Wednesday, June 26, 2024

CC grid ratio failure, abort CC, drastic multiple security breach at 504


  1. Does this mean that the dark forces have crossed a line? or are they attacking?

    1. James Webb Space Telescope spots 'Cosmic Gems' in the extremely early universe

  2. Sending some love to the light forces and RM.

  3. why is it that when i see a gang of negative entities around, that drastic security breach always get mention?

    1. When the light forces achieve a major victory, the dark forces try to strike back.

    2. How interesting . It happened to me too

    3. Because security breach happened and and negative entities are able to get to manifest themselves.

    4. Could be attacks from the dark atlantean network. In this case, it was from the main stronghold. The 504 alerts at the beginning of this month may have been connected with the network as well. This is what my intuition is telling me. I've been wrong before though.

  4. This is a video for the gray hats, especially the higher up gray hats! Ashtar is telling them to get a move on. It is time now for gray hats to start moving. There is no reason to stand still, because if we keep standing still, bad things will happen with all these SUFFERING people. Gray hats have advanced healing technologies. This is right? Them getting healing while the rest of us die?? You better get started Gray Hat, or you will be considered basically evil and go to a galactic court. Bloody good speech!

  5. “Hordes of invaders in Krasnoyarsk. This government brought enemy divisions to our rear. Sooner or later (more likely sooner) they will enter the battle.”

    Comments from the woman in the video: “Look how many there are, it’s just terrible. They brought the whole of Tajikistan to us? We’re on Gagarin Street.

    “Relatively recently, Alexander Bastrykin voiced what is talked about in almost every Russian kitchen: the problem of migrants, of whom, according to Bastrykin, there are already 14.5 million people in the Russian Federation.

    The speeches were good, the statistics were presented relatively honestly. It would seem that the authorities saw the problem, realized it and should begin to solve it.

    But time has passed, and no serious action has been taken. Moreover, it is planned to introduce visa-free travel with Kenya and Chad. This means that in addition to the wild and uneducated Central Asian public, blacks will begin to be imported to us on an industrial scale, whom we will have to politically correctly call Afro-Russians.

    It seems that once again we have been lulled by the right speeches, while actions are aimed not at correcting the criminal migration policy, but at exacerbating it."

  6. I'm your Cassandra. I call, you see it. Like I said, someone up-d it. Not that I'm top shit. But I did see a UFO last night. First time in years. And just to say that someone out here's thriving now, the things I see on bearable days are amazing. At dusk yesterday i saw just an absolute swirling symphony. So I know good things are coming (to those who wait). Military coups in Guatemala, tax counter-revolutions in Kenya. Do yourself a favor guys and subscribe to some news outlets. Everyone's waking up.

  7. "Interesting news:
    1. The head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, arrived in the United States, where he will take part in the summit of the heads of police agencies of the UN member states in New York. However, he is under sanctions that include a ban on entry into the States.
    2. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin held telephone talks with Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. The last time the defense ministers (then Shoigu) of the two countries communicated was March 15, 2023, the press secretary recalled.
    Both Belousov and Shoigu are also under sanctions from Europe and America.

    But what about the words - we are waging a war with the collective West, whose axis of evil is America. Are they pranking the big top? All these red lines, threats, clenched fists, shouts and screams for the media - here we are for them.... As before, agreements? They cut down the best sons of the Fatherland, clearing the way for the alien hordes. Is that the plan?

    P.S. How is it possible to conduct any negotiations with countries that supply equipment, ammunition, instructors for the warring army, allocate huge financial resources for it, and have frozen (stolen) our financial resources?"

  8. Ho l'impressione che si andrà avanti in questo modo fino all'Evento. Il cerchio si stringe sempre di più tra attacchi oscuri, difesa LF, epurazioni LF, nuovi attacchi, ecc.. Ho sempre dichiarato che l'Evento arriverà quando saremo al limite di tutto, come ultima spiaggia, per evitare il peggio come risoluzione unica in situazione drastica.

  9. Per cui nonostante i gravi problemi che abbiamo e che avremo , il peggio non accadrà, perché l'Evento immediato non gli darà il tempo di accadere.

  10. Security breach from who/what???
    The Atlantic's group was the last wasn't it? Aren't they just about cleared?
    Surely human surface Cabal hasn't breached security. They would be no match for Galactic Federation.
    Not enough info Cobra. Very vague.
    Just an excuse for more delays.
    If the event doesn't happen next year I shall leave the group. Not sure war, economic collapse can hold off for longer than next year anyway.

  11. MHO

  12. is bianca censori the new goddess?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. If the dark forces crossed a certain line...

  15. Dissolution of Closed Systems, and Enzyme Update

    Just as using roundup against weeds creates super-weeds, whenever you try to stamp out your political opposition, your opposition only grows stronger. When Trump was president, he ‘went after’ the political left, which made the left much stronger, which is why Biden took office. (If Biden’s office was illegitimate, this was from the actions of various leftists who took orders from the cabal.) With Biden in office, there have been major attempts to stamp out the right, which is probably why the right will make a massive comeback this November (if there is an election).

    Duality operates this way: Whatever you resist persists and becomes stronger. Russia being hyper-polarized against the left only makes NATO that much more determined to defeat Russia, which in turn makes Russia that that much more determined to defeat NATO. That’s why I previously stated that the two opposing sides have no choice but to further escalate against one another.

    To truly defeat your opposition, there can’t be anything to defeat. The duality between you and your opposition needs to ‘fizzle out.’ The opposite ends of the spectrum have to ‘chill out,’ resulting in the middle of the spectrum being reached, as balance between oppositions. In such a world, both the right and the left are allowed to do their own thing (within the law) without political agendas being pushed either way, with no more victim-victmizer games being played. The 80’s and early 90’s in the US perhaps gave a glimpse of this reality, which is why so many Americans miss those days.

    The full removal of the anomaly and cabal is an exception to duality creating more duality, because such a removal operates in an open system, where reality changes to no longer cause distortions that create duality in a closed system (the permanent surpassing/removal of the closed system). I wonder if the dark atlantean network was one of the main forces behind the closed system...


    Megadosing with Beano and other enzymes has proven dangerous. Only a normal dose should be taken. (When it comes to health protocols, I have a pattern of learning the hard way.)

  16. It shows that our new financial system is not yet stable, right?


  17. That came unexpectedly.
    A reminder of what happened in 2004.

    For the Love you bring
    Won't mean a thing
    Unless you sing.
    Sing, sing, sing.


  18. Is that what they are on about with the so called Cryptids? They are manufacturing or cloning a lot of (not) aliens, called Cryptids - the ones we see or film sometimes, the Cryptid like beings - they're clones? And they will try to use them as an "alien attack" which is why they want to conscript 10 million young Americans. Only they aren't alien, they come from Earth. This is so stupid. We already know it will NOT work, will not happen.

  19. Real light forces simply would not report negative events to humans.

  20. This one is about artificial intelligence and I learned a lot from it. It comes from Father Absolute. Very Interesting! Most people have phones, which I have, but I don't use the internet on my phone. I couldn't stand it. I just come onto the computer to learn some stuff. It comes from the Greys (aliens), this AI. DON'T TRUST IT. So I have never understood phones, and people looking at them endlessly. I don't get it. Which is a good thing, I think. I don't even want it.
