Sunday, September 11, 2016

Systems/Isidic red alert at 504


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. to be absolutely honest, I have felt like a zombie now for about a month. From just below my heart to the top of my head feels totally numb. I'm thinking of going to one of the tachyon chambers to hopefully get feeling back.

  3. Well good luck with that. How do we find a tachyon chamber in th US? Is there one in Sedona AZ?

    1. I live by Sedona and am planning to purchase one. Please write to Jane at and I will connect with you & let you know the scoop.

  4. Again, info not comprehended by the majority of

    Again, another message post that is not comprehended by the

    Again, another message posted that is not understood by the majority of the readers of this blog. Question, why post such info that is only understood by "a select few"? Why not post such info., through other channels, that is only accessible by this "select few"?

    I believe most of the readers of this blog would prefer reading messages that they are able to comprehend and that are of interest to them.

    Power & Victory to the Light.

    1. Because that way it's almost impossible to identify who understands it and it's way more secure than sending emails to specific or having a private blog... Like finding a needle in a hay stack...

    2. Seems you are one of the dumb people around here, would be better if you dont come to this page if you dont like what you are reading. These message you dont understand are not meant for you people, nor this page, this page was mainly created for the Resistance movement.

    3. It is beautiful that you have a willingness to try to seek to understand my friend.

    4. Hmm...
      "info not comprehended by the majority"
      but still shaved a week off hitting
      26,000,000 page-views

      Do you "troll" main-stream-media to make the news what "you" think it should be..?

      If you can't even read your own message...
      (my vision is so small and powerless, all I can do is lash-out to get help)

      Why would you expect to understand a message so simple as...
      (work is being done behind the scene to save your ...)

      of course... you need "proof", but it must be simple enough for a reader that can't even read their own comment here.

    5. Even though we were not meant to know what the message is, it indicates and keeps us informed that things are happening behind the scene.

  5. Alfred Webre to explain Earth's coming planetary density shift at Warsaw Truth Conference

    1. If alfred webre had anything genuin to say, he would make the effort to make his talk shows audiable.

  6. To all the desperate readers of this Cobra blog: why don't you use google search to find combination of concepts, like "Cobra, isidic", or "Cobra, ??name it??".
    You really will find the answers!!

    1. Yes, I guess you must be Dutch to suggest such a solution, Willem S. I'm Dutch and I find often that people don't find the impulse to use Google as a friend offering "a little help";)

    2. I found this page by searching on Google.
      I wanted to build a replicator:
      One day, there will be a blueprint of it and I will be enjoying fish dinners...

  7. Replies
    1. Under the influence or a manifestation of IS:IS. My guess is that 504 is the syrian portal.

  8. In any environment in which i have operated RED ALERT is never a good thing! I hope that whomever is defending us knows what to do when the systems at 504 go RED!

  9. the dark elite is on their plan and you are talking about the "event", who still believe about this will happend? , i don't, the real "event" is the world revolution that elite is preparing for us to take full control of their slaves

    1. None are so blind as those who will not see.
      Put your hoodie on and sit at you computer and look the trueth is every where.
      How ever if you focus on tbe negative instead of ignoring it , ( ignore as the light forces are ahead of the negative in big ways)
      You will begin to see hiw you miss interprired the results of your conclusion.

      When you read and become aware of the negative you are literaly feeding the dark.
      Ignore the negative scour for the goid news you will find more good then bad if you look.
      You will realise its all good all is full on the light side it is winning in every direction. Now detach your self from the dark and
      Digg up the light its brightly lite ... On the other side of your efforts.
      Resist feeding the Dark , move bokdly forward and being on the light.

    2. Thanks for the reminder, BornofLightWarrior

  10. I hope that much more people did participate in the 9/11 meditation yesterday, and that we reach the critical mass soon. I have created a new FB account and I have recieve a LOTs of requests in a few days, so even if a very small percentage resonates with this and participate in the weekly Ascension Meditation ~ it's worth it. Even if it feels but to wait, there is always something we can do ��

    1. I've send the youtube link by 'whatsapp' to my contacts from whom I think they will understand. I have asked them to watch that video every sunday at 4 utc, to help bringing light on the earth, and tell it to others. I got a lot of positive reactions on that app.

    2. Thanks for the tip:-) i have downlod the app now <3

    3. Thanks for the tip:-) i have downlod the app now <3

  11. Realisation is a matter of becoming conscious of that which is already realised.
    * * *
    The seeing of Truth cannot be dualistic (a 'thing' seen).
    It cannot be seen by a see-er, or via a see-er.
    There can only be a seeing which itself is Truth.
    * * *
    Having found no self that is not other,
    The seeker must find that there is no other that is not self,
    So that in the absence of both other and self,
    There may be known the perfect peace,
    Of the presence of absolute absence.
    * * *
    quotes from WEI WU WEI

  12. hope it is a good progress instead of something bad happened...


  14. The ressistance movement sucesses in blowing. Up underground base in the north east and blowing up rockerfellas satilite launch in florida are big sucesses that should be an entry here on this blogg if anywhere else

    "Victorious"!" you are !, RM"

    See ben fulfords full report last paragraph of sept 6 2016 post.

  15. Has anyone else experienced entire body vibrating? Like a small earthquake tremor or like sitting on a washing machine but much more subtle? First time I've ever felt anything like it, bit trippy to be honest haha! Though it was my heart racing because it felt rhythmic but my heart rate was fine and slow. Not an earthquake either and after thinking about it, it wasn't external so I'm a bit bemused as to what it was, lasted a fair bit too, id guess at about 2-3 minutes before subsiding over a period of about 10-20 seconds. Nothing bad or painful or anything at all like that, just odd.

    1. I think in the running cleanings you just got more sensible to your energetic environment and felt this. It's often there, but we feel it only sometimes...

    2. I did experience this few months ago. It is a level of activation where your energy field is expending. You are also feeling and being in sync with the increasing frequencies. From this point forward, you will start feeling moments of oneness where you will feel like you can communicate with trees, birds, dogs etc. You will start having more access to the collective consciousness. I believe this is one of the last physical activations. After this one, the downloads you will receive will be to unlock the keys for manifestation. Your higher self will manage that based on your level of development. When the time comes that you are able to transmute negative thoughts and you can be in balance even if people around you are not, the keys to manifestation power will be unlocked. This is what I think is happening. Safe sails!In Light and Love!

    3. Nothing is ever motionless, so every part of every cell is getting information to move as one

      You have your "free will"
      and somehow, a "will" that moves every part...
      Beyond your "will"- "Life"

      Your "meditation" should be to increase your "Life" power... and "Life" will flow, all parts together as

    4. My wife, and I, both experienced this phenomenon last week. We initially thought of an earthquake, but realized that it was more like our Astral body realigning itself.

  16. March 13th 2016 the same message arrived. We fly, no worries

  17. Error543.832 comunicate important protocol ab isidic and how it works.

    1. Chinking failure. Mithril requested.

      Kin 29 true Tree Hugger.

  18. Cobra,... there are too much Isidic red alerts at 504... :-)


