Tht depends on ur own personal Auric energetic light shield Spin coded capacity levels of cellular awareness levels to hold perfect mathematical atmospheric balance
(FRANCAIS /FRENCH) REPLAY MÉDITATIONS en direct: Soleil Intérieur / Lumière Dorée / Ouverture du Coeur (Notre Cœur est notre Soleil Intérieur, notre Soleil Central Intérieur, notre étoile intérieure)+Décret / Visualisations pour se Libérer de la blessure de la Chute de l'Atlantide et des blessures de l'Ame(Libération émotionnelle et temporelle)+Point énergétique et Astrologique+Printemps+Energie de la Déesse / Sororité de la Rose...
Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone” Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau Telegram « LIBERATION PLANETAIRE ET ASCENSION » & vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux… facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
Izabela does a reading with a crystal ball. I see at, say 13 mins, the evil beings all being dragged down into the earth. This cleansing cannot be stopped. In the future, there will be no scarcity. She sees people will be able to levitate and move around, and move materials (like building stuff) around. There will be new water cleaning facilities in every town the world over, that gets rid of heavy metals, etc. The soil will be fertilized everywhere its needed. They won't allow any crime against nature. Good. Space travel will be common and we will build with different materials that aren't used now. Something small as a "pea" will be able to drive a whole ship, or a train, for years and years. It is stable energy. It can light a whole city for hundreds of years. No more electricity bills, or pollution. Plastic will be banned in the future (good!) Amazing civilizations under earth we can visit. They have different animals down there! Any evil civilization down there will be COMPLETELY CLEANED OUT.
The dome around our planet will be dismantled so we can have real sunlight on our planet. Interesting! The giants (earth was all giants, I'm looking at all the pics of them. The buildings on earth used to be ALL GIGANTIC!!!!!) It is all a lie since before 1900. All lies!!!! A different world used to exist. We have been dumbed down. So these giant ones will return to the earth!
Life will be found on other planets. (They are flying war planes overhead here due to Avalon air show. So noisy!! So small. They won't be around for much longer. Haha, they are garbage!) The time is coming when humans on earth are all one and we all stand together AS ONE.
I am sick of hearing what will be in the future. We need advanced healing and financial support NOW , not any minute later. PLEASE send advanced healing to us . I. NEED MONEY AND HEALING !!!!!
Oggi 25 marzo mi sono sentito piuttosto ansioso e demotivato già dal mattino. A mio parere l'anomalia sub quantica è stata eliminata in una certa percentuale oggi ma essa , durante il processo di parziale dissolvimento ha reagito attraverso Lurker creando qualche fastidio di troppo, penso che sia questo il motivo del mio malessere. Da un paio d'ore sto meglio e credo che questa ritrovata tranquillità sia in relazione con ciò che ha appena riferito Cobra. Molto bene.
Those vortexes/portals in the sky over Europe and Russia yesterday were wild! (Rocket fuel, my ass). Damn we're close! Goodbye duality, you won't be missed!🤩🎆🥳😎♥️
Still an emergency. Humans are still slaves. The US administration appears to be another canard working to make sure the US ruling-class stays in power. Looks like Americans might get a small shut-up check after being robbed trillions upon trillions. The nightmare never ends.
Will you admit Cobra that Trump is aiding and protecting the Zionist regime. Israel commiting genocide in Gaza again. Yemen, the poorest country in West Asia is retaliating in defence of the Palestinians being slaughtered. What does Trump do? He bombs Yemen time and again in defence of Israel. Trump is complicit in the Gaza genocide. Many innocent lives lost in Gaza and Yemen because of Trumps actions. You telling us that the Light Forces saved Trumps life and are aligned with him is ridiculous. Your next post should state that the Light Forces are no longer with Trump. This is the only outcome that should suffice. Trump absolutely should be one of those arrested after the event. He is responsible for many deaths. Anyone reading this and disagreeing, well you really haven't a clue have you. Try thinking and researching for yourself. I await your next update Cobra. Should be a mention about Trumps actions shouldn't there?
Absolutely no one in power is actually a person of light. Anyway, in the moment still even the most developed and prepared humans aren't connected to their full what you wait from a stupid politician?
@s The Light Forces depending on human intermediaries, aka "THE HATS", was a mistake from the beginning, and should have never have even been an option in the first place.
If Trump is not a member of the DS faction, why would Trump use his power to assist BlackRock in controlling the Panama Canal and other ports around the world? 🤔
This is the most evil investment institution under DS! 😓
Be patient. They are using Trump as a stepping stone, the man is so lost in his ego that I imagine the LF can play him like a fiddle. The planetary changes cannot be stopped, it's not up to us....this is a natural process of the universe. Trump and political morons will have no choice but to get TF out of the way eventually and people like you and I will step into our new roles. I'm angry, tired, frustrated, but, I have faith. Don't let them take your faith, WE are the ones manifesting the new system, stay safe and level headed to the best of your ability. Things have to get worse before they get better otherwise the sheeple will not wake up.
How many of U actually know what "Deflection is as it relates to cellular reflected mirrors above and below the water table Matrices lines of seeded race lines of coded DNA software network communication codes
Wait what "coded DNA software network communication codes" sounds artificial something like a holographic simulation matrix aren't we more than zeros and ones?,no aurora I don't know what "deflection" is but Iam learning...
What is truly at the essence? Sharp teeth in the chest,Cancer all in the breast, of the beaten and bruised, Feelin' like a pawn to the greed of these fools,But I never been a piece of the evil,In the womb of these fake **** ******, With they masks up, presume, I'll be telling, if I got a load, I swear I resume,On my conquest, for the key to the chest where my mind slept,And the love in my heart is a cancer,And I spread it through the wall as an answer,To the cries of the dead and the vanquished,The depressed and the lost and the damned, it's,Preservation of the peace, an ideal world,never lonely when you flowin' through my mind, girl,
The anomaly cleansing must be being very successful, among other things, the comments in the last post seem to lack the “energies” that used to fuel them. Even fuel in general. Maybe it’s good, more peaceful, but less proactive, probably until we get used to the new (anomaly less) situation.
Trump e Musk sono l'ultima spiaggia per LF. Indipendentemente che Trump e Musk siano sia positivi o negativi sono gli ultimi ed unici interlocutori politici di governi importanti a livello planetario per le Forze della Luce. Se anche loro oltre a Russia e Cina rifiutano questa occasione subiremo un crollo importante con risvolti catastrofici per l'economia globale. Da un lato capisco che LF provano a sfruttare tutte le possibilità per attuare un cambiamento attraverso leader umani. Ma la storia insegna che gli esseri umani non vogliono cambiare le cose. Sono la razza più distruttiva dell'Universo o quanto meno della nostra Galassia. Pertanto sarebbe più saggio evitare di fare troppo affidamento a chiunque abbia un posto di comando sulla Terra. Meglio affidare il compito della divulgazione extraterrestre agli Operatori di Luce più idonei a farlo dopo l'esperienza del Primo Contatto attraverso il rilascio di prove fotografiche e audio. Per quanto riguarda la liberazione del Pianeta affiderei il compito direttamente alle Forze della Luce senza passare da esseri umani perditempo attraverso un Evento Flash. No perdita di tempo, siamo già in forte ritardo ed ogni minuto è prezioso per evitare ulteriori perdite di vite umane innocenti.
I agree with your assessment @Time X. I believe key Lightworkers should be the designated ambassadors of LIGHT... the mediators between the Galactic Confederation and humanity. The world leaders have had their chance to do the right thing for far to long now and have procrastinated and failed time and time again. It's OUR time now to implement the long overdue dialog between humanity and our Galactic cousins and begin the process of mending that bridge that was interfered with long ago and start healing our connection. Afterall, this IS what WE were born for and I believe we're ready to step up and be the Light-bearers and Way-showers WE came here to be... the prophesied 144,000.✨️🔑✨️
I've included a few excerpts from the last Phoenix conference for real-time reference...
COBRA: "The Jesuits are currently manipulating Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They both have free will. Elon Musk is one of the key people in determining the future. We may be lucky if he chooses Light. He might be more important than Trump. Elon Musk has been chosen to be the contact person with the Aldebarans. The Aldebarans are monitoring him. Donald Trump or Elon Musk may be contacted, or they may not. The Aldebarans are ready and willing to work with them to liberate the planet. Cooperating with the Aldebarans will not be easy, but it will be easier than not cooperating with them. All that is being decided right now. 1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March."
Question about why the Light Forces have not acted despite the divine intervention petition reaching its target for signatures: "Why are they waiting for Trump? COBRA's Answer: "we are not waiting for Trump. We are waiting to clear enough darkness. Legally we have agreement for intervention. But, for example, when a lawyer receives a court decision, they cannot win the House immediately. We are waiting for it to be safe enough. Enough darkness needs to be removed."
I believe we're going to SEE major positive signs beginning in April and May, my friend. COBRA made it very clear at the conference that The Event will happen with or without Trump and Musk... but would be a smoother ride with them on board. Either way, I "feel" The Event could happen at the beginning or end of summer... I truly believe this to be an accurate guess-timation! We'll see what happens in the next few months... 🍿✨️🛸🤞🌎👍🛸✨️🍿
Communication and contact with the aliens need to be with regular people....NOT politicians, NOT millionaires, NOT billionaires, NOT business men....regular people. "Democracy with a SMALL d", as it were. The billionaires, the politicians, the business men, THEY are not suffering....they CAUSE suffering. They don't suffer from results of their own doing....WE do.
MANY of us ARE ready to meet the aliens, I KNOW I AM. And many of us are willing to take the risks to do so. The rich and powerful are unable, and more likely, UNWILLING to do the right they are gonna give up their meal tickets? There's not too many saints that are rich and famous....politicians and celebrities are proof of this.
I hope there comes a time the Light Forces STOP 'playing it safe', and be willing to take more risks. They are in their safer spaceships, have med tech, and all they could need provided to them; WE on the other hand, do not. And we don't have their PROPER life spans, ether.
@144K sono orgoglioso di te caro amico perché hai sempre un equilibrio ed una capacità di valutazione elevata. Condivido tutto ciò che hai detto e grazie per le informazioni attraverso gli estratti della conferenza di Phoenix di Cobra. Sempre preziosi i tuoi interventi per me. Anche tu potrai essere un grande ambasciatore e mediatore tra LF e gli esseri umani di superficie. 🙂🌲🛸🌲
Agreed... it's time for the Gray Hats to either work with the Light Forces and Resistance Movement to ready humanity for THE EVENT, or move the F aside and allow the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds to do what WE came here to do and be the voice and mediators for the Galactic Confederation and make waves like Ashtar wanted us to do. As @Time X said, once WE establish our personal First Contact scenarios, WE can come forward with undeniable proof that can't be ignored or shoved under the rug and hidden. Plus, there should be "key" Lightworkers who go through the healing and training process to qualify for the First Wave of Ascension in order to come back and make a HUGE IMPACT through an Ascended level that would capture humanities attention in a BIG and Monumental way! This IS what WE were born to do... and by GOD, this IS what WE WILL DO as a collective of Light. We've been kept down long enough... it's OUR time to shine now! It's time to let the 144,000 Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds Light up this world as prophesied! And yes, @Time X... OUR time to speak on behalf of The Galactic Confederation Of Light to humanity is a very "real" possibility. OUR hearts, intentions, and words are in the "right place". What WE need is the healing, backing, and training in order to be the best examples of THE LIGHT... and WE WILL. 🔑✨️☝️😎👍✨️🔑
I totally agree with Sherman.Up till now every rich and powerful that Light Forces have counted on didn't fulfill their mission and became corrupted.So the contactshould be done with the common decent people not the rich and famous ones.I cannot imagine they accept the idea that after the Event all people Will have acces to abundance.Then the rich and famous Will not be the richest and most important that common people...
Inerente al discorso che facevo prima su Trump e Musk spero di sbagliarmi. Spero che almeno per una volta qualcuno faccia la cosa giusta dal momento che sono stati chiamati in causa.
I'll say it again now. Christine Lagarde fully intends to digitalize the euro, and that must not happen! The French channel BFMTV is talking about it... so watch it here: On this link, they say our money will no longer belong to us. The digital euro announced by the ECB is facing a wave of misinformation.
I realized an unusual message appeared in the NYC workshop banner: “Calling all dedicated lightworkers: please join our NYC Portal 2025 Cobra Workshop”. I wish I could go, but like many others (I suppose), I have a lot of ties to work, family etc, that unless something extraordinary happened and made the global situation clear, can’t be avoided. Otherwise It would make you be a “son of a bit*h” for some, and “crazy, irrational and irresponsible” to others. You could make up a story but lies are short lived, better not to use them, and would be difficult anyway. The day the world situation becomes undeniable for everyone , those in my situation will be available, because it will be possible to explain things to those around us. Until then, it’s not just “comfort zone”, but what I’ve described, it’s beyond that. Best wishes to those who will be able to go.
I agree with your assessment @Time X. I believe key Lightworkers should be the designated ambassadors of LIGHT... the mediators between the Galactic Confederation and humanity. The world leaders have had their chance to do the right thing for far to long now and have procrastinated and failed time and time again. It's OUR time now to implement the long overdue dialog between humanity and our Galactic cousins and begin the process of mending that bridge that was interfered with long ago and start healing our connection. Afterall, this IS what WE were born for and I believe we're ready to step up and be the Light-bearers and Way-showers WE came here to be... the prophesied 144,000.✨️🔑✨️
I've included a few excerpts from the last Phoenix conference for real-time reference...
COBRA: "The Jesuits are currently manipulating Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They both have free will. Elon Musk is one of the key people in determining the future. We may be lucky if he chooses Light. He might be more important than Trump. Elon Musk has been chosen to be the contact person with the Aldebarans. The Aldebarans are monitoring him. Donald Trump or Elon Musk may be contacted, or they may not. The Aldebarans are ready and willing to work with them to liberate the planet. Cooperating with the Aldebarans will not be easy, but it will be easier than not cooperating with them. All that is being decided right now. 1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March."
Question about why the Light Forces have not acted despite the divine intervention petition reaching its target for signatures: "Why are they waiting for Trump? COBRA's Answer: "we are not waiting for Trump. We are waiting to clear enough darkness. Legally we have agreement for intervention. But, for example, when a lawyer receives a court decision, they cannot win the House immediately. We are waiting for it to be safe enough. Enough darkness needs to be removed."
I believe we're going to SEE major positive signs beginning in April and May, my friend. COBRA made it very clear at the conference that The Event will happen with or without Trump and Musk... but would be a smoother ride with them on board. Either way, I "feel" The Event could happen at the beginning or end of summer... I truly believe this to be an accurate guess-timation! We'll see what happens in the next few months...🍿✨️🛸🤞🌎👍🛸✨️🍿
I agree! I do have a question though. At this point the dark forces know they have lost & the end is eminent. I don’t understand why anyone who has the choice to choose light would not? Can they be that unaware of the big picture? As you said, either way, it will happen.
It's always " next month , next year , next week " and so it goes on since decades here. And I can't stand to hear " soon ". Feeling that we've been fooled
Ecco un capolavoro dei Pink Floyd " Us and them " sempre attuale perché parla dell'inutilità della guerra. Ma è nella melodia che potrete ritrovare l'equilibrio interiore, la dolcezza, la compassione e la magnificenza della vita per come avrebbe sempre dovuto essere, senza ingiustizie, senza sofferenza. Cari amici vi abbraccio e vi voglio bene...♥️
Abbiate ancora il coraggio di amare anche se la vita è stata ingiusta con molti di noi. Non perdete la speranza. Siate compassionevoli nonostante tutto, ovviamente con chi ne avrebbe più bisogno. Che importanza ha se gli altri non comprendono il nostro pensiero, le nostre emozioni. Siate autentici. Metteteci il cuore sempre, vi porterà lontano e i muri saranno abbattuti. E splenderete. Splenderete ancora come folli diamanti...☀️💎🛸💎☀️
I would like to report that as stated by Cobra in the last update, this clearing from 14th to 29th is not progressing easily. 1. Tiredness because of intermittent sleep (lack of rem sleep) 2. Confusion in carrying out simple physical or mental activities (feeling like my Grandpa) and getting grumpy because of that. 3. After yesterday’s report about “end of state of emergency”, I naively thought that things will get better for me. Even though I was still very careful while carrying out a physical activity, it seemed like I was pushed or shoved and landed with a thud and got really confused and muddled after that.
Here I would like to report that, after discovering that I am an Arcturuian Starseeds, (a light warrior)… , some life events seem to be more clear now. People who try to come and interfere with my simple way of life are actually dealt blows from which they don’t recover from. I don’t know what affects them, I certainly do not, but whatever they go through, they end up leaving me alone. It makes sense after all these years because I didn’t really think about this earlier.
My point is if I have this, whatever “this” is… other light workers or warriors also possess something which may help in liberation. But I sure need guidance and help and am sure the others do as well.
If I don’t get guidance, say, and thinking I am all powerful etc etc, I go to the nearest politician or corrupt businessman and try to make him or her go against me, in the vain hope that something will stop that person in carrying out damage to society or environment…, but it backfires on me!
I agree with the statements from many regulars in this blog, the light should not focus on the leaders of society, but look to “us” and empower us, guide us and lead us to liberate this planet and all its sentient beings. Hat can only happen when the corrupt are removed because for the corrupt it is a their way of life and that corruption is imprinted in their genes or DNA. It is second nature to them. They must be removed otherwise nothing will change. Their corruption if left unchecked will again spawn new lurkers, chimera etc etc.
It’s a simple fact of life, a thief and a saint can never be friends. A thief will think everyone is like him/her and a saint will think everyone is like him/her. Deal with the thieves separately but focus on the common people (saints in comparison to the thieves). The light workers have recognized that 4 billion of us actually support the light. So empower us, first with basic needs so that the struggle for basic needs is gone and then we focus on the liberation. Doing it the other way will not work because every person on this planet knows that only the corrupt succeed and the honest can pretend to be corrupt for sometime but it eats away at their soul and they die early.
I don’t know what will happen, but the strategy for liberation must change.
Wow, we are becoming Galactic Humans. We are really changing. I'm not sure about all this "not walking" that I've been going through. It got down to a trickle at Dec 21, it was horrible, now it is getting better. I'm still so slow!!!!! Old people still walk past me so fast. *sigh* It's hard to explain. My balance is so off. I kind of walk side-to-side, slowly. I can cook okay now, I can shower okay. Man, it is SO SLOW to get better. Sorry, this is just coming out of me.
70% of your body will change | MIRA
We are becoming a NEW SPECIES OF LIGHT. Our whole body is changing. 30% of our body has already changed, and is resonating to the new paradigm. Our cells are absorbing higher frequencies all the time!!!! becoming attuned to the 5D reality!!!! So now our body is going with us. In the past, we would have to die to ascend - now, WE TAKE OUR BODY WITH US. We are transforming!!!!! Great message.
Last night, while sleeping, had a vision of the UGLIEST mother fucker I've ever seen. Like a leathery, grey alien fetus, with bulgy eyes, a lipless mouth that was all gums and long, slender teeth. Wet texture. Me and it has a stare-down for about a minute before I wok up. After a WTF moment, I went back to sleep.....then something tried to CHOKE me in my sleep.
Here are some recent developments in Japan that may be subject to change.
On 3/24, the Army, Navy, and Air Force have established a new Joint Operations Command.
A peasant revolt and a demonstration to dismantle the Ministry of Finance are scheduled to be held on 3/30.
Mr. Fulford wrote in his article that the Japanese government will issue a state of emergency and shut down social networking sites on 3/27 to avert that demonstration.
I hope the aforementioned Joint Operations Command is on the side of protecting the people. And may the situation be settled peacefully.
I haven’t seen many people talking about this on here, but apparently THEY are seriously burning fires still throughout North and South Carolina still very badly and force evacuating people yet again. -It’s soooo odd to me that people somehow in their deluded, fear riddled minds think this is all just “normal?”
The family members who told me how bad it is, also told me that they had to drive through heavy smoke on their way to tour a BMW museum in South Carolina. 🤷♀️🙄🤦♀️. -I guess we all have our priorities?!
I find it very odd that no one really cares that demons are literally burning our country to the ground?! 😂🤷♀️ -Ok then…. 😒😟😈 ( Sarah Grace Wolfsrom )
💫 graças a Deus. Vitória da Luz.
ReplyDeleteVictory of THE LIGHT
OMG, let IT be...Freedom & Peace
ReplyDeleteWhat impact will the activation of the planetary etheric ley lines grid have on humans on the surface on March 29?
ReplyDeleteTht depends on ur own personal Auric energetic light shield Spin coded capacity levels of cellular awareness levels to hold perfect mathematical atmospheric balance
DeleteI believe that if any impact is going to happen, it will only happen in the second semester.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOops Resilient Hearts
ReplyDeleteREPLAY MÉDITATIONS en direct: Soleil Intérieur / Lumière Dorée / Ouverture du Coeur (Notre Cœur est notre Soleil Intérieur, notre Soleil Central Intérieur, notre étoile intérieure)+Décret / Visualisations pour se Libérer de la blessure de la Chute de l'Atlantide et des blessures de l'Ame(Libération émotionnelle et temporelle)+Point énergétique et Astrologique+Printemps+Energie de la Déesse / Sororité de la Rose...
Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
“Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau
vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
ReplyDeleteNa guck, läuft doch.
Ça Plane Pour Moi
Situation update please...
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure if it was the last post or the transcript of the last workshop, but Cobra said he can’t give more info til after the end of this month.
DeleteVictory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteRestoring the Light, Facing the Dark
Amor Vincit Omnia
ReplyDelete"End of state of emergency" Woohoo!!!
Izabela does a reading with a crystal ball. I see at, say 13 mins, the evil beings all being dragged down into the earth. This cleansing cannot be stopped. In the future, there will be no scarcity. She sees people will be able to levitate and move around, and move materials (like building stuff) around. There will be new water cleaning facilities in every town the world over, that gets rid of heavy metals, etc. The soil will be fertilized everywhere its needed. They won't allow any crime against nature. Good. Space travel will be common and we will build with different materials that aren't used now. Something small as a "pea" will be able to drive a whole ship, or a train, for years and years. It is stable energy. It can light a whole city for hundreds of years. No more electricity bills, or pollution. Plastic will be banned in the future (good!) Amazing civilizations under earth we can visit. They have different animals down there! Any evil civilization down there will be COMPLETELY CLEANED OUT.
The dome around our planet will be dismantled so we can have real sunlight on our planet. Interesting! The giants (earth was all giants, I'm looking at all the pics of them. The buildings on earth used to be ALL GIGANTIC!!!!!) It is all a lie since before 1900. All lies!!!! A different world used to exist. We have been dumbed down. So these giant ones will return to the earth!
Life will be found on other planets. (They are flying war planes overhead here due to Avalon air show. So noisy!! So small. They won't be around for much longer. Haha, they are garbage!) The time is coming when humans on earth are all one and we all stand together AS ONE.
Love Izabella! She helps me keep beautiful pictures in my mind :)
DeleteWe Make It So . VOTL
DeleteI am sick of hearing what will be in the future. We need advanced healing and financial support NOW , not any minute later. PLEASE send advanced healing to us . I. NEED MONEY AND HEALING !!!!!
DeleteWhen will the chambers underneath the pyramids be activated? Se você precisa por mi ti ajuda, estou esperando-BORA!
ReplyDeleteThankyou Universe. VOTL 🔥
ReplyDeleteVery good, obrigado a todos ❤✨
ReplyDeleteOggi 25 marzo mi sono sentito piuttosto ansioso e demotivato già dal mattino. A mio parere l'anomalia sub quantica è stata eliminata in una certa percentuale oggi ma essa , durante il processo di parziale dissolvimento ha reagito attraverso Lurker creando qualche fastidio di troppo, penso che sia questo il motivo del mio malessere. Da un paio d'ore sto meglio e credo che questa ritrovata tranquillità sia in relazione con ciò che ha appena riferito Cobra. Molto bene.
ReplyDeleteThose vortexes/portals in the sky over Europe and Russia yesterday were wild! (Rocket fuel, my ass). Damn we're close! Goodbye duality, you won't be missed!🤩🎆🥳😎♥️
ReplyDeletewell done lovers
ReplyDeleteI am very tired
ReplyDeleteLove and Light to All!💗
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light ✨️🩵🩷🩵✨️
ReplyDelete我推荐一首歌曲,Message from the Stars 432hz
ReplyDeleteThere was a few of them, RAH band was good. TY.
DeleteNow we're talking! Let's GO!
Still an emergency. Humans are still slaves. The US administration appears to be another canard working to make sure the US ruling-class stays in power. Looks like Americans might get a small shut-up check after being robbed trillions upon trillions. The nightmare never ends.
ReplyDeleteWill you admit Cobra that Trump is aiding and protecting the Zionist regime. Israel commiting genocide in Gaza again. Yemen, the poorest country in West Asia is retaliating in defence of the Palestinians being slaughtered.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Trump do? He bombs Yemen time and again in defence of Israel.
Trump is complicit in the Gaza genocide. Many innocent lives lost in Gaza and Yemen because of Trumps actions.
You telling us that the Light Forces saved Trumps life and are aligned with him is ridiculous.
Your next post should state that the Light Forces are no longer with Trump. This is the only outcome that should suffice.
Trump absolutely should be one of those arrested after the event. He is responsible for many deaths.
Anyone reading this and disagreeing, well you really haven't a clue have you. Try thinking and researching for yourself.
I await your next update Cobra. Should be a mention about Trumps actions shouldn't there?
Absolutely no one in power is actually a person of light. Anyway, in the moment still even the most developed and prepared humans aren't connected to their full what you wait from a stupid politician?
DeleteThe Light Forces depending on human intermediaries, aka "THE HATS", was a mistake from the beginning, and should have never have even been an option in the first place.
If Trump is not a member of the DS faction, why would Trump use his power to assist BlackRock in controlling the Panama Canal and other ports around the world? 🤔
DeleteThis is the most evil investment institution under DS! 😓
Be patient. They are using Trump as a stepping stone, the man is so lost in his ego that I imagine the LF can play him like a fiddle. The planetary changes cannot be stopped, it's not up to us....this is a natural process of the universe. Trump and political morons will have no choice but to get TF out of the way eventually and people like you and I will step into our new roles. I'm angry, tired, frustrated, but, I have faith. Don't let them take your faith, WE are the ones manifesting the new system, stay safe and level headed to the best of your ability. Things have to get worse before they get better otherwise the sheeple will not wake up.
DeleteWhen is this stupid hybrid monkey slave prison going to be shut down?
ReplyDeleteŠviesos pergalė
ReplyDeleteHow many of U actually know what "Deflection is as it relates to cellular reflected mirrors above and below the water table Matrices lines of seeded race lines of coded DNA software network communication codes
ReplyDeleteWait what "coded DNA software network communication codes" sounds artificial something like a holographic simulation matrix aren't we more than zeros and ones?,no aurora I don't know what "deflection" is but Iam learning...
DeleteWhat is truly at the essence? Sharp teeth in the chest,Cancer all in the breast, of the beaten and bruised,
ReplyDeleteFeelin' like a pawn to the greed of these fools,But I never been a piece of the evil,In the womb of these fake **** ******,
With they masks up, presume,
I'll be telling, if I got a load, I swear I resume,On my conquest, for the key to the chest where my mind slept,And the love in my heart is a cancer,And I spread it through the wall as an answer,To the cries of the dead and the vanquished,The depressed and the lost and the damned, it's,Preservation of the peace, an ideal world,never lonely when you flowin' through my mind, girl,
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light ✨
ReplyDeleteAre you ready? Divine intervention, first contact! Compression breakthrough!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMulțumim . Victoria Luminii .
ReplyDeleteWasn't expect this, thought it would of ended on the 29th
ReplyDeleteThe anomaly cleansing must be being very successful, among other things, the comments in the last post seem to lack the “energies” that used to fuel them. Even fuel in general. Maybe it’s good, more peaceful, but less proactive, probably until we get used to the new (anomaly less) situation.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope the ETs contact Trump before he bombs Iran. He is already bombing Yemen.
DeleteMore to the point, hope Trump actually listens.
Trump e Musk sono l'ultima spiaggia per LF. Indipendentemente che Trump e Musk siano sia positivi o negativi sono gli ultimi ed unici interlocutori politici di governi importanti a livello planetario per le Forze della Luce. Se anche loro oltre a Russia e Cina rifiutano questa occasione subiremo un crollo importante con risvolti catastrofici per l'economia globale. Da un lato capisco che LF provano a sfruttare tutte le possibilità per attuare un cambiamento attraverso leader umani. Ma la storia insegna che gli esseri umani non vogliono cambiare le cose. Sono la razza più distruttiva dell'Universo o quanto meno della nostra Galassia. Pertanto sarebbe più saggio evitare di fare troppo affidamento a chiunque abbia un posto di comando sulla Terra. Meglio affidare il compito della divulgazione extraterrestre agli Operatori di Luce più idonei a farlo dopo l'esperienza del Primo Contatto attraverso il rilascio di prove fotografiche e audio. Per quanto riguarda la liberazione del Pianeta affiderei il compito direttamente alle Forze della Luce senza passare da esseri umani perditempo attraverso un Evento Flash. No perdita di tempo, siamo già in forte ritardo ed ogni minuto è prezioso per evitare ulteriori perdite di vite umane innocenti.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI agree with your assessment @Time X. I believe key Lightworkers should be the designated ambassadors of LIGHT... the mediators between the Galactic Confederation and humanity. The world leaders have had their chance to do the right thing for far to long now and have procrastinated and failed time and time again. It's OUR time now to implement the long overdue dialog between humanity and our Galactic cousins and begin the process of mending that bridge that was interfered with long ago and start healing our connection. Afterall, this IS what WE were born for and I believe we're ready to step up and be the Light-bearers and Way-showers WE came here to be...
Deletethe prophesied 144,000.✨️🔑✨️
I've included a few excerpts from the last Phoenix conference for real-time reference...
"The Jesuits are currently manipulating Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They both have free will. Elon Musk is one of the key people in determining the future. We may be lucky if he chooses Light. He might be more important than Trump. Elon Musk has been chosen to be the contact person with the Aldebarans. The Aldebarans are monitoring him.
Donald Trump or Elon Musk may be contacted, or they may not. The Aldebarans are ready and willing to work with them to liberate the planet. Cooperating with the Aldebarans will not be easy, but it will be easier than not cooperating with them. All that is being decided right now. 1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March."
Question about why the Light Forces have not acted despite the divine intervention petition reaching its target for signatures:
"Why are they waiting for Trump?
COBRA's Answer:
"we are not waiting for Trump. We are waiting to clear enough darkness. Legally we have agreement for intervention. But, for example, when a lawyer receives a court decision, they cannot win the House immediately. We are waiting for it to be safe enough. Enough darkness needs to be removed."
I believe we're going to SEE major positive signs beginning in April and May, my friend. COBRA made it very clear at the conference that The Event will happen with or without Trump and Musk... but would be a smoother ride with them on board.
Either way, I "feel" The Event could happen at the beginning or end of summer... I truly believe this to be an accurate guess-timation!
We'll see what happens in the next few months...
Love and Light... Troy (One_Of_144k)
Communication and contact with the aliens need to be with regular people....NOT politicians, NOT millionaires, NOT billionaires, NOT business men....regular people. "Democracy with a SMALL d", as it were. The billionaires, the politicians, the business men, THEY are not suffering....they CAUSE suffering. They don't suffer from results of their own doing....WE do.
MANY of us ARE ready to meet the aliens, I KNOW I AM. And many of us are willing to take the risks to do so. The rich and powerful are unable, and more likely, UNWILLING to do the right they are gonna give up their meal tickets? There's not too many saints that are rich and famous....politicians and celebrities are proof of this.
I hope there comes a time the Light Forces STOP 'playing it safe', and be willing to take more risks. They are in their safer spaceships, have med tech, and all they could need provided to them; WE on the other hand, do not. And we don't have their PROPER life spans, ether.
DeleteAnd it sure as hell will be better than "HOLDING THE LIGHT!". Some of us are getting fucking TIRED of these cowardly attacks.
@144K sono orgoglioso di te caro amico perché hai sempre un equilibrio ed una capacità di valutazione elevata. Condivido tutto ciò che hai detto e grazie per le informazioni attraverso gli estratti della conferenza di Phoenix di Cobra. Sempre preziosi i tuoi interventi per me. Anche tu potrai essere un grande ambasciatore e mediatore tra LF e gli esseri umani di superficie. 🙂🌲🛸🌲
DeleteHow come Sherman gets to cuss and my posts get deleted??😝🤣😂🙋♀️👋
Delete@Sherman, @Time X
DeleteAgreed... it's time for the Gray Hats to either work with the Light Forces and Resistance Movement to ready humanity for THE EVENT, or move the F aside and allow the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds to do what WE came here to do and be the voice and mediators for the Galactic Confederation and make waves like Ashtar wanted us to do.
As @Time X said, once WE establish our personal First Contact scenarios, WE can come forward with undeniable proof that can't be ignored or shoved under the rug and hidden. Plus, there should be "key" Lightworkers who go through the healing and training process to qualify for the First Wave of Ascension in order to come back and make a HUGE IMPACT through an Ascended level that would capture humanities attention in a BIG and Monumental way!
This IS what WE were born to do... and by GOD, this IS what WE WILL DO as a collective of Light. We've been kept down long enough... it's OUR time to shine now!
It's time to let the 144,000 Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds Light up this world as prophesied!
And yes, @Time X... OUR time to speak on behalf of The Galactic Confederation Of Light to humanity is a very "real" possibility. OUR hearts, intentions, and words are in the "right place". What WE need is the healing, backing, and training in order to be the best examples of
I totally agree with Sherman.Up till now every rich and powerful that Light Forces have counted on didn't fulfill their mission and became corrupted.So the contactshould be done with the common decent people not the rich and famous ones.I cannot imagine they accept the idea that after the Event all people Will have acces to abundance.Then the rich and famous Will not be the richest and most important that common people...
DeleteInerente al discorso che facevo prima su Trump e Musk spero di sbagliarmi. Spero che almeno per una volta qualcuno faccia la cosa giusta dal momento che sono stati chiamati in causa.
ReplyDeleteWill there be a general meditation on this day?
ReplyDeleteHello Cobra, RM, LF, and the Galactic Federation.
ReplyDeleteI'll say it again now. Christine Lagarde fully intends to digitalize the euro, and that must not happen! The French channel BFMTV is talking about it... so watch it here:
On this link, they say our money will no longer belong to us. The digital euro announced by the ECB is facing a wave of misinformation.
I don't know how that being is not yet arrested andvremoved from that position
DeleteI realized an unusual message appeared in the NYC workshop banner: “Calling all dedicated lightworkers: please join our NYC Portal 2025 Cobra Workshop”.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could go, but like many others (I suppose), I have a lot of ties to work, family etc, that unless something extraordinary happened and made the global situation clear, can’t be avoided. Otherwise It would make you be a “son of a bit*h” for some, and “crazy, irrational and irresponsible” to others. You could make up a story but lies are short lived, better not to use them, and would be difficult anyway.
The day the world situation becomes undeniable for everyone , those in my situation will be available, because it will be possible to explain things to those around us. Until then, it’s not just “comfort zone”, but what I’ve described, it’s beyond that.
Best wishes to those who will be able to go.
I agree with your assessment @Time X. I believe key Lightworkers should be the designated ambassadors of LIGHT... the mediators between the Galactic Confederation and humanity. The world leaders have had their chance to do the right thing for far to long now and have procrastinated and failed time and time again. It's OUR time now to implement the long overdue dialog between humanity and our Galactic cousins and begin the process of mending that bridge that was interfered with long ago and start healing our connection. Afterall, this IS what WE were born for and I believe we're ready to step up and be the Light-bearers and Way-showers WE came here to be...
ReplyDeletethe prophesied 144,000.✨️🔑✨️
I've included a few excerpts from the last Phoenix conference for real-time reference...
"The Jesuits are currently manipulating Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They both have free will. Elon Musk is one of the key people in determining the future. We may be lucky if he chooses Light. He might be more important than Trump. Elon Musk has been chosen to be the contact person with the Aldebarans. The Aldebarans are monitoring him.
Donald Trump or Elon Musk may be contacted, or they may not. The Aldebarans are ready and willing to work with them to liberate the planet. Cooperating with the Aldebarans will not be easy, but it will be easier than not cooperating with them. All that is being decided right now. 1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March."
Question about why the Light Forces have not acted despite the divine intervention petition reaching its target for signatures:
"Why are they waiting for Trump?
COBRA's Answer:
"we are not waiting for Trump. We are waiting to clear enough darkness. Legally we have agreement for intervention. But, for example, when a lawyer receives a court decision, they cannot win the House immediately. We are waiting for it to be safe enough. Enough darkness needs to be removed."
I believe we're going to SEE major positive signs beginning in April and May, my friend. COBRA made it very clear at the conference that The Event will happen with or without Trump and Musk... but would be a smoother ride with them on board.
Either way, I "feel" The Event could happen at the beginning or end of summer... I truly believe this to be an accurate guess-timation!
We'll see what happens in the next few months...🍿✨️🛸🤞🌎👍🛸✨️🍿
Love and Light... Troy (One_Of_144k)
I agree! I do have a question though. At this point the dark forces know they have lost & the end is eminent. I don’t understand why anyone who has the choice to choose light would not? Can they be that unaware of the big picture? As you said, either way, it will happen.
DeleteOne Of 144K, sounds good! 👍✨🌌
DeleteIt's always " next month , next year , next week " and so it goes on since decades here. And I can't stand to hear " soon ". Feeling that we've been fooled
Deleteit may sound silly but people's reaction to Snow White brought me more hope in humanity than this blog currently.
ReplyDeleteand also LILO AND STITCH the next disney live-action IS NOT a coincidence.
Thanks God 🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteEcco un capolavoro dei Pink Floyd "
ReplyDeleteUs and them " sempre attuale perché parla dell'inutilità della guerra. Ma è nella melodia che potrete ritrovare l'equilibrio interiore, la dolcezza, la compassione e la magnificenza della vita per come avrebbe sempre dovuto essere, senza ingiustizie, senza sofferenza. Cari amici vi abbraccio e vi voglio bene...♥️
Abbiate ancora il coraggio di amare anche se la vita è stata ingiusta con molti di noi. Non perdete la speranza. Siate compassionevoli nonostante tutto, ovviamente con chi ne avrebbe più bisogno. Che importanza ha se gli altri non comprendono il nostro pensiero, le nostre emozioni. Siate autentici. Metteteci il cuore sempre, vi porterà lontano e i muri saranno abbattuti. E splenderete. Splenderete ancora come folli diamanti...☀️💎🛸💎☀️
ReplyDeleteI would like to report that as stated by Cobra in the last update, this clearing from 14th to 29th is not progressing easily.
ReplyDelete1. Tiredness because of intermittent sleep (lack of rem sleep)
2. Confusion in carrying out simple physical or mental activities (feeling like my Grandpa) and getting grumpy because of that.
3. After yesterday’s report about “end of state of emergency”, I naively thought that things will get better for me. Even though I was still very careful while carrying out a physical activity, it seemed like I was pushed or shoved and landed with a thud and got really confused and muddled after that.
Here I would like to report that, after discovering that I am an Arcturuian Starseeds, (a light warrior)… , some life events seem to be more clear now. People who try to come and interfere with my simple way of life are actually dealt blows from which they don’t recover from. I don’t know what affects them, I certainly do not, but whatever they go through, they end up leaving me alone. It makes sense after all these years because I didn’t really think about this earlier.
My point is if I have this, whatever “this” is… other light workers or warriors also possess something which may help in liberation. But I sure need guidance and help and am sure the others do as well.
If I don’t get guidance, say, and thinking I am all powerful etc etc, I go to the nearest politician or corrupt businessman and try to make him or her go against me, in the vain hope that something will stop that person in carrying out damage to society or environment…, but it backfires on me!
I agree with the statements from many regulars in this blog, the light should not focus on the leaders of society, but look to “us” and empower us, guide us and lead us to liberate this planet and all its sentient beings. Hat can only happen when the corrupt are removed because for the corrupt it is a their way of life and that corruption is imprinted in their genes or DNA. It is second nature to them. They must be removed otherwise nothing will change. Their corruption if left unchecked will again spawn new lurkers, chimera etc etc.
It’s a simple fact of life, a thief and a saint can never be friends. A thief will think everyone is like him/her and a saint will think everyone is like him/her. Deal with the thieves separately but focus on the common people (saints in comparison to the thieves). The light workers have recognized that 4 billion of us actually support the light. So empower us, first with basic needs so that the struggle for basic needs is gone and then we focus on the liberation. Doing it the other way will not work because every person on this planet knows that only the corrupt succeed and the honest can pretend to be corrupt for sometime but it eats away at their soul and they die early.
I don’t know what will happen, but the strategy for liberation must change.
Wow, we are becoming Galactic Humans. We are really changing. I'm not sure about all this "not walking" that I've been going through. It got down to a trickle at Dec 21, it was horrible, now it is getting better. I'm still so slow!!!!! Old people still walk past me so fast. *sigh* It's hard to explain. My balance is so off. I kind of walk side-to-side, slowly. I can cook okay now, I can shower okay. Man, it is SO SLOW to get better. Sorry, this is just coming out of me.
70% of your body will change | MIRA
We are becoming a NEW SPECIES OF LIGHT. Our whole body is changing. 30% of our body has already changed, and is resonating to the new paradigm. Our cells are absorbing higher frequencies all the time!!!! becoming attuned to the 5D reality!!!! So now our body is going with us. In the past, we would have to die to ascend - now, WE TAKE OUR BODY WITH US. We are transforming!!!!! Great message.
Last night, while sleeping, had a vision of the UGLIEST mother fucker I've ever seen. Like a leathery, grey alien fetus, with bulgy eyes, a lipless mouth that was all gums and long, slender teeth. Wet texture. Me and it has a stare-down for about a minute before I wok up. After a WTF moment, I went back to sleep.....then something tried to CHOKE me in my sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe HELL is going on, now?
Here are some recent developments in Japan that may be subject to change.
ReplyDeleteOn 3/24, the Army, Navy, and Air Force have established a new Joint Operations Command.
A peasant revolt and a demonstration to dismantle the Ministry of Finance are scheduled to be held on 3/30.
Mr. Fulford wrote in his article that the Japanese government will issue a state of emergency and shut down social networking sites on 3/27 to avert that demonstration.
I hope the aforementioned Joint Operations Command is on the side of protecting the people.
And may the situation be settled peacefully.
I haven’t seen many people talking about this on here, but apparently THEY are seriously burning fires still throughout North and South Carolina still very badly and force evacuating people yet again. -It’s soooo odd to me that people somehow in their deluded, fear riddled minds think this is all just “normal?”
ReplyDeleteThe family members who told me how bad it is, also told me that they had to drive through heavy smoke on their way to tour a BMW museum in South Carolina. 🤷♀️🙄🤦♀️. -I guess we all have our priorities?!
I find it very odd that no one really cares that demons are literally burning our country to the ground?! 😂🤷♀️ -Ok then…. 😒😟😈 ( Sarah Grace Wolfsrom )