Sunday, December 1, 2024

Portal of Preparedness and Conference in Kyoto

Portal of Preparedness has opened on November 22nd with the completion of the Doorway of the 11:11. Completion of the 11:11 has made room for a new, huge portal that will open in 2025 and which I have already mentioned several times.

Portal of Preparedness is just the first step of preparation for that huge portal. It opens on November 22nd , has its turning point on December 21st and closes on January 21st:



There are several important astrological configurations within that Portal that will serve as stepping stones which will help us making quantum leaps into higher consciousness:

December 11th: Sedna trine Pluto. This aspect will create a powerful flash of energy, related to the completion of this cosmic cycle and beginning of the next one

December 21st: Sedna conjunct Alcyone. This aspect will mark the beginning of a certain operation of the Pleiadian fleet in this Solar system and on planet Earth

January 6th: Neptune conjunct Uranus / Pluto midpoint. This aspect will bring a harmonious spiritual energy to the surface of the planet

January 21st: heliocentric Earth will conjunct Mars, both opposing Pluto. Geocentric Sun will conjunct Pluto. This is a very tense aspect that might bring violent breakthroughs. A special meditation may be announced for that time

During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996.

The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event

It is interesting to note that many key dates inside the Portal of Preparedness align well with the inauguration process for Donald Trump:

December 11th: States certify election results

January 6th: Congress certifies the election

January 20th: Inauguration day

It is also interesting to note that disclosure process ramped up right at the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius:

The Rothschild faction is being thrown under the bus:

People are rising up against the Cabal:

There is a way towards world peace:



During the Portal of Preparedness, as part of our preparation for the momentous year of 2025, you are more than welcome to join us at the workshop in Taipei next week:

and at the conference in Kyoto just after the New Year:

Victory of the Light!



  1. CoBRa, por que tudo isso se vai começar um novo ciclo cósmico?

  2. Light Forces, plz solve Chinese light workers’ trouble and take me leave the surface.I am tired.

    1. 快撑不下去了,真的。

    2. True, bc of Li haoyang (yellow flower)did some serious bad things to girls (but still some people is judging the victim’s parents, the victim infected seriously and admitted in ICU for a long term, and lost her legs since Li’s problem that’s why her parents call the police), lots of light-workers in there are still suffering some influence by police. They seem investigating this issue as a kind of “mind control” and “heresy”, that’s based on 3-4 victims’ situations, those girls suffered really worse things. There are three accomplices also. And then even some Chinese lightworkers are living in foreign countries, the police still call their family and said “your kid browsed some ‘mind control’ webs and bought something from their”, also the basic info of lightworkers were written down in the police department, that’s just bc the purchase record list of Li haoyang’s group, even though someone bought that for 4 years ago. We have to be careful and hold on, and remember to avoid this kind of people broken the peace&love and recognize the truth. I definitely hope lw in China can USE COMMON SENSE well.

    REPLAY Cobra: Atelier "Nouvelle Renaissance"(Italie) +CONNEXION à L'ÂME + groupes Positifs pour Libération +Situation Planétaire... Avec 1 Invitée y ayant assisté et fait INITIATION aux RAYONS (Photos autorisées, illustrations)

    REPLAY MÉDITATIONS en DIRECT (Flamme violette+Bulle de Lumière Bleue +Connexion à notre PRÉSENCE JE SUIS +PLUTON en VERSEAU +ÉNERGIE de la DÉESSE / Sororité de la ROSE (INVOCATION de la Déesse +Méditation / SOIN des 3 cercles)

  4. Victoria de la Luz. Es una tarea transcendental que requiere de caracter e ímpetu para mantener la luz para participar como agente de la luz durante The Event. Aunque pudiera yo no estar en listado pido por aquellos seleccionados el mayor apoyo y luz para un buen trabajo.

  5. This is an AMAZINGLY inspiring post! This is what the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds have been waiting for!! Thank you COBRA, Lightforces and Resistance Movement! Victory of the Light is close at hand! 🛸✨️🌎✨️🛸

  6. Vamos fazer isso juntos como uma família,Vitória da luz 🇧🇷⚡❤

  7. What the dark forces may try on Jan 21st: Using Trump's pro-Israel stance to stir things up in the Middle East and/or a violent uprising from the left.

    1. I am canceling all actions of the dark forces! I'm canceling! I'm canceling! I'm canceling!

  8. I’m getting ready! Victory of the light! 💗✨

  9. I don't understand anything about astrology, but! For the last 8 months in the Russian Federation there have been active discussions about recognizing astrology as a pseudoscience. Moreover, the level of attention paid to this "discipline" is quite unexpected and harshly high. I got the impression that the authorities do not want people to know (or learn) anything. But what's the point if the Flash is inevitable? I never considered the authorities to be stupid. They are cruel, greedy, sometimes stupid, but cunning. What's the point of wasting time and resources trying to hide the obvious? To delay the end. Well, in the end, if it doesn't matter, then the main thing is that it works. As long as there is a result.

    1. These are very greedy foreign agents, they serve Mamion, but not in the interests of the state. And they are not patriots of Russia. This is my vision.

    2. It's as much a science as quantum physics or physics. I say that because the nature of the planets is "electro-magnetic." This escapes people.

      You can walk into your room and close your eyes and eventually sense the position, and depth of any surrounding objects. That's how blind people live. And this shows that objects have an invisible power, and communicate to our (normally) unconscious senses. So why wouldn't these coordinated, large celestial, living objects influence us? Then the question is how do they? And the answer is in the exploration of the law of correspondence.

      It's far beyond a pseudoscience when I can tell my girlfriend she has moon-jupiter active because she found an yggdrasil pendant, because trees correspond to the brain and both correspond to the moon, and yggdrasil being the largest tree corresponds to Jupiter who rules largeness. Then the amazing thing is since Jupiter rules enlightenment, expansion, that her mind is in a state to expand and grow.

      Modern science only needs to examine correspondence philosophically.

  10. "The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event"

    PLEASE make contact with us, show us that we are not cannon fodder/bait, and that we are going to get something for all this pain and misery we've been put through.

  11. What is the scene at the end of a marathon? Most people's energy has reached its limit. I feel that many light anchor ,starseeds ,rainbow warriors , including myself, are deeply exhausted on the multidimensional level, but still moving forward step by step. How can we replenish energy as much as possible at the end of the marathon?
    Even just replenish just some but still meaningful.

    ****Because after crossing the finish line of the marathon, we will completely stop the pace we have been holding on to for many years, take a good breath, rest, relax completely, and recover in multiple dimensions, full of energy like a child. This is how life works! Nature will always tell us the real answer.****

    Meditate( being the state). Contact nature. Empty yourself.
    Forget everything and feel the essence of the soul ,the AM what AM not from any channel but from your inner true slight .
    Eat natural and organic food (the fresher and more complete the season, the better).
    Drink more clean water (it can greatly help the energy flow metabolism and transport new galactic light codes).
    Let go of everything and do anything that makes you happy.
    Play like a child and don't let yourself down. The happiness you deserve! .
    Go out for a walk every day, grounding,and breathe fresh air.
    Watch electronic products as little as possible! . . .
    All of these echo each other to form a healthy daily routine to help us continue to move forward at the end of the marathon. If you can't run anymore, just walk. It doesn't matter if you are a little slower! ! ! ! Accumulate bit by bit. . . .

    In fact, the last members of DeepState are actually quite tired after working hard until now . They are really the biggest fools in the universe...😢

    Blessings for everyone wherever you are.
    Am be with you.

  12. Light force, I can no longer fulfill my duty as a light worker. I was put into custody in 9.10 and got so much trauma in China. I felt so depressed and sometimes wanted to commit suicide. I don't need compensation, I just want to leave. Thousands of years passed, I'm so tired.

  13. Ha ha, what a coincidence. Early this morning, I dreamed that someone told me that my home planet is called " O jia."

  14. Translation of this post in Bahasa Indonesia:

  15. The current situation in mainland China is indeed very bad. After the accidents of several key figures, all kinds of magicians came one after another, full of all kinds of slander and rumors. The light here is getting darker and darker, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes are emerging one after another. Many light workers have already exhausted both mentally and physically, and have no intention and dare not carry out any more light work. The direct intervention of the light forces is urgently needed here. Pray for the immediate intervention!

  16. Without your direct intervene, our calamity will always prevail.

  17. Thanks for this post!
    Might also be worth reading my post on the Astrology of the Portal of Preparedness:
    Victory of the Light 12:21

  18. Inspiring. Thank you Cobra. Love Annette


    COBRA : PORTAIL de (la) PRÉPARATION + Conférence à Kyoto+Situation Planétaire (l' EVÈNEMENT avec Réveil / Sélection pour Travailleurs de Lumière +Méditation +Énergies / Astrologie...) +LIENS français / VIDÉOS françaises complémentaires

  20. Recent Light

  21. Will we really be getting a momentous year in January or will there be more countless delays? And if 2025 is really momentous does that mean the current wars on our planet will finally end?

  22. I hope I'm contacted. When I was a child I had dreams about being in eygpt has a soldier and dying in this dream, which I believe it was a past life. I truly believe I have weird connections to eygpt and ancient knowledge. Last year I became a freemason and now I'm on the way to get the Knights Templar commandry degrees. I believe I was meant to become a Mason at this time for a reason. Sign me up for the agartha network and the alliance.

  23. With these news i hope event happens in 2025

  24. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  25. Question:
    For the selection and testing process, are the entry protocols still applicable?
    Yes or no?

    For the others, in case you don't know:

    1. Most likely we won’t be allowed to enter the Resistance until after the Event. These contacts are pre Event contacts

  26. “The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event.”

    What test will we be subjected to? Very curious.

  27. Okay, since it's manifesting more and more, I would like to clarify / ask about a few things:

    - Preferably, I would like to be contacted by somebody or a group that understands my native language well (i.e., German). Otherwise, in English.

    - If feasible, I would like to be extracted and relocated within a 72-hour time window, beginning from the moment of physical contact; to a safe zone that is shielded from the negative influence of the surface society. This can be a location on the surface, underground or outside earth.

    - I would like to be informed in detail about long-term changes ASAP; with most focus on healing for the beginning (including body change).

    What I can say regarding my current situation is that I have just minimal attachments to the surface society.
    In detail, this means that:
    - I'm living alone
    - I never had a romantic relationship and I'm not planning any while still having my current appearance / identity
    - my circle of acquaintances is very small and I only see them occasionally
    - I have no pets
    - I have no other important obligations (like taking care of other people or a position that requires responsibility)

    The only thing is that I'm currently slowly reintegrated into the 9 to 5 working life. However, it will be still okay for me to leave my current existence on the surface behind, once the right moment comes!

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Addendum

      I dunno, if I will be involved in certain projects, tasks etc. after my personal first contact (and profound healing) - I only have rough ideas.

      If it will be some sort of representative tasks, physical transformation is crucial, respectively, it doesn't make sense anymore to stay in the same form for all kinds of reasons - so it's important, if I am supposed to do a bit more than I have done so far.

      "Breaking the seal" is crucial and I don't want to postpone it much longer.

  28. Thank you for this info. I just bought a new batch of Cintamani stones which I will burry in a park close by where I live in Belgium.
    I 'm willing in playing a part during Event operations. If I can be of service. I have been fighting for the Light all these many years and tried to uphold it. So it would be a great honour for participating at the culmination of all this at the Event.

  29. @Patrick Kehoe, Cobra has confirmed the document you linked before and we talked about is true. The link is different this time and leaves no doubt (it’s main page is “U.S. House of Representatives Document Repository”).
    But at this point, people don’t seem to even care, years ago it would have been amazing…

  30. wonderful vibes from this post.
    LF have never been so helpful and active and it will clearly keep increasing. omg everything i've been dreaming about is beginning to happen :O can't say enough how amazing meditations and dreams are lately. i've never felt so loved, held and empowered. ready to go!

    also this:
    The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event.


  31. I also want to repost a dream that I had about 12 months ago:

    I was inside a room of a high rise that was located on 5th or 6th floor, as I would estimate. It was night and I looked out of the window in the sky. There was a bright star that suddenly increased in size and brightness and it transformed into a spaceship that landed in the backyard. The ship was pretty flat and I guess that its diameter was about 20 m / 60 ft.

    I was accompanied by Sherman and once we spotted the ship landing, we ran downstairs. Out of the ship stepped a red-haired woman (which might be a reference to a person named Talia). In between there was a scene that showed me that the story between Sherman, the red-haired woman and me went viral.

    Shortly before the dream ended, I entered the ship. I don't remember much details, but the atmosphere of the interior felt warm and cozy.

    1. I doubt that the purpose behind physically contacting the lightworkers would be for their extraction or rescue from their difficult life situation. Rather your previous comment regarding Entry protocol seem to make more sense. During the Event every majorly impacted region need to have capable people whom the general populace of that region would trust and listen to. I can't imagine such people to be from lightforces who are mostly either extraterrestrials or sub-terrestrials. The key sentence to me is this - "Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with practical experience in cultural anthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology, sociology and social work" - and additionally to be recognized by the local populace as someone of their own.

  32. I hope I am one of those lightworkers who will be contacted

  33. That all sounds exciting. Thank you for that Cobra and Light Forces!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @ the strongest avenger:

    I don't know if I understood it right, but you wanted to tell me anything specific?
    If so, then feel free to send me an email:

  36. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  37. Star Races

    - A Guide to Pleiadian Starseeds:
    "These starseeds haven’t been reincarnated on Earth by mistake or for no reason, in fact, there is the idea that certain souls have volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help raise the spiritual vibrations and consciousness of humanity."

    - A Guide To Arcturian Starseeds:
    "They are said to be highly evolved and spiritually advanced beings from the 5th dimension who have a strong desire to help and advance civilisation on Earth."

    - A Guide to Sirian Starseeds:
    "Similar to Pleiadian Starseeds and other starseed souls, Sirians have a strong sense that they are on a mission."

  38. So, astrology apart, the core message this time seems to be those two paragraphs that say “LF will begin to reawaken the surface Lighworkers..” and “will also begin selection and testing process…”
    I suppose it’ll come in the form of “downloads”, but somehow undeniable ones. And before January 21, so very soon..
    As Mary told the angel, “let it be with me according to your word”, or maybe not that much, but in a way… And very happily so!

  39. i think, j will take over soon and end all lies and violence with violence,
    cos the bold betrayal has entered the lightside unnoticed too by
    hiding history and current facts...

    and not before we have done our work, nobody gets extracted, that sucks!

  40. I think for me, it is time to leave the city. It was time already yesterday, but it trapped me with its "comfort".
    Something big is coming, really..we all feel it. And talking seriously, it is going to be chaotic in the beginning, specially in the cities....Or you guys think "at that Time" lots of flowers will start to rain suddenly, and the world will quickly turn like Heaven,.in an.instant? Most of people will freak out, believe me!
    If you can, leave. I will do that. Go to small towns, where the sense of community still exists, or to the country mountains...personally i have No attachments here, except for a stupid job, which I can cut with no problem. Time to move our asses!


  42. It's also important to remind the surface Lightworkers of their names. Because on Earth, no one would trust someone who doesn't even know their own name.
