As shown in figure🖐🏼
At the end of this picture is the answer. I encourage you to share your inspiration and guidance. I didn't take cooperation seriously at first, which may be the beginning of cooperation. I hope you and I will never forget to cooperate.
💓New Discoveries🎉 🤗 This is a hand pulling other hands
We speak German: “It is like a glass of very pure water. How many drops of ink can be dropped into that glass of water before the water is no longer clear but is seen as cloudy/dirty?” “Still, it would be great if everyone tried to make sure the drops they put in the glass of water were clear, or at least not dark ink.”
5th Dimension: Words are a powerful form of energy and whether the intent is negative or positive and it can influence changes in perceptions
Most people know what they should do, don't they? 😂The answers are more readily available at a young age It's more like people have made their own choices on the premise of knowing this fact clearly.🤗
Someone's comments can have some synchronization with my content, and I look forward to the increase of such linked content in the future.It looks like there is cooperation in information. 👊😋💗
Cobra: And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected. but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be. Yes. And of course, most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I'm not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave.
there is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.✨
As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.
The mentality of these people is fairly close to how I had the mentality to be able to refuse the death shot without fear. I chose to be hunter in the mind, not the victim, and so I had 'Divine help':
[Machine translated from Russian]
"Instead of panic, fear and pessimism - each of us needs to turn on the "hunter" inside ourselves, and say goodbye to the "victim" syndrome forever.
If you feel like a "victim" - "Ukrainian hunters" will come and get a "trophy" in the form of your head.
We, the liberators of Novorossiya and Little Russia, have been raising a “hunter” within ourselves for years, as a result of which our opponents on the other side of the front will go to the morgue, and not us...
Please do not [ just ] read, but to understand what is written above!"
The next day on the 9th, Uranus and Mercury will be in opposition across the Sun. It will be almost in alignment with Uranus, Sun, and Mercury! What a position! The outer planet Uranus and the most inner planet Mercury will be in alignment!
We invite you to join us on October 23th, in our Rebirth Of The Society mass meditation. The aim of this meditation is to remove all the toplet bombs, weapons from the dark foces that prevent the planetary ascension and the golden age.
Please, share the meditation with as many people as you can. This meditation has the potential to be very decisive for the planetary ascension, because we will be using the power of the Source Prime Creator (God) to disarm the bombs, and not our own power.
Here is the link to the guided meditation:
And here is the link to the meditation instructions:
These final days will be decisive to increase our possibility of reaching the critical mass of 144.000 participants, so the help of each of you will count. Don't forget to download the guided meditation to avoid internet problems at the time of the meditation.
There are much less toplet bombs remaining, therefore, a big meditation could have removed all of them, especially if we are requesting the help and power of the Source Prime Creator, which is infinitely more powerful than us.
I'm sorry, but i'm not interested in it. All i'm going to say is that, if there are Cobra listeners who are not interested in meditating to remove toplet bombs, there is a very high chance someone is manipulating their minds negatively.
Hey cobra how is everyone doing? Massive snakes head in the sky the other night,oh iam sorry serphant head with a bright star in the right eye.then I turn around and there is a massive human face,where the left eye is black.first time I felt like I was in a dome and these beings were peering in,wow sick Of feeling drained cobra need to get fit for what is coming I will need help with this piece.take care everyone God bless ✨ victory of the light...
Iam pretty sure the bright light in the right eye of the serpent was a ship,the clouds around its head started forming a pattern akin to sacred geometry it was hypnotic.the human face with the black left eye (sometimes looked like a patch)was drifting across the sky before I asked it what's wrong with your eye then it froze staring at me lol,it always happens when I don't have my phone to take photos lol,yep I will only be commenting here from now on iam done elsewhere 💀
JinPing's face is almost always expressionless, and it seems to be spiritless. I believe that he is one of those puppets who can hardly exercise his free will. It is necessary to defeat a higher-level entity.
No, he often takes part in dark ceremonies. Few months ago, the order to persecute the Chinese lightworkers was given by him personally, and he had already met and interacted with Chimera.
is their plan it to destroy the sun , ending nature ascension waves in 2023-25 from galactic center? 10.15 and 10.22 two fire balls are gone into the sun by almost same location .it is like weapon attack. NOAA records it. and I found 10.15 sunlight are chaotic not rainbow diamond. and the two days I feeling really bad . is those their last plan?
Great news, thank you. Please do not forget todays toplet bomb removal meditation offered via Earthdragon here: See you later!
No one really knows but the resistance movement he speaks to for liberation of the planet.The codes are only for the RM. More confusing I know. Research.
Victory of the Light!! Hope things will go better from here on out.
By the way, if anyone is feeling bad these days, I strongly recommend getting an energy healing. There are a lot of healers around and I am one of them. But I am more than willing to heal you without taking your money before the session!
Greetings Family of Light . We have a Mass Meditation on tuesday at 6 am est with the 144k Please consider participating as we focus our Intention and attention towards planetary liberation . It is a Grand Time to Open your Celestial Wings and Soar on the Winds of Love .
Cobra, with all respect, the meditations will be in unison, when you say: all of you, from this moment do the meditation X..... you are a command leader for are the force recognized by will see that many comply!
Stop Waiting on The Event Part 2 - An Analogy for Further Explanation
There are those who have taken out of context what I said in my post, "Stop Waiting on the Event." The message was quite simple, but for clarification purposes, I will use an analogy:
Suppose you are working at a seasonal job harvesting rice. You have several rice paddies to harvest. The work is very repetitive and grueling, and it will take a period of 4 months. Each work day lasts 8-10 hours, depending on the different sizes of the rice paddies. Some rice paddies take longer to harvest than others, and 2 rice paddies per day must harvested, which is several tons of rice. Various machinery is used, and several boards are put in the water to round up the rice. The rice is also along the banks of the paddies, so must be raked and rounded up around the perimeters. There is a gas powered elevator for that scoops it up into trucks when it's rounded up with the boards. A shovel must be used to help push the rice into the elevator. The boards need to be tightened around the rice when being loaded into the trucks. I could go on and on about the details of the harvesting, and this is not meant to be exactly accurate. The idea is to illustrate the slow and meticulous nature of the harvest.
Ok, so, what's the most loosh-generating way to perceive the rice harvest? Probably something like this:
"All I want is to get this over with, but 4 months of this? This is going to take forever! I can't even stand 2 hours! I'm already sick to death of this! I hate this! On and on it goes. It's neverending! I just want this to be done! I can't stand this! So slow... so very slow... oh God it's so slow... I just want to die!"
Just put The Event in place of rice harvesting. Except that with The Event, it's several years, and for some, even decades. And, it doesn't help that people were under the impression that The Event would happen in a certain timeframe, and then this timeframe kept being moved into the future.
The healthiest way to deal with the rice harvest (being used as an analogy for The Event), is as follows:
"I'm not going to focus on the end result of the harvest being done. I'm going to focus on my immediate day. I will not allow thoughts about the future of being done with the harvest to enter my mind. I will just do what needs to be done in the moment. I will also have free time after each work day to do what I enjoy. There are many things I look forward to at the end of each work day that make me happy!"
Libra J. M. Aquila, thank you for the thoughts. It's true, it can be very difficult to put what I wrote into practice. I keep getting caught up in the future (a future of monotony when it comes to jobs), and then I realize that this thinking is leading me down an internal road of despair, so I then cancel out the thinking and become present again. The more I practice this, the weaker the 'despair neural pathways' are used, weakening them.
As for others doing this, I agree about your 3 categories. Those who are ready to internalize the advice to be present will do so, and those who are not, will not. Some may have the motivation to do so, while others may not. I can't force this on anyone, but they may come to have similar realizations on their own.
Don't we manifest the event by literally thinking about it and expecting it any moment? Isn't that how it works collectively millions of people manifesting the event by thinking it is going to happen now! We are co creative beings so collectively if we all expect it now it should happen now. There will always be some obstacle that can be pointed to stopping it.. of course I have read so many times nothing can stop what is evidently there might be if toplet bombs are the issue...but haven't they been the issue now for several years..before that there was another issue.. see my pt..sorry but it's been years now since in a post or interview we heard Draco ships were being taken out by the war had commenced that was in 2018. I am positive but simply don't understand why the people on earth can't be informed and the dark humans removed now and all positive humans healed and updated about what has been happening lifetime after lifetime to the... Thanks Doug
My experience, at least, is that The Event doesn't manifest by thinking about it. One can be present, and bring the Light through, letting go of the end result of The Event. That's a much healthier way to be. I notice that a tremendous amount of loosh is generated by fixating on the future. The time is Now.
Look suppose we are cocreators, if all we want is liberation, why don't we just manifest liberation, why do we need to manifest event? In his book Message to Groundcrew didn't George Green said you should let go of how you want your goal fulfilled. Is our goal, an Event, or final liberation? If the later, why put so much emphasize on the former? Aret we being manipulated into believing that it is necessary while we are creating it?
@libra not exactly what I'd call manifesting. That's just asking someone to make and bring you a pizza.
I'd prefer it more like *wave hands, shout, "I create a pizza!* Then a pizza pops out of thin air. Or making water into wine with a wave of the hand, or snapping my fingers, like Q from Star Trek and BOOM, something appears.
The last line of defense before the forces of light can physically intervene on the surface is the so-called pit. Have the forces of light cleared all the pits by now? Are they ready to physically intervene on the surface?
This is not a negative comment. But do people really believe that there will be an event soon? I had believed for many years that it would happen. I truly believe now that happyness lays within. I've seen the world change so much in the past 20 years. And it's not getting any better regarding how we are as people. And it's definitely not getting any better regarding how elected folk go a out their business.
"The end is an idea, a point in the mind-projected future, when salvation in whatever form - happiness, fulfillment, equality, liberation, and so on - will be attained. Not infrequently, the means of getting there are the enslavement, torture, and murder of people in the present.
If it is the quality of your consciousness at this moment that determines your future, then what is it that determines the quality of your consciousness? Your degree of presence. So the only place where true change can occur and where the past can be dissolved is the Now."
@Doug Because it's all a fucking lie and we are being played. Didn't you realized that by now? Nobody knows what really is going on behind this thick veil of lies and deceit. It's all a giant video game for someone's amusement and we are the avatars.
Hello everyone, all Im going to ask from all of you is to ask God, the source, the central sun every night as you pray, meditate or anyway you call on the power, the LIGHT, ASK for the great SOLAR FLASH to occur now. Its the only way we as loving people to survive this onslaught of evil that has broken everything. ASK GOD FOR THE COMPRESSION BREAKTHROUGH NOW! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT.
Exactly haven't all the meditations been to speed up the event? To se dominos falling? Are we not behind in terms of a solar flash? Are we supposed to just ignore if all and keep smiling and live our lives for ourselves be happy and if it happens it happens..I mean it's been 10 years which I know is no time at all but for a person waking up and realizing they are in a prison it's an eternity. Daily people are dying of the jab, cancer, HIV, hunger, murder etc..isn't enough enough what value does this all really offer a soul ascending up thru each dimension back to Source ultimately? Well we shall soon see who is who..galactics keep pushing it back so perhaps we have been played I don't think so but it'd all a holographic simulator so who the hell knows for sure what's really true
(I'm writing so many things because so much is coming through. It's almost too much to keep track of, sorry.)
Both Sides Believe They Will Be Destroyed
Just now in the dreamstate, I had a dream about homosexuals being oppressed. I resonated with the mindset of homosexuals being persecuted when in the dream. In the waking state though, I most often return to a mindset that looks at the larger picture. I have returned to this perspective:
Left vs. Right is a struggle that never ends, because conflict begets conflict. Regarding the upcoming mid-term election in the US, the far left believes their side will be oppressed and even genocided if the far right wins, and the far right believes the same if the far left wins.
To stop civil war in the US, both sides of the political spectrum need (for lack of better words at the moment) to 'chill out.'
To surpass the cabal/negative elites, it would be far more effective to NOT have this be tied to any political side.
People can have various sexualities and beliefs and so forth without allowing these characteristics to define them. This is once again why the works of Eckhart Tolle are so important in current times, because currently, so many people in the world are trying to have various identities, and these identities then form into hyper-polarized group consciousnesses, often resulting in... civil wars/genocides (history repeating itself).
(For those who are not into Eckhart Tolle's works, that's fine too. There are many ways to realize oneself beyond assigned identities.)
picked up on the attack in 3D, seen them, was 5 individuals looking for trouble, possessed they moved in a pack, circling the fishing hole, I seen my window of mistake and took to its correction. They moved by us, one staring, deeply as if he was not happy to be deflected off target. They moved to another, she stood ground, took kids to safety and as I made my turn to go help her as it was escalating, her mate come running down. I would have trashed those fools and been in all kinds of trouble... Thank you for the light support as that is not my wishes, fight will come when Source says so, until then, I will stay the course.
@Libra Don't worry Libra, there are ignorant assholes everywhere. I learned one thing in life: when you are being attacked for no reason, when you are harming no one, you know you're on the right path and the dark ones don't like it and want to run you off the tracks. Keep on going your way and ignore the motherfuckers!
Everyone should understand the game by now. Love one another. Find the beauty in eachother. This doesnt mean the game isn't a challenge. It has pitfalls. Loving each other isn't always easy when we each have different relative experiences that don't always align. We have different guidelines and values. Best thing to do in a conflict is to see what each will gain from their misunderstandings of eachother and misunderstanding of the codes cobra so oddly posts. Security breach deflected at 501
Infinity+1, it's not a good thing that's been going on lately. Sorry if I was a part of that. Best thing to do is ignore others if they do that sort of thing. I hope the latest mess in the comments here doesn't interfere with key operations.
Seria bom finalmente pararmos para pensar o quanto de cooperação precisa entre nós porque se houvesse essa coesão de ajuda mútua e genuíno amor de um para o outro o evento já estaria mais próximo! Acho que talvez sejamos muito mais abalados pela manipulação do que possamos acreditar
Thank you very much for doing such a hard work, finalizing a complet file for mobile devices and even for us, who stay more on tablet or PC. Cobra mentioned many times to make copies and duplicate his posts, as we know a few disappeared from his blog in the past. I have a blog for example, which contains many other blogs, but not all conferences or interviews are displayed yet. I will read your file and I am very happy to have another great source of intel shared in one place. Regarding the discussions online, in the group, here on comments or in different social media, do not pay attention to people who disturb your entire energy, your thinking and your day ... many carry negativity inside them and without recognizing it, unfounded and painful things are thrown at us daily. I recover myself going in loneliness, going inside and meditate more, having less or no any discussions, doing something spiritual, reading or watching a video about positive things like training myself in cosmic science which I love since my childhood, Egyptology, etc, or listening some relaxing music or viewing videos like the videos made by Alaje the Pleiadian, I love these videos so much. And of course, I do not continue the arguments and contradictory discussion. We all have to learn to see and follow positive persons, who are an example for us, rather than be attentive to persons which is not worth it. Much love to you!
Iam done with the charade disconnecting from all that no longer serves me,that includes family friends etc,it is this simple you are either with me or against me.why defend anyone just to be stabbed in the back only amongst the darkness can you see the light✨...
I would like to share an amazing experience about "Command 771". On the night of October 24, I was lying in bed, feeling sad and wanting to cry about the chaos in my life and society at large. I tried to say "Command 771" many times in my mind, and within seconds there was a wonderful change in my body and breathing, and I noticed that the negative emotions disappeared very quickly. In less than 10 seconds "Command 771" seems to be working better now!
I've watched a few videos from Alaje the Pleiadian. He very much has the pleiadian views, to listen to him say people are going on with silly doings (which on earth, we are, especially if you are pleiadian) - I can't recall his exact words. You know, earth humans are silly sometimes according to the pleiadians, I can see a few views there simultaneously, I see the pleiadian view, yet I can see it as an earth human would see it. Like a multi-view or an omni-perspective of it. I think because I spent time in the pleiadies in the past? Not sure but I always have both these views, even though these contradict each other. I need to develop more omni-perspective also. It's a very good practice.
According to Corey Goode last update the story is this: Disagree with COBRA narrative... My question, from ignorant simple human; who to believe? the two stories do not coincide on times and places...
See if this helps any further Q's , let me know & if any have any good quotes missed that are relevant please share
Trying to keep a balance & neutral understanding here although it may not be super exciting for certain sources but the intention is to help & bring clarity
According to my understanding of how this all works... All the information like this and that has some targeted audiences to reach, they serve as kind of "voting" process. This is like in US you heard two commercials one for a candidate the other attacking. It is like on Chinese social media you saw one group supporting Putin and Russia and the other against.
Now, each one of us has some intrinsic attitudes, either born with or pre-programmed inside ourselves, either inside the brain center or the heart center, that when you see these different campaign materials, you are triggered differently.
Some people like Putin, Trump, Xi, the conservative part of the story, some people like the more liberal part, and in their heart they vote differently. Together, since these two factions, or rather we call them actors on two sides of the same War, are then propelled by the conscious energy of the people who unconsciously support them. Sort of like what was described in the Hidden Hand Interview on Above Top Secret.
People, unaware, unconscious, their conscious energy, their approval and dis-approval, collectively drives the Wars we are seeing on he reality stage.
With big data, analytical tracking everywhere, as also described in Project Camelot's interview with Bill Deagle, by observing your reaction and behavior changes after seeing these different news, the System knows you better.
I know I for one believe Cobra, simply because he talks about what I heard from Ashtar. We are leaving and it isn't too far away. So I agree with the Cobra narrative all the way...100%
I used to follow Corey but his updates were depressing me and his latest he doesn't mention the galactics ..the pleaidians sirians arcturians etc he talks about a zulu galactic race taking the lead and federations of galactic nations or something ug...and how 2033 is the new date for the mico nova how can this be if the pole shift is 2025? We have 11 yes to go what's the pt nobody will be alive by then if something isn't done to stop the cabal and their plans ..Wilcock went rogue up at his cabin in CO...let his beautiful wife go too..she was amazingly awake's crazy to me...
@Sherman "Talk to the hand." 😂 No "Happiness Police Officer" this time. OK, I go questions if you care to answer: - You said this is your last incarnation, you have no intentions of ever being in the flesh again because this last incarnation put you off. So you want to be just in your astral/lightbody and exist as a formless energy being when this game is over? Or you want to live in a female body but on a higher dimension and different planet? - What if it's not possible to be transformed thru med bed tech or whatever into an attractive woman body and spend some time here to enjoy your new avatar because there is no more time and humans have to be evacuated for the Solar Flash and earth terraforming changes? What then? What are your backup plans in case that doesn't come true? - Let's say you finally get your wishes granted either in this life or after the Solar Flash in some mothership or Pleiadian planet, what then? What do you plan to do with your new improved body? Will it serve some specific purpose? Just curious... You don't have to answer if you don't want to...
@Doug Wilcock went rogue on his cabin...😂 Guess his wife left him bcse she had enough of his stupid jokes and inflated ego... Now he doesn't even have the motivation to groom his hair and is looking like a mad scientist. 😂
@Unknown 1: What I want and need is this body, this flesh to be corrected. I am pretty sure that alien tech can femininze me, and, hopefully, alienize me. In the VERY least, I am sure they can at least make me LOOK and SOUND like a I mentioned, the aforementioned Bailey Jay would be fine....but also to change my genetics so I am also alien, and no longer a genetically floored primate, aka human, and to take me off planet. I want NOTHING to do with the earth, liberated or not, and go to my REAL home planet. I'll only stay on earth long enough to maybe get a one night stand with some woman, and then hop on board the mothership, if there's no time for that, no biggy.
2: As I said, earth's not in my equation. Once on the alien starship, and having been restored, I'll be cracking open the alien equivalent of champagne and celebrate.
3: What else, LIVE. Live the life I SHOULD have had, live a real life span, for millennia, or if possible, physical immortality (I heard it's an option to those who want it), and see what this galaxy, if not more, has to offer.
Tu sai chi Sei e lo sanno anche loro! Proteggi la Tua purezza d’animo che se alcune volte sembra fragilità rappresenta comunque il più Grande Potere che hai: la Sensibilità!!! COMPLIMENTI PERCHE’ TI STAI RIVELANDO PER QUELLO CHE SEI – UN ESSERE UMANO!!! Un grande abbraccio di Luce da parte mia, Vittoria della Luce!!! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!💖👏💫💜✨♒♾✴🎀
November 8, exactly the same day as the midterm elections in the U.S. On November 9, 1989, the holy number 33 years ago, we all did break down the Berlin Wall. And November 11 is coming up. 11 is a holy number. That day is the eleventh number of the eleventh month. What a coincidence that Saturn is almost square to the Moon and Uranus during a total lunar eclipse, and that Saturn is almost square to the Sun, Mercury, and Venus during a total lunar eclipse! (And that Uranus is hidden by the Moon in the Uranus eclipse!)
That's right, sometimes we can feel an attraction to other positive species and a kind of resonance like this feeling for the Pleiadians. I clearly remember, from childhood I was a quiet person, not very friendly, if I think deeply, I somehow felt that I was not well understood, my pure soul and love did not fit into the picture at all. I had and even now I only have a few friends, always making a selection and letting people in my life with higher vibrations and higher percentages of love then lower in their heart. I resonate very well with Cobra's teachings and soul, we are both Pleiadians, and even with Alaje, I do not know him personally, but I agree with his vision of ascension, the importance of cultivating love and forgiveness and too support. each other even those who are not on the right path of ascension, guiding and helping them to heal, to be ready for the cosmic wave of love at the event. I can't wait for the EVENT, if people had it earlier, our life would be much better and brighter now! But, we have the timeframe according to Cobra, and it is not so long! Please, hold the Light and be strong, full of love and compassion, gratitude for each day and our chance to change the world! Victory of the Light and much gratitude to Cobra!
Great to hear your voice Libra and yes... when WE engage in commenting to one WE are communicating with ALL on this blog including our Galactic cousins which is comforting to me. I'm sure we'll all meet soon after the Event and have some good laughs looking back on our blog comments... 😀
Great step to take Libra! I'm actually envious that you beat me to this way of communicating but I was hoping to be inspired musically and put my voice to music but need to find the right words to apply so it's impactful to this stellar group of Starseeds and Lightwarriors! Still might happen but proud of you to take this initiative.👏
Thanks. It's a big thing seeing someone not thinking I'm some agent of the new world order, simply because I'm not prancing about, shouting "LOVE AND LIGHT!" or "NAMESTE!" or "VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!", like some knee jerk catch phrase. And if I WAS a cabal troll, I'd be pissed, seeing as I've yet to see any gold Ferrari, piles of precious gems or any concubines showing up, yet. And it's also good to see someone seeing how wounded I am. *Fist bumps Libra*
Libra J. M. Aquila, Interesting, thank you. Hopefully this reply here won't be censored like the rest of my replies were. Some of my replies were a bit hostile, but it's my call to make whether or not I delete them. By censoring me like this while others are allowed to speak their minds, my free will has been directly violated.
You seem like a reasonable person when listening to you talk. I have no 'qualms' with you now. It has been a learning experience interacting with you, and I hope that the journey for you here goes well! Thank you for creating the document of Cobra's interviews.
We keep hearing in the alternative media that "the sh-- is about to hit the fan."
We are told that soon we will all see what is going on. Maybe we will see the US military on the streets.
Of course, the USA mid-term election is coming up (November 8, same day as the next big eclipse) and the alternative press is saying that the election won't happen.
Or it will happen but it will be a gigantic, neverending mess with lots of protests and violence.
We can all stay calm, of course. I was really off this morning, with today's eclipse. I just lost it -- I was not calm -- and I'm sorry about that.
In Europe, we keep hearing about European countries, one after another, are making deals with Russia to keep the fuel flowing to get them through winter.
Lots of protests we hear about in France and Germany because of the war-mongering and sanctions against Russia. New leadership in other countries? Such as Italy.
Can you clue us in, Cobra? Is the situation in Ukraine becoming resolved? Will Europe have fuel? Will we see a US election? Are bad guys all over the world being arrested? How is the clearing of the subquantum anomaly going? Operation Mjolnir? Implants? Toplet bombs? Is our spiritual awakening happening? (Protests seem to be evidence of that, but if leaders keep war-mongering, the protests don't matter......)
Astral: Thank you. I feel more light coming through too. I'm glad you are saying this. Libra: Glad you are saying you are, too. BBB: I'm sorry that you have as much corruption in Croatia as we do in the US. This kind of corruption hurts the innocent people who work hard and are simply trying to have a life. It is quite unfair.
I hope we hear from Cobra soon! I always feel better when I read about progress of the Light Forces...
Devon, sending you a little ho'oponopono. Cobra mentioned it here, along with an excellent explanation of forgiveness.
The primary source of depression for me is future timelines like Corey Goode's. Corey Goode's timeline goes into the 2030's for negative forces being cleared.
Forgetting about the future (and past), and being in the present moment, is the only relief I've ever known from depression and suicidal thinking.
Thinking about the future has become a mental prison. One can plan for the future, true, but this whole 2030's timeframe thing is something I will be sure to avoid.
I like the idea, saves a lot of space in comments section indeed as you said, and it's a nice change of pace from the usual commentary.
Just want to say your voice is good and it feels "cool", it reminds me of those people I saw before online with a really cool, chill, calm and level-headed personality, though I don't know you personally so those are just my general first impression from the overall "feel" of hearing the voice.
One of the things that caught my attention though is the "I'm not a woman, 'unfortunately'", why is it "unfortunately"? Checked your profile just now and it seems the "gender" in there is Female. Is there a reason why you put "Female" in your profile but then you're actually a biological male all along?
Oh pls don't take my questions the wrong way though I mean no harm, I'm just genuinely wondering. Here in the eastern part of Asia I grew up in an environment wherein someone with a male biological functions and organs labels themselves as male and not female, and vice-versa, I only commonly see this thing online on the western part of the world. Sorry it's just so foreign to me as to why people do this hence I'm asking questions.
If you're not comfortable answering, then it's ok.
I'm also wondering on the "unfortunate" part? Don't you feel blessed being born in a male body with all its exclusive biological functions and Masculine-energies embodied in physical form, with regards to THIS particular incarnation you have?
The Soul within has both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects and can freely express either-or, or both without limitations from a temporary and perishable physical body, as such--so being born in a male or female body lets one experience the beautiful (and ugly) things about it; for experience and learning process... but why the need to label the current learning opportunity and experience as "unfortunate" when the physical body and its "Labels" is just a temporary business anyway, why not take advantage of it and embrace it for this lifetime and see the male-side of life as a blessing?
Although, I think it would be wonderful after first contact that ET technology comes up that enables smooth, safe, painless and fast manner of changing biological sex on a physical body; sure would be nice thing to have for those who want to do it too so they have a choice and can enact on it instead of being subject to their primary choice on what body to be born in...
Sorry I might appear very clueless at this point but that's just because these things that other people do with regards to their biological sex and mismatching the labeling of Male and Female with regards to their biological functions is so foreign to me.
I was being sent a great amount of love and light last night before bed. Then in the dreamstate, I dream about bizarre entities that are unhealthy to see. Then after this in the dreamstate, I see the cartel take over a families home, and then there is gang raping going on. So, when people say "Don't complain," it's true that there are those who complain about stuff that they shouldn't. But when this is the kind of thing that keeps happening, where love and light comes through only to have my fucking heart ripped out again (these dreams are more than just dreams), this is why I want nothing to do with the Light Forces or this blog anymore. Going to censor this one too Cobra?
@Libra The voice is like the frequency of the soul. You have quite a pleasant and soothing voice. I don't know you, but by your voice tone and frequency I can tell that your a good-natured soul. Keep recording inspirational voice messages. This comment section is mostly boring and the collective needs something soothing and positive for a change. Gratitude for your voice messages.
Libra J. M. Aquila, I did the 771 protocol every day in a row for a month, a few months ago. I've also done the 12 21 several times. At one point I was doing the 12 21 every time I would get a stinging sensation. Suffice it to say, I was saying it quite a bit, lol! I tapered off the protocols after not experiencing positive results. Not to say no one will have positive results with this though. Many have.
I'm glad you feel that way about transgenderism and that you liked my post. It's wonderful to have someone who has a female soul in a male body to live with such a situation in such a healthy way!
True, my work has been mentioned on 2012portal before. I heavily promoted previous mass meditations by emailing hundreds of meditation centers in the US and other countries throughout the planet. But the abuse is so extreme and it never lets up. I've had hundreds of dreams of the most graphic and abusive scenarios possible over the years. I've also been sexually abused in the dreamstate. It's horrible beyond words, and it just keeps happening. So, I'm super pissed off because I'm thinking that nothing is really getting cleared at all, contrary to what's being said. I'm led to believe that it is, but then discover that it isn't. But there is one other possibility I will mention in a separate comment. I'm going to give one last thing a chance.
The most insulting thing anyone can ever do to me online is to censor me. I'd rather have someone cuss at me and insult me than to censor me. There is no higher insult than silencing my voice. I would have deleted some of my replies anyway though, lol! I got pretty aggressive. I was tried from a long day's work and in an extremely bad mood at the time. I shouldn't take this out on others though.
Cobra doesn't have anything against me, I agree. I just am having a very, very difficult time. I really thought things would be so much better in the world at this point, and I'm disappointed beyond words. But, I will just have to adapt. If I can't, then perhaps it's time that I 'call it a life.'
Thank you for your replies and wonderful audio clips. I'm sorry for making premature and incorrect judgements upon you.
Devon, it's true about a substantial portion of transgendered people being brainwashed and mentally ill. However, there are those who really do have female souls in male bodies, who did not have any brainwashing, who are not mentally ill.
transgenderism has been around for a looong time, it's not something that just showed up a couple of decades ago. Certain Native American tribes embraced it, and I think, before Christianity was introduced to to the Orient, that it was considered acceptable for a male to make himself 'womanly beautiful'. So enough of the 'TRANS AGANDA!'. The darkies are trying to find another group of people to for the masses to hate and fear. They did it in the 1950s'-1990's with communists, they did it with Arabs in the 2000's, they are doing it now with transfolks, and those unvaxxed (there's folks who think I'm some sort of modern day leper because I did not take the shots).
And considering how many adults want to make their kids into a total carbon copy of themselves....I seen a lot of Hank Hill and John Wayne type guys really trying hard to 'make a man!' out of their sons, to the point their sons feel like prisoners. I think a good example of how bad this gets is in the classic 1957 movie, "12 angry men", where the jackass of the movie (you'll know who am I referring to once you see this film. He tried to really 'make a man!' out of his son. Result was his son LEFT him.
The physical body matters, Devon, can't all be just spirit.
Not everyone who is trans gender is a brain washed person, transgenderism has been around for many, many years, centuries, even.
@Libra Your voice sounds neutral, neither manly nor womanly. Rather like a nice young and pleasant guy. I hate those gayish voices of men that try to sound like a woman but you can tell it's an efeminate man. Not trying to sound homophobic or anything. I got nothing against people's sexual orientation, it's just that effeminate voices always annoyed me. Especially when the guy looks nothing like a woman and it's rather fucking ugly. I always liked Sebastian Bach's (Skid Row singer) voice and looks. He looks like a girl and always had this sexy almost feminine voice, either speaking or singing. But he surely always acted like a man. But it's kinda cool to be androgynous, I guess like most Pleiadians, having female and male attributes combined. At least for rock stars is kinda fitting.
Luz de las estrellas, lo que sucede en el plano de los sueños son procesos personales nuestros pero no es tu realidad. Tu inconsciente te los muestra para que los ilumines, limpies, transmutes, todos tenemos memorias oscuras, de traumas y dolor y tu tienes el poder de iluminarlas y trascenderlas, y cerrar definitivamente esos ciclos. Conecta con frecuencias elevadas antes de dormir, pide a tu jerarquía que te asistan en ese proceso, pero hasta que no sanes e ilumines esas líneas de tiempo y cierres esas memorias ellas estarán ahí para recordarte lo que debes limpiar. Luz en tu camino y paz en tu corazón
@Lord DarkEDGE Personally, I see no blessing, nor worth the experience or learning process. To make it easier to find a transgender person, and talk to them...they will tell you it is NOT a blessing, or a worthwhile experience being in the wrong gender body...and they find nothing beautiful about it. There is a reason why suicide amongst the trans community is a bit high, as well as many I personally know are either atheists, or at least agnostics....for no loving, caring god would do something this bad.
Same for me. I did not get that lucky chance to be a girl, or at least be feminine like the lovely Bailey Jay, a transgender adult film star. She was very feminine, even as 'a boy', for she was pretty much merely a flat chested rendition of herself today.
And I do not care if it is 'temporary', why should I have to wait and DIE and THEN....MAYBE get my proper gender back? I also have NO plans to reincarnate EVER again...for this ONE, human, so-called 'life' has put me off EVER incarnating again....I will not risk another life like this if I can help it. And I see NOTHING to being a man as a 'blessing'. All it's done is cause me DECADES of emotional pain..and I did not get the luck of feminine genes like the aforementioned Bailey Jay....puberty was brutal to me....I started having to shave at age 13, I began losing my hair at age age 20, pretty much no hair. In comparison, I make Jason Alexander looking like fucking Michael Landon. Not to mention the male physique is ugly, boring and nasty. Bad enough the darkies forced me to be a man, they make me the opposite of ideal man at extra 'gift' from the darkies. And having conservative christians and catholics for 98% of my so-called human family (being a teenager in the 90's, I heard horror stories of kids being thrown out of the house/disowned by their family just for being GAY...imagine what a trans person would have to deal in I could not afford, in many ways, getting what I needed)...and my dad wanting me to be the next John Wayne, coupled with that I'm 43 (too old to transition, even if puberty did not fuck me up so badly), I could not transition. And let's not forget that the SO-CALLED 'awakened' folks shout 'trans/gay aganda!" EVERY times a trans person or a gay person accomplishes something in life. Resist the Mainstream had TONS of folks shouting bloody murder when pro football got its first transgender woman she was a new world order agent or something.
Bad enough the Archons forced me to incarnate on this hell hole of a planet, but as a human, and worse, a man...and the most UN idealistic man at that. I'm, like I said, Charlie Brown in the flesh....and I will NEVER forgive the dark forces for that they have done to me, and I want both JUSTICE, and VENGEANCE...I want to be restored to my PROPER gender, and THIS lifetime...and for the dark forces to know the true meaning of pain. Otherwise, the cosmos..and BOTH the light forces and the dark forces will have a wondering soul, full of murderous fury to contend with, and you know that old saying of hell being a woman scorned....
So, to answer your question, Edge, NO, I do not feel blessed being born in a masculine body, nor for masculine energies. My ONLY hope is the good ET's coming, ASAP, and giving me the help I REALLY need. And if certain unknowns or officers of the happiness got something to say: I'm NOT in the mood for either your lectures, nor your attempts to shame me again.
If it were up to me, I'd declare "Feel free to grow it in your back yard, and as much as you like! :D "
When it gets 'legalized', so many damned rules and can only get so much, you can't grow it, you need to be 21 (here in the us. show how old I am, I remember when 18 was the drinking age....NOT 21), and like tobacco, I can see it getting tainted with chemicals, many of which are both toxic and addictive.
@Libra Do you like German goth metal band LORD OF THE LOST? They often play with the Transgender theme in their videos and they have good sense of humor. If you don't know them, check them out! They have cool songs.
Corey Goode gives very distant dates for release :
The Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34:
Sentinel LOS (Lunar Operation Station) to be liberated in 2025 – Way station that monitors traffic and activity from a super gate (Galactic Portal) outside of our Solar System
The battle to liberate Mars occurs at the end of the year 2025. The ZULU/Eyosians transport the Wandering Star and a small fleet of GGLN and SSP Alliance Ground Forces to Mars as the larger GGLN-led fleet enters the solar system to confront the armada of Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds vessels who have gathered around Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. A fierce battle ensues between these space armadas from 2025-2032 as the allies root out every vessel and breach every base that the Orion Group and their allies have inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Most of the ET bases exist within dimensional pockets that have to be invaded and ‘collapsed’ one by one.
Ceres Station, the ICC mining operation, and their automated defense system in the ‘Asteroid Belt’ are liberated in 2026 allowing the GGLN and SSP Alliance fleet to push further into the solar system and face Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Words fleets that are left in the inner solar system.
The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027. Liberating the Moon finally ends the increasing Alien Abductions of millions of people on the surface of the planet carried out by the Orion Group – Grey Alien Biodroids.
In 2028, after the battle to liberate the Moon and the LOC, the GGLN had the intel they needed to invade the ICC Space Port in Antarctica and then fight their way down through the Space Port and then miles down into the Earth’s crust as they follow the tunnel networks that lead from the Space Port to dozens of ICC and Orion Group DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). This battle then leads down to the vast Inner Earth realms and lasts until 2032.
Corey Goode's messages are getting stranger and stranger. He says that no one will come to our rescue, and that people shouldn't meditate. Now he seems to want people to believe that events will be delayed. Who is he really serving?
In the world of appearences, service to others people look self-centered. They can be eratic, messy, unpredictable. Service to self adepts are somehow more adapted to the dysfunctionality of this world. They appear righteous, generous, charismatic.
Can we trust appearances ? Are some really better than others ?
Service to self adepts choose to be decieved and likewise, decieve themselves and others. Always a subtle 'better than' in their doctrine, always abiding by some hierarchy. They do not feel the way service to others do. They inflict, then alleviate the percieved burden throught acquired knowledge. As long as consequences of their actions escape their sight all is well.
They're no less valuable than others people. It is useless to reason with them They must be stopped for the greater good. This planet is ours. Go experimenting with power over others elsewhere if you wish. After righteous trials, per say. I want as little judgment as possible when the cabal is finally brought down.
"Like Cobra indicated in his latest post, one of the biggest chimera-humans, who mainly resided in the inner Earth, has been transported off Earth for neutralisation into the Central Sun.
Another big news for all Lightworkers and Starseeds probably is that the Central Race is finally on the surface with bodies - bodies specially produced for bringing judgement. Most of them are adapted human bodies which were grown based on data collected by the Starseeds to withstand the primary anomaly most efficiently. Additionally they will be absolutely superhuman, very suiting to some of the heaviest guys that are out there cosmically - which the Central Race certainly is. The chimera is very interested in this info as well, so I will keep it short again. The Central Race officially warned the cabal that they will visit selected top cabal shortly, for delivering their absolute end on Earth and transporting them to the Central Sun afterwards. Several cabal members (mainly inner Earth again) are finally taking warnings seriously and think about giving up because of this warning alone."
See how much Devon‘s comment is speaking out completely against the Event and the Divine Intervention.
It will remain a question for me why people who are completely against Cobra and the Event are not immediately dissed on here. Might be people getting tired to fight back…
Also this one posting below my post on the Unveiling to defame it, it should be most obvious who is the real inspiration/source of Devon‘s comment.
Ironically this was also mentioned in the post on the Unveiling: people mixing among the Lightworker communities right now posting things like this.
The cabal is playing tricks on the people here and on FB right before your eyes. And no one does anything?
Elsewhere I have encountered people making false accusations against Cobra. These people are saying Cobra wrote things here that he absolutely did NOT write. At first glance I found the quotes to be suspicious, and then I checked with 2012portal's search engine. Any word or phrase can be typed and all posts with the word or phrase are listed. Sure enough, the quotes being used for accusations against Cobra are completely NONEXISTENT. It doesn't seem to be a matter of laziness with these people. They are deliberately deceiving.
Tangent thought: Maybe the next 2012portal update will have some news about the pit under Urim base. When I debunked these deceivers, I was reminded:
Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.
Actually, if I had not been censored, there could have been a very negative outcome. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad that I was censored in this particular instance.
Cobra just listening to something about a chimeric spike protein in the jab,quantum dot , demonic AI.i don't know if you have seen them vids on line where people turn around and start trying to attack something before they die, iam still digesting this but it's online to demonic possession their oxygen is 5g and cyber optics and led lights,ok I find this concerning victory of the light ✨
@Libra I see, thank you for answering me. I mean I could just Google these questions and probably get an answer but, in this instance, I think it's also nice to just ask directly.
And I totally get that one, regarding the Profile. In the country I grew up in, Gender and Sex are synonymous, so having only the "Gender" option in the profile kind of compounded my confusion further.
In the early 90's here in my elementary school, the teachers just use the word "Gender" to identify a student as either biologically Male or Female lightheartedly avoid the word "Sex" for identification (and also to help differentiate it for the actual sexual act by using the word "Gender" instead), because it's such an "adult word" for us kids in a Baptist school at that time, and a lot of us get some giggles out of saying that 3-letter word haha. Good times.
@Sherman Thank you for chiming in. As an empath in one of my abilities, I did get a glimpse of the suffering you have. (No worries I can turn on and off the ability).
@Sherman and Libra Thank you for helping me get some clarification on these things. While I do see the blessings on incarnating in a Male or Female body to despite the transcendence of our Soul from such labels, I do believe as well that everyone should be given the choice whether they want to change it or not--all according to their own free will and choices, and not because they have been influenced and conditioned by others and by mainstream media to hate themselves and their bodies.
And thank you Libra for pointing that Cobra post with the technology to help you folks achieve the female (and male, for some) you all desire. It's quite in-line with the info I have regarding these things too. And I'm sure it will bring much needed healing and happiness for you folks. From the info I got, it shouldn't be long until such tech comes.
Until then, just don't despair and don't give up and strive to keep making good decisions and actions regardless of the environment. Even if your immediate environment shuns and hates you, know there are me and other lightworkers/warriors out there who love you all unconditionally and has compassion. I wish you all well.
"While I do see the blessings on incarnating in a Male or Female body to [[have more varied experience and learning opportunities]] despite the transcendence of our Soul from such labels..."
"...with the technology to help you folks achieve the female (and male, for some) [[body]] you all desire"
"Until then, just don't despair and don't give up and strive to keep making good decisions and actions regardless of the environment.
[[And keep showing and expressing unconditional love and compassion towards others, even if the individuals in your immediate environment don't do it--strive to not become the very thing you are trying to destroy.
It is certainly possible to accomplish Lightworker (e.g., healing) and even Lightwarrior duties (actively vanquishing negative entities and situations, both physical and nonphysical with metaphysical weaponries and purifying abilities) without hating on your enemies.
Treat it all as a martial art sparring competition--vanquishing the individuals who took the negative/entropic/cabal/antagonist roles without hatred--only Duty, Unconditional Love and Concentration.
Like how a Surgeon would remove a cancerous tumor from a patient, without any hatred or any negative thoughts and emotions towards the cancerous tumor itself--only duty and concentration, with love and compassion in one's heart and mind. Just like in Martial Arts as well; you gotta respect and care for your opponent while defeating them.
"A blade forged with hatred won't strike true; break the chains of hatred with a blade forged with unconditional love and compassion to those who took the "Antagonist" role--don't become what you are trying to destroy".
I'll let you folks (Libra, Sherman and others reading) to meditate on those sentences.]]
"Lastly, even if your immediate environment shuns and hates you, know there are me and other lightworkers/warriors out there who love you all unconditionally and has compassion [[for you are all our co-fractals of the same Divine Source]]. I wish you all well."
Pitch black octopus got removed from me in the dreamstate just now. I did the command 12 21 and 771 right before this. I didn't know I had one of those. Glad it's gone!
located in Tianjin China, the cloud formed a shape of the grid. The negative was really really a huge grid. I guess the cloud might cover the hole province...I really hope I was not chained in this educational system.
I stood up for you COBRA but my comment never made it on the feed for some reason. I thought what I said in response to @Mehr wasn't to harsh to be declined as a post but you and the moderators must of had your reasons. 🤔 No hard feelings my friend... 😉
@Phoenix Angel, I have seen more white orbs in the sky, similar to ones I have seen before but more brief and subtle. Probably half a dozen in the last month. I have also seen a few meteorites burning with an aquamarine color and an orange red tail of fire and smoke fall to the earth. I dont think any of it is a coincidence.
I'm certain I've seen ET's that wear ear cuffs like this. I don't know how, but I've been tripping out on these all day, I remember them. They contain a sort of do-it-all technology. They could create that any way they wanted, even invisible microscopic in clothes so it can't be seen. But since it interacts with your mind, a small device on the ear is both logical and beautiful. It's flashy, but since not directly on your face it's subtle enough. And wearing things on your ears is comfortable, you don't even notice that part of glasses. They look like a cross between these two examples. They're more complex than this.
But not this fine detail. Silver wire but sometimes gold mixed in.
That's a good picture because the people look like her but with light hair.
Et's certainly cover their head entirely so it is difficult to see them. A while ago when I got some of them to come out to my house, they had their heads totally covered. They walked totally fast, I couldn't believe how fast they walked. I had no shoes on and it was winter. By the time I quickly put my shoes on, they were seriously gone down some side street by the time I got out there. Very frustrating. A few of them came out to my house. The first guy who came out first walked past across the road. He had what looked like an ipad. As he watched it, he then stopped walking and came back. He stopped for a while. As he was the first to come out, I just froze watching him. After a minute he walked on. By the time my shoes went on, he was gone. Hours later he came back to the same area, still looking. I quickly put winter shoes back on and he was gone. Now i know I should have skipped the shoes. Next morning he walked past fast just as I got up. I was in pajamas busting for the loo. I literally couldn't go out sad. You get a few tries and they stop. I ran out after the loo and jumped in my car. I could not find him. I should have tried harder, not many agree to come out. Soon you get totally sick of it, give up as exciting as it sounds, they don't match you. They totally cover their heads, yes. Hoods, muffs, whatever they can find, you will never see them. I'll just wait for them now. They are telepathic. You get the odd one who pretends to be someone else - so annoying when they play tricks on you. Like they pretend they are someone from Earth, but they talk telepathically? Haha, someone needs to tell them that is a give away.
While I agree that some people need tech and these sort of antennae-like things, we should keep in mind that most of their tech is not visible to us at all.
I was browsing ear cuffs online and they can look really good. I'd wear them if I was a woman. But a man should be more stoic in his fashion. Not too many bright colors or garish jewelry.
I was at first becoming very upset in the comments section on the 2012poral blog with Libra J. M. Aquila. Then, when she made some audio clips of herself talking, I was no longer angry. Now, I view her with respect.
This change in interaction after hearing Libra J. M. Aquila speak reveals that a primary cause of lightworkers fighting with one another is because of only viewing comments. We live in a 'smartphone culture' that 2012portal mentioned as being a major source of disempowerment. A vast amount of the interactions online and with smartphones is only in the form of texting, and it's texting that appears to be the most prone to creating conflict.
I view my recent interaction with Libra J. M. Aquila as a major victory for the lightworker community, because there can be less conflict when lightworkers realize that comments and text alone are more prone to creating conflict. Through this awareness, lightworkers can more easily avoid conflicts with each other.
Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, interaction between lightworkers can cover a much larger spectrum of interaction beyond only reading comments. Doing so would allow for much greater cooperation within the lightworker community. Many lightworkers understandably wish to remain anonymous, but as Earth is liberated, there will be less necessity to be 'lone wolves.'
Thank you Libra J. M. Aquila for revealing the great importance of interaction beyond reading text!
Thanks to all that replied to my post (Corey Goode). I hope that whatever will be the conclusion of this Earth cycle we humans won't to leave this beatiful planet and living in peace without cataclisms and wars. In my humble opinion is useless if you evolve to a better vibration and your home is destroyed and vicecersa. It's a non sense for me. With Love.
Wellsir ... the people like Ward and Byington that claimed the EBS is going to activate on the 30th and the election is going to be cancelled are now backing away from that claim. Gee I wonder why? Now Byington is saying it's her opinion ... and Ward is now saying he doesn't know. I figured they were lying about that and the supreme court overturning the 2020 election ... if it were true they would have announced it ... there is no good reason why they wouldn't. Obviously they have no real intel.
The Chinese Communist Party was taken out of power a year ago, according to Judy Byington. And it's a pantomime? Wow, hope so. We are apparently waiting for Martial Law to happen when it all occurs (including NESARA). So just think Martial Law. Then they can bring out the EBS. Hope so!
They are saying it will go down very soon.The next several weeks are said to be "overwhelming", well not for us as we know who has won this. Everything is meant to go as planned and we are just watching a movie.
In Australia, they are giving those who were flooded in NSW the money for their homes at pre-flood price! That is brilliant. It's a buy back. Now they just have to take care of Qld and Victoria, which I believe they will. The media is again saying frightful things about the energy increases but we all know they lie. Yesterday they were attacking our PM but by today that has all disappeared. Idiots.
@psychic and others, I have no idea when arrests and the event will happen. Chop wood, carry water. I have been dealing with day to day things and trying to stay balanced and enjoy the routine nature as much as I can. I havent done meditations in a while but I will start back. My money situation has improved somewhat and with the prices of things increasing so much, instead of saving, I bought things from orgonite to tachyonis products like the amethyst plates and libyan desert glass. I want to be better prepared for a potential overwhelming outside world scenario and those tools will probably help. Food, clothing, shelter, mentality, etc are as good as they are going to get for me.
Cobra my dad isn't going good his birthday yesterday his he able to do the command will it work and which one please thanks, ashtar how is the hostage situation?where are they so I can zone in please and any info in which am able to heal my father ,he has Parkinson's has had three jabs since the booster he has trouble walking keeps seizing up.why is this doctor still allowed to practice! Charging 50$ per visit,I had him do the 771 command early and gave him two cyrstals one in each pocket,he started freaking out his body was racing just started to settle,fuck this guy's take me instead my life is shit I want to die...
@Pain, these two healers have free videos that may help somewhat with people who have been jabbed. They offer sessions that more thoroughly help the jabbed. I think it costs around 200 US dollars.
@BBB, AscendLiberation, Libra J.M.Aquila and others. Many Thanks for your replies about Corey Goode and Cobra. I think to understand the sense of your speech. I will manage to mediate on this matter without focus on one or other argument. Inside my soul i pray and desire strongly a liberation from this darkness. For all of us e for Mother Earth.
Hey everyone, For those that feel guided or simply looking for a place to chat you can join my 2012 portal Discord. We have around 90+ members and we love to talk to all different types of people on their opinions and experiences about the event or anything else that's interesting like the News or current events. Love to see new members as always so I hope you can drop by :)
Wellsir the next 3 days the Satan worshipers will be out in full force doing their evil ... to try and counteract it I will have a bone fire to help burn away the evil spirits. I don't know if it will help but I have got to try. Saturday and Sunday will be dry, but we may get rain Monday. I will keep the fire burning all three days if I can. Also this is the night the EBS is suppose to kick in ... it's a safe bet that isn't going to happen. More clues that we are being played.
@ Sherman ... I'm not talking about the Halloween we have with all the fun stuff for the kids. I'm talking about the people that worship Satan during this time and sacrifice children along with other evil things. That is what I hope to help counteract ... don't know if it will but it's worth a try. Fire still going ... I will keep it going until tomorrow or until the rain if any kills it.
@Libra Has to be in this lifetime, not the next. IF I die, I'm staying dead. In my own personal war with the darkies, victory is achieved by me getting healed and restored in this current life. Should not have to die, and maybe then get what I want, still feels like what religion says, "do this, don't do that, and you'll get (insert here, based on religion) after you die". Be it the pearly gates for the Catholics, baby Jesus not throwing one's ass into a pit of fire (but he LOVES you! :P ), 72 virgins for the Muslims, and whatever the hell the Jews gets....a cubic ton of cash? Gotta be in this lifetime, has to be. Sorry. And seeing as how my father, who literally died in my arms, from massive organ failures, and probably a lot of my uncle, who died about 10 years ago, around this time, spent his final night of life screaming in pain.....not in any hurry to go through any sort of death agony, Libra. My health is fine and good, but still, not in a hurry to die, and to win my personal war, it needs to be in this particular lifetime, it's very difficult to explain otherwise in a sentence, Libra.
@Spirittoo I don't associate Halloween evil. I'm gonna watch some monster movies and some Jason movies, and give some sweets to any kids who knock on the door. *holds up organic, healthy sweets*
@Libra Sherman fears the most that if he dies before being rescued by the LF and transformed into an alien fairy, he will be recaptured by the dark ones and forced to reincarnate in his present body again or maybe a worse one next time. Honestly, I wouldn't feel so sure and so safe after being picked up by the LF and given the bodily changes he so craves for. Critical thinking would dictate: what possibly could hold back the dark forces from attacking the Pleiadian or whatever spacecraft you happen to be, kill you, capture your soul essence again and force you back into the reincarnation trap this time around in an even worse and more horrible body and worst living conditions for daring to stand up to them, huh?
from this article-quote—–Aktove Canyon was given the unofficial name of “The Devil’s Valley.” Anyone who has already visited this incredible natural wonder can say that there is something supernatural here.—–unquote…..
———————————————————————————————————- only about a hundred miles from odessa-this is most probably where a major portal is located that the archons have utlized to deliver their soldiers incarnated - often into human sleeves –and the main stargate of earth exploited by the dark forces to spawn into this matrix - the khazarian empire from hell - infesting the actually extremely powerful human family of the earth surface…..
this human family has held a place for lightforces here on earth for about 26000 years-preventing the dark forces from achieving 100 per cent control here-maintaning 20 plus per cent control of earth-that per centage is much larger now-as critical mass is quickly manifesting-and postitve factions take over the surface in large part very sooooon.....
of course weve had devinely decreed and essential help from our big brothers and sisters on the their starships and such of course-to say the least - hahahahaha.....
when the dark forces lose control of the hero city of odessa – planetary liberation arrives at theatre everywhere very quickly i would propose…..
cobras intel keeps getting supported eventually through various sources that are not always so accurate-yet contain some real juice - as we sift through as we discern through and such as best one can muster of the moment.....thats how we develop discernment skills and such-like anything meditation education training experience research hard work etc are tools to enlightenment.....
and welcome of course all are supermen and superwomen awakening now here in theatre of war operations - now that the etheric implants are being removed we see major changes more each day now in each human walking the earth surface-bravo zulu.....
as the dark forces are now facing massive numbers of humans awakening bigtime - often like grizzly bears awakening after hibernation-very hungry and very angry of course-hahahahaha.....
were in the eye of the needle-keep marching hard lightforces soldiers - as we begin to cross the borderland into a much brighter world......
the earth surface are humanoid territories after all i would propose-and of course were the stewards that must take care and be effective guardians of earth -and protect mother earth and all her lovely creatures from all cosmic criminals outlanders mauraders bandits - from any dark driven agendas that can harm her otherwise.....
the earth surface are humanoid territories - dark forces of all ilks - get out of our yard-hahahahaha.....
and dont forget to laugh-its good for you-hahahahaha.....
I finished watching Stranger Things. It has a lot of predictive programming. A demonic realm with entities that have a hive mind, government black projects run by the US and soviet union including mk ultra type projects, remote viewing, spider entities with mind control abilities, and many others. One person, 001, involved in the projects may not even have a human soul like some of the cabal people. He is a psychopath in human form and in the demonic realm a powerful demon. He uses peoples traumas against them as a weapon and uses mind control to manipulate and guilt trip them. This is a main way the archon network enters into and controls people outside of etheric implants is through peoples traumas. The plot of course makes him a somewhat sympathetic character, at least in his childhood, but his monologue in episode 7 is loaded with predictive programming and odd references to the chimera and archon network running the world as well as eugenics.
Like other fiction they make an argument that humans are a plague and modern life is fake but they leave out that it was created that way by the archon network. Then the characters representing the archon network portray themselves as superior to humans and try to reinforce that humans deserve it. Agent smiths interrogation or morpheus in the matrix is similar. Read 001s monologue for yourself.
"Like you, I didn't fit in with the other children. Something was wrong with me. All the teachers and the doctors said I was…"Broken," they said. My parents thought a change of scenery, a fresh start in Hawkins, might just cure me. It was absurd. As if the world would be any different here. But then… to my surprise, our new home provided a discovery. And a newfound sense of purpose. I found a nest of black widows living inside a vent. Most people fear spiders. They detest them. And yet, I found them endlessly fascinating. More than that, I found a great comfort in them. A kinship.
Like me, they are solitary creatures. And deeply misunderstood. They are gods of our world. The most important of all predators. They immobilize and feed on the weak, bringing balance and order to an unstable ecosystem. But the human world was disrupting this harmony. You see, humans are a unique type of pest, multiplying and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own. A deeply unnatural structure. Where others saw order, I saw a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world dictated by made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day.
I could not do that. I could not close off my mind and join in the madness. I could not pretend. And I realized I didn't have to. I could make my own rules. I could restore balance to a broken world. A predator…but for good. As I practiced, I realized I could do more than I possibly imagined. I could reach into others, into their minds, their memories. I became an explorer. I saw my parents as they truly were. To the world, they presented themselves as good, normal people. But like everything else in this world, it was all a lie. A terrible lie. They had done things, Eleven. Such awful things. I showed them who they really were. I held up a mirror. My naïve father believed it was a demon cursing them for their sins. But my mother somehow knew. Knew it was I who was holding up that mirror,"
president vladimir putin-quote—–The future world order is being formed before our eyes. And in this world order, we must listen to everyone, take into account every point of view, every nation, society, culture, every system of worldviews, ideas and religious beliefs, without imposing a single truth on anyone, and only on this basis, understanding our responsibility for the fate of our peoples and the planet, to build a symphony of human civilization.—–unquote…..
michael salla-quote—–Elon Musk takes control of Twitter & fires top execs behind censorship. Musk wants to help humanity. Happening just before the 2022 mid-terms – major White Hat move allowing truth to come out on many issues including UFOs & ET life – Musk has been briefed.—–unquote…..
breaking news – positive ssp capos make some huge moves on the surface – just before the election thats happening where the heart chakra of the new atlantis resides(probably somewhere in the dakotas i would propose) – just a coincidence of course – not – hahahahaha…..
Libra J. M. Aquila, I never really showed my emotions much either, being a male. Much is expected of me, like working full time and then some. These expectations of me are disempowering.
It's awesome that our interaction went the way it did. Maybe there was no other way to come to these realizations regarding online interactions for all to see.
Out of curiosity What do you mean by fluent in live speaking? Do you need a little practise of talking to people that are strangers?
If that's the case my go-to questions are,
What brings you here? What do you do? Where do you come from? How's it going?
Then I know my follow up by: One thing the person says thats interesting to me, (if there wasn't any ask another question from the above) with some sort of personal experience to that thing, and ask another question about that haha
Doing simple stuff like that help me out alot when I was shy talking to people haha
Don't know if that's what you're talking about but I hope that help if it was 😀
Remember though that it is all about ascension IN our bodies this time.
And changing bodies is usually quite expensive and time intense to prepare and will not be done for everyone.
Also many people including the ascendants are not ready to simply change their bodies, even if they think they are. There are psychological hooks established by the chimera which will fire if the hostages are freed (or change bodies, etc. ). These hooks are quite destructive…
And actually most people should be very afraid of out-of-body experiences at this time, the chimera really collects those people and they might lose their body permanently - that is the risk.
Also that is almost the whole reason for most consciousness-altering drugs - they give those drugs to get you out of your bodies. That is also why these drugs are oftentimes described as -personality-changing, oftentimes the people never come back.
So please stay stable as much as you can, the situation is still very serious on Earth.
Yeah, these people who are obsessed with going after Cobra may be cabal. I mean, why be so focused on going after Cobra? Even if these people really do believe Cobra is cabal, why not go after Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and so forth? Cobra as a cabal member (I don't believe him to be cabal at all) would be extremely small fish compared to the rest. Cobra certainly isn't trying to bring about WW3 and the not-so-great reset, unlike the cabal.
Libra J. M. Aquila, excellent theory, and I concur!
There is significant movement, whereas, the darkness comes out of various concealed places in people, so that it can be dissolved. This is momentarily unstable, but perhaps is the only way to get it cleared - darkness is catalyzed to expose itself, going into the Light. Then when enough is cleared, people awaken to their true natures.
@Unknown Really... we're down to correcting each other's grammar now? You actually took the time to post this comment for that...? 🤣 😆 😄 That's rich... 👍
Sebastian (TheUnveiling33), yeah, I've been more focused on being in the body.
In the past there were body snatching attempts that were made on me. Perhaps in the right circumstances, it would be ok to go out of body though. It depends on who it is and the degree by which they are being targeted. Lightworkers would do well to be very careful.
I stay away from drugs, including caffeine and marijuana. I absolutely could not stand how marijuana made me feel when I tried it several years ago. I would even start to see negative Ets on it.
Yeah, my main thing is to experience the Light coming into the body. There are times when my body feels quite saturated in various types of Light. I agree with your assessment.
There may be some instability for purification of darkness in people, but it's nothing that can't be handled - I think.
I recently revisited this post from 2015... Because Cobra explained very well FORGIVENESS-- and how important it is for planetary liberation and what we want to create for ourselves. Take a look. I did. I've looked at this recently several times. And it is wonderful information.
@Unknown I'm pretty sure COBRA, the LF and RM got the point of my message. I'm 100% certain that they're NOT judging us on our grammar. 😆 🤣 😂 However, if that's your "thing". to make yourself feel important to take the time to correct people on their grammar... good luck with that.👍 There are far more important things to concentrate on my friend and for me that's definitely NOT one of them.
I know @Libra. It just seemed like an insignificant thing to do. Almost like NEEDING to justify value by how many comments one can make on this blog is a commen thing on here. Especially negative contributions for no apparent reason other than needing to see oneself posted constantly to feel important or to get a fix. I prefer to stay in the background most of the time but if there's something positive I can say to contribute to our dialog I will. I'm certainly not going to correct other people's grammar, spelling or goofy nonsense like that...🙄 The INTENT of what's being said is what matters... not the grammar or spelling. Otherwise we'd ALL be in trouble... 😆 🤣
@One Of 144K Sorry, but I must! It's part of the job of being an English teacher. I can't stand people writing "must OF" instead of "must've" (I wonder how people can be so ignorant and not realize "must OF" doesn't make any sense). If we are going to evolve into something better we should first start by writing and speaking correctly. 👍
Hooray !!!! VOTL
ReplyDeleteAs shown in figure🖐🏼
At the end of this picture is the answer. I encourage you to share your inspiration and guidance.
I didn't take cooperation seriously at first, which may be the beginning of cooperation.
I hope you and I will never forget to cooperate.
💓New Discoveries🎉 🤗
This is a hand pulling other hands
diffused💧 resonance💖 resound✨
We speak German:
“It is like a glass of very pure water. How many drops of ink can be dropped into that glass of water before the water is no longer clear but is seen as cloudy/dirty?”
“Still, it would be great if everyone tried to make sure the drops they put in the glass of water were clear, or at least not dark ink.”
5th Dimension: Words are a powerful form of energy and whether the intent is negative or positive and it can influence changes in perceptions
Most people know what they should do, don't they? 😂The answers are more readily available at a young age
It's more like people have made their own choices on the premise of knowing this fact clearly.🤗
Someone's comments can have some synchronization with my content, and I look forward to the increase of such linked content in the future.It looks like there is cooperation in information.
Cobra: And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected.
but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.
Yes. And of course, most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I'm not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave.
Ladder of Light✨✨
get rid🔒 liberate🎉 be reborn🌏✨
🖐🏼About Handholding🤗
there is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.✨
As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.
The above information will be sent repeatedly to deepen the impression.
Great job everyone. Closer every day ! 💚
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Way to go LF and RM!
The mentality of these people is fairly close to how I had the mentality to be able to refuse the death shot without fear. I chose to be hunter in the mind, not the victim, and so I had 'Divine help':
Delete[Machine translated from Russian]
"Instead of panic, fear and pessimism - each of us needs to turn on the "hunter" inside ourselves, and say goodbye to the "victim" syndrome forever.
If you feel like a "victim" - "Ukrainian hunters" will come and get a "trophy" in the form of your head.
We, the liberators of Novorossiya and Little Russia, have been raising a “hunter” within ourselves for years, as a result of which our opponents on the other side of the front will go to the morgue, and not us...
Please do not [ just ] read, but to understand what is written above!"
Victory of the LIGHT!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat special day is November 7th?
ReplyDeleteIt is total lunar eclipse!
DeleteAnd on this day, a Uranus eclipse also occurs, with Uranus hidden by the Moon. In other words, the sun, earth, moon, and Uranus will be aligned!
DeleteThe next day on the 9th, Uranus and Mercury will be in opposition across the Sun. It will be almost in alignment with Uranus, Sun, and Mercury! What a position! The outer planet Uranus and the most inner planet Mercury will be in alignment!
DeleteAnd on this day November 9th, Saturn is nearly square the Moon, Uranus, and the Sun, Mercury, and Venus!
DeleteSome key stuff to keep you busy until the update
ReplyDelete( incr. awareness of the following can help accelerate the liberation)
1) Mass Meditation
2) Tachyons & Chambers
3) Positive Military ( to help clear pits , then intervention can happen)
4) The Event
5) Archons
6) Goddess / S.O.R.
7) Cobra Map
Hold The Light !
Higher Power/Coldpay --
Rebirth of the society mass meditation invitation
ReplyDeleteWe invite you to join us on October 23th, in our Rebirth Of The Society mass meditation. The aim of this meditation is to remove all the toplet bombs, weapons from the dark foces that prevent the planetary ascension and the golden age.
Please, share the meditation with as many people as you can. This meditation has the potential to be very decisive for the planetary ascension, because we will be using the power of the Source Prime Creator (God) to disarm the bombs, and not our own power.
Here is the link to the guided meditation:
And here is the link to the meditation instructions:
These final days will be decisive to increase our possibility of reaching the critical mass of 144.000 participants, so the help of each of you will count. Don't forget to download the guided meditation to avoid internet problems at the time of the meditation.
See you on October 23th.
There are much less toplet bombs remaining, therefore, a big meditation could have removed all of them, especially if we are requesting the help and power of the Source Prime Creator, which is infinitely more powerful than us.
DeleteNo, thanks. Got more useful things to do.
Delete@Libra J.M Aquila
DeleteI'm sorry, but i'm not interested in it. All i'm going to say is that, if there are Cobra listeners who are not interested in meditating to remove toplet bombs, there is a very high chance someone is manipulating their minds negatively.
Hey cobra how is everyone doing? Massive snakes head in the sky the other night,oh iam sorry serphant head with a bright star in the right eye.then I turn around and there is a massive human face,where the left eye is black.first time I felt like I was in a dome and these beings were peering in,wow sick Of feeling drained cobra need to get fit for what is coming I will need help with this piece.take care everyone God bless ✨ victory of the light...
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light! ✨
ReplyDeleteIam pretty sure the bright light in the right eye of the serpent was a ship,the clouds around its head started forming a pattern akin to sacred geometry it was hypnotic.the human face with the black left eye (sometimes looked like a patch)was drifting across the sky before I asked it what's wrong with your eye then it froze staring at me lol,it always happens when I don't have my phone to take photos lol,yep I will only be commenting here from now on iam done elsewhere 💀
ReplyDeleteDid the face look something similar to "I pet goat 2"?
DeleteInteresting it had a black eye to,left eye my right no not the same face it wasn't evil..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJe le ressens dans mon coeur comme dans mon Âme c'est proche je ressens cette liberté. Victoire de la Lumière.
ReplyDeleteLFs must solve problems of JinPing Xi, or I will punish you LF because of your weakness , after the Event.
ReplyDeleteJinPing's face is almost always expressionless, and it seems to be spiritless. I believe that he is one of those puppets who can hardly exercise his free will. It is necessary to defeat a higher-level entity.
DeleteNo, he often takes part in dark ceremonies.
DeleteFew months ago, the order to persecute the Chinese lightworkers was given by him personally, and he had already met and interacted with Chimera.
is their plan it to destroy the sun ,
ending nature ascension waves in 2023-25 from galactic center?
10.15 and 10.22 two fire balls are gone into the sun by almost same location .it is like weapon attack.
NOAA records it.
and I found 10.15 sunlight are chaotic not rainbow diamond.
and the two days I feeling really bad .
is those their last plan?
Who is trying to breach security I assume the negative ETs are under control ...??
ReplyDeleteWoohoo!!! VOTL!
ReplyDeleteHere's to China returning to the original vision of Sun Yat-Sen within our lifetimes.
ReplyDeleteLet's do it
ReplyDeleteWe are close
Great news, thank you. Please do not forget todays toplet bomb removal meditation offered via Earthdragon here: See you later!
ReplyDeleteit's a pity that there's no "like" function in Blogger. I want to click "like" for it.
ReplyDeleteKeep fighting everyone!!! VOTL
ReplyDeleteI hope so
ReplyDeleteCan someone explain what is being said here by Cobra? I'm new to this page and I don't understand the codes
ReplyDeleteNo one really knows but the resistance movement he speaks to for liberation of the planet.The codes are only for the RM. More confusing I know. Research.
' Revenge is a double-edged sword. Justice is a rapier. '
Victory of the Light!! Hope things will go better from here on out.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if anyone is feeling bad these days, I strongly recommend getting an energy healing. There are a lot of healers around and I am one of them. But I am more than willing to heal you without taking your money before the session!
Thanks to everyone, and to Cobra.
Greetings Family of Light . We have a Mass Meditation on tuesday at 6 am est with the 144k Please consider participating as we focus our Intention and attention towards planetary liberation . It is a Grand Time to Open your Celestial Wings and Soar on the Winds of Love .
Let we bring love for everyone who will come with us to new earth. 144k wil be ready as ever before.........
DeleteCobra, with all respect, the meditations will be in unison, when you say: all of you, from this moment do the meditation X..... you are a command leader for are the force recognized by will see that many comply!
ReplyDeleteStop Waiting on The Event Part 2 - An Analogy for Further Explanation
ReplyDeleteThere are those who have taken out of context what I said in my post, "Stop Waiting on the Event." The message was quite simple, but for clarification purposes, I will use an analogy:
Suppose you are working at a seasonal job harvesting rice. You have several rice paddies to harvest. The work is very repetitive and grueling, and it will take a period of 4 months. Each work day lasts 8-10 hours, depending on the different sizes of the rice paddies. Some rice paddies take longer to harvest than others, and 2 rice paddies per day must harvested, which is several tons of rice. Various machinery is used, and several boards are put in the water to round up the rice. The rice is also along the banks of the paddies, so must be raked and rounded up around the perimeters. There is a gas powered elevator for that scoops it up into trucks when it's rounded up with the boards. A shovel must be used to help push the rice into the elevator. The boards need to be tightened around the rice when being loaded into the trucks. I could go on and on about the details of the harvesting, and this is not meant to be exactly accurate. The idea is to illustrate the slow and meticulous nature of the harvest.
Ok, so, what's the most loosh-generating way to perceive the rice harvest? Probably something like this:
"All I want is to get this over with, but 4 months of this? This is going to take forever! I can't even stand 2 hours! I'm already sick to death of this! I hate this! On and on it goes. It's neverending! I just want this to be done! I can't stand this! So slow... so very slow... oh God it's so slow... I just want to die!"
Just put The Event in place of rice harvesting. Except that with The Event, it's several years, and for some, even decades. And, it doesn't help that people were under the impression that The Event would happen in a certain timeframe, and then this timeframe kept being moved into the future.
The healthiest way to deal with the rice harvest (being used as an analogy for The Event), is as follows:
"I'm not going to focus on the end result of the harvest being done. I'm going to focus on my immediate day. I will not allow thoughts about the future of being done with the harvest to enter my mind. I will just do what needs to be done in the moment. I will also have free time after each work day to do what I enjoy. There are many things I look forward to at the end of each work day that make me happy!"
See the difference?
You seem to have a lotta knowledge on rice paddies and rice harvest.
DeleteYeah, yeah! Everybody is fucking sick of this harvest. Everybody wanna enjoy a nice dish of rice for fucks sake.
DeleteYou are trying to push away people from event it seems i do agree its not healthy tho to focus on it
DeleteLibra J. M. Aquila, thank you for the thoughts. It's true, it can be very difficult to put what I wrote into practice. I keep getting caught up in the future (a future of monotony when it comes to jobs), and then I realize that this thinking is leading me down an internal road of despair, so I then cancel out the thinking and become present again. The more I practice this, the weaker the 'despair neural pathways' are used, weakening them.
DeleteAs for others doing this, I agree about your 3 categories. Those who are ready to internalize the advice to be present will do so, and those who are not, will not. Some may have the motivation to do so, while others may not. I can't force this on anyone, but they may come to have similar realizations on their own.
Don't we manifest the event by literally thinking about it and expecting it any moment? Isn't that how it works collectively millions of people manifesting the event by thinking it is going to happen now! We are co creative beings so collectively if we all expect it now it should happen now. There will always be some obstacle that can be pointed to stopping it.. of course I have read so many times nothing can stop what is evidently there might be if toplet bombs are the issue...but haven't they been the issue now for several years..before that there was another issue.. see my pt..sorry but it's been years now since in a post or interview we heard Draco ships were being taken out by the war had commenced that was in 2018. I am positive but simply don't understand why the people on earth can't be informed and the dark humans removed now and all positive humans healed and updated about what has been happening lifetime after lifetime to the... Thanks Doug
ReplyDeleteMy experience, at least, is that The Event doesn't manifest by thinking about it. One can be present, and bring the Light through, letting go of the end result of The Event. That's a much healthier way to be. I notice that a tremendous amount of loosh is generated by fixating on the future. The time is Now.
DeleteLook suppose we are cocreators, if all we want is liberation, why don't we just manifest liberation, why do we need to manifest event? In his book Message to Groundcrew didn't George Green said you should let go of how you want your goal fulfilled. Is our goal, an Event, or final liberation? If the later, why put so much emphasize on the former? Aret we being manipulated into believing that it is necessary while we are creating it?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletenot exactly what I'd call manifesting. That's just asking someone to make and bring you a pizza.
I'd prefer it more like *wave hands, shout, "I create a pizza!* Then a pizza pops out of thin air. Or making water into wine with a wave of the hand, or snapping my fingers, like Q from Star Trek and BOOM, something appears.
Been having ascension symptoms since 2010, Libra.
Delete«La prima creatura di Dio fu la luce».
ReplyDelete(Francesco Bacone)
Famiglia Interstellare. Vittoria della Luce!!! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!💖👏💫💜✨♒♾✴🎀
The last line of defense before the forces of light can physically intervene on the surface is the so-called pit.
ReplyDeleteHave the forces of light cleared all the pits by now? Are they ready to physically intervene on the surface?
This is not a negative comment. But do people really believe that there will be an event soon? I had believed for many years that it would happen. I truly believe now that happyness lays within. I've seen the world change so much in the past 20 years. And it's not getting any better regarding how we are as people. And it's definitely not getting any better regarding how elected folk go a out their business.
ReplyDeleteFrom The Power of Now:
ReplyDelete"The end is an idea, a point in the mind-projected future, when salvation in whatever form - happiness, fulfillment, equality, liberation, and so on - will be attained. Not infrequently, the means of getting there are the enslavement, torture, and murder of people in the present.
If it is the quality of your consciousness at this moment that determines your future, then what is it that determines the quality of your consciousness? Your degree of presence. So the only place where true change can occur and where the past can be dissolved is the Now."
ReplyDeleteBecause it's all a fucking lie and we are being played. Didn't you realized that by now? Nobody knows what really is going on behind this thick veil of lies and deceit. It's all a giant video game for someone's amusement and we are the avatars.
The vertical and the horizontal, and looking deeper:
Hello everyone, all Im going to ask from all of you is to ask God, the source, the central sun every night as you pray, meditate or anyway you call on the power, the LIGHT, ASK for the great SOLAR FLASH to occur now. Its the only way we as loving people to survive this onslaught of evil that has broken everything. ASK GOD FOR THE COMPRESSION BREAKTHROUGH NOW! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT.
ReplyDeleteExactly haven't all the meditations been to speed up the event? To se dominos falling? Are we not behind in terms of a solar flash? Are we supposed to just ignore if all and keep smiling and live our lives for ourselves be happy and if it happens it happens..I mean it's been 10 years which I know is no time at all but for a person waking up and realizing they are in a prison it's an eternity. Daily people are dying of the jab, cancer, HIV, hunger, murder etc..isn't enough enough what value does this all really offer a soul ascending up thru each dimension back to Source ultimately? Well we shall soon see who is who..galactics keep pushing it back so perhaps we have been played I don't think so but it'd all a holographic simulator so who the hell knows for sure what's really true
Delete(I'm writing so many things because so much is coming through. It's almost too much to keep track of, sorry.)
ReplyDeleteBoth Sides Believe They Will Be Destroyed
Just now in the dreamstate, I had a dream about homosexuals being oppressed. I resonated with the mindset of homosexuals being persecuted when in the dream. In the waking state though, I most often return to a mindset that looks at the larger picture. I have returned to this perspective:
Left vs. Right is a struggle that never ends, because conflict begets conflict. Regarding the upcoming mid-term election in the US, the far left believes their side will be oppressed and even genocided if the far right wins, and the far right believes the same if the far left wins.
To stop civil war in the US, both sides of the political spectrum need (for lack of better words at the moment) to 'chill out.'
To surpass the cabal/negative elites, it would be far more effective to NOT have this be tied to any political side.
People can have various sexualities and beliefs and so forth without allowing these characteristics to define them. This is once again why the works of Eckhart Tolle are so important in current times, because currently, so many people in the world are trying to have various identities, and these identities then form into hyper-polarized group consciousnesses, often resulting in... civil wars/genocides (history repeating itself).
(For those who are not into Eckhart Tolle's works, that's fine too. There are many ways to realize oneself beyond assigned identities.)
😊 🌌
DeleteWhat if I were to tell you the the right wing, and the left wing and part of the same bird.
Deletepicked up on the attack in 3D, seen them, was 5 individuals looking for trouble, possessed they moved in a pack, circling the fishing hole, I seen my window of mistake and took to its correction. They moved by us, one staring, deeply as if he was not happy to be deflected off target. They moved to another, she stood ground, took kids to safety and as I made my turn to go help her as it was escalating, her mate come running down. I would have trashed those fools and been in all kinds of trouble... Thank you for the light support as that is not my wishes, fight will come when Source says so, until then, I will stay the course.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Libra, there are ignorant assholes everywhere. I learned one thing in life: when you are being attacked for no reason, when you are harming no one, you know you're on the right path and the dark ones don't like it and want to run you off the tracks.
Keep on going your way and ignore the motherfuckers!
ReplyDeletePlz, update us!
"Lightworkers" nitpicking one another...
ReplyDeleteNo wonder darkness keeps winning, they stick together...
Absolute strength is no joke... and agree, thanks for this post.
DeleteEveryone should understand the game by now. Love one another. Find the beauty in eachother. This doesnt mean the game isn't a challenge. It has pitfalls. Loving each other isn't always easy when we each have different relative experiences that don't always align. We have different guidelines and values.
DeleteBest thing to do in a conflict is to see what each will gain from their misunderstandings of eachother and misunderstanding of the codes cobra so oddly posts.
Security breach deflected at 501
Infinity+1, it's not a good thing that's been going on lately. Sorry if I was a part of that. Best thing to do is ignore others if they do that sort of thing. I hope the latest mess in the comments here doesn't interfere with key operations.
DeleteSeria bom finalmente pararmos para pensar o quanto de cooperação precisa entre nós porque se houvesse essa coesão de ajuda mútua e genuíno amor de um para o outro o evento já estaria mais próximo! Acho que talvez sejamos muito mais abalados pela manipulação do que possamos acreditar
DeleteNo they don't. They are throwing each other under the bus, stabbing each other on the back trying to save their own pathetic old skin.
DeleteHeinz Kissinger est-il toujours en vie ?
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for doing such a hard work, finalizing a complet file for mobile devices and even for us, who stay more on tablet or PC. Cobra mentioned many times to make copies and duplicate his posts, as we know a few disappeared from his blog in the past. I have a blog for example, which contains many other blogs, but not all conferences or interviews are displayed yet. I will read your file and I am very happy to have another great source of intel shared in one place. Regarding the discussions online, in the group, here on comments or in different social media, do not pay attention to people who disturb your entire energy, your thinking and your day ...
ReplyDeletemany carry negativity inside them and without recognizing it, unfounded and painful things are thrown at us daily. I recover myself going in loneliness, going inside and meditate more, having less or no any discussions, doing something spiritual, reading or watching a video about positive things like training myself in cosmic science which I love since my childhood, Egyptology, etc, or listening some relaxing music or viewing videos like the videos made by Alaje the Pleiadian, I love these videos so much. And of course, I do not continue the arguments and contradictory discussion. We all have to learn to see and follow positive persons, who are an example for us, rather than be attentive to persons which is not worth it. Much love to you!
Iam done with the charade disconnecting from all that no longer serves me,that includes family friends etc,it is this simple you are either with me or against me.why defend anyone just to be stabbed in the back only amongst the darkness can you see the light✨...
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal April 2018
Gaiaportal has emphasized that the statements are rather energy-bound than time-bound. That is, they can also occur much later.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would like to share an amazing experience about "Command 771".
ReplyDeleteOn the night of October 24, I was lying in bed, feeling sad and wanting to cry about the chaos in my life and society at large.
I tried to say "Command 771" many times in my mind, and within seconds there was a wonderful change in my body and breathing, and I noticed that the negative emotions disappeared very quickly. In less than 10 seconds
"Command 771" seems to be working better now!
Cobra had indicated in an interview that the techniques behind the commands are constantly being improved.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've watched a few videos from Alaje the Pleiadian. He very much has the pleiadian views, to listen to him say people are going on with silly doings (which on earth, we are, especially if you are pleiadian) - I can't recall his exact words. You know, earth humans are silly sometimes according to the pleiadians, I can see a few views there simultaneously, I see the pleiadian view, yet I can see it as an earth human would see it. Like a multi-view or an omni-perspective of it. I think because I spent time in the pleiadies in the past? Not sure but I always have both these views, even though these contradict each other. I need to develop more omni-perspective also. It's a very good practice.
ReplyDeleteAfter the meditation at the exact moment of new moon during the solar eclipse, I feel a very calming energy in the whole environment.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Corey Goode last update the story is this: Disagree with COBRA narrative... My question, from ignorant simple human; who to believe? the two stories do not coincide on times and places...
ReplyDeleteSee if this helps
Deleteany further Q's , let me know
& if any have any good quotes missed that are relevant please share
Trying to keep a balance & neutral understanding here although it may not be super exciting for certain sources but the intention is to help & bring clarity
According to my understanding of how this all works... All the information like this and that has some targeted audiences to reach, they serve as kind of "voting" process. This is like in US you heard two commercials one for a candidate the other attacking. It is like on Chinese social media you saw one group supporting Putin and Russia and the other against.
DeleteNow, each one of us has some intrinsic attitudes, either born with or pre-programmed inside ourselves, either inside the brain center or the heart center, that when you see these different campaign materials, you are triggered differently.
Some people like Putin, Trump, Xi, the conservative part of the story, some people like the more liberal part, and in their heart they vote differently. Together, since these two factions, or rather we call them actors on two sides of the same War, are then propelled by the conscious energy of the people who unconsciously support them. Sort of like what was described in the Hidden Hand Interview on Above Top Secret.
People, unaware, unconscious, their conscious energy, their approval and dis-approval, collectively drives the Wars we are seeing on he reality stage.
With big data, analytical tracking everywhere, as also described in Project Camelot's interview with Bill Deagle, by observing your reaction and behavior changes after seeing these different news, the System knows you better.
I know I for one believe Cobra, simply because he talks about what I heard from Ashtar. We are leaving and it isn't too far away. So I agree with the Cobra narrative all the way...100%
DeleteWatch ascend liberation,Cobra
DeleteI used to follow Corey but his updates were depressing me and his latest he doesn't mention the galactics ..the pleaidians sirians arcturians etc he talks about a zulu galactic race taking the lead and federations of galactic nations or something ug...and how 2033 is the new date for the mico nova how can this be if the pole shift is 2025? We have 11 yes to go what's the pt nobody will be alive by then if something isn't done to stop the cabal and their plans ..Wilcock went rogue up at his cabin in CO...let his beautiful wife go too..she was amazingly awake's crazy to me...
Delete"Talk to the hand." 😂
No "Happiness Police Officer" this time.
OK, I go questions if you care to answer:
- You said this is your last incarnation, you have no intentions of ever being in the flesh again because this last incarnation put you off. So you want to be just in your astral/lightbody and exist as a formless energy being when this game is over? Or you want to live in a female body but on a higher dimension and different planet?
- What if it's not possible to be transformed thru med bed tech or whatever into an attractive woman body and spend some time here to enjoy your new avatar because there is no more time and humans have to be evacuated for the Solar Flash and earth terraforming changes? What then? What are your backup plans in case that doesn't come true?
- Let's say you finally get your wishes granted either in this life or after the Solar Flash in some mothership or Pleiadian planet, what then? What do you plan to do with your new improved body? Will it serve some specific purpose?
Just curious... You don't have to answer if you don't want to...
DeleteWilcock went rogue on his cabin...😂 Guess his wife left him bcse she had enough of his stupid jokes and inflated ego... Now he doesn't even have the motivation to groom his hair and is looking like a mad scientist. 😂
Delete1: What I want and need is this body, this flesh to be corrected. I am pretty sure that alien tech can femininze me, and, hopefully, alienize me. In the VERY least, I am sure they can at least make me LOOK and SOUND like a I mentioned, the aforementioned Bailey Jay would be fine....but also to change my genetics so I am also alien, and no longer a genetically floored primate, aka human, and to take me off planet. I want NOTHING to do with the earth, liberated or not, and go to my REAL home planet. I'll only stay on earth long enough to maybe get a one night stand with some woman, and then hop on board the mothership, if there's no time for that, no biggy.
2: As I said, earth's not in my equation. Once on the alien starship, and having been restored, I'll be cracking open the alien equivalent of champagne and celebrate.
3: What else, LIVE. Live the life I SHOULD have had, live a real life span, for millennia, or if possible, physical immortality (I heard it's an option to those who want it), and see what this galaxy, if not more, has to offer.
And it MUST ALL be in THIS lifetime.
DeletePlus you forgot that Wilcock's also packed on some extra weight. Least mad scientists can be useful.
ReplyDeleteTu sai chi Sei e lo sanno anche loro! Proteggi la Tua purezza d’animo che se alcune volte sembra fragilità rappresenta comunque il più Grande Potere che hai: la Sensibilità!!! COMPLIMENTI PERCHE’ TI STAI RIVELANDO PER QUELLO CHE SEI – UN ESSERE UMANO!!! Un grande abbraccio di Luce da parte mia, Vittoria della Luce!!! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!💖👏💫💜✨♒♾✴🎀
ReplyDeleteNovember 8, exactly the same day as the midterm elections in the U.S. On November 9, 1989, the holy number 33 years ago, we all did break down the Berlin Wall. And November 11 is coming up. 11 is a holy number. That day is the eleventh number of the eleventh month. What a coincidence that Saturn is almost square to the Moon and Uranus during a total lunar eclipse, and that Saturn is almost square to the Sun, Mercury, and Venus during a total lunar eclipse! (And that Uranus is hidden by the Moon in the Uranus eclipse!)
ReplyDeleteThat's right, sometimes we can feel an attraction to other positive species and a kind of resonance like this feeling for the Pleiadians. I clearly remember, from childhood I was a quiet person, not very friendly, if I think deeply, I somehow felt that I was not well understood, my pure soul and love did not fit into the picture at all. I had and even now I only have a few friends, always making a selection and letting people in my life with higher vibrations and higher percentages of love then lower in their heart. I resonate very well with Cobra's teachings and soul, we are both Pleiadians, and even with Alaje, I do not know him personally, but I agree with his vision of ascension, the importance of cultivating love and forgiveness and too support. each other even those who are not on the right path of ascension, guiding and helping them to heal, to be ready for the cosmic wave of love at the event. I can't wait for the EVENT, if people had it earlier, our life would be much better and brighter now! But, we have the timeframe according to Cobra, and it is not so long! Please, hold the Light and be strong, full of love and compassion, gratitude for each day and our chance to change the world! Victory of the Light and much gratitude to Cobra!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear your voice Libra and yes... when WE engage in commenting to one WE are communicating with ALL on this blog including our Galactic cousins which is comforting to me. I'm sure we'll all meet soon after the Event and have some good laughs looking back on our blog comments... 😀
ReplyDeleteHealings come as the Golden Age approaches
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal of 2012
ReplyDeleteSound very sincere!
Nice German accent, mate!
Great step to take Libra! I'm actually envious that you beat me to this way of communicating but I was hoping to be inspired musically and put my voice to music but need to find the right words to apply so it's impactful to this stellar group of Starseeds and Lightwarriors! Still might happen but proud of you to take this initiative.👏
ReplyDeleteThanks. It's a big thing seeing someone not thinking I'm some agent of the new world order, simply because I'm not prancing about, shouting "LOVE AND LIGHT!" or "NAMESTE!" or "VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!", like some knee jerk catch phrase. And if I WAS a cabal troll, I'd be pissed, seeing as I've yet to see any gold Ferrari, piles of precious gems or any concubines showing up, yet.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's also good to see someone seeing how wounded I am.
*Fist bumps Libra*
ReplyDeleteGoing Back to My Roots.
Thank you and Bye Bye.
Libra J. M. Aquila, Interesting, thank you. Hopefully this reply here won't be censored like the rest of my replies were. Some of my replies were a bit hostile, but it's my call to make whether or not I delete them. By censoring me like this while others are allowed to speak their minds, my free will has been directly violated.
ReplyDeleteYou seem like a reasonable person when listening to you talk. I have no 'qualms' with you now. It has been a learning experience interacting with you, and I hope that the journey for you here goes well! Thank you for creating the document of Cobra's interviews.
We keep hearing in the alternative media that "the sh-- is about to hit the fan."
ReplyDeleteWe are told that soon we will all see what is going on. Maybe we will see the US military on the streets.
Of course, the USA mid-term election is coming up (November 8, same day as the next big eclipse) and the alternative press is saying that the election won't happen.
Or it will happen but it will be a gigantic, neverending mess with lots of protests and violence.
We can all stay calm, of course. I was really off this morning, with today's eclipse. I just lost it -- I was not calm -- and I'm sorry about that.
In Europe, we keep hearing about European countries, one after another, are making deals with Russia to keep the fuel flowing to get them through winter.
Lots of protests we hear about in France and Germany because of the war-mongering and sanctions against Russia. New leadership in other countries? Such as Italy.
Can you clue us in, Cobra?
Is the situation in Ukraine becoming resolved?
Will Europe have fuel?
Will we see a US election?
Are bad guys all over the world being arrested?
How is the clearing of the subquantum anomaly going? Operation Mjolnir?
Implants? Toplet bombs?
Is our spiritual awakening happening? (Protests seem to be evidence of that, but if leaders keep war-mongering, the protests don't matter......)
Thank you and Victory of the Light!
Astral: Thank you. I feel more light coming through too. I'm glad you are saying this.
DeleteLibra: Glad you are saying you are, too.
BBB: I'm sorry that you have as much corruption in Croatia as we do in the US. This kind of corruption hurts the innocent people who work hard and are simply trying to have a life. It is quite unfair.
I hope we hear from Cobra soon! I always feel better when I read about progress of the Light Forces...
Victory of the Light! :)
Devon, sending you a little ho'oponopono.
DeleteCobra mentioned it here, along with an excellent explanation of forgiveness.
Do you still have a telegram? We could chat there sometime, if you'd like.
ReplyDeleteThe primary source of depression for me is future timelines like Corey Goode's. Corey Goode's timeline goes into the 2030's for negative forces being cleared.
ReplyDeleteForgetting about the future (and past), and being in the present moment, is the only relief I've ever known from depression and suicidal thinking.
Thinking about the future has become a mental prison. One can plan for the future, true, but this whole 2030's timeframe thing is something I will be sure to avoid.
I like the idea, saves a lot of space in comments section indeed as you said, and it's a nice change of pace from the usual commentary.
ReplyDeleteJust want to say your voice is good and it feels "cool", it reminds me of those people I saw before online with a really cool, chill, calm and level-headed personality, though I don't know you personally so those are just my general first impression from the overall "feel" of hearing the voice.
One of the things that caught my attention though is the "I'm not a woman, 'unfortunately'", why is it "unfortunately"? Checked your profile just now and it seems the "gender" in there is Female. Is there a reason why you put "Female" in your profile but then you're actually a biological male all along?
Oh pls don't take my questions the wrong way though I mean no harm, I'm just genuinely wondering. Here in the eastern part of Asia I grew up in an environment wherein someone with a male biological functions and organs labels themselves as male and not female, and vice-versa, I only commonly see this thing online on the western part of the world. Sorry it's just so foreign to me as to why people do this hence I'm asking questions.
If you're not comfortable answering, then it's ok.
I'm also wondering on the "unfortunate" part? Don't you feel blessed being born in a male body with all its exclusive biological functions and Masculine-energies embodied in physical form, with regards to THIS particular incarnation you have?
The Soul within has both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects and can freely express either-or, or both without limitations from a temporary and perishable physical body, as such--so being born in a male or female body lets one experience the beautiful (and ugly) things about it; for experience and learning process... but why the need to label the current learning opportunity and experience as "unfortunate" when the physical body and its "Labels" is just a temporary business anyway, why not take advantage of it and embrace it for this lifetime and see the male-side of life as a blessing?
Although, I think it would be wonderful after first contact that ET technology comes up that enables smooth, safe, painless and fast manner of changing biological sex on a physical body; sure would be nice thing to have for those who want to do it too so they have a choice and can enact on it instead of being subject to their primary choice on what body to be born in...
Sorry I might appear very clueless at this point but that's just because these things that other people do with regards to their biological sex and mismatching the labeling of Male and Female with regards to their biological functions is so foreign to me.
Offplanet media
ReplyDeleteThe receivers this holo earth
I'd like a butt-naked woman like you. You seem to be really fun! Please keep being yourself. You're such a goddess! ;)
ReplyDeleteI was being sent a great amount of love and light last night before bed. Then in the dreamstate, I dream about bizarre entities that are unhealthy to see. Then after this in the dreamstate, I see the cartel take over a families home, and then there is gang raping going on. So, when people say "Don't complain," it's true that there are those who complain about stuff that they shouldn't. But when this is the kind of thing that keeps happening, where love and light comes through only to have my fucking heart ripped out again (these dreams are more than just dreams), this is why I want nothing to do with the Light Forces or this blog anymore. Going to censor this one too Cobra?
DeleteWhen you see like that, you leave your body and see reality somewhere else. Such is the one who has awakened.
DeleteThe voice is like the frequency of the soul. You have quite a pleasant and soothing voice. I don't know you, but by your voice tone and frequency I can tell that your a good-natured soul. Keep recording inspirational voice messages. This comment section is mostly boring and the collective needs something soothing and positive for a change.
Gratitude for your voice messages.
Libra J. M. Aquila, I did the 771 protocol every day in a row for a month, a few months ago. I've also done the 12 21 several times. At one point I was doing the 12 21 every time I would get a stinging sensation. Suffice it to say, I was saying it quite a bit, lol! I tapered off the protocols after not experiencing positive results. Not to say no one will have positive results with this though. Many have.
DeleteI'm glad you feel that way about transgenderism and that you liked my post. It's wonderful to have someone who has a female soul in a male body to live with such a situation in such a healthy way!
True, my work has been mentioned on 2012portal before. I heavily promoted previous mass meditations by emailing hundreds of meditation centers in the US and other countries throughout the planet. But the abuse is so extreme and it never lets up. I've had hundreds of dreams of the most graphic and abusive scenarios possible over the years. I've also been sexually abused in the dreamstate. It's horrible beyond words, and it just keeps happening. So, I'm super pissed off because I'm thinking that nothing is really getting cleared at all, contrary to what's being said. I'm led to believe that it is, but then discover that it isn't. But there is one other possibility I will mention in a separate comment. I'm going to give one last thing a chance.
The most insulting thing anyone can ever do to me online is to censor me. I'd rather have someone cuss at me and insult me than to censor me. There is no higher insult than silencing my voice. I would have deleted some of my replies anyway though, lol! I got pretty aggressive. I was tried from a long day's work and in an extremely bad mood at the time. I shouldn't take this out on others though.
Cobra doesn't have anything against me, I agree. I just am having a very, very difficult time. I really thought things would be so much better in the world at this point, and I'm disappointed beyond words. But, I will just have to adapt. If I can't, then perhaps it's time that I 'call it a life.'
Thank you for your replies and wonderful audio clips. I'm sorry for making premature and incorrect judgements upon you.
Devon, it's true about a substantial portion of transgendered people being brainwashed and mentally ill. However, there are those who really do have female souls in male bodies, who did not have any brainwashing, who are not mentally ill.
Delete(Also of course vice-versa - male souls in female bodies.)
Deletetransgenderism has been around for a looong time, it's not something that just showed up a couple of decades ago. Certain Native American tribes embraced it, and I think, before Christianity was introduced to to the Orient, that it was considered acceptable for a male to make himself 'womanly beautiful'. So enough of the 'TRANS AGANDA!'. The darkies are trying to find another group of people to for the masses to hate and fear. They did it in the 1950s'-1990's with communists, they did it with Arabs in the 2000's, they are doing it now with transfolks, and those unvaxxed (there's folks who think I'm some sort of modern day leper because I did not take the shots).
DeleteAnd considering how many adults want to make their kids into a total carbon copy of themselves....I seen a lot of Hank Hill and John Wayne type guys really trying hard to 'make a man!' out of their sons, to the point their sons feel like prisoners. I think a good example of how bad this gets is in the classic 1957 movie, "12 angry men", where the jackass of the movie (you'll know who am I referring to once you see this film. He tried to really 'make a man!' out of his son. Result was his son LEFT him.
The physical body matters, Devon, can't all be just spirit.
Not everyone who is trans gender is a brain washed person, transgenderism has been around for many, many years, centuries, even.
DeleteYour voice sounds neutral, neither manly nor womanly. Rather like a nice young and pleasant guy. I hate those gayish voices of men that try to sound like a woman but you can tell it's an efeminate man. Not trying to sound homophobic or anything. I got nothing against people's sexual orientation, it's just that effeminate voices always annoyed me. Especially when the guy looks nothing like a woman and it's rather fucking ugly. I always liked Sebastian Bach's (Skid Row singer) voice and looks. He looks like a girl and always had this sexy almost feminine voice, either speaking or singing. But he surely always acted like a man. But it's kinda cool to be androgynous, I guess like most Pleiadians, having female and male attributes combined. At least for rock stars is kinda fitting.
Luz de las estrellas, lo que sucede en el plano de los sueños son procesos personales nuestros pero no es tu realidad. Tu inconsciente te los muestra para que los ilumines, limpies, transmutes, todos tenemos memorias oscuras, de traumas y dolor y tu tienes el poder de iluminarlas y trascenderlas, y cerrar definitivamente esos ciclos. Conecta con frecuencias elevadas antes de dormir, pide a tu jerarquía que te asistan en ese proceso, pero hasta que no sanes e ilumines esas líneas de tiempo y cierres esas memorias ellas estarán ahí para recordarte lo que debes limpiar. Luz en tu camino y paz en tu corazón
Delete@Lord DarkEDGE
ReplyDeletePersonally, I see no blessing, nor worth the experience or learning process. To make it easier to find a transgender person, and talk to them...they will tell you it is NOT a blessing, or a worthwhile experience being in the wrong gender body...and they find nothing beautiful about it. There is a reason why suicide amongst the trans community is a bit high, as well as many I personally know are either atheists, or at least agnostics....for no loving, caring god would do something this bad.
Same for me. I did not get that lucky chance to be a girl, or at least be feminine like the lovely Bailey Jay, a transgender adult film star. She was very feminine, even as 'a boy', for she was pretty much merely a flat chested rendition of herself today.
And I do not care if it is 'temporary', why should I have to wait and DIE and THEN....MAYBE get my proper gender back? I also have NO plans to reincarnate EVER again...for this ONE, human, so-called 'life' has put me off EVER incarnating again....I will not risk another life like this if I can help it. And I see NOTHING to being a man as a 'blessing'. All it's done is cause me DECADES of emotional pain..and I did not get the luck of feminine genes like the aforementioned Bailey Jay....puberty was brutal to me....I started having to shave at age 13, I began losing my hair at age age 20, pretty much no hair. In comparison, I make Jason Alexander looking like fucking Michael Landon. Not to mention the male physique is ugly, boring and nasty. Bad enough the darkies forced me to be a man, they make me the opposite of ideal man at extra 'gift' from the darkies. And having conservative christians and catholics for 98% of my so-called human family (being a teenager in the 90's, I heard horror stories of kids being thrown out of the house/disowned by their family just for being GAY...imagine what a trans person would have to deal in I could not afford, in many ways, getting what I needed)...and my dad wanting me to be the next John Wayne, coupled with that I'm 43 (too old to transition, even if puberty did not fuck me up so badly), I could not transition. And let's not forget that the SO-CALLED 'awakened' folks shout 'trans/gay aganda!" EVERY times a trans person or a gay person accomplishes something in life. Resist the Mainstream had TONS of folks shouting bloody murder when pro football got its first transgender woman she was a new world order agent or something.
Bad enough the Archons forced me to incarnate on this hell hole of a planet, but as a human, and worse, a man...and the most UN idealistic man at that. I'm, like I said, Charlie Brown in the flesh....and I will NEVER forgive the dark forces for that they have done to me, and I want both JUSTICE, and VENGEANCE...I want to be restored to my PROPER gender, and THIS lifetime...and for the dark forces to know the true meaning of pain. Otherwise, the cosmos..and BOTH the light forces and the dark forces will have a wondering soul, full of murderous fury to contend with, and you know that old saying of hell being a woman scorned....
So, to answer your question, Edge, NO, I do not feel blessed being born in a masculine body, nor for masculine energies. My ONLY hope is the good ET's coming, ASAP, and giving me the help I REALLY need. And if certain unknowns or officers of the happiness got something to say:
I'm NOT in the mood for either your lectures, nor your attempts to shame me again.
If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
If it were up to me, I'd declare "Feel free to grow it in your back yard, and as much as you like! :D "
ReplyDeleteWhen it gets 'legalized', so many damned rules and can only get so much, you can't grow it, you need to be 21 (here in the us. show how old I am, I remember when 18 was the drinking age....NOT 21), and like tobacco, I can see it getting tainted with chemicals, many of which are both toxic and addictive.
Been having that happen since childhood, Unknown.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I am, but my mother thinks I was pleiadian.
ReplyDeleteDo you like German goth metal band LORD OF THE LOST? They often play with the Transgender theme in their videos and they have good sense of humor. If you don't know them, check them out! They have cool songs.
Corey Goode gives very distant dates for release :
ReplyDeleteThe Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34:
Sentinel LOS (Lunar Operation Station) to be liberated in 2025 – Way station that monitors traffic and activity from a super gate (Galactic Portal) outside of our Solar System
The battle to liberate Mars occurs at the end of the year 2025. The ZULU/Eyosians transport the Wandering Star and a small fleet of GGLN and SSP Alliance Ground Forces to Mars as the larger GGLN-led fleet enters the solar system to confront the armada of Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds vessels who have gathered around Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. A fierce battle ensues between these space armadas from 2025-2032 as the allies root out every vessel and breach every base that the Orion Group and their allies have inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Most of the ET bases exist within dimensional pockets that have to be invaded and ‘collapsed’ one by one.
Ceres Station, the ICC mining operation, and their automated defense system in the ‘Asteroid Belt’ are liberated in 2026 allowing the GGLN and SSP Alliance fleet to push further into the solar system and face Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Words fleets that are left in the inner solar system.
The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027. Liberating the Moon finally ends the increasing Alien Abductions of millions of people on the surface of the planet carried out by the Orion Group – Grey Alien Biodroids.
In 2028, after the battle to liberate the Moon and the LOC, the GGLN had the intel they needed to invade the ICC Space Port in Antarctica and then fight their way down through the Space Port and then miles down into the Earth’s crust as they follow the tunnel networks that lead from the Space Port to dozens of ICC and Orion Group DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). This battle then leads down to the vast Inner Earth realms and lasts until 2032.
Corey Goode's messages are getting stranger and stranger.
DeleteHe says that no one will come to our rescue, and that people shouldn't meditate.
Now he seems to want people to believe that events will be delayed. Who is he really serving?
Corey and Wilcock haven't brought any reliable information in years.
DeleteIn the world of appearences, service to others people look self-centered. They can be eratic, messy, unpredictable. Service to self adepts are somehow more adapted to the dysfunctionality of this world. They appear righteous, generous, charismatic.
ReplyDeleteCan we trust appearances ? Are some really better than others ?
Service to self adepts choose to be decieved and likewise, decieve themselves and others. Always a subtle 'better than' in their doctrine, always abiding by some hierarchy. They do not feel the way service to others do. They inflict, then alleviate the percieved burden throught acquired knowledge. As long as consequences of their actions escape their sight all is well.
They're no less valuable than others people. It is useless to reason with them They must be stopped for the greater good. This planet is ours. Go experimenting with power over others elsewhere if you wish. After righteous trials, per say. I want as little judgment as possible when the cabal is finally brought down.
We ALL do service to self in some manner each day.
DeleteWhen you have a really well made meal, that is service to self.
When someone loses some weight to be healthier and look better on the beach, that's service to self.
When someone gets themself a DVD of a movie or a TV series they enjoy, that's service to self.
Service to self is not always evil.
From The Unveiling:
ReplyDelete"Like Cobra indicated in his latest post, one of the biggest chimera-humans, who mainly resided in the inner Earth, has been transported off Earth for neutralisation into the Central Sun.
Another big news for all Lightworkers and Starseeds probably is that the Central Race is finally on the surface with bodies - bodies specially produced for bringing judgement. Most of them are adapted human bodies which were grown based on data collected by the Starseeds to withstand the primary anomaly most efficiently. Additionally they will be absolutely superhuman, very suiting to some of the heaviest guys that are out there cosmically - which the Central Race certainly is. The chimera is very interested in this info as well, so I will keep it short again. The Central Race officially warned the cabal that they will visit selected top cabal shortly, for delivering their absolute end on Earth and transporting them to the Central Sun afterwards. Several cabal members (mainly inner Earth again) are finally taking warnings seriously and think about giving up because of this warning alone."
I really, really want this to be true. May all the negative forces on Earth finally be destroyed!
See how much Devon‘s comment is speaking out completely against the Event and the Divine Intervention.
DeleteIt will remain a question for me why people who are completely against Cobra and the Event are not immediately dissed on here. Might be people getting tired to fight back…
Also this one posting below my post on the Unveiling to defame it, it should be most obvious who is the real inspiration/source of Devon‘s comment.
Ironically this was also mentioned in the post on the Unveiling: people mixing among the Lightworker communities right now posting things like this.
The cabal is playing tricks on the people here and on FB right before your eyes.
And no one does anything?
Solutions via Higher Mind
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal from 2013
Elsewhere I have encountered people making false accusations against Cobra. These people are saying Cobra wrote things here that he absolutely did NOT write. At first glance I found the quotes to be suspicious, and then I checked with 2012portal's search engine. Any word or phrase can be typed and all posts with the word or phrase are listed. Sure enough, the quotes being used for accusations against Cobra are completely NONEXISTENT. It doesn't seem to be a matter of laziness with these people. They are deliberately deceiving.
ReplyDeleteTangent thought: Maybe the next 2012portal update will have some news about the pit under Urim base. When I debunked these deceivers, I was reminded:
Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.
Funny how many times you bash Cobra and now suddenly you defend him. I wonder what's up with that...
DeleteElsewhere 🤔 maybe on your blog, and here is the link not found.
Unknown, I go back and forth, and I realized that compared to some others, my bashing of Cobra is actually quite mild.
DeleteActually, if I had not been censored, there could have been a very negative outcome. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad that I was censored in this particular instance.
ReplyDeleteCobra just listening to something about a chimeric spike protein in the jab,quantum dot , demonic AI.i don't know if you have seen them vids on line where people turn around and start trying to attack something before they die, iam still digesting this but it's online to demonic possession their oxygen is 5g and cyber optics and led lights,ok I find this concerning victory of the light ✨
ReplyDeleteI see, thank you for answering me. I mean I could just Google these questions and probably get an answer but, in this instance, I think it's also nice to just ask directly.
And I totally get that one, regarding the Profile. In the country I grew up in, Gender and Sex are synonymous, so having only the "Gender" option in the profile kind of compounded my confusion further.
In the early 90's here in my elementary school, the teachers just use the word "Gender" to identify a student as either biologically Male or Female lightheartedly avoid the word "Sex" for identification (and also to help differentiate it for the actual sexual act by using the word "Gender" instead), because it's such an "adult word" for us kids in a Baptist school at that time, and a lot of us get some giggles out of saying that 3-letter word haha. Good times.
Thank you for chiming in. As an empath in one of my abilities, I did get a glimpse of the suffering you have. (No worries I can turn on and off the ability).
@Sherman and Libra
Thank you for helping me get some clarification on these things. While I do see the blessings on incarnating in a Male or Female body to despite the transcendence of our Soul from such labels, I do believe as well that everyone should be given the choice whether they want to change it or not--all according to their own free will and choices, and not because they have been influenced and conditioned by others and by mainstream media to hate themselves and their bodies.
And thank you Libra for pointing that Cobra post with the technology to help you folks achieve the female (and male, for some) you all desire. It's quite in-line with the info I have regarding these things too. And I'm sure it will bring much needed healing and happiness for you folks. From the info I got, it shouldn't be long until such tech comes.
Until then, just don't despair and don't give up and strive to keep making good decisions and actions regardless of the environment. Even if your immediate environment shuns and hates you, know there are me and other lightworkers/warriors out there who love you all unconditionally and has compassion. I wish you all well.
ReplyDelete"While I do see the blessings on incarnating in a Male or Female body to [[have more varied experience and learning opportunities]] despite the transcendence of our Soul from such labels..."
"...with the technology to help you folks achieve the female (and male, for some) [[body]] you all desire"
"Until then, just don't despair and don't give up and strive to keep making good decisions and actions regardless of the environment.
[[And keep showing and expressing unconditional love and compassion towards others, even if the individuals in your immediate environment don't do it--strive to not become the very thing you are trying to destroy.
It is certainly possible to accomplish Lightworker (e.g., healing) and even Lightwarrior duties (actively vanquishing negative entities and situations, both physical and nonphysical with metaphysical weaponries and purifying abilities) without hating on your enemies.
Treat it all as a martial art sparring competition--vanquishing the individuals who took the negative/entropic/cabal/antagonist roles without hatred--only Duty, Unconditional Love and Concentration.
Like how a Surgeon would remove a cancerous tumor from a patient, without any hatred or any negative thoughts and emotions towards the cancerous tumor itself--only duty and concentration, with love and compassion in one's heart and mind. Just like in Martial Arts as well; you gotta respect and care for your opponent while defeating them.
"A blade forged with hatred won't strike true; break the chains of hatred with a blade forged with unconditional love and compassion to those who took the "Antagonist" role--don't become what you are trying to destroy".
I'll let you folks (Libra, Sherman and others reading) to meditate on those sentences.]]
"Lastly, even if your immediate environment shuns and hates you, know there are me and other lightworkers/warriors out there who love you all unconditionally and has compassion [[for you are all our co-fractals of the same Divine Source]]. I wish you all well."
Pitch black octopus got removed from me in the dreamstate just now. I did the command 12 21 and 771 right before this. I didn't know I had one of those. Glad it's gone!
ReplyDeletelocated in Tianjin China, the cloud formed a shape of the grid. The negative was really really a huge grid. I guess the cloud might cover the hole province...I really hope I was not chained in this educational system.
ReplyDeleteanyway, be positive!
Corey Good says the Earth won't be free until 2033. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteStill wondering how that process is going be like. Will it involve alien machines, or something?
so is everything well and are we closer to the event?
ReplyDeleteNo! Cobra is far from being GOD. Quite the contrary I would say.
ReplyDeleteBut that's just my 2 cents anyways.
I stood up for you COBRA but my comment never made it on the feed for some reason.
ReplyDeleteI thought what I said in response to @Mehr wasn't to harsh to be declined as a post but you and the moderators must of had your reasons. 🤔
No hard feelings my friend... 😉
Last night, green fireballs appeared in many places in China at the same time,Is the battle in the sky not over yet?
ReplyDelete@Phoenix Angel, I have seen more white orbs in the sky, similar to ones I have seen before but more brief and subtle. Probably half a dozen in the last month. I have also seen a few meteorites burning with an aquamarine color and an orange red tail of fire and smoke fall to the earth. I dont think any of it is a coincidence.
DeleteI'm certain I've seen ET's that wear ear cuffs like this. I don't know how, but I've been tripping out on these all day, I remember them. They contain a sort of do-it-all technology. They could create that any way they wanted, even invisible microscopic in clothes so it can't be seen. But since it interacts with your mind, a small device on the ear is both logical and beautiful. It's flashy, but since not directly on your face it's subtle enough. And wearing things on your ears is comfortable, you don't even notice that part of glasses. They look like a cross between these two examples. They're more complex than this.
But not this fine detail. Silver wire but sometimes gold mixed in.
That's a good picture because the people look like her but with light hair.
Et's certainly cover their head entirely so it is difficult to see them. A while ago when I got some of them to come out to my house, they had their heads totally covered. They walked totally fast, I couldn't believe how fast they walked. I had no shoes on and it was winter. By the time I quickly put my shoes on, they were seriously gone down some side street by the time I got out there. Very frustrating. A few of them came out to my house. The first guy who came out first walked past across the road. He had what looked like an ipad. As he watched it, he then stopped walking and came back. He stopped for a while. As he was the first to come out, I just froze watching him. After a minute he walked on. By the time my shoes went on, he was gone. Hours later he came back to the same area, still looking. I quickly put winter shoes back on and he was gone. Now i know I should have skipped the shoes. Next morning he walked past fast just as I got up. I was in pajamas busting for the loo. I literally couldn't go out sad. You get a few tries and they stop. I ran out after the loo and jumped in my car. I could not find him. I should have tried harder, not many agree to come out. Soon you get totally sick of it, give up as exciting as it sounds, they don't match you. They totally cover their heads, yes. Hoods, muffs, whatever they can find, you will never see them. I'll just wait for them now. They are telepathic. You get the odd one who pretends to be someone else - so annoying when they play tricks on you. Like they pretend they are someone from Earth, but they talk telepathically? Haha, someone needs to tell them that is a give away.
DeleteWhile I agree that some people need tech and these sort of antennae-like things, we should keep in mind that most of their tech is not visible to us at all.
DeleteI think you're right Sebastian, which is why they feel sassy and proud for doing it. In the galactic community like a teenager with a nose ring haha.
DeleteI was browsing ear cuffs online and they can look really good. I'd wear them if I was a woman. But a man should be more stoic in his fashion. Not too many bright colors or garish jewelry.
DeleteA Major Victory for the Lightworker Community
ReplyDeleteI was at first becoming very upset in the comments section on the 2012poral blog with Libra J. M. Aquila. Then, when she made some audio clips of herself talking, I was no longer angry. Now, I view her with respect.
This change in interaction after hearing Libra J. M. Aquila speak reveals that a primary cause of lightworkers fighting with one another is because of only viewing comments. We live in a 'smartphone culture' that 2012portal mentioned as being a major source of disempowerment. A vast amount of the interactions online and with smartphones is only in the form of texting, and it's texting that appears to be the most prone to creating conflict.
I view my recent interaction with Libra J. M. Aquila as a major victory for the lightworker community, because there can be less conflict when lightworkers realize that comments and text alone are more prone to creating conflict. Through this awareness, lightworkers can more easily avoid conflicts with each other.
Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, interaction between lightworkers can cover a much larger spectrum of interaction beyond only reading comments. Doing so would allow for much greater cooperation within the lightworker community. Many lightworkers understandably wish to remain anonymous, but as Earth is liberated, there will be less necessity to be 'lone wolves.'
Thank you Libra J. M. Aquila for revealing the great importance of interaction beyond reading text!
Thanks to all that replied to my post (Corey Goode). I hope that whatever will be the conclusion of this Earth cycle we humans won't to leave this beatiful planet and living in peace without cataclisms and wars. In my humble opinion is useless if you evolve to a better vibration and your home is destroyed and vicecersa. It's a non sense for me.
ReplyDeleteWith Love.
Well, that was quite something. You have to admit though, the donkey bomb thing was pretty awesome...
ReplyDeleteWellsir ... the people like Ward and Byington that claimed the EBS is going to activate on the 30th and the election is going to be cancelled are now backing away from that claim. Gee I wonder why? Now Byington is saying it's her opinion ... and Ward is now saying he doesn't know. I figured they were lying about that and the supreme court overturning the 2020 election ... if it were true they would have announced it ... there is no good reason why they wouldn't. Obviously they have no real intel.
ReplyDeleteNOAPOLOGY - Ashes
The Chinese Communist Party was taken out of power a year ago, according to Judy Byington. And it's a pantomime? Wow, hope so. We are apparently waiting for Martial Law to happen when it all occurs (including NESARA). So just think Martial Law. Then they can bring out the EBS. Hope so!
ReplyDeleteThey are saying it will go down very soon.The next several weeks are said to be "overwhelming", well not for us as we know who has won this. Everything is meant to go as planned and we are just watching a movie.
In Australia, they are giving those who were flooded in NSW the money for their homes at pre-flood price! That is brilliant. It's a buy back. Now they just have to take care of Qld and Victoria, which I believe they will. The media is again saying frightful things about the energy increases but we all know they lie. Yesterday they were attacking our PM but by today that has all disappeared. Idiots.
@psychic and others, I have no idea when arrests and the event will happen. Chop wood, carry water. I have been dealing with day to day things and trying to stay balanced and enjoy the routine nature as much as I can. I havent done meditations in a while but I will start back. My money situation has improved somewhat and with the prices of things increasing so much, instead of saving, I bought things from orgonite to tachyonis products like the amethyst plates and libyan desert glass. I want to be better prepared for a potential overwhelming outside world scenario and those tools will probably help. Food, clothing, shelter, mentality, etc are as good as they are going to get for me.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteCobra my dad isn't going good his birthday yesterday his he able to do the command will it work and which one please thanks, ashtar how is the hostage situation?where are they so I can zone in please and any info in which am able to heal my father ,he has Parkinson's has had three jabs since the booster he has trouble walking keeps seizing up.why is this doctor still allowed to practice! Charging 50$ per visit,I had him do the 771 command early and gave him two cyrstals one in each pocket,he started freaking out his body was racing just started to settle,fuck this guy's take me instead my life is shit I want to die...
ReplyDelete@Pain, these two healers have free videos that may help somewhat with people who have been jabbed.
DeleteThey offer sessions that more thoroughly help the jabbed. I think it costs around 200 US dollars.
@BBB, AscendLiberation, Libra J.M.Aquila and others.
ReplyDeleteMany Thanks for your replies about Corey Goode and Cobra.
I think to understand the sense of your speech. I will manage to mediate on this matter without focus on one or other argument.
Inside my soul i pray and desire strongly a liberation from this darkness. For all of us e for Mother Earth.
Hey everyone,
ReplyDeleteFor those that feel guided or simply looking for a place to chat you can join my 2012 portal Discord.
We have around 90+ members and we love to talk to all different types of people on their opinions and experiences about the event or anything else that's interesting like the News or current events.
Love to see new members as always so I hope you can drop by :)
Wellsir the next 3 days the Satan worshipers will be out in full force doing their evil ... to try and counteract it I will have a bone fire to help burn away the evil spirits. I don't know if it will help but I have got to try. Saturday and Sunday will be dry, but we may get rain Monday. I will keep the fire burning all three days if I can.
ReplyDeleteAlso this is the night the EBS is suppose to kick in ... it's a safe bet that isn't going to happen. More clues that we are being played.
Wellsir ... it's after midnight EDT ... no EBS ... wow what a surprise! On to the 8th.
Delete@ Sherman ... I'm not talking about the Halloween we have with all the fun stuff for the kids. I'm talking about the people that worship Satan during this time and sacrifice children along with other evil things. That is what I hope to help counteract ... don't know if it will but it's worth a try. Fire still going ... I will keep it going until tomorrow or until the rain if any kills it.
ReplyDeleteHas to be in this lifetime, not the next. IF I die, I'm staying dead. In my own personal war with the darkies, victory is achieved by me getting healed and restored in this current life. Should not have to die, and maybe then get what I want, still feels like what religion says, "do this, don't do that, and you'll get (insert here, based on religion) after you die". Be it the pearly gates for the Catholics, baby Jesus not throwing one's ass into a pit of fire (but he LOVES you! :P ), 72 virgins for the Muslims, and whatever the hell the Jews gets....a cubic ton of cash? Gotta be in this lifetime, has to be. Sorry. And seeing as how my father, who literally died in my arms, from massive organ failures, and probably a lot of my uncle, who died about 10 years ago, around this time, spent his final night of life screaming in pain.....not in any hurry to go through any sort of death agony, Libra. My health is fine and good, but still, not in a hurry to die, and to win my personal war, it needs to be in this particular lifetime, it's very difficult to explain otherwise in a sentence, Libra.
I don't associate Halloween evil. I'm gonna watch some monster movies and some Jason movies, and give some sweets to any kids who knock on the door. *holds up organic, healthy sweets*
@One Of 144K
ReplyDelete"Must'VE had" NOT "must OF had".
ReplyDeleteSherman fears the most that if he dies before being rescued by the LF and transformed into an alien fairy, he will be recaptured by the dark ones and forced to reincarnate in his present body again or maybe a worse one next time. Honestly, I wouldn't feel so sure and so safe after being picked up by the LF and given the bodily changes he so craves for. Critical thinking would dictate: what possibly could hold back the dark forces from attacking the Pleiadian or whatever spacecraft you happen to be, kill you, capture your soul essence again and force you back into the reincarnation trap this time around in an even worse and more horrible body and worst living conditions for daring to stand up to them, huh?
from this article-quote—–Aktove Canyon was given the unofficial name of “The Devil’s Valley.” Anyone who has already visited this incredible natural wonder can say that there is something supernatural here.—–unquote…..
only about a hundred miles from odessa-this is most probably where a major portal is located that the archons have utlized to deliver their soldiers incarnated - often into human sleeves –and the main stargate of earth exploited by the dark forces to spawn into this matrix - the khazarian empire from hell - infesting the actually extremely powerful human family of the earth surface…..
this human family has held a place for lightforces here on earth for about 26000 years-preventing the dark forces from achieving 100 per cent control here-maintaning 20 plus per cent control of earth-that per centage is much larger now-as critical mass is quickly manifesting-and postitve factions take over the surface in large part very sooooon.....
of course weve had devinely decreed and essential help from our big brothers and sisters on the their starships and such of course-to say the least - hahahahaha.....
when the dark forces lose control of the hero city of odessa – planetary liberation arrives at theatre everywhere very quickly i would propose…..
cobras intel keeps getting supported eventually through various sources that are not always so accurate-yet contain some real juice - as we sift through as we discern through and such as best one can muster of the moment.....thats how we develop discernment skills and such-like anything meditation education training experience research hard work etc are tools to enlightenment.....
and welcome of course all are supermen and superwomen awakening now here in theatre of war operations - now that the etheric implants are being removed we see major changes more each day now in each human walking the earth surface-bravo zulu.....
as the dark forces are now facing massive numbers of humans awakening bigtime - often like grizzly bears awakening after hibernation-very hungry and very angry of course-hahahahaha.....
were in the eye of the needle-keep marching hard lightforces soldiers - as we begin to cross the borderland into a much brighter world......
the earth surface are humanoid territories after all i would propose-and of course were the stewards that must take care and be effective guardians of earth -and protect mother earth and all her lovely creatures from all cosmic criminals outlanders mauraders bandits - from any dark driven agendas that can harm her otherwise.....
the earth surface are humanoid territories - dark forces of all ilks - get out of our yard-hahahahaha.....
and dont forget to laugh-its good for you-hahahahaha.....
I finished watching Stranger Things. It has a lot of predictive programming. A demonic realm with entities that have a hive mind, government black projects run by the US and soviet union including mk ultra type projects, remote viewing, spider entities with mind control abilities, and many others. One person, 001, involved in the projects may not even have a human soul like some of the cabal people. He is a psychopath in human form and in the demonic realm a powerful demon. He uses peoples traumas against them as a weapon and uses mind control to manipulate and guilt trip them. This is a main way the archon network enters into and controls people outside of etheric implants is through peoples traumas. The plot of course makes him a somewhat sympathetic character, at least in his childhood, but his monologue in episode 7 is loaded with predictive programming and odd references to the chimera and archon network running the world as well as eugenics.
ReplyDeleteLike other fiction they make an argument that humans are a plague and modern life is fake but they leave out that it was created that way by the archon network. Then the characters representing the archon network portray themselves as superior to humans and try to reinforce that humans deserve it. Agent smiths interrogation or morpheus in the matrix is similar. Read 001s monologue for yourself.
"Like you, I didn't fit in with the other children. Something was wrong with me. All the teachers and the doctors said I was…"Broken," they said. My parents thought a change of scenery, a fresh start in Hawkins, might just cure me. It was absurd. As if the world would be any different here. But then… to my surprise, our new home provided a discovery. And a newfound sense of purpose. I found a nest of black widows living inside a vent. Most people fear spiders. They detest them. And yet, I found them endlessly fascinating. More than that, I found a great comfort in them. A kinship.
Like me, they are solitary creatures. And deeply misunderstood. They are gods of our world. The most important of all predators. They immobilize and feed on the weak, bringing balance and order to an unstable ecosystem. But the human world was disrupting this harmony. You see, humans are a unique type of pest, multiplying and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own. A deeply unnatural structure. Where others saw order, I saw a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world dictated by made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day.
I could not do that. I could not close off my mind and join in the madness. I could not pretend. And I realized I didn't have to. I could make my own rules. I could restore balance to a broken world. A predator…but for good. As I practiced, I realized I could do more than I possibly imagined. I could reach into others, into their minds, their memories. I became an explorer. I saw my parents as they truly were. To the world, they presented themselves as good, normal people. But like everything else in this world, it was all a lie. A terrible lie. They had done things, Eleven. Such awful things. I showed them who they really were. I held up a mirror. My naïve father believed it was a demon cursing them for their sins. But my mother somehow knew. Knew it was I who was holding up that mirror,"
They are gods of our world? How strange.
president vladimir putin-quote—–The future world order is being formed before our eyes. And in this world order, we must listen to everyone, take into account every point of view, every nation, society, culture, every system of worldviews, ideas and religious beliefs, without imposing a single truth on anyone, and only on this basis, understanding our responsibility for the fate of our peoples and the planet, to build a symphony of human civilization.—–unquote…..
bravo zulu monsieur putin – its beautiful – hahahahaha…..
michael salla-quote—–Elon Musk takes control of Twitter & fires top execs behind censorship. Musk wants to help humanity. Happening just before the 2022 mid-terms – major White Hat move allowing truth to come out on many issues including UFOs & ET life – Musk has been briefed.—–unquote…..
breaking news – positive ssp capos make some huge moves on the surface – just before the election thats happening where the heart chakra of the new atlantis resides(probably somewhere in the dakotas i would propose) – just a coincidence of course – not – hahahahaha…..
Libra J. M. Aquila, I never really showed my emotions much either, being a male. Much is expected of me, like working full time and then some. These expectations of me are disempowering.
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome that our interaction went the way it did. Maybe there was no other way to come to these realizations regarding online interactions for all to see.
Enjoy the new video game, and all the best!
Out of curiosity What do you mean by fluent in live speaking? Do you need a little practise of talking to people that are strangers?
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case my go-to questions are,
What brings you here?
What do you do?
Where do you come from?
How's it going?
Then I know my follow up by:
One thing the person says thats interesting to me, (if there wasn't any ask another question from the above) with some sort of personal experience to that thing, and ask another question about that haha
Doing simple stuff like that help me out alot when I was shy talking to people
Don't know if that's what you're talking about but I hope that help if it was 😀
Remember though that it is all about ascension IN our bodies this time.
ReplyDeleteAnd changing bodies is usually quite expensive and time intense to prepare and will not be done for everyone.
Also many people including the ascendants are not ready to simply change their bodies, even if they think they are. There are psychological hooks established by the chimera which will fire if the hostages are freed (or change bodies, etc. ). These hooks are quite destructive…
And actually most people should be very afraid of out-of-body experiences at this time, the chimera really collects those people and they might lose their body permanently - that is the risk.
Also that is almost the whole reason for most consciousness-altering drugs - they give those drugs to get you out of your bodies. That is also why these drugs are oftentimes described as -personality-changing, oftentimes the people never come back.
So please stay stable as much as you can, the situation is still very serious on Earth.
Yeah, these people who are obsessed with going after Cobra may be cabal. I mean, why be so focused on going after Cobra? Even if these people really do believe Cobra is cabal, why not go after Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and so forth? Cobra as a cabal member (I don't believe him to be cabal at all) would be extremely small fish compared to the rest. Cobra certainly isn't trying to bring about WW3 and the not-so-great reset, unlike the cabal.
ReplyDeleteLibra J. M. Aquila, excellent theory, and I concur!
ReplyDeleteThere is significant movement, whereas, the darkness comes out of various concealed places in people, so that it can be dissolved. This is momentarily unstable, but perhaps is the only way to get it cleared - darkness is catalyzed to expose itself, going into the Light. Then when enough is cleared, people awaken to their true natures.
Great job, thanks! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!💜💫🦉🙏♒✴
ReplyDeleteWow, a lot of work went into this! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteReally... we're down to correcting each other's grammar now? You actually took the time to post this comment for that...? 🤣 😆 😄
That's rich... 👍
Next picture pink with blue.
ReplyDeleteSebastian (TheUnveiling33), yeah, I've been more focused on being in the body.
ReplyDeleteIn the past there were body snatching attempts that were made on me. Perhaps in the right circumstances, it would be ok to go out of body though. It depends on who it is and the degree by which they are being targeted. Lightworkers would do well to be very careful.
I stay away from drugs, including caffeine and marijuana. I absolutely could not stand how marijuana made me feel when I tried it several years ago. I would even start to see negative Ets on it.
Yeah, my main thing is to experience the Light coming into the body. There are times when my body feels quite saturated in various types of Light. I agree with your assessment.
There may be some instability for purification of darkness in people, but it's nothing that can't be handled - I think.
I recently revisited this post from 2015... Because Cobra explained very well FORGIVENESS-- and how important it is for planetary liberation and what we want to create for ourselves. Take a look. I did. I've looked at this recently several times. And it is wonderful information.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure COBRA, the LF and RM got the point of my message. I'm 100% certain that they're NOT judging us on our grammar. 😆 🤣 😂
However, if that's your "thing".
to make yourself feel important to take the time to correct people on their grammar... good luck with that.👍
There are far more important things to concentrate on my friend and for me that's definitely NOT one of them.
I know @Libra. It just seemed like an insignificant thing to do. Almost like NEEDING to justify value by how many comments one can make on this blog is a commen thing on here. Especially negative contributions for no apparent reason other than needing to see oneself posted constantly to feel important or to get a fix. I prefer to stay in the background most of the time but if there's something positive I can say to contribute to our dialog I will. I'm certainly not going to correct other people's grammar, spelling or goofy nonsense like that...🙄
ReplyDeleteThe INTENT of what's being said is what matters... not the grammar or spelling. Otherwise we'd ALL be in trouble... 😆 🤣
Libra: Excellent. Thank you for posting the whole thing. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah! And the negative forces lose so much power when lightworkers cooperate!
ReplyDelete@One Of 144K
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I must! It's part of the job of being an English teacher. I can't stand people writing "must OF" instead of "must've" (I wonder how people can be so ignorant and not realize "must OF" doesn't make any sense).
If we are going to evolve into something better we should first start by writing and speaking correctly.