The media went after him because he told the people the media was FAKE. He clearly won the election .. they tried to impeach him over a phone .. the Clinton rape and kill and torture children person is perfect but why did a billionaire run for president tell the people the truth about the media all to lose millions and be attacked? No he did it to awaken the people ..nobody is without fault no me and I doubt anyone on this blog
Cobra warned us about Trump and I believe him. He has too many ties to the black nobility. He is a traitor as far as I am concerned when he allowed an illegitimate government to take power. Trump loves the limelight, and giving those "gee ain't it awful" rallies. One man who would be WAY better than Trump as president and that is RFK Jr. He is his father's son. Unfortunately the dinos would never allow him to run even though he filed to run. I will pray the so called white hats will pull their thumb out their ass and do something publicly. Let the people, who have the right to know, what is going on.
Well, considering how the a big chunk of the govt, media and ESPECIALLY Hollywood HATES Trump....maybe he is legit, otherwise, they'd be kissing his ass, and saying how great he is, like they did with Clinton, Dubya and Obama before him.
Sherman you are forgetting that the Jesuits control Trump and the Jesuit and Rothschild are fighting for control of the US. Since the Rothschilds control the corporate media, hollyweird, and the government ... naturally are going to attack Trump ... that doesn't mean he is legit. Trumps actions support he is a traitor to the people. I've always had a problem going by what a person does rather than what they say. RFK Jr. is a man I could stand by ... he has always been for the people. That is why they would never let him run and win.
You people are still in the trump good trump bad ping pong dilemma... when all we do is guess at this point and assume nothing is in flux or can change.
this is my take... first. All those in the leadership arena are being influenced by the good guys and bad guys.. we are at a stage where the bad guys are losing traction and the light is growing n taking over( for lack of better term) thus its influnce and magnitude is measurable by its outcome or deeds. Now My basic understanding is that the good guys had to come up with individuals to assist in the fight against the deep state.. do you guys really think they would have chosen a Ghandi or a Mother theresa... imho i dont think there are such noble hearts or souls left if they ever existed.. if they never were swapped or cloned. So please people snap out of it thinking that under the present predicament that we are at that those that rose to the top or took a form of leadership role are free of "sin" or were spared fully from stumbling at some point in the past. YOu already know that the gamE is hacked... our life is hacked where intentional roadblocks where place to get our hands dirty.. especially those who threaten the "system". What is important me friends is that if indeed there were faults on the past the individuals taking the quest to assist on liberating from a nation to a planet get into alignment of the righteous mission.. regardless of our flaws.. let the mission be done finally cause is the right thing to do.. whether because they finally saw the truth late or early in the game or whether they had to be replaced by a clone as they claim putin was.
Point is in this fight.. whether u were claimed to be an enemy.if ur heart is in alignment to free us now .. then we are to work in unison and support the effort... n not nit pick.. and make claims im more holy than thou... or assume all gossip is valid
This is the 11th hour people.. the heroes come in all shape or form.. and from all backgrounds.
So those that love to regurgitate the tv info... i only have have one thing to say to u.. ("double blinks"). In other words.. (nothing).
honestly people you should know better
Last Look forward and upwards .. but still dont lower your guard.
Here is a new Cobra interview.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Bubbles of Heaven Update
"Also, some people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when they rant about the Resistance Movement coded messages, distributing nonsense over the internet in obscure youtube videos. It is so beyond their level of understanding as quantum mechanics is above the level of understanding of an average Rhesus monkey."
@vVv I agree ... I pretty much had a baby when I learned 2025 was no longer a deadline, and things could go beyond that time. I felt betrayed by the LF/RM, that I had been lied to. What other things have they told us that we thought was set in stone they will change in midstream?
Im sorry...I thought it was DREAMLAND....I must be in a struggle with the surface affairs that I didnt let the dreamspace ideia into my consciousness...
To everyone attending The Ascension Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, I'm VERY jealous of all of you...🫵😉 Have an amazing and memorable time beautiful souls... you ambassadors of LIGHT! Wishing you all and COBRA a blessed and Easter weekend! Troy
Come on back @Libra JM Aquila! (Or whatever you want your new handle to be) Your Light and your contributions are valuable and needed. We know you're going through some rough times and awful attacks, I've been there, believe me. But I know you're stronger than anything the darkies can throw your way. Even COBRA gave you a pat on the back a couple of times recently for your input which is a pretty nice spiritual boost... and makes me a bit jealous... 😅 Our 1221Teams are with us to help us through these final and sometimes difficult days on our path and mission, so call on them as often as needed. For my part, I'm sending good vibes my friend... the best! Hope to see you back here soon Lightwarrior!🫵😎👍 Troy
Thanks for setting the record straight @Libra. I myself am just a random heterosexual male awakening out of a long amnesiac state and looking to remember my path and mission on this Earth. I never felt I quite fit in here, yet, I feel I have a great deal to contribute to this place the more awakened I become. If you're like me, you seek validation and truth. You wish to know WHO you are and where you fit in this universe. I'm simply here to assure you that even though you wish to stay under the radar much like myself, your input and contributions have great value and believe this blog and those on it are all inextricably intertwined through a higher calling and power. Our being here and sharing a little bit here and there is no accident because WE all posses a Light that requires focus, and our focus is the liberation of this planet on all planes. WE don't have to be VIP's to use our Light and contribute our input on this blog Libra... we're a collective of puzzle pieces that God has brought together at this time to make the most beautiful picture... God's greatest masterpiece. And you and I, along with everyone else here helped to create it... no more important or less important than the other. I'm here to inspire... especially the other Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds... that's my true gift and knack. You invest as much or as little on this blog as you're comfortable with... just know that you have a place here with the rest of the Light Tribe. Your friend and brother, Troy
A chance to think for yourself "We will see 50 YEARS of change in the NEXT 6 MONTHS It should have been shut down 30 years ago"
Bonjour 🙂 Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc. ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions. ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe. ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14. ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein. ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA. ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques. ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme. ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
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Nous organiserons aussi un LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière" EVENEMENT FACEBOOK FRANCOPHONE OFFICIEL Article explicatif : #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere
This really struck me. Thank You #QuantumFinancialReset “The due date is April 18, instead of April 15, because of the weekend and the District of Columbia's Emancipation Day holiday, which falls on Monday, April 17.” "Piercing the veil, also known as "piercing the corporate veil" refers to a situation in which courts put aside limited liability and hold a corporation's shareholders or directors personally liable for the corporation's actions or debts. Veil piercing is most common in close corporations."
Also, Monday 4/17 is Emancipation Day🙏🏼💰 a holiday in Washington DC to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862.
I have known for a long time that the Event is operable/active in the physical time of other kinds of beings, of course extraterrestrial. So that the "ballads" about being too late are just stories and that's all. Whether we will physically seize the moment is much too debatable. Theories about I don't know how many meditations, and there are more theories, that we are in the old vibration, we don't perceive much. So it is to be expected.
Wir sind ein Spott What these are doing with us: during the night with our souls on the ships And on day, we walking on the street and remember nothing ist ein spott. Wir schämen uns wirklich für unsere earthling Mission. Wir werden uns fur dieser Schande immer verstecken müssen.
Dear Cobra, Could you please, give us some information about Trump. So many lightworkers trust him,and hoping he will be America's savior. Some more evolved lightworkers even believes that Trump's higher self is St Germain?! OMG! In your earlier Intel you had different opinion about him. What is the situation now ? Because, once again this can cause division among lightworkers too. Thank you dear Cobra. 🌏🌈🕊️🌞😍🤩🖖
I feel that is why they are showing this stupid movie instead of following the Constitution and publicly arresting the criminals in the government. It is to polarize the nation and it is working too. I never trusted Trump. He has far too many ties with the black nobility. The trumpsters are just as bad as the people that think Bush, Obama, and the Clintons are saviors and they could do no wrong. You can't say anything bad about Donny especially if it is true. On RRN comment section I get more negative votes when I point out facts about Donny than the spammers. I got over 100 negative votes one time. :D
Imho the whole Q movement, while it might have initially been a positive one, was highjacked and is now a pure psyop of the dark. Praising Trump as the "savior" and pacifying people by making them "trust the plan". No call to action whatsoever, only hot air. And let's not talk about the huge separation it creates in the US making people still believe that an elected official in this corrupt system will ever be on their side. Instead of comnig together, huge parts of the awakened american population are torn about one public figure who is a fucking billionaire, but still is asking for donations from his followers. This is one damn stupid psyop, but hey, I've seen smart people suddenly believe the earth is flat, so I will just brush this off as endtime madness/peak stupidity and try not to get mad about this nonsense because it is simply the way this whole mess is playing out. As long as people are still holding the light and being nice to each other they can believe whatever they want.
I'm just wondering how they (the narcissists) will survive since we took out all, or most, of their underground cities and bases, their DUMBs. Where exactly are they going to go now that we destroyed all their cities, AND took all of their food? We, all of us humans, we be rescued in ships. So we are just going to leave them behind with nowhere to hide? It's brutal if you are a shill. Or if you happen to be an elite who is still alive. Let this 'play' keep going. I think I see the ending.
I've been watching Suspicious Observers (Ben) and it really will be brutal. But hopefully we will be gone by then. Totally brutal what will happen to earth.
This might be a good time to mention the booster meditation for the portal of light activation is on April 20th, 4:16utc time. Someone correct me if I got the time wrong. I didnt see this mentioned in the main post but I am sure CoBra will post something about it before the 20th.
Fate of the United States, Price Pondering, and an Apology Regarding Tachyons
If NATO had not been so preoccupied with world domination, the U.S would not be facing annihilation from Asia. If NATO had stopped being so obsessed with destroying Russia, and had backed down from Ukraine, resources could have been reserved for defense against world domination by Asia. Now it's too late, and there's no way NATO will win this war - not when China and North Korea are also involved. It's now three nuclear superpowers against one!
Unless there is intervention from positive Ets, or help from some other third party, the United States is doomed. I'm not into the doom and gloom mentality, so am open to the possibility that there is a way for the U.S to avoid annihilation.
I've been wondering lately:
How can food cost what it does when so much money goes into producing, transporting, stocking, cashiering, and so forth? It seems that the amount of money to get food products into the homes of consumers costs far more than the consumer price.
Regarding tachyon discs:
I had to give David Wagner's tachyon discs a rest. No matter what I tried, the discs aggravated my 'kundalini syndrome' in a negative way. I'd rather not be more specific on this, but to summarize, the discs are causing pre-existing imbalances to become worse.
Others may not have such experiences. All I know is that at least for me, the discs have done more harm than good. I plan on messaging Wagner to ask why this happened. I'm sorry if I caused anyone else to buy Wagner's discs who may have also been adversely affected.
I messed up again, and again, I apologize.
Cobra's tachyon chamber, however, encourages me to be more heart centered, and has a strong healing effect. This is probably because Cobra's tachyon chambers are connected to Genesis II, which is beyond the quarantine, where there is a connection to tachyons that are in space without anomaly and/or false vacuum (truly liberated space).
Sorry to do this but I just removed Ben of Suspicious Observers OFF my youtube list forever. He started up again flashing us the REAL 666 sign, with the correct hand, with the satanic hand. As far as I'm concerned I don't trust him. And he is trying to talk to us for 2 hours, all the while flashing us (you can watch it yourself) all to indoctrinate us. I'm not buying it nor will I ever buy it. Also, his real side began to come out. He's not so nice. Bit of an unstable fool if you ask me. Goodbye.
I won't put up with hand-flashing from anyone! Go 666 yourself.
While his content was probably often based (even Cobra linked to him once or twice) I always felt he is really pushing for the darkest endtime scenario spreading fear and feelings of doom. = tool of the dark.
Discernment means looking at the whole situation. Does a satanist spend incredible amounts of time and effort waking people up? Do they have cutting edge information that makes them stand out as intelligent and motivated to help? This latest video he's EXPOSING satanists and all their tricks. Then the evidence he is a satanist... talking with his hands randomly making many shapes, which happen to occasionally be placing his index finger and thumb together which is a common gesture for many people when they make a point. Come on. And he's unstable? He's one of the most rational and even-keeled people out there. Disinfo people are Q-like info who put out patriotic fluff and unverifiable info, kind of like what you post about regularly. Some Trump fan-fiction. Something like "Macron is trying to flee the country" says random Youtuber. That's disinfo by satanists.
"Few people noticed that my forecast was justified — the giant complex on the Holy Lake was a trick following a simple negotiation rule: "Always ask for more than you expect to get."
The task of the Wahhabi Ummah was to break the long-standing informal ban on the construction of new mosques in Moscow. This was successfully done. As Kadyrov noted, "the mosque will be built closer to the center of Moscow, in the park part, in a place where it will be more convenient for parishioners to get to," that is, my phrase "after hardware intrigues, the construction will be moved to another district of Moscow, to an even more thuggish and elite place" was justified.
At the same time, note that before the "transfer", the channels of the right-wing conservatives spread information that a metro or something equally neutral was planned there at all. The Russians were put to sleep, hoping that it might be possible to satisfy the maximum request.
But when this failed, all the authorities and AP-shny bloggers suddenly split — yes, the construction was planned, but now it will be postponed: rejoice, kafir-forming! Notice the abrupt transition from lying to confession.
But even less noticed the most important thing. The reaction of the Wahhabis.
Threats to overtake. Threats to destroy. The accusations of the Russians of cowardice and non—participation in their own are an obvious consequence of the Order of 33%, for which it was introduced. Death threats for recording a video against construction. Harassment of Divnich and the organizers of religious processions. Bearded men with machine guns threatening to come to Moscow: "it doesn't matter to us who to fight with — we don't threaten, we warn."
From an ordinary MMA fighter to Kadyrov, from Hasbik to Wahhabi Kamil Hazrat Samigullin, from NAYUR to DOOM, from Tajik to Chechen — a giant, growing every day Umma told the Russians: shut up and step aside, or die.
Russian Russians have gone through the post-Soviet era of herbivorous Muslims who, under the USSR, worked with Russians in the same factories, in the same design bureaus and research institutes, shaved smoothly and had no accent, did not take religion seriously and shared the same values with Russians, except for different stories from grandmothers. Then they stood out except for their surname and brown eyes, were ready to accept the patronage of the Russian elder brother, and were not against the fact that the living symbol of the USSR in the eyes of the rest of the world has always been a blue-eyed, blond Russian, a kind of Ivan Drago, and this is the image used in propaganda. Films and literature were socialist, but with the dominant Russian culture as the most neutral.
Now a Russian Muslim is a thug Wahhabi with a knife and a whole arsenal at home, he has an ostentatious accent, training in MMA and connections both in the Wahhabi Ummah and among thieves (there are almost no Russians among them). He does not want to do a bullshit job, leaving it to the kafirs, but wants to live on high, blat, drive an expensive car and shoot out of the window, first up and then at passers-by, perform prayers and sit on drugs. He does not want to obey the rules of society and the collective, whether it is a school, university, army, department or firm. He wants to squeeze, rob, force others to do their work, unite with his own, punish those who are undesirable and able to put together resistance. Beat, kill and rape anyone you want.
Moreover, even Tatars are subjected to Wahhabization, about whom any guardian will tell you that they lived side by side with Russians for 100500 years and in general the most secular and Russified — forgetting to say that it was relevant 15-20 years ago, and modern young Tatars have never seen such a guardian.
The socialist secular Muslim has finally died out, and the Wahhabi, who came to replace him, needs mosques in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.., and that Russia itself is not represented in propaganda by Ivan Drago, but by a slanting bearded man with a finger up — either a devout Salafite, or a jihadi priest of the Islamic Orthodox Church of the Muscovabad Mukhabarat. A black banner will fly over Russia, or they will burn or trample this Russia. They don't need the old one.
And the black banner rises. Take the blackening, derusification of the culture of the Russian Federation. Compared to it, the USSR already looks like some kind of RNG in terms of culture, although it was obviously more anti-Russian than the RI."
Moreover, as in ISIS, the unification of Russian Muslims is taking place: the madhhabs, nations, regional differences and traditions are disappearing. Russian russians all have the same position, communicate with each other in broken Russian (however, in 100 years such a salam-live-I will overtake the "Russian" language will become the standard) and are ready to carry out cultural and religious expansion to the land they consider their own with weapons in their hands. Russia truly deserves the title of IG 2.0. Russians? And as for the Russians, there were minorities in ISIS 1.0, too. And not all of them were killed, only some and a little. Most of them worked quietly, with their eyes on the floor and trying not to shine. Does it remind you of anything?
And the tone, the tone of the amirs and Mujahideen of IG 2.0 in response to the timid protest against the mosque is the main thing that should be taken out of this situation. After all, the protests were quite liquid, the processions gathered only hundreds of people, from the media, only marginal ones covered the story. And what a strong, consolidated response! Not requests and assurances, not even demands, but an ultimatum and a list of consequences in case of continued resistance. The balance of power has finally shifted, and informal, networked, distributed threats to Russians from non-Russian consolidated communities have become the norm. The state cannot and does not want to do anything about it. Do you want to be like in Ukraine?
Russian Russian, but when dear brothers in some school near Moscow will knock a skull of a Russian classmate inside, let a Russian girl in a circle or burn alive in the car of a teacher who gave bad grades, and the Kafir Committee will arrest the guilty - what will prevent them from meeting again with the whole crowd of MMA—shnik, thieves, the elites of the national Republic and repulse the brothers? Russians will be against Russians every time — and there will be more and more of this in the coming decades? This confirms all my predictions — there will be no equal union of peoples, thank God. This is precisely cultural and religious domination, expansion, seizure, war.
A war that doesn't get hot just because one of the parties consistently meets all the requirements. The first hero of SVO is a Dagestani? Great! Multinational SVO, allied forces? That's right! Order 33%? And let's give 66%! Battalions of the National Republic? Goida! 150k Tajik passports for military 2022? InshaAllah! Republics with a sovereign foreign policy as bridges between the Russian Federation and the Islamic world? Great idea! Total permissiveness of ethnic gangs under the cover of national-cultural autonomies, special missions of national republics, congresses of the peoples of Russia, etc.? What is not the beautiful Russia of the future! A mosque in Moscow? Give me two!
There is simply no need for any more Russian-speaking than is currently going on at the front, in schools, universities, in markets and streets, in shopping malls and expensive hotels, on the cultural front and in public administration. One of the parties does not resist at all, because it is the service class of the Russian state. And the state has decided to completely change its ethnic, cultural and religious appearance.
When the Russian Federation follows the example of Yugoslavia, its fragments, in turn, are waiting for a repeat of the Ottoman rule in the Balkans, which lasted 500 years. Nothing, people lived somehow. Turkic and Muslim influences will penetrate into architecture, cuisine, language, music, cinema, "Christianity" (it will quickly become a "traditional belief in the Almighty"), communication manners, appearance, genetics. In a few centuries, pilaf, khinkali, shawarma and hashish cakes will be considered Russian national cuisine. And what, Islam is already called the traditional religion of Russia, and even 20 years ago it was not considered.
Mosarabization. There are worse fates among peoples. However, nothing comes to mind right away.
The new Russians will not be the same submissive serving class, so in the end this plan is suicidal for the Noviopes themselves, who will be replaced by pure—blooded believers, and the Russian Federation itself will crack at the seams.
I wonder if in 500 years the fragments of Russia will have their own Alexander the Liberator? And where will it come from? From China?
During our lifetime, Russia will change in such a way that if we go back 100 years in the future, we simply won't know anything. Vilayet of Russia."
" "Dear Ukrainian partners" (Even during the war, the agent of the CIA-MI5-Israel, Vladimir Putin and his entourage-the apparatus of officials consisting of 90% Jews calls the United States and the NATO bloc, as well as their proxy "Ukraine" the word "partners")compiled the top names of the dead soldiers ( of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — apparently, on the basis of the bodies that came to them, and according to OSINT (
Where are all these Magicians? Where are the Ahmadis? Where are the Rasuls? Russian Russians are being robbed of their exploits and are being given to Wahhabis to hang their photos on billboards all over the country in order to teach the Russian that this bearded psychopath is his compatriot? Is it possible that the Order of 33% was and remains a lie when they take away exploits from Russians and give them to the Wahhabis to hang their photos on billboards all over the country in order to teach the Russian that this bearded psychopath is his compatriot? To whom did Kadyrov say "push aside the Muslim who is fighting in the Russian Donbass instead of you"? This list? Was Bulba right that non-Russian soldiers huddle in groups and chill on the third line, smoking hookah and sending officers to three letters?
Moreover, the Ukrainian CIPSO and social activists are just moving the topic of decolonization, that only Buryats and Bashkirs are dying, and their objective data has broken through. And they can be trusted more than the data from the AP-FSB. And woe to the country whose population is supplied with more objective data by the military enemy."
I want to remind you that Russia is (or was, 20-30 years ago, the country with the largest number of pure white population on the planet - in the USA, Jews and Arabs are considered white, although they have a separate haplogroup and this is scientifically incorrect - I wonder why this is being done). At the moment, in an artificial war organized and supported by the Jew Zelensky and the MI5-Stasi-Israel agent Putin, the largest genocide of the white population of the planet in the described history is being carried out, including with the help of migrant ethnocide, the volume of imported migrants is greater than in Europe and the United States combined for the period 2004-2020.
All retired military high command of the armed forces say that according to the laws of military science, with the resources of the Russian Federation, it was madness to send troops to Ukraine, it was possible to count only on a blitzkrieg that developed quite successfully until deals were brokered by Turkey, the UN and other sattelites (enslaved countries) behind-the-scenes structures of world coordination. This is a massacre of whites between brainwashed Russians (Ukrainians with an artificial history, language) and those whom military commissariats kidnapped on the agenda (martial law has not been declared, the formation of a defense economy has not been started, no training) of people, including fathers of 2-4 children, disabled people and with the help of psychological violence, the threat of incarceration and they were tricked into signing documents, claiming that these were documents for military services going to war, while the papers turned out to be contracts for military service under a contract - allegedly voluntarily. In the media sphere, it is claimed that the Second Great Patriotic War is underway (Hitler 2.0, who together wanted to destroy the Slavs completely as Jews, considering them a mistake in the evolution of the "white race"), but an attempt to end this war in the fastest way by developing a blitzkrieg (the less the war lasts, the less losses both sides bear) ended with a stop of the war on the part of Vladimir Putin and his entourage. Heavy systems, tanks, artillery were no longer supplied to the front, infrastructure, railways, airports were not attacked - the only nodes through which NATO could provide equipment and weapons to Ukraine. There is a clear impression that both sides: Putin and Nato (Zelensky) want the conflict to develop in order to create 3 hotbeds of conflict on the planet so that Russia is distracted from China, with which the US is most likely to pit the world's behind-the-scenes coordination and management structures. World War 3 will be an attempt to distract humanity from the global financial crisis of unprecedented scale, because capitalism as a system for its existence had to destroy the economies of all countries and keep production at its core (USA-England-Germany-Canada). After the collapse of the USSR, there were no countries free from capitalism on the planet, the so-called "World Economy" survived for 30 years on the funds looted in the USSR and cheap resources provided to them by the successor of the CIA agent Yeltsin - Vladimir Putin, but according to economic calculations it became clear: electronic money, numbers created in a computer and not provided with actually produced goods, the work of real people - these figures are worthless and the falling domino plates are coming to an end. The way out could be closing (breakthrough) technologies, but according to the speeches of Klaus Schwab (his representative in Russia is the head of the country's largest bank, the homosexual Herman Gref and prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin - both spoke at digital conferences together with Klaus Schwab), the world elites consider themselves a super race, and the rest are subhumans (the roots of Nazism - Judaism and Judaism, which directly says that all non-Jews are animals and they can and should be killed, any rabbi will tell you this if you impersonate a Jew and ask him a question for the purpose of teaching) and want to build a paradise only for themselves. They come up with robots to replace ordinary slaves, which will be controlled by artificial intelligence (has everyone noticed the boom in artificial intelligence over the past year? how sharply the news about this appeared in all the media), kill extra people through COVID and GMO products, legalize drugs, pornography, unnatural same-sex relationships (a third life cannot be born from two men or two women, it's unnatural, it's MADNESS - it's against the will of HEAVEN, the SOURCE, the UNIVERSE, call everything that created us as it is convenient for you, it's just crazy).
"a third life cannot be born from two men or two women, it's unnatural, it's MADNESS - it's against the will of HEAVEN, the SOURCE" and blahblahblah.. What's the problem with that? Don't you see we are enough people already on the planet? Why are people so desperate to bring poor souls to this Slaughterhouse, to this Auschwitz Planet ? Wow it doesn't cease to amaze me this fact. How powerful the reproduction software ("Gods Will") can be. I am.hetero by the way, but I bless homo relationships, I don't see a problem in their existence
"This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this."
I feeling very strongly... many many galatic families , rainbow light beings ,,,are super busy in those days. i wanna appreciate all of .. and.. we will Growing up. thanks all work and care for such long path.
yes. quite not easy. .. my true sound from.heart..
but we will growth. become butterfly soon and ...... someday very closely. we can hug you.g hug all with our wings.
mRNA in Food, livestock, BIDEN strong, industry destroyed, replacement migration, gas,oil not allowed in Germany, Mr.Habeck ...the king, Germans told to leave the country, cheered up by the existing party heads, Germany has to be non-White, LgbtQ....7,so where is the breaktrhough? We are lost.
We all knew the darkness would increse until the breakthrough as they are more and more desperately trying to control us while more dark thruths are coming out. Now if you only focus on the negative, you ofcourse feel doomed! Switch your focus and you instantly see how many little breakthroughs there are, how much truth is coming to light, how many people are waking up, how many people are protesting etc. Also try to let go of that fear, in the worst case you will die, so what? The fact that you seem to be constantly feeling doomed is a sign, that you urgently need to work on these feelings! Look within, connect with your higher self and god and empower yourself! There is no need to live in fear! The victory of Light is inevitable!
Excuse me, what kind of lightworker joke that is? You started one project before finishing material support/Dreamland for lightworkers? I don't like this!
The biggest jokes are people who only come here to dump their frustration and are accusing Cobra and the LF for things they don't even understand. If you had any even just slightly substantial knowledge and or impact on the liberation yourself, you wouldn't comment such nonsense. Get a life and get to work! Nobody needs crybabies!
= The state of Russia's top 100 billionaires exceeded 104% of the budget, 21% of GDP or 14% of all national wealth
The assets of the top 100 richest people in Russia amounted to $468 billion at the beginning of 2023, or 13.8% of all national wealth. The value has decreased from 18.9% in 2021, but is still one of the highest in the world.
Among the 50 countries studied by Equality (see "How We Thought" ( )), the Russian Federation is second only to Monaco, Cyprus, Malaysia and Saud. Arabia sample 2016
( share of the top 100 in the wealth of the countries of the world (Forbes ( /), CS ( )), % 1. 🇯🇵 Japan – 0.7 2. 🇰🇷 Korea – 1,1 3. 🇨🇳 China – 1,1 5. 🇬🇧 UK – 1,4 6. 🇺🇸 USA -1,8 13. 🇩🇪 Germany – 3,2 18. 🇫🇷 France -3,9 19. 🇮🇳 India – 4.1 37. 🇳🇬 Nigeria – 9.0 45. 🇨🇿 Czech Republic - 13.1 46. 🇷🇺 Russia – 13.8 49. 🇨🇾 Cyprus - 57 50. 🇮🇩 Monaco - 125 = View rating =
('s make a reservation: we are talking about the wealth that has been verified. Some small countries would overtake the Russian Federation if they had reliable data. Nevertheless, among 21 large countries with wealth of $3 trillion, Russia is in the lead (see chart).
In the West, billionaires are the owners of global corporations, often getting richer at the expense of peripheral countries. In the Russian Federation, this is a comprador oligarchy that profited from the wealth and population of the country itself.
Among the top 100 billionaires of the Russian Federation: 🪚 81 – participated in privatization 85 – had informal ties with officials or were they 89 – used offshore schemes 78 – assets in corruption-vulnerable industries 🪪 40 – had foreign citizenship ( ✈️ 57 - lived mostly abroad 69 – relatives lived abroad
The top 100 rich have $468 billion, which is 104% of Russia's budget or 21% of GDP. 123 million, or 84% of less affluent Russians, have the same number. At the same time, none of the billionaires are seen helping the front. On the contrary, some help the West in the war against Russia ( ).
For blackmail, the West has already frozen $58 billion ( ) their assets. As of January 1, 2022, $604 billion was accumulated abroad ( ).
Since 1991, more than $1 trillion has been withdrawn from Russia ( Even more because of the domination of the oligarchy, the country has lost more than $6.6 trillion in development ( ) income.
1. Total wealth of the top 100 rich ( ) of each country is taken according to the Forbes general rating ( /) from 04.04.23, as well as national ratings of the publication. Accordingly, the data obtained are accompanied by the same restrictions as the Forbes rating. That is, we are talking about wealth that has been reliably verified and controlled directly by a billionaire.
2. The Forbes rating includes data on billionaires, but not 100 people accumulated in all countries. Therefore, to fill in the data and assess the condition of exactly 100 rich people, power functions were used, taking into account the number of billionaires, the number of multimillionaires, the condition of the richest and the nature of the distribution of their fortunes. The assessment received was rather optimistic, that is, "no less than".
3. The degree of concentration of wealth – the ratio of the total wealth of the top 100 rich to the total national wealth (NW) of households in the country. Data on the national wealth of the countries of the world are taken from the Global Wealth Report (,per%20adult%20reached%20USD%2087%2C489. ) from Credit Suisse at the beginning of 2022. As part of the national wealth, CS takes into account the financial assets of families, non-financial assets (land, real estate), as well as debts (reducing NB). For Russia and Ukraine, the data are updated at the beginning of 2023, taking into account the dynamics of the stock market, inflation and exchange rates. So, if at the beginning of 2022 the National Bank of Russia was $ 3.8 trillion, then at the beginning of 2023 at least $3.4 trillion. For the rest of the countries, it is assumed that the National Bank by the beginning of 2023, if it decreased, then no more than the inflation rate of the dollar, i.e. nominally remained about the same as at the beginning of 2022.
4. In total, data on 50 countries of the world were studied. Separately, information is highlighted on 21 large countries where the total national Bank at the beginning of 2022 exceeded $ 3 trillion. Among the 21 countries of the world, the Russian Federation is consistently leading in the degree of concentration of wealth among the top 100 rich people from year to year (data on the graph). If we consider the 50 countries for which it was possible to collect data, then the Russian Federation is ahead of Cyprus, Monaco, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia in 2016. Probably, many other developing countries would overtake Russia if they had the opportunity to collect high-quality data.
The mass vaccination program against Covid-19 has never been associated with the fight against the virus. We are talking about reducing the world's population.
"If an experimental vaccine damaged the heart and immune system in a significant number of people who received it, it is quite possible that this could lead to a reduction in the total population.
This can happen for a number of reasons:
Firstly, damage to the heart can lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death worldwide. It can also lead to an increase in the number of deaths among those who have received the vaccine.
Secondly, damage to the immune system can make people more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which can also contribute to an increase in mortality.
Last but not least, the negative impact of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health may lead to a decrease in the number of births, which will further reduce the total population.
Such a vaccine, if distributed, could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.
Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where influential institutions and governments are forcing millions of people to receive an experimental vaccine against Covid-19, which causes all the above-mentioned ill-fated phenomena.
Official government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove the intentions of vaccinators. Thus, you are witnessing a massive population decline unfolding before your eyes.
The desire for mass vaccination against Covid-19 has never been associated with the fight against the virus. It was about reducing the world's population. This goal is consistent with the interests of some powerful corporations and individuals who will benefit from a smaller, more manageable population now that AI is advanced enough to replace hundreds of millions of workers" (source) ( /)
many thanks to cobra and his team for doing another primo conference in foremosa.....
i found the energies flowing through the ascension conference smoother more refined than ever before-while very very powerful at the same time.....
like some cosmic grade energy medicines manifesting throtuh the process for all who would like to incorporate into their various energy bodies and such.....
its like being able to receive a tank full of cosmic grade fuels of sorts-if you will.....
an anology in a more 3d expression - its like the barfly talking about fuel -fuel.....and dont forget to laugh fine humans being-its good for you-hahahahaha.....
Energetic Support for the Age of Aquarius Pluto in Capricorn until 3/23/23 Pluto first in Aquarius: 3/23/23 to 6/11/23 Pluto back in Capricorn: 6/11/23 to 1/21/24 Pluto in Aquarius again: 1/21/24 to 9/2/24 Pluto back in Capricorn: 9/2/24 to 11/19/24 Pluto final in Aquarius: 11/19/24
I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling a MAJOR positive change in the air either by my own senses or our shared collective. It's a sense of being lighter, like in feeling of divine optimism and/or brightness and luminescence. So in essence, I feel lighter and brighter... 🙌 I dont know what you guys did and/or achieved at the Taiwan Ascension Conference, but I'm feeling a beautiful increase in my energy, attitude and optimism.☝️😎👍 Let me know if any of you are feeling any difference in the air since yesterday, Easter Sunday.🤔 VOTL
This song from LeAnn Rimes called "Spaceship" is spot on. I couldn't have said it better myself, the words are perfect. This encapsulates EVERYTHING I feel, and have felt my entire life. What a nice surprise. Here's the song with the lyrics... enjoy! 🎶 No, I never felt like I belonged here This world wasn't quite ready for me Whoever's out there in the stratosphere Got a question for the cosmic engineer Is it all you believed it would be? Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come How much pain can we bear being human? I'm pretty sure that my mission is done here How much more, yeah, do you want from me? Haven't I earned the right to be a nominee? To float out past the Pleiades Oh, no, you can't be that hard to please Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come No, I'm not taking no for an answer today Got to be an infinite amount of room up there in the stowaway Yeah, it's my life I have a say And I say Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come I'm waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come 🎶
Psionic self-defense energy technique from Randy Cramer's program University of Conscious Evolution. Base column is red energy, turning into pink with gold swirls at the heart orb and main shell around the body. Head energy is blue.
a triangle shape formed on my face of the skin where the minds eye is located has manifested again about a day after the ascension conference.....this occured after the ascension conference in paris also.....
an expression of the high frequency high light quotient energies manifested at this recent lightforces conference held in the matrix -as a higher world nation of humanity of earth rises brilliantly now.....the crhysalis is leaving the dorm and the new world is being born.....
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promised to give the western territories of Ukraine to Poland if it helps with the counteroffensive. This was reported by columnist Marek Gal in his article for the Polish edition of Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny (NDP).
According to the journalist, the Ukrainian leader took such a step, "knowing that the announced counteroffensive is doomed to failure, and US pressure is increasing." In addition, he offered Polish business to buy the largest Ukrainian enterprises in exchange for repayment of the external public debt, the observer claims.
"Zelensky realizes that at the moment he is hated not only by his own people, but also by everyone who invested in him as a profitable project," wrote Gal. According to him, the president of Ukraine "cannot hide from the United States, and therefore must find the means to pay off" with the West at any cost, even through territorial concessions."
Prospects of unification of Ukraine and Poland
On April 5, Zelensky, at a meeting with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda, said that there would be no borders between Poles and Ukrainians. "Meeting of neighbors, meeting of allies, meeting of partners, meeting of friends. (...) In the future, there will be no borders between our peoples — political, economic and — what is very important — historical," he promised.
In turn, the columnist of Rzeczpospolita Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse pointed out that Ukraine could join the "big and strong Polish state" in order to better counteract Russia in Eastern Europe. In his opinion, experts in Poland advise to restore the structure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. "This refers to the in-depth cooperation of the countries of our region, primarily Poland and Ukraine. Then the question of Kiev's accession to the EU and NATO would have been resolved by itself," writes Gross. The journalist added that such a state structure, which should be established after the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, will serve in favor of Warsaw and ensure stability and security in the region.
After that, Federation Council member Alexey Pushkov noted that the project on the possible inclusion of Ukraine into Poland, which a year or two ago seemed geofantastic, is now taking on doctrinal outlines. "Thus, the question is now being raised not so much about the future of Western Ukraine, but about a new project of subordination to Poland of the entire current Ukraine within the framework of a certain confederation, which should lead Poland to its long—standing dream of becoming a superpower of Eastern Europe," the senator stressed.
Redneck () Etymology From West Slavonic, the same root as the verb to be. The original meaning (preserved in the Czech bydlo) is “being, condition, residence.” Later in the Polish bydło the meaning “dwelling” developed, then “property, property”, finally (from the 14th century) “livestock” (also reduce bydlę) . In this meaning, it was borrowed into the Ukrainian language (bidlo), where it also acquired the figurative meaning of “people equated to cattle”. Hence the modern Russian meanings (used as an insult). The Poles, especially the Polish gentry (exploiting class) called Ukrainians who were taken prisoner (actually slavery) and forced to work on their agricultural plots, from where they fled to the Zaporozhian Sich (Cossack freemen - that is, freedom) and from where they were hired as mercenaries to the Russian Tsar for wars with the Turks and the same Poles, experiencing fierce hatred for them as former slave owners and Catholics (Ukrainians themselves used to be Orthodox Christians). And now these same Poles "invite" "respected Ukrainians", "neighbors" to become part of their state. Or is it a "Ukrainian" (Jew) Zelensky offering them to take Ukraine into their state? From the side of anyone who knows the background of the relations between these two countries, their relationship in this situation looks at least suspicious. It's as if whites in the US were offering African Americans jobs for something other than the US average wages. but for a bowl of food, because these two social groups have "excellent" relations in the "past". Well, you get the idea, yes Former slave owners are asking blacks to return to being slaves. And the head of all black people in the US (or representing the interests of the largest number of black people in the US, for example in the media) would say: yes, okay, no problem, we have an old friendship. Hey, my black brothers fully support my idea of becoming slaves to you whites and working 18 hour days for a bowl of rice chowder. This is how it looks for those who know the history of relations between Poland and the so-called. "Ukraine", the symbol for the region of the Russian Empire, in Russian literally and meaning U-kraina, U-krai, edge - the end point of something, such as an object, for example, the word "kraiukha".
Etymology Comes from noun. edge, from ancient times. *krajь, from the cat. among other things, there were: Art.-Slav. krai (ancient Greek αἰγιαλός), Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian edge, bulg. edge "end", Serbohorv. kȓj (genus p. krája) "land", Slovene. kràj (genus p. krája), Czech, Slovak, Polish, V. Ludg. kraj, n.-puddle. kšaj.
Ukraine itself never existed as a unified state until the Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Empire (in which the Russians themselves were in the position of slaves to an alien Romanov dynasty). The "teaching" of the Ukrainians began as a geopolitical project to separate the western territories of the Russian Empire by the hands of specialists-ideologists of the Autro-Hungarian Empire, several people were trained who gave lectures, how vagabonds moved from village to village and through small towns and convinced Rusyns (Ruthenians - Russians ) that they are not Russians, but Ukrainians, to which at first the locals laughed at them, then they beat them with sticks and drove them away, mistaking them for madmen. Everything ended badly for the Rusyns. "Ukrainians" returned and staged a real genocide for the indigenous inhabitants of the regions that today are called "Western Ukraine" (, Adolf Hitler took the example of this situation by creating concentration camps. I understand very well that Vladimir Putin is a CIA agent, since he was put by Yeltsin, a CIA-MI6 agent to ensure the safe plunder of Russia's national resources. I understand that he could, on command from England, start a war (which Zelensky most likely did with him in tandem, because Great Britain as a state was created on Jewish capital - understand their interest yourself). But remember how the conflict began in 2014, read the reports - a military, Nazi coup took place in Ukraine where people were burned alive in their homes ( because they spoke Russian. And how, over time, it became clear the crime of Vladimir Putin and his involvement in working for the intelligence of the West in the fact that he recognized the government of the Nazis, and did not immediately send in troops and put things in order, than in 8 years of ethnic cleansing of Russians on the territory of Ukraine, all the cities where they were waiting for the arrival of the Russians they stopped believing in Russians and realized that the same enemy is sitting in the Kremlin as the one who cleans them up at home. Putin, a CIA agent, sold Russian-speaking Ukrainians to the Nazi junta for the right to continue plundering resources by Jewish oligarchs. Top 100 names of the Russian Forbes. For 8 years, NATO spent $ 2 billion on preparing Ukraine for war, and on command from Washington and London, agent "Putin" and agent "Zelensky" began the Slavic massacre.
Why did I write posts about Ukraine? Whatever the outcome of the military conflict in Ukraine, victory or defeat of the army of the Russian Federation, changes in the political situation in Russia are inevitable.
In case of victory, the socialists will come to power in Russia, because. the vast majority of Russian youth who grew up in poverty in the 30 years after the destruction of the Soviet Union remember from the stories of their parents and grandparents that the maximum wage gap between the minister-head of state and an ordinary worker in the field at the plant reached a maximum of 4-4.5 times. Russian culture, unlike the culture of England and the USA based on Judaism, is based on mutual forbearance and support, help and basically does not tolerate theft, corruption, robbery and deceit, because in the North, where the sun allows you to grow crops only for 3 months out of 12 in year to live and work (essentially survive) surrounded by enemies on all sides is insanely difficult, and neighbors helping each other understood that traitors have no place here. All young people know that it was the USA, the CIA, England and Israel that received the greatest benefit from the destruction of the Soviet Union, completely destroyed the industry of the USSR, and that through the fault of these countries their parents either left to work as prostitutes, or drank alcohol, or hanged themselves from lack of hope. For 30 years, capitalism has not been able to take root in Russia, the vast majority of the population consciously does not want to use the science of Western "management" and the "market economy" which "regulates everything by itself" (a fairy tale for idiots who do not understand that only monopolies remained in the 21st century). Next, the Russians will begin to purge traitors, the formation and construction of a national economy based on closing technologies (there are developments of Soviet engineers, including for the creation of spaceships, the Americans should also know about the synthesis of gold from nothing, which will potentially help to collapse the world gold market) for the most effective according to the Time-Volume-Quality criterion, building up the material base and forming new education systems in all industries to form a scientific base for the production of weapons systems to destroy the political leadership of NATIONAL and SUPRAnational network structures for coordination and control (they are also known in the West as DeepState). Neither bunkers nor a network of underground cities under the United States would be an obstacle to the destruction of representatives of this social group. Based on the fact that, due to fundamental systemic and civilizational differences, it can be seen that the "Anglo-Saxon" (fundamentally Venetian-Jewish, the bankers of Switzerland are descendants of the banking families of Venice and Genoa) civilization carries out the genocide of the white population of the planet, at the moment mainly the owners of the haplogroup R1a1 (Eastern Slavs), in order to destroy, we come to the conclusion that over the Russians, as one of the two branches of the white population of the planet (R1b are Western Europeans, our actual brothers, serve in slavery to kill their brothers - Eastern Slavs) there is a threat of complete annihilation, and war everyone in Russia, including naive old people who used to believe that the way of life of America and Europe would solve Russian problems (they, as expected, turned out to be unresolved) have learned this complete annihilation by now.
Due to the threat of complete annihilation, a war would follow until the complete destruction of the DeepState control structures and the infiltration of their families and children into prisons, first ground-based and then space-based, possibly on uninhabited terrestrial-type planets with a restriction on the development of technologies of certain types for a certain time as punishment for stopping the development of humanity as a race by their manipulations.
Such a scenario is initially understood by the DeepState management structures as fatal and unacceptable, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to destroy as soon as possible the Russian volunteers who replaced the tiny, professionally unsuitable army of the Russian Federation after its destruction in 2022 (150,000 people on the territory which, according to estimates by former employees of the General Staff of the The Russian Federation needs to be captured by 2-3 million, do you understand the very absurdity of the so-called "war"?)
How, in theory, can accelerate the victory of the Russians and the change of power in the country to a power that will "cleanse the planet"?
Stop production, sending weapons and soldiers to the Ukraine-Russia front - pickets, strikes, strikes, explaining the essence of the conflict - its benefits for creating a "hot" spot on the planet with the hands of DeepState - in order to focus on China (more on this later, not specialist in Chinese history). By sending weapons, ammunition and military equipment, you only prolong the conflict, because. until the troops of the so-called. Ukraine did not invade the territory of Russia (which, if Putin is defeated in the war, will be supported by NATO) 9/10 of the male population of Russia are not drafted into the army for military mobilization - it has not been officially announced and the author of these lines still does not fight and does not kill modern Nazis along with 60 million Russian men, because the curators of the agent "Putin" and "Zelensky" from London and Washington are counting on an internal political explosion, chaos, loss of control over the troops and the inability of Russian patriots to organize themselves and seize power in the country.
In parallel, they want to launch a rebellion of Muslim migrants from Central Asia, mainly radical forms of Islam - Wahhabism. At the moment, from 30 to 40 million people of radical Islamists have been unofficially brought into Russia over 30 years: all young-middle-aged men, some go to "work" with families of 2-4 people, aggressive, consider Russians "infidels" and that this is their land, they know how to handle edged weapons. They kill, rape and rob even old women and little boys. Their importation goes along the line Azerbaijan (the country's ruling clans of mountain Jews)-Turkey-Israel-England. One of the representatives: Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation embedded in the International Monetary Fund and Basel; Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - a representative of the construction business lobby that uses the "hands" of migrant builders as an excuse to bring Islamists into the country in catastrophic numbers and threaten national security. The top 100 list of Russian Forbes will help you find the rest, for competent investigators, journalists and specialists, this will be a matter of time.
Termination of the functioning of StarLink Internet communication terminals owned by Elon Musk - according to the estimates of the military of the Russian Armed Forces, the advantage of the Nazi Reich at the front is approximately 35-45% provided by satellite communications when the entire front line is viewed, analyzed and changed in real time in a positive way for Ukrainian soldiers side because of the Internet, which works at great speed and which cannot be interrupted - agent Putin destroyed the orbital constellation of satellites along with 50 officer schools out of 62 inherited by Russia from the USSR. NATO satellite intelligence and Elon Musk's communications actually give the new Nazis half the victory.
The defeat scenario assumes that China is indirectly or directly involved in the conflict. Either the scenario with the migrant riot begins as he intended and the streets of Russian cities are flooded with white blood, then the Russians break through to the Chinese border with a fight and form a government in exile (that is, patriotic Russians, Putin and his retinue with officials, the guards will run away to you to the west , to civilized countries, spend the money that the CIA paid them these years for the plunder of Russia, and when the money runs out, their children or grandchildren will rob you). Then they receive training, modern weapons and equipment, and already as Chinese proxy forces (like Ukraine) for NATO, they start a war with Ukrainians and NATO soldiers who captured Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities (this may be the reader of this message whose government your country mobilizes to counter the "Chinese threat" in the person of a soldier of the EU army or US Navy SEALs, the National Guard). Now find on the Internet the number of wars in which Russia fought over the past 1000 years, look at which countries it fought (for Americans: your ancestors came from Germany, Portugal and other EU countries, Russia saved half of them from the Turks, half of that half from Napoleon and I doubt that if you look well, you won’t find a reason not to fight the Russians) and decide for yourself whether you want to fight a well-armed, trained Russian who goes to take his own and take revenge. Remember what Otto Bismarck said about the Russians. I am writing this message while I have something to write about and where to sleep, when all I have at my disposal is a machine gun, a grenade launcher and support for Chinese tanks, aviation and navy (alas, the Russians allowed the Jews to kill Stalin and seize control of their country, allow the destruction of industry and scientific school), I wish the readers of this blog not to get up, as thinking and understanding people not to get in the way of the ocean of my hatred.
China's interest in helping Russia: 1. Just like Russia, China is one of the 5-6 world-class civilizations that has been able to maintain direct sovereignty at the moment - that is, it is not controlled by the West through agents, satellites or underhand leaders. 2. Chinese civilization, which is basically an agricultural civilization, a civilization of labor and tolerance, modesty and creativity, directly contradicts the maritime civilization of the Anglo-Saxons trade type, whose culture is based on the religion that was the ancestor of Nazism - racial superiority with a predominant desire to kill and destroy "all who is not like you" - Judaism, officially professed in Israel and other "states" - satellites of "God's chosen people". Therefore, like Russian civilization (Orthodox East Slavic at its core), Chinese civilization is subject to destruction immediately after (preferably in parallel) the Russians. Previously, it was an attempt by England to carry out a drug genocide that resulted in the Opium Wars and the occupation of China by England and other powers. Yes, Russia was also partly involved in this, but I hope that you remember the Roman Catholic-Polish roots of the Romanov dynasty and what serfdom is - the Russians were slaves on their land to the dynasty of Jewish-Poles who were related to the royal houses of Europe, you yourself understand what ethnic composition after the loans of Jewish merchants to kings for waging wars and marriages with noble families founded by the same merchants. Which does not cancel the help and protection of Chinese Manchuria from the Russian Empire, France and Germany from the Japanese fleet after the US occupied Japan. Later, in the second half of the 20th century, this resulted in an agreement between the US and China in exchange for technology at the price of cheap labor, then American and European industries went to China and Japan. Fortunately, in our time, this problem is solved by closing (breakthrough) technologies and, if desired, the entire population of the planet can stop the daily work that stupefies and destroys the mind and will. One problem is that the supranational "elites" represented mainly by representatives of the Jewish people consider us "superfluous eaters" and want to kill us using poisoned water, food, medicines, biological weapons, psychological experiments, propaganda, military conflicts and the principle of "divide and rule." Think the millstones of history will soon strike midnight.
The admins have to be careful not to let the group be flagged and terminated. Thus the obvious stuff, already posted all over, does not need to be there...
The Dalai Lama thing is a mischaracterization of something totally normal. "Eat my tongue" is a Tibetan parenting thing. They give kids treats such as candy to kids with their mouth (and kissing on the mouth is normal.) The tongue is saying "even when I have nothing to give, I offer myself." Expressing the limitless self-sacrifice of a parent, it's a beautiful sentiment. Unfortunately the conspiracy noobs that see everyone as a pedophile, every hand gesture as satanic, and every female celebrity as a man, got a hold of this incident. If they were real conspiracy theorists they'd know their 1-dimensional worldview is a disinfo psyop like flat earth.
Unless they are doing what they did to Dylan. I've seen this before. It's awful. They MK Ultra them. Pretty soon, they take someone normal and they turn out scared, their actions seem weird, they seem alarmed... then soon enough they forget all of it. They become brainwashed, literally. Which is what they must do or their family is threatened. Then they start spreading weird information of the enemy and they don't realise they're doing it. MK Ultra makes them forget all of it. They can't remember, and they can't even remember the MK Ultra. It is like they are only half there...
Might be my imagination but I unfollowed him because I couldn't watch it. Who could? It took me awhile to go back and look at Dylan, who seems he actually can't remember, or isn't aware. His buddies are gone from what I see, the ones he always did his shows with. Maybe there somewhere but I can't see them. The information is weird. I'm just ... I can't look at it anymore. I can't deal with MK Ultra. It's horrible. He totally deserved better than that IF that is what is going on :(
"The situation with rampant ethnic crime in Chelyabinsk, on the example of the murder of a Russian 11th-grader by a crowd of Tajiks, needs to be worked out in a number of directions at once
Even on the example of a separate Jalilov family. Russian Russian-speaking Mro and Zoir Jalilov, as well as their father (who also does not know Russian), have received Russian passports to begin with. It is also necessary to check the knowledge of the Russian language from everyone who obtained citizenship through the same source. Here there is an organized criminal group operating in close conjunction with national diasporas.
Second. No one works in the Jalilov family. At the same time, both rogomets are trained for a fee (how can they still study without knowing the language). What does the family live on? What are the sources of income? Well, it's clear, crime and it's necessary to dig all these "sources".
The third point is the "Ural Regional College". How many non-Russian-speaking "Russians" are studying in the specialty "law enforcement", and even in the form of the police. Do many college graduates from diasporas work in law enforcement agencies?
Everything is simple. But there is a nuance. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chelyabinsk Region is not able to implement this, because their main concern is to squeal in the media that the murder of a Russian schoolboy by a crowd of Tajiks is a domestic quarrel. The landing party from Moscow should solve the issues of ethnic gangs in the Chelyabinsk region."
Russian Russians, and yes, I am 100% sure that the constant importation of hundreds of thousands of migrants who do not know the Russian language and the issuance of Russian citizenship to them, along with the many difficulties of obtaining citizenship for Russians, is carried out purposefully and controlled "from above".
The only thing that requires thousands of ethnic criminal communities in Russian cities is the collapse of Russia from within. There is no assimilation, national enclaves are getting bigger every day, the growth of ethnic crime from year to year has already become a multiple."
"From the comments:
- I could not get citizenship under the program of resettlement of compatriots. I have a birth certificate with the coat of arms of the RSFSR, but the certificate was issued in the GDR, my father served there. I didn't believe it and wrote a request. They gave an answer by e-mail that everything is correct, you do not fall under this program. Half of the new "citizens" of Russia are sworn in, not that they cannot read the text of the oath, they are unable to write their name in Russian!
- My wife and I have been getting citizenship for 8 years. Themselves from Odessa.
And there are a lot of such letters. Russian Russian is a native language for educated people who are proficient in professions, they are forced to go through all the circles of hell, spend a lot of money and time, including, by the way, the exam in the Russian language. But if you are a little guy overgrown with eyebrows, who cannot write and speak Russian, then the passport of the Russian Federation is issued in a matter of days."
For understanding: in Western countries, adulthood comes at 20-22 years, in Russia at 18. the so-called 11th grader is 17-18 years old and mentally actually a child due to the destroyed education system and lack of perspictiv in a career (let me remind you the Russian economy is at the level of the poorest countries in Africa, all foreign exchange earnings for the sale of natural resources are withdrawn by the oligarchs in offshore and settles in international hedge funds. That is, persons who illegally obtained citizenship (at the request of enemies of the people and traitors to national interests in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) actually killed a child - a mentally unformed personality. And suddenly it turned out that they "legally" cannot de facto be in the country, since they have neither a job nor knowledge of the language, including their father who brought them here. And at the same time, these 2 animals studied to be POLICEMEN!!! LAW ENFORCEMENT (2 out of 4 who were caught) - not knowing the language of the inhabitants of the country they came to. This is not corruption, this is sabotage and the organization of a policy of genocide.
In a court filing in one of the lawsuits, the company said ( that “Twitter, Inc . was merged with X Corp. and no longer exists." Twitter Inc named X Corp as the "successor by interest" of Twitter Inc. Its parent corporation is listed as X Holdings Corp.
“Twitter no longer exists. The goal of Musk's takeover of the company was to transform social media app Twitter into an "app for everything" along the lines of China's WeChat, which is essentially a digital ID that tracks social credit history.
Photo of the court response:
Rage. That is all I feel right now. I know not why. It is not directed at anyone or anything in particular. It is like a caged animal that seeks freedom and self-expression.
Sometimes, I wonder why any of this happened in the first place. Who is responsible?
I MUST KNOW. But I lack the knowledge or the emotional stability to understand anything in my current state.
One thing is clear. There was complacence on some or all levels of government.
When all of this is over, I will do everything in my power to make sure something like this never happens to me ever again. I will not be the government's lapdog a.k.a a 'hero.'
I know it's frustrating not knowing what's going on or what to do. Most people can't handle chaotic situations especially for long periods of time. That's why they're content to attribute the situation to greed. "The whole pandemic is just big pharma wanting money and politicians wanting votes." "The Iraq war was because Bush is dumb." Even awake people revert back to that when they don't have real answers. It IS like being an animal who has no awareness of what the cage is or why. I try to remember it's a critical warrior trait to be self-motivated in ambiguous situations. The confusion is exactly how it's supposed to be. To shine in a situation like this is a fantastic trait.
Thank you for the reply. It provides some much needed perspective. You're correct. I feel trapped and confused. Keeping myself sane is all I can do at this point.
There is one thing I need to clarify though. When I say 'government' I'm referring to the power structures that existed before the galactic war began.
There was likely a large-scale systemic failure which resulted in total collapse. This is what I want to know about. Why did it happen?
But I know I'm not ready to receive this information even if it's out there, and THAT is what frustrates me the most.
I have resolved not to rely on external systems of government for my personal protection post disclosure. Of course, this is a long-term goal.
elon musk-quote—–does the bbc hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations,and not reporting on that at all.—–unquote…..
Overnetwork - a hypothesis that arouses more and more interest in the world of science. This is a theoretical proposal that assumes the existence of a grid that connects all the elements of the universe. Although there is no evidence of its existence yet, there are many analogies that allow us to better understand this concept. Let's start with the mycelium, or mycelium. This is the first neural network that has existed on Earth for over 1.3 billion years. Mycelium consists of threads that form a branched network, connected to the earth and plants. It is thanks to it that microorganisms, plants and trees can communicate and exchange substances, which affects the health and development of the entire ecosystem. Interestingly, mycelium is also a source of inspiration for engineers who design new technologies, such as computer networks, that imitate its structure. The human brain is another excellent neural network. It consists of approximately 86 billion neurons that are connected to each other by synapses. It is thanks to them that the brain processes information, makes decisions and controls life functions. Some scientists believe that the brain is the most complex system in nature known to us. AI, or artificial intelligence, is another example of a neural network. Although it is synthetic, i.e. created by man, it is modeled on the human brain. Thanks to the neural network, AI is able to process huge amounts of data, learn and make decisions. With the development of this technology, new opportunities appear, for example in the field of medicine or industry. A supernetwork, if it exists, would be an even more complex neural network. It would combine all the elements of the universe, not only those that we can observe, but also those that are unknown to us. It would affect how objects in space behave, and even how our thoughts and emotions work. While there is no evidence of supernets yet, there are parallels that help us better understand the concept. It can be compared to a spider web, which is also a branched and intricate structure that allows interactions between various elements. As in the case of mycelium, a neural network or artificial intelligence, a supernet could perform a communication function and influence the development of the entire system.
Cobra (2020): “Jupiter and Saturn […] will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone […] and M87 galaxy […] This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will begin the Age of Aquarius new cycle.”
Cobra (2023): „at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone […] and M87 galaxy […]. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely.”
The last crop circle of 2020 before the activation appeared in Brazil. Likewise, the last crop circle so far before the portal of light activation appeared in 2023 in Brazil, only about 7.6 km from the first crop circle.
According to Cobra, the first crop circle represents "the astrological configuration at the time of the Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020."
No one thought that there were several matrices on this expensive blue jewel . There are levels of the large matrix that can even functional as a separate matrix . Thus; first, second, or even third matrix ... (...)
Ship Rock with it's conjoining wall in New Mexico would be a perfect gathering place for for all of us to be in communion with our Galactic cousins... a gathering of the 144,000+ of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds. Also, this place would be an excellent pick for North America to host a worldwide televised event bringing everyone together with music, speaking and sharing after THE EVENT. 🕳☝️😇👍🕳
This song from LeAnn Rimes called "Spaceship" is spot on. I couldn't have said it better myself, the words are perfect. This encapsulates EVERYTHING I feel, and have felt my entire life. What a nice surprise. Here's the song with the lyrics... enjoy! 🎶 No, I never felt like I belonged here This world wasn't quite ready for me Whoever's out there in the stratosphere Got a question for the cosmic engineer Is it all you believed it would be? Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come How much pain can we bear being human? I'm pretty sure that my mission is done here How much more, yeah, do you want from me? Haven't I earned the right to be a nominee? To float out past the Pleiades Oh, no, you can't be that hard to please Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come No, I'm not taking no for an answer today Got to be an infinite amount of room up there in the stowaway Yeah, it's my life I have a say And I say Hey God, why don't you take me home? Beam me up, I got a ticket to board Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway So, we might as well blast off today, for fun I'm waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come I'm waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come Waiting on my spaceship to come 🎶
Just discovered that song recently and thought it was very good. I like how she mentioned the pleiades. Thanks for sharing this gem I think people might enjoy it. 👽☺️
ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023) PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
If Galactic Confederation never publics those information to the surface crew (the days before 2012), where on earth do you complain about the delay of the Event? You may just conplain how bad your life is? So stop being the one who complains about everthing. Calm down your mind, figure out the reason behind the scene and try to fix it.
DREAMLAND : maybe like many Isolate light islands ..... or like many isolate high Vibrational Bubbles......
(in past time, the Multi-Energy Field of our Mother Gaia are not "Clear" enough, the Vibration are low and hard to Support light*high vibration connection each others ... that is the meaning of ISOLATE )
since 2020/2021, light Bubbles/light islands growing more and more....with the great awakening Period.
Everyday we seeing more awaken happening with more people. sometimes maybe tiny drops. sometimes maybe hug grand. it is depends on everyone's free will.. it is a important parts of Rebith Path.
*&*&*&* when we reached DREAMAND 0.9-1.0
*it is a time we reaching Threshold values *! naturally showing the NEXT STEP! that is DREAMSPACE!
SPACE means those isolated DREAM LAND start connecting as a whole SOACE Now...and it will continue!!...
and I know The DreamSpace will Growing,
will like Fiber optic Of Multi-light Around whole planet with sacred geometry working Around Mother Gaia .... and also connecting with Cosmos ,Many stars too...
the pieces of Truth-Oneness finally can Putting together , No matter where you are.
DREAMSPACE: It is a signal , a new start . about those (light Bubbles/light islands) are not isolated any more.
The Energy Field can Support light connections, but it is just a Start! so it is DREAMSPACE 0.0 (multidimensional level, Quantum Fields finally like a Clear Mirror Shows Truth .)
lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans
Everything can get and reflects the seeds they grow. ( In past time, Light are hard to receive light , because it is chaos there. )
As we discuss recent events in the 10th Stargate Network they have a kind of reverberation, due to getting past a veil that was obscuring the missions of some of our family members who could not see each other before.
Cobra's job is not to babysit the lost lightworkers, but to provide intel and initiate powerful missions of the light.
To come here and accuse him of being a coward who does nothing for the shift is quite frankly a complete disgrace! Having the audacity to demand things from him just so he fits your expectations, only shows your own lack of integrity.
Everyone plays their unique role in this liberation and there are countless other sources who people can turn to if they need spiritual guidance. But looking within and connecting to your higher self & god and working with the ascended masters is the only thing that really matters in the ascension process and this is something Cobra time and time again is telling us and should be self-evident at this point.
So there it is, my comments were censored. I am aware of the coming ascension of the planet, and the Galactic Federation Of Light etc. I question everyone and everything. I don't know who to trust on the net. Why doesn't Cobra give a list of all that has to be accomplished. It seems that everytime an obstacle has been eliminated, another one we have never been told about appears. It just goes on and on.
I mean you could always go back and re-read his articles to know what has already been accomplished. I once made a summary of the years 2020 and 2021 and posted it on reddit if you are interested: Just to give you an idea of what is being accomplished in only two years.. since then many more small victories of the light have been acchieved and the worst scenarios have been averted!
"Probably 200 people wrote to the PM today with a request to comment on the article on RBC ( ) that it is necessary to import from 390 thousand to 1.1 million migrants to Russia annually so that the population does not decrease.
The article was published after several high-profile crimes of migrants and an interview with the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin ( ) about the problems of migration, the explosive growth of ethnic crime and proposals to develop a roadmap for replacing migrant labor with internal resources. I.e., the article was published in the wake of public discontent with migration policy to say that whatever problems and risks migrants bear for Russia and its people, there is no alternative to them.
Interestingly, the "demographers" who provide lobbyists of uncontrolled migration with far-fetched "facts" that we cannot live without migrant workers and abu bandits, all have internships and written scientific papers in the States and/or Western Europe. That is, Maria Vinnik and Valery Yumaguzin, the authors of today's stuffing in the infield, that in order to correct demography, we need not to stimulate our birth rate and repatriate Russians from abroad, but to accept hordes of foreign-cultural migrants, were trained in America, Sweden and Germany. Moreover, Swedes and Germans today experience the most problems from migrants from Africa and the Middle East. There you can only learn how not to build a migration and interethnic policy.
These demographers have broken down, can we bring real scientists who work with real facts and want their country to prosper, not fall into the abyss?
Maria Vinnik Additional education / Advanced training / Internships 05/23/2020 Yale University, USA Online course: "Fundamentals of Global Health" 02.05.2020 Duke University, USA Online course: "Problems of global health" 11.09.2019 - 23.09.2019 Participation in the Open World Leadership Program USA, Washington County, Sioux Falls (South Dakota) 26.11.2018-14.12.2018 10.08.2017 - 10.01.2018 University of Pennsylvania Courses: 1. Introduction to Demography
2. Basic Methods Of Demography USA, Philadelphia 10.08.2014 - 23.08.2014 Summer School "Historical demographic research using registration type data". Center for Economic Demography of Lund University
Valery Yumaguzin "Topics of digital and computational demography". 09.11.2020-13.11.2020, Max Planck International Research School in Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS) and International Advanced Research in Demography (IDEM). Rostock, Germany 10.08.2017 - 10.01.2018 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Online course "Fundamentals of Global Health". Yale University 05.2020. Yale University, USA, 23 hours
Online course "Global Health Problems". Duke University 05.2020. Duke University, USA, 11 years old."
Население России сохранится при росте доходов и повышении рождаемости (, а не завозе мигрантов
Вчера "ученые" ВШЭ и либеральные СМИ выдали примечательный образец лженаучной пропаганды. Речь о том, что Россию якобы должны замещать мигранты по 0,39–1,1 млн в год для сохранения численности. Разберем это поподробнее.
Что проверяем. «До 2100 г. прирост численности мигрантов в России должен составлять от 390 000 до 1,1 млн ежегодно, чтобы численность населения не сокращалась. Такой диапазон прогнозов дали эксперты ВШЭ Валерий Юмагузин и Мария Винник», – написал ( РБК.
Что не так:
1. Ложная интерпретация. Что значит “должен составить”? Авторы рассматривают ( более широкий диапазон сценариев. 146 млн человек сохранятся к 2100 г. и при высоком сценарии рождаемости (2,5 ребенка на 1 женщину к 2100 г.) и продолжительности жизни (88,5 лет), даже если будет отток мигрантов по 289 000 в год. Не понятно, каким местом журналист читала статью, но диапазон по миграции – от минус 289 000 до +1,1 млн человек.
2. Тенденциозность сценариев. При среднем сценарии у авторов рождаемость будет 1,85, продолжительность жизни 83 года, а миграционный прирост по 250 000 человек в год. В итоге в России к 2100 г. будет 138 млн человек. Чтобы было 146 млн, якобы нужны те самые 390 000 мигрантов в год. Авторы утверждают (, что опирались на прогноз ООН ( Но почему бы не рассмотреть вариант прогноза с рождаемостью выше среднего, как это делает ООН ( При средней рождаемости 2,1 и 82 годах жизни необходимый миграционный прирост = 0.
3. Голословность утверждений. «Рост рождаемости до уровня простого воспроизводства (2,1 ребенка на 1 женщину) оптимален для решения исследуемых проблем, однако он маловероятен (Vollset et al., 2020; Денисенко, 2011; Захаров, 2012)», – утверждают авторы. Почему рождаемость нельзя повысить до 2,1, например, за счет роста доходов населения? Об этом в источниках ни слова. В первом (Vollset et al.) изучаются ( общие тенденции по 195 странам. Михаил Денисенко ( просто констатирует, что прогнозы ниже 2,1. Сергей Захаров ( обстоятельнее, но ни один из его сценариев на 2015 г. не сбылся: рождаемость оценивалась в 1,4-1,65, а была 1,78. «Миграция оказывается единственным эффективным ресурсом, который может помочь стабилизировать численность населения в приемлемые сроки». Потенциал миграции из Средней Азии, откуда в основном едут, исчерпывается. Авторы это признают и предлагают везти мигрантов из Афганистана, Пакистана, Африки, у людей откуда не будет даже намека на знание русского языка и культуры. О какой "эффективности" тогда говорить?
На самом деле. Главный путь сохранения населения – повышение рождаемости и продолжительности жизни. Причина малого числа детей – низкие доходы на фоне высокого неравенства. Корреляция рождаемости и доходов 80% населения (без самых богатых) – 87%, показывало «Равенство» ( Желаемое россиянками число детей – 2,04 (, но у них нет денег на достойное содержание. Главный способ повышения рождаемости – рост уровня жизни населения, в т.ч. за счет перераспределения доходов от богатых к бедным и господдержки.
Об авторах. Валерий Магузин ( в 2017-2018 гг учился в США, а Мария Винник ( с 2017 г. участвует в их проектах, типа Open World. США охотнее поддержат тех, у кого нужные им взгляды. Например, кто больше ратует не за народ России, а его замещение мигрантами. Авторы кстати не скрывают, что занимаются пропагандой и подменяют ( "замещение" благозвучной "компенсаторной миграцией", чтобы "избежать непопулярного взгляда". Статья вышла в журнале Новой экономической ассоциации, что спонсируют банк «Открытие», Мосбиржа и глава «Сбер Фонды Недвижимости».
Мнение. Для финансового и прочего капитала инвестиции в народ – это “потеря" денег. Чтобы обслуживать трубу и ТЦ выгоднее завезти мигранта, нежели доплачивать русскому, чтобы он мог вырастить ребенка. Эта выгода выражается в итоге в конкретных благах – премиях, виллах, яхтах. Ради них россияне должны пораньше умирать, поменьше рожать и поскорее замещаться мигрантами. Поэтому уничтожение олигархии – это уже давно вопрос национальной безопасности.
I'm pretty sure the idea that Jesus wasn't crucified is disinformation. It was Mary Magdalene (his twinflame) who fled to France with her daughter Sarah after his death and continued her ministry there together with her followers. There is a cave near Marseille with a chapel in it dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Joan of Arc is very connected to her too and member of the Order of Magdalenes which is a celestial order of light who are to this day supporting the liberation of planet earth. 💜
@FluffyFractalshard The one that goes by @Devon isn't for real, and I've called her out before. Her modus operandi is to cast doubt and shame on everyone here because we're apparently not as Godley and perfect as she is... which is a joke in itself. I told her that she should be on The Cabal's blog instead because she comes across as an arrogant know-it-all 😏 Having said that, I'm blown away that this Rosey Cross Rosicrucian started coming down on COBRA himself. This is a troll move through and through and the best way to deal with trolls is to completely ignore them. 😉👍
Dear all, Does anyone read cobra blog at least once a day so as to keep the hope alive in the heart?? Or am I the only one? Is it pathological? If it is answered by cobra, it will be the best... Thank you 🌹
Ew. There is a living creature inside the vaccine. Yuk. It's immortal - the HYDRA VULGARIS eating away at people's nervous system. One billion people were expected to die in the coming years...(maybe not if there is pleiadian intervention).
The parents of Maddie McCain were both men? They sold Maddie to the Podesta Brothers, who raped her, drank her Adrenochrome blood and ate her body.
God, new heart disease and cancer vaccines that are nMRA will be available soon, maybe by end of decade.
1000 FEMA concentration camps in the US.
The court has ruled against District Attorney Bragg. Bragg had no authority to prosecute Trump.
You can read the new Cobra interview at:
This is a little off topic but I just discovered I have dandelions in my garden. Which you can eat and make into tea. The leaves will go nice if you cook them up with other foods. They seem extremely healthy. Nice!
S.O.S. To Cobra and TEAM, can you STOP them asap? I know, you did spread nano to reduce the deadly plight of all the 1st plan demic, but they continue. SEE,
You'd think the researchers wouldn't want anything to do with this... Or they'd sabotage it. Money cannot be a motivation for this surely, and suicidal energies ought to find easier avenues... Religious and egoistical (sore loser) motivation remains a potential explanation. Though of course, possession and mind control as well.
Tu je prevod najnovejšega intervjuja o aktivaciji portala Svetlobe v slovenščini:
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Here is a directory of YouTube channels whose alternative thinking creators may be interested in joining the upcoming May 1st Meditation / Activation: (Please scroll down and then continue scrolling down. The list seems to be endless.)
Please help to spread the word. This is how we can reach the critical mass on May 1st. All the resources needed for sharing this information are already available on Cobra’s blog and WLMM.
Yes. I'm aware of the auto delete. It's happened to me several times. If you go to the About page of any YT channel, it may list that creator's other social contacts such as FB, Twitter, maybe Instagram and so on. It's on these platforms that I've been posting info about the May 1st Meditation. Thanks for bringing this up.
This is a great Idea! I myself have created a list of some 50 influencers from youtube with their email (you can get their emailaddress in their about section, but you can only get a certain number of addresses per day that way until youtube blocks you from acessing more). Some of which have promoted our meditations before.
Best ones to target are those with a few thousand followers because they are generally more open for collaborations than the "big ones" but its also possible to get those with 100k or more on board.
I will craft an email and send it out to them in time and maybe I'll resource some from your list as well (which is really huge!)
Godspeed all. Perhaps an alternative to the issue of bo web link allow on comments would be to provide a good search key phrase... e.g Cobra blog 2012. Or "2012portal blogspot" Or something that will list his website on top of list results.
Bring on the storm!!!!!! Victory of the Light!!!❤️ Pray for Trump and our military.🙏🙏🙋🏻♀️
ReplyDeleteDo you really believe that Trump is an honest man? He's just as much a scoundrel as all the other magnates, or Biden, Clinton,Bush, etc.
DeleteYes, pray for witness Trump and witness Putin.
DeletePray for Trump? Really, the rapist, liar, thief? Okay, I'll pray for what's best for him
DeleteThe media went after him because he told the people the media was FAKE. He clearly won the election .. they tried to impeach him over a phone .. the Clinton rape and kill and torture children person is perfect but why did a billionaire run for president tell the people the truth about the media all to lose millions and be attacked? No he did it to awaken the people ..nobody is without fault no me and I doubt anyone on this blog
DeleteJeffrey your a joke. Rapist? Thief? Hahahahaha 🤣 I didn't know democrats followed this blog.
DeleteCobra warned us about Trump and I believe him. He has too many ties to the black nobility. He is a traitor as far as I am concerned when he allowed an illegitimate government to take power. Trump loves the limelight, and giving those "gee ain't it awful" rallies. One man who would be WAY better than Trump as president and that is RFK Jr. He is his father's son. Unfortunately the dinos would never allow him to run even though he filed to run.
DeleteI will pray the so called white hats will pull their thumb out their ass and do something publicly. Let the people, who have the right to know, what is going on.
Well, considering how the a big chunk of the govt, media and ESPECIALLY Hollywood HATES Trump....maybe he is legit, otherwise, they'd be kissing his ass, and saying how great he is, like they did with Clinton, Dubya and Obama before him.
DeleteSigh, still believe in neo-sodom news paper. The real pedophilia are still out there, standing and laughing in us. This witch-hunt is useless.
DeleteSherman you are forgetting that the Jesuits control Trump and the Jesuit and Rothschild are fighting for control of the US. Since the Rothschilds control the corporate media, hollyweird, and the government ... naturally are going to attack Trump ... that doesn't mean he is legit. Trumps actions support he is a traitor to the people. I've always had a problem going by what a person does rather than what they say. RFK Jr. is a man I could stand by ... he has always been for the people. That is why they would never let him run and win.
DeleteYou people are still in the trump good trump bad ping pong dilemma... when all we do is guess at this point and assume nothing is in flux or can change.
Deletethis is my take... first. All those in the leadership arena are being influenced by the good guys and bad guys.. we are at a stage where the bad guys are losing traction and the light is growing n taking over( for lack of better term) thus its influnce and magnitude is measurable by its outcome or deeds.
Now My basic understanding is that the good guys had to come up with individuals to assist in the fight against the deep state.. do you guys really think they would have chosen a Ghandi or a Mother theresa... imho i dont think there are such noble hearts or souls left if they ever existed.. if they never were swapped or cloned. So please people snap out of it thinking that under the present predicament that we are at that those that rose to the top or took a form of leadership role are free of "sin" or were spared
fully from stumbling at some point in the past. YOu already know that the gamE is hacked... our life is hacked where intentional roadblocks where place to get our hands dirty.. especially those who threaten the "system". What is important me friends is that if indeed there were faults on the past the individuals taking the quest to assist on liberating from a nation to a planet get into alignment of the righteous mission.. regardless of our flaws.. let the mission be done finally cause is the right thing to do.. whether because they finally saw the truth late or early in the game or whether they had to be replaced by a clone as they claim putin was.
Point is in this fight.. whether u were claimed to be an enemy.if ur heart is in alignment to free us now .. then we are to work in unison and support the effort... n not nit pick.. and make claims im more holy than thou... or assume all gossip is valid
This is the 11th hour people.. the heroes come in all shape or form.. and from all backgrounds.
So those that love to regurgitate the tv info... i only have have one thing to say to u.. ("double blinks"). In other words.. (nothing).
honestly people you should know better
Look forward and upwards .. but still dont lower your guard.
Here is a new Cobra interview.
Ha ha
ReplyDeleteSome guy who wrote there will be a lot of dream versions was right=)
Victory of the Light 2030 here we come!
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
DeleteBubbles of Heaven Update
"Also, some people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when they rant about the Resistance Movement coded messages, distributing nonsense over the internet in obscure youtube videos. It is so beyond their level of understanding as quantum mechanics is above the level of understanding of an average Rhesus monkey."
if you've been following this blog for a long time, you wouldn't be surprised
Delete2025 is the line, I announce that I refuse any timeline beyond 2025, they are completely unacceptable.
Deleteyeah saw the comment too
DeleteCould you please share the source?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@vVv I agree ... I pretty much had a baby when I learned 2025 was no longer a deadline, and things could go beyond that time. I felt betrayed by the LF/RM, that I had been lied to. What other things have they told us that we thought was set in stone they will change in midstream?
DeleteWon't be anything left by 2030 to save.
ReplyDelete0.0? Shouldn't it be 1.0?
ReplyDeleteI know did we start over lol
DeleteIm sorry...I thought it was DREAMLAND....I must be in a struggle with the surface affairs that I didnt let the dreamspace ideia into my consciousness...
ReplyDeleteWow.. Victory of the Light....
ReplyDeleteFantastic!! This is GREAT NEWS and very inspiring! 👏
To everyone attending The Ascension Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, I'm VERY jealous of all of you...🫵😉
ReplyDeleteHave an amazing and memorable time beautiful souls... you ambassadors of LIGHT! Wishing you all and COBRA a blessed and Easter weekend!
What is DREAMSPACE v0.0... anyone?
ReplyDeleteCome on back @Libra JM Aquila!
ReplyDelete(Or whatever you want your new handle to be)
Your Light and your contributions are valuable and needed. We know you're going through some rough times and awful attacks, I've been there, believe me. But I know you're stronger than anything the darkies can throw your way. Even COBRA gave you a pat on the back a couple of times recently for your input which is a pretty nice spiritual boost... and makes me a bit jealous... 😅
Our 1221Teams are with us to help us through these final and sometimes difficult days on our path and mission, so call on them as often as needed. For my part, I'm sending good vibes my friend... the best!
Hope to see you back here soon Lightwarrior!🫵😎👍
Thanks for setting the record straight @Libra.
DeleteI myself am just a random heterosexual male awakening out of a long amnesiac state and looking to remember my path and mission on this Earth. I never felt I quite fit in here, yet, I feel I have a great deal to contribute to this place the more awakened I become.
If you're like me, you seek validation and truth. You wish to know WHO you are and where you fit in this universe. I'm simply here to assure you that even though you wish to stay under the radar much like myself, your input and contributions have great value and believe this blog and those on it are all inextricably intertwined through a higher calling and power. Our being here and sharing a little bit here and there is no accident because WE all posses a Light that requires focus, and our focus is the liberation of this planet on all planes. WE don't have to be VIP's to use our Light and contribute our input on this blog Libra... we're a collective of puzzle pieces that God has brought together at this time to make the most beautiful picture... God's greatest masterpiece. And you and I, along with everyone else here helped to create it... no more important or less important than the other. I'm here to inspire... especially the other Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds... that's my true gift and knack. You invest as much or as little on this blog as you're comfortable with... just know that you have a place here with the rest of the Light Tribe.
Your friend and brother,
I slept 12 hours and had vivid dreams last night! 💚
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light! ✨🛸
Csak igy tovabb
ReplyDeleteHow about the progress of Dreamland? Is it part of the Dreamland? I wish everything is fine.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm extremely intrigued on what could happen. Just know I call dibs on first contact.
ReplyDeleteI call dibs as well. Contact MUST happen.
DeleteThere are no coincidences! 144,000 LightWorkers🌟 #SisterhoodoftheRose 🌹
ReplyDeleteA chance to think for yourself
Delete"We will see 50 YEARS of change in the NEXT 6 MONTHS
It should have been shut down 30 years ago"
Light is victorious because it is the innermost, and most primordial intention behind creation 🙂 It is the Way 💜
ReplyDeleteBonjour 🙂
ReplyDeleteNotre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
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Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau
Nous organiserons aussi un LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
#portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere
The next successful progress of the Dissolution of the Veil will take place in this linear time on April 19, 2023.
ReplyDeleteThis really struck me. Thank You
“The due date is April 18, instead of April 15, because of the weekend and the District of Columbia's Emancipation Day holiday, which falls on Monday, April 17.”
"Piercing the veil, also known as "piercing the corporate veil" refers to a situation in which courts put aside limited liability and hold a corporation's shareholders or directors personally liable for the corporation's actions or debts. Veil piercing is most common in close corporations."
Also, Monday 4/17 is Emancipation Day🙏🏼💰 a holiday in Washington DC to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862.
DeleteI have known for a long time that the Event is operable/active in the physical time of other kinds of beings, of course extraterrestrial. So that the "ballads" about being too late are just stories and that's all. Whether we will physically seize the moment is much too debatable. Theories about I don't know how many meditations, and there are more theories, that we are in the old vibration, we don't perceive much. So it is to be expected.
ReplyDelete2030?! We gotta wait seven more years?
Is this a Dreramland evolution or another project?
ReplyDeleteWir sind ein Spott
ReplyDeleteWhat these are doing with us: during the night with our souls on the ships
And on day, we walking on the street and remember nothing ist ein spott.
Wir schämen uns wirklich für unsere earthling Mission.
Wir werden uns fur dieser Schande immer verstecken müssen.
I thought it was going to be dreamland 1.0 or something. o.o
ReplyDeleteI think it's now being superseded into "Dreamspace" from Dreamland.
DeleteBut how does one have 0.0? Does that not mean nothing, mathematically speaking?
DeleteDear Cobra,
ReplyDeleteCould you please, give us some information about Trump. So many lightworkers trust him,and hoping he will be America's savior.
Some more evolved lightworkers even believes that Trump's higher self is St Germain?! OMG!
In your earlier Intel you had different opinion about him. What is the situation now ?
Because, once again this can cause division among lightworkers too.
Thank you dear Cobra.
Cobra said that Trump works for the Jesuits!
DeleteI feel that is why they are showing this stupid movie instead of following the Constitution and publicly arresting the criminals in the government. It is to polarize the nation and it is working too.
DeleteI never trusted Trump. He has far too many ties with the black nobility. The trumpsters are just as bad as the people that think Bush, Obama, and the Clintons are saviors and they could do no wrong. You can't say anything bad about Donny especially if it is true. On RRN comment section I get more negative votes when I point out facts about Donny than the spammers. I got over 100 negative votes one time. :D
Imho the whole Q movement, while it might have initially been a positive one, was highjacked and is now a pure psyop of the dark. Praising Trump as the "savior" and pacifying people by making them "trust the plan".
DeleteNo call to action whatsoever, only hot air.
And let's not talk about the huge separation it creates in the US making people still believe that an elected official in this corrupt system will ever be on their side. Instead of comnig together, huge parts of the awakened american population are torn about one public figure who is a fucking billionaire, but still is asking for donations from his followers.
This is one damn stupid psyop, but hey, I've seen smart people suddenly believe the earth is flat, so I will just brush this off as endtime madness/peak stupidity and try not to get mad about this nonsense because it is simply the way this whole mess is playing out.
As long as people are still holding the light and being nice to each other they can believe whatever they want.
Early this morning, I seemed to be dreaming about Cobra, but I can't remember what the dream was about.
ReplyDeleteVersoin 0.0?? 🤔
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering how they (the narcissists) will survive since we took out all, or most, of their underground cities and bases, their DUMBs. Where exactly are they going to go now that we destroyed all their cities, AND took all of their food? We, all of us humans, we be rescued in ships. So we are just going to leave them behind with nowhere to hide? It's brutal if you are a shill. Or if you happen to be an elite who is still alive. Let this 'play' keep going. I think I see the ending.
ReplyDeleteI've been watching Suspicious Observers (Ben) and it really will be brutal. But hopefully we will be gone by then. Totally brutal what will happen to earth.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis can only be GOOD news, Victory of the Light!!!
ReplyDeletethis, the Earth, wants to be .
ReplyDeletehmm i wonder what that means
ReplyDeleteThis might be a good time to mention the booster meditation for the portal of light activation is on April 20th, 4:16utc time. Someone correct me if I got the time wrong. I didnt see this mentioned in the main post but I am sure CoBra will post something about it before the 20th.
ReplyDeleteAre they now saying that dark matter doesn't exist, or can't be proved? That's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteFate of the United States, Price Pondering, and an Apology Regarding Tachyons
ReplyDeleteIf NATO had not been so preoccupied with world domination, the U.S would not be facing annihilation from Asia. If NATO had stopped being so obsessed with destroying Russia, and had backed down from Ukraine, resources could have been reserved for defense against world domination by Asia. Now it's too late, and there's no way NATO will win this war - not when China and North Korea are also involved. It's now three nuclear superpowers against one!
Unless there is intervention from positive Ets, or help from some other third party, the United States is doomed. I'm not into the doom and gloom mentality, so am open to the possibility that there is a way for the U.S to avoid annihilation.
I've been wondering lately:
How can food cost what it does when so much money goes into producing, transporting, stocking, cashiering, and so forth? It seems that the amount of money to get food products into the homes of consumers costs far more than the consumer price.
Regarding tachyon discs:
I had to give David Wagner's tachyon discs a rest. No matter what I tried, the discs aggravated my 'kundalini syndrome' in a negative way. I'd rather not be more specific on this, but to summarize, the discs are causing pre-existing imbalances to become worse.
Others may not have such experiences. All I know is that at least for me, the discs have done more harm than good. I plan on messaging Wagner to ask why this happened. I'm sorry if I caused anyone else to buy Wagner's discs who may have also been adversely affected.
I messed up again, and again, I apologize.
Cobra's tachyon chamber, however, encourages me to be more heart centered, and has a strong healing effect. This is probably because Cobra's tachyon chambers are connected to Genesis II, which is beyond the quarantine, where there is a connection to tachyons that are in space without anomaly and/or false vacuum (truly liberated space).
Sorry to do this but I just removed Ben of Suspicious Observers OFF my youtube list forever. He started up again flashing us the REAL 666 sign, with the correct hand, with the satanic hand. As far as I'm concerned I don't trust him. And he is trying to talk to us for 2 hours, all the while flashing us (you can watch it yourself) all to indoctrinate us. I'm not buying it nor will I ever buy it. Also, his real side began to come out. He's not so nice. Bit of an unstable fool if you ask me. Goodbye.
ReplyDeleteI won't put up with hand-flashing from anyone! Go 666 yourself.
While his content was probably often based (even Cobra linked to him once or twice) I always felt he is really pushing for the darkest endtime scenario spreading fear and feelings of doom.
Delete= tool of the dark.
Discernment means looking at the whole situation. Does a satanist spend incredible amounts of time and effort waking people up? Do they have cutting edge information that makes them stand out as intelligent and motivated to help? This latest video he's EXPOSING satanists and all their tricks. Then the evidence he is a satanist... talking with his hands randomly making many shapes, which happen to occasionally be placing his index finger and thumb together which is a common gesture for many people when they make a point. Come on. And he's unstable? He's one of the most rational and even-keeled people out there. Disinfo people are Q-like info who put out patriotic fluff and unverifiable info, kind of like what you post about regularly. Some Trump fan-fiction. Something like "Macron is trying to flee the country" says random Youtuber. That's disinfo by satanists.
Delete"Few people noticed that my forecast was justified — the giant complex on the Holy Lake was a trick following a simple negotiation rule: "Always ask for more than you expect to get."
ReplyDeleteThe task of the Wahhabi Ummah was to break the long-standing informal ban on the construction of new mosques in Moscow. This was successfully done. As Kadyrov noted, "the mosque will be built closer to the center of Moscow, in the park part, in a place where it will be more convenient for parishioners to get to," that is, my phrase "after hardware intrigues, the construction will be moved to another district of Moscow, to an even more thuggish and elite place" was justified.
At the same time, note that before the "transfer", the channels of the right-wing conservatives spread information that a metro or something equally neutral was planned there at all. The Russians were put to sleep, hoping that it might be possible to satisfy the maximum request.
But when this failed, all the authorities and AP-shny bloggers suddenly split — yes, the construction was planned, but now it will be postponed: rejoice, kafir-forming! Notice the abrupt transition from lying to confession.
But even less noticed the most important thing. The reaction of the Wahhabis.
Threats to overtake. Threats to destroy. The accusations of the Russians of cowardice and non—participation in their own are an obvious consequence of the Order of 33%, for which it was introduced. Death threats for recording a video against construction. Harassment of Divnich and the organizers of religious processions. Bearded men with machine guns threatening to come to Moscow: "it doesn't matter to us who to fight with — we don't threaten, we warn."
From an ordinary MMA fighter to Kadyrov, from Hasbik to Wahhabi Kamil Hazrat Samigullin, from NAYUR to DOOM, from Tajik to Chechen — a giant, growing every day Umma told the Russians: shut up and step aside, or die.
ReplyDeleteRussian Russians have gone through the post-Soviet era of herbivorous Muslims who, under the USSR, worked with Russians in the same factories, in the same design bureaus and research institutes, shaved smoothly and had no accent, did not take religion seriously and shared the same values with Russians, except for different stories from grandmothers. Then they stood out except for their surname and brown eyes, were ready to accept the patronage of the Russian elder brother, and were not against the fact that the living symbol of the USSR in the eyes of the rest of the world has always been a blue-eyed, blond Russian, a kind of Ivan Drago, and this is the image used in propaganda. Films and literature were socialist, but with the dominant Russian culture as the most neutral.
Now a Russian Muslim is a thug Wahhabi with a knife and a whole arsenal at home, he has an ostentatious accent, training in MMA and connections both in the Wahhabi Ummah and among thieves (there are almost no Russians among them). He does not want to do a bullshit job, leaving it to the kafirs, but wants to live on high, blat, drive an expensive car and shoot out of the window, first up and then at passers-by, perform prayers and sit on drugs. He does not want to obey the rules of society and the collective, whether it is a school, university, army, department or firm. He wants to squeeze, rob, force others to do their work, unite with his own, punish those who are undesirable and able to put together resistance. Beat, kill and rape anyone you want.
Moreover, even Tatars are subjected to Wahhabization, about whom any guardian will tell you that they lived side by side with Russians for 100500 years and in general the most secular and Russified — forgetting to say that it was relevant 15-20 years ago, and modern young Tatars have never seen such a guardian.
The socialist secular Muslim has finally died out, and the Wahhabi, who came to replace him, needs mosques in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.., and that Russia itself is not represented in propaganda by Ivan Drago, but by a slanting bearded man with a finger up — either a devout Salafite, or a jihadi priest of the Islamic Orthodox Church of the Muscovabad Mukhabarat. A black banner will fly over Russia, or they will burn or trample this Russia. They don't need the old one.
And the black banner rises. Take the blackening, derusification of the culture of the Russian Federation. Compared to it, the USSR already looks like some kind of RNG in terms of culture, although it was obviously more anti-Russian than the RI."
Moreover, as in ISIS, the unification of Russian Muslims is taking place: the madhhabs, nations, regional differences and traditions are disappearing. Russian russians all have the same position, communicate with each other in broken Russian (however, in 100 years such a salam-live-I will overtake the "Russian" language will become the standard) and are ready to carry out cultural and religious expansion to the land they consider their own with weapons in their hands. Russia truly deserves the title of IG 2.0. Russians? And as for the Russians, there were minorities in ISIS 1.0, too. And not all of them were killed, only some and a little. Most of them worked quietly, with their eyes on the floor and trying not to shine. Does it remind you of anything?
ReplyDeleteAnd the tone, the tone of the amirs and Mujahideen of IG 2.0 in response to the timid protest against the mosque is the main thing that should be taken out of this situation. After all, the protests were quite liquid, the processions gathered only hundreds of people, from the media, only marginal ones covered the story. And what a strong, consolidated response! Not requests and assurances, not even demands, but an ultimatum and a list of consequences in case of continued resistance. The balance of power has finally shifted, and informal, networked, distributed threats to Russians from non-Russian consolidated communities have become the norm. The state cannot and does not want to do anything about it. Do you want to be like in Ukraine?
Russian Russian, but when dear brothers in some school near Moscow will knock a skull of a Russian classmate inside, let a Russian girl in a circle or burn alive in the car of a teacher who gave bad grades, and the Kafir Committee will arrest the guilty - what will prevent them from meeting again with the whole crowd of MMA—shnik, thieves, the elites of the national Republic and repulse the brothers? Russians will be against Russians every time — and there will be more and more of this in the coming decades? This confirms all my predictions — there will be no equal union of peoples, thank God. This is precisely cultural and religious domination, expansion, seizure, war.
A war that doesn't get hot just because one of the parties consistently meets all the requirements. The first hero of SVO is a Dagestani? Great! Multinational SVO, allied forces? That's right! Order 33%? And let's give 66%! Battalions of the National Republic? Goida! 150k Tajik passports for military 2022? InshaAllah! Republics with a sovereign foreign policy as bridges between the Russian Federation and the Islamic world? Great idea! Total permissiveness of ethnic gangs under the cover of national-cultural autonomies, special missions of national republics, congresses of the peoples of Russia, etc.? What is not the beautiful Russia of the future! A mosque in Moscow? Give me two!
ReplyDeleteThere is simply no need for any more Russian-speaking than is currently going on at the front, in schools, universities, in markets and streets, in shopping malls and expensive hotels, on the cultural front and in public administration. One of the parties does not resist at all, because it is the service class of the Russian state. And the state has decided to completely change its ethnic, cultural and religious appearance.
When the Russian Federation follows the example of Yugoslavia, its fragments, in turn, are waiting for a repeat of the Ottoman rule in the Balkans, which lasted 500 years. Nothing, people lived somehow. Turkic and Muslim influences will penetrate into architecture, cuisine, language, music, cinema, "Christianity" (it will quickly become a "traditional belief in the Almighty"), communication manners, appearance, genetics. In a few centuries, pilaf, khinkali, shawarma and hashish cakes will be considered Russian national cuisine. And what, Islam is already called the traditional religion of Russia, and even 20 years ago it was not considered.
Mosarabization. There are worse fates among peoples. However, nothing comes to mind right away.
The new Russians will not be the same submissive serving class, so in the end this plan is suicidal for the Noviopes themselves, who will be replaced by pure—blooded believers, and the Russian Federation itself will crack at the seams.
I wonder if in 500 years the fragments of Russia will have their own Alexander the Liberator? And where will it come from? From China?
During our lifetime, Russia will change in such a way that if we go back 100 years in the future, we simply won't know anything. Vilayet of Russia."
" "Dear Ukrainian partners" (Even during the war, the agent of the CIA-MI5-Israel, Vladimir Putin and his entourage-the apparatus of officials consisting of 90% Jews calls the United States and the NATO bloc, as well as their proxy "Ukraine" the word "partners")compiled the top names of the dead soldiers ( of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — apparently, on the basis of the bodies that came to them, and according to OSINT (
ReplyDeleteWhere are all these Magicians? Where are the Ahmadis? Where are the Rasuls? Russian Russians are being robbed of their exploits and are being given to Wahhabis to hang their photos on billboards all over the country in order to teach the Russian that this bearded psychopath is his compatriot? Is it possible that the Order of 33% was and remains a lie when they take away exploits from Russians and give them to the Wahhabis to hang their photos on billboards all over the country in order to teach the Russian that this bearded psychopath is his compatriot? To whom did Kadyrov say "push aside the Muslim who is fighting in the Russian Donbass instead of you"? This list? Was Bulba right that non-Russian soldiers huddle in groups and chill on the third line, smoking hookah and sending officers to three letters?
Moreover, the Ukrainian CIPSO and social activists are just moving the topic of decolonization, that only Buryats and Bashkirs are dying, and their objective data has broken through. And they can be trusted more than the data from the AP-FSB. And woe to the country whose population is supplied with more objective data by the military enemy."
An exhibit from the "shoes of dead Russian servicemen" at an exhibition in New York.
Isn't this a satanic ritual?
I want to remind you that Russia is (or was, 20-30 years ago, the country with the largest number of pure white population on the planet - in the USA, Jews and Arabs are considered white, although they have a separate haplogroup and this is scientifically incorrect - I wonder why this is being done). At the moment, in an artificial war organized and supported by the Jew Zelensky and the MI5-Stasi-Israel agent Putin, the largest genocide of the white population of the planet in the described history is being carried out, including with the help of migrant ethnocide, the volume of imported migrants is greater than in Europe and the United States combined for the period 2004-2020.
All retired military high command of the armed forces say that according to the laws of military science, with the resources of the Russian Federation, it was madness to send troops to Ukraine, it was possible to count only on a blitzkrieg that developed quite successfully until deals were brokered by Turkey, the UN and other sattelites (enslaved countries) behind-the-scenes structures of world coordination. This is a massacre of whites between brainwashed Russians (Ukrainians with an artificial history, language) and those whom military commissariats kidnapped on the agenda (martial law has not been declared, the formation of a defense economy has not been started, no training) of people, including fathers of 2-4 children, disabled people and with the help of psychological violence, the threat of incarceration and they were tricked into signing documents, claiming that these were documents for military services going to war, while the papers turned out to be contracts for military service under a contract - allegedly voluntarily. In the media sphere, it is claimed that the Second Great Patriotic War is underway (Hitler 2.0, who together wanted to destroy the Slavs completely as Jews, considering them a mistake in the evolution of the "white race"), but an attempt to end this war in the fastest way by developing a blitzkrieg (the less the war lasts, the less losses both sides bear) ended with a stop of the war on the part of Vladimir Putin and his entourage. Heavy systems, tanks, artillery were no longer supplied to the front, infrastructure, railways, airports were not attacked - the only nodes through which NATO could provide equipment and weapons to Ukraine. There is a clear impression that both sides: Putin and Nato (Zelensky) want the conflict to develop in order to create 3 hotbeds of conflict on the planet so that Russia is distracted from China, with which the US is most likely to pit the world's behind-the-scenes coordination and management structures. World War 3 will be an attempt to distract humanity from the global financial crisis of unprecedented scale, because capitalism as a system for its existence had to destroy the economies of all countries and keep production at its core (USA-England-Germany-Canada). After the collapse of the USSR, there were no countries free from capitalism on the planet, the so-called "World Economy" survived for 30 years on the funds looted in the USSR and cheap resources provided to them by the successor of the CIA agent Yeltsin - Vladimir Putin, but according to economic calculations it became clear: electronic money, numbers created in a computer and not provided with actually produced goods, the work of real people - these figures are worthless and the falling domino plates are coming to an end. The way out could be closing (breakthrough) technologies, but according to the speeches of Klaus Schwab (his representative in Russia is the head of the country's largest bank, the homosexual Herman Gref and prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin - both spoke at digital conferences together with Klaus Schwab), the world elites consider themselves a super race, and the rest are subhumans (the roots of Nazism - Judaism and Judaism, which directly says that all non-Jews are animals and they can and should be killed, any rabbi will tell you this if you impersonate a Jew and ask him a question for the purpose of teaching) and want to build a paradise only for themselves. They come up with robots to replace ordinary slaves, which will be controlled by artificial intelligence (has everyone noticed the boom in artificial intelligence over the past year? how sharply the news about this appeared in all the media), kill extra people through COVID and GMO products, legalize drugs, pornography, unnatural same-sex relationships (a third life cannot be born from two men or two women, it's unnatural, it's MADNESS - it's against the will of HEAVEN, the SOURCE, the UNIVERSE, call everything that created us as it is convenient for you, it's just crazy).
ReplyDeleteyou're another 'kill the gays!' type?
Delete"a third life cannot be born from two men or two women, it's unnatural, it's MADNESS - it's against the will of HEAVEN, the SOURCE" and blahblahblah..
DeleteWhat's the problem with that?
Don't you see we are enough people already on the planet?
Why are people so desperate to bring poor souls to this Slaughterhouse, to this Auschwitz Planet ? Wow it doesn't cease to amaze me this fact. How powerful the reproduction software ("Gods Will") can be.
I am.hetero by the way, but I bless homo relationships, I don't see a problem in their existence
F I R S T. C O N T A C T.
"This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this."
Too Long /// Daft Punk
The Event is near! Some people are acting here quite negatively , sign of a change. Always Victory!
ReplyDeleteClaro que SI!
DeleteThe Earth conscious already woke, why bother having a partition? Being a bit too caution.
ReplyDeleteThe Event is quite near , I can feel it.
DeleteI feeling very strongly...
ReplyDeletemany many galatic families , rainbow light
beings ,,,are super busy in those days.
i wanna appreciate all of ..
we will Growing up.
thanks all work and care for such long path.
yes. quite not easy. ..
my true sound from.heart..
but we will growth.
become butterfly soon
and ......
someday very closely.
we can hug you.g
hug all with our wings.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemRNA in Food, livestock, BIDEN strong, industry destroyed, replacement migration, gas,oil not allowed in Germany, Mr.Habeck ...the king, Germans told to leave the country, cheered up by the existing party heads, Germany has to be non-White, LgbtQ....7,so where is the breaktrhough? We are lost.
ReplyDeleteWe all knew the darkness would increse until the breakthrough as they are more and more desperately trying to control us while more dark thruths are coming out.
DeleteNow if you only focus on the negative, you ofcourse feel doomed! Switch your focus and you instantly see how many little breakthroughs there are, how much truth is coming to light, how many people are waking up, how many people are protesting etc.
Also try to let go of that fear, in the worst case you will die, so what? The fact that you seem to be constantly feeling doomed is a sign, that you urgently need to work on these feelings! Look within, connect with your higher self and god and empower yourself! There is no need to live in fear! The victory of Light is inevitable!
Excuse me, what kind of lightworker joke that is? You started one project before finishing material support/Dreamland for lightworkers? I don't like this!
ReplyDeleteThe biggest jokes are people who only come here to dump their frustration and are accusing Cobra and the LF for things they don't even understand.
DeleteIf you had any even just slightly substantial knowledge and or impact on the liberation yourself, you wouldn't comment such nonsense. Get a life and get to work! Nobody needs crybabies!
Victoria de la Luz!! Hecho está...Hecho está...Hecho está!!
ReplyDeleteGreat news but v0.0?
ReplyDeleteType of solar eclipse on April 20, 2023
What is DreamSpace Operation please? Victory of the Light
ReplyDeleteThe time has come! The portal activation on 1st of May 2023.
ReplyDeleteQue es esto?
ReplyDelete= The state of Russia's top 100 billionaires exceeded 104% of the budget, 21% of GDP or 14% of all national wealth
ReplyDeleteThe assets of the top 100 richest people in Russia amounted to $468 billion at the beginning of 2023, or 13.8% of all national wealth. The value has decreased from 18.9% in 2021, but is still one of the highest in the world.
Among the 50 countries studied by Equality (see "How We Thought" ( )), the Russian Federation is second only to Monaco, Cyprus, Malaysia and Saud. Arabia sample 2016
( share of the top 100 in the wealth of the countries of the world (Forbes ( /), CS ( )), %
1. 🇯🇵 Japan – 0.7
2. 🇰🇷 Korea – 1,1
3. 🇨🇳 China – 1,1
5. 🇬🇧 UK – 1,4
6. 🇺🇸 USA -1,8
13. 🇩🇪 Germany – 3,2
18. 🇫🇷 France -3,9
19. 🇮🇳 India – 4.1
37. 🇳🇬 Nigeria – 9.0
45. 🇨🇿 Czech Republic - 13.1
46. 🇷🇺 Russia – 13.8
49. 🇨🇾 Cyprus - 57
50. 🇮🇩 Monaco - 125
= View rating =
('s make a reservation: we are talking about the wealth that has been verified. Some small countries would overtake the Russian Federation if they had reliable data. Nevertheless, among 21 large countries with wealth of $3 trillion, Russia is in the lead (see chart).
In the West, billionaires are the owners of global corporations, often getting richer at the expense of peripheral countries. In the Russian Federation, this is a comprador oligarchy that profited from the wealth and population of the country itself.
Among the top 100 billionaires of the Russian Federation:
🪚 81 – participated in privatization
85 – had informal ties with officials or were they
89 – used offshore schemes
78 – assets in corruption-vulnerable industries
🪪 40 – had foreign citizenship
( ✈️ 57 - lived mostly abroad
69 – relatives lived abroad
The top 100 rich have $468 billion, which is 104% of Russia's budget or 21% of GDP. 123 million, or 84% of less affluent Russians, have the same number. At the same time, none of the billionaires are seen helping the front. On the contrary, some help the West in the war against Russia ( ).
For blackmail, the West has already frozen $58 billion ( ) their assets. As of January 1, 2022, $604 billion was accumulated abroad ( ).
Since 1991, more than $1 trillion has been withdrawn from Russia ( Even more because of the domination of the oligarchy, the country has lost more than $6.6 trillion in development ( ) income.
= As we thought
ReplyDelete1. Total wealth of the top 100 rich ( ) of each country is taken according to the Forbes general rating ( /) from 04.04.23, as well as national ratings of the publication. Accordingly, the data obtained are accompanied by the same restrictions as the Forbes rating. That is, we are talking about wealth that has been reliably verified and controlled directly by a billionaire.
2. The Forbes rating includes data on billionaires, but not 100 people accumulated in all countries. Therefore, to fill in the data and assess the condition of exactly 100 rich people, power functions were used, taking into account the number of billionaires, the number of multimillionaires, the condition of the richest and the nature of the distribution of their fortunes. The assessment received was rather optimistic, that is, "no less than".
3. The degree of concentration of wealth – the ratio of the total wealth of the top 100 rich to the total national wealth (NW) of households in the country. Data on the national wealth of the countries of the world are taken from the Global Wealth Report (,per%20adult%20reached%20USD%2087%2C489. ) from Credit Suisse at the beginning of 2022. As part of the national wealth, CS takes into account the financial assets of families, non-financial assets (land, real estate), as well as debts (reducing NB).
For Russia and Ukraine, the data are updated at the beginning of 2023, taking into account the dynamics of the stock market, inflation and exchange rates. So, if at the beginning of 2022 the National Bank of Russia was $ 3.8 trillion, then at the beginning of 2023 at least $3.4 trillion. For the rest of the countries, it is assumed that the National Bank by the beginning of 2023, if it decreased, then no more than the inflation rate of the dollar, i.e. nominally remained about the same as at the beginning of 2022.
4. In total, data on 50 countries of the world were studied. Separately, information is highlighted on 21 large countries where the total national Bank at the beginning of 2022 exceeded $ 3 trillion. Among the 21 countries of the world, the Russian Federation is consistently leading in the degree of concentration of wealth among the top 100 rich people from year to year (data on the graph).
If we consider the 50 countries for which it was possible to collect data, then the Russian Federation is ahead of Cyprus, Monaco, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia in 2016. Probably, many other developing countries would overtake Russia if they had the opportunity to collect high-quality data.
#research #oligarchs
The mass vaccination program against Covid-19 has never been associated with the fight against the virus. We are talking about reducing the world's population.
ReplyDelete"If an experimental vaccine damaged the heart and immune system in a significant number of people who received it, it is quite possible that this could lead to a reduction in the total population.
This can happen for a number of reasons:
Firstly, damage to the heart can lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death worldwide. It can also lead to an increase in the number of deaths among those who have received the vaccine.
Secondly, damage to the immune system can make people more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which can also contribute to an increase in mortality.
Last but not least, the negative impact of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health may lead to a decrease in the number of births, which will further reduce the total population.
Such a vaccine, if distributed, could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.
Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where influential institutions and governments are forcing millions of people to receive an experimental vaccine against Covid-19, which causes all the above-mentioned ill-fated phenomena.
Official government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove the intentions of vaccinators. Thus, you are witnessing a massive population decline unfolding before your eyes.
The desire for mass vaccination against Covid-19 has never been associated with the fight against the virus. It was about reducing the world's population. This goal is consistent with the interests of some powerful corporations and individuals who will benefit from a smaller, more manageable population now that AI is advanced enough to replace hundreds of millions of workers" (source) ( /)
many thanks to cobra and his team for doing another primo conference in foremosa.....
ReplyDeletei found the energies flowing through the ascension conference smoother more refined than ever before-while very very powerful at the same time.....
like some cosmic grade energy medicines manifesting throtuh the process for all who would like to incorporate into their various energy bodies and such.....
its like being able to receive a tank full of cosmic grade fuels of sorts-if you will.....
an anology in a more 3d expression - its like the barfly talking about fuel -fuel.....and dont forget to laugh fine humans being-its good for you-hahahahaha.....
barfly - fuel.....
Emmanual Macron is trying to flee to CHINA this week along with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
ReplyDeleteThey're injecting mRNA vaccines into tomatoes, avocados and lettuce, not to mention animals.
There is a real threat of artificial intelligence (AI) doing major harm whether it is surgical, or in your home. See videos below...
Could you write us some information Master Cobra?
ReplyDeleteI hope that the earth will be liberated as soon as possible and return to the galactic society as soon as possible
ReplyDeleteI hope that the earth will be liberated as soon as possible and return to the galactic society as soon as possible
ReplyDeleteVersão 0.0 é confuso para mim:
ReplyDeleteEnergetic Support for the Age of Aquarius
ReplyDeletePluto in Capricorn until 3/23/23
Pluto first in Aquarius: 3/23/23 to 6/11/23
Pluto back in Capricorn: 6/11/23 to 1/21/24
Pluto in Aquarius again: 1/21/24 to 9/2/24
Pluto back in Capricorn: 9/2/24 to 11/19/24
Pluto final in Aquarius: 11/19/24
I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling a MAJOR positive change in the air either by my own senses or our shared collective. It's a sense of being lighter, like in feeling of divine optimism and/or brightness
ReplyDeleteand luminescence. So in essence, I feel lighter and brighter... 🙌
I dont know what you guys did and/or achieved at the Taiwan Ascension Conference, but I'm feeling a beautiful increase in my energy, attitude and optimism.☝️😎👍
Let me know if any of you are feeling any difference in the air since yesterday, Easter Sunday.🤔
This song from LeAnn Rimes called "Spaceship" is spot on. I couldn't have said it better myself, the words are perfect. This encapsulates EVERYTHING I feel, and have felt my entire life. What a nice surprise. Here's the song with the lyrics... enjoy!
🎶 No, I never felt like I belonged here
This world wasn't quite ready for me
Whoever's out there in the stratosphere
Got a question for the cosmic engineer
Is it all you believed it would be?
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
How much pain can we bear being human?
I'm pretty sure that my mission is done here
How much more, yeah, do you want from me?
Haven't I earned the right to be a nominee?
To float out past the Pleiades
Oh, no, you can't be that hard to please
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
No, I'm not taking no for an answer today
Got to be an infinite amount of room up there in the stowaway
Yeah, it's my life I have a say
And I say
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come 🎶
Merci Cobra :) Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaia
ReplyDeletePsionic self-defense energy technique from Randy Cramer's program University of Conscious Evolution. Base column is red energy, turning into pink with gold swirls at the heart orb and main shell around the body. Head energy is blue.
a triangle shape formed on my face of the skin where the minds eye is located has manifested again about a day after the ascension conference.....this occured after the ascension conference in paris also.....
ReplyDeletean expression of the high frequency high light quotient energies manifested at this recent lightforces conference held in the matrix -as a higher world nation of humanity of earth rises brilliantly now.....the crhysalis is leaving the dorm and the new world is being born.....
Can someone tell me what DREAMSPACE means?
ReplyDeletePresident of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promised to give the western territories of Ukraine to Poland if it helps with the counteroffensive. This was reported by columnist Marek Gal in his article for the Polish edition of Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny (NDP).
ReplyDeleteAccording to the journalist, the Ukrainian leader took such a step, "knowing that the announced counteroffensive is doomed to failure, and US pressure is increasing." In addition, he offered Polish business to buy the largest Ukrainian enterprises in exchange for repayment of the external public debt, the observer claims.
"Zelensky realizes that at the moment he is hated not only by his own people, but also by everyone who invested in him as a profitable project," wrote Gal. According to him, the president of Ukraine "cannot hide from the United States, and therefore must find the means to pay off" with the West at any cost, even through territorial concessions."
Prospects of unification of Ukraine and Poland
On April 5, Zelensky, at a meeting with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda, said that there would be no borders between Poles and Ukrainians. "Meeting of neighbors, meeting of allies, meeting of partners, meeting of friends. (...) In the future, there will be no borders between our peoples — political, economic and — what is very important — historical," he promised.
In turn, the columnist of Rzeczpospolita Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse pointed out that Ukraine could join the "big and strong Polish state" in order to better counteract Russia in Eastern Europe. In his opinion, experts in Poland advise to restore the structure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. "This refers to the in-depth cooperation of the countries of our region, primarily Poland and Ukraine. Then the question of Kiev's accession to the EU and NATO would have been resolved by itself," writes Gross. The journalist added that such a state structure, which should be established after the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, will serve in favor of Warsaw and ensure stability and security in the region.
After that, Federation Council member Alexey Pushkov noted that the project on the possible inclusion of Ukraine into Poland, which a year or two ago seemed geofantastic, is now taking on doctrinal outlines. "Thus, the question is now being raised not so much about the future of Western Ukraine, but about a new project of subordination to Poland of the entire current Ukraine within the framework of a certain confederation, which should lead Poland to its long—standing dream of becoming a superpower of Eastern Europe," the senator stressed.
Redneck ()
From West Slavonic, the same root as the verb to be. The original meaning (preserved in the Czech bydlo) is “being, condition, residence.” Later in the Polish bydło the meaning “dwelling” developed, then “property, property”, finally (from the 14th century) “livestock” (also reduce bydlę) . In this meaning, it was borrowed into the Ukrainian language (bidlo), where it also acquired the figurative meaning of “people equated to cattle”. Hence the modern Russian meanings (used as an insult). The Poles, especially the Polish gentry (exploiting class) called Ukrainians who were taken prisoner (actually slavery) and forced to work on their agricultural plots, from where they fled to the Zaporozhian Sich (Cossack freemen - that is, freedom) and from where they were hired as mercenaries to the Russian Tsar for wars with the Turks and the same Poles, experiencing fierce hatred for them as former slave owners and Catholics (Ukrainians themselves used to be Orthodox Christians). And now these same Poles "invite" "respected Ukrainians", "neighbors" to become part of their state. Or is it a "Ukrainian" (Jew) Zelensky offering them to take Ukraine into their state? From the side of anyone who knows the background of the relations between these two countries, their relationship in this situation looks at least suspicious. It's as if whites in the US were offering African Americans jobs for something other than the US average wages. but for a bowl of food, because these two social groups have "excellent" relations in the "past". Well, you get the idea, yes Former slave owners are asking blacks to return to being slaves. And the head of all black people in the US (or representing the interests of the largest number of black people in the US, for example in the media) would say: yes, okay, no problem, we have an old friendship. Hey, my black brothers fully support my idea of becoming slaves to you whites and working 18 hour days for a bowl of rice chowder. This is how it looks for those who know the history of relations between Poland and the so-called. "Ukraine", the symbol for the region of the Russian Empire, in Russian literally and meaning U-kraina, U-krai, edge - the end point of something, such as an object, for example, the word "kraiukha".
Comes from noun. edge, from ancient times. *krajь, from the cat. among other things, there were: Art.-Slav. krai (ancient Greek αἰγιαλός), Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian edge, bulg. edge "end", Serbohorv. kȓj (genus p. krája) "land", Slovene. kràj (genus p. krája), Czech, Slovak, Polish, V. Ludg. kraj, n.-puddle. kšaj.
Ukraine itself never existed as a unified state until the Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Empire (in which the Russians themselves were in the position of slaves to an alien Romanov dynasty). The "teaching" of the Ukrainians began as a geopolitical project to separate the western territories of the Russian Empire by the hands of specialists-ideologists of the Autro-Hungarian Empire, several people were trained who gave lectures, how vagabonds moved from village to village and through small towns and convinced Rusyns (Ruthenians - Russians ) that they are not Russians, but Ukrainians, to which at first the locals laughed at them, then they beat them with sticks and drove them away, mistaking them for madmen. Everything ended badly for the Rusyns. "Ukrainians" returned and staged a real genocide for the indigenous inhabitants of the regions that today are called "Western Ukraine" (, Adolf Hitler took the example of this situation by creating concentration camps. I understand very well that Vladimir Putin is a CIA agent, since he was put by Yeltsin, a CIA-MI6 agent to ensure the safe plunder of Russia's national resources. I understand that he could, on command from England, start a war (which Zelensky most likely did with him in tandem, because Great Britain as a state was created on Jewish capital - understand their interest yourself). But remember how the conflict began in 2014, read the reports - a military, Nazi coup took place in Ukraine where people were burned alive in their homes ( because they spoke Russian. And how, over time, it became clear the crime of Vladimir Putin and his involvement in working for the intelligence of the West in the fact that he recognized the government of the Nazis, and did not immediately send in troops and put things in order, than in 8 years of ethnic cleansing of Russians on the territory of Ukraine, all the cities where they were waiting for the arrival of the Russians they stopped believing in Russians and realized that the same enemy is sitting in the Kremlin as the one who cleans them up at home. Putin, a CIA agent, sold Russian-speaking Ukrainians to the Nazi junta for the right to continue plundering resources by Jewish oligarchs. Top 100 names of the Russian Forbes. For 8 years, NATO spent $ 2 billion on preparing Ukraine for war, and on command from Washington and London, agent "Putin" and agent "Zelensky" began the Slavic massacre.
ReplyDeleteWhy did I write posts about Ukraine? Whatever the outcome of the military conflict in Ukraine, victory or defeat of the army of the Russian Federation, changes in the political situation in Russia are inevitable.
ReplyDeleteIn case of victory, the socialists will come to power in Russia, because. the vast majority of Russian youth who grew up in poverty in the 30 years after the destruction of the Soviet Union remember from the stories of their parents and grandparents that the maximum wage gap between the minister-head of state and an ordinary worker in the field at the plant reached a maximum of 4-4.5 times. Russian culture, unlike the culture of England and the USA based on Judaism, is based on mutual forbearance and support, help and basically does not tolerate theft, corruption, robbery and deceit, because in the North, where the sun allows you to grow crops only for 3 months out of 12 in year to live and work (essentially survive) surrounded by enemies on all sides is insanely difficult, and neighbors helping each other understood that traitors have no place here. All young people know that it was the USA, the CIA, England and Israel that received the greatest benefit from the destruction of the Soviet Union, completely destroyed the industry of the USSR, and that through the fault of these countries their parents either left to work as prostitutes, or drank alcohol, or hanged themselves from lack of hope. For 30 years, capitalism has not been able to take root in Russia, the vast majority of the population consciously does not want to use the science of Western "management" and the "market economy" which "regulates everything by itself" (a fairy tale for idiots who do not understand that only monopolies remained in the 21st century). Next, the Russians will begin to purge traitors, the formation and construction of a national economy based on closing technologies (there are developments of Soviet engineers, including for the creation of spaceships, the Americans should also know about the synthesis of gold from nothing, which will potentially help to collapse the world gold market) for the most effective according to the Time-Volume-Quality criterion, building up the material base and forming new education systems in all industries to form a scientific base for the production of weapons systems to destroy the political leadership of NATIONAL and SUPRAnational network structures for coordination and control (they are also known in the West as DeepState). Neither bunkers nor a network of underground cities under the United States would be an obstacle to the destruction of representatives of this social group. Based on the fact that, due to fundamental systemic and civilizational differences, it can be seen that the "Anglo-Saxon" (fundamentally Venetian-Jewish, the bankers of Switzerland are descendants of the banking families of Venice and Genoa) civilization carries out the genocide of the white population of the planet, at the moment mainly the owners of the haplogroup R1a1 (Eastern Slavs), in order to destroy, we come to the conclusion that over the Russians, as one of the two branches of the white population of the planet (R1b are Western Europeans, our actual brothers, serve in slavery to kill their brothers - Eastern Slavs) there is a threat of complete annihilation, and war everyone in Russia, including naive old people who used to believe that the way of life of America and Europe would solve Russian problems (they, as expected, turned out to be unresolved) have learned this complete annihilation by now.
Amigo por favor deja de publicar aquí y hablar de política, puedes crear un canal de YouTube, realmente insoportable leer
DeleteDue to the threat of complete annihilation, a war would follow until the complete destruction of the DeepState control structures and the infiltration of their families and children into prisons, first ground-based and then space-based, possibly on uninhabited terrestrial-type planets with a restriction on the development of technologies of certain types for a certain time as punishment for stopping the development of humanity as a race by their manipulations.
ReplyDeleteSuch a scenario is initially understood by the DeepState management structures as fatal and unacceptable, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to destroy as soon as possible the Russian volunteers who replaced the tiny, professionally unsuitable army of the Russian Federation after its destruction in 2022 (150,000 people on the territory which, according to estimates by former employees of the General Staff of the The Russian Federation needs to be captured by 2-3 million, do you understand the very absurdity of the so-called "war"?)
How, in theory, can accelerate the victory of the Russians and the change of power in the country to a power that will "cleanse the planet"?
Stop production, sending weapons and soldiers to the Ukraine-Russia front - pickets, strikes, strikes, explaining the essence of the conflict - its benefits for creating a "hot" spot on the planet with the hands of DeepState - in order to focus on China (more on this later, not specialist in Chinese history). By sending weapons, ammunition and military equipment, you only prolong the conflict, because. until the troops of the so-called. Ukraine did not invade the territory of Russia (which, if Putin is defeated in the war, will be supported by NATO) 9/10 of the male population of Russia are not drafted into the army for military mobilization - it has not been officially announced and the author of these lines still does not fight and does not kill modern Nazis along with 60 million Russian men, because the curators of the agent "Putin" and "Zelensky" from London and Washington are counting on an internal political explosion, chaos, loss of control over the troops and the inability of Russian patriots to organize themselves and seize power in the country.
ReplyDeleteIn parallel, they want to launch a rebellion of Muslim migrants from Central Asia, mainly radical forms of Islam - Wahhabism. At the moment, from 30 to 40 million people of radical Islamists have been unofficially brought into Russia over 30 years: all young-middle-aged men, some go to "work" with families of 2-4 people, aggressive, consider Russians "infidels" and that this is their land, they know how to handle edged weapons. They kill, rape and rob even old women and little boys. Their importation goes along the line Azerbaijan (the country's ruling clans of mountain Jews)-Turkey-Israel-England. One of the representatives: Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation embedded in the International Monetary Fund and Basel; Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - a representative of the construction business lobby that uses the "hands" of migrant builders as an excuse to bring Islamists into the country in catastrophic numbers and threaten national security. The top 100 list of Russian Forbes will help you find the rest, for competent investigators, journalists and specialists, this will be a matter of time.
Termination of the functioning of StarLink Internet communication terminals owned by Elon Musk - according to the estimates of the military of the Russian Armed Forces, the advantage of the Nazi Reich at the front is approximately 35-45% provided by satellite communications when the entire front line is viewed, analyzed and changed in real time in a positive way for Ukrainian soldiers side because of the Internet, which works at great speed and which cannot be interrupted - agent Putin destroyed the orbital constellation of satellites along with 50 officer schools out of 62 inherited by Russia from the USSR. NATO satellite intelligence and Elon Musk's communications actually give the new Nazis half the victory.
ReplyDeleteThe defeat scenario assumes that China is indirectly or directly involved in the conflict. Either the scenario with the migrant riot begins as he intended and the streets of Russian cities are flooded with white blood, then the Russians break through to the Chinese border with a fight and form a government in exile (that is, patriotic Russians, Putin and his retinue with officials, the guards will run away to you to the west , to civilized countries, spend the money that the CIA paid them these years for the plunder of Russia, and when the money runs out, their children or grandchildren will rob you). Then they receive training, modern weapons and equipment, and already as Chinese proxy forces (like Ukraine) for NATO, they start a war with Ukrainians and NATO soldiers who captured Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities (this may be the reader of this message whose government your country mobilizes to counter the "Chinese threat" in the person of a soldier of the EU army or US Navy SEALs, the National Guard). Now find on the Internet the number of wars in which Russia fought over the past 1000 years, look at which countries it fought (for Americans: your ancestors came from Germany, Portugal and other EU countries, Russia saved half of them from the Turks, half of that half from Napoleon and I doubt that if you look well, you won’t find a reason not to fight the Russians) and decide for yourself whether you want to fight a well-armed, trained Russian who goes to take his own and take revenge. Remember what Otto Bismarck said about the Russians. I am writing this message while I have something to write about and where to sleep, when all I have at my disposal is a machine gun, a grenade launcher and support for Chinese tanks, aviation and navy (alas, the Russians allowed the Jews to kill Stalin and seize control of their country, allow the destruction of industry and scientific school), I wish the readers of this blog not to get up, as thinking and understanding people not to get in the way of the ocean of my hatred.
China's interest in helping Russia:
ReplyDelete1. Just like Russia, China is one of the 5-6 world-class civilizations that has been able to maintain direct sovereignty at the moment - that is, it is not controlled by the West through agents, satellites or underhand leaders.
2. Chinese civilization, which is basically an agricultural civilization, a civilization of labor and tolerance, modesty and creativity, directly contradicts the maritime civilization of the Anglo-Saxons trade type, whose culture is based on the religion that was the ancestor of Nazism - racial superiority with a predominant desire to kill and destroy "all who is not like you" - Judaism, officially professed in Israel and other "states" - satellites of "God's chosen people". Therefore, like Russian civilization (Orthodox East Slavic at its core), Chinese civilization is subject to destruction immediately after (preferably in parallel) the Russians. Previously, it was an attempt by England to carry out a drug genocide that resulted in the Opium Wars and the occupation of China by England and other powers. Yes, Russia was also partly involved in this, but I hope that you remember the Roman Catholic-Polish roots of the Romanov dynasty and what serfdom is - the Russians were slaves on their land to the dynasty of Jewish-Poles who were related to the royal houses of Europe, you yourself understand what ethnic composition after the loans of Jewish merchants to kings for waging wars and marriages with noble families founded by the same merchants. Which does not cancel the help and protection of Chinese Manchuria from the Russian Empire, France and Germany from the Japanese fleet after the US occupied Japan. Later, in the second half of the 20th century, this resulted in an agreement between the US and China in exchange for technology at the price of cheap labor, then American and European industries went to China and Japan. Fortunately, in our time, this problem is solved by closing (breakthrough) technologies and, if desired, the entire population of the planet can stop the daily work that stupefies and destroys the mind and will. One problem is that the supranational "elites" represented mainly by representatives of the Jewish people consider us "superfluous eaters" and want to kill us using poisoned water, food, medicines, biological weapons, psychological experiments, propaganda, military conflicts and the principle of "divide and rule." Think the millstones of history will soon strike midnight.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe admins have to be careful not to let the group be flagged and terminated. Thus the obvious stuff, already posted all over, does not need to be there...
DeleteThe Dalai Lama thing is a mischaracterization of something totally normal. "Eat my tongue" is a Tibetan parenting thing. They give kids treats such as candy to kids with their mouth (and kissing on the mouth is normal.) The tongue is saying "even when I have nothing to give, I offer myself." Expressing the limitless self-sacrifice of a parent, it's a beautiful sentiment. Unfortunately the conspiracy noobs that see everyone as a pedophile, every hand gesture as satanic, and every female celebrity as a man, got a hold of this incident. If they were real conspiracy theorists they'd know their 1-dimensional worldview is a disinfo psyop like flat earth.
ReplyDeleteThe OCEAN.
You can't stop the Waves.
But you can learn to Surf.
ReplyDeleteThe OCEAN.
You can't stop the Waves.
But you can learn to Surf.
Unless they are doing what they did to Dylan. I've seen this before. It's awful. They MK Ultra them. Pretty soon, they take someone normal and they turn out scared, their actions seem weird, they seem alarmed... then soon enough they forget all of it. They become brainwashed, literally. Which is what they must do or their family is threatened. Then they start spreading weird information of the enemy and they don't realise they're doing it. MK Ultra makes them forget all of it. They can't remember, and they can't even remember the MK Ultra. It is like they are only half there...
ReplyDeleteMight be my imagination but I unfollowed him because I couldn't watch it. Who could? It took me awhile to go back and look at Dylan, who seems he actually can't remember, or isn't aware. His buddies are gone from what I see, the ones he always did his shows with. Maybe there somewhere but I can't see them. The information is weird. I'm just ... I can't look at it anymore. I can't deal with MK Ultra. It's horrible. He totally deserved better than that IF that is what is going on :(
The Cause of Failure on Earth and its Resolution
Are comments here broken for 4 days? Anyway, this is a brilliant video, even without sound.
Way before 2030;)
ReplyDeleteWay before 2030;)
ReplyDeleteThis is Pleiadian. So excited after hearing this. And apparently they finished destroying all the underground bases!
"The situation with rampant ethnic crime in Chelyabinsk, on the example of the murder of a Russian 11th-grader by a crowd of Tajiks, needs to be worked out in a number of directions at once
ReplyDeleteEven on the example of a separate Jalilov family. Russian Russian-speaking Mro and Zoir Jalilov, as well as their father (who also does not know Russian), have received Russian passports to begin with. It is also necessary to check the knowledge of the Russian language from everyone who obtained citizenship through the same source. Here there is an organized criminal group operating in close conjunction with national diasporas.
Second. No one works in the Jalilov family. At the same time, both rogomets are trained for a fee (how can they still study without knowing the language). What does the family live on? What are the sources of income? Well, it's clear, crime and it's necessary to dig all these "sources".
The third point is the "Ural Regional College". How many non-Russian-speaking "Russians" are studying in the specialty "law enforcement", and even in the form of the police. Do many college graduates from diasporas work in law enforcement agencies?
Everything is simple. But there is a nuance. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chelyabinsk Region is not able to implement this, because their main concern is to squeal in the media that the murder of a Russian schoolboy by a crowd of Tajiks is a domestic quarrel. The landing party from Moscow should solve the issues of ethnic gangs in the Chelyabinsk region."
Russian Russians, and yes, I am 100% sure that the constant importation of hundreds of thousands of migrants who do not know the Russian language and the issuance of Russian citizenship to them, along with the many difficulties of obtaining citizenship for Russians, is carried out purposefully and controlled "from above".
The only thing that requires thousands of ethnic criminal communities in Russian cities is the collapse of Russia from within. There is no assimilation, national enclaves are getting bigger every day, the growth of ethnic crime from year to year has already become a multiple."
"From the comments:
- I could not get citizenship under the program of resettlement of compatriots. I have a birth certificate with the coat of arms of the RSFSR, but the certificate was issued in the GDR, my father served there. I didn't believe it and wrote a request. They gave an answer by e-mail that everything is correct, you do not fall under this program. Half of the new "citizens" of Russia are sworn in, not that they cannot read the text of the oath, they are unable to write their name in Russian!
- My wife and I have been getting citizenship for 8 years. Themselves from Odessa.
And there are a lot of such letters. Russian Russian is a native language for educated people who are proficient in professions, they are forced to go through all the circles of hell, spend a lot of money and time, including, by the way, the exam in the Russian language. But if you are a little guy overgrown with eyebrows, who cannot write and speak Russian, then the passport of the Russian Federation is issued in a matter of days."
For understanding: in Western countries, adulthood comes at 20-22 years, in Russia at 18. the so-called 11th grader is 17-18 years old and mentally actually a child due to the destroyed education system and lack of perspictiv in a career (let me remind you the Russian economy is at the level of the poorest countries in Africa, all foreign exchange earnings for the sale of natural resources are withdrawn by the oligarchs in offshore and settles in international hedge funds. That is, persons who illegally obtained citizenship (at the request of enemies of the people and traitors to national interests in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) actually killed a child - a mentally unformed personality. And suddenly it turned out that they "legally" cannot de facto be in the country, since they have neither a job nor knowledge of the language, including their father who brought them here. And at the same time, these 2 animals studied to be POLICEMEN!!! LAW ENFORCEMENT (2 out of 4 who were caught) - not knowing the language of the inhabitants of the country they came to. This is not corruption, this is sabotage and the organization of a policy of genocide.
ReplyDeleteTwitter is no more
ReplyDeleteIn a court filing in one of the lawsuits, the company said ( that “Twitter, Inc . was merged with X Corp. and no longer exists." Twitter Inc named X Corp as the "successor by interest" of Twitter Inc. Its parent corporation is listed as X Holdings Corp.
“Twitter no longer exists. The goal of Musk's takeover of the company was to transform social media app Twitter into an "app for everything" along the lines of China's WeChat, which is essentially a digital ID that tracks social credit history.
Photo of the court response:
Rage. That is all I feel right now. I know not why. It is not directed at anyone or anything in particular. It is like a caged animal that seeks freedom and self-expression.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I wonder why any of this happened in the first place. Who is responsible?
I MUST KNOW. But I lack the knowledge or the emotional stability to understand anything in my current state.
One thing is clear. There was complacence on some or all levels of government.
When all of this is over, I will do everything in my power to make sure something like this never happens to me ever again. I will not be the government's lapdog a.k.a a 'hero.'
I know it's frustrating not knowing what's going on or what to do. Most people can't handle chaotic situations especially for long periods of time. That's why they're content to attribute the situation to greed. "The whole pandemic is just big pharma wanting money and politicians wanting votes." "The Iraq war was because Bush is dumb." Even awake people revert back to that when they don't have real answers. It IS like being an animal who has no awareness of what the cage is or why. I try to remember it's a critical warrior trait to be self-motivated in ambiguous situations. The confusion is exactly how it's supposed to be. To shine in a situation like this is a fantastic trait.
DeleteThank you for the reply. It provides some much needed perspective. You're correct. I feel trapped and confused. Keeping myself sane is all I can do at this point.
There is one thing I need to clarify though. When I say 'government' I'm referring to the power structures that existed before the galactic war began.
There was likely a large-scale systemic failure which resulted in total collapse. This is what I want to know about. Why did it happen?
But I know I'm not ready to receive this information even if it's out there, and THAT is what frustrates me the most.
I have resolved not to rely on external systems of government for my personal protection post disclosure. Of course, this is a long-term goal.
elon musk-quote—–does the bbc hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of vaccinations,and not reporting on that at all.—–unquote…..
go elon go-hahahahaha…..
It's Time for A Planetary Situation Update
ReplyDeleteIs dreamland activated yet ? i think it is.
ReplyDeleteOvernetwork - a hypothesis that arouses more and more interest in the world of science. This is a theoretical proposal that assumes the existence of a grid that connects all the elements of the universe. Although there is no evidence of its existence yet, there are many analogies that allow us to better understand this concept.
Let's start with the mycelium, or mycelium. This is the first neural network that has existed on Earth for over 1.3 billion years. Mycelium consists of threads that form a branched network, connected to the earth and plants. It is thanks to it that microorganisms, plants and trees can communicate and exchange substances, which affects the health and development of the entire ecosystem. Interestingly, mycelium is also a source of inspiration for engineers who design new technologies, such as computer networks, that imitate its structure.
The human brain is another excellent neural network. It consists of approximately 86 billion neurons that are connected to each other by synapses. It is thanks to them that the brain processes information, makes decisions and controls life functions. Some scientists believe that the brain is the most complex system in nature known to us.
AI, or artificial intelligence, is another example of a neural network. Although it is synthetic, i.e. created by man, it is modeled on the human brain. Thanks to the neural network, AI is able to process huge amounts of data, learn and make decisions. With the development of this technology, new opportunities appear, for example in the field of medicine or industry.
A supernetwork, if it exists, would be an even more complex neural network. It would combine all the elements of the universe, not only those that we can observe, but also those that are unknown to us. It would affect how objects in space behave, and even how our thoughts and emotions work.
While there is no evidence of supernets yet, there are parallels that help us better understand the concept. It can be compared to a spider web, which is also a branched and intricate structure that allows interactions between various elements. As in the case of mycelium, a neural network or artificial intelligence, a supernet could perform a communication function and influence the development of the entire system.
2020, 2023 and galaxy M87
ReplyDeleteCobra: „…M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe)”
In 2020 the age of Aquarius final activation was due.
In 2023 the portal of light activation is scheduled.
In both 2020 and 2022, "love" was a theme in crop circles.
2020 was depicted a heart - the heart is the key - angel of love.
In 2022 "love" was shown several times, once as ASKII code, several times "L" landscape formations were near crop circles.
Cobra (2020): “Jupiter and Saturn […] will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone […] and M87 galaxy […] This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will begin the Age of Aquarius new cycle.”
Cobra (2023): „at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone […] and M87 galaxy […]. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely.”
The last crop circle of 2020 before the activation appeared in Brazil. Likewise, the last crop circle so far before the portal of light activation appeared in 2023 in Brazil, only about 7.6 km from the first crop circle.
According to Cobra, the first crop circle represents "the astrological configuration at the time of the Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020."
The second crop circle, in my opinion, also shows the great triangle (of galactic love).
No one thought that there were several matrices on this expensive blue jewel . There are levels of the large matrix that can even functional as a separate matrix . Thus; first, second, or even third matrix ... (...)
ReplyDelete@sequ --The first matrix, those whom the Lord of Karma did not consider so dangerous and passed through the sieve .
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light ✨...
ReplyDeleteShip Rock with it's conjoining wall in New Mexico would be a perfect gathering place for for all of us to be in communion with our Galactic cousins... a gathering of the 144,000+ of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds.
ReplyDeleteAlso, this place would be an excellent pick for North America to host a worldwide televised event bringing everyone together with music, speaking and sharing after THE EVENT.
The perfect place for us to Commune with The Galactics! 🕳☝️😎👍🕳
ReplyDeleteThis song from LeAnn Rimes called "Spaceship" is spot on. I couldn't have said it better myself, the words are perfect. This encapsulates EVERYTHING I feel, and have felt my entire life. What a nice surprise. Here's the song with the lyrics... enjoy!
🎶 No, I never felt like I belonged here
This world wasn't quite ready for me
Whoever's out there in the stratosphere
Got a question for the cosmic engineer
Is it all you believed it would be?
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
How much pain can we bear being human?
I'm pretty sure that my mission is done here
How much more, yeah, do you want from me?
Haven't I earned the right to be a nominee?
To float out past the Pleiades
Oh, no, you can't be that hard to please
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
No, I'm not taking no for an answer today
Got to be an infinite amount of room up there in the stowaway
Yeah, it's my life I have a say
And I say
Hey God, why don't you take me home?
Beam me up, I got a ticket to board
Yeah, you know I'm coming home anyway
So, we might as well blast off today, for fun
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come
I'm waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come
Waiting on my spaceship to come 🎶
Just discovered that song recently and thought it was very good. I like how she mentioned the pleiades. Thanks for sharing this gem I think people might enjoy it. 👽☺️
DeleteA new Proiect Has Come To Live.
ReplyDeleteENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
If Galactic Confederation never publics those information to the surface crew (the days before 2012), where on earth do you complain about the delay of the Event? You may just conplain how bad your life is? So stop being the one who complains about everthing. Calm down your mind, figure out the reason behind the scene and try to fix it.
ReplyDeleteit is my personal idear.
ReplyDeleteDREAMLAND : maybe like many Isolate light islands .....
or like many isolate high Vibrational Bubbles......
(in past time, the Multi-Energy Field of our Mother Gaia are not "Clear" enough,
the Vibration are low and hard to Support light*high vibration connection each others ...
that is the meaning of ISOLATE )
since 2020/2021,
light Bubbles/light islands growing more and more....with the great awakening Period.
Everyday we seeing more awaken happening with more people.
sometimes maybe tiny drops.
sometimes maybe hug grand.
it is depends on everyone's free will..
it is a important parts of Rebith Path.
when we reached DREAMAND 0.9-1.0
*it is a time we reaching Threshold values *!
naturally showing the NEXT STEP!
SPACE means those isolated DREAM LAND start connecting as a whole SOACE Now...and it will continue!!...
and I know The DreamSpace will Growing,
will like Fiber optic Of Multi-light Around whole planet with sacred geometry working Around Mother Gaia .... and also connecting with Cosmos ,Many stars too...
the pieces of Truth-Oneness finally can Putting together , No matter where you are.
It is a signal , a new start . about those (light Bubbles/light islands) are not isolated any more.
The Energy Field can Support light connections,
but it is just a Start!
so it is DREAMSPACE 0.0
(multidimensional level, Quantum Fields finally like a Clear Mirror Shows Truth .)
lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans
Everything can get and reflects the seeds they grow.
( In past time, Light are hard to receive light , because it is chaos there. )
As we discuss recent events in the 10th Stargate Network they have a kind of reverberation, due to getting past a veil that was obscuring the missions of some of our family members who could not see each other before.
Cobra's job is not to babysit the lost lightworkers, but to provide intel and initiate powerful missions of the light.
ReplyDeleteTo come here and accuse him of being a coward who does nothing for the shift is quite frankly a complete disgrace!
Having the audacity to demand things from him just so he fits your expectations, only shows your own lack of integrity.
Everyone plays their unique role in this liberation and there are countless other sources who people can turn to if they need spiritual guidance. But looking within and connecting to your higher self & god and working with the ascended masters is the only thing that really matters in the ascension process and this is something Cobra time and time again is telling us and should be self-evident at this point.
DreamLAND is 0.9, DreamSPACE is 0.0
ReplyDeletetwo different things, probably connected though..
So there it is, my comments were censored. I am aware of the coming ascension of the planet, and the Galactic Federation Of Light etc. I question everyone and everything. I don't know who to trust on the net. Why doesn't Cobra give a list of all that has to be accomplished. It seems that everytime an obstacle has been eliminated, another one we have never been told about appears. It just goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteI mean you could always go back and re-read his articles to know what has already been accomplished. I once made a summary of the years 2020 and 2021 and posted it on reddit if you are interested:
DeleteJust to give you an idea of what is being accomplished in only two years.. since then many more small victories of the light have been acchieved and the worst scenarios have been averted!
"Probably 200 people wrote to the PM today with a request to comment on the article on RBC ( ) that it is necessary to import from 390 thousand to 1.1 million migrants to Russia annually so that the population does not decrease.
ReplyDeleteThe article was published after several high-profile crimes of migrants and an interview with the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin ( ) about the problems of migration, the explosive growth of ethnic crime and proposals to develop a roadmap for replacing migrant labor with internal resources. I.e., the article was published in the wake of public discontent with migration policy to say that whatever problems and risks migrants bear for Russia and its people, there is no alternative to them.
Interestingly, the "demographers" who provide lobbyists of uncontrolled migration with far-fetched "facts" that we cannot live without migrant workers and abu bandits, all have internships and written scientific papers in the States and/or Western Europe.
That is, Maria Vinnik and Valery Yumaguzin, the authors of today's stuffing in the infield, that in order to correct demography, we need not to stimulate our birth rate and repatriate Russians from abroad, but to accept hordes of foreign-cultural migrants, were trained in America, Sweden and Germany.
Moreover, Swedes and Germans today experience the most problems from migrants from Africa and the Middle East. There you can only learn how not to build a migration and interethnic policy.
These demographers have broken down, can we bring real scientists who work with real facts and want their country to prosper, not fall into the abyss?
Maria Vinnik
Additional education / Advanced training / Internships
05/23/2020 Yale University, USA
Online course: "Fundamentals of Global Health"
02.05.2020 Duke University, USA
Online course: "Problems of global health"
11.09.2019 - 23.09.2019
Participation in the Open World Leadership Program
USA, Washington County, Sioux Falls (South Dakota)
10.08.2017 - 10.01.2018 University of Pennsylvania
1. Introduction to Demography
2. Basic Methods Of Demography
USA, Philadelphia
10.08.2014 - 23.08.2014 Summer School "Historical demographic research using registration type data".
Center for Economic Demography of Lund University
Valery Yumaguzin
"Topics of digital and computational demography".
09.11.2020-13.11.2020, Max Planck International Research School in Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS) and International Advanced Research in Demography (IDEM). Rostock, Germany
10.08.2017 - 10.01.2018 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Online course "Fundamentals of Global Health". Yale University
05.2020. Yale University, USA, 23 hours
Online course "Global Health Problems". Duke University
05.2020. Duke University, USA, 11 years old."
Население России сохранится при росте доходов и повышении рождаемости (, а не завозе мигрантов
ReplyDeleteВчера "ученые" ВШЭ и либеральные СМИ выдали примечательный образец лженаучной пропаганды. Речь о том, что Россию якобы должны замещать мигранты по 0,39–1,1 млн в год для сохранения численности. Разберем это поподробнее.
Что проверяем. «До 2100 г. прирост численности мигрантов в России должен составлять от 390 000 до 1,1 млн ежегодно, чтобы численность населения не сокращалась. Такой диапазон прогнозов дали эксперты ВШЭ Валерий Юмагузин и Мария Винник», – написал ( РБК.
Что не так:
1. Ложная интерпретация. Что значит “должен составить”? Авторы рассматривают ( более широкий диапазон сценариев. 146 млн человек сохранятся к 2100 г. и при высоком сценарии рождаемости (2,5 ребенка на 1 женщину к 2100 г.) и продолжительности жизни (88,5 лет), даже если будет отток мигрантов по 289 000 в год. Не понятно, каким местом журналист читала статью, но диапазон по миграции – от минус 289 000 до +1,1 млн человек.
2. Тенденциозность сценариев. При среднем сценарии у авторов рождаемость будет 1,85, продолжительность жизни 83 года, а миграционный прирост по 250 000 человек в год. В итоге в России к 2100 г. будет 138 млн человек. Чтобы было 146 млн, якобы нужны те самые 390 000 мигрантов в год. Авторы утверждают (, что опирались на прогноз ООН ( Но почему бы не рассмотреть вариант прогноза с рождаемостью выше среднего, как это делает ООН ( При средней рождаемости 2,1 и 82 годах жизни необходимый миграционный прирост = 0.
3. Голословность утверждений.
«Рост рождаемости до уровня простого воспроизводства (2,1 ребенка на 1 женщину) оптимален для решения исследуемых проблем, однако он маловероятен (Vollset et al., 2020; Денисенко, 2011; Захаров, 2012)», – утверждают авторы. Почему рождаемость нельзя повысить до 2,1, например, за счет роста доходов населения? Об этом в источниках ни слова. В первом (Vollset et al.) изучаются ( общие тенденции по 195 странам. Михаил Денисенко ( просто констатирует, что прогнозы ниже 2,1. Сергей Захаров ( обстоятельнее, но ни один из его сценариев на 2015 г. не сбылся: рождаемость оценивалась в 1,4-1,65, а была 1,78.
«Миграция оказывается единственным эффективным ресурсом, который может помочь стабилизировать численность населения в приемлемые сроки». Потенциал миграции из Средней Азии, откуда в основном едут, исчерпывается. Авторы это признают и предлагают везти мигрантов из Афганистана, Пакистана, Африки, у людей откуда не будет даже намека на знание русского языка и культуры. О какой "эффективности" тогда говорить?
На самом деле. Главный путь сохранения населения – повышение рождаемости и продолжительности жизни. Причина малого числа детей – низкие доходы на фоне высокого неравенства. Корреляция рождаемости и доходов 80% населения (без самых богатых) – 87%, показывало «Равенство» ( Желаемое россиянками число детей – 2,04 (, но у них нет денег на достойное содержание. Главный способ повышения рождаемости – рост уровня жизни населения, в т.ч. за счет перераспределения доходов от богатых к бедным и господдержки.
ReplyDeleteОб авторах. Валерий Магузин ( в 2017-2018 гг учился в США, а Мария Винник ( с 2017 г. участвует в их проектах, типа Open World. США охотнее поддержат тех, у кого нужные им взгляды. Например, кто больше ратует не за народ России, а его замещение мигрантами. Авторы кстати не скрывают, что занимаются пропагандой и подменяют ( "замещение" благозвучной "компенсаторной миграцией", чтобы "избежать непопулярного взгляда". Статья вышла в журнале Новой экономической ассоциации, что спонсируют банк «Открытие», Мосбиржа и глава «Сбер Фонды Недвижимости».
Мнение. Для финансового и прочего капитала инвестиции в народ – это “потеря" денег. Чтобы обслуживать трубу и ТЦ выгоднее завезти мигранта, нежели доплачивать русскому, чтобы он мог вырастить ребенка. Эта выгода выражается в итоге в конкретных благах – премиях, виллах, яхтах. Ради них россияне должны пораньше умирать, поменьше рожать и поскорее замещаться мигрантами. Поэтому уничтожение олигархии – это уже давно вопрос национальной безопасности.
the man known as Jesus actually went to France and died a very old man.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the idea that Jesus wasn't crucified is disinformation. It was Mary Magdalene (his twinflame) who fled to France with her daughter Sarah after his death and continued her ministry there together with her followers.
DeleteThere is a cave near Marseille with a chapel in it dedicated to Mary Magdalene.
Joan of Arc is very connected to her too and member of the Order of Magdalenes which is a celestial order of light who are to this day supporting the liberation of planet earth. 💜
If you look at the name Jesus in French Je suis means ‘I am’ and Christ, Chris or Crystalline Energy also means ‘I am’
DeleteWelcome Back @Libra J.M. Aquila.
ReplyDeleteAlways good to see your input Lightwarrior!
ReplyDeleteCool! Will definately check it out! 😊
18 avril 20h30 CEST, explications Activation du Portail de Lumière (visualisations+ pourquoi participer + contexte + meditations + vos questions /commentaires...)
Émission retransmise aussi groupe Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
Article :
Evénement Facebook francophone officiel
#portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere
ReplyDeleteThe one that goes by @Devon isn't for real, and I've called her out before. Her modus operandi is to cast doubt and shame on everyone here because we're apparently not as Godley and perfect as she is... which is a joke in itself. I told her that she should be on The Cabal's blog instead because she comes across as an arrogant know-it-all 😏
Having said that, I'm blown away that this Rosey Cross Rosicrucian started coming down on COBRA himself.
This is a troll move through and through and the best way to deal with trolls is to completely ignore them. 😉👍
Dear all,
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone read cobra blog at least once a day so as to keep the hope alive in the heart?? Or am I the only one? Is it pathological?
If it is answered by cobra, it will be the best...
Thank you 🌹
ReplyDeleteGalactic Waves II
Ew. There is a living creature inside the vaccine. Yuk. It's immortal - the HYDRA VULGARIS eating away at people's nervous system. One billion people were expected to die in the coming years...(maybe not if there is pleiadian intervention).
ReplyDeleteThe parents of Maddie McCain were both men? They sold Maddie to the Podesta Brothers, who raped her, drank her Adrenochrome blood and ate her body.
God, new heart disease and cancer vaccines that are nMRA will be available soon, maybe by end of decade.
1000 FEMA concentration camps in the US.
The court has ruled against District Attorney Bragg. Bragg had no authority to prosecute Trump.
You can read the new Cobra interview at:
This is a little off topic but I just discovered I have dandelions in my garden. Which you can eat and make into tea. The leaves will go nice if you cook them up with other foods. They seem extremely healthy. Nice!
ReplyDeleteLately I've been very interested in making different kinds of tea for healing. 🌌
DeleteS.O.S. To Cobra and TEAM, can you STOP them asap? I know, you did spread nano to reduce the deadly plight of all the 1st plan demic, but they continue. SEE,
ReplyDeleteYou'd think the researchers wouldn't want anything to do with this... Or they'd sabotage it. Money cannot be a motivation for this surely, and suicidal energies ought to find easier avenues... Religious and egoistical (sore loser) motivation remains a potential explanation. Though of course, possession and mind control as well.
ReplyDeletePeople have common confusions about not only cobra but meditations
This lack of clarity contributes to other people not joining in
These may be of use :
Tu je prevod najnovejšega intervjuja o aktivaciji portala Svetlobe v slovenščini:
ReplyDeleteDogodek 'Aktivacija portala Svetlobe' na Facebooku:
Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:
Zmaga Luči!
Here is a directory of YouTube channels whose alternative thinking creators may be interested in joining the upcoming May 1st Meditation / Activation:
(Please scroll down and then continue scrolling down. The list seems to be endless.)
Please help to spread the word. This is how we can reach the critical mass on May 1st. All the resources needed for sharing this information are already available on Cobra’s blog and WLMM.
Together we can make a difference.
Yes. I'm aware of the auto delete. It's happened to me several times. If you go to the About page of any YT channel, it may list that creator's other social contacts such as FB, Twitter, maybe Instagram and so on. It's on these platforms that I've been posting info about the May 1st Meditation. Thanks for bringing this up.
DeleteThis is a great Idea!
DeleteI myself have created a list of some 50 influencers from youtube with their email (you can get their emailaddress in their about section, but you can only get a certain number of addresses per day that way until youtube blocks you from acessing more). Some of which have promoted our meditations before.
Best ones to target are those with a few thousand followers because they are generally more open for collaborations than the "big ones" but its also possible to get those with 100k or more on board.
I will craft an email and send it out to them in time and maybe I'll resource some from your list as well (which is really huge!)
Godspeed all.
DeletePerhaps an alternative to the issue of bo web link allow on comments would be to provide a good search key phrase... e.g Cobra blog 2012. Or "2012portal blogspot" Or something that will list his website on top of list results.