Monday, September 26, 2016

Dragon Portal Initiation





  1. Wow, quite mysterious. A dragon portal...Blue dragons... some photos above ground, maybe some under ground...with no commentary from Cobra. And who are these nice people in the photos?

    1. Cobra has said that he would post some authentic pictures before the Breakthrough. These are as beautiful as they are interesting!

      Lets get this thing started!

      PS C could you please address the Hillary Clinton enigma of late in one of your upcoming posts? Many sources saying many different things..

      Love & Light everyone


    2. The authentic pictures you speak about might be rather those in the previous post":

      "Those who are interested in genuine images of secret space program vehicles can find them here:"

    3. I am visually impaired, it's so much to my dismay, to flip Open the article, and here no words present, as I scrolled down The page, all I heard was image one through four! So when I heard the first post describe the portals in great detail, I got really excited to hear how beautiful they would look, A little more detail would be nice though, something like where were they located, Did they hover above the trees or with a parallel with the ground, did they have any swirl motion to them or did they have any light emanating from them, what did the people look like and where they smiling, where they coming out of the portal and what kind of clothes did they wear???? These kinds of questions are extremely important to us visually impaired community, so I thank you for giving me such a detailed description of the photos, growing up being visually impaired you become quite detailed and finicky, so that's why I need to know the entire layout!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You have also genuine images here:

    6. The 'fashion tips' beside the breakthrough are as ludicrous as fashion itself as an imposed rule onto the public.

    7. Yes I've seen those as well they have been around for a while and I'm not surprised C used them in reference to authentic video/photos. The story behind the photographer is interesting!

    8. Sentinels of this Window
      "octagon"... authority to stop for any reason
      and the builder's life choice for making honey
      (a food, like your "tears" will not rot)
      To enter the wall of "One"
      And reach the "Tree of Life"

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. To: Love Everyone! The photos are all mysterious, but I will try to describe what I see. Others may disagree with my description, but mine is only to help you visualize in your minds eye....

      The first image is an outside photo. It is a natural rock formation with "cave" openings in it... A ladder leads from perhaps the ground up to those openings. Perhaps this is an opening into the inner earth?

      The second photo is two very old little houses, one blue, one red, and have architectural elements that look Chinese or Asian. The blue house has a black hole, or opening, where the front door would be. Perhaps this is also an entrance to the inner earth.

      The third photo is like an opening in a wall. The opening is circular, surrounded by an 8-sided painted frame. A stone statue, (an animal) is on each side of the circular hole. Perhaps we could crawl through this hole, into the magical inner earth?

      Fourth photo is 4 friendly looking people sitting around a wooden table, looking happy, drinking tea. Three are men, one is a young woman in a cute pink jacket, and two appear to be smoking.

      Fifth photo is two men (perhaps two of the same men in the previous photo?) who are sitting on either side of maybe a square altar. But now I think the "altar" is a doorway that is locked... It looks like it might be a doorway, again, to a mysterious place. On the walls above them are vertical, hanging parchments with writing and art on them. There are blue swaths of color on those -- perhaps they are associated with blue dragons. One painting looks like a tiger.
      The people in these last two photos appear to be dressed in what I would say is what people wear in western countries. The photos look recent - taken in the last year I would say.
      Hope this helps.

    11. rats... honeycombs are hexagonal
      but that could be fixed with a 6 sided well
      just before circle (no beginning, no end)
      wall of one
      Labor of Love to carry water for Life

  2. Thank you - not much info on Blue Dragons - so nice to see

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Namaste,I love you all,love,love, love.Hugs Hugs Hugs.Light, Love,Love Light,All is Perfect.Togheter we have successes.The power of Love is in us and we can manifest the Love,because we are Love and the Love is sublime, perfect.We are shine.With fantastic joy,gladness,I love you,dear Ones.We are perfect.

  5. So, do we have to be more hopeful with these photos?

    1. Please, don't wait for instructions how to feel, Antiguidades e literatura. Can you see how you're obeying an old worn out agenda?
      You are sovereign when you determine yourself how to feel, can you see what I mean?

  6. Thank you, like others I hope this is very good news, it appears to be positive. Like other comments we would like to know who the people are. Time will explain the pictures?

    1. Time will explain at the extent at which we will explain for ourselves...

      Seemingly, at least from the point of view of this message, the peoples are or may be each one of us, or rather... we as each one of them...

    2. You have also good news in the previous post:
      Monday, September 26, 2016
      "EXMOSS clear matter sequence in progress"

      And, may you also remember from older posts:
      " operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized."

  7. Greetings Family of Light

    Imagine .

    Your climbing the ladder.
    Walking through the Portals to be in The Audience.
    Of the White Dragon Family of Light .

    Let your Light Shine .
    State your Mission .

    1. Are you sure it's the white?

      Or, is it rather the blue?

  8. hey cobra is alex jones genuine and really fighting the NWO or is he controlled opposition?

    1. My experience observing Alex Jones and is that he is genuine (not controlled opposition). He has been devoted for over 20 years to exposing the globalists. His life has been threatened numerous times. Mainstream media vehemently attacks him, like they attack Donald Trump, which is some proof in itself that he's exposing truth. His bent is belief in Jesus Christ - that's his personal persuasion. He has his own interpretations of world events in terms of his beliefs, but I think he is one of the prime Light Workers doing his part, his dharma, in the alternative media. His viewership is dramatically increasing at this time. I think Cobra acknowledged what he was doing but commented that it was not his style.

    2. He is very much a Jesuit plant. You know them by whom they do not out. Jones almost exclusively goes after the american cabalists. I have always seen him as controlled op for the Rothshill faction, helping redirect truther's attentions away from Euro-cabal. The major thrust of his work has centered around martial law, fema camps and builderbergers(which of course represents all cabal).
      that said i can't stand to participate in his sensationalist mainstream news approach so he may be reporting more fairly these days.

    3. lol i agree. I find it troubling that ppl still accuse him of being a cia agent and jew lover despite his devotion. PPl fail to see the big picture and i love this dude. This guy needs more attention. Btw what do you think of the protoi?

    4. Could be you are all right. He is independent and essentially radical - to give him some credit, but he could be a) personally persuaded of some things you would find surprising or even wrong, or b) pretending to be persuaded of such things while ignoring others, or c) paid to pretend, or d) scared to pretend he's pretending, or e) paid to believe them and promised rewards by RedShields, or f) ucking wrong about everything, or e) all of the above

    5. Personally I think the protoi are a complete load of crap. I believe Frank is a mentally ill obsessive who is creating constructs on the astral plane that seem completely real to him. (I used to be a mentally ill obsessive myself)

      Cobra is the only person I trust completely at the moment.

    6. interesting. He did mention the rothschild and jesuits in a few videos but the reason He doesnt go after them is plausible. They arent a major presence in the states as in europe and a different faction is in control of the US. I find it troubling he doesnt expose the zionists but maybe he doesnt want to be percieved as racist. Hes the only alt news you should listen to as he states factual info unlike the biased lamestream media.
      I think the protoi are genuine as they are serious and arent goofing around like al lightworkers. You dont seem like an OIC incarnate maybe an average joe brainwashed by the common spiritual lies. You need to read everything they say and use logic as that is the key to understading the reality. I know it sounds silly at first but the more i read about it, the saner it sounded. I respect Frank and see him as the true savior. Hes done far more than any LW could in history! The thing i dont like about them is that they do come across as arrogant and cold but germany is number one for a reason(hes german). Let me know what you guys thing.

    7. Alex lost his brother and nephew to an unknown and sudden disease which took their lives. I believe he must have tapped into a subject that the elite were not at all comfortable with and so they punished and warned him with deaths of family members. Alex has paid a price and anyone who wishes to judge him should first walk in his shoes. He is genuine.

    8. I'm no expert on Alex Jones.. but here's what I think could be happening:

      We know Alex is generally right about the things he says; which means he believes in his cause. The Cabal probably saw his fame coming a long time ago.. and made a decision. They could probably see people would become disillusioned in politics there would be a movement of uprising amongst the people.

      An Alex Jones type was inevitable. The Cabal could probably see he was a good candidate, too.. He's loud and his behaviour tends to paint him as a little "cookoo"..

      Perhaps they approached him and gave him an ultimatum: Either he can speak freely, but exclude just a couple of areas from his work - or - never make it on air, ever.

      This way, the people who would inevitably find an outlet for their frustration anyway; have Alex... and the Cabal conveniently get a 'gatekeeper' of their most confidential crimes - AND make "conspiracy theorists" look like a bunch of crazy loons in the process!

      And about the Protoi... I'm no average Joe, and I smelt proverbial BS when I followed a link from a comment on this blog to their website.


    9. really what happened? this is interesting. Im surprised he hasnt been silenced yet

    10. Cobra was asked about Alex Jones in one of his interviews and his replay was simply. "Not to my taste".
      Alex Jones had one of the Rothchilds on his show once and he totaly avoided bringing up any important issues. All he did was act like an angry nut job without actually saying anything as though he was protecting this Rothchild and putting on an act. He was heavly critized for this.

    11. Well, that's what I can say about Alex Jones too "not to my taste" When I hear him begin to scream and yell, it's mainly vomiting anger and tantrums of a toddler. He's an elephant in the porcelain shop, to me.

    12. I think that sounds plausible, thats what i thought too since the jews own the media. Hes the only interesting one to listen to since everyone else is boring, like they arent even interested and sound mundane.

  9. This all feels familiar. I am tingling. Victory of the Light!


  10. About three years ago I had quite *the* experience. The only person knowing about this is the guy who was in the room with me at that time.

    We were sitting in this very LightMachine listening to music and talking when I was overwhelmed with Energy and had to close my eyes. My Higher Self brought me into a trance and then took me to a place far, far away.

    All of a sudden I was in a dark cave with three HUGE Dragons - they were crouching and, still, they were about 8 meters tall each. They were asleep, or to be more precise, in a coma, completely grey and motionless, almost like statues made of stone.
    Next to them in the cave were golden suits of armour. "What are those for?" I asked, and got the answer "If you put on one of those golden suits of armour you can wake up a dragon and control it."

    "Control a Dragon? Against his or her own Free Will? That's Fucked Up! You don't do something like that!!" I thought.

    Instead I did something different. Wearing only my torn-up jeans I started to climb the Dragon sitting in the middle, the biggest one of the three. Climbed up from the tail, up its mighty back and neck all the way to the base of his head. At the point where the head connects with the spine I stopped and lifted up one of His scales. There is only one single scale on a Dragon's body where you can do this, and My Heart knew which one it was.
    So I tilted up that scale, said "I Love You" and kissed the flesh underneath. The flesh started glowing bright-red and colours started spreading out from there all through His body.
    He woke up from His coma and Life returned. After a while He was no longer grey but shining brightly in Golden colours, illuminating the previously dark cave. I was just sitting on his neck, holding on tight while he stretched and moved after the slumber.
    Without any of us saying a word we had a telepathic conversation.
    "Who are you?" - "I'm DK."
    "What do you want?" - "I want you and your friends to be free. That's why I came here - Can you wake them up?"

    I do not know what the big Golden Dragon did, but he woke up the other two dragons, their body colour slowly changing from grey to *the* most amazingly bright gold-red, gold-green and gold-blue clours.
    It took a while but they all woke up, with me just sitting on this Big Golden Dragon's neck watching the single most fantastic thing I have ever witnessed.

    "What do you wnat us to do, DK?"
    "Whatever you guys wanna do. How about getting out of this stupid dark cave and going for a flight? Just a suggestion, though."

    And again I have no idea what He did but he made the cave wall in front of us disappear, revealing that we were inside the top of a mountain with blue skies and a beautiful green landscape outside. I'm pretty sure that was not on Gaia and not in this dimension...
    And without any further notice the three of them walked to the edge, dropped off and went into Full Flight with me along for the ride. After a few absolutely incredible minutes of flying I was told that it's time to go back. Okay.

    I said my goodbyes to the three of them and all other dragons and was brought smoothly back into my living room and out of the trance my 3D-body had been in.
    I snapped back into this life and told my buddy the story of what had just happened.
    "How long was I gone?" - "About a minute or two."
    WHAT? Okay, then :-)

    He never told anyone about this, but three days later his mother all of a sudden felt the urge to paint a picture. She painted a dragon in full flight...

    It has been a long time since we last met, but every once in a while that Golden Dragon comes and visits me when I'm in a trance. He reduces his size so he can snuggle up to me, lick my face and be petted like a puppy or a kitten.
    Today was one of those instances and he asked me to please share our story of the Dragons waking up.

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom and Ascension For All


    1. wow! i have a picture of a woman with a small child with a dragon-of golden color-i don't really see dragons or draco reptilians as really bad-the latter are just stupid-caught in a cognitive trap that keeps them doing things backwards-as in BACKWARDS-EVIL--instead of forwards--as in LIVE. I have meec at several dracos lately-they are miserable, emotionally and mentally disturbed-they see someone free and think they have to harm them--as in ME because they cannot control me--HOW STUPID IS THAT? If it were me in their place i would be all friendly trying to learn how to GET FREE like me--but INSTEAD, they keep trying to kill me--and i am so tired of very tired of it-i am still here but only just barely.

    2. beautifull story, thank you...

    3. I had a dream last night I was snuggling up and petting a dragon. When I had to leave him in the dream I was so sad. Then I read your post...nice


    4. Very nice indeed, Sean, and certainly not a coincidence :-)

      All right. I haven't worn this shirt in "forever" and today seems as good a day as any to bring it back after having worn my TEAM BRING IT shirt for three consecutive days.

      That's a FIVE STAR DragonRiders shirt if there ever was one - and the Dracos better look out from now on 'cause the Dragons are Pissed! But in a good way ;-)

      Sammeln bitte!

      "When we hear The Voices Sing the Book Of Love will open up and let us in.
      So take these broken wings and learn to FLY again, learn to LIVE so FREE"

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom For All


    5. Wow, you were riding the 3rd dragon way before Daenyrus did in Game of Thrones!

      Your imagination just flows and flows Rajah, like those waves...and all things indicate that surf's up, right about NOW...


    6. Unfortunately I have seemingly *zero* imagination, Phoenix, otherwise I'd be writing books. But I don't have any to make stuff up, so I can only tell about what really happened.

      "Game Of Thrones" is a TV show, right? I really don't know as I don't have a TV set and don't watch television shows on the internet.



    7. No you don't give yourself enough credit, it is in the way you tell your truth, your self-expression.

      Actually, HBO is cable TV, which is often better than regular TV shows...great writing, big budget allows for larger than life scenes, a story so epic it spans many seasons, complex array of great characters, fantastic castles, armies and outdoor settings, costumes...and there are also quite believable magical dragons that fly (and many other supernatural creatures. To see an aerial view of of an army of ships heading to battle...and then see the shadow of one of the dragons flying over the water...superb! Daenyrus, the "Mother of Dragons" rides one of them. She can walk through fire unscathed. She is a wise ruler as she rules with both a cool head and warm heart. Perhaps the best production HBO has done since The Wire. Of course, it is very violent, as it reflects the true capacity for brutality that humans have long expressed. It seems that in that era, in order to survive, humanity was constantly called to battle, and many men went reluctantly. A great psychological examination of the lust for power, and how it can unite a nation or decimate a country and topple kings and queens...all depends on intention, influence, timing and a bit of luck.

      I don't go to movies, too expensive, often disappointing,I prefer series. Besides, more bang for my buck to stay home, just like "they" want us to do. Just remember to unplug the spybox when you're done! ;)


    8. Thanks, Phoenix. I do try my best to be as literal as possible when writing, that's true. Most of my posts are not written by my brain but by My Higher Self, with my brain only operating the fingers to type.
      The Dragon Liberation experience, however, was written from memories in my brain of what had happened.

      Now that you've explained the series, I do recall having heard about it years ago. But due to the violence involved I never checked it out. The story of the "Mother Of Dragons" really warms My Heart the way you describe it. Seems like my type of girl ;-)

      Oh, and I do know one thing about the show, imaginie that!
      In 2015 Game Of Thrones actor Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson broke a 1.000 year old Viking record when he carried a 10-metre-long (33 ft), 650-kilogram (1,430 lb) log for five steps.
      Look at me - Mr. TV expert hard at work :-)

      I got rid of my TV set in 2012 and haven't looked back. The rays emitted when it is switched on are absolutely poisonous to the brain.
      I remember when we had 25 people at the hostel in Nimbin having a great time, and when we put on a music DVD on the TV showing only random patterns moving every conversation stopped. They all stared at the TV screen, almost hypnotized. Within 5 minutes the TV had turned 25 happy people in their 20's into zombies - one of the most surreal things I have ever seen. I told the hostel owner about what had happened, and Rod got rid of his newly-bought acquisition the very next day.

      And even when on "stand-by" a TV set emits infra-red rays that disturb and subpress the human consciousness, it's a weapon against humanity in my opinion. So please try to remember to unplug that thing once you're done watching something, Phoenix.

      And can I just say that I whole-heartedly agree with your assessment and statement about the "smoking discussion." As if we didn't have more important things to talk about right now ;-)
      Divide-and-conquer in full effect once again . . .

      Anyway. This one just popped up, so I'll play us some RADIATION VIBE we can all groove on

      Lots Of Love And Light. And Peace Forever.



    9. Since we were on the subject of TV and movies I couldn't help but watch a movie: Star Trek BEYOND.
      I'll spare everyone the details but in the end the Bad Guy tries to attack the Good Guys with thousands of mechanical spaceships, and things look bleak.

      However, thanks to an incredible Team Effort, the Good Guys come up with an ingenious idea.

      How do you destroy the villain's swarm of ships controlled by an artificial swarm intelligence? You use a special Frequency and play them MUSIC!!!

      A few hundred years ago when companies in France started using machines to produce goods the workers, in fear of theeir jobs, took off their wooden shoes and threw them into the machines to break them.
      Those shoes were called "Saboes" - and hence the name Sabotage.

      Aand here the song that destroys all the Evil SpaceCraft:

      Beastie Boys - SABOTAGE !!!

      Break The Machine, Break The System!!


  11. Initiation... Divine Focus❣

    Kinda simple yet has been difficult for most. The simple is wherever you place your attention there you are. Thoughts Become Words Become Deeds/Acts Become one's Reality. This is why it is Key to Focus on the Breakthroughs and let go of the breakdowns especially at the moment of Weekly Ascension Meditation.

  12. Looks like we are getting a peek at some blue dragons, a portal, and part of the Agartha network. Of course we are getting closer to compression breakthrough, we can't do anything else but get closer as each day goes by.

    That's my two cents.

    1. Looks like the Agarthan network has smokers in it also in that case. Little surprising...

    2. Haha! I also saw this Slasher!!! I find it surprising too... I wouldn't expect cigarette smokers in this kind of place, but well, who are we to judge, right? lol

    3. I smoke pot, so I didn't think twice about it. Smoking it doesn't make me any less a person working with the Light. They could be smoking marijuana too, or their own home grown tobacco which has medicinal qualities like weed.

      The commercial tobacco is grown in radioactive soil caused by the fertilizers used. I doubt they are smoking that.

      I think the Blue Dragons and Agartha network are two different groups. The Blue Dragons are on the surface and obviously do the kinds of things that all surface populous engage in.

  13. Looks like they are celebrating. Excellent.

  14. All is in the air .The skys energy has vastly been increasing in beauty " EVERY SINGLE DAY"

    Must read Ben fulfords latest update .
    And must enjoy this latest ufo updates.

    1. I was watching Sitting Bulls descendant ernie la pointe talk about the anerican indian say that the indians always had used the circle ,
      White man brought the square , square houses , square flags , even square dancing. Indians had round doorways drum circles , dance circles.
      I came and saw the post the picture that has the octagon door way/ window that looks onto the next wall with the circular door/ window.
      I wondered if the chinese brought the octagon

      And the occult energy contained withinl each

  15. places and people quite common in China,what do you mean?

    1. It may be also a depiction of us (using nowadays images) in a Goddess Temple in post-Event era...

      Remember an older post:
      "Many temples of the Goddess will be built after the Event".

  16. The box! What's in the box?!?!😋 (Bottom picture...)

    1. Look what's on the wall above the box. The wise man on the bull. That's more important!!

    2. It's probably something boring like office stationary or cleaning supplies.

  17. Cobra is speaking to us in 4th dimensional terms. Not only in words...

    He is already considering us much more evolved...

    He says to us: Yes! you want 4th dimensional world? Yes! this is you have to understand and communicate in 4th D terms. In less of words, yes, you have it!
    Is it right for you?

    [Thanks Cobra for the progress you consider us already part of!]

    1. It might be, 4Ds messages, like going in a dark room and accommodating slowly until you start to see real forms and objects. You have only to accommodate and to feel the 4Ds, and understanding it...

  18. [4D message in less words]

    ....! ....! ....! ....! !!
    All! All! All! All!!

  19. September 26 is Red Galactic Dragon in the Galactic Mayan Dreamspell calendar.

  20. Energetically beautiful photos. It triggs portals in our hearts. Thanks brother. Love is here.

  21. "The Blue Dragons originate from secret Taoist groups connected with the Agartha network. Together with secret Pythagorean Order they have ignited the spark of Renaissance in Italy

    ...Nothing more can be said about the Blue, except that some of them are guardians of the portals."

  22. Awesome!

    Some of the Blue Dragons are the gardian of portals, as shown in one of the photos.

    I just got a good feeling that something great will be announced soon. Let's do our part by participate in the weekly Ascension meditation and be participating in the Tri Sphere group so we can reverse the attempt to delay the event and speed up the frequensy of the planet.

    Much Love to you all

  23. Does anybody know the dragon portal meaning?

    1. Read about the I-Ching and the BaGua or Pagua.

  24. Wow and thank you for posting uplifting pictures and news!

  25. I opened computer to write my experience on fb page of cobra. I had different experience yesterday. My head was reeling, unable to walk, I went to bed, then I understood; all internal organs rotating with high speed. Didn't understand what is happening. I just closed my eyes, then saw some BLUE BEINGS, which are intermediary between humans and the beings shown in the movie avatar. I understood some thing is happening. I just took the help of my higher self, saint germain violet flame, creator's pure love and light etc., I slept. Now I understood, why did I saw blue beings.....

  26. It's kinda funny, I saw these pictures yesterday evening, was intrigued especially by the second one (from the top) and then I dreamed about playing hide and seek with a young dragon, I recognised his soul as an old friend of mine who had passed away and he had a very warm eyes. And then the dreams kind of confirmed for me what a certain clairvoyant person told me, that I have a dragon lineage - as I was trying to hug this young dragon, I spread my arms and there were dragon wings attached to them, but I still had my human body. It was awesome :-D So thank you for posting this pictures Cobra, they must have triggered something! Victory of the Light!

  27. oh the old aghartha entrance, had once exited from it(of course not in this body:P), when ive got enough of keeping rezonance underground and wanted to feel how it is under the veil. Yep this look nice, greet all of them cobra.

  28. The Sons of Lao Tzu have been informed about the significance of the Ba Gua as a portal to the higher dimensions and the most important locations where the "mirror" has to be used.

  29. COBRA....please ... this is not fair ...???????????

    1. The figure at the wall on the last picture is 'Laozi' or 'Lao Tzu' the founder of the Tao philosophy, about 500BC. That makes it clear what signification the five pictures have. Together they are a short story.

  30. Chinese evolved? Chinese spiritually evolved smokes? Who's gonna believe that? So, no!

    1. Guess your the second to notice :) I have never liked smokers. Strange habit.

    2. Smoke is sacred. Of course I don't think smoking is for everyone, but smoking seems to have been stigmatized by cigarettes. Most cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals so one is definitely not just smoking a plant when smoking those.

      Many plants are actually good for the respiratory system when smoked.

      To each his/her own <3

    3. It's a different culture. Stop applying western standards to everything.

    4. To a youngster, it must appear odd. 30 years ago lots of folks smoked..40 years ago everyone smoked.

    5. They do really seem to have a thing for imprisoning people, as metaphorically yet as tightly as possible if not literally... It is hard to see how they would want to welcome what we are calling the liberation of humanity/the planet. Realistically, they do not show any authentic support for such freedom.

    6. I've also noticed, but well... who are we to judge?! It's funny because I always used to say that I don't trust smokers cause to me they are emotionally unstable people... well, guess I am gonna have to trust those ones in that chinese rabbit hole since they are the ones bringing prosperity to humanity, huh?! :-)

    7. Those comments about smokiing or not smoking asociated with spiritual "evolution" are just so...STUPID.
      So u guys mean a non-smoker is a perfect, worthy of trust person. Lol. Too much naive and simplistic mind

    8. "i have never liked smokers." while i do agree that smoking hinders the awakening process and is incredibly bad for you, i'm a smoker, and it's a physical addiction that i live with, and am working on overcoming. it's not fun...
      feels pretty bad to come on a blog i enjoy, full of supposedly awakened people, and instead of finding support, i read that i'm looked down on and disliked because of a my struggles. everyone has their own struggles, and you have no right to judge people based on them. ~Peace~

    9. When the Western world caught on to the fact that smoking was so bad for your health, the cigarette manufacturers turned their advertising attention to Asia. Landing in Hong Kong in the 1990s, the airport was totally surrounded by huge billboards of cigarette ads. Add on top of that the worst air quality in the world is in China, from manufacturing all those things we buy. I personally wonder if it's even common knowledge in China how unhealthy smoking is.

    10. "Smoking hinders the awakening process" - does it?? Is there any proof of that? I'm just curious.. I smoke a little. Is there a certain number of cirgarettes I have to smoke before the speed at which I awaken decreases??


    11. @Matthew Robertson

      I highly recommend you look into getting some Lobelia to smoke. It is a beautiful and sacred plant that can reduce nicotine cravings, and ultimately help you quit smoking tobacco altogether. It is sometimes smoked in Native American peace pipe ceremonies.

      "One possible use is in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. As and expectorant and anti-asthmatic Lobelia can help dilate the air ways of ones body and assist in clearing mucous from congested lungs!

      Lobelia also contains lobeline which also works on the same receptors effected by nicotine. This is why Lobelia has been used for years as a means to reduce nicotine cravings, and has helped people quit smoking."

      You can purchase Lobelia (and read more about it) here:

    12. I should mention that it is of course very important to exercise caution when dealing with sacred plant medicines. Tis always a good idea to thoroughly research a medicine before using it, and this is especially the case with a plant like Lobelia. There is some great info about it on the link that I shared above.

    13. thanks Tranquil! That's not something i've heard of, and i haven't even considered looking at alternatives. i'll definitely look into it.

    14. Tranquil,... you are tranquilled... :-)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. the plant lester the molester turned out to be a third debater as it was rigged from the beginning. He was advised to not fall for their traps and let themselves be exposed by how set up it was to the audience. Fuck teh medIA

    2. Muhibster! thanks.
      I removed my question about the debates because .. I dunno... As I was reading all the comments about the photos posted by Cobra, I felt it was out of place to talk about the US presidential debate...(which wasn't much of a debate) and thus, it was 'a distraction.'

    3. You might ask...
      Where was the "debate"
      Who is at the "debate"... and who is not

      A snare... too be sure
      If you didn't "hate" one of them...
      it was the other
      Or even both, knowing full well
      the people meant to serve
      (who feeds off hate)

      Remember a time when you needed
      "no money"
      The food and place to live
      a human right to
      This "Gift" true measure of "Power"
      money was meaningless
      and "greed" always seen as a weakness

      Then "Art" (strings of beads)were infected by "greed"
      and the way of "Life" stolen
      "Art is Time"
      and "Time" was reversed
      to re-start after the bombs of
      re-claim the
      "false promise"
      of a future
      (spammed to Moon Day 11..?)

  32. Picture #4. This guy can't be an adept. He seems to be hooked on cigarettes.

    1. The culture surrounding smoking may be very different in China than it is in the west. Also, he could be smoking an unmodified (heirloom?) tobacco that doesn't have all the extra crap that they lace it with in the west through both additives and genetic modification.

      Even if I'm wrong, all those people look human to me, we can't expect them to be perfect!

    2. I agree , dont apply western ideas to anceint cultures.
      Modern chemicaly toxic tabacco is completely different matter. Western cigerette smoking is worse for none smokers then the smoker. Its also very heavily negative in many ways .

      Im not anti smoking because I dont smoke .
      Im anti smoking because of all the known negatives that they contain and produce .including the cigerette butts all over the ground .

      But anceint smoking can not be remotely compared to modern cigerette smoking .

      But remember , the matrix we westerners live in and under . lies, toxins to humans and enviroment.Enslaved without knowing it .
      We really should close off ourselves from spreading any ignorance about other cultures or peoples . what are we going to do when all the variety of alein species start
      Intergrating into our dailey lives ? They dont do one thing like us . We must free our minds and "leap forward" into, the next steps, we must take, to start catching up, from our held back evolution.

  33. Woke up the other day and was laying in bed, all of a sudden a huge blue flash filled my vision and I was instantly euphoric like I cannot describe, I thought the event had happened for a moment! Never had anything like that before, it was very very real. We are close x

    1. Congrats on your treasured spiritual experience.

  34. Are you interested seeing authentic Pleiadians photo's ?

    So enjoy!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Are you sure you didn't submit your post with a typo?? Perhaps you meant to write "authentic Satanists". (I can't speak Portuguese!! :p )


  35. Glad to finally see the blue dragons now hopefully we can get an interview between cobra and the blue dragon ambassador and or a representative from their group. If there is anyone else who would like to see an interview as well comment below lets petition cobra and the blue dragons.

  36. Remember an older post from Cobra, about Eastern Agartha, Dragons, Dou Mu, disintegration of the veil and Breakthrough is near!

  37. Therese says so "– this is NOT what The Event / Reval is truly about. It is not about escaping reality it is about a time of living and co-creating in great joy on the physical plane while also being in a process of ascension."
    in her post on PFC:

    But may you know Cobra, for many of us... it is only to escape. Not to hard work anymore in post-Event era!

    No longer creativity or co-creativity after the Event.
    But, idly leisure instead. Nothing to do! No joy, no sadness. No love, no hate! Nothing of any kind!

    Technological Ascension only!
    Shall you prepare the Ascension technology needed for all requests!
    Thanks for understanding!

    1. Put all the banksters and their "elite" to do something they have never done before: working for the rebuilding of the new earth. Arbeit macht frei!

    2. Once you start reconnecting with your Higher Self, you should want to create and be reunited with the rest of creation.


    3. We may be reunited with the rest of creation by stepping aside and no doing anything anymore.

      We are filthfully enough about experiencing or being experienced by or for allegedly higher (and higher, and again higher) purposes or selves, or soul groups and so on.

      'Enough is enough' is a phrase which will work in post-Event era as well.

  38. Cobra, as usual, you came with something new in your interviews.
    In the last one (august, with PFC) you told us about something like 'sending to the Galactic Central Sun by volunteer'. More exactly by the person's own request, but not as a punishment due to not be able to accept the light.

    But Cobra, will all the requests 'by volunteer' be granted, for all those who ask for it?

  39. Hi RaJah. Your story of the Dragons made my heart feel so full and my eyes welled up with tears - tears of happiness and joy. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  40. Thank you, Cobra, RM, 龍 Dragon Families, Galactic Families...and everyone for persevering and keeping the faith!

    I relate better to images...they evoke buried memories or feelings of familiarity..resonance...premonitions?
    There is spirit in the smoke~~

    Castle? Hidden Fortress? Enter the 龍 Dragon!

    I especially love the Bagua portal (3rd image)-it draws me in. (Holodeck, anyone? Let's GO!)

    Is TA-O a chemistry symbol for Tantalum-oxygen?
    Does it relate to thermodynamic properties? Gibbs free energy?

    I guess I'm out of my *element* here! :)

    ..but it feels like the Breakthrough is near!

    1. It could be a misspelling of 'TAO' - as in a 'Daoist'..

    2. Yes, that was an obvious reference, I doubt a misspelling, though it may be double-entendre.
      I was looking for something beyond the TAO-ist interpretation that so many assume. Tantulum-Oxugen is an element except they seem to use O-TA rather than Ta-O.

  41. Hey all here is an article I wrote about what goes on inside hospitals. It is not pretty but I want to do my part and share what i've seen and experienced while working there. Much love. Victory of the Light.

    1. Acknowledging your bravery. Thanks for your disclosure.

  42. Thanks for the photos Cobra San. Is that Dou Mu I spot in the one picture?

    Is the box in the last picture connected with this box here...

    "These funds are NOT part of the collateral accounts, are NOT part of the Reset process and may or may not be connected with the Dragon sources."

    Exciting times! Enter The Dragon...

  43. I suggest to try to connect to them images. If there are no hefty tolls you might be able to get thru the portal or visit them... Even thru dreams. Enjoy.

  44. Agartha Network, Blue Dragons, compression breakthrough, TA-O?
    Sounds great to me, another breakthrough!

  45. This is very cool. I wonder which destination is attached to the portal..who might come through. That would be awesome to host beings from a different star at a dinner party.

  46. Best interview Ive ever heard!!!!

  47. There has been a bit of buzz lately implying that Bernie will end up as POTUS, not either of the 2 major candidates running for (s)election. Seems plausible to me in light of all the issues with either one of them, and the DNC corruption.

    Someone just invited me to join this fb group, just go to the fb page and request to join if it interests you.

    Lightworkers for Bernie

    and then, why not attend his inauguration?

    Let's #MakeAmericaKindAgain :D <3

    #feelthebern #bernie2016 #lightworkersforbernie #Berniesanders

    Also, this woman, who is a professional psychic, says Bernie will be POTUS no matter how much flack she gets for insisting this.

    1. Selection! I like it! I'm not from the US, but I believe Bernie is a Democrat like Hillary, right??

      I don't know if you're aware - but after Hillary's collapse recent; the Cabal has been using a hologram in her place. I know.. it sounds unbelievable.. but you can check YouTube for proof of this.

      So, if Hillary's either very sick - or even dead - someone's gotta take her place, right?? Could it be Bernie..??


    2. Right after 9/11 and the 'collapse of Hillary into her Scooby van' there were blog posts that Bernie would have to be put in (as he received the 2nd highest number of votes at the DNC convention). (Actually, he probably received the most number of votes in the primaries but it was so rigged, that they were counted up as HIllary votes... ahem...)

      But...Anyway, if the DNC'ers are going to follow their own rules (which they evidently don't at all, according to Wikileaks) they would put Bernie in.

      Given the ridiculous contradictions I just now wrote, above, seems to me we have no idea the Democrats would put in if Hillary can't serve.

    3. I have had a feeling that the determination may come from circumstances we have not yet anticipated. Bernie got burned and threatened from what I hear, it's all so surreal, but I am holding my intention that a person who is coming from the heart who cares most about common people gets me, that would be Bernie. <3

    4. Yes, well, Bernie is way cool.

      I also like Jill Stein, Green Party, way much.

      Did you see how Jill Stein went to the Hofstra Univ. campus the day of the debate (Monday Sept 26) and she was "removed" from the campus???

      She did do live on-line interviewing and she produced a live feed during the Hill-Trump-Holt debate that over 900,000 people watched (according to the numbers I saw on the screen).

      She basically called out the bullshit on both sides...which is, of course, why she will never get any air time.

      She invited Bernie to come over and run for president in the Green Party (maybe she would scoot over to VP?) but I guess he had already been threatened and told to throw his votes to Hillary... (he also managed to purchase a $600,000 lakefront house a couple of months ago, according to zerohedge so I guess they made it worth his while, if I am reading that lake house purchase correctly).

  48. Pleiadians Authentics images

    1. DON'T MIND




  49. I am not bothered by the smoker or the smoking.
    Best not to judge one culture from the perspective of another.
    One of the wisest men I met in my whole life smoked. It was of his era. He was not less wise for it.
    The pictures progress.
    Rather wonderfully.
    Like a journey or a story unfolding.
    At the end the banners reveal the tiger (one of the Yin/Yang symbols) and what looks like a representation of a master riding an ox. This is one way Lao Tse is presented traditionally.
    As Cobra often posts his own pictures - I think he is telling us that he has been initiated into one of the Dragon Societies. This - I expect - is a significant and important event.

  50. Interesting the debate on smoking. He who has no sin, cast the first stone.

    Emotional wounds that are not addressed and healed, reflect blocks one has formed in gaining Infinite Spirit's Love and Truth on the matter. Addictions come in all forms: need to always be with someone, drugs, over eating, under eating, coffee every morning, need to always be right, accepted, valued, honored, seen, heard. The need to be controlled or to control, to defend choices or condemn choices. The point is..........Infinite Spirit wants a relationship with each one right where they are NOW. One could be smoking, drinking, doing drugs and masturbating at the same time and Infinite Spirit still loves them and wants a relationship. Many people have similar emotional wounds but take different addictive actions to cover them. How are any of us in a position to measure the spiritual attainment of ourselves or others?

    Question: Why with poisoned food, water, air, and released diseases going on..................................... the cabal care about people smoking? They do. They own the entire campaign against smoking: mainstream media, AMA, Hollywood, education, studies, ect. Prices have gone up from $6.50 a carton to in the $50's and up through taxes said imposed to discourage. If they want you to die, why try to stop you? How does it interfere with their work?

    I'm impressed by the talk "Love everyone" and yet no one spends their time reflecting but pointing fingers. The need to feel supported by a group is an addiction, too. 'This is why the human race ended up where they did. Knowing something is not the same as being it. It must be in you for you to truly know it. That can only happen when you connect with Infinite Spirit through honest desire and allow the truth of your own state to be shown to you. How much love is coming from your heart in the realms of COMPASSION, RESPECT, AND SAFETY for self and others? Ask Infinite Spirit to show you. Get your own broom out. This is all each of us can do.

    1. I am a smoker and realise that I use it to keep the outside stuff at bay...It has been for me now moved into the last stage of my life that self-acceptance of my addiction selves being my most important task, and not concerning myself with current western societal norms and their judgements...

  51. For those that are unsure if this is related to Blue, White or any other Dragon family... Look at the tag at the end of the post...

    Labels: Agartha Network, Blue Dragons, compression breakthrough, TA-O


  52. RE: My earlier post. The gift we receive from each other.

    What I said earlier was Truth. How I delivered it was not love. I felt the unhealed emotion of judgment which I experienced as a child. My family did not go to church although I have had knowing dialogue with Infinite Spirit since four and unknowing dialogue since two. Parents told their children they could not play with us because we were "going to hell." Thus, I delivered my earlier message without love. Thank you all for the reflection as now I know to engage with Infinite Spirit to reach my unhealed emotion, experience it, and release it. If I raised an emotion in anyone that produced defense (anger), then I provided you with an opportunity to reflect on the emotional button that goes unhealed in you. See how wonderful we are to each other by holding up mirrors:) Thank you.

    Love and Truth go hand n' hand

  53. Love and Truth go hand n' hand.

  54. I have been there. What I don't remember is, if it was a dream or a past life.I know I have been there.

    After seeing the pictures, I have traveled there again, this time in my dream. I went to a room where there were these things hung on the corners. There were some writings, it looked like the same thing being repeated again and again.

    And I think, these pictures were released to see how we would respond, if we would be triggered to remember more or to see how many of us will visit there in sleep state etc.

    It is like a curse to feel something, and yet not being able to remember clearly.

    Victory of the Light!

  55. Global leaders meeting for former Israeli PM funeral, wonder if it's cover for global reset/Khazarian surrender. Not doubting that the guy actually died recently; it just reminds me of the rumors that Mandela died a few months before his official "death" as similar pretext to bring world leaders together in South Africa a few years back.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. How i see it::
      Initiation: the action of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual.
      "rituals of initiation"

      2.the action of beginning something.

      Maybe this is an attempt to bring some into their path or bring those who resonate to connect deeper.
      Maybe the initiation is about introducing them finally to society
      Maybe the picture of what seems to you every day folks is just to illustrate that indeed blue dragon walk among us.. The avatar just like yours.

      Just because they are not sitting in a golden throne does not make the picture any less significant for some and that is perhaps the purpose of pictures being disclosed... Like from Lady Dou Mu.. The agarthan entrance pictures etc.

      Hey at least is not little lights.. Although i cant seem to connect to this post's pictures i am happy for those whose souls has been uplifted by them.

    2. We have heard very little of Blue Dragons... Is good to have seen something about them even if is not clear to me what it is.

      I will post an answer Cobra gave regarding the picture of Lady Dou Mu. Where he disclosed only the picture and no further info. Perhaps in some way it applies to these pics as well..

      COBRA – Okay. At least at this point, I will not state what exactly is on those 2 pictures. It is the highest purpose for people to connect with those and use their own intuition and their own inner skills to determine what is there and what is even more important to connect with the energy that is behind. Because this is the first phase of disclosure is energetic. It is not so much intellectual understanding or intellectual approach to this but more of a energetic connection and only then is the right time to release intellectual information of what is on those pictures and what they represent.
      ---ref rp0515

    3. Try to stay a little more'll feel better and so will the folks around you.

  57. I noticed the doorway there in the third picture is an octagon and from what I remember 8 is a very important number to the Chinese. I could only guess about the other picture's meaning.

  58. Perplexing to me how some photographs that do not seem offensive can elicit so much anger and dismissal. I find them inspiring and intriguing, and familiar, in "another life" kind of way.

    1. Phoenix, I find them fascinating too - almost from another dimension -- they are from "through the portal." sort of.

      And... if these people are "blue dragons," they appear wonderfully normal, average, friendly, like my neighbors or something.

    2. Well the images may not feel familiar to everyone, and it may be human nature or learned behavior to fear the unfamiliar and unknown. If they felt strange to me, I suppose I might not be so enthusiastic, but I am not going to condemn them. Even some of my best friends still smoke, alas, and who even said it is tobacco?

      Anyway, I find a peacefulness conveyed in the faces of these people, like they are in the calm before the storm that will leave treasure at the end of the rainbow.

  59. Someone else is having visions of sandstorms or solar storms?

    1. That's the only truth that will actually happen. Actually a kind of ardent wave.

    2. That's what will actually happen. An ardent wave. Just people are not capable of accepting the reality because they are brainwashed and think it is fear porn.

  60. I agree Phoenix. It's enough for me to just read the article posted & by pass all these low density vibes from the comment section. Pity b/c it's so refreshing to share each one's perspectives & learn/see another angle of something. I hope the incoming energies will assist in this development of the evolution of mankind.

  61. It is Autumn now i wonder what happen to the satellite project

  62. I did not expect see a Blue Dragon smoking too :)

  63. My heartfelt thanks to Cobra for the pictures and the additional info.
    I have been a silent reader for a while, but now feel encouraged to tell you about my yesterday's dream. When I meditate I love to visualize a brilliant sparkling light expanding from within me and reaching all beings on earth and embracing Gaia with Love. When doing so yesterday I suddenly saw myself standing in front of the Ba-Gua Portal , the white frame starting to glow and to gleam white/light blue like it had been electrified... at this point something stopped me, saying "do not mingle in...".... hmmm
    LOVE to all of you

  64. Have you noticed the special feature of the legs of one man?

    1. I don't see any special features of anybody's legs. What do you see?

  65. Dear Cobra and Dragons,

    Thank you so very much for this sacred gift. It means a lot to me <3

  66. Someone explain: "soul canibal"... Such term is not in the wiki. I can interpret it in me own way but perhaps someone has the correct definition.

  67. Guys which is the correct healing frequency 432hz or 528hz... Or is 436... One of them the bad guys is using to disrup our vib.. Thx in advance

    1. I believe 440hz is the frequency that disrupts our vibrations, or is at least less harmonious than the others. 432hz and 528hz (Love signal) are both healing frequencies but there are others as well.

      "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated," Dr. Horowitz

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Take a look at the last picture you will see Most honorable Master Lao Tzu next to a bull indicating his connection to the Taurus constellation I.e. the Pleiades which is in the Taurus constellation. Also the writing most be Daoist or Taoist (if you prefer to say it that way) prayer, wisdom on life immortality of spirit etc... I should mention in the Lao Tzu picture it would seem there is a child or something int he picture likely a female maybe not I'm not sure. Here is interesting commentary on the tiger picture as well
    ''Alchemical language, when speaking of the "tiger" and the "dragon", in most cases refers to either of two basic considerations. It means either the "tiger" as the physical aspects of life and the "dragon" as the spiritual aspects -- these are sometimes called the ordinary tiger and ordinary dragon. However, the terms are also used to refer to the non-ordinary aspects, or the aspects such as those of the conditioned consciousness and the emotionally obsessed or illusioned consciousness in relation to the evolved consciousness which has learned to transcend the "ordinary" states of being conditioned or being emotionally obsessed. When, through the self-cultivation work, one refines away the conditioned temperament and the obsessing emotional habits and feelings, then the "ordinary" tiger and dragon are overcome, and the "true tiger" and "true dragon" of primordial essence arise. When this happens a clarity is awakened which is so clear and fundamentally beautiful that it seems like a bright light or a shining "mystic" pearl. When this clarity is firmly in place it pervades the universe without hindrance.''

    Here is more interesting info

  69. Also instead maybe in that picture with the bull and Lao Tzu perhaps its supposed to be a young female or male initiate comments anyone?

  70. My new Magravs. These are gonna BANG!

  71. Hello everyone here. I hope all of you have been doing fine, healthy and happy without much stress.

    It's me, Mozart. I'm so tired and exhausted of our never-ending financial hardships, that right now we only need a decisive amount of donation that would solve our financial difficulties permanently. I need to give my mother a good and comfortable life, where we both would have all the basic needs for living without having to skip on meals a lot just to survive each month to pay the house rent and bills with insufficient income.

    The reason why our hardships has persisted this far for more than 2 years now is due to the fact that last time, when I needed lots of extra money to start a business so that we can increase our monthly income and become successful entrepreneurs so that we could help out others in turn, at that time nobody donated to us the large amount needed for such a start up.

    Right now I'm so tired of my financial problems that I want to put an end to it, by starting a business. For that I need the help of anyone rich reading this. Can anyone with the capability to unconditionally donate to us 6500 US dollars please contact me at ? I need that amount to :

    1. Use around $1500 to start that business. I am still researching on what business that would guarantee to generate large profits and increase my income so much that I'd have tens of thousands in my account, where I strive and pledge that if I ever become that wealthy and successful with a large monthly income, I'd be able to donate $10,000 to various people here at Cobra Portal 2012 and anyone I meet who needs financial help. That will be my turn to help others in need, just like I received help now, I must help others in turn and reduce the suffering of others, even if there's a tiny amount that I could help, as when we help others, we help ourselves too, at the Karmic level.

    2. Have another extra $5000 to serve as reserve funds for rainy days and emergencies, as well as a backup savings for my mother and my own life needs like food and groceries, house rent, bills, etc, and that amount would last us more than 4 years in our country, so it's a very significant help.

    Any kindness and generosity would matter a lot, for each person that donates to others in need of help, would help to spread the Light and spirit of goodness in the world. I too, would love to help our others if I have a very large 5-digit monthly income in USD, and would share my wealth with others, as it's the natural thing to do to share with others if you have something in excess. It's the same basis as if we're a group of people stuck stranded on a deserted island, and one person manages to capture so much fish that he can't eat all of it by himself, so he shares it with others.

    If anyone would help us with just $6500, it will empower us permanently.

    If there's anyone reading this that can help me and my aging mother with $6500, please contact us at

    Thank you so very much for giving us the power to conquer and eliminate our financial hardships forever for our current life. I'd like to learn and work as a science officer onboard a starship once the Event happens, as well as visiting Mars ( I've always wanted to go there, as I dreamed about being on that planet a lot in my dreams ) if my current body lives till then, so I am motivated to want to live a stable and successful life without any financial hardships until that happens.

    Much love to all,

    1. I have no idea why Cobra lets you keep posting your "I need more money" on his blog...You even emailed me on my personal email so you're able to get those email address too....I think you should start a website and offer your ideas for your $6,500 business plan & do your own advertising not trying to recruit new vulnerable souls.....Many people need food & shelter. Your request sounds like a luxury not a necessity.


    A fun to watch presentation, and one of the best SHIELDING and PROTECTINC techniques i've ever seen.

    Also, learn:
    WHERE the most vulnerable point is located where the darks enter the PHYSICAL human body.

    Experiencers Speak 2016 ~ Portland, Maine
    Published on Sep 17, 2016
    Experiencers Speak ~ Rion and Alexander explain how to Shield, Cloak and Control your Energy. Galactic References and Team Lights Global Activations are also showcased. For more information visit For Energy devices and to Create Sacred Space in your Home visit for Protective Jewelry visit Blessings to all our Family~Love you All:) Special thanks to and Richard Dolan for doing a Great Job Hosting the Conference.

    1. Thanks you Hye Angel,
      Just right in time for me, thanks!
      May the LOVE be with you always!

    2. Very cool stuff
      I only started the vid but already from the get-go the guys are referencing with great enthusiasm and excitement, the discipline that it takes, just to open your pineal gland. and how important ii is in "astral projection", which I can best describe as a lucid dream, dream within a dream where you know you are "dreaming" but fully conscious and aware, r e g a r d l e s s whether you are physically awake or asleep, it does not leave any room for imagination, or second guessing, so much happens, so fast, and then, you are left gasping for breathe because of the download's positive or negative intensity. Looking back, it seems many of us clearly can define their great personal awakening sometime in 2011-12, for whatever reasons. Mine was I saw my first UFO in Oct 2011 and took the red pill because I "had to find out" what they are and how do they fly and if those exist, I want one.

      About the pictures, I can't stop admiring the gilded walls..with turquoise trim, it may partially be because "one of my artistic hats" is a Journey Man in Gilding - the essential requisite show case of your trade craft was "Gold-leafing" using as authentic materials and methods as possible with techniques we were taught dating back to the Renaissance.

      And btw, Tao aka Dao aka Dou…
      We forget "China" is a massive piece of land with very many different peoples and languages and dialects, never mind different cultures and philosophies, and also sciences dating back thousands of years most of us, even most "Chinese", have no real understanding of, such as the divination I-Ching.

      Thanks HYE ANGEL!

  73. Yes, I have not figured out how to get those into Google translate! I was wondering the same thing.


  74. Message Brought Forth From Anakhanda Mushaba
    Porda, September 28, 2016
    via Nancy Tate|Tree of The Golden Light

  75. You can find the translation here:

  76. I just heard tomorrow is a black moon.i hope all lightworkers meditate tomorrow cause u know the bad guys will... Or be sure they have some plans for all those celestial events.

    Lightworkers should make it a habit to meditate on all those special days.

    I cant meditate i am too pissed off at the so called creator... However i will sing to Gaia... Well i will try,..

  77. Beloved Ra-io and Phoenix Boulay,
    The word on the 3rd image is "EAST GARDEN" or "EAST SIDE OF THE PALACE". As for the small inner word is "SPENDID TIME" or "TOWARDS SPENDID TIME". The meaning of the picture #5 is the description of the universe creation and all creations including souls, matters, etc.
    May the LOVE be with you always!

  78. Beloved Family of Light,
    I sincerenly thank those who send their healing energies to me during my most difficult times (nerve and joint pain). The healing is working and I am able to walk now.
    Hereby, present my animation work as an gratitude for your kind assistance :-

    May the LOVE be with you always!

  79. What would happen to those who don’t ascend?

  80. The second picture, the two structures, I find amazing. If you look closely the part of the roof on the green structure seems to connect to the red structure. Above the green structure there's a type of cell tower....looking very out of place and unnatural. I love this photo. Love and light

  81. I thought it might be funny to have more "pigs" in the news... but training them to kill without a 2nd thought is not my idea of a joke
    Maybe more "lipstick" for another debate would help move things along..?

  82. I would love to take a trip down & through the portal in the photos & join in the initiation. First I would want to sample some of their Asian Food...I'm ready for the adventure & have been for quite some time!
