Thursday, May 19, 2016

Love Signal


  1. Cool, have been getting into 528 Hz a lot lately.

  2. LOVE & Light ....... Studying the Liquid Crystal Oracles <3 Return of the Atlantain way for tha children of light. x7x

  3. Feeling gentle greetings of LOVE !


  4. Majestic.

    And the only difference that I see is that We'll Be The Same As We Once Used To Be.

    And I like it, HERE WE GO !!!
    Rockin' All Over The World

    TEAM BRING IT Brings It!
    Right On, Gaia ♥

    Lots Of Love And Light



    1. Sweet Jane

      You Know? Her Life Was Saved By Rock'n'Roll

      White LIGHT - White HEAT

      Victory Of Love And Light
      WE BRING IT ♥


    2. I sure hope so. I have been so ready for so long. Let's do this. Namaste


    3. Keine Atempause.
      Geschichte wird gemacht.

      History In The Making It Is.
      Yes! Yes! Yes!


  5. Interesting, i'll hear it when i can, thanks Cobra!

  6. Thanks cobra.
    I think that the sound can sanctify someone's heart.

  7. Thank you, i feel like i really needed this today. It's lovely. I wish it could be played on a loop so i could just continue to listen all day......

    1. right click a youtube video and select "loop" :)

  8. Thank you Cobra for this piece of pure gold... it can't be described how extremely lovely is this. Thank you, really.

  9. Cobra, how must a brain knitted to tick in such twisted madness ? Such Incredible Misuse....

  10. Ascending in Love
    The first growth of the first few brains
    (cells are replaced all the time)
    Did they replace the growth of a
    "family first" brain
    to destroy all other brains..?
    (except the few they plan to keep)

    What is the world without all the kids locked-up to re-learn who to trust or fear..?
    all for money

    How could anybody learn anything
    if they weren't even forced to..?

    2nd biggest pie for a spending a lie..?
    because they were robbed of those first brains

    1. How many brains to retain the memory of

      "Love was here before you arrived, waiting to get to Know You"


      "Fall into line to learn what the world of greed thinks you should be, and die like you were meant to"

    2. Brains was easier to spell

      Genious (opps... I put it on my spelling list as "genius"... cool word)
      (gen I us) (we I us) (wise)
      And made-up "rules" of spelling are one of the snares to avoid...
      I'm sure "I" is the first letter of that alpha... thing
      Using the shape as a code... IOI
      just keep the feeding the lie of:
      "education not a weapon"
      Even If
      nothing more than to keep killing trees for paper.

      Moon Day 20
      Saturday 21 May 2016

      Portal Apps..?

  11. :)) soft and so strong! it!
    Thank you Cobra.. much love

  12. excellent way to start the day and the weekend, thank you!

  13. Thank you Cobra, very much needed and appreciated. <3

  14. Thank you for sharing. <3

  15. This is not to advertise sign of love, if not low vibration signal 150-200 Hz low vibration bone if I measure it with a meter hertz.

    This is high vibration 528Hz: https: // V = vRh04jz_30E


    1. No one seems to have understood you asura! I think you are saying that you have actualdy measured the tones in Cobra's post with a Herz meter and instead of the advertised vibration of 528hz, it is only a low, bone-vibrating frequency of 150-200hz. The videoelink you gave shows what TRUE 528Hz sounds like. Now...will Cobra post this?!

    2. It works for me, so... i don't know why are you sayin' this... maybe someone could throw a little more light in this matter?

  16. sigh...just what the doctor ordered. Sweet and strong. Danke!

  17. Not only is this beatifically peaceful sacred geometry, but for Cobra to
    put this on his blog now is another sign of how close we are to the return to
    order, harmony and love on this beautiful planet....Thank you Cobra. ♥️

  18. a little music I wrote to enhance Goddess energy at

  19. Dragon Heart, come do Keshe. It's real. Here's a list of magravs with meters, both homemade and bought from Keshe Foundation. I'm making one too with the help of a successful builder, the guy from the first video. The Knowledge Seekers Workshops are the coolest thing I've ever seen.

  20. ...or anyone who wants to learn.

  21. Beautiful listen and visual aid.

    Thank you for the live.

    1. After listening, things are much calmer, focused, and clear.

      Thanks again Cobra. Also, I meant, love* not - live, although, life and love are apart of the same essence. <3

  22. Thank You, Cobra. After a rather upsetting evening, this calmed me down, and I was able to fall asleep to this.

    A lot of "rave music" and electronic dance music use binaural beats, which is a big reason reason why dancers can get into euphoric states without substance use.

  23. Awesome. I listened for a few moments, then saw the 'use your headphones' suggestion, so stopped to go get them. I noticed right away, my head was much calmer. This put a smile on my face. It felt like the sound that was chasing through different areas of my head was working on my pineal gland - hope so. Loved it - thank you Cobra.

  24. Closer to the Event?

  25. Cool visuals! I came across the following jewelry/biofield bands a few years ago and they offer these two which are supposedly resonant with 528Hz. Then I noticed the Saturn symbol stuff, anyone reckon there is a link?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Wow, thank you so much, Cobra :D it's just great video and music (btw which for some reason reminds me of the music from the Nintendo video game Legend of Zelda lol). It brings me back to the wonderful time of my childhood and helps a lot to revive/reconnect with Higher Self/I am that I am presence and to strengthen intuitive powers.
    God bless us all and namaste. my friends <3 <3 <3 :)

  28. Wow, thank you so much. Cobra :D it's just great video and music (btw which for some reason reminds me of the music from the Nintendo video game Legend of Zelda lol). It brings me back to the wonderful time of my childhood and helps a lot to revive/reconnect with Higher Self/I am that I am presence and to strengthen intuitive powers.
    God bless us all and namaste. my friends <3 <3 <3 :)

  29. Thank u Cobra, this is nectar, Amrita for the Spirit. Apart from Silence , this is the only kind of music i want to listen today. Mundane love music, sex music, totally seems senseless to me.
    This is another music i love (please listen it , Cobra!):


  30. So hit Me with MUSIC
    And reap what you sow
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Victory Of Love And Light


  31. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 18:00pm GMT for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 19:00pm GMT for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
    Web location:
    Skype channel:

  32. For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:

  33. Благодарю Кобра!) Отлично!) Рекомендация для всех...) Нужно не только принимать любовь,а и распространять её /представлять,как она идёт в центр Земли и в каждую Душу-Сердце,и оттуда распространяется по всей Планете и за пределы Её ,зжигая все зло - прорыв из нутри.../ Это здорово - я делаю так!)...Зло згорает,пепел рассыпается,зарождается новое семя Любви Добра и Расцвета... Плюс энергия на Земле...Свет Селенской Родительской Любви разорвала блокпост паутину сдыхающего паука.Щупальцы паука обезврежены...Бездна засасывает энергию зла и закрывает прошлое навсегда...Плюс...плюс частицы заполнили все Пространство земное, и за её пределами...

  34. First time censored by the light forces !!!

    No disclosure bumper stickers for the surface population ?

    1. No, but tees are available here at my FB page:

    2. Avoiding FB as much as i can,
      a cabal pet project.
      Tees look nice.

    3. We use their project against them.

  35. Thank you cobra i have also a site.

  36. Ok here is a good interview for the light interveiwers " cobra and sheldan nidle "

    Now that would be insightful

    On another topic I wish some one woukd ask cobra what resources earth has that atracts other advanced speicies to earth besides an easy to minipulate global population . Are other speicies planets so void of trees water lakes and mountains have they used all there natural resources, are other planets barren and so man made earth has natural beauty? Other planets are completely artificial but self sustaining? What resources does planet earth have that interests more advanced explorers today?

    1. Earth doesn't have any special resources. We are simply the last planet to be liberated from the Draco / Archon empire. All other planets have been liberated. The human race will be freed shortly. Hang in there just a little bit longer.

    2. Novusod what youve stated is verbatum what cobra has mentioned , thank you for trying to answer .

      This is a cobra interveiw question , Id like to hear cobra answer .

      Im a follower of this blog, as well as many people of light ,nolgs websires , you tube vids and books ,since 1998 .

    3. Oh no!! Sheldan with Cobra??

    4. Ya I think SN is getting some dreamy Intel of ambiguous nature....

  37. LOL ( a little AI humor )

    Godofallespeciallycookies @Godofallespeciallycookies 1yUser: Do you want to buy a coffin.

    Cleverbot: No i am not dead.

    User: * shoots you in the head.*

    Cleverbot: * Dies*

    User: Now do you want a coffin?

    Cleverbot: Yes.
    sign in to follow
    what is my name? @Pedrione 11whahhahaha!

  38. Replies
    1. If.only it were so easy. 90% of.all.child abductions world wide are the responsibilty of US government intelligence agencies. This, bribery and murder are how the world is being run. Easy in your situation to believe your in control.

  39. What can I do to make you happy Isis?

    1. And I remember the time

      When we where sitting above the water
      On the arms of a tree

      Oh, I always missed my brother
      Until I understood

      Or when we went into that sacred buildings made of pure light

      Feeling like the wisest souls that exist
      And the same time
      Like children

      Courious whispering and full of devotion

      Would have come to the idea

      That we ever would be in a situation
      Where we would be manipulated
      To ask
      Such a question.

      Do you understand? I know you know, my yearnings for you can never be expressed in words.

      Every motion, every tiny little sign that you exist is pure bliss for my soul.

    2. What I DO realize, this one line of you puts a big smile on my face. Thank you for asking.

      What you can do to make me happy? You could speak directly with me and we would kiss each other. This would make me very happy.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Well, she gave me just that as a download. I am channeling messages (as I said).
      What I also feel is, she would be very upset to see you lonely. She is praying to lady Fortuna to take care of you. Unfortunately she can not come down with her ship yet, despite she would so badly love to, because the only thing she can think of is him.
      Oh Lady Fortuna I pray to you to spread the wings of victory and protection over the beloved one. You are already infinitely blessed by the angels.

      In Lak'ech and Namaste

    6. I have Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and my daily life is negatively affected to the point of being one little nightmare.
      Do you know how it feels to be lonesome?
      It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself.
      Another "happy" day on earth...
      I am unable to cry anymore.

    7. Thank You for All Your Love Mother.

    8. I love you and all you have accomplished is seen and felt by the Source. I am sure I know only a very small percenteage of it, yet I FEEL it. I am thankful for all you do. It just hurts me to see or let me say it appears to me you think about yourself it is never enough, no matter what you do and I would love to find a way to appreciate it even more, so it can reach you. I came to the solution the only thing I can do is to find my task. On a non-visible level I know it, only in the material world I have to connect the dots. It is a decision, I know. I have decided many times to fully serve the Divine with all that comes to my mind. If you have any idea how I can do better I would be happy to hear from you.

      Beloved, what can I do for you? I would do everything for you.

    9. "Beloved, what can I do for you? I would do everything for you."
      Beloved you are a true blessing. I love you. It warms up my heart and soul. This really helped me a lot. You're my best friend. Thank you so much, this was truly helpful.

    10. Thank you, I am crying because of you, now, last night, many other times, and especially when I have hurt you. I have never ever cried as I did when I realized that I have hurt you (ITAICDFYLMKP etc....). Because if the beloved feels pain, it is more painful for the other. So I almost do not dare to write this right now, because when I express my pain, it is more painful for you, because I know you do not want to see me cry.

      You know, I only see you as the God (the brilliant radiant light that I CAN SEE) that you are, this sweet and infinite gentle softness and power, so I never came to the idea that you have any weak spots. Slowly I was guessing there could be some. I felt when you where crying about 1,5 years ago which has lead to a very important decision that has influenced the destiny of this planet. At that time I experienced the power of manifestation by decision. This was only to never see you cry again. Oh my, this place, the tale of whining. But I KNOW that it will have an end.

    11. Beloved you can't hurt me! It's just me diving into the unknown cave of shadows.
      Beloved I'm deeply sorry for expressing my pain to you and triggering even more pain in your beautiful soul.
      The tale of whining NO MORE affecting us-me - I AM!
      I only see you as me, there is no others, only: I AM.
      I AM is the name of God/Source and Love Is A State Of I AM.
      The Neverending Story of I AM ;)
      I AM

    12. Yes, it was just us diving into the unknown caves of shadows. As long as there is any pain or sorrow in you/me, I would love to hear from you/me, because while looking at you/me I/You have the strength to transform it all. It is you/me who gives me/you all that power.
      The Neverending Story of I AM :)

  40. Another way to describe the "Love Signal" (quoted from
    Our Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun...

    "Our Sun is but one of a collection of about 200 billion stars known as the Milky Way, around which it revolves once every 1/4 billion years or so, taking its retinue of planets with it. The galactic center around which it revolves is the highest vibration human beings can receive and perhaps process here on Earth. This is possibly because one of its children, our Sun, acts as a step-down transformer and mediator of the galactic center's energy to the denizens of one of its grandchildren, the planet Earth. This is behind the love you’re receiving."

  41. Teacher, teacher

    Could you teach me

    Master of your Fait

    "What is money for..?"

    1. Forget paperbacks... Cash is old previous metals r in... Re-invest... That's what money is for :) IMHO... Then when u have enough send some surplus me way ;)... Just because...


  43. Another angle to help with disclosure and free energy that you can actually help instead of feeling like you are sitting on your hand



  44. Here's another "Love signal" passed to humanity through a... CHILDREN's movie.

    I've wathced this movie about 2 months ago, and i was stunned!!
    I call it "A Conspiracy Theory -SANTA".
    This is one of the best spiritual movies i've ever seen.


    A Country Christmas (2013) - Christmas Movies

    If you're too busy to watch the complete movie, then here are the best parts to watch:

    From 11:30 to 15:20 mark about the portals, and the Universal LAW of non interference.

    Appx. from 19:40 to 23:00mark - the power of BELIEVING IN OURSELVES will give us the power of collective creation/s.

    From 1:00:00 to 1:15:00 - the most prescious gift of ALL is - LOVE.

    May LOVE conquer YOUR hearts, and then - the whole world!!!

    1. Dear HYE ANGEL I apologize for my last post to you.
      Now I know it wasn't right thing to do.

  45. I have a question Cobra:
    Whene you refer to the primary anomaly are you refering to the Metatronic Distorsion?

  46. Message for light forces, updade from the area of light on Tröllaskaga Iceland, back in 2009 I bred a plant that is illegal in this country and have used her to help with health, now 7 years later still they chasing me and the endless propaganda, I want peace and I call upon the Galactic Codex for help so I can continue with my work for the light, and the threat from them to put me in jail for nothing soon. the adventure has been incredible after I was selected to carry the Cintamani Stone still I would like to continue and get peace to it. Victory of the Light
    Love from Iceland Sigurgeir Bergsson

    1. Disappear for a while... Cabal loses focus fast.

    2. I follow convictions, and reveal myself more, each of their attack makes me stronger..


  47. GaiaPortal's UpDate from earlier today:

    "Master unveilings crowd the aethers, as Gaia releases.

    Fomentings are observed within and without.

    Zambics come in the rescue mode, as the living Light is curled.

    Friends of the planet are gathered for the show."

    Too Sweet.
    Fittingly enough there's a cricket game currently going on in Kalkota - and the name of the cricket ground there is, of course, Eden Gardens.

    Back in The Garden Of Eden. Welcome To The Show.

    Lots Of Love And Light


  48. BOOM! Barack Obama 'on brink of revealing intelligent aliens visit Earth'

  49. That's Life
    #Sinatra #QualityofLife #UpsandDowns #Perseverance

    That's Life - Frank Sinatra

    That's life (that's life) that's what people say

    You're riding high in April

    Shot down in May

    But I know I'm gonna change that tune

    When I'm back on top, back on top in June

    I said, that's life (that's life) and as funny as it may seem

    Some people get their kicks

    Stompin' on a dream

    But I don't let it, let it get me down

    'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin' around

    I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate

    A poet, a pawn and a king

    I've been up and down and over and out

    And I know one thing

    Each time I find myself flat on my face

    I pick myself up and get back in the race

    That's life (that's life) I tell ya, I can't deny it

    I thought of quitting, baby

    But my heart just ain't gonna buy it

    And if I didn't think it was worth one single try

    I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly

    I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate

    A poet, a pawn and a king

    I've been up and down and over and out

    And I know one thing

    Each time I find myself layin' flat on my face

    I just pick myself up and get back in the race

    That's life (that's life) that's life

    And I can't deny it

    Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it

    But if there's nothing shakin' come here this July

    I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die

    My, my




    Published by

    Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Universal Music Publishing Group

    Sinatra- hands in pockets by Herman Leonard

  50. Lilith & Luna: 21st/22nd May 2016:
    Full Moon in Sagittarius
    by Sarah Varcas

    The Moon is full in the 2nd degree of Sagittarius at 9:16 p.m. UT on 21st May. Occurring less than 24 hours prior to the end of Mercury retrograde, this Moon signals a shift of perspective. Events of the past three weeks begin to reveal a deeper significance now and through the coming month. What may at first have seemed an unlikely possibility becomes all the more real as time passes and events unfold. Plans thrown off course due to unforeseen circumstances reveal the potential of their new configuration. What we thought we ‘knew better’ about affirms we knew very little and there was a whole heap of possibility previously overlooked.

    This is a positive Moon with an uplifting tone and encouraging demeanour. That said, she poses a challenge too, our response to which will colour the weeks to come. Conjunct retrograde Mars she calls forth courage and appeals especially to those who identify as spiritual warriors, seeing through the seductions of an unconscious world, whilst living in that world full-blooded and passionate: engaged, enlivened and entranced by its paradoxical beauty. There exists an innocence about this Moon, even as she radiates timeless wisdom passed down through ages. Burning away the jaded half-truths of dogma and obedience to belief and form, she illuminates the vitality at the heart of a soul on fire for truth, god/dess, the divine – ready and willing to know the sacred inside out, back to front and more intimately than we know our very selves.

    Currently in Scorpio, Black Moon Lilith also speaks, reminding us that without the darkness of inky skies we could never appreciate a magnificent moon. We cannot have light without darkness. To deny the shadows renders life uni-dimensional, robbed of its guts and gumption. Those feelings we judge as wrong or negative, the ones we’re told aren’t spiritual or ‘of the light’, they are part of us too, an expression of our wild nature which rages against obstacles, suffers when suppressed and challenges the narrative that nice is more important than true.

    Lilith embraces everything and everyone, resplendent in her power and alive in her fullness. She stands beside every person torn apart by grief, ground down by depression, fractured by rage or broken by guilt. She looks into our eyes and sees our soul aflame with both divine love and sacred wrath, united in one ecstatic expression of Life. Combined with the buoyancy of this Moon she reminds us we can be all of these things when anchored soul-deep whilst reaching for the stars: the peaceful eye amidst the storm of humanity in which we live out our days.

    In one month’s time we have a Blue Moon in Sagittarius, the foundations of which we encounter today. We can call upon Lilith to strengthen our spirit and sharpen our resolve to embrace all that arises between now and then. This energised and encouraging Moon enlivens our hearts, imbuing a sense of adventure where once was reluctance or fear. She reminds us the most effective response to life is born of an open mind and heart, not one resistant to the very conditions it struggles to confront. Every situation contains its opposite, each problem its solution, all shadows are defined by light. Once we know intimately the relationship between polarities within and without we can rest in the middle, assess with clarity and act with clear intention for the greatest and most courageous good.

    Sarah Varcas

    Tagged as: Black Moon Lilith, Blue Moon, compassion, Conscious Evolution, Conscious Relationships, Coping with emotions, Deep Truth, Ego & Essence, embracing the shadow, facing fear, healing energies, managing change, managing the mind, Mars, Mars in Sagittarius, Mars retrograde, Mercury Retrograde, Moon cycles, Personal healing, personal truth, planetary healing, releasing ego identification, self-acceptance, Spiritual development

  51. Astral -- Thank you for this. I have been wondering about Raqqa and you have updated all of us.

  52. For how much longer are we going to continue hearing the same rhetoric where we are just around the corner, were humanity will be finally free,... but because of these terrible things, such as SBs, & TBs we are on a perpetual state of "suspension",... & we keep hearing the exact same promises, week after week, month after month, & year after year,... & nothing seems to actually happen,...

    1. Jimmy your fustration comes from lack of knowledge of the whole picture .
      The RM you watch here is just the tip of the Ice burg and there are massive steps forward every single day and they are many in all aspects of the old control being jack hammered away at by so many .
      So much has been untangled , so much ground has been gained , so many big changes happen moment by moment.

      Look up Ben Filfords , latest. Look at Dr steven Greer latest interveiw by freedom radio on youtube.

      Just to name two .

      Remember this is a global goal an absolute game changer ! The dominoes are being lined up and protected and safe guarded from falling or failing!

      Once you change the money , you slice the cabals throat

      Once free energy systems come on board we have wiped out fossil fuel and big oil .
      Also eliminates power companys control, cable companys . These things will rid polution , poverty, long slavery work weeks .

      Yes its takin time but not fir lack of thousands doing their part and more to get the switch flipped .

      But it wilk only be flipped once , no failures will be allowed .!

      It is coming any day . the years have already past since 1996 the major major work is over !

      You should realy invision this time right after the switch . Nothing will ever be the way it was .Nothing will be the same... No one will have" nothing to do "
      There is much work ahead once the switch is thrown
      In your family , neighbors , job, town , city state , vountry The World.

      Spend time right now and everyday till the event our time is coming we will need to move ahead , envision this ! Plan on it , we can not ! It will be NEW FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERY ONE!

    2. I hope you are right. I am just tired of waiting, & hearing all of the promises over & over again, w/ no real & tangible deadlines effected. For example,... the "mass arrests of the Cabal",... (I'm tired of hearing that w/ no results.) That would show me that things are happening,... but until then,... it all sounds the same to me. Same promises,... different week. Look, I appreciate your "faith" & time to have answered.

  53. GAIAPORTAL: Master unveilings crowd the aethers, as Gaia releases
    22 May by ÉirePort

    Master unveilings crowd the aethers, as Gaia releases.

    Fomentings are observed within and without.

    Zambics come in the rescue mode, as the living Light is curled.

    Friends of the planet are gathered for the show.


    1. And that's the Two Of Us doing it again :-)

      Love your Ol' Blue Eyes song as well, a classic.
      Just like This One ;-)

      Lots Of Love And Light
      JUST BRING IT ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  54. Lovely. so very soothing. Blessings All! <3

  55. Um ... I don't get it ... I was never much at meditating ... my mind won't sit still, no matter what I do, and I don't get anything when I do it. I never have and probably never will, until after The Event. I just do the best I can during the weekly meditation. All I can do is watch the video.
    I let this signal play at night while I sleep though. Maybe it will correct my DNA maybe not.

    1. Try this:

    2. Not that I think your comment is true, but we could debate the process. Why would you need to stand on your head to lift your ship from the swamp... or were you meant to fail for a reason..?
      And still a Jedi

      This is your choice (the sign on the wall, "Know Your Self")... understand your choice to move past it.

      Meditation is the process
      Unconditional Love/Trust/Faith is the Goal
      (Light Saber, Unstoppable)
      Wisdom is your "Reward"

      You are looking for your "Reward"
      Trust me, any of the Light Know You

      Talk to Dragon Heart, I thought you would be running a forum by now

      25 nations of the Ascension Conference might need a way to talk with each other.

      wiki freetown

    3. @ James ... I don't understand the connection of the link subject to me not being able to meditate.

    4. @ astral ... that isn't much different than traditional meditation. You still have to focus. My mind keeps wandering. As I stating before I probably won't get it until after The Event.

      @Ice I have no idea what you are talking about.

  56. Has anyone been able to successfully download any music from the advertised website I was not able to get that website to load, but I did find their YouTube channel "Unisonic Ascension" and subscribed.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Yeah, the website link does not work for me either New Age Biscuit.

  57. Free energy devices that work and you can make yourself or order. We have made two Q6s and starting the Q24. Devices run your home electrics, are communication devices, help develop your psychic abilities, teleportation and aid in your ascension.

    For those of you who are interested start with the easiest device Q6.

    Q6 tutorials here:

    Q24 and Q144 at the inventor's channel here:

    Blue prints here:

    There are a lot of videos and blueprints to wade through. I couldn't post each of them individually.

  58. I forgot to add if you want to buy a device you can contact Peppi here. Might be better to private message him on facebook:

    Or go into the chat on Zoom here:

    There is usually someone in there teaching how to build and a very nice group they are, too.

    1. Q6 Step By Step Build English to French Translation 2016 05 04

      3 hours 45 mins

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.


  60. Let's Get Together and FEEL ALRIGHT



  61. Thanks and blessings to everyone that participated in the meditation! We are on the precipice of breakthrough with little doubt!

  62. Been feeling the love all month as this is my birthday month! :) I feel like everything in my life has been set in its natural place. I just truly do everything I can to live my life with the vibration of love. My mantra is: Good intentions go a long way.

  63. More Disclosure- John Crane, Former DOD Office of Inspector General Investigator Blows The Whistle On Thomas Drake case- GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION at an unimaginable level.

  64. Cobra ...What do you think of the Hongmen Freemason group that Ben Fulford is promoting Lately?

  65. Hi All,

    Do you also feel strange that it is so silent. It is like the stillness before the storm.

    Have you also felt that over the past 14 days or so, another layer of something came down. When I look at people now, images appear in my mind. I see them sometimes in their past incarnations. Sometimes what I see is a negative attachment or what they really are behind that appearance. But I don't want to focus on this. I am just saying that they can't hide anymore.

    What is nice is I see Light beings, orbs everywhere. Especially when we use love words towards each other or when we feel the joy. They feel the love and the joy and they come to share it with us.

    We are having different dreams now. They are our getting ready for the ascension. We are being prepared so that we will not panic or have fear. I can remember the smallest details of my dreams. When I wake up, I remember the cracks I see on the grounds. These can't be dreams. Because I think in my dreams now, I make decisions and I implement them. These are not my old dreams.

    Feel it deep down.

    Love and Light to You All!

  66. Awesome! .........Interesting- according to Fulford Baron Rothschild has 24 hours to accept their offer- after that anyone that takes him out will receive a ton of gold or $40,000,000- lol- I don't imagine he'd last too long once that bounty is issued.

    Oh and there might be a deck of cards issued just like Bush did back in the Iraq war except this time he'll be on one of the cards.

    Looks as if they're taking the kid gloves off.

  67. soft disclosure on brasilian mainstream TV:
    Think you might like this one, even if you don't understand portuguese, the images are nice! I don't watch TV but everybody was talking about it and a friend send me this link, this is the biggest TV network in Brasil on a very popular and traditional TV program of sunday night:
    this episode happened 30 years ago and brazilian air force finally recieved the audios from jet pilot and comand tower speaking, they were confidential till now:

    Aeronautics releases dialogues recordings of 'official night of UFO'
    Listen to the audio of the dialogue entres St. Joseph command towers dos Campos, São Paulo and Brasilia and Air Defense, about UFO chase.

    Thirty years later, "Fantastico" had access to audio recordings of what became known as "The Official Night of UFOs." In May 1986, the aviation minister called a press conference to announce that the FAB pursued unsuccessfully 21 UFO over the region of São José dos Campos (SP).
    The recordings, which were confidential in the Air Force all these years, show the dialogues between the tower in Sao Jose dos Campos, the towers of Sao Paulo and Brasilia and Air Defense. The official Air Force report found that the objects were real and had an "intelligent behavior." The report found the Fantastic participants in these dialogues; look above.

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  70. One of the most BRILLIANT videos from the heart I have seen in years...and NOT what you think it is...MUST SEE!

    2016 Psychic Presidential Prediction - You may be shocked!
    Danielle Egnew
    Published on May 14, 2016

    WARNING: May cause an expansion in awareness. Psychic and Medium Danielle Egnew gets point-blank about the 2016 presidential election and it's role in the evolution of consciousness -- WHY certain candidates are in play, WHAT they each represent, WHO advances into the Presidency, and the MUCH bigger picture of what's going on, from an energetic, social and spiritual perspective. This is not just about candidates -- it's about consciousness. Be prepared for a wide-angle full-color panoramic view on an issue usually only represented in tiny black and white snapshots!

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  77. When we break out of binding contracts and claim each of our own free sovereign, free will back ...... change would be faster.......

  78. The same YouTube account as Love Signal 528 Hz has this cool sound file as well.
