Sunday, August 1, 2021


Pandora in progress, PBS security breach deflection in completion, PB / systems security breach. M signal field substable, wipeout sequence 8 in progress, wipeout sequence 7 complete. Minimum M / DL / HP / SD requirements met, VTX and MDS requirements not met. 


  1. Replies
    1. YES, Yes we are!!

      Victory of the Light!!!

    2. Indeed. Feel the shift. Imminent victory. Hold the line.

    3. I ask those who know: since the false vaccines are increasingly destroying human bodies, poisoning them from within, what will happen when we will be, I hope soon, liberated?
      Yes, because with a big part of humanity now distorted by "vaccines" how do we get out of it? Will the Event repuls the poisons from vaccinated? Will take them to the previous state? Otherwise it will not serve anything if by now the majority of people will be dehumanized. This is my great doubt and my fear.

    4. O really believe in that ❤️⭐🌎

  2. Lol, 20 seconds before I saw the Telegram notification, I sensed it would be coming up :D

    1. What's the name of his Telegram channel?

    2. The Portal
      Telegram channel for The Portal blog

  3. The chimera in human bodies would be the top level of the cabal. I saw a few hours ago in the dreamstate that chimera bases ON THE PLANET SURFACE were being cleared away! It's reaching the planet surface! Keep going!!!

    1. This brings tears of Joy, Blessings Everyone

    2. That makes sense! Galactics and Alliance keep going! No fear only unity and love now .. truth coming

    3. I want to SEE the clearing...and take part in it.


  4. Pulse Of Awakening.


  5. Que signifie PBS quelqu'un sait ?

  6. Wipeout sequence 8 in progress, wipeout sequence 7 complete..well, sounds promising

    1. I noticed that too.

      Wonder how many more wipes they gonna have?

  7. The Two Witnesses of Revelations are coming soon and they will show people the Truth.

    1. How do you know when they are coming

    2. they've been here since 2012.
      they really need our prayers to assist them
      they're born to enter our collective unconscious to help without violating our freewill.

  8. So, do you guys think the Event will come some time next year due to the second “intersection event” window?

    1. Dunno. The Event is just the end of 3rd ascension phase. There are 3 more phases to go through, and we have less and less time until 2025. It's only 1 year per each next phase if the Event happens in 2022.

    2. Many channel 2023, then 2025 one foot in the new Earth, then 2030, we're all in.

    3. That depends on what the DF does and if they cross the line. If they do cross the line then WHEN they do it will be the real determining factor as to which intersection event it will be

    4. @JLynn

      I say wipe em out now and be done with it.
      NO ONE will weep for the bad guys when they are dead and FRYING in galactic central.

  9. " It would also be beneficial if people reread old articles from this blog as then they will be able to put fresh situation updates into a broader context. " -

    A Tool to research Cobra :

  10. When is Cobra gonna make a post that says the following

    “ The Event has begun”

    All negative non-physical etheric and astral entities have been cleared

    All remaining Chimera spiders, Archons, Draco, and Reptilian entities have been cleared

    The entire Chimera group has been defeated and removed

    The Cabal have all been arrested

    Humanity is now LIBERATED!!!

    1. I started visualising this already

    2. Nie opublikuje. Wtedy nie będzie prądu.
      ( Will not publish. Then there will be no electricity. )

    3. Imagine tgat, omg.

      Cant wait.

    4. You will know when the event has begun the msm will start reporting the truth. In the mean time folks store food, water, cash, and (medicines if necessary) for yourself and loved ones. You should inform your loved ones about what you know about the event. We can expect denial and fear within the first 48hrs; anger will start at 72 hours. They will be angry about how we all have been lied to etc.. This is normal though if they get a little testy with you maintain calm its not personal! They just don't understand how all of this was possible etc..

    5. We won't need that announcement from Cobra it will be obvious.

  11. This is useless unless you tell us what all these acronyms and codenames mean.

    1. Alexandra: That’s fantastic. Well, before I get into some other types of questions that I have for you today, I wanted to dive into your last couple of postings on your 2012 blog. One of them was in code. Is that strictly to be read within the Resistance themselves?
      C: Those coded message are actually meant for those resistance operatives that are working on the surface of the planet. Just the most sensitive intel is given to them this way. It is actually a very practical way of informing everyone at once. It is very simple for everybody who is in the know can read this and understand this. And this is meant strictly for them. So everybody guessing what those codes mean, it doesn’t work that wa

      Liberation of Earth/Cobra...

    3. It's not just adressed to us. Code are important and defenitely must stay secret.

    4. Surely by now you would know that this information is not meant for you.

    5. It's Not for general public.

    6. They are not meant for you or merely to satisfy curiosity. If you need to know you’ll have the code. If not … why worry. Just do all the other things Cobra has suggested, especially meditating.

    7. I so wish the RM/LF would accept volunteers, I remember Cobra said something about that for people here who have no ties to anyone.

      And would feel a lot more better than meditating...for I get attacked each time I manage to do it, and feel awful for days after. Least with actual fighting, I can attack THEM, for a change.

    8. So when will we get some information which we can understand ?

  12. "The noose dangles gently around our necks. Every day it tightens. By the time we realize it is strangling us, it will be too late. Those who are gradually and gleefully sacrificing their freedoms, autonomy, individuality, livelihoods, and relationships on the altar of the "common good" have forgotten that this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history (...) the current tsunami of global hysteria is the latest and most potentially threatening example of crowd control in history.

    The recipe is simple. Take a natural phenomenon, say a seasonal virus, and exaggerate its threat far beyond imagination, despite extensive evidence to the contrary. Suppress any person who dares to present facts that expose the false unity narrative, silence them, ostracize them, and demonize them. Cook a witch's brew of anger, envy and above all fear, driving emotions to the boiling point so that our reason and logic are short-circuited.

    They isolate us from each other, replace real interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as threats to the group, and blanket the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and fragment. In essence, he said, one promotes a sectarian mentality that eliminates thinking to guarantee approval.

    One cultivates and exploits our cognitive biases - especially group biases, conformity biases, and authority biases - against us in a comprehensive "divide and conquer" politics that keeps us too busy fighting each other to recognize who is holding us captive in a matrix-like collective deception that allows the powerful to use our resources for their own gain.

    This ideological mass psychosis is religion, not science. If it were science, the media-pharma-BigTech complex would not erase every dissenting voice from memory, denigrate every thought perceived as criminal, and censor every legitimate inquiry in search of truth.

    The next time you watch the news, read a post on social media, or listen to a friend repeat a preconceived talking point, pay attention. Learn to recognize the hallmarks of propaganda (...) We are losing our last chance to resist authoritarianism.

    This is not a party political problem (...) This is a human problem. It is about smashing the middle class, the backbone of a democratic republic, and transferring trillions from the middle and lower classes to the ruling plutocracy. It is about destroying the foundations of a free society and rebuilding it, not better, but better controlled (...)

    Dare to question. Dare to doubt. Dare to question ideology in favor of science while you still can."

    Margaret Anna Alice, American Publisher, Expert on Linguistic Programming and Crowd Control

    1. It's like Herman Goering said, "To control the masses, tell them they are being threatened. If a threat does not exist, invent one."

      Bet old lard ass Goering himself would be proud of this plandemic crap.

  13. "Profusa's website states, "Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors function fully integrated into the body's tissues, without any metallic or electronic devices, overcoming the body's attempts to reject them. This biosensor, which consists of a porous scaffold that stimulates cell and capillary growth in the surrounding tissue, would effectively fuse with the body. As a piece of nanotechnology, it would connect to the wireless network (the 5G-powered Internet of Things) and transmit, as well as receive, information about you and your body to the authorities."

    That would be hacking the human body with synthetic nanotech foreign bodies. Profusa wants to know your entire body chemistry: Your oxygen levels, your glucose levels, your hormone levels, your heart rate, your breathing rate, your body temperature, with the (unspoken) possibility of extending the knowledge to areas like your menstrual cycle (if you're a woman), your sex life, your emotions, and more, and then wants to transmit all that information to some sort of medical authority, though of course it's obvious that this data would end up in the hands of the New World Order conspirators, who would use it to manipulate the masses.

    They are perfecting the art of hacking the human body and tricking it into accepting synthetic materials and cloaked objects so that they are not recognized as alien. The Profusa team is developing a family of tiny biosensors made of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that can be painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection (...) the biosensors work fully integrated into the body's tissues, without metallic or electronic components, overcoming the body's attempts to reject them.

    This is further evidence that through the Synthetic Agenda we are moving towards a future of transhumanism, where man merges with machine to create Man 2.0. This modified human is said to be made of synthetic metal and plastic parts; the sales pitch is that we will be augmented and enhanced, but the truth is that we will destroy what makes us human.

    Conventional microelectronic materials, such as silicon, gold, stainless steel and iridium cause scarring when implanted. When used in muscle or brain tissue, electrical signals must flow for it to function properly, but scarring disrupts that activity (...)

    After testing, the researchers found that the polymer had the properties needed to interface hardware with human tissue (...) these hybrid biosynthetic materials could one day be useful for merging artificial intelligence with the human brain.

    This system of hydrogel biosensor implants would only work if the NWO controllers gain access to everyone's bloodstream. From the New World Order standpoint, for this system to succeed worldwide, they would need access to everyone's bloodstream, which they could do if forced vaccination laws continue to be implemented, as is already happening or being talked about in many nations, states and regions of the world.

    Massachusetts just passed a law mandating flu vaccination for school children; the Australian prime minister is talking about mandatory vaccination; on the other hand, states like South Dakota have introduced bills to ban mandatory vaccination in schools.

    This will be the real battleground in the coming months as Operation Warp Speed and other plans are taken to extremes, with a desperate NWO trying to continue the farce of a pandemic in time to deploy their rushed and untested COVID vaccine: a new type of RNA vaccine with the ability to modify your genetics (RNA and DNA), and most likely the ability to implant a nanotech hydrogel biosensor.

    With Gates as one of the supporters of this technology, it's clear that his excuses are pretty weak when he claims he's not trying to microchip humanity."

    Makia Freeman, American writer, alternative media and news editor

  14. "The Armed Forces are a very specific organism composed of various ministries and departments, and in their activities they are definitely guided by existing legislation, including federal laws (...) and such serious documents as the Armed Forces Statutes, including internal service regulations. Article 345 clearly states how commanders and superiors should act in the event of an epidemic or threat of epidemic.

    With regard to the measures envisaged in accordance with the government's decision-doctors know what I am talking about-there is a vaccination plan according to which military doctors and commanders act. In case of an imminent epidemic, it is necessary to act according to the decision of the responsible commanders and superiors.

    Recently, it has been very difficult to obtain information from military units and garrisons, as all of these compounds and facilities are either inaccessible or completely closed. Soldiers, sailors and junior officers are first and foremost our children. And when there is interference with the immune system, with the genes of young men, that means there is interference with their reproductive function.

    The Department of Defense has established an operational headquarters to combat coronavirus infection. And already it is blithely reported that more than 100,000 people have supposedly been vaccinated voluntarily, and I don't rule out the possibility that in reality this is being done forcibly.

    And television stations are actively urging members of the military, including women and children, to get vaccinated. But this is outrageous, listen! We have repeatedly discussed these problems in the Council of the Officers' Conference, we have made appropriate requests to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, but we have not received any response.

    Again, we refer to the government documents. It turns out that there is an internal conflict of law in the federal law. One article says that we cannot vaccinate without the consent of a citizen and the other says that we must comply with the regulations of the armed forces. Which article is more important in this law?

    We have information from some military units-and we will certainly review it-about forcing unfortunate young people to be vaccinated against their will and resulting harm and even death. It is written in the internal service regulation that commanders and superiors are mandatorily responsible for the orders and instructions given. We will never forget that.

    And now, in closing, I will say that we are military and veterans and have been through a lot in our lives. Again, we have discussed these issues many times and have come to the conclusion that a hybrid war is being waged by the financial and political elite behind the scenes against all humanity, including our homeland, against our people, and the invention and spread of the coronavirus is one of the weapons of this war, this is our deep conviction."

    Andrey Pavlov, Russian Colonel, Member of the Council of the Officers' Assembly of Russia

  15. Lionsgate, here we come 8/8 with wipeout sequence 8 in progress

    Progress is gr8!

  16. Io non capisco.. le sigle a cosa si riferiscono

    1. Non sono messaggi per la popolazione, le consiglierei di leggere solo i post relativi alla situazione planetaria. Vittoria della Luce!

  17. Forgive me for saying so, please,
    But, our being able to forgive one another is the key to unlocking the ancestral healing that I believe we both need.
    Not just as two individuals, but as two distinct peoples as well.

    1. exact ! But not that ... We must above all forgive ourselves, because the outside world is a reflection of our internal world; furthermore, our thoughts are not separate, we all feel the same; however, if some decide to cultivate hope, joy, but above all love, the rest of the world will be contaminated by these wonderful emotions a little more each jur, to finally fill the hearts of all humanity.

    2. Win the WAR, first, some dude, AFTER it's done, when the battling is over...THAN you can do that forgiveness stuff.

      Me, personally, I will NOT forgive the Archons for what they did to ME. I'll accept their apology AFTER I'm restored, and THEY are FRYING in Galactic Central.

      Win the war FIRST.

    3. Tout est dit dans cette phrase

  18. 8-8 | Lions Gate

  19. Quando chegar esse Evento, vai ser como a chegada das tropas aliadas nos campos de concentração da segunda guerra mundial; encontrarão apenas destruição e poucos humanos com vida.

  20. Great work everyone. We're a day closer than we were yesterday ✌️🤔💯!

  21. Tremendous! This "war in heaven" has gone on long enough. Time for WorldPeace1

  22. I have a theory that the event will happen in 2025.
    First of all I'm Brazilian and I don't know English, so I used google translator.
    Taking into account the publication
    We can see in the graph that the first phase of the phase transition took 6 years to complete, if we observe the distance between the beginning of phase II and the end of phase III (Bubbles) where the peak of thermal flow occurs at the time of the Event. is VERY close to the distance of the entire phase I in the graph, represented by DT that lasted 6 years, by the graph, phase II is half the distance or time DT of Bubbles, that is, it lasts 3 years and phase III also 3 years since Bubbles has the same distance in DT as Phase I which lasted 6 years.
    So we have:
    I - This phase started in 2012 and ended on January 21, 2019 (6 YEARS)
    II - This phase started on January 21, 2019 (3 ​​YEARS), so it will end in January 2022
    III - It will last 3 years, so it will end in January 2025
    And according to the graph, the Event will take place at the end of phase III

    1. The phase 2 have ended. Please just read the old post.

      We are in the 3 phase now!!!

    2. The ascension window closes in 2025. So all the phases have to be completed until then. And the Event is the end of the 3rd phase. So when are the last 3 phases going to happen? In a few days each?

    3. Definitely feeling the bubbles rising. But... boiling a pot of water takes a couple minutes. So to apply on a planet scale, yeah convert minutes to years and you get the end of the tribulations around Fall 2024. Then it's clean up time to bring us into your predicted year, so it could be so.

    4. Event must come now the dark ones crossed the line .. forcing vax on humanity it is go time now

    5. Seriously?
      do you have the link there please?

    6. Yep, I'm sure that baddies have already crossed that line a few times now.

    7. Je pense que l'événement arrivera avant 2025 car il me semble que en 2025 ce sera le début de l'ascension pour certains. Ce qui voudrais dire que l'événement sera avant 2025 car avant d'ascensionner il y aura une période de guérison pour toutes les informations nouvelles qui vont créer un choc pour certains et qu'on devra intégrer. Cette guérison risque de durer un petit moment en année peut être 1,2 ou 3 ans car suivant le type d'information ca va en choquer plus d'un et même nous qui "en savons un petit peu plus". Donc l'événement pourrais se produire aux alentours de 2022 ou 2023. Cela n'est qu'une hypothèse biensur ^^

    8. Until 2025 they would kill most of us

    9. Very good assessment and thank you very much for figuring that out and posting this comment!

  23. Let me guess the bottom line of the light forces. One, the end of the earth, and two, the end of humanity, right? Because the cabal directly or indirectly killed hundreds of thousands, millions doesn't matter. You can see that with your viral and vaccine plans at the cabal. With millions of people dying every day, the human race isn't going to die, is it? As much as I would like it to happen now, the Light forces to intervene now. But because you are not human, you are not on earth, the Light forces simply will not accelerate the liberation plan and interfere in advance.

    1. I say they need to interfere.

    2. You guys have no clue what all of this is about.

      Way too much yet 3D minds...

      Evolve to see the bigger picture.

    3. Welcome to planet alcatraz, unknown.

    4. And unknown...since YOU got the answers...SHOW us 'the bigger picture'.

      We'll wait for you.

  24. Those who keep asking: "Is this the Event?" or "When it'll happen?".
    Cobra has already gave some clues to us. We can see them, only when we pay closer attention.
    Not everybody calls it The Event. It is known by different names. And one of them is "The DAM".
    Check out the July 13th Planetary Situation update. Find the YT video link for Solara, and DO NOT MISS watching the video:

    "Solara, the visionary of the 11:11 doorway, is estimating the dam will break between now and the end of 2022:"

    1. "The dam" might also mean limited disclosure, or the matrix system's collapse, or the revolution starting to happen. It's not so obvious that this is the Event. But the Event should come very soon after such big changes start to happen. A few weeks to a few months.

    2. @Tropby

      Limited disclosure won't mean anything. Just gives the enemy breathing room to regroup...more of the bread from the bread and circus way of doing things. Giving enough scraps to the starving peasants to avoid revolting.

    3. Tropy: That's why I asked people to watch the video by Solara that Cobra suggested. If you'd have seen the video, you'd learn that she's NOT preparing people for a sudden "limited disclosure". She's teaching to do a special mudra when "I T" happens. BTW, I believe during The Event, the matrix definitely will collapse. Logical thinking....

      BTW, during the Event the, matrix will definitely collapse.

  25. you guys better not let vaccine passports happen.....

    1. Focus on what you want, do not focus on what you do not want. Energy goes where attention flows, you know?

    2. I think the powers that be need to implement the literal mark of the beast style policy and begin killing the unvaccinated in mass in order for the LF to intervene fast instead of waiting until the last underground tunnel to be cleared and the last child rescued.

    3. Birimbau, that is unrealistic.

  26. Completion of the deletion sequence, can it also be called activation.? At all, these are the final sequen ces ?

  27. Let's talk about deja-vu. What was changed? I do not want to play anymore.

  28. Here's a sidenote thought I had that I found to be worth mentioning:

    The jesuits and so forth have controlled humanity with an iron grip for eons of time. They have been very, very abusive 'caretakers,' or 'parents' of humanity. I sometimes hear people say that humanity needs to grow up, but what does that mean? It means that humanity becomes mature enough to successfully disobey and break free from their abusive parents.

    1. and we should realise the law of balance. Next to my house (I live in a whole nest of satanists) cars show up so big (black ofc like I never saw so agressive) that there cant be much left of the driver:)

    2. It is hard to grow up when we are enslaved and kept out of real knowledge, worse yet, we are fed lies constantly. I always think about Star Trek The Next Generation as a model of what this civilization could be.

    3. Man can't grow up if they are enslaved, and trying to, you know, SURVIVE.

    4. I feel the same but real love and faith helps, keep rising !

    5. I like the Jetson's model better.

  29. "They can kick dirt in our face, dress us down and tell us that our place is in the gutter, 'cos they hate the way we shine"

    Lyrics, Brandi Carlile, "The Joke" 🔜

  30. Millions of Pakistanis threatened with cell phone cut-off if they don't get a COVID vaccine.

    This is another one going on

  31. cobra, where is the red line? They want to vaccinate children, in Australia the military is monitoring the coronavirus and they are provoking an Israel-Iran war..

  32. Hi, Cobra... Forgive me if i said anything wrong, let's hope this pure nightmare ends soon, the spiritual attacks are becoming more intense with each day, like they put me down like anything in this planet... stopping me for whatever i was doing, playing with the console, seeing videos on Youtube, reading in websites or RRSS... i don't understands how you manage to keep going with what are you doing, Cobra, but... you are incredibly strong, thank you for that, again, forgive me if i said anything wrong... wish you the best.


    1. I need help to. I can't live like that anymore. I am done with this work matrix but i need it because i can't live without. I will surely invest in something but the light worker need funds!

    2. i need NO FINANCIAL HELP!!! somebody else used my name. Cobra, how could this happen??? I am Dutch, from the Netherlands. I released the news there that they are babyfuckers. Not as a swear name but for real. They fuck babies. It's starting to make the news now: 600 babies here, 600 baby bodies there. Coming up in the floods. Also a small kitten that I thought was a bum was fucked, her vagina was a little open and the animal had been abused. It could barely eat. Now it is no more. HELP HELP HELP all those poor victims, but also women, different colored people, victims of China. Children...

    3. You need help with your money problems In general.
      You can complete surveys online they can give you gift vouchers.

      Also look into clinical trials In your area They can pay up to $2000 for a free night stay.

      Definitely not wishing you any luck of the lottery.

      If you want wealth you can work for it and it will come. Nothing is free Always You always have to sacrifice something.

    4. From Dutch Maria: the proof of the babyfuckers:

      Tortured Baby Corpses Come to Surface During European Floods

    5. and another one from Dutch Maria:
      Germany Floods: 600 Bodies of Children Found in the Flood?

    6. I'd rather do the lotto win.

      Hell with demeaning myself like a slave, that needs to end.

  34. get rid of these scumbags who are force vaccinating people on the street in Sydney that does not cross the red line?

  35. Like another post suggested, please go back and read previous posts.

    "The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed (The Veil?), and we enter into the fourth phase."

    Had a dream last Summer I think of a moon-like craft approaching me. It was spherical, very bright yellow-white in colour, with purple what looked like craters all over it. Kind of like our moon but the size of a small house. It flew over to me and seemed alive in nature. After a few moments it started slowly flying away like it wanted to be followed but gradually started getting faster. I tried to catch up with it but it was soon gone from vision. After it departed, the sky literally "unrolled like a scroll", or whatever the quote says. I could then see the entirety of outer space. All the planets, stars, gas clouds, everything was suddenly visible and so beautiful. Woke up a little startled, but in a good way. Strangeness.

    1. If I understood correctly the raising of the veil will be like a permanent LSD trip. That sounds like what you are describing. A few days ago I had some LSD like visions as I entered a meditation state.

  36. COBRA - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a quick update on the current situation with the vaccines. As you know many people were coerced/ forced to get both doses of the vaccine. Is the damage irreversible? And if so when will we see the technology to reverse the damage as many will die/are dying from other underlying complications deemed not vaccine related even though they are directly related to the vaccines taken. If the answer is the technology will only be available after the event has occurred then for many it will be too late.

    1. According to Cobra COVID vaccines only moderately increase the chance of developing a prion disease. Nothing else. No mass genocides. No huge damage to health. With any slight negative effects it has, we can wait a few years until the Event. It's not worse than poisons put already in our food, water, and air. You're overreacting.

    2. Cobra said earlier the jabs can set a person back a little however not to worry about them. I am noticing a lot of jabbed people having similar affects like flu shots and like flu shots there are more problems than not having it. Otherwise don't take the jab. If a person is accepting the jab it their own thing and the consequences will be what they will be. I also think that if the jab is going to kill people it may be (sadly) getting rid of some of the ignorant holding us back.

  37. A quick message to Luciferians and Satanists. You are right in assuming he created this holographic universe. But in your attempt to control, abuse, and destroy, you have been trampling on his creation. He also created good.

  38. Light forces hury up i will be back again in the work matrix because i will just not survive. We need you reaching the lightworkers with founds because this slave work is not for lightworkers.

    We need help or many lightworkers will be in a very bad position soon.

    Please, when you arrive just take contact with lightworkers directly and save them with they're terrestrial family.

    1. Dude, everyone is working. It's usually not pleasant, but it's not a torture either. For now we have to work to create things we need to survive. It's the same as going to a forest and surviving by yourself. Do you expect trees to grow a house for you, water to haul and boil itself, and crops just growing at your doorstep without any work?
      In a society someone still has to do all of this work for you to have a comfortable life. We just chose to specialize in one job, getting money for it, and paying other people to do other kinds of work for us. Because this is more efficient and easier for each individual.

      This is NOT slavery. It's trade. You do one job, and other people do other jobs for you. If you just want money for free to not work, then you're the same kind of parasite leeching of other people's work, just like the Cabal. It's like going to a forest, and forcing other people to build you a house, bring you water, and feed you.

      Cobra said that work will still exist even after the Event. It will be more fair, without the Cabal manipulating the economy, and leeching off regular people. It will be more efficient thanks to new technologies, so people will need work less to have their needs met.

      But the need for work will be gone only after the replicators are introduced. Because then you will be able to just go to a forest, and have a machine make you a house, food, and water for free, without other people's work. You can be lazy then, when it won't inconvenience other people. But for now, you're a slave master if you're getting money for free.

    2. @Tropby

      Ummm...since when has there been fair work on THIS planet?
      Personally, I want to spend several years on an alien world, RECOVERING. Not more labor.

    3. You guys ever heard of Michael Tellinger and his Ubuntu movement? Inspiring stuff.

  39. Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe - In The Beginning


    1. Přijeď k nám do Český Krumlov - návštěva Tachyonove komory stojí - 30 euro.

  41. More 5G satellite pictures. This started right after Starlink went up, I saw them. God help anyone who still uses wireless tech because it's shredding your body just like the water in these clouds. It's like this every day there is medium/light cloud cover. I can't believe anyone still thinks this shit is okay; wifi, phones, towers, we are all going to die imminently. I can feel it, it's killing me first now that they're radiating the entire planet. Good, I can't wait for the misery to end. It's like having your brain boiling 24/7 and death would be much better.

    I shared this one before.

    These are new.

    1. Patrick you didn't respond to my email but I'll show ya what helped me extremely intensely with 5g and other microwave harassment. Unbelievably effective against EMF and scalar.

  42. No Wipeout Sequence 8? I am excited, how it is going on from now xD

    1. The sequence 8 is in progress.. posted above

    2. Sequences seem to match the # of the month they occur in, at least that's my observation.

  43. Yes and also the monothiths are all in place to boost the grid and to energizerh3 Crystals in inner earth

  44. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light!!!

  45. Just envision and assume Event happens now.. that's it.. not next month or next year but NOW! No more meditations no more thinking in the future victory NOW!

    1. I agree, we need it now! I think i will not last longer. This enslave work 8 to 5 is not my mission and i need liberty soon.


    Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of

    The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated, even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance.


    This past Sunday, an investigation into the global abuse of spyware developed by veterans of Israeli intelligence Unit 8200 gained widespread attention, as it was revealed that the software – sold to democratic and authoritarian governments alike – had been used to illegally spy on an estimated 50,000 individuals. Among those who had their communications and devices spied on by the software, known as Pegasus, were journalists, human rights activists, business executives, academics and prominent political leaders. Among those targeted political leaders, per reports, were the current leaders of France, Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt, Morocco and Iraq.

    The abuse of Pegasus software in this very way has been known for several years, though these latest revelations appear to have gained such traction in the mainstream owing to the high number of civilians who have reportedly been surveilled through its use. The continuation of the now-years-long scandal surrounding the abuse of Pegasus has also brought considerable controversy and notoriety to the Israeli company that developed it, the NSO Group.

    While the NSO Group has become infamous, other Israeli companies with even deeper ties to Israel’s intelligence apparatus have been selling software that not only provides the exact same services to governments and intelligence agencies but purports to go even farther.

    Originally founded by former Israeli Prime Minister and Jeffrey Epstein associate Ehud Barak, one of these companies’ wares are being used by countries around the world, including in developing countries with the direct facilitation of global financial institutions like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank. In addition, the software is only made available to governments that are “trusted” by Israel’s government, which “works closely” with the company.

    Despite the fact that this firm has been around since 2018 and was covered in detail by this author for MintPress News in January 2020, no mainstream outlet – including those that have extensively covered the NSO Group – has bothered to examine the implications of this story.

    Worse than Pegasus
    Toka was launched in 2018 with the explicit purpose of selling a “tailored ecosystem of cyber capabilities and software products for governmental, law enforcement, and security agencies.” According to a profile of the company published in Forbes shortly after it launched, Toka advertised itself as “a one-stop hacking shop for governments that require extra capability to fight terrorists and other threats to national security in the digital domain.”

    Toka launched with plans to “provide spy tools for whatever device its clients require,” including not only smartphones but a “special focus on the so-called Internet of Things (IoT).” Per the company, this includes devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest-connected home products, as well as connected fridges, thermostats and alarms. Exploits in these products discovered by Toka, the company said at the time, would not be disclosed to vendors, meaning those flaws would continue to remain vulnerable to any hacker, whether a client of Toka or not.

  47. ...cont.

    Today, Toka’s software suite claims to offer its customers in law enforcement, government and intelligence the ability to obtain “targeted intelligence” and to conduct “forensic investigations” as well as “covert operations.” In addition, Toka offers governments its “Cyber Designers” service, which provides “agencies with the full-spectrum strategies, customized projects and technologies needed to keep critical infrastructure, the digital landscape and government institutions secure and durable.”

    Given that NSO’s Pegasus targets only smartphones, Toka’s hacking suite – which, like Pegasus, is also classified as a “lawful intercept” product – is capable of targeting any device connected to the internet, including but not limited to smartphones. In addition, its target clientele are the same as those of Pegasus, providing an easy opportunity for governments to gain access to even more surveillance capabilities than Pegasus offers, but without risking notoriety in the media, since Toka has long avoided the limelight.

    A slide from an April 20, 2021 presentation given by Toka’s VP of Global Sales, Michael Anderson
    In addition, while Toka professes that its products are only used by “trusted” governments and agencies to combat “terrorism” and maintain order and public safety, the sales pitch for the NSO Group’s Pegasus is remarkably similar, and that sales pitch has not stopped its software from being used to target dissidents, politicians and journalists. It also allows many of the same groups who are Toka clients, like intelligence agencies, to use these tools for the purpose of obtaining blackmail. The use of blackmail by Israeli security agencies against civilian Palestinians to attempt to weaken Palestinian society and for political persecution is well-documented.

    Toka has been described by market analysts as an “offensive security” company, though the company’s leadership rejects this characterization. Company co-founder and current CEO Yaron Rosen asserted that, as opposed to purely offensive, the company’s operations are “something in the middle,” which he classifies as bridging cyber defense and offensive cyber activities — e.g., hacking.

    The company’s activities are concerning in light of the fact that Toka has been directly partnered with Israel’s Ministry of Defense and other Israeli intelligence and security agencies since its founding. The company “works closely” with these government agencies, according toan Israeli Ministry of Defense website. This collaboration, per Toka, is meant to “enhance” their products. Toka’s direct IDF links are in contrast to the NSO Group, a company that does not maintain overt ties with the Israeli security state.

    Toka’s direct collaboration with Israel’s government is also made clear through its claim that it sells its products and offers its services only to “trusted” governments, law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies. Toka’s Rosen has stated that Russia, China, and “other enemy countries” would never be customers of the company. In other words, only countries aligned with Israeli policy goals, particularly in occupied Palestine, are permitted to be customers and gain access to its trove of powerful hacking tools. This is consistent with Israeli government efforts to leverage Israel’s hi-tech sector as a means of countering the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement globally.

  48. ..cont.
    Further evidence that Toka is part of this Israeli government effort to seed foreign governments with technology products deeply tied to Israel’s military and intelligence services is the fact that one of the main investors in Toka is Dell Technologies Capital, which is an extension of the well-known tech company Dell. Dell was founded by Michael Dell, a well-known pro-Israel partisan who has donated millions of dollars to the Friends of the IDF and is one of the top supporters of the so-called “anti-BDS” bills that prevent publicly employed individuals or public institutions in several U.S. states from supporting non-violent boycotts of Israel, even on humanitarian grounds. As MintPress previously noted, the fact that a major producer of consumer electronic goods is heavily investing in a company that markets the hacking of that very technology should be a red flag.

    The government’s initial admitted use of the hi-tech sector to counter the BDS movement coincided with the launch of a new Israeli military and intelligence agency policy in 2012, whereby “cyber-related and intelligence projects that were previously carried out in-house in the Israeli military and Israel’s main intelligence arms are transferred to companies that, in some cases, were built for this exact purpose.”

    One of the reasons this was reportedly launched was to retain members of Unit 8200 engaged in military work who were moving to jobs in the country’s high-paying tech sector. Through this new policy that has worked to essentially merge much of the private tech sector with Israel’s national security state, some Unit 8200 and other intelligence veterans continue their work for the state but benefit from a private sector salary. The end result is that an unknown – and likely very high – number of Israeli tech companies are led by veterans of the Israeli military and Israeli intelligence agencies and serve, for all intents and purposes, as front companies. A closer examination of Toka strongly suggests that it is one such front company.

    Toka — born out of Israel’s national security state
    The company was co-founded by Ehud Barak, Alon Kantor, Kfir Waldman and retired IDF Brigadier General Yaron Rosen. Rosen, the firm’s founding CEO and now co-CEO, is the former Chief of the IDF’s cyber staff, where he was “the lead architect of all [IDF] cyber activities,” including those executed by Israeli military intelligence Unit 8200. Alon Kantor is the former Vice President of Business Development for Check Point Software, a software and hardware company founded by Unit 8200 veterans. Kfir Waldman is the former CEO of Go Arc and a former Director of Engineering at technology giant Cisco. Cisco is a leader in the field of Internet of Things devices and IoT cybersecurity, while Go Arc focuses on applications for mobile devices. As previously mentioned, Toka hacks not only mobile devices but also has a “special focus” on hacking IoT devices.

    A slide from an April 20, 2021 presentation given by Toka’s VP of Global Sales, Michael Anderson
    In addition to having served as prime minister of Israel, Toka co-founder Ehud Barak previously served as head of Israeli military intelligence directorate Aman, as well as several other prominent posts in the IDF, before eventually leading the Israeli military as minister of defense. While minister of defense, he led Operation Cast Lead against the blockaded Gaza Strip in 2009, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 Palestinians and saw Israel illegally use chemical weapons against civilians.

  49. ..cont.
    Toka is the first start-up created by Barak. However, Barak had previously chaired and invested in Carbyne911, a controversial Israeli emergency services start-up that has expanded around the world and has become particularly entrenched in the United States. Carbyne’s success has been despite the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, given that the intelligence-linked pedophile and sex trafficker had invested heavily in the company at Barak’s behest. Barak’s close relationship with Epstein, including overnight visits to Epstein’s now-notorious island and apartment complexes that housed trafficked women and underage girls, has been extensively documented.

    Barak stepped away from Toka in April of last year, likely as the result of the controversy over his Epstein links, which also saw Barak withdraw from his chairmanship of Carbyne in the wake of Epstein’s death. Considerable evidence has pointed to Epstein having been an intelligence asset of Israeli military intelligence who accrued blackmail on powerful individuals for the benefit of Israel’s national security state and other intelligence agencies, as well as for personal gain.

    Another notable Toka executive is Nir Peleg, the company’s Vice President for Strategic Projects. Peleg is the former head of the Research and Development Division at Israel’s National Cyber Directorate, where he led national cybersecurity projects as well as government initiatives and collaborations with international partners and Israeli cybersecurity innovative companies. Prior to this, Peleg claims to have served for more than 20 years in leading positions at the IDF’s “elite technology unit,” though he does specify exactly which unit this was. His LinkedIn profile lists him as having been head of the IDF’s entire Technology Department from 2008 to 2011.

    While at Israel’s National Cyber Directorate, Peleg worked closely with Tal Goldstein, now the head of strategy for the World Economic Forum’s Partnership against Cybercrime (WEF-PAC), whose members include government agencies of the U.S., Israel and the U.K., along with some of the world’s most powerful companies in technology and finance. The goal of this effort is to establish a global entity that is capable of controlling the flow of information, data, and money on the internet. Notably, Toka CEO Yaron Rosen recently called for essentially this exact organization to be established when he stated that the international community needed to urgently create the “cyber” equivalent of the World Health Organization to combat the so-called “cyber pandemic.”

    Claims that a “cyber pandemic” is imminent have been frequent from individuals tied to the WEF-PAC, including CEO of Checkpoint Software Gil Shwed. Checkpoint is a member of WEF-PAC and two of its former vice presidents, Michael Anderson and Alon Kantor, are now Vice President for Global Sales and co-CEO of Toka, respectively.

    The Wolrd Economic Forum does little to hide its partnership with former Israeli intelligence officials
    Toka’s Chief Technology Officer, and the chief architect of its hacking suite, is Moty Zaltsman, who is the only chief executive of the company not listed on the firm’s website. Per his LinkedIn, Zaltsman was the Chief Technology Officer for then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Last January, when Toka was covered by MintPress News, his profile stated that he had developed “offensive technologies” for Israel’s head of state, but Zaltsman has since removed this claim. The last Toka executive of note is Michael Volfman, the company’s Vice President of Research and Development. Volfman was previously a cyber research and development leader at an unspecified “leading technology unit” of the IDF.

  50. ..cont.

    Also worth mentioning are Toka’s main investors, particularly Entrèe Capital, which is managed by Aviad Eyal and Ran Achituv. Achituv, who manages Entrée’s investment in Toka and sits on Toka’s board of directors, was the founder of the IDF’s satellite-based signals intelligence unit and also a former senior vice president at both Amdocs and Comverse Infosys. Both Amdocs and Comverse courted scandal in the late 1990s and early 2000s for their role in a massive Israeli government-backed espionage operation that targeted U.S. federal agencies during that period.

    Despite this scandal and others in the company’s past, Comverse subsidiary Verint was subsequently contracted by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to bug the telecommunications network of Verizon shortly after their previous espionage scandal was covered by mainstream media. The contract was part of Operation Stellar Winds and was approved by then-NSA Director Keith Alexander, who has since been an outspoken advocate of closer Israeli-American government cooperation in cybersecurity.

    In addition to Entrèe Capital, Andreessen Horowitz is another of Toka’s main investors. The venture capital firm co-founded by Silicon Valley titan Marc Andreessen is currently advised by former Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, a close friend of the infamous pedophile Jeffery Epstein. Early investors in Toka that are no longer listed on the firm’s website include Launch Capital, which is deeply tied to the Pritzker family — one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., with close ties to the Clintons and Obamas as well as the U.S.’ pro-Israel lobby — andRay Rothrock, a venture capitalist who spent nearly three decades at VenRock, the Rockefeller family venture capital fund.

    In light of the aforementioned policy of Israel’s government to use private tech companies as fronts, the combination of Toka’s direct Israeli government ties, the nature of its products and services, and the numerous, significant connections of its leaders and investors to both Israeli military intelligence and past Israeli espionage scandals strongly suggests that Toka is one such front.

    If this is the case, there is reason to believe that, when Toka clients hack and gain access to a device, elements of the Israeli state could also gain access. This concern is born out of the fact that Israeli intelligence has engaged in this exact type of behavior before as part of the PROMIS software scandal, whereby Israeli “superspy” Robert Maxwell sold bugged software to the U.S. government, including highly sensitive locations involved in classified nuclear weapons research. When that software, known as PROMIS, was installed on U.S. government computers, Israeli intelligence gained access to those same systems and devices.

    The U.S. government was not the only target of this operation, however, as the bugged PROMIS software was placed on the networks of several intelligence agencies around the world as well as powerful corporations and several large banks. Israeli intelligence gained access to all of their systems until the compromised nature of the software was made public. However, Israel’s government was not held accountable by the U.S. government or the international community for its far-reaching espionage program, a program directly facilitated by technology-focused front companies. The similarities between the products marketed and clients targeted by Maxwell during the PROMIS scandal and currently by Toka are considerable.

  51. ..cont.
    World Bank, IDB aid Toka in targeting Palestine’s allies
    While the ties between Toka and Israel’s national security state are clear as day, what is also significant and unsettling about this company is how its entry into developing and developed countries alike is being facilitated by global financial institutions, specifically the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. Notably, these are the only deals with governments that Toka advertises on its website, as the others are not made public.

    Several projects funded by one or another of these two institutions have seen Toka become the “cyber designer” of national cybersecurity strategies for Nigeria and Chile since last year. Significantly, both countries’ populations show strong support for Palestine and the BDS movement. In addition, Toka garnered a World Bank-funded contract with the government of Moldova, an ally of Israel, last September.

    The World Bank selected Toka in February of last year to “enhance Nigeria’s cyber development,” which includes developing “national frameworks, technical capabilities and enhancement of skills.” Through the World Bank contract, Toka has now become intimately involved with both the public and private sectors of Nigeria that it relates to the country’s “cyber ecosystem.” The World Bank’s decision to choose Toka is likely the result of a partnership forged in 2019 by the state of Israel with the global financial institution “to boost cybersecurity in the developing world,” with a focus on Africa and Asia.

    Toka executives pose with Nigerian officials in 2020. Photo | Israel Defense
    “Designing and building sustainable and robust national cyber strategy and cyber resilience is a critical enabler to fulfilling the objectives of Nigeria’s national cybersecurity policy and strategic framework,” Toka CEO Yaron Rosen said in a press release regarding the contract.

    Given Toka’s aforementioned use of its technology for only “trusted” governments, it is notable that Nigeria has been a strong ally of Palestine for most of the past decade, save for one abstention at a crucial UN vote in 2014. In addition to the government, numerous student groups, human rights organizations, and Islamic organizations in the country are outspoken in their support for Palestine. With Toka’s efforts to offer its products only to countries who align themselves with “friendly” countries, their now intimate involvement with Nigeria’s cyber development could soon have consequences for a government that has tended to support the Palestinian cause. This is even more likely given Toka CEO Rosen’s statements at an April 2021 event hosted by Israel’s Ministry of Economy, where he emphasized the role of cyber in developing countries specifically in terms of their national defense and economic strategy.

    Three months after the deal was struck with Nigeria through the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) selected Toka to advise the government of Chile on “next steps for the country’s national cybersecurity readiness and operational capacity building.” As part of the project, “Toka will assess the current cybersecurity gaps and challenges in Chile and support the IDB project implementation by recommending specific cybersecurity readiness improvements,” per a press release. Toka claims it will help “establish Chile as a cybersecurity leader in South America.” Regarding the deal, Toka’s Rosen stated that he was “thankful” that the IDB had “provided us with this opportunity to work with the Government of Chile.”

  52. ..cont.
    Israel signed consequential agreements for cooperation with the IDB in 2015, before further deepening those ties in 2019 by partnering with the IDB to invest $250 million from Israeli institutions in Latin America specifically.

    Toka executives are pictured with Chilean officials during a 2020 meeting in Santiago
    Like Nigeria, Chile has a strong connection with Palestine and is often a target of Israeli government influence efforts. Though the current far-right government of Sebastián Piñera has grown close to Israel, Chile is home to the largest Palestinian exile community in the world outside of the Middle East. As a result, Chile has one of the strongest BDS movements in the Americas, with cities declaring a non-violent boycott of Israel until the Piñera administration stepped in to claim that such boycotts can only be implemented at the federal level. Palestinian Chileans have strong influence on Chilean politics, with a recent, popular presidential candidate, Daniel Jadue, being the son of Palestinian immigrants to Chile. Earlier this year, in June, Chile’s congress drafted a bill to boycott goods, services and products from illegal Israeli settlements.

    While Toka frames both of these projects as aimed at helping the cyber readiness and economies of the countries it now services, Israeli media has painted a different picture. For instance, Haaretz wrote that Israel’s partnerships with development banks, specifically those made in 2019 that resulted in these Toka contracts, were planned by an inter-ministerial committee set up by then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “to realize the potential of international development to strengthen the Israeli economy, improve Israel’s political standing and strengthen its international role.” One source, quoted by Haaretz as being close to this undertaking, stated that “development banks are a way to help advance Israel’s interests and agenda in the developing world, including Latin America. But it’s not philanthropy.”

    Given these statements, and Toka’s own modus operandi as a company and its background, it seems highly likely that the reason both Nigeria and Chile were chosen as the first of Toka’s development banks contracts was aimed at advancing the Israeli government’s agenda in those specific countries, one that seeks to counter and mitigate the vocal support for Palestine among those countries’ inhabitants.

    The spyware problem goes far beyond NSO Group
    The NSO Group and its Pegasus software is clearly a major scandal that deserves scrutiny. However, the treatment of the incident by the media has largely absolved the Israeli government of any role in that affair, despite the fact that the NSO Group’s sales of Pegasus to foreign governments has been approved and defended by Israel’s government. This, of course, means that Israel’s government has obvious responsibility in the whole scandal as well.

    In addition, the myopic focus on the NSO Group when it comes to mainstream media reporting on Israeli private spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated, even if their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance than those currently marketed and sold by the NSO Group.

  53. ..cont.
    Given the longstanding history of Israeli intelligence’s use of technology firms for international surveillance and espionage, as well as its admitted policy of using tech companies as fronts to combat BDS and ensure Israel’s “cyber dominance,” the investigation into Israeli spyware cannot stop just with NSO Group. However, not stopping there risks directly challenging the Israeli state, particularly in Toka’s case, and this is something that mainstream media outlets tend to avoid. This is due to a mix of factors, but the fact that NSO’s Pegasus has been used to spy on journalists so extensively certainly doesn’t help the matter.

    Yet, Israel’s weaponization of its tech industry, and the global use of its spyware offerings by governments and security agencies around the world, must be addressed, especially because it has been explicitly weaponized to prevent non-violent boycotts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, including those solely based on humanitarian grounds or out of respect for international laws that Israel routinely breaks. Allowing a government to engage in this activity on a global scale to stifle criticism of flagrantly illegal policies and war crimes cannot continue and this should be the case for any government, not just Israel.

    If the outlets eagerly reporting on the latest Pegasus revelations are truly concerned with the abuse of spyware by governments and intelligence agencies around the world, they should also give attention to Toka, as it is actively arming these same institutions with weapons far worse than any NSO Group product.

    ~ Whitney Webb ~

  54. So Fun!
    2021 - A NEW EARTH | Short Film (Feat Dar Pan)

  55. OH MY GODDESS!!!!!
    I’m in! I’M IN!!! I AM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When I awoke this morning, it was clear that something inside
    Of me had clicked into place overnight.
    Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU COBRA!!!!!
    I know for sure that some of your posts
    Over the past year-and-a-half
    Have been specific messages for me.
    I really wish that I’d become aware of Your blog sooner.
    I could not shake Your recent post about a ‘second basement.’
    I am not aware of a past life in which I was a waitress in France,
    But something about those words really resonated within me.
    I have spent the last few days combing through my personal history
    Of THIS bumpy lifetime which I have been living for 50+ years,
    With deliberate intent to clean out ALL remaining emotional baggage
    Which I was still, unknowingly, carrying around in my heart.
    I was shocked by the INTENSITY
    Of the sadness and grief that shook me to my core.
    I am SO THANKFUL that I was not required to visit
    The REASONS for the pain and trauma…
    It was enough to relax my body and simply allow the emotions
    (That wanted desperately to be purged!) to escape my vessel.
    As long as I was not resisting the feelings that came up,
    They flowed quite easily through me and were finally released.
    That’s not to say that it was pleasant, or fun ---
    The last few days have been quite difficult.
    But it was definitely VERY CLEANSING!!
    I am guessing that this has something to do with
    The transmutation of Energy that Sacha and others refer to.
    After a handful of long soaks in the tub and
    A few boxes of tissues,
    I NOW feel so much happier and lighter!!
    I am sad that it has taken me a year and a half to figure this out.
    But I TRUST,
    That this segment of ‘time’ is working out in Our Collective favor…
    Despite appearances!
    I am stronger than I have ever been before,
    And I am finally ready,
    And EAGER,
    To help carry Us across the finish line.
    I have no idea what that looks like because
    I have reached the end of what I know.
    I am DONE trying to control anything,
    And I am learning to make friends with the unknown.
    I have FAITH that I will
    To my dear Cobra friends,
    And ALL Beings, on and off planet, who have been
    Working so tirelessly and diligently
    To hold Light for Mother Gaia and this story
    (Many for decades and centuries!!!!) …
    Contribution that has been made to this incredible tale …
    Blessings upon blessings
    To each beautiful Soul
    Participating in this planetary expansion.
    All the world is a stage,
    And We are merely the players.
    There is NOTHING TO FEAR.
    It is my full knowing that the end of this chapter
    Will surprise and delight ALL!!
    I SO, SOOOO LOVE this beautiful, amazing planet Earth
    And all of her dancing children!
    How wonderful is that?!?!
    The future has never been brighter!!!
    PEACE and JOY to the WORLD!!!
    ~~~ amy

    1. Blessings dear sister. Although i'm not cobra, I AM very happy for you and your accomplishment. Lightworkers are being prepared to what's to come. Namastê

  56. Common we need something light forces let's gooo.

    We need news, we are all exhausted.

  57. Military Arrests Bill Gates ~ Michael Baxter - August 1, 2021

    The U.S. military on Tuesday arrested Microsoft founder Bill Gates, charging the socially awkward misfit with child trafficking and other unspeakable crimes against America and its people.

    Sources within the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News that the military had spent months trying to find Gates, but the elusive billionaire had used his wealth and Deep State contacts to elude capture, somehow keeping a step ahead of the military’s manhunt.

    But on Tuesday, July 27, Gates slipped up, and U.S. Marines were able to apprehend him at a property he secretly owned in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

    The charges against Gates cover a broad spectrum. He purportedly coerced the FDA into issuing emergency authorization on Covid-19 vaccines, knowing that the potentially dangerous pharmaceutical cocktail would not only endanger recipients but also scramble human DNA. JAG is also investigating whether vaccines contain synthetic nanoparticles manufactured by Microsoft and Swedish biotech company Biohax International. The military alleges that Gates stood to profit massively from vaccine sales. Gates, who has previously denied having a financial stake in the vaccines, earned at least $10 billion from the joint sales of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccinations, according to JAG documents. JAG is holding Gates partly responsible for the deaths of 7,000 American citizens who died within 72 hours of receiving the drug.

    Moreover, the military has charged Gates with masterminding a child trafficking ring, which he ran with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. As reported by RRN on 20 May, U.S. Navy Seals operating under JAG authority stormed Gates’ 492-acre ranch in northwest Wyoming and discovered a subterranean bunker where children had been temporarily housed prior to being sold into slavery. An SD card recovered at the scene showed a young girl in pajamas handcuffed to a bed and crying out for her mother. Off camera, a maniacal Gates could be heard encouraging the child to dress in high heels and lingerie so she could better please her “new mommy and daddy.”

    That evidence, taken in tandem with Gates’ vaccine fraud, prompted the military to launch a global manhunt for the socially awkward but ruthlessly dangerous nerd.

    Sources told RRN that Gates’ wife Melinda played a crucial role in his arrest.

    “Initially she was reluctant to fully cooperate, because she felt that knowledge of her involvement might jeopardize the fortune she aims to get from the divorce settlement, most of which has not been paid. But JAG has evidence proving that she had knowledge of the child trafficking and told her she’d be charged alongside Bill if she didn’t cooperate. It turned out that Bill had been spamming her with enciphered emails only she could decode. He wanted to reconcile. The military used that to its advantage,” our source said.

    Melinda finally answered him, our source added, and agreed to a meeting. She told Bill to name the time and place. In response, Bill Gates suggested a house he had owned in Myrtle Beach. Although the military had been conducting surveillance on all known Gates-owned properties, the Myrtle Beach house had escaped military notice, because Gates had purchased it under an alias.

    When Gates showed up, the Marines were waiting, our source said.

    He was taken into custody and is currently being detained at an unknown location pending transportation to Guantanamo Bay, our source added.

    1. The woke broke pink US military baby seals in heels only arrest patriots.

    2. beautiful and lets keep on going

    3. stop posting and start your blog you might as well

    VOTL !

    1. Will only matter when it's in the open, Cathy.

    2. Would love to know if this is true


  59. We Are The Universe

    Yes We Are.


    1. Yes Rajah! It's over. (from Dutch Maria)

      Prepare For The End Of The World As We Know It - Mike Adams

  60. Victory for the light
    +++ is near +++

  61. I only follow my intuition. As the frequencies rises higher and higher we will clearly see who is the light and who is disguised as light!

    1. Hi,
      who knows, can you tell me how liberation will affect us? Because more and more people are poisoned by false vaccines, many people have the organism poisoned and transformed by these injected crap. The more time passes and the more they will be. In a few months they will be millions. Will the event repuls the poison from these people? Will they return as before?
      Otherwise we will live in a world released with lots of sick or disabled people and it seems to me a big problem. It won't be a beautiful world.
      Thank you

  62. I had a very powerful dream/vision last night that the public broadcast system interrupted normal programming which was a documentary on the Clinton's no less... Lol!! The interruption began broadcasting a message very much like the Commander Vrillon message on BBC 1977.

    It very much felt like a VICTORY message and I knew what it meant and who it was as soon as it began... like a Vrillon Victory message! I truly hope this comes to pass as a premonition... a sign of the impending EVENT!

    Thought I'd share this with all of you...



  63. Please keep us updated more often with short updates, thank you

  64. After the completion of MOSS and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow. the Sublunar operations almost complete? And when can we expect MOSS to be in full swing or complete?

  65. It is inevitable for the cabal to cross the red line. Instead of waiting for them to take the initiative to cross the red line, it is better for the light forces to take the initiative.

    Intervene on the surface now, don't waste it!!!
    Don't miss this opportunity because of compassion for the general public and weakness in action.

  66. Is there a protocol for blocking dark tech that is preventing the soul from inhabiting the body?

  67. If anyone tries to tell you to get the vaccine, you can tell them this:

    The Covid Vaccine Debunked - A Statistical Analysis

  68. Things are getting bit tight here in Sri Lanka regarding vaccination. I remember Cobra said, Starseeds would not be forced to vaccinate. I'm reminding it to myself everyday.

  69. There is an aspect of self which is unconscious.
    This aspect of self is, however, part of the fabric of our being, individually and collectively.
    It is not at all unlikely that the ancient trauma, which we obviously share, is embedded in our unconscios selves.

  70. That is as close to a clue as I am allowed to reveal to you at this time.

  71. Bocsànatot kérek a hétvege miatt én törtem be a börtönbe és a szàlitó hajora is. Sötétlényként kicsit kiakatt a biztonsàgi rendszer. Kivàncsi voltam egy fogoly sorsàra. Bocsi

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Well it's certainly an all systems failure here in Australia!
    Any hope for us Cobra? VTL


  75. Macron encourages young people to vaccinate on Tik Tok. His t-shirt with the symbol of the owl Moloch!

  76. I can't continue, i am sorry but i am thinking seriously of end this for myself. If the light forces are not there i a fucked. I am in a position that i am in a trap.

    These mothers fuckers have done a grest job to stop my personal grow. I succeed all they tentative but now i can't anymore.

    Light forces when you are there just help me please.

    1. I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. The energy out there is really bad recently. Please hold on. Pray. Ask for protection. I know it's bad.

  77. Where is the line the cabal can’t cross? Intimidation vaccination is here. Mark of the beast is here. Forced vaccinations are unexceptable! The people of earth demand intervention…before we have to take things into our own hands….

  78. Focus on time portals

    Pendulum clock - The time has come

    What are watches for? To not miss events. To coordinate cooperation.
    1. Cobra: „After the beginning of August, certain situations will escalate, as we are entering a special “intersection event” time window starting in August of this year and ending at the end of 2022, the first part of that window being August-December 2021, and the second part January- December 2022.”“
    2. The lion portal is coming.

  79. oLÁ, BOA TARDE! pAZ E LUZ!

  80. The avalanche
    Of light

    They have everything to lose, we have everything to gain.
    Controllers have made a counter-offensive, as you noticed. There have been some trying days. The attack has been aimed at Light Warriors (among other things, The Olympics has been used as a propaganda instrument).

    Tomorrow it will be easier. The attack was a mistake and today we all feel a strong sense of action and concentration. Desire for revenge.

    They know how powerless they are.
    That is the reason why they acted in this way…

    It's positive and tonight comes a... gamechanger… The Avalanche of Truth, light.
    Work in joy now that the forces are back. Now allow yourself to listen to the intuition that we work together, work with determination, towards the goal… the only conceivable goal. There are three alternative timelines (say those with psychic abilities) equally possible after the Event (cataclysm / NWO / The Golden Timeline) but do not think about the first two, you know which one you are working for.
    Will publish updates of the info I get in (eg psychic people) on different platforms in the next two weeks, mostly on the blog.

    Ps. We do not need to be anonymous anymore by the way. Not on this platform, not on twitter. It was necessary for many a long time to be careful with names and pictures, etc., but they do not work that way now.
    They have everything to lose, we have everything to gain in the last weeks / days. It is a good starting point.

  81. The time has come for Semjase to intervene... The EU wants to exterminate the lavender.

  82. Light is thrilling it’s beautiful to feel

  83. A couple of hours and the implant is gone . Miriam

  84. I am in this forum since 2018, when I got to know this forum there was  hope to master the dark forces. I believe in the light forces in victory.

    But I am now in a very sad state, credit debts do not allow me to rejoice. I constantly think about debts. as if a car with an empty tank of gasoline can not go further. in a state of  depression I can not even fully smile.

    My salary is very small and doesn't cover all my debts. i wanted to make more money but it's the opposite. i can't find a way out of this hopeless situation. I WANT HELP FROM THE LIGHT POWER of moral, financial, spiritual support. help me

    Translated with

    я в этом форуме уже с 2018 года, когда узнал этот форум появился  надежда освождения от темных сил. я верю в светлые силы в победе.

    но я сейчась очень в грустном состоянии, долги по кредитам не дают мне радоватся. постоянно думаю о долгах. как будто машина с пустым баком бензина дальше не сможет двигатся. в состоянии  депрессии даже не могу полноценно улыбатся.

    моя зарплата очень маленкая не покрывает все долги. хотел заработат больше но получилось обратное. я не могу найти выход  из безвыходной ситуации. ПРОШУ ПОМОШИ ОТ СВЕТЛЫХ СИЛ моральной, финансовой, духовной поддержки. помогите мне

  85. Hi Kids,

    I don't get over here too often in recent years..on telegram too much. You old-schoolers will appreciate this interview:

    August 2, 2021

    Kerry touches on her travel experiences, the Covid Bioweapon agenda, election issues, 9/11, Florida Condo disaster, Elite Pedophile Networks, McAfee, Trump team, the state of the nation invasion, China's iron rule, A.I. and more...

  86. Cobra, things are getting weird in the US. Too much disinfo out there. Could we get an update please?

  87. Yeah,
    I'm the dickhead,
    Keep telling yourself that,

  88. We are going to stop blaming ourselves for the ancient trauma that we share.
    We are going to stop blaming each other for the ancient trauma that we share.
    We are going to make Peace with ourselves, and make Peace with one another.

  89. Take your time,
    Think it over,
    Look within your own heart and ask your heart what the Truth really is.

  90. And, we wouldn't mind an update on the remaining bases, if you are not too busy.

  91. I guess the line has been crossed as Gal(acom) has declared a state of emergency on earth where everyone’s free will has been suspended in 3D.

  92. Sequence 8 in process.. how many sequences?

    Australia under direct vax threat now. Germany banned protesting.. how soon until actual civil war erupts .. anyone coming to my home will be met with instant karma.. hey it's all a game right?

  93. I am about to lose my faith and trust. Sucharit Bhakdi has explained quite clearly how terrible these so-called vaccinations are (here in german language):
    In some countries there are already compulsory vaccinations, in Germany we are about to do so. The rights of the unvaccinated continue to be cashed in.

    What really worries me is the thought that the Forces of Light could slow down in order to have fewer people to evacuate later. Can they even do that - evacuate 8 billion ( people to another planet? I get more and more doubts. I am no longer young myself. Even though I would have liked to have been rised (?), I would no longer find it bad to just die instead. But what about my son? That worries me more, his death would be very unjust, he did not harm anyone in his life!

    I'm sorry, I don't want to cause trouble or drag other people down. I just had to write that because it is on my soul and, as they say here, it burns my nails.

    Yet: Victory Of Light!
