Thursday, July 4, 2024


The dark Atlantean networks has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences.

As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin.



You can view this process as planetary exorcism. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. An average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected. As the process unfolds, the percentage of infection will begin to drop, and human beings will begin to be more aligned with the Light, and will tend to start feeling better.

Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process. This will be a time of deep inner work and time of strengthening the inner connection with the Light.

Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love. Solar plasma is still to a significant degree under the control of the Lurker, but at the heliopause the alignment process has already begun. Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it form the Lurker. You can help with this process by meditating with cintamanis or various tektites and connecting the star from where those tektites originated and this Solar system with filaments of Light.

Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars.

This will assist in activating the memories of the positive Atlantis, to start preparing human consciousnesses for the birth of the New Atlantis:

Agartha network is continuing to activate energetic portals of Light to the surface of the planet, thus assisting in the liberation process. You can connect with Agartha with the emerald meditation:

On the surface of the planet, a network of Goddess temples is slowly being built. This network will assist energetically in balancing the planetary transformation process:



Also on the surface of the planet, different positive Dragon groups are being activated energetically. To participate in this process, you are more than welcome to join our Rise of the Dragons workshop in Taiwan:

Or in Malaysia:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. light workers community to have an international communication

      invitation code

      Tachyon Products


      Tachyon Light Workshop

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      Another article has many useful meditations you can use for your spiritual growth:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      πŸ–πŸ»️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    2. Thanks Sirius Rin凛! Regarding the international communication app, is there a way to install it on a computer instead of a phone? I never use my phone for apps.

  2. Dear cobra: Notes New Atlantis Workshopin Paris by Cobra 2024

    1. Princess of Atlantis - Ocean Ambience

      Memories of Atlantis - Ocean Music For Deep Reflection


  4. And what kind of response is humanity supposed to feel?

    1. Well, the Lurker is basically a parasite that is attached to multiple hosts (i.e. the entire planet). A too aggressive approach on removing the parasite can cause unwanted side-effects (like people freaking out, becoming violent, causing riots and doing other stupid stuff)

      The purpose of the testing phase is exactly to find out how people react on this "exorcism". So, the lightforces will either performing the exorcism in a rather faster or slower way, depending on how good people are tolerating this treatment.

      It's similar like taking medical drugs: Not everyone is tolerating them in the same way and accordingly, the dosage or the therapy must be adapted!

    2. It said right there in the article. "Better." Ha, I know I'm curious too. I'll keep an eye on others and myself the next couple months to notice any changes. My novice opinion is change will be subtle until the electromagnetic grid goes down. From personal experience that's the biggest factor. I felt good in the 90's when we still had the etheric grid, implants, tunnels of Set, archons and astral reptilians. A long list of things that are better but there's very little change because when there are cells towers and Starlink around, feeling good is impossible.

    3. I'm always curious to read your comments and you are no novice. πŸ‘

    4. Ahhhhh the 90s. Miss them years

  5. I just noticed that this article has been posted on July 4th which is also the independence day of the USA!
    Pretty good timing, I would say!

    1. Yup... it's Independence Day! What an AWESOME gift this is!!πŸ—½πŸŽ†πŸŽπŸŽ‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    2. The independent process from Luker, true reclaim of Independent free will on Earth

    3. Freedom is finally coming to all of humanity! The illusion of freedom will be replaced by ACTUAL freedom! Disentanglement of the lurker from all of humanity is like a global detoxification it would seem. Withdrawal symptoms could be displayed in many forms some violent I suspect.
      Gratitude for sure as we are getting closer I wonder now then lurker removal then sea ofove will push us higher is solar flash still part of the plan?

    4. That's true we don't wanna blow any batteries up so we are cell monitoring the Accretion level speed resistance factor of capacitance CQ Creative quotient electrical speed

  6. Victory of the Light, may Love overcome fear!

  7. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

    1. French translation "Atelier Nouvelle Atlantide Γ  Paris" Cobra le 27/06/2024 VOTL!

    2. "Atelier Nouvelle Atlantide" Γ  Paris par Cobra le 27/06/2024:
      "Q. Je crois que vous avez déjà parlé de la Croix de Lorraine dans votre blog sur les mystères de la Noblesse Blanche. Pourriez-vous nous expliquer la véritable signification du symbole de la Croix de Lorraine ?
      R. C'est un symbole alchimique qui transmute les ténèbres en lumière. La Lorraine a été un vortex énergétique très puissant depuis le Moyen-Âge jusqu'à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Je peux simplement dire que toute la région de la Lorraine et de l'Alsace avait des entrées dans le réseau de l'Agartha jusqu'à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Aujourd'hui, ces entrées ne sont plus actives, mais l'énergie est toujours là. Vous pouvez y aller et sentir l'énergie."
      Information pour tous:
      En France, dans le dΓ©partement de la Moselle (Lorraine), dans la forΓͺt de Saint-Hubert Γ  Budange (Bud-ange), il y a l'Γ©tang de Saint-Hubert... Sur les 727 communes que compte le dΓ©partement (Moselle), 185 se terminent par -ange ou -ing (Hayange, Talange, Florange, SΓ©rΓ©mange-Erzange, Alsting, Carling) ou contiennent le phonΓ¨me en eux (KΓ©dange-sur-Canner, TΓ©ting-sur-Nied, Woelfling-lΓ¨s-Sarreguemines). Les anges veillent sur ma Moselle! VOTL!

    Thank you all... thank you COBRA for this amazing intel! And a HUGE RHANKS to Saint Germain, Sananda, Ashtar and Semjase, the Light Forces and Resistance Movement, as well as the Agarthans!! I'm speechless... we're so close, I can truly FEEL it!! BEAUTIFUL!!! VOTL! πŸ‘πŸ₯Ή

    1. ...THANKS... not RHANKSπŸ€£πŸ˜‚
      Must've been typing too fast with excitement!!☝️πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


    3. Ok @Jomiro, that's the second time you've come off as patronizing. Is there a problem?

  9. Hey there. I have a question with the way workshops are being shown on the blog?

    Is it possible to add a clicky-widget to the right of the Portal 2012 blog that links to a website(or an offshoot of Portal 2012) showing what all the portal 2012 workshops are going to be for that year and where they are and what time so people can schedule? My concern is that these events are shown with not a lot of breathing room to prepare. For example: July 13th workshop is saturday next week and this blog update was shown July 4th.

    That gives only 8 days to schedule. So if I really wanted to go, I'd genuinely would have to scramble to get this set up..not only on my end but on other people's ends cos' I'd have to ask and let them know. Which puts pressure on them.

  10. Questa Γ¨ un' operazione complessa, delicata ma al tempo stesso Γ¨ meravigliosa. È finalmente giunto il punto in cui la popolazione umana starΓ  meglio nei prossimi mesi. È stupefacente anche se non mi sorprende sapere che circa il 90 % della popolazione umana Γ¨ infetta dal Lurker e circa l'80 % dei lavoratori della Luce medi sono ancora infetti dal Lurker. Questo Γ¨ un resoconto importante e molto bello. È straordinario. Mi mette di buon umore e da una carica ed una spinta eccezionale per fare con ancora piΓΉ impegno il nostro lavoro. Ho lo smeraldo , non Γ¨ puro ma Γ¨ giΓ  qualcosa di buono. Grande Cobra e grande tutta LF , ottimo lavoro. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  11. Alguém por favor pode me dar exemplos dessas infecçáes por Lurker?
    Como isto se apresenta numa pessoa?
    Se eu invocar regularmente a Chama Violeta na intenção de dissolver e transmutar os aspectos negativos dessa entidade, estarei acelerando este trabalho de libertação da infecção de lurker em mim?
    GrataπŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™ eu desejo contribuir para a minha libertação para que esta etapa nΓ£o demore!

    1. 'Até então, a humanidade da superfície pode acelerar a remoção do Espreitador, curando os seus traumas de relacionamento e traumas de sexualidade, porque esse é o lugar mais profundo onde o Espreitador tende a esconder-se.'

    2. Invocar a chama violeta funciona muito bem, vou te passar aqui algumas ferramentas que possa te ajudar... algumas vocΓͺ irΓ‘ precisar usar o google tradutor ☺

    3. Meu blog sobre o Espreitador ☺

  12. Merci Cobra, Merci les Forces de Lumière, VOTL <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de GaΓ―a

  13. Oh wow. "Darkness will finally begin to leave."
    Thank you Cobra and Light Forces!!

  14. "As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin."

    Wish we would know what form this testing will take.


  15. Let′s work, be proud
    Stand tall, touch the clouds
    Man and woman, be free

    Let's Work!


  16. "The entitie" from Cayce is SEkmeth, she's died and she was a Archon

  17. Thank you Jim and the team. Today's Mass Meditation was awesome

  18. "Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process."

    This coincides very well with what has been posted on the Unveiling blog regarding Source's statement that tangible results are going to manifest approximately in Summer 2024:

    Also, I said before:

    "Even though it's fully understandable that people hoped for something tangible at the lower threshold of that prognosis (Spring 2024), there's also the upper threshold which means that the prognosis can stretch into autumn / fall.

    It's debatable when exactly a season begins and ends, but IMO, people should give that prognosis still a chance until at least mid-September."

    1. Further Implant Removal, Locating Primary Attachment, Abyss Burning, Distortion Field Dismantling, Milking Station Elimination, Mental-Plane-Spirit Detachments, Lurker-Disentanglement, Higher Ensoulment, Identity Function Retrieved to Your Own Spirit and Soul: Vertical Program Dissolution, Getting Fuller Control of your Higher Bodies, Getting from 2% to 99% Soul energies..

      Getting your Soul back Will Be the Most Tangible Result after all these Processes have been through.

  19. Thank you Cobra!

    It will truly be amazing to live "Lurker Free!" No one has ever lived Lurker Free before, so nobody can really tell us what the experience will be. Just the idea that "we should feel better" is exciting in itself !! And it is soon !! Oh, hurrah !!

    I wonder if we will be able to heal from diseases more easily (before the Event and the new healing technologies) if we simply feel better. I wish this for people who are close to me right now -- and for everyone on the planet who is suffering from illness.

    1. I'm already feeling better reading this update

  20. Disentangling the Lurker is very exciting. People need something exactly like this. I'm sure there are other layers of mind control, but I'd be happy with any kind of progress. Things have been getting better the past couple months, so something is happening.

    While Cintamanis are probably the best, other tektites are very inexpensive for those on a budget. I have a couple big ones that landed in China, not sure their galactic origin. It's true they have amazing energy. $9 and free shipping is a great way to connect beyond the veil.

    I just noticed this one in a box with a cool 90's looking image, haha awesome.

  21. V slovenőčini:

    PridruΕΎite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na naΕ‘o stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  22. The light is winning in the UK. (Election)

  23. Recent Light

  24. So is disentanglement the final obstacle before the Event can get triggered? If so then the Event can realistically happen in 2025 or perhaps even by the end of 2024?

    1. Good question, my thought as well. Or if lurker removed and sea of love arrives is this like a softer solar flash approach?

  25. This is really good news. The way that I am seeing things is changing with everything. It is time for peace and prosperity and it has already started it is affecting me now!!! The evil veil is finally dissipating!!! It is time to go totally public with who are the solar system and galactic regional authorities because we need to get connected. It's time to make Earth and Solar galactic tourist and trade attractions. We need to end war and become truly civilized in order for the universe to want to visit us. We need a good security system I am sure we can get assistance with. This is long over due so, thanks again I am ready.

  26. What a day. Labour is winning over in the UK, but you know they could be evil too. And I just swapped out of the provider I was with and back to where I was last year. They were very friendly. I got sick of her trying to put me in NDIS, every second week (trying to rort the system, trampling my rights, laughing at the medbed, how unprofessional. She was totally awful, but now I can ignore her, for real. She was a right b*tch.

  27. Translation to the czech language

  28. Is cobra an actual person or just some spiritual being?

    1. Cobra is a real person like you and me.

      People can get to know him on his conferences and workshops. Also, you can listen to Interviews on Youtube and listen to his (distorted) voice.

    2. @Libra
      Wonder if he wears a mask or something during those workshops.

    3. They (Angels? or Pleiadians? or Archons?) tell me that there aren't any earth-human admins behind the website of Portal2012 and they themselves directly write the posts and many of the comments here! They tell me that the participants of the workshops and conferences aren't earth humans but higher dimensional beings.
      Of course, they have told me many great lies and nonsense, so I don't know if they are telling me the truth about this or not. I would also like to know if Cobra (Portal2012 admin or admins) is a human on the earth like us or not.

  29. ⛥A Series of Info About the Lurker-->


    Since it resides in the Subconsciousness aspects of surface Humanity, most concentrated in the Traumas, it maps down to the Lower 2 Subplanes of Mental and Astral Planes of the Human Bodies, especially near the Head Region and The Central Channel Region, followed by the Implanted Regions in the Etheric Bodies of Surface Humanity. Since, the past few weeks it's especially trying to get more of itself injected into surface humanity through these Implants.

    You yourself mostly stay at the 3rd Subplane of the Mental Plane(and 3rd Astral in case of emotions arising) of your own body during usual day-time consciousness. So, the Lurker is right behind you!
    To effectuate, individual Lurker disentanglement, you may move into your Subconsciousness, that is moving your day-time consciousness from 3rd Mental (and Astral for emotional healings) Subplane to the 2nd and 1st Subplanes, and may Violet Flame(or connect to LFs) in that state of consciousness. While encountering Traumas, you need to be ultra aware and there needs to be complete processing of Traumas.

    "INCOMPLETE-SLOW" Processing won't help and that's a KEY TRAP the Lurker may get you stuck in, leading to a prolonged anomalous state of Consciousness. Better to orient to LFs, whenever you sense a lack of adequate processing power.

    About the IMPLANTS:
    The Human Aura is Rather DROWN in Implants at the Etheric Plane or the Etheric Body. Thousands upon thousands of them still exist, despite some cleared-such as the the Frontal Lobe Ones, and the bigger Implants are Yet to be removed and Implant Removal is proceeding well to a degree for key-Starseeds, as per FM144:

    (Graph on Planes:

  30. A very important piece of info about The Lurker from one of Sebastian's reply to a question:

    Q: Does Lurker have its free-will intact?

    A: "These beings are like Animals, if they can get more (food, for example) they simply do. It is not exactly the "will" because they're lower Lifeforms, while the will that you meant it first appears above Animal-Level( on somewhat like a Human-Level). "

    And furthermore, it means that Lurker can't really Attack "Directly" like the rest of the DFs do. It's somewhat Strange-random looking but although diffused, its attack can be really strong.

    Note: That utilising your own Free-Will is very efficient especially against the Lurker, similar to just being threatening towards an aggressive dog puts it away.

    Also, remember you yourselves mostly stay at 3rd Subplane of the Mental Plane (and Astral Plane in case of emotions arising) of your own body at especially head region and central channel during usual day-time Consciousness, while the Lurker stays at the lower two Subplanes of the Mental/Astral Body, which corresponds to the Subconscious aspects of the Human Psyche, and obviously most Concentrated in Traumas, especially relationship aspects of Traumas, out of all the stored Info in your body at those two Subplanes of the respective Planes.

    So, a despicable animal is right below you, and it would attack you at random times, in rather a Strange-mannerism than a direct attack. Be Aware, and Do Utilise Free-Will to put it off, and the LFs will begin strongly clearing the Lurker/Implants/Abyss/Parasites etc. in the coming months.

    We've to proactive now, as the attacks can get really nasty in this phase of the Liberation.

    So I say,
    They're the Prey, We're the Hunters !

  31. I'm being repeatedly severely assaulted in my truck and any hotel room by the mason mafia police. sheriff, security companies & fbi/fps. They gash me with biochemical weapons including cutting my face and think they can claim it's self harm if I report to the perpetrators themselves though I have no history of such at 49 years old.
    This includes sexual assaults by putting chemicals on my genitals, injecting me with venoms and taking my blood for adrenochrome.
    I have been patient.
    Legal military action is required immediately.

  32. About Implants(From TheUnveiling33) -->

    Nov, 2022:
    "One of the most important current processes of the Lightforces is implant clearing. Some readers might think these were like normal implants comparable to human implants and there were just a few of them. The truth is that the average human body is completely drown in these implants there thousands upon thousands (depending on size to take them seriously of course) of them, like a black cloud around the average human body. Most of them are around the head for confusion/mental blocks and oftentimes you will feel pain in the ears upon the removal of those implants. "

    Sep 15, 2023:
    "The implants influence everything regarding your life to the negative.

    The only solution is to remove the implants. You cannot do that yourself as a normal human being, after all it is a hostage scenario. On the surface, the resources for that removal are very limited and the LF are not yet in the position to address all implants. The LF are learning but their influence is still too thin to intervene practically yet. They can remove some lighter implants from the distance but would need to advance to remove the more heavy implants. That will only become possible on compression breakthrough.

    Basically all your implants work heavily for 'anti-life' including your love-life (of course they all influence your psyche). Part of those 'anti-life' effects are caused by the sub-quantum anomaly - it is certainly part of their tools, a negative energy, which is amplified by the implants."

    "While the parasites and entities are completely unperceivable for humans, most humans are drowned in these invisible parasites and those are actively distorting and rearranging your morphogenetic field for the worse. So, as implants are being cleared at this time, affected humans will grow into slightly better forms constantly. That even works although your body is not growing anymore. The less distortion of your morphogenetic field is around you, the better your body will take form inevitably. Basically if there were no distortions, humans would pretty fast develop into a god- and goddess-like appearance. This distortion is also why most humans are rather seen as having a demonic appearance from the viewpoint of the higher aliens who are part of the Lightforces......... The reason for that deformation are the implants, demonic entities and overall parasitic beings which most humans are drown in. There are swarms of parasites basically around every human constantly, especially around the head, there are concentrations which also heavily hinder your basic and intrinsic understanding and intelligence. "

    "Purified means probably that those who merited a lot of implant removals will also have an easier ascension. Removing implants is hard work for the spiritual beings who do this at this time, that is why they will pick the most promising humans for some special implant clearings. Some implants will be cleared generally while others require hard work and will remain special for some time. The less implants you have, the more purified you are, the easier will be your ascension. "

  33. Sep, 2022:
    "The chimera implanted everyone of their humans so they can rather be seen as trojans working out against the colonists. First off, humans could never really get out of their implanting miseries themselves... According to the colonists, these chimera-built and -bred humans never did anything 'right', which is how heavy their implants are and how much they are actually oriented against the will of the Prime Creator and life itself..In the same way the least of unofficial offspring were adopted by the colonists, it took them enormous lengths and suffering to get to the mercy of having their implants removed in the past."

    "They still have to go through a part of the old ascension path which just got harder and harder through the ages, as implants intensified from generation to generation. "

    "Basically this chain includes most of humanity and previous generations in the inner Earth by now as many are bound to the cabal solely via their implants."

    "Despite compression breakthrough inevitably happening, getting rid of all implants including the main attachment will stay to be a hard way ."

    "But that are basically the risks of the positive gene-therapy which also naturally removes several more 'stubborn' implants much easier.."

    "Bigger souls or higher ascendants have a more capable implant attached and it has more help in form of more entities / implants it can use."

    "While the entities, implants and the main attachment keep you away from this, the human body is extremely capable when completely freed of implants. "

    "You will help naturally the more implants are removed."

  34. Main Attachment/Implant on the Solar Plexus Region:

    (Which can very likely only be cleared after the LFs have landed, which is the Ascension waves mentioned by Cobra.)

    "The main attachment every human has is an alien being, serving the chimera, which is in most cases millions of years old itself and highly intelligent in a predator way. This attachment is the ‚cage‘ for every human since their conception. A cage that will kill their victims if it is opened without most extensive precautions. Humans are completely incapable to escape from it themselves nowadays. It eats through your whole being, meaning the assimilation becomes more severe over the course of your life. Many humans (by now about 70-80%) have given up the fight against this main attachment, especially since 1996. These humans might be nice and friendly on the surface but secretly and many times subconsciously, they will do what the attachment/chimera wants. The less a human fights against the attachment, the more they become 'owned property' of the chimera, that means the chimera does what they want with that human (that is meant by ‚possession‘ in ancient scriptures)... The average lifespan of humans is the average time these attachments usually need to ‚win’ against their hosts. Lifespan was much higher in ancient times than it is nowadays (you will find evidence only in some old, holy scriptures, science still denies the true history of humanity). Removing the main attachment takes several years at this time, in most cases about 5-10 years and ressources for these removals are extremely limited on the surface until compression breakthrough. To give an example, the central computer on the mothership of the colonists runs warm on solving the problems necessary for its removal. If those problems are not solved or not solved in a certain timespan, the host dies during the attempt to free him. It is pretty much one patient at a time before the Event due to solutions that need high computational power and other problems that usually arise. Therefore there are currently only approximately 10 people on the surface of Earth being completely free of this main attachment and all implants, most of them are part of the resistance movement.
    Estimation for removal, once the Lightforces have landed on the surface, will still be several months per human for a while. Also freeing several humans at once will then be possible. The longer the timespan after the landing / compression breakthrough, the faster the removals can be accomplished."

    "Related to the main attachment, you might have noticed that many people in the comments section of the Portal are mentally instable or even insane, seemingly just by getting in contact with spiritual truths. This is already the gradual detachment from the chimera hive mind - these people are beginning to become self-reliant in their mind. It is the beginning of ascension for some. Few will be strong enough to mentally stand on their own and it is a long way which the Lightforces will soon be able to ease more than ever. Even less humans will be strong enough to go through the hardships to be freed from their main attachment completely, that is why the majority of humanity will have to be evacuated, just as Cobra said. Despite compression breakthrough inevitably happening, getting rid of all implants including the main attachment will stay to be a hard way - simply as Earth will stay to be overflowing with parasitic, unseen beings for decades. The rewards for those ascendants who get through all that on Earth will be quite good though, so it will be worth staying here for those who are big enough to go that way. An additional burden for getting free of all implants is that the bounty the remaining chimera sets for those free humans will be high, so the highest ascendants will be hunted by all sorts of parasitic vermin for some time."

    "They(Galactic Central Race) are also learning to locate and remove the chimera parasites and main attachments of humans much faster."

  35. "There is one main attachment on nearly every human, which comes directly from the chimera. While all other attachments are merely entities with certain functions, this main attachment is a sentient, self-conscious being. It is plotting against you 24 hours a day and its whole purpose is to cause problems for its designated human. It tries to reject every good and healthy idea from you and rather gives you ideas which cause problems in the long run. It tries to deny everything you want while even giving you little things you want just to entangle you into problems with it. Nearly every problem you faced in your life, this being has meticulously plotted or at least was involved in the problems arising. It influences everything around you including other humans through their attachments to cause problems for you. If you do not live exactly the life you wanted, it is still ‚winning‘ against you. While some people actually think they live their dream life or life was good to them, it is actually this attachment giving them something just to make them fall harder afterwards or use them in more drastic ways. It gives only to entangle into complex problems. It is much more intelligent than the average human. It cooperates with the same type of attachment in other humans around you. Very few people in human history got completely free from this main attachment, mainly these are the ascended masters and similar spiritual greats. It leads every human to certain death sooner or later and most humans obviously accept having to die as a most fundamental truth. Some people grasp a superficial realisation of this being by seeing it as their "weaker, interiour self". It is co-responsible for every sickness and psychological defect you have gotten and works steadily on more. Bigger souls or higher ascendants have a more capable being attached and it has more help in form of more entities / implants it can use."

    " while real manifestation is being mostly denied for all ascendants at this time by the main attachment as written below, there are of course things that help. Not a single ascendant has yet been freed of that main attachment. "

    " Ego-loss is necessary and many people in spiritual history probably meant losing your main attachment with the term ‚ego-loss‘."

    To fight against the main attachment: "An advice would be: become the best version of yourself, the best you could possibly imagine. Become the most kind person you can be. But also you have to stay harsh towards the falsehood and lies all around you at the same time. "

    1. I remember TheUnveiling33’s articles about this “main attachment”, but to my knowledge, Cobra has never mentioned such a thing… It seems very serious, so why has Cobra not talked about that?

  36. Implant Removal, from FM144(28.06.2024):

    "The Pleiadian Fleet has now returned closer to Earth and another sign that we are now entering the final phase of Liberation is the fact that over the last two weeks they have brought a small number of Key-Lightworkers from the surface to their ships by transferring their consciousness. Onboard, these Lightworkers underwent further negative implant removal and have been given precise instructions for the final phase. Then they got sent back to their day consciousness to instruct other Lightworkers on the surface and prepare them for the final Ascension Process.

    These transfers to the ships only involved a very small number of Starseeds, as this is not entirely safe at the moment (due to reptiloid attacks), but I think this number will increase in the future as the Liberation Process progresses."

  37. Your Soul-energy Income in human terms:
    20L fuel/second ... for an average ensouled human, varying slightly with their enoulmentr (Soul/Body Ratio), and bigger Souls have even higher income.

    94-98% of your energy-income is stolen by the DFs through these Implants. Imagine, how blissful your life will suddenly become, once you rid yourself of all implants. You'll suddenly become kind-operative, and also able to unlock all your Skills, and the Levels of Consciousness would be supreme.

    1. Respectively, we only have access to 2 - 6% of our full energy capacity during our entire life!

      I am sure that this information is in the meanwhile outdated - especially now that the Lurker is going to be disentangled directly!

      After all, this statement has been made in February 2022:

      Even though we shouldn't expect too big improvements right now, I would estimate that our energy income has improved to 4 - 8%!

      This doesn't sound to be much, but relatively speaking, we have an increase of the mean value by 50%!

      To do the math:

      2 - 6%
      2 + 6 = 8 / 2 = 4
      mean value = 4%

      4 - 8%
      4 + 8 = 12 / 2 = 6
      mean value = 6%

      absolute increase = 2%
      relative increase = from 4% to 6% = 50%

    2. @Libra, I feel the same as before just that the consistent attacks that have been going on since decades via Meticulous plots have finally ceased a bit.

      Sure, others might have a different raise. But all in all... Even the 20L/sec isn't all... Actually humans are more or less empty shells... Properly ensouled humans would prolly have about 100-1000L fuel/second ( or even much more )energy income for the Bigger Starseeds.

      Also, just a Small part of your Soul, say Higher Self has entered the Earth, and from that Higher Self, a very very tiny part is even in the body, while the major portion of your Soul, say Over-Soul, is actually outside the Earth. At least holds true, for the biggest Starseeds.

      If Starseeds were operating at full capacity, Quarantine wouldn't last 2 Years at max.

    3. For me, about 0.7-0.95% increase in energy influx... Just a gentle increase, as attacks ceased, but Implants definitely haven't been cleared yet. Though the Biochips have been cleared thankfully.

      Actually, the serious Implant Cleaning will start after the Event and even then it would take months to get the Solar Plexus attacment removed, as per Sebastian (Sep, 2023).

  38. About Raising Consciousness(and Enlightenment):

    Ensoulment (Soul/Body Ratio) is the most direct measures of your levels of Consciousness.

    "Basically higher beings positive or negative see usual humans not as much more than empty shells. They can enter nearly every human being and change their behaviour sometimes to 100%."

    As the human Aura is completely drown in Implants/Parasites and even the Lurker is entangled with the Lightworkers at 80%, Enlightenment would mean just BEING YOURSELF, or being freed of ALL IMPLANTS/Parasites/Lurker/Abyss/Anomalies, and raising ensoulment to a very high degree, so that you exhibit super high consciousness and be a conduit to higherdimensional energies by unlocking superconductivity of your Physical/Plasma/Etheric/Astral/Mental Bodies and keeping your Original Spirit(Real-Personality) Intact and Independent by support of your Soul.

  39. The Abyss:

    "On birth, the topmost of all humans are basically already surrounded by a parasitic bubble. This bubble is equivalent to the range of influence of the cabal in their life. Most people who cannot do what they really want are obviously being suppressed by the cabal, which means they are still inside the cabal-bubble. That bubble gets more dense to the outward which is similar to an abyss, as their influence is much higher towards the borders. Of course it is higher at the borders to detect and prevent any human escaping the control-system of the cabal. They want to keep control over you and upon escape, they will get much more serious, that is when the intensity of the bubble gets deep like an abyss. The abyss is similar to the individual threshold before you exit the veil. Basically every ascendant will sooner or later cross the abyss, especially if he wants to get fulfilled in a true and lasting way. Many spiritual scriptures wrote about the abyss and its problems, so it is a topic well known in spiritual circles. Crossing the abyss designates your personal breakthrough, your exit of the control-system and your exit of the veil. That is where your personal freedom can begin in a sane way. As said above, if you would for example receive big amounts of money while still under cabal force, then this would lead you to a certain downfall.

    All true spiritual masters, especially the ascended masters crossed the abyss. Those who crossed it have achieved eternal life and many more absolutely unbelievable abilities. Those of them who stayed on Earth are those mentioned above who have full control over their higher body functions. "

  40. so once they are disentangled will they be sent to the central sun as well? please answer if you can cobra i need to know this cuz im being harassed 24/7 by a current lurker that wont stop messing with me sense I've become aware of it within me.

  41. This Is A Bigggggg Victory By The Light, The EVENT IS SOOO CLOSE NOW!!!! I CAN FEAL IT... Its Time 2 Finsh This... Liberation 4 Earth & Humanity...Let's Gooooo!!!! We Got This Together As One...

    Victory Of The Light!!!


    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘❤️❤️❤️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️πŸ•―️

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French - L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  44. I have to admit, this process started faster than I imagined. Let's take a look at what will happen next.

    Regarding the link to Cobra's Atlantis,

    I think the first link doesn't seem very credible except for Atlantis himself. I am more inclined towards the Asian race of Native Americans who once crossed the Pacific to America through the Bering Strait or through underwater tunnels. This race originated in East Asia over 5000 years ago. The Atlantis race dates back even further in history. I really don't believe there is any other group on the surface that can preserve most of the genes of the Atlantis era race. Its preciousness even surpasses that of Bigfoot and Neanderthals, both of which cannot be found on the surface of the earth. The Atlantis may still exist today, but they are hidden and unknown to people. After arriving in the Americas, Native Americans seemed to have had exchanges with the descendants of Atlantis who had been in the Americas and to some extent preserved their culture. But this does not mean that the Native Americans were once Atlantis. They are noticeably closer in appearance to the Asian yellow race. I can even travel back in time wearing Native American clothing to become Native American, and white colonizers will not be able to distinguish the differences between them. The indigenous people of Oceania are basically mixed race to varying degrees among the three major races in the world. The reason why Native Americans painted their bodies with red paint seems to be related to the descendants of Atlantis in the Americas, who had true red skin like those in ancient Egyptian murals.

    1. First, no race of humans is "Native to America." every race that arrived into North America were Immigrants. The so called "native Americans" origins are from Portugal. They look exactly like South Americans, Formerly Portuguese. Namaste.

  45. Hello, I am one of the questioners of the last 20 questions. May I ask your blog post that directed energy weapons need to be dismantled before the incident? Does the resistance still put this matter in the first place? After the complete failure of the war in Israel, does it mean that the people behind the scenes have completely failed? Will directed energy weapons be completely terminated at that time?

  46. As to "disentangling" things. Yeah, I feel it. You said "mad." People will go "mad." Yeah, it feels like I'm shaving off some extra attitude ;) in the meta sense. Also "exorcism." That's a word. I've seen exorcism related to Mars in certain occult books. Exercise, heat, exhaustion.. makes sense. You also said, observe without attachment. I've been doing that. I'm happy to be one of the few who won't fuck up the breakthrough, and I'm willing to do what it takes to make us succeed.

  47. This is CERTAINLY to be READ, and is also very relevant to the Lurker Disentanglement:

    Sep 15, 2023:
    "The implants influence everything regarding your life to the negative.

    The only solution is to remove the implants. You cannot do that yourself as a normal human being, after all it is a hostage scenario. On the surface, the resources for that removal are very limited and the LF are not yet in the position to address all implants. The LF are learning but their influence is still too thin to intervene practically yet. They can remove some lighter implants from the distance but would need to advance to remove the more heavy implants. That will only become possible on compression breakthrough.

    Basically all your implants work heavily for 'anti-life' including your love-life (of course they all influence your psyche). Part of those 'anti-life' effects are caused by the sub-quantum anomaly - it is certainly part of their tools, a negative energy, which is amplified by the implants."

  48. You know, Ailish-Libra, it's amazing what those hollywood makeup artists do with men (in turning them into Women) even ugly ones like Sarah Jessica Parker (who I believe is a man). They do a pretty good job. Don't sell yourself short. Professional makeup and a beautiful hairstyle can work wonders, turning men into women.

  49. Part 1 of 2

    Some quotes from older articles to refresh your knowledge about the Lurker:

    From August 2022:
    "They have also communicated that the subquantum anomaly around the surface of the planet hides a dark entity that is the last remnant of darkness from the previous cosmic cycle, and has survived the Big Bang in the (sub)quantum state. This entity has entered this universe through the central Sun of the Andromeda galaxy, spent millions of years in Rigel and was teleported to Earth in 1996. This entity will be cleared completely and entirely together with the subquantum anomaly. In certain circles, this entity is called “the Lurker”.

    See also here:

    From September 2022:
    The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.

    One reader of this blog has made a quite accurate description of the Lurker:

    [See image in the link]

    See also here:

    From July 2023:
    "For those reasons the Light forces have a great difficulty directly intervening on the surface of the planet until enough subquantum anomaly is removed. Inability to physically intervene maintains the Lurker and this creates a negative feedback loop which maintains the quarantine. This negative feedback loop is being dissolved with the use of Mjolnir technology."

    See also:

    From September 2023:
    "The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental plane. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane:

    Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 year ago to run the management and control of the surface population. Since the Chimera is now gone, the are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him. Main black nobility families such as Orsini, Colonna, Torlonia, Theodoli and Massimo claim their descent from the Roman empire. This guy is their leader:"

    "The main factor now delaying the liberation of the planet is the Lurker with subquantum anomaly. The Light forces are now removing as much of this anomaly as possible to then safely trigger the Event. They are also releasing intel gradually, because if too much is released at once, it triggers a too strong purification process of the anomaly. This is the main reason why intel is being released gradually.

    You can help clearing the subquantum anomaly most effectively with the violet flame:"

    See also:

  50. Part 2 of 2:

    From October 2023:
    "First, physical biochips have been cleared and all that is left in those locations in the body is a dead, inactive circuitry of the biochip. These biochip residues are also weak spots through which the Lurker can manifest distorted quantum fluctuations and anomalous plasma generated from subquantum unspace.

    Lurker also emanates anomaly from subquantum unspace through quantum fluctuations and they distort elemental essence around the surface of the planet on the plasma, etheric, astral and mental planes. Lurker can then direct and manipulate this elemental essence to influence the surface humanity with increasing or decreasing the amount of quantum fluctuations at various locations in that elemental essence."

    See also:

    From December 2023:
    "When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to disentangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that disentanglement reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen."

    "Until then, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide."

    See also:

    From April 2024:
    "Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes."

    See also:

  51. So, what can we expect from this exorcism?

    Well, I would say, the answer lies within the September 2023 Update, quote:

    "The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental plane. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane:"

    See also here:

    - Murphy's law on the physical plane
    - Depression on the Astral plane
    - Confusion on the mental plane (and I would say, all forms of stupidity are included!)

    So, in the long run, we can expect a decrease of all 3 aspects, the more of the Lurker is being removed!

  52. Arabic translation of this post/Ψ§Ω„ΨͺΨ±Ψ¬Ω…Ψ© Ψ§Ω„ΨΉΨ±Ψ¨ΩŠΨ© Ω„Ω‡Ψ°Ψ§ Ψ§Ω„Ω…Ω†Ψ΄ΩˆΨ±:
    Ω„ΩƒΩŠ يΨͺΩ… Ψ₯ΨΉΩ„Ψ§Ω…Ωƒ فورًΨ§ Ψ¨ΨͺΨ±Ψ¬Ω…Ψ© جديدة ، ΩŠΩ…ΩƒΩ†Ωƒ Ω…ΨͺΨ§Ψ¨ΨΉΨͺΩ†Ψ§ ΨΉΩ„Ω‰ ΨͺΩŠΩ„ΩŠΨ¬Ψ±Ψ§Ω…:

  53. This is very good news but I don't understand something Cobra stated from Paris Workshop:

    "Another situation we have here is that the white nobility families that are living in Paris are still afraid to come out. There are key members of that family who is living in Paris, but this person has not contacted us because they are all afraid. They are afraid because of all the past experiences, all the threats from dark forces. But we need their cooperation in order to get the vortex to the next level. I hope they will find some creative ways to contact me, or be courage to talk to us. There have been already contacts established in other locations, but not in Paris. In order to activate Paris vortex, this is absolutely NEEDS TO HAPPEN at least in NEXT FEW YEARS??? This is very important for proceeding to the NEXT LEVEL OF PLANETARY LIBERATION???"

    My question is If we're supposed to have The Event in 2025 and First Contact soon after why would White Nobility Families be afraid to activate Paris Vortex? And why they need to activate it in the next few years??? How long this Planetary Liberation will last and why would they be afraid to activate it even after The Event and First Contact? What next level of Planetary Liberation is? I was thinking that after The Event most of the dark forces in high positions will be eliminated so why drag this activation that long, what prevents them to activated it sooner, why they can't activate it after The Event when most of dark forces will be arrested or gone, is that some kind of Ascension Vortex? Are there more dark forces except Lurker that are not revealed to us? In my opinion they can activate it whenever they feel is the right time as long as we get MedBeds and Money/Energy after The Event to function normally, all this life is basically suffering till MedBeds and Abundance are being released. We can't ascend until we're healed Physically and Energetically by MedBeds and St.Germain trust being released, Mental and Emotional Work is up to us but we need Physical (MedBeds) and Energetical Healing (Money/Energy). But I'm still wondering why would White Nobility Families be afraid to activate this even after The Event? I know that even after The Event there will be a lot of psychopaths on this Planet but if most of them on high positions are eliminated, those smaller ones wouldn't have no body to control or guide them through negative pyramid organizations so why would White Nobility Families still be afraid?

  54. I agree that the Lurker is strange and subtle. But... that beast is also CUNNING!

    I am taking some time off now to clear my mind!

  55. Translation of the excellent article into French
    Meditation on cintamanis stones :

  56. For those souls interested, a prophetic dream about the collective consciousness which came true.

    It happened early morning July 4th and then hours later Cobra shared this latest post:

    Twitter Link

    VΓ­Ε₯azstvo Svetla!!!

  58. En espaΓ±ol, en castellano:

  59. Thank you and big love, COBRA.
    According to the December 3, 2023 Event Situation Update posting, the Event may occur when the number of lurkers unleashed from surface humanity reaches a critical point.
    Based on this, I expect The Event to occur between August and October.

  60. Portal 2012 Discord with over 300 members:
    Come and join us!

  61. Here are some ideas on what you can do to improve the global situation for all of us:

    - study intel and spread it
    - connect with other awakened people or be a mediator
    - Neither provoke unnecessary conflicts nor avoid them too much; they can happen anyway!
    - Practice forgiveness regularly for others and yourself!
    - work with crystals or stones, like Cintamanis or Emeralds
    - do meditations / mass meditations regularly
    - visualize with the violet flame
    - Perhaps, you want to join a Sisterhood of Rose group or visit a goddess temple
    - work on yourself

    If you don't know what to do (yet), then this is okay, but please, respect those people who work very hard for everyone!

    Do you still think, we have no power?
    Think about it!
    However, keep also in mind that we are not in a video game, an anime or movie! Because, that's not how it works!

  62. I've noticed that dark attacks at night have dwindled to almost nothing. I can actually sleep and not be woke up every hourπŸ₯³! I do still struggle with energetic/emotional healing. Is anyone else having a really tough time with heart opening? Being a sensitive empath on this planet hasn't been easy!

  63. translated to Hebrew:

  64. MulΘ›umim Cobra pentru aceste vesti . Victoria Luminii .

  65. Be like snow that melts, it washes itself away.

    In the middle of the fight, dance!
    Dance, if you have taken off your bandages.

    Stop acting like you are small, you are the universe in ecstatic motion.

    Do you know what you are? You are the handwriting of the divine letter. You are a mirror that reflects the divine face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything you want is already there.

    Three mornings in a row, a pigeon brought a fresh, small white flower to my window. Unusual. Charming.

    You are not 80%, you are not a percentage. You are good souls with a Leonidas heart.

    Sufi Dance

  66. Hello everyone 😊
    Can somebody tell me, in which starsystem the origin of libyan Desertglass is? Thank you very much πŸ™‡πŸ»‍♂️

  67. My dear ones! Here is the Italian and Romanian translation of this new post. Thank you dear Cobra, you are awesome, fantastic, powerful, doing so much for the planetary liberation! Your update is giving me a very positive feeling, we are approaching the moment of the event very fast! Keep the light dear Lightworkers, your are the best Cobra team !

    Il Portale Cobra - Italian Telegram Channel:

    Portalul Cobra - Romanian Telegram Channel:

    Victory of the Light!

  68. Quote:
    "They are fuly aware of your actions. They can see what you are experiencing. But they can not completely understand how you think. Because the lack of experience on the planet earth, they can hardly imagine how it is to be here. That is a problem, too. I would say Light forces are doing great work but they also want to stay in their comfort zone. They would rather fight against the dark forces behind shields, and these dark forces all come here. [laughter] The most difficult part is here on the surface."

    See also:

    Those extreme differences regarding experiences are indeed a problem!

    Sometimes, I have to think of the Vietnam war veterans who came home and were hated nevertheless (and this also reminds me of the first Rambo movie). It can be really awful, if you are being judged by someone who cannot relate to your experiences!

    One of my greatest concerns is still the following (caused by PTSD):
    You are getting punished for being punished already!

    The quote reveals something though:
    It seems that most of the lightforces have something in common with most surface people: They don't like to leave their comfort zone; they only leave it, when they are forced!
    I mean: Who doesn't like the comfy warm home?

    I am sure that culture shocks will happen to some extent - on both ends!

  69. Hello lightworkers, I'm hoping that COBRA could let us know if the anomaly is what some scientists are calling dark matter? VOTL

  70. oh, the estimated peak of socially unstable events that intersect through the solar maximum according to the proponent of the philosophy of Russian cosmism, Chizhevsky, will come in July 2025-2026 - this is the period when theoretically planetary control could be lost. But we, realists (Sherman, high five), do not see options when the planetary banking system based on the dollar will be frozen, US aircraft carriers will be simultaneously sunk by scalar weapons (ala explosion of a nuclear reactor), orbital troops will be landed on all government and municipal administrative buildings and the situation on the planet will be brought under control within 6-12 hours - how few soldiers for this are interplanetary civilizations with a population of several trillion souls on the WHOLE planet Earth (Gaia, Gaia and others) with a pitiful 7 (8?) billion biological beings , half of which, in terms of living conditions, do not differ from the animal world and 90% of which are in direct physical hostage to the remaining 10%. And yes, I wasn’t talking about opening wormhole portals for a massive planetary launch of nuclear weapons by some “clique” into the region of a local or other sun or asteroid, a black hole or something else to avert the threat, shhh, that’s a secret. As well as the placement of billions of microscopic air analyzers with wireless communication throughout the planet, the purpose of which, in the event of contamination of the air, soil and water with biological weapons, is to quickly transmit data to a super-computer capable of analyzing the composition in a matter of minutes, selecting antibodies, an antidote or something also (I’m not a medical specialist, don’t judge strictly) and with the help of at least the same mass teleportation, spray a neutralizer of the toxic threat in crowded places all over the planet (and possibly to each individual). So until the sky covers the bottom of the mother ship, and on TV we see Putin, Merkel, Trump, Biden, Kushner, Netanyahu, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and 300-600 Jewish banking clans in chains (add the most famous and unknown to your taste, but supposed scum level crimes against humanity) and snot, alas, this remains a good bedtime story.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. There are many possible reasons, why people argue over insignificant things.

    The short answer is: Trauma

    But, it's worth it to go more into detail, so, there are countless factors that are in my opinion reasons for such behavior. Among other things, but not limited to:

    - high acute stress level or chronic stress, including hyper-vigilance (PTSD / C-PTSD, burnout etc.)
    - personality disorders (e.g narcissism, histrionism, schizophrenia etc.)
    - sociopathy / psychopathy
    - projection
    - cognitive dissonance
    - compensation of the own insecurities
    - medical drugs / substance abuse
    - most people never learned proper communication and therefore, beat around the bush and use passive-aggressiveness and the like
    - differences in culture and language
    - autism / the autistic spectrum

    I understand the frustration, but if you keep those psychological factors in mind, you will sooner or later realize that those stupidities will barely subside before the Event!

  73. "YOU MAY NOT ASCEND UNTIL THIS IS COMPLETE..." - The Pleiadians 2024 | Caylin

    This is absolutely true. Everyone should start detoxing metals and it is easy to do. Caylin explains how to do it. My problem when I tried to detox metals is that I have far too much mercury from my teeth. Two back teeth have been pulled 15 years ago, and I had a metal filing replaced but which I believe put tons of mercury in my system. Just beware of it.

    I have so much mercury that taking Chlorella for three months actually made it difficult to walk (can't run), my legs are way heavy - in other words if you have mercury poisoning, it makes it worse. So if things start getting worse, stop and try another way. I didn't stop which was my mistake. So now I'm getting slowly healed with Mother Mary. I think maybe I have a month to go... Good luck getting metals out! It will work! My legs are a little better...

    OMG that woman traumatized me but now I am free of her! It's official, they have put me back with people I was with before. Hooray. She was basically yelling at me and saying "I will call your doctor. Tell me who to call!" Despite me saying I had no interest in NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). It was turning into a weekly thing. She was totally screaming at me. That's what happens when they get desperate, and they already stole $4 Billion off this scheme. I was totally freaked out like no one freaked me out before. Thank God she is gone. She was worse than that female reptiloid I had before. She was worse than the woman who abused me for not being vaxxed. Who screamed at me too! Augh. Mad women - just leave me alone.

  74. Great progress! Thanks Cobra! The Lurker sounds like what one of my teachers calls The Master Of Discomfort. I think of the Lurker as an entity made of the deepest darkest trauma imaginable. BTW, In 2013 I created a healing modality called Angelic Liquid Light Healing®. It is a Divine Mother - Angelic energy healing modality. I offer free remote healing sessions on New & Full Moons, Solstices and Equinoxes in which many of my students and I channel it. Peace & Love to all beings!

  75. Yes with light workers attacking each other etc ,these black screens we
    are all in front of play a part in manipulation our thoughts et tech in which they distorted anything positive which creates entanglement ( to the best of my understanding), example: during lockdown I had to use a tachyon chamber to heal the pain was crippling literally, afterwards for a while I was able to see four and a half parallel timelines simultaneously.when ever I tried to look at the half(fifth),I would lose focus on this one and something would try to mimic or something??I was forever going back online and deleting dumb shit lol...

  76. I want to share a dream I had 10 months ago, it's somewhat related to Atlantis use of Crystals as weapons..

    I know this is going to be very hard to believe, but I had an intense dream at April 3rd this 10 months ago where I think they had particle weapons in WW2. I felt I should share.

    In this dream I was "seeing" through the eyes of some-sort of 'secret-pilot' on some Airforce base in WW2 in what appeared to be the middle of a jungle somewhere. This airbase wasn't concreted but had what appeared to be a "dirt-runway" as if it was created in haste, flanking this dirt-runway was various 'army-green' tents of various purpose that I don't know of..the perimeter of this airbase was lined in chain-link fencing with barbed wire at the top of this fencing. Outside of this perimeter was jungle that looked almost tropical. During this time I distinctly felt 'American' even though I am not in reality.

    At this airbase I was walking toward of what looked to be a spitfire that housed some massive crystal beneath the nose of the aircraft, normally a machine would be present at the nose or near the nose but instead of where a machine gun would be there was no gun.. Just the crystal. A spitfire's length is around 29 feet, and this Crystal was a roughly half the length of that and had the girth almost as big as the spitfire.

    The crystal itself appeared to be shaped roughly to that of a pinecone -- a broad base forming up to a thin pointed tip. It was coated in some sort of 'resin' or a rough-cut appearance, and the crystal was further covered in what looked like a "golden-mesh-wire" that created a 'spider web' like effect wrapping the crystal from base to tip . While walking as the pilot at this secret airbase I saw an "engineer" or caretaker that was responsible for prepping the crystals for combat would "buffer" the crystal until it was absolutely clear. Removing the rough-cut appearance and resin, making the crystal nearly see through.

    While walking toward the spitfire while witnessing the caretaker of the crystal work on said crystal I was approached by what looked like a 'CIA-spook' or whatever was considered the equivalent at the time. This CIA-looking-individual spoke to me (the pilot) about "Tax-Free Living" and was getting into some sort of heated discussion towards the pilot about something but I didn't catch what it was.

    Suddenly very quickly, the dream catapulted to some sort of air battle where I was in the fighter plane. I saw the crystal fire, it shot out a very bright white pulse of light. The best way to describe it would be Star Wars 'pulse' lasers but instead of the canonical red or green lasers it was a stark white pulse-beam.

    This white beam formed from the base of the crystal then went up from the base all the way to the tip before being released in a energy pulse toward the target.

    The dream after the that jumped again and I found myself in a triage center. This center didn't have a man-made floor but instead it's floor was brown 'dirt' and its walls looked distinctly that of a large tent with plastic windows, there was some metal cabinets that presumably house medical supplies and there were around 6 cots. The tent looked roughly 30+ feet long and 15+ wide and 8+ feet tall.

    In the cots there were wounded. These wounded victims looked like their skin was 'seared' or 'charred' off the individuals treating the wounded looked like female nurses these nurses wore old American ww2 nurses attire. White skirt, with a 'hat' with the red '+' sign on it. After that scene I woke up and had an intense urge to write down what I've witnessed.

  77. You may Practise Quietening of Mind: Clear of Images, and Sounds.. as the Lurker tends to perform simulations on the Minds of Targeted Individuals.

    Through Prolonged Quietened Mind State: Ensoulment Might even be raised and Detachment from Mental-Plane Spirits and Shifting Identity Function back to your own Spirit and Soul... is the way to dissolve Vertical Programming.

  78. Processes to Occur Between August-October Period, on Surface Humanity:

    Further Implant Removal, Locating Primary Attachment, Abyss Burning, Distortion Field Dismantling, Milking Station Elimination, Mental-Plane-Spirit Detachments, Lurker-Disentanglement, Higher Ensoulment, Identity Function Retrieved to Your Own Spirit and Soul: Vertical Program Dissolution, Getting Fuller Control of your Higher Bodies, Development of Higher Senses due to Inplant Removal progressing, Getting from 2% to 99% Soul energies..

    (Combining TheUnveiling's and Cobra's Intel.)

  79. "27-year-old Philipp Siman from the Czech Republic, who was a mercenary in the VFU, admitted in court that he removed gold jewelry from corpses because “that’s what everyone did” the stealers from the “Carpathian Sich” battalion.

    The mercenary also said that they shot people, including in Bucha:
    “We were the police, we were the court, we were the firing squad, for that matter.”

    The interrogation of Czech mercenary 27-year-old Philipp Seaman in a Prague court shed light on what was happening in Bucha when the Russian military left it.

    Philipp Siman, who is on trial in the Czech Republic for mercenarism, openly said that when he entered an abandoned city, he looted and carried everything he could get his hands on. They found it all on him in Prague: stacks of cash, gold and silver bars, jewelry, electronics. He even filmed how he ransacked the houses of civilians so that “the Russians wouldn’t get anything.”

    At the same time, he spoke about the reprisals in Bucha against everyone who was suspected of helping Russia."

  80. There's this analogy, with the big elephant in the room.

    You can either concentrate on the elephant as a whole or go more into detail and analyze specific parts of the elephant!

    I think, both ways are important.
    But IMO, it is also very important to have mental flexibility!
    So, you can switch from detail to the whole and vice versa, at any time.

    Sometimes, we must emphasize the details and sometimes, it is far better to keep things simple!

  81. I'll send you a happy meal beyond heliopause and you enjoy my pain

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Energetically speaking, it feels quite stormy right now, but I also see this as opportunity to get things done! πŸ˜‰

  84. Perhaps, Galactic Central race is also assisting us to become more productive regarding our missions! They are called Builders, so it would make sense IMO!

  85. I spend my free time developing my sense of unity, and learning to connect with the creator. I have a practice of breathing techniques. I build tension using my breath and experience total realization of unity. It is orgasmic.

    When the disentanglement occurs, I am hopeful that the heightened states of consciousness don't dissipate so fast.

    I have been wondering about the spiritual training that will occur after the event. I don't want to get involved with dogma. I want to see real people/aliens with real abilities who know how to train others.

  86. I don't know if COBRA would consider armouring an implant. Character armouring dampens, blocks or redirects natural impulses. The solution to mental problems is love. People who are ill have reduced capacity to love, for whatever reason.

    I think there is something spiritual about an orgasm which may not be sexual or especially religious. People's mental health is connected to how intensely they can experience pleasure which is ultimately tied to the orgasm reflex.

    I wonder how medicine will change when the source of disfunction that being problems with the orgasm reflex and primarily sexual health becomes a major issue for the masses.


  87. thanks a lot mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and thanks a lot all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations....

    namaste/blessings always to members of the family of light;in shining so bright and delivering the true might.....

    the jedis have returned to earth;so be it.....

    rise of the dragons;bravo zulu cosmique.....



















    DRAGON HEARTS.....444 hz

  88. I am thinking about how people are so very identified with their "trips" and "hangups" and other things created by the presence of the Lurker. People may not want to let these negative thoughts, feelings and tendencies be released.

    So what would these things be? I was thinking of the concept of "pet peeves." Pet peeves are things -- behaviors and situations -- that a person says "It always drives me crazy." Such as people who get angry about inconsequential situations. Here in the USA, it could be Person A trying to park their car in a parking lot and another person, Person B, moves in quickly and takes the parking spot that Person A felt is "HIS." (or hers).

    Is that an example? People cut in line (moving you farther back in the line) to do something.

    Or old grievances about family members that seem to never go away. "My brother drives me crazy and I am not going to let that go."

    Or, "I believe in Republicans, not Democrats, and so nothing will ever convince me that Republicans are not evil."

    Things like this?

    Seems like politics and religion are obvious places where people are brainwashed into believing things that are false.

  89. Friend's .Enough already. We suggest taking the lurker bandaid off in one fell swoop. 4 mos will just cause too much suffering. Agreed?

  90. Great news Cobra and LM! Thank you! Sending all strength and positivity to your missions! πŸ©·πŸ‹πŸ¬

  91. “Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars. This will assist in activating the memories of the positive Atlantis, to start preparing human consciousnesses for the birth of the New Atlantis.”

    - Suggested reading by Cobra:
    The Children of the Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis
    by Jon Peniel

    - Free on Goggle Books:

  92. Here's a visual depiction I made a couple of months ago - it shows how the Lurker / anomaly finds ways to attack you by exploiting weakpoints:

    Feel free to share it!
    Attack surface can be diminished the following ways:

    - staying away from anomaly transmitters (e.g crowds)

    - If necessary: cutting or thinning lines that cause anomaly flow (creating "choke points") which means to minimize interactions if you can't avoid contact completely (e.g. in family situations, working with customers etc.)

    - solving your problems in life as good as possible and try to avoid new ones. If you can't solve them, learn to deal with them. (Excessive complaining will only make it worse!). Accepting what you can't change is a big step ahead!

    - Even more effective is working on your triggers. If someone or something cannot trigger you, it's much more difficult to harm and control you!

    - Humor and calmness are excellent ways to prevent many situations from heating up or escalating! However, be careful with jokes or any other funny gestures, if you don't know how people will react! It often helps already, if you just keep your laughter for yourself.

  93. "RDIF and Cadila from India will invest in the creation of a pharmaceutical complex in the Russian Federation

    If for some reason you think that there will not be a new pandemic of “disease X,” then you are very mistaken. Russian officials have already agreed with the Indians on the construction of a plant where they will produce a vaccine that will be injected into everyone who, of course, “voluntarily” agrees to the procedure. People have already invested money, they really want to save you. You can be sure that the Russian government will not let investors down. The disease will be such that you will sway! For all the money! Below is the text of the official message on this matter:

    The international success of the Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines, which have saved millions of lives in 71 countries during the Covid pandemic, continues to bear fruit. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the leading Indian pharmaceutical company Cadila Pharmaceuticals, which worked closely with RDIF on the production of Sputnik family vaccines, agreed during the St. Petersburg Economic Forum to jointly build a pharmaceutical complex from scratch in Russia.
    The partners plan to invest up to 10 billion rubles in the project at the first stage of construction. In addition to creating new jobs, the new complex will help solve the problem of import substitution in the production of medicines. The estimated capacity of the pharmaceutical complex will exceed 1 billion units of medicines.

    Have you already started to rejoice?"


  94. “Gentiles who survived the Great War will ask us to teach them Torah, since their parents deceived them, and they will work for us in exchange for teaching. This is not slavery, but serving your master."

    Rabbi Yarov Reuven, a Zionist, claims that after the “great apocalyptic war that will lead to the coming of the Messiah,” non-Jews will serve them and work for the Zionists. He believes that this will become a new form of governance in the world.
    Well, will you go and serve Rabbi Reuven? He is probably already accepting slaves. There are still places, otherwise later, after the Great War, there may not be enough for everyone.

    Google the video and watch it.

  95. Perhaps right now we are witnessing preparations for the launch of large-scale military operations between the NATO bloc and Belarus (and therefore the Russian Federation). Most likely, this is exactly what Serbian President Vucic and Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan talked about last week (the conflict with the adoption of nuclear weapons).

    According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus: there are 10 NATO battalion tactical groups with a total number of about 20 thousand people near the border of the republic with the EU countries.

    Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, First Deputy Minister of Defense of Belarus Pavel Muraveiko said: “Today, near our borders there are 10 NATO battalion tactical groups with a total number of more than 20 thousand people. Six of them are American. Why fly here from overseas and station them here? contingent? They said it was temporary. We have a saying: there is nothing more permanent than something temporary,” Muraveiko told the ONT TV channel.

    “Are we happy with this neighborhood? It worries us, it stresses us,” he noted.
    Muraveiko noted that “this encourages us to consider and evaluate every action” of NATO troops. “We are closely monitoring all the actions of both NATO troops and the national armed forces of our neighboring states. We are studying the techniques and methods that they are practicing,” he said.

    On June 21, a sudden check of the readiness of formations and military units of the armed forces of the republic began in the Brest and Gomel regions of Belarus. In particular, we are talking about military units and divisions of operational commands, special operations forces, missile forces and artillery, air force and air defense forces.

  96. Shame without end. The Russian Federation wants to supply natural gas to countries that are now supplying weapons to the enemy, that are transferring their economies to a war footing, that are systematically threatening to introduce their regular armed forces into the conflict zone, and that are already participating in hostilities with their special forces. That is, the Russian Federation also wants to help them with cheap energy resources. And he wants to help the enemy. Payment for transit through the territory that he controls, so that this money can be used to purchase weapons that will be used to kill citizens of the Russian Federation. The following is just news:

    Russia is ready to supply gas to Europe through Ukraine after 2024, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. According to him, the issue of extending supplies depends primarily on the desire of Ukraine.

    The agreement between Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine, concluded in December 2019, expires at the end of 2024.

    A very strange war. It remains only to find out against whom. Or rather, it’s clear. Against those who are dying right now.

    To make the absurdity of the situation more understandable.
    After Ukraine became an importer of electricity from Europe (and the share of imports is growing rapidly), it turned out that 42% of purchased electricity comes to Ukraine from Hungary, which continues to purchase Russian pipeline gas.
    That is, the UAVs that kill our soldiers are made using electricity generated from gas supplied from the Russian Federation.

    Do you still believe that this is a conflict between DIFFERENT parties? Or is this a performance of white recycling?

  97. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that Iran has taken a course towards “normalizing” relations with the West and “carrying out reforms.” In the “elections” of the “president” of Iran, a supporter of the weakening of Sharia norms, ethnic Azerbaijani Massoud Pezeshkian, won. To understand the extent to which his arrival was agreed upon by the highest authorities in Iran, you only need to know that he was not previously allowed to participate in the elections, the president removed the candidate from the race with his by personal decree. Considering that all this is being done under the control of the Ayatollah and the IRGC, after the destruction of Raisi under very strange circumstances, the matter smells of a conscious desire of the Iranian elite to reduce confrontation with the West. In this matter, Pezeshkian is ready to go quite far, proposing to improve relations even with Israel. Let's see where this leads, whether he will become a "Gorbachev" for Iran.

  98. Since the clearing of the African network was underway, from around January this year, the prices of cocoa (and cocoa butter), which are mostly produced in the countries of the Gulf of Guinea, have grown exponentially. They began doubling by the end of January and since then they have become more than six times higher than by the end of last year. I won´t give many clues in case someone from my area read this blog, but I co-own and run along with a partner a small-medium size company that (mostly) manufactures chocolates under a specific brand. You could bear your main raw material increasing two or three times its price for some time, but six times is way too much, you can´t pass this on to the client without a huge decrease in sales. We´ll have to figure out somethig.
    Why do I say that? At least once, when I´ve talked about a problem in this blog (of course not of this size), that problem has misteriously got solved. Another times something has improved. It maybe a coincidence, but let´s try with this too, just in case..

  99. You might remember this graph that was in the following update:

    I try to simplify the explanation with my own words:

    Curve #1 is related to surface population. It increases over time. Why? Because, earth is still an enclosed system. The pressure is therefore rising. At some point, this could lead to an "explosion" that would the destroy the entire system. Therefore, the lightforces and starseeds are assisting to create a pressure compensation until the "main valve" can be finally opened.

    Curve #2 is related to the dark forces becoming weaker and weaker. The more weapons and dangers are eliminated, the more this curve is falling.

    Nobody knows the exact time of the Event, but it will happen once curve #1 and #2 intersect with each other. That would mean that the pressure of the society system is standing in a balanced proportion to the removed dangers. This would mean the optimal moment to trigger Event!

    The greater the difference between both curves, the less optimal would be the timing of the Event! In other words: It can't be started too early or too late! Considering this, the educated guess for 2025 still makes sense, because it is based on scientific calculations!

    Scenarios are to a certain degree predictable. This is why covid was possible at the end of 2019 and this is why the Russia-Ukraine war began 2022 - because, certain energetic dynamics made the manifestation possible! Figuratively speaking, it is as if the darkforces have won a round of arm wrestling - with serious negative consequences for all of us! On the other hand, we have also won many rounds of "arm wrestling" and prevented some really negative situations in the past!

    But what have the starseeds to do with this?

    They are - again, figuratively - representing parts of the "arm" of the lightforces that is fighting against the "arm" of the darkforces! In other words: Some of us represent the "bones", some other the "nerves", "blood cells", "muscle fibers" etc.

  100. If everything is going as planned during the next weeks and months, I am optimistic that there will be finally established a balance between underperforming and overworked starseeds!

    Frankly speaking, it's extremely unfair that it's always the same people who go beyond their normal limits and partially working until they reach total exhaustion!
    That's not how a society is supposed to work! It's totally unfair that high-performers are constantly exploited by lazy and complacent people!

    I really hope that those who have done little to nothing so far, will show some insight and will finally make some contributions - instead of just idling and dealing with plain nonsense!

    What you can do?
    Well, that's YOUR task to find out!

  101. Lurker - let them go
    When the lurkers are separated from the people, it can happen, that people freak out because they identify themselves with the parts.

    The parts have to be brought to the surface - there's no other way. The solution: look at the parts and just let them go.

    See also:

  102. The Lurker primarily uses: False Beliefs, Mental Polarisations, Trauma, Guilt, Anger, Shame, Fear, Psychological Pressure, Hyperactivity, Displaced Identity Function*...

    ie, anything Mentally Negative to Inject more of itself into Subconsciousness of Humans.

    Therefore, it needs exercisable Templates to do damage.. So, the best way to deal with the Lurker would be to rid it of exercisable Templates :

    > Clear-Mindedness & Being more Permeable to LFs influences.

    ☆Silent Mind: Clear of Images, Sounds, Voices (Especially Words, as Words activate Neocortex, and Silent Mindedness is best when you put yourself in the mid-Brain region).

    Prolonged Silent Mindedness: May even establish connection to your Own-Spirit and Soul, thus raising Ensoulment (Consciousness), thus recalibrating Identity Function* back to Consciousness or Real-Self (Vertical Program Dissolution).

    So, the ATVOR Meditation which had the Breath in and Out from the ATVOR Pillar, between your Heart and the Mothership would be Ideal.

  103. ☆Lurker and the Displaced Identity Function (Vertical Programming):

    Most Humans are to be taken as Empty Shells (Very Little Ensoulment), and as per Cobra, usual humans and Lightworkers are entangled with the Lurker at 90% and 80% Respectively.

    Major portion of the Real You isn't even inside your Shell, ie, Low Consciousness. Just a Shard of your-Soul exists within your Shell, while the major portion exists outside of the Shell, by-design: Vertical Programming basis.

    Therefore, whatever you do, there're two Components:

    1. Your Real-Self (Soul) 2. The Lurker

    While doing anything, notice how self-aware you are(Not even noticing this: Means your shell is mostly operated by the Lurker)... Are you really Consciously Aware or are you mindlessly exhibiting a Task? Mindless Thinking/Doing are actions of the Lurker.

    Humans don't consciously "think" those Thoughts, they occur to them meaning originating from the Lurker. Hence, Prolonged Silent-Mindedness and Orienting your Consciousness to LFs may help faster individual clearance of the Lurker.

    People have their Identity Function displaced to the Lurker, their bodies, and thoughts.

    The Identity Function is to be recalibrated to Consciousness and the even to the portion of your-Soul existing outside of your Shell(Higher Self): Vertical Program Dissolution.

  104. How to Speed-Up Individual Lurker Removal: By Orienting your Day-Time Consciousness to the LFs as much and as often as possible-->

    > "If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts most by now."

    > "Please keep your consciousness with the Lightforces if you got the chance."

    > " Meditations drain the cabal of their much needed consciousness energy they use to attack big souls and the Lightforces progresses."

    > " If you can, please orient to the Lightforces and concentrate your consciousness on Liberation as much as possible - that is pretty much which counts the most by now."

    > " Also, you might want to direct most of your free time to the Lightforces to support solving the current critical processes."

    > " Remember that all processes of liberation can be speeded up by orienting your consciousness to the Lightforces as often and as much as you can. The more humans that actively support the Lightforces with their day-consciousness, the less energy the chimera has to counter the advance of the Lightforces."

    6 such quotes stating the same.

    A final quote from Sebastian on how worth consciousness-energy really is:

    "The amount of such energy an average ensouled human gets in about two seconds could fuel a small city car with one full tank (~40L). Bigger souls even have higher income. Repeated in other words, you could drive a car approximately as much as you could with a full tank with just two seconds of your own energy income. This is of course slightly varying between the ensouled humans but it gives a rough example of how much your soul-energy really is worth in human terms."
