Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Recently, a jihadist group entered Iraq from Syria and conquered a significant part of its territory:

Their purpose is to create a totalitarian Islamic state in that territory and they call it Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). 

That group is a joint creation of the Saudis and the US Cabal (with Jesuits and their Blackwater/Academi friends behind the scenes):

The agenda of the US Cabal is to create a pretext for military invasion and thus prolong the life of the petrodollar:

And for the military-industrial complex to pocket some nice profits:

On a deeper level, there is an occult war going on. 4300 years ago, the Annunaki Archon overlords of the Cabal created what is called the Akkadian empire:

The Akkadian empire was an extremely violent and patriarchal society which was created to suppress a very important Goddess energy vortex, created in the same region over 7000 years ago by the Halaf and Hassuna-Samarra cultures:

Now the same Archons, incarnated into Black Nobility families, want to create a dark empire of horror in the exactly same region to suppress that Goddess energy vortex even further.

You can compare the map of the Halaf/Hassuna/Samarra cultures:

With the map of the Akkadian empire:

And with the map of current status of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: 

It is interesting to note that the invasion of ISIS militants began in the city of Samarra, which is in the center of that Goddess vortex and was also the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate. Abbasid dynasty in the 9th century was connected with the secret White Nobility lineages and triggered the Islamic golden age with great progress in science and art: 
The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people. They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism). 

You can read a god article about that here:

The Archons have deliberately chosen ISIS as the name of the jihadist group and their Islamic state to associate the name of Isis (she is a Goddess of Light) with darkness and horror in the minds of the human masses, especially now after we have partially opened the IS:IS portal and when there is great further potential for Goddess awakening in 2014. Therefore Isis is not a Cabal-friendly Goddess, the Illuminati just try to misuse her beautiful energy for their nefarious purposes. Ironically, the name Illuminati means the enlightened ones, when in reality those people are the furthest away from true spiritual enlightenment. 

To clarify the situation, Goddess Isis does not support ISIS, Isis wants peace, and peace it will be. 


  1. Sending much love to Iraq<3

    Goddess want peace so peace it will be!! <3

    1. The key to peace is strong states with secure borders. States are necessary even if their exercise of power can be brutal, even genocidal. The foreign policy of my country, the USA, seems to have done nothing to establish strong states in the Middle East, without which infrastructure and stability is impossible. Intervening and killing, branding people who rightly wish for self-determination as terrorists, the USA can blame itself for an extreme religious backlash. Baghdad Burning documents the internal effect of occupying Iraq. What other hope is there for real self-determination than a Shiite caliphate, a Sunni state, a Kurd state? The West, blindly clinging to boundaries it set up that do not respect tribal realities, has more or less proved that it cannot bring stability to Syria or Irag. Moreover, as a pronounced enemy to these people's interests, it puts itself at war with them, creating a so-called "terrorist' threat against itself. This leads me to support the idea of supporting ISIS as an emerging state. You leave us alone, we leave you alone, at least as starters. Things could then improve with stabilization.

    2. when I grew up in munich/germany, u could travel from bustops in front of my present home to places like for example india. right now my wife, who holds a 3rd world passport, can travel nearly all over europe without anybody wanting to see her passport ever. I feel better that way, don't care about how much butter poor africans or whoever might "steal" from my bread, would love to be able to travel to and live wherever I feel like on this planet and would love see every being having this right.

  2. Teemu you are an angel, you found the right words :) maybe we should create an extra meditation to flood the region with goddess-energy <3 So be it, be peace and harmony across all borders, inside and outside, every-when and every-where, now and forever <3

  3. Thank you for clarifying the situation Cobra! I was wondering about the name which couldn't be mere coincidence.

  4. I did Alexandra's implant removal and I feel a major change in my consciousness! Way less internal strife & negativity now that those buggers are out. I can't wait till the whole world can feel this and the veil is finally lifted! Thank you COBRA and the RM for all that you are doing! Victory of the light! Let's shed this disease called evil & get back to normal :))

  5. Eliana, just do it. Meditation on Peace will always create peace. The more we focus on peace the faster it is manifested.


  6. Ill add Iraq and Syria to my on going Meditations daily.....
    The Dark has been and is lately really pouring it on with parasites or whatever they are using through social sites and mainly the spiritual groups on FB attacking like crazy..... Love to all....

  7. Thank you Cobra for this information. I have noticed how the cabal always mean the opposite of the words they say.

    May the goddess Isis bless our planet and constrain and confine those who besmirch her name.

  8. World Peace, Sovereignty, Abundance, Equality, Love and Light to All. I Am. Make it so Goddess. Namaste.


    Cabal is like a headless chicken right now trying to start wars to support their dying war machine. Syria failed, Ukraine failed, and now they are desperate enough to try Iraq again while it might be the most unpopular places to american people to start a war so its doomed to fail from the start -.- doh.. Cmon cabal your games are stupid and "bit" desperate, you have lost the control already so grow some balls and please surrender... I know you are reading this blog so you know that your war machine IS going to fall and we know it.. So just put end to this nonsense and start using your money wisely for The Greater Good Of All :) Cabals thoughts at night in these days: Those damn lightworkers are beating us everyday and they dont even have any money :D They just send love and all our plans are failing -.- Not fair!! What even is love?!?! Answer to that dear cabal members aint but feel free to watch anyways maybe you get a change in heart and stop hurting the planet ;) Ps.

    Victory for the Light!!!


    1. Totally right. Come on, we must push harder and bit the crap out of them during our meditations. We will get our freedom back. The light will win and the dark will fall.

    2. During our meditations we must focus on light and peace instead of darkness of war . Focusing on positive will produce positive outcome.

  10. Sending unconditional love and light to IS:IS portal as the much awaited Goddess awakens into oneness...

  11. Thank you Cobra for the clarification. If you look at AlJazeera and VoiceofRussia online news sources, they describe this nasty group as ISIL - including "Levant" in their description. Those two news sources don't call them ISIS, which is interesting to me. Note that does uses the abbreviation ISIS.

    When we post the goddess portal meditation information and send it to lots of people, we can explain who Isis really is... We can explain that Isis is being co-opted by these weirdo nasties.

    Meanwhile, I simply feel badly for Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine... their countries and people are continually being ransacked and destroyed. It is a humanitarian crisis and I can barely read the news about it. It makes me weep. So I will mentally and emotionally imagine them all wrapped in a large pink egg of love energy.

    My goddess energy has been kicking up lately. I have finished a painting.... I have been playing the piano..... I have been dancing.... singing.... thinking of all the wonderful goddesses in the United States, such as Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, the late Eva Cassidy (singers), the late Maya Angelou (poet), and on and on.... Bring on that goddess energy!

    Love, light, goodness, strength, creativity, wonder, sensitivity, compassion, understanding and more love to all... Aloha....

    1. Could you send us picture of your painting? :) I always get good vibes from seeing lightworkers artwork! :)


    2. @ Teemu: You are kind. I will try to figure out how to post it.

    3. lets remember..we are the Goddess, the Energy is in US too,,<3

  12. Cobra, when I first heard about isis I KNEW right away what they were attempting to do; subvert the true meaning of ISIS. I made sure to post on my Facebook about ISIS being the Goddess of love and fertility that my facebook friends would see the association. Preemptive action I suppose.

    I'd like to know what the Light is going to do about this? Or is the RM content to allow the war to happen and the life of the cabal to be further prolonged by the war.

    As above, so below. I'd like to know what has taken place on the astral plane to pave the way for the potential of this new war? Has the RM lost a major battle?

    1. I see it as the Cabal trying to thwart the upcoming goddess activation by just pouring more negative energy into it. Doesn't mean anything has failed, just means that these portal activations have a big effect. Like the upcoming June 21st activation

  13. Cobra why is itnthat whenever I come in the comment section, I get dragged all tye way down? Does anyone know who airl and the domain arenn the alien interview by mcleroy? Its very interesting and I want more info about this.

    1. Depressing part of the interview was the confirmation of what Cobra is trying to tell us - that Source does not have much power in this sector of physicality and has been trying to liberate us through positive ETs and AMs for a long time. Hope Source finally gets the upper hand in 2014 -15.

      Good quote by the alien of an AM's teaching :

      When one cares more for the body than for his own spirit,
      One becomes the body and loses the way of the spirit.
      The self, the spirit, creates illusion.
      The delusion of Man is that reality is not an illusion.
      One who creates illusions and makes them more real than reality, follows the path of the spirit and finds
      the way of heaven".

      Laozi / Lao Tzu

    2. Good quote and thank u for replying bro. I felt the meditation was a success because I felt liberated and more at peace. All I want is justice and for the cabal to pay for what they have done. Have a nice day

  14. Replies
    1. I wish the sky would rain down roses
      as the rain from off the shaken bush
      and they would fall as light as feathers
      smelling sweet........
      And it would be like sleeping
      and yet waking
      all at once..........
      George Eliot

  15. Now I know why I have always been drawn to ancient history, particularly in the Middle East. Now I know why I have worked in the Middle East. Now I know why my name means the moon. Now I know the connection between my name and Artemis and Isis. Now I know my power. The cabal is being destructed to end duality and restore life to this planet. So be it.

  16. Victory of the LIGHT!

    Cobra, please see this:

    Ancient Secrets Of Mankind And The Anunnaki
    Revealed On The 14 Tablets of Enki

    Read more:

    If one watches ALL of the CREDO MUTWA videos, done by many, you may discover CREDO MUTWA tells of a similar story.

    If you care to reply, please relate all of the above to Isis.

    Victory of the LIGHT!

  17. The Golden Dragon listened for about 9 seconds.
    "We're on it!"
    And off She went, calling out to Her family members and friends.

    Do your loveliest. And your best. Let's get this spaceship shining like a disco ball! :-)

    619 (six-one-nine)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Thanks for this clarity on the situation. I knew when I saw main stream media send Anderson cooper to bagdad that the b.s. was hitting the fan hard now.
    These world affairs are so chaotic but chaos is necessary to restore an order of a different and changed type, and I feel this change will be for the benefit of all.
    I will visualize and will a pure and healthy energy to that region to help facilitate a positive alteration in the relationships of all consciousness there, the human, plant, mineral and especially a healthier relationship of human and earth consciousness as it relates to oil. Peace and love to us,

  20. Thank you for that timely information, Cobra. I just want to add that there are so many more symbols that are not included in the article referred to (about perverting symbols of Light). We need to understand that the Cabal will go to great lengths (and they've had eons of planning and practice) to prevent our Awakening.

  21. Cobra can you comment what Julien Wells said about 11000 cabal members taken off planet...??

  22. It has been raining here for a week straight. Day and night with no let up. Is this a cleansing time? My meditations directed to Goddess energy are getting more expansive and powerful. I feel I'm not really in 3D reality and I'm just witnessing this as a waking dream. I haven't broken thru the barrier yet but it seems to be just on the edge of my awareness. Is anyone feeling the same? No people to talk with. Just the animals. They are love. No telepathy with them yet. At least not with my limited awareness. They seem to love and accept me tho.
    The world seems to be self destructing on all levels from the vantage point of my little iPhone. I rejected the lies from the TV and radio two years ago. Thank you Cobra for the clarifications and updates. Thank you all for your comments.
    Steward in the forest.

  23. I can feel the goddess ,,,in my intrincate life...all its more clear-- a litle ...

  24. That's what I actually like about these articles, Cobra. You just drop a "few" lines, and the information cause such enlightment every time, that I can feel it down to my cells, that things get in order, chaos fade away. Thank you.
    I will play special attention to Syria and the Middle East in my Isis meditations. I think we can all do that!

  25. "The Archons have deliberately chosen ISIS as the name of the jihadist group and their Islamic state to associate the name of Isis (she is a Goddess of Light) with darkness and horror in the minds of the human masses,..."
    Yeah, and they are so desperate to make ISIS (terrorist organization) seem terrible that they released obviously faked photos of mass executions:
    I teach Photoshop so I know a faked photo when I see one. These photos are all fake.

    1. "Archons", etymologically are the "Old ones", and these are not those fifth dimensional inorganic parasites known by that name, and a rather serious issue. This is simply a better marketing name for ISIL, where that L (LEVANTE: where the sun rises, in spanish) was going to be very difficult to remember by the current news´watcher.

  26. Cobra, why do YOU write it is "IS:IS" instead of ISIS or Isis? What is the meaning or significance of the colon, please? Thank you.

  27. yes ,pure sincronia, acordei a pensar neste assunto com vontade de clarificar e então encontro o teu post.desde a activação do portal que algo não estava bem,vejo a ligação de isis de lucifer vejo o david wilcock a falar do aspecto negativo de isis a respeito do post do benjamin fulford,alguém que com quem colaboras.tudo muito estranho,mas é isto que nos mantém agarrados a algo que já sei que não vai terminar tão cedo e vocês a fazerem o papel que estão dstinados,ou não.abraço

  28. Very much suspected this was the motive behind naming this Islamofacist CIA created movement 'Isis'- thank you for pointing out their objective in doing so.

  29. Dear Lightworkers, the one thing I don't think Cobra put in this post is how weak the Cabal is now. They are super, super, super weak! This whole ISIS thing is really the last death throws of a dying empire. They are the type that would be planning a new nefarious action right up until the moment that the plug is pulled (the Event). But really, they have no more money (gold) to do anything significant. There is no reason to be afraid of them now. At this point, they are a mere nuisance.

  30. u people r being deceived, I pray for all of u!

    1. Can you please explain? I would honestly like to hear why you think so.

  31. expected more on this ISIS update, there was nothing new in it, it was too obvious that they're hijacking light names and symbols. all these images, links and info were nothing new !!!

    1. That only means your capacity for discernment is better than others, who wanted clarity in the face of this incident the Cabal are using as an emergency defibrillator to an unbeating war heart. It's fairly clear they're not going to have much success in continuing this for too much longer. If anything else, they have only one ground left that they can use to foment a war, and it is their ultimate last resort, because there are people ready for it: America.
      The Cabal doesn't want to pick a fight here, but for them to lose once and for all, they will try. People won't take these hijinks when they come busting down all of the doors. Or at least that's my wish to believe.
      At best what will happen is that they say the magic phrase that puts the Resistance in motion to arrest the Cabal and keep the peace everywhere else necessary.
      Also, the mass border-hopping into the US by children around Honduras and Guatemala could be a possible spot of Cabal activity, considering that Cabal News Network likes to talk about that, too.


  33. Cobra: You are right and there are many implications, as this one: Why do "they" fear so much about a NEW "light-bearer" as to made them build an also new infrared binocular observatory?
    The only explanation would be, that, the same as an electron, when entering in an atom, increases the energy of the atom as to make it turn into a light emitting one; the same phenomenon which occurs in a fluorescent neon tube, thus the same is expected to happen with an infrared "Black Dwarf Star" coming in our solar system, which would "lift the veil" in a real "apo-calypse" (" a revelation from above") making it impossible for them to keep their control over a deep asleep humanity, as the energy exchanges produced by this new comer would inevitably awaken humanity:

    1. My name is Isidro. I feel the power of sun as it flows through me and as I pass people through out my day, I can see a change within them. A very good feeling is invisibly felt and registered. The reaction is always them asking me if we've ever met before... lately I'm concerned because I feel dark energy around me, as a new silent phenomenon is taking place when I'm near check out registers in the store they always freeze up. When I'm in older cars, the gauges malfunction and don't work as they did before I got in. I'm writing this because I'm trying to reach out now. I feel surrounded by negative energy and every turn. Thing's that made me so happy are so hard to reach now. Please help me rid this dark energy around me that has gotten into my family and friends. Bosses at work, coworkers and girlfriends. All the simple things that once made me happy.

      Isidro in San Jose, California

  34. Dear Cobra: Let me emphasize what you say about symbols: These are really a Two dimensional projections of actual working Universal forces. As such they should be taken as TECHNICAL BLUEPRINTS of those forces generated starting with the two basic forces, both legs of the Pythagorean triangle, expressed in the physical realm as Electricity and Magnetism, always 90º apart, and in the other realms as Ying an Yang, which combine and move generating the Spiral and then, if seen in an instant, the Flower of Life.
    As for the famous 6666....., it is not other, as you perfectly know, as the equilibrium limit in between those two forces, when one is equal to 2 and the other to 3, where 2/3=0.66666... and it is the PERFECT FIFTH of Music....Nothing demoniacally in it, except for the fact seen in our daily life that when building something which is, say, of a height equal to 3 and having a width of 2, will easily fall down if pushed from one side: Thus that is a LIMIT of equilibrium.
    The CABAL´s big cheat is that WE are unable to know those Universal Laws, this is why the killed all Gnostic Christians and declared "Gnosis" (knowledge) a heresy and DE-CREED what we were suppose to believe: THE CREED.

  35. This group (ISIS) has been around since 2003, formed shortly after the beginning of the Iraq War. It has recently come into prominence due to its ruthless onslaught in the region. There is no covert occult meaning to any of it. It is simply a Sunni guerrilla splinter group whose day has come. It's objective is to wrest control away from the Shia and impose severe sharia law in the region. That is all it is.

    1. So what? Even if this group has been around since 2003, so what? What does that prove? You think the Archons, who have been around thousands of years, don't know how to PLAN for the future??? You think It is a coincidence that now that Isis goddess energy is making a comeback and the IS:IS portal was partially opened, the news is suddenly filled with ISIS terrorist news along with fake photos of horror?? No, it is not a simple coincidence.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Taking out the 11,000 cabal WAS THE BEST PLAN EVER!!! Thank you Pleiadians, much love and gratefulness...Why not the rest of them?? Who's free will are we waiting for??...the humans are poisoned, drugged and many yays do we need?? Lets get these child molesting, human and animal abusing, sick twisted lunatics out of power and away from society.. lock them in the fema camps...only fitting they be caged...where they planned on dumping everyone else!!

  38. Dear Cobra.

    Thank you for your clarification.

    The Pleaidians up-lifted 11,000 minions... to the light? Is it true?

  39. As we all are "Aware" and "Awake" to the "Truth" of the situation in Iraq, may i suggest that we all send continuous Love and Light to the situation, we can spread the word to other family and friends to channel their Love and Light to Iraq.
    We know that Love and Light will definitely help heal the situation.
    My Wife and I will be doing the same and visualizing a positive outcome to the situation.
    Bless You All.
    In Love and Light

  40. Cobra, how can we help? is there any particular place or person we can focus to shine light on?

  41. Speaking of Goddesses, have you guys read the Anastasia Ringing Cedars series?? Soo amazing! I've been connecting with nature more & more since I started reading. 2 nights ago I was laying down meditating under the stars & I heard someone beside me. I was surprised to see a coyote come right up and start playing and jumping around like a puppy as I watched in shock. After that he sat 10ft away just hanging out. Our allies are all around us if we open our hearts to them..

    1. I had a coyote come up to me too. He hung around for 20 mins until i left the woods. This was last October. He seemed friendly and curious.

  42. merci pour cet intel très important, tout deviens plus clair désormais !

  43. Perhaps there's even more than Cobra knows about what's going on in Iraq. Read the link provided below of a consistent poster on a website with a CIA contact that has told her what is really happening in Iraq concerning the ISIS insurgence.

  44. By saying: "NO!" with my whole being I draw a line in what's allowed"

    That's what we all say as the almighty and all-knowing presence that we are.

    We are saying: "YES!" to eternal peace.

    True being is knowing that you as a whole being as you exist in this very now of reading or when I wrote this. No matter when - it's always you.

    We always existed.

    Now we remember. And we remember when the darkness (that made us forget in the first place) has the greatest power imaginable. But their power is only as strong as the truth to existence - us being eternal, immortal and have always been and will always be. That's why we are.

  45. This news might find some people off-guard.

    Well let me say one thing.

    Until the very end of this "war" between the "good" and "evil".

    Until the very end you have to do your best on your choosen side.If you just start to ignore either side because you had enough....where will you find yourself?

    And ignoring the facts will not help either side you if this is the main event on earth,you should fill your role.

    I only say this to those who rarely or never participate in meditations.And take informations from this site as promises.

    1. I chose: I gave up.. I will ignore anything I want, light side dark side.. I don't care anymore.. NOW, I am.. So, I don't want to hear from "so to say teachers".. Please, stop "sell" me your "wisdom".. If you want be helpful, just tell me what YOU did to rise your vibration or make more Light.. Stop telling general truths..
      Be neutral in your opinions, like Cobra do.. Thank Cobra..

  46. Thank You Prime Cronus. Is there anything more Epic than you? Pluck your Bonuses at Will.

    ~Mission XX~

  47. It's simple

    Put your heart and soul into your PurSuit. Those who seek in that way will find... and BE found. SelAH.

  48. Timing clarification. We insiders see a subtle connection between symbols, even as misleading direction. Light penetrate unwareness always

  49. méditation pour la paix , l'amour inconditionnel, toutes les énergies pour ISI la déesse de l'amour merci je vous aime et paix dans nos cœurs et partout sur la terre.

  50. Thank you for the clarity on the goddess and divine feminine. It is really amazing what they have done. They have reversed the meaning of everything, including the calendar and the number 13, as well as astrology - the 13th sign was originally the spider - the dream weaver- then it became a man, Ophiuchus- the serpent bearer and then eliminated. The 13 is the feminine cycle that relates to the moon. Why wouldn't our calendar relate with the lunar cycle. Seems pretty strange, doesn't it? I have long been unknowingly afraid of the 666 which comes up in my life a lot and the pentagram. Now I intend to have one custom made with a poem on the back. They have wanted to keep us afraid rather than enamored with the beauty that surrounds us and is within us. It is all love. They have wanted to separate us from this love and understanding, replacing it with fear and revulsion. This will not stand any more. Goddess arrives.

  51. Hey everyone!
    You should checkout this meditation in addition to the Cosmic Goddess Activation on Saturday. It's said to activate humanities prosperity code!

    I listened to the audio a few nights ago and talking about powerful stuff!
    Check it out and hopefully we all connect through unity consciousness and wash the banking cabal clean with the white cosmic light!
    You can find the registration here and it will then send you a link to the audio which is FREE!!

    Also, their website is pretty interesting as well.
    Children of the sun we are!

    Victory is near!

    <3 Pix

  52. Hi Cobra..
    What is your opinion about this video?

  53. I need a contact/meeting in/near Boston - z yto bg @ g mail . c om

  54. The Divine Cosmic Mother is the infinite female loving Presence embracing all creation.This is the Goddess.Her energy will be projected on us by the many female enlighted beings on the solstice.Isis is one of them.Considering Isis as the whole Divine cosmic mother is a mistake and can inspire but also reduce or block the direct connection with the whole One.As praying Jesus not always helps to connect to Christic Consciousness.This is the typical mistake the cabal makes,mirrored in their fighting group name,they reversed the swastika and changed the verse of the symbol,put face down the pentacle and create a different meaning as they do not like or accept venusian ways at all and now they create this group. This group not only creates false opinions in our ideas , but mirrors their conception of Isis as a war goddess and as the only important one, as the use of capitol letters shows.They always made of extraterrestrial presences gods and goddesses to adore and made of each of them the only and best one,just to fight for the most important.... everytime.!!!WE DO NOT make this mistake,we honour our star brothers and sisters but we honour ourselves,too and we honour the Connection with the One which makes us all equals,all brothers and sisters, the connection which has been us denied and which we are getting back thanks to the precious help of so many star beings , but also thanks to our own efforts and more than everything to the Will and Love of the Source.Our Cosmic Mother is huge indeed but not too huge to be thought and felt and on the solstice she will be embracing lovingly again each of us!Good solstice meditation!!

  55. Dear Cobra,
    What is your opinion about that?

    Experts Reveal Economic Collapse Imminent!!!

    We need to know the truth..
    Thank you!

  56. nesara news reports that a RV will take place soon, and should be a focus of Iraq! Can you confirm this intel please!

    1. That's probably just more of the Dinarlander "any day now" expectations that all the suckered hang on to. Published misinformation and/or lies. At best there is only a paltry amount of truth in those things, and most of it leaves me saying "tell me what has not already been said".

  57. The Rocket Fuel is being filled into the tanks. Starship Gaia getting ready for take-off.
    No need to fasten any seatbelts or such crap, everyone's being taken good care of.

    "Famous last words?"
    It takes Actions not words. And it is all about The Timing, Baby!

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom Forever

  58. We have Peace. And Peace has us. Let us be ever Vigilant in its keeping. Let us guard it and nurture it with the Love that Created it. A Mother's Love.

    Peace is a place in Time. Ask for this Time and you shall receive it. It's a Gift from Heaven, tied up with a Bow... a Rainbow.

  59. Riding the Wave Of Love all the way out now. Every single one of Us :-)

    Follow The Sun.

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom

  60. I have been doing Children of the Sun activations since 2012 and they are great!

  61. Absolutely awesome meditation and activation today! Thank you so much to everyone who was with us! Powerful feeling of connectedness and strong visuals! Much Love to EveryOne!

    1. Thank you, same here. Amazing activation in the middle of a crowded city.

  62. Update on the Strangelet bomb situation please.

    And give us more info

  63. Highest Will. It is too magnificent not to revere... from your marrow. If you are not in Awe, you are missing it. It's not wise to miss the transportation provided by it.

    Stand in Awe. You have already been given the Gifts. You need only to Appreciate them to unlock them. You need only to Accept them to Receive them.

  64. Beautiful and Powerful Activation today..........Hopefully it helps!

  65. Dear Cobra:

    Such interesting information. Thank you again.

    We are now several hours into the Summer in the northern hemisphere with the arrival of the summer solstice a few hours ago.... Hope the meditation went smoothly as solstice arrived. I meditated a little earlier than the appointed time, but I did visualizations of pink love energy all around the planet. I was trying to "pave the way" for everybody else. Let us know how it all worked, won't you?

    Can you let us know if the interview with Rob Potter, which happened around Tuesday June 17, has been posted anywhere? So far, I haven't seen it on or

    Thank you to all of you, above, below and in other dimensions for the love and caring.

    Is there a Cobra interview from Tuesday June 17, or thereabouts? We don't see it on Rob's website which is and we don't see it on either.

    Please advise

    1. Rob Potter's June interview with Cobra is still under editing. They have to modulate Cobra's voice and it takes some time.

    2. If the recording is made by 2 channels; L channel for Cobra and R channel for Rob for example, the voice modulation only for Cobra can be made instantaneously in a second. And, the recording to separate channels itself is also quite easy.

    3. You may record Cobra's voice and Rob's voice to separate channels; L channels and R channels, so that Cobra's voice alone can be modulated instantaneously. The voice modulation should be merely a matter of clicking a button. The separate channel recording itself is also quite easy.

  66. I Wonder whats up? A Caravan of UN Trucks and a separate caravan of Tanks seen moving along the interstate in Georgia!!

  67. When something in your creation no longer serves your intent in the highest way, just move it out of your full flow. If it improves from that, move it back. Otherwise, let it go its own way.

    I'm really not fond of grieving over things that I invested a lot of love into. In this cycle, I hope to experience a lot less of that. Thank you.

    All the back doors are closed.

  68. Why is David Willcox saing that Isis is the fem side of lucifer .
    Is he a moll ,or desinformt ?
    Dos'nt make any sense.


    1. " The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people. They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism)."

    2. yin yan, dark/light.. ISIS as in the Goddess Isis is not the same as the Islamic militant group ISIS

    3. Thanks .after all my love is bigger than fear , and some times it can make me angry to be truth

    4. David is only able to 'go back' as far as above-surface written history goes. My understanding is his extends primarily to ancient civilizations such as Babylon/Sumer and Egypt around 6,000 B.C. By that time the IS:IS concept of divine feminine energy would have been corrupted and woven into the Luciferian mythology that now forms the basis of the Cabal belief system.

      Cobra - if I understand it correctly - has had access to source material far older which is the root of the concepts as originally disseminated to humanity.

      I hope my wording is not too clumsy...difficult subject matter.

    5. Just Words: Isis, Ishtar, Esther, Kupris, Cyprus, Star, Venus,(all the same lady) was the "light bearer", and light bearer in Greek is LUKNOS (Light)+ FERO (to bear)= Lucifer. Nothing to worry about! See?

  69. This days have been so hard.. feeling more tired than ever.. depressed.. like i dont exist.. is hard to describe it... headaches... what is happening? ... is the moment before dawn the most dark time of the night?

    1. @Finca, you are not alone in these feelings. A lot of lightworkers feel this. Some say it is because the light is too much; our vibrations don't match; we can't accept the light...blah, blah, blah. I don't accept that. I think it is because we are more sensitive to what is ABOUT to happen...and it could happen any day now. We know that a huge paradigm shift is about to happen, and it won't be easy for everyone. Our compassion makes us worry about the whole world and how they will accept this radical new change. We worry, and worry, and worry some more! Of course we know it will be for the best, but we worry about how others will accept it. This constant, existential worry is really stressful and makes us tired, hard to sleep, spacy, and a weakened immune system. Stress is not good.

      So the solution is to send loving-kindness to the whole world. If you are worried about them, send them some protection. And don't worry if you can't get it right, there are others working to pick up the slack. The GREAT SHIFT is happening very soon. We all have to support each other during this tumultuous time.

    2. I don't know exactly, but I call it "getting hit with an inter-dimensional hammer". Be kind to yourself, I prepare more each time before a portal activation.

    3. I feel kinda the same way.. its like, we or many, are carrying the emotions of the entire world.. we/many are more sensitive about all the dark that is being liberated.. the compression is so strong right now that many are feeling that release....

      well, at least i feel this way... i would like someone or Cobra to talk about this more.. how Cobra said it before: "Archons and their etheric minions are putting pressure upon the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, trying to inflict despair and separation..." - How are they doing it and all..

      In the end/beggining everything will be alright,,,

  70. thanks for the plan..semjase...the goddess stay always with us
    555 --666-777 -888- 999- just numbers .

  71. According to this Whistle Blower we have had 5 colonies on Mars for close to 20 years!

  72. too much 'New-Agey' but not enough substance here...

    1. Hi Niki, maybe you consider to reply on our last conversation. Otherwise this comment again in the same manner is a proof to me that you are a cabal. I am still waiting for an intelligent answer.

    2. @eliana: it's the type of responses like yours that honestly have truly disappointed me. just because I don't agree with -apparently- the majority here, and also just me being very honest & *real* saying what I do feel & think, and suddenly now you are so *quick* to call me a "cabal" ?

      sorry, I can't respect such ad-hominem attack.

      and moreover, instead of right-away attacking me *personally*,
      you could actually be more polite & civilized, and most importantly: show some *understanding* by simply quoting my statement that you disagreed with, or wanted to ask me.

      with all of this, I honestly (& seriously) have to say:
      if this is the attitude of MOST so-called "lightworkers/spiritual-people" etc etc in this blog, then it is such a sad community that are NOT objective, and full of hot-blooded & tantrums type, as well as ignorant & delusional type of people only.

    3. @Niki: I think in the past there have been many polite answers to your posts from people who tried to understand and help you. As many others said before you where not willing to learn and I was one of those which got it very late, that you do not want to have a positive communication. Now after penetrating with always the same comments you wonder why I am unfriendly. Hm. So that you actually DID answer, maybe you want to show me that you are not a cabal. If this is true, thats very nice.
      You are constantly attacking people here that they are not able to think clear and do only think *wishful* without being *honest, true and realistic*. I please you to stop that kind of attacking, means the knowledge which is posted here and also people who are commenting.

      But anyhow: The light will be victorious very soon- and nothing can stop this from happening :D. Earth with all living beings will shine in rainbows and every being will be in joy,bliss and peace. There will be unimaginable harmony and beauty on the planet. All nature will be healed and the air will be of such freshness we can not imagine. We will be so free, if it takes place we then only will know, how freedom really feels like.

      Nobody can prevent that from coming into existence. The light will be victorious.

    4. As we like to say in the IWC:
      The obvious Troll is obvious.

      Honestly, Niki:
      If this was mathematics you would be the kid proud to be able to count to three. And you only know those three numbers.
      Everybody else here can count to One thousand or more, and can do multiplication and stuff.
      YOU don't even know that there is more than three numbers, but you attack the ones who can calculate?!

      Your behaviour towards everybody on here is totally unacceptable, Niki!
      You're a little disgraceful punk kid.

      Or a cabal-paid internet-troll.
      Doesn't matter anyway:

      You show zero respect to us lightworkers and -warriors, so We give that to you right back, jackass!

      Know your role and shut your mouth!!!

      And although these words mean nothing to you apparently, We still wish you

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom


    5. Lets quit feeding the wild bear. Ignore it and it will feed somewhere else

    6. p.s. Lets just all get along.
      If you haven't heard the cobra interview yet, then you must know this issue was directly answered:
      Rob – There seems to be still a lot of agitation and a lot confusion in a lot of people and there seems to be in some cases in-fighting among people which have the same pure intent and they seem to pit against each other for unnecessary reason. This is still on-going.

      COBRA - It’s still on going. I have said may times for people not to get provoked and almost nobody listens to me. But it’s their choice and people will have to face the consequences of their actions sooner or later.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @eliana et al : see the next Cobra's post, there you will see my *most practical, straight-forward, and basic* question, where -if you are really honestly sincere- you could help me again (one more time) to answer my lingering question.


  73. And the show carries on. If we were to be delivered from this mad game, why not now? Aren't we talkin about a sovereign God? He seems so depend from here, it's like catering to a teenager with issues. F off already. I'm tired of hopeless spiritual words, there's too many that translate into nothin but delays.

  74. I feel the same. Remember anger is but a stepping stone. That is, if you wanna carry on. Good luck.

  75. Burning sage in my house all weekend. Trying to get rid of any negative parasitic energy. On Saturday there was a big halo around the sun, and a rainbow that looked horizontal below the bottom part of the halo circle. Very strange indeed.
    Everything is going to be alright...We are from the future

  76. An event of immense significance to the future of the Globe may have occurred at 8.15 pm on the 20st May 2014 in Japan. This has so far been unreported by any of the major worlds press outlets or confirmed by any Government. Regrettably this silence could prove deadly.
    Spasmodic early reports appeared first on the net on the 21st of May. Most were quickly dropped by Google or YouTube but sometimes re-appeared. Since May 27 there has been no new information only the rehash of old information.
    The first claimed announcement it seems occurred on the 21st May when a hysterical commentator stood beside what he referred to as a General Electric nuclear water supply dam, (GE built the Fukushima Reactor) and announced to the world;
    “Giant breaking news – UNIT 4 AT FUKUSHIMA IS ON FIRE”
    An increasing number of sites then showed web cam photographs of what they claimed was an uncontrolled nuclear fusion fire in the surrounds of Reactors 3 and 4 at Fukushima .
    The Japanese Government has declared Fukushima to be a State Secret which prohibits any reporting of events at Fukushima unless officially permitted beforehand.
    The underground press continues to conduct its own investigation into this fire. One site showed a daylight photograph of smoke coming from an area about 180 ft long and 30 ft wide around Reactor 4. Some night photographs showed a fearsome red glow in that area. Apparently the heat and contamination is claimed to be so bad that nobody can get close to attend to the fire. One excellent site opened up on Google for a short time on Monday 2nd June. It showed 3 fierce fires at Fukushima but did not identify where they were on the Reactor complex. This site was quickly shut down.
    The destabilization of the Fukushima complex to this degree if true, is very worrying as it is one of the dirtiest nuclear sites in the world. Plutonium and many of the worst isotopes exist throughout the site.
    The Fukushima Nuclear Plant is Japans oldest. It is classed as a 'Dirty Reactor' as it used both plutonium and uranium. It was built in 1963 and has 50 years of nuclear waist stored throughout the site. No waste has ever been removed. It is believed to hold 600,000 spent rods which need regular maintenance and there are a growing number of suspect tanks holding highly polluted and toxic waste water. Some are already leaking.
    The storage pool above Reactor 4 contained over 1300 rods of spent waist as well as a large number of
    new rods. In itself, it is a disaster waiting to happen as it must be continually flooded with water to keep the rods submerged at all times. It is damaged and it leaks. Contaminated water runs through the complex and is flowing into the Pacific. It has run at a rate of 300 to 1000 tons a day since March 2011.
    The Reactor 4 pool alone contains 14,000 times more cesium than the Hiroshima bomb. It was extensively shattered in earlier explosions and is beginning to tilt dangerously. TEPCO recently completed a steel shell around this damaged reactor building to help support it while they attempted to remove the rods from the pool 4 floors above the ground. This task was always fraught with danger. If rods brake when being unloaded or touch one another at any stage, they could cause a fusion fire.

    1. @Neil:This is not good news. I have heard that there is already existing technology for removing nuclear radiation very fast, but it is not allowed to be used yet.

    2. I suspected this is going on cause the people here in Singapore (probably in Asia and soon in other part of the world too) are developing skin issues. Some said it is due to the dry season but I don't think so - we had dry seasons in the past but we don't get skin problems. The Galactic had been assuring us that this FUKUSHIMA is taken care of but look like it is not entirely. I hope we will be helped otherwise there is only one word "DOOM!".

      May the LOVE be with you always.
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer -

    3. the link of the new technology for transforming nuclear waste:

  77. If the rods are not kept continually underwater they will spontaneously ignite. They have been likened to trick party candles. Blow them out and they will ignite again by themselves. After being continually alight for about 140 hours they can reach temperatures of 3,300 degrees F and can explode or become aerosolized and give off what the industry refers to as 'Royal Gasses' - the most toxic mix of isotope gases. Only one whiff of some can cause untreatable cancers.
    Chernobyl, a smaller reactor, was eventually stabilized only when the spent reactor shell was totally encased in concrete. This was done by 600 flights of helicopters dropping concrete on the reactor site. Each flight was manned by 600 different pilots who were protected as well as possible from these gasses and radiation. Each pilot flew only one mission. All 600 pilots are now dead.
    Several weeks before the new Fukushima fire was reported, David Suzuki said that if there was a No 7 earthquake in the Fukushima region, this damaged Unit 4 building could be toppled exposing the rods or bringing them together. If a fusion fire erupted as a result it would be “good bye Japan” and most of the West Coast of the USA would have to be evacuated.
    In summary, it seems there is mounting conviction from unofficial sources that an uncontrolled fusion fire is now alight around Unit 4 in Fukushima. Some commentators are claiming that this is possibly “the first time an open air fusion fire has been filmed”.
    The US underground press released one report I saw last week which showed a grid where tests have already confirmed that worrying levels of new radiation have now reached the West Coast as well as some parts of mid America. The commentator said this was confirming evidence that a new and serious level of radiation was coming from Japan.
    Perhaps the most worrying concern is, if this fire is as bad as some claim, it must restrict the management and maintenance of the site. One can only imagine how big a disaster it could become, certainly an epoch making event.
    The above information has not been sanctified by any official source so it is impossible at this point to make a call on its authenticity. Please make your own inquiries.
    If the above is wrong then provide the hard evidence to kill it. If you are convinced it is on, then tell the world and help summon the best possible resources to manage it.
    The best links so far have been on;
    Google Fukushima Fire
    YouTube Reactor 4 Fire at Fukushima
    Independent websites James Stone -a must read. Click his most read - Fukushima Sabotage
    Possible solutions
    Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident cleanup
    Huffington Post is trying to confirm the above and is complaining of the lack official information.

  78. A lot of Americans are angry and want revolution. Last week alone the Governor of Louisiana said rebellion was brewing against Washington while the South Dakota Republican Party called for the impeachment of President Obama.

    The military and the agencies have in their possession a full list of all the names and addresses of the members of the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. If anybody else wants to find out who they are, all they need to do is go to the local library and look them up in a Who’s Who. - Ben Fulford

  79. The interview of June is out, and you can hear the interview as well as reading the transcription here:

    Thank you all light workers, light warriors, RM, and Cobra!

  80. I took off for the Cape Thursday night to see family and enjoy some decompression and stress relief in nature. I did my best to avoid the snews reports on ISIS, be on line minimally (mostly just to share posts via my smartphone) and spent copious hours outside and at the beach. Catching up on posts. I want to say that for anyone confused about the game/battle being waged on Earth, I found great inspiration listening to this fascinating Sheldon Nidle interview, that you can access via Rob's site:

    June 21, 2014
    Interview with Sheldan Nidle and Dan Willis [audio]

    Sheldon Nidle is one of what I like to call the Old-School New-Age Movers & Shakers. He is articulate and clear about the agenda of the dark, and in high certainty that major positive change is imminent.

    Though as soon as I got back to the city, my nerves were on edge and my confidence sank a bit, I remain undaunted in my efforts to improve my life and reach more people in need of healing. Working on that. I hesitate to post positive details as they unfold, as it seems when I express my optimism, I undergo debilitating psychic attack. Let's just say that for now, I'm treading water...tired, but trying to keep sight of the shore...

    Oh yes, and COBRA's interview with Rob Potter * May 20, 2014 [with subtitle]

    I had to access the YouTube link since the page player doesn't seem to want to work since my Adobe update. (Don't even get me going on Bill Gates, Microsoft, Windows 8 etc. Grrr!)

    1. Forget about Internet Explorer. Use Advant Browser instead - download it at

  81. This is revealing:

  82. Dear COBRA, please shed light on this agency:

    and any ties with the current situation regarding ISIS.

    Thank you!
    Love Light Infinite Blessings To You and To All

  83. The technology of the 'Goddess energy vortex', pure engineering:

  84. Author Ahmad Chehab (2014) published an article online via entitled “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) and the Discourse of Violence: Justifying Beheadings”. In this article Chehab is deciphering why the act of beheading is justified under Qur’an and Sunnah proofs. This headline article generates difficult views on why Islamic penal law states beheading is Islamic rules of governance. However, professional experience seen via a personal lens decisively states that the beheading of journalist James Foley, “who was an ISIS religious figurehead” (Chehab, 2014), is unjustified.

    Freelance James Wright Foley was not an Iraqi or Syrian. Therefore, it was no justification in his beheading. (Ferran, 2014) He was in northwestern Syria as a freelance war correspondent during the Syrian Civil War. His beheading in August 2014 is a statement in its entirety that Islamic governance is not to be accepted as it is. This is human brutality at its worse.

    To conclude, when Foley was abducted on November 22, 2012, it was for implementation of power regarding the governance of the Middle East people. As an American, James Wright Foley beheading did not established a formed of governing; however therein, delineated what humanity must not adhere to – justification of cruelty under Qur’an and Sunnah proofs. “James Foley was the first American citizen killed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (“ISIL”)”. (Fung, 2014). Therefore, defeating the ideology of the next American captured for power by an Islamic State is crucial. In all due respect, beheadings are no justification to power via a governing body.


    Chehab, A. (2014). The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) and the discourse of violence: Justifying beheadings. Retrieve February 9, 2015 from

    Ferran, L. (2014). ‘Apparent’ that James Foley Executioner is British, Intel agencies race to id killer. Good Morning America. Retrieved from

    Fung, K. (2014). James Foley, missing American photojournalist, beheaded by ISIS in Syria. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from

  85. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6)
    Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
    “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world [us], that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

  86. Thank you, dear pleadean! I seem to understand now the difference between Annunaki and Archonts.
