Thursday, November 2, 2023

Grid ratio downgrade, VTX activations aborted


  1. Replies

      'The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.'

      Maybe again?

    2. Maybe it is related to the fact that shit just hit the fan in gaza and there is nothing that can stop that train now. Trump already promised a blank check printed by the FED to support the war in Israel if elected.

    3. It would be the most probable cause at this point. Even in this blog we are seeing many, many people begging to be taken off planet, since that info about the 80% being taken off because huge trauma.

      LFs must be facing the hard truth that they will be alone in this in the very near future, because people can AND ARE BEING broken beyond repair. Perhaps a certain "red line" there?

    4. owner and loc of original tip are btw brackets [ owner cobrapostdate+posttitleinitial ]. View original tip for more content. When providing an error tip please incl. the error msg.

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    5. @Juarez
      Would not be surprised. The people down here are being, it seems, treated like some asset in games like command and conquer...where they just get sent to keep fighting, despite being shot up and about to expire. At least on those games, the said assets have WEAPONS to fight back with. WE DON'T.

    6. Mindig van utánpótlás, szóval nem kell félni. El nem tudjátok képzelni, mennyien dolgoznak azon, hogy megszűnjön a rabszolgaság, és nem csak a fénymunkások akik dolgoznak ezen.Azok a fénymunkások akik meghalnak, azok jó helyre kerülnek, és jönnek vissza, mégjobban felvértezve. Minden rendben van, minden úgy történik, ahogy kell. A nagy támadások is meg fognak szűnni, mert ugye a háborúhoz is sok negatív energia kell, és abból sincs már olyan sok.

    7. -Psychic Abilities
      -Astral Projection/Lucid Dreaming, Hemisync: The Gateway Experience by the Monroe Institute
      -Remote Viewing
      -Occult Magick and thousands of grimoires, Franz Bardon works, Quareia, Arbatel, etc.
      -Manifestation abilities, Neville Goddard teachings, Law of Assumption, Law of Attraction, powerful mindset that "I AM" the Divine Source like all that exists and proper utilization of manifestation abilities and the required empowered mindset to have the desired life and even cause great changes for the world.

      I'm sorry, who are the "weaponless" lightworkers again?

      I suppose those who waste their precious time to log on at online forums, complain, whine, act like a victim and literally begging the Extraterrestrials who can't help in that capacity to beam them up instead of studying honing and practicing metaphysical/spiritual abilities?


  2. Wow... is this good news or bad news? 🤔

    1. Grid ratio explained by Cobra

      "The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia."


    2. After a mass meditation, when the critical mass is reached, GR+ or even GR++ gets posted.
      It's safe to say that that pertains to the Grid Ratio of lightworkers, as does this post, and not the grid of dark entities.

  3. looks like the dance party is over

  4. For the longest time Cobra has been saying "VTX requirements not met". If they are trying to activate it and failing, that's progress.

    1. Pensei o mesmo, é a primeira vez que vejo algo diferente sobre VTX


  6. According to what Kim Goguen said in 2020, it's not VPX anymore it is VPN and now related to KIMS. Look's like some people tried to access something that doesnt exist anymore for 3 years...

    1. It's all ludicrous her Intel.
      Only, the abraxis, the team, the those don't not how, and nothing the came out.

    2. I don't think Kim Goguen is credible, personally.

    3. Looked at the avatar Putin as something original. Or vica versa .

  7. Ich verstehe das so das VTX nicht mehr notwendig ist. Kann mich auch irren.

    1. VTX are (goddess-)vortexes.. They are obviously still VERY important!

  8. what to believe vtx activations are not necessary anymore.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Divide and conquer

  11. For the various instances of higher dimensional energies coming in, there are minimum requirements that must be met.

  12. VTX forse ha a che fare con la Griglia di Luce Planetaria. Sicuramente sono in atto già da tempo tentativi di attivazione. Il fatto che questo lavoro è stato interrotto può significare che in questo momento per qualche ragione hanno dovuto momentaneamente fermarsi o rallentare. Speriamo che presto ci saranno le condizioni per riprendere il lavoro di riattivazione VTX. Ma per quale ragione hanno dovuto interrompere? Forse è diminuita la Luce della Griglia ( ammesso che sia la griglia )? E se così fosse perché? È probabile che le basse vibrazioni prodotte dalle guerre in corso stanno influendo negativamente sul quoziente di Luce, un po' come è successo ai tempi della pandemia, quando LF ha dovuto intervenire con una Luce di emergenza. Sono mie supposizioni per cercare una risposta, nulla di certo.

    1. I like your theory! It makes sense that it's a momentary pause... and then reboot when the Light grid is at it's perfect moment to activate VTX.

  13. Terms of contract
    These are two contracts that most starseeds are likely to have made with the Light Forces prior to their incarnation:

  14. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

  15. خب اینا یعنی چی،چرا من متوجه نمیشم

  16. listen to my goddess healing music on spotify:

  17. With complete connection to the Higher Self and the I Am Presence applies:
    Nothing compares to you.
    On the other side applies:
    Since you left…

  18. Dear Cobra, after the ground offensive in Gaza on October 27th , are there any adjustments we can make to our peace meditation to stay up to date with the current situation? like visualizations of the flower of life or sending energies of protection for innocent civilians? We are ready to make as many changes as possible to be as efficient as possible with our meditation.

  19. How many more innocent Palestinian civilians women and children are the light forces going to allow to be murdered. Shame on the light forces for not intervening

    1. you probably have gaps in your education... I recommend you study history... the past of this planet is one big bloodshed... can you please remind me when the aliens intervened?

    2. @B

      Study the Dogon tribe of Africa, the Native Americans, not to mention India. They pretty much STATE aliens been here and intervened.

    3. @B anche tu hai delle lacune. Infatti se non fosse stato per LF noi eravamo già morti da tempo. Ci stanno vicino come possono e fanno del loro meglio. Anche loro non sono infallibili come dico sempre.

  20. Nothing new to add, just Ashtar saying we are very very close to disclosure now. I hope so. We're still hanging on.

    1. Seems like we are always "very close". I have been hearing "very close" in channeled messages for the last 20 years...

  21. A Reply to Sherman and Libra

    1. Does not help us at all, really.

    2. I've long given up on trying to change anyone, but this can help others who can see what I'm getting at.

  22. guys.. the username "life" posted this on previous post. It has good information regarding the Omega Grid (physical archons within black nobility.. and etheric archons).. speaks of the bioweapons threat and reasons why intervention did not happen during the world wars.

    The Omega Grid

  23. VTX. It was the Banks back office system. Previously controlled by the CIA. Dated from 1978. Big large cable network all over the planet making a huge mapping for the CIA to control everything. Since 2020 it does not exist anymore it is now called the VPN (virtual trusted network) from the KIMS system.
    Info taken from this Kim.Goguen video at 30:20..
    (Dated from 2020 but came out 3 days ago)
    Now my perspective on this is that some group was trying to take control of this system but clearly didn't know it was changed since 2020 so that's why we saw those VTX unstable etc on his blog and today the VTX aborted. They were trying to access something that were not existing anymore I assume ? Not sure...again it's just my point of view.
    Looks like there's a lack of communication somewhat between some groups.
    ***I recommand to everyone to watch the full video as well since it is very very explicative IN DETAILS on how the financial system used to work.

    1. Cobra has already said years ago - it's the Goddess vortex's around the planet, this video is nonsense

    2. Let's wait and see what Cobra will say about it.

  24. I dont know what vtx means.but i think grid ratio downgrade is not good.vtx activations aborted means LF are trying something else now.i hope this time they connect with light workers and give them healing,guidance and resources to reactivate light grid again.cobra said if one person get direct contact it will be very powerful and can accelerate the process.if you have many lightworkers like that then i think we will have a strong andunbreakable final push.what you guys think?

    1. no support for believers..they are not important..

    2. Hope, its pointless flogging a dead horse. The light forces have realised this.

    3. The light forces need to wake up and smell the mocha. Having everyone here 'hold the light', whilst being attacked, and a daily basis, by the darkies, is NOT gonna cut it. Coupled with that nearly everyone hear is lacking resources to actually do anything, aka 'survival mode', and EXPECTED to somehow be on the level of Superman, it's not going to work.

      In games like Command & Conquer , having units who are shot up, injured, and on the verge of expiring, MIGHT work in a game....but when dealing with living beings....US....won't get the same results....and, unlike the units in game, the people might STOP taking orders and simply give up, or worse, change sides.

      In a prior blog post, someone suggested the light forces pick some of us up, record stuff and send said recordings to everyone here. My name was brought up as being one of those folks to be sent up there to the light forces. I'm fine for that....needed stuff can be sent back here, and I get fixed up, maybe even getting either to fight up there, in space, where the real action is, or maybe even go home.

      A plan with no drawbacks.

      DO IT, light forces.

    4. They cant give anything for the surface population while the cabal still have total power here. Simple as that.

    5. @Juarez

      The Chimera are GONE, the Archons, I heard, are also GONE. The Octopus is GONE. The toplets are GONE. The implants are useless. Is not the cabal just a band of evil humans with just 5G and junk like Haarp left? I mean how is a band of trouble making HUMANS able to confound the light forces?

      They 'crossed the line', WHEN do we see, as that one song mentioned, "the bodies hit the floor!"?

    6. sherman when did they say the archons are gone.. some of the physical archons are reincarnated in some of the black nobility. i remember when they(archons) were being reduded in numbers. did i miss the post that said all archon s were clearws

  25. I want to put Hye Angels question for Cobra back up since it was only seen for a day in the last post. Hopefully we will get an answer to this question.

    A question for Cobra ... can you tell us anything about people who are disappearing all over ... check out the links ...

    In this one a woman talking to a cop just plain disappears.

    Shockingly, people are VANISHING all over the world, this time at the airport

    This is one of a possible shape shifter ...

    Is this for real Cobra????

    1. I gave an answer about the disappearing people in the previous post, but I can write it here too, the first 2 videos are from a upcoming movie named "The great disappeareance"

  26. LF must use absolute force to intervention on the Surface.

  27. Even if the first attempt fails, or is aborted, it´s very good news the LF want to activate VTX now. For many years, along the months everything has changed everywhere with one exception: the line "VTX requirements not met". Over and over and over. It´s time for this to change..

  28. この結果はドリームランドのヴァージョン1.0に響くのではないだろうか。ライトワーカーが協力的でなかったことなど(見ることも聞くこともできない人びとが)。



  29. ✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨
    ✨🪷🌿🤍Dear StarSeeds🤍🌿🪷✨

    Humanity is winning!😃🙏🏼
    Menschheit ist am Gewinnnen!😃🙏🏼

    I am a starseed from Switzerland.
    Ich bin eine Sternensaat aus der Schweiz.

    Are you interested into Leylines and Energy Places?

    I want you to invite to join the english-telegram-Channel.
    "Starseeds & Leylines 🇨🇭🌍"

    Ich will dich einladen zum deutschen Telegram-Kanal.
    SternenSaaten & LeyLinien 🇨🇭🌍 Kraftorte

    Lovely, that you are interested into the topic LeyLines. 😃🙏
    Schön, dass du dich auch für KraftOrte interessierst. 😃🙏🏼

    Galaktische Grüsse

  30. I want to give some suggestions to the Light Forces: According to previous updates, the Black Nobility and the Dark Forces have built bunkers for themselves to escape solar flares. From this behavior, it can be seen that they fear destruction and want to destroy the Earth while protecting their own safety. In other words, they want to leave suffering for others while enjoying a luxurious and secure life.

    Therefore, I believe that the Light Forces can boldly capture the Dark Forces who cross the red line. Although other dark entities may take over, the more dark forces are taken away, the more they will understand that the Light Forces are serious. For reasons of not wanting destruction, dark forces may become more restrained.

    The conflict in Gaza-Israel has not eased yet; Israel has already surrounded Gaza and conducted bombings. I hope that the Light Forces will take practical actions because meditation is effective but too slow. The people there are practically living in hell (if Etheric Reincarnation System has been dismantled, then life on war-torn Earth is truly hell), with others slipping into hell while only a few wealthy people enjoy freedom. I hope that the Light Forces can set a deadline; if Earth is not liberated by then, use forceful means to liberate it. Short-term immense pain is better than long-term bloodshed. There have already been many delays; let's not have any more!

    1. For those who are being massacred, definitely, they need intervention before everyone else! They are top priority!

    2. What about the good old stardust tech, much said here in this blog?

    3. @JoJo Di questo passo l'unico sistema efficace sarà il Flash Solare, riduce i tempi, annienta immediatamente le forze oscure, libera il Pianeta e tutti gli esseri viventi dai parassiti oscuri. A volte come si dice, " a mali estremi, estremi rimedi".

    4. Folyamatos átrendeződés zajlik, és ezért vannak, akiknek meg kell halniuk, de ők vissza is fognak születni, ha alkalmasak rá. Aki tud szeretni, és szerelmes lenni, az vissza fog születni. Senkit nem érdemes félteni, mert a féltés is egy negatív érzelem, és csak magadnak ártasz vele.

  31. I would compare the exact description of the light worker to the convict unit of Russia, which the media label Storm Z. These units have no equipment and are like cattle sent to the meat grinder without any results.

  32. The Pleiadian command reported that it is not going to resettle 8 billion three-dimensional earthlings to its Pleiades system. Only 1 percent of the highest vibrational conscious earthlings will be accepted for life in the high worlds.
    Ashtar said specifically and clearly - no one is going to save you, no one is going to save you, and the Galactic Federation = with earthly wars and nuclear war, our species will mutate into a different species. It was especially said that the Earth is a prison planet and souls who were serving their sentences here were exiled. The rest fell into different traps and remained that way.
    90 percent of the planet's population are phantom shells and only 10 percent are people with Higher Selves. We must understand that this planet earth originally belonged to reptiles; it is their home and homeland. Man was created on the basis of the genetics of 22 races in the image and likeness of the Anunnaki.
    There was a Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, he predicted everything with accuracy, about the war in Ukraine and about Israel and about everything that will happen next and a nuclear war also in 2025.

    1. Lemme guess.....channeling?

      I will NOT be punished for crimes I have NO memory of committing.

      and it's Galactic CONFEDERATION.

      And I heard NO nuclear war will be allowed. There's soooo many accounts of military and ex military people stating how ET ships 'turned off' the nuclear weapons.

      And even IF all you say is true...IF I am doomed to die on this soul's gonna HUNT DOWN ALL the Pleiadian command....and I'LL be the one to fear, not the lurker, 1221.

    2. Minden rendbe fog jönni, de senki nem mondta, hogy könnyű lesz. Senkit ne akarj halálra ítélni, mert mindenki fontos, még a sötétek is, ha meg tudnak változni.

    3. Vladimir Zhirinovsky is russian freak-politic, bad joke man.

    4. Mindenkinek lesz helye, még akkor is, ha ezt még az égiek sem tudják. Mindenki a tettei alapján lesz elhelyezve. Az emberi faj nem véletlenül lett ilyen, és el nem tudod képzelni, mivé fog válni. Vlagyimir Zsirinovszkij sem tud mindenről, csak arról, amit elmondtak neki. Minden rendbe fog jönni.

    5. @Barat
      Gimme a break....the darkies will NOT CHANGE. They'd rather die than change, rather die than lose their power. Sounds like battered wife syndrome to me what you said.

      Like the girls who go after 'bad boys', thinking they can change them for the better. Nope, it don't work that way. Those girls often end up with black eyes, missing teeth, bruises and broken bones.

      The only good darkie is a DEAD darkie, Barat. This is WAR, and it's either THEM or US. THEY won't have mercy on us, so give them no mercy, either. Welcome to the war zone, Barat.

  33. It matters not how deep the bunkers are, The solar flash will penetrate and neutralise all evil.

  34. Cuando van a publicar la convocatoria para la meditación del portal 11-11???

  35. Ahogy látom, ezt magadnak teremtetted meg holt lélek, és nem másoknak. Ennyire meg szeretnél halni? Azt írd le, amit szeretnél elérni, mert az fog számodra megvalósulni.

  36. Tényleg tisztább lett az út, ha már útnak nevezed. Ezt érzem magam is. Nemsokára nagy változások lesznek, de időpontot nem tudok mondani. Sok évi pihenő után, magam is elkezdtem a feladatomat itt E földön.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. VTX is no more, now there is a VTN controlled by Kim Gougen. She explains this in her video on United Network (check their YT channel)

    1. So all that means is we are now going to have many years of "Minimum VTN requirements not met" instead of "Minimum VTX requirements not met. Wow, how fun.

  39. Dear Cobra

    I am wondering about a situation update?

    I know. You wrote already many times, that we dont have to "wait" for new informations, but I am alone. I have no team, here on this planet without knowing what I should do on this planet.

    I need a team. I need to know what is my mission here.
    I need informations and intels.

    I meditated already so many hours. But I am still physical alone. There is no team. Maybe somewhere in the clouds there are my starseeds family and friends. But here on the surface i am alone.

    Thank you very much in advance!
