Monday, November 25, 2013

Opening of the Aion Portal Report

We have opened the Aion portal!  We have reached the critical mass! The videos alone had more than 200,000 views and countless thousands of people were activating the portal worldwide.
It is not a coincidence that historic Iran nuclear agreement was reached within hours after opening of the Aion portal:
This demonstrates the power of our unified consciousness, which does have the potential of influencing the geopolitical situation. As we have been able to help preventing military invasion in Syria after the activation of the Peace portal on August 25th, now we have basically eliminated the possibility of any future war with Iran. 
As a result of increased awareness, more and more people with money and influence are becoming aware that war does NOT bring profit, only misery. This realization will bring peace to this planet more quickly than all peace negotiations and talks in the past:
The energies of Aion and Iona are energies of eternal peace and global peace will soon become the geopolitical reality on this planet as a result of our unified decision. 
Our group in Firenze has opened the way for the New Renaissance with this beautiful music, presented to our group directly by its composer:
We have activated the Firenze energy vortex and served as the main energy conduit on the surface of the planet for the energy flash which traveled from the M87 galaxy, through our Galactic Central Sun via our physical Sun and reached the planetary surface at the moment of the activation of the Aion portal.

My experience of the energy flash was profound and now I know from my own experience what the energy flash at the Event will feel like. You can read more about the Event and the new collective myth we are creating as the New Renaissance emerges, in my recent interview:
Our group in Firenze as a whole had a very powerful experience, as you can hear and read in this testimony:
It has been communicated from the Light forces that it would be very good for as many people as possible to ground and integrate the energies that came with the portal by continuing to connect with Aion, Iona, M87 galaxy and the energy of the Event flash itself. This subtle video can help you achieving that:
It might be interesting for you to know that the Event flash will originate from a certain currently classified cosmic source, travel first through M87 galaxy and then through the Galactic Central Sun of our galaxy into our solar system, where it will trigger the Event on the surface of our planet. 

The next step after the Aion portal activation will be an important activation on December 21st this year. We will be having our main vortex activation in Glastonbury, England. More details will be available in about a week. 
In the next few weeks I will release a lot of interesting intel which had to wait until the Aion portal activation was safely completed. 
Victory of the Light is near!


  1. This is good news! We need to help create the new age with our combined intentions.

  2. AWESOME!!!
    WE DID IT!!!

    Yes, Cobra, we are anxiously waiting to hear more from you. (Although, it would be better to meet you again in California. :)))

    I am hoping to see more tangible events coming out sooner, because comet ISON, the SEEDER, (I coined it EYE-SUN), will be in its closest to the Sun between November 28 and December 26 of this year. WHAT A "COINCIDENCE"!! Thanksgiving and Christmas, will really be HOLY-days!!


  3. when we can stop paying bills ?,sick of this financial control.any help on how to fight forclosure before the event.

    1. Sure - don't fight it... Let it happen.

      Whatever happens, know that you WILL be provided for.

  4. Minutes into the meditation, I felt such a powerful energy, unlike anything I've ever felt. In the time since then, I've noticed a difference in my surroundings & in my heart. Beautiful beyond words. We've come so far!! Cobra and everyone.... THANK YOU!
    Lets keep up the amazing work. As a group, we are changing the world.

  5. Here is a transcript of part one of Maarten Horst's account of the experience in Florence:

  6. Looks like if the Event happens this year, it can only happen after December 21st and before December 25th, since the Window of Opportunity closes on December 25th.

  7. Thanks for the update! Great news ~

  8. I am transcribing Maarten Hoorst's radio commentary about the Aion Vortex Activation from First Contact Radio. He conducted a 2-hour show the next day with words and music about the experience. [link is in Cobra's post]. The transcriptions are here:

  9. Dear Cobra,
    I am waiting for the Activation for Aion Portal on 21st Dec. 2013....
    Dr. Sohini Shukla.

  10. Great news beloved Cobra & RM! The energies were powerful everywhere, just can't imagine what the Event will be like! Wouldn't it be great if the Event took place on the 25th of December! What gift would ever surpass the Event!
    Love & Victory of the Light
    Ps, anyone wishing to join a Light Workers group in Cyprus feel free to look me up :)

  11. receive and hold light to stable! Simultaneous things happening all over the world. That's gradual manifestation of new energy prevailing

  12. Gratitude to all who participated in this activation, and to Gaia~Sophia for Hers as well:

    7 Volcanoes Erupt in 6 Countries Hours Apart

  13. Is it me or has the color of the sun light changed into a more golden hue? I noticed the difference only after 11/23.

  14. Love Light Peace and Joy to All....unified we did it!!!

  15. Dear Cobra!
    One simple question. Does the Event can happen until dec 21? Im not saying it will happen, just questioning can it happen?!
    Victory of Light!

    1. Good question Pannonia ! I hope Cobra will take the time to give you an answer.
      It is excatly the same question I had in my mind !

    2. I just read your latest interview transcript.....and wonder....since the US is the key to the event, would it not make sense to meditate on this country and the necessary political changes? Thanks for everything you do.

  16. I received a wonderful message yesterday morning. In the golden sun I saw two shops side by side with the names "Flash" and "Kosmos" :)
    Victory Now!

  17. Hello Cobra, I would like to build a system to produce free energy. On the internet you see them a lot, but do not know if they work. Can you give me an advice on which method to try and which to exclude?
    Victory of Light!


    Cobra: Sunday meditations have not yet reached critical mass, that’s why we don’t have the result we want.

    How about consciously setting an intention to unite with all other human beings meditating on Sundays like

    Elizabeth: Do you think that the long-term vision of humanity is to slide completely out of a currency monetary system and just recognize how they can share and not have it all organized by some version of money?
    Cobra: Yes. It’s very easy because with the available new technology it will be very easy to produce anything people need for their lives.

    A platform for individuals to pull back from the brink now, and consciously create the reality of a coherent new Earth 'together' is the New World Agreement. Please read, sign, and activate by passing the New World Agreement along. If you perceive the New World Agreement can help this tract of humans reach consensus to live in peace, take responsibility for the energy each of us project into the quantum field, then a new Earth reality will naturally emerge.


  20. That blue color in the Let There Be Light photo, well I seen that blue color in my meditation on Saturday. That is how I knew we were successful :)

  21. Q&A

    [1] Cobra: Sunday meditations have not yet reached critical mass, that’s why we don’t have the result we want.

    How about consciously setting an intention to unite with 'all' human beings meditating on Sundays for the collective good; example

    Elizabeth: Do you think that the long-term vision of humanity is to slide completely out of a currency monetary system and just recognize how they can share and not have it all organized by some version of money?
    Cobra: Yes. It’s very easy because with the available new technology it will be very easy to produce anything people need for their lives.

    A platform for individuals to pull back from the brink now, and consciously create the reality of a coherent new Earth 'together' is the New World Agreement. Please read, sign, and activate by passing the New World Agreement along. If you perceive the New World Agreement can help this tract of humans reach consensus, to live in peace, take responsibility for the energy each of us project into the quantum field, then a new Earth reality will naturally emerge.

  22. I notice the rays of the sun the morning after was much more brighter and this sun was more white than golden..

  23. Cobra, you told us not so long ago these words:
    "The main time-line has a been unified into one single positive time-line. It happened at the activation of the portal on Dec 21 of last year....The main time-line is positive. There is zero possibility of any type of strong nuclear exchange, nuclear war, FEMA camps, marshall law etc. This is no longer possible. There is ZERO possibility for those things to happen..."

    And now you said:
    "As we have been able to help preventing military invasion in Syria after the activation of the Peace portal on August 25th, now we have basically eliminated the possibility of any future war with Iran."

    I don't understand. If you said there is NO possibility for negative things to happen after 12.21.2012, then why you tell we just avoid a negative war with Iran?

    1. "There is zero possibility of any type of strong nuclear exchange, nuclear war, FEMA camps, marshall law etc"
      Military invasion in Syria would not be nuclear war, so it still could happen. I think it's not that no negative things can happen, cos they obviously do, people die of starvation every day, we experience both postive and negative things etc. It is the overall outcome that will be postivie.
      So storm in Philiphines was not positive thing for sure, but it might happen during positive timeline, if the end result will be positive.

  24. Why are you guys so in hurry? :D

    Enjoy your stay!

  25. Having trouble connecting with your Higher Aspect?
    We have evolved.

    Yes. That explains a lot of things.

  26. Im so happy that there is a potential to finally have the event happen within this year.

    You know majority of people seems to join the meditation when the day sounds really important otherwise we don't reach the quota if there is nothing special. So i wish there are powerful portals lined up every week so we can stop the cable so much earlier.

  27. It seems like something is going on now. Can you all feel it? Is this what compression breakthrough feels like? I sure hope so.

  28. Cobra - I will be in Gastonbury on the 21st! See this link for details of who I am joining for a workshop - It could be we can join and assist, it'll be such a pure group of souls attending.

  29. At my monthly district Buddhist meeting I let everyone know about the activation. I didn't go into details, just said that there were thousands of people around the world praying for world peace at 4:11 our time. I expect that a few of them did participate. I made sure I made it home in time to participate. I tried my best having read the 3 visions before I started. I hope I was able to add my little bit to the total. Hope this comes to an end soon so my mom can be here for it.

  30. Many of you are in the resistance on a higher level and don't even know it. We are rather adaptable, creative, we had to be!

    Be in love. You will be reunited soon. The energy is getting so extreme.

    There is no denying it anymore. We're all going home and we have work to do.

    You chose to be here.

  31. I feel the energy only getting stronger, the intense of loving unconditional is awesome. I am thankful and grateful for all who have came into my life and left me with lessons I have learned from. But most of all I am thankful & grateful to those who have come in on my Journey and are still here. Yes indeed, we the awaken who as Alan V, stated in the comment above me. We chose to be here and we will be going home soon.
    So keep all negative vibes away and focus on Pure Love and be the Light you were created to Shine...
