Well DH ... the 8th has come and gone with nothing about an interview of Trump by JFK Jr. This has happened many time before. I saw on the situation update by Mary on rumble there is a new date ... 27 May for a JFK Jr. interview ... not.
No spirittoo .. the interview was supposed to have been made by cbknews121. .. it was posted by jfk jr.. but you are right.. i didnt see it yesterday when i looked it up. All i saw was some clips about trump speech in new hamphire.. i will check again today.. there was another date given.. about jfk being interview by OAN on may 23rd.... but i take it that will have similar outcome.
I checked cbknews121 on telegram.. no video.. note the interview of jfk jr is on may 23 supposedly.. per post. All these dates were posted on the jfk account @ telegram... but i get them from rummormillnews https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=222017
@spirittoo, they are all compromised. By 2012 to 2013 I literally couldnt listen to much alex jones, project camelot, coast to coast am, etc. I didnt understand at the time but I think I was being protected from bad sources. I listened to offplanet media and not long after that CoBra. I could never pay much attention to the alt right either.
Yep, patriot themed conspiracy communities are the most compromised people in the history of the world. It's 99.9% disinfo. It was one thing when Trump and Q first started, I was listening, but now all these years later when nothing anyone says ever comes true... come on, don't people WANT to be right? I do. To be a truther you have to believe things that are true haha. However it shows there was a lot of potential there because the cabal has deemed patriots the #1 enemy. The FBI constantly says white supremacists are the biggest threat but they actually do almost nothing. Meanwhile other groups have embarrassingly high rates of violence. And the lies, they say every mass killer is a white supremacist conservative but they usually aren't! There was the recent bank employee shooter, white male but democrat who even said part of the reason he did it was to push gun control. But they just report white male and let you imagine he's a redneck. 3 other big mass shooters were trans people, the worst one who shot the kids at school, their manifesto has been classified! So that's obviously a liberal. Then the latest two were hispanic guys, one was a car ramming who killed 7 people. It was out front of an immigration center so they say that part and let you imagine it was an anti-immigration conservative! So creepy how they do that, but it was a hispanic guy. The other one was a shooter, the news literally says he's a white supremacist when he's full-blooded hispanic. They refuse to show pictures of him but you can look it up, he looks like a gangster. The point is not what race they are, but the government's agenda. They fear white Christan males because we historically don't put up with anyone's shit. They want the country to consist of 3rd world beggars who accept the cabal's agenda. So of course the government and media make immigrants out to be the greatest people on earth. "They want better lives!" Oh you mean they want money, for themselves, wow how noble. These social issues are so important to the cabal agenda. They can't just roll out tanks and lockdowns on an intelligent, proud population who depends on God. They need liberals who explicitly value weakness and atheism, therefor the government is god because it's the highest power.
@DH ... that's how it has always been ... they say there will be a JFK Jr. interview on telegram yet nothing ever comes of it. A couple of years ago they claimed JFK Jr. was going to show up at some rally in Dallas ... tons of people showed up to a nothing burger. @LongStar ... the alt media in some cases are getting more crazy. Mary of situation update on rumble is repeating a report someone put out that Trumps wife is really Princess Diana who will be crown Queen and that would make Trump King of the world. What absolute rubbish, yet there are people that actually buy that BS. They keep insisting Diana... Micheal Jackson ... Elvis... JFK Jr. are still alive and that the Earth is really flat. Nothing but poisoning the well. I am shocked at how many people are falling for it.
Well, Pat, I'm not big on conservative Christians, due to their homophobia and transphobia. I mean look how ballistic people get when a trans person goes and does something all the 'normal' people do and take for granted....was like that when a trans woman become a cheerleader for a pro football team, and now this beer thing, despite the fact Bud Lite's makers send tons of money to conservative causes.
And I personally will tear god's nipples off it he/she/it/they appears in front of me, now.
Patrick is my impression you seem to have a bit of misconception about latin people n perhaps others but i cant speak for them . However i could tell you the latin countries' (people) are actually very religious at least the ones i am aware of.. but besides that... what the bad guys are wielding are the main weaknesses for example the financial and safety need of people in order to manipulate them. Indeed unfortunately for those 3rd world countries such handles (security and financial problems) are by design.. The bad guys destroy nations (creating monsters within the societies including here) in order to reach their goal/control. We are all being played. To have us on each others throat. Every single piece affecting any society in a negative way you can betcha is by design by the bad guys.. whatever group they try to highlight as monsters they hoping people can apply the fear n hate to the broad category/group/race ... keeping us distracted/divided n unfocused from who really r the real enemies(the puppet masters)... ... the lgbt individual.. the hispanic.. the asian or white or groups... who had commited mass murder or any other hineous crimes had a purpose beyond the visible.
Apologizing aheadvof time in case this is a duplicate (bad connecrion. Had to retry several resends)
Spirittoo... i didnt know they did that once before (interview with jfk).. but not surprise some promised made and not kept. However much has changed and happened since years back.. is there a possibility that this time around will turn out to be real. We shall see.. one can hope for the best but be prepare for the worse... we shall see if the tides have changed finally.
Latin Americans show up to Mass on Sunday, leave, and vote for communist Democrat policies. That's an objective statistic so don't complain to me. Latinos are 27% Republican, and that's Americans of Latino ethnicity so that includes more conservatives. New immigrants are nearly all Democrat. What's WHY they move here is the social programs. And that's why Democrat politicians want open borders because it's all votes for them. Except Cubans who don't want anything resembling communism, they vote Republican. And what does the Biden administration do with Cuban immigrants? All of them deported and stern messages for no one else to show up. Also muggles aren't really spiritual, like George Bush Protestants cheering for the Iraq war, lining up for their vaccines. Does anyone really think dirt poor Central Americans who can barely read and don't know English are going to see through sophisticated cabal propaganda? In south Florida I was around a lot of Haitian immigrants, they're like a different species. It's basically ignorant to project our values onto them. Living there was a very eye opening and frankly scary experience. Same when I was an assistant teacher at a school on the edge of the city that was mostly hispanic. Genuinely scary. I was not prepared for that reality. Dudes, I don't want my country to resemble any of these places. I can't imagine how border towns are. The people there who are terrified and angry are correct about how bad it is I'm sure. That ain't no bias or racism. I wish it wasn't like this. I'd rather be saying everyone is love and light but this is Earth, got to man up and call it how it is. Look up crime statistics by location and demographics, what I'm saying are simply physical facts.
Devon - Tachyon products. Hard evidence Cobra is who he says he is. Alien technology you can hold in your hand. Plus the level of intelligence, no one else even compares. The explanations of advanced technology and levels of reality; I've researched this stuff my entire life and rarely seen anything like it. Compared to Michael Jaco sharing the latest rumors, or X-22 creating elaborate Trump fan fiction, I don't know what else to say.
Restored Republic for a couple of years now has been posting JFK Jr. appearances and interviews ... always on telegram ... the latest is May 21 @18:00 Livestream on @CBKNews121 Telegram with JFK Jr., Elvis, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Lady Diana, Steve Jobs, with detailed info. on all coming events. May 23 JFK Jr. interview with OAN. More from a timeline posted on RR ... July 23 was set to be the Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration with all in the World Protection Program coming out. On July 25 Queen Diana’s Coronation was expected. RR post stuff like this a lot ... it's a safe bet none of this will come to past.
When i started to read about the parties... i take it you really believe that one party is of good and the other is bad... and missed the point about design division. People are manipulated from their heart... you call it communism... they call it humanism.. specially f they are not aware of the innerworkings of the bad guys. If many knew who their manipulatorss really were many would not be supporting whichever party they think is evil.. so no.. they dont view their parties as evil.. . Thus they support based on the propaganda ... the programmin has been strong years of it.. And if they have not broken free is not because they are evil is becaus the opposing propaganda or methods to disassemblee the programming has not been strong enoug... just like some has sujestedvit may require a strong wake up call to get everyone out of the slumber... the pace pf waking people up is by choice and supposedly there are reasons for it we trust.
Politics is hijacks.. there is a reason why bad thinggs has happened right before our eyes even under the watchful eyes of multiple parties... parties never define good or evil.. even back during the time of JFK. People believe democract parry was the way to go.... and even then evil still was playing us... infiltration was at hand... those that try to do good were not going to be allowed. Please dont tell me about poll numbers or party goodnessbor evil.. we get manipulated either way in one way or the other more so if operaring at samebco straints as before.. but ww jave moved beyond that poiny.. the good guys effort is stronger than before... party afiliation is not going to set humanity free... TRUTH will.. and such is independent of parties
Saying both parties are the problem is for unthinking new age hippies who choose to not know what's going on. A breakdown of the actual issues they support shows a clear winner. The problems with Republicans we can survive, like tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. Their method of control is a slow gradual transfer of wealth. We cannot survive Democrats open borders, gun control, forced vaccinations and lockdowns, and the utter mental derangement of gender ideologies. That last issue alone is a deal breaker, you get to pick your gender, go in their bathrooms, apply for their scholarships, sports, force everyone else to play along with their mental illness. We're moments away from having hate speech be an actual crime like it is in Canada and the UK. It's already socially punished. So I call some dude with a pearl necklace and beard stubble a man, he flips out while someone films it and puts it all over the internet and I get fired from my job. But some who try to look like a woman still want to be called a man. You can say you support them all you want, but nobody gets their rules right all the time and you'll be fired or attacked next. The left accuses us of hate, yes I do hate this. I just saw a guy at the gym who was half trying to look like a woman, while being buff and having a beard. I WILL NOT be forced to play along with the delusions of people like that. Only democrats want to make that a law. Only one party is an existential threat. Only one party is for ripping babies out of the womb and chopping their heads off with giant scissors. They never give the health care they promise, and the only environmental protection they do is to tax carbon emissions. It's not enlightened to just cross our arms and reject reject everything, there really is a lesser of two evils.
Were you following the BLM riots? The most costly and damaging event in US history by a wide margin. Miles and miles of every major city destroyed and boarded up. While liberal media and politician actively encouraged violence and covered up the damage carried out by a racists hate group nation wide. It's incomprehensible. Daily video from every major city that looked like third world country riots. What's one thing Republicans have ever done that's that bad? How about the Portland Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Anarchists blocked off a large area of the city and Democrat politicians prevented police from doing anything for months. Police literally weren't "allowed" inside, while warlords set up their own territories. What's one thing Republicans do that's that bad? I'll take subsidies for oil companies any day over my city becoming Mogadishu. Or defund the police where major Democrat cities slashed police budget and resources, then crime became so horrible even they realized the error and boosted budgets some. Have you seen how major stores have to close many or all their locations in Democrat shithole cities because they've decriminalized theft, even auto theft and stealing from individuals. Have you seen what the open air drug markets and homelessness has become, massive tent cites of drugged zombies and violence, totally because of Democrat policies. It's kind of disturbing anyone could think Republicans who engage in simple greed is even comparable to the rabid destruction and insanity of the Left.
And conservatives are no better. Remember, 20 years ago, when the conservatives were waving American flag and shouting "USA! USA!" whilst Dubya and Cheney were dropping bombs on Iraq, as well as other BS like the Patriot Act, and the Liberals, years later, doing the same thing with the middle east, the NDAA, Monsanto protection and, and Obama making propaganda to the American public legal again for the first time since the end of the second world war.
@DH Name any recent independent parties that actually got into power recently. The last time was Jesse Ventura, but that was like 20 years ago. He seemed to do pretty good, and the darkies gonna make sure more like that never happen again.
Hurry ET's, I want off this planet of the stupid apes.
The conservatives did 9-11, they did so much to take away our rights, freedoms and privacy, Pat, just as much as the liberals.
Remember that old meme with the indian guy......left wing, right wing....same bird. And I personally do not wanna live in conservative christian paradise..like 1950's America or Victorian England. I don't even want this planet. And I'm not gonna be living a good life if the Matt Walshss or Rush Limbaughs of the world becomes THE way to be on this planet.
Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
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REPLAY du LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière" EVENEMENT FACEBOOK FRANCOPHONE OFFICIEL https://www.facebook.com/events/1595905314225143/ ARTICLE COMPLET EXPLICATIF : https://french.welovemassmeditation.com/2023/04/activation-du-portail-de-lumiere-le-1er.html EMISSION EXPLICATIVE : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RuhiqL5uQco&t=4352s
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023 https://docdro.id/iwb50yj PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023) https://docdro.id/l7hjBXE
Cindy - Thank you for all that you and your team members at Planetary Liberation and Ascension are doing to advance this information and consciousness to a wider community. Thank you to you all for your dedication to this purpose.
Who is left on earth to attack the Galactics? Last pit not cleared? Just trying to understand who has the ability to even pose a threat to our Galactic allies ?
They must have powerful weapons in that last pit to be a threat to the Galactic Confederation, because this is the only place the Chimera have left. Their fleet was destroyed months ago
Le probleme est les réseaux sociaux , et les égrégores qui sonts diffusées , c'est comme la télévision . Il faut faire tres tres attention . Un égrégore c'est quand deux personnes ou plus pensses la meme choses , elle se connectent a ce qu'elle pensses et vivent ces émotions qui sonts transmises et par la meme ocasions amplifient ces émotions . Yen a pour tout et nimporte quoi . La religion , la sexualité , la maladie , la spiritualité ...
Palantir, owned by billionaire Peter Thiel (co-founder of OpenAI), has launched a new AI platform like the acclaimed GPT-4 for military purposes only. At the moment, AI can give orders to drones, plan an attack and suppress enemy communications.
Whoa. We got an update from a dragon one. We haven't had an update for a very long while. I think the last dragon, something bad had happened. Anyway, we got good news! They've been fighting in the astral. Go here:
I'm very much looking forward to the next planetary situation update so we know the results of our Portal Of Light Activation. Plus I believe we were going to get an update on First Contact as well as some new command protocols for easier manifestation. Many good things should be shared and I'm busting at the seams excited!☝️😇👍
After the Second World War, how many tormented tortured sick people were there . Now, after the third, the same is unimaginable. ? Especially in Ukraine ?
I just had some kind of relevation, combining several aspects: It became obvious to me that a lot of technological inventions and gifts were initiated by psychopaths: (Larry Page is being searched for his role in the eppstein case, who helped fund the UN. etc etc...) Maru Swaruu says that the Galactic Federation is complicit in all situations on earth from the start up and are using the prime directive as an excuse to keep the 3D matrix intact.
-> It appears that some force is pushing the development of consciousness of earthly humans with great speed. (using mentioned "psychopaths" as they're people with great willpower capable to manifest changes). But for what purpose?
So: is earth some kind of petri dish where a special kind of human "penicilin" is being developed, for deployment in other parts of the universe after earth has been "cleaned" ???
“These AI generated filters are getting out of control. The really interesting part is that we've finally reached the point in social media where filters are no longer enhancing how you look, but instead making you look like someone else. These filters don't pull their data set from your images, they pull it from other people's images. So your face is being turned into someone else's face because that person is prettier than you according to the mainstream beauty standards.”
(Imagine the implications and the potential of this technology: People who are not real in real physical life can be “brought to life” in a virtual world.)
Ascension Conference Notes / Taipei, April 8 & 9, 2023 Day Two / Sunday, April 9th The Science of Collapse Posted on April 26, 2023
“All the old ways are used up. A collapse will happen. What the light forces want is for it to happen as harmonious as possible. There will be a collapse of the old ways of thinking, but not a collapse of everything, as the infrastructure for providing food, water and transportation needs to remain intact.
People need to allow a collapse of their own programming. Most people are attached to their conditioning (which makes it hard for them to change and be open to new frequencies and ways of being).
At the time of the reset people will freak out (to the extent of the amount of programming and conditioning they still have). There will be chaos and instability. With the collapse of beliefs (that will happen with disclosure) fear will arise.
All fears must be released.
(The more we can do our inner work… releasing suppressed and unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs, mental conditioning, programming, etc. the easier it will be to open and adapt to change and receive the higher frequencies that are reaching the planet in these times and especially at the time of the Event).”
Ascension Conference Notes / Taipei, April 8 & 9, 2023 Day Two / Sunday, April 9th The Science of Collapse Posted on April 26, 2023
“There is more activity and energy coming to us now from the galactic’s and from the central sun which has the effect of increasing kundalini activity in the body. There is a crisis trajectory that melts the social system at the time of the reset. The old system will collapse although there are various timelines showing various levels of reset. If the reset happens too soon there will be total collapse. If it happens too late it will take the 'middle path' (not sure what Cobra meant by this). If it happens at the right time there will be a stable recovery. All people seem to want it to happen now. There are 8 billion people and everyone needs to be ready. The Reset moment is a critical point for physical behavior. One way of being ready is to be able to make decisions instantly. We will understand more when it happens.”
Thank you to everyone who replied to my comment. I'm not qualified to answer anyone's questions about the conference notes because they were recorded by a conference attendee named Peter Pan. He was the one who published them on his blog. I was simply reading through his conference notes, on his blog, and thought that certain relative topics in those notes would be of value to post here in the comments to Cobra's blog. All of the credit and acknowledgement goes to Peter Pan for his efforts to make this information available to us. Thank you Peter Pan.
To me, 'middle path' will probably be like what's going on NOW, with maybe SOME improvement...but not much.....
...best way I can compare is with season 2 of the 1988-1990 War of the Worlds series (the sequel to the 1953 George Pal movie). In the second season, society went belly up....oh, a lot of stuff still around....politicians, big corporations going amuck...with resistance groups or just group of folks trying to survive by any means necessary.
The whole 'trans controversy' was made, I feel, to make the masses hate and fear SOMEONE.
They can't go after the blacks, the jews, or the gays anymore....so Good Ole Boy voice: we need to go after them there sheeeeeeeemales, now!
And lemme say something....a lot of trans woman, actual transwomen are NOT that strong. After hormone therapy, many trans girls say one they thing notice is a loss of upper body strength. And IF a trans sports league is made, it will be met with ridicule and hostility, for trans folks are some of THE most persecuted people out there. I mean there's tons of folks like that evil Wesley Crusher clone, Matt Walsh, or J.K. Rowling.
I dunno about this site, and anytime you say something even slightly doubting what they are saying your comment gets deleted, different opinions and varying levels of faith should be allowed, especially as apparently 'this site isn't for the people but more so as updates for the insiders on the front lines' sort of thing, so who cares what the 'common' people are commenting, iam open to being wrong but in my opinion I get a strange feeling about this site, something is a little off, but again, that is just my opinion and I could very well be wrong, and iam open to being incorrect, so allow this comment to pass through, in love and light, of all of our true selves, peace.
Zebla.. i am not sure what you are referring to. Your posts not showing?.. you suspect you being censored?. If that is the case. Check to make sure the issue is not computer/human error related.. also keep in mind that posts may not get approve immediately... or all of them at once. So some posts may show up days later depending how much time the individual moderating have available eaxh time it scnas thru... Last but not least.. if indeed your concern is your posts being block..i can tell you probbaly not.. some people have post outlandish comments and they still getting thru... i doubt yours coukd possible be that horrible.. most likely you may hear an objection from the commentators here firstlt. it has happen on off.. and still the person does not end up crnsored.. eventually.. maturity kicks in.
Posts that have greater than 150-200 comments will not show the latests comments until you load them. To do that:
1. Scroll all the way to the end of blog. 2.Check if you see the word "Load more..." centered. 3. If you do see it. Click on it (a batch of latest comments will be uploaded) 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you no longer see "Load More..."
TO ALL NEWBIES: Posts that have close to or greater than 200 comments will not show the latests entries until you load them. To do that:
1. Scroll all the way to the end of blog. 2.Check if you see the word "Load more..." centered. 3. If you do see it. Click on it (a batch of latest comments will be uploaded) 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you no longer see "Load More..."
A lot of people who compete in sports as transgender are simply saps, claiming to be transgender but not taking estrogen or having gender identity disorders. It stigmatizes us trans people to play against women just by changing clothes.
You made coherent statements BBB. And sherman yes. I believe the trangender movement has been placed on the spotlight to be use as a way to create discort. Just like every other movement the bad guys had gotten a hold on and infiltrated... .. we seen this many a times.. is a trick of their trade. Unfortunately many suffer from both sides of the aisle.
This is where the the transgenders that are not infiltrators or corrupted by the bad guys need to step up and set records straight. Be the role models...
Between Common sense vs gender ideology . Common sense should rule. there is no other way about it. It shouldnt even be a discussion on it.
I read the new unveiling post. Around may 9th my mother and many others were reading this claim on social media about the US being destroyed, flooded, and cut in half by earthquakes soon. It was some of the christian right wing people. It seemed like BS and doom fear porn. I shrugged it off and told her that they dont know that. It was the same time that according to sebastian the chimera simulated the fall of atlantis energetically as a sort of psychological attack. According to francis bacon america was the new atlantis.
This is from a Pleiadian commander. He is right, saying stay clear of the masses. There is still negativity around (well I don't watch any negativity. I haven't watched the news for 5-6 years, even longer). All of the negativity will fade. It is all erasing, but still will take a little time. Just keep out of it!
For emotional healing, you can keep using "Command 771" protocol.
The Pleiadians would now like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain. If you have chronic physical pain, you can repeat three times in your mind.
“Command PB stardust”
The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your central nervous system to ease your pain.
You can use "Command 1221" to connect with your Light team
Other than that thank you for helping to remind everyone!
The darkies did this 20 years ago with the gays as well, remember when Dubya was still president, and when told by folks they were getting sick and tired of the Iraq war, he said "marriage is between a man and a woman!", or that stupid ass baker who was whining and crying because he felt he was being discriminated against when people lashed out at him for refusing to sell cakes to a gay couple?
Same still going on with so-called 'awakened' and so-called 'patriots'....shit, "Resist the Mainstream" pretty much is just a haven for conservative Christians, with a hell of a lot of anti trans and any gay sentiment. Would not be surprised if that site's been infiltrated/compromised long ago.
@DH I don't think role models are gonna be taken seriously. The media will either make them into a circus attraction, or the aforementioned 'patriots' and 'awakened' will STILL be in their pitch forks 'n torches mentality. I mean look at the hostility towards a trans person endorsing Bud Lite, I've seen videos of people walking into stores and actually smashing any Bud Lite they see in stores, or going totally ape shit because a transgender woman got a job as a cheerleader for a professional football team.
The transfolks are looked upon a criminals, perverts and pedophiles.....and the conservative Christians are giving themselves an even bigger negative depiction than they already have.
And at least a food number of trans folks got the help they needed.....what about ME? The darkies went out of their WAY to keep me from being able to do anything to fix MY problem.
Light Forces, I said it once, I said it probably a hundred times, and now I'm telling you guys again.......GET THE FUCKING LEAD OUT AND LAND!
"Remember that you are the ones who keep the victims stable throughout many unseen realms as well as on the physical - however, the workload was and still is immense for all who are involved in liberation."
In other words: ATLAS. *groans*
They're not paying me enough for this abuse.... T_T
I don't think people have good information on what ascension is. In addition to this mainstream science has a reductionist approach to a human being.
In Paul Hamden's material, channeling the zetas, they have ideas about ascension. When the human astral realm becomes self aware will be a jump moment in humanity's collective consciousness. They say some people will become telepathic, some will remember past lives, and we will deal with ETs more on equal footing.
L/l research's channeled mentions a "sharp increase" in the human population's experience of 4th density. Also, that the planet will be realigned to 4th density energy.
I think when the planet realigns there will be a jump which potentially could make the astral realm self aware as the basis for new abilities.
Hope this gives a different perspective. Many in the New Age movement have to adopt "it's only a matter of time" approaches to change.
Seems like the cohesion of the collective consciousness is the general basis for how psychic the population is. So far we've had outliers. Sorry, but I think a lot of psychics are charlatans. I need proof.
Well DH ... the 8th has come and gone with nothing about an interview of Trump by JFK Jr. This has happened many time before. I saw on the situation update by Mary on rumble there is a new date ... 27 May for a JFK Jr. interview ... not.
ReplyDeleteDo not take any notice about dates.
DeleteNo spirittoo .. the interview was supposed to have been made by cbknews121. .. it was posted by jfk jr.. but you are right.. i didnt see it yesterday when i looked it up. All i saw was some clips about trump speech in new hamphire.. i will check again today.. there was another date given.. about jfk being interview by OAN on may 23rd.... but i take it that will have similar outcome.
DeleteI checked cbknews121 on telegram.. no video.. note the interview of jfk jr is on may 23 supposedly.. per post. All these dates were posted on the jfk account @ telegram... but i get them from rummormillnews
@spirittoo, they are all compromised. By 2012 to 2013 I literally couldnt listen to much alex jones, project camelot, coast to coast am, etc. I didnt understand at the time but I think I was being protected from bad sources. I listened to offplanet media and not long after that CoBra. I could never pay much attention to the alt right either.
DeleteYep, patriot themed conspiracy communities are the most compromised people in the history of the world. It's 99.9% disinfo. It was one thing when Trump and Q first started, I was listening, but now all these years later when nothing anyone says ever comes true... come on, don't people WANT to be right? I do. To be a truther you have to believe things that are true haha. However it shows there was a lot of potential there because the cabal has deemed patriots the #1 enemy. The FBI constantly says white supremacists are the biggest threat but they actually do almost nothing. Meanwhile other groups have embarrassingly high rates of violence. And the lies, they say every mass killer is a white supremacist conservative but they usually aren't! There was the recent bank employee shooter, white male but democrat who even said part of the reason he did it was to push gun control. But they just report white male and let you imagine he's a redneck. 3 other big mass shooters were trans people, the worst one who shot the kids at school, their manifesto has been classified! So that's obviously a liberal. Then the latest two were hispanic guys, one was a car ramming who killed 7 people. It was out front of an immigration center so they say that part and let you imagine it was an anti-immigration conservative! So creepy how they do that, but it was a hispanic guy. The other one was a shooter, the news literally says he's a white supremacist when he's full-blooded hispanic. They refuse to show pictures of him but you can look it up, he looks like a gangster. The point is not what race they are, but the government's agenda. They fear white Christan males because we historically don't put up with anyone's shit. They want the country to consist of 3rd world beggars who accept the cabal's agenda. So of course the government and media make immigrants out to be the greatest people on earth. "They want better lives!" Oh you mean they want money, for themselves, wow how noble. These social issues are so important to the cabal agenda. They can't just roll out tanks and lockdowns on an intelligent, proud population who depends on God. They need liberals who explicitly value weakness and atheism, therefor the government is god because it's the highest power.
Delete@DH ... that's how it has always been ... they say there will be a JFK Jr. interview on telegram yet nothing ever comes of it. A couple of years ago they claimed JFK Jr. was going to show up at some rally in Dallas ... tons of people showed up to a nothing burger.
Delete@LongStar ... the alt media in some cases are getting more crazy. Mary of situation update on rumble is repeating a report someone put out that Trumps wife is really Princess Diana who will be crown Queen and that would make Trump King of the world. What absolute rubbish, yet there are people that actually buy that BS. They keep insisting Diana... Micheal Jackson ... Elvis... JFK Jr. are still alive and that the Earth is really flat. Nothing but poisoning the well. I am shocked at how many people are falling for it.
Well, Pat, I'm not big on conservative Christians, due to their homophobia and transphobia. I mean look how ballistic people get when a trans person goes and does something all the 'normal' people do and take for granted....was like that when a trans woman become a cheerleader for a pro football team, and now this beer thing, despite the fact Bud Lite's makers send tons of money to conservative causes.
DeleteAnd I personally will tear god's nipples off it he/she/it/they appears in front of me, now.
Patrick is my impression you seem to have a bit of misconception about latin people n perhaps others but i cant speak for them . However i could tell you the latin countries' (people) are actually very religious at least the ones i am aware of.. but besides that... what the bad guys are wielding are the main weaknesses for example the financial and safety need of people in order to manipulate them. Indeed unfortunately for those 3rd world countries such handles (security and financial problems) are by design.. The bad guys destroy nations (creating monsters within the societies including here) in order to reach their goal/control. We are all being played. To have us on each others throat. Every single piece affecting any society in a negative way you can betcha is by design by the bad guys.. whatever group they try to highlight as monsters they hoping people can apply the fear n hate to the broad category/group/race ... keeping us distracted/divided n unfocused from who really r the real enemies(the puppet masters)...
Delete... the lgbt individual.. the hispanic.. the asian or white or groups... who had commited mass murder or any other hineous crimes had a purpose beyond the visible.
Apologizing aheadvof time in case this is a duplicate (bad connecrion. Had to retry several resends)
DeleteSpirittoo... i didnt know they did that once before (interview with jfk).. but not surprise some promised made and not kept. However much has changed and happened since years back.. is there a possibility that this time around will turn out to be real. We shall see.. one can hope for the best but be prepare for the worse... we shall see if the tides have changed finally.
Latin Americans show up to Mass on Sunday, leave, and vote for communist Democrat policies. That's an objective statistic so don't complain to me. Latinos are 27% Republican, and that's Americans of Latino ethnicity so that includes more conservatives. New immigrants are nearly all Democrat. What's WHY they move here is the social programs. And that's why Democrat politicians want open borders because it's all votes for them. Except Cubans who don't want anything resembling communism, they vote Republican. And what does the Biden administration do with Cuban immigrants? All of them deported and stern messages for no one else to show up. Also muggles aren't really spiritual, like George Bush Protestants cheering for the Iraq war, lining up for their vaccines. Does anyone really think dirt poor Central Americans who can barely read and don't know English are going to see through sophisticated cabal propaganda? In south Florida I was around a lot of Haitian immigrants, they're like a different species. It's basically ignorant to project our values onto them. Living there was a very eye opening and frankly scary experience. Same when I was an assistant teacher at a school on the edge of the city that was mostly hispanic. Genuinely scary. I was not prepared for that reality. Dudes, I don't want my country to resemble any of these places. I can't imagine how border towns are. The people there who are terrified and angry are correct about how bad it is I'm sure. That ain't no bias or racism. I wish it wasn't like this. I'd rather be saying everyone is love and light but this is Earth, got to man up and call it how it is. Look up crime statistics by location and demographics, what I'm saying are simply physical facts.
DeleteDevon - Tachyon products. Hard evidence Cobra is who he says he is. Alien technology you can hold in your hand. Plus the level of intelligence, no one else even compares. The explanations of advanced technology and levels of reality; I've researched this stuff my entire life and rarely seen anything like it. Compared to Michael Jaco sharing the latest rumors, or X-22 creating elaborate Trump fan fiction, I don't know what else to say.
DeleteRestored Republic for a couple of years now has been posting JFK Jr. appearances and interviews ... always on telegram ... the latest is May 21 @18:00 Livestream on @CBKNews121 Telegram with JFK Jr., Elvis, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Lady Diana, Steve Jobs, with detailed info. on all coming events.
DeleteMay 23 JFK Jr. interview with OAN.
More from a timeline posted on RR ...
July 23 was set to be the Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration with all in the World Protection Program coming out.
On July 25 Queen Diana’s Coronation was expected.
RR post stuff like this a lot ... it's a safe bet none of this will come to past.
When i started to read about the parties... i take it you really believe that one party is of good and the other is bad... and missed the point about design division. People are manipulated from their heart... you call it communism... they call it humanism.. specially f they are not aware of the innerworkings of the bad guys. If many knew who their manipulatorss really were many would not be supporting whichever party they think is evil.. so no.. they dont view their parties as evil.. . Thus they support based on the propaganda ... the programmin has been strong years of it.. And if they have not broken free is not because they are evil is becaus the opposing propaganda or methods to disassemblee the programming has not been strong enoug... just like some has sujestedvit may require a strong wake up call to get everyone out of the slumber... the pace pf waking people up is by choice and supposedly there are reasons for it we trust.
DeletePolitics is hijacks.. there is a reason why bad thinggs has happened right before our eyes even under the watchful eyes of multiple parties... parties never define good or evil.. even back during the time of JFK. People believe democract parry was the way to go.... and even then evil still was playing us... infiltration was at hand... those that try to do good were not going to be allowed. Please dont tell me about poll numbers or party goodnessbor evil.. we get manipulated either way in one way or the other more so if operaring at samebco straints as before.. but ww jave moved beyond that poiny.. the good guys effort is stronger than before... party afiliation is not going to set humanity free... TRUTH will.. and such is independent of parties
Saying both parties are the problem is for unthinking new age hippies who choose to not know what's going on. A breakdown of the actual issues they support shows a clear winner. The problems with Republicans we can survive, like tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. Their method of control is a slow gradual transfer of wealth. We cannot survive Democrats open borders, gun control, forced vaccinations and lockdowns, and the utter mental derangement of gender ideologies. That last issue alone is a deal breaker, you get to pick your gender, go in their bathrooms, apply for their scholarships, sports, force everyone else to play along with their mental illness. We're moments away from having hate speech be an actual crime like it is in Canada and the UK. It's already socially punished. So I call some dude with a pearl necklace and beard stubble a man, he flips out while someone films it and puts it all over the internet and I get fired from my job. But some who try to look like a woman still want to be called a man. You can say you support them all you want, but nobody gets their rules right all the time and you'll be fired or attacked next. The left accuses us of hate, yes I do hate this. I just saw a guy at the gym who was half trying to look like a woman, while being buff and having a beard. I WILL NOT be forced to play along with the delusions of people like that. Only democrats want to make that a law. Only one party is an existential threat. Only one party is for ripping babies out of the womb and chopping their heads off with giant scissors. They never give the health care they promise, and the only environmental protection they do is to tax carbon emissions. It's not enlightened to just cross our arms and reject reject everything, there really is a lesser of two evils.
DeleteWere you following the BLM riots? The most costly and damaging event in US history by a wide margin. Miles and miles of every major city destroyed and boarded up. While liberal media and politician actively encouraged violence and covered up the damage carried out by a racists hate group nation wide. It's incomprehensible. Daily video from every major city that looked like third world country riots. What's one thing Republicans have ever done that's that bad? How about the Portland Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Anarchists blocked off a large area of the city and Democrat politicians prevented police from doing anything for months. Police literally weren't "allowed" inside, while warlords set up their own territories. What's one thing Republicans do that's that bad? I'll take subsidies for oil companies any day over my city becoming Mogadishu. Or defund the police where major Democrat cities slashed police budget and resources, then crime became so horrible even they realized the error and boosted budgets some. Have you seen how major stores have to close many or all their locations in Democrat shithole cities because they've decriminalized theft, even auto theft and stealing from individuals. Have you seen what the open air drug markets and homelessness has become, massive tent cites of drugged zombies and violence, totally because of Democrat policies. It's kind of disturbing anyone could think Republicans who engage in simple greed is even comparable to the rabid destruction and insanity of the Left.
DeleteAnd conservatives are no better. Remember, 20 years ago, when the conservatives were waving American flag and shouting "USA! USA!" whilst Dubya and Cheney were dropping bombs on Iraq, as well as other BS like the Patriot Act, and the Liberals, years later, doing the same thing with the middle east, the NDAA, Monsanto protection and, and Obama making propaganda to the American public legal again for the first time since the end of the second world war.
Name any recent independent parties that actually got into power recently. The last time was Jesse Ventura, but that was like 20 years ago. He seemed to do pretty good, and the darkies gonna make sure more like that never happen again.
Hurry ET's, I want off this planet of the stupid apes.
The conservatives did 9-11, they did so much to take away our rights, freedoms and privacy, Pat, just as much as the liberals.
DeleteRemember that old meme with the indian guy......left wing, right wing....same bird. And I personally do not wanna live in conservative christian paradise..like 1950's America or Victorian England. I don't even want this planet.
And I'm not gonna be living a good life if the Matt Walshss or Rush Limbaughs of the world becomes THE way to be on this planet.
Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
ReplyDeleteNous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@mmariemichele2243
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REPLAY du LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
Cindy - Thank you for all that you and your team members at Planetary Liberation and Ascension are doing to advance this information and consciousness to a wider community. Thank you to you all for your dedication to this purpose.
DeleteThank you Cobra! We hold the Light!!!🧡💛💯💥
ReplyDeleteI really hope this will be the last incident!
Delete2023 Taipei Ascension Conference IGAG Official Note Day 1 April 8th
Trigger the Event,Don't delay
ReplyDeleteNice! Let's finish it! 👏😇
ReplyDeletesomething has changed i feel more light
ReplyDeleteWho is left on earth to attack the Galactics? Last pit not cleared? Just trying to understand who has the ability to even pose a threat to our Galactic allies ?
ReplyDeleteThey must have powerful weapons in that last pit to be a threat to the Galactic Confederation, because this is the only place the Chimera have left. Their fleet was destroyed months ago
DeletePhaser 'em for orbit, I say.
DeleteLe probleme est les réseaux sociaux , et les égrégores qui sonts diffusées , c'est comme la télévision . Il faut faire tres tres attention . Un égrégore c'est quand deux personnes ou plus pensses la meme choses , elle se connectent a ce qu'elle pensses et vivent ces émotions qui sonts transmises et par la meme ocasions amplifient ces émotions . Yen a pour tout et nimporte quoi . La religion , la sexualité , la maladie , la spiritualité ...
ReplyDeletePalantir, owned by billionaire Peter Thiel (co-founder of OpenAI), has launched a new AI platform like the acclaimed GPT-4 for military purposes only. At the moment, AI can give orders to drones, plan an attack and suppress enemy communications.
ReplyDeleteWhoa. We got an update from a dragon one. We haven't had an update for a very long while. I think the last dragon, something bad had happened. Anyway, we got good news! They've been fighting in the astral. Go here:
I'm very much looking forward to the next planetary situation update so we know the results of our Portal Of Light Activation. Plus I believe we were going to get an update on First Contact as well as some new command protocols for easier manifestation. Many good things should be shared and I'm busting at the seams excited!☝️😇👍
ReplyDeleteThey are watching us 👽 🛸 - Takis Shelter
ATVOR Activation - English guided audio
Deletegood news
ReplyDeleteFor only who might be still interested...
ReplyDeleteA new image detail came out on our blogpage:
If not interested do not loose your energy...
ReplyDeleteAfter the Second World War, how many tormented tortured sick people were there . Now, after the third, the same is unimaginable. ? Especially in Ukraine ?
ReplyDeleteI just had some kind of relevation, combining several aspects:
ReplyDeleteIt became obvious to me that a lot of technological inventions and gifts were initiated by psychopaths:
(Larry Page is being searched for his role in the eppstein case, who helped fund the UN. etc etc...)
Maru Swaruu says that the Galactic Federation is complicit in all situations on earth from the start up and are using the prime directive as an excuse to keep the 3D matrix intact.
-> It appears that some force is pushing the development of consciousness of earthly humans with great speed. (using mentioned "psychopaths" as they're people with great willpower capable to manifest changes). But for what purpose?
So: is earth some kind of petri dish where a special kind of human "penicilin" is being developed, for deployment in other parts of the universe after earth has been "cleaned" ???
@Video Nerd
DeleteFUCK Cosmic Agency. That bitch is either being duped, OR she's a deliberate disinformation agent.
And I REFUSE to be 'penicillin'.
One of the uses of artificially generated digital imagery:
“These AI generated filters are getting out of control. The really interesting part is that we've finally reached the point in social media where filters are no longer enhancing how you look, but instead making you look like someone else. These filters don't pull their data set from your images, they pull it from other people's images. So your face is being turned into someone else's face because that person is prettier than you according to the mainstream beauty standards.”
(Imagine the implications and the potential of this technology: People who are not real in real physical life can be “brought to life” in a virtual world.)
We are becoming an Awakened Species ☀️:
Ascension Conference Notes / Taipei, April 8 & 9, 2023
ReplyDeleteDay Two / Sunday, April 9th
The Science of Collapse
Posted on April 26, 2023
“All the old ways are used up. A collapse will happen. What the light forces want is for it to happen as harmonious as possible. There will be a collapse of the old ways of thinking, but not a collapse of everything, as the infrastructure for providing food, water and transportation needs to remain intact.
People need to allow a collapse of their own programming. Most people are attached to their conditioning (which makes it hard for them to change and be open to new frequencies and ways of being).
At the time of the reset people will freak out (to the extent of the amount of programming and conditioning they still have). There will be chaos and instability. With the collapse of beliefs (that will happen with disclosure) fear will arise.
All fears must be released.
(The more we can do our inner work… releasing suppressed and unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs, mental conditioning, programming, etc. the easier it will be to open and adapt to change and receive the higher frequencies that are reaching the planet in these times and especially at the time of the Event).”
Excerpt from: https://peterpansblog.com/2023/04/26/ascension-conference-taipei-april-8-9/
DeleteLET it collapse and LET them freak out. I tried to help folks for years....no one gave a damn.
Ascension Conference Notes / Taipei, April 8 & 9, 2023
ReplyDeleteDay Two / Sunday, April 9th
The Science of Collapse
Posted on April 26, 2023
“There is more activity and energy coming to us now from the galactic’s and from the central sun which has the effect of increasing kundalini activity in the body. There is a crisis trajectory that melts the social system at the time of the reset. The old system will collapse although there are various timelines showing various levels of reset. If the reset happens too soon there will be total collapse. If it happens too late it will take the 'middle path' (not sure what Cobra meant by this). If it happens at the right time there will be a stable recovery. All people seem to want it to happen now. There are 8 billion people and everyone needs to be ready. The Reset moment is a critical point for physical behavior. One way of being ready is to be able to make decisions instantly. We will understand more when it happens.”
Thank you for sharing your conference notes @bsr!
Delete@bsr, can you explain the image of the flower of life with the stones placed on top of it? How is that done?
Delete@bsr: What does 'reset' means here?
DeleteAwesome thanks
DeleteThank you to everyone who replied to my comment. I'm not qualified to answer anyone's questions about the conference notes because they were recorded by a conference attendee named Peter Pan. He was the one who published them on his blog. I was simply reading through his conference notes, on his blog, and thought that certain relative topics in those notes would be of value to post here in the comments to Cobra's blog. All of the credit and acknowledgement goes to Peter Pan for his efforts to make this information available to us. Thank you Peter Pan.
DeleteHere is the link to Peter Pan's blog:
To me, 'middle path' will probably be like what's going on NOW, with maybe SOME improvement...but not much.....
Delete...best way I can compare is with season 2 of the 1988-1990 War of the Worlds series (the sequel to the 1953 George Pal movie). In the second season, society went belly up....oh, a lot of stuff still around....politicians, big corporations going amuck...with resistance groups or just group of folks trying to survive by any means necessary.
Then, thank you both for posting these conference notes!
You and me both.
ReplyDeleteI want off this damned rock, asap.
The whole 'trans controversy' was made, I feel, to make the masses hate and fear SOMEONE.
ReplyDeleteThey can't go after the blacks, the jews, or the gays anymore....so
Good Ole Boy voice: we need to go after them there sheeeeeeeemales, now!
And lemme say something....a lot of trans woman, actual transwomen are NOT that strong. After hormone therapy, many trans girls say one they thing notice is a loss of upper body strength. And IF a trans sports league is made, it will be met with ridicule and hostility, for trans folks are some of THE most persecuted people out there. I mean there's tons of folks like that evil Wesley Crusher clone, Matt Walsh, or J.K. Rowling.
Would like to hear Libra's take on this.
Taking Back A Nation-Vancouver Canada June.11/2023
Here is a website with interesting energy reports. Please select the translation language for EN, DE, ES, FR, GR, IT in TŁUMACZENIA RAPORTÓW
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI dunno about this site, and anytime you say something even slightly doubting what they are saying your comment gets deleted, different opinions and varying levels of faith should be allowed, especially as apparently 'this site isn't for the people but more so as updates for the insiders on the front lines' sort of thing, so who cares what the 'common' people are commenting, iam open to being wrong but in my opinion I get a strange feeling about this site, something is a little off, but again, that is just my opinion and I could very well be wrong, and iam open to being incorrect, so allow this comment to pass through, in love and light, of all of our true selves, peace.
ReplyDeleteZebla.. i am not sure what you are referring to. Your posts not showing?.. you suspect you being censored?. If that is the case. Check to make sure the issue is not computer/human error related.. also keep in mind that posts may not get approve immediately... or all of them at once. So some posts may show up days later depending how much time the individual moderating have available eaxh time it scnas thru...
DeleteLast but not least.. if indeed your concern is your posts being block..i can tell you probbaly not.. some people have post outlandish comments and they still getting thru... i doubt yours coukd possible be that horrible.. most likely you may hear an objection from the commentators here firstlt. it has happen on off.. and still the person does not end up crnsored.. eventually.. maturity kicks in.
Zebla. If you are new.. please note:
DeletePosts that have greater than 150-200 comments will not show the latests comments until you load them. To do that:
1. Scroll all the way to the end of blog. 2.Check if you see the word "Load more..." centered.
3. If you do see it. Click on it (a batch of latest comments will be uploaded)
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you no longer see "Load More..."
ReplyDeletePosts that have close to or greater than 200 comments will not show the latests entries until you load them. To do that:
1. Scroll all the way to the end of blog. 2.Check if you see the word "Load more..." centered.
3. If you do see it. Click on it (a batch of latest comments will be uploaded)
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you no longer see "Load More..."
https://youtu.be/rkdekKciwnc - Victory of The Light!!! 💜🐚🦢🦢💫✴️🟣
ReplyDeleteA lot of people who compete in sports as transgender are simply saps, claiming to be transgender but not taking estrogen or having gender identity disorders. It stigmatizes us trans people to play against women just by changing clothes.
ReplyDeleteYou made coherent statements BBB. And sherman yes. I believe the trangender movement has been placed on the spotlight to be use as a way to create discort. Just like every other movement the bad guys had gotten a hold on and infiltrated... .. we seen this many a times.. is a trick of their trade. Unfortunately many suffer from both sides of the aisle.
ReplyDeleteThis is where the the transgenders that are not infiltrators or corrupted by the bad guys need to step up and set records straight. Be the role models...
Between Common sense vs gender ideology . Common sense should rule. there is no other way about it. It shouldnt even be a discussion on it.
Common sense is gender or race independent.
I read the new unveiling post. Around may 9th my mother and many others were reading this claim on social media about the US being destroyed, flooded, and cut in half by earthquakes soon. It was some of the christian right wing people. It seemed like BS and doom fear porn. I shrugged it off and told her that they dont know that. It was the same time that according to sebastian the chimera simulated the fall of atlantis energetically as a sort of psychological attack. According to francis bacon america was the new atlantis.
ReplyDeleteThis is from a Pleiadian commander. He is right, saying stay clear of the masses. There is still negativity around (well I don't watch any negativity. I haven't watched the news for 5-6 years, even longer). All of the negativity will fade. It is all erasing, but still will take a little time. Just keep out of it!
command 741
ReplyDeletecommand 741
command 741
A call for help from the Ashtar team and the Pleiadians. (seven four one)
command Stardust
command Stardust
command Stardust
Call for help from the Ashtar and Pleiadians team.
I need to correct you on the protocols:
DeleteFor emotional healing, you can keep using "Command 771" protocol.
The Pleiadians would now like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain. If you have chronic physical pain, you can repeat three times in your mind.
“Command PB stardust”
The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your central nervous system to ease your pain.
You can use "Command 1221" to connect with your Light team
Other than that thank you for helping to remind everyone!
Love's not gonna protect you from darky attacks, BBB...I know.
ReplyDeleteThe darkies did this 20 years ago with the gays as well, remember when Dubya was still president, and when told by folks they were getting sick and tired of the Iraq war, he said "marriage is between a man and a woman!", or that stupid ass baker who was whining and crying because he felt he was being discriminated against when people lashed out at him for refusing to sell cakes to a gay couple?
ReplyDeleteSame still going on with so-called 'awakened' and so-called 'patriots'....shit, "Resist the Mainstream" pretty much is just a haven for conservative Christians, with a hell of a lot of anti trans and any gay sentiment. Would not be surprised if that site's been infiltrated/compromised long ago.
I don't think role models are gonna be taken seriously. The media will either make them into a circus attraction, or the aforementioned 'patriots' and 'awakened' will STILL be in their pitch forks 'n torches mentality. I mean look at the hostility towards a trans person endorsing Bud Lite, I've seen videos of people walking into stores and actually smashing any Bud Lite they see in stores, or going totally ape shit because a transgender woman got a job as a cheerleader for a professional football team.
The transfolks are looked upon a criminals, perverts and pedophiles.....and the conservative Christians are giving themselves an even bigger negative depiction than they already have.
And at least a food number of trans folks got the help they needed.....what about ME? The darkies went out of their WAY to keep me from being able to do anything to fix MY problem.
Light Forces, I said it once, I said it probably a hundred times, and now I'm telling you guys again.......GET THE FUCKING LEAD OUT AND LAND!
Been getting attacked on a near regular basis since this year started.
ReplyDelete"Remember that you are the ones who keep the victims stable throughout many unseen realms as well as on the physical - however, the workload was and still is immense for all who are involved in liberation."
ReplyDeleteIn other words: ATLAS. *groans*
They're not paying me enough for this abuse.... T_T
I don't think people have good information on what ascension is. In addition to this mainstream science has a reductionist approach to a human being.
ReplyDeleteIn Paul Hamden's material, channeling the zetas, they have ideas about ascension. When the human astral realm becomes self aware will be a jump moment in humanity's collective consciousness. They say some people will become telepathic, some will remember past lives, and we will deal with ETs more on equal footing.
L/l research's channeled mentions a "sharp increase" in the human population's experience of 4th density. Also, that the planet will be realigned to 4th density energy.
I think when the planet realigns there will be a jump which potentially could make the astral realm self aware as the basis for new abilities.
Hope this gives a different perspective. Many in the New Age movement have to adopt "it's only a matter of time" approaches to change.
Seems like the cohesion of the collective consciousness is the general basis for how psychic the population is. So far we've had outliers. Sorry, but I think a lot of psychics are charlatans. I need proof.