We more than meet critical mass.I felt it was a huge blanket of prayer meditation ,felt around the world.I felt it as I prayed I could only hold it for ten minutes . But felt very sufficient,VERY. Victorious is the Light. Time for the Dark to fully implode ...their time to leave is NOW ! May all slaves in this universe be freed.
Everyone, my heart goes out to all of you!!! Thank you for participating and deciding to "be" the change in the world that we want to say! We did it!!!
Well obviously, even "critical mass" is not enough to trigger "the event",... & so "get confey", & "keep on waiting",... because our 3D friends here on "earth" are so "asleep" it's going to take a truckload or "miracles" for them to "awaken",...
Ha um movimento a cumprir, se até lá não houver sido acionado o evento e isto estará imbuido nesta onda energetica e que envolve a divulgação.
Recebi o texto abaixo por meio de um app de mensagens txt.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 🔴 Mobilização começa a tomar vulto na Internet
É, o clima lembra o período que antecedeu a revolução francesa. O terceiro estado (povo esclarecido) clama por justiça. Há uma enorme movimentação pela internet para reunir um milhão de pessoas na Avenida Paulista pela demissão de toda a classe política (ainda sem data marcada). Este e-mail de convocação já começou a circular e está sendo lido por centenas de milhares de pessoas. É importante que você repasse para todos os seus contatos. *A guerra contra o mau político, e contra a degradação da nação está começando.* Não subestimem o povo esclarecido que começa a sair da inércia e de sua zona de conforto para lutar por um Brasil melhor. Todos os ''governantes'' do Brasil, até aqui, falam em cortes de despesas - mas NÃO CORTAM despesas - querem o aumentos de impostos como se já não fôssemos o campeão mundial em impostos. A história nos mostra que muitos governantes caíram e até perderam suas cabeças exatamente por isto. *Nenhum governante fala em:* 🔴 Reduzir as mordomias (gabinetes, secretárias, adjuntos, assessores, suportes burocráticos respectivos, carros, motoristas, 14º e 15º salários etc.) dos poderes da República. 🔴 Redução do número de deputados da Câmara Federal, e seus gabinetes, profissionalizando-os como nos países sérios. Acabar com as mordomias na Câmara, Senado e Ministérios, como almoços opíparos, com digestivos e outras libações, tudo à custa do povo; 🔴 Acabar com centenas de Institutos Públicos e Fundações Públicas que não servem para nada e, têm funcionários e administradores com 2º e 3º emprego. 🔴 Redução drástica da quantidade de vereadores, acabar com os salários de vereadores, diminuir os gastos das Câmaras Municipais e das Assembleias Estaduais. 🔴 Acabar com o Financiamento aos partidos, que devem viver da quotização dos seus associados e da imaginação que aos outros exigem, para conseguirem verbas para as suas atividades; Aliás, 5 partidos apenas, seria mais que suficiente. 🔴 Acabar com a distribuição de carros a Presidentes, Assessores, etc., das Câmaras, Juntas, etc. 🔴 Acabar com os motoristas particulares 24 h/dia, com o agravamento das horas extraordinárias para servir suas excelências, filhos e famílias e até, as ex-famílias. 🔴 Acabar com a renovação sistemática de frotas de carros do Estado; 🔴 Colocar chapas de identificação em todos os carros do Estado. Não permitir de modo algum que carros oficiais façam serviço particular tal como levar e trazer familiares e filhos às escolas, ir ao mercado, a compras, etc. 🔴 Fazer um levantamento geral e minucioso de todos os que ocuparam cargos políticos, central e local, de forma a saber qual o seu patrimônio antes e depois?
Já que esses nossos políticos e governantes não querem fazer as reformas de fato, não querem passar o Brasil a limpo, cabe a nós, povo esclarecido, fazer isto através da mobilização em massa e indo para as ruas (sem vandalismo, sem Black Blocs, que são contra a sociedade) manifestar a nossa insatisfação. Vamos juntos, vamos mostrar que no Brasil o povo esclarecido pode realmente mudar o rumo da história, já que pelas urnas vai ser difícil, por motivos óbvios.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
SP Av paulista RJ Av Atlântica e Central Av Rio Branco N tenho confirmação de outros pontos. Tornemos viral irmãos irmãs Nós somos verdadeiros Brasileiros da terra, a terra é sagrada e a federação é outra coisa, ela precisa ir e ser dissolvida.
This was surely UNITY of Heaven and Earth working together. As Above, So Below... Eclipse Power plus Power of the People. Woo-HOO! As I sat out in my mountain sanctuary witnessing the Dark swallow the Light, then seeing the LIGHT reappear; I knew we were Victorious. Soooo Symbolic. Then the meditation followed as I could barely breathe from the magnitude of it all. The connection to ALL Light workers/RM//GF/COBRA was beyond brilliant. I shook and cried and felt a love/light bigger than I have ever known. WE DID IT! Then I heard within my soul, the words, "It is Finished". And so it is... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT EVENT...NOW, please!
I have never felt such beautiful energy as I felt today. A couple hours before the meditation I began to feel it. Also the eclipse was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. It is a wonderful and glorious day!
Pink fire that rippled across the planet like waves. I felt it circulating and it was PHENOMENAL!! Take THAT veil! Im so in love with everything right now 😘💞 to you all
Victory of the light! I felt an overwhelming sense of complete victory, harmony, and euphoria today during our Unity meditation -- I have never felt such powerful emotions during or after a session in my life. Tears of joy would not stop flowing down my face, even hours after the fact. Fantastic, I am so proud of everyone.
In addition the American Civil War is "present" because the eclipse traces a route dividing/joining the north and south of the USA... and of the world!
Hi Kate, I'm sooooo happy that others have started posting songs and that there's music all over this blog now. The more music the better, is what I say :-)
My Higher Self had something planned before the meditation even started, you can find my celebration songs at the very top ;-)
I totally adore that song you just posted, I shared as well some time ago. Also thank you for the Eurythmics tune and the GaiaPortal UpDate. Saw that just minutes after it was published earlier today and thought that somebody would certainly share it on here. And you did.
Freedom December 2017? I take it this will be an event/ascension meditation 21st-24th..... solstice/meteor shower. Slightly before this that "short but intense war" as controllers try and start a big war.
The meditation was so powerful! A magnificent sight the planet was lit, kind of odd but basket weaving comes to mind. Beautiful & intricate.. The pink heart energy, cotton candy...This energy went deep into many, to find an emotional match.. love buried deep & forgotten, until today.. Love you all~
It was a great feeling, and powerful energy! Thank you for everyone, and thank you for Cobra to inspire all light worker to unite, and create better life to our children !
Thank you humanity, for choosing LOVE even in the middle of all this chaos! How brave and strong we are, nothing can stop us now! I´m so happy! Light and love to all! DIVINE PEACE and ABUNDANCE are ours!
Do Brasil para o mundo. Estava com vocês nesta "Vitória da Luz". Estamos unidos no amor. Somos todos UM. Muito feliz em estar com vocês nesta maravilhosa experiência. Obrigada a cada um que se juntou doando o melhor de si mesmo. VITÓRIA DA LUZ.
Our Unity Meditation was very powerful !!! victory of LIGHT !! all were awesome ! I hope to make much more if I can to achieve great changes on our mother Earth ! thank you Cobra !!!without you, your huge care and work for us, all these achievements could not be reached ever !
I'm so grateful! My daughter, brother and I joined the meditation directly after viewing the incredible total eclipse. The guided meditation was beautiful and my 11 year old was able to follow for the entirety . The whole event - eclipse/meditation was magnificent. I felt everyone around the world uniting!
I did the meditation at the proper time. I saw our unity/earth as a child pressed against the chest of Source. Our hearts to hearts, eyes to eyes suckling on the wisdom of Truth and Love. Wrapped in the blanket to the Solar System and Universe. The Sun and Moon in our hearts. This entire image in my heart. Then, there was green and pink haze clouding before my eyes. I was shown beautiful, peaceful scenes of desert, wheat fields, forest, mountains, and ocean. Then, 40 minutes later, the day turned to night as I live in the path. I held the visions again until it was over. So Lovey!
Love and gratitude to all, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, light warriors, light workers, angels, and to the source of all. Thank you all.
thank you to all of you, our pleiadean parents/mentors, their mentors, the central source, all benevolent races and our beloved gaia what a joyfully profound step!
Victory of love and of the people! Incredible energy emanating from Gaia during the eclipse. Thank you Cobra and all Earth and Galactic family!!! So much love to you all.
In the meditation, after the primary "round" I was guided into the unconscious of Earth - Through the eclipse. There the unity was layered into the collective unconscious , and the healing energy or light was injected into the collective unconscious. There are no differences in work of light. Only an illusion of differences in the light workers. Peace !
<3 LOVE! We made it. Here is to hope the positive ones have heard and seen us today and will decide to finally aid us; appear; become visible.. <3 <3 <3
Translated to spanish Traducidoo al castellano https://cobracastellano.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/reporte-preliminario-de-la-meditacion-de-unidad/
BONUS: Síntomas durante la meditación del Eclipse 21 Agosto 2017 https://cobracastellano.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/sintomas-durante-la-meditacion-del-eclipse-21-agosto-2017/
Had a little group gathering of almost 20 people, which was great. Channeled a message from the Council of Light and at 20:11, Paris/Amsterdam time, we did the Unity Meditation together. Immediately after the Council told us critical mass was reached. Victory! <3
We did the mediation at 4am this morning and went back to bed.I am at work today and that song has been stuck on repeat on the player all morning. I now know why it was stuck ... Thank you
Yay!!! I have been excited for weeks and telling most people I know (and many responding with that wide-eyed "are you crazy?" look, ha ha!). Tremendous gratitude to all above/below/on the surface who participated. We held the light here in Denver with a goddess group of lightworkers/warriors I organized at my home, including my 15-year-old daughter who I kept out of school today. She was a bit concerned about missing her AP World History class, but I reminded her that history classes would soon be rewritten anyway and that what she was doing today was actually MAKING history! Our group all felt the powerful energies; I had an ear-to-ear smile and tears of joy as we finished the meditation because I just KNEW! Very much look forward to hearing the full report Cobra!
Infinite blessings to you and your daughter my dear brother, what exctraordinary people you are, endless love and light from our beloved Creator are with you always, directly from the deepest of your so sincere hearts. ;)
I know it's usually RaJah who posts music videos for us, but I'm so excited I want to share a few very appropriate-for-today music videos in celebration of our success!
“All Around the World” by TajMo/Taj Mahal & Keb Mo: https://youtu.be/g44WzaSwnbI
“International Peace Anthem” by Om At Last: https://youtu.be/JQoDWcnrQ2A
Thank you, HeartLight. I just LOVE the fact that so many of you are spreading positive Energy by posting Music on here now. I got *so much* criticism when I started doing it, and now everybody does it - SO GREAT! The more the better, please keep those tunes coming :-)
A week ago I posted the TajMo song on Facebook, stating that it's "quite possibly the best song ever."
Music is the Universal language of Love, thank you All for spreading it and singing out loud.
My wife and I are humbled to have participated in perhaps the most important action we could do on this 3D earth. We are so happy critical mass was achieved..144k plus is great news and now I assume more positive energies are coming to earth help more awaken. Victory of the Light my fellow light beings!
hey.. you consciously wanted to participate.. that for me still counts.. in between those distractions u still added ur 2cents.. if not ur higher self made sure it did ;)
Seriously I nagged and reminded and cheered and...nagged more. Everyone i knew pushed and pushed. Im glad everyone else did the same. We are ready We are doing it!
We and my husband were there with you.we also got up at 4am I was so excited when we finished it was hard to go back to sleep. I am so grateful to have been a part of this well worth setting the alarm and getting up
Gracias ♥️ Cobra ♥️ RM ♥️ Lightworkers ♥️ Somos un solo corazón ♥️ Una sola conciencia unida♥️ Un solo espíritu ♥️ Un unidad múltiple perfecta de amor y luz ♥️ Gotas en el océano profundo ♥️ El cielo infinito ♥️ La luz de la luz ♥️ El amor del amor .. Victoria de la luz ♥️🙏🏼☀️🌎☀️🙏🏼♥️
Absolutely brilliant!!!! I feel privileged and thankful to have been a part of this. Thanks for EVERYTHING COBRA and everyone else who has helped in their own significant way in making this Earth a better place.... much love and light :-)
We had a group gathered at the Quan Yin Center in Sedona, and many joined us by teleconference. Quan Yin was channeled, and guided us through empowerment and through the meditation. She was in tears of joy that we had all created this magnificent success together. I saw the earth blast open into a portal of light with golden pink spirals up into to cosmos. The air in Sedona now feels thick with light, like the fabric of our reality has shifted. Amazing, powerful, successful job lightworkers. We are magnificent together!!!! Well done!!
The other night I had a dream it was odd to say the least.
I dreamed I was restrained by ropes sitting in front of a camp fire. There were two other people there also tied up.
Then a tall slender male walked up until I could make out his features. He appeared to be Native American with long black hair and old time dress. He said to me you are a warrior, stand up and prepare to fight with us. I looked at him incredulously. I'm an old woman. I'm not a warrior. He tipped his head back and laughed and laughed until tears ran down his creeks.
I haven't felt such laughter before. He said. My brother wishes to speak with you rainbow warrior.
Another tall male approached. This one was muscled and had a scowl to match. He had a scar on his face. He was intimidating. As he walked closer I could see flashes of light from his eyes. He stood before me and glowered. You are a rainbow warrior, you will come now and fight. I stood up and frowned at him.
I'm tied up and I'm an old woman. I said.
He shook his head. You are powerful. Free yourself. Coyote you called me here to speak to this warrior and she makes excuses.
The other man laughed. She is who she is but she makes me laugh. He said. Then Coyote looked at me. Don't make my brother angry his thunder and lightening could destroy us all. Then he laughed again.
I woke up shaking.
I'm not Native American, I'm an old white woman. I don't know the myths of the people. So I looked up who Coyote was but could not find a reference to his brother. I think we all need to protect this earth. From what I have read we are all potential rainbow warriors. So we must look everyday for ways to help the planet and the sleeping masses.
I just witnessed a double rainbow hours after our successful meditation in des moines Iowa. A family member pointed it out to me after a rainy day and it for sure resonated with me!!
Thank you to the light and love of all...I felt the energy extremely during this mediation. This morning the sun is shining here in the middle of winter for the first time in months. We are truly shining. Much love to all.
I'm not sure if this pic will come through but I was trying different methods to get a good eclipse pic and on this eclipse selfie a few minutes after the meditation you can make out a pink and blue circle next to the sun! Right then I knew. Thank you all!!!
Good stuff, lets show compassion and forgiveness to the fallen ones on their way out. Lets do the same with their earthly followers once the tower collapses - they will need the opportunity to make things right and redeem themselves.
wohoo!!! Victory of the light!
DeleteHow does Cobra know we reached critical mass i hope this isn't a silly question.
Deletethe ones up knows who is naughty n who is not. :)
DeleteWhatever you did , the god knows. Same
DeleteThere is no such thing as a silly or stupid question. All inquiries are equally important. Hope this helps :)
DeleteWe more than meet critical mass.I felt it was a huge blanket of prayer meditation ,felt around the world.I felt it as I prayed I could only hold it for ten minutes .
DeleteBut felt very sufficient,VERY.
Victorious is the Light.
Time for the Dark to fully implode ...their time to leave is NOW !
May all slaves in this universe be freed.
Watch trust and you shall see!!!
DeleteI have the same question! ;P
ReplyDeleteThis truly is a beautful dayyyy ♥
Come Together - and We DID!!!
You are great! I saw all of you light up and make Gaia shine bright as the Sun.
I Love You All ♥ ♥ ♥
DeleteWe're Moving On Up Now
Getting out of the darkness
Our Light Shines On
Lots of Love and Light
Hooray! Victory of the light!
ReplyDeleteyes !!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLoveLight blessings from Iceland, Thank you all, Victory of the Light <3
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank You from Portugal!
Bom de saber que somos muitos!
ReplyDeleteEveryone, my heart goes out to all of you!!! Thank you for participating and deciding to "be" the change in the world that we want to say! We did it!!!
Thank you too! Much love to all
DeleteBeautiful! Looking forward to it!
ReplyDeletevitoria da luz!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes! I knew it! It was a very powerful meditation! Victory of the Light!
ReplyDelete((( ♥ )))
ReplyDelete((( ♥ ))) Fa ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome news. I've been waiting years to hear it. Can't wait for the report! <3
ReplyDeleteWell obviously, even "critical mass" is not enough to trigger "the event",... & so "get confey", & "keep on waiting",... because our 3D friends here on "earth" are so "asleep" it's going to take a truckload or "miracles" for them to "awaken",...
DeleteThanks thanks thanks <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteДа. Я почувствовал, Это было принято.
ReplyDeleteVitória da luz !!! Boas notícias !!!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes yes Victory to the Light
ReplyDeleteVitória da luz !!! Boas notícias !!! Obrigado Brasil !!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! Tears of Joy
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEstamos juntos! Vitoria da Luz!!
DeleteVitória da Luz!!!!
DeleteVitória da luz! 🇧🇷❤️
DeleteÉ isso aí!! AMOR e LUZ para todos! Vencemos! Uhhuuuu
DeleteHa um movimento a cumprir, se até lá não houver sido acionado o evento e isto estará imbuido nesta onda energetica e que envolve a divulgação.
DeleteRecebi o texto abaixo por meio de um app de mensagens txt.
🔴 Mobilização começa a tomar vulto na Internet
É, o clima lembra o período que antecedeu a revolução francesa. O terceiro estado (povo esclarecido) clama por justiça.
Há uma enorme movimentação pela internet para reunir um milhão de pessoas na Avenida Paulista pela demissão de toda a classe política (ainda sem data marcada).
Este e-mail de convocação já começou a circular e está sendo lido por centenas de milhares de pessoas. É importante que você repasse para todos os seus contatos.
*A guerra contra o mau político, e contra a degradação da nação está começando.* Não subestimem o povo esclarecido que começa a sair da inércia e de sua zona de conforto para lutar por um Brasil melhor.
Todos os ''governantes'' do Brasil, até aqui, falam em cortes de despesas - mas NÃO CORTAM despesas - querem o aumentos de impostos como se já não fôssemos o campeão mundial em impostos. A história nos mostra que muitos governantes caíram e até perderam suas cabeças exatamente por isto.
*Nenhum governante fala em:*
🔴 Reduzir as mordomias (gabinetes, secretárias, adjuntos, assessores, suportes burocráticos respectivos, carros, motoristas, 14º e 15º salários etc.) dos poderes da República.
🔴 Redução do número de deputados da Câmara Federal, e seus gabinetes, profissionalizando-os como nos países sérios. Acabar com as mordomias na Câmara, Senado e Ministérios, como almoços opíparos, com digestivos e outras libações, tudo à custa do povo;
🔴 Acabar com centenas de Institutos Públicos e Fundações Públicas que não servem para nada e, têm funcionários e administradores com 2º e 3º emprego.
🔴 Redução drástica da quantidade de vereadores, acabar com os salários de vereadores, diminuir os gastos das Câmaras Municipais e das Assembleias Estaduais.
🔴 Acabar com o Financiamento aos partidos, que devem viver da quotização dos seus associados e da imaginação que aos outros exigem, para conseguirem verbas para as suas atividades; Aliás, 5 partidos apenas, seria mais que suficiente.
🔴 Acabar com a distribuição de carros a Presidentes, Assessores, etc., das Câmaras, Juntas, etc.
🔴 Acabar com os motoristas particulares 24 h/dia, com o agravamento das horas extraordinárias para servir suas excelências, filhos e famílias e até, as ex-famílias.
🔴 Acabar com a renovação sistemática de frotas de carros do Estado;
🔴 Colocar chapas de identificação em todos os carros do Estado. Não permitir de modo algum que carros oficiais façam serviço particular tal como levar e trazer familiares e filhos às escolas, ir ao mercado, a compras, etc.
🔴 Fazer um levantamento geral e minucioso de todos os que ocuparam cargos políticos, central e local, de forma a saber qual o seu patrimônio antes e depois?
Já que esses nossos políticos e governantes não querem fazer as reformas de fato, não querem passar o Brasil a limpo, cabe a nós, povo esclarecido, fazer isto através da mobilização em massa e indo para as ruas (sem vandalismo, sem Black Blocs, que são contra a sociedade) manifestar a nossa insatisfação.
Vamos juntos, vamos mostrar que no Brasil o povo esclarecido pode realmente mudar o rumo da história, já que pelas urnas vai ser difícil, por motivos óbvios.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
SP Av paulista
RJ Av Atlântica e Central Av Rio Branco
N tenho confirmação de outros pontos.
Tornemos viral irmãos irmãs
Nós somos verdadeiros Brasileiros da terra, a terra é sagrada e a federação é outra coisa, ela precisa ir e ser dissolvida.
Esse pensamento esta tomando força e irá se manifestar em nosso país, Luz para o Brasil amigo.
DeleteThanks is good to know that we reached the critical mass, AGAIN, two times in the same year /fuck yeah/ face it "darky-forces" in your face, haahaha
ReplyDeleteI will wait for the report, but something is not right
YAAAAYYYYY! Love you ALL!! Thank you
ReplyDeleteYessss!!! We make it... love for all
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Hopefully we'll see breakthroughs shortly.
ReplyDeleteCobra YOU did it! I love you <3
ReplyDeleteThis is the first one I didn't miss, looks like I pushed us over the edge. Your Welcome ;) <3
ReplyDeleteThis was an important one and all of us were that person that put us over the edge! Yippeee! :-)
DeleteGreat moment .. love ya all :-*
ReplyDeleteGreat work everybody! :)
ReplyDeleteFeels like we are approaching the end of the road...
Big BOOM and short but intense eartquake at Ischia island where there is an IN-OUT channel for INNER EARTH.
ReplyDeleteThis in coincidence of Eclipse-Meditation
Wooohooo!!! Victory of the Light!!!
ReplyDeleteYESSS ! WE DID IT !!! WE DID IT AGAIN !!!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!!!
This was surely UNITY of Heaven and Earth working together. As Above, So Below...
ReplyDeleteEclipse Power plus Power of the People. Woo-HOO!
As I sat out in my mountain sanctuary witnessing the Dark swallow the Light, then seeing the LIGHT reappear; I knew we were Victorious. Soooo Symbolic. Then the meditation followed as I could barely breathe from the magnitude of it all. The connection to ALL Light workers/RM//GF/COBRA was beyond brilliant. I shook and cried and felt a love/light bigger than I have ever known.
Then I heard within my soul, the words, "It is Finished".
And so it is...
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
EVENT...NOW, please!
..love and light..thanks to all of us.. :)
ReplyDeleteVictory to the light and love for all humanity
ReplyDeleteThe meditation was wonderful!
ReplyDeleteWohoooooooo!!! ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖
ReplyDeleteThe Event Now!
ReplyDeleteNova Earth now <3
Victory of the light!
How sweeeeet it is!
ReplyDeleteYes Earth family !! I feel so excited! Much love and thanks to everyone... Blessings Cobra
I have never felt such beautiful energy as I felt today. A couple hours before the meditation I began to feel it. Also the eclipse was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. It is a wonderful and glorious day!
ReplyDeleteMais uma vez!!! Vitoria da luz!!!
ReplyDeletePink fire that rippled across the planet like waves. I felt it circulating and it was PHENOMENAL!! Take THAT veil!
ReplyDeleteIm so in love with everything right now 😘💞 to you all
Victory of the Light !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light! I felt an overwhelming sense of complete victory, harmony, and euphoria today during our Unity meditation -- I have never felt such powerful emotions during or after a session in my life. Tears of joy would not stop flowing down my face, even hours after the fact. Fantastic, I am so proud of everyone.
ReplyDeleteLuv you!
DeleteBig BOOM and short but intense eartquake at Ischia island where there is an IN-OUT channel for INNER EARTH.
ReplyDeleteThis in coincidence of Eclipse-Meditation
found this link about tge island... not sure if it dies any justice to it...
thx for the current ebent tip , unknown
I am so glad I was working on this and glad we have succeeded things are now going to change for the better
I knew it, I know you could feel it too!
ReplyDeleteCome together right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A1D7GgKyM0
Love to all. Humanity wins :)
ReplyDelete<3 <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI knew we did it! I felt the intensity building the last few days and I was fully engaged today.
ReplyDeleteMy birthday is today 8/21, on this eclipse, and..
I am 42 today (21 x 2) so the numerology was very powerful! for me all around.
Firey Leo eclipse numerological alignment. It was powerful!!
So glad we did it!!!!! Victory of the Light!!!!!
What a great birthday gift! Planetary liberation!! Woohoo!
Deletehappy birthday kid
DeleteVictory to Sacred Unity !!!
August 21 at 11:11 am reflects some historical events:
ReplyDeleteThe American Revolution of July 4, 1776, i.e., 7+4:1+7+7+6 = 11:21 = 2:3 = 5
WTC attack of sept 11, 2001, i.e., 9+1+1:2+0+0+1 = 11:21 = 2:3 = 5
5 = freedom, adventure and healing!
In addition the American Civil War is "present" because the eclipse traces a route dividing/joining the north and south of the USA... and of the world!
Milky way = Healing way!
So happy to hear
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light! and soon!!
We have achieved!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!
Oh my! Sooooo excited.Speechless....
Beautiful!!! Tears of joy dear Brothers and Sisters!! Thank to all who participated in this meditation... Victoria de la Luz!! Liberacion Ahora!!
ReplyDeleteBefore our resident DJ Rajah plays his tunes here's another good feeling song.
Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers
DeleteHi Kate,
I'm sooooo happy that others have started posting songs and that there's music all over this blog now.
The more music the better, is what I say :-)
My Higher Self had something planned before the meditation even started, you can find my celebration songs at the very top ;-)
I totally adore that song you just posted, I shared as well some time ago.
Also thank you for the Eurythmics tune and the GaiaPortal UpDate. Saw that just minutes after it was published earlier today and thought that somebody would certainly share it on here.
And you did.
Wonderful TeamWork once again.
Big Hugs
Maravilha. Feliz pela vitória da Luz e por ter sido parte deste
ReplyDeleteInstante Santo.
Thanks so much everyone!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra❤️
Thank you everyone❤️
Just one more as I'm so high with joy right now!
Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)
Freedom December 2017? I take it this will be an event/ascension meditation 21st-24th..... solstice/meteor shower. Slightly before this that "short but intense war" as controllers try and start a big war.
ReplyDelete:-) <3
ReplyDeleteThe meditation was so powerful! A magnificent sight the planet was lit, kind of odd but basket weaving comes to mind. Beautiful & intricate.. The pink heart energy, cotton candy...This energy went deep into many, to find an emotional match.. love buried deep & forgotten, until today.. Love you all~
ReplyDeleteIn my meditation I visualized the earth wrapped in pink cotton candy ;)
DeleteIt's done
ReplyDeleteIt's done
And so it is!
With deep gratitude for allies in seen and felt realms
Victory of the Light!
Vittoria della Luce dalla Sicilia!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was a goosebumps moment
ReplyDeleteWhat a great EVENT !
We did it !!!
It was a great feeling, and powerful energy! Thank you for everyone, and thank you for Cobra to inspire all light worker to unite, and create better life to our children !
ReplyDeleteThank you humanity, for choosing LOVE even in the middle of all this chaos! How brave and strong we are, nothing can stop us now! I´m so happy! Light and love to all! DIVINE PEACE and ABUNDANCE are ours!
ReplyDeleteDo Brasil para o mundo. Estava com vocês nesta "Vitória da Luz". Estamos unidos no amor. Somos todos UM. Muito feliz em estar com vocês nesta maravilhosa experiência. Obrigada a cada um que se juntou doando o melhor de si mesmo. VITÓRIA DA LUZ.
DeleteTão feliz!
Devi winner 💕
ReplyDeleteVictory of light 💓😇🔱
I felt the unity , a truly powerful meditation. Thank you to all of you, Thank you Cobra. Love to you all from France !
ReplyDeleteThanks to you too!!
DeleteVictoire a la lumiere! Thank you Cobra! Love for everyone!
ReplyDeleteJust had to repost this GaiaPortal, it's so amazing!
Flights of Condors intertwine with Eagles.
Cosmics align with the meeting.
Stellar manipulations come to an end.
The calendars are set.
How wonderful, thankyou for helping us to come together in a unified mefitation. ♡♡♡
DeleteOur Unity Meditation was very powerful !!! victory of LIGHT !! all were awesome ! I hope to make much more if I can to achieve great changes on our mother Earth ! thank you Cobra !!!without you, your huge care and work for us, all these achievements could not be reached ever !
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful! My daughter, brother and I joined the meditation directly after viewing the incredible total eclipse. The guided meditation was beautiful and my 11 year old was able to follow for the entirety . The whole event - eclipse/meditation was magnificent. I felt everyone around the world uniting!
ReplyDeleteI did the meditation at the proper time. I saw our unity/earth as a child pressed against the chest of Source. Our hearts to hearts, eyes to eyes suckling on the wisdom of Truth and Love. Wrapped in the blanket to the Solar System and Universe. The Sun and Moon in our hearts. This entire image in my heart. Then, there was green and pink haze clouding before my eyes. I was shown beautiful, peaceful scenes of desert, wheat fields, forest, mountains, and ocean. Then, 40 minutes later, the day turned to night as I live in the path. I held the visions again until it was over. So Lovey!
DeleteLove and gratitude to all, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, light warriors, light workers, angels, and to the source of all. Thank you all.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, wonderful!!
ReplyDeletethank you to all of you, our pleiadean parents/mentors, their mentors, the central source, all benevolent races and our beloved gaia what a joyfully profound step!
ReplyDeleteVictory of love and of the people! Incredible energy emanating from Gaia during the eclipse. Thank you Cobra and all Earth and Galactic family!!! So much love to you all.
ReplyDeleteIn the meditation, after the primary "round" I was guided into the unconscious of Earth - Through the eclipse. There the unity was layered into the collective unconscious , and the healing energy or light was injected into the collective unconscious. There are no differences in work of light. Only an illusion of differences in the light workers. Peace !
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Victory of the light! Prophecy fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES!!!!! Iam so happy, Thank you all.
ReplyDeleteI am singing!! Awesome news.
ReplyDelete<3 LOVE! We made it.
ReplyDeleteHere is to hope the positive ones have heard and seen us today and will decide to finally aid us; appear; become visible.. <3 <3 <3
Translated to spanish
ReplyDeleteTraducidoo al castellano
Síntomas durante la meditación del Eclipse 21 Agosto 2017
great job. is awesome knowing you guys/gals have formed the bridge between Cobra and the spanish speaking community. congrats
DeleteHad a little group gathering of almost 20 people, which was great. Channeled a message from the Council of Light and at 20:11, Paris/Amsterdam time, we did the Unity Meditation together. Immediately after the Council told us critical mass was reached. Victory! <3
DeleteSo much love ❤️ to you all!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light!!
good job everybody! looking forward to hear the good news Cobra has.
ReplyDeleteGood news!
ReplyDeleteThe entire universe is smiling.
ReplyDeleteNew innocence
in me/us
You are a true friend. Thank you so much Cobra!
I liked it. Make me happy
Delete@Rajah join /o/
DeleteBeautiful, Orange Juice.
Not by coincidence I had an Empire Of The Sun song in my head when I went to bed last night.
So please allow me to accept leo's invitation to join in.
We Are The People who rule the World
A Force within every Boy and Girl
Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All
A Total Eclipse of the Heart :)
DeleteWe did the mediation at 4am this morning and went back to bed.I am at work today and that song has been stuck on repeat on the player all morning. I now know why it was stuck ... Thank you
DeleteOmg I am at work this morning the mediation was at 4am here in aust and that song has been stuck on the player all morning. I now know why. Thank you
DeleteYay!!! I have been excited for weeks and telling most people I know (and many responding with that wide-eyed "are you crazy?" look, ha ha!). Tremendous gratitude to all above/below/on the surface who participated. We held the light here in Denver with a goddess group of lightworkers/warriors I organized at my home, including my 15-year-old daughter who I kept out of school today. She was a bit concerned about missing her AP World History class, but I reminded her that history classes would soon be rewritten anyway and that what she was doing today was actually MAKING history! Our group all felt the powerful energies; I had an ear-to-ear smile and tears of joy as we finished the meditation because I just KNEW! Very much look forward to hearing the full report Cobra!
ReplyDeleteso beautiful <3
DeleteInfinite blessings to you and your daughter my dear brother, what exctraordinary people you are, endless love and light from our beloved Creator are with you always, directly from the deepest of your so sincere hearts. ;)
DeleteThank out to your group and daughter! XXOO
DeleteI know it's usually RaJah who posts music videos for us, but I'm so excited I want to share a few very appropriate-for-today music videos in celebration of our success!
ReplyDelete“All Around the World” by TajMo/Taj Mahal & Keb Mo:
“International Peace Anthem” by Om At Last:
Victory of the Light!
DeleteThank you, HeartLight.
I just LOVE the fact that so many of you are spreading positive Energy by posting Music on here now.
I got *so much* criticism when I started doing it, and now everybody does it - SO GREAT!
The more the better, please keep those tunes coming :-)
A week ago I posted the TajMo song on Facebook, stating that it's "quite possibly the best song ever."
Music is the Universal language of Love, thank you All for spreading it and singing out loud.
You're amazing and I love you all
Remember your mission. The eclipse is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. This is why we are here.
yihaaaa... ������ we did it!!! cant wait to hear the good news..�� love to you all and my peace and freedom come to this beautiful earth❤
ReplyDeleteI felt and saw us all, flooding the Earth with beautiful Goddess energy and I just knew we made it! Thank you all!
ReplyDeleteLove and Light from Budapest, Hungary
thumbs up Hungary!
Deletecritical mass and then some i am sure the largest ever.
ReplyDeleteWe will NOT stop till full liberation is achieved.
ReplyDeleteThank you all great light holders.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Love to all my brothers and sisters. Victory is ours!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light!
Love an Light to all! I am grateful for all the effort everyone has put into this!!!!
ReplyDeleteMany of us meditated in Costa Rica! Every little bit counts! Thank you to all who meditated. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you!
DeleteCosta Rica onboard!! nice :) a big-oh wave from US to u all.
DeleteMy wife and I are humbled to have participated in perhaps the most important action we could do on this 3D earth. We are so happy critical mass was achieved..144k plus is great news and now I assume more positive energies are coming to earth help more awaken. Victory of the Light my fellow light beings!
ReplyDelete~~Very good vibes~~ throughout the meditation, lets hope we indeed achieved some tangible results :)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to meditate but work caught up on me and i didnt have time to do it... i am very sorry but good to hear that we did it :)
ReplyDeletehey.. you consciously wanted to participate.. that for me still counts.. in between those distractions u still added ur 2cents.. if not ur higher self made sure it did ;)
DeleteI feel a new energy in has come in the wake of the eclipse. It's like a new frequency turned on shortly after the eclipse ended.
ReplyDeleteSeriously I nagged and reminded and cheered and...nagged more. Everyone i knew pushed and pushed. Im glad everyone else did the same. We are ready We are doing it!
ReplyDeleteMe and my partner got up at 4am to do this meditation! Was 4.11am this part of Australia. Yay! :)
ReplyDeleteI was the same. Got up at 4:11am in Melbourne to do the meditation! Hopefully The Event is around the corner.
DeleteWe and my husband were there with you.we also got up at 4am I was so excited when we finished it was hard to go back to sleep. I am so grateful to have been a part of this well worth setting the alarm and getting up
Deletethumbs up
DeleteGracias ♥️ Cobra ♥️ RM ♥️ Lightworkers ♥️
ReplyDeleteSomos un solo corazón ♥️ Una sola conciencia unida♥️ Un solo espíritu ♥️ Un unidad múltiple perfecta de amor y luz ♥️ Gotas en el océano profundo ♥️ El cielo infinito ♥️ La luz de la luz ♥️ El amor del amor .. Victoria de la luz ♥️🙏🏼☀️🌎☀️🙏🏼♥️
I feel a new energy in has come in the wake of the eclipse. It's like a new frequency turned on shortly after the eclipse ended.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much everyone! My love to all of you.
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Let us hope our Ascension is at hand!
ReplyDeleteMay the love of our Creator shine bright within us!
WOOHOOO!!!! thank you all...! Love you all...!
ReplyDeleteThank you everything.
ReplyDeleteYay Yay Yay that's the Way that's the Way!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewhohoo! my friend and i did the meditation so happy we could contribute to make the 144
ReplyDeletewoohoo! my friend and I meditated and were happy to contribute to the 144, peace and love wins ha ha! ;-)
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant!!!! I feel privileged and thankful to have been a part of this. Thanks for EVERYTHING COBRA and everyone else who has helped in their own significant way in making this Earth a better place.... much love and light :-)
ReplyDeleteScott --- Melbourne, Australia
We had a group gathered at the Quan Yin Center in Sedona, and many joined us by teleconference. Quan Yin was channeled, and guided us through empowerment and through the meditation. She was in tears of joy that we had all created this magnificent success together. I saw the earth blast open into a portal of light with golden pink spirals up into to cosmos. The air in Sedona now feels thick with light, like the fabric of our reality has shifted. Amazing, powerful, successful job lightworkers. We are magnificent together!!!! Well done!!
ReplyDeleteyes ! Yes ! Victory of the light, thank you Cobra for the wonderful news.
ReplyDeleteThe other night I had a dream it was odd to say the least.
ReplyDeleteI dreamed I was restrained by ropes sitting in front of a camp fire. There were two other people there also tied up.
Then a tall slender male walked up until I could make out his features. He appeared to be Native American with long black hair and old time dress. He said to me you are a warrior, stand up and prepare to fight with us. I looked at him incredulously. I'm an old woman. I'm not a warrior. He tipped his head back and laughed and laughed until tears ran down his creeks.
I haven't felt such laughter before. He said. My brother wishes to speak with you rainbow warrior.
Another tall male approached. This one was muscled and had a scowl to match. He had a scar on his face. He was intimidating. As he walked closer I could see flashes of light from his eyes. He stood before me and glowered. You are a rainbow warrior, you will come now and fight. I stood up and frowned at him.
I'm tied up and I'm an old woman. I said.
He shook his head. You are powerful. Free yourself. Coyote you called me here to speak to this warrior and she makes excuses.
The other man laughed. She is who she is but she makes me laugh. He said. Then Coyote looked at me. Don't make my brother angry his thunder and lightening could destroy us all. Then he laughed again.
I woke up shaking.
I'm not Native American, I'm an old white woman. I don't know the myths of the people. So I looked up who Coyote was but could not find a reference to his brother. I think we all need to protect this earth. From what I have read we are all potential rainbow warriors. So we must look everyday for ways to help the planet and the sleeping masses.
ReplyDeleteI knew you do this, I really did. Two days ago My Higher Self told me that "they've GOT THIS, they will DO IT."
We told you so many ties that YOU'RE THE VOICE.
And you proved it :-)
Lovin' every minute 'cause you make me feel SO ALIVE
Lots of Love and Light, You Champions!
God bless you Cobra for not keeping us hanging in suspense and letting us know so soon! 😀🙏🏻💕
ReplyDeleteYes, this truly is a beautful dayyyy ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you !
I just witnessed a double rainbow hours after our successful meditation in des moines Iowa. A family member pointed it out to me after a rainy day and it for sure resonated with me!!
ReplyDeleteVictory! May we all now have truth, peace and harmony. Namaste!
ReplyDeleteThank you to the light and love of all...I felt the energy extremely during this mediation. This morning the sun is shining here in the middle of winter for the first time in months. We are truly shining. Much love to all.
ReplyDeleteOhh wow victory of the light
ReplyDeleteAnything less than announcing the Event is happening won't be very good news.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if this pic will come through but I was trying different methods to get a good eclipse pic and on this eclipse selfie a few minutes after the meditation you can make out a pink and blue circle next to the sun! Right then I knew. Thank you all!!!
Victory of the light
ReplyDeleteLove you all!
It's been a long and challenging journey. The human race shall now focus on the solar flash and than Ascension. For God and Earth.
ReplyDeleteI'm sooooo happy we did it!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVitória da Luz!!!
Good stuff, lets show compassion and forgiveness to the fallen ones on their way out. Lets do the same with their earthly followers once the tower collapses - they will need the opportunity to make things right and redeem themselves.
ReplyDeletehey every effort is welcome.. good job