Thursday, May 8, 2014

Planetary Situation Update

There is steady progress happening behind the scenes. The Eastern Alliance and their Western allies are taking further steps to prepare humanity for the financial  Reset:
Many factions of the Cabal (Illuminazi Texas boys, Zionist Rothschilds, Jesuits, Italian black nobility with the few remaining physical Archons) are losing their power fast and can not influence the Event timetable anymore. The only real force delaying the Event now is the Chimera Group within the global military-industrial complex with their physical strangelet bombs inside the military bases worldwide, coupled with the etheric Archon grid with their etheric/plasma scalar exotic weapon technologies and their ability to influence the behavior of the surface population. 

As the last leyel of the etheric Archon grid is slowly losing its power, the Archon programming of the awakened part of the surface population is beginning to disintegrate. People are becoming aware of some limiting belief systems of the new age spirituality:
People are also becoming aware that suffering was never intended to be part of life experience and are finally realizing this Earth duality experiment was an error which needs to be corrected. This Correction is coming through the process of the return of Light:
Before the Archons erased the mystery schools in the 4th century CE, gnostics were fully aware of the process of Correction and now this knowledge is coming back again:
The most awakened part of the surface population is beginning to be actively involved in healing the etheric grid around the planet, as you can read in this article:
The writer of that article, Hilda van der Laan, had an interesting vision that actually describes the IS:IS portal activation:
»I had a vision from the light forces showing me the following symbols/picture guided with indigo blue and violet lights: people standing in pillars of light (near future),within an upwards and downwards spiral of light (vortex/DNA spiral). Above their heads in the spiraling pillar of Isis, which represents the activation of the female principle, the etheric chakras above the heart. The downwards spiral provided by rainbow ships in the sky, sharing their energies with the people on the surface, activating the 144.000.«
All those signs of awakening are a good indicator that final victory of the Light is near. 


  1. I hear you Brother but I just don't feel it like you do. Duality was not the only bad idea that was allowed to continue here, but that's just an excuse, (as many people wish to exclaim). Is it any wonder why so many channelled messages praise us the way they do? Perhaps even they can't understand how we have taken so much punishment and abuse they've helped and allowed the cabal to dump on us through recent times. We have been the whipping poster children of both the light and the dark and to claim there is an end seems to be the last bad joke of all time. The Russian/BRIC financial banking system will take at least a couple of years to implement world wide which won't help us here in the west. We'll keep taking the full brunt trama of the psychotic aspirations of the cabal because we have a military without any backbone to remove them and a government hell bent on obeying them. Until mass arrests of them and their minions happen, nothing will change. I realize most of you have a positive bent on all this but I cannot lie and tell you I feel that way, because I don't. I've seen too much lying from both sides, light and dark, to feel either one has our best interest in mind, much less any heart. If one cannot exist without the other within the duality were been forced to exist in, should it really be any surprise the forces of light can lie to us as well? Not to me. My level of trust has been permanently broken.

    1. The Divine Plan is to perfect consciousness here on Earth, which is why all of this is happening in the first place. Which is u should learn as much as you can to keep fighting or reach the point of learning where you can have a blissful life either way.. know what I'm sayin ;)

  2. Sounds Good so far...........I've been daily doing my part, working planet and on the hot spots and the etheric Archons and etheric and astral planes.......Good to see it has been helping............Wonder how long this will all take? Thanks for your help everyone.....

  3. Forgot to add I am also daily working on the Chimera Group....

    1. Care to pass along any tips/techniques that you use to focus on them in particular? I would like to do inner work to oust them also. Thanks

  4. Message to the Archons:

    “I am NOT begging you. I am NOT threatening you. I speak from the Heart. I speak to the divine spark of life in you, despite the fact that you chose the dark path. The victory of the Light is unavoidable, it must happen someday and you know it deep inside. Now think about your future. Turn to the Light and you will be free from your masters, free to live the life that you want. Turn to the Light and you will HAVE a future. On the Light side, there is no such thing as punishment, only healing. You see, the victory of Light is in the best interests of everyone, even of YOU. Now, you act like trapped animals, fearing that the end is near, but it is not, if you choose to cross over to the Light side. Helping the Light is helping you in the end.”

    I thought that I could help by writing this message to the Archons. I don’t know if it will convince them, but I tried to do so ;-)

    1. Its better than complaining that this takes forever and so on ;) Thumbs up for you and have a nice weekend!!

  5. In my meditation today I transcended to a level I have not been to before in third dimension awake state. I felt I was floating in pure energy. So I put forth the desire to be consciously activated. I felt now is the time. There's no going back.

    JAI BABA!!

  6. Thanks you Cobra and RM, hope this will be the final clearing.
    It had been delayed for way too long and we are almost wear out.
    Another day of waiting is another day of pain and suffering - hope they know about this.


    1. Cobra said "the 'final' victory of light in near" so yes, this is the last obstacle.
      Ps we already won in Light Language
      The demon of know is easily conquered by drawing

  7. Without divulging any critical Intel, can you further elaborate on the progress made against the Chimera group? Is this something that will delay the EVENT by a matter of months...or years?

  8. I believe it, however a clear definition of "near" would be ncie but I know that's not how this works! :o)

    ...holding on strong!


  9. Thank you thank you Cobra! Love, Light and Action!

  10. hold steady, link our light, prepare for change

  11. I want to thank you for adding the link to Mark Passio because I had never heard of him. As I started listening to the 7 hours of material I found myself saying ok it's like this man gets what I've felt all along regarding the new age religion.

    Having grown up in a cult and being exposed to the 'it's the truth' brainwashing for years, it was a long road to mental and spiritual freedom. It was easy for me to see the contradictions in the mentality of the new age movement and scratch my head and go ok wait..I've seen this before, question a belief, get told you are negative, unspiritual, 'not on the same level of frequency' yada yada.

    Never has the idea of no personal responsibility sat well with me. Nor has the idea we manifest our realities or that it's a karma debt collection service call when something bad happens in our lives. Talk is really cheap, action speaks. We all need to do whatever we can, large or small to proactively pursue the future we want to live in.

  12. Cobra are you going to do a May interview with alexandra?

  13. Thank you, Cobra, and the RM, and all the light warriors and light workers!

  14. Thanks so much cobra for this info. Priceless. And wishing to the resistance movement a good and safe trip to switzeland

  15. Beloved Cobra & RM

    Thanks for the update it's much appreciated.

    As I can gather a LOT has to do with reaching a critical mass, have you tried to join forces with some one like David Wilcock he gets about 200K in hits on each post. All of us readers have a limited spectrum of friends etc we can reach via social media. We need to unite as the dark forces do so well, as "splinter" groups we will not achieve great changes any time soon.

    Even the "hard core" followers go through boughts' of doubt (including my self) so it's imperative we stay focused & get more people joining the cause.

    Cobra, how many of us actually do the weekly Liberation Meditation on Sunday? This will be a good gauge how close we are.

    Some times the intel we receive is slightly conflicting, how can the Light Forces not know the full capability of the dark ones? If that's the case does it mean the dark ones could prevail???? What would be the worst case scenario if all these strangelet bombs went off? Would we all die & reincarnate somewhere else starting fresh? Wouldnt be too bad in my book!

    Ps I am not a negative person or a doubter, I do believe the golden age will arrive (in some form or another for all of us), however I always take a more practical approach & try not to live in expectation to avoid disappointments.

    Love, Light, InLak'Ech (I AM another your self), Liberation Now!! Victory Now!!

  16. All I know is that after all is said and done, I wanna be able to learn how to pilot a spaceship and have my own ship.
    Then I wanna travel around the galaxy and visit as many different places as possible, then pick a favorite spot and just rest there for a very very long time, putting all the memories of death, fear, anguish, anger and violence behind, in a way that anyone who sees me will know that I'm having a well-deserved break.

    Then I'll ask myself: was it all worth it? Taking this 20,000+ years journey into duality? If there will be no more darkness in the galaxy, what was this experience for? To make my soul consciousness stronger? But again, was it worth it?

    I guess I'll only know it when this is all over. Until then..

    Bring out the Event! Remove the cabal from the planet!

    Since I was a child I know that this planet is not my home, it's my mission, my duty to assist in it's liberation, but it's not my place really. The feeling of homesickness is very strong. I want to go back to the stars.

    Please, RM, Light forces, Positive military, everybody. Do everything that it takes. Take the cabal out. We're ready!

    Please set us free!

    1. Well said @Neekian. I share the same feelings. The answer to your question about the purpose of our experience in this low density are two folded:

      First of all, besides having personal experiences, some of us have the mission to cure our own planet's or galactic past in this timeline on Earth (like galactic wars..)

      Secondly, as we are being seeded into the 7th Root Race (after the failure of Lemurian, Atlantean and some hybrid DNA experiences), we will have much stronger and brand new multidimensional Crystal Body of Adam Kadmon. Then us, the newly formed 7th Root Race will be the volunteers (unfortunately, if I may say so), missionaries or Ascended Masters for a new 3rd dimensional experiment on a new planet or a star in another galaxy or a universe. And once more, with all compassion and love of a higher intelligence, we - as the representative of the 7th Root Race - will be so willing to take part and assist our galactic brothers & sisters on this new project!!!

      Overall, our newly formed DNA template enriched with 3D experiences are needed for the new adventures!!! I bet our vacation will not be too long before we offer our services... The question is what can we do about it? On my part, I am willing to lend my Earth experiences & DNA to any being who is willing to take part in this new 3D project!!! (Hahh hah haa) Do you think it will work?..

    2. @Neekian You & I must be from similar places on similar missions. What you wrote here is identical to how I've always felt since I was born. Your spaceship vision and sightseeing across the universe is also strangely identical to thoughts I've had for awhile and is truly one of the things that I get most excited about, similar to the feeling you get right before you go on a vacation/holiday and embark on some faraway exotic journey.

      I feel when this is all over though, the "rush/bliss" experienced will be so overwhelmingly awesome as we reconnect to our source, that any misgivings previously experienced will no longer seem relevant and the journey/experience will not only have been worth it, but actually celebrated as if completing a long marathon or returning from a long hard fought victorious battle. That's what resonates with me anyway.

    3. @NEEKIAN.
      I'M WITH YOU!
      I'm sick and tired of this nightmare called life!!
      I don't want to waist my time and energy anymore and "learn" - who did what and why? NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE.

      ONE thing I know for sure is THIS:
      Being extremely sensitive and caring makes me to feel THE PAINS AND SUFFERINGS OF EVERY SINGLE PERSON.... Staying in higher vibes and thinking only about ME is impossible.

      I just want to see this GAME OVER! It's our HEAVENLY right to be FREE and HAPPY! I want to see people doing what THEY want to do WITH THEIR OWN LIVES....

      If we keep on saying (ego+New age trash....) - "We are the ones we've been waiting for" and put our energy and time to solve ALL THESE MESS by ourselves....
      Well, we can do it, BUTTT.... WHEN? In another 200 years? 300 years....?

      If things keep going like this; very soon we, then our children, and especially, our grand children, will NOT be capable at all of using our controlled poor 3D brains for THINKING.... The monkies will be declared to be smarter and wiser than the humans!!

      That's what the word "FAMILY" means - to help, to support, and to assist the ONE who's in need.
      Why shouldn't we get an assistance, help from our ORIGINAL FAMILY members - brothers and sisters - who have more POTENTIALS - knowledge and technology to get rid of this mess?

      So, I repeat after YOU:
      Please, set us free before it's tooooo LATE.....

      PS: Oh, and do NOT forget to give me some assignments to be a part of the REAL DEAL! (Talk is cheap.... I want to act!!)

    4. ~me too....we get help....the reason why they are not here yet is because we are in hostage. The only really important thing is that we MUST have trust in the LOVE from our starfamilys BECAUSE they love us soooooo deeeeply. We MUST have this BIG trust for THIS gives us the power we need to FREE ourselves; their hands are bound if it comes to us. The graetest pain we can do to our starfamily is to DOUBT about their love. The pain this would do to them is unimaginable ! Please !!! Try to imagine what you would do if you where at their position, look at this doubt from space!!! And it is painful for them NOT because of their feeling but because they feel YOUR pain and they can not change it !!!!!! ......Also we have to open up to the energy they send us. If we doubt and forget to open up, we can not absorb all their energetic support. I say sometimes " I allow all updates to come in and all the frequency you send to me to integrate (etc.)~ <3

    5. Thank you @NEEKIAN for setting us on fire. Totally agree! It`s almost the same describtion/words I have felt for a very long time. To be free and travell around the universe is also one of my highest wishes. I could easely be a crew/member on a mothership or just live there, while we went on missions or visit to others planets. That would be nice :). Well what is stopping us! If that`s what we whant, we will create and manifest that opportunity. Lets go for it!

  17. I am very confused about the cosmology presented in this article Cobra linked to:
    According to this article the Dark was like an alien infection from an outside universe. According to Cobra the Dark is the result of 'our universe' archangels experimenting with the conscious experience of matter. Which is it??

    1. Both are truth.
      One on spiritual level (to form the galactic level), one on galactic level but later intermixed with spiritual level (that was how Non-physical Archons came about).

    2. @Piperon, it is impossible for it to be both. Darkness either originated from outside this creation or from inside this creation, but it cannot be both.

    3. @Mitchell, everything are from the same source.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer
      Official Site :
      Animation Site :

    4. according to the article darkness was created outside the creation by another prime creator, unintentionally as an experiment, then it reached this creation and infected it, so many beings including creator gods, angels, archangels etc were fallen and they then created dark universe,dark planets,dark races, etc without them realizing it (may be crobra is referring the second part), yes according to me darkness was created outside this creation because both light and dark cannot come from the same prime creator.

    5. @rajesh, yes, thank you! Piperon is saying something which the article doesn't state. According to the article darkness originated from outside this creation; now, according to Cobra, darkness originated from inside this creation. The two views are not compatible. Several other things in this article, almost everything else, matches Cobra's cosmology....but this BIG ONE does not. If Cobra doesn't wish to respond, oh well.

    6. Beloved @Mitchell, whether the dark was created from this or another creation, it doesn't matter. First, what is the purpose of the dark (it was not created mistakely in the first place)? At Galactic level or physical level, we seems to have the duality at play - the dark and the light OR the bad and the good. At Spiritual level, everything are created for a purpose. So, it depends on how you look at the whole thing (THE DIVINE GAME or THE DIVINE PLAN). If you understand you and @rajesh too play the dark roles, then you would fully understand the whole experiences of this Divine game since the ancient times when the first Lyrian war was started. But this game is coming to a full completion and we would remember all the past. What await for everyone to discover is "WHY WE ARE HERE?" - to resolve the old galactic wars issues through a common body - the HUMAN experience.

      We are spiritual beings having the human experiences now.
      We are not human having the spiritual experience.

      May the LOVE be with you all always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer

      Official Website :
      Animation Website :
      Music Website :

      PS : My experiences from interacting with spiritual people around the world gave me the impression that some of the people think that the Asian has less to offer or they are not so advanced in spiritual BUT they did not know we had been one of them before incarnating into Asian. So, to class others as low or dark is as good as lowering yourself in due course. Everyone are the same in the eye of the Divine Creator - nobody is better than any.

  18. I think what they are waiting for the GCR and RV to push through is the implementation of these documents.


  19. Cobra, now our whole attention is fixed on chimara group. Is it going to take too long to remove them and their weapons? What can we do to speed up the process?

    1. Spread awareness about them

    2. Thanks cobra for the reply. Already chimaras must be on high alert reading your blog posts! Please give more info about chimaras if possible so that we can spread more awareness. The company of Heaven has already assured us that they won't allow use of nuclear weapons, then what is the cause of the constant delay?

    3. Are there any exposed weaknesses of this group that we may direct our energies in visualisation/meditation?

  20. Hi there. What do you know about germany and other european regions? For me it feels like a (very) dumping down area. Nobody seems to be interested in truth, healing and knowledge. Ignorance sucks.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bless your heart dear Lovis hihi that is far from being Truth hihihi...

      Thanks Eliana this resonates deeply with me...Well lets see if I...We can make some rimples in the pont :-) I will see what I can do in the Netherlands.

      Love Always and a BIG hug sister :-)

    3. wow to you also, means much to me as if you are from netherlands.......let us tear down the old energetic walls ..... I have a very deep connection to netherlands, I feel I was incarnated there some time ago ;) it..... <3

  21. CoBRA dit nous si besoin, on vient aider à casser les dents de ce groupe Chimère, ils vont comprendre que c'est nous qui commandons sur cette planète, et non eux.

  22. cobra,

    Many people want the event to happen before 17 May 2014 which is the final day of the event 2014 opportunity window. What can we do now to make the event to happen before 17 May 2014?

  23. What do you mean by "the 144.000" activating them?
    Sound like the rest of human kind could be worthless?
    Kan you explain that more simple?

    1. In my mind critical mass is already achieved, Cobra ' s beautiful vision he provided thru testimony further supported this

  24. I'm fairly new and want to help. Can someone direct me to info on what the Chimera are so that I can help build awareness to others as Cobra suggested? Thanks and I'm holding light and love in my corner of the world.

    1. Cobra posted this info about chimeras on April 8:
      Go through it and as cobra suggests spread everywhere! Beware, don't overdo or chimeras will kidnap you!
      Another way is to enhance one's own consciousness through meditation, prayer etc and help gaia anchoring more light. The more of us do this, the more difficult it becomes for negative entities to sustain on the planet with immense mental and spiritual benefits for the doer as well.

    2. Hi mastermind,

      here's the link

    3. @mastermind, check out my THE STAR RACES video and search for IGUANOID. They are the Chimeras group who used black magic and mind control -

    4. Why the RV didn't manisfested - read this article :-

  25. Awesome info & links Cobra, especially the Return to Light book, thanks for everything.


    A game called Resistance, for Sony consoles for a group called Chimera, that invade Earth and so on... with a gameplay so much close as we see here on this reality now (or maybe not) or we are fooled, or this game is a real insight created to be a liberation weapon, or i dont know... but i need a answer to a question, i dont even know how to ask it, just browse the storyplay of this game and you will see it for yout own. Cobra, what is the story of this game, do you use it as a cover for something or idk, just google this chimera group for more info and... this is the story of yout situation now? or ?

    1. Zutobg - I swear I did not see your comment before researching myself, but I just ended up looking at this exact same website right after Cobra updated the comments (I believe his time stamp reflects when he updated comments last).

      Yes, if you could look through that website, Cobra, and provide any thoughts as to what is 'fiction', it would be appreciated.

      Are there are any other sources of information where we could research this? Also, is there any relation between Chimera and the multinational corporation "SERCO" (aka 'Service Corporation' aka 'Serpent Corporation')? Their size, profitability, and influence has increased exponentially since roughly the time of the Congo invasion.

    2. Captain America 2: winter soldier movie talked about hydra (cabal) secretly infiltrated the united states and tried to destroy it within and made its citizen give up its freedom willingly than subjugate them thru force which its failed experiment (world war 2) proved.

      Even it talked about operation paperclip wherein Nazi scientist were secretly employed and brought in to America by the infiltrators inside the American gov't...........I wonder if anybody here noticed it watching that movie

    3. so they put out this game to the they give proof how powerful consciousness is, and does this game give insight how they would like to have the game played out? ( I hope the synchronicties ends !) freaky........I want to go home to the stars........ :D

  27. tous ensemble les amis pour détruire le groupe des chimères et faisons le maximum pour que "The event" se produise avant le 17 mai, reprenons le pouvoir on est chez nous ici sur Terre, la France te soutien cobra !

  28. Cobra, Is this any relation to the Chimera group who has the stranglet bombs? Their symbol is kind of questionable...

  29. The 144.000 is the tipping point, once that threshold is reached it will be like having enough candles to illuminate a room that everyone can see the room clearly.
    No one is worthless.

  30. cobra,

    Can you discuss with the Light forces to activate the Event before 17 May 2014 because many people are very exhausted to wait the event and they cannot tolerate the life in 3-d world.

    Just before 5 months, the RM2m special task force has asked you to create a petition which promotes the action for the Event to be taken as soon as possible. The RM2m special task force also want to promote the action for the Event to be taken as soon as possible.

    I beg you cobra that Can you discuss with the Light forces to activate the Event before 17 May 2014?

  31. Beware!: The truth speaks out always in a few words. It is true that we are living the apocalypse, the lifting of the veils and, consequently, a revelation which becomes, in each of us, a personal certitude. The final outcome will necessarily be as when a fruit falls down gracefully.

  32. Cobra, how is it that galactic federation and other positive E.T folks can not take care of the "physical strangelet bombs" , and it's still a threat.... ??


    There is a very secret negative group, codenamed Chimera, within the Negative Military which has come from Orion and has infiltrated militaries of all major nations during and after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. This group secretly controls the vast majority of military bases around the world, many of those bases belonging to the US military:

    It is interesting to note that ALF Cabaniss military base is constructed in the shape of Chi Rho, the symbol of Constantine the Great, the Archon who created the Christian cult: 

    The Chimera group has enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact.

      They are in contact with the main Archon and are heavily linked to the Jesuits and the NSA. They successfully infiltrated their agents in groups such as Corteum and the Labyrinth group. 

    Through the main Archon, they have limited access to the Archons on the etheric plane. Those etheric Archons enforce soul agreements on the members of the Cabal, forcing them to obey the Chimera group. If a certain member of the Cabal is removed, the etheric Archons simply find another host and enforce binding soul agreement upon him. 

    In the past, a certain positive group has engaged long range shooters to remove certain members of the Cabal and they were not successful, because those Cabal members simply returned to the physical plane in a new cloned body which was already prepared for them in a military base under surveillance of the Chimera group. After 2004 all those clones have been destroyed by the Resistance and now long range shooters of the aforementioned positive group would be much more successful in eliminating individual members of the Cabal and no amount of Blackwater/Academi bodyguards would be able to protect them.

    The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.

    They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed. 

    There is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide. 

    Current hijacking of the MH 370 flight to Diego Garcia was an act of war of the Chimera group, Diego Garcia military base being one of their main strongholds:

    When this war is over and the Chimera defeated, we will have perfect conditions for the Event.'

    Please spread this far and wide to create awareness. Victory of light is .....not far!

    1. In addition to this, if everyone of us, instead of spending our time and energy in useless things, meditates regularly, at least 20 minutes a day, we will be rendering a great service to our planet. Apart from eliminating our own frustrations and negativity, the light and consciousness we will be anchoring here will make life increasingly difficult for the archons.We will be like multiple miniature vortices walking on the earth. It is said that morning and evening are the best times for meditation as the mind naturally has the tendency to go inwards during those hours. Let's all be yogis and let's work together to brig the event as close as possible.

  34. Cobra, based on the ''vision'' that you have published, if it is indeed correct, does it then mean that critical mass of 144,000 was attained for the IS:IS portal activation ?

  35. Since they're about to lose to which they know then whats stopping these murdering psychopath from detonating it already before the moment they will never be able to use that powerful bomb?


  37. THANK YOU COBRA AND RM for this update and for your ACTIONS (not just intent!). But I sure wish you would activate your links to open in a new page, so one could easily refer back the the main article and other links.

    I have yet to read all the article links in more depth, but of course, as one who considers herself a New Ager (which has become a dirty word to some) I really appreciate the perspective offered in that article, and while I caution against making the wrong assumption that ALL New Agers or the ENTIRE New Age movement embrace such distortions, I do agree that such misunderstandings run rampant.

    I have ALWAYS advocated speaking Truth to power and have done so, pointing out the wrongs I see. I consider it my DUTY to "out the bastards", and I have noticed how many of my New Age pals are uneasy reading or expressing ANYTHING "negative". Some have even unfriended me on fb since my posts are NOT all Love and Light!

    I DO express my anger!
    I DO call out people in power on their blatant hipocrisy!
    I DO sign petitions!
    I DO (or have) participated in protest marches!
    I DO contact my Senators and Congressional Representatives!
    I DO share not only my Love & Light inspiring articles, but I also share the DARK STUFF not seen in mainstream media, via my social media accounts.
    I DO talk to people about many of these ideas, though I may speak in generalities on the concepts and not specific persons or websites.

    I know this could put me on a "watchlist" or that some people will be dismissive towards me, convinced that I am "crazy", but I do it anyway, because it is IMPORTANT that this information gets out to the public. The more people share it, the more mainstream these ideas become.

    THIS is precisely the REAL reason "they" DO NOT WANT a FREE INTERNET. It's not just the desire to sell and control commerce, THEY DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO WAKE UP AND THINK FOR THEMSELVES. But its too late, people ARE waking up, and We the People are pissed off! I find that many "average people" are already more awakened than I might have given them credit for, without even being aware or resources like this website and such communities.

    There are some that I think of as TRUE New Agers who have ALWAYS advocated that TAKING ACTION is part of the equation, especially as pertains to the Law of Attraction. It is not about dreaming up your fondest ideas and sitting around waiting for that to magically drop into your lap. Our biggest challenges are not only to raise our vibrational frequencies (since like attracts like) but to MAINTAIN those higher frequencies, and to BE WILLING TO GO OUTSIDE OUR COMFORT ZONES, BE WILLING TO TAKE ACTION to make those DREAMS a REALITY -even though- there is "plenty of assistance available to us from the unseen realms".

    Doreen Virtue explains it succinctly in her Archangel Michael podcast and other videos. Get clear on what you want, ask for help, notice signs, TAKE ACTION! She reminds us that many of us take the first 3 steps and either don't notice the ideas that we get which could lead to a solution for our situation, or we get the idea but don't ACT on it. She emphasizes the importance of surrendering fear, getting clear, asking for help, noticing ideas and opportunities that seem synchronous, and taking action.

    Like many, I tend to get caught up in noticing and taking action. I sometimes am unsure what to do, so I do nothing, and the window of opportunity closes. So my personal challenge is to be more watchful of the signs, and act on them sooner.

    Thank you COBRA and RM for your discernment AND action, which is not a substitute for our own. <3 Much love!

    1. Phoenix, your words remind me of another "new age" person who has done more than his share of action: Neale Donald Walsch. He proposes that we follow the Be-Do-Have paradigm. We become centred, peaceful, and clear first, paying attention to our being. We do our actions from this place of being. We then have the peace and clarity we are seeking. When I follow this advice, I have far better results. This is so different from the conventional wisdom: When I have very specific things, I will be happy, and do the things that happy people do. This is a forgetting of how all the good things have come to you.

    2. You are a warrior..Maybe you are dealing with light workers,,,its the light warriors you want to run with, by your words...the lightworkers and the not play well in the animal activist world either..because we are too aggressive for them,,,they do not want to SEE the horror,...But I guess they must keep their Vibes high...when the warriors are always in attack mode...we have no choice..time is of the essence and lives are at stake..we cannot walk on eggshells for those that cannot handle seeing the truth..join me...I have plenty for you to express anger at...

  38. To the meditation group: I have included a list of organizations involved in the meditation "marketplace." I have either facebook messaged these groups, or posted to their facebook wall. I have encouraged participation in our weekly and situational meditations. The problem is this. My knowledge is every bit as compartmentalized as yours. Please look at the list. If you feel it is of value, find groups that I have missed. Contact them. Inform them of our goals and methods, and invite their participation. I suspect that this may be one effective way of finding the "missing" members of the 144 000. Here is the list: The Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Rhonda Byrne, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Paul Coelho, Gary Zukav, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Neale Donald Walsch, Graham Hancock, John Gray, Phillip Yancey, High Bridge Audio (produced Joseph Campbell material), Gregg Braden, Pepper Keen Lewis, Ronna Herman, Sonia Choquette, Steve Rother, Lee Caroll, Hay House Publications, Occupy Wall Street, The People's Voice, Occupy Monsanto, Bill Harris (of Holosync fame), Shambhala Halifax, Shambhala San Francisco, Shambhala Mountain Centre, Hemi-Sync, Life Flow, Equisync/EOC institute, InnaPeace, The Pink Floyd facebook page, Lake Isle Retreats, Transcendental Meditation, Iam University of the Heart. Thanking you in advance.

    1. ...think this is great <3 next step do we reach all the mothers and fathers who allow their children to play PS3 resistance ;) ...children have less they are very powerful with their imagination....... the chimera group actually uses and misuses imagination-power of the young population of earth, first, they distroy their emotional body and make it to emotional cripple and second our successors destroy their own future without knowing they are used........ aha..... ok......what luck one thought of love is much stronger than thousand of violence........ or what.......we have to do a violet- flame-meditation on that game I guess. This would not happen if they would not allow their children to play that if I tell them, hey your kid is gonna mess the world up they would ring the doctor.....and we know its true.......oh my...... :D ( dont forget to laugh a lot, they dont like it;) )

    2. animal and child advocates,white witches, oathkeepers should also be on that list...and most likely the 144,000 gravitated to the "happy" and "roar" song/videos there is like a hundred of happy videos made all over the world .. is there a way to put a code into the song ?? to wake the 144,000... I don't think they all know who or what they are yet...many are too humble and/or beaten down to think and know they are per most of the human race

    3. Eliana, I have just started contacting Reiki practitioners, asking for their participation in our groups. This method may help, and I invite you to join in. Reiki Masters have the ability to send healing energy to people. However, they are also well-versed at sending healing energy from locale to locale. Two things here, number one, they are already quite skilled, no learning required. Number two, is this profession another hiding place for the missing among the 144 000?

    4. Dear Daniel,
      as Cobra already stated, everything we do in creating the change is helping a lot, so thank you in the name of all who wish to have soon peace and the new golden age, we all look so much forward to it and even I know about the chimera group and all this stuff, if I go outside, there is such a wonderful motion in in the air, people are so loving and nice......I could all give them a big hug :). About the 144.000 if I am right that the importance of this number has its source in the evangelium from John, I can only say beside all discussion about "religion", this special chapter, called "Apocalypse" from John is really worth reading. I can not say that I understand much of it with my logical mind, yet it has a very high vibration and I can feel it activates something inside. I still wonder why it was possible that they put it into the bible, I guess because not many understand it....I am sure the 144.000 will be activated or present at the right time if this was meant by the words..... maybe he meant the ones who have an activated DNA ? Every day I know more that I do not know anything :D ;)

    5. Great advice, Tracey Cooke. I think many have no idea who they are. However, there is one group that may have an inkling of who they are, but don't have an outlet for their energies. I am referring to the "indigo" children. It is irrelevant if they are given the wrong label. The series of traits which classified them are well-matched to our needs.


    1. Et vivent Debout Les Belges, Laurent Louis, et tous ceux qui soutiennent cette avancée pour la Liberté
      Things are now getting more cohesive and coherent: french dissidents are all forming visible alliances (Alain Soral, Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, Marion Sigaut, Salim Laïbi, Pierre Hillard, Kemi Seba, etc..) and as it's being said right now, "la peur a changé de camp" : Fear is on THEIR side now

      "It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than NOW"

  40. This is remarkable. A sizable portion of the Gulf of Mexico water evaporates within sight of the Florida Panhandle shore. The volumes of water vapour create tornados and storms dumping up to 24 inches of rain [within 24 hours] from Alabama to Maryland.Dutchsinse 4/30/2014 Video amount of water lifted is equivalent to multiple Category 5 Hurricanes coming ashore. The evaporation temporarily forms an equilateral triangle of Mobile Bay, Central Florida and Cape Hatteras where the greatest concentrations of water vapour are lifted from the ocean and land surface. All this happens in one day. There are no storm systems leading up to this event. The evaporation happens spontaneously and instantaneously as if fifty feet of ocean water boils in a steam kettle.This is far beyond the capabilities of the US Navy or US Air Force to manipulate weather. As the rain flooded many underground bases along the east coast and in the Washington DC vicinity it is unlikely it was weather ordered by the Pentagon. This weather system, like the floods in Colorado last year, slow the Pentagon's ability to launch wars abroad.I believe this is an extra-terrestrial intervention aimed at preventing WW III. The technologies involved are centuries ahead of the Secret Space Program.Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

  41. Thank you for this update cobra. Funny, right before checking this post I was beginning to formulate 11d reiki procedures which deals with the Ley Lines...
    Gaia ' s etheric Ley Lines = Divine mother silver ray 11d
    anyone with knowledge on 12d frequencies please reply..
    Still working I will update later.. thank u RM and Cobra

    1. ((((Kingster)))) (and every one else who is willing to reading this):

      We have a little miscommunication here so let me explain.

      It was NOT the intentention of me or Gaia that you would use the pictures, that are by the way PRIVATE, for sending reiki to the nodal point and/or ley lines!!! Nor did you asked me nor did I gave you permission to use them (didn't your reiki master tell you that you always should ask permission? The mine did ?! And I teached it to my students as well :-) )

      I shared them to let other people share in the Beauty and Love of that Moment!!!

      Gaia is perfectly well, AWAKE and AWARE...and perfectly able to HEAL HER SELF (as we ALL are) She ONLY needs our LOVE and attentention!!! Us to BE with her.

      The words “spin it” where meant for the participants of the Global Ley Line Project (Hilda van Laren) We are working from the Heart and ONLY with all-encompassing Love. We left the old ways already behind dear (and for me that is for serveral years now :-) )

      I also told you that I do not consent...and with I was meant Me AND Gaia AND the Ones who are Working with and from the Heart...we are ONE do you understant dear...And it's All for One and One for All...Do you Understand what that means?!

      Gaia...and all the other Ones do NOT constent also!!!

      So seas and desist NOW!!!

      If you realy want to help then let go of the old ways... and they are many...Balance you ego... align and connect it with your Heart and the Heart of Hearts again, be the Master you are and use Love to you did many many milleniums ago.

      In Loving Service,


      I AM


    2. Sorry Isis if I disrespected your practices in any way. I am new to reiki
      My Reiki I attunement was 21 days before may 16th

    3. Well that's a poor excuse and appology “kingster”...but any way that's not why I AM coming In ...on this beautifull may day...the day that we are Honouring all mothers...Past Present and Future...<3

      Well by now you must have my real name isn't it?! Google and facebook are such great tools :-)

      Soooo let me expent My Energy <3 <3 <3 a little futher :-)

      I...or better WE (and you know who we are isn't it dear <3) do NOT CONSENT that you or ANYONE ELSE in any way shape or form try to send reiki or any other kind of energy, manipulate and/or influence my family, friends AND extended keep the list short ALL-THAT-IS!!! :-) in past present and future, on ALL timelines past present and future and in ALL Generations past present or future!

      WE do NOT CONSENT that you or ANYONE ELSE in any way shape or form try to HARVEST OUR ENERGY...and the ENERGY OF past present and future, on ALL timelines past present and future and in ALL Generations past present or future!



      So IT is and so It will BE for ever more!!!

      It's Done

      Thank you!

      I AM


    4. And the Cherry on the Cake

      We declare from this Moment of Now on

      We are ALL Free and Sovereign Beings again and for ever more.

      So it is!

      With Great Love and Apriciation

      Thank you!

      I AM


      Let's eat Cake :-) now <3 <3 <3

  42. Cobra, on nous parle et renseigne sur le changement financier à venir, les arrestations qui sont prévues, l'innovation de l'énergie libre, pourquoi aucune indication ne nous est donnée sur les techniques de guérison et sur la diminution voire l'arrêt des souffrances des être humains dans le monde ?. Bien sûr l'aspect financier, l'énergie libre sont importants, mais n'est-ce-pas la souffrance intense d'être humains dans le monde qui est le plus important ?. La faim, la soif, le froid.. faisont partie bien sûr de toutes ces souffrances que j'évoque, ainsi que tous les êtres malades, handicapés, torturés, ceux qui subissent des guerres, etc... je suis persuadée que certains Travailleurs de Lumière qui souffrent actuellement aimeraient être renseignés et rassurés sur ce thème. Merci Cobra pour ta réponse

    Lina (par l'intermédiaire d'Avi)


  44. Guys remember your actions control the Chimera group,, wait u can control them?? Lol
    Seriously though ..

  45. Excellent links and information Cobra (as always)!!! Hilda's article "The Forces of Light - Ground Crew Enacting Disclosure" in particular strongly resonated with me. She is also supporting Veronica Keen's Ley Line Project.

    YOU CAN JOIN THE GLOBAL LEY LINE GROUP HERE (that is working in alliance with the Keen Foundation):

    I am realizing more and more that THE REAL KEY TO OUR ASCENSION (as individuals and as a planetary body) lies in clearing and working with the EARTH GRID and Planetary Ley Lines.

    After reading Hilda's article I did some extra research and was guided to this AMAZING article (link follows). If more of us could comprehend just how ALIVE our planet, Gaia/Sophia/Mother Goddess really is and how intimately we ARE a part of her, part of the Sacred Light Grid……we would never again speak of her annihilation or destruction as a welcome "ending" to the suffering we have endured at the hands of her captors.

    She has chakra systems just like we do! She suffers when her body is polluted or energetically attacked, just like we do! She needs to cleanse herself lest she die, just as we must. When I read this article the famous maxim "As Above So Below" took on a much deeper meaning. The knowledge contained in that article is a real Consciousness Expander…...

    For those here who wish to join us in the ALL IMPORTANT WORK of healing the Earth Grid and Ley Lines, I highly recommend reading this article! The verbal imagery was exquisite and I found myself (possibly for the first time) fully connecting with the Cosmic Soul and my own Divinity.

    We must learn to love her (Gaia) as much as we love ourselves, for she is our Mother. As we celebrate Mother's Day in a couple of days, let us include our Earth Mother in our rituals, for she does indeed nurture and feed us with her sustenance and unmatched beauty.


    And a brief excerpt to whet your appetite:

    "The Grid is not something out there, away from us, safely, abstractly separate from our daily lives. Our molecular bodies and human consciousness as we walk on Earth live within the Grid. The Grid is like a unified tuning fork vibrating with our Light/Life/Electromagnetic spectrum for Earth as we receive it daily from our specific Star Evolution paradigm, the Sun, the astrophysical center of our local solar system Grid. Our King Sun is an evolving star, and our lives as humans on Earth are breathed within the Grid-mediated parameters of "His" body, our familiar solar system.

    The Grid is the forgotten nexus between humankind, as embodied, Earth-walking consciousness, and the starry heavens. The Grid is the spiritual link for the blending of cosmic and terrestrial energies in the consciousness experiment known as Humanity; it is the pervasive means for the harmonious fusion of the energies of the solar system in human consciousness.

    When we comprehend the Grid as Gaia's immune and digestive system...then we can clearly see the urgency for purging, cleansing, and harmonizing the Human/Gaia Being again. We are not separate: Gaia's ecology is our spirituality; Her imbalance is our psychosis.

    It's a question of reciprocal maintenance. As we maintain the Mother, so we maintain ourselves, Her children. As we purify Her body, so we cleanse our own. As we feed Her, so She feeds us. As the British geomancer Reshad Feild notes, "Although this grid system exists in the natural world, it, too, is made for man and woman, and so the necessary work of transformation has to go 'through' the vehicle of the human being."

    This is true planetary ecology, love for the "Earth Household", because it recognizes the indivisible bond between Earth and Human, House and Resident, Mother and Child, as mediated through our homologous Grid bodies."

  46. I'll try my best

    1. That's all any of us do. And it's all we are Asked to do.

  47. Wow. I do know some of these references...
    -in5d I like the guy who created this site...though not so fond of the site navigation
    -Washingtonsblogspot is a well-respected writer and in-depth researcher. (from my prior association with 911blogger, the definitive 911 Truth site)
    -jhaines What is the Real Truth?
    -rt (well everyone knows rt is cutting edge)

    but the Sophia's correction THAT was SOMETHING!
    (if you have not read it, or you eyes glazed over due to its length, go have an in-depth look!) I wrote this introduction to it when I reblogged it:

    "Wow, this is a mind-blowing article, even for those of us who think we are (or were) in the know. I have included the full text, not just the link. These subjects are complex, and though it may seem that he touches upon ideas you may find unfamiliar, I am familiar with some of the references, though much of this is new to me.

    Having experienced Tantra during my adult years in California, despite attempts to raise me as Catholic here in the Northeast, I definitely understand the suppression of sexuality as a means to control the population and keep enlightenment at bay, and the role religions play to that agenda.

    Yet even in what are new concepts to me, much of what he explains makes sense, even if contrary to what I have come to believe for a long time now, especially regarding 9/11 Truth. Thanks to my acquaintanceship with Mark McKertich, a local 9/11 Truther and filmmaker in Boston, I once attended a 9/11 Truth talk in Cambridge, MA by David Ray Griffin, who I had a great conversation with afterward. He invited me back to the home of the brilliant Lynn Margulis, where a small circle of Truthers got to continue the discussion in a more intimate and informal setting, and listen to Lynn speak.

    For me, this makes it is clear that it is quite likely that John Lamb Lash knows his stuff, in depth! Accordingly, it seems like a good time to adjust some of my own long-held beliefs and assumptions. I have long been on board with the thermite theory, but part of that was because, although I had heard theories about some sort of beam or space weapon destroying the towers, I just didn't believe that the types of energy weapons he refers to actually did exist. With what I have come to understand in the years since that evening, that what we know about is only the tip of the iceberg, and only what they want us to "know". What we know about NOW as "new" is technology that is actually OLD, relatively speaking.

    As Cobra says on his Portal2012 blog, where I got the link to this article, it is important that we develop our discernment. In a rapidly changing world, I think it is also important that we surrender limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, especially when presented with new information. And although I follow many channelers, I only share what resonates with me, and even then, I take the information as someone's malleable opinion, subject to change, and not solid, hard, unwavering truth."


    Also, Laura Bruno posted an article yesterday:

    Death Throes of the Old Paradigm

    Laura often reblogs James Gilliland's posts. But this one is reblogged by J. Haines, and it is superb:

    MUST READ!!! – James Gilliland: Behind The Mask of Disclosure, May 7, 2014

    Keep on keeping on...I am working a lot this weekend...see you on the Astral!


  48. Oh, and what's up with this?


  49. Thank you COBRA for putting up the links from Mark Passio and John Lamb Lash. I was waiting for that :-)

    You can find an FREE pdf of his book “Not in his Image” on scribd...please google.

    I have an other EXCELLENT well resurged and grounded writer for you Joseph P. Farrel. You can find a vast FREE audio library here (please consider to make an donation to Georgeann and him)

    Please listen to my big brother also...His story is absolutly worth listening to

    Well I AM of now

    Much Love and Appriciation,


    1. Cobra, what is the main source of Chimera ' s energy?
      Do we just have to focus on cutting power to the etheric arcon grid? Cuz that's easy
      This update is seemingly last resort so any intel on chimera's power source would speed up the date of the event. I think this data is crucial

    2. Yes Kingster. This is crucial data, the Hammer came down on the Clock. Unplugging the Power Source is next. Any time You are ready.

    3. Don't worry about this week

    4. The Chimeara energy (Olympos Turky) was transformed, neutralised and released in september 2012 :-) The River of Light is Flowing abundantly ever since. Olympos Turky and Olympos Greece are since that date connected again :-)

      "They" are running on theyre last fumes...

      With Love and Appriciation...


    5. Both Temples of Athena are cleansed and trapped, wandering and lost Soul where guided Home by the Dolfine Grid yesterday evening.

      <3 <3 <3

  50. For all who want to support Earth and ALL of it's inhabitants please join us on may 13 :-)

  51. Thanks Cobra, you hit a home run with this update post :)

  52. cobra, nuclear explosion in Iran was created by the cabal and Israeli Zionists?

  53. A call to action from Anonymous..

  54. Cobra, How much of the intel is misinfo organized by chimera mind control. Haven't we already won because they aren't setting off any strangelet bombs. Since 5d Gaia resonance already exists. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the government or any faction of the military has an excuse to attack anyone with anything.

    1. Yes. We have won. The question is...what are the masses going to do with it. Will they accept and act on it? Or will they deny the truth and stay in bondage? It will be interesting don't you agree?

    2. You cannot say "we won" before all the global gangsters are behind barrs.And the west is still playing the cabal game as we can see in Ukraine.

    3. Yes, I can. And I do. Find out why. I leave it to you.

  55. This youtube vid will blow your mind.

  56. Thank you Cobra for being humble and posting this new update. As things happened that were least expected from the last activation, let's strive together to make the next window of opportunity/activation Pleiadian Alignment May 17 a better stepping stone to triggering closer to the event. Who knows when it will really happen but hopefully when the right time comes, we'll be ready and know it. For those who find it hard to relate to those around them because they just don't understand, just think about this, you know more about what a lot are unaware of and that makes you that much more knowledgeable and able to involve or help others even more. For the sleepy ones, they'll wake up when it is their time. But since you have awaken, that is already a great start in your journey to use your power for the good and better of the world and humanity. You were probably meant to wake up a little more earlier than others so you could play a role in helping the world. You are NOT unimportant. All of our efforts combined will only add more manifestation to the light.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.
