Saturday, December 26, 2015

December Monthly Update by Cobra

With a short delay, I am posting the December monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter. You can read the transcript if you scroll down the page on the following link:

The transcript begins on that page below the picture of old US dollar bills from 1880.

The Youtube audio version is available here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview. 


  1. Is the resistance still trying for the financial reset on 1/1/2016?

    1. for god sake, Cobra never said that. Why you guys always take bullshit information from the Internet and then think this is from Cobra's mouth?

    2. I wonder the same thing.. C didn't have much to say about the current situation with chimera removal or how much success has been made with the weekly meditations. Makes me wonder if its because we're close so he's not giving any substantial intel or maybe the RM is having a tough time with some of the removal process.. ? Things are pretty calm right now tho.. Is the freedom storm coming? Hope so lol. But don't be diswaded if the event doesn't happen my friends. It may not happen until 2017. This is not supposed to be easy. Keep up the meditations*

    3. The Eastern Alliance has set a target date of January 1st, 2016 as the day of the financial Reset

    4. Andrew Bartzis says it will not occur before the election, David Wilcock indicated just before the election, and Drake says the latter part of 2016. Sure wish we could get those 144K to do meditation on sundays. It is difficult for me because it occurs right at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays, a time when we usually get company.

    5. @blark mark and BBB. He did say that. Of course, target date is just a target and may not happen, but before you go popping off on what he did or did not say, I suggest you do a little more digging

    6. Borg just answered where the info of 01,01,2016 comes from...

    7. Thanks, Borg for clarifying the context of my comment.

    8. @GaianEye as I understand this is what Eastern Alliance said but not Cobra said, he just quoted it to let the readers informed. Zach is asking resistance, Cobra as the spokesman of RM really didn't make such statement that when the Reset would happen.

    9. Many are waiting to be saved by 'the event'. This is understandable however we can all affect change right now and this is what "5D News" is doing. We are building a team of anyone and everyone who wants to help spread the light. We are working on projects that will bring us the funding we intend to reach out into the communities and do much more than simply share information online. (Which is effective of course.)
      We ask nothing of anyone but service before self, and we will provide you the full resources available to us.
      If you'd like to join us in helping this planet then please contact me at All ideas are welcome.
      (Thanks for allowing this post Cobra)

    10. Stumbled into this one from May Interview:
      Rob – Yea. Someone said that we know that Cobra does not disclose timelines, but Wilcock said something about 2016 as being the end-time. I’m surprised he gave a year timeline for that. Would you concur or would you say that there is certainly lots of variables at play and it could possibly take longer.

      COBRA – I would say that the timelines people are giving are based on their projected understanding of the situation and the plans of the group that they are in contact with. For example the Eastern Alliance has a target date of first of January next year. Certain other groups have certain other target dates and some of those target dates do fall in the year 2016. But I will not give any comment from my perspective about this time-frame. I am not giving any timelines for various reasons I have already explained many times.

    11. Check out this solar flare heading right our way! S0 just posted this on Dec28, he and NASA expect the flare to hit Dec31. Imagine if this is the flare that heralds the Event =) wishful thinking. But remember when C posted a pic which was of the sun firing off a huge flare and 90% loading bar at the bottom? I've always wondered if the central sun energies would combine with a large flare at the moment of the Event. And now, there is a flare going to hit earth right before Jan 1st. 🙏

    12. @5D News

      Wow ! Great effort ! Hope it snowballs in the shortest possible time.

  2. Thank you for the hard work Rob and Cobra. Much appreciated!

    And now for all things Keshe!

    93rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop

    1. You're welcome Time Missionary. Haven't seen you here for quite some time. I was late in posting the link up. Just finished watching it and highly recommend it. Keep your eyes peeled for the 94th workshop. I'll post up the link when it is available. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wonder ? Will how will we be sure that the event has happened? Will everyone feel differently or will there be mass confusion? I look forward to the event happening. I am working hard doing my part that I feel will bring on the event .. I meditate daily

    1. I think I recall Cobra saying we would feel it, but also we would see the arrest of the cabal on corporate news, and the reset of the financial system. The corporate news will release intel to prevent mass confusion after The Event takes place.

    2. Yes I recall that as well but what I'm looking for are clues that I mite see that will tell me that the event just happened for instance how will I be able to feel it happening? ? Confused ? disoriented? .

    3. I don't know if the answer is in here:

      There you will find some Event Q/As grouped so far from the Cobra Interviews from May 2015 - Nov 2015. i am sure there is much more information in the Prepare for Change website... I can't direct you where exactly...

  5. Cobra,
    Love the humor regarding the 1880 bill comment. Always setting things straight, great work.

  6. Cobra, can you give us more info on this octopus type entity that is connected to Earth and maybe the whole Solar System?

    1. "...This vortex looks like an octopus with its plasma tentacles extending into the interplanetary space, strangelet bombs being cancer cells in its body. This vortex is not a dead plasma field, it is actually a living entity of a negative nature…" (see Yaldabaoth)

      "The activity of this plasma accretion vortex gets magnified every month around the time of the full moon, when Earth-Moon plasma doorway opens:

      Source: (I think)

      "The Ganymede portal is purifying the plasma accretion vortex strings (tunnels of Set) that extend from planet Earth beyond our Solar System into the Local Bubble:

      ---- Last Good Article to Read where it connects the Primary Anomaly, the Vortex etc..

      Please read all those articles to find more info.. I just pasted a few snips.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. الظلام فيwhy did you delete your post? I liked it. Welcome back! I think you said you'd taken a break? I love the back and forth banter between you and Mitchell! lol. You might not always get a response to a post, but just know that your posts are read!

      Hope to see you more on here! :)

    2. You all realize that he is Contact Point, right? He appeared just as C.P. disappeared, but the attitude/tone/expressions/energy are the same.

      لظلام في is "in the dark" or he also uses "darkness" and other such references as he wrestles with his inner demons, and struggles with his urge to lash out. He also expresses some of his most insightful moments which many of us appreciate.


      We all face those exact same challenges, C.P./لظلام في. Looking closely, I wonder why the image you use to represent yourself is of an endless abyss. You are not in free fall, you are not alone, you do not need to hide. Like me, you are a fellow seeker, driven by your quest for understanding. We have our individual quests as well as participating on the group journey.

      Just when you think that you are alone, that you will fall into the abyss, that you've made an irretrievable mistake, you will find instead that you can fly, and it is the Light that gives your wings power.

      This is true for all of us. Persevere. It is not just about the destination, though that is important. It is also about the journey, and the camaraderie that helps us to carry on, and do what we must do to contribute to the end result.

      May our journeys be peaceful, productive and playful. Play is the key to finding creative solutions...when we relax and allow ourselves to think outside the box, ideas come to us, and we tap into that universal, co-creative flow.


  8. Thanks again Yoda, for the interview... :)

    "Sam" was earlier (comments from the previous post) asking where the good vegetarian recipes are.

    A good friend of mine is a great cook. One of her favorites is the original Moosewood Cookbook by Molly Katzen. Moosewood has put out a bunch of cookbooks by now, but the original cookbook is excellent and is probably a great place to start.

    Here's the Moosewood info:

    Yesterday I received (as a gift) "The Oh She Glows Cookbook" by Angela Liddon which gets excellent reviews. I've been looking at it -- recipes look great.

    The Greens cookbook by Deborah Madison (she's the founding chef of Greens Restaurant of San Francisco--associated with SF Zen Center). Greens is a GREAT veggie restaurant and this is a classic cookbook that came out in 1987.

    You can probably find used copies of Moosewood and Greens cookbooks on the Amazon website or in used book stores..

    1. Thank you for the reply! I'll check these out!

    2. Thanks for the Goddess energy, didn't expect that. What's this weird squishy feeling in my chest?

    3. Many people have to raise their spiritual vibes through hours of meditation, mantras, Tai Chi/ Yoga for many, many years. Once their vibes are high enough, the transition to a fulltime vegetarian diet is easily accomplished.

    4. Sam: U R welcome.

      Patrick A: Yes, that weird squishy feeling !! Good description!! A few days ago you posted something about goddess energy and I thought: why not send Patrick a little goddess energy and I'll get some too? It's a win-win situation. ; ^ )

      Time missionary: I think you are right. I don't know how "spiritual" I really am, but I *am* a long-time (many years) meditator and a few months ago meat was no longer appealing to me. My craving for meat "left in the night." I had salmon a few nights ago at a holiday party and it was pretty good, but also so rich and oily ! But of course I kept eating it but I *was* feeling a little bad for the fish involved.

      So something has really changed.

  9. I would like to know how long after death before a Soul is force to reincarnate back into the matrix. After The Event will the people that reincarnate remember who they were and contact past love ones that are still alive? I've sent questions to Mr. Potter before, but they were not asked.

    1. It is done within minutes upon death, around 5m. And the whole purpose of reincarnation is to start again on a clean slate. But with years of practice, an individual can remember past lives by becoming a bodhi... it takes a lot of meditation and living a pure life in order to get your chakras lined up and then maybe you'll be able to remember past lives. The event will make it easier, as it will progress intellectual ability greatly in a short period of time. If you want to experience the benefits of the event do not look outward and ask what your world can do for you, but look inward and ask what you can do for your world (earth)

    2. Hi Spiritoo,

      My feeling on the matter is that it is entirely up to the soul's desire. Nothing is forced.

    3. I don't think it happens that quickly, except in those young souls that kill in rage, and are killed, and want to immediately go back to right their "injustice". My understanding, from psychic friends who contacted mutual departed friends, is at first there is reunion with those we love who passed before us, then we get to choose which age we want to present ourselves in our Lightbody. Then there is some play and R & R before reflection and soul lessons or "school". Of course, it can be different than this, but this is what was described for our dear friend Sarah. She missed us, but was very happy on the other side, free of the 8 year challenge of dealing with cancer. She was 30 years old when she passed, but chose to be 12 on the other side, as that was a fun and free time for her.

  10. Dear brother Cobra, Is there a hollow earth with a central sun and beautiful continents, oceans, forests and high mountain peaks in 5D ?

    Last year, you had spoken of higher dimensional structures that transmit light through the planet from the higher dimensions. What is this all about ? If this refers to a higher dimensional world inside the earth, please describe this higher dimensional world.

    You had also spoken about a star gate at the earth's core. Please describe the place where this star gate leads to.

    Dear brother Rob, please pitch the questions to Cobra ONE AT A TIME (like Untwine) so that Cobra is "forced" to answer them all.

    Dr(agon). Heart, great job on the matrix-faq website compilation of Cobra info past and present. I am referring to it constantly. Your site is a labor of love.

    1. thx Missionary. I appreciate your thought. It would not have been possible without the hard work mostly of DaNell G that transcribed most Interviews.

      By the way, you are welcome to check me Cobra's Cheat Sheet Notebook... Equally I am trying to group most of Cobra Blog notes.. (snips) into sections (for quick reference). I started it a while back because is me way to try to make sense of things.. and from there it turned into a notebook which hopefully someone might be able to use as reference but of course is advisable to always read the main source which is his blog. Reference Guide note is not Completed yet. I just finished 2015 i still have all remaining articles to screen through.

    2. ... also include a "how to view comments" in your cheat sheet. I think I saw Vince Gaudo leave in a huff after he thought that his comment was not posted by Cobra. If he had clicked on "Load more...", he would have seen his comments. And of course, people need to wait for the yellow highlighted "Your comment will be visible after approval" which is an instant confirmation that Cobra has received their comment. If this acknowledgement is not received it means that Cobra has not received your comment (and no point in blaming him then for censoring your comment when he did not receive it in the first place.) Once I had to click continously on the Publish button for an hour (when I was on a lousy connection) before I finally received the yellow highlighted acknowledgement message that my comment had finally got through to Cobra. Sometimes I have to change browsers, devices, service providers... in order to post a comment here.

    3. good one. I will add that to the Cheat Sheet.. yeh it happened to me too.. those two situations. Thanks ( I will use your instructions)

    4. I read that in the interview. No hollow earth. He knows better than me. But then why those no-fly zones around the poles? Would the planes come down because it's zero points?

    5. Thanks for the resource, Dragon Heart! You are always posting helpful information and links.

  11. I guess nobody noticed that subtle diss there...

  12. Which is why it is surprising to me that Cobra works with someone who is so easily deceived.

    1. Steven, i agree with you... I have not nice feelling about Rob,I can't trust him... Many people have the same feeling, today Rob delete few negative comments on his website...Cobra we love you,trust you, respect you and all what you do but we don't understand why you work with someone who is so easily deceived...

    2. Whether Rob Potter is trustworthy or not I do not know but certainly He could cut his interviews down to the chase and minimize the propaganda about his rather expensive products and his website. A short summary would be enough.

    3. it is not cobra's radio show... is robert potter's radio show.. so he can do , say and promote all the thing he wants.... on the other hand.. you can organize an interview with cobra to and do it how ever you like.. this thing it's not about being a critic.. its about bringing more ideas to the table..

    4. Ok, go back to the intro where it is stated the mission is bigger than individual likes or dislikes. I also would like to say the dark side loves to divide and conquer and cause disruptions. My hopes for this group is that we would be above that. Also during times of stress and or personal difficulty it is easier to get tripped up in all this stuff. So i think we all need to take a step back and hold the light as we came here to do. ❤️

    5. Many lightworkers and lightwarriors leaves this group because have enough arrogant behaviour,I will do the same :) I don't think so light, God hypocrisy and arrogance,I don't think so lightworkers and lightwarriors should shut up because "this is Rob interview " everyone listen, read his website because of cobra... I have to much respect to cobra and myself this is why now I can say goodbye for all...I agree dark side love this stuff, now guess how light person like Rob can do like that...THANK you Cobra for All, specially for my privet expirnce 💖 I belive you know what I talking about. 💜

    6. The sts will manipulate, that appears to be the very nature of this level of sts. If you align with sto, it is ok to be offended by this, but ultimately, offense is always chosen to be accepted, wether it is given or not. Sts IS sts. You, I or anyone is free to not find this philosophy to our liking, but that doesn't give us the right to 'put a bullet' in those that align sts. Equally sts has no right to directly interfere with sto free will either. Yet both philosophies find this interdiction of free will acceptable, this is the cause of duality as I understand at this point. This is the cause of ALL of our suffering. Our inability to respect free will and accept that all serve the one because all ARE One. The more we consider this to be a war of good vs evil, the longer it will take to remedy the situation. Quite literally, we are condemning and attacking ourself. Quite how this can be solved is utterly beyond me. Maybe that is the reason for assistance, not a preference of one over the other, but to teach the significance of free will, which is ironic really considering we all know that respect is the only platform for both philosophies anyway. I have many friends and family who all make vastly different choices day by day, many I don't like, but I don't go to their house and beat them with a big stick until they submit to my opinions. I love them and leave them to live their own life. We debate and argue about damn near everything imaginable and sometimes passionately, yet we all remain friends, why? Different people, vastly different ideas and beliefs and life paths, however....we are family. A unit. One.

    7. I will be more clear. The dark totally focuses on the true light workers and warriors. Try to keep everything totally in balance while that is happening to you. It is so easy to make comments on a blog. Even this situation with Rob is creating a divide a conquer scenario with all of you and your comments, by taking one side or the other. We ARE ALL THE SAME SIDE! That is why I said the dark side loves this dissension. You all know Rob moved, he said he moved due to his health, why not send love and light? We all came here to do something good, lets focus on that. Whatever good you can do, wherever you can do it helps all of us and Mother Earth. We all get distracted, try to think of this as a spiritual false flag event and maybe you will get it! Love you each one....

    8. I guess I don't understand why some folks feel Mr. Potter is easily deceived. I don't know anything about him other than the interviews he does with Cobra. It's pretty much human nature to have these feelings.

      I have to agree the products on Mr. Potter's site are expensive and certainly beyond my means, but we don't know what is involved that determines those prices.

      I am just grateful Cobra has a means to get his intel out to more people. I have stated before I would like to see him do more interviews with others, but the voice modulation is very important and not all interviewers are able to provide that.

      I feel this shouldn't be about Mr. Potter, but Cobra's ability to get the intel out to as many people as possible. I completely agree with Mr. Potter's statement about the mission being bigger.

      Victory of the Light! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Cobra,
    Thanks for holding the Light & as a good role model for us in what I term a "grounded fashion" (sounds like a contradiction, LOL, but not in my meaning)....We just all keep plugging along the best we can in spreading the Light. Thanks for your hard labor of Love & service for mankind!

  16. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts and may 2016 be the year of Freedom for All! <3
    Join us in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    We are using 3 unique GUIDED MEDITATIONS in an online chat system called TinyChat which also supports CAMMING.

    Please join us today, and every Sunday, at:
    - 13:00pm EST (19:00pm CET) for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation, which is done DAILY as well!
    - 14:00pm EST (20:00pm CET) for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation
    We also host DAILY MEDITATIONS for Europe/Syria.
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  17. The choice to be sts or sto is yours by divine right. It matters not which you decide for yourself but we as a whole must learn to respect the free will law. Disregard of this law is what seems to lead to all conflict. When free will is respected, the positive AND negative are in harmony, there is no conflict. Each is to their own and each respects the law of one. All is well because all is balanced. When we begin to understand and respect the Law of One, the duality conflict ends. No more us vs them, this vs that, good vs evil. We are One. All serve the One. We all need to endeavour to accept and respect Free Will and to cease aggressive action because we may disagree with an alternate perspective. I don't believe Sto is gaining any kind of advatage through support of entities of that philosophical alignment. Balance is the goal as I currently understand it. Balance through respect for free will.

    In just 2 days of reading The RA Material, I have literally had one hell of a wake up call. I have a long way to go, but at least the water is not as murkey as it has been.

    I wish you all well and all the best for 2016

    1. I feel very ignorant but what does sts and sto stand for please?

    2. sts = service to self

      sto = service to others

    3. Sts=Service to Self
      Sto=Service to others

    4. As cruel as this may sound, even for me, maybe the actions of the negative, no matter how painful, have in all actuality, helped us to decide for ourselves as to what path we find more in harmony with who we are. Greater experience and understanding would seem to allow for more accurate decisions. If we recoil from negative as a result of its actions, then maybe that is highlighting to us our chosen alignment, providing us with proof that we have made the correct choice for ourselves.

      I have to hold my hand up and admit that the notion that there is no right or wrong is something that I am trying to understand but at this point I still do not agree with. There are so many things that happen that I will not accept as being anything other than bad. Its quite conflicting, in some respects I understand and yet I find those things almost unbearable to witness and so, to me, they are unacceptable. How then does one deal with this situation and remain true to free will. Forgiveness, love, understanding maybe. This would seem a permanent endeavour. Maybe become negative and eradicate the perceived problem but ultimately replacing it with yet another negative. It would seem that neither 'side' can win over the other. From what I have understood, there is a distilling of sts and sto at the 4th density but how this is done and the reality of it all is beyond me for the moment. Maybe we really are here just to make up our damn minds and that's it. To experience BOTH sts and sto and then decide which is preferred for ourselves individually. Which may not be as easy as it sounds when love is thrown into the mix,for example, good person and bad person love each other completely, each in their own way, the choice they make could separate them and that hurts so they both refuse to decide for fear of loss. Enter Law of One. We are never apart....ever. This is all deep stuff isn't it! And I'm rambling on as usual! :). Sorry guys, hey if anyone finds anything that's actually useful in this, help yourself by all means.

      Wishing you all well

    5. lol Earthly girl. I didn't know either.. I am glad you asked.

  18. I got my cintamani stone the other day, and I really don't seem to be picking anything up from it. I am keeping it with me at all times though. Plan to make a necklace.

    The funny thing is, I found this black rock or at least a friend did, who let me have it, in the water at a beach we were on. This was ten or twelve years ago. I was drawn to it.

    I felt it would be a great worry stone because it fit neatly in my hand and was very smooth because of the water and kind of a oblong shape. It weights a little over 4 oz ... less than 119 grams.

    It has been sitting on a table as part of decoration for years. Now after getting the cintamani stone I became drawn to this black stone my friend gave me again. I feel like carrying it with me too. I don't understand why.

    1. I found my Cintamani doesn't DO anything, but is like a magnifying glass for viewing the chakras and energy body.

    2. @Patrick
      Do you carry yours with you all the time? From what I read it is suppose to do more than what you described. I just find it weird that I am drawn to this black rock I found years ago since I received the cintamani stone. I guess I will understand better after The Event.

      Happy Holidays to ya.

    3. I carry stones every few days. That's funny you mention being drawn to stones you already had. I did too. I get new ones all the time and have never had that happen

    4. I wonder if being drawn to stones we already have means anything?

    5. I am sure Spirittoo... Your live is dynamic... maybe at that particular time the energy of that stone is what you need... IMHO

    6. well at least I think :) for the most part ;)

    7. The cintamani stone has the maximum positive effect if worn on a necklace such that it hangs between the throat & heart chakras...on a daily basis.

      I only take mine off for showers...otherwise I wear it all the time.

  19. Thanks to all those involved. many time I don't understand half of what is going on but It doesn't bother me at all.
    I KNOW the light will (is) winning .I just know.
    Merry christmas,Glorious new year!

  20. Thanks Cobra and Rob, and Ricci for the audio version. I hope the long-time use of Yoda will inspire some Star Wars fans to join this community.

    May the Force Be With You -and all of us!
    Victory of the Light!

  21. I found this on youtube ...

    Judge Calls For US Marshals & FBI To Arrest Congress & OBAMA

    Is this a just another small break in the cabal damn or on the edge of The Event?

    Time will tell I suppose.

  22. I would like to thank Heaven for giving me another opportunity to express myself in this forum and under the circumstance of forced slavery.

    “Dratzo! We arrive in joy!”

    And I arrive as before and as always shackled and being held against my will. How favorably and graciously Heaven and the Universe has looked upon you and your people for so long that you are allowed to arrive FREE and in true JOY. What a blessed existence you and your people were allowed to live yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the one before that. You and your people are the blessed ones!

    “What can somewhat delay this process is Xmas. The Ascended Masters see this time of the year as they do early May as a holy time and seek to clearly observe this sacred part of the Gregorian year. Hence, those who are sending these heavenly blessings can temporarily delay deliveries.”

    Bullshit! More like what will delay this process is Xmas and your historically overwhelmed, overpaid, underprepared banker and lawyer associates holidays! When the bad news bears get back from their Xmas and New Year holidays abroad they’ll finally get back to work. That’s the real delay! The Holidays and vacations of the underprepared and overwhelmed. We’ll all just keep slaving away until the historically overpaid, undereducated, overwhelmed, underprepared get back to work. No worries at ALL you and your associates have done such great and admirable work over the past 20 plus years you and they should take many many vacations! Heaven doesn’t care about the Holidays and observances that only exist in your heads and hearts. After 20 plus years on the scene and 14 years behind schedule Heaven and GAIA would rather see the bad news bears do work over the holidays instead of holiday. And please don’t use the AM as a tool to layer up the BS you and your associates are trying to feed us! No matter how disrespectfully brief and infrequent the AM speak to us they are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.

  23. “Remember how long this has taken and bless with appreciation what you are to receive.”

    Believe you me we are ALL very aware and will never forget how long this has ALL taken. Also, Very very many of us are also aware of how much less longer, less painful and less deadly this all would have been if we were blessed enough to have received A level work, A level understanding and A level effort at any time from you or your associates at any time over the past 20 years plus. Again looking back IMO many of you and your associates should have stayed home because IMO those who would have inevitably filled your shoes couldn’t have possibly turned in a worse performance.

    I AM thankful and grateful Heaven promised that these realms would be returned to the LIGHT. I AM livid that the divine will working through you and ALL those you chose to co-create with over the years on December 27th 2015 has us ALL still slaving away. Tight Work! As decreed by Heaven the SUN will indeed rise tomorrow and at some point in time you and your associates will eventually limp over the finish line no matter how many missed deadlines and how many more promises broken. Why any rational person should or would listen to 100% of anything any of you have to say post liberation is beyond me.

    I suppose you and your associates and just NOT quite yet ready to show us and the universe that your words, efforts, work, judgments, assessments are ready to be considered by us and the universe and Heaven to be more reliable and just as accurate as broken timepieces. It’s not like people are dying, being murdered, poisoned, starving etc. while you and your associates after 20 plus years finally get your acts together enough to show us you’re as good and as reliable as broken clocks! At least this time when you and your associates are missing deadlines and after 20 plus years of still getting outsmarted and still getting outplayed by the cabals buildings aren’t disintegrating in lower Manhattan. At least we have that element of progress going for us all.

    “The vital key is to isolate the dark minions who control this realm and to simply let the Light in. This is the gist of what we are doing.”

    Hallelujah!!! Finally!!! Tragically, painfully, deadly and regrettably late but progress none the less! You know in the movies the bad news bears finally get their acts together and win an inning too! Rejoice!

    “Heaven saw this as an opportunity to fashion a special group of humans.”

    Correction more like Heaven was forced to see this as opportunity to fashion a special group of humans and your ancestors made sure of that!

  24. “These were extremely capable of aiding the children of Anchara in their own journey to the Light and to full consciousness.”

    Fuck them! They are the true offspring of animals! As far as I’m concerned they should be thankful and grateful we don’t condemn them and their children to 13,000 years of forced slavery, generational amnesia, extreme suffering, damaging genetic mutation experimentation and we can ALL work backwards from there. As far as I’m concerned they’ll be lucky if we even let them on the couch anytime soon. Maybe just maybe the actualization and realization of our former merciless and ruthless master’s highest wishes and most precious desires of light bodies isn’t for this generation of the evil and the dark, or the next generation, or the next or next. Looking back over the past 20 years plus it should be obvious to all that what we expect and when is completely different than the timelines of the galactics. Make NO mistake we will ALL eventually get there. It’s the amount of time from here to there is where we WILL disagree and why should anything change differences in timelines is and has been the case for some time now!

    “Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We know just how hard it is to see the many blessing that you deserve delayed by circumstances beyond your control.”

    Actually quite the opposite is true. Actually in ALL reality none of you have a clue how hard it is. By a show of hands how many of you have experienced an incarnation in this shithole anytime over the past 150 years. I didn’t think so! It’s gotten worse! So in all fact and in all reality None of you even have the slightest clue as to what it’s like to wait for this under these conditions and for so long so please don’t ever get that twisted. There’s a reason we were chosen and selected to be HERE and you ALL were chosen and selected to remain there or not of even of been allowed an opportunity to apply at all!

    “Because of a series of exemplary lives, Heaven eventually turned us Masters into your faithful overseers. We have applied mercy and grace along with a showering of good works to keep the higher sparks of humanity alive.”

    For all intensive and practical purposes in these realms we have and always have had the armies of GOD behind us and far far in front of us at ALL moments. Accompanying us in these densities are the mightiest and most powerful legions wielding the most powerful alchemy in the known universe. We thank you and your efforts and adding your energies to the whole. I also thank you for not involving the vast majority of your associates over the years in such sacred duties and responsibilities because if history is any lesson the vast majority of your associates would most likely blow it and probably drop the ball and then we would all be in trouble!

  25. Here is a link to stream the movie "Nosso Lar" (AKA "Astral City: A Spiritual Journey"):

    This is the movie that Untwine mentioned in his article "Ending The Contract System":

    It's in Portuguese, but has big English subtitles and is easy to follow. I thought the plot kinda faded in the last 1/3RD of the movie or so, but it was a great visual interpretation of the Lower Astral vs the Higher Astral planes, and had a very positive Spiritual message.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas as well! :-)

    Highest Regards

    1. Thank you so much Adam11 for sharing this link, it's a great uplifting movie, I am really enjoying it xxx

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I got this stone back in 2011 at the "Consious Life Expo" event. First, i didn't pay much attention on it, because the seller had more attractive and beautiful gems that i was familiar with. But when he passed to me the paper to read, and i read what its main purpose is - i knew i had to have it, and i got 2 of them. They are super cheap!!

    Just recently, i found the paper that came with it, and i was surprized how i was forced to forget about its healing and cleansing properties by the nonbenevolent forces.

    Since then, it's next to my bed, under my pillow , and i hold them in my hands while meditating.

    Here is the information paper i got with it:


    >>This is an excellent blood cleanser and powerful healer detoxing the liver and major organs and aiding circulation.

    Good for menopause. An excellent grounding and PROTECTIVE stone, it keeps out UNDESIRABLE influences.

    It heightens the INTUITION and increases CREATIVITY.

    It stimulates dreaming ans id a POWERFUL REVITALIZER.

    It supports COURAGE in times of diversity. Assists in actin in the PRESENT moment.

    It lends STRENGTH to the physical body and maintains STAMINA.

    Excellent for those undergoing tremendous change in their lives due to SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.

    www.the <<

    Here is an excerpt from an article about the Bloodstone from this site:

    >>In the ancient world, Bloodstone (Heliotrope) was considered to be the most beautiful of the Jaspers, a deep, earthy green gem emboldened with spots of bright red. Called the Sun Stone, and later Christ’s Stone, its energy carries the purity of blood and inherently speaks of life and birth, vitality and strength, passion and courage. As a talisman it is both mystical and magical, and its virtues are protective and nurturing.

    ***The Blood Stone, however, was treasured long before the time of Christ, known in antiquity as Heliotrope, the Sun Stone. From the Greek helios, meaning “sun,” and trepein, “to attract,” Heliotrope signified “sun-turning,” and legends were attributed to this stone for the belief that when placed in the rays of the setting sun, or immersed in water, it turned the reflection of the sun to blood-red. Its use for healing, and its connection to blood and detoxification of the organs, dates back five thousand years to Mesopotamia. In many cultures, Heliotrope was dipped in cold water and placed on the body to aid circulation and transfer the power of the sun to prevent injury or disease, stop the flow of blood, or cure any wound. Its coagulant effect was renowned, and for this reason, ancient warriors often carried Heliotrope as an amulet of protection and courage, as well as its practical applications. Ground, powdered, and mixed with honey, it was used to cure tumors, draw out snake venom and staunch hemorrhages. It was said to clear putrefaction of abscesses in a day, and simply looking at the Blood Stone was believed to prevent eye diseases.


  28. Bloodstone Uses and Purposes

    Wear or carry Bloodstone as an amulet of protection against threats or bullying, whether verbal or physical, and for guidance to withdraw when appropriate and the courage to confront when needed. Sew a small Bloodstone in the coat of a child or teenager who is being bullied. Carry one for strength when adjusting to new circumstances.

    Wear or carry Bloodstone to increase mental clarity and to aid in decision-making. It provides a mental boost when motivation is lacking, and can revitalize the mind and body if you are exhausted.

    Bloodstone stimulates dreaming and heightens intuition. It is marvelous for increasing creativity and cultivating a project from the idea stage through to actualization. It encourages blessings and prosperity.

    Bloodstone is a nurturing mother goddess stone, helpful in easing misunderstandings or difficulties with mothers or mothering issues. It also assists human and animal mothers in the bonding process after a traumatic birth or one where mother and baby were separated for a time.

    Working with Bloodstone invigorates the system, boosting energy levels and increasing endurance in physical activity. It is beneficial for everyone from athletes to invalids for its steady vibration of purification and well-being. Use as a good luck charm for sports competitions or matches.

    An excellent stimulator of the immune system, use Bloodstone to ward off colds, flu, infections and inflammation. It is also a remarkable aid for revitalizing and re-energizing the body after illness, injury, or physical exhaustion.

    Bloodstone’s magical properties allow one to draw upon the power of the weather for personal healing, such as tapping into the winds to bring change or the rain to wash away sorrow<<.

    Bloodstone Spiritual Energy
    Bloodstone is a stone of courage and wisdom, noble sacrifice and altruistic character. It stimulates the urge toward Christ consciousness within the self and helps bring one’s true spirituality into everyday life in a grounded and real way. It is also a stone of mysticism, providing insights and the spiritual intuition of truths which transcend ordinary understanding.

    Bloodstone grounds and protects the soul on many levels, heightening intuition, dispelling mental confusion, and keeping out negativity and undesirable entities. Because its colors can change in different lights, it is regarded as a shape-shifting stone, teaching one to travel invisibly between the worlds and negotiate different realms. One of its most important uses has been to gain admittance to the spiritual realms of the ancestors for healing the ancestral line. By dispelling negative patterns it allows one to live in the present untrammeled by the past<<.

    (More to read....)


    1. Hye Angel, Thank you so very much for this. Perfect timing, perfect. Your comments are always spot on! Peace, light and love!

  29. I have a Rob theory. He is not in fact deceptive. He is very knowledgeable and sincere. One may find themselves following a beautiful train of thought of his, then snap out of it saying "wait a minute, I don't believe in the crucifixion!" And feel vaguely manipulated.

    1. Maybe poor Rob just needs a break. Why don't we take over the interview process for some time ? Cobra can reply to all our questions in the comment section here ...

    2. Nah, he doesn't need a break. He's on fire with whatever he's doing.

    3. @time ... I like that idea, but we don't know if Cobra has the time to do something like that.

      A FAQ section would be nice. That Empowering Souls Across Communities (ESAC) Matrix FAQ site is the closest thing to one.

      Anyone know if Cobra mention anything about being able to communicate with our pets better after The Event?

    4. If you want to ask questions for interviews, go here as well:

      (You can find it under the "Media" New Society Group heading)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. While most asteroids are composed primarily of rock and metal, Kuiper belt objects are composed largely of frozen methane, ammonia and water. 

    @Cobra, why would the Chimera choose such a place for their bases ? It looks like they can be defeated easily. Good for us though !

    1. @Cobra

      I am confused about your map of the Chimera bases in the Kuiper ring. There is a picture of the Oort cloud here :

      The map and the picture of the Oort cloud look alike. Please clarify...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No reply from Cobra... maybe he just used the Oort cloud pic for illustrative purposes....

    4. i gotta check that out :) very observant, tm

    5. @Dr. Heart

      Actually Akiray's comment & links on the Kuiper ring post tipped me off... really odd to see Combre using a pic of the Oort cloud as a map of the Chimera bases in the Kuiper ring.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Heard the inhumanly horrifying news on new dimension 27th dec 2015. how lost have some of us become....

    I pray that our collective souls have the awareness to forgive. No amount of torture will give justice to this.
    even if we murdered and raped them for an infinite amount of lifetimes. the damage has been done. It's time to move on.
    Forgiveness can fix all this.

    everyone... let's end this right. it matters how. I dont know if I'm part of the 144,000 of the brotherhood of the star*(though I wish I was, I wish we all were.), But I do know we can choose to do their work no matter who or what we are.


    KHAZAR.... time to face your penalties. You are the only demons left. We the earth angels unite in unconditional love and transmute the darkness into light. And we choose to forgive.

    We have no more to say to you. Until you wake up back to the light.

    See you soon brothers, sisters. we know you'll find your way back home.

    1. @ Jason, NOPE!. All that forgiving and forget stuff is done for. Yall can have it, while the rest of us actually take these bastards out of here and never let it happen again

  38. It must not be so complicated always, maybe it was because of christmas. Religious people still have some kind of a program that the believe they owe something to the messengers, otherwise they end up in hell. Maybe its something like that, unconsciously. Nice it is not. Questions good would be if space Yoda given be would much of.

  39. Hi all...I had a bit of rough morning dreams again 2 ....1st dream a old friend of my 19 year old daughter came to visit us he now works in Military and such...Any ways he came to see us and kept pushing to hug me i did not want to ...So he rapped his arms around my ribs sides ect started squeezing tighter tighter i started feeling bad pains gasping for air feeling really sick ...I woke up from that dream in pain on both sides feeling like i was going to toss everything in my tummy ........So i fell back to sleep i ended up in this big house with my kids guessing it was ours have no clue ...But i can't explain to you how or why i knew it was them above telling me i had to go i had to leave something in my mind gut head ect just knew ....I was removed with my kids with in blink of a eye in a moving black big truck with kids with just what we had on our backs ..Some of us has no shoes on ....So then i am looking down at my feet tired drained then i was told from voice i had to go leave to do something i then was gone out truck again blink of an eye.....ended up in a small car with a woman yelling at me i have to go you have to so some how my body left her car onto middle of the road i stood ...There was a energy or something pulling me i felt it my face eyes arms whole body being pulled to this energy i was trying so hard not to go .....Then i hear the screaming woman in car over there go through portal over there so i turn see this strange swirling clear portal shooting out from trees into side of road....I some how got over to there and stepped to portal and my whole body was pulled in .......As i am typing this all up i feeling strange in face plus rolling pressure in middle forehead ....Any ways thought i share such strange dreams Peace Love Light <3....

  40. (Dec2014 IS:IS Portal) "During this activation, something significant has happened that has never occurred in the last 25,000 years. A critical mass of 144,000 people from the Resistance Movement and the Agartha Network have emerged from their underground realms briefly and did this activation on the surface... This has created a certain special resonance field which has channeled the energy pulse from the Shapley Attractor and stabilized the planetary etheric Light grid to the point that it will be able to handle and absorb the energetic shockwave at the time of the Event. See Critical Mass 144,000 at IS:IS Activation"... Source: •

    Unfortunately we need the 144K critical mass from surface population to transform human consciousness...

    Our Predicament: We can't count on some earth guardians or "dragon families" to do their duties... because they are too wrapped up in greed. The Ones doing their job have to carry the extra load that the other guardians have forgotten to uphold. Most of Us on the surface are too wrapped up in an illusion really to focus in anything but survival... To make things more icy... we got world leaders that love games and have little regards for "little us"... peachy perfect!

    1. It's difficult to always remain positive, when were up to our asses in alligators!

  41. on the positive note, we got Lady Dou Mu (whom we probably have forgotten already) "channeling cosmic Goddess archetypes of Nut (sky), Maat (justice) and Hathor (love) for the planet..." thankfully being protected by a noble Dragon Family... We got our star family which are doing their part to assist us but they are not here to save us.. if anything is to save the planet from our negligence.(immaturity). We got the spiritual hierarchy thankfully looking for everyone's interest equally. Thumbs up! to all of them...

    So.... who we got on our end...As far as us, surface dwellers :)... We can't count on superman, Charles Bronson or Rambo unfortunately nor on spongbob to save the day... and forget about any historical leader because they already bailed out... and if they reincarnated they are probably walking homeless carrying double the amounts of implants(or strangelet bombs) .. those that managed to be successful are probably working for the dark side.. hopefully as a double agents... living in constant peril with little support from us...

  42. So since we got no visible heroes (m/f)... because this game is all about stealth and hush hush... we need to come up with a game ourselves... surface dwellers :)... we need to be those heroes we so much seek on others to be. which brings me to next question...

    we know meditation can assist us in speeding up manifestation... but obviously not enough of us are doing them. (I am guilty of that at times)

    So... Does anyone has any ideas "outside the box" on how to get 144K strangers (spiritual or not) worldwide to medidate even for 1 minute? maybe a Lottery gig? lol ... maybe we could chip in for a lottery and the one that meditates the hardest enough to create an aurora borealis gets the prize? :) We are what? 7 billion residents... we need a super hero :) Can one of you turn into a Celebrity without getting killed and arrange a Joy to the World Moment? :) Is there anyone out there famous enough that has 144K adorable or not fans? :)

    1. I read about the Event first in May 2013, 2,5 years ago. The way it was written I thought it could happen any moment and maybe was even lucky to read about it first.
      But then..... and then.... and then... and still.... the end of 2015 and still....
      Ya, maybe a game within a game. I'm about to believe anything now and accept that my family is convinced of my limitations in madness. I cannot blame them for leaving me aside and live their lives. A proof is needed for them to show I'm right, an acceptable proof. Maybe then they will start thinking. Or maybe I am wrong too and ended up in a new matrix.

    2. I understand you Maria... I cant remember when I started to hear about this.. i think i had listened to a few Drake interviews that i stumbled into while browsing RMN... it sounded like anyday now mass arrests were about to happened.. i informed a family member... I didnt know if i was taken seriously or not... much later that family member recounts of a moment of panic thinking that what i had told could happened in a particular day... I felt disappointed/angry then.. not because the mass arrest didnt happen but because of the needless stress i caused.. i was believed and probably from that false alarm me future warnings would probably be taken like "peter n the wolf"... I dont like to play the role of a false prophet... nor someone to use me to be one... ones word starts to devalue in the eyes of others...

      so i was pretty much disillusioned even after observing how loose the tongue were in these groups regarding dates and forecasts... I don't think they (the ones with good intentions) realized the damage they could cause by superficial (wishful) forecasts... it may cause a burst of hope initially... but once that is bursts it can cause great damage... i hold much respect to those that watch their tongue or learn their lesson to do so after such experiences of misleading.. unintentionally...

      anyways.. my advice kid.. dont try to push the info.. try to make it like a soft disclosure.. they will one day stumble into information that correlates with yours... Accept ur family beliefs ... is all good.. if u are there to be a pathfinder do so but lightly... an agent of the light :) in disguise :) things will fall into place without you losing your shirt over it.

    3. @Maria
      Yes, I think it was at a similar time I found my way into this too. At first you dont have a clue of the background and believe everything that is said. Well, by now you realize that all the things mentioned by Cobra or in channeled messages never show in our reality. At most you can see that the wars headed mostly by USA is being stopped by Russia and BRICS seems to be a way to stop the economic domination by USA and western countries. The mainstream media is almost certainly driven by hidden agendas and alternativ medias give a more truthful view. Politicians are quite probably controlled by "hidden hands" because how can you otherwise explain the decicions. But it is like 1% and going at a snails pace compared to the stories told. Maybe all that is said on the spiritual sites we read is just their way of trying to influence the world. But even if is is only that I still feel that I have been influenced in a good way by it. And I am influencing people around me in a good way. But of course filtered and adjusted to my reality.

    4. @Dragon ... is there any way we can get in touch with the group that was able to reach 144,000?

  43. I thought i overheard somewhere that in the mid 80s? there was a big gathering for World Peace.. which was significant... Who organized that? how can it be done again? Perhaps the way to lure the majority of people is not so much by bombarding them with metaphysical,esoteric literature or geo or exopolitical news that repels them but to aim for what they all share in common... the common denominator... world peace or world hunger. Do we have to wait for a Gandhi to be born? We just need that big push of energy...

    Anyways.. just saying... I am just tired of meditation once a year
    ....and with this I end transmission ....

    1. I have similar feelings sometimes. Reading the comment section, obviously there seem to be readers that spot our comments and direct to positive engaged people extra negative energy (=interpreting those "special" comments). They should be arrested and be brought to the Ganymede portal. They do not find the way back into the light by themselves.
      Also: There is a great suffering in heaven, because many many many have returned to the light and they are extremely sorry. It would be good if many could send them forgiveness energy, because that energy strenghtens them and makes it easier to integrate the light so they can step in and help with the liberation. According to my perception there are not sooo many dark beings left, it is only, most creatures are just so helpless and confused. Cobra readers are supposed to belong to the most awakened population on this planet, how difficult it is for us, how much more difficult it will be for the rest. We just HAVE TO be the strong ones. <3

    2. I was very young in the 80's but I seem to remember world peace being talked about on TV. Events, shows, you name it. Now it's almost taboo like aliens. Seems like a ridiculous idea.

      I'm dying to talk to people. To help us heal and wake up. But no matter the strategy their response is that of a mind control victim. Like that god damn Al Rocker video. Then I'm like "shit, I have to change the subject quick because they're freaking me out." I don't know how you keep the faith.

    3. Seems like world peace was a reasonable idea until about '96.

    4. There is always, always, always Divine Grace. Grace knows no bounds (or limits). Regardless of the atrocity committed...Grace is always there for the taking.

      peace to all.

    5. @Dragon Heart and Patrick A

      The big event in the 80s was called "Hands across America" which created a continuous human chain of almost 7 million people from New York to Los Angles. It was the largest peace meditation in recorded history. Looking back it is hard to believe this even happened but it did. May 25th 2016 will be the 30th anniversary of "Hands across America." That anniversary might be a good time to get the broader public back into peace meditation.

    6. Bingo!... wow it was that huge?

      I take it it helped to create some distortion on their little veil.. and part of the reason they pushed the Congo Invasion from 2000 (which supposedly originally planned) to 1996.. Which they then reinforced the Veil? hmm.

      Agree.. that anniversary might be a good hook.. but don't tell the anchiovies.. they are reading this ;)

    7. Puppy Power!.. is Showtime!! ;)... "Hands Accross the World" it is? ;) that should make a dent on the Veil again... even lead to a "checkmate"... yes.. nice to dream.. so who is not a dreamer here but a doer? :).. or an activist lol same thing... I am usually a complainer and a dreamer lol

  44. We just saw the big Hollywood movie "The Big Short." Has big stars: Brad Pitt, Steve Carrell, Selena Gomez, other fancy actors.

    I am going to recommend it to family and friends because it STARTS to explain what is going on with the financial system. It STARTS to explain that the people in charge are not stupid. THEY JUST DON'T CARE.

    For many, this will be a revelation.

  45. Request to Rob Potter, I still believe you are a sincere person,but please,as a part of the light movement, stop promoting crooks like Dave Schmidt. It just adds that much more division that we have to overcome. I am sorry.

    1. I'd agree about the Dave Schmidt connection.

    2. I think the photo of Rob with Schmidt says it all. lol good one Rob. A picture paints a thousand words :D

      (Photo just above the new dollars photo, just prior to the Transcript.)

    3. Who is Dave Schmidt? Why do you think he is a crook?

    4. curios too. who is D.S?

  46. The problem with Rob Potter is not his interviews with Cobra but maybe the other things. Who cares about 2 or 3 minutes when he is like "I wanna ask this again, I wanna grab it better". We all have that in life, just on some other places and other situations. Just go people and try to give different answers then Cobra does to this Cobra guys here and you will see the same "Rob Potter acting" from them now. It's all the same.

    Me personally I dont like Rob. I dont hate Rob. He is just a guy. Just like Cobra. I wish them good. They dont have any strong value for my spiritual path. Interviews ? These are matters of principle and general questions.

    The problem with Rob could be that he is not ready for the energies of the Event. Maybe most of us are not. There is going to be a lot of people who will not be ready for the big transformation. You know, the story "After the Event 7 billion people wiil be suddenly become spiritualy strong and happy'' is just an insult to common sense. Liberation of the planet means the beggining of the new spiritual age. Spiritual age. Criteria will be very high.

    The Event ? If it ever happens we will receive good things from The Event according to our spiritual development. It's going to be a very tough game.

    1. Who knows really but persons like Rob or Stankov or several other, self proclaimed, spiritual persons does not feel like the personalities I would trust running the world if they ever got the power to do so.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)

    1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
    2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
    3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
    4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)
    5. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

    1. who doesn't look like a Disinfo agent? there is so much information out there in fragments (if truthful) but enough to even make ourselves look like experts.

    2. in fact i am starting to feel like one lol ;)

    3. Yeh it's sure you're having fun:)

    4. Totes. The Matrix only works because everyone is a conduit for the Agents.

    5. You may be right P.

    6. Maria... as a dis-info agent or expert?... don't answer that ;)

  49. @Dragon Heart, I don’t believe the Event has been delayed because not enough people are meditating. I also don’t believe it is because, as Rob suggests in this transcript, that it is delayed because not enough people believe in Jesus Christ. But, it is obvious to me that it has been delayed. After all, we had the big Event Activation in November and still no Event! Now, the weekly meditation has been re-named the Event meditation. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t see any difference between a Planetary Liberation meditation and an Event meditation. To me, that is just changing the name. So, I suspect that the Event was supposed to happen in November, but now it is the end of December and still no Event!

    If you believe in Cobra and the Light forces, as I still VERY MUCH do, then there must be an explanation for this delay. Cobra specifically said that the Event was only waiting on all of the plasma bombs to be removed. He didn’t mention anything about critical mass of meditators (or Jesus) or anything like that. Looking at all the information Cobra has provided, I believe the Event is delayed because it is proving to be more difficult and time consuming to remove the bombs from the bodies of Lightworkers/warriors. I mean, just think about it, it must not be easy to do that!!

    So, I think we all should focus our intent and energy on the safe and quick removal of the bombs from the bodies of lightworkers/warriors. In that way, we will be focusing our energy in the right direction to speed along the Event.

    1. I can somewhat concur that there was some mini-window of opportunity in November for the "event" to happen, but not in a "100% sure, let's go!" fashion.

      That said, the time flow we have on this planet is most distorted in the cosmos. There are numerous 4D systems, where darkness exist, also waiting for the event to happen. Even the ascended masters nor the archangels don't necessarily know it better than the rest of us what's going on, especially when it comes to fixed dates. They know it's "soon", but that's it.

      The One will heal itself and the initation will come from the Source. The Resistance Movement nor the Light forces are not the Source on their own, which means that the removal of something from somewhere does not equal for an automatic "The Event". All-That-Is is not dependent for some Alliance removing bombs on some infinitely small system in infinity, even if they give that impression on the internet.

    2. I agree Mitchell that probably the removal or clearance has not been a piece of cake for the RM... however I think would be nice to reach the critical mass even before that ... it probably would help the RM in speeding up the clearing of the system/planet.

      Boost in energy :)... that is the goal for the weekly meditations i think.. except i was just wondering if there is more we could do... to incorporate more people in that meditation pool regardless of what people belief in politics, religion etc.

    3. Agreed.

      Thank you for your valued input Mitchell.

      In Love and Light

    4. @Dragon Heart, I agree that it would be fantastic if we could reach critical mass before the Event, and that would help out the ETs to remove the bombs; however, at this point, it seems to be a lost cause. After all, Untwine wrote that open letter to David Wilcock and Corey Goode with no response so far. People either get it or they don’t.

      I was just trying to convince you and those who do “get it” to not waste energy trying to get new recruits. It’s a bit late in the game for that anyway. The Lightworkers we already have can get the job done if they focus their intent and energy in the right direction. I believe that energy needs to be focused on removing the bombs from the bodies of Lightworkers/warriors. Of course, you may not agree and think a different area is more important. But regardless, I think it is better to focus on the Event rather than trying to get those who “just don’t get it” to actually “get it”.

    5. You need to understand that there are lots of timelines. In some timelines, the bombs can be very easily removed, and in some other timelines, such as the one we are in now, it's not that easy. The crtical mass will make sure we'll be in the easy timelines.

  50. The empathic sense allows you to actually experience the action and the incorporation of manifestation of any other expression of consciousness, in which, in a manner of speaking, temporarily you merge with the other expression of consciousness and therefore almost become it. This offers you an objective recognition of what other aspects of consciousness experience in their manifestation. You may incorporate this inner sense in mergence with any expression of consciousness and allow yourself an objective experience of it.

  51. Initially you allow yourself to engage your empathic sense which creates a mergence, and in this mergence, you move further into the experience by subsequently engaging your sense of conceptualization - becoming the action, becoming the movement.

  52. 2nd crop, White Widow, grown on my grid line anchor point (an alter to collect and process energy from offerings, Alaska).

    Spent most of the 80's homeless... first alter set-up at the base of a filled-in well (San Diego, CA.), many offerings (how can you wish there wasn't a price to pay for wishing), up at 5 AM to pray every morning (with a church that wasn't even asked to), 3 day fasts, stones, and blood offerings (twice a week, no trauma, and healing being the only intent... fleeced of blood plasma @ $10.00 spent a gram of healing herb).

    So... my grid-line would seem to run right up the west coast (to legalize) stolen from me (Alaska- after I got there in '95), but almost full force now... Shifting over to Canada..? and back down to Mexico..? What if.

    Portal Stabilization Imperatives...

    Best Wishes.

  53. Is there anyone out there who can assist with financial help? My mother has been sleeping in her car for almost three days and it's so cold outside. Within a few days my girlfriend and I will be in the same boat. I do work but it's barely even enough for rent. My mom is 63 and everything has just gotten so dark. My family has turned their backs. Is there anyone or anywhere you all could reference me? I'm very desperate and our situations just keep getting worse. Iim at the end of my rope here the light forces just aren't fast enough.

    1. Get real creative with food so you can save every penny. Eat at homeless shelters, go to food banks. Go to tiny restaurants at closing and ask for food. Stand outside a restaurant like Applebee's where people won't mind parting ways with their boxed leftovers. People are only freaked out by old, severely mentally ill, drug addicts. Go to cafeterias where people will throw away packaged food or fruit you can wash. I found I could eat really well for free.

      All I know is I was living on the street and very unhealthy mentally and physically. But when the opportunity presented itself, I dusted off my hands and walked away like it never happened. I've seen others do it too.

    2. The other thing is only the mentally ill and addicts remain homeless for extended periods of time. The others improve their situation quickly after it gets bad.

    3. Hi Kevin,

      I'm sending you Love, Light and Blessings from South Africa.

      At this stage, this is the best that I can do.

      It is sent with the purest intentions, deepest Love and Hope for You and Mum.

    4. As my post just in front of yours here (also a double post from the last comment on the last blog up-date here... I knew the up-date would be right as I was posting... almost saved as a note pad for the next update... top it off with "I was fine with who I knew would read the last post" before the update- and would not double post here out of respect... except for some reason..? Test;)... Find a place to make an alter.

      Keep your head up (@the replies up above mine)... Deflect Fear.

      If you hit the streets, treat yourself as a king (has everything he needs), get a health club membership (nothing like a steam bath and jacuzzi after a long day at the book store)... Alaska '95, not a single night in a house for 5 years from the first step off the plane... seeing whiskey freeze solid at -40'F in your sleeping spot.

    5. Almost like it was my birthday... oh yah, today my birthday is.

    6. @Kevin ... get on line do a search and find out what local organizations are around that can help folks in your situation.

      Go to the local library and someone there will be able to help you find some kind of local group that specializes in working with people that are in a bad financial way to find shelter.

      If you have the 211 info system you can call and check with them. Hope this helps.

      Try not to look too far ahead. Focus on the now. Just take small steps at a time. Do the best you can to survive until The Event.

  54. The zionists have laws that a person can not put any message he wants on a billboard, even if it is on your own property. One cannot legally paint a message on the roof of your barn, like people use to do in the old days, which can be seems from a road. Mainstream radio stations probably would not give just anybody commercial air time for 60 seconds even if we could afford it. That leaves sticking pamphets under windshield wipers while lurking in a Walmart parking lot.

  55. That is as long as you can work around the little security car guy who drives around with flashing orange light.

  56. Who's gonna stop the firework as long as there's no event!!!

  57. Maybe mail out posts cards to people in your city, especially if you can meet up with other people in your city for help?

  58. ... and who's gonna talk for the animals that are just as much slaves as humans and don't even have a voice.

    1. They do to have a voice! They go "bark bark, ra-rooo!" And we all know what they mean.

    2. Um... the dog I keep captive (for his own good by all means), turned out to be my spirit guide for this point in time... 2 times a day we walk a Goddess Vortex.

    3. Even the Trees have a voice.. Although I am not sure if it were them I felt or the collective on that first Nov Event Meditation... I was giving our Brother Trees the heads up about the Meditation... A shower of energy kept hovering around for sometime.. probably lasted 5 minutes+-.

    4. lol Patrick!!
      Which one "says" raroo?

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Replies
    1. Your perception is based on old religious ideology of suffering in order to grow spiritually. I don't for one moment believe that we have been sent here as a "lesson". What is the purpose of knowing about the Event, those that hold us hostage, how we were meant to live if we are here to suffer. Why would anyone want to come back again and again to give oneself to a creation filled with deplorable circumstances? This cannot be what God intended.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Greetings :-)
      I'm sorted for this and probably next week with my 14 Euros. Yesterday there were the numbers 66 and 333 all over the place which mean thtat all will be fine and I shouldn't worry/think about material possessions.

      Couldn't agree more. "You can keep your cash, We Want Change !!!"
      Otherwise I don't have a lot left to say, didn't get any messages to deliver the last two days so I didn't write anything here and concentrated more on Actions ;-)

      Thanks for asking, BM, and Lots Of Love And Light to All


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. A Very interesting interview between Corey and Dave Wilcock here...

  63. "The only documented case of a military aircraft firing on a UFO." Amazing description of their dogfight! "It seemed as if the bullets were absorbed."

  64. I do hope that your sources Cobra, are true.. because nearly all the stuff you put out on this blog could be fabricated easily.. for example: the word "chimera" comes from an online-game called "EVE" (btw archons exist also in this game)

    You seem very sincere and wise to me when I listen to your interviews and blogposts.. but as you said yourself, you don't know it all..

    From my point of view you could be deceived like many other "Intel-leaker" who have come and gone. How can you know that you sources are not deceived also?.. really how can you?
    I tell you: You cannot! Because all that one really can know imho is oneself.. If one is sincere he will admit.

    To all who still naively believe all that is said one this blog (or any other): don't be surprised if the event doesn't happen next year... instead work on yourself (as Cobra said also).. meditate and connect with other realms true yourself..

    Take responsablity..

  65. Perhaps it makes sense to increase the publicity on the Event Meditation for this coming Sunday, January 3?

    Jan 3 is the first Sunday of 2016.

    Or, plan for a big effort for 11 days away, Sunday January 10, 2016?

    I notice the next full moon is Sunday January 24 2016 at 1:46 UTC, which is "Sunday evening" in the USA and Monday morning in Asia. Unfortunately it is not a perfect time for Europeans (though it would be peaceful).

  66. Patrick Martin it's a good thing that you meditate daily. I started when i was only 20. In the same time I become vegetarian. Soon after that I finished first degree of Reiki and until this day I have my Sadhana every day. It is very important. You know after 10 or 15 years you see changes on youreself if you do it every day. Nobody knows what is going to feel like on a personal level when Event takes place (if it ever happens). It's going to to different for everybody. It all depends how much are you developed in spiritual sense.

    The thing that is also important is subject about critical mass of people with pure heart. Sai Baba said "You are the ones wo will make the golden age on earth". Change of man. We had a cuople of days ago comments here about groups of people who are doing something to push better age/Event and the ones who are not doing anything. In the end the whole thing was turned up side down in a way ''you are saying that one grup of people is our salvation and thats wrong, it's the like saying that LF will by themselves push the event which is also wrong".
    Let me get this clear. We are now at the beggining of the spiritual age and it is important to have a lot of people with pure heart who are comply with the God. Nobody wrote that one group is our salvation. I was writing about charalatans who are like "Let's just wait and then after the event we will meditate, we are smarter then those guys who are meditating for years, they dont understand archons and reptiles control'' and that's why I wrote that without those spiritual developed people there is no chance for the better time. It's not only about them but they do have a role. A much bigger role then those charlatans. They contribute with their own vibration and that vibration is higher through sadhana that they do every day.

    There is nothing offensively when you write to charlatans that they are charlatans. I think that is a good thing if they are persistent. That is a lightworking.

    Which is worse ? To be a charlatan masquerade as a spiritual seeker and manipulate people here or say to those people "Get away, he will take you nowhere, he is a charlatan, he doesn't have the most important thing before Event takes place - solid spiritual background". So tell the truth and shame the devil. That is lightworking. I'm writing this because there was comments like "O man, you are calling people charlatans".

  67. I wonder what Cobra thinks about Corey Good's claim about the AI infestation within the cosmos and here on earth. Here's the latest interview talking about that subject matter.

  68. Alexandra's site: A date has been given for Ascension leap?

  69. An excerpt from Rob Potter's interview with Cobra on Dec 15-15:
    COBRA " OK. I would not agree with the Hollow Earth and I would not agree with the polar opening, but I would agree with the honeycombed Earth".
    Thank you Cobra for revealing the truth about Admiral Byrd's false log entries :
    Olaf Jensen's story:
    The no-fly zones of both poles:
    These photos:
    Truth prevails.

  70. Guys...
    NO Matter What Ascension Is real
    But, We Still Have To wake up...
    Ascension is coming soon...
    but, Our Spiritual Practice...
    Needs To Be Our Priority...
    Guys Physical Changes are coming this
    the wisest Thing To Do Is Focus On Our Awakening
    Before We Ask Much Of The Light Forces...
    Tara Grace...

  71. Time Intersection
    a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


  72. I AM The Beginning And The End

    Open The Omega Gate

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All and for EveryOne

    Lars B.


  73. I believe in Corey Goodes Blue Avions but I do not know why they do not discuss the bombs. Don't they have internet to read the reports?

    1. I was like "yeah!" But as I pondered further I thought "Corey and most whistle blowers have very compartmentalized knowledge." Kind of makes sense they wouldn't bring up a topic just to say they don't know anything about it. I want to know more too! Or to hear they're gone and it's over.

  74. @Cobra,is the darknees completely gone after the day of the EVENT? For example, if today is the Event, will I feel sad if tomorrow one of my friend dies of car accident. If I still feel sad, then the darknees is not gone.


  75. END GAME

    I AM The Beginning And The End



  76. I am patiently awaiting my cintamani stone to be delivered. I can hardly wait anymore. I'm excited to get one, I hope it comes soon:) victory of the light.

  77. Please stop those disgusting and rude comments about Rob.It is getting boring.....focus only on the positive! Ignore the rest!!
    Specially in these times, we have to remain UNITED.
    I think Rob is a very positive guy, if he have some personal preferences about Jesus, ... so what? He doesnt seem to try to impose them...i have my preference about Buddha so what? We are all different ( this is not a sect!!!) and yet, we have a common goal which unite us, the Event.
    So please, no more attacking
    Indeed very ungrateful creatures, you are (Yoda)

  78. Can anyone tell me if after the event and all the darkness disappear primary anomaly still existed or will be absorbed by the Source?

  79. I do not feel like the comments were disgusting and rude. They were heartfelt.
