Monday, November 21, 2022





  1. Replies
    1. If you sense there must be more.

    2. Speed Of Light 1980s - Back To The 80's' - A Synthwave/ Chillwave/ Retrowave /Synthpop/Vaporwave

    3. [ Psychic Weather Alert ]
      The reason why everything's off the scale with people's behavior.

      Xtreme Psychic Weather | Choronzonic Supercell | Renfielding

  2. Thank you COBRA, LF and RM! Thank you to ALL the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds!
    We're at the threshold of Victory my friends... WE WERE BORN FOR THIS!

    1. Yes, if we are sincerely reading this rather than trolling it, then we are born for this- I agree and So Be it!
      A next step in my journey is completing the book series starting with Transylvania Sunrise, and almost finished with Transylvania Moonrise, by Radu Cinamar. Highly recommend it but it's not for everyone's consciousness and some day should be.
      Romania is full of wonders indeed.
      As one who took refuge in Buddhism in the 80s I am familiar with Padmasambhava, the great Guru Rinpoche and his dakinis and goddesses, disciples, and Bodhisattva(s).

      Having placed 3 cintamani stones in strategic spots in a triad around the area to clear the dark energy rife in this state, I have had an interesting physical reaction and summer long journey since then.
      Right now practicing self-healing with Blue Ray energy.

      Much is taking place on all levels in all realms that many cannot perceive, conceive of, or accept without prior exposure> DREAMLAND > watch the hours between midnight and 3 am for the veils are thin and it gets active. I protect myself during those hours but do my best meditations then too.
      I am thankful for the journey this life that prepared me for most of what is to come.
      Thank you Cobra for your courage, valor, and honor
      Goddess bless us all....'Om Mani Padme Hung'

  3. Sure. Send some love out and look whats coming back! Get better every day.

    Imagine there's no Heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No Hell below us
    Above us only sky

    Imagine all the people
    Livin' for today

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too

    Imagine all the people
    Livin' life in peace

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people
    Sharin' all the world

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

    John Lennon 1971

  4. Is Dreamland ready to go? How is the final pit coming along COBRA? Is it cleared yet?

    1. can someone give me a summery on what dreamland is?

    2. Do a search on the site for previous articles on it. It seems like it's essentially the life AFTER the event. Prosperity for lightworkers (what defines a lightworker?) and the start of the ascension. Interesting Q posted the word ascension in the latest posting as well as "You have seen the truth.
      Time to show the world." It seems we may finally be seeing the event soon...

    3. cool i hope i see results in the news somehow and in life becuse so far it just seems normal for now, but i hope it will come very soon in this decade

    4. Yes so cool...Q did post Ascension .. last line in his recent message...I think not sure first time it's been mentioned ??

    5. @CoryCat I correct you and say it’s prosperity for all. But to answer your question, a lightworker, best I can define after following 8+ years, is someone who participates in helping build/upkeep the positive light grid locally/globally. with the goal being to create a network on the higher planes(mental, astral, etheric) that attracts and insulates higher/positive energies to subconscious feed/guide all life forms on the planet towards growth, strength, unity, etc. and ultimately leading to a mass awakening and the Event. Though I believe light work will continue after the event. But I’m the context of this blog, that is the goal. I would be happy to discuss my view on the mechanics. Or share anything else, but yes searching the blog is a great resource.

  5. St Germian - Paris Atmosphere

    1. Dreamland - Victory
      "...Wake Me When You Need Me"

      #Halo Hammer #BlueDawn

  6. Foreword by academician Obruchev to the Children's Encyclopedia.
    It contains a unique fragment, where he formulates the main, fundamental tasks of Soviet science. For the future. There are 7 main points. Almost 70 years have passed since the writing of this preface (written in 1954), and now we can roughly say what has come true and what has not.

    1 - not done
    2 - not done
    3 - not done
    4 - partially yes, materials science has advanced a lot
    5 - probably yes
    6 - not done
    7 - not done

    Here's to you and the vaunted "progress"! :)

    "The ocean floor and atmosphere, the bowels of the Earth, the planets of the solar system are still waiting for their Columbuses and Przhvalskys. Gigantic tasks that have not yet been solved are facing Soviet science.


    1. Extend a person's life to an average of 150-200 years, destroy contagious diseases, minimize non-contagious ones, defeat old age and fatigue, learn how to restore life in case of untimely, accidental death;
    2. to put at the service of man all the forces of nature, the energy of the Sun, wind, underground heat, to use atomic energy in industry, transport, construction, to learn how to store energy for future use and deliver it to any place without wires;
    3. to predict and finally neutralize natural disasters: floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes;
    4. to manufacture at factories all substances known on Earth, up to the most complex ones - proteins, as well as those unknown in nature: harder than diamond, more heat-resistant refractory brick, more refractory than tungsten and osmium, more flexible than silk, more elastic than rubber;
    5. bring out new breeds of animals and plants, growing faster, giving more meat, milk, wool, grain, fruits, fibers, wood for the needs of the national economy;
    6. to push, to adapt for life, to master inconvenient areas: swamps, mountains, deserts, taiga, tundra, and maybe the seabed;
    7. learn to control the weather, regulate wind and heat, as rivers are now regulated, move clouds, manage rains and clear weather, snow and heat at will.

    Is it difficult? Extraordinarily difficult. But it is necessary. The Soviet people want to live long, they want to live in abundance and security, they want to be complete masters of their land, not to depend on the vagaries of nature. "

  7. 21 November is my birthday, in my time zone that was yesterday. Gald to see this message! haha Dreamland

  8. Hey you guys watch out for a guy who has made a discord server after cobra blog site. This guy has a very Service to Self way of handling his server, almost like a evil cult member, tread carefully to his server. He goes by the user name 117Chris1. BTW, Age of Aquarius is the Official group appointed by cobra, if you want to join a group that is handled more professionally please join that group.

    1. Hello again hope you're doing well,

      Yeah the Age of Aquarius Facebook is really good. It's nice of them that they let me advertise my 2012 portal discord in there as well,

      If you guys are curious and want to check out Discord and see for yourself if it that bad?

      Please feel free to join always looking forward for new people that have a chat and share their own views.

      However, because this sever has got multiple different views please be respectful and don't push your view onto someone else's. 😁
      and if it happens to you please let me know and message me

    2. Warri imho that is an unfair assessment. First the guy is wanting to provide a medium for people to connect and share common likes especially the ones here that follows cobra... two he never has stated that group was officially the blog chat. If Cobra had an issue with it he would have made a statement about it. He wants to support the effort. Of bringing people together. ("Together" is the key here kid.. something i cant say about ur attempts). In my opinion , the only thing he emphasizes is that no one imposes their belief onto someone else or mistreats someone else... that is his prerogative n honestly those are fair. In such cases If you are one of those marching in chatrooms demeaning others or lacks tact do not look for the issues being outside of u but within. If you so freely want to claim a group being of a cult i would suggest you bring an example to the table. in fact if u claim something is a cult be prepare to bring more than one example. One incident does not make good data point.. and if u bring such incident be prepare to break it down for us so we may see clearly beyond your filters. Awaits

    3. Yes, I'd be careful of the number "117" in the name. Few of them using that. Be careful.

    4. 117 is from a videogame haha, it's from Halo, which is my favourite game, it comes from the main character which is named John 117 or Spartan 117. the spaceships that Cobra uses in some of his videos are from Halo too which is pretty cool.

    5. Here's my response and link to 117chris1's PM chat

    6. Warri, I listened. Thank you for sharing. My experience when I visited the chatroom under another nick differed. Listening to you I can tell you seem to be a good guy that cares about others and that is commendable. My experience with Chris- he also seems to care about others. Now unfortunately on chatrooms just like here on blog at times the way we express ourselves or even the way we perceive what is being communicated may not be interpreted the right way or even said the right way (if we lack tact.. for these a nudge is in order)..
      some comments maybe be as cleared as black and white. From your perspective and followed up investigation it seems some action by a peer made others uncomfortable clearly. Now it is superb if one calls out unfairness at a moment but one should not rush into thinking the response of those in charge will always be
      in alignment.. in some cases one will encounter that an unbalanced response may be due to lack of experience.
      .. it is indeed the duty of one in charge to bring balance back into the chatroom without being bias.
      Sometimes that may not happen immediately.

      Maybe Chris thought he responded in fairness or tried. This experience to the very least presented him with a challenge he will need to surpass depending what his goals are. I do believe he wants to do the right thing. People's feedback .. your feedback presented in a professional manner is what will help make his chatroom truly the ideal place. Don't give up on him as we all should be helping one another specially at moments of temporary weakness and controversy

      I say this because honestly I think u both r good folks. Let's help each other clear the path without mudding each other.

      Last My personal experience and may or may not be applicable on this case.. but I have picked up vibrations of diff type while in chatrooms. Example when someone is upset(some other cases, ill will).. it is possible one could pick that person roller coaster thoughts or feelings.. the problem is that in those cases where several people are involved.. knowing whose emotion or energy is from may be tricky. It depends of course on the situation...

      The negativity may not be an attack ... Maybe u picking up on the low thought frequency or emotion.. the person may be really distress or upset.. maybe angry at u but not necessarily intending to attack u... Now since my esoteric knowledge is limited.. maybe ones angry mode toward other may initiate an attack without us knowing it. I don't know. Maybe that is why we are told to mind our thoughts...

      In any case... hope u all find a common ground and realize u both on same team.. . Imho

  9. The D-Day of the Light Forces has come! Thanks 🛸🌈⌛

  10. An Important Divine Message for the Cabal/Dark Forces and ANYONE Involved in Negative Activities

  11. Already in reality? Has the last pit fallen and our family up there is starting to dismantle the earth's quarantine? Let it happen.

  12. Oh good. It's one of those nagging sensations that haven't left me alone my entire life

  13. Yes, I am sensing. It's beautiful. Thank you Cobra.

  14. Allowing solutions to enter via Higher Mind
    Gaiaportal from April 9 2013

  15. Replies
    1. Yeah unfortunately i think this is the case but the thing is i think tech will advanced quickly and we will be in a better world like we have to get accumulated

    2. There will be nothing to save in 10 years, at this rate.

    3. And I doubt I could handle yet ANOTHER 10 years of this.

    4. I won't be here in ten years.

    5. Hold the light guys. Don’t let pessimistic views bring you down. Serves nothing but to slow us down. I understand the thought I have struggled too. But somehow found ways to fall in love with this life again and enjoy the present. Since then it feels like I am already in dreamland. I hope that for you all too!

  16. What a beautiful image! Thank you Cobra and light forces! Meanwhile.... I cannot wait to hear about the Paris conference! Thank you for doing this. Victory of the Light!

  17. Heute abend findet das Aquadea21 Projekt statt. Um 21.00 Uhr Münchner Zeit. Für mehr Licht und Anhebung der Schwingung. Eine Unterstützung des Übergangs. Bitte mitmachen. Mit Aquadea Kristallwirbel Technologie nach Schauberger oder / und Meditation für ca. 15 Minuten oder länger. oder hier:

  18. Si sientes que debe haber más HAY MÁS


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Same label :Operation Dreamland

    Thursday, August 30, 2012
    Cobra Conferences Around the World

    Monday, August 20, 2012
    Operation Dreamland

    I think the upcoming conference in Paris will also lead to this Operation Dreamland.

  22. Yes, more dreams...
    How about calling this Realityland, so it manifests in real life and not just dreams of hope.

  23. Posts like this one create false hype by making people think the Event still can happen this year.

    1. That is a matter of perspective.

      This post could also be seen as an encouraging sign which has the potential to expand one's horizons, beyond the mundane routine of the matrix world

  24. Arrivato il Tempo dei Sognatori delle Stelle per plasmare la Realtà sulla Terra vestendola di Vera Luce. Grazie, Cobra! Vittoria della Luce! VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!💜💫🧬🔜🎯🌬✴

  25. Are you sure about this image?


  26. Brotherhood of the Star - 144,000

    Cintamani Stone

    "And at this time the circle around the enemy is slowly being drawn tighter and tighter, he knows it, and in his desperate attempt to survive he will lead the world and its inhabitants into a great last struggle, together with his standard bearers, who will be nations and whole tribes, who in their striving for dominion will do nothing but plunge impetuously, to their own destruction."

    Krishnamerck, Commander from the Pleiades 🕊

    "You are made of a part of the infinite and the stars, but you do not know it because you are asleep."

    Krunula, commander from the Pleiades 🕊

    "Ignorance is the origin of all evil!"
    Plato 🕊

  27. The picture connected to it

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. the hash tag of this post is "Operation Dreamland"

  29. The Resistance Movement will be the main operating force for Operation Dreamland from the time of the Event onwards. The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold.

    10 years would be more than TIME.

  30. Thank you COBRA, Light Forces and Resistance Movement! This is a very good news, great message and I feel it is the start of something huge! I remember the key phrases from your post dear Cobra "Dreamland" written in 2012: "There are certain preparations for Operation Dreamland that need to be made before the Event. " / activation of Operation Dreamland v.05 ! and " The Resistance Movement will be the main operating force for Operation Dreamland from the time of the Event onwards. The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold.". Here is the link: ; So, thinking deep about the Ascension Plan update (link:, you said: "The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025." The timeframe started in February 2022 - MAY 2023 *** the Event timeframe, as possible first scenario! I ask the Source to create conditions for a divine intervention and make it happen soon! Victory of the Light!!!

  31. We are still being bombarded with Chemtrails why aren't the light forces neutralizing the chemtrails

    1. They are drinking water with fluoride in it.

    2. Yes that's still happening here on some days...when will those jets be shot down!!!

    3. Thé same here in south France. A lot of chemtrails 🤨


    1. I like that blog. Pretty convincing. The new article is good. I re-read Cobra's Dreamland article and it mentioned how there will be true spiritual teachings brought forth and it will be a little different than the love 'n light fluff that is currently out there. Then Unveiling describes the Light forces fucking up the cabal, and I'm like yep that's it. You don't send love and light to evil, you annihilate them. I bet the Resistance and Galactic warriors can be super intense.

    2. Yep, one does not love a tumor, one CUTS OUT the tumor.

  33. Thank you, Cobra and the team, as always. Victory of the Light!

  34. Libra,

    Nice video! I like the vibes, lol!

    I have been on not-the-best-of-terms with Cobra before, and have displayed this. I don't see anyone as being above scrutiny and so forth, regardless of their status. I go back and forth quite a bit though. I had an outburst, but this doesn't necessarily mean I leave for good.

    Regarding the split within the lightworker community, no one says specifically what caused it, but it's obvious at least to me. When Corey Goode makes a video that blasts the Galactic Federation, and gets over 100,000 views, with "Beware Galactic Federations of Seductive Human ETs" in the title, a rift is the result. Goode mine as well have been DIRECTLY pointing the finger at Cobra, because he mentioned Pleiadians as being manipulators who are infused with AI who can make people feel love and light to control them.

    I don't necessarily believe what Corey Goode says to be true, but he has a HUGE following, and he's basically as anti-Cobra as one could get, even though he 'beats around the bush' and doesn't directly mention Cobra. There are others too, like the links I sent you in the comments on my blog post. I consider what they have to say, but I never draw any long-term conclusions. My conclusion is, as always, summed up on two words:


    Maybe that's what the negative forces want - confusion. They're doing a damn good job of it so far.

    1. Other trouble makers are "The Allies of Humanity", and the Youtube channel, "Cosmic Agency". I say Goode's fool of shit, as well as that little goblin, David Wilcock.

    2. Exactly! they want confusion and distrust and as you can see they are rather successful unfortunately.
      There was a time when Corey and Cobra did interviews together, now what has changed? Cobra's narrative or Corey's, who suddenly begins to come up with "new threats" and things "to be aware of" - completely undermining the trust in the galactic confederation?
      Its clear as day to me who has succumbed to the influence of the dark and who is staying true and its sad, that this is apparently not so clear for others..

    3. FluffyFractalshard, yeah, Corey Goode did a complete 180. Sebastian (TheUnveiling33) and I described this in the comments on his latest post:

    4. @starlight and others, I think any sort of light federations were always disinfo but there is a galactic confederation. I have always been skeptical of channeled info and the federation promising things and dates that never came to pass. That being said what corey made seemed to be a blanket statement about benevolent human looking ETs. Its divisive and outside of bad channelings or some contacts with scientists in germania in the 1930s there isnt much evidence for it.

      Certain alt media people will put info out that is parallel to Portal info and then it diverts into another direction. They will even do this right before the Portal or the Unveiling puts something out. A new group coming in who specialize in stopping the chimera and right before CoBra puts something out about it a certain alt media person puts out a fantastic and detailed movie story about it that one ups everyone else but with key info differences. Then its taken in a different direction.

      Why would we be told important things in detail during a very sensitive liberation process? Its not necessary and its also probably dangerous. The alt media is compromised and we are in an info black out. There were men in world war two who took part in key battles without knowing it. They were fighting men that took territory or moved supplies to the fighting men but they didnt know how important it was long term.

      Some went back to the US and started a family and died in an accident shortly after. Their families would find out years or decades later how important it was. The men never knew in some cases. Lots of over the top details is suspect to me. A few of my experiences were detailed and out of a movie but most were not and were horrible and left me confused afterwards.

  35. More easiness to clear Darkness
    More speedy to clear Darkness
    More safety when clearing Darkness

  36. "Theory of antisystems. Sources and documents"
    Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov defined an anti-system as a systemic integrity of people with a negative worldview, which is a specific attitude to the material world, expressed in the desire to simplify systems, that is, to reduce the density of systemic connections. In the limit, the density of systemic connections is reduced to zero, which means the destruction of the system, whether it be a state, a landscape or an ethnic group.

    The anti-system develops a common worldview for its members. For an anti-system, regardless of the specific ideology of its members, there is one unifying attitude: the denial of the real world as a complex and diverse system in the name of certain abstract goals. One of these anti-systems was Nazism.

    Among the members of antisystems, people with a futuristic sense of time predominate, that is, such a worldview in which the future is considered the only real one, the past is gone into oblivion, and the present is regarded as the threshold of the future. Thus, the realization of the goals of the anti-system, whatever they may be, is always related to the future. The ideology of the anti-system always opposes itself to any ethnic tradition, which is understood as a hierarchy of stereotypes and rules of behavior, cultural canons, political and economic forms, and not just worldviews that are characteristic of each specific ethnic group and transmitted from generation to generation. The accumulated ethnic tradition determines the uniqueness of each ethnic group and its place among other peoples. Consequently, the anti-system always strives for the moral destruction of the ethnos, from whose representatives it incorporates its new members. "

  37. Coucou cobra , cest Mike jéspere que vous allez bien . Ce qui se passe actuellement chez chacuns de nous ici bas cest que notre ombre interieur est en train de resortir , c est assez désagréable car on le ressent comme des attaques mais en vrai cest la purification par linterieur dou la percée par compression . Encore un peu de temps et lobscurité nous aurra quitté pour laisser place a la lumiere .

    1. Mike bonjour, tu as raison, c'est assez désagréable et, pour accompagner cette transmutation, il est préférable de maintenir une fréquence vibratoire élevée au quotidien. Paix, Joie et Amour pour chacun et Victoire sur la Lumière !

  38. Am I the only one who has a feeling that The Event is approaching?

    1. I dont know but there is a chance after the gop does it thing

    2. I would not bet or wait for the Event because every year people feel the Event is about to happen and yet we are still here in this clown world.

  39. Hey everyone me again,
    For there's that feel guided or simply looking for a place to chat you can join my 2012 portal Discord.
    We have around 100+ members and we love to talk to all different types of people on their opinions and experiences about the event or anything else that that's interesting like the News and current events.
    We also just got some cool new members so the chat been quite active lately 😁

  40. Funny i was watching this video when i clicked on this blog post

  41. Dates Are Important

    - "Focus,FOCUS-Ascension"

    1. I just started paying attention to the new Q posts and the Ascension thing is very interesting. I thought they weren't going to post anymore.

      I know there are mixed perspectives and feelings about the Q posts and you can find them at the following link if you want to check them out with the usual recommendation of using discernment. They started posting again in June this year:

  42. Go For It

  43. Thank you Cobra for these wonderful words! I've always felt this way since my childhood and way before my Starseed memories awakened. I always sense there is more, and that feeling still continues to this day. It always has been a driving force behind my every action.

  44. The Miracle need experience by yourself.
    in daily Synchronization things,no matter little or big is also important meaningful.

    in dreaming or meditation.
    many multi-information like ocean. memories. souls....flew into.

    I dreaming about ur team twice in those several month in 2022.
    it never happend before.
    i seeing we have connection .
    Many We!
    next in right Time.
    Every thing will together naturally!

  45. Regarding my reply about confusion, maybe just go all out and not care anymore about 'what's what.' Sounds good.


  47. Replies
    1. Life isn't even life anymore.

    2. Game over victory had been achieved

    3. For uncounted centuries, earth's been a gulag, or a P.O.W. camp. Life has not been life for a looooooooong time.

  48. Hi cobra how you going?hi everyone hope you're well,lol haven't received any notification from the portal since June I don't think I need them anymore I just know when to pop in.of course there is more (mind just went blank lol)sti

  49. Still sticking on path cobra getting stronger by the day,still got a way to go I feel, constantly sore at the moment breaking through the pain barrier so to speak.had to write this in two posts for some reason ok back in a couple of weeks unless shit changes¥°^,, victory of the light✨...

  50. What did the Andromedans do with the Red Queen? I mean, with the hypersupercomputer under Denver. Is there progress.?

    1. That's sensitive stuff 😞 far reaching technology. It affects the moods of my relatives I think. When I'm UTERLY upset, throwing words at friends they say " oh thanks for agreeing with me " WTF ? Maybe it turns them into sensitive programs. If I say 'cold', they think 'hot' ! 'Up', 'down'. 'No', 'yes' 🤯 Very dangerous technology. In essence it magnifies their innermost beliefs to the point ANY of my words fits into their mindset !

      They want me in their team to save the world - the big one 🤣

      they tell others about my alleged 'unconscious' agreement with them... what trickery is that ? They're nothing but a fungus to me, pretending to know me better than I do. I'm a pawn to convince for god knows what goal 🙈 so I say NO again, again and again, as I would address a 3yrs old.

      I do the 8 energy cleansing exercize, cutting cords and separating my beliefs/energies from theirs." No, no, NO ⛔ I'm NOT on your side. Neither now nor ever, on any timeline. We do NOT converge 👎 That's your beliefs (expectations), here are mine (truth). I'm here for my SOUL and you'd better keep your distance ".

      They think they're doing me good... they have short memories 🤷 Alzheimer I think. I show them their records. They're not, and never have been a catalyst of ANY sort to me. They're not re-enacting some ancient timeline for a benefic purpose either. These are higher [D] excuses from very tricky entities and I REFUSE to buy into this.

      They're ressourceful energy suckers adapting quicker than borgs: THAT IS TRUTH.

      My determination will prevail I think 💪 they have no idea what evil they're serving 🙅‍♀️ This year Santa will put some Adrenochrome under the tree, what a gift 😆 no time for their vampiric 💲 charities and worldliness. I'm offering a peaceful outcome for all, take it or leave it.

      " Repent, for the kingdom of god is at hand " I say.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Thank You! So greatful to see this new positive message. Yes, I feel there is much, much more! Let the love wave blanket our planet! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I know we disagree sometimes but i respect your opinion

  55. Hi you know what my biggest dream is?to be able to have direct phone messages with our galactic and intergalactic brothers and sisters, so little, a few minutes, on a special channel at least to say hello!Do you realize that no one would be interested in what happens on earth anymore!Sure there are already communication channels, but not everyone knows yet and I'm sure this curiosity would enjoy a lot in the first contact!

  56. Even my christian friends wonder about the Eucharist 🤔 Jesus would never endorse such rite! even metaphorically 🛑 anyone claiming otherwise is a self-appointed sign interpreter. In other words : a liar. Being crucified to see hundreds 'eat your flesh and blood' in your name is absolute evil. This must be STOPPED! Christ do not consent - he never will I think, neither consciously nor subconsciously.

    Some channelings claim he is actually bounded to this plane of existence by these very practices. I'm sad for him, all he asked for was truth. But it does not fit in the archonic trickster's agenda, does it ? 😞 Pedophile priest records will ultimately bring the catholic church down, along with most organized religions.

    Imagine Jesus observing lustful priests selling salvation in his name ; how would such a passionate being react ? 🤬 Maybe it's time to drive away the merchants from the Temple once more, tables turned. Peace is good, but David ✡️ ultimately had to throw a stone at Goliath and probably get mad to be heard. ' Go find another star to siphon for your fantaisies '. Negotiation is futile. Goliath is NUTS!

    I am / We are sovereign and no longer bound by your trickeries :

    1. I've questioned that since I was a kid.

      Me as a kid in 1987: Body and blood we're eating? GROSS!
      I got in MOOCHO trouble over the years in those excrutiating years in catholic school in the late 80's, and my own relatives for asking about all that.

      Personally, I'd say to hell with all that Abrahamic stuff, it's all been censored and changed over the centuries to begin with. Like that bit in the bible, 'go out and replenish the earth!', HOW does one replenish the earth unless there had been plenishment prior? And Cain, after killing Able, went to live with another village of people....HELLO!!!!!!

      To me, the bible is nothing more than a book, no different than, say, "The Cat in the Hat".

  57. I haven't seen chems for at least 2 years now
    Something must be changing

  58. "Há mais coisas no céu e na terra, Horácio, do que sonha a tua filosofia."
    William Shakespeare

  59. The first pink Aurora Borealis was spotted in Norway. Goddess meditations having physical manifestations.

  60. Greetings! Have been feeling some rather large changes the last months. For some years now, I have been waiting for the Event to take place. Almost like I put my life on hold until then. The last couple of months, I have realized that life is now. Feel`s soo much easier now! Has anybody else felt this way?

    Have started to look forward to what my life will be like in the future. So many possibilities are there. Feel`s like I am leveling up in a huge way. Hope you all feel the growing hope and love for our future!

  61. Judeo Masonic Conspiracy: Why the Plandemic Will Never End


  63. Interesting timing of this article - written on Nov 17 and published on Nov 21

  64. I don't like this post picture and this flower. heavy gloomy oppressive energy and cold. Feels fake and fake.

  65. You can connect with Goddess Isis
    , especially because her energy is coming back big time in the year 2022.

  66. Operation Dreamland refers to the few years after the Event. The Resistance Movement will be the main operational force of Operation dreamland ..

  67. "If you sense there must be more.

  68. There is much, much more :) I hope you are well Cobra...we are in exciting times as there is much more to come! Sending all my love and support to everyone! We can do this! Victory of the Light!

  69. NOT a 'game', it's WAR, plain and simple.

  70. There will be nothing to save by 2050, at this rate. and if people are relegated to living like what is depicted in the Mad Max movies, the humans will NOT welcome the ET's with open arms, but pitchforks and torches. Like this, and I'll probably be the one holding the shotgun, IF we're stuck struggling for survival, and being worse off than even now. I'll probably be a real life Archie Bunker by then, only angrier.

    To merely exist if NOT enough, to merely survive is NOT enough.



  72. Pulling back the
    Hands Of Time



  73. With a little help from a friend.

    Up Where We Belong.



  74. Higher Love


    1. @Steph, we have had cold november rain here in florida for a while and november rain by guns and roses came on the radio.

  75. I just want to comment, without specifics, that a lot of bombs, nukes, so on are being etherealized. Well I'm not sure how to spell it but I think when they fire off a nuke, it doesn't just turn to atoms and disappear, it is turned to something smaller than that. Bits of atoms. And also certain bombs they drop from choppers just... disappear. It's interesting, isn't it? The galactic forces can and are making explosive things disappear when fired.

    There is so much happening here. I just want to hint about reality shows that are shot on earth and beamed out with, I don't know, maybe holograms or some other super futuristic GF technology. For example, there is a Trump show, a Kennedy Jn show, a Diana show, etc. We can't watch of course but they beam them out some how I believe in real time. Man I would like to watch those!!! How entertaining. And they are watched all over in the universe by more than just humans. They have these shows, but they are real life. It really is all happening here, on Earth, it is going down.

    Anyway, other wild stuff is happening here, I just had to break my silence to hint at it. Although I've not been completely silent. I think the danger has passed here, but think I will remain quieter. Yes, we are in crazy times. I've been so damn busy with this, like thinking...

  76. Please Smi Joel, if you see this, do drop another message! I'll be reading it even if I don't answer. You have great messages.

  77. Libra, I think about HALF of the people here are shills (i.e. the same shill). Just be careful. There is nothing dark or egotistical about you.

  78. Thank you sounds great! Hoping the last pit is cleared and the AI quantum computer is taken offline that runs this matrix!! Victory of the Light Now!!

  79. Finally! this is starting to come out through Utsava, but we can now kind of talk about it. The military has technology to stop the chips and other stuff in the jabs. So they have a cure for the jabs. And we can kind of talk about it! Amazing. I know when I was talking to the pleiadians they told me of this cure, and they would bring the cure for everyone, to earth. So we can now mention it! The cure is coming. Utsava also talks to the pleiadians, so that is where she gets it from. But she does say the "military" has the cure, but we know what she means. Link is here:

    I wouldn't tell can mention it but just be careful to who and just kind of hint it...let it out slowly...

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I heard there was an earthquake at Solomon Islands..

    I search for solomon jsland n bibliotecapleyades..

    Found this story

    Is in english btw. Speaks of UFO encounters . Unfriendly type

    I didnt get to finish the whole story. Maybe there is some undersea base being cleared

  82. Why is cobra removing your comments libra? i may not agree what you say its not that bad

  83. Great Great News Cobra and RM! VOTL!! 🐬🐋❤️

  84. A wise man does not hope for brilliance, he lives quietly in peace.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Secondo Rinascimento: RomA 969 AmoR - Basilica San Pietro
    Monday, August 20, 2012 Operation Dreamland.- Missione compiuta...Vittoria Della Luce!

  87. 🌹🌹🌹🌹

  88. YES!!! So it is. So it is. So it is. Thank you. Victory of the Light

  89. Visualize the Golden Age

  90. From Cobra's post April 16, 2022: "We are finally approaching the time when the Ascended beings will be able to release intel more freely. Until now, there was so much darkness and anomaly present that most surface humanity would simply collapse under the weight of facts, whereas the Resistance would spring in premature action, putting the whole liberation operation in danger. Partial intel was the reason of many unfulfilled hopes and much disappointment, triggering Pavlovian “carrot and stick” response among certain people. As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people."

    Shouldn't we be near this situation right about now? I wouldn't mind hearing from some Ascended Masters, quite frankly.

  91. Dear Cobra, surely you must realize that a post like this gets people's hopes up. I hope it's not going to be a disappointment.

  92. An interesting petition someone is attempting

  93. Galactic federation of worlds have declared victory over the AI grey collective! They hacked the frequency to the queen and she has been neutralized!

    1. I knew Elena Danaan and Dr. Michael Salla are both compromised, not telling the truth and making heavy dissinfo from pretty long time ago. You can see with own eyes the events capturing humanity in false pandemic about more then 2 years, it is a really dangerous process to making cyborgs on the surface and manipulate mankind original structure given by Source. I know you understand what I mean, so what is stating Elena with Enki's returning on the planet doing all for the best of humanity, is a big lie and deep dissinfo. You may see how are feeling humanity, many die instantly and have severe post juice reactions, suffering hard illnesses. So, please think again when you share here a link from a person who eventually is not on Cobra' a side at all, including Salla. From now on, I don"f believe his words.He Is working constantly with Elena, making a lot of videos, but are they valuable if we catch them telling lies? Moreover, I think this blog comments have to share more Light and hope, not mentioning personal problems because it is not chatroom or a forum. I believe In smart analizes, knowledge, search of true intel, thinking together everyone in his own way, letting us to find out more from other persons comments and ideas...everyone has problems in this life, we are living in the Matrix system, i hope not for too long time ...i hope so! I wish Cobra all the best, more optimist persons around, who are able to keep the Light, and send him only positive energy and much love! Thank you for your patience and a wonderful good heart! Sending special vibes of hope, love and Ligh!💗

    2. @Mark and Eva, I dont think there are light federations but if Im not mistaken there are confederations out there. Any exopolitical types saying the portal info is wrong when it is sharper than there own is most likely compromised. Its not a disagreement either, some have said that the Pleiadians are flat out negative which goes against my own experiences.

      There are also new age types who seem to really love the Pleiadians who have questionable info that would be difficult for me to even try and verify. I choose to stay away from these types as well. I have obsessed over some subjects years ago and it went nowhere. It was pointless. Too much data is another red flag for me. If you arent better off afterwards than it was psycho babble and a waste of time.

      Part of CoBras info has been to spend less time online including alt media as most is compromised, focus on a daily routine, protect yourself and meditate if possible, all of which is solid. I have improved by eating foods I was told were bad, weights which I was told were harmful, tachyonis products, some meditation, some gaming and reading, solitude, and purple energy videos. No two paths are the same.

    3. Like you say to me, - why you are paying attention to others ? you must pay attention to Cobra only.
      I was thinking that you apply that rule in your life too or that rule was just for me?

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm DONE with mother fucking TESTS. I REFUSE to jump through someone's hoops for some type of 'TEST'.


      We need FIRST CONTACT, WEAPONS, TECH.....not 'you can do it!' pep-rallies.

      Shit, I never made the choice to come to this damned P.O.W. camp of a planet, the archons chose FOR me, and I'm not sacrificing myself for anything, licoi. First chance I get, I'm hitching a ride on an ET ship and GOING HOME and getting restored. We're not all here by choice, check out Cobra's soul family post, even states the archons forced souls to come here.

    2. Sherman. Agreed. Have you read Wes Penre? Research scroll to the 'Exit the Grid' and read and watch everything in the section. I want out of this prison, and this is the technique I will use. Haha, we have to die first but that is a given.

  95. Probably the most disturbing documentary I've seen. Maybe I was incorrect about the deaths not reaching billions in the future from the experimental drugs. Maybe Cobra was incorrect about the experimental drugs as well...


    1. Mike Adams: Duration of many illnesses increases due to vaccine

      Researcher Mike Adams warns that vaccine-related deaths and injuries, are on the rise; furthermore, many common illnesses are now lasting longer. In the United States, we are seeing an upsurge in deaths, and the death toll will continue to increase, since vaccinated individuals are walking weapons who shed the spike protein onto others.


      Among the terrible side effects (of experimental mRNA gene therapy) we recall the most important ones affecting children and adults:

      - alteration of DNA by the spike protein

      - radioactive effect of graphene

      - introduction of lipid nanoparticles and self-assembling nano-robots

      - myocarditis and pericarditis

      - heart attacks

      - Cognitive disabilities in babies

      - Autism and schizophrenia in children

      - Impairment of hippocampus, memory and learning

      - Paranoia and loss of intelligence

      - Male and female infertility

      - death of newborns

      - mRNA contaminated breast milk

      - premature births

      - sudden cancer

      - immune system failure

      - strange and deadly blood clots

      - chronic inflammations

      - vascular and organ damage

      - respiratory diseases

      - brain damage and stroke

      - neurological disorders

      - Guillain-Barre syndrome

      and many others ...


      "They want to turn us into automatons without free will, by means of vaccination technology" (Dr. Ana Mihalcea).

      "Yes. And when we talk about the spiritual, we have to say that we are divine beings. The divine part of the human being is free will. They want to make us automatons without free will, robots. If we are divine beings and come from God, then it is of utmost importance to preserve our free will, because it is part of our soul and our spiritual journey.

      We are in a spiritual, technological, biological and mental war. It is a battle for the survival of the human species. That is what is at stake!"

    2. The clearing of anomaly and implants continues.

    3. Or maybe this is just another fearmongering psyop by the dark..
      You guys should be aware, that the alternative media is completely full of dark propaganda. I don't know why you would rather believe those "documentaries" by the controlled opposition, than the intel of Cobra, who has direct contact to the resistance movement and the galactic confederation.

    4. FluffyFractalshard, have you watched the documentary, or are you making up your mind without investigating?

      I'm well aware that the alternative media is full of dark propaganda, but this isn't true of all alternative media, and in the case of this documentary, there is a vast amount of personal testimony.

      I look at what Cobra says, but it's important to not limit oneself to one source. There are also times to go within and not look at any sources, and find answers for oneself through direct experience.

      Anyway, the journey continues, and the Light continues to come through. All the best.

    5. Regarding personal experience, I will say this:

      My extended family are liberal and got the covid shots and booster shots, and not a single one of them has died or had adverse effects. One exception would be a cousin who got sick from one of the boosters, but this quickly passed and the cousin is fine.

      Yet, there are others who claim that people they know and/or family members have died from covid shots and/or had long-term negative effects, especially online. There is a vast amount of personal testimony online saying this, and several embalmers in the documentary found many clots. So, what's the reality? The conclusion in my latest blog post used the word "possible."

  96. Mercis Cobra pour tout ce que tu fais et qui tu es. Gratitude infinie. Paix, Joie et Amour dans ta vie.

  97. (Couldn't sleep.)

    An Attempt to get Billions Down to Millions

  98. Cobra, why are all the animals running in circles all over the planet?

    1. W was added in 16th century to the alphabet, Women = Omen, O, OOOOOOOOO, and we are rebirthing, that takes an Omen to do with the support of the Amen. Man vs Nature, Amen vs Omen, and you have heard a bunch how the Goddess wants peace. We are all changing, the entire universe, to include animals, planets, and they are far more in tune than most human beings.

    2. It's because they spread the food in that pattern. This issue makes the rounds every other year as a "new" thing.

  99. @spirittoo and others, You mentioned the white hats and the event recently. I thought about CoBras info on the white hats and operations behind the scenes. He said that there are operations going on for a while now and they will heavily take part in the arrests and other post event happenings. Trump would not come back though. I found the post I was thinking of and some others.

    The military may be holding the white house until the event but not for trump:

    What is shown to the public about who and what is important is not. These things by design are there to create fear and uncertainty which are gathered and sent back to the public like an energy weapon:

    The alt media is heavily doing this too, not just msm, and I have found that staying away from anyone pushing maga trump stuff has kept me clear of a lot of that. Nothing against maga people but it has been weaponized and most taking part probably dont even realize it. They do have an overall positive message to be fair. While looking for the david and goliath post I saw the hold the light posts and thought it would be good to post them too:

    Thank you CoBra and Light Forces. Victory of the Light.

  100. Does that mean that if I believe that the event will happen tomorrow, then the event will happen? If not, then what's the point?

  101. The Divine Masculine in action:

    Make sure to turn down the volume before watching as these guys yell pretty loudly in a parking lot about catching a cop who intended to meet up with a 14 y/o girl. He ultimately ran away and drove off which is where the video starts.

    American Predator Catchers YT Channel:

  102. We demand to destroy the moon now. Destroy the emotional controlling machine. We demand to release our emotion freely. Reboot starbase on Astral plane of earth. Reboot communication beacons on sky that were shutdown by intruders.

  103. FIFA MASCOT DEBUNKED - the cabal wants us to say hello to our alien friends 😒

    Mass public events are all about portal opening. They don't hide it anymore. Whatever form they choose portray themselves, it has always been about Egregores ( thought-forms ) impersonating our innermost fantaisies to be fed.

    I recommand the whole thread, fascinating stuff. Curious to see how the cabal will rationalize this when shit hits the fan 🤔 somehow they always fall back on their feet, like cats. :

    Wake up people and STOP granting about Star Command!

  104. Has anyone noticed any differences in their height? I grew 2 inches and am not young.

  105. Excellent question ... something is definitely up with them. Are they sensing some type of change coming? That something I would like to know are well. It would be nice if Cobra has some intel on this that he could share, but I doubt it.

  106. Cobra, does this have to do with Joerg Arnu and that Dreamland?

  107. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano-quote-----your commitment to fight in the psycho pandemic propoganda is commendable.-----unquote....


    breaking news-big carlo v exposes the dark beast brilliantly-bravo zulu.....go carlo go-hahahahaha.....

    check this one out-its super cosmic mental - bievenue amigos - hahahahaha.....

  109. Cobra - October 11, 2021
    Iside ha riavuto la sua corona.

    Cobra - Dec 3, 2021
    Goddess energy comes towards this planet in waves. […] Now another wave of Goddess energy hit the planet in October of this year. And this wave was very important because it has rearranged certain things behind the scenes […] I would say the balance of power at the top of the Black Nobility families has changed. […] You can connect with Goddess Isis, especially because her energy is coming back big time in the year 2022.

    Queen admonished Meghan: 'In this family we don't talk to people like that'

    Mt. Fuji, not sure the exact date but pretty recently

  111. Here's a very powerful goddess activation for your sleep time
