Sunday, October 6, 2024

Inner Alchemy

In this period of extreme outer chaos, it is very important that we strengthen our connection with our true (higher) self.

For that purpose I will post some key meditations that can help us to achieve that.


ATVOR meditation

The Ascended Masters have developed this spiritual technology and it creates an advanced pillar of Light:

It is generated by a mothership above the Earth. It descends into your body and goes through the Agarthan network into the center of the planet.

Say the following invocation three times:

I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I AM that I AM. I ask the Presence of the I AM that I AM to join and merge with me.

Now, close your eyes. Visualize a pillar of pure white Light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of Light.

As you breathe in, you breathe in the brilliant white Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out the brilliant white Light from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white Light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breathe in that Light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command mothership into your energy field. Each time you breathe into your heart, be with the Ashtar command.

Each time you breathe out, radiate the Light back into the mothership.

Keep breathing like this for a few moments.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes.


The video for the ATVOR mediation is here:

Meditation of Light

This meditation connects you with your higher self.

1. Make yourself comfortable. Watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white Light. As you breathe out, you breathe out brilliant white Light.

2. Visualize your soul star chakra above your head lighting up with brilliant white Light. Visualize this brilliant white Light emanating in all directions.

3. Now, focus on the crown chakra on the top of your head. Visualize a brilliant white Light emanating from your crown chakra in all directions. You as a reincarnated being, invoke the presence of your soul, your higher self. From your crown chakra, you are calling the presence of your higher self by singing the sacred mantra OM. Now, your soul, your higher self responds by singing the mantra OM from the soul star chakra back to you.


4. Then, you as a reincarnated being, sing the mantra OM again from your crown chakra to your higher self. And your soul, your higher self responds by singing the mantra OM back to you.

Repeat this a few more times.

5. Slowly, you are aware of your physical body. You become aware of the sound surrounding you. And, whenever you are ready, open your eyes.

Causal Body Activation

With this meditation, you will connect to your causal body, as the meditation will lift your consciousness to the causal plane. That will help a lot in the coming months and years.

1. Close your eyes. Watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in rainbow colored Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out rainbow colored Light from your heart into the surroundings. Keep breathing like that. Breathe in rainbow colored Light, and breathe out rainbow colored Light.

2. As you are breathing like that, you begin to realize that you are surrounded by rainbow colored energy. That is your Rainbow body, and that rainbow colored Light is your Causal body. Keep this rainbow colored Light in your heart and keep breathing this rainbow colored Light out to your energy field. Keep breathing like that.

3. Then, sing the following mantra a few times to activate the Causal body:

“Om mani padme hum”

4. Then, slowly become aware of your surroundings, and whenever you feel right, you can open your eyes.

Forgiveness protocol

This protocol will help you releasing past grudges and resentments. Please repeat the following mantra three times:

“I decree and command to release all my conflicts with myself, with my parents, with my children (if you have them), with my partner (if you have one), with my friends, with Lightworkers, and with all other people. I decide forgiveness”

Then, close your eyes. Visualize the Violet flame coming from the sky, going through you, releasing all the conflicts. Throw every conflict into the Violet flame and let it go.

Whenever you are ready, open your eyes.



There are other meditation that can help you.

You can invoke the pink healing light of angel EELA from Sirius:

You can connect with your twin soul:

You can connect with Agartha:

You can develop compassion:

You can expand your consciousness beyond duality:

You can receive a remote healing at the time of the full moon:

You can receive a healing in a Tachyon chamber:

You can use Pleiadian healing protocols:

You can heal the trauma of the fall of Atlantis:

If you practice the above meditations, it will be much easier for you to raise your vibration enough to go beyond the attack frequency where the dark forces operate:

To remove anomaly and to increase protection, you can also use the following device, developed by the Dragons:

I was able to arrange a discount for the readers of my blog. If you wish to buy it, you can enter the discount code COBRA when you make your purchase:!/products/mandala-violet-shield-protection

Victory of the Light!


  1. "At the moment of the activation of the portal, the Galactic Central Sun will send an energy minipulse through the Sun and through the six pointed star mandala of planets. This energy pulse will be similar to what will happen at the Event."

    Six pointed star is coming on January 11, 2025. And Earth's second moon makes its closest approach on Jan 9, 2025.

    It is now high time that we urgently prepare for the energies of January 11, 2025:

    To remind you, the last breakthrough was scheduled for January 11, 2020:


    1. You're welcome Dr. Joe! You might want to check out my latest post too:

    2. also Cobra's post at 8 december 2023: "Finally, the Source has started to directly remove the Primary Lurker which was created at the beginning of time when the Source projected a spark of itself into the primary anomaly. The Source is now quantumly disentangling the universe from the Lurker. When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to disentangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that disentanglement reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen."

    3. ключевое слово ,, может,, это не значит что событие точно произойдёт

  2. Thank you dear Cobra! I wish you great success, a safe travel and all the best at the new workshop hold at Padova, Italy! Victory of the Light!!

  3. Sounds wonderful! They look really easy to use! Thank you.
    Victory of the Light!

  4. wow,I just dreamt interesting things 40min ago!I hope its ai translation is accurate enough.😊
    I dreamt about the spaceship. I dreamed that I saw a light spot moving in the sky on my way out at night. I took out my mobile phone and began to shoot. Later, the light spot disappeared. I just wanted to walk away,but then saw a aperture composed of huge light spots. There was even a shadow and light of an ssp aircraft like tr3b in the middle. I quickly continued to shoot, and then it was even more amazing. The aircraft actually started to move, so I continued to shoot. Although the mobile phone was blurred, it could still shoot the outline of a cube clearly. Moreover, according to the air distance, the size should be either very close or huge, and then I can't remember it clearly, but it seems to be like a spaceship in a science fiction work. Then fly closer, overhead, and even further, fly in front of me. I dream that I am around a low fence, and I see it descending on the fence. At this time, it is very small, and then it change its form into a white robot with a futuristic sense of science fiction. It seems that the robot didn't actually have limbs, but it showed expressions, and it was quite cute. I looked at it and wanted to touch it, but I was also a little scared. Then it looked at me, and its right lower part extended a thumbs-up sign of approval. Later, I try to touch it, thinking that is this a contact to me.?I remember that my dream was a bit chaotic later. When I wanted to show the complete video to a few people close to me, then I was followed by an old man who wanted to peek. I felt that the danger was not over, so I didn't play the full video,and then I woke up.

    very interesting!

  5. Yea alot of people are sensing something on the horizon. Even people that are labeled as normies are sensing it. Feels really heavy past few days

    1. I too call them normies, but actually they are "status quo-ers" or ostriches, head in the sand and intentionally oblivious, to everything. Majority of them are not evil, just.... above.

    2. Thank you for explaining that to him

    3. I call em idiots, plain Janes, Joe sicpacks, morons, as well as one of many reasons I want off this planet.

  6. French traduction on Prepare For Change France Official since 2013 blog | traduction en français sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

  7. A Spiritual Response to Economic Gloom and Doom

    Spend What You Can and Enjoy Life/Create - Keep Any Affluence in Your Life Dynamic and Flowing - Thomas Sheridan

  8. Cobra, you're posting a lot more, my son. I'm proud.

  9. Who received the interdimensional-gifts knows how Oneness working together. It won't forget anyone as everyone it's kids.
    1=1000 1000×1000×144

    Best wishes to everyone who has left a comment here, no matter what your views are, they are not that important.... when feeling the unbreakable loving you rising in my heart ... feeling some people Disappointment, frustration, loss, anger, it all tears. Am tears too as each one of you...our hearts tearing like raining.
    I just don't know how to touch heal you with words. Words are too limited. How wonderful it would be to pass on this face-to-face-like, palm-to-heart, hugging and kissing warmth to you,,...
    What I can do is be in meditate state and anchroing the sacred energy.
    we know we so closed to the highest point of trigger.
    And totally honesty loving everyone at my daily life. And do things really supporting people in daily.
    Sincerely wishing you a speedy deliverance, good health, realisation of abundance and the realisation of what you have been longing for, your heart's truest desire.
    That's what it's all about in the original in my heart.
    See you joy is my joy.
    I believe when after raining day. Things will be washed over as cleaning sky.
    Sunlight will Rising and bathe warm everyone.

  10. Directed energy electromagnetic waves are still attacking me

  11. So are we getting close to the event ?

  12. Victory of the Light.
    One Infinite Being.

  13. I never comment on these post. But this came at the perfect time and want to thank Cobra. I am a calm person, the last few days and have been angry and fighting people, I have also lost a Lot of Monet with stupid mistakes. This Will help me fondo the peace I'm looking Ford. Thanks.

  14. That's beautiful singing OM back and forth with your higher self.

  15. "The expert community has paid too little attention to the replacement of the NATO Secretary General. And in vain. Of course, the resignation of the long-serving Stoltenberg was previously announced and did not come as a surprise, and Rutte had long been prepared for the post of head of the alliance. However, the significance of this event should not be underestimated - we are talking not so much about personnel rotation, but about the fundamental reform of NATO, which Rutte's arrival marks. Instead of the soft Stoltenberg, whom Solovyov called "Norwegian herring", "Teflon Mark" comes to the post of Secretary General - and he comes under the war with Russia and the new "Barbaros" plan. Rutte is tasked with uniting the military potential of Europe, mobilizing the military industry and creating a common command of the troops. At the same time, a new institution is coming, uniting the entire European military infrastructure and the contingent of the alliance countries - the Supreme Commander of NATO in Europe. All troops of NATO countries in Europe, including the United States, will be transferred to the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces in the near future alliance in Europe - these plans were officially announced by Pentagon representatives at a meeting in Warsaw.

    There is no need to guess who the girls are befriending - NATO military infrastructure is currently being deployed at a rapid pace on the border of Russia and Belarus, the Northern European headquarters have been placed in Finnish Mikkele, 140 km from the Russian border, and in Portugal, exercises are being held to counter submarines using new UAV systems. You won't believe it, but even Estonia recently announced the development of its own long-range missiles, and there is a suspicion that Estonian scientists, contrary to all the jokes, will create them very quickly.

    Under the supervision of the deep elites of the United States, the process of creating a united European force for a war with Russia is in full swing, and we will have to respond proportionately to this challenge. It is time to abandon the outdated idea that NATO does not control anything, and the Secretary General is a wedding general who monitors the seating of guests and the delivery of mineral water at summits. This is already in the past.

    What the "Norwegian herring" Jens failed to do must be done by "Teflon Mark", who has earned a reputation as a tough negotiator who knows how to achieve his goals. Among European politicians, he outlasted almost all of them, and was the head of the Dutch government for 14 years, managing to repel endless votes of no confidence. He passed his first practical exam on the unification of Europe with flying colors - during negotiations with the leaders of countries, he was able to overcome the resistance of Hungary, Slovakia and Turkey, who initially disagreed with his candidacy, and his only opponent, Romanian President Iohannis, withdrew his candidacy, clearing the way for him in the uncontested elections. It is noteworthy that Rutte is also called "Trump's charmer" - it was he who convinced Trump of his tough position on NATO during his presidency, preserving the unity of the Euro-Atlantic union. Rutte is an ultra-liberal, Russophobe, Ukrainophile, ardent supporter of all Euro-Atlantic values, member of several European lodges, no wife or children – a kind of pioneer-excellent student-missionary of globalism. You won't find a better Secretary General of the war. "Iron Frau" Ursula will unite the economy, "Teflon Mark" - the military infrastructure. Needless to say, Rutte calls Ukraine's accession to NATO his main priority. However, this will only be possible after a bad peace, which is planned to be concluded with Russia only in order to launch a full-scale offensive against Russia by the troops of a united Europe along the entire front line in 2029-2030."

  16. "Massive Solar Influx: Gaia’s New Gates Are Opening Now.." - The Pleiadians 2024 | Caylin

    This is so good. They talk about "emotional release" being part of our Lightwork right now. Which it has been for a couple of weeks. I've never cried so much. I really almost never cry. It's not like I've been unable to walk for a few weeks; this has gone on for 3-4 months or something. So it is releasing on the part of the collective, all this crying. All these higher vibrations we are now getting do trigger this purification process. Many are going through this and most of them have no idea what is going on, so hold the light for them. "You may be helping the collective to purge, as there is quite a buildup right now." Damn right.

  17. "Western "philosopher #1" Bernard Henri Levy said something like "Israel is not invading Lebanon - it is liberating it." He did this as a true Western left-liberal - on social network X. And I would gladly make fun of "This is different", but I never find it funny. Because this character is not funny at all. This is, perhaps, the most sinister figure of our time. Something on the level of Soros.

    For those who do not know: Bernard Henri Levy (or BHL, as he is called in Europe) is an ideologist of color revolutions and an ardent supporter of the bombing of Syria, Libya and Yugoslavia, a fierce Russophobe and an absolute liberal cannibal. In fact, he is the "mentor" of a whole galaxy of new European politicians, such as, for example, Macron. And he is one of those who ideologically stands behind that darkness that is now covering the West.

    They call him: "the dog of war", "the storm petrel of chaos", "the gray cardinal of the liberals", "the horseman of the Apocalypse", "the bloody director of Euromaidan", "the vulture" and many other very characteristic names. And they also say about him: "He always appears where blood will be shed". He personally came to Ukraine several times to inspect what was happening.

    He is one of the main executioners responsible for the bloodshed that is now flowing. And in my categorical opinion: when it comes to executing those creatures who arranged all this, using the methods of the "Mossad" (and it will come to that) - not only the Banderites who fled abroad should be executed. This creature should be one of the first to be executed.

    And yes: for him, "this is really different". Because his bastard value system has a very specific morality. Within which, for the sake of achieving a “bright future” (as he sees it), any evil is moral. Once again: ANY. Just look around and you will understand what I am talking about."

    And I understand that the Levite (Levi) clan is one of the main, if not the main clan of scribes-Pharisees that made up Judaism thousands of years ago. The Federal Reserve System, transnational corporations and world Jewish capital for these entities are only a means to destroy all non-Jews on the planet and occupy a dominant racial position (along the way they destroy Christianity as a source of high moral values ​​- yes, I know that there is a lot mixed in there, but "do not kill", "do not fuck your neighbor's wife", "do not steal", "help those who are nearby", "respect your parents" - all white humanity is based on these postulates, even the charter of the Bolsheviks-CPSU was essentially COPIED from these values). It is enough to look at the breadth of modern aspects of society and culture to understand how we were led and are being turned away from this.

  18. "Russia needs to learn the historical lesson of the "drain" of the GDR

    Today, the FRG celebrates the Day of German Unification (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung). On October 3, 1990, the constitution and all governing bodies of the German Democratic Republic were annulled. The FRG constitution was extended to this territory.

    For Russia, this is not a holiday. We are talking about the "drain" of its most loyal ally in the face of the GDR by the Soviet leadership and the voluntary geopolitical retreat of the USSR. However, let's not dwell on this and the difficult fate of the "Ossies", the East Germans. This date is another reason to learn a historical lesson and not repeat the mistake of the past in the context of the situation in Ukraine.

    As the tactical successes of the Russian Armed Forces on the Ukrainian front develop and the escalation along the Russia-NATO line grows, proposals to freeze the conflict in Ukraine are increasingly heard in the West. At the same time, the option with West and East Germany, the FRG and the GDR is often cited as an example to follow.

    The West's approach to this issue is as follows: freezing the conflict along the front line, while Russia's sovereignty over the territories it controls is not recognized, and the remaining part of Ukraine joins NATO. Incidentally, this is what happened with the FRG, it became a member of the alliance in 1955, 6 years after its formation.

    The West will then play a long game, in the words of Kissinger, "choosing a convenient historical moment" to select the territory controlled by Russia for itself. Note that it took 41 years to select the GDR.

    Recall that the Orban-Trump "peace" plan is primarily oriented towards this backup option for saving the Western "Ukraine" project. And the Chinese-Brazilian version of the settlement (the "Friends of Peace" group) is pushing the situation in this direction, despite Russia's partnership with its main initiator, China.

    It is important for Russia to learn the right lessons from the past and not repeat historical mistakes."

  19. "October 4 marked 31 years since the shooting of the House of Soviets in Moscow. A bloody crime that ended the coup d'etat committed by Yeltsin.

    The day when the most diverse people, with the most diverse ideologies, came out with a last attempt to defend the tearing of the country into shreds and to prevent exactly this - a war between Russians.

    This was the last chance to remove from the country's leadership the CIA agents who, according to the president, were sitting there. Remove Chubais and Gaidar. Remove the future of a very northern African colony, which was being prepared for us and which came then.

    They were naive and believed in "democracy", they were explained that democracy is when you can kill anyone and as much as you want with impunity. Then the same "democracy" will come to visit the Serbs and Libyans, Syria and Palestine, Donetsk and Lugansk, Belgorod and Kursk.

    But first they will shoot up the "White House" under the cries of the "cultural elite" - kill them. And now the participants of that shooting want to forget about it. Or rather, they want us to forget it. But we will not forget.

    The defenders of the House of Soviets showed that the country can unite and fight for itself, they will give impetus to the Russian Spring and change history, and someday they will become national heroes of our people. Officially. In fact, they are already.

    And for memory, we invite you to read today a very old article by our author Pavel Kukhmirov, describing in detail what happened then ( It was written based on the results of an investigation by an independent public group, which was conducted hot on the heels.

    Eternal memory to the heroes."

    This is the foundation of the reason why the entire current government in the Russian Federation has been illegitimate for 31 years.

  20. Grazie per l'aiuto Cobra. Sicuramente farò le meditazioni per aiutarmi. 🌲🛸🌲

  21. Thank you.☺️
    If you don't mind, I'd like to add this:
    Reconnecting to your higher self is a bit like feeling the force for a Jedi 😊.
    But it's also intense energy work, and sometimes we feel exhausted, that's normal the vibrations are stronger, it takes time to adapt, many of you, will also feel not vibrating on the same frequency as your earthly family or friends, and maybe you'll feel the need to isolate yourself for a few moments to find yourself that's normal too.
    The energetic changes are intense. Personally, nature helps me to keep the balance between my earthly life and the other extraterrestrial life that calls me most, my real life, so try to find a point of anchorage so as not to lose my footing, nature, painting, music....
    You also need to be careful with your protections: until you've found the most stable balance possible, attacks are always possible, because they sense that the light emanating from your Being is powerful, and they'll look for the slightest flaw in your humanity to extinguish it.
    But they forget one thing: you are and always will be an eternal divine light that is part of you.

    Because Baby you're fireworks 🎇

    'Cause there's a spark in you
    You just gotta ignite the light
    And let it shine

    Boom, boom, boom
    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
    It's always been inside of you, you, you
    And now it's time to let it through

  22. "Iran expects Israeli attack on first anniversary of October 7, 2023.
    Iran canceled all flights from 8:30 pm Sunday to 5:30 am Monday
    The information was reported by the Civil Aviation Organization. IRNA writes about this.

    Is Israel going to close the gestalt by replaying the "Yom Kippur War" on the anniversary of the attack?

    The Yom Kippur War began on October 6, 1973 - it got its name due to the fact that the offensive of the Egyptian and Syrian troops began during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (Yom Kippur).

    The surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights began exactly at 2 pm - they sought to reclaim their lands lost in the Six-Day War of 1967. Then Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria, taking Palestine, the Egyptian Sinai Desert and the Golan Heights from Syria. In six days of war the Israeli army inflicted enormous damage on the forces of three Arab countries and occupied a territory three and a half times larger than its area.

    In the first days of the war, the Arab coalition achieved significant success, breaking through the Israeli fortifications located on the Bar-Leva line, opening the road to the capital. Israel lost thousands of soldiers and officers, about a thousand tanks and several hundred aircraft (exorbitant losses for a small state) and was close to defeat. Historians found out ( that Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir nevertheless gave the command to prepare for the use of the "Samson Protocol (" - a strike with nuclear weapons, in the "extinguish everyone while leaving" mode.

    However, nuclear strikes were not carried out, and Israel brought up reinforcements. The Arabs' delay allowed Golda Meir to organize a crushing counterattack, the army reached the shore of the Suez Canal, forced it and "created a threat of defeat for the Egyptian army".

    The fighting ceased on October 24, 1973, under pressure from the USSR and the USA. The Soviet Union warned Israel of its readiness to land airborne regiments to stop further advances, the USA declared its readiness to support Israel with troops. However, no one wanted a third world war. The agreement on the disengagement of troops consolidated the "pre-war" situation with the heights, Gaza and Palestine taken by Israel.

    Although Israel won the "Yom Kippur War", it became a severe national trauma. The Israel Defense Forces lost from 3,000 to 8,000 killed, from 7,000 to 12,000 wounded, from 300 to 500 people captured. In Israel, they are still reflecting ( on this matter, comparing what happened half a century ago with current events and dreaming of "replaying the war".

    On the 51st anniversary of the war, Jordan received a warning about an Israeli attack on Iran in the coming hours (most likely, on nuclear facilities) - US troops in the Middle East were ordered "to be ready to immediately take cover in shelters". At the same time, Iran, according to some sources, already has three nuclear charges (according to others - six months from creating nuclear warheads)."

  23. "The creation of Cheburnet (aka the "Chinese" (Russian) Internet cut off from the rest of the world) will cost Russia ₽95 billion.

    The authorities have allocated almost ₽10 billion to ensure the independence of the Runet from the global network. Another ₽25 billion will be spent on "spiritual values", and the remaining ₽60 billion - on combating the circumvention of blocking."

    By some miracle this blogging platform has not been blocked and I still manage to read something, for example YouTube works intermittently for me and breaks down somewhere every 20-30 minutes. I am already using version 3 of the plugin to bypass Internet blocking in Russia.

  24. "The Iranian government has asked Russia to share satellite intelligence to help Tehran detect and respond to an expected Israeli attack in advance, following recent ballistic missile attacks on Israel."

    How do you think Russia will respond to Iran? How will Netanyahu's personal friend Vladimir Putin respond? Who even managed to put on a kippah and stand at the "Wailing Wall" ( Please note - in the photo Putin with the heads of the Hasidim in the Russian Federation, one of them is Berl Lazar (through him and Kushner - the husband of Trump's daughter who converted to Judaism after her marriage to him, the connection between Putin and Trump was carried out in 2015-2016) and Boroda (this is his last name - a direct translation of the word "beard" in Russian).

  25. "The current situation is somewhat reminiscent of the 1830s-40s. After the British realized that Russia was their main enemy, they began to prepare a European coalition. It was then in the 1820s that Russophobia as a phenomenon arose in Britain - hostility towards Russia. During the 1830s-40s, the British processed European public opinion. Note the intensity of the current anti-Russian hysteria. This did not happen during the Cold War, because the Soviet Union was strong, and no one was going to fight it. This does not mean that they will definitely break into war. Everything will depend on how strong, durable, united, etc. we are. But the intensity of hysteria in the West is, of course, preparing the population for the fact that a direct blow to Russia is morally justified and practically necessary. Hatred of Russia is capturing entire layers of the population, it is becoming completely irrational. This is what we will live with for the coming years."

  26. Thankyou for the protocols Cobra, but how long is Israel going to be able to continue carrying out its slaughter and genocide??
    I'm adding videos for you to show to the light forces. Are they watching the slaughter?

    1. Those deaths are barely a drop in the bucket, put forth to scare and manipulate people. There are much worse things going on. Worldwide there are 26,500 cancer deaths every day. Unfortunately the Light forces can't intervene over that, so they definitely won't over minor skirmishes. And comparing any of this to WW1 and WW2 which was allowed; nothing is going to happen because of current events.

    2. @Patrick
      So, does this mean we might as well invest in tombstones?

      If they don't intervene NOW, then WHEN? When we're all dead or dying. I'll personally be coming AFTER the light forces if they leave ME to die on this rock.

    3. @Sherman
      No tombstones for me. Thanks to impeccable habits, I'm healthier and happier than anybody. People complain about the Dark forces, then eat GMO corn syrup, use wireless tech, and let their mind and body decay; that's more like suicide than an attack. Where's the chimera, where are the reptilians? I don't see any. I just see a bunch of people making themselves miserable.

    4. @Sherman
      A healthy body feels great to live in, no matter the variation. You could be happy in a bald, male body if you perfected everything that's in your control, which is most of the body's functioning. Male bodies are fantastic and a thrill. The only problem is you've let yourself be a lame male. Instead of taking control of everything you can, and being happy, you've become a sad victim of everything and everyone. I have a trans friend exactly like this. I'll never be friends with another trans person again because anyone who identifies as this, does so because they've chosen the worst path day in and day out. They become like Gollum, obsessing about their precious gender. Instead of being the best they can, they willfully degrade. It's the saddest condition I've ever seen. But it doesn't have to be that way. Being hardcore on the yogic path to break down and rebuild one's spine, brain, and nervous system, makes any body enjoyable. Without that lifestyle, there's only misery. Just look around at how women are; even if a few look good, 99.9% feel terrible. Especially with attitude and habits so lacking, what kind of woman would you be? You'd be like them, maybe worse. Just focus on being a good person now.

    5. I really do care. I make these critiques because the best way to thrive is to listen to others note our shortcomings. I think we'd all benefit from more honesty like this. I have a few close friends who tell me how it is, and they're gold I keep around. The #1 problem that keeps people small is this vicious cycle of: feeling fragile, leaning on ego to boost defenses, which makes us feel attacked, fragile, ego, fragile. It's insidious because people feel fragile, they swear they have no ego. My family is like this. They're sensitive, so they put up walls to any growth or learning which hurts their feelings. I was like that till my mid 20's (15 years ago.) But I learned from people who are in hardcore professions like sports, military, law, etc. To thrive, you have to learn to sit down and listen. Embrace zazen practice. Nothing bothers me because there's no "me" to be bothered anymore. Because my entire focus in life has been to annihilate and rebuild my body and mind, I'm on a rocket to the moon as I watch everyone stay the same or get worse. When I hear someone point out a feature that needs to be annihilated, I'm grateful. I love seeing my shortcomings. Because I'm not fragile anymore, I look for problems even more. I'm 10x more in reality instead of wishful thinking which curses spiritual people. Awake people know how things SHOULD be, and they let it destroy them. It's such a singular problem causing all other problems. I'm trying to find a balance to help and not hurt people's feelings. What I said in the comment above is probably too much, but still it's medicine for those who would listen.

    6. @Patrick
      Again, you jump to conclusions. I DO exercise, enough to keep healthy and alive and I do not eat junk or gmo.

      But I will NOT be happy being a man, bald or otherwise. And NO being a man is NOT fantastic or a thrill, just a source of pain and misery. And I shall either become an alien woman again, or DIE in the attempt....better dead than smeg.

      YOU being happy as man, yay, good for YOU....but it is not a one size fits all thing. Unless you experience what me and Ailish experienced, you and other will never understand.

      So, you can tell me this till you blue in the mouth ,but I NEED my transformation/restoration.

      Got it?

    7. The exercise I'm talking about is what the yogis did to rebuild the fascia of the spine. Like yoga but with cable machine weight, and a lot. At best, people only do a few of the exercises. I go to a large gym and see what the top 1% of supposed fitness people do, and it's not correct, that's just muscle building and it's only a minor help. That's great you eat a good diet, huge props for that. But please be more realistic, gender has nothing to do whether a person is in pain or misery. The thing is I and most people DO experience the suffering you and Ailish describe, because that's the suffering of being in a crummy body. Look around, every cis gender person is just as miserable, that's final proof. I see what trans people say and how they feel, it's the same as everyone else but adding "because gender" at the end. No, that's not it. I worry when people consistently say things that make no sense. "I'm going to become an alien woman or die trying." What does that even mean? You're not in a battle, and transitioning is not even a thing. Years ago I had a room mate with delusions and it's a sad thing to watch. He was into cryptids and let it get out of control to where he thought regular people were creatures in disguise. People who have these problems need to step away from the topics, not dive further. It's dangerous for your life to keep thinking aliens are going to save you. My current friend is exactly like you, he'll develop Rainbow Body any day now and zoom to another dimension to be a non-human woman. Everything is a fantasy of space and other dimensions, all based on changing his gender. It's a terrible path to go down, just worsening obsession and misery, all self-caused. It's like talking to hoarders, thinking they can't go on living if you throw away the broken clock that's been under trash for 5 years. Then they lash out, "You can't understand what it's like, I need that clock!"

    8. @Patrick

      There ya go, you still do not understand. What cis gender folks have, and what folks like me and Ailish have are DIFFERENT.

      Imagine YOU waking up the next day in the WRONG body. Ailish mentioned a 1991 movie called "Switched", you might get SOME idea what it's like. Personally, I call it 'the prison without walls'.

      And yes, I intend to become an alien woman or die trying.....I'm in a PERSONAL war with the darkies....THEY did this to me, THEY caught me, THEY killed me, THEY forced me to incarnate on this wretched, godforsaken GULAG of a planet. And, for fun on their part, forced me to incarnate as a human, and worse, a MAN.

      Ailish mentioned that expression. Ailish, nor myself, can express ourselves in these wrong bodies. She gave a good example. Posted 2 pictures.....both were a group of people with a car. Picture 1 had 5 or 6 beautiful women posed cute and sexy with the car. Picture 2 had 5 or 6 men, posed in the same cute and sexy poses as the women. The women looked lovely, the men looked RIDICULOUS.

      What do YOU want me to do? EMBRACE being a human, a man, EMBRACE being a candidate for a Clint Howard lookalike contest? EMBRACE living a limited existence here on Planet Gulag?

      As I said what works for YOU does NOT work for ME. Earth, and humanity have nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to offer ME that the stars and the aliens can not...and I DARE you to tell me WHAT they got to offer that the stars and aliens can not. I TRIPLE DARE YOU. Come on, I could use a good LAUGH!

      Like Ailish said, "Walk a mile in my IRON BOOTS", before you decide what I do and do not need. I've had more than enough 'experts' telling me what to do.


    9. I'd be an awesome woman. Show them how it's done. I'd throw on some yoga pants and carry on with my day. I got stuff to do, boiiiii! *gives peace sign and kissy face wink

  27. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / l'Article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  28. Benvenuto in Italia Cobra. Vittoria della Luce!

  29. Thank you Cobra, this is very useful. But I want to say that no one seems to care about the light workers currently detained in China, and they are the most active light workers in China. I want to know how to help them.They have been detained for a month now.

    1. 成年人需要为它们自身的行为负责

  30. "British authorities have made a cartoon that tells schoolchildren that special services will re-educate them for their dislike of Islam and migrants

    The plot of the film, which is part of the educational module, tells the story of 17-year-old Jay from Hogshire, who likes to go to the reserve and put up anti-migrant leaflets there.

    Having noticed this, the reserve employees report him to the service that "prevents radicalism", after which an "officer for combating terrorism" was assigned to Jay. The teenager's views are blamed on online forums where people freely communicate and "spread conspiracy theories".

    It became known in August that the British authorities would rewrite textbooks due to the British rallies against migration policy. Education Minister Bridget Phillipson said that the school curriculum would fight "rotten conspiracy theories".

    Now the role of Telegram as a global platform for alternative opinions becomes clear? Given Durov's strange accusations of trade drugs via Telegram, when the entire world drug trade belongs to the same people who put Durov in jail and force him to give up access to the world correspondence "by court order" (as we know, any excuse can be made up, just to get to and eliminate the unwanted, now officially).

    If only the "whites" do not consolidate and fight for their rights, the future.

  31. I want to recommend a very powerful but very simple and practical spiritual technology "The Sedona Method". Just a few words of internal self-questioning and guidance, as well as facing up to our feelings, we can easily release the negative feelings, emotions and negative thoughts that are suppressed and blocked. I think this method can also help us at this stage.
    You can watch basic videos :

    or try to read Hale Dwoskin《The Sedona Method》,you can found it on amazon.

    I really hope this can help someone in difficult time.😇
    I know that everyone is very difficult now, but if we persist, we will surely win. We are powerful beings of light and we can conquer all the difficulties.
    stay well and be blessed

  32. Joseph Sassoon "The Sassoons: The Great World Traders and the Making of an Empire"

    Amazon rating: 4.2

    For two hundred years, from the 19th to the 20th century, they were one of the richest families in the world and were known as the "Rothschilds of the East." A gripping saga of the rise and fall of a family dynasty. The story of the Sassoons, who built a vast empire on global finance and trade - cotton, opium, shipping, banking - that spanned three continents and ultimately changed the fate of nations.

    For more than forty years, they were the chief treasurers of the pashas of Baghdad and Basra. But they were forced to flee to the shores of the Persian Gulf. David Sassoon and his sons started life from scratch and engaged in the cotton and opium trade in India. Soon the Sassoons built textile mills and factories, opened branches in China and expanded further, to Japan, Paris and London. They became members of the British Parliament, were knighted, and owned and edited leading British newspapers, including The Sunday Times and The Observer.

    In 1887, the exalted Sassoon dynasty merged with the Rothschild banking empire and soon married, merging two of the largest Jewish commercial and banking families in the world.

    Joseph Sassoon is a professor of history and politics at Georgetown University. He is also a trustee of the Bodleian Library."

    "In 1832, a Jewish refugee from Baghdad (where he was the scion of a very wealthy family, and his father was the city treasurer), David Sassoon and his family settled in Bombay.

    Over time, David became a prominent member of the city's business community. He established branches of his trading house in China and Japan, which were headed by his children. The company became so successful that it accounted for 70% of India's opium exports. David Sassoon, the patriarch of the family and an Anglophile who believed that "the British were on the right side of history", never learned English (though he knew Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hindustani). His native language, a special dialect of Baghdadi Jews, was used to keep business correspondence confidential.

    David founded schools for newly arrived Jewish refugees from Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. The children were taught Arabic and Hebrew, mathematics and bookkeeping, and then the Sassoon trading house gave them jobs."

    A Jewish trace? (Why would a descendant of a rich family flee? It looks more like he went to open a business representative office). So, it turns out that the Jews poisoned the Chinese with Indian opium? It is known that both the southern Chinese clans and the British royal family and members of the European royal houses had a share in this trade. What did the Jews offer the Chinese that they forgave them for this and agreed to the showcase of the world digital concentration camp and the start of the covid spectacle in their country? "Given the choice between shame and war, he who chooses shame will get both together." Churchill, I think? Iran has a chance not to repeat the wording of this proverb, will it use it?

    COBRA-6 Octobre 2024-Alchimie Intérieure( outils spirituels, méditations, protections, soins…) AVEC LIENS FRANCAIS ET VIDEOS / AUDIO GUIDES EN FRANCAIS

    COBRA-6 Octobre 2024-Alchimie Intérieure( outils spirituels, méditations, protections, soins…) AVEC LIENS FRANCAIS ET VIDEOS / AUDIO GUIDES EN FRANCAIS

  34. "Sassoon and his descendants donated widely to charity - in Pune there is still a hospital named after David Sassoon, and in Mumbai - a library.

    After the death of the patriarch, the family split into two parts - one rushed in its development to Great Britain, where the Sassoons became close friends of King Edward VII and George V and intermarried with the Rothschilds. The second branch of the family settled in Shanghai and forever entered the business history of the city as one of the richest and most influential. A book about this part of the Sassoons was recently published in Russian, "The Last Kings of Shanghai".

    By the middle of the 20th century, both branches of the family lost their influence in the business world and most of the family wealth. The author of the book is one of the descendants of the Sassoon family, a professor of Oriental studies.

    A fascinating read about the formation of India and Bombay as a business center through the prism of the rise and fall of one family."

    Well, you get the idea. They did not disappear, but dissolved into the “future”, or rather into our present today.

  35. Clearly feels like all the work that had to be done, has been done and now we can not do anything else, we cant eliminate deep state by ourselves, now we are waiting for the light forces move.

  36. Oi CoBRa, agradeço por me ouvir e atender com essa postagem.
    Agradeço também por validar as informações sobre o caos e a luz arco-íris.

    Alea Jacta Est

  37. Méditation de la lumière en Français :
    Vous avez d'autres audio-guide en Français sue le canal "L'Alchimie des Roses"

  38. Thank you for the meditation and protection protocols COBRA!
    I have one question though... why are the hurricanes🌀that are being deliberately and obviously amplified by HAARP technologies being allowed. And most importantly, why weren't the Lightworkers called upon to scale them back in intensity through maas meditation as was asked from us in the past? It seems, to me anyway, that many avoidable destructive plots from the dark using the advanced weaponry are being allowed to follow through... cause chaos, destruction and death. Why aren't the Light forces, Resistance Movement, and Alderbarons physically intervening on behalf of humanity at this point? What are you NOT telling us? What does the dark have over us now that is keeping the light from shutting down these weapons of mass destruction? We deserve to know...

    1. I'd like to know more about HAARP"a operations too.
      A while ago, Cobra posted some news about the end of HAARP but then erased a couple of days later.

    2. Why not simply blast Haarp out of existence? Don't the light forces have stuff like phasers?

  39. Dear team, Cobra, Light Forces, Resistance Movement and dear Pleiadians! Thank you for all your efforts, fight and protection for humanity! We hope soon the situation on our planet will trigger the Event, as soon as possible, to cut all unnecessary sufferance and problems for all humanity! I send now the translations in Italian and Romanian language, on blogs and Cobra Telegram channels.

    1. Italian

    2. Romanian

    Victory of the Light! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ❤️❤️

  40. V slovenščini:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  41. MAJOR Hurricane MILTON
    WEATHER Modification!

    Oct 7, 2024

    Meditation for dissipating a tropical cyclone:

  42. That's some help!!!

    Thank you so much! ALL we need is inner balance and Full connection.
    Feels wonderful!

  43. Have to wonder how a lower level realm and lower level entities can outdo a higher level realm and higher level entities.

    1. When they have 8 billion slave-hostages.

    2. @Juarez

      Time to pull of a "DIE HARD", then.

      Otherwise, NOTHING's gonna get better.



  45. Thank you very much dear Cobra for this summary! That and the “financial aid” you mentioned recently, we're all set to face total chaos before the event!!!! By the way, where are we now? Victory of the Light!

  46. It's like a positive, light energy is being imbued and IS imbued into the body.

  47. In Spanish. En Espaniol, espanhol, español:

  48. Thank you Cobra. I meditate non-stop for world peace.
    Forgive this statement but politics still holds influence over the planet. Therefore your vote still matters. Every individual making decisions creates waves of future resolve. Vote for the party that swears to uphold peace. That is all I can say. Look for the party that speaks only of anti-war, pro-peace resolve. No need for offense or defense if you trust in the Positive ALL, which we have practiced absorbing ourselves in daily. Negative can't touch you if you know what is positive action and what is negative action.

  49. I respect the right given by God to each of us to make our own choices.

  50. Recorded Dreams
    October 8th. Part 1

    Participation in Operation Earth Liberation* Operation Purification of the Earth's Critical Miasma and Pustules

    Inside the dream I was in a single room in a hotel, the room was relatively neat and clean. Through the curtains and floor-to-ceiling windows the weather outside appeared to be early in the morning, it was still dark, and I was communicating with two women simultaneously, and I was concentrating on listening to their simultaneous descriptions of messages from various sources, the content of the messages were generally bits and pieces of details about the current liberation reality on Earth, which I don't remember now that I've woken up.

    One of the women was relaxing and lounging with me on a large hotel bed, she had waist length dark hair, was enthusiastic, direct, quick but a little hasty, and intuited that she was full of Leo energy. She had the aura of a king who was just and fair and unyielding.

    The other came from a radio exchange on a small cupboard next to the bed, her tone was slower, calm and collected. Except for hearing her voice. And the information I was told, I had no idea who she was.

    When the exchange had been going on for a while, the female beside me seemed to think that the exchange was enough, she didn't wait for the female on the other side of the radio to finish, she just straight away massaged my temples on both sides with her hands, and I was suddenly hit with a burst of warm and light light through my entire body, and then I liberated my astral body and was able to take off into the air with ease using my mind, and I wanted to soar a little bit higher, to check out the state of the planet, It's dawn now. It's early morning daylight. with one stomp I took off into the air and leapt up toProbably a few hundred metres above the surface, below was an area close to town and country, suddenly there was a voice saying you never want to leave, come down! Looking down it was a very large black hole vortex, instantly a wave of gravity drew me down, I instinctively turned on my inner light shield, and finally landed slowly on the ground without the slightest hint of fear, I knew that I had to protect myself, and at the same time go to the transcendence of it, transcendence and purification of this vortex, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on my mind to turn on a field of light to protect myself, and then sensed that the situation around me was smoothing over a little bit, and Iopened my eyes, the dark vortex in front of me had turned into a huge hill shaped being, intuitively I understood that this was the key collective body of miasma and misplaced energies that had been rooted in the Earth in the past, and I wondered how long it had been hiding its activities deep within the Earth, and eventually it had vented through the surface, the surface of the Earth's skin, like a pustule. Intuitively I had to neutralise it, purify it, release it, because this abscess was so critical that it had a direct and decisive relationship with the incubus. By freeing it, I free a very important part of the lurker.

    I stood at the foot of this hill abscess and saw that on the hill, at the foot of the hill with the neighbourhood, there were many monks, practitioners, light warriors, and we were largely scattered around the hill in a circle, and suddenly instinctively I wanted to say the mantra: Oṃ maṇi padme hūm‌.
    All of us were concentrating on this mantra and repeating it continuously, all of us collaborating full of silent understanding, trying to channel a huge field of light to purify it.
    Oṃ maṇi padme hūm‌.
    Oṃ maṇi padme hūm‌.
    Oṃ maṇi padme hūm‌.

  51. Recorded Dreams
    October 8th. Part 2

    As the recitation of the mantra progresses, the light accumulates little by little and gradually stabilises the pustules, the process isn't fast at first, the mantra continues to be repeated, then suddenly the accumulation of light suddenly becomes faster, and in a few tens of seconds a field of light visible to the naked eye is formed, and after countless repetitions the sky suddenly descends into a very huge pillar of dazzling, pure white light.

    It went straight through the entire area of this hill pustule and all of us were bathed in it, feeling the magic.

    What happened next was interesting, the light pillar shone for about ten seconds before a huge but technological Straws (hollow cylindrical) fell from the sky into the interior of the hill abscess and began to suck upwards, the hill abscess rapidly became flatter and flatter and smaller as far as the naked eye could see, the process was quick, probably completed in a few seconds, then there was a puff of smoke, the straws disappeared, the light field was complete and the area was as flat as a pancake, and everyone hadwalked in to see how it was going and saw that there was a little depression in the very centre part, kind of like a big piece of skin layer with elasticity.

    Straight away everyone did something very critical together! It was about the lurker +
    Everyone had a great time, walking up to this little depression bouncing, having fun, and frolicking.

    Intuition was that next this place would scab over and heal very quickly.

    This thing is very critical.
    So document it in detail.
    Thank you gratitude to each and every unknown monk, monks, practitioner, light warrior.
    Consonant in mind as the silence proceeds.
    Sharing a heart of unity without boundaries.

    The dream also happened between 4 and 6 am.

    Good morning
    Oṃ maṇi padme hūm‌.


    1. Agradeço por nos contar o sonho que você sonhou.
      Faz sentido para mim.
      Curiosamente, eu vim no blog para escrever para você e para minha surpresa me deparei com esse sonho, que fala comigo. Você pode nos contar o que a mulher do rádio disse para você?
      Eu gostaria de agradecer pela visão amorosa que você compartilha conosco.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @...
      Halo. Greetings , in dream at the time, my head was looking at a radio on a cupboard and next to the radio was a table lamp that was on.
      The woman on the radio was saying all the specific details about the multidimensional liberation of the earth, and the three of us probably exchanged this for about ten minutes or so.

      It was all loose little clusters of specific information, not described in a 3D linear logical way, like a person with a very jumpy mind, in a holographic multidimensioal jigsaw puzzle way of describing it, this was a dream from 4 days earlier, really can't remember the details, but still clearly feel and remember the energy field of the woman on the radio, it was calm and soft.

      Perhaps there is no need for these detailed information groups to be remembered in the physical dimension, as the tasks and effects that need to be achieved for the exchange of information have already been accomplished in the higher dimensions of the dream. It will soon manifest in physical dimension including the whole earth liberation and ascension journey.

      Sending you deepest care and loving
      We are together.

    4. Complete Justice will also have to involve forgiveness so we can move on.

    5. Yes, I Agree. Thats first rule of Abuse and Trauma dissolving. You have to Forgive to be able to Move on.

  52. When am listening it am touch deeply into my heart ... remembered this long earth liberation mission knows how uneasy it goes....tears healing a lots .share with dear ones .wherever you are. Whatever you be.

    Om Mani Padme Hum | Meditation Music | Peace, healing, balance

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. OMG FEMA is going into Ashville and killing people, according to Shariraye. Their homes are washed away, their cars are gone, any food is gone, and FEMA have taken no supplies with them, just guns, ie to kill everyone. And under the Biden/Harris regime, they went into Chimney Rock and declared all the homes as the governments property, ie they STOLE the homes. These people have nothing. If I was them, I'd try to get out of there. FEMA is going to kill them, if they don't starve first.

    People are watching FEMA gun down residents from Chimney Rock who refuse to leave. They just shoot them dead. Dozens of bodies are floating everywhere full of bullet holes. Now we know where they disappeared to.

    The leader of the White Hats (and his army or whatever) is in Chimney Rock now fighting a pitched battle against FEMA. FEMA wants the Lithium, so they are just going in and killing everyone and taking it. So now they are calling them RED HATS (the good guys). And there is more, just listen to it.



    Bask yourself in the light! Gamma plasma rays are increasing solar plexus and heart activations! As DNA strands work in pairs. This is the rising of will power and love for self and others. Bringing balance from the distorted solar plexus of the 3rd density that is control over others. We are free will beings of light and this consciousness is rising. Emerald city of the heart takes courage just like the emerald city of Oz. You all are on a journey and soul missions are increasing now through solar initiations of the sun and your DNA. Keep your frequency up to attune! Heart palpations, breathing changes, soreness, headaches and vision adjustments are happening to increase light to the subatomic particles within you. Slow breathwork, centering in the now, nature and magnesium help ascension symptoms. The heart is the way to ascending to higher states of consciousness beyond all density. It's so beautiful how that heals one, many and this planet. We are all connected energetically and quantum entanglement proves this!

    1. Been dealing with this since 2010, how long DOES it take to 'activate' DNA? Lost the whole of my 30's to this, and half my 40's so far.

  56. Translate to English




    わたしは、闇の勢力から「これは銀河戦争、最終戦争におけるプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、闇の勢力から、これまで宇宙で使用されたことのないライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けたため、緊急でよびかけます。

    全ライトワーカーのイベント前の救出は、下記の2018年6月27日付The Portal 記事でも明確に記されています。

    The will of the surface population about this issue is very clear:







    わたし自身、終末期の狂気の中で、プレアデス人への最後のいやがらせ、復讐として、具体的には「これはプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、闇の勢力から、これまで宇宙で使用されたことのないライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けています。具体的には、光の勢力へのなりすましを含むテレパシーの妨害、ブロック、わたしや家族、友人知人、知り合いのライトワーカーを殺害する、パソコンを破壊する、地上の闇の勢力を使って攻撃させるなどといった一連の脅迫、頭部や性器への24時間続く痛みや違和感を伴う物理攻撃、睡眠攻撃、不眠攻撃、尿意、食欲など基本欲求を喪失させる攻撃、特殊技術を使ってわたしの思考や感情を読み取ると同時に、過去の記憶のデータベースを瞬時に参照し、テレパシーの機能を使い複数音声によるAI音声で卑猥で攻撃的な言葉や、過去のトラウマを呼び覚ます言葉などを浴びせ続ける攻撃、激しく執拗な思考操作、意識操作、地上に存する既知であるか未知であるかを問わず、ホログラムを使って脅迫するといったものです。例えば「松果体を傷つけてやる」と音声攻撃ではやしたてながら、松果体付近をこれまで経験したことのない、脳汁が脳内を流れるような気持ち悪い感覚を味あわせる、「クリトリスが小さい」といった本人しか知りえない情報を複数の音声攻撃ではやしたてながら、クリトリスを攻撃し続けていたぶる、ベッドに横たわろうとしても、ベッドが激しく振動しているかのような感覚を味あわせ眠らせないなど、攻撃のパターンは日毎に変化し、精神的にクリアするごとにさらに激しいパターンを生成して攻撃しています。それに加え、愛する家族をわたしを攻撃するための道具として使い、意識操作して長時間罵声を浴びせて攻撃させる、食料を与えない、金銭援助をしない、住居を奪うと脅す、執拗にドアをノックし、ガチャチャといわせるなどの奇行をさせ、攻撃をしてきます。また家族自身、意識操作で本人いわく「いままで経験したことのない不思議な力で」踏み入れたことのない場所へ行き、そこでありえない転倒事故を起こす、原因不明の歩行障害におちいるといった攻撃を受けています。












    いまこそ自由意志、論理力、識別力、団結力を発揮して、光の勢力へ物理的介入、具体的にはマザーシップへの引き上げを要請して、故郷へ安全に帰還しようではないか! すでに地球解放は目前であり、COBRAでさえも最新のワークショップでライトワークの優先順位は3番目か4番目かでよく、自分自身を優先するようにとよびかけるところまできているにもかかわらず、自分を犠牲にしてまでイベントまで地上に残らなければならないといったような闇の勢力に都合のよい思考操作、意識操作を突破しようではないか。もしこのコメントの内容を信じないならば、次のターゲットはあなたたちだ! そうなってからでは遅い。もしわたしのこのコメントを見て光の勢力へ不信感をいただいたなら、せめて自分のツインフレイム、ソウルメイト、ソウルファミリーからなる支援チームへ救出をよびかけてください。




  57. Translate to English




    わたしは、闇の勢力から「これは銀河戦争、最終戦争におけるプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、闇の勢力から、これまで宇宙で使用されたことのないライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けたため、緊急でよびかけます。

    全ライトワーカーのイベント前の救出は、下記の2018年6月27日付The Portal 記事でも明確に記されています。







    わたし自身、終末期の狂気の中で、プレアデス人への最後のいやがらせ、復讐として、具体的には「これはプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、闇の勢力から、これまで宇宙で使用されたことのないライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けています。具体的には、光の勢力へのなりすましを含むテレパシーの妨害、ブロック、わたしや家族、友人知人、知り合いのライトワーカーを殺害する、パソコンを破壊する、地上の闇の勢力を使って攻撃させるなどといった一連の脅迫、頭部や性器への24時間続く痛みや違和感を伴う物理攻撃、睡眠攻撃、不眠攻撃、尿意、食欲など基本欲求を喪失させる攻撃、特殊技術を使ってわたしの思考や感情を読み取ると同時に、過去の記憶のデータベースを瞬時に参照し、テレパシーの機能を使い複数音声によるAI音声で卑猥で攻撃的な言葉や、過去のトラウマを呼び覚ます言葉などを浴びせ続ける攻撃、激しく執拗な思考操作、意識操作、地上に存する既知であるか未知であるかを問わず、ホログラムを使って脅迫するといったものです。例えば「松果体を傷つけてやる」と音声攻撃ではやしたてながら、松果体付近をこれまで経験したことのない、脳汁が脳内を流れるような気持ち悪い感覚を味あわせる、「クリトリスが小さい」といった本人しか知りえない情報を複数の音声攻撃ではやしたてながら、クリトリスを攻撃し続けていたぶる、ベッドに横たわろうとしても、ベッドが激しく振動しているかのような感覚を味あわせ眠らせないなど、攻撃のパターンは日毎に変化し、精神的にクリアするごとにさらに激しいパターンを生成して攻撃しています。それに加え、愛する家族をわたしを攻撃するための道具として使い、意識操作して長時間罵声を浴びせて攻撃させる、食料を与えない、金銭援助をしない、住居を奪うと脅す、執拗にドアをノックし、ガチャチャといわせるなどの奇行をさせ、攻撃をしてきます。また家族自身、意識操作で本人いわく「いままで経験したことのない不思議な力で」踏み入れたことのない場所へ行き、そこでありえない転倒事故を起こす、原因不明の歩行障害におちいるといった攻撃を受けています。












    いまこそ自由意志、論理力、識別力、団結力を発揮して、光の勢力へ物理的介入、具体的にはマザーシップへの引き上げを要請して、故郷へ安全に帰還しようではないか! すでに地球解放は目前であり、COBRAでさえも最新のワークショップでライトワークの優先順位は3番目か4番目かでよく、自分自身を優先するようにとよびかけるところまできているにもかかわらず、自分を犠牲にしてまでイベントまで地上に残らなければならないといったような闇の勢力に都合のよい思考操作、意識操作を突破しようではないか。もしこのコメントの内容を信じないならば、次のターゲットはあなたたちだ! そうなってからでは遅い。もしわたしのこのコメントを見て光の勢力へ不信感をいただいたなら、せめて自分のツインフレイム、ソウルメイト、ソウルファミリーからなる支援チームへ救出をよびかけてください。




    1. Try some of these tricks from the webpage, i think the primary contract removal would be most beneficial to do for you.

      I don't care that you tend to lean towards the dark i still want to assist you.

  58. ahahaha Zelenski has stolen over $20 million for his personal use, what an idiot, but now he has been caught (13 mins). He's going down.

  59. primo works mr cobra;fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and all the cooooool meditations and healing technologies etc listed above are getting more and more powerful absolutely;with the matrix lighting continuing to rise brighter and brighter;as the clearings of distortions anomalies negative life forms etc continues.....

    respect;patience;tolerance;accurately applied science;true and proven medicines employed;authentic kindness care and concern;a rich empathetic environment etc.....that with healing technologies/tools/devices etc;have the abilities/capabilites to deliver profound healing/curing sorts of cocktails for all.....

    the healers and the shamans will run the medical systems in the very near future;i would propose.....

    le meilleure sante pour tous tres bientot;porquoi pas.....peux ce que veux allons-y lumiere famille.....

    1. Hmmm, intersting thought. They already seem to be doing a lot of healing already. Just because they simply have too.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Translate to English refar to the comment of the Portal

    わたしは、闇の勢力から「これは銀河戦争、最終戦争におけるプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、ライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けているため、緊急でよびかけます。




    全ライトワーカーのイベント前の救出は、下記の2018年6月27日付The Portal 記事でも明確に記されています。

    In May we have shifted from beta timeline to gamma timeline. The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs.
















    すでに地球解放は目前であり、COBRAも最新のワークショップでライトワークの優先順位は3番目か4番目かでよく、自分自身を優先するようにとよびかけるところまできているにもかかわらず、自分を犠牲にしてまでイベントまで地上に残らなければならないといったような闇の勢力に都合のよい思考操作、意識操作を突破しようではないか。もしこのコメントの内容を信じないならば、次のターゲットはあなたたちだ! そうなってからでは遅い。もしわたしのこのコメントを見て光の勢力へ不信感をいただいたなら、せめて自分のツインフレイム、ソウルメイト、ソウルファミリーからなる支援チームへ救出をよびかけてください。





  62. Translate to English refar to the comment of the Portal

    わたしは、闇の勢力から「これは銀河戦争、最終戦争におけるプレイアデス人へのレイプだ」と称して、24時間、ライトワーカーを攻撃するための、The Portaにも一切記載のないスタイルの最新鋭の特殊兵器で非物理的、物理的攻撃を受けているため、緊急でよびかけます。




    全ライトワーカーのイベント前の救出は、下記の2018年6月27日付The Portal 記事でも明確に記されています。

    In May we have shifted from beta timeline to gamma timeline. The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs.
















    すでに地球解放は目前であり、COBRAも最新のワークショップでライトワークの優先順位は3番目か4番目かでよく、自分自身を優先するようにとよびかけるところまできているにもかかわらず、自分を犠牲にしてまでイベントまで地上に残らなければならないといったような闇の勢力に都合のよい思考操作、意識操作を突破しようではないか。もしこのコメントの内容を信じないならば、次のターゲットはあなたたちだ! そうなってからでは遅い。もしわたしのこのコメントを見て光の勢力へ不信感をいただいたなら、せめて自分のツインフレイム、ソウルメイト、ソウルファミリーからなる支援チームへ救出をよびかけてください。






    1. Try some of these tricks from the webpage, i think the primary contract removal would be most beneficial to do for you.


    -Sessions énergétiques mensuelles gratuites à distance des Maîtres Ascensionnés avec rayons stellaires

    NOUVEL ATVOR (décrit dans cet article)

    vidéo française Méditation de la Lumière

    vidéo en français Activation du corps causal

    protocoles/codes pléiadiens(dossiers explicatifs dans plusieurs langues dont le français :

  64. Hello pour le pillier de lumière il faut invoquer la lumière du grand dragon blanc cristal et non je suis . Tout se dissiperas et la lumière serra réstaurée tout autour de vous

  65. Ci sono anche queste frequenze curative che in questo momento possono essere importanti contro vari disturbi:

    1. Frequenze curative:

    2. Per poter visualizzare correttamente lil link potete scrivere: Sementes das Estrelas › ...
      Frequências de solfeggio de cura


  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. From We Love Mass Meditation:

    TIME SENSITIVE! Meditation to dissipate Hurricane Milton every 4 hours

    Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

    Hurricane Milton is an extremely powerful tropical cyclone active in the Gulf of Mexico, currently impacting the Yucatán Peninsula. The hurricane underwent explosive intensification within a few hours into a Category 5 hurricane on October 7th. The storm is expected to impact Florida, less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene devastated Florida’s Big Bend region. As of October, 7th, sustained winds of Hurricane Milton are at 175 miles per hour (mph) with gusts to 190 mph. Currently, Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall in the Tampa Bay area on Wednesday night, October 9th, as it could be the worst hurricane to impact that area in over 100 years. There is a potential that the hurricane can have a significant impact on Florida, ranging from a catastrophic storm surge to major flooding from rain, damaging wind gusts, pounding surf and tornadoes. A state of emergency has been declared in Florida, and people in the west and central Florida areas are evacuating. We are organizing a meditation every 4 hours until Hurricane Milton is dissolved completely. The meditation will begin on Tuesday, October 8th at 10:30 AM UTC, and then continue every 4 hours:

    10:30 AM UTC
    2:30 AM UTC
    6:30 AM UTC
    10:30 PM UTC
    2:30 PM UTC
    6:30 PM UTC

    Please also feel free to do this meditation at any time you wish. Here is the YouTube guided audio playlist for this meditation:

  68. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  69. Oi CoBRa, obrigada por postar isso, consegui entender o que aconteceu entre dia 03 e dia 05.

    O vermelho ficou comigo da noite do dia 03 até a manhã do dia 04. Dia 04 parecia meio bravo. Dia 05 de manhã já não estava mais muito perto. Sinto que ele voltou para a Luz. WLMM publicou esse texto dia 05.

    1. CoBRa, se puder responder...:
      Quem é o vermelho?
      O vermelho..., é o arquiteto?
      Se o vermelho não é o arquiteto..., qual é a relação entre eles? O arquiteto sabe do vermelho?
      O arquiteto, é um pupilo mesmo? Se é, o que aconteceu ali?
      Parece que desistiram do Rei de Espadas.
      Para confirmar isso, peço que o amigo dele venha dar a notícia pessoalmente.
      Que a Deusa Abençoe :)

  70. 【emergency】

    Translate by google
    omitted from japanese comment (1/2)

    I am making this urgent call because the dark forces are attacking lightworkers 24 hours a day with non-physical and physical weapons of the latest style that is not even mentioned in The Portal, claiming that "this is a galactic war, a rape of the Pleiadians in the final war."

    The light forces must now take the risk and physically intervene in all lightworkers and immediately rescue their lives! !

    To all lightworkers

    Now is the time to exercise free will, logic, discernment, and unity, and request the light forces to physically intervene, specifically to be lifted to the mothership, so that we can return safely!

    The rescue of all lightworkers before the event is clearly stated in the following article in The Portal dated June 27, 2018.

    The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs.

    It is clear that the time has already come for the above physical intervention to occur. Recently, a Chinese light worker was brutally attacked, and although she miraculously survived, she was financially destitute and unable to pay for medical treatment on her own. She lost her lower limbs and even ended up polluting the light grid.

    The attacks against me included telepathic interference and blocking, including impersonation of the forces of light, a series of threats such as using the same system to drive me, my family, friends, acquaintances, and light worker acquaintances to madness and death, destroying my computer (which has already been destroyed once), and using the dark forces on earth to kill and rape me, as well as physical attacks on my head and genitals that cause pain and discomfort for 24 hours, sleep attacks, insomnia attacks, attacks that cause the loss of basic desires such as the need to urinate and appetite, using special technology to read my thoughts and emotions, and at the same time instantly referencing a database of past memories, and using telepathic functions to use AI voices with multiple voices to spout obscene and aggressive words one after another, making it so noisy that I can't think straight, and replaying negative experiences from the past that I don't want others to know about, while at the same time, the forces of light Mental attacks that manipulate consciousness by reading thoughts and making them publicly available, attacks that narrow thinking, mental attacks that say that the forces of light cannot eliminate these attacks even after the event and that they will continue forever, threatening by showing a hologram of a loved one going mad and dying with this system, audio attacks that yell "I'm going to hurt your pineal gland" while making you feel a horrible, disgusting sensation of brain juice flowing around your pineal gland, multiple audio attacks while attacking and torturing your clitoris, making you feel as if the bed is vibrating violently when you try to lie down on it and not letting you sleep, attacks that make you feel like your brain is being crushed, telepathic methods that make you believe that you are thinking things that you are not thinking, such as "I might as well just die.

    The attack patterns change every day, and each time you clear them, more intense patterns are generated and attacked. In addition, they use my beloved family as a tool to attack me, manipulate my consciousness, yell insults at me for long periods of time, deny me food, deny me financial support, threaten to take away my home, repeatedly knock on the door, and attack me with strange behavior such as rattling. My family members themselves are also being attacked by going to places they have never been to before, as they say, "with a mysterious force they have never experienced before," causing them to fall in impossible places and develop walking disorders for unknown reasons.

  71. 【emergency】

    Translate by google
    omitted from japanese comment (2/2)

    I would like to ask Commander Ashtar, the Ashtar Command, the Resistance Movement, and other light forces to confirm whether the attacks on light workers with state-of-the-art special weapons are true.

    I am writing this desperately while under attack at this very moment. I am in a situation where I cannot even meditate to protect myself. I barely received a message from my support team in a special way, and I am writing this comment based on their advice. Because I was unable to even think of such a thing due to the intense voice attacks, thought manipulation, and consciousness manipulation that continue 24 hours a day from the dark forces!

    I will never tolerate this situation, and it will not be tolerated!

    In the first place, in the final stage of the galactic war, it is impossible not to target the Pleiadians and Sirius people, who have a long-standing grudge against them, and make them suffer the fear and pain of death as long as possible, and then finally kill them in the most brutal way possible, after making them feel the fear and pain of death as long as possible, against the Pleiadians and Sirius peoples, who are easy targets on Earth, and finally kill them in the most brutal way. Such a situation should have been predicted in advance, and that is why physical intervention was necessary. And one thing we must not forget is that even this state-of-the-art system dedicated to attacking light workers is nothing more than a diversion, and there is even a possibility that a final weapon is being prepared. And since the forces of light have not been able to predict or eliminate even this system dedicated to attacking light workers, there is no other way than to rescue them immediately.

    The liberation of the planet is already imminent, and in COBRA's latest workshop, lightwork can be the third or fourth priority, and even though he has called for people to prioritize themselves, let's break through the thought and consciousness manipulation that is convenient for the dark forces, such as saying that we have to sacrifice ourselves and remain on Earth until the event. If you don't believe the contents of this comment, you are the next target! It will be too late once that happens. If you have lost faith in the forces of light after reading my comment, at least call for rescue from your support team consisting of your twin flame, soulmate, and soul family.

    I am calling on all lightworkers because, in addition to the fact that it is natural for humans to inform others of approaching danger, in reality, a considerable amount of time has passed since the attack on lightworkers began using an unprecedented, cutting-edge system dedicated to attacking lightworkers, and rescue operations have not yet been carried out. So, I am writing this as a last resort, hoping that if the rescue operation becomes a formal, large-scale operation based on the Gamma Timeline, the forces of light will finally take action.

    As proof that this attack is not my imagination, I have been bombarded with words that only the dark forces of the non-material world could know, that I have never spoken or written about since childhood, and that I have only ever forgotten and that only existed in my head, for 24 hours a day using a program that uses telepathic functions. There is too much evidence to list, but if I give evidence, they will take measures to destroy it, so I will not list any more here.

    Stock up on food and other items so that you can withstand any attacks on yourself, and immediately begin preparing for what to do with your family members who need protection after you are rescued.

    I will keep this comment up until the moment I return safely to the mothership.

    Please note that I cannot accept replies to this comment. This is because the attacks are so intense that I can only copy and paste it.

  72. Inner Alchemy
    Elements of creation combine in the Higher Alchemy.
    Predictors of doom fall.
    Cosmic Energies require a solution.
    Fragments are unified.

  73. Thank you so much, Cobra!🌟🌟🌟


    3 x class solar flares in less than 24 hours. I mentioned gamma plasma rays increasing and they have not disappointed! We came to bring the force of light. Pleidians are ready! Are you? As the light brings truth, justice, love and unity consciousness. Unity within clears all sorcery from antichrist technology, subconscious programs and shadow density. Forge yourself strong in light now and harmonize to the unified fields of consciousness that are light and sound. It's why they use emfs to alter your frequency. Don't let nothing lower your consciousness!

    1. So far, these x flares making a lot of us feel like crud, like being in a pressure cooker or a meat grinder.

  75. How long will Israel be allowed to continue the slaughter. You have to admit, the light forces have been pretty hopeless in containing evil so far.

  76. Da un paio di giorni mi sento meglio...sembra che il Lurker stia per mollare un po' la presa. Non è ancora andato del tutto e me ne rendo conto. Ma è decisamente meglio di prima ora. Stiamo affrontando un periodo caotico ed intenso ma decisivo. È meglio non opporre resistenza. No forzature, meglio lavorare sodo per ottenere risultati concreti. Presto taglieremo il traguardo. I tempi sono quasi maturi per la vittoria. Nel 2025 avremo i primi tre mesi di grandi cambiamenti. I secondi tre mesi saranno ancora migliori ( forse l'Evento?). I terzi tre mesi vedremo il Sole brillare (X) e gli ultimi tre mesi avremo enormi progressi in ogni settore e faremo passi da gigante. Tenete presente i giovedì del mese di maggio. Non sono un profeta, forse sbaglio, ma è ciò che penso.

    1. Hmm, nice.
      Maybe start doing this meditation daily?:

  77. Oh sweet Lord.

    They (FEMA) is stealing from people who are volunteering (taking their cars and all) and giving it directly to illegal migrants. Do NOT donate to FEMA.

    In terms of trucks going to Ashville, there should be a huge load going in to bring supplies. There are NO TRUCKS. They have just set up Ashville to die. No supplies, no FEMA, nothing. Horrible. This is shocking.

    DISGUSTING! They are STEALING Homes from North Carolinans by Eminent Domain | LAND GRAB

  78. Look at this. Some kind of contract you can't even read that says if FEMA gives you even one dollar, then all your possessions go to them; they steal everything, but they call it a "loan" and you have to pay it back. Well someone has to do something about this, and people haven't had food or water for 6 days now. I'm not joking. People are going to die very soon as they won't let anyone get food or water in there. How shocking!!!!

    @ 19.30 it begins

    FEMA Has A Dirty Little Secret They Don’t Want Exposed | HURRICANE HELENE & MILTON REVEALED

  79. Avant que tu prépares tes valises Tachyons pour l'Italie, je vais te passer commande d'une petite ténébreuse, aujourd'hui ou demain pourquoi pas le jour du grand Portail 10- 10 😜choisissez bien pour moi. 🥰

  80. For those divine souls interested.

    October 7th - Felt like I needed to sing/listen to the song 'First Light (First Contact)' which felt very exciting!

    YouTube Link

    October 8th - New whistleblower comes forward to report on a UFO program titled 'Immaculate Constellation' (something Jesus-related? 'First Light' features the lyrics: "To worlds unknown, a Promised Land.")

    Everything here:

    Twitter Link

  81. For those interested.

    October 4th - Intense dream about a relative of mine having a stroke. I didn't write this down but after the stroke he started to get better & then I woke up.

    October 8th - RFK widow, sister-in-law of President John F. Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy suffers a stroke & is currently in the hospital.

    Twitter Link

  82. When a little shit acts up, you put em in their place.
    But not when it comes to realms, seems the lower realm has an upperhand on all this, an inversion.

  83. My mother constantly read these appeals and participated in meditations as I did, she also read the termination of the contract constantly thinking that this would improve her and my fate. This was three years ago. So what? She is now in a serious condition, paralyzed, and I became sick and ugly, all my teeth fell out from stress, I became gray and poor. No light forces helped us. I needed money, I am poor and last year during the whole year I barely collected all 1500 dollars for the whole year. Now I am in dire need of money, but no one will give me even 5000 dollars necessary for medical needs. I am tired and I do not trust anyone!

  84. The comments on this blog are the only truth in existence, sadly. You can learn some stuff but mostly you have to deal with the negative energy as the truth is not quite present. Being in the circle?

  85. „...will be?”

    Gaiaportal from 2015-10-31
    Inner harmonizations continue the unfoldment of the human and Hue-man.
    Awaitings of futures are no more.
    Released from shackles, Higher Consciousness flourishes.
    Standards of old paradigms are viewed and released.


    Gaiaportal from 2019-3-27
    Predictors of lower dimensions are recognized and abandoned.
    Timelines of “definites” are seen for the illusion they present.
    Particles of Quantum Light recycle from future Elevations.
    Hue-manity learns the multi-dimensional game.
    Checkmate nears.

  86. Amazing how the lower realm has completely bamboozled the higher realm, convincing the higher realm not to act.
    Bravo, good play.
    But it should never of happened.

  87. Buona Sera ho pubblicato anche in italiano sul canale Federazione Galattica 🛸👽❤🛸👽 NEW 10/10/2024 ASHTAR MEDITAZIONE DI LUCE PURA BIANCA - BY SIMONA -

  88. So if you watch this video here: about 4:40: he tells us about the lasers they are firing into Helene and Milton, they cause rain. Oh look, they make the storms WORSE. Amazing. We can SEE all the lasars. We know what they are doing and they aren't hiding it.

    I'm so angry and look, they are trying to ruin America. I can't wait for them to be brought down!!


    Watch this. Totally disgusting. Good on Redacted for getting this out. Watch from 24:40

  90. True. America give billions to Israel to go bomb Lebanon but then they give millions to Lebanon to go rebuild. It makes no sense. They actually put billions in their own pockets. They don't actually give it to anyone except themselves. That's the truth.

  91. "The US presidential race is descending into a state of complete farce. Kamala Harris is no longer ruling out the possibility that she will have to leave ( the country in the event of defeat. Democrats are afraid that Trump will take revenge on them for everything. And they themselves will then find themselves under judicial pressure.

    Well, they are once again trying to throw fake news at Trump - and Bob Woodward is doing this again ( He gained fame during the Watergate era. But in recent years he has gone crazy on the basis of anti-Trumpism. He is once again “Insider” book reports on Trump’s constant contacts with Moscow, Riyadh. It’s strange that he keeps silent about the conspiracy with Netanyahu, another favorite topic of the Democrats.

    Meanwhile, Harris continues to argue in absentia ( with Ron Desantis, who refuses to answer her calls in the run-up to the hurricane hitting Florida. Desantis recalls that Kamala had not shown any activity before. She decided to offer help only before the elections.

    Moreover, Biden himself stabbed Harris in the back (, who praised Desantis for preparing Florida for the storm season. Biden has never forgiven Kamala for being the beneficiary of his overthrow as a candidate in the elections. Now he is tripping her up.

    And then there could have been a terrorist attack on the eve of the elections ( It was organized by one of the Afghans, hundreds of thousands of whom were brought to the United States under Biden. The terrorist threat level in the States is at its highest since 9/11. And any terrorist attack on the eve of the elections will plunge the United States into chaos. Although the Democrats have enough problems without this. Harris continues to lag behind Trump in electoral models ( against the backdrop of all the worsening crises."

  92. "The collapse of Google? Washington is actively discussing ( the prospect of breaking the Alphabet/Google digital monopoly; many services may be forced to sell it. This would be an important precedent that would launch the process of demonopolization of the entire digital sphere. After all, IT giants, who imagined themselves to be the arbiters of fate and got carried away with politics, are already irritating everyone.

    The likelihood of breaking digital monopolies will be especially high if Trump wins. His vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance called for a forced division of IT giants back in the spring ( Republicans will take revenge on Silicon Valley for all the imposed censorship. The same Google search engine has been consistently pessimizing the issuance of results since 2016 Republican news sites and portals.

    The last straw was the recent scandal with the AI-powered image generation program Gemini from Google ( It replaces all whites with representatives of minorities. It reaches the point of absurdity - Gemini presents Nazis as Africans. And soldiers from the US War of Independence as Koreans.

    But cooperation with the intelligence services has increased. Since 2018 alone, 36 CIA employees, 68 FBI agents, 44 NSA representatives have “landed” in leadership positions at Google ( And from the Pentagon, there are only 121 apparatchiks. But it is not a fact that such a roof will ultimately help Google.

    Republican states, led by Texas ( are already actively suing Google. Silicon Valley, immersed in political wars, is getting a “response” - antitrust lawsuits with the prospect of dividing up the IT giants that imagined themselves untouchable. The landing will be tough."

  93. "If anyone thinks that the United States will abandon Ukraine because of the Middle East, they are mistaken. Of course, the Middle East region is a priority for Washington (and the Pacific Ocean basin is even more important for the United States), but it cannot completely leave everything to chance in the Ukrainian direction. Because the effect will be worse than Afghanistan.

    In the sense that Europe will begin to think about the reliability of American security guarantees. In turn, such thoughts can lead to a serious crisis of transatlanticism and the undermining of American positions on the European continent. Any American administration keeps in mind that Russia can take advantage of such a situation.

    Therefore, answering the question of whether the United States will abandon Ukraine, one can say this: "No, they will not." But financial and military assistance will be reduced, leaving only the minimum necessary to prevent the collapse of the front. In this approach, Ukraine is assigned the role of a slowly dying force that gains time at the cost of its own life to rearm NATO.

    The American political leadership also has the option of new Minsk agreements in reserve - freezing the conflict in Ukraine with the aim of creating a permanent military threat on Russia's western border. However, here the question is for Moscow, whether it will fall for such a story again. Apparently, such an option is unlikely."

  94. "A group of 39 Iranian lawmakers called for the rapid development of nuclear weapons in a letter to the country's Supreme National Security Council.

    The call comes amid rising tensions in the region over Israel's intensified military actions.

    Hassan Ali Akhlaghi, one of the signatories, told the ISNA news agency that Iran must "revise its defense doctrine" in light of the escalating threats. "No international organization, neither European countries nor the United States, can effectively control the Zionist regime, which continues to commit crimes at its own discretion. That is why we sent this letter," he said.

    Despite a religious edict issued 20 years ago by the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, banning nuclear weapons under Islamic law, the country is increasingly under pressure to change its policy as regional hostilities escalate.

    Observers say the collapse of the JCPOA has weakened the taboo around nuclear weapons. A significant factor in the The growing support for acquiring nuclear weapons is a sharp increase in Israeli aggression, including strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Many Iranians worry whether their country has enough deterrence to prevent a similar attack on Iran.

    While Tehran’s military is more advanced than many in the region, analysts suggest that Iran could be Israel’s next target, pointing to bold Israeli actions such as the assassination of a Palestinian leader on Iranian soil. With Israeli politicians issuing threats, there is growing concern that Iran could face a similar military campaign.

    A recent poll conducted between February and May found that nearly 70% of Iranians now favor developing nuclear weapons, and support has likely grown since then. Calls for stronger deterrence, including from influential figures such as Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of the founder of the Islamic Republic, reflect this shift. "

  95. Hurricane Milton is approaching Florida and is expected to hit on the night of October 10.

    Video(Sky of Florida):

    1. "A longer version from Infowars' Greg Reese on the recent floods in the US and how weather control programs and other climate interventions are connected to them

    We've had the technology to create, control, and manage hurricanes for decades. Project Cirrus was the first official attempt to modify a hurricane. It was run by General Electric with support from the US military. The official theory was that changing the temperature outside the eye of the hurricane, which they did by treating the clouds with compounds like silver iodide, would reduce the intensity of the strong winds."

    2. Is the CIA behind chemtrails? (
    Weather manipulation and natural anomalies (
    What do pilots think about spraying in the sky (

    3. The conclusion from this is not simple: whoever helps and participates in the program of spraying and intervention in the climate under the "good idea" of a non-existent anthropogenic apocalypse - he himself helps to create this apocalypse. In company with the US military-industrial complex and the CIA."

    1. This is an interesting twist on the info, on who is behind the weather wars/tornados/hurricanes. Go to the below link, with the news on the storm but you have to scroll down a bit to find the section about Asheville:

    2. How much of Benny's stuff is legit, though.

      Did he not defend the British Royals at some point, mainly Queen Ratbag herself?

    3. I see Ben Fulford as the "postman" who delivers information to us from different sources and since almost all of his sources are secret intelligence etc. one has to assume that they sometimes put out smoke screens to lead off the "enemy".

      Take it with a grain of salt and look at what others are putting out (e.g. Redacted) and when 3 - 4 independents are saying the same, then there is definitely something to it.

  96. Ok cobra thanks for the update victory of the light ✨


  98. "The UN General Assembly adopted the "Pact for the Future" in the last days of September. Why was it so little talked about in Russia, despite its epochal significance?

    Because we did not sign it!

    It is said that this is a "historic declaration promising concrete actions to create a safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for future generations." The pact was supposedly adopted by consensus, but there was no consensus?

    Along with Russia, six other countries did not sign it - Nicaragua, Iran, Sudan, Belarus, North Korea and Syria. And 15 countries abstained from voting - China, Cuba, Iraq, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and others.

    A number of countries, in particular Russia, Iran, the DPRK and Syria, demanded that a provision be included calling for non-interference in any issues related to national sovereignty and for the primacy of intergovernmental discussions. The UN bureaucracy writes on the organization's website that this is, supposedly, "belittled the role of civil society or the interests of the private sector." "The amendment was rejected after the 193-member Assembly decided not to take action on the proposal," the UN website says.

    That is, the topic of non-interference in matters of national sovereignty did not pass! And this alone suggests that the "Pact for the Future" is a de facto document that is binding on signatory countries regardless of their national interests. This is how the initiators of its creation, the world globalist "elite," see the "Pact for the Future."

  99. "An extremely unfavorable geomagnetic forecast for the next 2 days has been formed based on the results of modeling the latest major solar flares. Observations show that yesterday's X1.8 flare was accompanied by an exceptionally high-speed plasma ejection, which will reach the Earth today, and according to some estimates already in the middle of the day. Although the reputation of the geomagnetic forecast has slightly decreased after the recent record-breaking X9.1 flare, when the ejection came from the side, touching the Earth only with its edge, this time, unfortunately, the Earth will not be able to avoid it. The plasma cloud is extremely large in size, and the margin in width exceeds all possible measurement errors.

    The spread in storm strength is extremely large. The cloud has an extremely heterogeneous structure, both in density and in speed. In the most unfavorable scenarios, when the densest cores of solar matter arrive at the planet today, a repeat of the highest level 5 storms is possible, comparable to the events of May this year. The most probable branch of the scenario tree, which was ultimately issued to the world in the form warning, suggests level 4 storms lasting up to 3 days. Plasma arrival is possible starting at 11 am Moscow time.

    Preliminary forecast of polar lights allows today for a decrease in the polar oval boundary to a latitude of about 40 degrees (Sochi, Almaty, Vladivostok)."

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We, we will resist and bite
      Bite hard cause we are all in sight
      We, we take up arms and fight
      Fight hard resist and do whats right

  101. This is a beautiful example of the combined power that WE, the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds have when working in conjunction with the Lightforces. Look at what WE did to diffuse the darks weather modified hurricane... imagine what else we can do in greater numbers. It's OUR time to shine now... Victory of the Light!


  103. Move focus away from darker aspects
    „Drachenquellen haben uns mitgeteilt, dass wir uns jetzt über die Angriffe erheben und unseren Fokus von den dunkleren Aspekten der Realität wegbewegen können, die ohnehin zersetzt werden. Diese Neuausrichtung ist wie ein Muskel, den wir trainieren können, und mit Übung wird er besser.“

    Gaiaportal>/b> from 2014-6-22
    “Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement across planetary energetic boundaries.

    Alignment of Hue-beings with such portals facilitates accelerated movement of consciousness into Higher D realms as chaotic node points are encountered.

    Full Inner Acceptance of “the Process” is key to the alignment, and allows moment to moment flow with “The Process”.

    “Portals of exigency” will remain as a potential for Hue-manity and all hu-manity until further notice.

  104. Great Post!!! Meditation Is Key...VOTL ✨️✨️✨️


  105. OM
    Human Love

  106. I heard Milton would be mitigated (so I could sleep) and it was! Amazing. This is absolute warfare. I've also heard the white hats and red hats were winning. I hope so! Get them and get them all! Stupid illegal FEMA.

  107. Also, maybe we don't have to worry about the weather warfare storms anymore? Like they were trying to knock out states that were voting for Trump. OMG. With the Light Forces and their technology and their UFOs, maybe the weather wars won't be a problem anymore? Lord I hope so. Lets finish them off!

  108. Hurricane Milton Miraculously Downgrades To Category Two As It Hits Florida Coast

    In just 48 hours, it was downgraded from level 5 to level 2.

    Thank you to each every starlights anchroing light behind working on every aspects!

    We Each one's Inner powerful far far far more than modern-society told .

    We.s are Miracles themselfs.

    We.s : Galactic families. Agatha Families. Light beings. Ascension beings .light Animals beings. Plantry light beings. Planetary Awareness. Multi-Dimensional beings. Crystal-Human(working on many aspects levels)...and much many i haven't know yet working behide for many many many years****
    我们(们): 银河系家庭。 阿加莎家族。 光明生命。 扬升众生。光动物众生。 植物光生命。 行星意识。 光动物生灵,多维生命。 水晶-人类(在各个方面实践)......还有很多我还不知道的生命,他们一直在为地球解放和地球升天而努力了很多很多年****。

    Brings Miracles and Sharing Miracles with everything for complete freedom and totally respect which already be to everything naturly originally.

  109. What the hell?? Black Rock and Vanguard: guess who the biggest investor of these two (black rock and Vanguard) is, KAMALA'S HUSBAND Douglas Emhoff and Kamala is the VP who is to approve this.
    So now they can't source Lithium from Russia etc, they must source Lithium from the US which is why they have stolen all that land in Chimney Rock etc.
    OMG it is like the choppers above my house, just coming around like idiots to bug the hell out of you! See this? This is what they do.

    EXPOSED! The Secret Lithium Grab: Kamala Harris, Doug Emhoff and BlackRock's Master Plan!

  110. A reminder from the past from Schwab's assistant, Yuval Noah Harari (an Israeli military historian and medievalist): "If the situation gets worse and the flood comes... the scientists will build Noah's Ark for the elite... leaving the rest to drown."

    (frankly speaking this is the first time I heard words about the Flood from the lips of the anti-human anti-elite, because the statements about it on this site always made me doubt. I uploaded a video in English (not my native language) and would like to get a response: is he really saying this? Or did I misunderstand something?)


  111. "This is HAARP on steroids" Whistleblower reveals MASSIVE weather machine at South Pole

    What? I can't even believe this. They can make earthquakes happen wherever they want. It's all about oppression. Since Tesla, they stole and oppressed all of it. Remember how awesome Telsa was? What he could send via airwaves and do all this stuff.

    So now they can pick a spot and send incredible energy there (hmm, remind you of Milton?) It's called earthquake induction or earthquake inducing. How horrible. Yeah, who's running this facility? Who bloody knows!!!!!!!! It's a directed energy weapon, but they never say that. It's in antarctic somewhere. It would seem to be directing the weather in Florida etc, yet it seems the Light Forces have better technology to get around this. Well thank God we have the Light Forces protecting us with amazing technology or we(humans) would be toast. They think (as lizards) they can just waltz in here and take us over. We have the Light Forces protecting us and you can't just flick a switch and get a monster storm to wipe us out in Florida anymore, or wherever they wish to. No - it won't happen. Please take them down now (or soon!) It's pretty disgusting watching them try. The lizzies are total insane idiots.

    1. Well, its not acutally news all these stuff. Like most storms and so called "natural" disasters is like dark forces induced, can guarantee you most of it.
      From my take on it, they seem to use it as some form os method to "punish" people, silly darkies.....
      Regardless : WE DO NOT CONSENT!

  112. For those interested.

    October 6th - Saw the word 'Drastic' in my mind's eye and was also influenced to mouth the same word. This happened along with a rising urgent energy iny body which means it's important.

    October 7th - Hurricane Milton exploded rapidly into a Category 5 (highest level) in less than 24 hours.

    Twitter Link

  113. Major cracks on earth sky

  114. La Terra non è quella sfera ricolma di magma che la scienza ufficiale descrive ma, a parte uno strato esterno spesso 1250 km, è vuota e dotata di un piccolo sole centrale dalla luce dorata in grado d’illuminare e riscaldare i continenti disposti lungo la superficie interna della crosta. Il magma occuperebbe solo la zona mediana dello strato esterno del pianeta e, sempre in quella zona, la polarità della gravità s’invertirebbe, permettendo agli abitanti sotterranei d¹aderire al loro suolo, rovesciato rispetto al nostro.

    È possibile accedere al mondo interno attraverso periodiche aperture circolari che si formano ai Poli, oppure da altre zone del pianeta, anche italiane (Torino) o mediante particolari “porte dimensionali”. I nomi dei continenti sotterranei rievocano ricordi di leggendarie località mai raggiunte, perché sempre cercate, erroneamente, in superficie: Agartha, disposto sotto l’emisfero nord della Terra, Eldorado, situato a sud e Shamballah, che s’allarga sotto l’Himalaya e oltre. Eugenio Siragusa ha svolto un ruolo di rilievo in tal senso e affermò che la Terra Cava ospiterebbe i discendenti dei superstiti di Atlantide e di Mù nonché molti extraterrestri.

    Gli esseri sotterranei, soprattutto gli abitanti di Eldorado, molto più evoluti di noi in tutto, hanno segretamente manifestato da tempo, ai maggiori capi di governo mondiali, la loro estrema preoccupazione per la nefasta situazione in cui ci troviamo a causa di guerre, inquinamento, avidità, egoismo e uso scellerato dell’energia atomica, ma non sono stati ascoltati. Ora si spera che la situazione possa migliorare. Sono convinto che Gesù Emmanuel si trovi a El Dorado dal 1951 circa. Penso che tra poco si manifesterà nuovamente agli umani quando entreremo nella quarta dimensione. Sarà una sorpresa per tutti, anche se non è creduta da tutti. Ho sempre pensato che Egli potrebbe trovarsi nella Terra Cava. Vedremo...e soprattutto lo spero. Ciao amici. 🌲🛸🌲

  115. we will never tolerate this situation and it will not be tolerated!
    Attacks have increased in an unprecedented way
    If the forces of light allow this situation, they will be no different from the dark forces. Lack of human compassion, negligence, non-altruistic thinking, self-righteousness, lack of understanding of other people's situations, indifference, laziness in collecting information, lack of strategic assumptions, lack of analytical ability of the dark forces, and assumptions.
    Please, Cobra, please... Contact the Federation for physical intervention
    before we all die of suffering and pain,It's been long enough, and it can't be tolerated any longer

    1. I'm truly sorry, the Lightforces must find a way to help you, I think there's enough galactic help to neutralize this kind of threat.
      The dragons are my family and are relentless workers of Light, you don't deserve this.
      Courage to you, courage to you all.

    2. He is asking you to meditate to forgive them, instead.

    3. It really seems that a galactic gang is trying to take over the earth, replacing the actual gang. And, asking for our consent in order to gain legitimacy.

  116. ⚡⚡⚡【emergency】⚡⚡⚡

    Translate by google
    omitted from japanese comment (1/2)

    I am making this urgent call because the dark forces are attacking lightworkers 24 hours a day with non-physical and physical weapons of the latest style that is not even mentioned in The Portal, claiming that "this is a galactic war, a rape of the Pleiadians in the final war."

    The light forces must now take the risk and physically intervene in all lightworkers and immediately rescue their lives! !

    To all lightworkers

    Now is the time to exercise free will, logic, discernment, and unity, and request the light forces to physically intervene, specifically to be lifted to the mothership, so that we can return safely!

    The rescue of all lightworkers before the event is clearly stated in the following article in The Portal dated June 27, 2018.

    The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs.

    It is clear that the time has already come for the above physical intervention to occur. Recently, a Chinese light worker was brutally attacked, and although she miraculously survived, she was financially destitute and unable to pay for medical treatment on her own. She lost her lower limbs and even ended up polluting the light grid.

    The attacks against me included telepathic interference and blocking, including impersonation of the forces of light, a series of threats such as using the same system to drive me, my family, friends, acquaintances, and light worker acquaintances to madness and death, destroying my computer (which has already been destroyed once), and using the dark forces on earth to kill and rape me, as well as physical attacks on my head and genitals that cause pain and discomfort for 24 hours, sleep attacks, insomnia attacks, attacks that cause the loss of basic desires such as the need to urinate and appetite, using special technology to read my thoughts and emotions, and at the same time instantly referencing a database of past memories, and using telepathic functions to use AI voices with multiple voices to spout obscene and aggressive words one after another, making it so noisy that I can't think straight, and replaying negative experiences from the past that I don't want others to know about, while at the same time, the forces of light Mental attacks that manipulate consciousness by reading thoughts and making them publicly available, attacks that narrow thinking, mental attacks that say that the forces of light cannot eliminate these attacks even after the event and that they will continue forever, threatening by showing a hologram of a loved one going mad and dying with this system, audio attacks that yell "I'm going to hurt your pineal gland" while making you feel a horrible, disgusting sensation of brain juice flowing around your pineal gland, multiple audio attacks while attacking and torturing your clitoris, making you feel as if the bed is vibrating violently when you try to lie down on it and not letting you sleep, attacks that make you feel like your brain is being crushed, telepathic methods that make you believe that you are thinking things that you are not thinking, such as "I might as well just die.

    The attack patterns change every day, and each time you clear them, more intense patterns are generated and attacked. In addition, they use my beloved family as a tool to attack me, manipulate my consciousness, yell insults at me for long periods of time, deny me food, deny me financial support, threaten to take away my home, repeatedly knock on the door, and attack me with strange behavior such as rattling. My family members themselves are also being attacked by going to places they have never been to before, as they say, "with a mysterious force they have never experienced before," causing them to fall in impossible places and develop walking disorders for unknown reasons.

    1. I too have been having a lot of seemingly terrible instances almost one after the other the past week or so. Maybe not quite as intense as you but soldier on we must. Best of efforts.

  117. ⚡⚡⚡【emergency】⚡⚡⚡

    Translate by google
    omitted from japanese comment (2/2)

    I would like to ask Commander Ashtar, the Ashtar Command, the Resistance Movement, and other light forces to confirm whether the attacks on light workers with state-of-the-art special weapons are true.

    I am writing this desperately while under attack at this very moment. I am in a situation where I cannot even meditate to protect myself. I barely received a message from my support team in a special way, and I am writing this comment based on their advice. Because I was unable to even think of such a thing due to the intense voice attacks, thought manipulation, and consciousness manipulation that continue 24 hours a day from the dark forces!

    I will never tolerate this situation, and it will not be tolerated!

    In the first place, in the final stage of the galactic war, it is impossible not to target the Pleiadians and Sirius people, who have a long-standing grudge against them, and make them suffer the fear and pain of death as long as possible, and then finally kill them in the most brutal way possible, after making them feel the fear and pain of death as long as possible, against the Pleiadians and Sirius peoples, who are easy targets on Earth, and finally kill them in the most brutal way. Such a situation should have been predicted in advance, and that is why physical intervention was necessary. And one thing we must not forget is that even this state-of-the-art system dedicated to attacking light workers is nothing more than a diversion, and there is even a possibility that a final weapon is being prepared. And since the forces of light have not been able to predict or eliminate even this system dedicated to attacking light workers, there is no other way than to rescue them immediately.

    The liberation of the planet is already imminent, and in COBRA's latest workshop, lightwork can be the third or fourth priority, and even though he has called for people to prioritize themselves, let's break through the thought and consciousness manipulation that is convenient for the dark forces, such as saying that we have to sacrifice ourselves and remain on Earth until the event. If you don't believe the contents of this comment, you are the next target! It will be too late once that happens. If you have lost faith in the forces of light after reading my comment, at least call for rescue from your support team consisting of your twin flame, soulmate, and soul family.

    I am calling on all lightworkers because, in addition to the fact that it is natural for humans to inform others of approaching danger, in reality, a considerable amount of time has passed since the attack on lightworkers began using an unprecedented, cutting-edge system dedicated to attacking lightworkers, and rescue operations have not yet been carried out. So, I am writing this as a last resort, hoping that if the rescue operation becomes a formal, large-scale operation based on the Gamma Timeline, the forces of light will finally take action.

    As proof that this attack is not my imagination, I have been bombarded with words that only the dark forces of the non-material world could know, that I have never spoken or written about since childhood, and that I have only ever forgotten and that only existed in my head, for 24 hours a day using a program that uses telepathic functions. There is too much evidence to list, but if I give evidence, they will take measures to destroy it, so I will not list any more here.

    Stock up on food and other items so that you can withstand any attacks on yourself, and immediately begin preparing for what to do with your family members who need protection after you are rescued.

    I will keep this comment up until the moment I return safely to the mothership.

    Please note that I cannot accept replies to this comment. This is because the attacks are so intense that I can only copy and paste it.

  118. For those interested.

    October 9th - Dream about being in Freemason's lodge. An Asian man offered me $1.4M on paper that resembled a child's drawing & an Asian woman offered $200k. It sort of felt like a loan but not exactly.

    675 mins later, Killary Clinton posts article about Trump Bible selling for $60 each & were made in China for $3 each along with the word 'Perfect.'

    'Perfectly', the word assigned to 675 in Strong's Concordance (index/translation of every word in the King James Bible) is 'Appiou Phoron' which means "market of Appiou" (marketplace on Appian Way, a major Roman road) & Trump is 'selling' a Bible:

    Twitter Link

  119. [Lemmings...]Singing commences
    from 2017-12-21

    Fluxes collaborate with the Higher Dimensionals.
    Fairies of the Realm are heralded.
    Lemmings are halted from demise.

    Singing commences.

  120. At the moment, solar activity is high, which strengthens the kundalini energy.

    Viktor Orbán's courageous speech before the EU Parliament today is, I would say, a sign of this.

  121. É... e no fim parece que hoje era mesmo white friday. Cheguei a escrever sobre isso, mas apaguei, só que se confirmou. E agora, CoBRa? O que vem agora? Se for como parece..., 18 dias à partir de agora, e...?

  122. Do you really believe meditation will stop the continued Israeli slaughter of civilians.
    Light forces you are failing many people.
    Did you dislike Iran's retaliatory strike on Israel? If so, why?
    During WW2 should Russia have tried to meditate the German nazi army away?
    If Israel attacks Iran, I will be cheering on a massive Iranian strike on all of Israel's infrastructure ( not civilians), and bury it back to the stone age.
    Cobra, light forces, good luck with your meditation. Your going to have to meditate hard to stop Israeli genocide.

    1. If you consider yourself a Lightworker, your priority job is to hold the light no matter what and trust the light. If you want to give up, no one will judge you.
      But the fact is that since these wars began, no nuclear strike has been launched, the Russian tests seem to be experiencing technical problems, their rockets are exploding our galactic friends may have something to do with it.
      The meditations help to stabilize the conflicts as best we can, even if reality seems to show the opposite, the better because I know they could destroy the surface of the Earth, Gaia would become a sphere of sterile dust with no living soul, nobody wants it to come to that, even some dark Beings think it's gone too far, they're going back to the Goddess, the price to pay in life is already heavy enough.

    2. @Gaia
      NOT good ENOUGH.

      WE need to see good things happening, not just bad things not happening. Morale is LOW, many of us are literally scraping by to survive, and I myself feel like I'm nothing more than an "EXPENDABLE ASSET", aka CANNON FODDER.


    3. I kind of think a lot of people here aren't lightworkers, they are just negative or they are dark. Yes, meditate or hold the light. It is important for us to do this. Thanks, Le temps est venu Gaia.

    4. @Sherman
      One day Sherman I will tell you the story of the Goddess who grew up and lived in hell, because she chose to fight for humanity, it was not a sacrifice but an act of love. I would tell you how her own family had considered her a traitor, deceived by dark forces. And if it hadn't been for Pleidian technology, they would never have known the truth. Only her brother knew where she was and despite his own demons, he protected her but because he loved her, he put her life in danger.
      Do you understand Sherman what they are capable of ?

    5. Lol, Richardo got soem fair points here. Made me giggle.

  123. Aha! There is a move towards the second amendment, which is going in the opposite direction of what the evil wants, and many of these places are making it unlawful to get rid of the second amendment.

    5 Counties Go ‘Constitutional’: Join Growing Move to Protect 2nd Amendment

    All these counties are declaring themselves Constitutional Sanctuaries. I mean California and New York: lets get away from what they are doing, we're going to do the opposite!!! Go the Constitution!!!!!!! The Dark is going down. This is fascinating to me. Go America!

  124. Oh my gosh. This is amazing. What Caylin is saying is that us from Earth are able to ascend to the highest you can go, higher than any other corporeal being in existence! So we can go to exceptionally high levels and still maintain a physical body! I'm gobsmacked! This is the earth prophecy!!!!! Over time our species will become the leaders and overseers of the universe. Well, first I want a little rest, hehe. And, we are right on track. Golly. The first step is Christ Consciousness.

    1. What of those with us with sucky bodies?

    2. @Sherman
      Love your body. You really don't understand ascension.
      I would call your mind "sucky" just to be accurate.


    Here is great news out of Japan! We may not have moved the government, but we did inform the people. The Japanese people are refusing to be injected with "the replicon". Despite the PR demonstration of the CEO of Meiji Seika Pharma boasting to be the first man in the world to get the first approved self-replicating vaccine, the product is not selling at all.
    No one wants to take it. Even the nursing homes don't want to administer it.
    For Meiji Seika Pharm, this is a major business disaster. They are lashing out against the Japanese scientists and our international coalition of the ICS for informing the public. They are threatening to sue the scientists for alerting the public of our concerns.
    We will to counter the lawsuit (or its announcement) with an international front of scientists against the mRNA shots, in particular the self-replicating type.
    Please support the International Crisis Summit. We are defending the world on a shoe-string grass roots budget; but doing a very good job!




    1. Well there is some good news! I'm very fond of the Japanese people. Go Japan!!!

  126. I am in great need!!! Please, Light Forces and the Resistance Movement, help me with money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also need a hearing aid and an electric bed with a lift for the patient and an electric wheelchair and I need a lot of things. I am 60 years old and I cannot provide for myself. I am disabled. In total, I need about 50,000 dollars.

    1. Here's your only realistic hope to get that much money, it can work, and I'll help: crowdfunding websites using a dramatic, inspiring video. Just like commercials for saving puppies and kittens with a touching Adele song, it works. People in crazy situations like yourself can sway others to donate. If you write a convincing narration for the video telling your story, about 2 minutes long (which is a lot,) gather pictures and video that are emotional and gritty, showing how bad you have it, I'll do the painstaking work of turning it into a video with inspiring music. Then you put it on every crowdfunding website like GoFundMe and Kickstarter. Then start an Instagram account to promote further, very important. Do what's called "hashtag research" to find the top 30 hashtags used for medical crowdfunding. Start a Youtube channel with 3 top hashtags. This is necessary for people to see it. If it's only on GoFundMe, it won't work, you need a whole social media marketing campaign. If you get all that set up, I'll make the video and you can possibly get tens of thousands of dollars. If you're just hanging out anyways, research how to have a successful medical crowdfunding campaign. It can work if we're lucky and do a good job. To get it right, you have to learn all the angles and techniques of crowdfunding. I don't know a lot, so you need to find out more to ensure success.

  127. [Window of] Opportunities
    For example, opportunities to support the liberation of the planet or ascension can be used.

    Opportunities that are not used will pass. Some energies are neutral, which means that they can also be used by dark ones for their own purposes. These people often don't sleep.

    In the past, many opportunities to liberate the planet have passed unused.

    Examples There are time windows; there are constellations of celestial bodies that influence energetic currents of the plasma plane, so that we have the opportunity to use Higher Dimensional Energies.

    From Gaiaportal from 2012-11-16
    …Empowerment of Gaia-Galactic interface follows the 11-22-12 window of opportunity

    Gaiaportal from 2013-12-11
    Master codes have been enabled for Global Gaia Ascension process.
    Expect initiation of events in short order.

    Inner application of Higher Intention and Higher Principled morphologies has occurred to a sufficient degree to provide this opportunity for Gaia and all inhabitants, Hue-Being and hu-being.

    In-Lightenment is at hand.
    Gaia Freedom follows.


  128. Pluto is direct now and everything is gaining Momentum.

    Be aware Warriors! Time has come.

    1. And:
      Pluto was stationary in Capricorn, which means:
      There was a moment of: No time.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. I want to reach God and talk to Him. When is this going to be allowed to happen?
    I expect that one day God's answers will be beamed vocally in our minds with little to no effort. And so will the Light Forcess and various Extra Terrestrial and Agarthan entitites, will be able to talk to us directly. When is this going to happen? Is this feature another "After the Event" situation?

    1. Call upon the ET' species you know. Say I Call upon "______" To Intervene. Use Your Powerful and Strong FREE WILL! God Bless.

  131. For those souls interested. Apologies about the length of this comment.

    October 12th - Past few days I saw '911' often.

    Later I experienced horrific energetic attack which went on for about an hour or more.

    Later saw msg in mind's eye about how Britney Spears didn't handle same attack very well & shaved her head & saw 'Ruined' in mind's eye also.

    164 mins after wiring that down SNL posts opening monologue with Ariana Grande.

    Ariana first announces that she played the good witch in new movie 'Wicked', opposite of the evil witch. This might indicate that witchcraft was involved in these attacks.

    1st impression Ariana does is of Britney Spears.

    The word assigned to 164 in Strong's Concordance (index/translation of every word in King James Bible) is aichmalótos which means 'captive/prisoner of war':

    "...from aichmé (a 'spear' [like Britney 'Spear's]) and haliskomai (to be taken, conquered)..."

    I don't usually write about attacks, which are numberless, but I'm only posting this because my spiritual guidance asked me to.

    It was an epic anxiety/panic attack like no other. It was wave after wave of horror/trauma/hopelessness like there was a Dementor near by.

    Proofs here:

    Twitter Link
