Sunday, January 10, 2016

Short Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Much progress is being made, but not much can be said about that now. I am waiting for the right circumstances to release massive intel that will broaden the horizons of the surface population about many things.

Some members of the Cabal are trying to spin Disclosure, hoping to appear as part of the positive faction in order to avoid arrest at the time of the Event:

Some media are trying to spin that partial Disclosure even further, making it into a joke:

But nevertheless, the truth about JFK assassination and its connection to Disclosure is coming into the mainstream:

Dragon sources have communicated that current militia standoff in Oregon is a false flag operation which has been designed by the Cabal to test the reaction of militias to certain conditions. This situation will not escalate as the vast majority of the Cabal does not want civil war in USA, knowing very well that civil war would accelerate the process towards the Event and their final defeat. What they want instead is a state of controlled chaos and tension which enables them to keep control and delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

The following study clearly shows that in a stratified society with pronounced inequality, the elites can not survive the collapse of the society for much longer than the commoners, regardless of their superior material and financial resources:


There are massive preparations for the financial Reset happening behind the scenes. Veterans Today is hinting at the joint Positive Military / Templar / Dragon group that is preparing the Reset:

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is the banking vehicle through which the Reset will be triggered and it will become operational in about a week from now:

The second pillar of the new financial system, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, is expected to start with Yuan based gold price fix in April:

Russia and China will start denominating their crude oil futures in Rubles and Yuan and not in US dollars anymore:

This is the true beginning of the end for the Petrodollar.

Maybe it is time now for you to start preparing yourself for abundance:

And to proudly keep shining the Light as a Lightworker or a Lightwarrior:

The concept of „false light“ was introduced by the Archons to further confuse the awakening part of the surface population and to promote distrust towards the Light in order to weaken the surface population even more. In reality, Light is Light, and darkness is darkness, it is that simple. If you are in touch with your inner guidance, you can never mistake the Light for darkness and darkness for Light.

Victory of the Light!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Love and light everyone. Thanks for the update C! Please have a look at my most recent update where I discuss the interesting happenings so far in 2016 and the correlation between cobras and Wilcocks AIIB excitement ! Amongst many other topics!

  2. Read this link again... Substitute Lockheed/Martin for the military Industrial group working with the Russians. Nothing is as it appears with the nations, nor the BRICS alliance.

    1. Please note: The Global Currency Reset is not secret, all in public view for participation. Such information is heavily blocked, broken links, etc, taken down. Do not believe it is secret. (PDF file) Whistleblower (World Bank) Karen Hudes has a lot on twitter, FB too, & youtube, also many interviews. Worth considering. Paddling a canoe alone in hostile waters.

  3. Awesome news. Let`s get this party started!!!!

  4. Thank you for the update Cobra

    Much appreciated

    In Love and Light

  5. Incredible bews . Thank you Cobra for the update !!!

  6. Thanks Cobra, nice update !

    I can see that the false light idea has been amplified by the archons to create mistrust in the Light forces, yet i think many people who are not so in touch with inner guidance have been repeatedly fooled by the dark who do pretend to be the light a lot, like the new pope is doing, like the jesuits have been doing for ages trying to appropriate Jesus, and like you pointed out in the first link in this article, they are now trying to appropriate disclosure. Whenever they can't suppress something by force they try to suppress it by appropriating it and pretending to be it, so the false light tactic of the cabal is real.

    But as always it's a balance, we have to stay vigilant about the dark forces deceptions, while keeping faith and connection to the Light. I see your point because it seems that now we have come to a time when the false Light tactic is not such a big problem anymore, and what is more required now is more people knowing that there are Light forces we can trust, more people connecting with these Light forces, and more people operating from a place of faith and knowing that the Light is coming back to this planet now. Everybody has their own way of doing that, for me it requires to open up, relax, listen and observe.. from a place of trust in the Light.

    Thanks for everything, Cobra, RM and all other Light forces including active Lightworkers on the surface. Victory !

    1. Sri M's autobiography starts off with an odd tale of an advanced yogi asked to commit suicide by "Babaji" because he (the advanced yogi) caused the suicide of a would-be disciple by unkindly rejecting him. Wonder if this is a trick by the dark posing as "Babaji" ...

  7. Thanks Cobra for the update; and thanks to the RM, and all of the light workers and light warriors for their continued efforts on humanity's behalf. Progress continues and the end result to a long awaited goal of liberation is very near. Patience is a virtue and we all shall be very blessed.

    Here is a video made by Tory Smith which contains very important information on recent developments that is quite revealing.

    Peace and Blessings

    Power & Victory to the Light!!

  8. This is wonderful news! Thank you to Cobra and the RM

  9. Light is Light, and darkness is darkness, it is that simple, and Victory of the Light is here to stay!

  10. During meditation today at tinychat one of the members found contact information for the group in Thailand that had the million students meditating. This is a link to the story ...

    Here is where you can find their site and contact information. If you have a mind to ... please email them and ask for their help with Sunday's meditation.

    If we could get just a quarter of a million to meditate it would be more than enough to reach critical mass.

    Please consider contacting them. If any of the RM see this please do the same if you can.

    Let bring about The Event this year!!!

    Victory of the Light!!!

    1. Wellsir ... I received an email reply from Cobra about my wanting to contact the organizers of the students in Thailand ... he asked me to contact them and I did. FOR THOSE THAT ARE IMPATIENT FOR THE EVENT TO START I suggest you do the same. I gave them information about The Event, Cobra, this site and Cobra's email address. Hopefully they will help us and we can end the tyranny our people are facing THIS YEAR.

    2. how about a Petition where people could sign requesting that group do such meditation (at least they will see that there are more than a few hoping for their support...

      I don't know how "aware" the "students" or leaders are regarding the hostage situation we are in... i am ignorant of their level of knowledge regarding the Planetary Predicament .... then again I don't know if any of what I have learn is real too lol point being .. there might need some convincing..

      Anyone here has the "gene of persuasion" and diplomacy forged with the paste of truthfulness? mine broke in pieces when i was catapulted here on 3D.

      no one here knows of a Buddhist in high Places so we can skip the emailing and pleading and the melodrama? :)

      ok lets start low.. anyone knows of a Buddhist in low places? lol ...

      is astounding to think that we are still trap in this ridiculous predicament because our networking skills suck. err.. mine at least lol.

    3. I will keep working on convincing them to help us. If more people emailed them it may help ... if anyone can call them that may help too. I will keep trying until I get a response. I will even try snail mail if I feel it is necessary. Right now they are our best chance since they understand the concept of meditation and what it can do.

    4. Spirit.:
      Then can u give us the email address of the students?
      thank you!

  11. Thanks COBRA, WE ALL LOVE U DEARLY, and we are all aware of any msm spin be it disclosure or anything else, it is all false narratives, and I cannot even stand another minute of the MAINSTREAM B.S.

  12. Sounds good thank you.Also there are other people and things in the back round like this lady Judge Ana Reitz here's her new message to all those who are members of the Bar tear them up you wont need them in the near future all Courts will shut down and only Common Law Courts will be loud in America. 2016 is going to be great i can feel it. Victory to the Light .Thanx to everybody in the good fight.I love you.

  13. This is Judge Ana Reitz.

  14. After my first event meditation I decided to take a nap but instead found myself in sleep paralysis. While I could not move or see I could still hear and feel my body, so I knew I was still somewhat awake. I heard something in my room and could instantly feel a very dark presence, I was getting really uncomfortable and wanted to move, and that is when it got on my bed and spoke to me a couple words. It was a sort of threatening speech, something like "you think you have control" something a long that. I think its because I probably have the implants and they can still effect me even though I keep my own standards such as the golden rule, and many others. Is there anyone else that has experienced this please what should I do if it happens again?

    1. i have these attacks occasionally and i think its a good think cuz your doing something right. i try to shove them away by thought when i sense their presence but they manipulate my dreams. bastards. you should use your love as they flee like the plague when you use that against them and also healing works on them.

    2. Focus on your breath and start to breath calmly - the dark entity(ies) go away and the paralysis ends. Why it happens and why you?. ONE of the answers is because you are becoming free of theirs influence i.e. you are starving them - you are not generating more "food" to them :)
      It might happen they will try more powerful tactics and you might feel the need for a fight - I would not recommend it. Just starve them! To master a calm breathing is more powerful than any of theirs tactics ;)

    3. Hello Josh. I got the same thing every night after the event meditation. The first time it happend, I had open
      my eyes and saw nothing special, just the light of my decoder, then I closed my eyes and did open them again 2-3 seconds after. This time I couldn't see the light, a shadow was in front. Then he attacked my heart,which was doing like a motor sound. Since, I try different thing during it happend. I didn't fear, I'm cool with that. The last night I him feel coming, and I tried to push away him energetically. It was a success.

      I'll let the others expain to you how to protect against that. I personnaly didn't find something who match with me (protection).

      Bye bye Josh.


    4. Thanks everyone, I will keep doing it. I see several ways here that are helpful, so it really comes down to my own faith, and power to stand up for what is right. Again thank you, it was helpful.

    5. Dear Josh (sorry for any mistakes i'm russian). Demons have been attacking me since forever, if they are not too strong, you can ask archangel Michael to protect you (you have to ask him each time). If you know for sure they are after you because of the implants, ask God sincerely to burn the implants. I had one in my shoulder and it was burned with the method above. Peace!

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    8. Connecting with, and tending to the needs of a pet (as you would hope your own fate might be), can teach "unconditional love"... the only other process being high-jacked is "wisdom"- The reward of the process, while being the process.

      When you say meditation... I hearing "make a connection" (just what exactly did you connect with..?).

      Wisdom... that floats on the wind, passing over and around every thing (even Forest Gump) is the connection.

      144,000... one connection.

    9. Or.... or, do as I do. Take charge of your own mind and create a different reality. For example, "okay, time to kick some dark energy butt" and invoke divine energy or fashion yourself into a warrior and slay the dragon. Or...decide you're being paranoid and laugh it off. Point being, we are powerfully creative beings and it's up to you what you believe and may perceive. Just try to remember that fear is the only weapon they (which is really you) have!

  15. I've not heard of the false light thing. There are several things I can imagine it being.

    This is what gets me through the day: Indica wax (70% THC) and CBD shatter. Consumed every 2-3 hours. If you eat paleo your mind will be clear enough to make the side effects negligible. Helps with physical and emotional pain.

  16. "In reality, Light is Light, and darkness is darkness, it is that simple." - Cobra

    Light is Light and darkness is absence of visible Light. Therefore all is Light in a sense.

    In the end, all is of the Light. Even the darkness, but that doesn't mean we should keep embracing it. The time of darkness is over, the age of Light is NOW. Let's be rid of this darkness once and for all!!! It has served its purpose and is no longer needed.

    Victory to the Light!

  17. love the last paragraph - WELL SAID !!!

  18. code again: I am BROken and ChAotic too. So attack. ISis to be delivered here.

  19. Replies
    1. You're giving them "Power" or respect I THINK when you call them that...I think. I mean I know Cobra calls them by that name.

      I always refer to them as: ASSchons & their 'devotees' are "Maya-Humpers" (Illusion F**Kers). I think it was David Wilcock who said call IS.IS "ISOL" so as Not to lend power to how they're trying to Misuse the Goddesses name.

  20. Thanks cobra.
    I find your comments encouraging that coming soon end for the Petrodollar too.
    Victory of the Light!

  21. Feeling much more light. Thank you for the awesome update. As cobra suggested, I started disclosure at my level by starting a blog. My target is to reach common man, so that they will not be in shock during THE EVENT and disclosure time. Interestingly many are just reading and observing, some are responding in a positive way, very few in negative way (I am not feeling like using these duality words... Positive and negative)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. OHHHH, Of Course it would be about "YOU" James... I kid - I kid.

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    5. Oops... might have rushed that comment... sorry.

      Still nice to see who's out there (did you know you have it set so "only members" can comment..?)... you might want to think of that as your own personal twitter fee, no idea what "members" are for blogger.

      Woke-up silly... 111 fervor... but Jan. 11 '96

      Page 351 from the Event Handbook- $11.11

      "On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil
      Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases"... Would we have gotten this far..?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hello Cobra. What are your views on Canada's new government specially the new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It looks like he is making good decisions for the outside world but inside is he really what he is showing to the world? Thank You.

    1. im canadian and hes better than the traitor harper.

    2. I'd also like to know this...
      is Justin the real deal?

    3. This is a good question to send to Rob Potter... Rob can ask Cobra the question about Justin Trudeau in his next interview (the January interview...)

      See for Rob's website and the monthly interviews.

    4. Thank You for suggesting WestcoastUSMegan, I sent Rob an email. :)

    5. I think their guess is as good as yours, Dove. He's playing a role or he's exercising the little bit of tether he's allowed. He did not actually pull troops from Syria, as promised. And look up, they’re still pounding us with chemicals. No doubt, Justin is a feel-good PM, just as Obama was originally a feel-good president. Until cabal is ousted, it seems likely Justin is powerless to effect foundational change - assuming he wishes to (which we don't know).

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  25. Templars?! Where did the come from?!

    1. from Cobra's blog:

      Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star. 

      In the 13th century they have founded the Templar order which was based on discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the crypt below the Salomon temple. Information on those scrolls has enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and formation of freemasonry.


      there are about 7 Q/A within articles where the templars are mentioned. @

      Best For now... on the Search field(at top right) look for "Templars"

      Note: most of the Q/A from Untwines, PFC and Rob's(except dec 2015) Interview have been entered although still needs further cleaning n restructuring.. but the information is there... use the search function on top right,... best for now.

  26. Thanks for the update. Let's keep "shinning inside" to manifest disclosure. Love & light to all!

  27. How do I contact cobra on something

    1. There is a link somewhere on this blog page that says contact Cobra and you can then email him.

    2. Click on the link that says "view my complete profile" from there you can email

    3. good luck cuz he never responds to me :( why is that?

  28. I made a comment but it never went through, and I need to talk about it with cobra or someone.

    1. If it was on an older post you might have to press "Load more" at the bottom of the page. I have made that mistake. It also applies to comments made further up.

  29. After my first EVENT meditation I decided to take a nap, but instead I fell into sleep paralysis. I heard and felt the presence of something dark, it spoke a little. How do I keep these things away from me if I have implants, what can I do?

    1. All is Energy, and it goes where your mind does. If u believe in what they tell u, whether u have an implant or not, u give your Energy away, u give away a force to control your own life. Control more to understand as Create,shape. U believe in not having enough strenght in yourself to be able to refuse and Defend from such an attack. Its a trick. Be your True self and know That Nothing and noone can threat u, unless u let yourself be a victim of fear. Wrap yourself in gold and violet, be in peace

    2. Well... For me, it's Pg. 329 of the Event Handbook $11.11 top right side of blog.

      So... it had you in your sleep, could have done anything, but just wanted to talk... you might have some work to do, as too much meditation, too soon will bring stuff-up, too hard to deal with.

      In any case, it sounds like it feeds on fear.

      Are you able to do everything to keep a pet alive..?

      Focus in an area like that could be a quick fix.

    3. Thanks. Yeah I was a little scared. All I have to do is stay strong basically. Again thanks this was helpful.

  30. Heartfelt thanks, Cobra, R.M. and all those seen and unseen working to shift this paradigm.

    R.I.P. David Bowie
    two of my favorites:

    Changes - Bowie


    I still don't know what I was waiting for
    And my time was running wild
    A million dead-end streets
    And every time I thought I'd got it made
    It seemed the taste was not so sweet
    So I turned myself to face me
    But I've never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker
    I'm much too fast to take that test

    (Turn and face the strange)
    Don't want to be a richer man
    (Turn and face the strange)
    Just gonna have to be a different man
    Time may change me
    But I can't trace time

    I watch the ripples change their size
    But never leave the stream
    Of warm impermanence and
    So the days float through my eyes
    But still the days seem the same
    And these children that you spit on
    As they try to change their worlds
    Are immune to your consultations
    They're quite aware of what they're going through

    (Turn and face the strange)
    Don't tell them to grow up and out of it
    (Turn and face the strange)
    Where's your shame
    You've left us up to our necks in it
    Time may change me
    But you can't trace time

    Strange fascination, fascinating me
    Changes are taking the pace
    I'm going through

    (Turn and face the strange)
    Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
    (Turn and face the strange)
    Pretty soon now you're gonna get older
    Time may change me
    But I can't trace time
    I said that time may change me
    But I can't trace time

    Starman - Bowie

    Didn't know what time it was and the lights were low
    I leaned back on my radio
    Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll 'lotta soul, he said
    Then the loud sound did seem to fade
    Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase
    That weren't no D.J. that was hazy cosmic jive

    There's a starman waiting in the sky
    He'd like to come and meet us
    But he thinks he'd blow our minds
    There's a starman waiting in the sky
    He's told us not to blow it
    'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile

    He told me
    Let the children lose it
    Let the children use it
    Let all the children boogie

    I had to phone someone so I picked on you
    Hey, that's far out so you heard him too!
    Switch on the TV we may pick him up on channel two
    Look out your window I can see his light

    ...and here is his new one, released on his birthday, Jan.8.2016:

    Lazarus - David Bowie

    Oh, and I know we have much challenge and hard work ahead..but then comes celebration...

    David Bowie & Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street


    1. "As they pulled you out of the Oxygen Tank you asked for the latest Party"
      Now, *that's* the spirit and the Only Way Forward :-)

      Beware of the Diamond Dogs

      Wham! Bam! Thank You, Ma'am :-) I Love my Suffragette City



    2. "I, I will be King. And you, You will be Queen.
      We will be Heroes"
      Not just for One day


    3. One of my all-time favorites:

      Under Pressure (A-Capella) - David Bowie & Freddie Mercury of Queen

      R.I.P. you two Larger-than-Life personalities....who, by simply being yourselves, and your many personas, allowed so many of us to be comfortable in our own skin. -PB

      Free Thought Project ‏@TFTPROJECT Jan 11
      #RIPDavidBowie, you will be missed!

      David Bowie - Blackstar | Full Album 2016

  31. Thanks
    I am looking forward to this.
    I am the Light

  32. Q:'The concept of „false light“ was introduced by the Archons to further confuse the awakening part of the surface population'
    Haha. I instantly associated it with Cabal things.

  33. I've noticed there's A LOT of people who seem to be "Over The Matrix"- like, I ask questions & make comments and you can tell they've effectively "Tuned Out" Politics, Hollywood, Even the News Cycle itself. I think many "Herdlings" are subconsciously getting 'ready' for a BIG Change-Up or Reveal and yet, their conscious "ego" doesn't even realize how much they've already "detached"...This bodes well I think for the common public.

    In light of David Bowies (Music Icon) passing 1/9- I felt compelled to watch a Music Video of his from 1984!- Compelled! ever since I saw this video as a kid it made me feel VERY Uneasy and the song is called "Loving the Alien" (I'll explain)

    When I heard this I kept thinking he meant "actual GREEN Aliens"(like from Space)& that he was been 'Forced' by Fear/Indoctrination into choosing a 'Belief System' & Praying till he was literally 'Blue in the Face'- the Two Sides are: Christian & Muslim (This was made in 1984!)- the Imagery, Lyrics, Visuals almost seem MK-Ultra-ish. Yet, I couldn't ever figure out WHY I associated "Space Aliens" with Religion at the age of 12 (when I saw this video)....NOW, on the night of Bowies death- This Video & Song has SOO MANY Meanings & I love it!

    "Loving the Alien" - I swear Bowie was an Insider & Knew about the Secret NWO bloodlines. You'll wonder why MTV & popular music never let this song get "popular"- This Video will blow your mind w/ it's Symbolism

    What's even WEIRDER is his last Album (2015) is called "Black Star" which looks like it's about a planet that worships a 'Black Star'- Again, if he referring to "The Black Sun"? or Prime Anomaly? Bowie was dying of Cancer & maybe this was his final "Screw You" to the 'Negative Entities'?
    "Black Star"

    Even in the light of the NEW "Star Wars Ep#7"- You gotta wonder where the indoctrination begins & the Soft Disclosure ends - Imagine what "Art" will be like AFTER the Event

    1. Agree with you 100% The Black Star vid was all about the control in the music industry - too many symbols to mention here.

    2. About people tuning out: YES! I hope you're right because I just see damaged bodies and minds. There better be a spirit behind all this shit. ; )

  34. Dear Cobra, Thank you for the update....The beat of the drum keeps beating louder & louder as Victory feels so close to me; in every fiber of my soul's being. Yesterday's meditation was such a nice connection to other Lightworkers...our Light Work will pay off soon!

  35. I cannot wait for a time when we look back on these updates and it all seems so far away, when we wake up each and every morning knowing only great, beautiful, loving things will manifest in our lives that day.

    The last stretch always feels the longest, I look forward to meeting you all in the end.

    Love and light,


  36. Bravo Cobra and light workers! We the collective humanity the children of GAIA demand freedom,light and abundance thats rightfully ours.All those who oppose this please join us in love or step aside!On and forward to the inevitable Victory of the light,its been a long and arduous wait!NO MORE dark bring in the LIGHT!

  37. So beautiful! "Preparing for abundance" sounds hilarious. It is true, it has to be learned and understood in order to integrate it. "And to proudly keep shining the Light as a Lightworker or a Lightwarrior", yes absolutely, thank you <3

  38. Reflections , Signs of the Event unfolding Within You .
    We forgive . We are becoming more intentional . We understand the the Goddess Spiral meditation implications are manifesting in our external reality ,,,,we are not just waiting for the meditation time on sundays to envision the goddess spiral intentions ,,we demonstrate daily moment by moment ,,,,we are in the world but not of the world . We are ONE .

  39. What is going on with these mass rapings? Every week! That's just hilarious. Immigrants mass raping, reality is retarded.

    1. Corey: (42:07) Well, like I said, we are talking about these energetic waves that people are talking about that are coming from the center of the galaxy, but we have just begun to enter these high energy clouds, only since, I believe since the 1930s and 40s that they talked about, when we started to enter the outskirts of some of these clouds, and we haven't really gotten into the most dense part of these high energetic clouds, in this part of the Galaxy that we are heading into, in our solar system.
      The answer is it depends totally on your polarity, if you're a positive or service to others type of self you are going to be more so, if your a selfish service to self kind of negative person you are going to become more so. So the energy kind of enhances what you all ready are.

  40. Actually I know what's going on, it's a combination of many things, right?

    1. Displace a mass of people that now need to be taken care of... now multiply that with a higher cost, all the way around.

      But there is bean counter that states (more or less) "every human on the planet (surface) could stand, shoulder to shoulder, in the state of Texas"... a state I'm sure has some of the tractors used to grow food, that don't even need a driver (GPS)... self driving car- what about TRUCKS... planes fly themselves.

      Many hands make light work... but you need to have a collage loan in order to be in a position to help-out..?

      Stream education, just like Netflix... the best lessons, from the best teachers, all around the planet.

  41. Dragon sources are wrong; The Oregon militia standoff was made over a land dispute. There is no part of it that is a false flag, just clear-cut bullying by the gov and the family who owned the land got sick of it -

    1. I think you are interpreting "false flag" as always being a fake event.. where everyone is in it. and no one gets hurt or actors form part of it?

      My interpretation is that they are using or pushing the buttons of that family or whoever is involved to create unrest.. and as the post mentioned to test the militias etc.

      buttons or the handles could be anything.. such as you mentioned.. - the land dispute...

      Remember the downing of the plane in Ukraine which was meant to place the blame on Russia... (that was a false flag.. and 9-11 etc)... We only get to see the surface result of their scam... and fall for the blaming, the hating and the fearing game.. while the real perpetrators stand behind the smoke. U know... the usual BS...

    2. That's what I thought, but then again those in government pushing the ranchers might be the false flag part.

    3. If you read the link I included it states that this has been an ongoing struggle for several generations.
      Here's the definition of false flag:

      The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. (wikipedia)

      Think rationally, do you really believe that the government would waste over 50 years trying to create a false flag? On either side of the spectrum, to classify this as a false flag with no evidence is fairly ridiculous.

      To call this a false flag would mean that somebody had planned the standoff in secrecy...but we very clearly KNOW the family who planned the standoff.

      This is just like any little guy vs. government story would you classify all of those as false flags as well?

    4. Let see.. how many false flags has been created based on racial tension, geopolitical differences, religious beliefs etc that have been plaguing the world for a long time... whenever the ones in the background needs to push buttons they don't always have to start from scratch.. from a newly created issue...

      they got lots of handles to pick from ... those issues that has been existing for 50 years + are a result of exactly the unstable system purposefully established by the ones that later will use as a handle...why would that look surprising..

      as far as the little guy vs the government.. story..

      would you be able to tell which are not false flags? i don't have the inside story... and to have it.. it would include to have the scoop of more than just the ones playing the pawn... unfortunately we don't.

      in addition, I don't really go for the " vs government" statement that people (not necessarily you) love to toss indiscriminately. It makes it seem as if everyone that is part of it are bad (it only promotes blindly hate and dislike which then gets directed at individual => good cops)... Personally, I am sure most of those officials (@thesite) truly believe that they are doing their duty... following orders... and it might even make sense to them. Anyways that is another story.. sorry i added it. :)

      anyways.. i just wanted to add me 2cents. I understand your views.

    5. I used to feel confused by the term "false flag", just as Dragon Heart explained it can easily be misinterpreted.

      They call the Boston Marathon Bombing a False Flag with Crisis Actors, but I can assure you, although it likely WAS a False Flag, the people are very real, not actors, and so are their injuries and emotional trauma.

      To date, we have 17 amputees who had all their limbs before the bombing. (16 at first, and one later opted to amputate her leg due to functional problems). Hundreds suffered shrapnel and other injuries, and many people are still suffering from PTSD and emotional stress that can be triggered by similar events in the news, or by something as simple as noticing a forgotten backpack in a public place. These are people in my community. Some of them have ended up on my massage table. Their trauma is real.

      However, over time I came to understand the ruthless nature of those who contrive events and relationships in order to orchestrate a dire outcome, which is what we call False Flags..these events are not what they appear to be on the surface (some lone or a small group of wackos). Somebody with power had an agenda, and the end result is that innocents suffer.

    6. Cobra Could you explain for us please what part of the operation in Oregon is a false flag? It appears most of those involved are sincere. The land grab is real. Apparently a Judge accompanied by 2 Marshalls are there to restore Common Law. Is the PPN (Pacific Patriots Network) referred to in the articles on this event, the PPN referred to in your State of Mission Report 2015 (& previous reports)? Which would mean they are part of the Resistance Movement. Their energy seems very purposeful, focused and directed. like yours. What about the Hammonds? is that part true?

    7. Oh, and the other result is that it helps to keep humanity in a state of fear.

  42. Thank you Cobra. Now what are all the loud booms which make houses rattle and metallic clanging sounds happening all over the world (videos on YouTube)? Is this the dismantling of those bombs you mention?

    1. Probably not the strangelet bombs. More likely battles or construction.


      Rob – ..."It was actually an article about sounds that are being heard recently in the air, loud booms in certain areas. There’s actually been recorded sounds. Is this part of the scalar field network being brought down. What are these sounds that have been heard in the air.

      COBRA – It is basically, I would say a certain operations of the light forces which are connected to the removal of the chimera group.
      ---ref rp0115
      Rob – OK. What are those humming sounds heard all over the planet? This was more prevalent some time ago. But I have heard sounds. Are these legitimate video’s? Are these hoaxes? Or are there some sort of causes for these humming sounds?

      COBRA – Yes, this sound is still happening. It’s actually a combination. It was very strong etheric sound but now there is also strong plasma scalar technology which creates infra sound, which can be heard by human beings or even felt with human body. They are low frequencies, between, I would say, 10-50 Hz, which can be heard by human ear. They can be felt as a low humming vibration in the body, which is usually unpleasant.
      ---ref rp0814

      Those are from the interview by Rob Potter. one on January 2015 and august 2014.. That's all i found so far from the interview Q/As. Not sure if it applies to recent sounds... anyways:: Q/A

    3. Last week there was a sound in my environment. I could not find the word but it was like a concrete pole was smashed into the ground before building, systematically bom bom bom, from it seemed 9-5 with breaks.
      It could be a normal thing, but this sound was like it was blown through the environment, street in street out. I once went after it on my bike but it went over houses trees etc. and very fast. No place for new buildings too. It remained for 3 days. Now it's gone.

  43. LIGHT- Look within not without, decide what is right for you. So many, many people are looking at what others say. We keep getting the message go within, meditation and GROW the growth of the creator within self, open the chakras and blockages. This has been said over and over by the Masters.I see many websites/facebook supposedly dedicated to The Change, they are giving advice for this and that- negative information and not once confirming the growth within. It is paramount for ALL to go within and seek the Light, and LOVE within, if you hear otherwise, you will KNOW it isn't the right path. God Bless you all and hold you near and in ONE.

  44. Thanks for the update, Cobra.

    I recently had a dream of the Event. I didn't see much but I could certainly feel it. I remember seeing all the borders being erased and could feel the excitement and joy of everyone. Then there was a forecast for a heavy snowstorm through the midwest US on February 8th.

    My dreams seem to be picking up the intensity lately. Victory of the Light!

  45. About the false light. Below is my own humble opinion based on my own experience. So I don't pretend to own the truth on this.

    Sometimes I also work (or I visit) the astral/etheric realms as part of my mission. When I started on this and after I did fight successfully against dark entities, these parasites appeared to me as light beings, a couple of times as my Qero Teacher. But, always, something was feeling not completely right.

    Either these "Light Beings" tried to make me drink something or to sign something or to get into a path. I never drank anything (as it felt disgusting). One time I was convinced to sign over a paper, but something went wrong (thanks to my Spiritual guides). I saw many humans beings signing papers because these "light beings" had convincing aspects and their "arguments" were compelling. Very few times I followed the path these "Light Beings" convinced me to follow - not a pretty path after all - I ended surrounded by innumerable amount of dark entities. A good control of my fear and my own breathing technique use to get me away from them.

    The majority of cases - when I was not convinced - they use to get angry and showed themselves as they are: a black formless cloud trying to paralyze me if not something more "terrifying" as visions etc. Normally this resulted in a fight or they just went away. During the last stages of my fights I wanted to capture them - but it seems I have not the ability and/or it is not my purpose but I have to admit it, I started to "enjoy" these fights. I need to say I don't recommend it because it might be expanded into the conscious/physical aspects of life...

    All ended one day (about a year ago) when I got tired of them and after a terrifying spectacle where strong winds, heavy rain, visions etc. was setup by them (I could see through the window of my room and inside my room) I thought ENOUGH! I focused on my Heart, collected my power with my breath and I created a "big explosion" of light.

    After this explosion they vanished - I knew I destroyed them - I slept tired and the next morning I felt sad for them. After all these creatures fight for survival and are also brothers and sisters who became disconnected but come from the same Source we all come from. I think - even today - I didn't mean to destroy them in such a manner.

    They never tried to deceive me again.

    Together with my Qero Teacher I learned there is no purpose in fighting to destroy them. Compassion is all about - a high spiritual level of Compassion.

    My believe is that we are here to evolve and bring back to this wonderful Planet our True Nature. Not anymore Us and Them - instead One Big Family. Sadly some of us choose differently and have to take the responsibility of their own elections and actions. Lets give them our highest compassion and lets Evolve and Unite to recreate this world.

    In love and respect

    1. well i wont disagree with your method but the protoi teach that that dark entities can not be redeemed and they are sent to prison. You did them a favor and i commend you, you should start clearing them out by hunting them all down that way no more ppl will be harrassed by these entities. also feeling compassion and love to your dark perpetrators is a trap designed by them so you will by passive and stupid enough to give them your energy for free. Lightworkers who believe forgiveness to them are deep asleep and start waking up because vast majority of people cant handle the truth.
      heres the proof read it all carefully:

    2. Jorge... sorry it took me so long to be ready to reply how much I like reading your work (hope to get there some day)... I re-read all the time.

      Would only add (my 2 cents), Nothing of spiritual value in your life is ever lost... It's yours forever.

  46. thank you cobra !! the Magrav Keshe in video: and here:

  47. Convincing Keshe results. Gotta read the description first because the video is Romanian.


  48. And the Clean-Up continues . . . it's the Little Things that Matter.
    I had them folded into a number 6 and a number 9 to make a yin yang symbol and was so used to seeing that every day that I'd completely forgotten about them: two folding rules.
    They don't belong to Me or Dini, contain residue of negative energy and thus cannot be part of The Light Machine.
    Gone and Outta Here For Good.

    Even on this small a scale cleaning up and taking out all the trash really takes a lot of time and effort, holy smokes! Should really be done for real now, however.

    This one's quite the unusual David Bowie duet, courtesy of "Big Vinny V" posting the link on Facebook, and we're not even friends on there :-)

    Peace On Earth

    Victory Of Love And Light




    1. Speaking of little things that matter:
      I could hardly believe it but hidden in a pack of 30 year old photos was an envelope containing stamps from the Soviet Union (!) and a piece of cardboard. On that cardboard:
      A bunch of stamps from the Vatican (!!) and a photograph of that criminal pope John Paul II !!! Hizoly Shizit, that is just about the very last the thing *anybody* needs, least of all Me !

      Oh well, there's a Right Place and Time for Everything, so no complaints here. Just Finishing The Job.
      All of that garbage burnt exceptionally well, and it feels extraordinarily good to have this rubbish Outta Here Once And FOR ALL !
      It all went Up In Flames and Holy Smoke - Good Riddance and Ashes to Ashes.

      And that's It, more or less. Ready for the Midnight Express. I'm Comin' Back, Baby! :-)

      I AM The Beginning and The End
      Victory Of Love And Light



    2. How do you do that..?

      Are you using that clock to tell you when to post..?

      I know not every 111 is a guide, but you got it pegged.

      You can check the time stamp in preview... but still.

      Keeper of this time.


    3. Thanks, IceSphere. I'm a fan of this time stamp gimmick as well :-)

      "It's all about the Timing, baby" is My Higher Self's mantra to Me for over Eleven Years now. So I get notified right-on-time I'll have an incoming message to communicate.

      Like This One:
      "Tell Her. Tell Her She can kiss my ass, then laugh and say that You were *only kidding*
      That way She'll know that it's really, Really, Really, REALLY Me, ME!
      Call Me when You try to WAKE HER UP"

      Lots Of Love, RISE AND SHINE <3

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All



    4. The post time shows up as the time when you hit "Publish", not when Cobra moderates/approves it.

    5. But he got both the only 2 slots, for 1/11... and no posts in between made a stunning screenshot.

      will he get the PM slot... to go with the AM for the reply..?

      Have you studied that book (I'll find the name of it) I have a MP3 download of a C2C interview.

      And you might be doing even more work than you are aware of..? known or


    6. Coast2Coast Book of Urantia, hour 2 and 3.

      If there is a church near you that will hold mail for you

    7. Oops... other way around.

      Growing a Soul.

      Portal Cultivation

    8. I might need correction (well yeah), but I'm pretty sure, the reason the Event Handbook is $11.11 is because there is/are a midway-er angle (the 1,111 that did not just dump us, and go to the dark side... resident angelic host) that prompts people to check for a synchronicity at 11:11... (C2C- July 11, 2012- Urantia book).

      Anyway... I'm now signed-up for a Urantia Book class (1/18) Angelic chain- top to bottom.

      (... dot, dot, dot) has been my prompt since 2001... so I study 111 as, well...Mac..?

      Portal Synchronization.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Another thing to look forward to after the event, especially for all us living in the northern parts of the world, that are now experincing another dreadful winter, is a perpetual spring/summer kind of climate all around the world.

    1. I'd personally hate that. I love the 4 seasons, having spring/summer forever would get boring very quickly. As long as the temperatures doesn't go above 25ºc in the summer or below 0ºc in the winter, that's perfect.

      Not being able to enjoy a nice winter night while drinking hot chocolate would be terrible!

    2. I am sure people could move to find the climate that suits them best, for example farther north would be colder.

    3. @Neekian ... I feel the same way ... I love the winter and the snow. I missed it when it didn't come in time for Christmas. I would be very disappointed if we didn't have winters anymore.

      I'm blessed where I don't have to drive in it. I don't mind shoveling it because it give me an excuse to be out in it. I love listening to 60's pop music while doing it. Brings back memories of my childhood.

      It's is a very snowy day today and I am looking out the window while sipping my hot chocolate as I type. :)

    4. that would be wonderful. spring and cooler summers would be the best of climates.

    5. I assume after The Event, there will be ways (technology?) to deal with global warming and glacial and snowpack melt. California depends on snowpack for much of its water; in recent years there was no snowpack, and the result is disastrous. I lived out there 28 years and never saw such a devastating drought. Forests are dying, too. At least they have El Nino now which is a wetter winter, but also brings mudslides as it is too much rain at once.

      If glaciers and snowpack melts, sea levels will rise, and millions of coastal areas will be in peril.

      I love snow, we had some fluffy snow and freezing rain last night. The El Nino pattern gives us more snow to the North and potential for sleet and freezing rain in southern N.E. I'd rather have snow. But honestly, I was much healthier and active when I lived in a warmer climate. Wind chill is a bitch, especially when it is unrelenting. People stay in and businesses suffer.

      These are just some of my observations. I think the paradigm shift and DNA upgrades will also help us to tap into creative solutions, and there will be no shadow government to suppress new inventions or ideas. We shall flourish in a New Renaissance!

      Oh, BTW, Starship to the Pleiades, we had THUNDERSNOW in the afternoon yesterday! (A snowstorm with thunder and lightning, especially along the snow/rain front). Very rare, but it seems to happen at least once every year.

  52. Hey the said that thous people were arrested-like dick cheney and barbara bush and other,I wanted to ask:

    1-How's arrest them?
    2-How's gonna be the judge?
    3-Where the trial is gonna be held?gonna be public?
    4-what kind of punishment fit their crimes?


  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. COBRA: Their was one response in your last monthly interview which was not allowed to be published. I respect that a person has a right to control what appears on his web site but we the people have a right to assess that information for ourselves (perhaps it was the subject of Jesus or Christianity?). In your next update or here, would you please offer the information that was eliminated.

  56. I read where it said: "No ships are sailing in the North Atlantic, they are all tied up at dock"!
    You can verify this by looking at the 'vessle-track' here:
    I wonder what is going on?

    1. as the world’s major shipping vessels have now abandoned the Atlantic Ocean, the same cannot be said of the Obama regimes United States Navy (USN) whose Lewis and Clark class cargo ships are continuing their non-stop armament shipments to Saudi Arabia—where the bulk of these weapons and ammunition shipments end up the hands of Islamic State (Daesh) terrorists operating the Levant War Zone.

  57. I had a dream about 4 nights ago that the moon was covered in beautiful pink clouds (at least as seen by earth) and once the clouds dissipated, there were scores and scores of space craft flying across the lit side of the moon. Anyone looking up could see it in the night sky. It was so exciting. I knew then, that the event had or was about to occur.

  58. Now I get the false light thing. The way this article describes the polarities is similar to how I see it, like STS and STO. To me Cobra is talking about good and evil. There's lot's of overlap I imagine.

  59. It does do a good job explaining the false light concept, but like Cobra says it's not going to be a problem for folks.

  60. "The concept of „false light“ was introduced by the Archons to further confuse the awakening part of the surface population and to promote distrust towards the Light in order to weaken the surface population even more. In reality, Light is Light, and darkness is darkness, it is that simple. If you are in touch with your inner guidance, you can never mistake the Light for darkness and darkness for Light."

    That gave me the chills Cobra. Almost word for word, "there is no such thing as 'false light', how could light be dark? It's a silly assertion."

    Feel that the darkness is being recognized as darkness and in these moments the brighter we shine, the more obvious it becomes.

    I never saw a shadow stand in a Light, all it can do is hide.

    Let's go. <3

  61. What is "VT" that is mentioned in the last video about the agreement that's been made by the secret global financial reset. Another one know ..

  62. Fascinating to read this post. Thank you Cobra and the RM. And: I need to work on my own abundance visualizations...!

  63. Thanks for this update, Cobra!
    Jai ho! Namaste, this wonderful message is full of hope and instill our intense longing for Event and final victory of the light! The truth shall set us free! All Glories to all lightworkers and lightforces, who are stalwart and brave in mind, heart and deeds! All Glories to Goddess Lakshmi! She may bless all of us! Victory of Light!!!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are you being silly? Of course this blog needs to be monitored or it will be taken over by the "Tricksters"....LOL!

  65. STILL HERE!!!!!!

  66. This was an absolutely wonderful update. I especially appreciated the clear clarification which Cobra presented in his last paragraph . . .

    "The concept of „false light“ was introduced by the Archons to further confuse the awakening part of the surface population and to promote distrust towards the Light in order to weaken the surface population even more. In reality, Light is Light, and darkness is darkness, it is that simple. If you are in touch with your inner guidance, you can never mistake the Light for darkness and darkness for Light.

    Victory of the Light!"


  67. It is true that if I'm being threatened by any being I can destroy it?


  69. I am praying that all this shit ends very very soon. I am not understanding how this can go on, free will planet or not, this killing and mind control is not right! Please dear Divine Creator, stop the madness! I am so sorry for whatever is in me that is creating this sickness. Enough already! Mother Earth has suffered so much already. And we as humans have been striped of our memories, our DNA, our health, and our longevity. God Bless us all!!

    1. One Love, stay strong and keep your head up. If nobody has told you I'm with you Spiritually. you're not alone in this,alot of us feel the same. Just stay strong

  70. This is horrendous, if you think these rapes are not real in Germany – no graphic content

    This should be on the news, that poor girl!! Women in Europe really need to be really careful.

  71. Good,
    I Am Glad We Are Here At This point..
    Some Synchronicity in this message..
    I Was Guiding My Sister to Listen to
    Vedic Messages On Abundance...
    I Got The Tip From A Vedic Student this
    Week..While She Was Raising Money
    to Go Visit Her Guru..
    I Felt It Was A Great TIP...
    Tara Grace...

  72. I will do as you advice spirit. I will email them... your idea has merit...
    make one of those "forwarding emails.. u know if u send it to 100 friends you will break the matrix lol.. that will get our butts moving lol kidding ;)

    1. Thank you DH ... besides me I know of one other that said they contacted them ... hopefully Cobra will hear from them soon.

  73. I just watched some Oregon situation videos and from that little I learn a lot ,glad the internal war that it is going on right now is not in the public eyes ,there is a lot education to do with the common population ,anything out of their ordinary life can lead them to panic mode ,we need a lot of healing ,the people that are working to liberate the planet in this moment could be taken as a threat by those who are not properly imform ,it is amazing .thank brothers of the light ,COBRA and resistant ,love and support ,oh one more thing hey COBRA when are we going to stop paying for mortgage and so on ,just until the EVENT or the financial reset ,just saying cause I'm tired of paying for everything .bye now

  74. "If you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, change your attitude - don't complain."
    -Maya Angelou

    Since last Moon ended on Kin 21, we invite you to take the 21-day Complaint Free Challenge! Special thanks to Gerald for connecting us with this organization, who distributes "A Complaint Free World" bracelets, encouraging people to go 21 days without speaking any complaints. A complaint in this challenge is defined as "an energetic statement that focuses on the problem at hand, rather than the resolution sought."

    The idea is to wear a bracelet on one wrist on day 1. Then whenever you speak a complaint, switch to the other wrist: You're back on day 1. See if you can go 21 days in a row! Interestingly it takes most people 4-8 months to go 21 days in a row without complaining!

    A Complaint Free World

    Law of Time Noos-letter

  75. An unforeseen and highly unusual event detailed at The CAT:

    1. Da - Da Man Called A:

      Rainbow dragon is the DNA upgrade perhaps? Great analogy.

      I like your other piece in there about Aunt Ethel's arrival, too.

      Your bloviations are type to behold.... : ^ ) ...

  76. This says it all:

  77. UNITE!
    The ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEM IS CRASHING....Signs of crash are everywhere. A RESTART will follow ★

    The enslavement system includes:

    1. Controlling systems through laws and regulations

    2. Religions filled with lies and deceptions which have resulted in many wars and deaths of billions.

    3. Money, debt and banking systems.

    4. Finance and economic systems

    5. Trading and commerce systems

    6. Import and export systems

    7. Corruption and deception system through threats/briberies/propagandas.

    8. MIND CONTROL through inplants, frequency weapons, and etheric manipulation.

    9. Etc....

    All of them are crashing now.

    In the midst of chaos and reordering, Remember to raise your consciousness, vibrations and frequencies. Say goodbye to enslavement and say hello to GALACTIC CITIZENSHIPS and INTERSTELLAR INTERACTION among Star Nations.

    ٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    The powers that be are desperately attempting to institute safeguards to a system that is crashing. WE just can’t have an economic model which funnels resources into the hands of the elite, and a social system that disregards an ethical and sustainable approach to the environment, without something eventually breaking. With their last breath they are creating secret trade agreements designed to implement a world government, yet there’s a growing community of awakening people that are discussing and designing innovative solutions to the systemic mess WE’re in.

    The masses have not yet awoken to the fact that WE operate under a privately owned central banking system which maintains the monopolization of our monetary system for a dozen or so international banking families. In fact, Many of our so-called leaders – such as politicians, charity organizations and those in the public spotlight – have awoken to this insanity either.
    If WE were to collectively recognize this, there is no doubt that WE would instantly stand up and institute a banking system & a world that is created for the people, by the people.

    ٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    The Awakening Of Society Is Just As Important As The Awakening Of Our Self ★

    Spirituality is a very personal affair regardless of the various pathways or disciplines that ONE may follow. Yet even though there is an abundance of avenues for spiritual endeavor, there is generally a universal agreement on the principle of unity.
    continue reading at:

  78. @Cobra i would like to hear your comment on this,000-troops-to-western-front,-warns-switzerland-is-now-%E2%80%9Cgreatest-threat-to-mankind%E2%80%9D

  79. Update: All the Interview questions by PFC, Robert Potter and Untwine have been entered into

    Is still a jungle in there atm, so good luck in finding your answers lol

  80. Arcturian Group Message for 1/10/16 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL
    January 10, 2016


    "...Evolution is leading mankind beyond separateness and perceived need, into "I already Am". Be very conscious of any words you attach to "I am" because "I am" carries a powerful energy of truth and when you voice or think the words "I am", the mind in its perfect functioning as an avenue of awareness, proceeds to form it for you.

    In its purest sense, I am that I am"--Divine Being, complete and whole in every way because I am made of the only substance there is--Divine Consciousness. However, these words represent the absolute and many in their spiritual enthusiasm, have made the mistake of trying to live the absolute before attaining the consciousness of it. Attaining a consciousness of absolute truth is the evolutionary journey. This is what you are now ready for, practicing, and moving into. Truth begins as intellectual knowledge, but can never manifest into expression until realized.

    Be aware that you create with every seemingly innocent word and thought. The new and powerful energies pouring in at this time are allowing you as spiritual beings, to manifest very quickly. It is time to accept and live by this knowledge instead of considering it simply to be an "airy/fairy" idea and then wondering why you have issues you do not want in your life.

    Instead of saying, "I am broke, I am without friends, or I am unlovable", change it to; "I am the very substance from which all facets of abundance form." or "I am one with every living thing because we are all in and of the same Divine Consciousness. Thusly, I can never be separate from love for love is the connecting energy of all things within that ONE".

    Ponder often and deeply what it actually means to be Divine Consciousness--"If I am formed in and of Divine Consciousness, the very substance of all that is, how then could lack or limitation of any sort be other than illusory?

    The unawake world has always created from a level of concepts based in duality and separation and then teaches others from that level--what you must have, be, or do, in order to be complete. Creating from a more evolved level of realized completeness will result in forms, ideas, and situations that represent completeness for you personally, and may not be what you with limited thinking believed you needed, but will instead be new and better...."

    1. Nice... I'll keep trying the link, but all I got was the "Go Daddy" back ground (my internet is so-worse than dial-up... keep ringing that crazy bell).

      Remember... a time, when there was No Money..?

      Wisdom... the richest person was "the maker of tools" with knowledge of how to draw power from them to make the magic.

      Here... to grow a soul presentable for the, "I Am" (as many times as it takes).

    2. A nice, I have always "resonated" well with Marilyn Raffaele.

  81. Targetted: If you think you wield power with the ank you are mistaken.
    If you think the Eye of Horus (or Ra as the case may be) is a benefit to you consider:
    Symbols don't hold power, WE do.

    It's stupID to ignore constant warnings.
    The ROOT of the righteous will not be moved!
    Neither will the Ancient Boundary.

    Earth is the Planet of The Crossing. As a Sovereign, She has plainly stated that only righteous Houses may remain.

    Tromar is the new Tomar. The flowers in Portugal are drinking Steel Reserve and water.
    When that cup is dry... well, you/we know the rest.

  82. Central Security is Blue.
    Call is to Green.

  83. Cobra, when will it be time to tell us about the pictures of the goddess sleeping and the caves?

  84. Brown Eye.. from what I gathered .. the lady is Dou Mu.
    Untwine asked about her... although he didn't specify that it was regarding the lady in the picture... so someone let me know if i am wrong.

    1. I believe it is Dou Mu also DH as described on this page
      I am deeply grateful for the sacrifice she is making on our behave.

    2. good link Spirit. i didn't know about that one. Thanks

    3. Too bad there is no Achilles or Hercules or any of those fantastic heroes from ancient times if indeed existed but without the weak spots of course lol.... weren't they usually influenced or guided by the ancient gods... I hope Dou Mu has such a hero by her side... with our luck.. such hero only works underground hahaha

      it suits well cause nowadays if we get a hero it would probably be a hero with High Horse Syndrome...

      And no... I am not seeking for someone else to be saving me or our butts :).. I know we are our own saviors... is just is hard really to make a good movie out of this lingering and redundant 26000yrs disaster story) :). If anything probably the only well worth part to write about will be about the completion of this game ... and finally we are crawling to such end.

      How can we look back with fondness when we have been plague with stupidity from the bad guys and mediocrity from the good ones lol I am referring to the surface population of course... Isn't that why Gaia had to request for outsiders to assist?.. because "us"... messed up?... of course lets not include our well spiritually and highly technologically advanced brothers from the Breakaway Civilizations... they had it all down pack and running smoothly from the the last 26000 years of "imprisonment"... err .. but of course... to than think that some of them were well plotting along with those keeping us in bondage.

      Where is Moses?? wouldnt' this time would have been the greatest of time for him to make claim to "Set our People Free!!" (WORLD FREE)... those from those times probably wouldn't take the scalar attacks we all are exposed to and the ridiculous red tapes from this time and age ...

      i would have love to see him try get 144K to meditate lol... So don't feel bad Cobra when you see such low numbers in Meditation lol.. not even Moses would have manifested that fast enough lol...

  85. Cobra, did the Indian god Krishna reincarnate as Jesus Christ ? You touched upon this link very briefly in one of your last interviews but did not elaborate/ clarify further.

  86. 2016: The Embodiment of Multi-Dimensional Mastery: The Year of Completion and Transition

  87. Six Ex-Barclays, Deutsche Bank Traders to Stand Trial in 2017

    Hillary Clinton is a criminal: FBI conducting corruption probe into “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work
    January 13, 2016 by Starship Earth: The Big Picture

    Former federal prosecutor says Hillary Clinton could be indicted in 60 days
    January 13, 2016 9:54 am EST


  88. Watching the Big Bash League game Melbourne Stars - Brisbane Heat in the MCG live. That's cricket, BTW ;-)

    6th over, and the Heat score 5 Sixes in a row, as in:
    Overs: 6 Score: 0 6 6 6 6 6

    Unreal, never seen anything like it. And neither have any of the commentators :-)))

    Numerology City, Baby :-)
    It's ALL HAPPENING !!!

    Victory Of Love And Light




    1. The Timing of that 6th Over was just as great. It finished, I was told to write about it on here and then had exactly 6 minutes to log in, write my stuff and complete the comment with a fitting song.
      Thankfully the video to go along with it popped up immediately as soon as I opened the YouTube website with less than half a minute to spare, no kidding :-)

      Another wonderful example of the Just-In-Time Productions Team. I'm so proud to be a Member, it really is an honor. Cheers.

      Only, Only Wanting Contact.
      With You.

      Turning The Tide, You Are On The Incoming Wave
      Turning The Tide, You Know You Are Nobody's Slave
      It's Your Day, A Woman's Day
      We Are Shaking The Tree

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All




    2. Thanks to help from my friend Björn K. I've been able to set up 33 candles in the Light Machine once again. They are not all burning, but I *could* light them any Time necessary. Thank You, Brother ♥

      It's been over 6 weeks now, and Xavier Rudd & The United Nations' album "Nanna" *still* shows up on every single YouTube page I visit. Really. EVERY ONE. Don't know why but it's wonderful so I'll just share it again.
      Swig of Green Tea to Xavier and his Friends. And for EveryOne else as well. Cheers ♥♥♥

      We've Had Enough Of Struggle, We've Had Enough Of Worry

      And All Our Instincts, They Return
      And The Grand Facade So Soon Will Burn

      Lots Of Love And Light



  89. It's time to support CubeSat project for the Event :

  90. Jan 14th 2016 and we are all still slaving away, great liberators you are NOT!

    1. For some reason Mornings are the toughest for me. always always far too irratable and extra frustrated in the AM right after I get up. Going From dream time to settling down into and waking up into these densities day to day to day to day after day is still uncomfortable and still gets to me. There's still too much of a gap and it's not fun.

    2. Oh,but WE ARE great liberators! We can liberate ourselves, which makes it much easier to lend energy to global liberation, instead of bitching at others about what they have not done or should do. Sure, humanity is teetering on the brink of self-annihilation, but we are also CAPABLE of transcending that fate, because we are also teetering on the brink of liberation.

      What we focus on is what we manifest. How does our constant whining and condemnation serve to add to higher vibrations? It does not. When we liberate ourselves from our limited perspectives, we will see that futility lies in spreading gloom, not in passionately pursuing a cause for the greater good, and working for a better day. That means we make the best of what is here and now, and work to effect change through introspection, cooperation and action.

      When the worlds split, I suspect some may still be on 3D earth bitching and moaning, while many are able to anchor down the higher vibrations and live in a different reality. We have to catch ourselves and remind ourselves that gratitude is the key to attracting more blessings, not griping. This does not mean that we turn a blind eye to all the suffering and injustice. It means that we must empower -ourselves- in order to effect positive planetary change, and to empower others. It is a choice. We might ask ourselves, "Where can I make better choices for myself and thus for humanity?"

      We struggle with this daily. Old habits die hard, but we must forgive ourselves and keep going. We live for today, but we work for a better day tomorrow.

      Life is eternal, and thus, we do not give up. The sun is shining, and we are a day closer to The Event. Life is beautiful, and about to get a whole lot better. Our glass is half full, for which I AM and WE ARE grateful. And so, It IS.

      Blessing and protection to all who work to lift up our fellow human beings and serve the Light.

    3. You NEED a creative outlet/hobby in your life, my friend.

    4. Do you meditate Matthew? If not.. Do it!
      If you do it and do it right im promise that your Mornings will become great.. you wouldn't want do do anything else after getting up..

    5. Well put! The physical discomfort is like a hallucination for me.

    6. In the words of Bruce Dickinson I have a fever and the only prescription is more freedom, true freedom for ONE and for ALL. Very very many have had enough!

  91. So many posts... I hope you know how much it helps... I also hope you are getting help with moderation here.

    If I make a message board... Back Door Portal 2000, for many blogs to be in one spot (with messaging), I would like to use your "Family of Light.jpg" for the back ground (and will change it if not allowed).

    Every sub forum will be a blog- just not sure if each member can moderate there own thread... might have to play by ear I guess (still hoping Dragon Heart would Admin).

    I.P. address for tiny chat portal..?

    1. I just read about the admin part lol. Ice you have no idea how horrible i am at monitoring ... but I will assist in any Help Section or Tech Support Section if you ever need to create one for newbies.

      I was equally looking for people that may have projects and may need a spot to get their projects going... yes there are forums you can create and give other leading individuals admin powers to any particular group or forum... i was trying to set one up now for testing mostly (

      But let me know if you need a spot to get your project going...
      you can have your very own domain ... or i can install a Forum for you to get it going under like whatever you want it to be. or like i said if you have a domain i will find you a spot for you to host it for free... as long as I am able to. :) in any case we will figure out a way that you will have backups of all your site always.

      There are several forum apps that you may want to investigate. Best place to start

      I gave you that link because if you like any of those forums most likely i will have it and i will be able to install it for you. If you would like to test any of them let me know and I will setup a test location for you to play with any of them... we can install and reinstall whichever you like

      Since we are in this topic. if anyone has any project like Ice does and needs a starting spot... let me know .. I don't force Ads.. Since I am limited on my resource just note this is for new ventures.. :)

      I dont care what the project is.. as long as is to serve community at large.. may it a community of artists to display their Art and skills etc ... a Journal spot . a blog ... a UFO gallery disclosure site.. etc.. anyways.. whatever your heart calls for... we'll make it happen

    2. Prepare for change chats?

      chat: (hosted PFC)
      chat: (hosted PFC)

  92. why doesnt cobra clarify about what archons are? i read they are archangels but i want to know more about galactic history, it sounds really stupid that they would cut them off themselfs from source on purpose. i read there are several different dark groups not one coalition. truth please

    1. Send your question to one of the Interviewers so they can consider it for the next interview.

  93. Who AM I! I WONDER
