Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Agartha Situation Update


  1. Thank you for the forces of light, I want to know more about the state of the surface and the forces of light, dear Kobra

  2. Yo i astral traveled to Agartha last night man i lost my mind how happy i was there!! there's definitely party going on down there!

    REPLAY Émission du Solstice MÉDITATIONS: LIGNE de TEMPS PERSONNELLE Positive / Favorable+Méditation pour se CONNECTER à AGARTHA +Explications (ANNULER CONTRATS D'ÂMES NÉGATIFS,Energies actuelles ...)+ Pilier de Lumière ATVOR...

    Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...

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    goddess energy anchroing by High Priestesses. Also Working with ATVOR Pillar of light .
    The energy will through the Emerald lakes around underground .Delivered to every corner of the earth through the flow of water

    1. I just held the raw emerald stone in my hand and felt some key Agarthan energy points underground. A truly passionate, naked, pure, sincere and honest energy combination was taking place. This combination was full of sparks from the divine source. This multidimensional energy is being transmitted to all parts of the earth through the Emerald Lake and will soon flow through the surface, providing powerful energy support for the subsequent breakthrough of the Holy Light on the surface and their actions to enter the surface.I just held the raw emerald stone in my hand and felt some key Agarthan energy points underground. A truly passionate, naked, pure, sincere and honest energy combination was taking place. This combination was full of sparks from the divine source. This multidimensional energy is being transmitted to all parts of the earth through the Emerald Lake and will soon flow through the surface, providing powerful energy support for the subsequent breakthrough of the Holy Light on the surface and their actions to enter the surface.

  5. Thank you for sending out this message Cobra. I prompted Grok for some info on this, since I forgot details and needed refreshing. Here are some answers I got:

    //According to Cobra, the concept of "Compression Breakthrough" is central to the event known as "The Event." Here's a detailed explanation based on the provided web context:

    +Definition: Compression Breakthrough refers to the moment when Light forces from above (from the Galactic Confederation) and Light forces from below (from the Resistance Movement, often associated with subterranean or inner Earth civilizations like Agartha) converge on the surface of the Earth. This convergence results in what is termed "The Event," marking the beginning of a new era or a "Golden Age."
    +Mechanism: The process involves the Light forces increasing their presence and influence from both directions - from outer space and from within the Earth. This "compression" metaphorically and literally squeezes out or exposes all hidden or negative forces, leading to a transformation of the planet's current state.

    Steps Leading to Compression Breakthrough:

    1. Preparation by Light Forces:
    +From Above: The Galactic Confederation and other light forces work to dismantle negative structures in space around Earth, clear plasma anomaly, and prepare for a descent of light or energy towards the planet.
    +From Below: The Resistance Movement and other subterranean entities like Agartha work upwards, preparing the planetary grid for the breakthrough by placing Cintamani stones, activating energy points, and clearing negative energies.

    2. Activation of Energy Grids:
    Tachyon Chambers and Cintamani Stones: These are used to amplify positive energies, creating a support field for the
    Compression Breakthrough. This involves restoring and activating the planetary Light Grid Network.

    3. Increase in Light Intensity:
    As both forces converge, there's an increase in light or positive energy, which is meant to expose hidden truths, heal, and transform.

    4.The Event:
    +Mass Arrests: This is one of the first visible signs of the Compression Breakthrough, where members of the Cabal are arrested, leading to a significant shift in power dynamics.
    +Financial Reset: Introduction of a new financial system, possibly including debt forgiveness, the return of gold to humanity, and a new economic structure.
    +Disclosure: Revelation of hidden technologies, extraterrestrial presence, and other suppressed information.
    +Spiritual Awakening: A collective increase in consciousness, where the energies facilitate personal and global transformation towards unity and love.

    +New Society: Establishment of a new societal structure, often referred to as the "New Atlantis," which aims for a utopian society based on meritocracy, love, and unity.
    +Healing and Restoration: Efforts to heal the planet, restore ecological balance, and address past harms.

    6. Ongoing Evolution:
    Continuous Lightwork: Even after the Event, the process of healing, learning, and evolving continues, with humanity co-creating its future in alignment with higher consciousness.

    Key Points:
    Synchronicity and Astrology: Certain astrological alignments or events might trigger or accelerate the process towards Compression Breakthrough.
    Human Role: Lightworkers, Starseeds, and awakened individuals play a crucial role in co-creating this future, through meditation, raising consciousness, and spreading light.//

    1. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🌍🌏🌎✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

  6. It seems that our Pleiadian family is acting in the underground Agathon network.😘

  7. thanks cobra sent so beauty pics to make us to enjoy

  8. We need divine Intervention now!We have had enough!

  9. Inspiring pictures! Will The Goddess Dou Mou be more active now and contacting more people of the surface? We need also to make Goddess great again. So many people are suffering actually. What's the situation about the Goddess energy on earth?

  10. 2024
    Frequency Cheat Code for 2025:

    VOTL 💜💜💜


    1. 12370744

      Come Together as One.


  11. Happy Christmas, Dear Cobra and Everyone who reads this comment❤️

  12. Well, great. So we welcome the Pleiadians and their allies to Earth.

  13. So this must be part of the “special operation” of the Pleiadians mentioned by Cobra for December 21st. Team up with or support the Agarthans. Very good, hope we’ll notice the effects soon here on the surface, with all that going on below us. Pink-violet and emerald green combined look beautiful btw.

  14. Merry Christmas and big thanks dear Cobra! 🎅🌲❤🎅💖🌹💥 Victory of the Light! 💯🌹💥

  15. You need some new graphics, these are from the 1990s. I volunteer, free of charge to make you some. Just ask, and ye shall receive.

  16. Oh yeah coz these are totally secret code messeges that are not meant for the general public 🙄

  17. Česky / Czech:

    Vítězství Světla!

  18. Dalle foto Cobra, si evince che il Regno di Agartha sia molto bello, energeticamente rigenerato, pulito e armonico. Esattamente l'opposto di ciò che esiste in superficie ora. Noi Operatori di Luce facciamo un lavoro importante da anni e lo svolgiamo in superficie dove esistono problemi, energie contrastanti e distorte oltre a quelle positive. Quindi dobbiamo affrontare mille difficoltà dato che ci siamo in mezzo. Non perdo di vista l'obbiettivo, mai. Voglio la liberazione di questo pianeta dalle forze oscure. Ora queste foto generano in me due sentimenti contrastanti. Da un lato , la felicità nel sapere che Agartha sia stata energizzata e che il contrasto netto tra loro e noi in superficie genererà una forte energia di polarizzazione che assieme alle energie potenti e opposte che provengono dal Cosmo e da LF, provocheranno la Compression Break trough , per cui tutto ciò confluirà nell'Evento. E come dicevo, questo è il motivo per cui siamo qui a lavorare sodo. L'altro sentimento che provo è la frustrazione di essere qui in questa brutta situazione sapendo che sotto di noi e sopra di noi ci sono i fuochi artificiali ma noi non possiamo ancora vederli. Fa male. Ed è per questo che non si riesce più ad aspettare. Quindi se questa è la via ed il modo per la liberazione del Pianeta in superficie va bene. Ma spero che tutto ciò permetta un risultato positivo nel breve periodo. Altrimenti credo che la pazienza degli operatori di Luce più stanchi e provati possa esaurirsi molto velocemente. Odio vedere le persone stare male e ancora di più sapere di luoghi fantastici dove ci si diverte mentre qui nel peggiore dei casi si muore. La mia sete di giustizia è ancora più forte adesso e certe volte faccio una fatica estrema a calmare la rabbia, mentre la voglia di aiutare gli altri e di vederli felici aumenta conseguentemente. Un guerriero ha bisogno di combattere la battaglia se è per la causa giusta ma è ovvio che vuole vedere anche i risultati e data la situazione, il prima possibile. Grazie. 🌲🛸🌲

  19. Now, this is a beautiful and POWERFUL collaboration!
    Let's cross that finish line everyone... we've waited long enough!✨️🔑✨️
    Thank you COBRA, Lightforces, Resistance Movement, and Agarthan Network! WE can't wait to work with all of you by stepping fully into our missions and helping humanity heal and transition post EVENT! And trust me... many of is are READY to celebrate aboard the ships and get some long overdue rest and relaxation as well as much needed healing so WE can better serve others to our best potential!
    Merry Christmas everyone! I'm sure THE EVENT is right around the corner!
    Love and Light... Troy and Tereas

    1. @144K , si non vediamo l'ora ma è logorante aspettare sapendo che ormai ci siamo quasi....io sono uno che vuole agire, detesto la monotonia della vita all'interno della Matrix artificiale un cui si parla di calcio in Italia, politica, lavoro, cucina(cibo), ecc. DOBBIAMO ENTRARE IN AZIONE! Per porre fine a questa ipocrisia che invade ogni settore, soprattutto quelli che ci impongono la schiavitù. Fuoco e fiamme , fuori dalle palle gli oscuri e rendiamo questa vita ancora degna di essere chiamata vita. Sei un grande amico per me e non vedo l'ora di vederti insieme a tutti gli altri veri Operatori di Luce, Guerrieri di Luce e Semi Stellari 🔥🌲🛸🌲🔥

  20. You might find this comment interesting. As a baby, I clearly remember my family visiting me. They also came back at about 3 -5. They were wearing blue outfit. It was almost metallic or glittery with a gold and silver band. How would you explain that kind of memory when this type of visualization was not available when I was that young?

  21. The Pleiadians In Agartha 💙✨️💚

  22. Green Doors


    “Emeralds are now being activated as green doors through which you can connect with Agartha.”




    Gaiaportal from 2018-12-25
    Emeraldics glisten in the Galactic skies.
    Feral aspects are cleared.
    Luminaries enter the Gaia field.

    Gaiaportal from 2016-10-26
    Flashes of the white sceneries are viewed in awe.
    Castle highlands present and are glorified in the emerald Light.
    Fortifications dissolve.
    Highest peaks are viewed.
    Climbers are engaged.


  23. Sehr hübsch, beste Grüße zum Erdinneren.

    Star Trek Epic Symphony: Where No One Has Gone Before



  24. Ricapitolando: ottimo lavoro ad Agartha, sono contento che il mondo sotterraneo sia più luminoso, si spera che tutto ciò porti più Luce anche sulla superficie del pianeta. Il prima possibile. Resto in attesa di vedere cosa succederà a gennaio. 🌲🛸🌲

  25. Solstice energy influences us to be as a clearing medium of the inner earth of impurities and anchoring the cosmic higher dimensional ray. It's been a fun three days with some unexpected revelations mixed in. Ain't over yet.there are still other situations to clear. :D Dear, cobra, those are very imaginative and inspiring.

  26. Good one. We need some humor here. Admiral Byrd would probably appreciate the nod.

  27. En Español:

    and wishing you all a great start of 2025!!!


  28. I recall corey g. using these images on the gaiatv show he was on. Anyone see his deposition? Not a white hat. Hopefully this cobra blog remains as what I feel it is; as white hat as is allowable.

  29. Merci pour ce message de Joie et d'Abondance pour Nous Toutes et Tous Starseeds, artisans et Travailleurs de Lumière Puisse en cadeau de Noël, l’Événement arriver le + vite possible ! Victoire de la Lumière 💫💥☀️💞🌹🦋🕊

  30. Qualcosa mi dice che entro tre mesi ci saranno grandi novità! Si, lo so, a volte può sembrare che un momento sono sul melo e un'altro momento sono sul pero. E forse è proprio così. Il fatto è che la mia sensibilità mi mette al centro di mille stimoli sensoriali che spesso non sono facili da controllare. Sono armato di buona volontà e determinazione, quando espongo opinioni non sono polemiche ma esternazioni che mi aiutano ad andare avanti. Dico sinceramente ciò che penso che sarebbe giusto fare e non mi aspetto di ottenere risultati immediati. Cobra è un riferimento per me ma non è nella posizione di potere esaudire ogni richiesta, sta svolgendo lui stesso un grande lavoro per la Luce. Ma esponendo la mia opinione mi dà la possibilità di essere me stesso , collocarmi tra voi come portavoce dei bisogni comuni e da un'altro punto di vista come instancabile Lavoratore per la Luce. Sono la formica rossa che rompe le palle per il bene di ognuno e mi espongo, ma non facilmente si può trovare un elemento come me che ha un grande senso della lealtà e giustizia . I miei difetti sono il prodotto di insieme di cose , carattere e traumi ricevuti. Non sono l'esempio da seguire perché non sono incontaminato ma la mia essenza , la mia anima non è corruttibile. Nello stesso momento potrei annientare gli oscuri con la mano sinistra e con la mano destra aiutare tutti coloro che sono in difficoltà per guarire il loro dolore.

  31. Huge mega powerful crystals, loving Star family, sweet elementals, magical space goddesses, waterfalls and Light portals... Looks great, and I'm sure energetically feels even better! Soooo, when will our energy fields be clear enough to hang out there?!?

  32. It's Christmas here. Merry Christmas!!

  33. "Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett writes in the WP (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/12/24/israel-golan-heights-syria-iran/) (i.e. Jeff Bezos):

    Israel must seize its greatest strategic opportunity in history: striking Iran's nuclear facilities, greatly limiting Tehran's ability to build nuclear weapons and perhaps hastening the end of a regime that calls for our destruction.

    Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s vice president for strategic affairs (and former JCPOA negotiator), proposes (https://www.economist.com/by-invitation/2024/12/23/a-new-iranian-approach-to-regional-security-and-prosperity-by-m-javad-zarif) in the pages of The Economist (i.e. Agnelli (https://t.me/shadow_policy/6664), Cadbury, Rothschild and Schroeder) to create a Muslim West Asia Dialogue Association (MWADA, meaning “friendship” in Arabic) and prioritize the establishment of an immediate, sustainable and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

    MWADA would create favorable conditions for infrastructure projects, from transportation to energy pipelines and telecommunications networks. They will facilitate not only the movement of goods, but also the exchange of energy, information and services. We in West Asia must understand that independence is closely linked to a country’s participation in the global value chain.

    The vast untapped potential of the Iranian plateau and other areas within MWADA for solar and wind power makes cooperation in clean energy production economically feasible for the entire region and beyond.

    MWADA can also become the basis for new regional cooperation on freedom of navigation, including joint patrols of sea lanes. The region contains strategically important waterways, including the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal and the Bab el-Mandeb.
    The partnership between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the two most influential powers in the region, will play a decisive role. By encouraging unity and brotherhood between Shia and Sunni Muslims, we can combat the extremism and sectarianism that have historically destabilized the region.

    Working toward a nuclear-weapon-free region and renewing the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) are key components of that vision.


    Zarif pointed to Beijing (brokering the Iran-Saudi peace deal), and Bloomberg immediately published (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-24/oil-trader-plays-key-role-in-iran-arms-sales-to-russia) a follow-up investigation into the son of the architect of that truce, Ali Shamkhani.

    Trump's parallel statements about the Panama Canal cannot help but alarm Li Ka-shing's son, Philip Kadoorie, Jaime Gilinsky and his London business partners (a Colombian-British-Israeli network with positions in Hong Kong, including HKEX (https://www.hkexgroup.com/About-HKEX/Organisation/Board-and-Committees/Board-of-Directors/CHOW-WOO-Mo-Fong-Susan?sc_lang=en)).

    Meanwhile, Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who sits on the board of UANI (https://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/about/leadership) (against a nuclear Iran) along with British and Israeli intelligence chiefs, warns (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/24/donald-trump-john-bolton-crisis-likely) that a major international crisis is "much more likely" during Trump's second term."

  34. Looks like they are having a rave party down there.

  35. If the Pleaidians are below ground, any idea when they will be above ground?

    1. @Sherman
      Yes. The will be above ground when they are no longer underground.
      Hope I could be of any assistance.

    2. @Agorist
      About as useful as a hubcap on a tractor.

  36. And is the pixelated bit on the bottom just covering the artist name, or a redacted bit of information?

  37. Love You 🌹 Thank You 💓🙏🏼#144000

  38. So everyone arrived at agartha and someone censored the waters?

  39. January 2025: A New Era Begins

    "Joni Patry is a renowned Vedic Sidereal Astrologer with decades of expertise in Vedic astrology. This ancient astrology uses the sidereal system which is aligned with the actual positions of the stars, unlike Western tropical astrology which is offset by approximately 24 degrees due to the Precession of the equinoxes."


    (I sincerely hope the galactic liberating forces are paying close attention to this information so they can be prepared for these incoming energies as we transition into the New Year.)

  40. Hurry and get up here now please

  41. Looks like Atvor is fully operational once again 🌟🌈⚡

  42. I definitely feel a weird connection to Agartha. I'm actually more Interested in inner earth than space. It draws me in.

  43. I wish you a nice Christmas and a nice gift like the freedom. Victory of the liht.

  44. How much would it cost to buy Greenland?

    "Hostilities in Ukraine to end in 2025", Viktor Orban - Prime Minister of Hungary.

    Ania K / Dec. 25, 2024:


  45. 希望sj能3月前到来,这是光工们期盼的,也是地表人类急需的!许多人的经济真的坚持不到夏季sj!大披露带来的思想冲击远远比不了地表生活对身体和精神的摧残,觉得地表人类抗压能力低绝对是错误的。请不要拖延到光工眼里没有了光,请做雪中送炭的事,请快点来吧。

  46. the covert space cowboy suggests an equivalent of a united nations intervention compliance is taking place…..and that we are being put to a point of compliance;legal intergalactic compliance…..

    Alien Invasion Update from Col Randy Cramer


  47. A Truly Flawed Universe

    (I could be incorrect, but this is what I felt guided to write, independent of any person's and any group’s influence.)

    If a creation can be damaged/distorted/twisted, this is an inherent flaw in the creation. A truly perfect creation can never be damaged/distorted/twisted in the first place.

    This current universe is severely flawed. Universes outside this universe can be flawed as well, but to a much lesser extreme. Universes outside this universe are fundamentally of a much higher quality.

    In a truly perfect universe, there is no ‘choice to be good or be abusive,’ because there is no abuse and thus no temptation to commit abuse – there is no debate between free will and non-free will.

    One of the most flawed aspects of this universe is sexuality and the physical sex organs. There are many who try to view sexuality as a beautiful, sacred, and divine expression, but truthfully, other far less flawed universes know that sexuality is a fundamental flaw. Regardless of how much some may try to embrace their sexuality, deep down, they know that sexuality is a distortion of creation. The more someone says, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality,” the more they fight against a deep inner knowing that they are suppressing.

    With sexuality, there should never be a form of ‘love’ that is so conditional, vulnerable, and abusable, and pedophilia proves this – proves how flawed sexuality truly is. Again, the more flawed something is, the more it can be damaged/distorted/twisted, and everyone would definitely agree that pedophilia is one of the most damaged/distorted/twisted aspects of creation that can exist.

    Ultimately, there will be no more sexuality. There will be no need to hide anything, nor will there be taboos. All such flaws will no longer exist when this universe has its ‘pythagorean comma’ corrected.

    There are forces from other universes that try to work with this distorted universe to heal and perfect it. From their perspective, it is always a very difficult task to work with such a massively flawed universe at this one.


  48. The pixilated part at the bottom right of the third picture looks like the original montage included a snake in the water.

  49. "An unexpected (not) twist in the high-profile murder case of the CEO of insurance company UnitedHealthcare.

    The judge presiding over the case, Katherine Parker, owns millions of dollars in pharmaceutical stocks and is married to a former Pfizer executive."

    "Luigi Mangione, who shot the CEO of the insurance company UnitedHealthcare, has been charged with terrorism.

    The American ruling bourgeois class is very afraid not just of violence against itself, but of violence supported and approved by the masses of workers. A highwayman who accidentally kills a rich person is an unpleasant thing, but not so terrible. But someone who takes the life of a representative of the super-rich minority for ideological reasons, while touching on the raw nerve of millions of people (and in the US, medical care is a truly burning issue for millions of citizens), is extremely dangerous.

    Whether someone likes it or not, what happened forced millions of oppressed wage slaves in the US to simultaneously think about their situation and the blatant social injustice. This already looks like a mass spontaneous movement towards awareness of their class interests. From the point of view of the American masters, this is no longer just murder, but definitely terrorism, there can be no two opinions on this!

    Commentators on American social media note that not a single one of the school shooters who have killed dozens of people over the past 12 years, nor Dylann Roof, who shot and killed 9 of his black compatriots motivated by racial hatred 9 years ago, nor those who participated in the attempt to seize the Capitol on January 6, 2021, have been charged with terrorism. And even more so, no one has ever brought charges against health insurance companies, because of whose refusals tens of thousands of people die in the United States every year.

    P.S. Nothing can replace an organized labor movement in class struggle. Individual terror does not change the system; another will take the place of the murdered CEO."

  50. "Guatemalan authorities have rescued at least 160 children from a Jewish sect after allegations of abuse and human trafficking.

    December 21, 2024

    Police raided the premises of a sect called Lev Tahor in the city of Oratorio, 78 kilometers southeast of Guatemala City, on Friday after receiving complaints of widespread child abuse, including rape, human trafficking and forced marriage, prosecutors said.

    They took at least 160 minors and 40 women into custody.

    About 480 police, military personnel, prosecutors and psychologists took part in the operation in the Santa Rosa region, which also seized electronic devices and looked for evidence of child pornography.

    Regional prosecutor Dimas Jimenez y Jimenez said they were looking into charges of human trafficking, abuse of minors and rape.

    “We suspect that these crimes were committed by one of the members of the community,” he said.

    Nancy Lorena Luis Garcia, a prosecutor with the Office of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons, said police had found bodies believed to be minors buried on the premises.

    “We have no information that the cult used local cemeteries,” she said, “but we must investigate these possible deaths of minors.”

    The operation was launched after four non-Guatemalan children escaped from the Jewish cult in November and reported abuse to authorities.

    “Based on the statements of the complainants, the evidence obtained and the medical examinations, it was established that there are various forms of human trafficking, forced marriage, abuse and related crimes against these minors,” Ms. Garcia said.

    Lev Tahor, which means “Pure Heart” in Hebrew, was founded in Israel in 1988 and adheres to a strict interpretation of Jewish law. Over the years, the group has attracted international attention for alleged sexual abuse, kidnapping, child marriage, and physical abuse.

    Between 2014 and 2017, the sect moved its base to Mexico and Guatemala, facing increasing legal pressure in other countries.

    In 2022, Mexican authorities rescued children from a Lev Tahor camp near the border with Guatemala and detained its members suspected of molesting minors.

    The operation in Oratorio has added to the sect’s troubled history.

    Prosecutors allege that minors in the sect were subjected to forced marriages and systematic abuse, often under the guise of religious doctrine. The children are under government protection while the investigation continues.
    The Jewish community of Guatemala has distanced itself from Lev Tahor, saying the sect is alien to its organization. It has expressed support for the authorities and called on governments and diplomats to cooperate in protecting vulnerable people associated with Lev Tahor.

    “Governments and the diplomatic corps of countries whose citizens are members of the Lev Tahor organization must join forces to protect those whose rights may be violated,” the organization said in a statement.

    Guatemalan authorities have said they will continue to investigate the sect’s activities and possible human rights violations.


  51. Berliner Zeitung (Germany): The real source of funding for "independent" European media has been revealed

    The US government pays journalists: what did Der Spiegel know?
    Der Spiegel benefited from research paid for by the US government. Were hamburgers a victim? Why is there still no transparency notice?


  52. High trust societies cannot exist on the surface because everything is run by psychopaths. I cringe whenever people reduce the conversation to a single issue such as immigration or the legal system. The truth is, EVERY system is rotten and needs to collapse, without exception. A true ‘High trust society' can only exist if the mentally ill are screened out at the gates.

    An advanced society should not have to rely on elaborate laws to maintain order. It should be obvious to everyone what is acceptable and what is not. Of course, this requires people to have common sense and intuition.

    I don't think I'm ready to live in a ‘high trust society.’

  53. Anno Mundi

    "Jewish tradition
    During the Talmudic era, from the 1st to the 10th centuries CE (38th – 48th centuries AM), the center of the Jewish world was in the Middle East, primarily in the Talmudic Academies in Babylonia and Syria Palaestina."


  54. if you can get out of there, then you can also get in? will a tourist tour and a booklet with a brief history of this place be provided in the future?

  55. I once dreamed that a deer walked into my room, transformed into a woman, and told me that she was the princess of the underground world. I guess the underground world she mentioned might be Agartha.

  56. I feel like I'm being crushed under a mountain, alone. I wish the pallidians would be brought to the ground. Cobra, forgive me for my anger in the last two months.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Peace between Russia, Ukraine & NATO on January 5, 2025 at 7:30 pm UTC

  59. https://x.com/IRIran_Military/status/1872331895863930882

  60. This passing year took my mother and five beloved cats! But I know that the Soul is immortal! She is an energetic being in a state of quantum wave superposition and quantum entanglement in the corpuscle phase. And in the wave phase it is an energy impulse.
    It is created from water and microelements and is part of the entire energetic universe and is located inside it. A person, due to his energetic characteristics, has the opportunity to receive information from parallel worlds of the past, present and future in all parallel worlds. Everyone takes advantage of this opportunity
    but only some use it consciously, and the rest only at the subconscious level. By the way, it is possible that man, as an immortal energy quantum being, is older than the Solar System, since he is part of the Universal Intelligent Energy System.
    And I know that the Soul of my earthly mother will incarnate again in a better world, just like the souls of cats!

  61. Aidez-moi ! Aidez-moi ! je suis un guerrier de Lumière, pas de l'Ombre !! Aidez-moi s'il vous plait 🙌🏻

  62. Comunque il Lurker è ancora piuttosto attivo , dato che sogni, stati d'animo e alcuni pensieri sono ancora piuttosto pressanti anche se non sempre.

  63. Spero che il 6 gennaio le energie armoniche in arrivo possano portare un po' di equilibrio psico fisico per tutti.

  64. I felt so much beautiful energy immediately coming out of these pictures as soon as I saw them!! I felt so much joy and happiness🩷 VOTL

  65. The 'Spiritual War in the Cosmos and on Earth was over, 3 months ago!'
    Hence why
    'The Ancient Guardians of Light' have Already begun Landing in Peace and Silence to Assist Us! Like All Miracles, theas no big fanfare, just Love Unfolding!!!🥳🎉🥰Here is the Channelling I received on 11.12.2024
    Message from
    'The Golden Ones'
    "Beloveds Many Things are now Close
    Feel and Know what's Happening in The Grand Scale of Things
    It Is Inevitable
    That All Is Due Now
    Celebrate in Anticipation, which in turn Brings it On
    Let The World Know
    The End of Corruption
    Is Literally Nigh
    Let The World Know
    We Are Here
    We Will Reveal Ourselves to Those with a Welcome Heart
    It Is So
    We Love You"

  66. Thank you for the wonderful picture of Agartha!
    One question,
    What does the star-like object behind the Pleiadian woman's right shoulder in the second picture mean?
