for the better and not useless meditations. Of course it's my humble 2 cents, anyone is free to waste their time however they like.
At least on this blog, my policy is to not dispute people when there is a dispute, but to instead dispute perspectives. Shaming others for having contrary opinions may only make matters worse, so the main focus can instead be to provide counter-explanations.
DeleteThe scenario of IronTheHorse making such a comment needs to not become a situation where IronTheHorse becomes a heretic, and 2012portal becomes a religion. If others have opposing perspectives to this blog, they may have them. A chance can be given for them to change their mind. If they don't change their mind, they may leave. This is where I'm coming from at the moment.
Good counter-perspectives have been posted regarding IronTheHorse's comment, but the shaming parts create a damaging religion-heretic scenario.
DeleteExactly! I'm only giving my opinion on the matter, a healthy disagreement against the main narrative offered here means no harm. I don't mean to change anyone's mind, everyone is free to be a deluded dancing monkey shouting VOTL and suck up to Cobra as much as they want, who AM I to oppose? What the fuck do I care? It will not change my life one bit. Just offering my perspective as food for thought that's all I do here. Free will must be respected. It's just that people with false belief systems will be crushed to pieces when the truth finally comes out and when the planet shifts to a higher dimension each individual will go to the place which they best resonate with.
Enough said.
Unknown, there are those who feel as you do, and that's fine. Others do have the free will to either accept or reject perspectives.
DeleteI have felt energies coming through when doing the meditations. There definitely is something to this. There are issues though, such as this:
It's also true that the peace meditations just delayed the inevitable (a huge escalation is about to take place between Russia and NATO from Hal Turner's updates), although the situation probably won't escalate into a full-blown WW3.
I'm kind of in between on matters. I recognize that 2012portal's intel doesn't provide explanations to certain kinds of valid contrary evidence, but there are also true claims from 2012portal, and Light comes through can be directly experienced.
Optional question for you: You mentioned "when the truth finally comes out." What do you think the real deal, or truth is?
Thanks for the update and the interview!
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Meditación IRAN
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Thank you for the post Cobra.
Victory of the Light!
'People have been programmed to believe that being... caring for other sentient beings is a weakness.'
ReplyDeleteKey word, 'Sentient'. There aren't many out of the total population here..
I see a lot just walking eyed, mouth hanging open, that sorta thing like in a zombie film. Seen in in 2001, seen it present.
DeleteThank you! I will read what you say in a moment. I just had a dream, I woke up feeling we were "closing out the timelines" and I felt very accomplished about it. Apparently we closed out a lot of timelines as I slept. Then I woke up fully and thought "what?"
ReplyDeleteYes we have more meditation to do today, so I will be on it. Thanks for news about it! I have so much energy, not full energy but I'm getting up so much earlier last few days. I think my guides getting rid of that one spider, the one that hurt on my back, it is so good.
Today I saw that they are bringing in a robot Cookie Monster, who says "hey kids, I'm not cookie anymore, I'm programmed to sound like cookie...."etc. Sickening! He's called Mega Cookie. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteDo I Love You (Indeed I Do)
no matter who in where.
ReplyDeletewe are always in ONE Ocean,
always connecting.
few weeks ago, I had a dream about my parents.
they decided reincarnation again once, .
then they through a door nearby. out of the door is totolly darkness, guess it is like a new dimension world portal. maybe a new planet dimension to birth in physical body?I guess.
they tell me their choices , very earnest and gentle.
then they through the door.
in reality, they even don't know those kinds of stuff....
if the dream is a clue.
I will always loving and companion them in the last times. praying for them have a nice rebirth travel.
but dream is potential in that time,
if sometimes in future has big change, they have new choices to ascension, I will support it completely.
Respect their choices,and love them forever.....
Thank you Cobra! What an interesting post (those Iranian women!) and also -- thank you for doing this interview. Hoshino and friends asked a lot of very good and probing questions.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your time! victory of the light!
Interview transcript in Portuguese:
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Interview Cobra and Friends,
ReplyDeleteThank You.
Thanks Cobra and Light Team! Not long after the meditation as I went to work I was overcome by the sensation of passing through a round rainbow portal made of a crystal material. It didn't last long but it was real. Must be a good sign.
ReplyDeleteGreat news. Something to hold on to as the noose grows tighter around our necks every day.
ReplyDeleteI just listened to the interview, really good! Amazing questions by the Japanese! Excited. VOTL!
ReplyDeleteThe attacks on lightworkers and selfishness/stupidity may be more interconnected causes than initially thought, at least in some cases.
ReplyDeleteA Possible Future Transition of Geometry
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete3k14Pi, very true. Most architecture on Earth is not built on sacred geometry.
DeleteLiberated planets probably have mostly buildings that are spherical and pyramidal.
This "openness to negotiate" (sort of) may be the result of our meditation:
Is the cosmic central sun in our observable universe?
ReplyDeleteCobra, when was YaldyB removed?
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Earthquake + earthquake forecast, Earthquake events
((more than 70 methods of calculating and forecasting earthquakes, storms, floods in the world))
+He is a great scientist
If you don't see....
ReplyDeleteMay you are not ready...
Cause it's happening right now
It's all over the world...
Thank you for the wonderful interview!
ReplyDeleteI have a suggestion for those who would do these peace meditations. One of the most efficient way of doing meditation is mixing them. For instance, if one could mix Peace meditation for Russia and NATO with Goddess meditation, it would give quick results. Mixing meditations is a method comes in Yoga Purana so for those who feel aligned I invite you to try this method.
I know that we will see more effects due to implants being cleared. Do we need to do the implant removal protocol in addition to having our implants cleared by the lightforces?
ReplyDeleteare we all going to be saved and go to the planet in our physical bodies because i'm very scared now
ReplyDelete"Terry: Okay, great. So how do the implant and biochip removal process work practically? Will it be an all-at-once removal to all of the persons using the quantum cannon technologies on the surface, or rather on individualized process, depending on the contamination levels of a person?
ReplyDeleteCobra: It'll be a planetary process and it is already a planetary process. So quantum cannon technologies are bombarding the surface of the planet. They are bombarding actually with their energy fields, the implants and biochips in every member of the surface population. And what they're doing is they're starting to remove the black holes in the implants.
That is a very tricky and challenging process, but it is already taking place and it'll be the same for everybody. The whole implant and biochip network has to be removed."
My first thought was distributed computing could assist in the process, similar to the Berkley Open Infrastructure Network Computing (BOINC) of which the first project involved processing SETI signals.
Might be something Cobra and the Light Forces could take up on. If not this then maybe something else in future before the Global Tsunami.
Either way once the Global Tsunami comes and it remains the case we can't take our stuff with us, whatever devices we have including Desktop PCs will be destroyed.
No harm using the money we invested into our desktop computers for one last hurrah, right?
DeleteAnother suggestion:
DeleteFor many in the third world the smartphone is the first computing device connected to the internet they ever got. The smartphone can be used without draining more than necessary battery power via cloud computing for similar distributed computing solutions. This time the program being run is to remove the dark forces weapons and implants.
Regarding attacks/trauma:
please someone tell me I'm worried if are we going to be evacuated physically and live the rest of our lives on the Pleiadian planet
ReplyDeletethis interview gave me fear because i worry about if I'm doing well and i want people i know to come with me because i don't want to leave
anyone i have close to me to be left behind, please someone explain to me I'm scared that everything i care about or worked on will be ruined
Nah we stuck here now but dont worry it should be fine
DeleteMs. I believe everyone will be tended to...
DeleteIt is hard to predict how fast or slow the progress will be for each individual dragon.
My understanding is whether each person's progress lags or is hastened, you and everyone else will be in a better place.... there is no need for fear... eventually every soul aims or works toward ascension at their pace. Remember there will be guidance... unlike the current times..
When those times come it will be probably the best time to ask for clarification.
When u awake or planet gets liberated.. is possible such fears you have may no longer be there...
If by that point you remain attached to your belongings maybe there may be a solution. Who knows..
if that part of the plan has not been sorted. I doubt u may be able to get an answer yet..
Answers will come.. wait for such time to come.. many things can happen between now and then
All are on the way back toward Source, no matter which path the individual chooses.
Delete@libra but i like my body i was hoping we will be going inside the ships with our regular bodies and have those med beds to help us and i want mu family to come with me in their physical bodies
Deletei have done so much work, even makeing a story based on positive ideas i don't want that to be ruined, but if they have a way to replicate all my stuff, transport or maybe if i see them in person hopefuly they have something to help us if they let us take our stuff (as in, taking our things will be a personal preference)
@unknown universe, i hope so, my idea is that we'll be in our regular bodies, but we'll go onto ships (along with the animals) to travel to Pleiadians planet and live the rest of our lives there
Deletebut i worry about when is this going to happen and how would the light forces tell people who are unaware about this where to go or to trust them and the situation because i worry of being left behind because i don't eat foods that is recommended to ascend or have the means to get spiritual stuff
@DH i hope it means all my fears will be gone, i get angel numbers telling me i'm doing well or i have nothing to fear and that i'm on the right path even if doubts get in my way i still get good numbers telling me i'm doing ok so i think i have nothing to worry about
This was my question ..if less than 2000 ascend yet we had 144k plus attending the meditations they can't ascend ..I am wide do I know if my energy isn't high enough? I thought 51% in the heart was it...?? So most go to another planet 3D? 4D? Whats been the pt of waking all up..removing implants if most can't go home? There has to be more than 2000 starseed on the planet I heard millions to anchor light. I always thought we have a solar wave...then we get 3 more that arrive 3 more chances to choose to ascend is this not true?
DeleteThanks Doug
I'll be the first one in line, waiting for the ships to land and pick us up. I can't wait to get off this planet, and get a chance to finally live, not merely exist or merely survive.
DeleteLeave my stuff behind? Fine by me, there's BETTER stuff out THERE.
@doug, that is what i worry idk if i'm doing well becuse i'm only human and i get angry, i get anxiety, i eat junk food becuse of reasons besides that it taste good, i have doubts if Chrystals work (i still believe they do but i still feel doubts) and i just live my normal life and only do meditations if the site says to do it and then i just continue my normal life,
Deletei don't want to worry about being left behind or the rest of the population who are unaware of this blog or what is going on
and i don't want to think about that you have to be a certain way spiritual in order to have the good stuff this blog said about when we go to the Pleiadians planet because again what about people who are unaware or if they are but don't have the life means to do all that spiritual stuff especially since money gets in the way
Yeah, get in line Sherman. And I assure you the line is fucking endless to the end of the earth, pal.
Delete@ms100dragon100 read the interview questions and answers carefully. Only about 500 million humans will get their souls restructured in the Galactic Central Sun. That's 1 in 16 currently incarnated humans. But it's not random. Those will be only humans who consciously refuse to choose the Light. It's not based on their "sins", as even Lucifer was sent to the GCS after he ASKED the Light Forces to do it. He wanted his soul to be healed, but just couldn't bear what he has done. So even the literal devil wasn't destroyed after he chose to cooperate with the LFs. And no one will get their soul destroyed for being lazy and eating junk food. Those 500 million will be criminals who just can't imagine living in a universe without evil, and will refuse to choose the good side and be healed. If you don't know anyone evil like that, then you don't have anything to worry about.
DeleteAside from that, "millions" of people will ascend and remain on Earth as ascended beings without body. But that's at most 0.1% of currently incarnated humans. And no one will force you to go through the ascension process if you want to stay in your body. You'll be lucky if you know a single person aside from people on this blog who will be able to ascend. Most everyone who isn't obviously evil will just go to Pleiades in their bodies and continue living and healing there.
You have to be highly spiritual only to ascend. And the ascended ones won't need their physical bodies anymore.
Only your belongings are in question. But advanced ETs have this technology called "replicators". Which can replicate any physical object. Probably from your memory as well. That's most likely why they're planning on leaving everyone's belongings on Earth. It'd be a huge hindrance if 7.5 billion people were planning on taking a ton of bulky stuff with them on space ships. And pretty pointless when everything can be reconstructed on Pleiades by using replicators. Aside from art, there's really nothing useful or valuable we should bring with us from Earth.
- Possibly as if the ascent -
ReplyDeletePossibly like shortly before the ascent.
... and just discovered: went for shopping. (Twice a week). But I discovered something rarely. I always go to the same shops. A few days ago to a biological farm, and this morning one of the cheap/wrong ones (but not so wrong. They sell the loved stuff). In both cases I really felt the need/desire to go back. Comfort, cosyness? After discovering I went back to my guthering, of wich I found out it was fully spread with seeds, exactly the part where I live, but recently done so I try a broom. They are essential for good water drainage.
ReplyDeleteTry not to worry; your Soul is Eternal and cannot die. You will be looked after, you won't need to do anything, it will all be arranged for you and everyone else too.
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra, here is the translation of your great interview part I (I can't wait the part II!) for Romanian speakers:
Victory of the Light and Ascension for everyone!
Scared of what? I thought dragons don't have fear?🤷🏻♀️ Fear is a lie. It's a lack of truth and comes from ego. Let go of the 3d ego. You've out grown this world. Time to go.....
ReplyDeleteCobra: Most of the surface population needs lifetimes, hundreds, and thousands of years to reach Ascension on other planets. They are not ready.
ReplyDeleteJedi: Okay.
Cobra: Regardless of the level of technology, human consciousness is human consciousness and that needs to be transformed from within. Technology can help, but real work needs to be done by people going through the Ascension process. So the percentage of surface population that will undergo true Ascension process will be very little, very low.
Reading transcript of cobra interview I must say I was shocked to read only 2000 estimated to ascend and this statement above about most people needing many more lifetimes to ascend. Why are we on earth as prisoners this is why we didn't ascend our planet was taken over we were held back via technology. If only 2000 and most have to live elsewhere why are we trying to appease the dark ones and why are the Kabal simply not teleported off planet or all of us? If most go to pleiadias star system anyway what's the point of all this ??
Patrick: Really. Okay. That’s good. Next one you mentioned that in the Ascension Plan Update that about 2000 people will be ready to ascend in the first wave of Ascension. Will those people ascend separately in different times and places? Or they will be assembled at a designated place on a specific date?
ReplyDeleteCobra: There will be an Ascension wave, which is similar to galactic pulse, and everybody will be taken from their own location, teleported to the motherships, and on those motherships, they will undergo the Ascension process itself in the Ascension Chambers.
Patrick: Ah, I got it. Thank you
Perhaps I am not understanding but it reads as if just a very few less than 5000 p olle will actually ascend ie reach 5,D what happened to wwg1wga? Humans have all been prisoners and unable to awaken via implants much less get ready to ascend I thought this was about getting humanity to 5D where we wld be had negative ETs not been allowed to take over earth and hold us hostages for the last 13k years after Atlantis went down. Over 144k joined the meditation Dec 21 2001 but only 2000 will ascend? This ripped my heart to be honest...all this time I assumed humanity wld be awakened and we wld get help preparing to ascend along with Gaia. What happened to the other 99.9% of humanity after we all awaken?
if there are ascension chambers why not place all of us in them why waste more lifetimes ...all those prior incarnations most didn't have the ability tsosowhay can't we ascend as 1 alhave read is we are 1 unity consciousness so let's ascend as 1. most people have been in survival mode paying alot of Intel is disinfo so what to believe??
why are we waiting for event if most don't ascend ?.
Because the Event is a final liberation of this planet and the entire universe. Yes, we weren't allowed to progress towards the ascension and evolution of our souls due to the cabal and the Dark Forces keeping us enslaved here. But the liberation means we will finally be able to start progressing towards ascension. Under cabal, we wouldn't be able to ascend even in 10,000 years. Only a handful of humans were able to ascend and escape this quarantine since the time of Atlantis.
DeleteAnd this is what this planet is - a quarantine for the remaining Dark Forces in our universe. We are trapped here or we chose to come here as starseeds to help with the planet's ascension. The suffering isn't teaching us anything. We're here just to help and wait for final liberation.
The physical cabal can be immediately defeated by the Light Forces. But we're their hostages, which they threaten to kill with toplet bombs destroying this planet. And their overlords - reptillians, archons, and chimeras - cannot be instantly defeated. So we're waiting until LFs clear them out. Then the physical cabal will be instantly defeated during the Event.
But 2000 ascending people is only the 1st wave. During 2nd and 3rd wave of ascension (a few years after the Event and final liberation) "millions" of people will ascend. That's still only 0.1% of humans at most. But the point of the Event is to liberate this planet and let us live peaceful lives with high technology, good health, and freedom. Or do you prefer living in slavery, poverty, and suffering under the cabal and having your soul trapped on this planet in an endless loop of reincarnation by the chimera and archons?
Apparently the majority of people are not so easily fooled by said sham meditations anymore. It is not the highest purpose to do those meditations. Military operations are necessary to remove EVIL. Fight evil with fire not with roses.
ReplyDeleteMs paste the section in the interview that brought you to this fear.
ReplyDeleteBen Fulford is saying in his Friday (30 Sept) interview that the US and UK special forces blew up the Nordstream pipeline. This is going to present so much hardship to Europe. The action of blowing up the pipeline is outrageous and evil. God forgive the USA and UK.
ReplyDeleteThank you brother.
ReplyDeleteHow can it be safe to disclose the fact that the LF has successfully infiltrated the upper-echelons of the Chimera organization?
Seems that kind of information would remain highly sensitive in order to protect the identities of the LF in those positions.
Russia's victory today is another 'up yours' in the fucking Cabal's ass. Слава России! Give 'em hell, Putin!
ReplyDeleteIs this supposed to be an honest fight or game or whatever... In the Nehterlands we have a website called '9fornews'. Also secretly send articles, I dont know how they're called, but every day theres something. A contact, a possibility for contact? never. Now they need support but no way you can give it. It may be my old system, but I refuse another system because of the this kind of pushes. Is this honest? Is this how society teaches a good behave?
ReplyDeletea few things before i say something
ReplyDelete1: given the interview when it comes to evacuation it seems we will still be in our own bodies
(given the idea of the possibility we can take our stuff or not, the mare idea of questioning if we can take stuff or not shows we will be in out physical bodies once we go to the Pleiadians planet )
2: i still do hope we can take our stuff or at least let it be up to the individual person
ok now here is my question
once the time comes that we will go there
how will they contact an individual family or how will they tell people where to go so they can go into the mothership? will there be a broadcast or will an individual Pleiadian or a group go door to door to tell the families is time to go to the planet?
and also to avoid a panicking mod trying to go to the ship or idk
because i would like to know where to go and if we can have the option at least to take our stuff will they have tech that can help carry our stuff that would make heavy things light as a feather?
will we have time (and with their help) to pack our things, take apart heavy things so we can rebuild them again later ?
will they teleport our stuff to our new home already set up and stuff or idk?
or maybe they will tell us they will keep our stuff safe in their own way and we have to leave empty handed but our things will be given back to us later?
or will they fix our stuff and locate lost ones and give them back to their owners good as new like nothing happened (especially for artwork in paper, digital or any other medium) ?
who knows what will happen
so many questions on how it will go, and idk what will happen but i hope in general all my fears are irrelevant and i'll and everyone else with their personal things of whatever kind will be safe
Yep, I need to become an alien woman as well. Though I'll probably pass on going back to earth.
DeleteAnything else you want, sir? Want milk and cookies to go along with that?
When does the next craft leave for the Pleiades?
ReplyDeleteTen minutes after the Polar Shift, 5 minutes before the apocalyptic tsunami hits.
DeleteWell, I understand that "from above" the forces of light keep a certain neutrality. But I hope that there will be immediate and decisive action on their part in case of provocations related to nuclear weapons, since this is a direct interference with the free will of people and has serious consequences for every soul. Now the media is stubbornly dispersing this topic, I'm sure the crazy ones who have a place in a psychiatric hospital have a plan to strike with nuclear weapons. This is worth looking at carefully and turning your light to neutralize potential imbalances.
ReplyDeleteHi, want to tell a personal experience with that inwhich i call “microparticles”. I am not aware of any names about this phenomena. I feel resonates the most would be connected to the name called skandhas.
ReplyDeleteI am now absorbing/draining/releasing these “microparcticles” mostly in and around these implants in the forehead. This process have been my focus now since i wake up until I go to bed, everyday for many years.
The process never stops and haven’t stopped since a group of blue Sirian beings activated it.
When these particles are released by an active energy inside the body. Thesr particles are then flown through my body and absorbed by the larynx (throat chakra).
As there are good amount of theses particles inside different types of bodily tissue. Some particles have to be drained/absorbed from two bodily parts at once as they are interconnected.
What is the best name to call the sum of all the particles inside a human physical body? Eckhart Tolle gave it a good name: The pain body. It is what no sane human being wants to experience but have to everyday.
Basically this is just my observation and not exactly a truth.
The Original Fall was a Fall into Duality
ReplyDeleteI’m continuing to read Ananda Bosman’s The Unity Keys of Emmanuel, and typed out this excerpt. In this book, both the white brotherhood and black brotherhood are stated to be played against each other by "The Watchers."
“Sadly, the fallen “Sons of God,” the Watchers, became mouth pieces for the rebellious 6th density and their 6 color spectrum dimensional universal god intelligences, who extended to man the external sciences of fallen technology, which imitates certain inbuilt functions of the Oversoul such as in the star ship designs, instead of the Vortexijah vehicles, and who according to the ancient scriptures taught man how to build implements, and construct weapons, and teach him war, in order to insure that man remains distracted, diffused, and confusing the signals to the Oversoul by a precise fallen light technology.
Sadly today these fallen sons, are known as certain extra-terrestrials who can travel only through the 3rd and 4th octave densities, with their higher ultra-terrestrial commanders being fifth octave density maintained, as the top gameboard pieces of supremacy in the fallen design gameboard.
As this is the electrolytic gods who play the game, the Nephilim as the black brotherhood, were also enrolled by those seduced into dualistic white brotherhood of hierarchy, as Elohim intelligences, which were not balanced as an Elohim/Eloshem god/goddess union. Thus both sides of the game agree to play, and are run by the parasitic and microbial intelligences, who are mimicking the mind of the universal blood cell, playing god, to both sides – the holographic god game masters.
This gameboard is made by the fallen universal gods utilizing the negative electrical principles within the universe to create a semi-closed holographic order in the 1-6th dimensions, and in each dimension its 1-6 densities of polarity – but equally so, some of the original “Sons and Daughters of God” originally attempted to balance these polarities.
Present man has a very mixed background – from the Rainbow Race characteristics taking the fractalled taste bud form, to being mixed in the genetic experiments of the fallen Watchers, who helped phase lock man’s genetic lines into a frequency gridwork template, attached to every 3D spatialized body on this planetary fruit, through the specific genetic inbreeding, and alteration in the superluminal, morphic, and electromagnetic template grids of the human form.
These DNA grid attachments are connected to the fallen light technology computers of the universal god intelligences, which play the characters on the gameboard. These fallen light computers also are transduced by the fallen Watchers who are locked in the 3rd and 4th density of this planet and solar system branch, in underground bases only known to the highest initiates, who have crystal computers which act as extensions and amplifiers to the fallen light computers. This fallen light technology uses the life language of the five forces of nature, but also uses the ELF, proton communications scripts, and microwave languages, to program, and which affect the modulations of the electromagnetic and gravitational field of Earth.”
I send with all my heart the translation for italian people and speakers!
Vittoria della Luce!
Why does removing the implant just make life a little easier? How many bombs other than implants are preventing the Event from happening?
DeleteIt is not just implants. People are living miserable lives, basically on survival mode. There is no longer the beauty, dreams and ideals of foregone eras. Now everyone is mostly a zombie with their face glued to a stupid phone and they can't see the world around them. They believe reality is what is dictated by a stupid phone, they lost the ability of critical thinking. I doubt that removing said implants will help, only by shifting the entire planet to 5D and evacuating the entire human race to Pleiadian motherships or planets to receive healing and upgrade will change things around. Other than that, you guys are living on opium and false promises. Wake up!
My humble 2 cents as always.
Deleteyou just described 95% of my family, the family that disowned me and my mother after standing up to them for ourselves. Last time I remember having a get and my mother were the ONLY ones NOT looking into a phone. We even asked if they could not use their phones for like 5 minutes....30 seconds later, they were back at 'em.
Awareness resolves the situation
ReplyDeleteThe dualistic foundation that dark forces have used to create quarantines in the first place was thwarted back in 2014 when the Ascended Masters received intel from the Source about all remaining etheric dark forces and their technologies. Us knowing this can pierce the veil and remove the quarantine, this awareness is present in our energy bodies which affect the planet. As Cobra said "only when the truth is known can situations be resolved".
Information from Quarantine Earth Endgame article
Unification of the 8 with the 6:
“The 64 tetrahedron grid is the first harmonic of the cuboctahedron geometry and what eventually becomes, with scalar octave growth, the infinite holofractographic vacuum structure of the entire universe,”
I wonder if the strange"wet eyes" and eye area rashes I've been having over the last 2 plus months are part of the implant removal process?......beyond that I'm just watching the clock tick...just turned 50 and concentrating on my love of music and sound and books amongst other things....if something"shifty" happens before I die great....if not I've hopefully created enough spiritual and soul strength/tools to remember this life and the hell my once beloved hometown of Melbourne Australia became in 2020-2021 when the great shit hit the fan......msg is becoming quite open about aliens/ets/ids etc.....I Spose that's something(tiny)....I have felt a more positive spiritual energy from 1 Sep as Cobra suggested would happen
ReplyDeleteI also wonder if the tiny"black" on black colours that pop up in my meditations are a representation of the implants/black holes.....been seeing them for nearly a decade.....thankfully the blue goddess energy colours and swirls are a constant...
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the ugly creatures I sometimes see in meditation are...they are quite large, with big pointy teeth. They look like a flesh and blood rendition of the goblins from the RankinBass animated "The Hobbit" from the late 1970's.
DeleteAm still bringing the Light through, but am also doing quite a bit of research lately. Doing quite a bit of commenting if that's ok. Don't mind me. 😺
ReplyDeleteCobra please what do we do in such a unfair world. Can they go on and on doing so, lying and cheating? Please help, help us and earth.
ReplyDeleteNot in any rush to die, Richard.
ReplyDeleteAz interjú magyarul / the interview in Hungarian:
Thank you 🌷🌷🌷
the ET's don't HAVE incomes, they don't use money, like in Star Trek and The Orville.
ReplyDeleteHey starlight,
ReplyDeleteCould you tell me what was the other name for the blog similar to this one? I saw you comment on it before, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. Thanks ❤️
ReplyDeleteComplete Speech Putin 💖
@ richard, i still want to be in my physical body
ReplyDelete@DH is not from the interview is from a youtube comment and i can't phase it because i used a extension to block the channel and i can't see the comment, but it said something that in general made me worry about not being in my physical body or humanity in general but again the interview seemed to imply that we will be in our physical bodies and move to the pleadians so i think i'm ok
please someone tell me we will be in our physical bodies and go into a Pleiadian ship and live the rest of our lives in our bodies we have and the idea of med beds will help us have healthy and healed bodies again
DeleteYou worry too much, mate. That kinda low vibe will not help you ascend. Just chill out. Everything will be good in the end. Go get busy with something and take your mind off of fear. Like the saying goes "the devil finds work for idle hands."
from previous interview
ReplyDeleteAprox. how long post liberation will ALL Earth humans have new, young, healed bodies?
A. Most humanity will be evacuated and after being evacuated they will go through a certain alignment and healing process on the Motherships and then they will have youth, healed bodies. Most humans will have quite dramatic healing before the EVENT but I would say the final transformation will happen on the Motherships.
and again it also said something about the animals being rehomed so this still implies that will be in our physical bodies right?
Each day I look out the windows, hoping a mothership appears in the sky of the local area by me.
DeleteThey are cloaked, you will never be able to see them as they are in a higher frequency band. You would have to raise your vibration to meet theirs to be able to see them. Something you don't seem to do by always behaving in the same low vibe egoistic way.
Again, you are WRONG. I see many, many ships in the night sky, sometimes in the day as well. And when I sent thoughts out to them, they respond. And this is a regular occurring thing. Even has a weird formation appear in my back yard once. So, it means I'm doing something right.
DeleteHere's news for can be high vibrational AND still pissed off and angry on planet gulag. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
will the evacuation of humans and animals be more like this
because that is what i got, please i don't want to die i want to have a chance to live my current life in peace
DeleteI think that's the allegorical Bible painting version of it. I would say they will use light beams as seen in Star Trek. Unfortunately no one will be here, as Gaia need to ascend and some major terraforming is necessary and hence she needs the fleas off her back. No need whining about it, everyone will get a shot at a better life somewhere else in the Pleiades. Fear and Whining (in Las Vegas) does not serve anyone good. Quit your whining.
from old interview
ReplyDeleteQ. How many evacuated humans can comfortably be accommodated in PLEIADES?
A. All human souls which are about 70 BILLION…there is more than enough space
Q. What dimension the PLEIADES’ NEW HOME for humanity is in?
A. It is a physical planet but regarding about the vibrational frequency it is somewhere between the 4th and 5th dimension.
to me this still sounds like we will still be in our physical HUMAN bodies as in our current bodies since we are human and our bodies are human not Pleiadian, sirian or any other but human so hopefully i don't have to worry
I'll GLADLY give up my humanity, and become Pleiadian, or whatever...BUT I do NOT want to have to experience some sort of death sequence.
DeleteDon't fear the reaper!
DeleteI am in no rush to experience death.
If YOU are all happy and fine to go march to your death, go right ahead. SOME of us want to live and experience the good stuff in THIS life.
DeleteYou've been here a while, you should know better that there will be NO LIFE here! You will only experience the good stuff aboard Pleiadian motherships or planets as this planet will go thru some terraforming after the Solar Flash and tsunami to upgrade herself and humans will be off her back for a while. Don't worry, you will not win your personal vendetta with the Archons/Chimera, there is a higher agenda in place and you ain't got the upper hand. You will be either evacuated in your body or die and only your soul essence evacuated for healing just like the majority of people. Deal with it, Sparky!
I'm in no rush to die, buddy boy. As mentioned, don't put the rest of us in your noose.
DeleteSo, we starve to DEATH, FREEZE, POLAND opened a pipeline the day N1-2 were blown up. Here in Germany we are lost. +Now its clear a/b MUSK, again all tolerated, we replaced, AI rules, jobs removed...were are the HEAVENLY ANGELS, they care for us, emz Munich Germany
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry I don't get it either ..if Q is legit it says a near death experience will happen then military steps in around the world..we shall see ..if only 2000get to ascend not sure what this has all been about ..we have all been implanted..poisoned lied to..held hostage for eons and yet only a few get to go into 5D per cobra interview..doesn't seem divine to me I wanted all of humanity to be healed and go not a select few..many awakened in 2012 but we have had to still live in 3D to survive...
DeleteYes, Germany is totally Über Fucked or so I read. Time for Germans to hit the streets and give the assholes in control the Mussolini treatment. Sieg Heil Deutschland!
DeleteQ is military intel mostly trolling and planting disinfo to scare the living shit out of the Cabal so the losers make mistakes and hang themselves in the process. Q uses Looking Glass tech to see into the future and possible timelines, they inform the public of things to come but they never specify the timeframe. But in the end everything happens as predicted. We shall see.
In case you all (y'all for all you Texans out there...) didn't notice, this interview gives new meaning to the phrase: "You can't take it with you."
ReplyDeleteYep! We were born naked and carrying nothing with us into this world, hence we will leave the same way.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei'm sorry i comment so much, i have lots of fear and some of the comments i got don't help me at all
ReplyDeletei want to live in the body i have now and see the Pleiadians planet and all the wonderful things they have and not having to think of anything horrible
i don't want to feel fear all the time now due to this, i want to be happy, calm and full of hope not fearing for my life, my things, and my family
DeleteYou worry too much, mate! It seems the fact that you are part of this light community is not doing you any good, your fear surpasses all the knowledge and light you are getting here. Just let it go and trust the plan. Everyone who is not Cabal or dark will be alright. No need to worry or fear, life in the 5D will be awesome, you won't miss anything from here! Maybe only the good things from this reality will remain, the rest will be transmutted. No need to have excessive fear and attachment to material things as they can easily be replicated as material things are just another form of energy and replicators do exactly that: print energy out of the ether into physical form. No need to have attachment to people or animal pets either as the souls who are dear to us will be with us in the next reality as well or at least we will be able to contact them and make sure they are alright. Let go of fear and trust the Light. Light always win over darkness in the end. Everything will be ok.
I feel very confident that you and yours are watched over and protected ✨️
ReplyDeleteI also believe wholeheartedly that you WILL experience the new Pleiadian planet as you are in your physical body. If you need extra assurance to overcome any fears or concerns your personal "1221Team" will be more than happy and willing to assist.
We will all meet soon in preparation for our journey together.
Until then... stay strong and keep holding the Light Lightwarrior.
Gratidão por suas palavras, abençoado seja!
DeleteAmor e Luz!
Delete@jw301330 well then what i'm feeling is real and i do feel fear because i want to have a good life, also i go for the name because why not
ReplyDeleteagain i feel fear because i do worry but if everything goes well and my fears are invalid and we'll all be fine and will all physical go to the pleanians planet as we are now and live the rest of our lives there i'll be fine
ReplyDelete@sherman i like the idea of no money i want to cook healthy food and do anything i want that is necessary or fun without money getting in the way, this is why getting things like spiritual items is hard for me is due to money
ReplyDeletePeople WANT too many things!
ReplyDeleteIt will be their level of consciousness that will determine WHAT they will actually get and WHEN in the end.
No need worrying about it, stressing about it, making threats or kicking and screaming like 2 year-olds.
Go get busy doing something else while Santa doesn't come with a bag of goodies.
That's life and ya'll signed up for it whether you accept it, acknowledge it or not.
Don't like it? Feel free to drop a comment on my suggestion box! [taps toilet].
B. Bellick
I wonder if my cats are spoiled by them while I sleep. Every time I show up, my cats react on me like waiting for something to be treated, while they have enought food. Its also interesting that whenever I go look if the food is alright,its gone. Not a short cut left around... It seems never enough while it is always enough.
ReplyDeleteZeton, just because you're a vegan it doesn't make you a better person or more enlightened than a meat eater. Quite the opposite, veganism has became a religion and vegans have become religious zealots just like at the time of the Inquisition, looking down and persecuting those who don't share the same faith. Wake up bud! Not all people are the same. Each body has a different physiology, some can't afford going without animal protein or they will weaken and die. We are still living in a third density world where meat eating is necessary for survival and sometimes is the only resource available for survival. Case in point, the Inuits of polar regions which only resource is seals or fish, or the Nenets, a nomadic people of the steppes of Russia which are reindeer herders, take the reindeers away from them and tell them to survive on grass and they will all die. Open your mind, research and realize people live in different conditions around the world, not everyone has a comfie life with a supermarket nearby where they can afford to be picky and decide whether or not they want to include meat on their diet. Stop with the bigotry as it's attitudes like that that give rise to Nazi and tyrannical regimes.
ReplyDeleteEnough said.
Big thank you for your interview dear Cobra and the near Future is fabulous. The Light with Us.💛💛🌟🌟
ReplyDeleteThis all resonates but hmm..I have seen videos of the woman "attacked" in Iran and it showed a woman at a clinic to get a thing in her arm. She went to the side then she started shaking and collapsing and men ran over to her and helped her off of screen. She passed in between the time between it is being said she was hurt for her head scarf, it is said she was attacked. Yes this has happened before to women and many have been hurt from this mistake protesting and it should stop, but this is the WEF further causing destabilization and stopping awakening and truth!
ReplyDeleteI dont eat meat and let me tell you, the beings who support us do not agree. Yes I bet they would love less torture of animals for waste and factory farms..but, no, you are wrong.. that's close minded. They love us and put lots of love ibto those people. The WEF is using vegans like you
ReplyDeleteyou to bring in the NWO
Also.. if you are not vegan and drink milk it's worse. . Baby cows? But also I worked on many farms and orchards and wow.. so many dead animals, so many baby birds abandoned at ORGANIC ORCHARDS!
ReplyDeleteDuring the event, what the Earth's surface needs is an army capable of carrying out the will of the LF.
ReplyDeleteHOLD IT, Sparky.
ReplyDeleteSome of us TRIED going's hard for some of us. I got quite sickly after some time. And not everyone can afford it, so don't be acting like those snooty hollywood folks.
Money is probably an invention of the Archons of the lizards.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the biggest reason for crime?
What are most laws about?
What's one of the big reasons for war?
What's the biggest cause of stress these days?
What's one of the biggest reasons for relationships, romantic or otherwise, breaking up?
What's the reason that a handful of people live like kings, and so many live like peasants?
What's the reason so many evil people get away with their crimes?
What's the main reason people give up on their goals and dreams?
Anyone else see a pattern forming here, folks?
Hebrew translation:
ReplyDeleteMore FRENCH LINKS for the interview
I don't work more than a third of the time each month, leaving the rest of the time for meditation and doing what I want to do. I live a relatively frugal life and feel that I can stabilize it, anyway, and stick with it for a while longer, living like this,😂✨
ReplyDeleteI suggest that we can do some part-time work on it,😏 but also lower some living standards
Hi everybody.This is Viktor from Ukraine, 62 years old.I have such
ReplyDeletea question-do I need to withdraw to the pension
account in the pension fund before ascension, will my
pension be accrued in the 5th dimension? And the second question is how many kg
of hand luggage can I take?I want to take a small welding machine
to earn extra money. I am a pipe welder of the 5th category.
DeleteNo, you don't need anything from this rotten life. Everything can be replicated wherever you happen to end up. I also love my music, books and films but I don't need to carry CDs, DVDs and books as they can be downloaded from anywhere in the universe or simply be replicated with alien tech if I wanna have them physically. Every single thing from a man's life is stored in the Akashic Records and can be easily replicated. People worry too much about material things, we should worry about our souls and our fellow humans. That people we care about will be together with us in our next journey wherever it might be.
The aliens don't have money, life out THERE, beyond this rock, is like Star Trek or The Orville.
Deletenooooooooo i wanna to keep my doll i have since i was a baby and my pictures i drew as 4 year old 😭
DeleteSee my reply to Viktorr above.
Thanks for the answer, Unknown.I was glad that someone answered me.
DeleteI understood and accepted your answer.I wanted to bring a little humor with my letter.I just don't take these talks about Ascension seriously anymore.Of course, I have been waiting for the Event for 10 years.
There was a moment when I got tired of waiting, but then I realized-you don't
need to wait, but you need to do something and then time will pass faster.I realized
that I still need to finish something.(Wake up my wife.When I got tired of waking her up, I told her straight out-if you want to come with me
, leave your evil-it won't pass THERE.After that I stopped
worry and the Creator began to work on it.She wakes up really fast).I understand that
you can't take anything from here-it was a joke.Sorry.I see this situation like this -
the creators have played with the experiment with the Earth -now they don't
know what to do.The most reliable source is the site of gray dudes
Zeta Talk.I learned about Nibiru from them 13 years ago .They consistently
say that there will be a pole shift - and nothing will prevent it.
There are books-Zachariah Sichin, Velikovsky, etc.About Solar
I found out about the flash half a year ago.And all six months the Masters say
- there will be an Outbreak tomorrow.There's nothing today, it's raining;)
DeleteI'm glad to be useful with my answer, brother. It's cool that you have a sense of humor (like me) and take things lightly, unlike certain individual here which I won't name that gets offended by everything that doesn't fit his limited sandbox and starts offending you and calling you names and yet demands to be the first in line to be rescued by the aliens an be turned into a fairy because he hates being a "man".
I have also waited 10 years for the event as I'm done with this Matrix and cowards, but in the mean time I get busy acquiring more knowledge and living a little. Sitchin is a good source, the Annunaki theme is very interesting as I am fascinated by Ancient Egypt. Another source that you mind find of interest is Elena Danaan. Her newly published book The Seeders is very interesting and offers many answers to our history and the current situation. Hope you'll find your answers there.
Arabic translation of this post/ الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
Arabic translation of Cobra interview/ الترجمة العربية للمقابلة مع كوبرا :
Even Cobra said many of us did NOT 'sign up' for this. *kicks your toilet over*
ReplyDeleteThere's quite a few people living in very low standards, and still struggling.
Money HAS to go like the dinosaurs, as in extinct.
Yep! LoveFreedomNow is right!Vegans are no better than the vaccinated zombies that go with the fucking Cabal narrative and bullshit. Veganism is brainwashing, it weakens your mind by starving your body of essential proteins in order to function properly. I have observed how vegans are narrow-minded, bigots and zealots who want to push their religion onto anyone. I also don't agree with animal torture and sacrifice to feed us as I love animals and consider them brothers, closer to me than humans. I wish they would use the technology used in SSP to replicate meat so we could keep our bodies healthy without having to sacrifice those beautiful divine creatures.
ReplyDeleteYou are deluded. The lack of animal protein is making your brain short-circuit. Go eat some eat and quit the bullshit.
ReplyDeleteNot all is about money.
What's the main reason our world is a PLANET GULAG and animal farm?
What's the main reason the majority of people are stupid and dumb zombies?
What's the main reason the dark forces torture humanity?
I could go on forever, but you got the gist.
ReplyDeleteI gotta agree with you on that one. Working for a living is a waste of life. Which is why I don't. I'll do anything to break this fucking Cabal rules system bullshit. I've always been a REBEL and will continue to be until I get off of this rock.
Dutch translation:
ReplyDeleteThanks for this brilliant interview Cobra.
ReplyDeleteThe link to the Persian translation:
This dragon dude is full of fear, contrary to what his/her/its alias suggests. Maybe the dude should consider changing the alias to 'chicken' as it is more fitting.
ReplyDeleteJust messing with ya, yo!
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ.
There's no better way to cure cowardness and fear than throwing the coward into the lions den. In a true trial by fire, you either grow a set of cojones and tackle your fears and end victorious or you succumb to your fears and end up DEAD!
Unfortunately DARWIN rules this world, not GANDHI! You feel me?
Only meat I'm eating if the venison that the hunters I allow to hunt on my land give me...they have so much, they give us some, why waste it? And good for emergencies. And salmon.