Saturday, July 1, 2023


Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. DEMATRIX reattempt in progress, wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Multiple systems security breach at 504 almost deflected. Minimum M / HP / SD / DL / MDS  requirements met, VTX  requirements not met.  


  1. Sehr gut. Es geht voran. Aquadea ist mit dabei 😁🦄📡💎

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @Pain
      I remember things really feeling different in '96. The first 3/4's were pretty good, really good. But in the last 1/4, things changed, and I mean REALLY changed, and not for the better. I knew something was a miss, but I could figure out what.

      And don't blame us for the problems....

    2. I see you! Thank you and lots of love 🙏🏼❤️

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Iam not blaming anyone for anything why would I ?.

  3. Thanks. What does 504 and DEMATRIX mean? Anyone got an idea?

  4. 纵然终了之刻未卜.

  5. I was thinking about how Cobra had nothing in common with Lightworkers on Earth. That was quite a comment, and trying to work out why. Could it just be because he is basically Pleiadian? Maybe he thinks totally differently from us?? Which is wrong and which is right? Well, they are all right aren't they. Whichever perspective will be right; that is how God enabled the entire universe. Obviously I've tried in a limited manner to talk to Pleiadians, and from my point of view, they were all dull, well except for the one who stiffed me over good. But we would chat a few times, three or four times, and I did not hit it off with them. The only one I was interested in for like 6 months (he never gave me his proper name, or I couldn't hear it), he stiffed me right over. It was bad, and I had this crush on him. Well I could go right into it, but with how boring my tales apparently are, how God-awful, then I won't tell it. God knows I don't wish to cause you untold pain. But I actually liked this one Pleiadian. I think when he began pretending he was someone else, the Pleiadians sent him home. He actually pretended he was from the Cobra crew (I got really confused), but he sounded just like himself (a simple man really). When I wasn't interested, he tried to be someone else the next day. Talk about crazy town! Haven't heard from him since, haven't tried any kind of experiments, I just gave it up as it wasn't working.

    Anyway, I don't know why there is a disconnect with Earth women and Pleiadian men. Could it just be we are too Earthian? I bet when we are taken shipside and evacuated, there is all sorts of stuff going on between women and men, from each side! It will be a free for all, well kind of. Imagine how shocked the earthians will be?? It's going to be bloody crazy!! Haha so be careful Earthians.

    1. Well, then. Ask them to come to me, please.
      I want to finally be able to sit down and talk to a genuine alien, for once.

    2. I personally didn't read Cobra's comment as him literally being some kind of other being. I read it as him being disgruntled that other lightworkers weren't dedicated enough / weren't doing enough inner work / were too negative or something like that. So the comment was more like "I feel like I have nothing with these lazy / negative lightworkers in common."

      With respect, I'm not sure that you were actually talking to Pleiadians. There are beings out there who pretend to be beings they're not. I regularly talk to various Pleiadians and I've never found them to be boring or dull or try to mislead me.

      And yes, I do agree that when the Pleiadians land, there will be plenty of Pleiadian - Earthian dating.

    3. @lightworker
      Many folks are TRYING to so something.....but the light forces are not the ones getting ATTACKED, and on a DAILY BASIS, by the darkies. Folks down here, ARE, and are unarmed, in pitiful human bodies, in forced to live in deplorable environments and circumstances.

  6. = 3/4 of Russian billionaires linked their lives with abroad

    Among 117 billionaires of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2022, 46 had foreign citizenship, 65, in addition to Russia, lived abroad, 78 had family members living there, and more than 88 (or 3/4) had real estate abroad, Equality calculated according to Forbes and open sources.

    The total wealth of those who partially or completely connected their personal life with abroad is $462 billion. 81% of the less affluent part of Russians have the same amount (119 million), it follows from the CS data ( ). At the same time, they profited at the expense of Russia.

    The estimate is still underestimated, because many things are simply not written. Thus, a KF survey in 2018 showed that among the rich of the Russian Federation with $50+ million, 58% had foreign citizenship ( Even in Lat. In America, the figure is only 41%.

    Cyprus passports are the most popular – 21 units. Next are Israel (16), Great Britain (6 units), etc. Billionaires preferred to live and keep their families in the UK and Europe, where they bought real estate.

    But even if the rich formally lived in the Russian Federation, few can be suspected of patriotism. Among the top 100, these are mainly oligarchs:
    🪚 81 – participated in privatization
    85 – were officials or informally associated with them
    89 – used offshore schemes
    78 – rich people in corruption-vulnerable industries.

    In an attempt to join the elite of the West, they have been withdrawing capital abroad for years. As of January 1, 2022, $604 billion was accumulated there, 74% is accounted for offshore.

    After the start of the SVO, $58 billion was frozen in the West ( ), which embittered some of the oligarchs. None of them is seen helping the front, but the demand for surrender is high, and some, like Friedman and Abramovich, serve ( ) To the West in the hope of lifting sanctions.

    Someone even renounces Russia. The other day, the sixth billionaire in a row renounced his citizenship of the Russian Federation – Igor Makarov, who made $ 2.2 billion on Russian gas. Earlier, this was done by the investor 🇮🇱 Yuri Milner ($6.8 billion), the son of a top manager of Gazprom structures 🇬🇧 Nikolay Sidonsky ($3.3 billion), broker Timur Turlov ($3.1 billion), investor Ruben Vardanyan ($1.2 billion) and ex-banker Oleg Tinkov ($0.6 billion).

  7. I am still learning from multiple sources, and this was brought to my attention:

    Christ Consciousness Samael Aun Weor:

    Here is the pdf version:

    Definitely, these are words of wisdom.

  8. Thank you Light forces, I love you!

  9. The CIA used silicone valley and A.I. TECHNOLOGY to try and pull off the military using PRIGOZHIN and Wagner.

    The missing 6.2 billion that was missing and unaccounted for from the U.S. to Ukraine aid > was actually the Pentagon CIA money laundering channels that was used to pay Prigozhin/ Wagner off for the Military COUP...... Now The 6.2 million is in the hands with Russia/ Putin and Large sums were given to Wagner.

    Now_ the military ALLIANCE is targeting Silicone Valley and their A.i. systems that created the 2nd Attempted military COUP of a nation RUSSIA ( the first was 2020 elections, in which Whites HATS military ops allowed the coup to happen to expose the U.S. deep state system through a collapse and near WWWIII EVENT_ and near civil war event planned by the deep state.. And to EXPOSE the Alien agenda....< All these things are happening now as Trump was not in office and BIDEN CIA FBI. Military is being EXPOSED AND CONTINUES AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS) ..... And Cheyenne mountains/ USSF have plans to take over Silicone Valley ... Which is connected to EXPOSER of military COUP...

    since 2021 TOP CIA agents, FBI , DOD.DOJ heads have been all summed to GITMO for TRIBUNALS that have been happen, and get are giving complete DEBRIEFINGS and hidden classified deep state PROJECTS>>>> this why senator Rubio is now COMING forward with DEEP STATE information in Congress and Senate that their is a deep state controlling the government and have UFO technology ( these are COUNTER MOVES against the the fake alien invasion)//

    In RUSSIA Tribunals are happening as some Generals and Billionaires across Russia got arrested after the A I. CIA MI6 MILITARY COUP USING PRIGOZHIN..... PUTIN flushed out the finale gray HATS. Black HATS hiding inside his regimen.
    Military assessments say EU WILL fall into a 3Rd WORLD COUNTRY as the EU COLLAPSE increases and 100s of millions of stores, retailers will have no oil gas for the electric and shipping industry is panic as oil gas reserve run low.

    The plan of CIA. NATO. MI6 DAVOS ROCKEFELLERS ROTHSCHILDS ECT to take over RUSSIA has FAILED a MASSIVE blow as their last attempt military coup using PRIGOZHIN had failed.
    The PLAN

    The ALLIANCE broke the CIA . BLACKROCK ECT ECT money laundering UKRAINIAN system apart... And now the connection of UKRAINE BIDEN is being fully exposed ( which will lead to UN. NATO. BLACKROCK CORRUPTION IN TIME ⏰<)
    _NOW BIDEN had been constantly exposed with Ukraine money corruption and the WALLS CLOSE IN.


    These operations lead to Clinton
    OBAMAa. Hollywood.cia . World corruption..... That's why TRUMP told you he will EXPOSE the Weiner laptop<
    We are inside the Storm..
    _darpa EXPOSURE
    >This list goes on and on into a WORLD BANKING SYSTEM collapse that was controlling the world and connected to military industrial complex system creating WARS.. Human TRAFFICKING....

    Stay strong World Patriots.

  10. White Nobility - Posts & Interviews

  11. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Prepare For Change #France #Francophonie

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays
    Remote Healing Sessions

    “International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan will provide remote healing with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays to help people around the world heal their inner being and mind. Healers from around the world, including Japan, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. who are all qualified in Level 2 Initiation and practice using Cobra’s 13 rays will devote themselves to becoming LIGHT bearers, conveying these divine healing rays to everyone.”

    July 2nd from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC:
    July 3rd from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC:

    Divine Intervention Meditation

    “To keep the momentum going, the Light Forces have asked that those who feel so guided can do the Divine Intervention Meditation once a month at the exact moment of the full Moon. This will immensely help to keep the Light portals open and to strengthen the Light grid around the planet.”

    July 3rd at 11:38 AM UTC:
    - Livestream starts early at 11:20 AM UTC
    - Guided audio in 34 language

  15. Dedication → Mission → Result
    The crop circle represents, I would say, the energetic situation of the solar eclipse of October 14, 2023, because it was estimated to have appeared 111 days before the event.

    The course also passes through the territory of the Maya, who had a (partial) connection to the light.

    The crop circle shows at least two different energetic aspects. One of them is very much connected with the mission of the starseeds "Maya".

    The tractor tracks represent the mission of the farmer and thus represent the mission of the starseeds. The energetic aspect of it is represented by the five rays out of 12 possible. The number of rays is limited by the contact with the tractor tracks, that is, our dedication to our mission determines the extent of the energetic effect. So the result could have been much better.

    Maybe this eclipse can free something of the Mayan energetic preparation. But of course, this crop circle also addresses our part of the mission, perhaps in the context of the eclipse.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Chiedo alla Confederazione Galattica, l'Alleanza Galattica dei Mondi, il Creatore Supreme, di portarmi al Sole Centrale Galattico il prima possibile per l'annientamento totale. Questa é la mia ultima volontá. Ne ho abbastanza di questo pianeta morte. Ho sofferto molto per questo pianeta morte chiamato Blue Jewel. --Chiedo a Cobra di no rendere publica questa riciesta.

    1. 天啊老兄,保重!事件后你会发现活着的乐趣。

  18. The Vatican sent its representatives to Lviv, Moscow and Minsk on the same day. In Lviv, Cardinal Supich, who is close to the US authorities, said that he would use the resources of the Catholic Church to support Ukraine militarily. Cardinal Zuppi works in Moscow, who is closely connected with the community of St. Egidius, which has a reputation for special services of the Vatican, and the DECR of the Russian Orthodox Church spreads a rug in front of him. And this despite the fact that there were outspoken voices from the Catholic Church that his mission is an attempt to support Zelensky. Claudio Gugerotti is active in Belarus, who during Shevardnadze's time was a secret negotiator with the authorities and negotiated for the Georgian authorities to sign a concordat with the Vatican behind the scenes, and after the coup in Ukraine in 2014, he was appointed papal nuncio to Ukraine due to his special closeness with the leadership of the Uniates, who had direct involvement in the organization and implementation of the coup.

    It is quite obvious that there is a powerful action by the Vatican, that the DECR of the Russian Orthodox Church is trading the Church and the country with the support of some liberal politicians in Russia.

    The patriarchy "friendly" met the enemy

    The Vatican simultaneously became more active in Lviv, Minsk and Moscow. Three cardinals arrived with "peace missions". As the Vatican understands the "world", it is evident from the militancy of the Uniates, which is always activated just during such "peaceful" actions.

    Patriarch Kirill received the papal envoy Cardinal Zuppi, smiled, laughed, and was very happy. The old cardinal, connected with the community of St. Aegidius (one of the special services of the Holy See), looked like a dandelion of God and also smiled quietly.

    The Havana meeting has already dealt such a blow to our Church that the wound from it will bleed for a long time. Now, during the war in the patriarchate, in fact, there is a meeting with the enemy of Orthodoxy, the Church and Russia. Because the Ukrainian Nazis are mostly Uniates, Uniates are not a Catholic "elective", but the quintessence of Catholicism itself, the most faithful strike force of the Vatican. A "friendly" meeting with the special envoy of Pope Francis during his visit to Moscow is on the verge of treason. And that's putting it mildly.

  19. After Russia deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the Polish Prime Minister said ( ), ( ) that his country wants to join the Nuclear Sharing program (a nuclear weapons exchange program within NATO).

    The mentioned program was initiated in 1950. The Agreement on the Joint Use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons provides for the use of nuclear warheads with NATO countries that do not have them. Currently, the Nuclear Sharing program is used by five countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

    Warsaw is just proposing that a new base with tactical ammunition on the territory of Eastern Europe should be located on Polish soil.

    Washington often says that the United States never guaranteed that NATO would not expand, but they guaranteed that nuclear weapons would definitely not be deployed further to the east of Europe. However, the rejection of the founding act of Russia and NATO may untie their hands and the United States hypothetically may take such a step.

    Note: The fourth paragraph of the Russia-NATO Founding Act (1997) states that ( ) That the North Atlantic Alliance will not place nuclear weapons on the territory of new members and will not build storage sites for them. Poland joined the Alliance in 1999.

    Reminder: Poland will receive the first F-35 in 2026 and, like the German F-35, they can be equipped with a special suspension for carrying nuclear warheads.

    Risks: the transferred nuclear weapons must remain out of reach of the enemy's strike forces, that is, they are clearly covered by air defense systems, missile defense and conventional troops. The countries of Eastern Europe do not yet have the strategic depth that would allow such weapons to be deployed in these conditions. However, Poland is on the way to this. As it became known on June 29, the US State Department approved a possible deal to sell Poland an integrated air defense and missile defense system worth about $ 15 billion.

  20. PART 1
    ENERGY REPORT PERSONAL ‘ BALANCE SHEET July ’ 2023OF ACHIEVEMENTS Anna Architektura, Architektura Osobowości Translation: Marta
    In a nutshell, on the energy level it looked like this: 23.05 - 31.05 - a strong charge of high vibrations. Including 31.05 a strong flare of class M4.2 (preceded by slightly weaker, but also strong flares of class M1.0 and M1.4). 01.06 - 05.06 - a complete change in energies. Very stable and strong energies giving the sensation of breaking through one's limitations (it resembled hatching out of one's shell). At this time the pattern of 'moving with actions into the now' was activated, in line with the creation of the heart. This is a manifestation of the process of 'coming to one's own life' that I signalled in the June report. At the level of the body, the digestive system (especially 02.06) and the respiratory system (especially the sinuses) were mainly making themselves known. Many people also had very vivid dreams during this time. Evening 05.06 (CET) - 06.06 - inflow of cleansing energies. Especially to the throat chakra (this is a preparation for the throat activation process, which I will write about later in the report for July). Throat, thyroid, but also headache, sinuses, eyes were strongly felt because of this. 07.06 - 09.06 - a series of solar flares, there was a very strong flare of the M4.7 class on 07.06, while on 09.06 there was another - slightly weaker, but also strong - flare of the M2.5 class. At the same time, there were quite strong disturbances in the collective field (another attempt to merge timelines). Because of this, many people could have had very vivid dreams with beings from other timelines. There were also possible problems in communication with beings from other timelines. As early as 08.06 I observed a big jump in the collective field of consciousness. On the individual level, one could notice a lot of energy, a clear feeling of body rejuvenation, less appetite, reduced need for sleep, increased vitality and longevity. In contrast, for bodies not yet fully adapted, sluggishness and fatigue and an increased need for sleep. 10.06 - 14.06 - inflow of another portion of energy to activate the Heart Crystal in the first group of beings from the ascension line (on 15.06). In people with bodies already adapted to transmitting such strong doses of energy, an increase in vitality and performance would be felt. People in the middle line could experience fatigue, a sense of lethargy, weakness, dizziness, swelling in the legs, a sense of heaviness. At the same time, on 14.06 I noticed strong disturbances in the collective field, sudden drops in energy, a feeling of "lack of power".


  21. PART 2
    15.06 - inflow of crystalline energies what the collective field, which brought from 18.06 the activation of the Crystal of the Heart. People who were just affected by this process (the first group of beings from the ascension line) could feel a really strong burning sensation in their chest at this time. This was combined with a heat from the centre of the chest, which was spread throughout the body. The activation was a process that finally ended on 21.06. In addition, on 20.06 there was the strongest X1-class flare in many months and several slightly weaker M-class flares (on 16, 18, 19 and 21.06). The activation of the Heart Crystal brought the sensation of a quantum leap to a completely different frequency. An entry into the highest level of power and a powerful flow of energy through the body. It is also interesting to note that this state is already a stable permanent state. In the future, this activation will also involve the other people from the midline. I will write more about this activation later in this report. The activation of the Heart Crystal will also mean that, in the near future, beings who are not able to connect to the Source energy through their own heart, will not be able to keep their field energised. This field will also show increasing instability. The consequences can only be guessed at. That's the summary of June, and now I turn to what July will bring. A very interesting month is ahead of us.
    (2) In July we will be exactly halfway through the cycle that began in March 2020 and will end in February 2027 (I have been writing about the 2027 transition for several years now - see archive reports). The last three years have brought a series of processes of clearing low-vibrational patterns (measuring ourselves against the Shadow), while the following three years have been about recognising and activating potentials that already exist (working with talents, creation). This is a really interesting and much lighter three-year period ahead of us. The apogee of this transition occurred on 18-21 June, when very strong descending energies brought in the first group of beings from the ascending lineage the completion of a full reconstruction of the physical bodies (from carbon to silicon structure) combined with the activation of the Heart Crystal. In this group of beings, a process of complete transition to 5D materiality took place. In these people it became possible to permanently experience the luminous body and to completely unite on all energy levels. Entering the highest level of the Force. For at that time we were experiencing the highest energies to date, which were anchoring themselves both in the collective space and in the bodies of specific people. People with their bodies completely rebuilt into crystalline form will, from July onwards, experience a regeneration of their bodies, a permanent improvement in vitality, a lasting well-being, the absence of disturbances in their energy field and an overall improvement in their life well-being. This is their new state of being. Free from old programmes, open to accessing completely new possibilities. It is as if these people have started a completely new life in an improved physical body, with a clean slate and fully aware of the power of their own creation.


  22. PART 3

    This completely changed the energy configuration of the entire collective field. I can write with full responsibility that since 22.06 the ascension line has completely separated and is already following its further undisturbed course. This will result in a rapid collapse of the falling line. The middle line, on the other hand, continues its further evolution. This is where the mass awakening of humanity will occur in the weeks to come. (I have described and explained this process in detail in my August 2022 report - The beginning of the collapse of dual reality). The energies that descended during this period were crystal white, with a shade of gold. I described this as an energy event that lasted exactly 3 days (I mentioned it briefly in a separate post on 18.06.2023). This event triggered consequences from the Space, relevant to previous actions. It also gave access to completely new possibilities in material reality. It is a tangible 'Becoming to Life'. And a shift to independent energisation straight from the Source. On the level of the physical bodies, from 15.06-21.06 one could experience a "sense of weight gain". In some people it gave a literal increased sense of appetite. This is the result of a rather sudden enlargement of the energy bodies and an attempt to adjust to this new state of the physical body. From 22.06 onwards, the need for food decreased noticeably. The sense of heaviness has also subsided. A SMALL DIGRESSION: everyone was able to experience this event from their own personal perspective and their own level of consciousness (connected with the timeline). Some were already anchored in the heart, others were still stuck in the mind, and others experienced it from a level of mundanity. Everyone had their own personal experience, appropriate to their vibration and timeline. And whatever the anomaly shown by the Resonance in Tomsk and what caused it (there is plenty of conjecture), the fact is that we entered a completely new one. It was the level of vibration felt in Space and the processes happening, which for me was the basis to indicate that such an event had occurred. It was a turning point in the energetic history of humanity.


  23. PART 4
    (3) July will bring a complete change in energies. It begins the process of a personal balance of actions. This process will last another six months (until January 2024). This is a complete turnaround in the flow of energies. Whereas the energies of the first half of the year were related to the degree in which people went through their internal processes (development) and implemented the effects of these processes in their actions (actions directed outwards), the energies of the second half of the year are a kind of feedback from Space (the effects of these actions from the first half of the year). It can be said that the first half of the year referred taking action, while July and the following months will be the time to collect the effects of these actions. According to the saying: "what you have sown, you will reap". This is the time to take total responsibility for your own actions. Meeting your personal Truth. Space feedback refers to the extent to which inner processes have been integrated, or, to put it simply: to what extent one has stepped out of the patterns relating to the attitude chakra (fear, survival) and the sacral chakra (desire to possess). And to what extent he has entered into the patterns relating to the heart chakra (creation from the level of pure intention). And to which degree he has stood in Truth for himself. And - consequently - to what extent he has stood up in his own life (see the June 2023 report and the previous reports from this year, in which I described the processes taking place in detail). July (and the following months) is the time to verify whether and to what degree the processes of the first half of the year have been completed. If one were to refer to a very simple comparison and timeline, the ascending line and the middle line in the next six months will receive a "profit" - adequate to the content being integrated in themselves, while the declining line will experience a "loss".

    A SMALL DIGRESSION: the process of taking personal stock of one's actions, or meeting one's personal Truth, is what the Disclosure is all about. The Disclosure of Truth. Many people wrongly assume and seek disclosure only externally (as making information on certain topics public). Meanwhile, true disclosure occurs quietly within each person. It is a time when one faces the consequences of one's own actions with oneself. The process of Revealing will last until November 2023. It will be a time of taking responsibility for one's past actions, a test of one's ability to set boundaries, as well as the unravelling of everything that has so far been based solely on masculine energy (patriarchy, hierarchical systems, external authority, etc.). From a psychological level, it is a clearing of themes related to the relationship with the father.

  24. PART 5
    Due to the change in the direction of the energies, July may bring a temporary feeling of stagnation, stuckness, marasmu s ("nothing is happening"). This is a temporary phenomenon, because starting from August (and then strongly in autumn), the Space in each person will verify to what extent he/she is already in his/her Truth and acting on the basis of the heart (personal cr eation). Information for people in whom, after July, the feeling of being stuck will not disappear: In this case, it is then worth checking what you have not taken responsibility for (as these topics will block further moving forward). At the same time, in all those people who have not changed their patterns and will continue to act based on the patterns of the first and second chakras (they are guided by downto demolish all such areas in the coming months in a earth motives in their actions) Space will rather quick and comprehensive way. From the collective point of view, the purpose of this illusive destruction is, in fact, that humanity enters into actions based on the vibration of the heart. Only such patterns in the months and years to come, will pr oduce results and have the possibility of lasting existence. On the other hand, in people who are already fully anchored in the heart and leading their lives based on personal creation (which means they have "come to life") Space will further reinforce th e course of action that has been chosen.
    Stepping into the Heart Space activates in July (and in the following months) two powerful and key collective processes of transformation so far: (1) masculine) and then (2) the unification of feminine and masculine energiesin my opinion the purification of sexual energy (both f eminine and . At the same time, these are very deep and root patterns creating duality that coexist in every human being, regardless of gender (and I am treating this thread from thi s perspective). I would also add that these processes will be happening in parallel with the still ongoing processes of purification and release from low vibrational patterns. The energies that flowed into the Earth and human bodies in June will result i n an apogee of cleansing (to the cellular level) of all records related to sexual wounds (in both female and male energies) in July. Whereas significantly more will be released from the side of female energy. The healed feminine energy will then be able to support the healing of the masculine. Further on, the cleansing of the sexual energy will create space for the union of the feminine and masculine energies in mutual respect and softness. The inner healing processes of the sexual area, which will take place in every human being in July, are the basis for then being able to manifest them in the outer space as the creation (especially from spring 2024 and onwards) of absolutely sacred relationships between men and women . Such relationships are based on l ove of the heart (please not ice , do not confuse this with desire from the second chakra), mutual support and growth of both partners. Mutual honesty, loyalty and respect are present. In such relationships, the feminine creates and guides, while the masculi ne feeds the creation and protects the feminine. And while such relationships have so far been referred to as 'unique', by spring 2024, this process will already exist on a collective scale.


  25. PART 6

    The healing of sexual energy and themes related to the sacral chakra will also have a very strong connection with the healing of the throat chakra. This is another process that begins in July. These two chakras co-exist with each other. The sacral energy (creation in the matter) has a close connection with the manifestation of this creation in the matter (throat). A regularity, which shows that if someone has a blocked energy in the sacral chakra they most often have difficulties with the manifestation of their own creation in life, can be seen here.
    A REPORT SUMMARY AND COLLECTIVE ACTION FOR JULY: Goals for Individual Humans: (1) personal balance sheet of past actions and facing one's personal Truth (which is the key of being effective in action), (2) creation based on the heart chakra. Goals for the Human Collective: (1) relationships based on the sacred relationship between man and woman, (2) purification of sexual energy and the throat chakra. With love - Anna Architektura I also encourage you to read the earlier series of energy reports available at They not only carry information, but most of all, they anchor new energies in people and allow you to maintain a higher vibrational level.

    Contact: (contact form) FB:
    Architektura Osobowości

  26. For only who might be still interested...
    A new page is available on our blog:
    Outdoor Post-top Lighting Unit - Large Size - <23"> Entertainingly Shaped
    enjoy it.

    If there is no interest, then do not loose your time. It's too valuable.
    kind regards

  27. Hello everyone,

    I want to ask this community about experiences I have had for several months now.

    I'm looking for answers on the Internet on this subject, in vain.

    When I wake up, I see spiders on the ceiling of my room or on my duvet.

    This is becoming more common.

    I have my eyes open. It lasts about 10 seconds, and then the spiders disappear from my vision.

    Spiders can be black or transparent, small or big.

    How do you explain this phenomenon?

    On the Internet, I found that many people have the same experience. The answer is always the same, it's "a hallucination".

    But I am healthy, I don't smoke and I don't take medication !

    Has anyone ever had the same experience here?

    What to do in this situation?

    1. I have the same experience very often.My friend too.

    2. Usualy, little black dot (spyder looking like)are implant wearer...

    3. Usually, after the energy cleansing of space or me, a spider appears in the house. At once. And he's not even in a hurry. I always kill them.

    4. I saw a 2 foot black mechanical looking spider on my ceiling. It lasted about 5 seconds. I'm sane, don't use drugs, and not drunk. It was daylight hours, and my husband was beside me and he did not see it.

    5. This post explains the spiders:

  28. The Story Doesn't Add Up, and Free Will

    Ok, so there's subquantum anomaly so you can't go into hyperspace near Earth. However:

    Do you mean to tell me that with all your advanced technology, you can't deflect attacks from various militaries, whether it be bullets or missiles? You're telling me that you don't have the shields to do that? Really?

    It's ok to continue to try to better oneself and so forth, but when a story doesn't add up like this, I'm not surprised that lightworkers get so fed up, and it's not their fault.

    Realizing that it's not your fault is very empowering, because you can more easily let go - it's more easy to return all the nastiness to the sender(s).


    None of this is anyone's fault, because without having all the information, it's impossible to make an informed decision. Without having enough facts, a uninformed decision will be made. Free will cannot exist when there is a lack of knowledge.

    Suppose there were 3 different choices - A, B, and C. With incomplete knowledge, the individual makes choice C. However, had the individual had complete knowledge about the given situation, the individual would have made choice A instead. Does anyone in the surface population have all the facts? No. Then there can't be free will here. There never was.

    A lack of a spiritual connection can be seen as a lack of knowledge as well. This can operate on many levels.

    Free will increases when obtaining more knowledge. So more accurately, the surface population has limited free will.

    1. Einstein is in a blender... thoughts he had (right or wrong)
      will never stop moving=> the task to wrap your head around
      (inner-work) is every thought always was
      - just not for a mind without direction
      Free will (One) is 2 choices...
      Grow, or not grow
      (& 1 is anti-choice)

    2. @Spirit
      Welcome to planet gulag, sparky. Try to be Jesus on this rotten planet, minus his gnarly powers.

      And the light forces can save me, I ALWAYS say that.

    3. Yes free will is an illusion even if you are awake because you still must play the matrix game unless you can manifest $$ to pay to live...the bills keep showing up each month of course they will say just ascend to the 5th but oddly all those saying this are still here..😉

    4. lol ice, u dont disappoint.

    5. yes starlight we are not operating under normal circumstances... this is a hostage situation thus.. from what we see.. what we are to know. and/or how we process knowledge has been curtailed..

  29. First they tried to email a few times, like joke emails, which I deleted unread, now the helicopters are back, although they seem to be careful to keep a little away. Remember what happened last time. They better be careful, that's all I'm saying. And I've just been out front picking up all the cigarette butts left behind before... you know. Seems to me they want more of it.

  30. merci Cobra :) :) Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaia

  31. Stop the Weaponization of Time

    Whether or not it's intentional, 2012 Portal has been psychologically torturing people.

    "Tantalus (Ancient Greek: Τάνταλος Tántalos) was a Greek mythological figure, most famous for his punishment in Tartarus: he was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink. He was also called Atys.

    The Greeks used the proverb "Tantalean punishment" (Ancient Greek: Ταντάλειοι τιμωρίαι: Tantáleioi timōríai) in reference to those who have good things but are not permitted to enjoy them.[2] His name and punishment are also the source of the English word tantalize, meaning to torment with the sight of something desired but out of reach; tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.[3]

    Why are there people like Sherman who keep being upset? Tantalus says it all.


    People can do as they see fit. Do meditations if you see fit. But don't be waiting for change in October. Don't be waiting on the Event. Don't allow time to be weaponized against you.

    Also, don't allow a guilt trip to be placed upon you when Cobra said lightworkers were not holding as much light as expected. And don't blame other lightworkers either. Don't play the blame game, with only one exception:

    It's fine to return the evil of the cabal back to them.

    But don't be divided against each other in the group, because that's what the cabal want.

    1. Carrot on a stick.

      But I describe it more like one is in a jail cell....and the key was left, deliberately, nearby, but there is no way to GET the key. No tools or objects to get it, no jedi telekinesis (and don't give me any 'go within!' speeches...I've have yet to see ANYONE go full Jedi or Super Saiyan, despite what the so-called awakened folks say), and that key is just sitting there....looking so shiny and pretty. And unless you are willing to somehow rip one of your arms out of the socket to use to, hopefully, grab the key, get out and get healed before you blood out.

      And believe me, I am gonna return all the darkies gave me back to them, with interest. *cracks knuckles* The only good darky is a dead darky.

    2. If they're able to build a new special temple for it... we might be introduced to Azazel... King of torment

    3. Fyi Tartarus is on Jupiter and it's a pit, prison, controlled by the Karistus

    4. This is right. Each of the lightworkers does their job, and there is no evaluation of this work. It's just work. Why wait for rewards or punishments? Or are those who complain about the words of the Cobra still in the matrix of consciousness? Think about it.

  32. Debra: In a recent update, you did offer some clarification on the timing of the Event and the chronological order of things, so we do thank you very much for this, since there's been so much confusion regarding this timeline and chronological order. But I'd like to go a little deeper, a little further clarification. So you speculated the Event happening during 2025, with the process of mass arrests, financial reset, intel release, et cetera, taking a week or two. Then after this one to two week period, the surface population will be gradually informed about the coming polar shift. And human society will go through a rather brutal awakening process, as you called it.

    And this is when the Islands of Light will be created, and they will be really the only peaceful zones on the planet. You indicated this is expected to take a few months, and then the Galactic Superwave that triggers the polar shift hits the planet. So initially, we were expecting several years between the Event and the polar shift, but now it appears that the timeframe to be very short, like only a few months.

    Anyone believe that a few months will be enough time for the populous to adjust after The Event to leave the planet? Cobra wasn't asked that question. My guess is there will be a lot of very unhappy people who were not given the chance to take in all the info. Tell me they won't be overwhelmed.

    1. The problem is that time is running out due to the many existing darkness and less light at the star seeds. There is a time limit that cannot be exceeded.

    2. As long as they physically pick me up, I'm happy.

      I'm getting fed up having to play the role of some grand, 'warrior' (sans weapons, powers, intel, etc) and 'save the world and awaken its people....sheeple'. I'm not getting paid enough for this abuse.

  33. What can I do about EMF's? I desperately need help. Ever since we got Starlink here 2 years ago I'm awake all night with this screaming in my head. It used to be pristine here, now it's like the middle of a big city. I drive further into the mountains and it's great. But here it's intolerable. I can take a whole bottle of melatonin AND sleep medication and lay awake the entire night, it's insane. The only EMF blocking fabrics are made in China and they're horrible poison nylon that deteriorates. I've tried many different kinds and they make me sick. It's affecting everyone. Everyone I know is exhausted and wasting away. Please Light forces, what's the point of hanging on this long just to die like an AIDS patient?

    1. Maybe www dot freshandalive dot com can help you. My guides recommended them to me and I've ordered them, but I haven't yet received them.

    2. Have you tried high dose CBD oil for sleep

    3. All the more reason I look foreword to evacuation.

  34. Pt.1


    If it's ok with you I'd like to have a heart to heart talk with you since you're the spokesperson on behalf of the Light Forces and the Resistance Movement.
    And since we're all trying to reach the same goal, which is planetary liberation and Ascension, I think it best to make sure we move forward without any misunderstandings, miscommunications, or misconceptions.

    It goes without saying that everyone following this blog, myself included, are VERY grateful and appreciative for all of the work you're all doing on our behalf. You're tirelessly keeping everyone up-to-date and informed, as well as giving us guidance on how to best use and focus our Light, will, and intent for the best outcome in this liberation and Ascension process. I personally cannot begin to tell you how thankful I truly am that I was able to find your blog and all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds there within and feel that I was guided to it... no doubt.
    Having said that, what I wish to speak with you about is some of your comments and observations I hear and see in your interviews and posts over the years concerning the Lightworkers, which may, or may not, be the shared consensus of the Light Forces and Resistance Movement.

    Perhaps it's just me, but I get the distinct impression that we're seen as a disappointment to all of you... that it's our fault everything is taking so long and The Event is being pushed to the last possible moment before planetary evacuation.
    The darks methods and means to keep us down and under control is far, far more intense and sophisticated than in Jesus's day. It's nearly impossible to hold and maintain our Light under such conditions, yet many of us have managed to make it this far.
    I've made it 55 years thank God, and think we deserve a little more credit and respect, especially volunteering for such a dangerous and nearly impossible mission such as this. Why aren't we being given the benefit of the doubt... that maybe the Light Forces underestimating the amount of dark anomaly is directly the reason our Light got sapped. I believe we had more than enough Light coming into this incarnation, but the underestimated amount of dark anomaly hurt our chances to have a more profound impact and affect. I feel like we're having to bare the brunt of responsibility for all the delays and disappointments which isn't right... and I hear it and see it in your interviews and blog COBRA. We didn't come here to be reprimanded and made to feel like we're a huge disappointment and let the Light Forces and Resistance Movement down. Certainly I can't speak for ALL of us but I feel I need to take a stand on our behalf and say that the Light Forces bare responsibility for all the delays too. Please don't just throw this in our laps like we let everyone down... that's irresponsible and frankly, it's a cop out. Perhaps there was more the Light Forces could have done to help the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds in a more direct way to help us be stronger in our missions and shine our Light brighter like they did for Jesus... but we'll never know now because we're cut off and on our own down here. And that's my point... we came in completely cut off for the entire duration of the mission in a harsh, brutal and dark environment. Completely the opposite of what we're used to in the higher realms in our Ascended state.

  35. Pt.2

    What I wish to emphasize is in the way you sometimes communicate and talk about your fellow Lightworkers.
    COBRA, you and I both know that when it comes to the Lightworkers, they need positive feedback from you, as well as the Lightforces and Resistance Movement. They need positive assurances and affirmations which in itself inspires and motivates. I get the sense that you're all disappointed with the Lightworkers, yet you yourself have admitted that we're targeted the most and chipped with the strongest biochips to keep us from reaching the higher vibrations and frequencies... our true potential.
    From what I gathered in this latest interview, even Jesus had more direct interaction and help from the Galactics along his life path to help dissolve his implants faster than anyone else since, and even had access to ET technologies to help with his mission and miracles. I can SEE it and envision it very clearly and am proud of what he was able to accomplish.
    WE on the other hand, don't have the luxury of direct interaction or help from the Galactics in any way... we're completely cut off from a physical standpoint which just leaves us to our own devices. Also, Jesus wasn't chipped in order to be under 24/7 surveillance. There is so much more dark anomaly and technology against us at this time than there was 2000 years ago. The odds have been completely stacked against us already before we even arrived here.
    The liberation and Ascension mission seemed to be a well thought out plan, but like any plan you can't foresee ALL the variables when it comes to free will in a system that is designed to disconnect us from source and distract us from awakening and reconnecting. WE were meant to use our collective Light, will, and intent to break this corrupted system from within. Yet, at the same time we're supposed to fit in which isn't easy for Lightworkers because we're empathic and absorb a great deal of energy from orhers... good and bad. We're pulled into the dramas of this incarnation and all experiences are unique to each individual Lightworker. We didn't come here to fail in our missions and get reprimanded for it knowing how difficult and dark this place is compared to where we came from in the higher realms as Ascended beings.


    "Debra: Okay, what percentage of Lightworkers were Ascended masters before incarnation on 3D Earth?"

    "Cobra: Actually, all of the Lightworkers were ascended long time before they came here. And they went through very strong implantation process and strong forgetting process."

  36. Pt.3
    We're doing the best we can under extreme circumstances you guys.
    Would you COBRA, Light Forces and Resistance Movement members want to trade places with any of the ground crew of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds and go through every experience WE have from the moment we got here? Probably not... that's why we were chosen or volunteered, because we knew it would be hard and nearly impossible... but it had to be done.
    So I think WE deserve a little more respect for taking on such a difficult task. I myself know that I've made numerous mistakes and bad decisions that make me cringe just thinking about them. I'm willing to do the inner work and own up to them. But that doesn't mean I've failed in my task to hold and spread the Light. I've gone through many experiences which are a mix of both negative and positive, but it seems the negative ones have somehow affected me the most and as a consequence my Light has been diminished substantially along with my confidence, self esteem, and energy. I didn't mean for this to happen... none of us meant to lose our Light along the way. I wish I could go back and do many things different and perhaps have a different and more positive outcome, but I can't. All I can do... all WE can do is hold the little Light we have left after exhausting ourselves to help awaken humanity and liberate this planet. I'm sorry I didn't do more or make more of a profound impact to help speed up the process... but the odds were and are very uneven in this current matrix.


    "Debra: Yeah, obviously. Can we assume that some people have more biochips than others? And if so, how does this impact them? For instance, are biochips embedded more in asleep people versus awakened people? And can they be passed from person to person?"

    "Cobra: I would say that the most powerful Lightworkers have received stronger biochips because the dark forces wanted to control them more. And I would say that most of the regular surface population have just, I would say, generic basic biochips."

    All I'm asking is for all of you to give us the benefit of the doubt. The process taking this long is NOT entirely our fault, overestimated or underestimated WE deserve a little more credit for the efforts each of us is making to try under extreme circumstances to hold what Light we have left to get everyone to The Event and beyond. I cannot stress enough that Ascended beings willingly taking on this mission under such abusive and dangerous conditions should be taken under serious consideration and we should all be commended for making this far... not made to feel like it's our fault the plans have changed from a three wave to a one wave evacuation at the last minute. That's too much for anyone to take in and process.


    "Debra: Thank you for clarifying that too. So, speaking of the Event, I'd like to move into speaking a little more specifically about that, and also the Galactic Superwave as well. Can you explain more why the Light Forces have communicated that the process of the Event may be much more chaotic than originally expected? You know, many Lightworkers have imagined the Event as being a glorious moment where everything suddenly becomes better, which sounds like a rather unrealistic expectation at this point. So can you offer us clarification that may be a little more realistic?"

    "Cobra: Okay. The Light Forces have underestimated the amount of darkness on this planet and have overestimated the amount of light inside of the Lightworkers. So as a result of all this, it'll be much more chaotic. The whole process will be quite chaotic. People will go through quite intense processing. There will be a lot of dysfunctional behavior, but also there will be a lot of light, because light has not been present on this planet for thousands of years. And it'll be a big contrast between the light, which will be present and a very strong purification. So this is what is expected now."

    1. It would be the biggest coincidence that all the souls that volunteered to come here (as Cobra said all ascended) would turn out to be incompetent or lazy once they had come.. it could be a percentage, but all of them would be impossible.
      It seems to be more that the ability of the dark forces to neutralize us, by making our personalities be this way, was highly understimated. So whoever did that miscalculation is who would deserve the reprimand, if there has to be one.
      But I wouldn´t take this too seriously, this is only about the personalities, not about what we realy are, the souls..

    2. One of the 144k i loved your message, it's very much what i think to!

    3. @Don
      You also forget humans are genetically raped. Short lives, aging, sickness, injury, no super powers.....we are pitiful compared to both the light forces and the darkies.

      It's like sending a Ford Pinto to race against a Ferrari.

    4. we are aware of only a fraction of who we really are.. unfortunately that aspect we are aware of is inundated under so much illusion we thus cant operate clearly and with conviction as if we were truly awake. that was apparently a risk we were willing to take..although me understanding is that it was unknown how inundated we were going to be. the idea was for the call to be made and whoever could receive it down answer it. some did at different levels obviously as we operate with filters more some than others.

      yes the bad guys manage to make a fool out of us all imho. their game like any other game however has an end.

      unfortunatately our journey perhaps may have not been wholesome or pretty.. but we are at the last mile of it... wish we could be at our upmost potential but here we are battered and defiant... and still hopefull.. that at least should speak volume... our resilience if nothing else to highlight.. (even if we are a bunch of cry babies too lol... i had to add that last line :).. yes i grew it seems to become a cry baby unfortunately

  37. Pt.4

    "Debra: Do you know why so many Lightworkers are not willing to do the work to heal their shadows and traumas? In their mind they know it's important, but when it comes to actually taking physical actions and doing the healing, they're simply avoiding it?"

    "Cobra: No, I don't know that. I quite frankly do not understand the surface Lightworkers on this planet. There are many things they do which make no sense. So you need to ask somebody else."

    You have to understand COBRA, and this goes for the Light Forces and the Resistance Movement too. If you lose confidence in us... we lose confidence in ourselves and ultimately, the mission. I cannot stress enough that everyone here NEEDS constant affirmation and assurance that what we're here to do MATTERS to all of you and the mission. Perhaps it's just a 3D need, but the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds need to know you have our backs through the good and bad... and acknowledge that we're doing the best we can under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions. I think every Lightworker, Lightwarrior, and Starseed deserves every blessing and reward that was promised because this has been an exhausting incarnation physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Love and Light,

    1. Troy, I agree 100% with your comments. I support this blog but Cobra's comments sometimes appear to place the disappointment on light workers.

    2. Your posts above are the best comments on this Blog in 10+ years and I personally thank you for them. You've spoken from my heart. I often feel this contradiction myself. On one hand the Light Forces KNOW! that they underestimated the dark. They themselves said it many times.They have all the technological advantage compared to us, they are not immersed in this dark goo down here, they are not plagued by short lifespans, illnesses, and the survival battle like we are. Yet, any time they are unable to deliver on the promises they've made to us, they always just say; "Oh, we underestimated the threat" and that's it. No further apology given to us even if we completed what they asked us for, like GR++ meditations. We are left disappointed every time. We have no choice but to accept and wait. And what do we get on another hand. That we don't want to hold the light and work on ourselves. My question is, if they with their fancy technology and advantages still underestimated the difficulty, how fair is it to make such cold-hearted comments about the lightworkers who are battling the dark forces down here totally defenseless without all those technological and other advantages that the light forces have. It's not at all fair and it's downright cruel. Victim blaming is not something I would expect from the Light Forces. Especially because they ought to know better than anyone what a horrible battle this has turned out to be. Any lightworker who's been at it for decades like yourself (and I am going on 45 myself so I've been at it for many decades) know that any time we try to evolve and raise our vibe, it attracts the dark and then we get attacked and blocked from every angle. The more we try, the more they get attracted to the light like moths to suffocate it. Even Cobra knows this, because he himself said it. So that in itself should answer Cobra's question about why we don't use the tools. I will tell you why. Because I am traumatized. Because any time I try to work on my shadow and raise, someone dies in my family unexpectedly, I get into horrible attacks, and lose everything to the point that I hang by a thread, develop weird out of the blue illnessess, lose my home and work, my kids get threatened and attacked, and so forth.

    3. Yea, the light forces are giving us the Vietnam veteran treatment is that is the case, blaming us. And many of those guys who did fight in 'nam, were not even willing. There was a thing called the draft...many of them were FORCED to fight....and many of them were not even old enough to vote at the time, surprise, surprise. And the ones who did not die a horrible, pointless death, they returned home, totally abandoned, with tons of trauma, and spat out like a piece of used gum.

      I think these video clips fit me to a tee, I feel like Rambo on a daily basis....minus the epic hair, the chiseled physique (ascension symptoms took whatever away I had managed to achieve), military training, weapons, etc. Though, as I said, I did not volunteer for this....I was most likely a fighter, but for REAL fighting, not this 'hold the light!' BS....but out there, among the in Star Trek, The Last Star Fighter, Metroid, etc. <---- I'v e had MANY breakdowns like Rambo did.....even worse, sometimes, crying, SCREAMING to the aliens to just TAKE ME BACK HOME. I never wanted to come here, I never volunteered to come here. I'd never volunteer to come to a fucking GULAG, where one has to live like a demeaning slave, just to survive....and somehow one is EXPECTED to take on the evil empire with NO weapons, NO super powers, NO intell, NO supplies, in pitiful, genetically raped human bodies, and IF we voice our opinion, or ask for help...the 'TRUE warriors/workers of light', aka 'the happiness patrol' call us whiners.....cry babies.....agents for the darkies......saying we're giving away our powers.....not living up to our true selves.....and the rest of the Full Metal Jacket treatment. Yea, any wonder why WE are such messes....and I'm not talking some sexy, drugged up mess you see more glamorous rock stars are depicted as. More like the abandoned war vets who are laying in some back ally, or sitting in the corner of some room in a house that make cheap roach motels look like a palace type messes.

      To the Light Forces <------
      I want the light forces to LOVE US, for once.....and for them to PROVE IT!!!

      To the Darkies (and to the Light Forces if you leave me here on earth to rot) "God would have mercy on you......I WON'T"

      Light Forces, this you might wanna pay attention to.

      And some people ask WHY I'm pissed off?
      *drops mic and walks of like Rambo did at the end First Blood Part 2"*

    4. I agree. Ihave beengoing outside at night for over ten years and seen many so-called light ships. They have shown mea holographic celtic cross [ about 30 feet in diameter] and other signs suggesting I could be a member of the order of the star. No matter how much I ask for their help they have done NOTHING. I personally have felt like a sitting duck being attacked at will and often. I know many of us are going through this. Cobra said the chimera would kill us if the light forces attempted first contact. My question is why have they not killed us yet in retaliation for them being destroyed in the central sun? I am strongly believing the light forces do not exist and their will always be a reason for them not to contact us. I really hope I am wrong. If they do not exist then the signs they have shown me are a deception. The only thing which will convince me they exist is more help and first contact { even telepathically would be good] . Regardless I will always hold the lioght to the best of my ability. Victory of the light.

    5. agree very much with all what you are saying. Besides everyone knows we need to have a clear inner guidance to do something, to proceed with actions, to search for healing etc. Unfortunately this guidance is missing, there is so much, too much entropy and anomaly and still too much dealing with darkness, dark attacks, even in dreams. All life force goes to deal with that. Clear support of the Light forces in daily life is so much missed.

    6. Cobra was just telling the truth.

    7. I agree with most of what you stated. I too don't understand why the LF overestimated the lightworkers with all the implants and programing that we have to deal with. And don't forget how we are blocked from the Source.

    8. @One OF 144K
      Dear Troy,
      I understand what you are saying. And you have some good points in your comment.
      Obviously the Lightforces made mistakes by underestimating the degree of darkness on our planet.
      They were tricked and deceived by the dark forces.
      I am thinking of especially their 1996 total occupation and control of our planet.
      This has thrown the liberation timeframe far back, by creating so much obstacles. And it has made our life and the lightworkers', starseeds' spiritual mission more difficult.
      But, even after 1996, the Lightforces still haven't had the full awareness of th degree of evilness on our planet.
      How could it all be? I don't know.
      Perhaps because, they are benevolent beings living in light and simply couldn't imagine, that the dark force would come up and surround our earth with such a frikish, powerful and very dangerous technology layers upon layers to secure their control,.. thinking they will never loose.
      I also can imagine that some lightworker do things which sabotage their work and their growth. But, mostly unconsciously.
      Remember ?
      Cobra told us that the lightworkers made stupid selfish mistakes too. Especially during the capitol riot, in January 2021..when we lost a good chance.
      And he mentioned Covid too.l
      Yes, we all need encouragement. And to be fair we do get it after our successful global mass meditations. And when the numbers are lower, he is still positive about it.
      And again,.. Remember this?

      "Cobra: Okay. I would like to say that those who are still maintaining and holding the Light are very courageous and brave beings and very powerful beings, because there have been so many tests, so many challenges, so much disappointment in the last few years, that those who are still holding the Light are heroes of the new society, and Victory of the Light! "

    9. @One Of 144k
      Actually reading Cobra's compliment, because it says it all, I have decided to put it on the wall! 😍🤩

    10. Hello. I don't understand why you need to be recognized by Cobra, or the light workers in general. He just dryly writes after years of waiting for the toplet bombs to be removed, that the event will not take place again after their removal, because... And live here as best you can. I guess we can't expect him to lick our wounds on this site. It is necessary to distinguish what exactly he meant by that he does not understand light workers. He meant that he was sorry when the light forces released protocols to help with healing and the light workers ignored it, didn't use it. And yet they complain, this is what he meant. Of course, I would have an answer to this as well, which would include everyone involved, not just the so-called "incompetent and eternally complaining" lightworkers on the surface of the planet. Many of them, when they saw how successful mass meditations "worked" and later it was explained on this website that it was also caused by a lot of primary anomaly, so they approach different protocols accordingly. Everything is simply reflected in everything. I am also disappointed, but aside from that, I have to say that this website is the only one that informs - albeit to a very limited extent - about the real situation. This is how it should be taken - that it informs to a limited extent for strategic reasons - operational strategy, further because light workers on the surface have really limited options when it comes to how to use information and also certain information regarding the safety of light workers on the surface. In reality, the situation will be a little more complicated than the lightworker reads on this site, and on the other hand, there is more intervention going on for the good of lightworkers on the surface than is written on this site. I know that one hundred percent. Everyone involved is frustrated to some degree, both Cobra and us on the surface of the planet and equally the power of light. But for the most part, for every aspect that causes frustration, I personally have an answer that includes everyone involved. The situation is really complex and causes various misunderstandings and frustrations.

    11. To be honest 50 % of the comments on this site are retarded comments, seems they are not even real people.
      This is bothering me alot. Seems alot if them are in Disneyland and others are talking about weird subjects that are not even connected to anything in this blog. And even some are talking about personal situation alone that now one can even understand what is the meaning of there comments because they just talk about anything without context.

      About the protocols many lightworkers have done what they can and some a little to much and they got attacked by any means to lower is vibration. Maybe in the current situation this will less append but i feel the light forces didn't understand how easily a lightworker can be attacked and manipulated and many are now not doing any of Theses protocols for protecting themselves form retaliation from the dark side.

      I hope now things will get better and that the biochips are less effective soon. When the biochips will decrease power lightworkers will certainly be more active.

      But i agree with you radovan is a complex situation.

    12. Do the Light Force have anyone in the leadership that reads our comments? If they did there would have been NO WAY they could have overestimated us.

      I have my doubts that they listen to anything Cobra has to say at least not the group in charge. He should be one of the main personal they (the leaders) maintain contact with. He is the bridge between us and them, it doesn't look like they take full advantage of that. Cobra can relate to much of what we go through ... the LF can not.

      If they are not reading our comments they need to assign someone that is connected with the leaders to do so now.

      The LF really has NO EXCUSE for not knowing how we would react, not with the comment section of this blog being here for OVER 11 YEARS!

      Insert happy waving guy here ...

    13. @Starseed
      I did NOT follow ANY covid rules, and because of it, people who USED to be my friends, now see me as some modern day leper. I have paid a high price, indeed.

      As for January 6, I think, most strongly, it was a set up, a false, flag, a trick. I think one of the guys who instigated it was one of Nancy Pelosi's in-laws. If Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry have relatives in big places in Ukraine, I can see them also having relatives infiltrating protest marches as well. So, blame the darkies, and their stooges, NOT us.

      Oh, what I would give for both a med bed to restore me to my true self, AND for a REAL weapon.....a phaser, a light saber, or at least a well constructed machine gun or a Robocop pistol. Let me have SOMETHING.

    14. @Sherman
      "I feel like Rambo on a daily basis....minus the epic hair, the chiseled physique (ascension symptoms took whatever away I had managed to achieve), military training, weapons, etc."
      And Charlie Brown feels like Barbie Doll without the golden locks, girly features, the perky boobs, the wasp waist and slim physique. Pfffff

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Nick Kyrios is out of the tennis for over 6 months, and he is still out. Hello, he became Illuminati. He became very dark. If you think they will "let" him play any tennis, it's pretty much over for him.

    As for Lightworkers, boy I could tell you dark stories about Lightworkers. Very, very dark. I don't mix with them at all any more. I got rid of ALL Lightworkers from my life 20 years ago. If I was to tell you the entire story of what these Lightworkers were doing, and pretending (they were English)... although there was one who I believe was genuine. No two actually... but the rest, it was quite a tale.

    But Trump, I fail to understand this. I am 100% Trump. If there was anything dark, then the dark side would jump all over it. They have nothing. I believe there is nothing. I spoke to my guides and like me, they have nothing. What darkness is there? So I don't really understand that.

    1. My personal view is that Trump certainly has done a lot of good, and absolutely is better than Biden etc.

      However he did promote the depopulation shot and then never really said "no, I was wrong, don't take the shot." Undoubtedly people died because of that.

      I also have a hard time believing that he became president in 2016, and now we're still living like this in 2023, and Trump couldn't have made choices that would have expedited things or improved people's lives more. I'm not saying Trump is evil, but maybe he got fooled a few times or he lacks some backbone or something.

      Then there's just the fact that if he donated 80% of his fortune, he could give thousands of people a better life and he'd still be able to live a good life. If Jesus was a billionaire, don't you think Jesus would give at least some of his money to the poor?

      Again, not saying that Trump is evil, but I don't think he's a perfect man either.

    2. I believe there is something with Trump like his ties with the black nobility that Cobra pointed out on this blog. As Cobra pointed out Trump can be influence by both the dark and the Light.

      I applaud Trump when he does good, but I don't give him a free pass when he is wrong on something. Unlike the trumpsters, I stay on the side of Truth/Justice instead of worshiping the person believing they can do no wrong. I don't believe he is evil, but he is not the all knowing savior people make him out to be.

    3. I had a feeling if Trump did not promote the vaccines, he'd get 'suicided', or his family. I also heard the first batch were harmless, since they were rushed.

      I'm dissapointed he did not have Hilary arrested, and, in 2020 or 2021, he said current medical tech would be obsolete, suggesting, perhaps, MED BEDS...but, alas, nothing.

  40. Now they have drones over me. Flew right over and parked off to the side watching me. Lord.

    Still, better than the helicopters...hehe

  41. Father Absolute – Window On New World Galactic Help

  42. Dematrix yes yes yes!! Keep trying! Let freedom ring around the world!

  43. The box is a door
    & the keys ride on waves

  44. I was writing from another phone earlier so want to explain myself better,, I truly truly don't understand 2012 blog and people behind it,, I don't understand why is so much difficult to make monthly like Internet Conference= Interview with people who read this blog instead same people who ask same question and everything is always same =I'm talking about Debra and rest of people who host the Cheef Cobra (ha ha),, it comes so hmmm crazy that one comment below Cobra post was saying like,, Cobra how can you say you where wrong by thinking event will happen after Tolley bombs are removed? That person is crazy and your silence is wrong. David Wilckok had exactly what I'm talking about =during his broadcast people could ask questions Tru comment's.In Live Mode . I don't understand why is so difficult to make mass meditation just for pure Joy and Fun,, I don't understand many things here anymore that push me further and further away from your Idea or Movement or whatever this blog is. I ask simple questions and get no answer like WTF I can see 24/7 projecting from my left eye = It is a Being or more(like I explained there is more but I can't see whole picture only sometimes when I look with my eye in way I don't look in normal every day life) but one I can see 24/7 and he is surrounded with all sort of things,, then people here on blog say it is Spider it is black holes it is Monster,, well it is Positive =very postive in my opinion,, is it my higer self is it my soul is it my guide is it some ex negative being?? Well I don't know I just have opinions about it but problem is I can't ask you or people behind this blog and that suck more then anything else. Why can't I smoke weed anymore???? Simple question???!?!?! I get so paranoid if I smoke it = think I get attacked so so so much more easily just if I smoke little little bit of Marijuana,, why is my heart pumping like crazy if I smoke it,, again simple questions and no answer and you dare to say from top of that mountain "I don't understand Ligntworkers on this planet" well I'm not one I'm just Me but I know for fact that I'm doing something very very very nice with my energy field and that is so Human and so Fun and so full of Joy what I'm doing so again I don't understand you and I'm not your crazy follower who would suck your ego and whatever else I'm just dude who likes to have fun and you and your Team are so SO So So complicated I don't understand you. If you guys where mathematics teachers you wouldn't be able to learn children how much is 2+2 and not how to meditate or how to find inner child or whatever else., and yes I'm little bit to harsh but be tankful to Universe I'm so kind to you guys in this message today. Tell to Mother Father thank you Smigl was so kind today to us. Because my not Understanding of You Guys is so so so deep you are same as Dark Forces to me = I will treat you Guys same as I would treat them and that is for today and tomorrow and forever and ever =that is how much I don't understand You.

  45. - Klaus Schwab: "We must recognize China as the best superpower in the world"

    The founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, ordered world leaders to accept China as the new world's leading superpower and hailed their tough "measures to combat COVID" as a role model for other countries.

    Speaking at the opening plenary session of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New WEF Champions in Tianjin, China, Schwab said that China should lead the "New World Order" and the rest of the world should follow him.

    "On this special occasion, it is a great honor for us today to have Your Excellency Li Qiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, here with us," Schwab told the Chinese audience.

    "Premier Li is the eighth Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China and a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China."

    "Premier Li has played an important role in opening up China's capital market, attracting foreign investment and innovation, and creating new urban areas to address land shortages.

    "China has achieved outstanding achievements in the economy, social development, diplomacy and many other fields."

    At the APEC 2022 summit in Thailand, Schwab told Chinese state TV channel CGTN that China's path to modernization over the past 40 years has been "a role model for many countries," but that each country should make its own decision about what types of systems to adopt.

    Much of China's modernization in recent years has involved the use of invasive technologies, mass surveillance, and predictive policing to implement a social credit system that punishes "bad" behavior and rewards "good."

  46. "Many of our naive compatriots are wondering: "Why won't Putin remove Shoigu?"

    The answer, as I see it, is in this video ( ?v=7I8K7ypOndE& The title of the video: "Helped Yeltsin to shoot the defenders of the RSFSR parliament during the coup of 1993, issued 1,000 Kalashnikov rifles to the rebels as the head of the Moscow Interior Ministry on a phone call from Gaidar - a Jewish economist who, together with a special commission of economists from the CIA, destroyed the Soviet economy in 4 years and carried out privatization, brought down the national currency thousands of times so that ordinary people could not participate in the acquisition of a share of factories and holdings previously owned by the state, which contributed to mass impoverishment following the example of the "Great Depression of 1929" and subsequent death tens of millions of people over the next 10-15 years - in peacetime."Shoigu almost swore an oath to Gaidar and his murderous reforms. He is a key figure in the coup of 1993, and therefore in the current power structure. Shoigu is a living proof that Yeltsin's regime = Putin's regime."

  47. "The Field Marshal said his word

    After a long lull, Shoigu decided to comment ( ) Prigozhin's campaign to Moscow.

    — Prigozhin's plans failed primarily because the personnel of the Armed Forces showed loyalty to the oath and military duty.

    — The provocation did not affect the actions of the groups of troops. The servicemen courageously and selflessly continued to solve the tasks assigned to them.

    Shoigu does not answer the main question:

    Where was he during the military mutiny? Why didn't I appeal to the army to be faithful to the oath and defend the state system?

    The TV has already conveyed to the population the construct that everyone is well done for not allowing a civil war. But today the Field Marshal himself puts a winning point in the oligarchic turmoil.

    Again, the estate principle of public administration. Proximity to the tsar gives political immunity. Sergey Kuzhugetovich turned out to be closer to the monarch.

    Therefore, in public discourse
    , the defeat of Prigozhin and the victory of Shoigu, who is one with the crown, are indicated.

    Aptitude is nothing."

    Loyalty is everything.
    Comment from yourself: judging by the fact that Shoigu, like Gorbachev and Yeltsin, are a knight of the Order of Malta, I can confidently say that he is embedded in Western "hidden structures of coordination and management" (they are also known as Deep State) through occult elements, as a variant of Freemasonry, which has been revived and openly exists in the vast Russian Federation after the dismantling of the USSR.


  49. I would like to share something here… I’m from India and as usual like any other person have done what society wants us to do. Whatever anyone can think of.
    Then one day a person was talking in the office and he mentioned that there is an old tradition (used to be followed by people of North India), that does a ‘coming of age’ ritual when a person completes 60 years. As per him (whatever he remembers) that humans learn whatever they can, put it to practice, make mistakes along the way… till they reach 60 years of age and then they reach adulthood.
    After 60 they are true adult humans who can then go out in this world and act out of their knowledge and wisdom from the last 60 years. Even then it’s a learning curve.
    The reason I shared this story now is that the light forces do not understand the surface light workers. I think this was the game plan of the dark forces all along. We are basically still children or in our teens metaphorically speaking and how can the Galactic Federation expect us to act like adults?
    So dear light forces and galactic federation, please understand that we may be in our 20s, 30s, 40s or even 50s but we are still learning, even though we are star seeds. And our learning is the most difficult in the galaxy, because most of the time we learn only from other children (again metaphorically speaking). So even people who have reached 60 or more have incorrect knowledge to work from.
    This is why Cobra says that after the event we will all be shocked when the true teachings are finally revealed to us.
    So please give us a break and don’t criticize us, because after-all we are still children and we are waiting for the real adults to come and rescue us from this madness.

    1. This is so true, we are children. I heard the galactic age of adulthood in earth years is 70. Then we start to grow up.

    2. One problem, Aditya
      Humans, thanks to the darkies raping our DNA, have pitifully short lives....complete with deterioration, aka aging. Most humans die off before getting to 100, and those that do are often frail, withered mummies by that time. And 60 is often 75% of an average person's life, and a lot of people are falling apart even before 60.

      I hate being human.

  50. They are doing a Davos WEF type meeting during summer, called Something Something "New Heros"... so I assume it is all full of New Heros, and the people there are all BRICS nations, and they are all Chinese. Yes, the Indian nation, who knew they were Chinese, and the African nation, they too are all Chinese. The whole meeting is completely Chinese, so I assume these New Heros are also Chinese.

    The guys talking about this also look Chinese. Well, I'm confused. They are American? Anyway, they are up to no good and God I'm tired of all these losers trying to have authority over us; I mean no one voted for them. And they have such good names to call themselves, New Heros. Any one fooled?

  51. "From a commoner:


    What did Prigozhinsky nedoputch reveal on June 24 this year? How do ordinary Russians read its results?
    Well, in a nutshell...

    Firstly, everyone saw that it was possible. And if Prigozhin was able to raise the anti-oligarchic wave to a fairly high level, then many will want to repeat it.
    You'll want someone to repeat it.

    Many who claimed that "Putin is our everything" decided that "Putin is everything." So the new eulogies from Volodin that June 23-24 will become "days of unity and consolidation of Russia" look like banter.

    Many have seen that the Russian law enforcement agencies are, if not a sinecure, then they are definitely inflated to the limit (or to lawlessness?) exclusively for the purpose of wearing uniforms, sawing budgets and violence against their own people. They are not able to solve the security problem.

    It has become even more obvious that the country is led by a bunch of elders who have usurped everything that is possible, have long been detached from reality, are sitting on chests of gold - and they don't care about anything else.

    Many also saw that the court okhlos was so spoiled (not only by temptations, but also by fear) that immediately after June 24, like an ostrich, he stuck his head in the sand, leaving a naked propaganda-lackey ass outside.

    It was revealed that official propaganda is synonymous with "circus with horses", and its leaders are either magicians or clowns. That Mr. Peskov is not a demiurge of the Russian media, but an ordinary one...

    Finally, many realized that there is no classical state in Russia. There is only the so-called "administrative vertical", privatized by some organized criminal groups. Accordingly, the coolest organized criminal group (PMCs "Wagner") decided to present its claims to the "bratva".

    The events of June 24 of this year also showed that the idea of justice is in demand in the Russian Federation so much that the Russian popular majority is ready to support at least the devil with horns if he promises people to achieve justice and demonstrates this promise with concrete actions."

  52. "There was a lot of information about the provocation at the Zaporozhye NPP.

    "According to information from operational sources, tomorrow 05.07.2023, at night, the APCs will try to attack the NPP using high-precision long-range means. As well as kamikaze UAVs.
    At the same time, Ukraine will drop ammunition loaded with radioactive waste removed from the South Ukrainian NPP on 03.07.2023 from an air carrier to one of the military airfields in the south 404.
    The backup plan for the release of radioactive substances provides for the use of the ToccaU missile system, with a warhead filled with radioactive substances.

    The information was made public with the consent of the special services," they report ( ) in TG.

    "The United States and NATO are preparing a provocation with an attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, accusing Russia of an environmental disaster in the center of Europe. The goal is to save the AFU from defeat by sharply escalating the conflict to the global level with the justification of the need to introduce international "peacekeepers" to Ukraine. They are going to do this in the coming days, so that at the upcoming NATO summit in a week they will decide on the deployment of their troops, as if to protect environmentally hazardous objects," he adds ( ) Sergey Glazyev.

    Everything is in Hollywood style – in the West, an announcement was announced that the villains (Russians, of course) would blow up a nuclear power plant on their territory. Why do we need it – because the villains (malicious laughter is attached). The level of thinking of comics.

    What can be done about it? Just prepare to repel the provocation. No "international institutions" and "international experts" from Western countries will help us. An appeal to the UN, WHO, UNESCO and Sportloto will not help.

    In theory, Chinese experts could help, but they will immediately be recorded as accomplices.

    So only yourself with God's help."

  53. The Sirius Portal
    Usable higher dimensional energies from July 4 to 7.

    "The God Star Sirius is a focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy".

  54. The Cobra Map :


    Updates :

    Interviews :

    Conferences :

    Meditations / Activation's :

    The Light

    The Matrix

    Full Disclosure :

    Save The Children :

  55. Meditation is required to stabilize the situation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

  56. Debra: Yeah, I mean, most people don't consciously think their thoughts, right? So that's interesting. While I'm on this topic, what about the Light Forces, can they see and hear everything we experience and can they also read our thoughts?

    Cobra: They can, if you give permission, and if it is beneficial for your protection or for your growth.

    Debra: Okay. Is there a way that's best to communicate with the Light Forces? Is that by talking to them out loud or talking to them in our mind?

    Cobra: It is mainly better to talk in your mind because then the dark forces cannot spy on this so much. So it's easier and better to just do it mentally at this point.

    I'll make it official ... the Light Force and my 1221 team have my permission to read my thoughts when it is beneficial for my protection or for my growth and I will always do it mentally.

    All here shall bear witness.

    1. I think they always read your thoughts...
      Whatever you are thinking, they are always aware of it.

    2. @Spirittoo
      SAME HERE. You gots my permission, light forces....and yo have for on and DO something.

  57. For those who are interested, a great divine story for today, July 4th. Apologies for the length! The screenshot of the story is combined with the receipt at the end of the story:

    July 4th, 2023 12:15 PM

    "Beautiful divine story. Today I kept getting in my mind's eye that I should go to the store (I saw the store's name). But I thought this would be too much of a hassle and it's relatively hot ouside and I'm still a sunburned from a few days ago.

    But when I started making the food I got this urgent energy in my body that was so sad. So I turned off the stove and put things back and got ready to go to the store.

    When I got to street intersection to cross I got the sign to cross and a woman was yelling at the man behind her. She used some very colorful language. As I was riding by I yelled "BE NICE". I don't think they heard me. She wanted him to come out of his vehicle. Yikes.

    So after going down the sidewalk towards the plaza where the store was I finally learned the reason for being there. It was the nice man who was flying a sign from a couple of weeks or so ago. He needed parts for his truck and gas money.

    I didn't have either but I did offer to buy him whatever food he wanted at the store. This was the same guy I was guided to leave home for to help. And now it was happening again. I approached him and recognized him but didn't recall his name.

    I 'took his order' so to speak and got him everything he asked for. As I was walking around the store I kept getting this energy tightness in my head which I've learned means to go a different way, do something different in the context of where I am.

    So I picked out this and that for myself and eventually checked out. When I saw the time on the receipt I almost couldn't believe it. It was 11:11.

    I brought the kind gentleman the food and drinks and we chatted for a bit and I told him about how 11:11 is a good sign.

    Screenshot of story with receipt:

    Thank you for your time and Victory of the Light!

    1. Apologies about grammar & punctuation in the story. I wrote it down and didn't really go over it.

  58. Another earthquake here, and one last week, and they all happen at 1am. Clearing out the DUMBs. And look what they found down the back of the couch. A 19 Billion dollar surplus. But they only reported it once and then NOTHING on the news. But we saw it; it is amazing when Narcissists aren't busy filling their pockets and keeping money, what this Australian economy can do! Lots of us getting money but still they keep raising interest rates. The poor people with loans, and you do realise it is all make-believe don't you? Paying all this money to banks? Oh, a few days ago a bank, no name given, but it stopped giving out money. You could get NO money out of the bank. How stupid.

  59. Rare X-Class solar flare wipes out radio signals in U.S.

  60. Saint Germain ~ Implants Being Removed


  61. Meditation for stopping Canadian wildfires

  62. All Confederation Posts :

    All Resistance Posts :

  63. Would be nice to see some indication that things are moving in a positive direction. For so many years we have been hearing great things are happening behind the scenes and the light is winning, yet the world continues to get darker and darker. If the dark was winning then the world would continue to get darker, and apparently even if the light is winning the world continues to get darker. So how do we even know the light is winning if the result looks the same either way?

    1. Things are moving in a positive direction. There's much more light now on the world than there was, and consciousness is higher. It's just that the more light and disclosure there is, the more darkness we see, and the more that the evil ones panic and become even more authoritarian.

      Also, this physical reality on the planet Earth is the final power base of the evil ones, and it'll be the last or almost last place to be purified. So how dark the physical world seems doesn't say much about how the light forces are doing in non-physical realms, which may seem unimportant to us but they're actually critical.

      I promise you that things genuinely are heading in the right direction. One day we will be free.

    2. I totally agree with you. It would be great to know what is happening behind the scenes or perhaps have a shred of evidence in 3D reality, so to speak. But hat the heck...keep on holding the light and invest in silver even if you are on the brink of eviction and you have no money to eat.

  64. Humans have had many, many opportunities to evolve and do the right thing. The abomination of desolation ruling this planet must be removed, for ever. Most humans are still seeking cheap pleasures of lust and money with no regards to creation. The creation moans in agony. The time for judgement is welcome. There are many, many souls deserving of a new beginning without the constant torturing of the Chimera upon the innocents, humans and animals alike. We are constantly reminded by the Chimera we chose our path by making choices. That is correct. Most humans have chosen to remain at very levels of consciousness. So be it, let's pray more souls find the true light before the harvest.

  65. "When the so-calledSVO, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, everyone remembers this, they went to Kiev in columns. The advanced units, despite the organizational mess, were already practically in the city in the area of Troyeshchyna. But at the same time there were heavy battles.

    The media picture looked like this: ordinary Kievans gave a massive rebuff to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, took weapons from dump trucks and successfully smashed Putin's troops. However, in fact, everything was completely wrong.

    For all 8 years, literally from the first days of the junta's coming to power in 2014, Bandera actively prepared for the march of the Russian troops to Kiev. GUR and SBU recruited ordinary office employees. They were offered the following: do you want to receive an additional $1500 salary? To do this, you need to be trained, learn how to shoot grenade launchers, MANPADS and other things, and then live an ordinary life, from time to time honing the acquired skills. There were about 10 thousand such office hamsters who mastered modern weapons!

    At hour X, they, being organized and structured, left for pre-prepared positions where weapons were already available. When completely unprepared columns led by the incompetent Shoigu and Gerasimov went towards Kiev (mobile phones were taken from everyone, and in return they were not even given paper cards), well-trained militants began to smash these columns with terrible force. Only the lead helicopter (this is the same K-52, which stood for a long time in the fields near Kiev and which the junta got almost intact) was fired 18 missiles from MANPADS.

    Pre-prepared militants, who were paid $ 1,500 a day these days, knowing that Putin and Shoigu had given the army an order not to shoot at civilians, stopped in civilian cars in the middle of the highway, blocked traffic and, hiding behind motorists in the traffic jam, opened fire on helicopters and aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

    And how many vehicles were destroyed on the march? We all remember the shots when these same office workers shot columns from the roadsides and rejoiced at the damaged tanks and trucks.

    The whole point is that these office workers are not Kiev residents who voluntarily rebuffed the "aggressor", but pre-prepared and well-trained militants. They were trained for 8 years, hiding behind Putin's uncontested Minsk collusion with the leaders of the sect of Ukrainians.

    It was not difficult to get this information before February 24, 2022. However, Putin's intelligence officers, special services and the military are so proficient that they could not learn about the training of about 10 thousand militants in 8 years, whose legend was perfect: an office clerk.

    And do you think at least someone was responsible for their professional aptitude? Nobody! Moreover, after the "troubles" with Wagner, it became clear that Shoigu, who embodies professional aptitude, is Putin's main treasure, which he protects like the apple of his eye. With such shots, Russia is getting closer to the edge of the abyss..."

  66. "What is the difference between a sectarian and a normal person? Lack of critical thinking. If the leader of his sect speaks to a sectarian in black and white, the sectarian will never doubt the correctness of the leader's opinion.

    The entire information space of the so-called Ukraine is filled with information about the explosion at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. From all the irons, the idea reaches the population that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have already mined the station and it is about to be blown up by the "cursed Muscovites".

    A sectarian, having heard such information from his leaders, will never ask himself a question: "And why will the RFOVS blow up a station under their control? Why would they do that?" The sectarian faithfully believes his leaders and does not ask any questions.

    If you think that sectarians are only in the so-called Ukraine, you are deeply mistaken. They're everywhere, they're everywhere. Sectarian thinking has swept the entire planet. Yes, their concentration on the territory controlled by Bandera is the highest, but there are also a lot of them among us.

    For example, the State Duma leader Volodin called on deputies to thank the President of the Russian Federation for resolving the conflict with Wagner. And all the state Duma members began to clap their hands. Those who perceive this Volodin nonsense at face value are no different from their Ukrainian brothers in mind. They will never ask Volodin questions:
    - So it was Putin who, having withdrawn himself from solving the months-long Shoigu-Prigozhin conflict, created this situation?
    - Did Putin appoint the incompetent Shoigu as defense minister?
    - Was it Putin who signed the Minsk agreement and thereby brought the situation to war?
    - Is it Putin who did not allow Yanukovych to disperse the Bandera Maidan?

    And in general, there are many sects of different orientations. When Gundyaev declares that if you don't believe in the coronavirus, then you don't believe in God - and after that, millions of his sectarians obediently put masks on their faces - is that not a sect? I think you can give many examples of different sects yourself.

    Don't be sectarian. Think, analyze, have critical thinking and always ask questions."

  67. 1
    "There are several lines of confrontation between the United States, Russia, China and the rest of the world in general. There is a line of interstate relations, it is connected with the fact that the United States is gradually losing its hegemony in the world system as a state and, of course, trying to preserve it. But they are trying to do this in a very sophisticated way – accusing China and Russia of violating the world balance, and exposing themselves as the object of the actions of these states. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The United States seeks to prevent the emergence of alternative options for geopolitical and socio-economic development.

    "The era after the end of the USSR is over, and now there is a deep competition for what will happen next. I don't want to downplay it. In many ways, we have had an era of extraordinary progress. But then, of course, we saw the appearance of large destroyers, which now, I think, are pushing us beyond that era. So we have to find ways to make sure we're not just in the room, not just at the table, but hopefully at the head of the table." US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (06/29/2023).

    But there is another point that needs to be noted. In the conditions of the global crisis, the world pie is narrowing. And global elites see a way out in dumping part of the world elite as ballast. Naturally, the global elites will first of all clean up the state, national-bureaucratic, regional and local elites. In fact, this struggle of the global elite with local, state elites openly started in October 2012 in Tokyo".

  68. 2
    "Then, on October 12, at a joint meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, IMF Chief Christine Lagarde announced that it was necessary to prepare a legal and moral basis for the expropriation of young money. By young money, she meant these young oligarchic elites who have risen in Brazil, Russia, China. Yes, she said – these are primarily oil workers and the bureaucracy associated with them. It has two initial impulses, and since the United States is a cluster of global elites, this is their home port, then, of course, all impulses come from here. In the first impulse, the main target is Russia. The second impulse is local elites in general. Therefore, there is nothing new in what the Americans have written in their updated program. This is how the situation will develop.

    Another thing is that the United States has no physical, primarily economic, opportunities to change this situation. The United States is coming from the history fair. This is precisely what increases the danger of such sudden nervous movements on the part of the American colossus losing hegemony, which is increasingly a colossus on clay feet.

    In the crisis of the 29th year, the United States entered a young and dynamic state capable of overcoming all kinds of economic and financial difficulties. Now they have neither the strength nor the vital energy for this. In addition, in the 1920s, the United States had a large positive trade balance and they quickly overtook Great Britain on the way to financial domination in the world. Now the US itself is increasingly lagging behind China in this regard. The West and its last leader, the United States, are at the very end of a cycle that lasted a millennium from the fantastic Middle Ages to the present day".

  69. 3
    "America's problem is that its elite has completely lost its adequacy. It is thoroughly ideologized and not functional. How it happened. This is the result of disconnected feedbacks on the trajectory of quantitative easing, which allowed economic and ideological bankrupts to evade responsibility. Is anything capable of bringing the Western elite into a conscious state, forcing it to act in line with real necessities? I'm sure not. The atmosphere of inadequacy is so thick and poisonous that any sprout of common sense in these conditions is not viable. When the entire economic and political environment is zombified, system stability is achieved only in the format of absolute disconnection of feedbacks. Any collision with reality is like death. It will not work just like that to burn out an inefficient business or remove idiots in power. The object is inoperable. Liz Truss is not an accident."

    What is happening is connected not just with the global financial crisis, but with the global crisis of the system of which the financial crisis is a part. In order for the world elite to solve their problems, it is necessary to remove obstacles on this path – to eliminate nation-states. TNCs come, and with it private military companies. They begin to push through their interests. Therefore, the destruction of nation–states, the destruction of their sovereignty and the creation of zones of controlled chaos is one of the main tasks of the North Atlantic elites in a crisis. They talk about this almost openly. At the same time, the intellectual servants of the world's elite are trying to convince people that the state is outdated, has outlived itself, it interferes with market efficiency, market rationality, the free flow of goods and capital.

    Over the past four centuries, as capitalism developed and expanded, its paladins and crusaders, the Anglo-Saxons, moving from west to east of Eurasia, gradually and consistently eliminated continental competitors. In the XVI century . Russian Russians played the "Chinese card" at the beginning of the XIX century, France (with the help of Russia and the Germans), Germany (with the help of the Russians) in the first half of the XX century, and the Russians (USSR) at the end of the XX century with the help of the "Chinese card". Today, the main global competitor of the Anglo–Saxons and North Atlantic elites is China, the easternmost of the Eurasian continental powers".

  70. 4
    "The capitalist system controlled by the North Atlantic elites has reached the limits of its development – it has exhausted its resources, bringing the Earth's civilization to the very edge. Therefore, for them, the creation of a new system is a matter of life and death. The new geopolitical configuration of the world as a whole and its main macro–regions is a necessary condition for the creation of a new socio-economic system.

    The final battle for Eurasia and the world and, it seems, the last Great Hunt of the capitalist era, among other things, is oversaturated with occult, mystical symbols. The looting of museums in Baghdad and Cairo and the theft or destruction of archaeological artifacts is far from accidental and very revealing, at least for those who understand the essence of events. Whether a new world will be born out of this fight (as we remember, "struggle is the father of everything") or everything will fly into the Tartarus of History – we cannot know".

  71. More progress of the Lightforces in June:

  72. Victory of the Light! I want you all to know that I love you all very much and please don't give up...keep fighting...we are almost there!!!

  73. I feel and see more light coming in. VOTL! 🌹 💜 😘

  74. Subquantum Interview Quotes :

    Biochip Interview Quotes :

  75. To Cobra & Team, i did not watch the lasted interview. We are on the ground getting MURDERED, locked down...daily more clear. WEF is marching along, no stopps, GERMANY is lost, run by them.
    March 4, 2023 Maria Zeee Media reported on CAC 40 15 Min cities, 0 Consumtption, AJ reported this week. If y dare to speak out, the German NWO Politicians likely will kill you! So, were is the help? emz, Munich

  76. Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra



    Debra: Let's focus a little bit and talk more about the situation on the physical plane. In the past, you have said that much of the interactions between the dark forces and the Light Forces were on the nonphysical planes. So really most of the surface population have not had any idea of what's going on. But now that the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface, does this mean that we'll see more physical visible manifestations of these interactions? And if so, what will that look like?

    Cobra: Actually, you can see that already, I would say “end times madness” is a manifestation of this: political polarization, threats of nuclear war; all that is a manifestation of the physical clearing.

    - Urgent meditation to dissipate the attack on Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant every 4 hours
    - Peace meditation for France
    - Meditation for Stopping Canadian Wildfires

  77. "Sound of Freedom"
    True Story of a Federal Agent Turned Child Protector

  78. Our part in the liberation process
    Crop circles consist of two parts:
    → Standing grain
    → Laid grain

    Both are necessary to form crop circles.

    The standing grain symbolizes the work of the farmer, that is, the work (mission) of the starseeds, their part in the liberation of the planet.

    The laid grain represents the work of the light forces, their part in the liberation of the planet.

    Both together produce the picture. One alone could not produce a picture, it would be meaningless.

    In addition, of course, the tractor tracks stand for the work of the farmer, that is, the light work of the starseeds.

    Most starseeds are not yet awakened. This is reflected in the fact that the tractor tracks are only extremely rarely included in the crop circle. This means that the light forces cannot work with the starseeds who are not carrying out their mission, or who are not connected to their Higher Self.

    Also rare, but much more common, are salient points of contact between tractor tracks and crop circles.

    This can perhaps be a reminder to us to do our part in the liberation of the planet.

    In the case of the crop circle to Sirius portal, there are several such points of contact.

    The particular point of contact, in my opinion, is the one that receives the energy that passes from the Sirius Portal through the Earth. This one "stands" or "hangs" on a tractor track. - Success depends on our active connection to the light.

  79. All Time after (now)
    is a memory
    Alive or not...
    Schrödinger's cat will always exist (in some form)
    The key for thinking outside the box

  80. Don't deify Orban. ! He is the biggest chart pusher, of the CHABAD DEATH cult.. Oh, and the Vatican bitch. --Another two -2- years and he will execute Hungary? Do you understand Benji ?!

    1. Fulfordra gondolsz?az 20éve irja usa csödbe jut.Orbàn?az meg egy tolvaly elmebeteg pszichopata.

  81. The American government lost a big case where it was shown that Free Speech was being removed because the Gov, the FBI, the CIA etc etc was meeting with Social Media companies to remove free speech. So they basically aren't allowed to collude with Big Tech anymore. Woohoo! Yep, it's been illegal all this time.

  82. Cocaine found inside the white house. Hehe.

  83. "I believe that even now, when the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are quite successfully defending and disposing of the Bandera reserves accumulated over many, many months, the war is going on in such a way that we will not see victory. And the victory, according to professional military men who are not associated with the Putin regime, is the exit of our troops to the Soviet-Polish border.

    How did the Soviet Union fight in defense? He exhausted the German troops, so that then, by bringing reserves into battle, he could launch a serious counteroffensive. A classic example of this is the Battle of Kursk. We ground the Hitler reptile in defense, and then went on the offensive.

    What do we have now? Defense for defense's sake. Even if it ends successfully for us, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not have reserves that can go into a counterattack and begin to liberate Russian lands from Bandera evil spirits. THERE ARE NO RESERVES! It follows from this that Putin's goal is defense and utilization of the population, but not victory. I will be glad to be wrong if it turns out that there are reserves. But as you know, there are no miracles."

    1. Russia has very high tech weapons they are winning the war and de nazifying Ukraine .. 5th gen fighters hypersonic missiles ..tanks etc. Now we need our whites hats to arrest all of.rhe NATO Nazis and Congress who are collaborating with the satanists!

  84. I think I understand why Cobra made some comments in the interview about lightworkers, their personalities etc. In the end I think he´s just trying to make people be aware and not be decieved by their personalities, and collaborate by doing the work as much as possible. And as saying it plainly didn´t work much in the past, then he tries a bit more by making such comments. It´s better late than never, and a little than nothing, regarding the work. Of course the personalities won´t like those comments, but the souls behind may wake up to try to achive the goal, which I think is his aim with this.
    I made some comments before where this can be implied, but they can be interpreted in other ways also

  85. Cobra look at this interview, jordan peterson interview about sex trafficking and they are talking openly about Adrenochrome
    I feel jordan will be very soon censure from youtube and big teck

    1. Adrenochrome is a psyop to make us look like idiots. To see who will believe a Pepe meme without question. To see who is a real conspiracy theorist and who believes anything. Adrenochrome does nothing that's purported. The effects are very unpleasant. It's not even illegal because nobody wants to take it. There's a health problem where a person's body makes too much adrenochrome and they feel horrible and certainly don't live longer. Especially the life extension effect is so dumb it's embarrassing people don't care to look up what it actually does. If it was enjoyable at all, people would have been taking it recreationally for decades, it would be illegal, and the cartels would be selling it. But you can just buy it, yet nobody does. And the children, how do they get it from them? Stick a syringe in their brain and draw it out? How are they doing this in dungeons? Nobody has proposed how it works and nobody asks questions. I've heard drinking adrenalized blood. That's even dumber than the other stuff. Y'all had dental surgery and swallowed even a few drops of blood lol? Good luck keeping that down. They use children for etheric emotional energy. But the cabal has sufficiently made that seem crazy by overriding it with this goofy psyop so now no one will take it seriously. They succeed again because they're much smarter than the surface population.

      Jordan Peterson is great at exposing the neoliberal agenda. He makes a great case for traditional values which are both scientific and common sense which is why they organically developed. But he'll never be censored because he doesn't expose the real cabal. He's talking about Mexican cartels or Japanese Triads trafficking children, just low level gangs ultimately. The cabal needs us to be distracted by fake bad guys like that so it's allowed.

    2. I wish I would say things in a nicer way. No need to be an edgelord ALL the time. In the last interview Cobra suggested we "make our personality more presentable." Yes sergeant. Especially if I'm getting a tachyon chamber, I need to be a respectable ambassador, not a smack talking internet-person. I'm trying to do better.

  86. Financial Reset Posts

  87. Army Research Labs Noteworthy News since 2020

  88. The reason why most people have given up and don't care is because they have a 100% belief they are going to what's the point. The galactics know they (aliens) aren't so will therefore operate differently, make different choices and conduct themselves in a different way

  89. "There is a certain subject in Kiev by the name of Arestovich. Intelligent, intelligent, educated. He served, and most likely serves, faithfully to Fuhrer Zelensky. At the same time, he remains Russian-speaking despite the tantrums of the Kulishovkom part of the population. I am sure that Arestovich, as an intellectual person, deeply despises Ukrainians deeply, and maybe even hates them.

    To prove my thesis about the intellectuality of Arestovich, I will give one of his quotes dated 2009 (source) ( ):

    "The Anglo-Saxons are imposing a new Crimean War on Russia - as another round of dismantling the Russian branch of the development of civilization.
    Of course, ideally, Ukraine needs to unite with Russia and give a joint response to the adversary.
    The whole nuance is not that the current Ukraine is led by a pro-Western government, but that the pro-Western government is led by Russia itself.
    There is no one to unite with.
    Therefore, in the near future, the Russians and I will kill each other, and the Anglo-Saxons will rub their hands."

    It's hard to object to him, isn't it? I am once again convinced of how criminal Putin's policy was in the so-called Ukrainian direction. It is Putin who is guilty of the fact that there is a war, people are dying. All this, with a competent policy, could have been avoided. Moreover, even now, by and large, nothing has changed. Russia still has a pro-Western president and a pro-Western government."

  90. INSANITY: American Medical Association declares WEIGHT measurement RACIST

    Nothing left but to laugh.

  91. "Do you remember all this Trotskyist scum, all sorts of rudy family, who were drowning with foam at the mouth for vaccines, muzzles and supported coronabesie in every possible way, while accusing normal people of the unscientific nature of their views?

    Here is the most scientific data: 73.9% of post-vaccination deaths are associated with vaccination.

    A new creepy preprint of a study in the scientific journal Lancet shows ( ), that the vaccine against COVID-19 is the cause of death of most people after injection, based on the autopsy results of 325 dead.

    This is an official accusation. The Lancet magazine is the most authoritative publication in the world of medicine."

  92. "How does a normal person differ from a sectarian? The fact that a person with HIS OWN BRAIN is looking for a cause-and-effect relationship in every event.

    It arrived in Lviv today. It flew in a lot. There is hysteria, curses against the Russian Federation, noise, uproar and other emotions. What would a normal person, a resident of Lviv, do? I would analyze the facts:

    1. In 2014, we staged a Russophobic Maidan in order to expel from our lands and kill the population who do not want to join the sect of Ukrainians. We were sure that we could easily deal with the unarmed majority. And we even had successes: we have conquered the cities of millions: Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, as well as Nikolaev and Kherson;
    2. We failed to conquer Donbass with gangs of armed thugs, so we sent an army to pacify it. And we had successes. We have conquered about 60% of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics;
    3. When we bent the Russians of these regions, we mercilessly killed them, including women and infants. So that we would not be accused of cruelty, we came up with a delusional story that Donetsk people are shelling themselves, that it was not us who shot a peaceful city with aircraft, but that it was the air conditioner that exploded, etc. ;
    4. We were sure that nothing would happen to us for our sadism. Putin's Russia is a sucker, to whom we put noodles on the ears on the pages of the Minsk collusion;
    5. Our confidence in impunity was based on the fact that we have a powerful West behind us, which will not let us be offended and wants us to join NATO and the EU;
    6. On February 24, 2022, 8 years later, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation still began to defend their own in the Donbass. But the West also gave signals that it would not leave us alone with the Russian army;
    7. Thousands of corpses of our husbands, sons and fathers began to come to us from the fronts. Where is the West? Where is NATO?
    8. Russians are firing missiles at our cities. West, where are you?
    9. Or maybe this whole Maidan, which was organized, politically supported and sponsored by the West, is a hoax? Maybe the West has divorced us like suckers to make cannon fodder out of us and fight with the Russian Federation with us? Maybe they've been raising us for 30 years, like we raise a wild boar, so that they can kill it later?

    That's how a person would think. But a sectarian will never critically analyze the actions of the leaders of his sect. Never. And this applies not only to the Ukrainian sectarians. Putin can also be asked a lot of questions. But that's another story."

  93. You Are More Powerful Than Me - Jesus 2023

    Beautiful! We love Jeshi!
    What he says is so true!

  94. Meditation to protect Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant

  95. in any future interview. may someone inquire about the Tartarian Empire or Giants... please

  96. Arrived Below – Remember
    Starseeds jumped off as paratroopers in flower of life formation.

  97. I was informed in the dreamstate/jvisionstate this morning that the scenario of the Event, and the subsequent pole shift and mega-tsunami will not happen. Instead, there will be a 1000 year period before leaving Earth. There is evidence supporting this from another, much less known contactee as well, who I've discussed before.

    Also, the actual time for the final trumpet of death to be dissolved will be the end of May in 2024. I thought it was this year, but I misread the chart.

    Am I being a hypocrite for giving timelines when I'm always against having the mind stuck in the future? Well, this is different because I'm not encouraging people to sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for something huge to happen while being continually disappointed, when months and years turn into over a decade and counting. The real goal changes to living in the here and now because 1000 years makes it ridiculous to be in waiting mode. It was ridiculous to be in waiting mode in the first place.

    Problem solved.


  98. Badlands



  99. Have you folks understood why there will now allegedly only be a few months between The Event and the Evacuation? According to what Cobra says, he doesn’t seem to know which year the Event will occur. How can he then know how many months will expire between the Event and the Polar Shift? This is not a rhetorical question, I want help in understanding. It may be that I have not studied interviews, articles etc well enough, and if so, I apologize.

  100. Falhas na 'matrix'. "Uma senhora causou alvoroço em um avião quando disse que o homem sentado ao seu lado e vestindo um capuz verde era um réptil. Um suposto "metamorfo."
    Fato semelhante aconteceu na mesma semana quando um homem britânico teve de ser retirado de um voo de Zadar para Londres.

  101. Food fraud happening in Europe. It's called HorseGate. Totally gross. Poland especially, which is shipped all over Europe.

    I watched the entire video, over 50 mins. And that is only a spec of what is out there. Just eat simple, don't eat out, buy simple things, don't eat out (worth mentioning twice), it's a real mess.

  102. 504 almost deflected. VTX is on good path, approaching to be met. VOTL! Roses 🌺🌹😘❤️

  103. What Cobra Could Have Said

    Cobra stated in his latest interview:

    "Debra: Do you know why so many Lightworkers are not willing to do the work to heal their shadows and traumas? In their mind they know it's important, but when it comes to actually taking physical actions and doing the healing, they're simply avoiding it?

    Cobra: No, I don't know that. I quite frankly do not understand the surface Lightworkers on this planet. There are many things they do which make no sense. So you need to ask somebody else."

    What Cobra could have said instead:

    Cobra: I understand that lightworkers have been harmed by the dark forces the most on the planet surface. Lightworkers have been attacked financially, physically, psychically, emotionally, and even sexually, so lightworkers are not able to process trauma effectively, especially when attacks are still continuing. Lightworkers are still encouraged to hold the Light the best they can, but realistically, this will not be possible in every situation until the negative interference is neutralized to an adequate degree.

  104. Quieres hacer algo positivo para que todos despertemos ?apaga la tecnología que hay en la luna y se romperá el velo,ya deja de echar culpas,todo sigue siendo una gran manipulación...

  105. Mira: The Earth Is Ready - The Pleiadian High Council

  106. I can only imagine what your going through Cobra. Your dedication to our planets liberation is unprecedented. I've followed you since 2017. I can not understand why you would have made public the date of 2025 as POSSIBLY the date of the Solar Flash. The broken clock is correct twice a day is the way i am seeing it.

  107. "Yesterday I heard friends talking to their relatives from the so-called Ukraine. You know, after 9 years of war in the Donbass, it is difficult to soften me. But yesterday I involuntarily plunged into the atmosphere prevailing there. To tears... It's horrible...

    The guy is 32 years old. Handsome. Smart, the soul of the company. I didn't suffer from any Russophobia, moreover, I understood that this whole pack in Kiev was killing them. An ordinary country boy. But in the countryside, especially in villages where from time immemorial the way of life was not industrial, but agricultural - there is its own specificity. It's very important there what people will say or think about you. Therefore, when the summons was brought to this guy in May, so that he would not be considered a coward, he did not run and went to the Bandera army.

    In the first days of July, he was killed. The arrival of the fortification in which he was - and that's it. He was buried the other day. The village degenerates, who, in fact, killed him, grieved, made fake speeches, called him a hero. But the family... as his mother screamed, she buried her second son. How his sister screamed. She was held when the coffin was lowered into the ground, she did not want it to be buried. How she screamed...

    I listened to the whole story and my heart bled... But this is our Russian gene pool. Yes, brainwashed, yes, with the roof gone. But in fact - Russian.

    I immediately remembered Putin's policy before the war, until 2014. At the beginning of the noughties, the border between Bryansk and Chernihiv or Donetsk and Rostov regions was conditional. I showed my passport and went. But the Russian Federation decided to tighten the regime. Russian Russians introduced migration cards and thereby made it clear to the so-called Ukrainians that they are not Russian.

    I remembered the Minsk agreement. Millions of people begged Putin to send troops and not give them to the junta to be torn to pieces. I didn't enter it. He gave it to the mercy. Moreover, all the propagandist bastards of the Russian Federation accused these people that they had risen incorrectly. And on February 24, 2022, when they finally decided to introduce troops, did anyone rise at all???

    And now, on Putin's orders, our army, mixed with Bandera, is killing those who begged to save them in 2014. A terrible situation.

    If I were a believer, I would be calm. I would live in the confidence that Putin and the people who made the decision about the betrayal of the Russians in 2014 would fall into the most terrible part of hell. But I don't believe...

    Having plunged into this horror, into the atmosphere of deadening hopelessness, it became even more obvious to me that the current government has not become a millimeter closer to the people. As they were occupiers, so they remain. There are no illusions about this."

  108. The plan of the star seeds
    Circle of planned unity as you go forward - The left leg of one is the right leg of the next.

    To my mind, the crop circle represents the collective arrival of the starseeds into duality on planet Earth to participate in the liberation of the planet. I see paratroopers in formation of sacred geometry.

    Perhaps it is a call to remind us of our mission.

  109. Faster into higher consciousness
    - Portals into higher consciousness
    - Higher dimensional energies [from the sun] for higher consciousness
    - Sacred geometry for higher consciousness

  110. Health Update and Regarding 5D

  111. This is all over the news. Germany to buy 100 Aussie made tanks from Brisbane. Great news! Worth a Billion.

    And then there was something called Robodebt. Scott Morrison acted illegally as our PM back in 2015. Why they called it Robodebt I don't know but it was about illegally asking for people to pay back debt to Centrelink who DIDN'T OWE ANYTHING. It was a big mess. What a fool and Scott Morrison was found to put forward this Cruel and Illegal mess. Scott Morrison is not on television; he's DENIED everything. What a bloody Nazi!!!

  112. Sergey Volynsky ( ) ("Volyn"):
    "We were kept "for propaganda" for almost a month in the catacombs under "Azovstal", where we senselessly lost hundreds of our fighters. And, probably, almost everyone would have died there if it hadn't been for the intervention of the Americans, who agreed with the Russians to withdraw their high-ranking officers from the facility in exchange for the surrender of the garrison."
    This should be the news of the day. Since the presence of American high-ranking officers on Azovstal was actively denied by everyone. Including the Kremlin, but now we have been deceived again.
    However, all the names were rewritten, the generals were interrogated. We are now waiting for details. It was discussed that there was either Cloutier at Azovstal ( ), ( ) whether Cadier. (


  114. I am looking forward to hearing about the Kyoto conference! I know it sold out really fast. I'm hoping Cobra might consider a conference in the USA. Maybe after things "start moving" in September and October.

  115. DEMATRX


    I would say I see a pinwheel, made from elements of the flower of life, with the purpose of bringing in higher dimensional energies.

    Then I think I see a pattern of duality.

    And further triangulation processes applied to the grid.

    Cobra said that it is expected that things could get more interesting from September/October when sufficient sub-quantum anomaly has been removed.

    Cobra: " Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of microtriangulation

    Messages in Cobra's blog using the term: "Triangulation":

  116. A Human Tendency

    I re-read the latest Cobra interview, and am no longer taking issue. It's true that human consciousness has the tendency take something that is perceived as negative, and focus on this more. This is called negativity bias:

    "The negativity bias is our tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events. Also known as positive-negative asymmetry, this negativity bias means that we feel the sting of a rebuke more powerfully than we feel the joy of praise.

    This psychological phenomenon explains why bad first impressions can be so difficult to overcome and why past traumas can have such long lingering effects. In almost any interaction, we are more likely to notice negative things and later remember them more vividly.

    As humans, we tend to:

    Remember traumatic experiences better than positive ones.
    Recall insults better than praise.
    React more strongly to negative stimuli.
    Think about negative things more frequently than positive ones.
    Respond more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones."

    Full article:

    I will be continuing to read the book "Mind Clearing," and Light continues to come through.

    Victory of the Light.

  117. This should really be updated every two days, even every three days. Press those couple of buttons. Update it. I feel rather controlled in here, with this control over us. It's not really free. It's rather dull. Well, I suppose we have to wait for a week for any updates to appear. Way to go and control the rest of us.

  118. Is anyone still breathing in here? Is there life?...
    ... just checking...

  119. Sigh. Nuthing to read here. I'll just head straight over to youtube I suppose.
    It's almost like we are supposed to lose interest and wander away. Why is this happening?

  120. Deadly virus heading to USA and Europe! No worries, there is no such thing as a virus. Germ theory is a big fake thing of the Narcissists. Just as the big headlines are starting... it's all fake. Anyone who still believes that virus' exist is mad. Oh, it has a VERY SERIOUS NAME. It is coming to get you.

  121. Na jó én nem vakerálok angol nyelven. ---Álmodtam az eseményről, nagyon szép színes álom volt.. Két napja, és nagyon meglepett az álom ! Sok mindenre már nem emlékszem ... (language-hungarian)
