Sunday, February 26, 2017

Etheric Liberation Preliminary Report

This is just to let you know that the critical mass has been reached. What we have achieved is epic.

Full report will be released as soon as I gather all intel. 


  1. Let me be the first to say Yes!!

  2. We have reached the critical mass !!


    Thank you for informing us about it!

    Victory of the Light!

  3. Fantastic! :)
    Thank you all for participating.
    This is our mission and I hope we made an important step to liberate our beautiful planet.
    Love and Light to all of you outthere! Peace!

  4. The Goddess wants peace and peace it shall be...

    Victory of the Light! Victoria de la Luz!

  5. Oh Cobra! and fellow lightworkers! Its amazing! Now the real work begins and we shall heal.

  6. That's for the first time I think. And my love knew it telling me everything will be alright. I'm so happy. Thank you all who made that decision to take part. It wasn't hard, wasn't it? LIGHT

  7. If anyone would like to share their experience today, please visit here. I will post your stories so we can all share:

    1. gracias muchas gracias a todos aquellos que participan activamente en este historico acontecimiento es una experencia intensa.


  8. Thank YOU to each and every single person organizing it, making videos, sharing the intel and participating in the meditation.
    To the North, to the South, to the East, to the West. To the Inner Earth and the outer reaches of the Galaxy and the Entire Universe: THANK YOU.

    I could feel YOUR POWER and I cried so much with Joy. You were all absolutely incredible!!!

    I Love You
    And you. And You. And YOU! And Everybody!

    Solsbury Hill

    YOU are EPIC!!!

    Victory of Love and Light
    Peace it will be



    1. I must have said this at least 11 times. Feels like it was 1111 times ;-)

      YOU'RE THE VOICE, try and understand it.
      Make A Noise and Make It Clear.

      And today YOU ALL went out and said
      "WE'RE THE VOICE, and We understand It.
      WE make that noise, and WE make it Clear!
      WE're not gonna live in silence!

      If I was any more proud of You ALL I'd have to be twins just to handle it - and I'm not kidding.
      Today You showed who You really are.
      Creators and Divine Beings of Light.
      You are Gods and Goddesses, every single one of You.

      This is for You All. This is Your Song.

      YOU'RE THE VOICE - and *so much more*

      LOVE and LIGHT
      PEACE and FREEDOM for ALL


    2. Ditto it was an honor to be part of both meditations today. I finally feel like I am doing something for humanity that is beyond myself. Victory to the Light! Thanks to all RM and LA

  9. that's awesome. I remember feeling quite a buildup going into the meditation. fantastic news

  10. Oh!!! I am so happy at our success!! Beyond words, really. I knew my feeling that we accomplished something incredibly momentous was right on. Thank you so much to everyone. 👏🏻❤️😂🎶

  11. OMG!!! Best News Ever!! Doing a little jig here in Bellevue, WA. COBRA & Everyone - you ROCK!!!

  12. Lady Dou Mu actually went above ground to Starbucks for this meditation?

    Great news btw.. this will help restore hope.

  13. Oh, oh, oh! I'm so excited!!! Here's a little something for everyone that absolutely sums up this moment:

    Jackson Five - Can You Feel It

    Check out the fiery eclipse at the end of the video. Very similar to what Cobra posted on the Etheric Liberation Final Update.

    Thank you Cobra and RM and all boots on the ground. My heart is ready to burst right now with love for you all.

  14. Now it should be clear what we want. Victory of the light.
    My full freewill force is supporting that.

  15. Amazig, just amazing

    "This is just to let you know that the critical mass has been reached."
    Then is time to make a "finish-him" to the octopus/chimera/cabal/elite/archons..

    "What we have achieved is epic."
    COBRA saying <<> i never thought that he will say that...

    THANKS to all the people!! THANKS!!

  16. you hear that spirittoo. :) allow them tears to roll but tears of joy :)... for u contributed to the outcome.

  17. thank you for the update Cobra

  18. Thank you Cobra,Thank you everybody. I am so happy I could cry...

  19. yesss see you later archon scums!!!!!!!!!

  20. Yesss...good bye for good archon scum!!!!

  21. With much love and gratitude.

  22. A great success, allowing us to go all the way, Victory of the Light, Lovelight blessing´s from Iceland <3




  24. so beautiful to feel those words, thank you to the one

  25. Indeed..always will serve ghe light

  26. Victory of the LIGHT!
    Where do we stand and what is our next move? Critical indeed.
    Victory of the LIGHT!

  27. Beautiful news to read after feeling it so strongly to be so. Deep gratitude and love to each of you. Love and light! ✨❤️��❤️✨

  28. Yes, tears of joy is what I feel! Our journey has been long & hard with lots of scars and now the real healing of us individually, together & of Gaia begins. I imaged the violet flame over the Congo and then put a paint brush of violet over the area to permanently seal it in (non-washable paint). Today is a very important step in our Victory of the Light!

  29. Amazing accomplishment! Now time to see the positive changes we need to liberate the planet. Victory of the light!


  30. I'm a alfeus and I honor those I serve.

  31. This is AWESOME!! Thank you Cobra for this most recent update. It's amazing how far humanity has come and how close we all are to the complete liberation of planet Earth and all of its people and sentient beings. Also a big thanks to all of the light warriors and light workers in the resistant movement for all of their sacrifices and continued efforts to bring us to where we are today.
    A big thanks, also, to all of the people around the world who participated in the meditations and sent love and light to the RM over the months and years in supporting all of us in arriving to this portal of liberation and freedom.

    Blessings and Love to all

    Victory and Power to the Light

  32. Hallelujah! Thank you every light worker and light warrior.

  33. thank you thank you thank you to Cobra, the video organizers, and everyone i worked night shift i had good feeling and i was very happy all night walking around with a lots of joy before the meditation started

  34. Thank you cobra for the good news!
    Victory of the Light indeed!

  35. WHOOOAAA! Well that explains a lot of the feelings I got during the meditation! Absolutely amazing!!!

  36. After the initial meditation,I had a vision of a sprout of a flower popping through the soil. It was covered with a peach fuzz looking like little hairs, and I thought no one could deny this was real.The bud of the sprout burst open and at that moment their was a song or a tone that up lifted everyone,and they put down there guns.

  37. Thank you so much, Cobra. Without you, this could not have been accomplished.
    And thank you to all and everyone below, on and abobe planet Earth.
    Now, let's prepare for change ;-) cos' change is gonna come!
    I can tell ya.

  38. Awesome...the guided meditation was great.

    1. Yes, did guided meditation for first time, definitely recommended since difficult to remember all the steps from memory in the midst of meditation.

  39. I am so so happy. I have been, we have been waiting for this for so long ...!!! We can be proud of ourselves !! Thank you all and of course thank you Cobra and all the team working back stage ! Love you all.

    1. Oh no.... NOT me. In fact, i just predicted yesterday in one of my postings, that we would get even the doulbe, or a little less than the double.

  40. To be honest I have never expected we can reach the critical mass, I just did my part as usual last night. I meditated for about 20 minutes outdoors until a couple passed by, which disrupted me. Then I thought the time might be enough so I went back to the road and call a taxi to return home. However it is good to know we succeed :)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Status is Zen, the striping away of the pain and poison Gaia has endured over these vast years, swofting away the last swells of black magic residue...

‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/››‹ DANCE DANCE DANCE !

  44. yes yes :) 144 thoasand people XD XD xD :) ay carambu

  45. Amazing!!!
    Love and light everyone!

  46. Yesssssssss! On my birthday!!!! 💗🙏🏼💗🙏🏼💗

    1. Happy birthday...such an honorable day

    2. It's my birthday, toooooo, sister!!!!!
      Oh, what an amazing BD gift we got!

    3. What a wonderful birthday present. :)

    4. happy Birthday Jill Indeed!!! :)

    5. @Jill, Hey Angel, astral traveler, Happy Birthday!May you remeber it as a very special one - "epic"

  47. Praise be!!! I felt it!! Victory to the light! Love to all! Hold the light! Thank you Cobra! Thank you to all the Resistance Movement for your continued battle for humanity and Gaia. Victory is ours! Love to all <3

  48. Guess there's a first time for everything :)

  49. So glad I was able to be a part of this! ❤

  50. I love this report! I have goosebumps from the excitement. It feels good to be a part of this. Thank you all! Peace and blessings to all of you!

  51. Thank you soo much for all the people that have made this possible! Frim Cobra to the great lightworkers who have taken the time ti create the meditation audios and videos!
    Thsnk youuu sio much!!

  52. Wonderful, thank you to all the people who participated in this meditation. Let there be light. Infinite Gratitude <3 ☼

  53. Woohooooo!!!!
    I knew it!!!
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU EARTHLINGS!!! Yes, this time the BIGGEST credit and prize goes to YOU!!!!

    I always sing Imagine before i start meditate. But this time i started with this song:

    Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)

    And after mediating, closed the old, stinky portal by singing IMAGINE. Yet, i was in a such exctasy, my creativity took over, and sung it with my spontaneous lyrics. Something like this, (i don't recall all...).

    Imagine no dark portal,
    It is filled with the Light.
    No hell below us,
    Above us glowing Sun.

    Imagine all dark is gone,
    And Love is everywhere....
    Ahah, aahh....

    1. Ironic, as I drove to work last week, Europe Final Count Down came on via ramdom shuffle from thumb drive, the words really were insightful, much lose White Lion's When The Children Cry, as if written for this period in our history. Victory to the Light

  54. Thank you, beloved brother cobra and RM. Thank you, brothers and sisters of light. Let's do this, let's erase all darkness!!!

  55. So full of JOY right now. Thank you all!
    an oldie but a goodie.. i believe cobra posted this music video once. If you want to feel even better after reading this report have a listen, just adds to what is already boiling up inside

    love and light ALL

  56. Great news !

    Can you feel it?

    Smells like...Victory of Light !!!

  57. SO excited!!! I cried tears of joy in reading this report. I returned home this afternoon after a long walk in nature to see this great news, and I have to say that during my walk, I had a feeling...things felt different, there was so much love and light in the air I was almost skipping home :) We did it! Thank you to all: Cobra, RM, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors above, below, and all of us here on the surface of the planet. Let's continue to create Victory of the Light! I have been following Cobra's reports and doing the weekly meditations for about two years now but have never written a comment, but I got so excited over the news I just had to comment today! Can't wait to share the news with my 14-year-old daughter who meditated with me this morning!

    By the way, can someone tell me how to create an avatar/screenname on this blog so I'm not listed as "unknown"? Thanks and much love to all :)

  58. Le plus beau commence.
    Merci, merci, merci à tous.
    Je nous aime.

  59. Oh my.... I am so happy and so grateful for you letting us know! SO much LOVE to ALL!!!!

  60. SO excited!!! I cried tears of joy in reading this report. I returned home this afternoon after a long walk in nature to see this great news, and I have to say that during my walk, I had a feeling...things felt different, there was so much love and light in the air I was almost skipping home :) We did it! Thank you to all: Cobra, RM, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors above, below, and all of us here on the surface of the planet. Let's continue to create Victory of the Light! I have been following Cobra's reports and doing the weekly meditations for about two years now but have never written a comment, but I got so excited over the news I just had to comment today! Can't wait to share the news with my 14-year-old daughter who meditated with me this morning! Much love to all :)

  61. Woohooo!!!!! I'm ecstatic! Victory of the light!

  62. yes yes and yes oh happy day oh happy day ,victory ,freedom from the whole planet soon

  63. This is the first time I participate, what makes me happier is knowing that I have been part of it. I felt for the first time very connected and connected to Earth. Thank you for that!

  64. I'm light, i'm Gaia, i'm You, i'm ONE!

    I hope so much that now We finally see the biggest changes manifested.

    Free the TOTAL LOVE and ETERNAL LIGHT to all beings on this plane of existence.

    Let the Gold Age Party's begin!

  65. I love you brothers and sisters. We are all one. ❤

  66. Thanks cobra ... thanks to all the workers of the light, And our space brothers
    I knew today would be a special day.
    Soon we will be free.
    Vitory of the ligth

  67. Cobra thank you for all the patience and information you have provided to help enlighten us all to our true past,current situation and amazing future that awaits. Also, thanks to all the off planet ETs helping us, my sincere thanks, to all below ground ETs thank you! To all in the RM, light workers, light warriors, ascended beings, co of heaven, the One, and all of humanity, bless all of you! VICTORY OF THE VIOLENT AND PINK LIGHT!

  68. May Peace on Earth be ACCOMPLISHED!


  69. we owe cobra so much, and all the light workers who have been at it for so long. Thank you to all the N numbers of galactic who join in our meditation. I had that feeling that this was gona be it and I saw a very strong sign. then the energy felt so light and bright. My friend told me she saw in a vision the negative being lifted off. Thank you family of light!

  70. Hooray! I was with you and now we can rise to higher hights than ever before

  71. Will this help speed up The Event? I know I ask for it during meditation.

  72. Great news! Thank you, Cobra. Thank you, everyone. :)

    This is the first time I spread the meditation news, and than the critical mass reached. OAO

    I should have done that earlier years....

  73. love shines through

  74. Yes!!!! So exciting!!!

    Victory of the Light!!

  75. So happy to hear it!!! I know with all of us joined together as one in love: we can help Gaia and all human life break the chains of evil and break through to Ascension!

  76. This is what I was intending to happen! This is such a grand affair!! I am so pleased to feel, and then to hear it, in written words!!Thank you, each and every soul being that gave their free will!! Love will abide~~~

  77. Best meditation we have had yet, Thanks to all Earthlings and to all Galactic Personnel involved,The long awaited Victory has arrived, Let's keep going to accomplish all goals of Mother Earth, Victory of the light is Truly ours, Love Erich!

  78. At last, working collectively maybe we changed the world. To my fellow lightworkers, Mother Earth, and all who helped in this epic meditation. Congrats, I'm so proud to be part of it.

  79. Thank you all, thank you Cobra and all beings of light that are supporting us. Greetings from Brazil.

  80. Incredible! Okay ya'll lets keep up the momentum! :) Stick with the positive affirmations and meditatios. Thank you Cobra!

  81. i enjoyed the meditation so much! i felt a big joy and happiness and had the image of us all like those parachute jumping holding hands in circle over the spots guided by the meditation everybody sooo happy yes it was intense!

  82. Now you see, cobra, how determined we are for planetary liberation. Like that's the only thing that is on my mind for these whole weeks...

    Please, mass Event meditation next!

    1. You have already the Weekly Ascension Meditation which includes also the Event.

      The critical mass shall be kept together!!!...

  83. And there is news of Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica as of 2.26.17?

  84. Great Great News! Looking forward to the report. Early for me but worth it... 655am Los Angeles time. It was 10 minutes but high intensity meditation. Love it. Felt it!

  85. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm just crying, but these are tears of joy! Well done! Love and Light!

  86. Let's keep us our 'Hug Group' together (it's on the right on this page) and go with it to all WAM and so on!...

  87. "The critical mass has been reached."
    Great news !!!

  88. The etheric liberation meditation was very early for me, so I made a point of getting up extra early and doing some pre-meditation preparation. Funny thing occurred! About 4-5 minutes before participating I had these funny feelings of shame and skepticism about the efficacy of this shared meditation. It came out of the blue. After a minute of waffling, I figured that backing out was silly since, well, what else was I going to spend time doing during this morning? So of course I participated and felt amazing waves of energy and light! Very glad to hear from Cobras blog that the results were good!

  89. Wow that's welcome progress!, did meditate at the most unsavory hour and had trouble not dozing off again - but in hindsight the fact that each time something yanked my consciousness back on track again and a deep intense feel of the Goddess energy being visualised flowing over the Earth should have told me something.

    Victory of the Light indeed!, peace on Earth and good will to all man.. :)

    1. I had the exact same experience! I must have been in delta state. I would refocus and just watch the colorful energy pour in and somehow a half hour passed by in what felt like 5 minutes.

  90. I didn't use any of the video's or PFC messages. I just asked my religious oriented relations to pray for peace during the mentioned time by imaginig a beam of Devine Light enlightening the earth-globe and filling all our minds with light and love; together with human beings all over the world together. That's the language they can understand, and I know that their participation has helped to reach the critical mass!! Victory of the light!!

  91. Mastery Loves Company!!! We Are Ready For The Event!!!

  92. Beside of joy and excitement, we have not to lose sight of keeping the 'Hug group' (it's on right of the page) of critical mass together!!!

    1. It's me, it's you, it's they, it's us...
      It's me and you, it's us together!...

  93. Mother, Father and all of them and us..Love and sweetness! Ohm Namah Shivaya 💗

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Well done to everyone involved. A lot of people worked very hard to make this happen.

    Goosebumps.... reading all the comments
    it was awsome the meditation.... I felt the FIELD of all of us

    Victory of the LIGHT

    I love you all guys thank you Namaste

    greatings from Portugal

  97. Let's do a daily meditation of dissolving of the head of Yaldabaoth at 11 am GMT until it is removed!

  98. Time to see past all the distractions of the 3D sideshow. More than ever, each one hold steadfast in the Light. We are fearless in Love.

  99. HURRA... I am so happy and deeply grateful... Love to you all!

  100. Only light can stay in the light! Victory!

  101. I am very excited. I.m glad all my heart.

  102. Thank you. It was amazing.

  103. Thank You Cobra and let us all be freed and Victory to the Light!

  104. that's great! Hope it all works out now..:)

  105. yes, indeed, Victory of Love, Go Galactics!


  107. I was on my last legs and summoned up just enough strength to participate in this one - I am unimportant, just one person, but one person could have made the difference between critical mass or not. So this is the best news ever. During the meditation, I FELT it - I KNEW we had finally had enough people participating. Thank you so, so much! <3

  108. OMG. Could this be true? I would love to see that these raider-barons are brought to the end and that humankind can now evolve into the golden age of peace, true freedom and intellect....when not for me then for my 2 little girls! As the mediatation was somehow strangely overwhelming for me (and I am a real sceptic toujours) I might really come to the conclusion that we have achieved something.
    Into the light. Let us do it. NOW.

  109. Thank you Cobra, Rob, the Resistance, all the Unnamed Light Workers around the world. Much light sent around the World ........

  110. Excellent news on this update. I did join the meditation, although found my mind wandering some what. Although, whilst calling in the affirmation. A face appeared slightly to my left, of what we all know as Greys. But sensed benevolence from it. Wonder if anyone else saw that?

  111. Thank you Cobra, Thank you brothers and sisters all. Much love and truth.

  112. I felt so honored to have participated in this meditation. During the meditation, I felt very weepy with happiness. Happy, knowing I was helping and doing what I was meant to do. After visualizing the Violet flame, I visualized a beautiful Goddess wearing a lovely pink dress swirling around the Congo, scooping up those that needed special healing. As she swirled, her dress grew and grew blanketing all of Africa. She then flew up and over to Europe making her way around the entire world,scoping up and healing people, animals, waters, air; her beautiful pink flowing grown covering the Earth. Once Goddess had taken on all of the healing, She then cradled our lovely pink Earth in her arms. The Earth now spinning in her arms, She smiled down on us, knowing we care too. When she smiled, I knew we had all made a difference. Victory of the Light. Thank you COBRA for helping to bridge us all together and all the light workers doing what comes naturally.

  113. Thank you Cobra, thank you all participants of the meditation an all beings of the Light from everywhere, that this could happen :)
    So great!!!
    Victory of Light and Love!

  114. Thank you Cobra and all the Light workers and forces.

    It is now our time.

    Gratitude and Appreciation.

  115. Wonderful news indeed, the tears of joy are flowing, its time for the change now, so be it, love to all who share their love and support. Very exciting time !


  117. Yeah right, I'm sorry but I'm not a 7 yeard old kid. So after years and years of disappointment (no event) we have now supposedly reached cricital mass and now everyone is happy but then people will go sober after few days or months, realising that all this was just another wrong information. How you gonna feel when there will be no event in 2017 or in 2018 or 2019. It's ridiculous how people are childish and easy to manipulate.

  118. Amazing! Thank you everyone who participated! May all feel love and light and may all be healed in complete wholeness on the golden path of Love!

    Maria Nesa

  119. Thanks for sharing that with us Cobra. So wonderful that we can all make a big difference when we come together as one.

  120. My heart is ....i have no word, i have a thousand words

  121. LOVE>fear! Tribe of light ... unstoppable

    To COBRA, RM, Galactic Federation of Light, ALL Light workers in all dimensions. We are the Victory of the Light. It felt amazing. Love to everyone.

  123. Multumesc si va iubesc pe toti, in special pe cei care ati facut posibila o asemenea minune!��
    Din ROMANIA, inima pamantului a batut cu putere, plina de dragoste pentru intreaga planeta si intreaga omenire!
    Lumina invinge si transforma pentru totdeauna intunericul in LUMINA! ������❤������

  124. con profundo agradecimiento a todos aquellos que contribuyen activamente a la liberacion de nuestra amada tierra a los de arriba como a los de abajo todos somos ets viajando a traves del espacio en nuestra nave amada nuestro planeta espero que todos comprendan que solo reparando y unidos todos a traves del amor podamos vencer a aquellos que llevan miles de anos saboteando nuestra nave para evitar que alcancemos nuestro glorioso destino por lo pronto la entidad que nos tenia atrapados nos ha soltado finalmente y gracias al sacrificio de tantos hermanos que merecen todo nuestro agradecimiento y admiracion, falta aun mucho por hacer para sanar las graves heridas que todos hemos recibido pero confio en las experiencias adquiridas desde babel.
