Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event

You might want to listen to the latest Drake’s interview, especially from 35 to 42 minute mark:

And also watch this video about the terms of surrender for the Cabal:

The Pleiadians, other positive ET races and the Resistance Movement are closely monitoring the situation. The Cabal has until June 21st to publicly announce their surrender over the mass media. If they do so, the situation will take care of itself. If they don’t, the Pleiadians and the Resistance have plans that will begin to be implemented immediately. The exact execution of those plans depends to a certain level on the actions of the Positive Military group in the next few days.

The positive ET forces are making sure there will be no cataclysmic events taking place on Earth in the near future and they will intervene before anything like that can happen.

To understand a little more about the background of the situation, you can listen to my interview here:

Or here on Youtube:

Or read a transcript:

It is interesting to note that when my interview was published on Kauilapele’s blog, his website received exactly 20,000 hits that day:

Definitely a sign of divine intervention! There are forces greater than all of us and they are making sure that Light will be victorious on planet Earth.


  1. I have nothing but Love and deep heartfelt Gratitude left.


    1. 2nd Earliest Cobra Interview

      2012 Interviews

  2. Osiyo Cobra!

    Enjoyed the interview very much. Thank you for the information. I am regularly engaged in meditations for the highest good, happy to add my light. Aho!

    Just wanted to share an unusual happening with you and readers. I found this puzzling, amusing and telling.

    After your initial post about the Archons,(who I had never heard of) I began to think on this quite a bit.

    Shortly thereafter, I began having fleas in my house. Now, I do not have a pet and I do not have any neighbors at present. My yard does not have fleas. I was surprised and annoyed, and I immediately thought about the Archons. I wondered if this was a physical representation of the etheric problem. I thought perhaps they would go away, but they got worse in just a few days. Biting my ankles constantly! Grrr....

    I did not want to use chemicals to eliminate the fleas. I was in a bit of a quandry, as i knew if I did not do something immediately, I would soon have to have the house fumigated. I thought to myself, "Ok you little suckers (pun), I am going to attempt to rid you from this place in the nicest way possible, but if that doesn;t work, I will get rid of you any way I have to. Sooner of later, you WILL be gone from this place, so be warned,".
    After researching, I decided to use salt and pine oil, vacuuming, etc.

    I just kept telling the fleas "You won't win. You know you won't, so you might as well go. Even if I have to do it the hard way, I am willing to do that, so you cannot win"

    After two days, they were much less, and after a week, I see one or two every other day. I walk though my house and see nothing, then ocassionally one happens along in a few days. I catch him, and into the toilet he goes...buh-bye!

    I believe it is the same with the Archons. There are a few hanging around, but they are weak and will be easily caught and flushed. They can not win. I take pleasure in the flushing, but I do send them out with that a contradiction? hmm....:-)

    Just thought I would share.

    Blessings to all this fine day after the Gaia alignment,

    Mitakuye Oyasin, Gus dii dada dv ni, Sa'ah Naaghaí Bik'eh Hozhoon

    1. Looks like you attracted the critters to your home, ask for protection around your home, surroundings, I usually say soemthing like 'I order that all negative beings, terrestials, extra terrestials, in my sphere vacate my property and my surroundings Once and Forever '

  3. CObra,
    I would suggest that Wilcock,FUlford,Drake and you start cooperating closer, maybe this would bring more efficiency.?!

    1. Drake and Cobra are already doing just that if you havent noticed. =P

    2. They have both openly supported each others intel a few time now. =)

    3. I have and I am very happy about it, beause back in the interview with Stephen Cook a few days ago, Cobra as far as I could tell said that he is not in connection with Drake, he just heard about the surrender in the radio interview Drake did.
      What I meant is a 4-latereal( we have bilatereal and trilateral, are there words for higher numbers?? :) co-operation and support of each other, and sharing intel in order to be able more efficient a consistent. Seems reasonable for both my left and right brain.. ;)

    4. I will definately 100% help clean Gaia when all is good to do so. drakes radio show was talking about cleaning up earth today, i would love to have a tech that can get me flying and cleaning the chems out the air that would be awsome

    5. Common it like telling your left arm to touch your right arm they are connected and know each other , they can call upon each other when they want , its not alpha spaghetti , its Advnaced Algebra

  4. Starseed,
    Thanks for you wonderful view at the end of the show talking about our family assisting instead of talking about ET's. Cobra you got lots of credit both by Drake and Ladydragon.

  5. Im going to watch right now! I am so excited to see how it all plays out. Mych Love and Light to all gods creations.

  6. I am so excited - I feel like a 5 year old on Christmas! I'm praying and sending focused intent for the most benevolent outcome for all parties involved. I'm so thankful that Drake spoke out and revealed the truth about the galactics to his listeners. I feel like he opened a lot of peoples minds today and hopefully helped to spread the awakening.

    I really wish he would not have gone on about his apocalyptic scenario, and want to thank Cobra for clearing that up in this post. I participated in the chat during the radio show, and his comments frightened people, but I did my best to calm their fears as best I could with the knowledge that I have.

    A BIG THANK YOU to all who are involved with helping to free this planet. Today was truly a glorious day and I look forward to many more amazing days in the future. I, for one, cannot wait to help with the clean up efforts of this beautiful planet! I'm really looking forward to breathing clean air and drinking pure water for the first time.

    The time is NOW - I'm so happy.

    1. As Cobra mentioned Drake radio show really was Spot on telling us what we can do as individuals Definitely worth listening to if you haven't already

    2. I'm so happy too Luna ! I can feel your heart ! I think maybe the apocalyptic scenario was said to wake up people and move and do it because we are all waiting in front of our computor for the next news, but we must do it each of us for it to happen more gracefully.

  7. LöncsVezér,
    I don't think you need to worry about Drake, Cobra, Ben and David to reach out to each other they are already connected since the all think of one another. :0)

  8. lawatusi,
    I totally agree with you and I'm THRILLED.... <3


    1. Talking about music, this one could mobilize the whole world in my view, so powerful :)

  10. So last night I had a dream and all I remember, but remember it very vividly, was that I was reading Something called "The Book of Enoch." I woke up with this crisp in my head but had no clue what Enoch was. I went and Googled it right away and was like "Holy Shit!" Could not believe that this book I had no clue of was in my dream so vividly. Obviously from a past lifetime I have lived. Simply wonderful!

    1. That was in my post yesterday! Glad you got the confirmation lots of good info in that book. Lots of science info of the process and re-establishing the light to the planet.

    2. Thank you for this evidence brando.

      It's a good book, written for the light, to see the truth some day. But for surviving the times, much of it is written in the mirror. So i think the meaning of the book is not primary to give answers, but to give questions.

  11. Cobra,
    if the Cabal has to be removed by force, are there in Europe a Positive Military faction as well supporting the whole idea actively?

  12. cabal will be removed from everywhere period from what I can see.

  13. Movement of the positive military forces within the next few days does that mean how ready the positive military is for action before 21st ?

    Honestly am really glad the rope won't get longer for the cabal and we can see action immediately after 21st

  14. I fully and with my freewill agree to the surrender of the cabal and allow anything with a positive light to help me with the process of removing these dark ones, so that they cannot stop us from learning who we are and what we love to do, i wish to adventure the universe like a beautiful lucid dream and not a shackled life. i wish to be able to create mysterious structures like that of the pyramids, and much more with these changes all of these things have much chance of coming to life. thank you to everything that helps we are grateful.

  15. Joko,
    check this out:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It's Showtime ?! Praise the Lord !

  17. What/who is the source of the information in the 'surrender' video ? Is this info based on what Cobra had said that the Pleiadians were working on ?
    I am assuming that since both Drake and Cobra have referenced it that the information is to be taken seriously.

    1. I was wondering the same thing..did you see the other videos?
      "Conversations With Creation's Creator"

    2. Me also. I will continue to do the meditation work and prayers but I am not buying the Rainbow warriors video, it is nasty and I do not believe it is from the light and it made me cry.How can energy be destroyed? Very strong messages from spirit when I woke up that God does not ever either threaten or cause or sanction harm to us ,not ever, Can't get my channelling out properly? blocked. We have all done bad stuff in the past, we have been forgiven as will the Cabal be.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I don't like the aggressive tone of this lady's videos.


      Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun

      Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of holding that office without doing harm to the people.

      Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths - in short they are not capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave:

      Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged according to the Galactic Codex, section III:

      Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the consequences of their past actions. First they will be taken to virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society.

      Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not balance the consequences of their past actions. They are unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

      Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the beginning.

    6. Prosperity I did not see the video you mentioned, thanks for the info.

      I would have to agree with what you all have said and with Cobra's assessment of which souls are chosen for 'disintegration' ... the Beings who would be placed in 'judgement' of this process - if not Source itself - would no doubt be of the highest quality of Love, and would be able to determine whether this ultimate act would be for the highest good of this particular life stream. I do not believe that any entity working in connection with Source would adopt any other policy other than 'no soul left behind'. It would not be in alignment with Divine Love. Therefore, whatever was stated in this video that was of the extreme, in reality and practice, will be modulated. My view.

  18. I had to pinch myself after reading this one! Good catch ~I AM Love~* you may be onto something.

  19. Cobra, interesting about the 20,000 hits on Kauilapele’s blog.

    The archetype JUDGEMENT is key #20 in the tarot.

    Here's one interpretation :

    The key symbols for this card are tooth, fang, and serpent. An ancient adept was called a serpent, and when we want to invoke silence, we pronounce the sound of the letter for this key - SH. This indicates the silence of the wise. "Be ye wise as serpents" (Matthew 10:16)
    Teeth break food and prepare it for digestion. Wisdom, which is kept silent, destroys the forms of the outer world and reveals the hidden nature of things so that you may absorb the spiritual essence.
    The cobra was the sacred symbol of Egypt and India. It's venom attacks every cell of the body instantly. The serpent's fang conveys the poison. The analogy is that wisdom can be like acid which instantly eats away everything false. Therefore, the keyword for this card is realization.
    Astrologically, it is ruled by Vulcan. When we have gained realization of spiritual things, our personal consciousness is ready to blend with the universal consciousness. We then realize our oneness with God and our unity with all humanity. This state of consciousness begins with a mental grasp of the real world, where our attitude is the reverse of most people's because we identify ourselves with One Reality. Our subconscious minds are dominated by true will.

    1. Our judgement day is the day we have reached our ability to judge the true from the false. The card represents the call to judgement day. The angel Gabriel calls those who are ready to hear the truth which shall set them free and give them new life. Stone coffins, the human body, arise from the deep. They are black when closed, from lack of light, or truth. The three states of consciousness arise: man, consciousness, woman, subconsciousness and child, superconsciousness. In older versions of the Tarot, their arms spell the word lux or light. They have come into illumination.

  20. I would like to attract attention to the fact that German and Japanese users are blocked by youtube to watch the latest World Liberation Movement video, because the music in it is not permitted to be used in any videos in your countries.
    If you reply to this post and send me the text in German or Japanese to the I can make another video with different music, so your fellow countryman will get the info :) If you send the Japanese text, write down to which picture which part of the text belongs.
    Thank you!

  21. There's one thing about the cabal surrender message that doesn't sit right with me. The idea that some of them are so evil that they have to be "recycled in the central sun" and/or returned to the creator and reformed into new souls.

    One of the books that help me awaken way back when was Conversations with God, It presented the idea that souls that are of a very low vibration do that not only for the experience of it, but also to help other souls with their own experiences. From the ultimate point of view of god there is no evil or karma, there is only experience. The way I like to think of it is “Evil is an Educational Toy” (That maybe got out of hand, or maybe it was just all part of the plan.)

    When I do these mediations, I always thank the cabal for creating this reality. It was the happening place to be for a few thousand years, it was a whole new form of experience! But it's over now and it's time for us all to return to the light!

    Here’s another way to present the idea, and also put forth a question I’ve been wondering about for a while. In our present reality some people have it so bad that they’re homeless and eating out of dumpsters. After The Event, we’re going to see some amazing technologies, Free Energy Devices. Quantum computers and Food Replicators have supposedly been developed in secret. Plug your quantum computer into your replicator, and not only will you never go hungry, but it’ll be able to work out how to synthesize pretty much any meal you can imagine! You want Beer battered Beer? I dunno out that’s even possible, but quantum computing could work it out! ;)

    Give this machine to a millionaire, and he’ll raise an eyebrow, promptly fire the kitchen staff, and go back to reading the Wall Street Journal. Give it to the homeless guy who’s been eating out of the dumpsters, and he’ll be appreciative of it in a way most of us can barely imagine. Every time he uses it he’ll remember when he was scrounging for his next meal!

    This is a big part of the reason we incarnate to begin with, so that when we return to the highest vibration, we’ll understand how good we have it! This wouldn’t be possible without souls willing to play the evil parts, so bless them and remember who they really are!

    Now the question I don’t yet have an answer for. How do advanced societies keep from forgetting how good they have it? They haven’t had a homeless person in hundreds of thousands of years. Right now I suppose they have us to look to as an example, but I’m sure there are planets out there that haven’t been close to a primitive civilization in a *long* time.

    1. I agree that this recycling seems very unnatural. If you read Galactic Codex on this page from early April it also contains this "restructuring" and it seems a bit odd.

    2. There are many references to the recycling of lake of fire scenario. Col Stevens book UFO contact from Iarga a Sirius race called the vegans said this number is very very small. They call this group "Satan gang" this action true or false is above our pay grade and should be a non issue to try and impose earth based ideas or values on this with our limited perception is kind of useless speculation . Just be glad that if it is true that your not one of them!
      Respectfully Rob

    3. When you are of a universal concsiousness, like most advanced civilizations are, you carry the knowledge of all you past existences over into your next carnation. So they remember every lifetime they have ever had. Somewhere along the line their souls did have it bad and lived through these lower vibrations to learn their lessons. Humans on earth, from my understanding, are the only ones that have had this veil pulled over our eyes and trapped us in the wheel of karam. Which is forcing us to reincarnate on earth over and over again never really remembering any of the previous lessons and never having enough knowledge to move forward in our spiritual evolution.

    4. @brando

      I think, you'r right.

      But did you ever think about the reason, why humans on earth do so? Are we doing this by our choice? Or are we forced to it?

      And you have the people with open minds. Those, who are ascended, flying astral, seeing much, communicate telepathic ... etc. Are they really free, or maybe still 'inside'?

    5. Death is a gift a narural law so that we do not become discouraged by or become heavily burdend by our mistakes. When the soul lights growth is no longer productive th spirit slowly withdraws old age then death. We get a nice rest and a fresh body and a chance to do it again? The ET races have the ability to confer a type of immortality. They actually have machines/technology which when the soul or person is ready that can villify and regenerate the physical form indefinitely. This technology is not shared with a race such as ours at this stage of our development, Can you imagine the bushes and cheneys getting several lifetimes to do their deeds? It is bad enough having ET hologram Dracos running their game and they switch bodies and so forth but establishing an immortal "leader" would be problematic for us.The Dracos are long lived also. On advanced worlds the councilors and spiritual guides are very advanced and all the people know what their karma is and what challenges and lessons they have chosen to learn and they are onboard to achieve/ It is built into the culture. Can you imagine the wonderfull culture that could develop with several hundreds of thousands of years without a war? Imagine the harmony and imense knowledge and perfection of spirit expression on such a world. They could build a 14 mile long seven mile wide 5 mile high space vehicle in a short amount of time/ Everyone working in harmony/ they have learning helmets that doanload knowledge and information directly into the brain! All that is required is that the reciever have some practical experience withthis knowledge and it stays in your awaeness forever/ the Pliedeans work with this tech and go to school until they are 60 years old. They never stop learning but this is their basic education. The venusian who are astral and not physical so therefore are more advanced than the Pleideans take about 14 days to learn every earth language including xosha the african dilect with clicking and clucking noises! So many wonderfull possibilites for us with longer life spans. The Pleideans live very long lives some in the thoudands of years by our calculation. We have Agarthan being that live for many many thousnds of years. Irt is possible that within 100 years we could be living 3 or 4 hundred years if we can gt it together. Since you spirit is immortal it matters not if you exchange the shell in the long run. It is quality of life and properly humbly learning the lessons of spirit. OUr planet is very very ill and we are quaranteened in a closed reincarnational cycle. We are born knowing we will forget butit is our duty to grow and restablish truth in each incarnation despite the challenges here. Other worlds reincarnate but the cycle is longer and the willfull exit of the body is conscious like yogananda. The death is a rest period. Generally speaking one goes from physical to Astral world for many cycles or rounds then one incarnates on the Asral and goes to the mental plane worlds for rest eventuallty to incarnate on mental plane worlds and rest on even higher worlds it is a lond ever expanding carreer into the worlds of pure light and life.

    6. I wouldn't worry about their souls. The soul is purely spiritual, eternal, and is never destroyed, not even after the destruction of the entire universe. This is a gift from the creator. It is the body (both gross and subtle) that is destroyed. They can then start a new cycle, so this is a favor to them.

      "For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain." (Bhagavad-gita 2.20)

    7. Think of it this way: Satan indeed exists, as "SHA-TAN" most commonly referred to in the Sumerian and Assyrian texts. Someone as evil as him, who has been consistently carrying out his orders while aware or not; is going to be tossed back into the central sun to be uncreated. The Divine Spark will then be rehabilitated and brought back to Earth, or you will all see the New World Order rise again.

      He is basically the darkest of the dark angels, so to paraphrase; his "Archons" aka Arch Legions may indeed be cast into the center of the galaxy's Sun. That makes perfect sense. You can't destroy evil/the dark, but you can rehabilitate it & get rid of it for as long as physically possible.

  22. Evolution,
    I get your point, and I also read Conversations with God which was recommended to me by a shamanic master who reckons this will become the new bible.
    From my understanding our experiences enable us to create, learn and eventually rise to higher vibrations. As you know it takes many lifetimes to reach ascension, and whilst experiencing lower vibrations we forget our previous lifetimes. However, once we reach the point where we awaken and fully ascend we are able to experience in a different manner as we are fully aware of who we are and also recollect our previous lives. I think this is how beings from higher vibrations are able to comprehend how 'good they have it'. Also I think once a being fully ascends he/she doesn't need to experience duality no more as they have surpassed that stage and all that matters is co-creating with the whole universe as One.

  23. I have been waiting for you to come out. I had an ‘impression’ you would and when I saw your first interview I felt relieved.. I think.. I don’t want anything and I do not know if we will interact again. I doubt it. Perhaps when it’s all over I durno. So in the meantime I am just saying hi from sunny Johannesburg ^_^

  24. 夏至 的 集體冥想

    夏威夷 6月20日 13:11
    阿拉斯加 6月20日 15:11
    洛杉磯 6月20日 16:11
    丹佛 6月20日 17:11
    休斯敦 6月20日 18:11
    紐約 6月20日,19:11
    里約熱內盧 6月20日 20:11
    倫敦 6月21日 00:11
    巴黎 6月21日 01:11
    南非 6月21日 01:11
    保加利亞 21日6月 02:11
    莫斯科 21日6月 03:11
    印度 6月21日 04:41
    北京 6月21日 07:11
    東京 6月21日 08:11
    悉尼 21日6月 09:11


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Me neither, but I have stumbled upon these, they seem pretty good:
      Robert Monroe yt:

    2. Hi, I was recommended this one "Adventures Beyond the Body By William Buhlman. I downloaded it a few weeks ago but not read it yet as I've been engrossed in the Anastasia ringing cedar series.
      I have astral projected a lot over the years mostly as a child but never through focused attention. I can still fly in my dreams and shape shift especial into animals, although not that much these days. Thank you you've both nudged me on to reading this.
      Love & Light

  26. Cobra,
    do you personally agree/support the message of this lady? All dark souls to be destroyed should they non-comply till 21st of June?
    Isn't there another way, seems hard to believe the Source would want to erase any of it's children?

    1. Please correct me if I am wrong, but in addition to extinguishing the Cabal, the video stated we had to be careful of who we followed as well. In other words, I understood if we put someone in power who turned out to be bad we would be at risk as well? So..if we make a mistake in judgement we will be removed? This is supposed to be a transition to a world of Peace and Harmony. Abundance for all and individual sovereignty. We are not to be lifted from the control I'd the Cabal, just to be controled in another fashion. I hope the event takes place. I hope for positve ET assistance. The particular video, however, is suspect.

    2. Chris I think you misunderstood. She basically meant be careful in who you follow as this.... We are the makers of our own bread so be careful who you let put ingredients in you bread while you arent looking. "How did this corn get in my bread?" She basically means dont be influenced and follow the wrong path. She is saying that after the dark are removed their will be no more room for any dark here on this planet so people that where still in the dark following their government=cabal better wake up. We have to understand that our old ways are killing our planet and we may want to express our desire to change that. Which will most likely require the participation of everyone to do the work needed to heal Gaia. There are 2 ways to ascend, you die or you raise your vibrations enough that you make the move in a transformed physical body. Gaia is far to weak and distorted from a life of human abuse to ascend in her physical body right now. So at this point the only way she can ascend is by death = destruction of earth. It is going to be our job to undo what we have done and heal her to the point that she can ascend in her physical body and take with her the ones who are ready.

    3. Thank you, Brando! That makes sense.

    4. Cobra addressed this issue regarding some souls refusing the light and being returned to the central sun back in May. It is my understanding that they are not erased, but returned to source. The true essence of them and us remains, but is restructured. And they have free will to choose...accept the light or become the light. Haha...Anyway, this idea is not new to JuliaMay11, Cobra has been saying this all along.

      (from Cobra, May 2)
      "Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun

      Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of holding that office without doing harm to the people.

      Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths - in short they are not capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave:

      Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged according to the Galactic Codex, section III:

      Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the consequences of their past actions. First they will be taken to virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society.

      Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not balance the consequences of their past actions. They are unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

      Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the beginning."

  27. Again very few may be recycled and lucky for us this lady will have nothing to do with it if it is true!

  28. I must say, that was a great show. I felt such a range of emotions. First thing this morning I called the Pentagon and asked about the open letter to the military. I got transfered a few times and had to leave a message butI WILL call again and again. Love and Light to all!

  29. I agree, one aspect of this "plan" seems not to be an example of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Extinguishing a soul in the central sun seems like an act of revenge, similar to capital punishment. I do not personally support capital punishment in any form. Are lightworkers willing to go along with this? This should not be the price for peace. Peace cannot be achieved through violence. Namaste

    1. Ditto. It sounds like a religion to me, rich in judgement and completely devoid of compassion, That woman scares me more than anything the cabal has done, even in the vatican. In fact, she sounds like the Vatican.

    2. Guys you have to understand something. If a criminal could choose to be rehabilitated or to face the death sentence, Which do you think they would choose? These cabal have been given many chances to embrace love and embrace light but have chosen not to do so.... Would you have choose life or death? If they will not embrace light and reform for the greater good of all then they have to have this unending darkness reset in order to let the light back in. ALL IS LIGHT AND ALL MUST EVENTUALLY RETURN TO THE LIGHT!

    3. brando I agree, and it might be a case of 'tough love' here. Does it benefit the soul to continue on with a lifestream of separation and doing harm to the rest of God's creation ? Or is there more wisdom ust to say when enough is enough, and to hit the reset button. Remember that energy can never be destroyed, but takes on another form, and remember too, that these are Beings of a much higher perspective that would be making this evaluation.

    4. dreamwalker and Aradia, when viewed from a human perspective, it could be seen as revengeful and as capital punishment. But we are not the ones to be making this decision, thankfully ! My faith is that all will be well and as it should be, and I leave the big decisions to God :)
      Namaste beautiful souls.

    5. But who is making the decision, 1AM LOVE?? Yes, I am seeing it from a human perspective as this is the only one I have at present. I can find no information about these rainbow warrier council people anywhere. Does anyone know who they are? There is a big difference between a burning to cleanse and an extinguish. I have a book called Wanderer in the Spirit lands; in it, the spirit communicator describes where a soul was put into flames to cleanse it, it as it had become so dark. But it was then gently lifted up out of the flames by the angels to begin anew. This was a loving act. That woman says 'extinguish', as if they had never existed. That is quite different.There was nothing loving in her declaration that I could perceive . If she gives me the shivers I have to listen to my feelings; I am under the veil still and it is all I have at present. Love to you all anyway and thank you for being awake with me x

    6. Punishment, as all reality, is only Perspective. The only Law is the Law of One, which then branches the subsidiary laws. There comes a time in an entities journey where they must evolve, which requires acceptance of these Laws, if not they are sent to the central sun where all is annihilated except their divine spark bringing them back to first density to repeat the cycles of growth till they return to Oneness. All must be whole to be One, this is why what you term Karma is only the experiences they have chosen now reflected through the mirrors of the illusion back to the self that originated such actions. You came to experience the frequencies of this fractal of infinity which you will either move one to higher ones or experience similar frequencies to that which you have created, as we all are Co-creators. It is experience not punishment.

    7. Aradia -
      Dunno who's making the decision. Never heard of this group or this woman before either, but my sense is that the decision-making process in this particular case is well beyond her/their scope of responsibility, and therefore, have let go of needing to know the details - which are certainly beyond my/our control. But that's just me :)
      Agreed that extinguish is a very harsh and irrevocable term, so you are right to listen to your feelings, take what you resonate with and leave the rest.
      Regardless of what is portrayed in this particular video, the situation ultimately will be handled with Divine Love, and that brings me peace.
      ALL IS WELL. You are Divine and on your way Home. x

    8. Think of it this way: Satan indeed exists, as "SHA-TAN" most commonly referred to in the Sumerian and Assyrian texts. Someone as evil as him, who has been consistently carrying out his orders while aware or not; is going to be tossed back into the central sun to be uncreated. The Divine Spark will then be rehabilitated and brought back to Earth, or you will all see the New World Order rise again.

      He is basically the darkest of the dark angels, so to paraphrase; his "Archons" aka Arch Legions may indeed be cast into the center of the galaxy's Sun. That makes perfect sense. You can't destroy evil/the dark, but you can rehabilitate it & get rid of it for as long as possible.

  30. Dreamwalker, I think we all need to think with our souls and not in the logics of the cabal. There will not ever be a sould that is gone, forever. We must be neutral and have nothing but love for all, bad or good. I know I am not answering your question, but I think this might be a good lesson of again, learning to be neutral. We, as beings of light, should only concern ourselves with putting love in the air. The souls of the dark forces will be reborn to those of light, and we should be quite happy for them! Love and Light to all the great creators children!

    1. Thank you, Mike, I think we're basically saying the same thing. Let all things which represent us represent love and light. Re-present. Meaning, giving the gifts that I was given.

      "Death" (or recycling, or whatever) could very well be seen as a gift, I just want to be clear of the underlying intent from which it is given. "The Cabal" may see this as a release from whatever karmic requirements they may have placed on themselves. It could be a pretty sweet deal!

      Regarding neutrality, I completely agree, but identifying "Cabal" means there is a "non-Cabal". Truly, we are One. Love and Light

  31. I think it has to do with cycles, and that there comes a point where a soul may be so removed from source via the accumulations of its decisions and actions over countless lifetimes that it is given the opportunity to start fresh.
    I don't believe this has anything to do with punishment and is much more about what would be the greatest benefit to a particular soul.
    I also wonder how much the ending of several evolutionary cycles at this time contributes to less flexibility for such deep commitment to service to self.
    I also send appreciation and love to those who contributed to the parity of this time we are in as without their role, our soul searching and conscious evolution wouldn't be as pronounced, to say the least!
    Many times I have read about how the degree to which the cabal and friends have limited us is beyond our wildest dreams or imaginings. Maybe when we learn the full truth we will better understand the weight behind this decision/conclusion. For sure I know that no matter how much Im becoming aware of, I still know so very little of the full truth.
    I choose to continue to expand my ability to live and share love and choore to observe with my heart. It doesn't feel all together wrong to me when viewed from the loving perspective of All Is One.

  32. *polarity and *choose. Sorry ;)

    1. GReat comment! I could not agree more! I feel an overwhelming amount of love in my heart and soul. We, as the souls who are now awake, must spread our love to all those around us. If we create that "bubble" of love and light than those around us have no choice but to feel it. As you stated, every soul must come to a crossroad of sorts, and must make a choice of weather or not they are ready to wake up, I for one am ready. I too know so very little of what is happening but with all my heart and soul can not wait to reach the finish line. I love each and every being of the great creator and want so very much to join the loving nations of the cosmos. Peace be with all.

  33. So there was another article on HUFF POST that is about the Baltic sea UFO, I have posted a link to the GFL update and am hoping that some will read it. Again, if we can get at least one soul to wake from the government indused coma than we are doing a great thing! There will always be nay-sayers but if we shower them with positive vibrations and love than we can change lives. If anyone wants to comment on it I am under the name XxDejaVuxX. Peace

  34. I put this on the wrong blog
    This sounds great. I was also glad for the transcript of the interview it did help as I missed a few key points due the modulated voice.I certainly found the the umber 20 million ground forces from various et races to be very surprising? I hope Cobra will clarify that! Is that number to include sleepers. Those who are working in their astral body at night and going to classes aboard ship and being educated ? Will these sleepers be awakened to who they are and their mission gradually or all at once? Will the self imposed veils of their true nature be lifted voluntarily on a natural scale as they grow spiritually. If this is the case will process be greatly accelerated to the current situation and opportunity to grow. Are the Agarthan networks included in the 20 million number? Are the 20 million all ET from home home worlds with a select few reincarnated? To think that there are 20 million reincarnated in human bodies is not hard to swallow but it is hard to phathom 20 million physically n contacted and consciously working in full awareness with et races. Cobra responding if it is a combination of the above or a basic understanding of how this number is arrived at would be helpfull. I do not expect any revelation that would jeopardize security. I was also happy to see my previous assessment that the good guys clearly could mass land and control the situation by force but do not want to trigger cabal full scale nuclear war and endanger the planet due concern for innocent life.

  35. By sleepers I meant earth incarnates. I do realize that there could be 20 million ET here in normal earth lives and bodies but I sincerely doubt there are that many integrated into are world! The pleideans are very strict on time for physical service and strict protocols are involved for long term duty. I also know there are many many underground ET bases from many star groups here. So the 20 million number seems more feasible when all of these are considered. I do not presume to know as I am not talking to pleideans every day like Cobra alleges (not doubting or hatin here just careful and circumspect as dis info by cabal is so sophisticated and so crafty and entrenched that I must have my own experience to truly know. My intuition feels strongly this the real deal)

  36. I also was wondering if when Cobra said underground he meant literally underground or figuratively in which case my hypothesis would be more applicable? I wonder what the specific gravity and atmosphere on planet x is? If it comparable to earth? I do know several friendly ET groups do manifest earth type bodies while in service in underground bases to make the bases livable. In other cases they creat completely artificial environments from which they monitor the surface and provide the service so invaluable to our survival, which remains hidden and unknown to earth people's at this time. Our gratitude is deep and our hope is that we may return this selfless love and service to these kind members of our space family who so generously give their assistance to the planet in our time of need. I aloud like to thank Cobra for again bringing to people's awareness of the many difficulties channels face and the many many ( my many's here) in accuracies these well intended people share. Use your own inner guide and discernment with the fluffy "it's all good"messages. Positive and uplifting information is good but unrealistic intellectual ascent and total belief in these messages can provide for major disillusion. We must be part of this worldwide effort to awaken the masses. No space people or family can do it all for us or garuntee our personal spiritual growth or ascension for us. So be of good cheer the help from creator is here. In the form of our fellow brothers and sisters from the stars. In the light of truth I for one am thankful
    Warm regards Rob
    Ps I welcome comments by everyone in regards to these thoughts I am always ready to learn
    pss looking forwrd to new pleideans plans as far as we allowed to hear

  37. Spot on pottsman, spot on. I agree and I too feel in my soul, that this is real! I am gonna throw this out, but, is there any on here that are in northern Nevada? My wife and I would love if we can get with others who are awake and talk, meditate, enjoy positive beings :)
    Love and LIght!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. It is truly heartwarming that we all are on the same page for the most part. I do enjoy this fellowship of kindred spirits and truth seeking brothers and sisters on this site/ what we are discussing here is right now very hard for the mainstream to grasp. I gave very people in my life including my family who are open enough to understand the ET/RF situation. I have been at it for over 35 years so they know I am commited and I have become more articulate as the years go on. I do have many friends who are keeping a pace but we are separated by space right now so this group is also for me a posiyve reinforcement of what is going down on the planet, What we fiscuss is not rocket science and it wont take long until many more people get their groove on to help solve the problems and challenges we are all facing. Thanks you all for your responses and input I am a gratefull student.

    4. Wow, I am on the same page with you guys and also have this feeling of "its for Real in my consciousness and its time. Thanks for the verifications, Love and Light

  38. JOKO311, AMEN!!!! A!M!E!N! That is EXACTLY what happen to me. I was truely clueless and I (out of nowhere) woke up! It is real and wonderful. And I love you too my friend! We are one and always have been, one day we WILL all be together as one, under one banner of love and peace. It is an amazing time to be alive and we all should be very very thankful that it is US who will see the changes! Love and Peace :)
    (Northern Nevada)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Heres a great group to start if you are looking.

  39. Drake, Cobra, White Dragon Society..

    What's up with all these reptilian names? Remember... "All the world's a stage." Everything from the creation of Christianity to 9/11 was fabricated and/or staged to direct the population towards a certain goal.

    I want to believe this agenda of light but I want approach slowly to these events. I mean ask yourselves, can't a savior of humanity be staged?

    You all despise NWO, but the world will be one after these societies conduct these events.

    Go carefully.

    1. I've noticed the Reptilian themed names as well. But after thinking about it alot. It doesn't bother me. Earth Humans are part Reptilian after all.

      I remember hearing a long time ago that one of the reasons the Reptilians were so desperate to keep us under control was because they were afraid of what a race comprised of the genetic heritage of both galactic humans and reptilians, as well as several other races, would be capable of if they ever reached their full potential.

      By taking names like Drake and Corbra, I believe it's a symbolic way of taking our power back from them.

    2. It is difficult to understand how the message becomes secondary to the names of the messenger?... To get caught up on names ...ITS THE MESSAGE...and if it resonates within an individuals heart where the spark of love and light resides and will bring the betterment of all kind then the message is comprehended and if it doesn't then continue to wait for those messages that resonates from within the heart with no names and try not to spoil the message.

  40. We must become one. Otherwise this planet and everything on it will be gone. Theres a difference between being forced into a slave world against our will and being forced to do all these horrible things we are doing to keep the elite wealthy and in power as opposed to coming together to heal our great mother Gaia and restore pece to her as well as humanity. You have to start feeling with your heart and connect to the light=love. If everything else is just a sham at least you stayed true to your hear and experienced love at every fork in your road.

    As far as the reptilian names, we have to remember that all of our sacred teachings from lifetimes ago were stolen from us and manipulated to serve the cabal. They do not truly have the same meanings as people would believe them too.

    1. Very well said brando, I agree with you 100%! If nothing else, we are finally finding a way to come together and work as one. We have faith and love, and that is all you need ;)

  41. The proliferation of virally
    Since the time of disclosure is coming and there comes a point of official contact people from other civilizations, encourage our guests as soon as possible to take this step, through meditation and sending a clear signal that we are ready as the humanity of the contact, and eagerly await them. Meditation will take place at the summer solstice, how magical and meaningful to many cultures.
    1. Relax your body and mind. Focus for a few minutes on his breath.
    2.Imagine an electric pole blue light emanating from the Central Sun of the Galaxy, which passes through your body to the center of the Earth. Please keep the beam of light for several minutes.
    3. Then imagine, as violet flame embraces the whole planet, filling every cell, every atom of our planet and all of us, clearing of all negative emotions and thoughts, and from all evil. Visualize how people become free from anxiety and fear, as they become open to each other, and fills their love and peace. Feel the love and the divine unity of all peoples and the Earth and its nature.
    4. Now, visualize, as in television and other media, a compromise has occurred. The mass media report the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the whole truth comes out.
    5. Then visualize how it comes to official human contact with other civilizations. The event is broadcast by all media. See, that humanity welcomes guests with calm, confidence and love. See how people between the newcomers and energy flows of love and brotherhood. Feel the love that now, and send it with the intention of contacting the Family of the Star, which has already arrived here and waiting for the opportunity to communicate.
    6. Now imagine your direct contact, as he looks, how you feel, what you ask, what are you doing? Stay with this picture a few minutes.
    The exact time of meditation, Wednesday June 20 23:11 BST (London time).
    Here: can be converted for your time zone.
    By soulowicz • Posted in extra-terrestrials, Meditations, Lightworkers

  42. Hello there - I enjoyed all your posts and you are all such beautiful souls!
    Try not to be concerned with the lady giving the message. The word extinguished is just her interpretation coming from her perspective. I must say that she is an interesting choice as a messenger though. We are all so use to lip stick and polish blended with a lot of BS and shiny lights, perhaps they used her so that we are forced to draw on our 'Faith' or Inner Knowing. If she was polished and used the perfect words would she then be somehow more palatable?

    I have personally been pushed through the eye of a needle lately with 'The Symptoms'. Having trouble focusing on anything, can't remember words, can't spell, actually I never could but it's even worse now. pressure on my head, ring tones in both ears, astral travel at night, and so tired in the morning I have bags under my eyes! I never get bags under my eyes. I know They are working me because I asked for it ha ha ha :)
    I am being forced to stay present, and unable to focus on anything else but liberating this planet.

    so by the 21st - within 3 days! we will see if the richest families in the world go on Tel - A - Vision and confess to their crimes against humanity.
    And if they don't it sounds like there will be quite a show if they are going to be plucked? from the planet... is that the word that was used in Drakes interview?

    either way we should know or see something by next week, right?

    speaking of media... suppression of the largest protests in history are going on world wide right now.
    They are seriously being suppressed by TV, Google AND Youtube.. interesting don't you think.
    G20 meeting is also going as planned..I guess they aren't planning to surrender OR be arrested. At least they will all be in one place so it should make it easier.
    The one thing that I am unsure about is did Drake or Cobra say the ET's will not do anything until our military takes action? or are they going to go ahead with out our military & starting collecting the cabal.

    love & light to you all

    1. They have to start acting as of the 21st, we are on a strict timeline and if we do not start making changes to the earth by then we will not have time. And it was stated that the ET's are going to take action if the military has not and if theres no surrender by the 21st. So if there are no major happenings coming into the MSM after the 21st then I will start to wonder about the integrity of all parties relaying and supporting this information. DO IT FOR THE LOVE GUYS, GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD. WE ARE ALL MORE THEN READY!

    2. Agreed! So, I went on Fox News and they had a post about the Baltic sea UFO, so, I managed to post a link to the soldierhugs VOTE POLL page. I think this is the first true MSM link to our vote poll page. So lets hope we get a warm responce! Love to all

  43. Here is the link by the way!

  44. Exclusive discussion with “Cobra” on Gold and it’s place in human history

    Tried posting on the most current post, but doesn't seem to be registering.

    Forget about surrender from the archons or the cabal, they've had their chance and it's time to remove them. Not out of spite, hate or anger, but release them as participants in an experience that we once embraced and no longer require. We all have to live with our choices and isn't unconditional love and unity our next goals on and with this planet? If so, these are the qualities that we must begin our next step with, even if they're not yet fully integrated.

    Wouldn't it be better if all those that would harm another from the archons down to the most insignificant bully were simply removed from the planet or quarantined for treatment/rehabilitation, so that no one has to sit in judgment and we can get on with the business of healing the planet and providing for the needs of the rest of humanity?

    We and our extended family together can help any that are truly sorry and desire a fresh start, the rest can live out their days somewhere else where they can harm no one but each other.
    In loving service,
    The son of man
