10-01-14 "STRANGE EGG tau in final completion / TOP EGG in progress" (http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/10/state-of-mission-report-september-2014.html)
10-07-14 Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update (http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/10/plasma-and-planetary-situation-update.html)
11-02-14 "STRANGE EGG tau complete , TOP EGG in progress" (http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/11/state-of-mission-report-october-2014.html)
A New Planetary Situation Update (http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/11/a-new-planetary-situation-update.html)
11-10-14 TOP EGG L4 infection cleared
11-17-14 TOP EGG L3 infection cleared
A Short Update (http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/11/a-short-update.html)
11-20-14 TOP EGG L2 infection cleared
11-22-14 TOP EGG L1 infection cleared, Imperator in progress
11-23-14 TOP EGG L0 infection cleared
11-24-14 TOP EGG convergence complete
11-29-14 TOP EGG primary clear
01-01-15 STRANGE EGG L4 infection cleared
01-13-15 STRANGE EGG L3 infection cleared
01-19-15 STRANGE EGG L2 infection cleared
01-22-15 STRANGE EGG L1 infection cleared
01-23-15 STRANGE EGG L0 infection cleared
01-24-15 STRANGE EGG convergence complete
01-25-15 STRANGE EGG primary clear
Love, Light, Peace and Unity for all! The Breakthrough is indeed near!
Re: Living in the 5th dimension Dear fellow travelers; I video-taped my Personal Declaration of Sovereignty and posted it on the Internet for your inspiration. It is 10 minutes long. (My first ever video) You can read the text on my blog and facebook in case you want to utilize it as a model or draft for creating your own Declaration of Sovereignty.
I choose freedom I choose humanity I choose the cosmos I choose a cosmic reunion with the star brothers and sisters. I reject the cabal and their minions. I choose a free planet and a better future. Share if you agree!
"Are YOU Alive? Is THIS a moment in Time YOU choose to BE Alive?
I know it doesn't mean anything to anybody except for Me, but I gotta at least try and share this. Tonight, RIGHT THERE, where the original Constitution Of The Republic Of The United Staes Of America was drafted, written and signed, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania a little pro-wrestling show takes place. Tonight, right there in Philly, of all places, will be The Royal Rumble featuring THE ROCK !!!
In related notes, GaiaPortal's update from earlier on :-)))
"Long-standings are finished and no longer carry “attachment points”. Moment-ous living is the “norm”. All non-followers of the moment will fail. Continuities come only with discontinuic BEing. Inertial entities have left. Such is the moment. Gaia is prepared for finalization, in this moment."
So Let's Get Ready To Royally Rock 'N' Rumble, Everybody ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liSmzYSOF3Y
Love, Light, Unity, Joy, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All and for Everyone
Many are reading this blog and never write a comment and some of them maybe are already your fan, who knows. Those who belong to you within the divine plan will find you, no matter how - here or somewhere else. You bring in very positive energy, never whining. I like that a lot, as you are like a very old, strong tree that withstands every storm.
PS: As soon as possible we will write more details about our gathering, maybe you also want to join us and meet lightfamily in Germany (Berlin) Sunday in 3 weeks. We will announce on:
...all german and non- german beings of light are invited now, just to have a little chat and fun for duration of an afternoon...details coming soon...
So, RaJah225! You are our big strong oak! The rainbow colored glitter is already trickling down on you and I can see the shine. And as the air gets cleared you suddenly realize, there where always standing sooo many oaks near you, indeed, you now can see clearly that you are in a wood of oaks, standing so near each other, they are sometimes touching each other a little when the storm get too strong. All those oaks are finding each other now and they all thought, they where the only ones, because there was so much darkness, so they could not see very far.
Thank You so much, so goddang motherloving much, for your kind and loving words. Domo Arigato, there are no words to expresss my gratitude and appreciation.
Okay, maybe This will do :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXWgLS-WIP8
You two are among my favorites in these threads (there are others) because you shine your light, undaunted, and you both know the meaning of play, and freedom. <3
Wow, things are really happening fast now! I remember when it would be weeks between any sort of posting. Now it seems like there is a new one every day! Thank you Galactic Team for all your hard work!!
Beloved ones, as we now know, that we are the ones who dissolve the darkness of duality into the divine golden light of the One, it is now highly recommended to use your energetical sword, which you have got from Archangel Michael.
Stand up as tall as you can, embodying your complete magnitude and be in your full power of divine love and divine will, divine softness, divine mercy and grace.
Your sword is a mighty amplifier for all you are acting out to fulfill the beautiful divine plan for the highest good of all that exists.
It can aspirate and fill, disconnect and put together, activate and shut down; always synchronized with the divine plan and divine will.
The energy can flow in both directions, it depends on your intent and focus. If you aspirate unharmonius patterns of the mass consciousness of any kind, the energy gets sucked into its peak and leaves through the shaft into the central sun.
If you fill the energy body of Planet Earth with the God-Goddess energy, the energy enters from Source or the central sun into the shaft and leaves the sword through the peak.
You can also ask Source for extra tools, maybe a diamond be put into the sword with extra abilities.
As soon as you start to use your sword you will notice how much more effective your work will get and the results will be overwhelming.
Yes, i, and all are waiting for an update of cobra, with the text/message,
Be all ready now, the event is about to occur every moment now!!!
Only then, i have get some serious hope, and feel muuuchhh better then.
Such a message would be FANTASTIC!
But again, im tired, emotionally, physically, and mentally sick, and exhausted of the endless waiting, for something big, that seemingly still not wil happen.
Does cobra warn, inform us all, with such a message, when the event is going to happen, at every moment/minute, second?
I'm pretty sure we'll get a very nice update after the event happens, like a "Things you can do now, how to inform others, when will the banks open again" etc, but cobra will never say anything beforehand, you gotta remember that the cabal can access the internet just like we do, it would be silly to give your enemy a warning of an incoming attack.
Also, when the event happens, it'll be pretty obvious. The world will literally stop, it'll be the most massive thing this planet ever experienced.
Remco. Have you every tried being One with everything/everyone both dark and light. Whether or not "The Event" happens, try to be at peace with it not happening. The Dark Ones are still reflections of the creator. You have to be ok with everything and everyone if you want to find peace in the moment. The idea of "The Event" is driving you crazy and taking you out of the love and peace in the present moment. Everyone you come in contact with, see the creator and try to love 'em. Try and find it Remco. God Bless. -Ken
Cal080810 You ever tried allowing people to be who they are? Remco makes his comments from were he is at in his own experience. Makes me laugh at all the Holier-than-thou people on this blog that just because you say God bless or Namaste at the end of you comment gives you permission to tell others how they need to try and be more like your "trying to be".
Cobra's last interview revealed that the event will not start till the new financial system is up and fully tested which is not suppose to be completed till May 2015. Also, the event was to start with a very strong bright light and extremely high energy that is felt around the earth. Not sure if that was changed or not.
@Mary Magdalene, Cobra has never said any such thing in any interview about the BRICS financial system. He has said that the new system will be used and it will be helpful at the time of the Event, but it really isn't necessary at all. Once the bad guys are arrested, they could just as easily use the old financial system. A bank is a bank is a bank. The only thing stopping the Event are the Chimera and all of their exotic weapons. Once Long Island is cleared out, the Event can occur- even if BRICS is incomplete. Cobra has explained this many times.
The impulse from the Galactic Central Sun, aka Tsunami of Love, is still supposed to occur at the time of the Event. I do not think it is a "bright light" as it will be at a higher frequency than our visible light; but sensitive people will be able to feel it intensely. Again, I am just paraphrasing information from Cobra.
Joe Biden is apparantly now a target. Hopefully the unholy four will be brought to justice soon too. Although I very much doubt the mainstream media will broadcast this. Light and Love to all.
It is not one individual such as Cobra, or the Galactic Intelligence, the Resistance, or even the celestial angels who can trigger the Event unless it is the precise Supreme Will from Source, Divine Intelligence (which goes by countless names).
There is only the ONE, from which EVERYTHING is created. That which is created on earth is in the form of opposites and diversity. Pleasure and pain. Up and down. Good and bad. Etc. So when we look at the bad going on in terms of suffering in any way, that is part of the SAME creation of the ONE. That means that the ONE Intelligence responsible for all diverse forms of intelligence, of which the human being is as well, is governing everything--what we experience as positive AND negative. There is a Divine Plan and unfoldment, together with our "Free Will", which is also a part of the Divinely Intelligent Plan of creation, that is governing each and every change in each instant. It's very logical. And it goes beyond mere logic, because Source is ALL and is present in ALL and knows ALL. So keep in mind that nothing happens except by the allowance of Divine Intelligence. We still have our free will to a degree to stand up against evil and wrongdoing. It's NOT that we just say everything is destined and we have no say so. That would be an incomplete perception of the power we do possess as part of creation. But nothing can ultimately occur outside the Will of God, if you will. The will of Intelligence permeating all. Therefore, it stands to reason that there is a purpose to everything under Heaven. Everything on earth. If we can't see it or understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means that with limited awareness, we think that something's wrong with the outcome around us and that "something needs to be done MORE" to bring about the Event. We each can do the most we can do to help the world and preparation for the Event which could come any instant, according to Divine Intelligence, not any one intelligent being alone. (Part 1 of 2 - continued)
If there were truly "mistakes" that could happen outside Divine Intelligence, then that would signify that everything is random and haphazard and without order, reason and ultimate purpose. When we observe anything, there IS intelligence and interconnectedness with everything else.
I appreciate your intentions in your Heart to assist those in affliction. If you and others can truly do something about it directly or through meditation, prayer, affirmation, resources, then all the power to you. When the transition to the New Age steps up in vibration and the cabal/illuminati/Rothschild factions are removed, then remarkable breakthrough will be achieved.
Consider these things yourself, and others reading this, the same. Could there really be anything in this creation that "gets something over on Source?" Even if there is an "anomaly", the words Cobra has used to describe the extreme manifestation of negativity on this planet, consider who allowed for this anomaly to exist in the first place? And for what ultimate purpose? The individuals that assume "roles" of negativity while on earth serve a purpose in this transition to an Age of Harmony. Even in the New Age, there will still be diversity, differences, "flavors" on this earth. However, they may be withing the positive spectrum of happiness and well being rather than the extremes of suffering and joy that currently manifests in the world.
I have expressed this thought a few times on this blog and I seem to attract people who want to attack my words for stating such a thing that everything is governed by Divine Intelligence. Everyone is welcome to there own point of view and experience. No judgment.
As I wrote before, my best English high school teacher posted above the chalk board:
"Think for yourself your teacher could be wrong."
In Love and Intention for the Final Breakthrough and Supreme Kindness of Source to bring about Liberation of this planet through ALL the roles of everyone, all of the people and beings everywhere which are a part of creation. Such an intricate working for the Highest Good of All, in the evolutionary stream of life forever...for greater energy, intelligence, love, peace, creative expression, happiness and bliss...and dispelling the darkness of affliction, suffering, torture, torment, undue challenges that have escalated to the breaking point where Divine Harmony that's LIGHT illuminates the world and destruction and evil can no longer be found. Otherwise, if there was not a Divine Intelligence ever present in all and orchestrating life profoundly, we would all be doomed with the "outer" power of the illuminati and related force. But Supreme Intelligence infinitely out ranks the limited destructive mindset of the lost souls worshiping darkness and not knowing the "sunshine" of all matters.
Thank you everyone for hanging in there, strongly.
Dear kind Sir Cobra and other kind ladies and gentlemen of The Portal,
Can you please help me in a once-in-a-lifetime request for help? I am now in very dire financial straits, since I have a family to support and I now don't have enough money for our daily needs. Therefore, can you please donate to me 200 US dollars just for this one time only why I use this extra time to find other means of employment and business choices? Please, sir. If you agree, please donate the 200 US dollars or any other amount lower than that at your discretion and choice to my Paypal account at >>> nordar56789@gmail.com
Mozart there is people and families out here in way worse condition then you me both that have nothing at all ......I am sure you can find help at some community place or something .Cobra blog is not here to give hand outs just info we all have to struggle down this path ....Peace Light Love
I greet you, JustBe to answer your question (which is already gone) with a question that cannot overlook the spirit with which you posed it when you did. Faced with such a question, I am moved to ask what motivated it.
If I am faced with such thing as a simple "yes" or "no", I could find myself answering in the dark to a million things which haven't been unveiled. How many contracts have we signed in like manner, with not small printing but NO printing at all?
From what consciousness is the question born and to what consciousness is it addressed? Would Wisdom ask such question to the unprepared and be exercising Love?
Some of us, you know, hold the ocean in a cup before answering what was not explicitly asked. I do apologize for intervening, but I AM FLINT.
Yes, or no is just as energetically subjective and open ended as the perception of a contract. When we release ourselves from all contracts we are free indeed - all dimensions, all timelines and levels of existence.
Mental exercises can be viewed as games, and the best games are intended to be fun and educational. This one likes to play, we can choose to play or not - and I have selected the "not" option also. I am the OCEAN.
JustBe: I appreciate you! I learn so much from such dialogue--reflection is my nature; but you set the perfect web and I--thinking I was standing by--found I was "caught" inside. Ha-ha! I like a good joke too. Thank you for that. The addendum you added to the question puts it back in my court and now I see that it is I who can add the small print, and that way I can choose to play...with or without a contract. That helps. :-)
OCEAN: take all of me inside of you! Inside of you I weep not. I love. HOME, where I am free, where all is pure intention, love, kindness, compassion, respect for all life... to use the words of JustBe.
I just watched VP Joe Biden on the Ellen Degeneres Show talking a little about Healthcare. Perhaps he is coming around to the light. Very interesting...
Hi Chuck, thank you for sharing that link. According to My Heart and My Higher Self, DW is absolutely right with what is currently going on.
The playing field has been surrounded by a cage, and all the participants have entered the cage. From now on it is no more stupid "WarGames" as the dark so like it. From now on it is OUR GAME :-))) Now starts "The Match Beyond", which will be decided by Surrender Or Submission.
And I can guaran-DANG!-tee Everybody that the Divine Forces of Light and Love will show those dark donkeys a few things they never thought were possible. Especially now that they're basically disarmed :-) I wonder how long the trickle-down-effect will take for "middle-management" of the dark to find out tthat their supposed leaders are shitting themselves with fear 'cause they have no clue anymore ;-)
Surrender is an option - Submission is Guaranteed. The Choice is all yours, darkies.
In 2013, I actually believed in contactee Alex Collier's claims that said his ET contacts told him that December 3 2013 would be the day of the density shift. I believed in that 100% and due to that I spent all of my savings using my money to help people around me who was in financial difficulties. As a result of that, now I don't have any savings in my account and only have an extremely low-paying job that is not enough to support my family. I need some funds in order to use for necessities and to start an online business, so can anyone please donate to me 200 US dollars just this one time in this once-in-a-lifetime request for help by me? You can donate the money to my Paypal account at >>>> nordar56789@gmail.com
May the Creator and Divine Consciousness bless those who read this with fortune, happiness and good companionship. Thanks.
Yes, I like to do that, put my heart up against it after circling it 3 times, stepping from root to root...Here it is a large, old Oak I met when I first relocated, in the Arboretum, but it spent its youth on the farm that was here 2 centuries ago. In California, it was always Conifers, usually numerous Redwoods that I spoke to and hugged. Heart against bark, feeling the bark breathing with me...grounding. Give and take. Merge. Healing. Unconditional love. I have met trees that did not welcome humans, but there was one special tree up in Willits ("My little tree") where we went annually for a camp-out party, to kick back and to dance..I watched her grow over the years,, and I'd go commune with her...One night, the last visit I had, I was in my bliss with her when suddenly, she wrapped her tendril around my finger...a love squeeze! Amazed, I said in disbelief, "NO WAY! that did NOT just happen! (so she did it again, to let me know it was all very real.) <3 <3 <3
★ do you feel the highest love of the cosmos, so high that it lifts you above the top of the universe, pouring into your being until the smallest cell and atom ★
★ are you aware, that the higher dimensions are soon to be visible ★
★ do you feel the tiredness of the dark ones, they can not find the way back home on their own ★
★ thats why we bring them back into the divine light where they are loved as much as every other being, because God makes no difference ★
★ their divine spark will start anew and all their darkness will be washed away when they go back home ★
★ nothing that the divine has created can ever be destroyed ★
★ no one gets lost, all who have left their body will take another one, if they choose so within the divine plan ★
★ do you feel your heart growing so big that the universe gets really very small ★
★ did you choose to go brave forward ~ until the very last step before you start to fly ★
★ do you know that this is the last hour of the old aeon and can you ever imagine what will come afterwards ★
★ are you aware that even if you try with all your power to imagine what will be manifested in the near future does not even express 1 percent of the beauty we all will experience ★
★★★ the love is next to you, right beside you and was always there ★★★
Those are some very true and beautiful words, Ilana, thank you for that. And I totally agree :-)
So... "Shine a Light, Shine The Light Through the Eyes of The Ones Left Behind "Shine a Light, Shine The Light SHIINE THE LIGHT, come on and SHINE THE LIGHT Philadelphia Freedom I Love, Love, Love you. Yes I Do, WuHu !"
"Shine a Light, Shine The Light
*Sunmaker Pose* ;-) "SUN-SHINE !!!" :-)))
Love, Light, Unity, Joy, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All and for Everyone
Woops, Mr. Dumbass Knucklehead (that would be me) didn't notice that the acttual song is missing ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuVUOIEvDc8
Nice to see thousands of people in Central Park get on their feet and start dancing once the song starts. Same thing happened to me when I first heard it 30 or 33 years ago :-)
:-D I do apologize for mis-spelling your name, by the way, Inana. You're the first person on here to spell my stage name right so Of Course I had to mess up yours ;-)))
Right. Next step: Train Conductor apparently on board - if that's how the conductor or train driver looks like, book Me a Ticket Right NOW !!! :-)
I had honestly totally forgotten about the website. ;-)
Just tried to contact you but that doesn't work, my message cannot be sent. Don't know if it's a technical thing or because I'm not supposed to do that. It's not the first time that happens. *shrugs*
you can also send me an e-mail through this profile, forgot that I had released that function... :) just rights-click and "copy e-mail" if it doesn't work directly....
All-Righty, Done. Let's see if that works, my track record of emails getting "lost in the ether", so to say, is kind of sketchy as well. Just in case it does not arrive: The entire Saturday and Night were spectacular, one highlight after the other :-))) Got three new 1111 license plates and had the best road trip ever!
"Glück Auf, Glück Auf Wir Steigen Auf !!! (...) Schon lange Zeit Und es gibt einen Schein Damit fahr'n wir bei der Nacht Ins Bergwerk hinein"
Ja nee, is klar, selbstverständlich natürlich sehr gerne auch das, gar kein Problem für niemanden .-) Doing that All Night, Every Night for 26 months now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii2e6pbn0-Y
It's . . . I know . . . Well, what needs to be said has to be said. And if nobody else does it, I'll do the J.O.B. no problem. I guess . . . ;-)
To whom it may concern:
"I can't live without you if the love was gone Everything is nothing when you got no one And you walk in the night Slowly losing sight of the real thing
But that won't happen to us and we got no doubt Too deep in love and we got no way out And the message is clear This Will be the year for the real thing
No more will you cry Baby I will hurt you never We start and end as one In love forever We can ride it together,"
Fahrgemeinschaften werden berücksichtigt !!! Ich drück' Dich, Dini, mein Schatz. I hope all is well, Sweetheart. Beschwerden werden jetzt gerne angenommen ;-)
And I'm the same Lars I used to B. Ällerbätsch !!! ;-p
George Soros retires for good. Well, that's the spin in the news but maybe he isn't voluntarily retiring! Go RM!!!
George Soros retires again - and no hedging
"Talking of the Euro, we can’t help thinking he’s picked a tricky time to retire. With Eurozone QE just about to start and the Greek elections threatening to spark a whole heap more uncertainty, there must be many more fortunes just waiting to be made in the currency markets this year. Still, even a retired man needs a hobby - perhaps he’ll find time to take on a few more hapless central banks in the evening and at weekends…"
Now see this: Greece At The Crossroads: The Oligarchs Blew It http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-27/greece-crossroads-oligarchs-blew-it
Give them all they want, let them have it. I have said before, all they take will implode on them, weigh them down and suffocate them. They will become sicker with each act to gain more. They will not be healthy in mind or body. And that is not even being negative.
It's like a obsolete machine coming to an end with all the noise, grinding, shrieking, whining, smoking, gushing, sparking....
Thanks Wingmakers, talk about synchronicity to my post above yours. I can't wait for the whole lot to topple. In the UK our elections are in May this year. I hope our government falls before then.
You're welcome, and I agree, although I enjoy them all for different reasons. If you double-click on Soundcloud, it opens in a new tab, so you can save it to your favorites. (You need a Soundcloud account, which is easy)
Oh, you had me going, I thought it was going to be 5-pointed GMO snow, especially since it was in New York! We had gale force and hurricane force winds in Massachusetts. I've been seeing snow stars since childhood. Sometimes they land on our mittens or car windshields. Very similar to Masuro Emoto's water crystals, but perhaps it really is a sign of good things to come!
Happy skies, welcome Galactic Family of Light!
I am sure I was seeing a number of hovering ships last night, but my mini-binoculars were not that helpful in getting a closer look. Soon. SOON!
Any one else experiencing extreme fatigue like being covered with a hot wet blanket? Its been going on for a couple of weeks. Some times its so bad It feels like extreme virtigo and like Im goin to fall over and too dizzy to walk. Any help would be great!
I've been experiencing extreme tiredness and problems sleeping for some time now. I don't know what to suggest really. I just try and keep my vibrations high. I can imagine many are suffering at this time.
[A]n alternative such as the BRIC Bank for example. Recall that the "BRICS Announce $100 Billion Reserve To Bypass Fed, Developed World Central Banks."
And yes, the BRIC are going through their own share of pain right now as a result of plunging crude prices, but remember: crude is only low as long as the US shale sector is still vibrant. Once this marginal producer of crude with a $80 cost-breakeven is out of the picture, watch as Saudi Arabia tightens the spigots and Crude surges to $100, $150 or more. The question is whether Saudi FX reserves can outlast the Fed's ZIRP, which is the only reason - think idiots junk bond investors desperate for any ounce of yield - why the bulk of unprofitable and cash flow-bleeding US shale can still operate with WTI at $45.
Which naturally means that now Russia (and China) are set to become critical allies for Greece, which would immediately explain the logical pivot toward Moscow.
Can it be? A terrorist renouncing violence and terror? Embracing reconcilation? When facing our fears, the will to live becomes a driving force. Suddenly, we understand what it is we value. Life. All life. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/al-shabab-leader-says-he-quit-somali-terror-group/
"When facing our fears, the will to live becomes a driving force. Suddenly, we understand what it is we value. Life. All life."
There it is…thanks Phoenix for highlighting a fact that has been grossly neglected and over-looked by most spiritual self-help gurus and channelers because they do not understand it themselves - and some intentionally omit the truth because making $$ from a product or brand for another Mc Mansion is more important, keep dangling the carrot. There are steps to "enlightenment" that no one can skip and hop over just because it's too uncomfortable…and too scary. This denouncement of violence comes from someone who has seen too much death and suffering with his own eyes and had enough of insanity by taking a bold stand - even if it costs him his own life - because at the end, nothing else matters but a Peace of mind.
This is the effect of Pluto. Pluto takes you to your underworld, it doesn't ask you…but demands every stone is over-turned and nothing stays under the rug, everything is dealt with. Right now Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, the Highest of Justice, the highest peak in the wheel of life, the Medium Coeli. The process of change 'can be' "not so difficult" if you go with the flow and do change, or the hard way if you try holding onto the old and resist…at the end Pluto always wins. Everything gets flipped upside down when you finally see the truth - that our value system is based on deceit and lies, with instruments of money and religions - instead of integrity and personal merit. Meritocracy used to be the way of/to the real Nobility, not centralized tyranny - until it was infiltrated by the virus, and today, few hundred years later, everything can be bought, even titles…"Barons" and "Knights" and all the rest of the bullshit that goes on within the modern incestuous, sick-in-the-head royalty. The deceit and the lies of the Roman Catholic Church are based on the Old Testament (part of the Bible of the Christians and "the holy book of the jews"…how clever and convenient for future one world religion that combines ETs in their doctrine!). They are the biggest whore who sold it's soul to the archons for earthly power with black magic and money, and blood sacrifice…err, inquisition in-the-name-of-their-god, still well and alive today all over the world- and by lying to their flock that they are saved! That they can buy their way to heaven by telling all the personal dirt in a "confession" with spies, and then repenting and handing their money to the pope and the bankers, instead of the needy! How sick is that?
Finding that driving Force is a process that comes from facing your greatest fears , that's the part no one can do for anyone because it's a battle of wills in your own mind, Humans are not a hive-minded herd but, beautifully unique beings.
Freia, I think we all are capable of such insights. I'm better in writing than speaking, where I get tongue-tied and my monkey mind and Virgo Moon predisposition to detail scatters my thoughts.
I DO read, follow and enjoy several specific channelers and seers whose information resonates with me, but I also reject others accepted by many. I certainly don't claim to have the best powers of discrimination, as I have been fooled and disappointed, but I DO consider the New Age to be a good thing, though many people dismiss it, throwing the term out only when disqualifying it, as in "New Age bullshit". I don't agree with applying a blanket judgment to all channels and seers. I also think they have a right to seek donations or sell books, etc. and support themselves, though I know what you mean about the slickly packaged "instant enlightenment" seminars and products some seem to offer, I am wary. However, many of us have or are developing these abilities, if somewhat reluctantly.
I have several friends on the West coast who are naturally gifted and psychic (only two use it in a professional capacity). One guy never speaks about it, though its clear he is psychic. He used to drink a lot to dumb it down a bit. For example, he once turned to a mutual friend and said, "Your father was murdered, wasn't he..." -a secret she had carried for over a decade, that most of us didn't know until then. She was able to open up about it and find healing in that. The burden of knowing things, in light of how things are, can take it's toll. Other friends have become quite successful in helping others with their talents, often helping their friends and family free of charge. I am fortunate to be one of them, but I have also paid for such services, as they help me to tap into my own reservoir of knowledge. I also put myself into counseling for 5 years with a wonderful therapist who used spiritual and esoteric tools for insight, like Tarot, Runes, Medicine cards, Regression, etc. as a Springboard to our discussions. To this day I don't care for traditional psychology as I feel it is slow to bring insight and results. My favorite forms of therapy, however, will always be time spent being in nature, and dancing.All of these things have helped me to transcend my own fears, and feel more alive in the process.
Anyway, I hope the guy is not killed, and that he is able to remain a leader and convince others of his insights, and help to turn the tide away from mindless violence and towards the Light, towards peace and reconciliation, or at least, tolerance.
I have a great concern about terrorism and the frightening all-consuming BORG-like mentality of those with an agenda such as Sharia Law. It truly is terrifying, and I pray that these men awaken. I pray for the safety of the women and children, especially females.
I don't know who runs these sites, but it seems to be a feminist backlash against sharia law. WARNING: graphic content that will be uncomfortable and upsetting for some. I share this not to induce fear or hatred, but to bring this information to light. Make up your own mind how you feel about how these people, and especially, the women and girls, are treated. This is not love, this is not God, IMHO. God/Goddess is love, only love. I pray for my sisters behind the veil.
Been watching the secchi and solarham cams boys n girls. Looks like the Pleidian Flying Circus up there. RM is Bustin a Move. Then again they have been making some great moves lately. Bravo! We,ve taken some hits, me too lately. But I was never going to be a civilian anyway, lightworker pleabe. I've done a lot of work on myself so when I read Remco I remember when. Now I just shake it off and laugh in the face of evil haha. Then send my othersiders after them. Back at ya....
Kickin ass and takin names, Cobra and RM ROCKS! So jealous....
I know compression breakthrough is about the surface of the earth, but I wonder, is our goal a breakthrough of the veil?
Perhaps energy from above (that's our galactic family), meeting energy from below (that's us, that's our job), compressing and breaking through the veil that surrounds earth.
I think the saying a long time ago went something like this; Father Sky comes down from above, Mother Earth comes up from below and they Meet the children in the Middle (which is us); Compression Breakthrough.
Energy from below is mainly coming from Agarthan brothers. If we had to wait until the whole earth' s masses wake up, it could be thousands of years more. We the Lightworkers are doin our best, but is not enough. The weight of the widespread darkness and ignorance of earth population is too much. This is why we need so much assistance from below and above
It sounds very disparaging when people refer to the surface population as ignorant sheeple. Unless you have come out public yourself to try and demand changes, could you please refrain from such disparaging comments. I personally have gone very public to demand change and they kidnapped my children from me. So what now? It's not like we have alternatives at our disposal. Waking up may not be enough, but if people really knew their efforts wouldn't be thwarted, and if they had some real alternatives and technology to combat this, then I believe more people would make an attempt to demand change. If you haven't gone public yourself and survived, could you please refrain from disparaging this poor population of folks who are mostly very good people, albeit misguided. And thanks Cobra for your tireless dedication to your mission! I love you RM, because as you are, I AM, too. XO
The darknes are going more and more crazy at the people, in these day, as those secret weapens getting less and less important and maybe even disappear soon. They are stealing money from the people as not seen before, they are finding every way to take money out of the system, from the people through there controlled governments, and by illegal corrupt business. They are stealing in a even more insane way than we have seen before. At the same time they are stepping up the surveillance, so they can fight back when people will try to hold them accountable in one or another way for their crimes..
This is totally crazy.. I hope and pray for the event will happend soon and there will be a deeply thought out plan for how all cabale units and subunits are caught and brought to account.
Victory for the light now! Keep up the good work RM And thank you for your great work!
Code Pink barges into the Senate Armed services committee and demands the arrest of Henry Kissinger. This is real good, they get within 5 feet of Kissinger and shout to his face that he is a war criminal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=yP9In2fNs84 Too bad only 10 people showed up to protest. It should be 10,000, or ten million. Whatever it takes to get these criminals arrested. These are very evil men we are dealing with.
I guess it was too close for comfort for McCain..."War Criminal". He wears his POW status like more than a Badge of Honor, he wears it like a Carte Blanche card.
Great! Thank you all!
ReplyDelete(The Chimera group has technology based on strange and top quarks. This has to do something with that...)
Progress in advance:
07-01-14 STRANGE EGG activation in progress
07-07-14 Fall of the Chimera
08-01-14 STRANGE EGG sigma complete, STRANGE EGG tau in progress
08-05-14 Short Planetary Situation Update
09-08-14 Planetary Situation Update
09-12-14 TOP EGG modulation in progress
09-16-14 A New Planetary Situation Update
09-24-14 Untersberg
10-01-14 "STRANGE EGG tau in final completion / TOP EGG in progress"
10-07-14 Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update
11-02-14 "STRANGE EGG tau complete , TOP EGG in progress"
A New Planetary Situation Update
11-10-14 TOP EGG L4 infection cleared
11-17-14 TOP EGG L3 infection cleared
A Short Update
11-20-14 TOP EGG L2 infection cleared
11-22-14 TOP EGG L1 infection cleared, Imperator in progress
11-23-14 TOP EGG L0 infection cleared
11-24-14 TOP EGG convergence complete
11-29-14 TOP EGG primary clear
01-01-15 STRANGE EGG L4 infection cleared
01-13-15 STRANGE EGG L3 infection cleared
01-19-15 STRANGE EGG L2 infection cleared
01-22-15 STRANGE EGG L1 infection cleared
01-23-15 STRANGE EGG L0 infection cleared
01-24-15 STRANGE EGG convergence complete
01-25-15 STRANGE EGG primary clear
Love, Light, Peace and Unity for all!
The Breakthrough is indeed near!
Thank You Len <3 Yay Days <(") Happy Feet :P :D
Deletethanks :)
DeleteThankyou! I copied your comment with credits to my PrepareforChange Portland Cully neighborhood page..I hope that is okay :)
Delete★ ★ ★ ★ ★
DeleteAWESOME! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ReplyDeleteI am speechless :D Any recommendations for the meditation happening in 2,5 hours from now?
ReplyDeleteRe: Living in the 5th dimension
ReplyDeleteDear fellow travelers;
I video-taped my Personal Declaration of Sovereignty and posted it on the Internet for your inspiration. It is 10 minutes long. (My first ever video)
You can read the text on my blog and facebook in case you want to utilize it as a model or draft for creating your own Declaration of Sovereignty.
Blog: http://karinllightworker.com/blog/?page_id=475
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karin.lacy.5
Light&Love, Karin Lacy
I choose freedom I choose humanity I choose the cosmos I choose a cosmic reunion with the star brothers and sisters. I reject the cabal and their minions. I choose a free planet and a better future. Share if you agree!
ReplyDeleteHappy me!.
ReplyDelete"Are YOU Alive?
Is THIS a moment in Time YOU choose to BE Alive?
I know it doesn't mean anything to anybody except for Me, but I gotta at least try and share this.
Tonight, RIGHT THERE, where the original Constitution Of The Republic Of The United Staes Of America was drafted, written and signed, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania a little pro-wrestling show takes place.
Tonight, right there in Philly, of all places, will be The Royal Rumble featuring THE ROCK !!!
In related notes, GaiaPortal's update from earlier on :-)))
"Long-standings are finished and no longer carry “attachment points”.
Moment-ous living is the “norm”.
All non-followers of the moment will fail.
Continuities come only with discontinuic BEing.
Inertial entities have left.
Such is the moment.
Gaia is prepared for finalization, in this moment."
So Let's Get Ready To Royally Rock 'N' Rumble, Everybody ;-)
Love, Light, Unity, Joy, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All and for Everyone
Thank you ALL
Lars B.
DeleteMany are reading this blog and never write a comment and some of them maybe are already your fan, who knows. Those who belong to you within the divine plan will find you, no matter how - here or somewhere else. You bring in very positive energy, never whining. I like that a lot, as you are like a very old, strong tree that withstands every storm.
For you:
PS: As soon as possible we will write more details about our gathering, maybe you also want to join us and meet lightfamily in Germany (Berlin) Sunday in 3 weeks. We will announce on:
...all german and non- german beings of light are invited now, just to have a little chat and fun for duration of an afternoon...details coming soon...
So, RaJah225! You are our big strong oak! The rainbow colored glitter is already trickling down on you and I can see the shine. And as the air gets cleared you suddenly realize, there where always standing sooo many oaks near you, indeed, you now can see clearly that you are in a wood of oaks, standing so near each other, they are sometimes touching each other a little when the storm get too strong. All those oaks are finding each other now and they all thought, they where the only ones, because there was so much darkness, so they could not see very far.
You understand?
Einfach nur DANKESCHÖN.
Yes, I understand.
And Yes I know :-)))
Thank You so much, so goddang motherloving much, for your kind and loving words.
Domo Arigato, there are no words to expresss my gratitude and appreciation.
Okay, maybe This will do :-)
Freiheit !!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
DeleteYou two are among my favorites in these threads (there are others) because you shine your light, undaunted, and you both know the meaning of play, and freedom.
Wow, things are really happening fast now! I remember when it would be weeks between any sort of posting. Now it seems like there is a new one every day! Thank you Galactic Team for all your hard work!!
ReplyDeleteUse your sword of Archangel Michael!
ReplyDeleteBeloved ones, as we now know, that we are the ones who dissolve the darkness of duality into the divine golden light of the One, it is now highly recommended to use your energetical sword, which you have got from Archangel Michael.
Stand up as tall as you can, embodying your complete magnitude and be in your full power of divine love and divine will, divine softness, divine mercy and grace.
Your sword is a mighty amplifier for all you are acting out to fulfill the beautiful divine plan for the highest good of all that exists.
It can aspirate and fill, disconnect and put together, activate and shut down; always synchronized with the divine plan and divine will.
The energy can flow in both directions, it depends on your intent and focus. If you aspirate unharmonius patterns of the mass consciousness of any kind, the energy gets sucked into its peak and leaves through the shaft into the central sun.
If you fill the energy body of Planet Earth with the God-Goddess energy, the energy enters from Source or the central sun into the shaft and leaves the sword through the peak.
You can also ask Source for extra tools, maybe a diamond be put into the sword with extra abilities.
As soon as you start to use your sword you will notice how much more effective your work will get and the results will be overwhelming.
Victory of divine bliss,
Divine love from Inana
<3 <3 : <3 <3
I pull a LightSaber out of my Heart :P :D Works for Me :D Woohoo! <(")
DeleteYay Days are here to Stay
Good to read! Thanks!
DeleteNow What???
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we will get some sort of alert when The Event is about to happen?
ReplyDeleteYes, i, and all are waiting for an update of cobra, with the text/message,
DeleteBe all ready now, the event is about to occur every moment now!!!
Only then, i have get some serious hope, and feel muuuchhh better then.
Such a message would be FANTASTIC!
But again, im tired, emotionally, physically, and mentally sick, and exhausted of the endless waiting, for something big, that seemingly still not wil happen.
Does cobra warn, inform us all, with such a message, when the event is going to happen, at every moment/minute, second?
Remco, what are you a troll or something?? You are insulting our intelligence.
DeleteTo answer your question and the ceaseless, never-ending stirring of the pot :
Got it?
No? Oh well…You're a nuisance, can't make the horse drink…non-fluoridated water.
I'm pretty sure we'll get a very nice update after the event happens, like a "Things you can do now, how to inform others, when will the banks open again" etc, but cobra will never say anything beforehand, you gotta remember that the cabal can access the internet just like we do, it would be silly to give your enemy a warning of an incoming attack.
DeleteAlso, when the event happens, it'll be pretty obvious. The world will literally stop, it'll be the most massive thing this planet ever experienced.
Remco. Have you every tried being One with everything/everyone both dark and light. Whether or not "The Event" happens, try to be at peace with it not happening. The Dark Ones are still reflections of the creator. You have to be ok with everything and everyone if you want to find peace in the moment. The idea of "The Event" is driving you crazy and taking you out of the love and peace in the present moment. Everyone you come in contact with, see the creator and try to love 'em. Try and find it Remco. God Bless. -Ken
DeleteCal080810 You ever tried allowing people to be who they are? Remco makes his comments from were he is at in his own experience. Makes me laugh at all the Holier-than-thou people on this blog that just because you say God bless or Namaste at the end of you comment gives you permission to tell others how they need to try and be more like your "trying to be".
DeleteCobra's last interview revealed that the event will not start till the new financial system is up and fully tested which is not suppose to be completed till May 2015. Also, the event was to start with a very strong bright light and extremely high energy that is felt around the earth. Not sure if that was changed or not.
Delete@Mary Magdalene, Cobra has never said any such thing in any interview about the BRICS financial system. He has said that the new system will be used and it will be helpful at the time of the Event, but it really isn't necessary at all. Once the bad guys are arrested, they could just as easily use the old financial system. A bank is a bank is a bank. The only thing stopping the Event are the Chimera and all of their exotic weapons. Once Long Island is cleared out, the Event can occur- even if BRICS is incomplete. Cobra has explained this many times.
DeleteThe impulse from the Galactic Central Sun, aka Tsunami of Love, is still supposed to occur at the time of the Event. I do not think it is a "bright light" as it will be at a higher frequency than our visible light; but sensitive people will be able to feel it intensely. Again, I am just paraphrasing information from Cobra.
Great comment john lincoln i agree with your words
Deleteplease go away, and ...NEVER come back here, on cobrablog, with your harmfull negative...low vibration post reply to my post.
I think you are a member of the cabal, and only try harm somebody, me in this case.
I feel a very VERY negative/low vibration in your post, including you.
I hope cobra, remove all low vibration, negative entities here, who only try to harm others here.
We all have need our vibrations as high as possible, before, and to experience the event/breakthrough, in all its glory.
No more words about you....feels very negative, and bad.
I not know you freia....not want know you att all.
Sorry for all the other good and loving beeings here, but such a post hurts me very much.
Love and light to all of you. Including freia.
Hope the event occurs soon...VERY soon now, because, its darkest before the dawn now.
And now the war piggies are on the run, cutting slices off thier bum.
ReplyDeleteWierd bacon level 4 in progress.
Joe Biden is apparantly now a target. Hopefully the unholy four will be brought to justice soon too. Although I very much doubt the mainstream media will broadcast this. Light and Love to all.
ReplyDeleteWooHoo! <3 Yay, Yay Day :P :D <3 <(")
ReplyDelete☆☆☆ Ray, a drop of golden sun. ☆☆☆
ReplyDeleteYay Days <3 for Having Lots of Fun in the Sun
ReplyDeleteIt is not one individual such as Cobra, or the Galactic Intelligence, the Resistance, or even the celestial angels who can trigger the Event unless
it is the precise Supreme Will from Source, Divine Intelligence (which goes by
countless names).
There is only the ONE, from which EVERYTHING is created. That which is created on earth is in the form of opposites and diversity. Pleasure and pain. Up and down. Good and bad. Etc. So when we look at the bad going on in terms of suffering in any way, that is part of the SAME creation of the ONE. That means that the ONE Intelligence responsible for all diverse forms of intelligence, of which the human being is as well, is governing everything--what we experience as positive AND negative. There is a Divine Plan and unfoldment, together with our "Free Will", which is also a part of the Divinely Intelligent Plan of creation, that is governing each and every change in each instant. It's very logical. And it goes beyond mere logic, because Source is ALL and is present in ALL and knows ALL. So keep in mind that nothing happens except by the allowance of Divine Intelligence. We still have our free will to a degree to stand up against evil and wrongdoing. It's NOT that we just say everything is destined and we have no say so. That would be an incomplete perception of the power we do possess as part of creation. But nothing can ultimately occur outside the Will of God, if you will. The will of Intelligence permeating all. Therefore, it stands to reason that there is a purpose to everything under Heaven. Everything on earth. If we can't see it or understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means that with limited awareness, we think that something's wrong with the outcome around us and that "something needs to be done MORE" to bring about the Event. We each can do the most we can do to help the world and preparation for the Event which could come any instant, according to Divine Intelligence, not any one intelligent being alone. (Part 1 of 2 - continued)
Part 2 of 2 continued:
ReplyDeleteIf there were truly "mistakes" that could happen outside Divine Intelligence, then that would signify that everything is random and haphazard and without order, reason and ultimate purpose. When we observe anything, there IS intelligence and interconnectedness with everything else.
I appreciate your intentions in your Heart to assist those in affliction. If you and others can truly do something about it directly or through meditation, prayer, affirmation, resources, then all the power to you. When the transition to the New Age steps up in vibration and the cabal/illuminati/Rothschild factions are removed, then remarkable breakthrough will be achieved.
Consider these things yourself, and others reading this, the same. Could there really be anything in this creation that "gets something over on Source?" Even if there is an "anomaly", the words Cobra has used to describe the extreme manifestation of negativity on this planet, consider who allowed for this anomaly to exist in the first place? And for what ultimate purpose? The individuals that assume "roles" of negativity while on earth serve a purpose in this transition to an Age of Harmony. Even in the New Age, there will still be diversity, differences, "flavors" on this earth. However, they may be withing the positive spectrum of happiness and well being rather than the extremes of suffering and joy that currently manifests in the world.
I have expressed this thought a few times on this blog and I seem to attract people who want to attack my words for stating such a thing that everything is governed by Divine Intelligence. Everyone is welcome to there own point of view and experience. No judgment.
As I wrote before, my best English high school teacher posted above the chalk board:
"Think for yourself
your teacher could be wrong."
In Love and Intention for the Final Breakthrough and Supreme Kindness of Source to bring about Liberation of this planet through ALL the roles of everyone, all of the people and beings everywhere which are a part of creation. Such an intricate working for the Highest Good of All, in the evolutionary stream of life forever...for greater energy, intelligence, love, peace, creative expression, happiness and bliss...and dispelling the darkness of affliction, suffering, torture, torment, undue challenges that have escalated to the breaking point where Divine Harmony that's LIGHT illuminates the world and destruction and evil can no longer be found. Otherwise, if there was not a Divine Intelligence ever present in all and orchestrating life profoundly, we would all be doomed with the "outer" power of the illuminati and related force. But Supreme Intelligence infinitely out ranks the limited destructive mindset of the lost souls worshiping darkness and not knowing the "sunshine" of all matters.
Thank you everyone for hanging in there, strongly.
Dear kind Sir Cobra and other kind ladies and gentlemen of The Portal,
ReplyDeleteCan you please help me in a once-in-a-lifetime request for help? I am now in very dire financial straits, since I have a family to support and I now don't have enough money for our daily needs. Therefore, can you please donate to me 200 US dollars just for this one time only why I use this extra time to find other means of employment and business choices? Please, sir. If you agree, please donate the 200 US dollars or any other amount lower than that at your discretion and choice to my Paypal account at >>> nordar56789@gmail.com
Another troll…be gone
DeleteWhauuu ! it looks that all goes so fast ! Thank you for up-dates !
ReplyDeleteMozart there is people and families out here in way worse condition then you me both that have nothing at all ......I am sure you can find help at some community place or something .Cobra blog is not here to give hand outs just info we all have to struggle down this path ....Peace Light Love
ReplyDeleteYou dropped into quite a rut of singular knowledge you ignore natural laws
ReplyDeleteV is for Vision. Know your kin . ¤♡☆
ReplyDeleteI see You .. and everyone else to :P
DeleteHow do I join the actual RM / become a white knight?
ReplyDeleteIf they were better at Mission then they would BE Here and You would not.
DeleteBut We are Here because We are the best there is. <3
2 more blocks
ReplyDeleteentered gold
So that no one forgets the legacy that the zionist vatican jesuits left behind:
ReplyDeletePOPE FRANCIS (Jorge Bergoglio) - What the media has hidden from you (Part1)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf your offering, I'd kindly accept.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteyes i could really do with some financial help if you can give me some money id be a very happy person
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you. That was cute and fun.
DeleteI greet you, JustBe to answer your question (which is already gone) with a question that cannot overlook the spirit with which you posed it when you did. Faced with such a question, I am moved to ask what motivated it.
DeleteIf I am faced with such thing as a simple "yes" or "no", I could find myself answering in the dark to a million things which haven't been unveiled. How many contracts have we signed in like manner, with not small printing but NO printing at all?
From what consciousness is the question born and to what consciousness is it addressed? Would Wisdom ask such question to the unprepared and be exercising Love?
Some of us, you know, hold the ocean in a cup before answering what was not explicitly asked. I do apologize for intervening, but I AM FLINT.
The Mountain weeps.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYes, or no is just as energetically subjective and open ended as the perception of a contract. When we release ourselves from all contracts we are free indeed - all dimensions, all timelines and levels of existence.
DeleteMental exercises can be viewed as games, and the best games are intended to be fun and educational. This one likes to play, we can choose to play or not - and I have selected the "not" option also. I am the OCEAN.
Weep no more Mountain. Throw yourself in.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJustBe: I appreciate you! I learn so much from such dialogue--reflection is my nature; but you set the perfect web and I--thinking I was standing by--found I was "caught" inside. Ha-ha! I like a good joke too. Thank you for that. The addendum you added to the question puts it back in my court and now I see that it is I who can add the small print, and that way I can choose to play...with or without a contract.
DeleteThat helps. :-)
OCEAN: take all of me inside of you! Inside of you I weep not. I love.
DeleteHOME, where I am free, where all is pure intention, love, kindness, compassion, respect for all life... to use the words of JustBe.
The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part II)
I just watched VP Joe Biden on the Ellen Degeneres Show talking a little about Healthcare. Perhaps he is coming around to the light. Very interesting...
ReplyDeletejoe Biden is a demon wrapped in skin
DeleteBiden has very much been a part of the Illuminati for the past 40 years. I seriously doubt that he is of the light.
DeleteWhat if he is a walk in?
ReplyDeleteA very interesting text for you, beings of True Divine Light. Let us regain our freedom!
ReplyDeleteLove and light Divine Agents
Shake it Off.....
Unbuckled , head out window, tongue flapping in the solar tsunami of light.
ReplyDeleteThere was GREAT NEWS shared TODAY by David Wilcock IN RESPONSE to Benjamin Fulford's most recent post.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi Chuck,
Deletethank you for sharing that link. According to My Heart and My Higher Self, DW is absolutely right with what is currently going on.
The playing field has been surrounded by a cage, and all the participants have entered the cage. From now on it is no more stupid "WarGames" as the dark so like it.
From now on it is OUR GAME :-)))
Now starts "The Match Beyond", which will be decided by Surrender Or Submission.
And I can guaran-DANG!-tee Everybody that the Divine Forces of Light and Love will show those dark donkeys a few things they never thought were possible. Especially now that they're basically disarmed :-)
I wonder how long the trickle-down-effect will take for "middle-management" of the dark to find out tthat their supposed leaders are shitting themselves with fear 'cause they have no clue anymore ;-)
Surrender is an option - Submission is Guaranteed. The Choice is all yours, darkies.
"rulers" and Pprincipalities, Ppowers are Spinning, spinning. This is their new rule of law: inertia.
DeleteHE is the Assayer, I am The TouchstONE.
In 2013, I actually believed in contactee Alex Collier's claims that said his ET contacts told him that December 3 2013 would be the day of the density shift. I believed in that 100% and due to that I spent all of my savings using my money to help people around me who was in financial difficulties. As a result of that, now I don't have any savings in my account and only have an extremely low-paying job that is not enough to support my family. I need some funds in order to use for necessities and to start an online business, so can anyone please donate to me 200 US dollars just this one time in this once-in-a-lifetime request for help by me? You can donate the money to my Paypal account at >>>> nordar56789@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMay the Creator and Divine Consciousness bless those who read this with fortune, happiness and good companionship. Thanks.
I hugged a big tree today. It felt good!
ReplyDeleteYes, I like to do that, put my heart up against it after circling it 3 times, stepping from root to root...Here it is a large, old Oak I met when I first relocated, in the Arboretum, but it spent its youth on the farm that was here 2 centuries ago. In California, it was always Conifers, usually numerous Redwoods that I spoke to and hugged. Heart against bark, feeling the bark breathing with me...grounding. Give and take. Merge. Healing. Unconditional love. I have met trees that did not welcome humans, but there was one special tree up in Willits ("My little tree") where we went annually for a camp-out party, to kick back and to dance..I watched her grow over the years,, and I'd go commune with her...One night, the last visit I had, I was in my bliss with her when suddenly, she wrapped her tendril around my finger...a love squeeze! Amazed, I said in disbelief, "NO WAY! that did NOT just happen! (so she did it again, to let me know it was all very real.) <3 <3 <3
DeleteConifers and cats, my "fuzzy friends".
Delete... and Ariel says, please reMember me ...
ReplyDeleteI feel disgusted when I read this Mozart comment. People have no shame.
ReplyDeleteSo, this guy thinks that we are so stupid ? Jesus.
this guy is great, Gregory Mannarino yt channel, every day you have a new video
COBRA, it's true?
ReplyDeleteNEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Modern Day Pied Piper / Red Dragon Ambassador Exposed
Like…really? Promoting Keenan Garbage on this blog?? C'mon...
Delete"It's easier to fool people that to convince them they have been fooled"
~ Mark Twain
❤ medicine to heal doubt and hopelessness ❤
ReplyDelete★ do you feel the highest love of the cosmos, so high that it lifts you above the top of the universe, pouring into your being until the smallest cell and atom ★
★ are you aware, that the higher dimensions are soon to be visible ★
★ do you feel the tiredness of the dark ones, they can not find the way back home on their own ★
★ thats why we bring them back into the divine light where they are loved as much as every other being, because God makes no difference ★
★ their divine spark will start anew and all their darkness will be washed away when they go back home ★
★ nothing that the divine has created can ever be destroyed ★
★ no one gets lost, all who have left their body will take another one, if they choose so within the divine plan ★
★ do you feel your heart growing so big that the universe gets really very small ★
★ did you choose to go brave forward ~ until the very last step before you start to fly ★
★ do you know that this is the last hour of the old aeon and can you ever imagine what will come afterwards ★
★ are you aware that even if you try with all your power to imagine what will be manifested in the near future does not even express 1 percent of the beauty we all will experience ★
★★★ the love is next to you, right beside you and was always there ★★★
.........★ let it in ~ now ~ please ★.........
DeleteThose are some very true and beautiful words, Ilana, thank you for that.
And I totally agree :-)
"Shine a Light, Shine The Light
Through the Eyes of The Ones Left Behind
"Shine a Light, Shine The Light
Philadelphia Freedom
I Love, Love, Love you.
Yes I Do, WuHu !"
"Shine a Light, Shine The Light
*Sunmaker Pose*
"SUN-SHINE !!!" :-)))
Love, Light, Unity, Joy, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All and for Everyone
Lars B.
DeleteWoops, Mr. Dumbass Knucklehead (that would be me) didn't notice that the acttual song is missing ;-)
Nice to see thousands of people in Central Park get on their feet and start dancing once the song starts. Same thing happened to me when I first heard it 30 or 33 years ago :-)
;) <3
Deleteat least one who gave his name to honor: Micha-EL:
I do apologize for mis-spelling your name, by the way, Inana.
You're the first person on here to spell my stage name right so Of Course I had to mess up yours ;-)))
Next step: Train Conductor apparently on board - if that's how the conductor or train driver looks like, book Me a Ticket Right NOW !!! :-)
Everybody On Board The Wooo-Hooo-Train.
So There :-)
Lars B.
<3 wow posted at 11:11 <3
Delete~would you like to join us on the transinformation.net site, we wanted to ask you something? if yes, just click on "contact" please~
(in another comment which is not released I commented already with "whoohooo"......so I am on board ;) )
I had honestly totally forgotten about the website. ;-)
DeleteJust tried to contact you but that doesn't work, my message cannot be sent. Don't know if it's a technical thing or because I'm not supposed to do that. It's not the first time that happens. *shrugs*
you can also send me an e-mail through this profile, forgot that I had released that function... :) just rights-click and "copy e-mail" if it doesn't work directly....
DeleteAll-Righty, Done.
Let's see if that works, my track record of emails getting "lost in the ether", so to say, is kind of sketchy as well.
Just in case it does not arrive: The entire Saturday and Night were spectacular, one highlight after the other :-)))
Got three new 1111 license plates and had the best road trip ever!
Lots Of Love and Light
"Glück Auf, Glück Auf
DeleteWir Steigen Auf !!!
Schon lange Zeit
Und es gibt einen Schein
Damit fahr'n wir bei der Nacht
Ins Bergwerk hinein"
Ja nee, is klar, selbstverständlich natürlich sehr gerne auch das, gar kein Problem für niemanden .-)
Doing that All Night, Every Night for 26 months now.
Wusterhusen? Wu-Hue :-D
IZ-OK 1111
IZ-WV 1111
IZ-IP 1111
IZ-NM 318
Kaze Ni Nare - how it used to be
DeleteIt's . . . I know . . .
Well, what needs to be said has to be said. And if nobody else does it, I'll do the J.O.B. no problem. I guess . . . ;-)
To whom it may concern:
"I can't live without you if the love was gone
Everything is nothing when you got no one
And you walk in the night
Slowly losing sight of the real thing
But that won't happen to us and we got no doubt
Too deep in love and we got no way out
And the message is clear
This Will be the year for the real thing
No more will you cry
Baby I will hurt you never
We start and end as one
In love forever
We can ride it together,"
Fahrgemeinschaften werden berücksichtigt !!!
Ich drück' Dich, Dini, mein Schatz.
I hope all is well, Sweetheart.
Beschwerden werden jetzt gerne angenommen ;-)
And I'm the same Lars I used to B.
Ällerbätsch !!! ;-p
Lots Of Love and Light
George Soros retires for good. Well, that's the spin in the news but maybe he isn't voluntarily retiring! Go RM!!!
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros retires again - and no hedging
"Talking of the Euro, we can’t help thinking he’s picked a tricky time to retire. With Eurozone QE just about to start and the Greek elections threatening to spark a whole heap more uncertainty, there must be many more fortunes just waiting to be made in the currency markets this year. Still, even a retired man needs a hobby - perhaps he’ll find time to take on a few more hapless central banks in the evening and at weekends…"
Victory of the LIGHT!
ReplyDeleteNow see this:
Greece At The Crossroads: The Oligarchs Blew It
Give them all they want, let them have it. I have said before, all they take will implode on them, weigh them down and suffocate them. They will become sicker with each act to gain more. They will not be healthy in mind or body. And that is not even being negative.
It's like a obsolete machine coming to an end with all the noise, grinding, shrieking, whining, smoking, gushing, sparking....
Victory of the LIGHT!
Thanks Wingmakers, talk about synchronicity to my post above yours. I can't wait for the whole lot to topple. In the UK our elections are in May this year. I hope our government falls before then.
DeleteThank you to Phoenix for posting up Cobra's latest interview with Rob Potter.
This has to be the best interview to date! Thanks Rob and Cobra.
You're welcome, and I agree, although I enjoy them all for different reasons.
DeleteIf you double-click on Soundcloud, it opens in a new tab, so you can save it to your favorites. (You need a Soundcloud account, which is easy)
Happy Birthday Mr. President. For all the things you've done, the battles that you've won. We thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteI would like to be the first lady to invite you to My City of dream - which I just recently took back - with a LOT of help from my friends, Super-Friends and Ffamily - for a Fool's Gold Sandwich. You can enjoy it at the airport or at the restaurant - your choice.
Thank you my dear.
DeleteElen sila lumenn omentilmo
DeleteThe Assayer and the Touchstone
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate all y'all Ffamily. You have tested our metal, now we would like to test your meddle. You know who and where we are.
Power has returned to The People.
Rare star shaped snow flakes blanket New York as the deadly blizzard fails to materialize. Very unusual and quite a blessing.
Keep sending light to long island the last stronghold of Chimera. It weakens them and transmutes their negative energy to the side of the light.
Breakthrough and victory are near.
Oh, you had me going, I thought it was going to be 5-pointed GMO snow, especially since it was in New York! We had gale force and hurricane force winds in Massachusetts. I've been seeing snow stars since childhood. Sometimes they land on our mittens or car windshields. Very similar to Masuro Emoto's water crystals, but perhaps it really is a sign of good things to come!
DeleteHappy skies, welcome Galactic Family of Light!
I am sure I was seeing a number of hovering ships last night, but my mini-binoculars were not that helpful in getting a closer look. Soon. SOON!
Any one else experiencing extreme fatigue like being covered with a hot wet blanket? Its been going on for a couple of weeks. Some times its so bad It feels like extreme virtigo and like Im goin to fall over and too dizzy to walk. Any help would be great!
ReplyDeleteI can't help much but you are not the only one for sure. To sum it up, the last bits of basically negative energy are being cleared. Almost done!
DeleteI've been experiencing extreme tiredness and problems sleeping for some time now. I don't know what to suggest really. I just try and keep my vibrations high. I can imagine many are suffering at this time.
DeleteHey cobra. Did comedian George Carlin worked for the lights ?. He did work so hard to awake people from the cabals
ReplyDeleteThat storm seemed to be centered right on long island. The radar was interesting.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete...this video emanates such a good vibration...have a wonderful, beautiful, loving, happy day Cobra!
I am hoping for Cobra's update on the Taiwan conference soon! But in the meantime, we can listen to these Alaje videos.
ReplyDeleteTranslated into many languages! And: they are quite uplifting. He has a Q&A section that is quite good too. Check it out.
If the youtube link below doesn't work, then go directly to Youtube and search on 777ALAJE.
Victory of the LIGHT!
ReplyDeleteThis gets bigger:
Greece Begins The Great Pivot Toward Russia
[A]n alternative such as the BRIC Bank for example. Recall that the "BRICS Announce $100 Billion Reserve To Bypass Fed, Developed World Central Banks."
And yes, the BRIC are going through their own share of pain right now as a result of plunging crude prices, but remember: crude is only low as long as the US shale sector is still vibrant. Once this marginal producer of crude with a $80 cost-breakeven is out of the picture, watch as Saudi Arabia tightens the spigots and Crude surges to $100, $150 or more. The question is whether Saudi FX reserves can outlast the Fed's ZIRP, which is the only reason - think idiots junk bond investors desperate for any ounce of yield - why the bulk of unprofitable and cash flow-bleeding US shale can still operate with WTI at $45.
Which naturally means that now Russia (and China) are set to become critical allies for Greece, which would immediately explain the logical pivot toward Moscow.
But wait, there's more.
Victory of the LIGHT!
Can it be? A terrorist renouncing violence and terror? Embracing reconcilation? When facing our fears, the will to live becomes a driving force. Suddenly, we understand what it is we value. Life. All life.
Any mind controlled individual who choses to cross over to the light is a brother to me. Dark days indeed for Cabal.
Delete"When facing our fears, the will to live becomes a driving force. Suddenly, we understand what it is we value. Life. All life."
DeleteThere it is…thanks Phoenix for highlighting a fact that has been grossly neglected and over-looked by most spiritual self-help gurus and channelers because they do not understand it themselves - and some intentionally omit the truth because making $$ from a product or brand for another Mc Mansion is more important, keep dangling the carrot. There are steps to "enlightenment" that no one can skip and hop over just because it's too uncomfortable…and too scary. This denouncement of violence comes from someone who has seen too much death and suffering with his own eyes and had enough of insanity by taking a bold stand - even if it costs him his own life - because at the end, nothing else matters but a Peace of mind.
This is the effect of Pluto. Pluto takes you to your underworld, it doesn't ask you…but demands every stone is over-turned and nothing stays under the rug, everything is dealt with. Right now Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, the Highest of Justice, the highest peak in the wheel of life, the Medium Coeli. The process of change 'can be' "not so difficult" if you go with the flow and do change, or the hard way if you try holding onto the old and resist…at the end Pluto always wins.
Everything gets flipped upside down when you finally see the truth - that our value system is based on deceit and lies, with instruments of money and religions - instead of integrity and personal merit. Meritocracy used to be the way of/to the real Nobility, not centralized tyranny - until it was infiltrated by the virus, and today, few hundred years later, everything can be bought, even titles…"Barons" and "Knights" and all the rest of the bullshit that goes on within the modern incestuous, sick-in-the-head royalty.
The deceit and the lies of the Roman Catholic Church are based on the Old Testament (part of the Bible of the Christians and "the holy book of the jews"…how clever and convenient for future one world religion that combines ETs in their doctrine!). They are the biggest whore who sold it's soul to the archons for earthly power with black magic and money, and blood sacrifice…err, inquisition in-the-name-of-their-god, still well and alive today all over the world- and by lying to their flock that they are saved! That they can buy their way to heaven by telling all the personal dirt in a "confession" with spies, and then repenting and handing their money to the pope and the bankers, instead of the needy! How sick is that?
Finding that driving Force is a process that comes from facing your greatest fears , that's the part no one can do for anyone because it's a battle of wills in your own mind, Humans are not a hive-minded herd but, beautifully unique beings.
And hoping the motive at heart is nothing else but truly the celebration of life. Honoring Prime Creator. Let us dance and love.
DeleteFreia, I think we all are capable of such insights. I'm better in writing than speaking, where I get tongue-tied and my monkey mind and Virgo Moon predisposition to detail scatters my thoughts.
DeleteI DO read, follow and enjoy several specific channelers and seers whose information resonates with me, but I also reject others accepted by many. I certainly don't claim to have the best powers of discrimination, as I have been fooled and disappointed, but I DO consider the New Age to be a good thing, though many people dismiss it, throwing the term out only when disqualifying it, as in "New Age bullshit". I don't agree with applying a blanket judgment to all channels and seers. I also think they have a right to seek donations or sell books, etc. and support themselves, though I know what you mean about the slickly packaged "instant enlightenment" seminars and products some seem to offer, I am wary. However, many of us have or are developing these abilities, if somewhat reluctantly.
I have several friends on the West coast who are naturally gifted and psychic (only two use it in a professional capacity). One guy never speaks about it, though its clear he is psychic. He used to drink a lot to dumb it down a bit. For example, he once turned to a mutual friend and said, "Your father was murdered, wasn't he..." -a secret she had carried for over a decade, that most of us didn't know until then. She was able to open up about it and find healing in that. The burden of knowing things, in light of how things are, can take it's toll. Other friends have become quite successful in helping others with their talents, often helping their friends and family free of charge. I am fortunate to be one of them, but I have also paid for such services, as they help me to tap into my own reservoir of knowledge. I also put myself into counseling for 5 years with a wonderful therapist who used spiritual and esoteric tools for insight, like Tarot, Runes, Medicine cards, Regression, etc. as a Springboard to our discussions. To this day I don't care for traditional psychology as I feel it is slow to bring insight and results. My favorite forms of therapy, however, will always be time spent being in nature, and dancing.All of these things have helped me to transcend my own fears, and feel more alive in the process.
Anyway, I hope the guy is not killed, and that he is able to remain a leader and convince others of his insights, and help to turn the tide away from mindless violence and towards the Light, towards peace and reconciliation, or at least, tolerance.
I have a great concern about terrorism and the frightening all-consuming BORG-like mentality of those with an agenda such as Sharia Law. It truly is terrifying, and I pray that these men awaken. I pray for the safety of the women and children, especially females.
I don't know who runs these sites, but it seems to be a feminist backlash against sharia law.
WARNING: graphic content that will be uncomfortable and upsetting for some. I share this not to induce fear or hatred, but to bring this information to light. Make up your own mind how you feel about how these people, and especially, the women and girls, are treated. This is not love, this is not God, IMHO. God/Goddess is love, only love. I pray for my sisters behind the veil.
Been watching the secchi and solarham cams boys n girls. Looks like the Pleidian Flying Circus up there. RM is Bustin a Move. Then again they have been making some great moves lately. Bravo! We,ve taken some hits, me too lately. But I was never going to be a civilian anyway, lightworker pleabe. I've done a lot of work on myself so when I read Remco I remember when. Now I just shake it off and laugh in the face of evil haha. Then send my othersiders after them. Back at ya....
ReplyDeleteKickin ass and takin names, Cobra and RM ROCKS! So jealous....
Victory to the Light
The year of 2015 has been declared the International Year of Light (IYL) by the United Nations.
ReplyDeleteBottom Egg Next?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI know compression breakthrough is about the surface of the earth, but I wonder, is our goal a breakthrough of the veil?
ReplyDeletePerhaps energy from above (that's our galactic family), meeting energy from below (that's us, that's our job), compressing and breaking through the veil that surrounds earth.
Breaking it like an eggshell, one last egg :)
I think the saying a long time ago went something like this; Father Sky comes down from above, Mother Earth comes up from below and they Meet the children in the Middle (which is us); Compression Breakthrough.
DeleteEnergy from below is mainly coming from Agarthan brothers. If we had to wait until the whole earth' s masses wake up, it could be thousands of years more. We the Lightworkers are doin our best, but is not enough. The weight of the widespread darkness and ignorance of earth population is too much. This is why we need so much assistance from below and above
ReplyDeleteIt sounds very disparaging when people refer to the surface population as ignorant sheeple. Unless you have come out public yourself to try and demand changes, could you please refrain from such disparaging comments. I personally have gone very public to demand change and they kidnapped my children from me. So what now? It's not like we have alternatives at our disposal. Waking up may not be enough, but if people really knew their efforts wouldn't be thwarted, and if they had some real alternatives and technology to combat this, then I believe more people would make an attempt to demand change. If you haven't gone public yourself and survived, could you please refrain from disparaging this poor population of folks who are mostly very good people, albeit misguided. And thanks Cobra for your tireless dedication to your mission! I love you RM, because as you are, I AM, too. XO
DeleteThe darknes are going more and more crazy at the people, in these day, as those secret weapens getting less and less important and maybe even disappear soon. They are stealing money from the people as not seen before, they are finding every way to take money out of the system, from the people through there controlled governments, and by illegal corrupt business. They are stealing in a even more insane way than we have seen before.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time they are stepping up the surveillance, so they can fight back when people will try to hold them accountable in one or another way for their crimes..
This is totally crazy.. I hope and pray for the event will happend soon and there will be a deeply thought out plan for how all cabale units and subunits are caught and brought to account.
Victory for the light now!
Keep up the good work RM
And thank you for your great work!
Thank you Sasha Stone.
ReplyDeleteFfamily - it's well past time to EMPTY all of these chairs and wrap this crime scene up. And I do "mean" all of the chairs - all of them. I fucking mean it.
Owls are beautiful birds - contracts are hereby REVOKED.
Tick, tock
ReplyDeleteThank you Valiant,
RedElectricMoon (3131961)
ReplyDeleteDavid Wilcock: The entire solar system was subject to prohibition, everyone is under quarantine
ReplyDeleteDavid Wilcock commentary Benjamin Fulford last report.
Code Pink barges into the Senate Armed services committee and demands the arrest of Henry Kissinger. This is real good, they get within 5 feet of Kissinger and shout to his face that he is a war criminal.
Too bad only 10 people showed up to protest. It should be 10,000, or ten million. Whatever it takes to get these criminals arrested. These are very evil men we are dealing with.
I guess it was too close for comfort for McCain..."War Criminal". He wears his POW status like more than a Badge of Honor, he wears it like a Carte Blanche card.
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DeleteI just want to see: