Thursday, June 27, 2024

CC restoration in process, security breaches deflected at 504


  1. this cant be a coincidence, all of a sudden i feel very good, it must be this CC grid! I feel very positive. I think I'm starting to understand what's going on now.

    1. Plant Morganites also. It will activate G-dess vortex, think its important to balance out the CC grid.

    2. Yeah, last night I felt that something changed for the positive. It fluctuates.

    3. Curious what CC actually means.

    4. you should maybe work on strengthening your aura

    5. Oh man. I so relate to your message. I was like OMG did any one get the plate to the mack truck that hit me? I woke up so tired and my entire body ached. Took me three hours to pull myself out of it. When i read cobras message I couldn't help but think that had something to do with how I was feeling

  2. just a reflection: ve have an infinite universe, then we have an infinite number of other universes, and the last unfree planet is liberated by only three sweaty factions?

    1. I think, some people should portray more gratitude towards those who try their best to liberate us!

      Believe it or not, but many of the lightforces are at the front as well, do actual killing and risking their lives for us while on the other hand, most of us readers enjoy the protection of our screens and some of you complain that everything is not going fast enough!

    2. I think the universe is not infinite, but that it is always expanding

    3. Yep! Just three "sweaty" factions. Try not to strain yourself with any other deep reflections.

    4. I also have the same doubt too!

    5. To learn so much we have.

  3. I have use Atvor meditation in the noon,and I felt great,like I just connected to the Light.

  4. "If Israel withdraws troops from Rafah and simultaneously launches an operation in Lebanon, the conclusion can be drawn quite clearly: Tel Aviv lost the war with Hamas and after that went on a collision course with a much more dangerous enemy - Hezbollah. Where is the logic here? And it is: this is how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting for his political survival, and possibly freedom.

    Netanyahu can remain in power only through permanent war, and he is successfully doing this. At first, the operation in the Gaza Strip, instead of defeating Hamas, turned into collective punishment of the Palestinians. When it became clear that an all-out war in Gaza would not bring any particular results, but would put Israel on the brink of international isolation, Tel Aviv included the option with Lebanon.

    Netanyahu is like a roulette player who has already lost big, but hopes to jump out of the loop by constantly doubling his bet. Will he succeed? It may well work out, despite the bloody swamp he created. Because Israel can do almost anything in the Middle East as long as the United States stands behind it. And they will not put serious pressure on Tel Aviv before the presidential elections in November.

    The Biden administration needs to win the election, and a quarrel with the powerful Israeli lobby in the United States is not the best way to do this. Another thing is that before the fall, Netanyahu, who is saving himself through war, may make such a mess that it will be impossible to clear away the results of his activities. Realizing that the Israeli prime minister will still bet on a big war, Washington intends to at least correct its course.

    To do this, he is trying to “freeze” the conflict in Gaza and convince Netanyahu to focus on Lebanon. For the US, Israel's war against Hezbollah is simply the lesser evil. Here, at least, it is possible to strike at Iran’s main proxy tool in the Middle East. Gaza has turned into an endless bloody dead end."

  5. CoBRa, faz uns dias eu tenho visto uns seres que ainda não conhecia. Quem são esses bonitões? Eles são novos no pedaço, são recém criados ou estavam escondidos? São chatões de um jeito bem peculiar.

  6. Ok, logo depois de perguntar para você eles mesmos me responderam. Disseram que são "novos", no sentido de melhorados, como se tivessem sido renovados e evoluído. Fez sentido para mim, imagino que tudo que existe é capaz de aprimoramentos.

  7. I primi sei mesi dell'anno stanno per lasciare il posto agli ultimi sei mesi dell'anno. Per cui il 30 giugno 2024 segna un punto di svolta. Potrebbe essere un nuovo inizio. Potrebbe o meno essere notato, ma credo che questa data coincida con una situazione nuova.

  8. Caro Cobra sento di ringraziarti per tutto ciò che fai, io ci sono, non mollerò mai e sono al tuo fianco, così come sono a fianco degli Operatori di Luce nel lavoro per la liberazione della Terra 🙏🛸

  9. Is Israel attacks Lebanon and Hezbollah responds by attacking Israel I believe shit will hit the fan on another level. LFs must intervene and stop this circus as soon as the Atleantean network is done, or at least after the elections.

  10. Had a real tough day (Wed in the US) now feel better. C'mon Source, finish off evil once and for all! On Wed night I caught a glimpse of a big snarl of black "roots" while dreaming. I think Cobras right, the lurker entanglement is quite complex and tricky to remove. Hope there's a shortcut! 🤞

  11. Eagle Sheriff and the Sheriff's Association with Security Companies (including Securitas & Allied Universal) made our truck into a 4th Reich gas chamber. They use toxic chemical gasses, biochemical dusts and narcotic gas to torture and human traffick us. They then put biochem on my genitals after they go in our truck starting each of 2 Saturdays before Christmas 2023 and continuing through last night. The mason mafia uses strong EMFs & EMPs along with knockout gas to human traffick Americans. This is why so many children and adults go missing in the USA every year. It needs to be common public knowledge for safety.
    Basically there is an international satanic extremist church that calls itself the masons (MM) & they human traffick, terrorize & torture the people to discredit them to kill them. They call the public terrorists for not liking being terrorized. It's a fraudulent ponzi scheme where the federal government passes money all the way through municipal governments (all MM captured) to target "persons of interest" in this way.
    There is no recorse to the law because all courts, police, sheriff, fbi & fps are all captured by the mason mafia extremist church in the USA.
    We are currently in Eagle County and the Sheriff Van Beek here was directly involved with blatantly tampering with our truck including interior panels & hooks to make our truck into a gas chamber.
    I was sold to the US government by my family when I was 2 years old.
    I will survive the concentration camp around my life.
    Victory of the Light!

  12. Power is taken from the "administrative state" (as in the Deep State and the big blob of bureaucrats who have been telling everyone what to do) and is given back to the Judicial arm of the US government with this US Supreme Court ruling in the last 24 hours.

    I'm thinking this would, for example, given judges power to decide how the country will handle a plandemic -- rather than the FDA, Health and Human Services and their web with Dr. Fauci, etc.

    I find it quite interesting that it just happened now -- immediately after the very public take-down of Joe Biden in the debates last night.

    Take a look:

  13. “when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex”

    I hope you can use VPN and translation software. This video perfectly explains what Cobra said. Let me briefly introduce that this is a volunteer from China and a commander of the Donbass militia. He was fed up with the war because the Russian military commander made mistakes and foolishly disregarded the lives of soldiers(Basically, it is to have these foreign volunteers act as human flesh reconnaissance to the Ukrainian military's firepower range without their knowledge.)and then he led many volunteers from around the world who joined the Russian army to withdraw from the war. "When you can't find the people involved in this war, it will naturally end."

  14. Never forget the light forces did nothing to stop the Gaza genocide, the Covid-19 genocide, and the mRNA Covid vaccine genocide. And they will do nothing to stop the next pandemic like the H5N1 Bird Flu.

  15. Key to manifesting the victory of Light

    Jubilations of the Planet engage the keylocks.
    Castles open.
    Darkness to Light.
    Blindness to sight.
    The matrix unveiled.

  16. STAR seed

    "Brightest star in the night sky, can you hear..."

    Gaiaportal vom 22.4.2015
    Star seeds have chosen their paths for this moment.
    Clarity of purpose is now clearly defined, within energetic grids supporting transformation.
    Foundationals are set.
    Practitioners of Higher Energetics come to the front.

  17. I just want to say that maybe my legs are feeling better. So I started to use Mother Mary who is a little softer than the medbed. And also because I really like Mother Mary!! Anyway, maybe it is too soon to cover this but my bladder started to get stronger. Which means I can hold pee for longer, but also when I start to pee, there is a stronger steam. Anyway, when I am surer of change I will report it, but I'm still walking, a bit unbalanced... Maybe it is starting to get better...we'll see. I still have about a month to go or less in the prediction to get better.

  18. ***INTERVENTION FROM THE 6D & 12D ANGELIC KINGDOM!*** | Ashtar Command Energy Update

    There's lots of angels and angel love around us!!
    I'm glad Archangel Michael is with the light!

  19. FM144 update - 28.06.2024 (TIMELINE ACCELERATION):

  20. they just won't stop striking back

  21. 作为中国大陆的一个人,迫切等待着事件的发生

  22. Here's some insights on Lightworking & Why LFs aren't connecting to Starseeds massively(condensed intel from TheUnveiling33):

    > Human aura is rather completely drowned in Implants and Parasites, and humans' own spirits are usually connected with other larger and oftentimes parasitic spirits for basic intelligence.

    Quote from Sebastian:
    "The truth is that the average human body is completely drown in these implants there thousands upon thousands (depending on size to take them seriously of course) of them, like a black cloud around the average human body. Most of them are around the head for confusion/mental blocks and oftentimes you will feel pain in the ears upon the removal of those implants."

    Also see:

    > Mental Plane :Your own spirit is connected with other parasitic spirits;"You're not your thoughts." As most of the thoughts often times come from these spirits other than your own spirit, making original thoughts pretty rare.

    And to add to these issues, these spirits are also connected with the Archon Grids.... Which are The background mechanisms of the Asymmetric Retaliation oftentimes mentioned by Cobra, which gets fired in case LFs decide to communicate themselves. Hence, a lot of things need to be cleared first before a safe communication can commence.

    See on Grids:

    Mental Plane Explanation:

    So, what to do about the Implants/Parasites/Abyss/Distortion Field/Milking Station/Solar Plexus Primary Attachment/Dead Mental Plane Spirits/Cabal-control-of-your-Higher-Bodies/Lurker-in-your-Shadows?

    The Answer:
    Orienting your day-time consciousness to the LFs. As you can't clear those Implants yourself.

    This is the way to #1 Lightworking. In other words, it would be a one way communication, until it is made a two-way communication, as this orientation allows the LFs to clear those implants/parasites/spirits more easily.

    Orienting your day-time consciousness to LFs allows swift implant removal (which eventually leads to communication and then slowly but surely evacuation) has recently been confirmed by FM144 as well:

    "The Pleiadian Fleet has now returned closer to Earth and another sign that we are now entering the final phase of Liberation is the fact that over the last two weeks they have brought a small number of Key-Lightworkers from the surface to their ships by transferring their consciousness.Onboard, these Lightworkers underwent further negative implant removal and have been given precise instructions for the final phase. Then they got sent back to their day consciousness to instruct other Lightworkers on the surface and prepare them for the final Ascension Process."

    So, Orienting your Consciousness > Implant/Abyss Removal > From One-Way Communication to Two-Ways > Then Stable Communication > And then Finally Evacuation in the end.

  23. Some more quotes on Keeping consciousness with LFs from Sebastian to emphasize what's been written in this comment:

    > "If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts most by now."

    > "Please keep your consciousness with the Lightforces if you got the chance."

    > " Meditations drain the cabal of their much needed consciousness energy they use to attack big souls and the Lightforces progresses."

    > " If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts the most by now."

    > " Also, you might want to direct most of your free time to the Lightforces to support solving the current critical processes."

    > " Remember that all processes of liberation can be speeded up by orienting your consciousness to the Lightforces as often and as much as you can. The more humans that actively support the Lightforces with their day-consciousness, the less energy the chimera has to counter the advance of the Lightforces."

    6 such quotes stating the same.

    Therefore, Orient your consciousness-energy to the LFs> Get yourself freed up > establish a secure communication channel > And finally an evacuation after all the operations are over.

    A final quote from Sebastian on how worth consciousness-energy really is:

    "The amount of such energy an average ensouled human gets in about two seconds could fuel a small city car with one full tank (~40L). Bigger souls even have higher income. Repeated in other words, you could drive a car approximately as much as you could with a full tank with just two seconds of your own energy income. This is of course slightly varying between the ensouled humans but it gives a rough example of how much your soul-energy really is worth in human terms."


  24. 8 years ago a version of this was not approved by this website staff.
    Let's see how we go this time around, shall we? :-D

    Living in Germany I can confirm that we're the

    Kids In America

    New Wave Coming.


  25. New portals for assistance the “humanity to Hue-manity” conversion process have opened

    [...]. Such are aligned with new Higher Light influxes currently ongoing.

    Current portals also enable more facile communication with Inner Earth beings. No longer are such exchange portals limited to a few limited locations, eg., Shasta. Communication exchanges with Inner Earth beings will now occur readily, and often.

    Fabricated “Light Work” is being exposed for what it is, and that “purity of intent” is lacking in such. Following Higher Light Guidance in Self is the norm at this time point.

  26. This is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO. This is Ashtar explaining in detail (long 25 mins) he explains EVERYTHING here. We know the gray hats have utterly failed us. People still expect them to help us. They will not. They keep certain black hats alive!!!!!!!!!!!! They break the constitution. They don't care about us. Ashtar is now talking about certain galactic intervention. I think they may need this. It now seems VERY VERY VERY unlikely humans can now free themselves. The gray hats don't want us free. They are just taking the place of the black hats. A very good listen if you actually want to know what is happening.

    I highly recommend it. Help us galactics! We cannot free ourselves at this point.

  27. Should be restored by now. I was able to clear out a lot of dark stuff this morning :) Confirmation is requested.

  28. Run | ...Source and the Light forces will begin...
    After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker

  29. Starseed reminds Starseed



    The spiritual sun is aligning for July! Bringing purification, renewal, cellular regeneration for your soul growth. As the sun and our planet align to Sirius this will bring much change through transformation. Purification and renewal are how transformation works. Much heat will come through the body to transmute your soul lineage and the grids of consciousness that connect to the ley lines. Those who have done the spiritual work will feel much freedom and peace allowing a safe space for others to Quantum heal through frequency attunements that are light. Those needing a higher shift of consciousness may notice heat, anger or sadness. The light is here to support that transition, but it’s free will of the soul to choose. As the codes of freedom and empowerment will be surging just as the 4th of July symbolizes freedom, our ancestors of Egypt did the same for this gateway of light from our spiritual sun. Freedom is a state of consciousness, free your mind of all burdens now and feel your mind, heart and soul with peace. Freedom brings spiritual expansion and abundance. Stay balanced in unity with yourself in the expressions of acceptance that is unconditional love that allows peace and freedom to soar! Remember this is the summer of truth and love. Many illusions will be busting like fireworks…caliente it will be



    THE SIRIUS GATEWAY IS APPROACHING , Every year from July 3-7, a gateway of energy opens between Earth and Sirius, which is known as our Spiritual Sun, helping to awaken, activate, and elevate the ascending collective to higher levels of consciousness.
    The Sirius Gateway in July holds powerful astrological and spiritual significance.
    Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and Shamanic traditions, have known Sirius as a portal to higher realms and a source of profound spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
    Sirians,also known as the blue rays are the all knowing wise ones. The mystics, the teachers the parents amongst ascending souls and are attaining mastery in this life time. While some ascending souls are informed by their star families about their specific origins, others discern their seeded origin based on their personal resonance and intuition.
    We are accessing the energies of Sirius, and this will strengthen and support personal and collective growth. This includes expanding awareness, receiving messages from higher beings or spiritual guides, and finding new freedoms in various aspects of life. Starseed Souls are seeing many things more clearly now. The stagnant energy in life is finally dissipating. The fog that once clouded judgment has lifted. Anything that no longer serves the higher good moving forward will simply fall away, and those that are meant to stay with you… This Gateway is known as a time of increased connection and communication with higher dimensions, offering opportunities for meditation,activating the third eye, and engaging in spiritual practices that develop introspection and inner exploration.
    The Sirius Gateway in July represents a potent planetary phase for ascension advancement, inspiration, and transformation. It invites Ascending individuals to connect with higher frequencies, to embrace accelerated growth taking place, and to explore the depths of their ascension journey.
    Compared to the previous months, July offers a loving and calm energy, serving as a respite before the fiery and unpredictable energies of August.
    The essence of July reminds ascending of the importance of self-love and care becoming their own healers- caretakers, a highly activated month. Its universal frequency serves as a gentle reminder for ascending collective to nurture self and seek inner balance. Navigating the upcoming phases of intense integration with greater ease and grace.
    It encourages of preparing the self for integration of higher conscious being.

  32. Article en français - arrêter les conflits entre travaillleurs de lumière
    Article in French - Stop conflicts between lightworkers

  33. Since Lurker resides in the subconsciousness of surface humanity, its location maps down to the lower two Subplanes of Astral and Mental Bodies, most concentrated around the head region, and in the Implanted regions in the Etheric Body.

    Transversing consciousness to the stated regions along with Violet Flame/Sky-Blue ATVOR/Sky-Blue Galactic Pillar may accelerate the removal of the Lurker.

  34. Wellsir ... I typed out a comment, but when I hit the publish key I didn't see anything about waiting for approval, so I don't know if it went through or not. If it did, please excuse this repeat.

    I bought some emeralds from Esty, they are very small ... 20 of them. Should I glue them into one rock or should I glue them to a necklace I made with Tachyon energy cells and citamani stones. For those that know the answer please advice. Thanks for reading my post.

  35. Dear source and Light forces,
    You don't know what it's like to be pushed, attacked, criticised and hurt from all sides for anything you do.
    P.S.: Maybe you should know.
    Sincerly: A traumatised human being.

  36. Over the last few weeks, I've encountered 4 different Lightworkers who have been very critical of Cobra when communicating with me. Because I don't communicate with many Lightworkers online, this number has struck me as highly unusual.

    Maybe the lurker is trying to turn followers against Cobra. Whatever the case may be, my stance is to not get caught up in the 'small stuff,' and have the common goal in mind, which is the Event/planetary liberation.

    It's probable that by now, the dark atlantean stronghold has been completely removed, or is very close to being completely removed. If the dark atlantean stronghold has been completely removed, all that remains is to clear enough of the lurker (and lurker implants if this is still a problem) from the surface cabal and surface population.

    The surface cabal are still extremely dangerous. I've had some very nasty dealings with them in the dreamstate as of late, in addition to painful stinging sensations on the skin - painful enough to feel like I'm getting stung by a bee or wasp. I've actually never had the stinging become this severe. This stinging is not all the time though, and has decreased since a week ago. (There's one source of intel claiming the stinging is just from cosmic energies coming through, but I'm not so sure about that.)

    Anymore, it's mostly global issues that cause me to become upset. I'm currently working on being more detached from such issues. However, the Event needs to happen very soon. It would be awesome to have enough lurker cleared from the surface population to have the Event before election day in the US. About three months or less to clear enough lurker to have the Event - sounds like a plan to me.

    In the meantime, I advise not to sweat the small stuff, and stay 'cool, calm, and collective.'

    All the best.

  37. How could they not know Biden is not home? It's like now they have suddenly realised? What?? For years Biden has not been well... a series of clones or masks. Whatever. Are they waking up now?

  38. Obviously, the cabal finally ran out of enough resources, so they can't attack people in the same way they did before.
    However: Like me, you might still experience or have experienced the feeling that nothing regarding those attacks changed, despite progress is being reported.

    This is very easy to explain:
    If you are a preferred target, they will keep spamming you with attacks - even though their reserves in the background are getting depleted more and more. They try to keep the illusion that nothing has changed, but it gets more difficult for them with every passed day!

    Also obviously, the more resources you have, the more freely you can spend them.
    It's similar to money:

    If you have 100 million dollars on your bank account, you don't have to worry too much, even if you spend a couple of thousand dollars on one thing at once.
    But, if you run out of money more and more - if you have, let's say, only $10,000 left, you must be very careful with your expenses!
    Respectively, you simply CAN'T sustain a high living standard anymore!

    Same goes for attacks:
    With less anomaly and negative beings left, the enemies have to calculate attacks more carefully.

    Even though the darkforces have still enough "soldiers" left to do some serious damage (otherwise, the Event would've happened), it should be logical that one has limited options with limited resources!
    It should be also obvious in the meanwhile that the main strategy of the lightforces is it to starve the enemies out!

    The bases from the Aldebarans on earth as well as the lightful wormholes also contribute to more stability and make movements between troops more efficient!
    So, what the lightforces do before the Event, among other things, is to create security layers and strengthen existing ones!

    1. Ailish-Libra, well said!
      They do their best to make everything seem like 'business as usual.' They target key individuals for that purpose.

  39. ‘Strongest sign of aliens’: James Webb Telescope discovers an exoplanet with gases produced by living beings on Earth, scientists suggest otherwise

  40. Some folks enjoyed the AI songs (many, understandably, did not) so all of them have a new home here on Vimeo. There are some new ones in there, too:

    Vimeo Link

  41. Gli attacchi verso di me sono piuttosto pesanti. Ma sono un guerriero e non arretro di un millimetro. Possono avere la mia pelle ma non corrompere il mio spirito libero e la mia anima pura. È un problema continuo, recentemente è morto il mio migliore amico, mia madre dà segni di esaurimento e spesso è negativa e continua a non capire che il suo atteggiamento non fa altro che colpire se stessa e anche me. Non ho un lavoro e non ho molti soldi ultimamente. Ho amici giovani ammalati di cancro. Per tutto questo ho ricominciato ad avere attacchi di panico. Mi sento come un equilibrista sulla corda che può cadere da un momento all'altro.
