Thursday, September 22, 2022

Meditation for Peace Between Russia and NATO

Situation between Russia and NATO is escalating. 

Russia has declared partial mobilization:

Referendum in eastern parts of Ukraine for those regions to join Russia will be held between September 23rd to 27th: 

This sets a stage for a possibility for military escalation in Ukraine and also in regions around that country.


To help dissolving the tension, the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO, which will be taking place on Wednesday, September 28th at 5:17 pm UTC.

Timetable for all main time zones on the planet is here:



Link to the exact time of our meditation for all time zones is here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation between Russia and NATO.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, emanating from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body and deep into the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the situations between Russia and NATO, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let the pink Light then flow onwards, healing all other conflicts worldwide.

6. Ask the Goddess presence (the Divine Feminine) to protect Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant from any damage to prevent any fallout. Visualize this nuclear facility safe and protected.

7. Ask the Goddess presence (the Divine Feminine) to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved situations between Russia and NATO, and everyone involved in these situations. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide. Allow these energies to continue to flow through your heart and then through your hands into these situations for a few minutes.


Instructions are also posted here: 

Guided audio meditations in 27 languages are here:

Real time livestream video is here:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!


  1. I did the meditation for the last 3 days because of all the things happening. Actually just finished todays meditation and am glad to see this post. Lets help to deescalate the situation and bring peace. Together we are powerful 💫❤️

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      Rin ......
      ->A good novice guide.🤗💖
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  2. Replies
    1. Recent Light🤗✨💖

    2. Matrix cracks, light shines on the earth

  3. Haven't stopped doing the meditation since before the war started. Keep pushing forward brothers and sisters, the Light will come and this mess will be forever forgotten. Victory of the Light!

  4. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  5. Anything which can truly bring about peace is a good thing.
    I support the right of the peoples of these lands to exercise their right to self determination by way of referendum, or however they choose.
    My personal opinion, for the record, is that everyone who is throwing a hissy fit about it can take their crisis actor of a fake president and go jump off of a bridge somewhere.

    1. Take land by force and then do a referendum? yeah seems legit results will there. U r a joke.

    2. Russia didn't take any land by force. They when in to Ukraine to defend the Russians there that were being attacked over the past eight years by the Ukraine. The referendum is legit. Patrick Lancaster is there talking to the people and those that are willing to talk want to go with Russia.

  6. Thank you Cobra, keep fighting everyone.

  7. The context is that the constant shelling and rocket attacks of civilians in Donbass in public squares, which including the planned large scale attack on Donbass that led to the start of the Special Military Operation in the first place.

    Most recently in Donetsk on 21 / 22nd September 2022 where a public bus, was hit by a Ukrainian 155mm shell from NATO supplied artillery with at least 6 civilians killed.

    [Warning M18+++, Journalist: Eva K Bartlett, Donetsk: ]

    All this for being an ethnic Russian with Ukrainian nationality, arranged and planned by the same guys who are leaving Europe to starve.

    This is why Referendums are being called to join Russia.

    Mobilization of additional troops is because Russia knows the war is now largely being fought by by NATO officers and private military contractors working western supplied equipment that would take almost an year to train the Ukrainians with. They know its them versus NATO on battlefield Ukraine.

    Its predicted the numbers in favor of joining Russia will exceed even that of Crimea in 2014 C.E>

    Russians do not forget. Historically Russia finishes wars others visited upon it with very bad results for the aggressors as they have vengeance deeply embedded in their history and culture.

    1. Basically, I agree. But history is fake, and Russians have been manipulated by the Cabal for centuries.

    2. Understandable, but for whatever Putin's power was worth, why they didn't do anything about this ticking time bomb when it started with the coup back In 2014? Was he somehow not allowed to do anything about it...? (Implying Putin is *not* top dog here)
      Donbass was hoping it would be cleared as fast as Georgia was in 2009 or better: follow after Crimea. Now the referendum can continue and expand during the heat of battle...and potentially get those men drafted. Not that that makes a difference anyway bc any non working of age men are forced into the DPR/LPR militia anyway for the past 8 years.
      From the surface, yeah Russia/Donbass has right to support/be supported but I'm a bit wary if all this was not.... planned to some degree. It kind of feels like they all waited for some opportune moment. Putin to me feels like someone stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to balance what he can and can't do with the limitations he has, and that's IF he isn't compromised. I just hope he wasnt/isn't just letting these people suffer bc of some agenda. Certainly people don't want to be drafted and they (citizens and beyond)will blame him, as they do for everything including their own impotency while never criticizing US officials/nato fueling this bonfire in the first place.
      About Europe, they are from the looks oif it, taking advantage of Russia cutting the gas and to me looks like they wanted Russia to stop it.. They then use it as an excuse to price gouge the people tenfold to deplete them of all they are worth while giving the shitty excuse it's Russia's fault... despite having more than enough to pay them with all the price gouging but iinstead, spend it on beefing up nato and the military against russia. They start WW3 with more than enough funds at the same time bringing about their shit reset where everyone now owns nothing etc.
      I hate to think that this is all just going smoothly to plan.... personally I'm still in denial bc I really refuse to believe or allow a nuke war let alone give these cabal shits the satisfaction. But god, people need to start taking back their life and dignity, and stop stepping on the same damn rake for decades on end.
      Ps, most dont consider themselves ukr ever since poroshenko declared them terrorists. but other than that, many are ethnically rus, see themselves as soviet or just simply donbassian that don't want to leave their homes.
      The shelling of villages/non checkpoint areas isn't always ukr deliberately targeting civilians, although that definitely has been happening for a long time. The other issue is that even the DPR/LPR (I'm not sure if there were specifically rus soldiers) have been using said civilian areas as bugouts and they have firefights with civilians caught in the middle. Mother in law lost their home to this a few years ago and now sister in law recently has a fresh new hole in the roof from shelling

    3. Sorry my opinion is quite different!!!!!!!!Ukraine is a free coutry with her history i doesn't need Russia.Russia is an agresor in this war!!!!Puitin is emperor but he is not a lightworker he works with power of darkness!!!

    4. Yes, I support the eastern parts decision to be free from Ukraine but it is obvious that Western elites want nothing more than to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian (and even more since there seems to be NATO personal involved in planning).
      If Boris Jonsson (on behave of the deep state) had not rushed to Ukraine several times it would have been peace there now. Obviously the deep state actors are still much present and in power.

    5. @Dawid
      Ukraine is a money launderer for NATO and the Bidens.

  8. Thank you Cobra, I'm in 🙏 Zelensky may be a con artist, the people deserve peace. Where does all the international aid go I don't know. Sounds like a million dollar pit to me, smoke and mirror. Again and again is important to remind the light forces that we do NOT consent #notinmyname

  9. Ex-NSA 'J.S.':

    "A lot of people and pundits are saying Putin is threatening to go nuclear.

    I say not likely. Putin is simply reminding the West that conventional armies are going to take a back seat if he believes his conventional army will be wiped out.

    After all, when it comes to nuclear capabilities Russia can go toe to toe with anyone, and nukes trump conventional hands down.

    It makes no sense to build a huge conventional army when the only thing that can beat what you have is a superpower that has nukes, where you actually might win.

    FACT: There will be NO NUCLEAR WAR until Putin's conventional forces are defeated and he's just getting started, UNLESS the West nukes first. Simple as that."

  10. Dear Cobra! Thank you for this update and for organizing an urgent and very important meditation! Here are the links toward Italian and Romanian translations:
    Victory of the Light!

  11. The war beetwen russia and Nato has already began.Once Himars dropped in donetsk region the Big war is on

  12. The Forces of Light are not capable of stopping wars! Meditations are all they can do! Putin's clone sends his people to die in the war against the will of the people themselves! And you know what - Ukraine will win! Russia has already lost!

    1. Come on now ... you can't really believe that. Russia is winning and will continue to win. According to the people in Ukraine (most not all) they want to go with Russia and the referendum will show that. Ukraine lost when they decided to attack Donbas.
      But if you wish to continue to deny the reality of the situation go for it.

  13. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  14. Vitória da luz Cobra, vamos nessa de novo

  15. Indonesian translation of this post here / Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia disini:

  16. Looks like the light forces are still on vacation

  17. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post / L'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  18. Hey everyone,
    those that are interested in wanting to join the 2012 portal discord, you can join using the link below.

    it's a pretty chill place to hang out, talk, and show our own experiences,
    I personally like that I finally have a place with other awesome people to talk about E.T.'s, lightwork, Cobra, Corey Good, David and other stuff with.


  19. Perplexagon Part 6


  20. More information regarding the background of the war and the referenda in the Ukraine, with links and excerpts.

    “Putin is not going to come liberate us, so what is to be done? How can we claim the high ground when we have been marginalized as racists and insurrectionists? How can we organize when the FBI will descend upon us declaring us to be domestic extremists who are a threat to America?”

    “Referendums in wartime (under shells), for regions Russia doesn’t even fully control, with announcements made just 3 days ahead. — It’s safe to say it’s not a great look. […) After the Kharkov debacle the pro-Russians needed assurances that Kremlins are actually serious and not a bunch of feckless traitors to the Russkiy Mir as it was starting to look. The annexation to Russia that will follow the referenda is that badly needed assurance.”

    “The war in the parameters before September 20th had exhausted itself [for the Russians], was on the back foot, and was probably headed for a defeat in the long-run, but was certainly headed for the destruction of Russia’s professional Ground Army — not so much on the battlefield, but through a combination of problems with burnout, retention and recruitment.”

    Referendums Are the Badly Needed Assurance to Pro-Russians After Debacle at Kharkov, September 22nd, 2022,

    “Thus the [Russian mobilization] decree actually establishes the legal groundwork for the authorities to eventually conscript as many as they want. The figure of 300,000 may not look high next to Russia’s population of 145 million, or next to Russia’s Armed Forces size of 0.9 million, but it is actually enormous. 300,000 represents the upper bound of how many men the Russian military can assimilate in short order.”

    Russia to Mobilize 300,000 (!) for Ukraine, Steps Taken to Make Another 250,000 Deployable, September 21st, 2022,

  21. We'll do it dear Cobra! Of course! I make the annoncement in my PFC group! Victory of the Light!!!!

  22. We can do this! Us meditative warriors must spread the word and do the duty we came here to do. May there be peace... Victory of the Light!

  23. Thanks Cobra for the instructions it is so easy to jump in and add our individual power now. Goddess energy is both gentle and powerful to work with, now is the time to acknowledge the only way forward is love and unity with strength. Thank you everyone putting in their best effort to anchor the Light. Victory!

  24. Cobra, is it true that government ships are planning a phased, alien invasion? It would be very helpful to know how to tell the difference between positive ET ships and government's helpful to inform us, as many will enter the transmutation ray, thinking they are our brethren....

    1. human made alien ships will have rivets, panels, pipes, tubes, screws, etc. They'll look like something that was made in factory here...or like those clunkers we see in the Star Wars movies and the Aliens movies. REAL alien ships look poured, grown, or woven. MY question is will the light forces ALLOW a false flag alien invasion, and if yes.....WHY?

  25. 1717 is said to be an angel number.
    It means:

  26. random question, do the light forces know about the object in space called Oumuamua or 1I/2017 U1? becuse i'm curious if any spiritual blogs like this knows about it and what it is


  27. "This is a blowhole?" - Not quite.
    "This is a program, right?" - Not that one either.

    "This is the third room?" - Yes, this is the Third Room.

    Evan Finds The Third Room

    Jump in the Water.
    Kiss that Frog.



  28. How soon is Now?!

    I AM Human and I need to be loved.
    Just like everybody else does.

    How Soon Is Now


  29. From September 16, 2022, Saturn and Uranus are almost square within one degree and it lasts until the following month, October 23. This seems to symbolize a struggle between negative and positive timelines. This influence will continue until the end of October.

  30. Mars will be retrograde from October 30, 2022 to January 13, 2023 the following year. People will be stressed and frustrated. Beware of social unrest.

  31. "Some may rebut this observation by citing Singapore as a stellar example of a successful ex-British colony. In that case, name one world-class product, scientist, intellectual, chess grandmaster, musician or writer from that nation? Or a comedian, for that matter?

    Now, compare Singapore to Israel, with whom the former is often linked. There is absolutely no comparison in any field. Israel is light years ahead in terms of science, technology, music, arts and even urban agriculture. If one needs other comparative examples, repeat this juxtaposition with other small nations such as the Netherlands and Denmark.

    Singapore thrives as Southeast Asia’s hub – and nothing more – and its wheels are constantly greased by a perennial supply of foreign talent and capital. Ironically, this infusion has led to a yearly brain drain from among its native-born population. But no one denies that Singapore is a well-run city-state known for its efficient government machinery; one that also keeps the public discourse and dissent in permanent check."

    Read more at:

  32. I believe as LFs start to clean up the "huge" anomaly they will be able to take apart the actual matrix, as Cobra stated here the anomaly maintains the quarantine.

    Thanks Cobra, will do meditation.

  33. how can we meditate for peace when both sides are working towards the cabal's goal now?

  34. For those who are interested:

    Huge Second Coming Synchronicities and Dreams, Solar Flare Synchronicities, Earthquake Dreams Come True, Cobra Dreams, Rick and Morty Synchronicity, Liberation Synchronicity, Arrests Dream Comes True?, Vatican Dream, Sci-Fi Short Film News & More

  35. Yes of course cobrA victory of the light ...

  36. The Original Reason For Beings Choosing Evil

    1. Gaïa, I was referring to the ones who will be deleted. Those you are referring to are somewhere in between, as is most of humanity. That's why I used the term "Purely vampiric beings" to make a distinction, and I also stated that "Human beings have varying degrees of 'consummation tendencies.'"

      I also went way back in time to the origins of evil, which was a completely different setting/realm, to explain how this all began. Some beings became curious in relation to the anomaly.

  37. It almost post that 6 to 12 months timeline

  38. A very important meditation because of requesting participanting it in that blog!

  39. A very important meditation because of requesting participanting it on this particular time in this blog‼

  40. Selamat Gajun!Selamat Jah!!!!!!!

  41. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:

  42. The Internet, Where People can Awaken, but Also Become Ensnared - There is Always a Choice

    The following is from a very sought-after book called The Unity Keys of Emmanuel - The Interuniversal Perspective for the Unity of Diversity, by Ananda Bosman/Emmanuel. This excerpt is so relevant that I am hand-typing it here. This material can be found online, but not without jumping through several hoops to get the PDF version. It can also be found on amazon at a surprisingly reasonable price.


    The more our collective dream animating perception is shifting into the next octave of color, the more we meet with our fellow individuations in that band - these can be operating positively or negatively.

    Those who operate negatively are doing so by controlling other individuations by fooling them into another hallway of mirrors reality, where they become a dream within the dream.

    That is what all stories of negative alien contacts, contacts with governments etc, is about. Implanting programs creates further dreams within the dream.

    It makes one, or a group of several individuations, who may be multi-dimensional, gain in power, as they attempt to bring in as many individuations into their dream as possible, giving them further power.

    These players accumulate more and more individuations into their NET, so to speak. And those individuations are so mesmerized by the new hallway of mirrors, that they fall asleep into another dream.

    Because consciousness individuations animate the dream, those few players who catch enough individuations into their net, have then greater power at playing the creator inside the Creator - being able to have enough animating power pieces or individuations, to write the potential dream script to be potentialized in any given area that they themselves, and unwittingly, co-design into a given dream-creation manifestation, interdimensionally.

    This is one of the ways. It too leads to the awakened state eventually, although it ultimately is rather primitive, but does not appear so when you are caught and bewildered in their dream nets, which they tell you is the reality and for the over-all good of the whole.

    As many within the dream net need to coordinate new recruits of individuations, they themselves grow in power, so that those who are at the top echelon of this command, may block the realization made by the original dream net makers, and they then replace them, until they too make the grand "One" realization, only to be replaced etc. This is the so-called negative path, the dream-net, the "Zeta Network," the "Orion Empire" etc.

    The reason we mention the negative, is because our collective animating perception is going into the next octave of color spectrum dimension - here there are many dream nets fishing. This is already in action and has been for some time - although the nets and the fishers are increasing. Do not buy the bait.

    The bait says the answer is outside yourself - that you can only gain the solution through another who is higher in command. It may sound like a beautiful solution temporarily to the madness of the dream, but it only leads to hierarchy and a dream within the dream: inferior/superior.

    As each is the Creator, a certain number of individuations will feel inclined to bite the bait - such as MJ-12, sectors of the secret world governments, who already were in such a dream control net, in part, and which is now beginning to externalize, as our collective animating perception is going into the next illusion of the next color spectrum dimensions.

    Those of us who have returned from the awakened state, have incarnated ourselves into individuations on this planet, to help activate the remembrance of the One Creator awakened state, so that you too can choose to align every part of Self as the Creator, as you.

    You have the choice.

    1. They trap you inside a bubble,I remember Mike jaco a couple of years ago describing this pretty you constantly got to check yourself .,votl...

  43. Canal de "The portal 2012" en Castellano en Telegram lo encuentras en este link:

    Blog en Castellano de "We Love Mass Meditations " dónde todas las meditaciones masivas que este blog pública
    Lo encuentras en este link:

    Todas las meditaciones publicadas en este blog las encuentras en audio guiado en todos los idiomas incluyendo el Castellano en este link:

    Porfavor busca el vídeo con el audio en castellano de cada una de las meditaciones en su correspondiente lista de reproducción

    Gracias! 💜🌹

  44. Many Flaws Have Been Found in Keylontic Science

  45. I often wonder... Does it take physical action(s) to resolve a physical problem? Most likely the answer is "no". But it may be a quicker fix.

  46. Everytime I do these peace meditations, when I reach the point of "sending peace and love energies to everyone involved", "harmonizing everyone" etc, I feel it doesn´t make sense and lose the focus in it.
    It would make sense if those conflicts were what they are supossed to be: different sovereign countries that have their differences over territories or whatever, but that can be solved with good will and the right attitude. Then sending those energies would work.
    But we all know (here in this blog at least), what those conflicts really are: at least one of the sides involved is always the cabal trying to carry out their plan. And are they going to change their mind because we send those energies? Can they be harmonized? I don´t think so. Maybe to their lower echelons who are not in the know, it would make them want the war to end, but they have to follow orders anyway. And to the politicians and higher command who are "in the know", even if this energies would make them wish peace, also know they have no choice but to execute the plan.
    However, probably sending those energies is helpful no matter what. But I´ll do the meditation skipping this point I mentioned, it makes me feel I´m ignoring reality

    1. - Trump is not a comic book character Qtards make him to be.
      - There is not a bat cave underneath Mar-a-Lago full of otherworldly tech and a portal to Mars and Jupiter.
      - Trump signed all the executive orders that allowed the experimental vaxx tyranny we see today.

    2. Birimbau, that cracked me up because that's exactly how I see it! I think I've actually said "comic book character" too. Trump is getting worse every day. It was one thing to be optimistic the first 2 years of his presidency, okay maybe he will do something good. But come on if you can't see by now he's a total fraud. In fact he's the perfect NWO pawn, he's everything they've wanted to shut down grassroots conservatives and conspiracy folks. They've wanted to label them terrorists for decades. Now they have a leader who is actually a crazy person. Plus it divides the movement. Conspiracy people will fly into a rage if you say anything about Trump. People who were asleep until Q, calling me a TV head when I've been doing this my whole life. It really is the amateurs who are into him. They few people I know who are really awake know better. It's one thing to like that Trump trolls the left, but to think he's an actual genius lol. The guy sounds like a babbling child. His supporters really are brainwashed cult members; people who agree with me on EVERY other issue, if I say something about this one guy, they go into incoherent screeching fits about how terrible I am. If you'll shit on someone who agrees with you about everything, you might be in a cult! Bro he said the president can declassify documents just by thinking it. He says actually retarded things every day, is that your leader?

    3. Don, same here. I can't/don't do any kind of energy work because my abilities are zero. Violet flame, or connecting with the Light, I just don't get it. I'm not doing anything, just sitting alone in my room. I'd like to help but I don't even try anymore. I used to be into shamanic stuff, but to try that now, yeah no. I've been meditating for 20 years, but the past couple, it's just a joke. Can't even do basic mindfulness.

    4. My understanding is that Trump had to sign it, it was a lesser evil...We are on track right now. Trump is the good guy.

    5. If you do the meditations of this blog it´ll probably work to a certain extent. Just thousands of people thinking or imagining the same thing at the same time have an impact on the physical world, you will always add something to it, even if the meditations you do for yourself don´t have the effect you expect.
      To me it´s just that in the peace meditations only, the part about trying to warm the hearts of the cabal I feel it´s unrealistic

    6. @psychic
      I heard similar. He'd be dead if he did not endorse them. But I heard Trump had the vaccines brought in early, way earlier than the darkies wanted, and thus really fucked up the darkies in terms of money and, people would have died from it, anyhow.....least I see people choosing not to take the shots, now. Might be different if the vaccine plan went as scheduled. Don't know if it's true, but that's what I heard. Also, I don't know if Trump, per say is one of the baddies.....since the entire media, many of the govt and especially Hollywood hates him, IF he were one of the darkies, would they not be kissing his ass, like the did with everyone, with the exception of Kennedy, who was president since Lindon Johnson?

    7. Maybe Trump is the only case where the cabal thorough the MSM has attacked one of their actors so hard, but it was deliberated to make him credible as the good guy and polarize americans trying to create a civil war.
      I don´t know if he has performed rituals, and I hoped not and he was acting for the cabal because they had bailed him when he went bankrupt more than once. If he hasn´t done rituals, the bind with them could not be forever and he could have crossed to the good side at some point, which I hoped. But we can´t rely on this posibility, specially when he has advised people to take the vaccine

  47. Why did Putin hand trump the soccer ball? Why are we being told by Q and so many other sites a fake nuclear event will occur to shut down the world ...Ukraine is full of DS labs...dumbs children etc .much of what is shown is not of this conflict but Russia is taking down the Nazis in Ukraine. NATO is part of the DS. Ok if the galactics and alliance wanted it stopped wouldn't they simply stop it? I guess I don't get it, if pits are being cleared..chimera ships and Draco ships being taken down...the Russians are on the surface taking out the dark ones. How else is this war to be won? Or shut it all down and broadcast to the people what has been happening the US our military is forcing the jab on their we just do nothing and allow our military to be taken out?? I applaud Russia they are doing something against the evil ones. It's went too far this all should've been ended already we are way past the event date now..if 2025 a pole shift could happen..I say remove Zelensky and all those who need removed in Ukraine ..what about the shallow pots?

    1. The future for Zelensky is not good. He's not a real player, not smart. According to Gene Decode, I think Zelensky is going to be taken out real soon...

    2. Q was about getting people including the American gun owner to sit on their hands while the country spirals the drain.

      Getting people to believe its all 'working out' takes away people's sense of urgency.

      Return of the Dragons of Wisdom pt 2
      Black Earth Productions with Mark Passio:

    3. Zelensky is a failed comedian, and a drug addict like Biden's dog of a son, Hunter.

  48. Intelligence agency updates it's logo to include a UFO.

    1. Where is it? Kinda small on screen here to see much.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. What is it to believe about this conflict?

  51. When will Zyprexa be removed? I saw Zyprexa at a hospital and one of the most popular antipsychotic drugs in the world, brand name Zyprexa, is in fact a designer drug, named after the person. Zyprexa sounds like a galactic name, doesn't it? The being known as Zyprexa is just at a higher echelon of society and exists in secrecy. The drug was approved for medical use in the United States in 1996. Coincidence? Zyprexa is associated with a secret group of people that use highly advanced technology, capable of illegal body tonification as well as other technologies involving manipulation. I feel like Zyprexa is still around and not yet removed. Thanks

  52. Cobra: There is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.
    Gaiaportal: "The Light enters."

  53. Its not to the point but we need a snack, drug, drink that will stop addictions, wanting more, stops thirst, stops hunger, stops curiosity.

  54. From Ben. Fulford

  55. Charles, by the way, is an inauspicious name for the King of England, since Charles I died at the guillotine and Charles II was exiled. Charles I lost his life at the guillotine, and Charles II was exiled.

  56. What happened to the Bubbles of Heaven update? We haven't got any updates on that since January 2020. No one is even talking about that white elephant in the room, being so distracted by fake pandemics, fake wars and rumors of nuclear wars. By the way, the Bubbles of Heaven has an error: the 4th phase is mistakenly written in the Roman numeral "VI" (that's a 6). I suggest rectifying to the correct Roman numeral "IV" (that's a 4).
    Much appreciated.

  57. War is a catalyst, it can dramatically provoke the awakening of the soul, many on both sides of the conflict show courage and some people, helping, begin to show compassion, thereby opening their hearts, although in many cases this desire to help is more likely to win the conditionally right side, because help should be impartial And this is the impulse of the heart and not the mind. Which can arise in critical situations, these glimpses of light, I hope, will lead travelers to the path of love and understanding. I would like this experience not to be so traumatic and fatal for people, and people to master new facets of consciousness, themselves, interaction and love in a more balanced way than what is happening on this planet, I want the creator to pay attention to this.

  58. Return of the Seeders & Anunnaki: History and Current Events

    Elena Danaan’s new book, The Seeders, is officially being released today on September 21 and covers the stunning return of a highly evolved intergalactic group of extraterrestrials involved in the genetic engineering of humanity. Elena describes her direct contact experiences with key members of the Seeders, especially Oona, who is an Altean member of the Seeders involved in the establishment of the Atlantean civilization.

    In this Exopolitics Today interview Elena discusses key topics discussed in The Seeders including their composition and how they intervened over different historical epochs to establish human civilizations..Elena also answers questions about her direct contact experiences with Enki, whose faction of the Anunnaki has returned simultaneously with the Seeders to assist humanity in ‘graduating’ from Deep State control and manipulation.

    Elena and Dr. Michael Salla discuss some of the controversy over Enki, whose positive role in historical texts is widely accepted by scholars, while his half brother Enlil was responsible for enslaving humanity and wanting to eliminate it in the Great Flood. Most significant is Elena’s revelation that Enki has passed on the original Adamic DNA of humanity (aka the Holy Grail) to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which is helping the Earth Alliance incorporate this into medical technology that is about to be disseminated to humanity. Restoration of this Holy Grail of human DNA would remove decades of covert genetic degradation by the Deep State and their extraterrestrial allies.

    1. Are you Joking?? Elana Denann is now replaced with a woman who is so possessed!!!! There is so much evil in her!!!!! She was a wonderful woman and I loved her book which was so true. That book has since been Censored. It is now replaced with Garbage. The new Elana is so possessed - how do they do that? They are all a product of the devil. Beware!
      They want to set up Enki and erase God. Enki likes to eat people to stay young. He's a big Pedo. I'm hoping they never seriously try to bring in Enki!
      Somewhere, I hope the real Elana is still alive.

    2. @psychic
      Where did u get all this nonsense from?


  59. With my Lightnin’ Bolts a glowin’,
    I can see where I am goin’.
    With my Lightnin’ Bolts a glowin’,
    I can see where I am go -- goin’!

    You better look out below!

    Wake Up, Children.


  60. Last night on another timeline a fake alien invasion was attempted. It didn't work. The line is secured.

    1. Really? Something was meant to happen, I was waiting for it....look at the date. Thanks for the information.

  61. Enki and his unit left Terra in defeat a very long time ago, when their military leader, remembered by the name of Enlil and who had a different agenda, took over the management of this planet. Prince Ea (Enki) always wanted to upgrade the early seeds of humans on Terra in order to study what potential they could develop. But Enlil wasn’t a scientist. He was the lead commander of the Anunnaki forces and he had an important mission to complete: to create a hybrid slave race. Hoping that they could come back one day, Prince Ea and his group took with them a precious sample of the original Terran Hu DNA. They are bringing it back now, to repair the damages inflicted by the altering operations of the enemy on the Terran human genome. - Such as the recent ‘bio-weapons’? - For instance, yes. Those who have been injected with the bio-weapon will be able to reintegrate a clear, original DNA. The DNA codes Enki is bringing back are from the original macro-molecule. This is very important. The original Terran Hu genetic marker was very strong, healthy and resistant, quasi-unaltered.

  62. I made a mistake, and I'm sorry. Those who speak negatively about the Flower of Life are just regurgitating E'Asha's false and fear-based claims. People don't even know if what she says is true, but they become dogmatic in promoting what she says anyway, which is what I did. Won't happen again.

    I'm not trying to promote my blog by posting this one more time. It's just important that I reverse the damage I've done.

    1. It often takes inner fortitude and strength to make an admission like that. Respect. 🤘‍

  63. I'd love to know was the fake alien invasion Enki related but I don't think it sounds that way...

    We survived the big day of disaster (Sept 24, 2022) as it has been foretold in the movies about 20 times or more. They did nothing. Nothing has happened. As AA Michael says, they have nothing. Hahaha.

    1. What films, and what did they say?

    2. @psychic
      Perhaps you didn't look close enough. How about the sabotage of the Nord Stream to provoke Russia? It was not exactly on the 24 but it did happen on that timeframe. Time is fluid.

  64. This meditation sounds great but right now I am doing the AA Michael meditation on Putin, as it makes more sense to me. (It's not the old bad Putin, it is a good one). I am also doing a lot of meditations on white light to get rid of spidies. I don't mind a small spider on my head, but when they rest on my back...yuk. Get away from my heart. Only after 5 minutes they crawl off. Anywhere but my back.

    I have a good place to go to understand timelines, I learnt a lot here, and a lot of timelines I didn't know about.

    It's nearly 3 hours long but a great video. You'll learn stuff you probably didn't know. It's Gene Decode.



  67. Reading certain comments I feel the need to address all those who misunderstand the intention or purpose of this meditation and I will make my comment in two part's.

    In the first place, I will begin by emphasizing that this meditation at no time favors one side or the other, since its purpose is to alleviate the tension that already exists among those involved, that which are not just two countries, there are many more involved not just countries but that gives rise to many interests which are not necessarily partial or honorable everything in this planet not only it involves the elites of this planet and this war like all wars has many layers that even involves the galactic community at high levels.

    This is not just black and white, Russia and the others.

    The light forces have been trying for many years to raise the frequency of the planet so that we can have a smoother transition to the lighter timeline possible positive Cobra has said it all the time I don't understand why there are people who still don't understand this part.

    Initiatives like this one on war or some other initiatives proposed by Cobra are misunderstood since people only see the superficial (reductionist thinking) they cannot see the purpose in a more expanded way and follow rooted in this world even though they believe they are higher for not believing in the common social system but they can reach a broader understanding of the planetary situation because their attention is focused on only one part and they cannot clearly see the whole picture and the layers behind it, because the Matrix thought mechanisms work as an interference to the common sense capacities of the individual.

    I understand why you can see that this war is good, I understand that we are all tired and desperate for a more radical change, we need to see more progress because much of the progress of liberation has been gestated behind the scenes and on higher planes than for some it is difficult to reach.

    And I know perfectly well that sometimes violence is the only option to liberate or protect, but war is not the only option you must understand that.
    Always in a conflict of this type the people forget the metaphysical aspect which is fundamental.

    This war certainly does not have dyes like other historical wars and that gives us hope that everything can turn out well, however not forget that times have changed and if this war gets harsh the damage can be overwhelming
    especially for those countries because now are new technologies involve and weapons are not the same and those who always suffer are the people common, the poor animals that are always unprotected and the families of the military who believe that their side is that of the "good" they are the ones who will suffer the most for the loss of their loved ones.

    Let's not forget that wars generate orphans and this is part of what we are trying to stop on this planet, we want to eradicate slavery and human trafficking and incongruously a war that could seem positive in certain aspects would fall into inconsistency sooner or later like all the wars.

    In past lives I was in several wars and I learned that war is not the only option, above all because we are in the middle of a very old and greater war that tries to end the suffering on this planet and we cannot fall into the inconsistency of generating more than which we want to stop.

    It's not just about the reasons only but about the price to pay.

    It's not about territory only hybrids are involve.

    Honestly I can't ignore what be the price to pay even if I understand the reason my concern is the people and specially the Animal's in the middle of this war so I concentrate my attention to send love to them and that's what this meditation is about no matter who have the correct intentions this meditations really have the attention directly to the metaphysic aspect of this war and the purpose is to change the negative aspect of this war.

  68. The second part of my long comment...
    This meditation don't have the purpose of STOP the good reasons that people see in this war is about HELP THE INOCENTE PEOPLE AND ANIMALS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WAR and help the entire planet to NOT LOW THE FREQUENCY VIBRATION Do not confuse things, this meditation will help to creat another solution to the conflict another solution that not creat more low vibration so is not against the reasons that Russia can have to be in war in fact this meditation can help if the reasons are correct and I say this because the comments that I read of people who are in favor of this war and in favor of Russia and They are pointing out that this meditation is taking sides on a certain side and that is a reductionist and deterministic mentality.

    We can manifest a second option for those involved, but in order to understand that both countries are suffering a LOT of empathy is needed on the part of the observers and they must have a level of consciousness free of deterministic thoughts to understand that a country is not it's ruler and a thought free from a materialistic mentality is needed to understand that war does not only affect the surface level of the planet and from what I see NO ONE considers this.

    This war is one layer of the big one but in both wars the one in the surface and the one against the dark ones have many many layers that's why we must focus our attention to creat positive timelines and this meditation is a tool for that.

    So please before attack Cobra conciderat what I say and understand that this man is in a very VERY difficult position right now in a middle of the pinnacle of the liberation of the planet, he is only the messenger and we should be grateful for his effort, dedication and sacrifice because many of you may not see him but he has given many years of his life and his happiness to be part of this liberation and many times his personal opinion is not expressed because he has dedicated his life to taking on this role trying to do the best in a conflict much greater than a war on the surface of the planet and that generates a lot of burden and sacrifice.

    If you don't want to see it, it's your problem, but at least don't judge if you can't know what empathy or common sense is, don't accuse if you can't understand the whole picture because whoever you judge and criticize is a reflection of yourselves.

    Yes! Goddess know about war but right know she want peace.
