Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mplan L4/L3 override command sequence in progress


  1. Victory of the Light...
    Just in a Couple of days we will see
    Mplan L4/L3 override command sequence is complete
    Let's go with Express speed from here on...no stopping

    1. Absolutely ♡ this is so weird and excating times...I Love it and can't wait for The Final♡♡♡


  2. http://cropcircleconnector.com/2021/barton/barton2021a.html


    GRÜSSE 🙏 AUS ❤️ LINZ 🕉️

    1. Wish we had some key to figure these out. We were unable to read hieroglyphics until we found the Rosetta Stone.

    2. Der Link funktioniert leider nicht. Grüße von einem anderen Linzer ;-)

  3. Sending much Love and Light <3 Victory of the Light!!!

  4. We have liftoff! The great Jubilee, party time, excellent 🌹🌹🌹#PlanofSalvation #MagneticService

    1. You said it!♡♡♡Party time is really near! LOVELIGHT

  5. Cobra, what's the purpose of fighting and meditating if humanity is almost 100% vaccinated? In Portugal 98% of adults are vaccinated (I checked that myself with many people I asked). The children between 12 to 16 years old, have already started to be vaccinated 2 weeks ago...by the end of September, Portugal will be 1st country in the world 100% vaccinated (including all children, babies, etc). And there is nothing we can do about it. In Portugal, people will never wake up.

  6. thanks for the info right LOVE AND LIGHT

  7. What I would like to see Cobra post: Event in progress, Mass Arrests of the Cabal have begun, LF have taken over the Mainstream Media and Full Disclosure has begun, Humanity is LIBERATED!!!!

    1. What a wonderful day that will be.😊👍🙋🏻‍♀️❤️

    2. You won't need a Cobra post when that happens

  8. Things seem to be moving fast we the people of this earth need Real FREEDOM and we want it NOW

  9. https://dragonboyslair.blogspot.com/2021/08/galactic-history.html

  10. Thank you Galactics! Full intervention is requested!
    Love and healing to all the children and adults rescued from the tunnels and dumbs. What was happening is beyond human comprehension.
    Stay strong everyone we are close. Doug

    1. Full intervention is not only requested, it's DEMANDED.

  11. Is Mplan L0 command sequence the breakthrough?

  12. The vaccine can cause anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, blood clots, stroke, aneurysm, brain hemorrhage, pericarditis, myocarditis heart inflammation, antibody-dependent enhancement, mRNA vaccine spike protein. The distribution throughout the body and the accumulation in multiple organs and the brain of the spike proteins created by the mRNA inoculations. The inoculation goes to the deltoid [arm] muscle to then be expelled by the local lymphatic system. The lymphatic system then spreads the residual (spike protein) to the lungs, liver, heart and brain. It is very highly toxic and is expected to cause widespread causality and death. Do an autopsy you'll find Spike Proteins from mRNA Vaccines in every organ of the vaccinated who have died.

    Antibody Dependent Enhancement now emerging in the vaccinated. The jab decimates one's immune system through a mechanism called Pathogenic Priming, also called ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) and is causing the jabbed to drop like flies when they are exposed to any corona virus such as the common cold or flu. The immune system sees you as a pathogen just like any other pathogen floating around that doesn't belong in the body. The human immune system will attack to kill the mutated cells of its own body as it will regard them as ''biologically foreign bacteria''. Death by immune response. The experimental mRNA vaccines will weaken the immune response to the virus, through Antibody Dependent Enhancement, leading to death. The deaths will be the result of mutations in human RNA and DNA genetic codes as well as m-RNA and m-DNA substances contained in the vaccines. Death by cytokine storm & anti-spike protein antibody. Poisons that can cause blood clots resulting in mass population deaths from blood clotting and in the destruction of blood cells of those taking the vaccine, due to their immune system attacking the mutated cells in their body DNA as a result of the genetically engineered m-RNA viruses of the genocidal vaccines. The Vaccines can cause Neurological Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, Organ Failure, and Death. The experimental Covid vaccines are already linked to hundreds of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths around the world. The Long-Term effects will be devastating. The mRNA Vaccines will cause irreversible DNA damage, including local and systemic inflammatory responses that will spur autoimmune conditions, cancer, organ damage and failure and fatal neurological disorders. The mRNA vaccines trick a person’s body into attacking critical functions like cell repair, fertility and neurological function. The side effects of the mRNA vaccine might take months or even years to become apparent, and by then it may already be too late for much of the population.

    1. It looks like the Chinese are working on a vaccine for the vaccine. Hopefully there is a cure waiting for the jab. Most of my family has gotten it, I couldn't convince them otherwise.

    2. I think you're right, but the red line here is now overtaken for a while, so?
      The light forces who will save, rats in sewers?
      Ah, but perhaps if the polar cataclysm comes will no longer import because the Earth will be deserted and the aliens will come on a trip ... what a fool i am: o)

    3. Cobra didn't seem to think the vaccines are all that bad when he said they are not being used for depopulation. Here is his quote from this year: "Although Covid vaccines may have side effects, they are not a tool for depopulation of humanity, as many people are afraid. Nevertheless, the Cabal is using the vaccine passports as a tool for population control, and this is one of the main reasons why Alliance forces have arranged mysterious sabotages and delays in vaccine distribution."

      Wow most doctors and scientists that are against the vaccine would argue with Cobras statement here. There are many people dying from the shot so not sure where this is coming from. Maybe Cobra wants to clarify as these shots seem to be causing far more than just side effects. Just some side effects would not be much of a deterrent for those on the fence. I think this problem is much worse and # of deaths, # of serious injuries suggest something much, much worse. Since a lot of people seem to follow Cobra, maybe he should be commenting on this as he certainly didn't put it to us in a way that suggests people should absolutely stay away.

      I was really disappointed with Trump telling people he got the jab and they should do it. He should be coming out and telling everyone there were some very bad people giving him bad information and he is sorry. He should say you can build your immune system and you can take safe medicines that are very effective so you don't need to take chances on dangerous, unstudied, unproven, human experiments. You can't tell me he doesn't know by now what is really going on. This is definitely pushing me away from him. These people know what's up and have huge followings. Why are they not out there on the rooftops warning people?

      Thanks for the update Cobra.

    4. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=80200


  13. https://twitter.com/LeanderWoltinge/status/1365970491857661952?s=20

    L0 (L zero) = surface of Earth

    #Lagrange points / L-points are orbital points near two large co-orbiting bodies, like the Sun and Earth

    There are five #Lagrangian points L1 to L5 for the Sun–Earth system

    L1 is about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth


  14. Connecting with your inner child
    Maybe this video can be a help for visualization.


    Brielle Milla is now 9 years old. She can enjoy small things like a child - despite her enormous talent.

    At the age of 3 she knew all
    - Chemical elements
    - Presidents of the USA
    - Countries and capitals of the USA
    - Countries of Europe and Africa

    At the age of 4 she knew all
    - Bones of the human skeleton
    - Organs of the human body
    Furthermore, she was able to give explanations about these things.


  15. L1-L2-L3-L4-L5
    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    Free the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update

    ...The main negative plasma meridian in our Solar System (the Saturn-Earth tunnel of Set) has been disintegrated.

    Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory. Proposal to build a space colony at the Lagrange points is decades old:



    This proposal was rejected by the vast majority of secret space program factions as these colonies would be too big and thus easily detectable from Earth. Chimera, on the other hand, had small but powerful implant stations positioned at various Lagrange points for the last 26,000 years.

    Intel about L1 and L3 implant stations is still classified..


  16. Will the monoliths be activated soon?

  17. Yeee, thank you AstralTraveler!! How did you know? :-D


    Join Lightworkers around the world in a FREE session for Clearing Our Implants on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, to benefit our individual spiritual growth, as well as to move us closer to planetary liberation! By clearing our implants, we can become free of the false beliefs of the matrix programming that causes all of humanity much pain and suffering, and strengthen our own connection to Source and to each other. Please join us and spread the word... the more often you attend, and the more people that attend, the more powerful it will be!

    English/International Session WEDNESDAY AUGUST 25:
    3pm EDT / 7pm UTC / 9pm CEST
    Visit this link to join the live broadcast on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5DUMRlUABM&feature=youtu.be
    And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/102015934786696/posts/373662940955326/

    (Note: this session is conducted in English; however translations of exercises in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/ Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian will be available during the session)

    Note: There is also on AUGUST 25th session conducted solely in German at the same time (7pm UTC / 9pm CEST)
    Visit this link to join that live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKpQ4lVWDBW76C69raKUVDQ

    For additional information and schedule of upcoming sessions in various languages, please visit:

  18. I'm just an alien soul that was killed by the Archons and sent down to this mudball.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFDcoX7s6rE


  20. The harder they come, the harder they fall.

    We've got a
    Job To Do

    Finish it we will


  21. Yeees, I am 💚 and now you just made my day ! 😊

  22. Portugal poderá ate ser 99,99% mas há o grupo de resistência que não se vacina !!! e já somos muito

  23. Cobra , Corey Goodes recent intel . He is being shown the implant stations and talking about implants


