Wednesday, January 3, 2024

VTX security breach at 504


  1. VTX is key... you guys got this!!

    1. @144K Faremo un brindisi con acqua di rose quando tutto sarà finito. Per noi Lightworker sarà un nuovo inizio 🌈🌍🌎🌏

    2. I absolutely look forward to connecting with you @Lightpower... with ALL of the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds! Perhaps aboard the Motherships or the Islands Of Light... or wherever its the most convenient for a gathering of these true HEROES!
      And yes, we will most definitely toast to our collective victory... VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!! 🥂🥳

  2. just stoping here to leave this here. enjoy the journey family

  3. Tell us good things about confederation write something nice

    1. Like what? d+eu+s ? like slow j from pt teach us

  4. Il lurker ci prova sempre ma il 2024 sarà il suo anno no!

  5. Quest'anno è semplicemente l'anno della rivincita dei giusti nei confronti di quelli sbagliati.

  6. Se fossi uno dei cattivi ragazzi mi arrenderei subito. Voi oscuri non avete scampo avete capito? So che leggete questo blog e vi dico che siete finiti. Arrendetevi, se non lo farete , ogni attimo che passate da cattivo ragazzo peserà come un macigno sulla vostra testa. Ma siete troppo stupidi per capirlo. Vittoria della Luce!

  7. IT IS NOW WORKING, Help this warrior of light get his cintamani stone please:

    1. I tried donating and it got rejected. I suggest you use another fundraiser.

  8. Hello, Mr. C, what do you think of Benjamin's recent updates? Personally, I think the information updated recently has seriously deviated from the facts, is that so?

    1. Sorry, I’m not the one you’re talking to, but I can say: nothing he released during the time that I followed him (about 6 years) had any real basis, this man earns his living by distributing information that is absolutely is at odds with reality, at least what he writes about Russia and the so-called Putin is complete nonsense. Recently, I completely accidentally came across a channel with translations of its text, and after reading 3 of the most recent ones, I was convinced that this is still absolute nonsense.

    2. I think he puts ONE true fact, if you are lucky, and the rest is crap. Look at his picture. What I get psychically from his picture is pretty bad. I stopped listening well over 10 years ago...

  9. If you would tell what is VTX then maybe it would be met,, second there is possibility 504 problem is happening because of small let's say mechanical problem and if truth that is very not cool ever news. Don't know is VTX is some vortex or Goddess vortex but think ISIS is Goddess Vortex so don't know what VTX is after ISIS met = I was thinking it's Goddess Vortex before ISIS one appeared in your monthly status reports. Secrets can be bad sometimes don't know is this that one

    1. 504 est lié à la nouvelle Atlantis et le lieu de son vortex est régulièrement attaqué.

    2. wow;sounds like were close were reeeeeal close.....i feel it almost unbearable to be in the matrix now at times;as a clearer and clearer quantum field and sub quatum field brings awareness of other incarnations we have had in the prison matrix and such.....its kind of like a semi matrix like an engine in process of firing up.....the engine not running yet;but briefly firing up at times;then stalling out.....sometimes an engine needs to primed of fuel to start and sometimes and engine gets flooded with fuel and wont start of these moments leading up to the advanced lightforces pulling the switch and triggering the liberation of a most beautiful planet terra.....

    3. In my I.T. days, anything with an X (as in telecom eXchange or even VTX or PBX) are related to communication lines. 504 is a Gateway Timeout which could mean that the upstream server did not ping back to the request server in time for that three way I.T. handshake, so that the HTTPS request was denied. Being denied communications is a big deal in an emergency. This may be a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack or 'breach', flooding the upstream server with so many requests that it gets overloaded and can no longer communicate(X) back to the request server. I am sure the Pleiadians have a work around.

    4. I think vtx is related to the financial system

  10. 2,2,2 are comments of new posts :) :) :)

  11. Thank You Light Forces for greatly assisting us in our planetary upgrading.


  13. Bellissimo messaggio dal Collettivo Pleiadiano:

  14. Considero tre ipotesi che sono dal mio punto di vista le più fattibili a questo punto. La prima ipotesi è che c'è la reale possibilità che le Forze della Luce intervengano nei prossimi mesi attraverso l'Evento di liberazione. La seconda ipotesi è un Flash Solare che attraverso la sua energia possa dividere il grano dalla pula. La terza ipotesi è quella che ritengo poco probabile ma comunque possibile e cioè che le popolazioni della Terra manifestino il loro disappunto disapprovando completamente il comportamento dei controllori oscuri , riuscendo a liberarsi , possibilmente con la partecipazione e l'aiuto dei capelli bianchi. La prima ipotesi è la più studiata ma ovviamente comporterebbe uno shock della popolazione non risvegliata. La seconda ipotesi è la più incisiva e forse anche la più drammatica ma acconsentirebbe di evitare di compromettere il raccolto del grano evitando che esso venga continuamente soffocato ed attaccato dalla pula. La terza ipotesi è la meno invasiva, più morbida ed autogestita, ma con risvolti positivi più lenti e graduali nel tempo. E probabilmente è proprio su questi tre punti che l'Alto Consiglio della Federazione Galattica sta ancora discutendo, cercando di prendere la decisione che comporti la minor sofferenza possibile ai terrestri , indipendentemente dal fatto che ad oggi non esistono le condizioni per l'Evento tramite LF a causa dell'anomalia sub quantica e il Lurker. La molla che potrebbe fare scattare l'Evento è il grado di sofferenza dei terrestri percepito dalle entità della Federazione Galattica della Luce e questo dettaglio potrebbe essere l'ago della bilancia di questa situazione intricata. Grazie. Vittoria della Luce!

    1. @Lightpower
      LET the masses be shocked, I say.

    2. @Sherman
      Are you giving any thought to going to the Ascension Conference in Phoenix?

    3. @ Shermann. Ciao Shermann. Sono d'accordo con te..👍

    4. @144K
      Are the aliens going to land there?

    5. @Sherman
      I'm sure there will be one or two in the mix. Pretty guaranteed this conference will be watched over and protected. The reason I'm asking is because I signed up for it and plan on making the trip from Kansas. Wasn't sure if you're wanting to attend, figured if you're fairly close to where I'm located, we could possibly do this trip together. If not, that's cool... but I thought I'd at least ask.

  15. Event is much, much, overdue!
    Light Forces and Entire Creation will learn this!

  16. ☆☆☆☆☆BIOLAB BEAT ☆☆☆☆☆

  17. Take over process control
    Status seekers are rebuked, as “Headliners of Light” assume control of the process.

    Flamboyants of the West are swatted from their perches.
    Inner Guidance prevails through the night moments.
    Vanquished is the dark.
    Grand designs are realized.


    snake charmer-quote-----kiss me if you can honey.....if you kiss me i take you to pattaya.-----unquote.....

    breaking news-the serpent has been charmed and has been escorted to the temple of truth.....

    as seen on matrix tvs everywhere now;in earth surface transformations into a sanctuaries of truth and light and justice expand exponentially.....

    so be it;by the time we get to phoenix she'll be rising;of course.....hahahahaha.....

  19. Withdrawal
    Alternative “escape routes” in Gaia energetics have closed.

    Selection of Elevated Vibrational Inner guidance is key at this moment.
    Withdrawal from chaotic-appearing energies is recommended.
    Discerning Spirits know the Truth, and are not tricked.
    Inner growth accelerates from this time point.

  20. Spotlight is on! Truth and justice are here and will only embark more. Thank you all who stand up and work behind the scenes to assist children from reptilian slavery and human pedos. The blue ray is about to bring so much truth and this truth from now onward will free tethered souls that have been abused. This will clear another level of density that most people don’t see. This is a massive year for freedom for souls from many densities, distortions, programming and illusions giving another surge of awakenings. Blessings to all children, men and women! Rise up in your strength as you are a beacon of light that ripples all rays of light. How beautiful you are

  21. This is what the illuminati guy says on the latest ad for "the 1% club", TRY TO TEAR YOUR FAMILY APART. He says that. What a b******. Hate game shows!!!!! Hmmm, I think that kind of attitude will tear YOU apart.

  22. There are 400 massive galactic federation bases at the antarctic! The Light there is enormous. They, the dark, are still replacing humans with clones! I can't wait for this to end.
    Trying times will persist for a little bit, then wonderful new changes will start. The Dark will be gone by then.

  23. 01 JAN 24 NEWS a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

  24. 媽,我在自我的再次整合過濾翻新,內在省思、反思,沉入在一為了徹底一切終極問題解開,是萬有一起的,且要是確定、確實解決,且要是在最終的說法下仍是那種,我希望,一直以來希望的不只是整合、廣義、象徵、各層面、同存的,而是最終最後真踏出升一步,確定完全不一樣徹底成的,終果斷想要完整這種,但最終中性的如我這次最近整合到最終一點,超越時空,一如我一直講,閃耀成並開擴昇華無限的,更高,但不階級,而是萬有自在敖遊無限“世界”並解脫,我中性的忠告任存在,不論正邪,各意識型態、爆政,也活在己幻象中的,或大小、世界觀、概念、法則、邪神、造物者、虛空、完全不同、跳脫的、全又一、超越黑洞、真光的、外側、竟打穿終那點、夾中又互爆、成了的、開的、最終或含我自己,不要再控告人低劣造物了,這很惡劣,其它核心同理但完全不同的也是,負面本質的也是,都不對,萬有中所有屬終極問題的也是,這不是爆政,但為了假藉各似合理但實惡劣,為了啥自己的“功業”,說啥進化而逼死一切,自己沒事,或萬惡因此起,發現根源超越的不惡但才巨惡的就牠的,或牠、們也被逼,實更高邪神,總之萬惡有很多個大小根源,但有一個跳出最終大看下

  25. 反射出來,當然大的也可領悟小,或大的就更領悟、可用於大、弄好一切了,所以以上給大家看看,總會一起整合導向有用“成”,呼應我也呼應各方,也沒要說各方假,但我們每人在自己獨有的情況下不得已會經歷對別人簡卻自己“難”或不同一切,而會領悟此,而這應該比較客觀可當通用解了,因就是應對此情況專門領悟出的仍然可反制、解開此的通用解,再不同多少能較通用各方情況做面對和通解或解釋,也呼應各方說法,整合後仍可正,並具有突破實際的力!!~You all want can translate it know ,my English not well , but maybe it can more or small but still help some people ,and“ positive big all world add group”can use this see to a more one step understand people mind or
    alternative situation or a reference or a suggestion or maybe have real useful even maybe real have force to help “all”,not only some people , even “positive any world add group”(or say light force ,but I want use add more macro view)!I believe they or have people must know Chinese language,另外,我住台灣,雖然我的想法跟這邊的意識型態算相反,但我是願跳脫結合性正派巨觀一起看的,我請真正正派幫協助阻止這邊邪派藉由控制3國的意識型態實際很明顯可看出都是牠們手下,自導自演,想逼偽旗行動開戰,我們各國都要跳脫表象,跟正派合作掀翻真邪派才答,請你們阻止這邊開戰,選舉是誰當選其實不重要,雖然持報復假藉過去實是邪派派人偽裝在此搞偽旗行動,裝成兩邊,再嫁禍給當初最早就跟正派合作的,好搞種族主義這以為各國通用以為好用卑鄙手段,各國這種同樣案例太多,幾乎同樣都是幕後邪派搞的才是凶手,就我總合長期交差比對找真相,也加上你們正派的有用參考資料很多,當初明顯是羅斯柴爾德或洛克非勒派蜥蜴人傭兵不論是否是投胎成人的,在這邊搞的,且你們也說過,當初東亞在18xx年各國皆被入侵就是羅斯柴爾德那萬惡狗雜種搞一系列,抱歉,雖牠們不是最萬惡,但牠們很多行動讓人覺牠們明明不最大卻最自大或最顧人怨到死,且20世紀牠們加強了對中華區控制力道,且當初早期俄共和早期中共都還是比較屬原始牠們家族控制時,那時是,就是牠們搞出內戰並實想自己才幕後元凶控制的,且日本當時之所以變負面後來才變好,元凶也是牠們家族藉黑船事件入侵,再操控思想,還搭配執政渣在靈界派負面蜥蜴人或其牠族投胎好讓後來的長大新生兒那時自然負面因是邪投胎,其它訊息很多也指出,當時時代那邊很多邪被刻意安排投胎到那如蜥蜴人,我看我們這邊後來也是,從牠們邪派計劃污染我們時開始,有一個關鍵的分界點時期,要不然不會像現在一目了然那麼明顯可看出怎麼回事,總之那一直以鬥爭性格負面意識型態種族主義為主的明顯是邪派手下,牠們其實根本明顯不在意牠們那表象上意識型態,因那根本不是牠們真心,牠們只是為完成幫操控人心好假藉名義開戰,完成牠們實主子”幕後邪派”的任務罷了,其實另外兩國也是,不是說了某人本是正的,後來最終捱不住堅敖,在2016屈服於“撒旦會”跟牠們合作了嗎,且“老拜”則是一直大家打從一開始就知牠是邪派手下,總之誰當選不重要,重點是只要能暫時又能維持不開戰,各國也還好,然後能硬撐到2025各種繽紛無限多大成功大事最終讓正派最終的大成功就好,雖我承認我仍私心希望那看來真較正且最早就跟正派合作,只是內部不得已被很多邪派逼讓滲入或不請自來的棍類毒瘤敗壞名聲,其實他們核心和很多真心想正的人都不希望這樣並支持他們

  26. 真正正的部份並一直在跟正派或各方正人合作奮鬥把邪的那些部份剪、翦出去,總之希望他們能變他們掌握並坂回這裡風氣,因知這裡情況多嚴重就知真必須這樣,我畢竟身為此處的所以知,這裡被種族主義迫害排擠到沒生存空間的正們實在太重情況,且普遍大家都持負面思考模式,不只種族主義,且到哪都聽到人只會嘴炮、暗中鬥爭他人,明明是牠們自己負面才會一天到晚說人錯還敢反鬥爭害人,那些被害的無辜人通常都比較正面或中性或最少根本不想鬥,那些邪人普遍是信仰邪是真理因而幫做惡的,牠們多半是人生中被邪事煞到創傷然後反而以為見到邪神真理了屈服被自己洗腦幫做惡還以為在執行世界真理,沒救,即使牠們多半只是35億愚民類,可是牠們“平庸的邪惡反而最邪惡”造出最多惡!總之這裡風氣非常需導正,看歷年來各離譜事都在這發生並各國知了都覺笑柄、明顯看出這邊層次敗的比它處都更嚴重,他們最少可不開戰,決對反而更不是屈服,而是實跟明顯真正派合作,為了2025大成功而幫安撫另外兩國兼此重任!我也有試著能跟他們中幾明顯正的人物用社群網私下聯絡,像他們分享傳遞你們正派的內容和跟我們國有關來龍去脈絡,總之希望能說服他們更加明顯進一步正,真正的跟你們正派建起完整連繫!因這邊看起來若有戰引起大嚴重會比較更嚴重,且俄羅斯那邊普丁雖正,但被逼開戰,而以色列那邊2方都邪派自導自演,牠們不顧一切硬強行開戰,跟以往不同的是正派阻止也威嚇了邪不准但牠們這次是不怕被報復,寧可不顧一切也硬要開戰,所以這已不是正派的問題了,總之請與大家我們任人和我說的“更大世界觀”各方正派一起互合作阻止!!~謝了!這是我建言、請求,還有就是我發的文有時看似無厘頭、是發給我熟人,實際我是也可發給你們、大家通用,因如我說,藉小事領悟寄托大道理!所以可,我平時你們一定也看的到,雖然別人看不到,我看似有時瘋顛、小自大、浪慢主義打這大戰鬥人,且很易懶或有各種還未完全解決弱點,且易被邪派惹火而爆怒對天大吼在街上大聲明確宣告言論兼說明真相發洩,人們當我瘋,可是這是我找到的方式,想用這樣另類的點醒眾人兼能量上戰爆邪派!也許你們也覺沒用,雖可能也覺驚奇世上竟有人有此想法!或也、也許、或單純為我捏一把冷汗怕我出事,謝了,我也知有時要看效率選方法,可是我心裡承認是寄托想用此、希望此方法真可竟想像不到的有大用!!抱歉,謝了,我平常也有用些社群軟體但可單人自己對話的欄寫些言論給你們正派看,我知你們看的到,我也有用紙本筆紀本自己寫當跟你們講,因我在心裡我久了會忘、“消失”,大尺度下不會消失,可是我自己

    1. 兄弟,說的太對了,平庸的邪惡有的時候是非常可怕的

  27. 暫小範圍情況會消失啊!我知我說的這樣方式邪派可能看到,因你們也說過,但像我剛說,暫時下這方法可能反而較好!請讓我這樣!另外,我這整篇也算應夠完整解釋我說道理了,我不是不相信你們,而是我上面說的在這樣大局勢下仍可通用各方整合面對並弄好無限一切,希望這真更有用!應是我多方法以來其中最有可能真有用的其中一佼佼者了!!~謝謝!!~我也是有時不爽你們也不是真跟你們鬥,你們知那些時看的到,而是我不能完全知你們是否最終真相並我遇到些事有時我領悟出的不只邪牠們惡,我感覺你們的一些臉色我不能認同試著跟你們理論,也是出自我真心建言,但這問題只在,那是我自己感覺領悟因各現實因子全交會出力而得此感覺以為這樣,我自己也知那應不一定是你們真這樣,且可能是邪讓我此想,但我還是說出來釋放心並也兼顧預防、解決“若真是此”的情況!!希望你們理解!!我承認!!且我還有就是不確定到底哪方才是真相或甚至真要動用到如我說的通用解面對一切各方整合才可正、跳脫、解決,因我不能確定哪些是邪偽裝,才此,也是希望你們理解,我也想理解你們啊,若真,謝謝!!~

  28. 抱歉....因我寫太長它不讓我發我只好這樣切開發....我不是故意....這長也是我一問題,我也有解,在,且最近有我自己的重大突破,雖然我自己是看的懂....謝謝

  29. New Vibrations
    Portions of Light combine into the New Vibration.

    Fortunates collect the forgotten.
    Particles of Sight are beamed to all.
    Final stages have been set.

  30. Independent Higher Levels
    Collections of Inner Levels rise to the surface.

    Connections of independent Higher Levels strengthen, and move upward.
    Openings of the Inner Light are seen for what they are in Truth.
    Flashes of Brilliance come forth from beyond the openings, and are recognized.
    Hue-manity connects. hu-manity dis-connects.


  31. Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

    1. Hi bro
      It's really interesting indeed, you know that the time you took corresponds to the department where I live lol!
      The angels are adorable, they look after my well-being.

      This is my way 💖🙏🌹

  32. What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back …

  33. I hope the forces of light do not trust Putin, Russia, and the Dragon Clan too much. Be careful of being stabbed in the back. They are essentially a mafia organization. Just a gang with different opinions from Hehe. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot have two tigers. They all have their own plans to rule the world, which is the reason why they fight against each other. More than 99% of the people on the surface of the earth are subject to human nature, which is the so-called ego constraint. They all have flaws in human nature, so what you do must be done by yourself. We hope to intervene in the surface on a large scale as soon as possible

  34. Riders On The Storm

    Friends Of The Great Planet Earth!

    Do Not Lose The Focus Of Light As Your Greatest Asset Of Guidance! Indeed, I Have Been Where You Are Now And I Truly Understand Your Perception! But Know In Truth That The Choice Is Always Before You To Transcend All Storms To A Spiritual Perspective!

    If I Could Sit With You Now In Form, I Would Tell You To Face Your Greatest Fear And See It Dissolve Into An Illusion! I Realized This Many Times In My Waking Dream As Jim Morrison. Indeed, I Faltered With Success And The Adoration Of Fans. In Truth, My Ego Took Over! But The Truth Of My Soul Was Always Shining With The Expression Of Poetry And Wisdom.

    You Are Living Now With The Clashing Of Energies. The Frequency Of Darkness And Light Cannot Blend As One Song Of Harmony. You Feel Uncomfortable In Your World And Surroundings. Many That Are Receiving This Communication Are Feeling Uncomfortable In Your Body Form! This Angst Of Being Could Be Described As A Storm. It Is For You That The Lyrics Ring On With Passion, Fury And Pain! You Are Indeed, Riders On The Storm!

    Breathe Deeply And Remember The Light That Is Carried Within. You Have Done This Many Times And You Have Mastered The Calming Of Every Storm. You Knew Before Arriving That There Would Be Obstacles And Endless Fighting. You Knew The Power Of Your Soul Was Enough!

    My Family Is With You Now For Encouragement And Teaching From The Higher Realms. Never Give Up And Set Your Intention To Know Truth And Experience Peace. Remember That Many Atrocities Are Mind Created And You Have The Power To Cease In Contribution To The Drama At Hand!

    The Storm Will End But You Are Eternal. You Are A Visitor On Planet Earth In The Culmination Of Waking Dreams While Struggling For Power In The Outer World. In Truth, The Only Power Is Within.

    See This Storm To The End Where Light Will Cover You In Bliss. The Portal That Will Surround The Planet Will Be Felt By All Souls In One Moment! Create Your Lives Moment By Moment As You Are Moving Ever Closer To The Grand Shift.

    I Will Meet You In Light As We Begin Life Together As One!


    I Love You So!


  35. "At first I thought it was fake...

    Kadyrov said that he was ready to exchange the dills for the lifting of Western sanctions on his family...

    Can you imagine that during the Great Patriotic War the leader of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic offered the Nazis to exchange some of the captured Germans for the lifting of sanctions against his family? What would Stalin do with this leader, do you think?

    And most importantly. Where does the Head of a subject of the Federation get his prisoners, whom he can exchange for anything at his discretion? On what basis does the governor, bypassing federal authority, appeal to the leaders of enemy countries? What laws provide for this? What is going on? Hey, supreme power! Have you completely lost your mind?"

  36. Putin's zugzwang.

    Any serious military-political move by Putin in the coming 2024 will lead to a sharp deterioration in his presidential position.

    The first move, which is extremely necessary for a victorious end to the war, but also extremely undesirable, is to announce in Russia a general mobilization of personnel to form strategic groupings of troops and forces capable of reaching the borders with Romania and Poland, and inside the former Ukraine to carry out its complete demilitarization and denazification . The move is clearly dangerous in view of the inevitable mass access to weapons by the people and the obvious threat of the transition of the main armed component from power ministries and pro-government PMCs to newly formed units, units and formations capable of turning into ready-made units of the People's Militia of Russia.

    The 2nd extremely necessary, but also dangerous move is to enter into an “agreement” with the Backstage - the owners of world money and the media - on the cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of peace on some terms, which at this stage will be declared by both sides as an interim victory . The main question: what to do with the front-line soldiers? Returning them home without a real victory, for which they fought and before their eyes hundreds of thousands of people of the Russian world on both sides gave their lives, will radically change the socio-political assessment of the past war: to lie in Russia about 98% of providing the army with everything necessary, but to Ukraine - about the decisive help of the West, can be shown on TV, and not to real soldiers who know how and with what they fought and how they were controlled. To leave them as reserve armed formations - see point one: the same ready-made detachments of the People's Militia of Russia, which will go to Moscow for their victory, as, indeed, on the other hand, to Kyiv.

    Therefore, there remains only one - an inevitably fatal systemic move: Putin, together with Shoigu, under the supervision of the World Zionist-liberal Behind the Scenes, will play for time as much as possible, consistently grinding together with Zelensky and Zaluzhny the living force of the Russian world, bleeding out of it.
