The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been
expanded. There will be less talk and more action:
1. Less intel will be declassified and given to the general
population. The reason for this is that the awakened part of the general
population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received. It
is not strategically wise to release intel that even the awakened population
laughs at and at the same time the Cabal uses it to the disadvantage of the Light.
You will still receive intel and updates, but certain things
will be withheld until the appropriate time.
2. The Matrix is beginning to crack in the mass media. The
cracks will expand and widen.
The mass arrests scenario is beginning to leak into the
mainstream. This article tends to be a little bit too violent for my taste, but
it manages to get across the message that certain people need to be stopped in
their actions:
And you might want to sign this petition:
Almost half a million people signed it in three days. It has
a potential to reach the critical mass and trigger some real changes. Make it viral! I have received reports
that the petition page is blocked by Internet Explorer. If you can not reach
it, try with Firefox or some other browser instead.
Mainstream media are starting to report about disclosure
also. You can read this:
And this:
3. At a specific point before the Event, certain actions
will be taken that will bring undeniable proof to the awakened population that
the Plan is real and that there are indeed Light forces working towards the
planetary liberation.
4. Greed and lust for power inside the Light forces on the
surface of this planet (Positive Military, White Dragon Society…) is
understandable and tolerable as an intrinsic part of the human nature, to a
certain point. But when it begins to hinder operations, create delays, or when
certain suffering could be prevented inside the general population and it is
not, people responsible for this will be held accountable. The Resistance Movement
is monitoring all operations of the surface positive groups and knows exactly
what everybody is doing.
5. The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the
surface of the planet a certain limited period of time to carry out
the actual liberation themselves. If they
fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance
independently from any positive groups or the general population. This is the
second part of Operation Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the
actual operation itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less
user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe
disruptions in the distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance
notice to the general population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be
6. The “containment”, as many channels describe it, is not
possible. There will be actual physical arrests of the Cabal taking place. The
positive ET forces will only assist from the distance with their light healing
and balancing technologies to ensure they will happen with as little violence
as possible.
Thank you for this Cobra.
ReplyDeleteGREAT News....hope it can happen as peacefully as possible.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Cobra for the update...we are waiting . But from your end it must be a nightmare!
ReplyDeleteI hold all light warriors in the light and do what I can daily in my meditations.
Courage , gratitude and love.
Take care..
Honeybadger does care!
DeleteThanks for the share Cobra , Love and Light to you and everyone on the front line :)
ReplyDeletethank you for thisi will humblely do my part in metitation,and staying open to the posetive force,
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra - I continue to hold the highest intention and love for you and our brothers and sisters in the resistance. Many blessings for peace and safety.
ReplyDeleteIn gratitude and service,
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBut, I do not understand how the ET's or Military views that the awakened ones fell short of using the intel given to us? Can you explain this better for my understanding please?
I know some of these 'awakened ones' laugh at some of this 'intel' coming out but that maybe they do not know what to do other than grab guns and go arrest these cabalists.....what specifically are they NOT doing? Maybe a blunt answer for them is needed...
I did (pt. person for my State) gathered a group and we did file the docs needed to become free. We are also going to meetings locally to make changes.
Thank you for answering ~ we ALL greatly appreciate You, Drake, D. Wilcock and others for all you do to free the world...
Love to you all~
I think this would mean attack-type and scorn-type comments on posts by Cobra et al, demanding more explanations/timelines than he is currently able to give, impatience and some elements of 'I can't wait to see the cabal suffer and squirm' sort of reactions. We have been behaving rather like a bunch of spoiled naughty children and thus cannot be trusted .
DeleteSorry, clearly I am not Cobra and I could be mistaken, but this is my feeling. In peace x
ReplyDeleteKudos for the intel, it makes even more sense now. Why give the population a lot of intel that they can't digest? They need visible proof no matter and which will force them to re-think or deny everyting they knew..
Love and light
I have taken heat for warning friends of the coming events, as they did not happen in the time frame that was suggested. So I have stopped, save for a few close ones. I have very limited meditation abilities. And have tried to be positive in my daily thoughts. That is all I can contribute. Save when thinks actually become obvious, to calm people in my small town. I am looking to this happening quickly. I have friends who are literally hanging on by finger nails, to their home. The financial transition is even more important to many people than the arrests. I do worry that it won't happen before the whole economic house of cards fall and takes all of us with it.
ReplyDeleteBless you for doing this.. The astral entities are suppressing some people's psychic abilities etc also so perhaps this is what you are perceiving. I you are able, learning to meditate from a Buddhist monk is really helpful as they have all the tricks that they can teach you. They run classes all over and are usually pretty cheap. There are some great free guided meds on line with quite good sound quality from:
DeleteUniversity Of Metaphysical Sciences
Many thanks again, COBRA, for being the voice of truth regarding the mass arrests and the reason for the delay.
ReplyDeleteThank you also for setting the record straight on "containment." This never made sense to me. If such a thing actually existed, it would have been used long ago.
I think it is an enormous burden to us all to watch more and more people needlessly suffer as the positive miltary jocky for power. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 is required, I for one will welcome it.
I daily decree for your protection and for the smooth, non-violent arrest of the Cabal, for the ridding of the Archons by the freedom fighters of the higher realms, participate in not only the Sunday meditation, but also throughout the week, and have told many others about this meditation.
It is very sad to hear that the awakened population, as a whole, has slacked off when the planet and humanity are so much in need.
Please know that there are many of us who are remaining constant and vigilant and who will not let down the Resistance Movement.
God Bless You!
Aleanna, very well said and I am right here with you. I will NEVER give up, give in or loose my faith, NEVER. Love to you and love to all! AMEN!
Delete~Michael Hall
I do not believe the general population has slacked off at all...if anything, I see more people jumping in and helping, more people protesting slavery THAN EVER BEFORE ~ even during Viet Name Era there wasn't so much participation as I have seen all over the world ! To now just claim that WE have dropped the ball and are not stepping up is not reality to me. That's why I asked the question at the top of this forum....what exactly did we drop the ball on? It needs an can brainwashed, drugged up humans possibly know how or what to do when they are in this condition?
DeleteI know for a fact that for me personally, I have been extremely active and basically putting my hide on the line here to do things to free America....but also waking up people that are asleep....lawsuit are now happening that would NEVER have been filed before to face the giant in front of us.
WHERE did we all go wrong on not stepping up? I am a bit irritated at that statement from Cobra. We NEED the guidence put out here to us so we CAN follow through and do whatever we can to help.....
I do not want someone else to "bail me out" or "SAVE ME, SAVE ME" If the ET's can help us to at least level the playing field so we are not overwhelmed with this cabals 1000's of yrs. old technology to stomp us into the ground and wipe us off this earth, then GREAT ! HELP US OUT. I am a WOMAN OF FIRE, I will fight for FREEDOM however I can. But don't make a statement so general and then leave us 'guessing' as to what exactly you mean by it.
I am a VERY up front person, I do not beat around the bush or like playing guessing games....just give me an idea of what to do and/or how to go about it and I am off and running full tilt......I believe that meditation helps to a point but then I also believe people need to take action not just sit on their butts and waiting for someone else to do it for them....
So Cobra.....what EXACTLY did we drop the ball on? What intel did you talk of that was not taken into action? PLEASE....I want clarity...that's all. No pissing contest, no confrontations.....just truth.
Thank you
People do their best and when they know better, they do better...
DeleteI think we all must leave room for misinterpretations given this is a global discussion, happening in English, and not everyone knows English well enough to convey their true meaning. I personally have a tough time getting my point across and English is my first language! Furthermore, we are robbed of tone of voice, body language, and sensing others energy via this online communication.
My intuition is that Cobra's intent with the word underperforming is that sharing so much info turned out to be detrimental and plans have changed. Or it could be that his hope in sharing certain details did not create the response he hoped for in the positive military and oath keepers. I do not for one second believe he meant to attack the lightworkers on this site. David Icke? Maybe....Keep on doing what you're doing, and don't let the negativity get you.
Peace and Love,
It makes me sad that there are so many lightworkers laughing at all this. So many are starting to think that none of this is real, I do not understand. All the proof I need I have, in my heart, soul, and in my FAITH! I love you all, no matter what "side" you are on. I love you all.
~Michael Hall
If it is serious to you, maybe you will try to find your elephants?
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
Maybe the "underperformer" are the sleeping elephants?
ReplyDelete(Look my profile for the story)
All the waiting is getting very fustrating. I feel like I should be doing more than meditating and visualizing. But I don't know what else to do. Not that there's alot I could do. I'm on disability and though I'm okay financially, getting active is something like The Occupy Movement, which I've though about a lot, would be very difficult due to my various physical and mental problems. I'm most looking forward to the release of the suppressed medical technologies, especially for my best friend's sister who's slowly dying to a degenerative neurological disease. They had to trach her recently so she could keep breathing. :( I've love to be able to give that family some hope, but as we've missed the date so many times now, I don't want to give false hope to people who may not even be ready to hear about this sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteGet your elephant working!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
No one should get frustrated because of waiting!!!
DeletePATIENCE is a VIRTUE and this is the very first thing we all have to learn before being able to harvest. Never forget the simplest things in life, as they are the most important! ;-)
I think you are doing a lotx
DeleteWe count on your for this, Cobra - grounded, real, no b.s. Thank you. Though many "awakened" people chose weak responses to what you have shared thus far, there are many of us ready to step up without complaining and do whatever we can. Green Light or no Green Light, I believe we will come together in the crucial moments.
DeletePlease try to find your elephant!
(Look my profile for the story)
DeleteHi everyone. I've been reading this blog for the past month as I am apart of the younger generation that has "recently" awakened and I must say that everything that Cobra has said in this article, I completely respect especially the part talking about "Less intel will be declassified and given to the general population". I just hope others can deal with not having as much intel without complaining as much as they did in the past. Hopefully everyone in the Positive Military and White dragon society can resonate on the MAIN reason why they're doing all of this stuff in the first place and take action before the RM does. But if things doesn't go that way then Cobra please do what you must, you have our full support.
ReplyDeleteIMHO, the only way I, personally, can help out is to give positive support to those around me when the event comes out in the open. I'm in the part of Georgia where people are HEAVILY close minded, conventional, and very defensive of the government unless they are in the younger generations where you can especially tell some of the Cabal's agenda is spelled out in some on the mainstream music. So LITERALLY God only knows how everyone will react when the "man behind the curtain" is revealed. But until then, I will try to meditate as much as I can (I am also fairly new to this, anyone has advice for an amateur?) and remain positive throughout the way.
One Love everyone,
be aware of and feel the 'space around your perceptions' and allow it to grow every time you are aware.
DeleteOH MY! No containment .... this will certainly "stir the pot" a bit. Should be lots of "discussion" this weekend :-)
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note ... it makes much sense to me that less "intel" is published. I think many of us have come to depend on updates to keep us positive ... when it could be more beneficial to generate our own "positivity" from within.
That being said ... I really look forward to Cobra's updates :-)
Please try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
I can't wait to see how those channelled posh 'spirits' on talk shows etc. manoeuvre themselves around this. LOl!
DeleteThank you.
ReplyDeletePlease try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
all positive forces on the surface need to put their egos aside. The stakes are too high and it's causing harm. All politics should be set aside during times like these. There is no place for egotistical thoughts and feelings now or in the days ahead. The universe is waiting for you to act. Act with honor and courage and we will not fail. The time is now.
ReplyDeleteCOBRA, what you've shared, about the "greed & lust for control factors" in 'some' of the Light forces (Positive Military & White Dragon people) most definitely needs to be monitored and those responsible for the delays be held accountable. Suffering is no laughing matter.
ReplyDeleteBeing held accountable for one's actions/behaviors, hmmmm. Keeping even the highest and most culpable cabal members alive, rather than issuing a death penalty, requiring their attendance at 'rehabilitation sessions', whether they be given by ETs or earthly humans, is what humans can wrap themselves around perhaps. Making the sentence for life, with no chance of freedom for the ones who have created the greatest suffering. Full disclosure of their crimes with evidence, AND the adjudication processes need to be aired through international media for the masses to grasp the magnitude of this drama coming to a close. Here in this 3D such procedures are applicable. Once this chapter in evolution comes to a close, all who are ready and desirous of doing so, will rise naturally to the 5th dimension. This feels appropriate to me at this point.
Those of us who have been spreading the word of upcoming mass arrests and release of a new financial system, along with new technologies, especially if we have given friends and even strangers projected timelines for such actions -- my credibility has diminished considerably since this is dragging on and on.
My support, appreciation and love surrounds you, COBRA, and all the Resistance participants. IF Operation Omega Phoenix 2 is required, know that those of us who are 'awake' are with you 110%.
Whatever information you bring to us is perfect. For anyone desiring to help, yes, praying and meditating daily is totally appropriate. Sitting quiet, giving attention to slow and calm breathing, allowing an image associated with appreciation and love to sit gently in our minds, does really help. Focus on what we want, on the FEELING of it already DONE, KNOWING it is so, this helps too.
Ditto, YouMa! I couldn't have said it better...
DeleteThanks Cobra, for the update and the straight talk. I appreciate that you do not sugar coat your messages and I appreciate your time and effort.
Love to all,
Yes YouMa, the "FEELING of it already done " is spot on. This totally resonates with me. There is no time, just a deep deep knowing that it is done. FEEL it everybody!!
DeletePlease try to find your elephant!
(Look my profile for the story)
very well said, YouMa.
DeleteThank you, I have read your story a few times now. I understand the meaning but I don't understand how to do it. I have felt there is something I am struggling to remember ever since I was a child and I just can't reach the memory. Any advice? Guidance?
Ps- sometimes I feel that you and primeBarakiel might be the same person....
Nice one, well said!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIf you like, i maybe able to give you some first hints, where to look for it. It is a road each have to go by him-/herself. But often people don't see the beginning of the road. So if you like, you are welcome 1:1.
No we are not the same person. She is my wife.
Delete"Ps- sometimes I feel that you and primeBarakiel might be the same person...."
Your feeling is almost right! We are ONE, but not the same person. He taught me that we are something like "absurd mathematics": 1+1=1 and 2-1=0,5 ;-).
very informative, thank you so much cobra :DDD
ReplyDeleteI have underperformed...
ReplyDeleteis anyone else with me?
During the Venus transit, and a bit before, and a bit after, i visualized every day, i felt connected, i knew i was contributing to the greater good... then... social responsibilities... romantic dramas... artistic passion... they all seemed to gain greater importance... and slowly... failure has peaked its ugly head... but i created that term... and that possibility... i have underperformed, uncommitted, yet demanding... and then i whined the sense of all consuming love i knew so certain went adrift... i do not see these times as wasted, but as a gentle reminder that love is not only about desire, but about commitment and effort... daily effort, daily meditations, daily assertions of my intent.
i have underperformed... i arrogantly swam in my abundance... to a point where i just floated...
time to start swimming again.
in the distance
i see an oasis.
Cobra does not mean underperformed in this manner. If you are in the now and holding on to love and light and doing what meditations you can then you are doing your part. Cobra means "underperformed" in regards to the intel we have been given, people are irdiculing it and laughing like its all hogwash. So dont feel bad you just misunderstood. Love and light!
Deletehave i?
Deletewhat have dozens of channels, including, quite frankly, my own, say is essential for us to do? love. visualize. create a minimum collective intent on this planet to transform and empower the all.
i have not. i have done less. how is that anything other than underperforming? i think you view a very limited scope of the word and of this message.
some choose frustration and waiting for exterior forces to do the work for them.
but this is our world, our planet, our reality.
time to take the reigns and awaken our own masses.
i appreciate your advice of love and light, i really do! i love you for it even if i do not know your face or your name.
but do you want chaos, intervention and disaster? Any of you actually wishing ill will upon others, even this so called cabal, hold onto hate and mistrust… which can only come out of fear…
… enough fantasy, enough pretending or hoping others will save us… time to create. what do you think is meant for "less user friendly" if in our inaction we allows others to do our dirty work? it is our divine right, and our divine duty to wake up and make. love all and spread good intent to every being, intend for them to choose beauty, to choose love, to choose to wake up.
anything less is underperforming.
Don't beat yourself up for this. I feel similarly to you about it, but it's not going to do us any good one everything comes to a head.
DeleteI'm simply at a point in my life where I am not able to concentrate when meditating, and often I have to choose between taking care of my family, sleeping, or giving energy to the movement. I do what little I can at the moment.
My job (currently necessary to support my family) will probably disappear once the arrests happen. At that point I plan on doing what Drake advised months ago - talk to the neighbors, make sure people understand what's going on, try to get a system of bartering going with people who know. I'll have time & energy to do so once the arrests happen.
I'm trying to understand as much as I can now such that I can be a voice of reason in the chaos about to erupt. I've also carefully informed certain individuals that something big may be about to happen, and that it is necessary.
I'll see how successful I was in reaching others when all hell breaks loose. In the meantime, I'm coming to peace with what I've been able to do as well as what I've not been able to do. My view is that the moments after stuff becomes public will be the most important moments of our lives, and that we can make up for a lot of prior laziness by helping out at the critical time.
@MM Boo
Please try to find your elephant!
(Look my profile for the story)
Nonsense, this is the etheric control system having a pop at you, anything consisting of guilt and blame/I not good enough is from them. I should know, they have a speed dial to my brain. You are doing a great deal. You are entitled to maintain your ordinary life. There is no failure because there is not any test. I think Cobra is meaning scorn and negativity and attacks on the messengers. I would like to thank you for all you do, even if you will not acknowledge it yourself.
DeleteThanks COBRA, and well said YouMa.
ReplyDeleteI think also this looks like the best possible move to start the real change. The small but powerful wave becoming a light tsunami.
The ocean could be big but with no wind and no harder objects dropped in the water no change. To my feeling the wind is already there ... it's missing the right stone to trigger the initial wave, the rest will be carried by the wind and finished by the ocean itself :)
This will be the tsunami of hope for change and spread of love :)
Let it Be,
Love to all
This little part right here: "the awakened part of the general population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received." I mean,...knowing what we know about tptw; Me, as an individual....wth am I supposed to do!!!! Or any other individual unless they have the controls!!!!! I don't want to call any government nonoffical or do anything else unless EVERYONE is on board!!!! With their project looking glass, tracers on phones,bug-drones, internet spying, etc.... I don't want some blackop JO knocking at my #%$^##^$^%^### door Unless EVERYONE is in line with this information and EVERYONE comes together meaning our nonmilitary and our corrupt police departments!!!! what the hell can we do but get all of ourselves killed. Pisses me off!!!Think I broke my keyboard. Even before all this info started I was saying it will take the military, police and the like before anything can be done. They know where the switches are for haarp/scalor weapons/chemicals etc....Give me a break.
ReplyDeleteStill Pissed!!!!!We have had NO Proof that any of you reporting on this is freakin REAl. Losing socalledfriends over this crap too! Yeah, OK, there's been a few Banksters names coming up for doing this and that, and what! they get a slap on the hand and right back they go! No Arrest. Whatever CobraDude or Dudeness.
I understand how you are feeling however, please keep in mind that these people enslave us through fear. We have to break free of that fear in order to take back our personal and collective power. Many Blessings to you, RJ.
DeletePlease try to find your elephant!
(Look my profile for the story)
I am so glad there is a back up plan in place for our fallible human plans. Every day I think of children dying of thirst or hunger and of my friends with cancer that need the change to happen NOW - and I get so frustrated at the delays. Thank you Cobra for the explanation of why the delays have been happening. I look for Cobra News every day - and I'm so thankful that you are keeping our spirits up as it has been difficult to go along with this drama with it's ups and downs. Now to get on the weekly meditation consistently!
ReplyDeleteRemember, Cobra,
ReplyDeleteThe Eyes of Truth are watching you.
DeleteI miss you and our conversations...
DeleteGreetings to your elephants.
Please try to find your elephant!
(Look my profile for the story)
I think most awakened people are genuinely confused how to get these dark entities out of our hair other than just being good energy and positive as we all know they feed on fear. I think the meditations and spreading of information is about the most we are collectively aware of and I feel that most everyone that is awakened has been doing that and more. No-one exactly learned meditation in school so a lot of this has been a learning curve. I feel that some well defined mission plans and organization is what we all need.
ReplyDeleteI just feel that getting to the bottom of all of this for me was a huge undertaking that I dedicated 3 years too purely just to understand what was going on before hearing about any of these movements. I think a lot of us have been questioning what to do for quite a while without any strong solutions other than community building and developing our newly found spiritual gifts. It really has been for me personally a huge undertaking and I have considered many options as far as action without any really good assessment of effectiveness or what action will in fact achieve planetary liberation more. Believe me I want freedom and love for Humanity since the day I was born. Nothing has confused me more than life here and it took serious dedication to find out the truth as to why.
DeleteAnd add to that going up against the system for twenty years and taking some nasty licks you start to question that shit as you grow up. We all know the system is rigged worse than george bushs childhood but how do you inform the billions of zombies that are just happy to have enough to feed their family. Everyone knows its a sham but theyve either accepted it as a necessary evil or are financially immune enough not to risk caring. Its for me personally a multifaceted and confusing issue and I can understand the difficulty the Space brothers have encountered trying to help us. Nowhere could people possibly be under such heavy mind control. When you first start to notice the programming its overwhelming. A lot of us are still in shock at what has come to light. People that know the whole story. Peace & Victory of the Light
DeletePlease try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
And....CUE defensive lightworker rebuttals!
ReplyDeletePeople.... chill. :)
If you are reacting to the word underperforming, then check yourself for underperformance in your daily life. Are you happy? Are you forgiving? Are you sharing your gifts?
I sincerely doubt that word was chosen as an attack or judgement.
Just do your best to keep your vibration in the light. Do whatever brings you joy. Be generous. Connect with your higher self. Remember your dreams. Rise above the triggers and work through your fear and negativity. And most importantly, practice gratitude.
It will all be ok. We are eternal.
Thanks KLove, this is RJ and I really appreciate your input.
DeleteIt's all just frustrating for many of us. I pass out bookmarks for Thrive and try to tell as many folks as I can about the happenings without getting myself in trouble with tptw with all of their devices. My friends and associates think I'm nuts and all that fun stuff. I've written letters to the boughtandpaidfor mainstream media and our supposed politicians in Georgia; just whatever I can do to wake folks up, then to see the 'underperforming' thingy, gees! I'm working every day to wake up strangers every where that I go. I even have a tacky sign on my car about chemtrails for folks to google and to watch Thrive so that they know why our (non) government calls us 'Sheeple'. Anyway, thanks for your words.I'll cool my heels now!
Hi RJ,
DeleteYou've been working really hard to create a change in our world! Thank you for putting yourself out there and risking your reputation and relationships...I know its hard. My peeps think I'm certifiable too. It's tough to keep on when people around you are not supportive. Just let me tell you, I sincerely appreciate your efforts and it WILL be ok. We will be victorious. And a little freak out here and there is good and understandable and human. Don't forget to take care of yourself while on your mission to save the world. :)))
---Food for Thought---
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who have been lately hit by synchronisity numbers
Me my self past few weeks was hammered by different sync numbers.
I.e. 2:22 time and mileage to go 222. today was 3:00 and 300 to go ...figure.. tree days in the row I woke up at 3:03(wait) next 3 days i woke up at 1:01,2:02,3:03, 3:30, 4:44, and 5:15
Man even when I decided to share this with you it is 6:06 :-) love it.. Any how I got curious about all this and found book called Angel Numbers 101 downloaded on my phone and cant surprise enough myself all day long.
But hear this.... previous Cobras post on July 11, 2012 was at 12:04
If we consult this book what those numbers(clock numbers) means we get this:
12 - Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now.
04 - The angels are with you. They send you the number 4 to reassure you that theyve heard your prayers and are helping you.
Interesting isnt?
Now it gets even better todays post at 1:55 let see...
1 - Stay positive. Everything youre thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that youre only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the angels.
55 - This is a period of out with the old, in with the new. Welcome these changes, as they bring about new blessings.
155 - Its essential that you make some positive changes in your life. Youve had enough of the present situation, and now its time to take charge and do things your way.
Now lets see what 6:06 means
606 - As you put God and spirituality at the center of your life, everything else takes care of itself.
Nice... You see why ?? No? may be?
Well I wish you all number 55
Thanks for this!!! I am getting 1111 and 515 all the time. Just looked up Doreen's information today...
DeleteYou are quiet welcome.
Delete11 - Stay positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others, and this situation
111 - This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focused upon your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation.
Fascinating isnt it?
5 - A significant change is occurring, always for the better. Its a good idea to call upon Heaven for help with life changes.
15 - As you go through changes in your life, stay positive. Your optimistic thoughts help you manifest the best outcomes with respect to these changes
515 - Youve adopted a new, and much more positive, approach to life. This may mean that your relationships and other aspects of your life will change . . . all for the best.
This rings true :) and I was born on 515, so I've learned to expect the changes :)
DeleteI need to download this book. Thanks!
Unknown, do you have anything on 310, 13:13, 31, 13?
Delete(Even as I post this message, 13 came up for captcha)
Thanks to all the light forces everywhere. May all realize their true and best potential.
ReplyDeleteGiven the nature of people, I vote for keeping all of this very quiet.
We'll see the signs anyway and no intel will be leaked.
It's been 5000 years, what's a few months?
Please try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
Thank you for the information. I think keeping this operation on the down-low is the best idea. There are too many negative people chiming in and bringing the overall positive vibes down. Humanity has been enslaved for so long, I believe that most people have a very difficult time visualizing that freedom is within their grasp. Thank you and all other patriots and freedom fighters for all that you have done and continue to do for us. Good luck and God speed!
ReplyDeleteThank You and my close friend are listening to you and appreciating you. Wherever you are and whoever you are, I acknowledge the Light in you from the Light in me. I thank you for your courage and strength. I hope to meet you someday, perhaps in 5D, to tell you in person.
ReplyDelete@ Cobra
ReplyDeleteNow that your uncritical support of Drake Kent Bailey and his worldwide menagerie of Anglo-Saxon supporters has backfired you seek to place the blame on others. I don't buy it. Admit you made a mistake.
The under performing part is likely due to, as many have said, an overtly perceived lack of obvious actions. Although, we, the so called more aware ones, number in paltry amounts compared to the rest of the 7 billion surface dwellers globally, I personally do see evidence of a change in global consciousness.
ReplyDeleteI think many people around the world 'feel' the shift, and are looking to their humanity and their spiritual essence for guidance.
All the 'insider' personalities, some rather eccentric, and even self promoting/aggrandizing, do indeed exhibit a lot of courage. It's difficult to have rock solid trust and faith in people who are essentially web-based--At this point, I've never seen any of them, I don't know even one of them. However, I too am moved to contribute to the changes and energies of now.
There certainly is an internal drive to follow this unfolding story, and awaken further to truth, real evolution, real Peace, real World Love, and a true end to the insanity that has stained the fabric of life on this Earth. I think People just want Peace and for the World to finally grow up...humans included.
With the rise and fall of heightened and excitable anticipation, it feels much like being drawn to a light in the distance; I can feel the qualities of that light and feel some confirmation in that; yet, if the promise of reaching its source, or really crossing its threshold to a fully awakened orb of existence, if that changes persistently, then, it is natural to be septical.
I think we will all know when the real event, the real deal, is upon us. Then and only then will I revel in confident excitability and allow myself to Be fully the new Being of Light, of the Christ I am continually drawn to be. And at the same time I know too that 'believing is seeing' too. Disorientating? It can be.
Many, Many still suffer. This reality takes a toll of the human (on my) psyche. Believing incredible change is dawning, and relinguishing the urge to lash out at the dark forces, even to crush them like bugs, is frustrating and difficult. I wonder if the Galactics, and the Celestials realize this..understand it, about we human surface dwellers?
All the change, and continued chaos, still the old-paradigm mass mental manipulation, the insanity still operational...just waiting and Being as much about Love as possible is damn tough!
Although many, many are doing just that.
Jaymes in Saint Louis
thnaks james
DeleteNow, thats what I'm talking about. It's about freak'in time. Keep up the good, Cobra... Thanks for being, love to all.Crush the Cabal.
ReplyDeleteFriends, and COBRASSSSSS (yes, it's a group ).
ReplyDeleteI am not worried about our future. THE DIVINE PLAN, the GOD's WISH will be fulfilled!! The road to GLORY will be rocky but VICTORIOUS!!!
Here is what bothers me the most - people calling themselves Lightworkers/ Light Warriors jumping to the dark side and doing deeds that we could not imagine they were capable of...
Thus, WE say -It's time to clean the garden from the "weeds"!! In the mean time, the roses (Lightworkers) should be cleaned off from their thorns so they can hurt US NO MORE!!!
I am NOT angry on the weeds. I just want to see the Earth without them. Take them to the Mars, or wherever is that they wish to go. Give them anything they want, EXEPT a place on Earth. Let the Heavenly Councils and Heavenly judges decide what to do with them.
Best wishes to ALL the "Cobra Legion" and to other Rainbow Light Warriors!!! Stay strong... We trust you!! And if necessary, WE can be PATIENT...........
Please try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
And you are right, it's time to clean off the thorns. The time of battles is over, now is the time of healing!
good we need more than one group doing this anyway
ReplyDeleteIt is tragic that we've sabotaged ourselves repeatedly. We keep forgetting that this is about our spiritual evolution and not just limited to the economy etc. Thank you for doing this for Humanity, Cobra and RM. Blessings, love and light to all of you.
ReplyDeletePlease try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
I don t think it s lightworkers or general public s fault that it is not possible to use containment for the top cabal cockroaches!
ReplyDeleteIt would be double standards- one for us from cabal s position and the other towards cabal and criminal elite from the angelisc and galactics.
They need to be put on a spaceship and taken to a superdistant small planet with vegetation and waters. They can have no servants, no technology, no food stores but angle and grow some roots and fruits to stay alive... They used to tell us that job made a human from monkey... now they can prove that theory, no bloodshed, very kind and wise wayout.
Please try to find your elephant!
Delete(Look my profile for the story)
Addressing the proverbial elephant in the room, I think David Icke has done irreparable damage to himself long-term by the recent actions he has taken.
ReplyDeleteWhile he appears to many to be the wise sage given his history of speaking out against the Cabal, he has set himself up in the most awkward of positions: he will only maintain his current stature and following as long as NOTHING POSITIVE HAPPENS.
While there are multiple reasons he could be taking this stance, if anything positive and major happens that includes the arrests/deaths of a just a few prominent Cabal members he will immediately lose all credibility. He's basically set himself up for a huge fall, like he is (literally?) banking on the Cabal remaining in power indefinitely.
It causes me to question what his true agenda really is, honestly. It's a shame - he's done so much good work over the last twenty-plus years.
I never followed David Icke, so I don't know what you mean. What has he recently done?
DeleteSend Me An Angel-Scorpions
ReplyDeleteWise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
Passage out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The way out of the dark
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Must watch:
Thank you x
DeleteHi All. Cobra wrote: "It is not strategically wise to release intel that even the awakened population laughs at and at the same time the Cabal uses it to the disadvantage of the Light." Of course, I don't know exactly what is being referred to as being laughed at... but I have proof on my Facebook wall that giving people info about any of these things will cause one to be ridiculed. And yes, I know I'm not the only one. Many of us have been trying our best for a very long time, while also trying to keep food on the table and staying out of trouble. I will go ahead and state the obvious - that the people who scoff will stop scoffing when they see something happen that has been told to them will happen! Then, we can turn to them and lovingly and non-sarcastically say, "I told you so". As for those big-headed lightworkers with egos, maybe they should be the ones to be put in containment so they will stop thinking about Service-to-Self and start thinking of Service-to-Others. There is too much suffering being dragged out, illusion or no illusion. The dark ones must be feeding on this prolonged suffering, can we make it stop now, please? In any case, we will continue to meditate and visualize speedy yet non-violent, peaceful results to whatever actions are deemed appropriate by the Light. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. Thank you.
ReplyDeletex 4, If the mis-information mongers and muddlement mechanics could be temporarily be placed in safe keeping, it would be more straight forward.
Calliope the Muse
Well said. I second the motion.
DeleteMitakuye Oyasin, Gus dii dada dv ni, Sa'ah Naaghaí Bik'eh Hozhoon
x 3
DeleteWe Are LOVE
DeleteHere I am a day or so later and with what I just wrote, well.... I might appear to contradict myself.
First off, I meant "Peace" here as a kind of greeting, and sure, I guess an overall philosophy.
Next, when I replied below about "ripping off the Band-Aid" (CTRL+F and type in "Band-Aid" -- the comments will show up) is not necessarily contradictory to peace. Sometimes to find peace, we have to get rid of that in our lives which is hindering the peace. Please realize I am a twice-divorced woman about to (involuntarily, but still) leave my third husband for an indefinite time. Ha. I know of what I speak.
We are all One, we all want peaceful resolution. To find that peace, we have to overcome the obstacles to the true peace. I am at the point where I think any means possible to do so is necessitated. As peacefully as possible, as non-violently as possible. In defense, not in offense.
I know I am at that point. I feel it deeply inside. It's just like when I knew I needed to leave my other two husbands to preserve the further love and peace, to keep things from devolving even further. Sometimes it has to happen that way -- the most loving thing to do can often be to put up a boundary that says "NO MORE."
(I have made other comments here that give this one some context. I'm wordy today! :D)
Peace Out. (lol)
Cobra, I've taken YOUR advice (though yesterday I was sceptical of the petition and had made comments to that effect)and have signed the petition to Jail the Banksters. I have also shared the petition link on my social network of choice. It's being very positively received so far.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you and the RM are doing. (((x)))
Hi all, Anyone else that had a rough night with severe problems to sleep? Don’t know if it’s the recent solar flares? It’s 10 AM here atm. My root chakra was heavily activated, I feelt my fore head getting cold where the third eye is and then a large download in my crown chakra where I could feel the energy beam going through the same from top of my head although being in bed!? I also sensed I had help by others.
DeleteMy personal experience is similar it took an entire day of very deep and concentrated kundalini Yoga to clear it.Hang in there.
It is an honour to address the Galactic Family, who are monitoring this blog as well as all other worldly communications. I thank you for your persistence and perseverance in aiding us to transform the Earth and her people.
ReplyDeleteA humble thanks and deeply felt gratitude to our Mother Earth who has suffered so much as her children move through a very difficult and destructive phase. I love you, Mother, and I thank you for every breathe I take, for every step that I take upon you, for the food from your body that sustains me, and for the tender caress of your rivers, lakes and oceans.
A hearty 'Hello!' to all my fellow incarnated lightworkers and starseeds who have managed to hold to the plan enough to find themselves here, on this blog, at the end times, after lifetimes of unspeakable hardship. I know personally that my lifetimes upon Earth and throughout the many star systems are as numerous as grains of sand upon the beach (Well, maybe not quite that many, but I'm hoping you won't take this literally ;) ). Where was I? Oh, yes. We have come so far, and now the question arises.
Are you ready? When the dominoes start to tumble, will you be ready? When the masses come to you, first in ones and twos and then in droves, will you know what to say to them? Will you be able to turn the disbelief, the incredulity, the disenchantment, the shock, into more positive channels of thought and endeavour? Are you ready to take on the heavy responsibility of the lives and wellbeing of whole communities, towns, nations?
We will be called upon for our knowledge, our advice, our guidance, have no doubt. These times of change are what we have been waiting for and working towards for so, so long and soon they will be upon us and there will be no turning back.
Are you ready?
From Guy Carter/ Thoratun/ PleiadianGuy/ souldiver/ Telosian Embrace
For anyone that don't know waht to do:
ReplyDelete1. Do something you never did before.
2. Stop doing something you never stopped dong before.
3. Imagine something you never imagined before.
4. Stop believing something you always believed.
5. Love someone you never loved before.
Take your pick, you'll see something happen you never saw before...
Delete6. Please try to find your elephant!
(Check my profile for the story)
I find it a bit insulting to be told that no more intel will be released due to people 'laughing'. OK, some things may have happened but can you blame people for being scpetical when, time after time, they have been told such and such 'is about to happen' and then nothing, apparently, does happen. I think anyone who is still placing trust in this whole thing is, in fact, showing remarkable patience. Sorry, but I was just a bit insensed by this.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post. Unfortunately I feel my energy and dedication fading. Just lost my job and someone I loved very much.. :(
ReplyDeleteDamn, sorry to hear it man. Hang in there :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBless you, I am so sorry, My heart goes out to you, don't worry, we will add in extra energy for you. You just rest.
DeleteRE: WORLD MEDITATION Can u / COBRA create a talk-you-through bit by bit meditation video like the 8min one created for the 21 May 2012 meditation? That worked really well for my more novice like meditation skills (or lack thereof!) so i could close my eyes and be guided as to what to visualise when - i think it would help my friends on fb too.... cheers! <3
ReplyDeleteSo Cobra supports Barnier for EU president so that the bankers can be arrested?...The petition signed by nearly a half million people is for stronger legislation to nab a few corrupt bankers in exchange for exactly what these elitists desire--a united states of Europe!
ReplyDeleteSomething is terribly wrong with Cobra's endorsement of this petition and I hope people wake up to the fact!
This is not unlike Drake putting info on his site about the RIO + 20 that was originally released by the John Birch Society!
We need to at least ask these fellows some hard-hitting questions before we take their claims of mass arrests seriously, no?
Regarding the "awakened part of the general population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received" comment.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard enough just trying to get the unawakened to entertain the idea that the mainstream media is controlled, let alone talking to them about archons, compression breakthroughs, reinforcements from planet X, etc etc.
The majority just seems to fall on deaf ears, and ends up in tinfoil hat and conspiracy theory jokes, awkward silences, or just plain insults.
I think The Resistance and Cobra might underestimate just how brainwashed and socially conditioned the masses are.
I'm trying hard to wake people around me up, but it's a freakin' hard thing to do when all people around you care about is football, soap opera and looking pretty!
If I do much more, people will simply label me a whackjob and I'll be socially ostracised... and what good will that do anyone!
DeleteAlright Hamourapi2012... I know you're about about to post another "please try to find your elephant" in reply to my comment.
ReplyDeleteCan you please give some advice to how to do this?
And links, instructions, etc will be well received. Thank you :)
Polman, Many are called but few choose. Many light-workers came to this place only to be seduced by other interests. They are still here. Maybe they will join us later. Maybe they will not. It is too late to save anyone from making mistakes. Too late. It’s time to heal yourself and your family. Hold them close.
DeleteMy favorite post today was MMBoo July 13 at 5:22. So humbling, really sweet.
And Hamourapi, you've been here 16 times with your plea for attention. Be at peace. We heard you the first time.
Much of what I do and hear from Cobra is visual. No words. Although words are a nice confirmation. The last three images he posted, I had saw in a series of images the day before, so I knew I was on the right track, so to speak. I had dealt with several large State and County agencies. Provided facts that were previously covered up. The Cobra like imagery was seen immediately after the information was disclosed to a newspaper reporter (and before Cobra post). Instead of blue, The Matrix descending light code was copper gold like the color of the Egyptian symbol in the center pix. To me the symbol meant it was about money, which it was, a big cover-up about money. Then, in my vision, the coppery gold light fanned out downwards through the large government agency building like the last of Cobra’s three images.
Take a breath, take your consciousness from your forehead to the center of your brain. See your pineal opening up, like a golden pine cone. That's what I'm mainly doing now. It helps me relax, not be so thought oriented. Using intuition more.
The entire last month I spent in the garden. I groomed every square inch of the ramshackle environment around the house. Took out weeds that had been annoying me for three years. Took out brush by the truckload and made a meditation garden out of the most corrupt and overgrown section of the yard.
I also believe that Drake is right and have fully stocked up on food, water and toilet paper. The toilet paper thing keeps coming through me like a wave. Got to have it. And tobacco. It's a good trade item and will help calm people down. Don't worry if they don't believe you now. They will later. So good luck everyone. Even if we loose touch, we can still connect. Remember that.
Take a deep breath, see you mind traveling back from your forehead to the center of your brain, a golden pine cone that begins to emit bits of flashing colors like the colors of a CD disc. You don’t have to say anything, nothing at all, and those that you intend the message for will get the message. No words necessary.
Oh, and the effects of the newspaper article? Immediate and statewide reforms. Public hearings. And few know it's me that pushed over the first domino, cause I haven't been working for a year. I've been behind the scenes, sitting in the meditation garden, smoking a cigarette.
DeleteIt won't take much. Just a change of thought. Your thoughts. The light has already won.
Nice post, thank you. But bog roll and fags, not very romantic is it?
DeleteWO: "And Hamourapi, you've been here 16 times with your plea for attention. Be at peace. We heard you the first time."
DeleteSorry, if you got the wrong impression WO. This was a message personal to the people i posted it. Not a message to the community, that i repeated 16 times.
Here are many elephant-ants reading. But not everyone here has an elephant. This is the reason, why i gave individual posts.
Hi Cobra. We're sorry, please forgive us, we love you, Thank you
ReplyDeleteI guess we 3 dimensional people need 3 dimensional proof. All of us, the "believers", are already drawn to your site. The doubters will never believe until they are hit squarely between the eyes with undeniable proof. Until a craft lands on their head, they will not believe. Until they see a handcuff, they will not believe. Unless it's on CNN, Fox, The Today Show, or whatever means they are drawn to for their "news", they will not believe it.
The mainstream media, bankers, corporations, politicians, religions have done a great job controlling people making us feel discouraged, disheartened and defeated. But of course, we only feel this way if we allow it. It does get frustrating though. We work hard and that is our life. work, work, work at jobs we don't necessarily like. Our creativity lost, our hopes put on the back burner, we work, pay bills, and watch our savings flat line.
We hear of corporate criminals and bankers merely resign with big payouts after crashing their companies or gambling away our money while non violent occupy wall street visionaries are dragged to jail or maced in the streets. Orchestrated terrorist attacks undermine our rights with introduction of the Patriot Act. I can't even bring a decent size bottle of shampoo on a plane,all for my safety. Give me a break... but i regress....
I work in a dental office for a living and I tell many of my patients about the plans for mass arrests, media being taken over for the announcements, new technologies, etc., Some quietly out of respect, listen but I'm sure think I'm nuts. Surprisingly, I'm not sure I really care anymore, if they do. Many are excited about the possibility but are skeptical and cautiously optimistic. I give them the name of the sites I frequent and let them decide if this resonates with them.
I guess we 3 dimensional people need 3 dimensional proof. I can appreciate what a difficult challenge this endeavor has been. The spectacle of mass arrests on TV may very well jump start the population and give them hope and and revive the "reputations" of those that have believed and have shared the news with the "yet to awaken crowd".
Even Doreen Virtue has asked her followers to (also) send the blue light meditation out to the dark to help heal the planet. The subject of ET's is not something she ever talks about and is taking some heat about it, but she says "they" are now "yelling to her" and she can not stay silent about them. We must all do what we can. Send out the blue light. I will work harder at this.......
We know we have allowed this to happen...but are still under the control of our laws....
We support you. You are not alone, either. We are here to help.
We're sorry, Please Forgive Us, We Love You......WE THANK YOU Cobra and the all the others that seek the truth for the freedom of all......
Hi val are you were you a member of the inner circle or just a Valinat Thor fan?
Deletewarm regards
Rob ;-)
I am a big fan and and I wish I could share the inner can I do that? I did have the pleasure of spending a little time with Col. Phillip Corso before he passed on. He disliked talking to adults, because they did not believe, but the children were open to it. He wrote an interesting book, The Day After Roswell, for any Roswell fans. I guess he's as close to the inner circle I ever got.. Klaatu Barada Nikto, Rob
DeleteHi Val,
DeleteDr Frank Stranges was a person who met Valiant Thor at the pentagon during his stay there. He maintained contactwith him for 46 years or so. He was eventually invited to go aboard and did go on the ship many times after 1968. He actually at some point did go regularly as he wanted in the end. He freely shared all of his knowledge and teachings which were mostly of a spiritual nature. He was part of an earth /space people based group called "The council of 12" He was a charismatic speaker kind free from dogma and religious fanaticism. He was full of fervor and and truth with a kind disposition loving nature. He lectured the wolrd and spread the truth of our space family for many years despite several attempts on his life by members of the secret governments agents.his book Stranger at the pentagon is still available. He passed in 2008. His site is still up you may still purchase his many books and tape series and lectures from his Ex-wife. The inner circle meetings he had met in Las Vegas twice a year people from over the world would meet to learn from him and the latest developments from Victor 1. V one is the flagship which Valiant thor is the Commander of and rest permanently on or near the shores of Lake Mead Nevada. I know right where it sits but it is not able to be seen by many unless you are invited.any more questions i will be happy to answer if you like.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWe have been told that our consciousness has been raised and it has been alluded to that now is the time that the MSM has been given the green light to begin reporting on such matters. I believe the phrase was put "prepare to see fireworks" by 4th of July". The fireworks are evident in all the articles released on the demise of the banking industry in the last 3 weeks, it's unbelievable what is happening! But now all of a sudden we are underperforming?? And due to ridicule by some, those that are loyal and think about this every second of everyday will be "punished" (so to speak) for those that are asleep? Quite honestly, I'd rather hear nothing at all until action is taken and I can watch the disclosure event on MSM, because this toying of our emotions is extremely difficult to cope with and many others will begin to lose faith if something huge and life-altering both on the macrocosm and microcosm doesn't happen by August (closing ceremony of Olympics preferably).
ReplyDeleteperhaps cobra meant oath keepers and did not specify that clearly? not usre but i hope so! we gotta dif deep and all get busy.
"The word Dog of English, read-back = God!"
ReplyDeleteHold on! This is quite ridiculous! Why can't people stop fantasizing? The word dog has no way something to do with god. If you want to make a trustworthy impression, then stop writing nonsens!
There are lots to say about dogs and their meaning for the mankind but this has absolutely nothing to do with a "read-back" of the english word used for this animal. This word exists in more than one languages in different variations and there is nothing you could "read-back" there to.
Reading word backwards or putting "secret" meaning into a number is a way to mislead people that deny to use their own brain and compare things and situations. I don't deny the existence of holy numbers or words, but we can't find any truth where there isn't any.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCobra Family,
ReplyDeleteWell I have to say; I am not surprised by this post from Cobra I was thinking it was a stretch to expect our "oath keepers" to do the job right. I was hopeful but hesitant. It seems my assessment of the "containment" scenario as pure piffle from deluded "channeler's as more wishful thinking from clearly head in the clouds idealists who have no idea what is really going on or the commitment to truth that is required to make changes. Christ who gave his life willingly because that was what his "Father" creator wanted had an iron will to Adherence to truth as it was revealed to him is an example true faith. Greater love hath no man than one who lays down his life for another. God bless the many known and unknown defenders of love and faith through out our tortured history!
It also seems the earths populace must be willing to sacrifice its cushy prison cell complete with TV and Internet to go forward with a fearless will to enact and demand change from their "Servant Tyrants". Many imprisoned do not have these luxuries or even roofs over their heads and have even less to loose. In my opinion this is not too much to ask.
I also stated in the last few day's that unless arrests happen soon it may devolve into chaos. The chances that the Cabal will to continue they're plans and move along as if nothing (which is exactly what they are doing) is happening will result in more suffering and cataclysmic societal changes unless "the oath keepers" or as I described them "bully pawns with sociopathic violent tendencies ignorant and mislead by international criminals of galactic proportions" do the jobs they swore to do.
I also remarked that Alex Collier stated that his Andromedean contact told him though Drake, Cobra, Wilcock and Fulford were sincere and for real that there was a good chance these removals were going to result in nothing more than removing low level functionary's who were to be sacrificed anyway in the end game already planned.
I bring this up not to be Right or say I told you so but as one who is a realist a pragmatist and one who has been watching the space families efforts for disclosure and interplanetary cultural exchange for over 35 years. I have been up close and personal working, walking and talking to many contactee's like Cobra who haven labored long and hard to bring truth to those who ridicule them, plug they're ears with their fingers shake their heads and scream "NOOO I don’t want to hear it" effectively drowning out truth and the denying responsibility and the open minded willingness to learn that is incumbent on all who would call themselves humans.
Shameful and pathetic as this state of affairs is we must accept that this IS the current condition of the mass mind. The Draco, Reptile, Dow, Zeta Grey's, Tall whites , Omegan, Kalrans Syndicate has done their job well. The programming of humanity is well entrenched and though much progress has been made we have a long way to go. The fluffy dreams of expecting the "Space Lords" to do it all for us unrealistic and shows our immaturity. I was hopeful that there was enough security personal in the know who have seen the long slow painful march to planetary enslavement to be able and committed to take some decisive action. But Alas they do not seem up to it. continued
This was misplaced faith apparently as until this point in time the statement made in the 50's by our space family that "We have never seen in all of our sojourns through the Galaxy a larger grouping of close minded individuals than inside your American Pentagon" is certainly right on the mark. Could we expect anything different from this group of mind controlled cultists? From day one they are indoctrinated in 'following orders" and willingly give up their rights and personal sovereignty to become the blind enforcers violently terrorizing "The enemy". I understand the realities of warfare and the need for discipline but the level of control and stamping out the divine conscience is beyond the pale.
DeleteEven Eisenhower "The Supreme Allied Commander" and at the time "The President of The United States" the alleged leader of the most powerful "Super Power in the world" who was approached by Valiant Thor from Venus refused the offers of help from our space brethren. Even this supposed leader had to ask those who put him in power and controlled him for permission to respond to Commander Thor. This "WAR HERO" representative of the people refused to tell the truth to the public of Friendly ET family and their offering of help with our dangerous experimentation of nuclear power and many other uplifting technologies that would actually liberate out planet from our self imposed slavery.
Sorry if I cast aspersions on our propaganda machines assumptions but he like many others had no balls in my opinion. He lied to the people he was supposed to represent and even his little trite apology and warning farewell speech was woefully inadequate and lacked the integrity and truth to really be of any service to the people. I often wonder if some major leader had the balls to announce the truth with the faith and conviction that the truth itself was worth the personal risk and sacrifice needed to turn the tide?
Perhaps we would be facing easier challenges had someone stepped forward given humanity a wake up call and a fighting chance to act on knowledge and truth. As we stand now the media is too controlled and those who are speaking truth are ignored, shouted down and attacked disenfranchised, demoted de funded harassed and even murdered. It seems Cat Stevens lyrics are coming true. "Longer boats are commin to win us commin to win us hold onto the shore or they'll be taking the key from the door"
The control programming runs deep in on the entire planet and perhaps the space family was naïve in thinking that their recent actions; ET enforcement team/actions removing some of the hostile ET's whom we had no possibility to uproot with our current level of technology was going to be enough? I have faith that the reports are true but even so the earth-based systems are under the control of some badass criminals on the earth. It can run on autopilot and since the Clintons and the Bushes are running free and it will take proof to convince me that these are just earthlings doing the bidding of regressive ET's.
Perhaps the regressive ET's are just playing dead and will succeed in playing out a few of their 'End times Event" scenarios designed to fulfill the mindset programming that we deserve the suffering and we are guilty of sin as charged and Gods wrath must be wrought upon our puny heads. Disappointing if this is what will be our destiny. I do not believe this assessment and lie as cause for our demise.continue
My mentor and guide Fred Bell who was a contactee of Semjase often complained to me in private that he was disappointed at their "hands off policy". He was heartened when they passed his ongoing contacts to the Andromedeans as he indicted they were up to the task and would engage these hostile forces and enforce Galactic Law and effectively liberate us. He called them the galactic highway patrol as the governed the astral time warp travel pathways that sought to avoid conflicts between hydrogen reptiles and humanoid beings as this has been the cause of endless conflict. Any loss of life would be on the heads of the perpetrators of evil, those who resisted with violence these lawful actions to liberate our planet.
DeleteWe are not Ascended perfect beings and neither are the players involved so trying to place misguided human values and idealistic realities and deny the violent aspect of our struggle is a head in the sand maneuver in my opinion. We all want to follow the commandment of "Thou shall not kill" but we eat meat and kill animals regularly "to live". The commandment was to "Not Kill" it did not say its ok to kill animals! Human thinking and adherence to divine law has along way to go. Such is also the case for many ET races also they are not gods despite the erroneous worshipping of them by our forbearers.
I would think from a puny earth mans limited view that perhaps the hands off policy and the Calvary call has come a bit late? Not really as I do have faith that gods plan of love and light will work out however….!
The action required by our space family is part of they're growth lesson! Maybe our inept reaction and failure to act sufficiently and rise to our own defense is causing the greater levels of compassion and sacrifice that they must make to serve the great IAM and be their brothers keeper is reflection for them to learn also? The quarantine and isolation we experienced when we were infiltrated by iniquitous ET races those many thousands of years ago when we were abandoned and left stranded is a collective growth reality check for us all? We failed in our adherence to creator's laws also so we are not victims. However the decision to flee and the subsequent challenges we face is our cross to bear.
I will offer my self to the public here for me to be a spokes person for the truth. If anyone here is in a position to let my perspective be shared on a larger stage Radio TV or whatever feel free to contact me through E-mail. I will not shrink from my stated views. I will charge no fee. I have done this before and have no stage fright. continue
I also recommend the space family start making more bold contacts with those who desire it and are capable of growing in understanding and will share the truth of the Spacehood of light regardless of the harm that may come to the messengers. It is our call and responsibility let us take on the burden. More contacts are not made due to the time it takes to monitor and provide security to physical contactees who are thus engaged. I for one fear not these tyrants so maybe it is time to allow more open interaction with the ground crew?
DeleteMore powerful and dramatic flyovers of longer duration over major population centers are called for now is the time do not be shy oh heavenly messengers of love and light! How about taking over simultaneously world wide communication media outlets and issue an ultimatum decree followed by a flyover and see if this will get some oath keepers off their asses?
As Semjase told Fred those many years ago evolution is "painfully slow". I have stated before here and in my personal life that despite the challenges we face and the real suffering in the world that we can turn this dungeon into a holy space. Love is the answer and we can break our souls cages by intense focus, fervor willful faithful right action in our personal lives and to serve what is best for the whole even if we have to sacrifice our needs wishes and desires for the needs of others. Easier said than done for most of us myself included. Mothers will have an easier time of this I am sure all will all agree, as this is part of their nature.
This post and reality that as George King said for the Master from Mars Aetherious "You are Responsible" so many years ago is even more pertinent today than ever before. I do not chastise our space brethren or our "oath keepers" as condemnation is pointless. I must look in the mirror and acknowledge my own failures to share all of the gifts and truths more faithfully that I was honored to receive so many years ago.
I will redouble my efforts in my personal life to invoke the light and to fearlessly sound the call for truth from the liberty bell even as it is being destroyed. I will issue the cry for peace tolerance love and understanding non-violence and the right to defend life from those who would steal it and destroy humanity in the process.
The chosen people must choose themselves by their thoughts words deeds and actions. We must encourage others to not participate in unlawful and degrading acts of support to NWO Cabal plans of world enslavement by insane criminals from other worlds or from planet earth.
I wish the Cobra family, the world and our space family Godspeed and unfaltering devotion to truth and faith and courage to see the process through come what may. We are all part and parcel of the divine IAM of God and my prayers are with us all. May we firs as individuals establish the kingdom of heaven and the Christ consciousness in our hearts and every fiber of our beings and work tirelessly to have our outer reality reflect the truth of loves supreme rule on our tiny jewel floating in the infinite space of the Creators' divine mind.
Passionately offered as one mans sincere and urgent prayer
Warm Regards Andonoi
Va I luce
ps let sleeping elephants ly lol
Thank you, Rob:)
DeleteVa I luce, you too
Hey, who eats meat??? Who are the chosen people???
DeleteI hope they listen to you, I would love to meet a gallactic person almost more than anything. They could stay in my spare room and would not be expected to go out to work. I wonder if they are ok with dogs?
@ ktss :-)
Delete@aradia answer #1 :-)
answer # 2 self expanatory
thanks for your offer expect a "Visitor" soon they may want to sleep in your room though and they love dogs cooked medium to medium well with lots of salt and a bernaise sauce!
:-0) oh no he diint oh yeah he did....gotta go to my laughter yoga class now
warm regards
Rainbow Peace Ambassadors will keep doing daily synchronized meditations until our common mission is accomplished, and of course we'll keep doing it beyond the event.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Peace Ambassadors - call for Synchronized Meditation
The multi-dimensional group "Rainbow Peace Ambassadors" was formed at around 6.30 p.m. Hong Kong time on June 28, 2012. more details to be announced. Love, Light, & Peace to our Galaxy !
our call for synchronized meditation is at 12 midnight Hong Kong time, every day. positive energy to be sent to Planet Earth & her people, light & love to the Cabal so they will surrender peacefully, safety of all beings involved in operations, safety of all those who have things to offer to Gaia, enhanced consciousness of all those who are not at higher realms yet.......... pls. add freely to this list.
i personally like to use rainbow light pillar. you use whatever u think works best.
Why not arrest the members of the Bohemian Club? They are all in the Bohemian Grove at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI realized listening to my local news that the mass arrests are all happening at a LOCAL LEVEL so they won't be picked up by MSM. They are happening right now and picking up speed
ReplyDeleteHere's something simple, practical and apparently effective that we can all do, assuming we can still BREATHE, right now, to help cleanse Gaia! Make a start today.
ReplyDeleteJuliaMay11 has a new video, with simple advice, see here:
Cobra, much thanks for the update. xxxooo
ReplyDeleteIt 's all going to work out in the Divine way, and each of us has a personal choice as to how we can assist with the changes.
No matter how "small" you think your contribution is, it is enough. If you feel you can do more, then do so, but feeling guilty and taking Cobra's message personally is not the intention of his message in my opinion. Those of us who read this blog are probably doing everything we can, according to our circumstances. Be in the light! Meditate, or pray or just hold a good thought for a few minutes. Do what you can and know you are contributing.
It is not always easy and if you are newly awakened, this can be a challenge, as old ego thoughts and habits come to the surface. Let it all go, that is part of what this time is about.
Mostly in this world, we all do the best we can. Really, we all do. Judging yourself and others is not productive, does not help you grow and does not change another's let it go.
BTW.....when did the astronaut show up in the opening image? Just noticed that....
Love and peace to all, we are all one! aho!
Video of song Mercy, Mercy Me, by Marvin Gaye.
Woo ah mercy, mercy me
Ah, things ain't what they used to be.
No, no, where did all the blue skies go,
Poison is the wind that blows
From the north and south and east
Woo mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain't what they used to be, no, no
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon
Our seas fish full of mercury, ah. oh
Ah things ain't what they used to be
What about this over crowded land
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
Oh mercy, mercy me.
Ah things ain't what they used to be.
No, no, no, radiation underground and in the sky;
Animals and birds who live near by are dying oh,
Oh mercy, mercy me.
Ah things ain't what they used to be.
No, no, no, radiation underground and in the sky;
Animals and land how much more abuse from man can she stand?
The Light Wave
ReplyDeletePublished on Jul 13, 2012 by juliamay11
Clarification on Nibiru and what is coming.
well said i hope they are listening?
I fully agree!
ReplyDeleteWell spoken, and I concur.
ReplyDeleteI have been meditating constantly, raising my vibrations back to what they once were and can just about see the vibrating wonderful dimension we will share in peace and harmony. We will be met with pure love. There is much to do to avoid disruption as I can feel it is close so I can only hope what we are all doing to bring out a happy outcome for as many as possible is enough. There are so many suffering people in the world and yes in our country as well. 35% of the children in this country are hungry! The odd thing is the people who have had the hardest lot I sense will have a much easier time adapting than those who think they have a good life when the truth is told.
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me of Jesus's beautiful proverb.
DeleteIt's all about attachment to the illusory.
My dear brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteDo not despair, do not be afraid. The ascension of this planet, and subsequently this universe, is being guided by beings of incredible power at work on levels that none can comprehend. They are here to ensure the success of this mission. They have never failed and will not fail you.
Consensus reality is determined by the pre-dominance of consciousness. What most people "think" is real, "is" real for most people. The petition that has appeared on the website is evidence that the plan has now moved to a totally different level. The level of activism. As the mass arrest scenario becomes a potential reality in the minds of the general population, it will allow the plan to proceed at a faster pace.
If the efforts of the light force, or the Earth forces, appear to be confounded, it is for this reason. The beings who are guiding this process desire that as many as possible are given the opportunity to ascend. No matter what form we occupy in this holographic reality, in truth we are ALL expressions of the One that is Source Consciousness. All of us, not just the beings whose qualities we admire.
Do not judge ANY being as good or evil, right or wrong, these concepts are based on the illusion of separation. None of us can remember every life we have lived, if we could, we may well be horrified at the things that we ourselves have done to contribute to the current situation. Forgive everyone for everything and in this we will find freedom for all.
Do your work with love, remove the cabal with love for they too are expressions of Source Consciousness. No-one comes here to do their worst, everyone tries to do their best but we are all learning.
In love and light, Fil
I will forward this to my contacts in the Resistance, if they haven't read it already.
ReplyDelete"waiting" is a technology, hypnotic technics, and the cabal, the news and old messias are experts at it, always waiting for something from somewhere else;like the vaticanwith: their heaven right?. Whenever you are waiting, you are not in the "presence" and without the presence, your are zero entity.
ReplyDeleteIn the djungle there is a snake hypnotizing the little Mugli, so you remember the snake eyes? connect with Mama Earth , Father Sun and your Higher Self "I",before we start talking. blessings from Africa.
IAM with Unknown on this one! We as a collective are stronger than you think. Play the wild card now. The all is waiting.... Bless you Cobra!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra. This is deserved and expected. Our unevolved behaviour has been very saddening but at least you know where we are up to. Favourite piece ever below, I just need to do it more.
Until you look within, you live without.
When you look within, you are able to go without.
When you go within, you begin to clearly see without.
When you live within, you finally let go without.
When you let go without, you enrich within.
When you enrich within, you are all right within and without.
This is the Formula for the Eternal Lightness of Being.
~The Ascended Master Kuthumi ore.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletebouvet island...... is added on the TODO list. beside explaining the non aproved 2 subparts... interpol..lonies. beside the main delusion some groups worked out on them own incl interpretation of impementatin, its just beyond them still is, and will be more for the coming time. thats just how its gotta be| as for them gatekeepers 3 togo. last one is now hold/protected by me. changes indeed
ReplyDeleteno i havent read any of the comments, just to long.. scrolling dowm
rest i might address when asked for, otherwise simply not, thise that really want know where to find/call me at.
signed RA
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/14/12 ‘Timothy Geithner Arrested’
ReplyDelete"You are hearing this; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, has been taken into custody, has been tried by our High Courts, and has been convicted and has been sentenced for his crimes against the people of the United States who he was sworn to serve, but instead chose to victimize, steal from and manipulate, and push to the brink of financial destitution. This individual, after careful contemplation of his crimes against you, the people, has been sentenced to a maximum life of 63 years, of which time he is to spend in a mortal physical vessel where he will be reeducated and rehabilitated before he is once again permitted to walk freely amongst the people of a free society."
Im not admin of this site. ok!
DeleteIf you were the admin of this site you would probably have known that there is no Galactic Federation "of Light" anymore! These were the dark ones, you believe it or not! The Galactic Federation does exist and is much stronger than ever before, but has nothing to do with the "Galactic Federation of Light" (they have been finally beaten by us a few weeks ago).
Deleteand your evidence?
I was reading the heart breaking letter sent by sunny5, and I had to stop .... because I could not see through my rushing tears. This was one of the most difficult one to read.
ReplyDeleteAnd then... I am reading a comment by a lightworker who was very concerned about the idea of the word dog becoming... GOD. I did not believe my eyes. Is that all that he/she got out from the "Help, help... Please do something to stop the animal slaughter" letter?
AM I the only one, who feels sorry for those who miss the main message, and worry about thing they should never pay attention in the first place,? because the person who wrote this letter, is from another country...
I am not a trouble maker in any way. I am trying so hard to keep my mouth shut ( is it not another fear? ). Yet sometimes.... I have to say what I think is the truth, because as many of you know by now, when you say anything that is not filled with "love and peace... be in light.. I love you all..." then you are labeled as the " negative one''...
So, call me a negative one, if you wish, but I will aaaalways say the truth. An the truth for today is:
"SUNNY 5 from Bulgaria, YOU are a wonderful soul!! I am with you my sister! Please, do not be discouraged. And never stop fighting for YOUR TRUTH!! Let your voice be heard all over the globe!"
And now if I say that "I LOVE YOU", you know- I really DO!! Privet y udachi tebe!!
"And then... I am reading a comment by a lightworker who was very concerned about the idea of the word dog becoming... GOD. I did not believe my eyes. Is that all that he/she got out from the "Help, help... Please do something to stop the animal slaughter" letter?"
DeleteYou know, HyeAngel, I don't consider myself as a "lightworker" because this is a very heavy word for me to use. I am not interested if you out there like me or not, as you do the right thing yourself! I am who I am and I have a tiny job to do, such as stop desinfo! Turning words into what we would like them to be is also a huge part of desinfo, even if my comment seems cruel to you. I can take that.
Sorry but I am rather interested in saving human lives than dogs at the moment, which doesn't mean that I would ever approve killing animals just for fun. Can you understand the difference?
Where the hell is my Dang Elephant? I thought I saw him a minute ago!..........Oh yeah there he is sleeping lying down next To Ham>>>> :-) :-0)
ReplyDeletewe love you ham
sorry folks i could not resist... i hope you have a nice day
Hardyharhar ... cheeky pottsman! ;)
DeleteRob, i like your elephant. He is a good friend of mine...
DeleteThey want to go swimming together. Is it ok for you? :-))
much LaL Rob.
I hope my baby Elephant is also invited for a cool swim? ;)
DeleteSure he is!
Deleteyes ham all of our elephants can swim together is cool clear water
@Hamourapi2012 @pottsman :-)
DeleteTwo nights ago I had a serious chat with my "Elephant". And I ORDERED it to wake up and start helping me in this fight because this little ant has had enough. I'll keep blasting a horn to its ears until it gets the message.
After reading everything posted thus far. I say go directly to option 5. break out the 20 million and the Galactics technologies to begin the process of rounding up the Cabal. We who have stuck our necks out for such a long time, (well for me 6 months or so) need some support now. We are already in a position to deal with the confusion that will follow among those living in our communities. We are ahead of the curve. And ready to help them catch up. Let'em loose!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm also for 'ripping off the band-aid', for the following reasons:
ReplyDelete1) As the original poster stated, any possible problems and harms of early intervention need to be balanced against the myriad manifest harms humanity suffers every single day that no action is taken.
2) With economic conditions continuing to deteriorate, more and more people are getting pushed into more and more marginal situations, especially those Light Workers and Warriors who have been shouldering a hugely disproportionate share of the burden thus far (with things like Light Body Process and being specifically targeted by chemtrails making it impossible for many of us to even work jobs, or indeed, go outside most days).
3) The 'knock on' effects of going forward with arrests would seemingly not only be relatively short-lived, but they would disproportionately affect people *OTHER THAN* we Light Workers and Warriors who have been taking it on the chin, time and again, for as long as we can remember. It would *SHARE THE BURDEN* to a different group of people for a moment, and in so doing, allow our best people on the ground a chance for some incredibly needed rest and recuperation and allow us to once again work without such strong interference (as I am sure 'extreme battle fatigue' is one of the *KEY* factors in our poor performance these days).
I acknowledge and understand that I am far from having all of the information required to make this decision, but this is how it looks from here. Despite all of the hardships (and the fact that my wife and I are going to be completely out of money in a couple more months), I feel optimistic for a positive resolution soon. Namaste and thank you.
ReplyDeleteUnknownJuly 14, 2012 9:16 AM
ReplyDeleteCobra... I think we should convert to No. 5 immediately. After all we are dealing with a. Fluoridated water which even if you don't drink it, you still absorb it through your skin when you shower b. Radiation from plants like San Onofre nuclear plant c. Chemtrails d. Manufactured disease & the Rx prescriptions that make you worse e. Hidden GMO's in our food F. Debt enslavement requiring insane work commitments and conditions .... HOW THE HELL IS HUMANITY SUPPOSE TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE WITH ENOUGH MOMENTUM TO FREE OURSELVES? Number 5 reads: The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet a certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from any positive groups or the general population. This is the second part of Operation Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the actual operation itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance notice to the general population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be issued. PULL THE TRIGGER ON NUMBER FIVE ALREADY!!!!!
SPECIFICALLY, "If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the distribution chain are possible." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LOOK AT WHAT WE ENDURE EVERYDAY! TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THAT WE CAN ABSOLUTELY "ENDURE" SEVERE OR ANY OTHER KIND OF DISRUPTION WHEN IT IS CATALYSIS TO FREEDOM... the alternative is wholly unacceptable: more waiting, hopelessness, fear and numbness takes hold among the general population of the unawakened. PLEASE IN GOD'S NAME BRING ON NUMBER FIVE... THIS IS THE MOST LOVING OPTION FOR HUMANITY NOW.
A Hero said to me today... "is this how you treat Heros?". I did not have an answer. Lets get moving.
DeleteI have been working for this actively for the last 10 years. I have been working with the Spiritual realm, the "positive" ET's, and humanity. Humanity has always been the weak link and the hardest to break old patterns. Fear is so ingrained in the human experience that we, as a race, cannot see what is possible and completely believe.
ReplyDeleteThese centuries of unchecked abuses have done too much damage for individuals to "do the right thing" when faced with this kind of choice. I, and those I work with have seen this over and over again.
Although I am a Lightworker, I am also a warrior. I have no problem placing life on the line for a good cause, and have several times. I also have the understanding that MOST of US here on the planet knew we would risk our lives during this transitional period. I am positive all of our higher-selves will agree even if our lower-selves can not make up our minds...PULL THE TRIGGER!
Too many of us have been toyed with and disappointed with the Light and how often the darkness pulls one over on them! Because the Light does not think like the Darkness, the Light get blind-sided.
If the Light "truly" wants Humanity to choose its own path, then the Veil has to be removed! Otherwise, you are expecting the uninformed and uneducated to make healthy decisions about things they don't understand.
Humanity will bounce back, with whatever comes. Humanity has endured so much abuse for so many different areas of life, that we can and will endure this! Even if it appears to be a third world war.
We as a people will and do help each other as we can. Please help us, the oppressed, be free like you are. This is worth my death and even the death of many that I love dearly, if Humanity will be enlightened!
Also, Humanity has been programmed to believe that "armagadon" is going to happen anyway. The Cabal is attempting to sacrifice most of the planets population to raise a Dark god of old (a personal belief) anyway. The same event the Light is preparing for to smoothly transition Humanity, is the same event Darkness is wanting to bend to its own purpose. The Light needs to be more aggressive than the Darkness or we will be lost anyway.
My point is simply this. IF we have an animal we love, that is dying and in pain, we help it along. Sometimes we can get them healed and sometimes we have to put them down. We are in that same position! We can be healed (and freed even in death) or put down, i.e. put out of our misery. Either one is acceptable.
However, what is not acceptable is to allow Darkness to abuse us like this, and allow Darkness to complete their ultimate agenda.
Please, no warning, and take no prisoners, We will deal with whatever happens. Then and only then can Humanity be any use to the Light.
Plan #5 or #6 or #7! but do it and we will follow! We need this!
ReplyDeleteSo people, this is now dedicated to all people, who want to be "real" lightworkers.
ReplyDeleteMany people are writing here about "damn" cabal. About arresting. I read about death penalty. And all this impatience.
Do you realy think, this is the right path for lightworkers? Do you realy think, this is what light side is? You are all feeling so awoken. But are you really awoken? Very many of you miss the most imoprtant point of lightwork: FORGIVENESS!!!
So maybe you would like some very practicable advice to start beeing "real" lightworker?
Here it is:
Make a list of all people in your life, who did bad things to you. And don't forget your family and friends. The more light you have, the closer the darks have been to you! When you have finished your list, start forgiving them. But this doesn't mean just think about forgiving them. Send them love and send them healing! I know, it isn't easy. I had my problems with this too. Especcialy after all the battles I had with the darks. At the beginning, I realy didn't know how to deal with this. And then? Healing is everytime a pleasure for me. But it was the greatest pleasure for me to heal the enemies I have been fighting with earlier.
Are the darks bad souls? There is an easy and definitley answer: NO!
They are ill souls!
Do you hit your ill children? Do you put your ill family to prison? Do you kill your ill mother, just because she is ill?
I live with a recovering alcoholic. Anyone who has lived with a loved one who is an addict will find the resonance in these words from Ham.
DeleteThese people/souls are sick, and they have been taken over by the sickness. Just like we don't imprison alcoholics because of their disease, it's the same in this situation. Unless an alcoholic commits a crime while drunk. But I'm saying we don't imprison people just for the simple fact of the disease of alcoholism. There is a law of consequence working here: cause and effect. So sure, someone gets put in prison if their actions from the sickness result in criminal activity. Unless someone is insane. In that case, we give medical help!! I think this situation is more like insanity. The humans who are working for the dark are victims of the dark forces, too.
However, one thing I do see is that there is compassion, and there is idiot compassion. It's important to be innocent as a dove and wise as a serpent when dealing with this sickness. Good boundaries are essential!!
The advice Ham writes to start with all the people in your life and forgive them? Priceless.
I think there are a lot of "distraction tactics" going on right now to keep people from doing their very personal work of transmuting and integrating the dark bits of their own lives. Peace begins at home.
I just popped on to this post this morning and this was the first thing I saw. I felt the words so very much, I wanted to speak to them. I'm off to read all the other new comments now. :)
I did that about 6 months ago Ham, I'm still working throw some painful memories that I had forgotten but were still done there in my subconscious.
DeleteForgiving everyone who has ever hurt you in your life can be hard, but if you go through it you'll understand how it's one of the most powerful things you can ever do! If you want something that will quickly raise your vibration, that's the thing to do!
After I took the plunge and forgave every pain, hurt, insult and manipulation, my quite severe depression quickly dissipated. Coincidence? I think not :)
Great advice Ham!
DeleteI have done this, and it has helped me heal and find peace and closure to those who have hurt me terribly and caused me to suffer throughout my life. I wrote a list of everyone in my life that I needed to forgive, going back to my childhood. Focusing on and forgiving each one, and forgiving myself. I did this at the soul level because it made it easier for me to see me and them as we truly are. Then finally releasing each one of them into the light with love. It has helped me tremendously over the years, and has made it so much easier to LET GO. This is still an ongoing practice especially with the pain an suffering we and so many endure by the dark ones in power. I've come to understand that these people are souls who are seriously sick. Forgiveness is an act of unconditional love, and by forgiving, then those parts of myself and those I forgive can begin to heal.
Ripping off the Band-Aid, indeed. It's, honestly, as a mom and former teacher of kids, a kind way to get through this kind of thing.
ReplyDeleteI sit here in my city, facing leaving after four years of living here. It's a complicated tale. I'm deconstructing yet another life, however, and it is painful to do it in the 3D. Knowing I have family in other times and dimensions has made it possible for me to stay afloat.
What I face in the US when I return on Aug 1 is:
-- thankfully, a bed in a room to sleep in, thanks to my first ex-husband, with whom I have had a healing of the relationship (not like THAT, but in a true brother-sister fashion)
-- getting to see my two sons again, one whom is 6-and-a-half and whom I have not seen for four years
but, here is the down-side of what I face:
-- no car
-- no driver's license (it expires July 31 and will be unrenewable. Part of the long story...)
-- no job
-- about $100 in pocket to survive for who knows how long (I gave up credit cards a long time ago, and I have no savings, no assets, pretty much zero to my name. Some clothes, books and CDs -- that's about it. Oh and my laptop. :D)
I believe and circumstances in my life support it that this is the move I am to make right now. It's in part yet another death to the ego, and a surrender to spirit. I understand this. I'm scared, but not as scared as I could be if I did not understand what this is about. So it's all good.
However, I am one for whom the Band-Aid Ripping scenario would really truly help out. I think it would also solve the problem of several loved ones in my life who are *so close* to waking up, but need something big and strong to help them along!!
I am still alive as a testimony to "what does not kill you makes you stronger."
I, too, add my voice to the ones here to say "Do it already, if possible."
I will keep hanging on as necessary. For what does not kill me makes me stronger. But I'm being seismically shaken in my life right now, not to wake me up, but I think to wake others around me up. Someone critical, who refuses or is so unable because of the mind slides and control to see it. There has been some good work accomplished, but he is a critical one to be set free. At least that is what I was told six years ago.
I'm sure there are many more like him.
I understand in childbirth it is not wise to rush things along. Everything has to take it's course as naturally as possible. Sometimes, though, when the baby is in distress, we have to go ahead and birth the baby by c-section. It's critical to assess the situation adequately, and there really has to be a good reason for the OB to go ahead with a c-section. From my perspective, the baby seems to be in distress. But, I don't know very accurately how to read all of the "output" of information as being monitored. I just know for me that with the feeling of a mom giving birth, I continue to feel like, "Please get it out of me now!"
Maybe it is just the birthing "transition" which all mothers have happen. Just when they think they cannot stand it and go on is the point they just need to pass and get through. The baby will come on its own.
But right now, with all the solar energies and retrogrades and things going on in my own life, I feel very weak, and I don't know how long I can hang on. Right? So many are with me and I know feel this, too.
Peace and Joy,
Money, the religion of the masses. Humanity needs to free itself from this addiction. Everybody can start chipping away at it today. We will all be free very soon.
ReplyDeleteVery true. I would like to add TV, sex, and drugs as mass addictions.
DeleteForward Movement Comes Quickly…
ReplyDeleteGaiaPortal Energy Message for 15 July 2012
Turbulence has been averted by resonant hearts attuned to Ascension. We see a rapid forward movement from this point onward.
Varied appearances belie the underlying harmony of vision, intent, and action. Seeming dis-harmony among Light groups and/or individuals is simply that… “seeming.” As each follows their Inner Guide, each harmonizes with the One.
The One is striding forward, into the Higher Light. Into the Higher Realms. Into the Higher Gaia.
We are grateful to all of you
I am nearly sure, that option 5 will never get the green light. It sounds good for human kind of thinking, but it is not the path of the light. Sorry.
your financial situation is very normal for people with light! I wrote it in an older post. The people with much light had been treated from darks the whole life. So welcome in the club of "naked" lightworkes and lightseekers.
The unfortunate point in this is, that the light side sent some lightworkers to make "some" money with the help of creator, to help the other "poor" lightworkers in their work and do other things. And they made realy much money! I know a lot of them. We had telepathic contact to them before the major battles. They promised to help. They sent not one cent! One of my jobs is the official "chashier's office" of the incarnated higher entities. But it's empty.
ALERT: Anonymous The Shift is Coming
ReplyDeletePublished on Jul 14, 2012 by juliamay11
Prepare yourselves for the roller coaster ride of a lifetime…the playing field is about to be leveled.
Thanks and credit to comrades.
The validity of Geitner arrested?
ReplyDeletegiles has put himself on a limb here. geither was arrrsted in february and released supposedly and is allegedly not allowed to leave the country. Giles now says he has been sentenced and is now serving a 63 year prison term. If this is false and Geinther turns up somewhere i expect giles to be ridiculed. perhaps rightly so this is not my call nor do i care either way. go big or go home i guess time will tell. I think we can assume geinther is certainly one of the main players who allowed the funding of the criminal elements in the NWO cabal and hopefully will one of the Publics Big boys to go down on MSM immediately. Time will tell.
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DeleteBeware of false prophets springs to mind when I listen to or read Giles's "channelling"
DeleteBut not beware as in be afraid. Just BE AWARE.
But as you rightly pointed out. Time will indeed tell..
For what it's worth, I'll add my opinion:
DeleteIf this missive were written on wood, it may have some value as additional fuel for a bonfire.
In short, I did not resonate with this message.
There appear to be so many twists and turns and double-bluffs being dished-up, swallowed and regurgitated that it's almost a disgusting thing now to mix in amongst all this channeled 'energy'. I refer to lots of channeled messages, not just those 'originating' from G.Giles.
Dear Cobra
ReplyDeleteIf you or anyone in a position of influence reads this, my opinion, as a 16 year old on behalf of the Earth Population, is this: Doubting is necessary to dissolve ignorance, but once you have dissolved ignorance and may see clearly, doubting what you see at that point will only return you to ignorance. I believe even the "unawakened" part of the population doubts the distractions and toxins they endure every day. However, once they have doubted these things, they then often "doubt the validity of their own doubt" so to speak, because they do not trust the process of opening their awareness; other deceived people will disagree with you, so opening your awareness sometimes feels like going against your world and the people around you, even though in truth you are healing the portion of the world that you occupy. It will take an event that encourages everyone to reinvent their understanding of the world, otherwise this patten might continue. I say, do not wait until to population is "sufficiently awakened" to carry out the event. The world is a collection of everyone's way of life, and if everyone lives out of a new understanding, there will be a New World. They deserve the opportunity for this new understanding, and "The Event" is an opportunity to offer the people the needed awareness. Even if "The Event" will be chaotic, things would be much more chaotic later if the Earth continues to build a reality out of unawareness and misunderstanding. That is why I say go ahead with OPERATION OMEGA PHOENIX 2, soon. With every ounce of my humble understanding, I say that if those in position to initiate "The Event" really care about the Earth, the time for the Event is now.
Your Friend,
DeleteTo be 16.....well, you are not "really" 16, you must be (spiritually) a very old and wise one. Glad to have you here on Earth at this time. I hope you will continue to share your love with those around you, I am sure they feel your light and are drawn to it.
Much love to you
ReplyDeleteWho will be with me meditating this fine Sunday? I shall be out in force here in rainy Dixieland.( Rain for days! My street looked like a river yesterday, things floating along, cars up to the fenders in water.)
Everyone: be good to yourself over the next few days, there is a strong energy moving through the cosmos right now. You must ground and center yourselves so that you may receive it without too much disruption. Go to:
Whoever this lady is that writes these reports is amazing. Apparently, we are in for a BIG turn around on Tuesday the 17th and the days following. I hope so! I am getting ready ;-)
Heard a lecture by Dan Mathews (amazing story of his NDE) in which he explains a view of the Lord's Prayer. Where it says "Give us this day, our daily bread" he says that what this really means is we are allowing our Creator to give us our daily portion of divine energy, and that we must sit and allow it to come to us. We sit quietly in reception.
I thought that was very cool. I use that image now each day in morning prayers, and I really feel it.Ask and it shall be given, yes?
Much love to you all, we shall all be Divinely guided and protected, we are all one. Aho!
And to CALLIOPE THE MUSE....I shall keep you in my prayers, and send Reiki to you and your situation. Hang on my sister, hang on.
Big hug ((((((((((((((((((((((((SQUEEZE))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Count me in!! I will be with you in meditation today lighting up the state of New Jersey! Stand tall, stay Strong, and remain Fearless. Let's blast cracks through this matrix. We are stepping up the pressure, and we are NOT going away! ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL! UNITY in the Light!
DeleteCtM ; ~ The Secret Knowledge of Lightworkers. This reminded me to focus on what I do have and what I do want, rather than what I lack and don't want. I am in the same situation due to being a Light-Warrior. I can't and don't want to integrate into 3D. Bring your vibes up, be grateful and embrace non attachment to things and licenses. You will have everything you need now and everything you desire, ask Source. You are in position to quantum leap. I highly recommend watching a few Bashar vids. Rely on your strength of knowing who you are and that you are loved. Trust Love. Love and Light, Tracy
ReplyDeleteRight, so you have provided 'intel' in the form of random 'updates' such as 'operation starust initiated' and 'opertation phoenix' which are impossible for us to actually understand (and you have said yourself that we are not meant to), along with a small history lesson with information that was already available and has been for years, and the awakened community has not acted on this information. Are you serious?? We have been promised action, dates have come and gone and come and gone again, and yet it is our own fault for not acting?? Is this a joke?
ReplyDeleteIm as hopeful as everybody else that change is imminent, and we can see it with our own eyes if we look carefully enough, but to shift the blame for delays onto the 'awakened community' for not acting based on your 'intel' is ludicrous.
Im looking forward to the global meditation later today, I have done every single one so far, even getting up at 4am on occasions. I dont really see what else I can personally do at the moment other than spread love and light which I obviously try and do, and feel that to blame the awakened community for the delays for not acting on your intel, well, I have to say thats pissed me off.