Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.
As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the
Forces of Light have been evolving from a military force created in the urgent
need to defend basic liberties of sentient beings towards a harmonious galactic
and cosmic society. As beings within the Galactic Confederation have evolved
spiritually and made their alignment and union with the Ascended Masters, they
have discovered an inner codex that regulates all inter-relationships between
beings of Light and their relation towards the Dark Forces and occupied
planets. This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis
for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies. This Codex is
not a rigid set of external laws but a systematized code of inner ethics of all
souls of Light that all beings of Light accept with their free will because it
reflects their inner truth.
We will now state the Galactic Codex
in a form that is understandable to an average awakened being in a human
Section I: The Law of Divine Grace
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience
To explain Section I we need to
understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic
society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic
anomaly. To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth
experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to
enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily.
Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in the
liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner connection of every living
being with the Source and strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over
matter which allows them to assist all living beings in their aspirations
towards the Source and provide them with necessities of life. Life was
never meant to be hard work and struggle but rather a journey of joy and
creativity. Different subsections of Section I regulate all life in
a liberated universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that conflicts
never need to occur. Let us explain the subsections:
Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance
This subsection guarantees a positive
life experience for every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters
provide for all necessities of living and for physical and spiritual richness
and beauty using the power they have over redeemed matter of the liberated
Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension
This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use their advanced
understanding of spiritual technology of Ascension and by utilizing the
Electric Fire of redemption assist all beings that free-willingly choose
Section I/3: Each sentient being has
an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion
with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala
This subsection is an instrument of
regulation of all relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging
of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and alignment of all
other beings regardless of their state of development and outer conditions.
Section I/4: Each sentient being has
an unalienable and unconditional right to all information
This subsection is a guarantee that
all beings receive all pieces of information they need to understand their role
in the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other pieces they
need for their decisions, growth and well being. All this data is provided by
Ascended Masters or other beings that supervise the evolutions of various races
and civilizations.
Section I/5: Each sentient being has
an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom
This subsection provides that every
being has an unlimited potential of growth and life experience. Since all
beings in the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom never
opposes the freedom of other beings.
Section II: The Law of Dividing the
Conflicting Parties
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings
This section regulates the conditions
in those sections of the universe that have just been liberated from the
influence of the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the
Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties
in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. Then the
Light Forces mediate the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often
used to end wars and other armed conflicts.
Section III: The Law of Balance
Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh
This section regulates the relations
between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings
that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the opportunity to accept the
Galactic Codex, do the best they can to correct the mistakes they made and to
live positively afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the
Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept, they are taken to the
Central Sun, their personalities and soul essences are restructured with the
Electric Fire and their divine spark begin a new cycle of evolution.
Section IV: The Law of Intervention
The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws
This section describes the policy of
the Light Forces regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the
right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where
the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the
position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the
right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical
mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use
military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Dark
Forces. The Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to
hinder the progress of the Forces of Light. On Earth they have threatened
with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene. This is the main
reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so
called we-will-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-will, we-will-just-watch-as-the-suffering-goes-on
nonsense). As in any hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful
negotiation and tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and
planet Earth will be liberated soon.
Section IV/1: Each sentient being has
an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic
Confederation in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist,
regardless of local laws
This subsection gives a legal basis
for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces. The
Forces of Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the living
conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth. The situation on planet
Earth just indicates how much more power darkness had over Light on this planet. Fortunately, this is
changing now.
Section IV/2: The Galactic
Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation
of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation
with military force if necessary
This subsection gives a legal basis
for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The
military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the
representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Then other
Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the
Confederation by instructing the local population.
Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation
has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems
by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant
abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of
handling its own situation. So it is much better that it receives wise
guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces)
that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will
finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and
darkness will be no more.
Dear Cobra
ReplyDeleteIs this codex coming from your hand or has it sprouted from your mind or has it come from elsewhere. That is what I just wanted to know. As There is no reference of a sort on that.
Thanks for this new blog. I hope more will open their own blogs. And make the circles that soon will be circles spreading into waves.
Love and Light, Lucas
The codex is sound, irrespective of how it came to be or where it originated from. I will support it.
DeleteHow interesting.....
ReplyDeleteIn the series 'STAR TREK' there was something similar called ...'THE PRIME DIRECTIVE'.....the code that the FEDERATION OF PLANETS was guided by.
yea the prim directive that's correct its in star trek my favorite TV show but this id more complected than start trek law
DeleteStar Trek, and many, many other artistic creations were and continue to e inspired by true inter-galactic events. Our Higher Selves and our Heavenly Father inspire us in our deepest consciousness (without sound) for these ideas, which all have been for the purpose of preparing humanity for the ascension happening now.
DeleteProblem is, the PD in trek got TOO in later TNG, they actually were willing to let lesser advanced species DIE, rather than intervene and save them. Worf's adopted human brother did that, and Worf and Picard wanted to lynch him. The PD only works on paper, if that is how it works.
DeleteIf you read again what is written here, you will see that it SAYS that the PRIME DIRECTIVE is a trap created by the archons to enslave the people:
Delete"Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation. So it is much better that it receives wise guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more."
The PrimeDirective of ST:TN was meant to allow ppl to evolve in their own time, and prevented technology sharing which would be an artificial lever of power. But Cobra specifically states,the neverending violent conflicts,wars, genocide,&general misery of deprivation and violence indicates earth population needs guidance and monitors to uplift the planet I good and eliminate the dark forces predators from their last shelter in the universe before humanity goes off planet and reintroduces dark forces to the universe which wired so hard to purge them.
DeletePrime Directive: You not part of the big country club? Then FUCK YOU!
Prime Directive, like Communism and Capitolism , only works on PAPER.
ReplyDeleteAnd the references of those references? And who's the first monkey referred to? And who's his/her uncle/aunt?
DeleteI am reposting this to
ReplyDeleteMy feeling is that you trust yourself enough to present the information without having to make references. And I trust myself enough, that is to say, my intuition and my own reference points to think that this is genuine.
Note: There are many allies of the forces for good that are themselves the source of information. There will be less and less need to have a 3rd party transmission as we move closer to the ascension. IMHO.
I agree with this that there will be less 3rd parties needed as critical mass has been achieved this time around and many are becoming directly connected to source in a magnificent way. Based on this, I also would have to agree.
DeleteFascinating read but, like the others above, where are you getting this information?
ReplyDeleteI'm having problems reconciling this information with the Law of One and Adamu's message about disclosure (from, which implies that there are extensive 4th density negative planets and entities that form opposition and balance to the 4th density positive side. None of those systems have duality or polarity, but between them there still is a struggle for dominance.
ReplyDeleteAdamu does say, "Yours is the first planetary civilisation in which this is being tried: to go directly from the choice stage of deepest duality right up to unity consciousness. It has never been done before and your planet and this space/time nexus is the test case. It is the model according to which a whole new way of doing the business of spiritual evolution will be played out."
But 4th density negative must still exist. The opening line says that Earth is the last planet in this Universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces. If so, then where are the reptilians and greys, and even negative Orions, coming from, those that have been working hand-in-hand with the Illuminati?
Most reptilians, greys and Rigelians come from the Orion quadrant, but they have been cleared some time ago by the Galactic Confederation, along with Orion quadrant itself.
DeleteWhen I see Cobra with my own two eyes and he tells me where he is getting all this other-worldly stuff, then I will decide whether "ascension" is something other than realizing the inseparability of "I and other."
DeleteMay i drop a helpful hint to start the freedom, sovereign movement.
ReplyDeleteStart trading with silver locally, get those old silvercoins b4 1965
90% silver coins & dollars into local circulation. Stop hoarding it
for speculation but use it instead. Simply demand silver coins when
selling anything locally to friends & neighbors. Yes, you will have to communicate with others & learn to stand you ground, drop conven-
ience. This small effort will be blessings to all who listen, as
everyone will be holding valuable silver at hand, when the worthless
fiat debt paper money ends up useless. Cosmic rule = Value for Value
This is what JFK died for (trying to apply this simple principle of
he ordered silver minted coins, which never loose their value.
E pluribus unum, All for One & One for All you see on every coin.
Of course paying your bills to power & housing use the Fed.Reserve
debt bills, they are not your friend. Apply only among friends &
friends to become.
Obviously you realized by now, that it was the Federal Reserve bills
that are the strongest whip to enslavement. It can be undone slowly
& systematically, but it will take your will & action to undo.
"simply demand silver coins when
Deleteselling anything locally to friends & neighbors"
BELOW is from WIKIPEDIA -It is interesting to see that the DOLLAR and CENTs are rooted measurements of neutron activity in a nuclear reactor!!! A clear fractality of sound -whether it is causal or effectual - or BOTH.
DeleteDollar (reactivity)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A dollar is a rooted measurement of the amount of neutron activity in a nuclear reactor. The cent is 1/100 of a dollar.
When nuclear fission occurs, neutrons are released in a stochastic process which is determined by the nature of the fissionable. Most of the neutrons are "prompt"; they are created at the same time as the fission products and are released in less than 10 nanoseconds (a "shake" of time). Others are released from the fission product nuclei by decay in anywhere from a shake to minutes (or even longer) after the fission. These delayed-release neutrons allow nuclear reactors to be controllable by humans and automated machinery, which cannot operate in less than millisecond reaction times. If there were no such delayed neutrons (all neutrons were prompt), then reactors that went even barely critical would multiply their reactivity rates into huge values much quicker than the reactor could possibly be controlled.
Devices which depend upon neutron-producing chain reactions use dollars and cents to describe the amount of reactivity margin within the device. Like the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales, there are two points of reference. The zero point of a measurement of dollars is rooted at a particular value; in this case, the point where the fissionables in a nuclear device are producing just enough neutrons to balance the amount causing fissions with those which are lost by absorption or which are lost to the outside environment; the point of criticality. The region of reactivity less than zero dollars is termed sub-critical; the region between 0 and 1 dollar (100 cents) is critical controllable reactivity, where nuclear power reactors are designed to operate, while the region at the second point of reference, 1 dollar, and above is prompt critical; in the prompt critical regime, so many neutrons are being created that the fission process does not require delayed neutrons, and it becomes uncontrollable. Nuclear explosives and out-of-control reactors operate in this regime.[1]
Like degrees of temperature, cents (and sometimes dollars) of reactivity are used relatively, as in "5 cents above prompt critical".[2]
According to Alvin Weinberg and Eugene Wigner, Louis Slotin was the first to propose the name "dollar" for the interval of reactivity between barely critical and prompt criticality, and "cents" for the decimal fraction of the dollar.[3]
Reference to the silver suggestion... better idea... start saving pure gold in currency grade incriminates.. and get paid to teach others to do the same... and while you're at it... earn free gold..... and I'm only talking about from the free savings position... goto www dot therealmoney dot info.. and check out video #2... my name is Ron Martin from Cincinnati Ohio and I can be reached on Facebook
DeleteThank you Cobra, this is magnificent!
ReplyDeleteI'm encouraged that there is no mention of currency or exchange. I've been receiving messages that currency/money is a construct that will dissolve, as more people realize that it is one of the deepest roots establishing the sense of separation between beings.
In abundance and oneness, we will begin to understand the true natural "law" that connectedness leads to nurturing of the self and others.
Hmm. I just found the exact same, word by word version here, dated back 6 years ago:
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting, I've tried the link, it doesn't open, in the UK, neither does this one:
DeleteThis message feels a bit strange, mentioning military force in order to save Lightworkers isn't exactly my cup of tea to look out for. I'd rather have a look at a saucer, beaming me up, ha ha....
Hi Ive just tried that link and it opens ok. Almost verbatin what has been printed here regarding the Codex. Well I do believe that universal laws are consistent and not based on time, as we see it. Here's hoping for peace on Earth.
DeleteThank you, the links work fine for me. I am a bit startled here by the word 'Cobra' as this is the world the UK government (Tories) use for their secret committee meetings........??
Deletethe link doesn't work ...from belgium
DeleteCobra, could you PLEASE,Thank your friends for their help.Tell them there are many needs here,many whom need their help.Our children are starving at a terrible rate in 3rd world countries.
ReplyDeletePlease Thank them,for the help,the resistance movement,and the guidance we will all need.
Seconded. HELP!!!!
DeleteJo, I believe Cobra is short for Compression Breakthrough (the event), it was mentioned throughout the years he's had this blog. There should be a page with links to all the topics he talks about including compression breakthrough. Think it's on prepare for change.
DeleteThese are the first perfect laws I´ve read! I agree fullheartedly :) I have always felt that something is very wrong with these stupid "laws" of noninterference (we love you, but we can´t interfere because of Universal law - this is SO wrong!), second this nonsense, that suffering is nessesery to develop (it´s not in real life, but most people don´t see it). I´m happy to find these laws here. They finally feel like real Universal laws and even I as an anarchist and supporter of freedom can accept them fully. Your information in general is very interesting and your explanations to bad things, that has happened on this planet, restored my lost hope in Universe. Or in faith, that there are real good forces in the Universe, who can actually interfere. I really hope this is reality and we´ll see big events during next months. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis codex confirms my growing strong feeling that suffering is not a valid means of 'soul experiencing itself' at all and the said suffering is nothing whatsoever to do with source. Truth, light and beauty. In deepest gratitude Cobra,
It may surprise you to hear, that when suffering of pain is present and it's intentionally used as a portal to enter the greater heart, transcending the personal one, it has everything to do with source. It's not that I plea for pain in itself, by saying this. It's the attitude towards it, that makes all the difference, in giving meaning to it. See what I mean?
DeleteWhat attitude do the small children suffering from lack of food and fresh water in India, Pakistan, Africa have. That is the needless suffering inflicted on our planet
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm italian so i try to write correct. I'm seeing Dark City movie.I read today one of your message on the federation page. You mentioned this movie. Thanks for all you're doing. Sorry i did't sign last comment. Hope to read you again.
I was at cobra conference, I breathed confidence, spirit of research and love, thank you to all!
And I'm surfing back to read Cobra's earlier postings, and also to read some of the early comments. I LOVE doing this!
NOW... the article on this page is from April the 4th.... and the very LAST posting is from.... the day before YESTERDAY???? After the first Cobra conference???
"Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself."
ReplyDeleteHow can we handle it if we dont even know what's going on,i think is as simple as it,i really believe all this since i was a kid,but the truth is that we can never get out of here with out help,how can most of the people make a decision if they dont even know they have to do it?do i make any sense?most of the people live their lives thinking this is the real deal,sex,food,jobs,nice car,nice girl,.....
When I was much younger in this life, I saw the madness (people was not aware of) here on Earth. I cried out for help, assistance and guidance. Hoping that much more evolved conscious beings, also from other part of our universe, would do something to assist all those who need and want help and all those who are and have been crying for help and guidance.
DeleteIt is always the most evolved ones that can see a big enought picture to help in the RIGHT WAY.
Many have touched(felt) and are conscious of the wide spectrum of feelings that exist...ed in Earths 3D reality, many accept and respect all feelings, some are afraid and do not, some are hiding in the "light" trying to avoid their unpleasant feelings. It feels great to see the truth.
Thank you Galactic Confederation for your assistance :-)
Blogspot2012 on youtube ADS now. LIBERATION NOW wave is rising
DeleteThe "Dark Forces" and the Galactic Federation of Light are a piecet of the same puzzle. They are One. There is no difference between them, Thea are the same. Cant you fell this?
ReplyDeleteGalactic CODEX runs in Malaysia as Advertisement on youtube now. / Wave is rising
ReplyDeleteLove and light AK cosmicdream
Buona sera sono dell'Italia. Scrivo in un blog e ho anche aperto una comunità in rete per cercare di unire le persone a rivolgere pensieri d'amore per la nostra crescita verso l'amore per ogni forma di vita e per il nostro pianeta. Nel mio percorso ho conosciuto l'esistenza delle leggi universali, (Ermete Trimegisto), e nel mio cuore sento che se tutti noi uomini, che in cuor nostro abbiamo amore, ci svegliassimo e iniziassimo a vedere, sentire e fare con il cuore il nostro magnifico pianeta, tutte le forme viventi e tutti noi uomini saremmo felici e vivremmo un'esistenza pacifica e serena. Ogni giorno ripeto una mia preghiera di ringraziamento per il senso di amore che sto provando sempre di più. Posso divulgare il Codice Galattico? Leggendolo è naturale è dentro di noi. Dobbiamo solo riscoprirlo. Con mio marito pensavamo anche di aprire un centro nel nostro paese dove ritrovarsi alla sera per dedicare un tempo alla meditazione, alla preghiera e al risveglio. Credo che arriverà il giorno che l'uomo avrà nuovamente la luce nei suoi occhi.
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing truth. I am very happy to know that there are other human beings that are more on a transcended plane of thought, so to speak. Those whom vibrate at a higher frequency. We are all so blessed to be here now on Earth for the time to par-take in the liberation of planet Earth, The great Awakening, the Age of Aquarius -555. As we shift into a higher dimension many will awaken to their true selves and nature and meditate/pray/call upon their highly organized and vibrational familes from other planets. It is all just truely a beautiful thing. The days where human slavery to a piece of paper and a bill are gone is the day we will truely be free. It is a challenge to help others awaken when they are in 'fight or flight' mode, they're all out there just fighting to stay alive and feed and cloth their children. The day where humans live together on our land and what we were originally given on this planet will be our liberation. When we as a whole race awaken to the fact that paving over our trees, plants, animal habitat will truely be the death of us all, not only physically but mentally and spiritually. The ego instilled upon us threw trends, media, homes, cars, money, society must go. It blindly controls the masses, leading to the pointing of false fingers when our own are blackened by a soul filled with anger, lust, greed, tyranny, and energetic blockage. The power to rise above the dark is to clear the dark within ourselves, lead by example, and live by love, live by light <3 <3 <3
ReplyDelete"On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene. This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet"
ReplyDelete-There have been many cases where ufos deactivate nuks ..on air and on i find this " main reason"..a say the least.
there is information we dont have, we dont have all the answers. if the information doesn't resonate, it doesn't. Know that there is 'something' going on even if you dont have all the answers.
DeleteThe " Galactic Codex " really resonate and if it is not entirely true, - it truly should be !
ReplyDeleteTo be or not to be these literature must wait !Is not clear with the liberty ?! If you have
ReplyDeletean other opinion then galaxy you go to central sun? this is unclear Must to wait when will be Cobra don't give any information about when will begin the horizon of Eveninent
suspense is more interesting Bye
We need to do the inner work so we can get aligned if you know what I mean. Raise your frequency and we make a network. We have so many tools, inner tools. Meditate. Yoga, know yourself again. We are magical beings and we are here now, so lets get cracking on our growth, ok?
ReplyDeletewe all are one close your eyes and fell you will find your answer friends
ReplyDeleteHi, I would like to ask, as many people have many opinions, there a Matrix? If Yes, what is it, where is it located, something-someone must produce and who controls it? Thank you for the answer
ReplyDeleteHi, where can I read or learn everything about the Universe, the Formation of the universe, people, animals, plants, etc, the secrets,the mysteries,no lies just the Truth. There is a Learning which can be learned?
ReplyDeleteHi I wanted to ask can I use information from writers see. ? Maximillien De Lafayette, Valdamar Valerian and taken knowledge from the web
ReplyDeleteHello, I would like to ask, as many people have many opinions, there is a Matrix? If Yes, what is it, where is it located, something-someone must produce and who controls it? Thank you for the answer
ReplyDeleteThis may be of help to you in your research friend as it catalogs much previous intel and information from Cobra
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks Cobra for All your Guidance and Efforts. Love and Light, let's hope that Humanity's response is overwhelmingly positive and change for the better is upon us presently.
ReplyDeleteNamaste dear family of light and Cobra.. I'm wondering if perhaps when you say "Discovered Galactic Codex" one may actually mean "Founded the Galactic Codex"?? ...if it was discovered it would have existed before but was unkown (undiscovered) ...if so how did it first come about and who created it.. if not the Galactic Confederation or those already of the Devine Light? ..also if was discovered, where was this Codex discovered? ..also I'm not sure as to why a petition is needed, it all seems well above board and rightous and i assumed i already have given my as my will and sovereign authority to the light forces to act on my behalf in my lack of better judgement or to act or do anything they need to do, to follow the way of the Light.. be it planet liberation from dark or be it anything that is the devine will of Source etc etc.. I have trust and faith in love and light and all those of the light.. i guess what I'm getting at is do they need our ok on this Codex or something and what point is it i sign a petion for this (especially on that change site where already have seen issues with previous petitions like the full disclosure one) it simply just about awareness or is it some type of contract or getting my yes vote perhaps?.. and wouldn't they already have my yes vote when i broke my ties and contracts with the dark and swore myself, whole being and consciousness to the light and to Source? ...anyways Devine Light and Love to all and my deepest gratitude and thanks to Cobra.
ReplyDeleteWe are all so weary of the darkness now. So many are sick and dying from their schemes of mass murder. So much wildlife. So many people who deserve to have the life they came here to live. It's gone on too long. It's hard to get high hopes again because we are worn down. Exhausted. I am signing in hopes that this time, they will not hesitate to do whatever they have to do to FREE all of us. I know there will be many casualties because the dark is in panic mode. In the meantime, I remain in a state of gratitude for the good news we hear once in a while. I still have hope. It's just not as strong anymore. Thank You, Cobra. You are a Blessing and you have the patience of Job.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the entire text of the Codex? This summary has several vague areas, implying that those with the title of "Ascended Masters" will rule over us. This kind of thing needs to be more clearly defined as to what it entails. How can we give fully-informed consent if we are not fully informed of the full contents of the text and the ramifications?
ReplyDeleteWhat happens if someone is trying to live according to the Codex, but perhaps due to immaturity commits an infraction? What are the penalties?
There's a Star Trek Next Gen episode where a small boy accidentally breaks a rule in a utopian world and the punishment was death. Ignorance because of not knowing the full text of rules and related penalties was not allowed as an excuse.
And considering how matters of consent have been heavily abused to the extreme with the Dark Forces upon the inhabitants of this planet, I think it's understandable that some may feel a bit cautious in 'signing' a blank check of consent without being fully informed.
Please give full text, thank you.
agreed.. i see a few ambiguities with this.. like section IV/2 and miliatry force.. i thought this is more of a 3D concept that beings in higher dimensions do not really engage in.. i understand knights of light that defend others by using the light of unconditional love in the face dark forces like the orion group.. but i'd like to know what they mean by military force...
Deletealso, i thought that Yaweh made a deal with the lucifer soul group complex in that they would be the negative catalyst on earth that would give beings here the choice between hate and love, positive and negative, service of self or service to others..
Yes, your view on Lucifer's role is similar to mine, at least while I'm in a huge learning curve regarding this concept of duality consciousness on planet Earth. There's no awareness of light without the presence of darkness and the other way around, we should be vigilant in treating all things seemingly NOT OKAY, coming from a projection of guilt and the need to punish. That's the role of the victim and this can never sprout heroism and a creation that is lasting and beneficial. That's how I see it in my now.
DeleteComing from a different point of view, this codex shouldn't be published now, I think. We're in the middle of sorting out our NOW op planet Earth. We need to go one step at a time. These moral codes are all shining, no doubt, but it's somewhat similar as showing the University degree certificate cum laude, to a toddler, saying "Look, that your future destiny and achievement both, good isn't it?" The concept is alien to the toddler and irrelevent to its level of awareness and development. The flower can't glow before the seed has opened.
Deletethank you for your time in responding.. that's nice of you- i like the way you write and i agree with you in your comparrisons and wisdom.. how do we communicate anything relevant of the codex to people who are stuck in a 3D mindstate and completely oblivious to these concepts.. baby steps, haha..
DeleteYou know what bugs me is that we have been in this slave / debt slave system for thousands of years. We only created the bomb 70 years ago. So why not intervene back then? It's a good excuse now but 80 years ago it was a moot point. It makes me sceptical of the information and frankly I'm fairly into this type of info.
ReplyDeleteYes, being careful and stepping with vigilance, is a good thing. I guess, for each of us on our own part of our path in life, we can't advise each other much. We're not all on the same page, regarding this aspect of growth, evolution, shift, ascension, or how you call it.
ReplyDeleteWe must keep in mind though, that where we are now, isn't where we've been ever in all our lifetimes on planet Earth. As I perceive it, we will be able to embody our soul fully, while being present in our physical body with planet Earth, restoring an existence that is in balance and in peace. That sort of embodiment, for us humans, is something that is entirely new on planet Earth. It's the reason why our little dot in the Universe has so much eyes on it, from all levels. The transformation on planet Earth will ripple through the whole Universe, as I see it. This process we're in now, involves a whole different mind-set, consciousness and approach, for not only will we harvest the fruit of all our former existeneces, but we will seed to ensure the future harvest of fruit for the others who come after us or those who are joining us, when we don't have to die physically anymore ;)It's what the North American Indians meant, when recommending to "live for the 7 past and the 7 next generations". I advise those who welcome this, to live simply, in sobriety and be in the moment, in trust and with an open line to your Higher Self and guardian angel. It may suprise you, that the Higher Self is the same as your playful inner child. To be in a state of fear for higher hierarchies, be it Light or Darkness, is part of the old paradigm, the matrix of duality consciousness. Imagine to step out of all boxes and live without method, rules and restrictions. Dare.
I hear that.. sounds delightfully true
DeleteBeloved Keepers of the Universe, I am One, I trust, I believe in this Code, I totally give my consent to these Codes of ethics and behaviors, what a beautiful world with them ion place, Thank-you Bless you Beloved..Victory of LIght!!
ReplyDeleteBeloved Guardians of the Universe, The Code is beautiful, I do support the Code, with full faith, a heart full of Love, a Soul expanding beyond fear or mistrust...Bless you Beloved in the creation of a New Earth, now and eternally..Victory of LIGHT!!
ReplyDeleteNagyon sokáig volt itt a sötétség.Atlantisz bukása után minden rohamosan tönkrement.Végre itt a szabadság!Sok-sok életemen át tudom ezt,inkarnálódtam mert nem tehettem mást.A Fény mindenki fénye,a jog a szeretethez,a boldogsághoz,a gondtalansághoz,a békéhez Univerzálisan,Galaktikusan,Globálisan.Köszönet Fény Mesterei hogy nem hagytatok cserben!Ashtar Parancsnok neked is
ReplyDeletedicsőség,dicsőség a Forrásnak,Sanandának és minden fény életformának.Köszönet a Galaktikus Törvényért.
Várunk benneteket a Földön,hogy megölelhessünk benneteket végre.
Áldás,áldás,áldás mindenkire.
The Code is an absolute necessity for humanity to wake up and realize all is illusion created by dark cabal to enslave mankind.
ReplyDeleteThat's not true the forces of light needs to wake up from being hostage by the evil dark forces that have the humanity enslaved they can not control nature they can only postpone it. the dark forces will not exist. and the forces of light will occupy there planet
ReplyDeleteThat's not true the forces of light needs to wake up from being hostage by the evil dark forces that have the humanity enslaved they can not control nature they can only postpone it. the dark forces will not exist. and the forces of light will occupy there planet
ReplyDeleteMindent megteszek, hogy itt legyenek a sgítőink! A fény gyermekei vagyunk és köszönjük a segítséget.
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra can you please i firm me if the Soka Gakkai are part of the light forces abd if chanting Nam Myoho Renge kyo will be helpful for the event???
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra can you please tell me if tge Soka Gakkai are part of the light forces and does Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo help the light forces and the event???
ReplyDeleteYes and then:
ReplyDeleteCobra, thank you :-) I just want to say that my wife thinks i am a flake. i feel scared wrapped in unsureness surrounded by love. I have a lot of questions and I wish you could call me but I don't know if that is appropriate. I have faith so love and light to you. Brother Dan
ReplyDeleteJe suis très heureux de vous lire. Merci beaucoup. Mais une référence serait formidable.
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light!
ReplyDeleteIsnt this the plot of Star Wars? If change the word light, to force. Change cabal to empire etc.
ReplyDeleteI signed the Galatic Codex twice a few years ago, I would sign it 100 more times if I could, but I can not find where Beings these days can go to sign the Galatic Codex.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mother/Father God, Galactic Confederation, Forces of the Light, and Cobra. Peace, love and light to all. 😄✨🔥🌹
ReplyDeleteI love Section 1
ReplyDeleteLove and light to everyone. My mission in this moment is to help men connect with their divine masculinity. I'm creating spiritually inclined videos on Youtube. Hope they help someone.
ReplyDeleteLove and light to all. I'm starting a youtube channel to help men become their divine masculine selves. hope it helps someone
I am with you for assisting
DeleteSince the right is limited to 'positive life experience' in the first sentence of Section I, and because of an explanation of Section I/5, can Section I/5 be considered to contain the preceding phrase "Regarding positive life (experience)" or "As long as each sentient being does not take negative action on other sentient beings"?
ReplyDeleteMay I interpret like this?
ReplyDeleteHi to who might be reading this and i'm happy that is was directed to what i was looking for and just also included a portuguese music realizing that mistakes are masters and remember arbre solaire post on youtube about the enemy within, l'énemi en soi, and this just keeps remembering that at the same day i have posted on last post sisterhood of the rose of this week june 2018, there is a new post and i wanted to erase my posting and pull it out but i just can't find the way out as emotions are dense as well as the darkness all around but i keep my light alive. period thank you so much and i'm not posting on resistance warnings codified. A lot of patience is required, self care and self love and be able to disconnect for a while, anyway i don't expect this being posted but the goal is to reach you out till next time or next discussion or still hard compression breakthrough together with new moon on wednesday, uranus in tauro, the reports of starshipearththebigpicture about what happened last night with team a and be i geneva and all the threaths which together with the nuclear and toplet bombs threats and all the plasma parasites and the primary anomaly and sometimes it really requires focus and discernment. I really hope this sisterhood of the rose gathering whenevr possible and achievable together with meditations which i believe help mjolnir something i'm keptic if is still going on and finally all moves going behind the scenes during soccerworldevent in russia. I can't think about anything else together without overthinking and remain calm in all situations. who am i anyway, not really worried about it and gratefull to divine mother and father and the universe and the cosmos and the light forces and gabriel raio lunar sementes and all positive off world help and support. Namasté and many thanks if you have read till here, victory of the light <3 :)
Dear Cobrahg Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLove and light to everyone.
thanks for everything you do❤️
ReplyDeleteI hope I don't do this all for nothing:
ReplyDeleteI'm sad, I can't find the addresses of the Galactic Codex and Resistence Movement-entrances underneath City's like New York, Los Angeles,Salt Lake City. London, Munchen etc. etc. and for defeating Evil and Darkness on Earth and which are still running on like viruses on this planet: I can't wait to support the Galactic Light Federation and the Ashtar command to finish this job for 'The Light'. Who know these addresses and can help me; please answer me; Tel. No. 06-17037501;
Same here. I got no attachments, I got nothing. I'm in.
DeleteThis mongols of a mankind they all attacking the Worldteacher and Buddha-Christ now all already for many decades; in name of the Calactic Codex all these attackers has to be removed from this Universe by the GLF and Ashar command etc. so that we all will get Universal Peace.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for freedom
ReplyDeleteHave connected to source and source has connected to me thankyou . @aucommander
ReplyDeleteSo it is and So I'am - deep gratitude for sharing our real ancestral information it deeply resonated in my core being
ReplyDeleteHow can I help?
ReplyDeleteAaliyah Isis Auset Osiris signs the codex, she favors the cosmos and the laws that are divine accordingly signed Aaliyah Ramos
ReplyDeleteI am very happy to be invited to this meditation on Dec 21st. I will be there with you all @ 10:22 Oregon USA time. Goodnight and lots of love to all of you until then ( :
ReplyDeleteUnite, Indigos! Together we can overcome this war.
Any and all assistance appreciated we have right to ascend
ReplyDeleteAttempts genocide murder thru identity theft forced out of body forced entry forced multiple occupants in my bodies
Forced transhumanism forced transgender murder divine feminine attempts fraud plz help me and my sons all estranged forced name changed all seperate
Wise Guardians will and should rule our Planet for the benefit of all the Earth and Humanity. I support this codex. Let Love and Light reign. Thank You, Cobra.
ReplyDeleteWise Guardians will and should rule our Planet for the Benefit of all the Earth and Humanity. I support this codex. Let Love and Light reign.Thank You, Cobra.
ReplyDeleteRealising one is not the only one
ReplyDeletesearching for light & authentic guidence (we don't know anything for sure as individuals on earth under this circumstances; absolute massive perceiption on massive scale of doom over 9000 eversince )
absolutely amazing _ i appreciate all!
So, i am doing my authentic-logical-benevolancy-research-check-thing. But after this extensive Traumata always with a little distrust. ( sorry i was born in Bavaria - hope u get me right )
What a world it would be like without expectation or outcome fixed before?
Reading comments with 'diverse' reactions on this topic Galactic Codex such as ' it is like "battlestar somewhat"series so Cobra and this Codex may be or may be not'....
is kinda irrelevant cause oneself cant gain Information that absolute confirms or debunks an idea etc.
So what am i absolutely opposed to is a constantly benevolant & fair rule to provide coexistance for a galactive collective ( whether it exists or not.. i am not quite sure; totally brainwashed lifetime here; no fixpoint to start from or one can true rely on..none as reference even ) & an entity has written it or published it for the purpose of unconditional love and freedom , opportunities available for all .
Thus i am wondering why there are such questions as when will the event happen exactly instead of a natural symbiotic flow to integrate such well-written axioms or may adding individual thoughts to improve and develop together such a (!)fundamental topic .
If this turns out to be real and true
we are 'all of the sudden' integrating in a mwoahpoahbahum-PENG universal as a human-family. What the heck. There has to be a common sense for that. And a direction + backbone.
27 female, born in bavaria and studied ^biotech^, now berlin.. {nix berlin :(}
would have proclaimed my person as critic til the scamdemic was proclaimed
every single week of 2020 i discovered another huge perception but 2020 fucked me hard in an exponentiel way.
My state of mind is:
Well, it could be this , that is also possible.. i know what it is not.
trying not to get to heavily caught in one fantasy or idea. Feelings are right there.
& if these dracos are suddenly the only ones in the end & i got caught in some bullshit.. weil.. then it was a brighter time with some of those thoughts there in my mind while whitnessing insanity .
One for All &
All for One. full galactic codex meditation and audio visual interpretation by galactic temple
ReplyDeleteIt Is Time.
ReplyDeleteI just love this, the learning is endless and exciting the deeper I get. I just wanted to say how appreciated you are for all you do! V.O.L!
ReplyDeleteSection IV/1 has been requested today - again:
December 2021 implementation of universal law!