Tuesday, March 21, 2023


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of an ultra powerful energetic alignment on May 1st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the new golden age.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can share the news about this activation on other social media. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube, Bitchute or Odysee.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:



This activation comes at the moment of the completion of a very powerful cycle. This moment demarcates the point when the energy from the Galactic center will begin to flow towards the surface of this planet with full force, as the time is running out. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this activation, the energy from the Galactic center will be anchored on the surface of the planet in a balanced way. This will ensure the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet and will actually create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet. If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway, but this will then manifest in a much more chaotic and disharmonious way.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. 



This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!

The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde, and will then slowly phase out until June 11th when Pluto exits Aquarius again:



At the moment of the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1st, Pluto will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aquarius, which is almost exactly the position of great Jupiter Saturn conjunction which marked our final part of the Age of Aquarius activation:


Therefore the Portal of Light activation will bring the energies of the Age of Aquarius to the next level.

Also at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini, and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely. The flash of cosmic love energies will originate from the M87 galaxy in Virgo supercluster and it will be much more powerful than the flash which reached the Earth from M87 during the AION portal activation:


It will also be more powerful than the flash which happened during the final Age of Aquarius activation.

This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this.


We will be doing our Portal of Light meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:06 am PDT on May 1st in Los Angeles. This equals 11:06 am MDT in Denver, 12:06 pm CDT in Chicago, 1:06 pm EDT in Newy York, 6:06 pm BST in London, 7:06 pm CEDT in Paris, 8:06 pm EET in Cairo, 1:06 am CST on May 2nd in Taipei and Beijing, 2:06 am JST on May 2nd in Tokyo and 3:06 am AEST on May 2nd in Sydney.



You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:



1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. 


Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Portal of Light:



  1. Expect significant breakthroughs in the situation and significant changes in life

    1. I already got significant changes in my life already. I just bought a high quality King's bed and now i'm living in a much greater a bigger house!

    2. ATTENTION ALL TRANSLATORS: meditation instructions have been slightly updated



      White House Issues EMBARGOED Soros DEATH Statement

    4. Hi everyone,

      If you want to discuss more of Cobra's posts feel free to join our discord server.


      See you there maybe

    5. @Devon
      Show, as the saying goes, put your money where your mouth is. Show US some of this creation energy at work.

  2. I've realized why I've been experiencing negative manifestations lately, so am wiping the slate clean, as what I project out, I receive. My latest blog post was made almost exactly at the same time as this update. I will be participating in this meditation. Thank you.

    1. I hope it has reached critical mass, the forces release the individual use of Mjölnir, we really need this technology for our daily lives, this would help a lot, I would like snake to talk more about this if possible, the last few nights I am having enormous difficulty sleeping , I haven't felt this for a long time... I wanted an improvement on command 12 21, would asking them to reach critical mass help? or even helps me when meditating, my mind is very restless lately... victory of the light always

    2. @N'Golo Flamel
      Individual Mjolnir would be great indeed!

      I had difficulties sleeping the past week or so, too and was even waking up drained. First I thought this was some kind of attack, but I was told by a very psychic person, that my soul was partaking on heavy clearing missions in the astral realm during this time. So this might be a reason...

      Also I learned, that command 12-21 really becomes more potent, the more often we call them. As if we need to "build a connection" over time and this really resonated. So I dropped the idea, that I might annoy them to call them without an emergency and I feel they are very happy to connect more with me 🥰

    3. A revelation came to me! That's it! The energies coming through will have cause and effect, or what one projects outward, one receives, apply more and more! Hence the need for harmony!

      Thank you FluffyFractalshard for the kind words, and N'Golo Flamel, the critical mass would definitely help.

    4. @Fluffy
      Why is it no one can remember all that, YET we remember ALL going on down HERE? Makes no sense.

    5. @FluffyFractalshard thank you for the sweet words, it brought a lot of light to my mind, funny that I slept that last day like a baby hahahah, I really had no idea of ​​a participation in the cleaning of the astral plane, I'm happy and content with that "for being useful of somehow in the operations of light" thanks also for the tips of the command 12 21

      @Starlight432 When I referred to the 12 21 command, it was about invoking my light team, asking them for critical mass to be reached in this meditation, if in any way that would help or be asked, as I don't speak English that well, I use the kkkk translator to facilitate writing and reposting, google translator tends to be biased in translations ;)

    6. We NEED the aliens and the tech....it's NOT hunky dory here on planet gulag.

  3. Replies
    1. Recent Light🤜✨🤛


  4. Focus on the triangle


    1. @Xylar Raphael,
      Equilateral triangles belong to sacred geometry and represent the spreading of source into creation and the return of creation to source. Untwine has spoken about this.

  5. ( French broadcast ) REPLAY about Cobra's article (article of 23/2/2022) : planetary situation +Goddess energy, spirituality in the arts "+ physical/non physical bodies... + Lords of Karma + Black Nobility + Solar Flash + Ascension Conference in Taipei Taiwan + Matrix...

    REPLAY Décodage Cobra (article du 23/2/2022) : situation planétaire +Energie de la Déesse, spiritualité dans les arts"+ plan causal (plan mental supérieur), corps subtils... + Seigneurs du Karma + Noblesse Noire + flash solaire + conférence Ascension à Taipei Taiwan + Matrice...

  6. Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@mmariemichele2243
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI : https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8

    I was soo looking forward to this!! 🥰😁🥳

    1. 🫵😇👍WE GOT THIS Fluffy!!

    2. This FluffyFractalshard is going to be there: time to flush the cosmic toilet <3

  8. That sounds exciting! I will get onto making a page for my website. I do meditate almost daily now, only miss some days very occasionally. We are all in this!!! Go the Victory of the Light!

    1. 💯🤞😎👍WE'RE DEFINITELY ALL IN THIS psychic!!

  9. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT 🎉🎊✨ vamos fazer isto!

  10. You got it LF and RM!🫵😉👍
    The Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds were born for this!
    We got this family of Light!!
    144,000++ GR++

  11. I remember the aion portal meditation.very intense. Let's do this. Votl

  12. Yeah! I am so happy you posted a message for a mass meditation. Victory of the Light. I will share where I can. Thank you COBRA!

  13. I will be in the middle of my work with the children, can't join sadly =(

    Hope enough people gather and make things most harmonious for everyone, thanks in advance to all who gonna join.

    1. If you don't join it will be disharmonious and it will also be chaotic for you or your children. Remember what Cobra said? If we don't reach the critical mass it will be diharmonious and chaotic!

  14. Gogogo sent it to everybody you can. Unfortunately half of my family is Catholic and the other half is Protestant.. If it tell them to collaborate with this there'll say I am a heretic and will go to hell.

    1. Sounds like my own so-called 'family'. Mine's either Christian or Catholic, with a few Baptists thrown in.

    2. This is for lightworkers, please be inteligent and ask people with open minds to do it.

      This 1 month in half is precious, let's for a moment put our frustration out for this period of time and focusing on helping each other to create the critical mass.

      I am some Times very frustrated by the situation but when i have a mission to accomplish i put all of that out for this period. So for the people that are having difficulties i understand you but now is our time to play, it's our time to act with what we have and remember all of attacks lately we have experienced did you want them to win now? They target us especially because they know very well what was coming.

      So let's fight back and show them how we are stronger than them!!!

      We are still here and most of the most powerful chimera are already cleared this show you how strong we are, they want you to be out for this meditation.

      I can say with confidence that every time there is a meditation coming they attack us with all they have to put us out of this mission.

      Let's fight back!!!

    3. I want weapons to actually fight them, Galatique.
      The attacks over the past 2 months are getting insane.

  15. Complet and correct. We Will do the meditation. The message is: we will overcome the critical mass.

  16. merci Cobra, nous serons présents, Sandrine Méditons Ensemble pour la Libération Planétaire, Gratitude <3

  17. https://veilleuse-des-energies-de-gaia.com/2023/03/rendre-ce-viral-portail-d-activation-de-la-lumiere-1er-mai-2023.html

    1. ATTENTION TO ALL TRANSLATORS: meditation instructions have been updated


  18. Action is much needed.

    Let It Rise.


  19. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  20. This is it. Our victory is very near.
    Victory of the Light!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

  23. I'll be there. Thank you Cobra. May this bring the final liberation posthaste.

  24. Vai dar certo vamos alcançar os 144 mil, facilmente, e desencadeara o evento em 20 de maio, as 15.15 horas, não me pergunte como, mas eu sei. Parece que já passei por ele.


  25. Yesterday, about 24 hours ago actually, I was somehow thinking of "Pluto in retrograde." I'm by no means an astrology expert, and I wondered why that came to my mind.

    "The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde"

    I have said a lot of things, and I mean them all, and saying that this synchronicity didn't surprise me would be telling a lie. I Am an honest person.

    "We could really need some good news" I thought earlier today.
    I Am positively surprised that it came so quick. Domo arigato.

    Spirit Of The Earth


  26. I am so happy to have the opportunity to do again a mass meditation beside all the powers of Light, Cobra, our Light teams and every Lightworker and Lightwarrior dedicated to bring in the new golden age, to upgrade the energy level of our planet and to be part of the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now, as Cobra stated! So, I send the translation into Romanian language as soon as possible, to help to be shared fast and far and wide! Here it is:
    Tomorrow, the Italian translation will follow!
    So much gratitude, million thanks dear Cobra!
    Victory of the Light!

  27. Finally. I hope this is the one that finally manifests the huge changes and transformation of the planet we have all been waiting years and years and years for. Let's get it done.

  28. ...- .. -.-. - --- .-. -.-- / --- ..-. / - .... . / .-.. .. --. .... -

    1. ...- .. -.-. - --- .-. -.-- --- ..-. - .... . .-.. .. --. .... - .. -. -.. . . -.. -·-·-- .-- . .-- . .-. . -... --- .-. -. ..-. --- .-. - .... .. ... -.. .... -·-·--

    2. .. / .- -- / ... ..- .-. . / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .-. . .- -.-. .... / --- ..- .-. / --. --- .- .-..

    3. (っ^▿^)۶🥂٩(˘◡˘ )

    4. And all those squiggles mean?

  29. WooHoo!!! Lets Do This!!! Victory of The Light!!!

  30. Two nights ago I was at some kind of base in dreamscape. We were battling a gigantic monster. It was more horrifying than anything I've seen in movies, video games, or imaginings. It could self replicate and was dropping 7 or 8 copies of itself at a time. If that wasn't a final boss battle, I don't know what would be! Not sure the outcome, I usually remember details from the Astral better but there was some static and some kind of dampening field activated... Hopefully all the filth will be defeated on all planes and dimensions in the next month and this meditation will be the final nail in evils coffin! 🤞🙏🥳🎉

    1. Thanks for the link Steph, lots of good in depth info! From the descriptions it sounds like I saw a high level Chimera in that dream. Small ones bugging me a lot lately... I forget just how interconnected and booby-trapped everything is here. It's like trying to unravel a big wad of yarn with lots of knots that also has a bunch of grenades tied in🙄. No choice left but to shine the brightest we can here. Only the brave, the crazy, and the PATIENT come to Earth... Much♥️🤩!

    2. @Steph. Sounds good! I think we'll have some wild stories to tell! I don't get to see clearly who I'm battling beside much. The celestial VFW hall will be full of comraderie and fantastic tales. After all we've been through here, I think the first round of drinks is on God/Source 🍾🎉😂♥️

  31. I'm lucky enough to have been lent a physical copy of the book, Unveiled Mysteries. I spent about 3 hours today reading this book. In this book, I'm learning about:

    - The Ascended Master St. Germain and other Ascended Masters
    - What causes individuals to fall
    - What causes civilizations to fall
    - How civilizations became advanced
    - Self-mastery
    - And more

    St. Germain came to him in 1930 on Mount Shasta and took him on a journey unlike any other. The audiobook is here if anyone feels guided to investigate further:


    1. @Starlight432 it is an amazing book. I was experiencing tremendous amount of energy over the course of time I spent reading on that book. Audio books are amazing but I highly recommend read it by yourself to experience that energy.

    2. Sen, that's fantastic! I agree, more energy can be experienced when reading.

  32. A very clear message, very precise given. Nothing more left to say as "THANK YOU" Mr. Cobra. Thanx from the bottom of my heart.

  33. Most akkor mi van a bankokkal?tudjuk h.napkitörés volt mert valakik ezt mondtàk.pont mint a bankcsöd esetén valakik ezt hazudtàk.

  34. Hello Family! The past month has been amazing. I gave up TV and cut social media to 10 minutes morning and night to highlight movement. Best thing ever. All notifications turned off. I think there is purpose to piss people off. I trained YouTube to only send meditation, personal improvement, etc items. I study and meditate daily. Changed my entire existence. Daily walks, stretching, eating better, water. Super simple. I promise you will be way better off. Get your spirit ready. We are going to have a lot of work to do when this all breaks lose. I have made more progress in this 10 weeks than last 10 years. Join me. Much love to all.

    1. Good work..! I only watch specific movies that have a meaning of love .. can't watch normal tv...for off fb a yr ago now no other SM.. messenger ...I do check some telegram channels for news but that's it and era of light and a blog by Sierra in NZ ..and this site

  35. I'll do it one last time. I've been here too long to believe that anything will change.

  36. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. Thank you, the changes have been made.
      Les modifications ont été faites.

  37. Certainly knew this energy was incoming. I was going berserk past several weeks and I knew my inner turmoil is coming to surface as a result of this.
    Yes, I'll be there in the other side along with the LF on May 1st.
    Victory of the Light and that's what we came here for!

  38. Trigger the Event now and don't delay!

  39. Thank you dear Cobra!
    We will work on it from today, because it is our main job, there is nothing else more important! And we will have this Victory of the Light! And we will have this critical mass and much more! We will do everything for it! And all together we will celebrate this Victory of the Light! Thanks to the Forces of Light! (M-H and V)

  40. Well, that is 10 times so far. They have circled my house in the police copter 10 times....now it's 11. I just started writing my new article on my website, I may as well post it here tomorrow. I get about 500 people a day but I don't know how many would read it. Sorry, it's now 13. They are furious! They can't kill me. Keep going bozzos. I've been here for 3.5 years and they haven't killed me. Oh 15 now. Let's see how long they go....
    Okay it was about 30 circles and then they hovered directly overhead for 10 minutes. But weak. Now they have flown off. They never did that before. Aggressive but I have good protection.
    I'll put up the article soon. They are pissed.

  41. I'm not reading comments here right now.

  42. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior....

    and thanks very much all memebrs of the family of light here in theatre of war operations for your ongoing primo works for the victory of the light to light in light of light sacred light.....

    i can see several million humans of the surface meditating on may.01/2023 -pourquoi pas - peu ce que veut allon zi des famille de lumiere.....


    cosmic super surge

    terra winds carrying dusts from the stars
    and of sister planets venus and mars
    double vortex spirals of love emerge
    in a cosmic sun supersurge

    tribulation times that enlight
    mighty sunwarriors rise unite
    winged again matrix busters
    flying through the night

    distillation of the ether sight
    transformations into crystal bright
    ultra shining full energy jackets
    sunfirings of intel packets

    new atlantis takes the stage
    demon souls burning in rage
    unified consciousness meditation affair
    source filled waves throttling aware

  43. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    You can follow us on Telegram to be immediately notified of a new translation:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  44. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:


  45. Thank you, Cobra for the update.✨✨✨🙏

  46. May ☉ne Make Atlantis Great Again

  47. +1,
    let's manifest the miracle of loving magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. every step .every drop, every action are meaningful!!!
    blessing for everyone which we walking such a long journey........
    thosands words cannot express my feelings which after all, we experienced so many on earth....

  49. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming ... All sites I follow say portal opens now..and grows stronger like cobra has stated. I will join meditation May 1 to insure we are pushed higher and the event happens now!!
    Even Q speaks of this event repeatedly stating NCSWIC
    Hang in there..we are almost home!

  50. Yes, that's right, I felt it, it's time for a mass meditation!

  51. Dear Cobra! Here is the Italian translation of this awesome article, and we are so dedicated to reach the critical mass and beyond! Together we can do it!

    Also, here are the posts on Cobra telegram channels (The Portal), Italian and Romanian:

    Victory of the Light!

  52. I'm sure that if we're so guided WE could do as many Portal Of Light Activation meditation practice runs starting March 23rd leading up to the main one on May1st, and then continue on thru June 11th.
    This way perhaps WE can help build up the energies needed to manifest the best possible time-line for The Portal Activation to lay down the perfect foundation and environment for
    The Event to finally occur.
    Certainly couldn't hurt... 😉

  53. 🕳☝️😇👍🌎👇😎👍🕳

  54. This huge portal of light must be this:

    'One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023. This will definitely be the strongest energetic event in the last few decades. Nothing more can be said about that at this point.'

    The Portal: Apocatastasis

    1. Yes... I remember this!
      Nice catch @a Lightworker

    2. That's interesting I just heard about apokatastasis the other day as a belief Catholics reject but Orthodox accepts. (Called a heterodox, not quite a heresy.) It's goofy as a Christian belief, that hell is temporary. If it's not scary, what's the point? People need that or they're horrible. They need a judgmental God or you end up with Modernity. But of course it is a reality and God will reconcile all things to Himself in the end.

  55. Muitos não querem a meditação.
    Muitos não recomendam a meditação por achar perigosa. E realmente é, para eles.
    Eles só precisam sair do caminho, porque NÓS estamos passando.

  56. Per omnia asperrima. (Attraverso qualsiasi difficolta’). Victory of The Light!!! Vittoria della Luce!!!

  57. Siamo nati per questo @Lightpower!

  58. Request accepted.

    We will do this! We will make it!

    The required 144 000 will met, and will be so much more than 144k. I estimate 700k between 1.5M participants.

  59. Command 1221, command 1221, command 1221

    To my team and lightworker community,

    What I have to say is not directed at any individual. I write the following primarily to clarify my own thoughts on random stuff. Do note that I do not consider myself a lightworker or a starseed.

    I shall not apologize for crimes I did not commit. Whenever masculinity is discussed in this community, atrocities committed by men in the past are inevitably brought up. Some authors tend to do it in a way that implies men in the present should feel guilty for it. This could very well be a misinterpretation on my part. I choose to let go of pointless guilt regarding this matter. I have enough on my plate as it is.

    Furthermore, I shall not consider it my duty to protect women. I refuse to follow this broad, oversimplified directive which only leads to guilt. I choose to evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. But as a general rule, I will protect anyone who holds certain values and tries to live by them in earnest.

    Respect is earned, not given. I choose who I respect based on a combination of intuition and reasoning. I refuse to live by the notion that I HAVE to respect certain groups.

    I need to understand what 'trust' is.

    I am Me.

    (Comment approval is not a prerequisite for the communication of this message to my team.)

  60. When Cobra published his "2023: Return of Spirit" diagram in late December 2022, I was all over it, trying to figure out the meaning of the symbols and the transits, looking up each symbol....

    It was clear that the late April - early May period has a lot going on, according to that chart... (plus Cobra mentioned that time period in a separate, earlier post, as others are bringing up here). So now we know WHAT is going on.

    If you look closely at that chart again, you can see Pluto along the top, doing its little thing, dipping down into Aquarius...exiting.... returning...

    I have been thinking for a while these planets are all actually beings -- they are big balls of love, big people, with different personalities each with his or her own consciousness. They whirl and twirl across the heavenly dance floor dipping in and out, changing partners, never stopping, just in it for a Heavenly, Cosmic Dance.

    1. @GoddessPower
      Speaking about the heavenly cosmic dance, you might like this:
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXFk32QDqEI (gets interesting at about 0:26) 🥰
      This universe is soo magical and grand! 🙏

  61. May be there is still a reason left for me to live. Thank you Cobra. VOTL.

    1. There is plenty of reason to live. Enjoy being here at the time of the Apocalypse and the waking up of humanity from our long bad dream! Don't take life so seriously, great things are just on the horizon now!!!

    2. Thank you for the reply.:) "The event" turned out to be such a personal thing too.. Everyone , specially the "awakened" ones , those who take their spiritual growth seriously, are heading towards their personal "event" where they are creating their own reality. Hell is breaking loose... Life is falling apart... But at the end it looks like.. What a timing the divine plays in every aspect!!!! Both personal and planetary. I don't know how far is the light at the horizon but yes.. Reaching and merging my "own self" day by day feels like liberation.

    3. @Saahithi.

      For what it's worth :)



    4. How did I miss this?!!! Such heart warming and my kinda party song! Thank you v much 🌹 <3

  62. You can look it up. A helicopter went down, a Navy one, in Australia. Ten people were okay. The helicopter looks okay. A warning? Don't fly your copters all over here threatening us! They will take them down.


    Anyway, I decided to send Cobra the link on my website. It may stir up too much of a fuss if I put it straight on here. I'll send it off later.

  63. Here you can see Pluto's current position to the minute:



    1. One sign of the zodiac includes 360/12=30°

  64. V slovenščini: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2023/03/sirite-po-spletu-aktivacija-portala.html

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220306748080801
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  65. Promotional video:


  67. It is now 3:00 am on march 23.
    Honestly, I think I can already feel the incoming lovelight falling fresh upon us! 🥰 My heart is wide open and so fluffy! 🌺
    Thank you dear Sophia God, for this much grace! 🙏
    Thank you for all your blessings and the unconditional love you embrace us with! 💜

    1. According to Cobra's link, Aquarius represents a collective, communal energy.

      According to Cobra's link, Aquarius represents a collective, communal energy.

      Now, 23.3., (9:00 CET) 9 arc seconds are missing until Pluto has reached Aquarius.

    2. I made a mistake, it was 10:00 am CET.
      Now, 23.3., (11:00 am CET) 7 arc seconds are missing until Pluto has reached Aquarius.


    3. @3k14Pi
      You sure it works like that? Like a light-switch either on or off?
      I am pretty sure these energies are gradually increasing and as we know from astrology, the effects of any significant configuration can already be felt a few days before...

    4. @FluffyFractalshard,

      I wanted to address the readers since you brought up the time of day.

      Pluto moves on by maybe only 26 arcseconds per day. That would be about one 72nd of the moon's diameter in the sky.

      So if the light portal is still active on June 11, but not on June 12, then such a small difference has a decisive influence.

      The influence of the light portal is small now, of course, and increases until June 11. However, I think I can already recognize changes in people's social behavior now. For example, strangers suddenly approach me on social topics during chance encounters, which hardly ever happened before.


  68. We Are All Made Of Stars.



  69. "If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway,"
    That's what I wanted to hear! I can trust that this will have an actual impact on our society!

    1. Yes, Pluto, for example, even had a strong influence when it was not yet discovered. But directing the energy is much more effective than leaving the influence to chance. That's probably why the dark ones have prevented the discovery of Planet X until now, so that we can't consciously influence the incoming energies through it.

    2. I believe we need to "ground" the energy once it arrives.

  70. Highlights and Observations from the Unveiled Mysteries


  71. The portal opens regardless of whether I participate in the meditation or not.

    1. What a crappy comment. Couldnt you read that we are the ones that will be responsible for either things speed up and be easier or to take longer an chaotic for all?

  72. I just listened to Byington and over 200 banks in US and over 1,400 banks worldwide have collapsed since 10th March. They are saying that Trump's arrest has been called off...and it will be exposed soon, all of what the Deep State has been doing. I hope so.
    They are still arresting people like crazy; they are all going down. And since Trump is the President, he can't get arrested anyway of course. Well, I hope it all comes out soon.

  73. Portal of light and crop circles 2022
    Cobra: "Galaxy M87 (as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) [...] This great trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet."

    Possibly already crop circles of 2022 were connected with it.

    Love in ASCII computer code.
    The word "Love" was not finished yet, a part was still "in work" and connected by a line, perhaps to indicate that still one year was missing to May 1, 2023.

    In addition, at least 3x the letter "L" occurred as a landscape formation near the crop circle [Love, Light Portal...?].

    There was also an "L" in the landscape at the next crop circle.

    Also the last crop circle of 2022 (Brazil) was placed near an "L" in the landscape.

    In a pentagon (Divine Will, male aspect) was a triangle with dot. In my opinion, this could refer to the portal of light on May 1, 2023.

  74. Dragon Ball / Galactic Center - ULTRA DISCLOSURE !


  75. Cleaned up the old Galactic central Sun Post

    more to come - hopefully this version is more up to par & can be of good use


  76. Japanese translation to Portal of Light Acivation;




  77. @BBB, The US rising as a world power after ww1 and other empires continuing to decline. It could be interpreted as china rising as the world power after ww3 and the US empire continuing its decline. This is a more negative interpretation. The takedown of the cabal and the event and start of a golden age is another.

  78. Reschedule of our mass prayer to may 2th

    Our worldwide mass prayer for peace is being rescheduled now to May 2th, 2023. This is a strategy to anchor as much light as possible to our planet, as there will be already a mass meditation on May 1th, 2023, promoted by Cobra.

    With two positive events happening, one day after the other, we will be able to impact the light quotient of the planet quite efficiently. So please, try to join both events, the mass prayer for peace on May 2th, and the mass meditation for peace on May 1th.

    You can check the exact time of the May 2th mass prayer for peace according to your location here:


    More at: https://earthdragonchronicles.blogspot.com

  79. Here is an English promotional video for PORTAL OF LIGHT ACTIVATION MAY 1ST, 2023.

    Feel free to download and share it on your social media, to help us reach the critical mass.


  80. will there be an interview where it will be explained what meditation is actually for?

  81. After reading the differing viewpoints I believe many have "meditation fatigue syndrome."

  82. "Don't say goodbye":



  83. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
    Oh, talk to me, can't you see
    I'll help you work things out.
    Oh, don't want to be your enemy
    And I don't want to scream and shout.

    'cause, baby, I believe in honesty
    And then be strong and true.
    I shouldn't have to say now, baby,
    That I believe in you.

    What took you so long?
    What took you all night?
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good;
    I make you feel fine.
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.
    Oh, no, no.

    Oh, you touched my heart right from the start,
    You didn't know what to say.
    But, honey, I understand
    When you take my hand everything's OK.

    'Cause, baby, I believe reality,
    It's never far away.
    I've had enough, so listen, baby,
    I've got something to say.

    What took you so long?
    What took you all night?
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good;
    I make you feel fine.
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.

    What took you so long? (What took you so long?)
    What took you all night? (What took you all night?)
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good; (I treat you so good)
    I make you feel fine. (I make you feel fine)
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.
    Oh, no, no.

    Baby, I believe in honesty
    And then be strong and true.
    I shouldn't have to say now, baby,
    That I believe in you.

    What took you so long?
    What took you all night?
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good;
    I make you feel fine.
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.

    What took you so long? (What took you so long?)
    What took you all night? (What took you all night?)
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good; (I treat you so good)
    I make you feel fine. (I make you feel fine)
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.

    What took you so long? (What took you so long?)
    What took you all night? (What took you all night?)
    What took you forever to see I'm right?
    You know, I treat you so good; (I treat you so good)
    I make you feel fine. (I make you feel fine)
    You know, I'll never give it up this time.
    Oh, no, no.


    You Are right.



  84. Isn't it You?

    It Is.



  85. A Walk in the Park.


    A step in the Dark.


  86. the big juice really is arriving from the big sun the great one - by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....

    i felt a surge of very clean high vibrational light quotient at about 0300 hrs on march.24/2023 PST - like a zapping effect - yet not at all an intrusive or discomfort feeling in anyway.....

    these surges will get more and more powerful of course-looks like its good to be in a high positive calm meditative zen like stable yet open to receive etc state of mind in receiving and incorporating the sacred energies into our physical and higher energy bodies.....

    the humans walking the earth are now rising like the great gods and goddesses they are-bravo zulu.....



  87. The Axis is Aligned with all Radiant Possibilities! April is a month of a Mega Change! The Stars are Awaken! The Awaken of the Source is Charging on the Planet! The Meditation Will Turn On The Real Life! The Gift was given to Us.

  88. Magyarul ~ in Hungarian:
    🌺 🌺 🌺

  89. https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/egypt/2023/03/20/big-void-at-the-core-of-gizas-great-pyramid-continues-to-baffle-scientists/


  90. WE CAN DO THIS! Light workers and Light warriors do not give up yet!

  91. We had an election in NSW and Labour won. Goodbye Nazis in power. We elected the lovely and honest Chris Minns. Hooray!

    Second, and I forgot to say with all the other stuff going on, there is a new TV show in Australia called "We Interrupt This Broadcast" and it is a show full of silly skits, etc. It started out fine but now has turned into a dark show indeed. There is a segment called Squid Squad or something similar, and with no explanation it is about a group of people who a playing silly games and the loser is executed. They are shot dead. Ooooh squid squad. A killer game.

    Also, there is a skit where they are EATING children. I'm not kidding. Apparently children are disappearing whilst riding their bikes and are being EATEN. It's absolute FILTH! So we see now clearly where the New World Order want to take the world. It's disgusting. And through all this they began to flip us the 666 handsign, so that's all happening as well. I'm not worried because they are all losing hopelessly, especially in Australia. But they have to show us all of what they are planning, and this is part of it. What a bunch of idiots.

  92. And it will haunt you down, as long you consider it 'a treasure of experiences' and 'lessons to learn', and it will get you stuck in in its 'beautyful realm', and until the event comes 'far beyond' the soul will be fully fragmented, at a degree it will be never able to recover in a way usefully for anything.

  93. This is a great channel of near death experience stories. One thing that strikes me is none of them tell of a reality run by archons and lords of karma, hordes of etheric reptilians feasting on people's energy. It sounds more like a divine realm with positive forces controlling things. People's relatives meet them, meaning they're chilling in paradise not forced to reincarnate in another crummy life. I can think of a few reasons for all this. One is the game rules are hiding dark control. The people who come back are kept from seeing certain things. A similar situation is happening with the Event, decades of ET contact and NDE's never revealed such a thing. Another reason is the people compiling these stories choose nice sounding experiences. Same with the experiencers, maybe those who go to negative areas aren't talking about it. I'll start searching for those experiences. I know they're out there, "Man dies and goes to hell." I've been there while asleep. 2 nights in a row I went back to this same area again and again. That ain't no brain created dream when every time you fall asleep you go right back 4 times a night. Those people were assholes. They started to expect me so I'd appear in a room and they'd all attack. They started following me back to my body. One time I woke up but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back out, but I was so close to the physical plane I thought I was being dragged across the floor! I could feel the cool wood. Anyways, these stories are amazing. It's on Spotify and iTunes if you prefer.


    1. @Patrick, Its compartmentalization at many levels. People are not capable of seeing much of the archon network or could not handle it. James Gilliland got into the different levels where much of the archon network is 4d and upper 4d is where they let you go for a while into that controlled paradise afterlife where you see dead pets and relatives and they tell you that you have unfinished business. Parts of us are above that but it seems most have no connection to it which is one reason why they seem so unequipped to deal with all of this.

  94. = 94% of Kyiv's military spending in 2022 was covered by NATO countries

    ⚔️ Ukraine's military spending in 2022 reached $73 billion, or 50% of GDP, Equality calculated according to the Ministry of Finance. The country has become one of the most militarized in the world in 30 years.

    Of these, military budget spending in 2022 was $37 billion (https://mof.gov.ua/uk/budget_2022-538). NATO countries have allocated $32.4 billion to Ukraine (https://mof.gov.ua/uk/news/ukraines_state_budget_financing_since_the_beginning_of_the_full-scale_war-3435), of which $14.9 billion are gratuitous transfers, and $17.5 billion are external loans (under essences are also free). External funding approximately coincided with the increase in the budget of Ukraine in 2022 (by $29 billion) and the increase in military budget spending in particular (by $31 billion). In other words, the West almost completely paid for the war.

    The second part of military needs is the direct supply of weapons by the West. At the end of January 2023, they reached $69 billion (https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/data-sets/ukraine-support-tracker-data-17410/), according to the Kiel Institute. Of these, arms were actually transferred in 2022 for $36 billion.

    The total military spending of Ukraine in 2022 reached $73.1 billion (50.5% of GDP). 94% of them are covered by the West. The estimate is still underestimated, because does not include mercenary activity.

    Ukraine has become one of the most militarized in 30 years. For comparison: in Iraq in 2020, military spending was 6% of GDP, in Afghanistan - 11%, in Libya in 2014 - 16%, according to (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL .XPND.GD.ZS) SIPRI.

    2021 - $8.6 billion (4.3% of GDP)
    2022 - $73 billion (50%)
    2023 - $55 billion (36%)

    In 2023, the total military spending will be the same, although for the time being, smaller amounts have been allocated – $55 billion (36% of GDP). Of these, arms deliveries are announced at $33 billion. Budget expenditures for defense in 2023 are prescribed (https://mof.gov.ua/uk/budget_2023-582) in the amount of $21.7 billion, but will be higher (spending in Jan. already $3.6 billion). They will also be covered by external financing ($33 billion).

    The military spending of the Russian Federation in 2022 was $98 billion, but only a part went to military operations in the Donbass. Their growth over the year was $32 billion, while Ukraine’s was $65 billion. If we consider that this growth reflects the forces at the front, then the RF Armed Forces not only do not have a complete advantage there, but they are inferior to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in some ways (the difference in the number of troops is 400 against 700 (https://ria.ru/20220708/vsu-1801307373.html) thousand people). This makes Kyiv's upcoming counteroffensive very dangerous.

  95. I lay on my back and the ascension energy coalescing as waves gently rock me to sleep

  96. The victory of moonlight, the breakthrough of light, and the liberation of the earth

  97. It really feels that the moment for contact dish is approaching, so I have checked out how was the decree to take part in it. However there, regarding the place for the contact, it only refers to "on land that I own". As it was stated later to that post that people who don´t own land could take part by walking in nature in certain conditions, should those people change the decree they say out of common sense to fit their situation, or should the decree be done in some other specific way?
    (I´ve searched in the blog but didn´t find an upgrade of that decree for this reason)

    1. @Don Pepe, I just want to say this for people reading who dont know, they should NOT tell people if they are open to contact or not and they should not say it out loud. Its silently said in the persons mind. This was really emphasized at the time.

      Don, if the person doesnt have land and is open to contact the Pleiadians may still contact them as long as they followed the contact protocols. I dont think they would have to specify their situation but they could and it probably wouldnt hurt.

    2. @LongStar, thank you, it´s good to warn people, I brought up a sensitive issue. Besides, if anyone inadvertenly said too much here Cobra wouldn´t release that comment for his safety.
      Concerning the point about the land and the decree, it´s a minutia, but as those decrees are like legal documents in other realms it´s preferable to be accurate. So in case I was one of those affected I would do a small change, but this is up to them..

    3. I been wanting off earth since I was a 12 year old kid in 1991.
      Earth's not a paradise.

  98. Thank you so much for the opportunity and for organizing a new mass meditation. It is a very special feeling to connect energetically with so many star brothers and sisters to make the world more beautiful together. I will not let you disappoint, so I will do my best.
    I can't wait to meet you all in person.
    Stay protected and full of love, my wonderful friends.

  99. i have a question, i read things about the pleadians and lets just say is like a diffrent culture but one the libration happends will the people on earth (who might come back to earth) can still have thier cuture while having a mix of others? because i don't want to feel restricted if what i thought was ok on earth is not ok in the pleadians

    1. so basiclly is ok to live my own life and there is nothing wrong with that and not to let outside infuences control me, ok i just get nervous about all this.

  100. Hello they are using energy weapons disguised as mobile phones, countersurvailance operations targeting light workers.soon they won't be to hide,so let's talk about protecting ourselves from energy weapons.

  101. (FRENCH official Facebook event + French Livestream)
    Nous organiserons aussi un LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS  officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension"    
    https://www.facebook.com/events/1595905314225143/   Article explicatif : 

  102. Seems this is another important meditation. Cobra, will there be booster meditations? Boosters seem to ascertain we reach the critical mass

  103. Untwine recently wrote an article this month which supports what Cobra has explained above, regarding the powerful planetary alignments. This meditation is so important in anchoring the necessary energies that will be present during the coming months. As an example, 5 planets will be in a rare arc alignment on 3/28/23, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. Thank you Cobra for organizing another mass meditation. Victory of the Light! https://www.balancingtruth.com/post/powerful-astrology-of-this-spring-of-2023

  104. @divinasion! Are you out there? Can you check your discord dm’s?

  105. I'm in, but I'm skeptical right now. I just want to know if it triggers the event? By the way, it's 2023, in what way has the global meditation accelerated over the past decade?

    1. It won't trigger the Event. Or at least, Cobra said many times that no one will announce the date of the Event. It can happen at any time. Maybe there's a higher chance that it will happen on the day of mass meditation, or soon after. But it's not a guarantee either way.

      It's like, 10% chance on the day of mass meditation, and 0.1% on any other day. Something like that.

  106. Portal of Light Activation, May 1st 2023 - English promotional video

  107. May everyone who participates in meditation be blessed! 🙏

  108. Ah now I see. It took me until now to find out about the fuss in France. I knew it wasn't about retiring. Macron is making himself a King. It's so he can pass laws without a parliamentary vote in the Senate, giving him the feudal authorities of a medieval King. Dickhead. I've been meditating on the French. Go people of France!! They better execute him quickly!! I do not think he will last at all.

  109. Ok cobra I've been removing blocks detoxing from the kryptonite which is a bit overwhelming at the moment Iam feeling energies which I haven't felt in a long time it's crazy.i will try to go down and use the chamber again during the break it should help.iam doing things my way now it's time .you need me just cAll I will hear ! good luck cobra victory of the light ✨...

  110. La Vie En Rose

    Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
    Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
    Voilà le portrait sans retouche
    De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

    Quand il me prend dans ses bras
    Il me parle tout bas
    Je vois la vie en rose

    Il me dit des mots d'amour
    Des mots de tous les jours
    Et ça me fait quelque chose

    Il est entré dans mon cœur
    Une part de bonheur
    Dont je connais la cause

    C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
    Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie

    Et dès que je l'aperçois
    Alors je sens en moi
    Mon cœur qui bat

    Des nuits d'amour à ne plus en finir
    Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
    Des ennuis, des chagrins, s'effacent
    Heureux, heureux à en mourir

    Quand il me prend dans ses bras
    Il me parle tout bas
    Je vois la vie en rose

    Il me dit des mots d'amour
    Des mots de tous les jours
    Et ça me fait quelque chose

    Il est entré dans mon cœur
    Une part de bonheur
    Dont je connais la cause

    C'est toi pour moi, moi pour toi dans la vie
    Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie

    Et dès que je t'aperçois
    Alors je sens dans moi
    Mon cœur qui bat



  111. Just hope the darkies don't have yet another scheme up their sleeves, like they did in early 2020 and xmas of 2021, covid and urkaine respectively.

  112. Hey, i've seen this one.
    Saw it on a rerun.
    This should be over by now.

  113. Let's Mark a New Chapter. Something :) has been completed!

  114. I remain optimistic. It hasn't affected me at all. Of course the news is awful and full of lies - but who watches that garbage? I believe we are on course. Remember, we win this. I'm not worried.

  115. @Libra
    Well put.

    I'm 44, yet I feel 144, the mixture of ascension symptoms, darky attacks, and overall gloominess of my so-called 'life' really hits hard, especially the past 2 months.

    And I hope the light forces FINALLY learned their lesson, and are keeping a VERY watchful eyes on the darkies, since each big meditation that went well, there's been some countermeasure by the darkies....be it covid, Ukraine, etc.

    And yea, light forces....covid did not wake anyone up.....just made the sheeple even DUMBER. It would be funny, if it were not so disturbing.

  116. @Libra

    Same here.

    Libra, sometimes I wonder if that's what the lightforces view us as.....disposable cannon fodder.

    I HOPE I don't die on this planet.
