Same here. The solstice meditation was great too. Hopefully the executive order against human trafficking and corruption Trump signed today will pave the way for the arrests once the Toplet bombs are sufficiently removed✨
Buzzing in your ears? Me too, for months up to now. I went to many doctors, examinations.. even a contrasted Magnetic Resonance in the head/ears, which Medical report I should only know by February. I really want to know more about this feeling in my ears, especially on the left one. No pain. Only buzzing and a weird sensation on it. What do you think about guys? (From Sao Paulo, Brazil)
If that is tinnitus, some magnesium should fix it, I'll recommend D-Stress. But you guys probably not talking about that ;), I know this buzzing in the ear, but for me it's usually really short and occasional.
I am from austria and i have this buzzing in both ears for over the last two years. It came after a mediation. If you talk about that all people think it is a tinitus but this is not possible.
Guys, this buzz is/was expected, as the frequency of Earth is being adjusted and so are ours own. A part of that, we are being openend for wide communications. Look for that, it's absolutely an expected symptom. I'm having it for months as well.
I’ve had continual tinnitus in both ears for several years, and always figured it was because of the work I used to do. Then about a year ago it became consistently “louder”, not painful, but really frustrating! In the last several months though, I’ve noticed some changes ... after the eclipse in August the sound became higher pitched, but the volume fluctuated. Since November it has ceased completely in my right ear! .. now only in my left ear, same high-pitched tone, but at a more steady volume....
I have ringing in my ears; buzzing in my ears; people talking, like at a party where it's just general conversation hum; and chamber music. Everything but the ringing has almost stopped since doing the Solstice Meditation and that has reduced considerably.
These are code-names for >>special activations<< To understand this better here is an excerpt from previous post on RR6:
"The turning point of this Window of opportunity will be on January 21st next year with a special activation codenamed RR6, which is important for the Resistance Movement and not so much for the surface population."
Yeah! That sounds like something! Can´t wait no more, can´t stand no more! Best Christmas present 4 all beings here will be liberation! (also from ignorance;)
In numerology, 9 represents an ending. Something must end before that which follows (a new beginning) can occur. Trump, for example, is the 45th president; 4+5 is 9 and therefor the opportunity exists for his administration to be the last before some type of new beginning. I am optimistic.
Nine also represents spiritual rebirth and the power of the Ankh. Zero is the number of transcendence and wholeness. Going back to "one" which follows zero is the new beginning.
However to skip zero and go from 9 -> 1 is a crisis. Rebirth without the transcendence phase is always a disaster.
Zero hour is the event when humanity transcends into a completely new age. Be of good cheer we are almost there.
I would like to share tiny little experiences here. Yesterday when I went to buy a few things in hurry I saw Babaji (as he looks on the real photograph shared by Paramahamsa Vishvananda) letting slide down through me a golden equilateral cross with a red heart into Gaias heart. And at the shop there are those little "seperators" where you put things on the table, so the cashier knows which things belong to you or the next person. On those "seperators" (I call it like that right now) was written: "Nothing can seperate us ❤️". I looked behind me if someone was following me, because that was kinda scary ;) (not really! ;) :D). I smiled to heaven. After todays meditations I saw a rest of Yaldabaoth entity being further pulled out of Gaia and I saw (please sit down) a real big fur. Silly laugh.... I mean.....kkkkhhhhh.........and further I again saw a equiliteral cross with those round ends, the core of the entity being wrapped around the cross.
Thank you for your unconditional love - for all of us, Cobra. Thank you for guiding us into the light. Thank you for your eternal patience -even enforced, more or less.
COBRA..HOW MANY RR ARE .... ???? Sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015 RR7 completo, 12:21 inicializado Publicado por Cobra a las 3:21 a.m. 2015-RR7...2016-RR8...2017-RR9...RR10::????
another one from today: PRESS RELEASES United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe DECEMBER 21, 2017 New Executive Order Implements Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, Provides for Treasury Sanctions Against Malign Actors Worldwide
Don't hit the messanger. Shouting aside the line does not help you or any of us. Become silent and go within. We all have our different times to bring us where we are supposed to be. But we do the work ourselves. Have a beautiful christmas and new year.
Che sia la svolta tanto aspetta, la onda definitiva che spazza l'ultimo buio, vivo per questo giorno della liberazione per pianeta, per l'anima che ha tutto da rivivere con le leggi di Dio, che siete benedetti e protetti in prima linea portatori di luce è verità,
Now then. This here is only a metaphor, but it's very fitting and true.
"It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing SunGlasses."
"Hit It."
So let's ride and ride and ride and ride and RIDE
We're Moving On Up now! Getting out of the darkness! Our Light Shines On! Our Light Shines On! OUR LIGHT SHINES ON!
So One more Time. According to the credits this video is an ISIS production.
Come Together As One
Ok also der erste Song war voll ins Schwarze, woher weisst Du das, hey das kannst Du gar nicht wissen....hahaha hab ich sogar zu getanzt war echt spitze, danke, knicks. ;)
Oh wow, klasse, ich freu mich. Danke dass Du mir das gesagt hast. :-) *Verbeugung*
Happy Dancing!
Mein Höheres Selbst hat da gewissene Connections um klarzumachen wann was wo und wie von wem gespielt werden soll. Früher oder später kriegen wir ALLE mit MUSIK :-)
really hope this is good... 5 days of black alert are not being easy. i felt amazing vibes and light cleaning in my dreams. looking forward to the next update after christmas. Happy solstice and love to you all ♥
RR1: May 21, 2013 / RR2: Oct 21, 2013 / RR3: March 22, 2014 / RR4: August 23, 2014 / RR5: Jan 21, 2015 / RR6: June 22, 2015 / RR7: November 21, 2015 / RR8: Dec 7, 2016 / RR9: Dec 21, 2017 ...
So much Gratitude to COBRA, RM, GF and all BEings of Light everywhere in the Universe...Above, Below and on the surface of Gaia, and to the Creator, for sharing your LIGHT/LOVE at this Solstice Meditation and thru Dec. 25. We will continue daily to access this Multidimensional Portal for The Liberation of Earth and all her inhabitants. It was a powerful meditation to connect with the LIGHT of ALL. And I felt the same excitement that I felt at the Eclipse, as my body quivered with the quickening of New Life. It felt as if we have reached Critical Mass just like the Eclipse. Let us stay focused on our intentions of the Decree. Never wavering or looking back... We are only moving Full Speed Ahead NOW! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT
It's happening. New Presidential Executive Order will allow POTUS to lock down asssets of "persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption."
For those looking for material that support old claims that later turned out true... The Top Ten "Conspiracy Theories" Which Became Absolute FACTS In 2017....Even In So-Called MSM...
Thanks sister Megan! I'll check the link. I'm obsessed to solving "word-find" puzzles. It is helping me to exercise my mind/concentrate and really helps to stay calm. So, the one I posted was from a "Word-finds" puzzle book called "Quotes to Lift Your Spirit". I was solving the first one, and then..... I forgot finding the words and started reading the whole book!!! I'll find and post another one just for YOU!! 💋
Does anyone know that the tax bill included letting the cabal drill for oil in the arctic wildlife preserve. The fracking and oil drilling is not only destroying our water but is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas. How trump can be good is beyond me because he had given corporations every chance to save money by destroying the planet.
Does anyone know that the tax bill included letting the cabal drill for oil in the arctic wildlife preserve. The fracking and oil drilling is not only destroying our water but is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas. How trump can be good is beyond me because he had given corporations every chance to save money by destroying the planet.
Do not be necessarily deceived, the way he acts on TV is for show. Just how Bush was caught multiple times purposely pronouncing certain words wrong so the American public would think he was a big ol country boy dumbass, but behind the scenes he was very intelligent and doing very evil things.
I did not feel so many people in this meditation, but those who participated were old souls, very focused, connecting the points (Star Chakras) and taking their place within the Holy Grail!
Indeed I felt a solemn and sacred meditation as if praying...
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
Stop giving your power to imaginary sky daddies and build YOUR world! Stop worshiping "God", BECOME god yourself! These beings do not want you to be aware that a single mind can create literally everything it wants, they want you to worship others and give THEM power. God is NOT within you because there is no God, but YOU. When you are meditating, you are not speaking to God but yourself. Become a god instead of worshiping one, it is easy. Skilled occultists and hyperians like me already know this, you are a mathematical being, a MONAD. That's you, that's what a soul is: a monad. Other people are just past-present-future incarnations of YOU. Do you understand how karma works now? You hurt another being you hurt yourself because you were-will be-are that being. Understand what you are, and create YOUR world, NOT THY, but YOUR/OUR. OUR is the kingdom, power and glory. Nobody will save and help you but yourself. There is only one person here, remember that.
Urgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
I am writing to urge many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT.
I wish It can be held within 2017.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT within 2017, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2017.
I wish Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT and urge It can be held within 2017.
Urgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
Hello My Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Patriots and Truth Seekers Worldwide!
My name is Steve Motley and I want to welcome you to my site Rabbit Hole Guides! This site provides a growing list of YouTube Channels created by my fellow Patriots, Truth Seekers and Good People from all over the world who like you and I desire Peace, Harmony, Love & Justice for all Mankind!
Are you motley, sir? Hello motley, I watched your videos on youtube, that's cool. I like your how to talk. Sound off! Now many things are going on, exciting time. Please continue your work, I enjoy that.
Do you know this? "United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe" DECEMBER 21, 2017
Oh yeah, Tempur is a good mattress. God bless you.
It was Love at First Sight. It was Love at Every Other Sight since then. And it is a Love that will Last Forever!
Your Time is here. Your Time is Now! It's Gaia Time. Time to Shine.
I Love You.
She's THE ONE - boy, is she ever!
Hope you all had a wonderful Solstice, everyone. The Energies were and still are really incredible, I'm sure you can feel them too. BIG WAVE coming in! It is All Happening!
A world of fame and fortune just around the corner.
The mandate of heaven shall be made true. Life shall be restored on this sphere to its greater glory. Above all, respect the free will of others and do not act in an un-loving/hurtful way towards another self.
Peace comes soon. The fighting between light and dark in the 3rd and 4th densities shall come to a close.
May this be the beginning of a prosperous future for mankind, scaling the higher realms back towards the one and all. Towards the full love and light of the one.
That which dances infinitely throughout creation is the Logos, making new experiences so that the creator may know itself.
To simplify, I am you and you are me, we are all one.
I personally, am a 5th density entity whose entire purpose for returning to 3rd density was love in service of the one infinite creator.
With my racial memory (past life memories) partially restored. I leave a message from my higher self:
It is my greatest joy to help those yearning souls who would call in their hour of need. Saying things such as "please love me" fear not, dear soul for you are enternally loved!! We shall descend from the heavens to embrace you as family and walk amongst your peoples as brothers!! This is our promise to you, dear souls. For we love you greatly and await patiently until you are ready to recieve us and the infinite blessings of the heavens.
We leave you now in the infinite joy and peace of the one infinite creator.
May you always walk in the love light and bask in the glory of all that there is. May you claim that which you seek. The boundless mysteries of heaven, shall be yours soon.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You.
It is of no consequence, Caroline. I love you dear soul and hold all my brothers and sisters dear.
I will add that I have done a great service today in the love and light of the one infinite creator towards another self, you may ask your guides what that service was through my energy signature in these words.
A call cannot be ignored.
I should note above that not only have I bound myself in service towards others, but also in great sacrifice as consequence for my being here. For my love was so strong that I decided to risk my being just so that I may have the opportunity to again walk amongst your people as a responsibility I felt towards the service of the one. To be of aide and of service towards other-selves in great need.
For a calling, much like a festering wound, cannot be ignored.
May I add that, it has not been easy since, but I have overcome all the challenges thrown at me and prospered, not only that but i've managed to remember who I am in the process. That in and of itself is a major victory along this path.
Unfortunately, the distortion of words are not a proper tool for truly expressing ones-self. So I leave it at that. I try.
I leave you now, with an added addendum.
May you always prosper in the peace and love of all that there is and bask in the peaceful/tranquil glory of the love and light of the one infinite creator.
Thank You.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You.
The service I performed today was great indeed, I helped a dearly beloved soul break free from the chackles of slavery by having them claim ownership upon themselves and claiming back their power.
This certain entity wrote this on paper "This belongs to..." its name following. The name of an negative Orion/Reptilian entity of origin which shall not be spoken here, but altered into something more appropriate such as, "He-Who-Has-No-Claim-Here" Haha!!
How's that sound Cobra? I know you can agree! ^_^
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You
May you always bask in the eternal warmth, safety and glory of all that there is. May you shine in the Love & Light of the one infinite creator and may all of your desires come true.
Let me iterate on the above comment, I wrote it in a hurry.
A dearly beloved soul was attacked by a negative entity whose origin was reptilian, that of orion. This negative entity attacked the beloved soul in the beloved souls' sleep. The negative entity ripped a rosary and broke it off of the beloved souls' neck. The beloved soul then woke up in distress, crying and stating that the negative entity said to "repent all your sins' for "destruction" is coming. The beloved soul went on and wrote this on a piece of paper, it was a message from the negative entity stating "This belongs to..." its name described in great detail, notice that the negative entity describes the beloved soul as a non-entity by use of the word "this" and not anything else. The name was written in both the negative entities' language and in english underneath in paranthesis (He-Who-Plunders......). More appropriately now, "He-Who-Has-No-Claim-Here" haha! ^_^
Seeing this, I did everything in my power to help comfort this beloved soul and I managed to rid the shackles this negative entity placed on the dearly beloved soul, as well as, rid the negative entity itself.
I have been of great service and of that I feel proud.
I leave you now.
May you forever bask in the Peace, Love & Light of the one Infinite Creator.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You
I observed this since a few years, the sun becoming brighter and brighter and I heard it people say who do not really believe in this stuff. Maybe the sun is happy because of the progress and thinks: "whoooo finally.... Gaia" ... ;) :D <3
I had an experience with LSD that exhibited what appeared to be a light brightening phenomena that i instinctively recognized to be some kind of cleansing of my third eye and also possible sudden dialation of my eyes.
heres the kicker, the brightening occurred suddenly at the exact end of a thirty minute bowel purge. there were multiple "departures" but the final was truly a finale as when it departed with little to know resistance, the light in the bathroom got three times brighter and remained so as if effected by "paranormal" activity.
Yes it is brighter, and that's why i feel so happy when it sinks at 19:00 here. I starting to grow an aversion towards the sunlight. I really hate it and try to avoid it at all costs. I feel comfortable in the dark. But anyway i dont feel "bad" because of it, it doesnt make me evil or vampire or something. After all, it is also a fake light , part of the Matrix.
Are some things breaking open (as a result of?) the solstice mission(s)?… A few links…
Posted on 2017/12/21 by Kauilapele
I’m far too “tired” to spend any time on this, but I do feel these are connected to what was done over the solstice… by many around the planet.
UFO/SSP things going mainstream… “Is the MSM Starting to Believe in UFO’s & Aliens? Fox News “The Five” on the Secret DOD UFO Program“…
Human trafficking… Issuance of Global Magnitsky Executive Order; Global Magnitsky Designations… (related to freezing assets of those involved in human trafficking…)
Related Presidential EO letter:
About the Magnitsky Designation:
UPDATED: New Tax bill: US Senate passes tax reform; historic changes mean rapid expansion of the Health Ranger Store and its offerings of organic superfoods and science-validated supplements
What ever it was I saw in the night sky, from my bed, through the window; it blinked every nine second, among other stuff like the intensity, (color?) frequencies. It seems to be blinking not only every nine second but from when I started counting with the help of a small ticking clock besides my bed. Some sort of downloading? Hope it was from the light forces. It went on for ... I think maybe between one to two hours. The stars in the sky moved to the right but the light ship, satellite or whatever it was, was staying put to the exact same place. I did not see it as a light; I saw it only when it blinked. Never seen anything like that before. I was laying in my bed, depressed, staring at the night sky, thinking it was so quiet, so nothing. Then SLOWLY it caught my attention. First i just saw a very tiny blinking. .... Much love and respect from me to you all. Norway, the first hour of Dec. 21, 2017.
"We Are NOT Alone!" Going Mainstream? US Navy Pilot gives full account of "Tic Tac" UFO sighting. by SphereBeing Alliance
21 dec. 2017
“We are not alone” going Main Stream? – Interesting Interview with Navy Pilot who witnessed “Tic Tack” UFO on Fox - There is obvious excitement among the Ufology Community about the recent revelations of a DOD UFO study program along with footage of a “Tic Tac” UFO filmed by a Navy Fighter Pilot in 2004. We are seeing a major increase in interest from the media and among the general population. There is also quite a buzz in the background among the Ufology and YouTube’er talent about huge investments in our community from major streaming video providers and Hollywood Entertainment in general. I would expect to see a lot more movies and series in late 2018 and early 2019 that are centered around UFO’s or Aliens. It will be interesting to see how these large corporations ‘spin’ the narrative. Because of the protracted and partial disclosure that is underway, I expect that the next challenge for the Ufology community will not be how to stop the infighting and work together but how we handle a surge in numbers of people that are awakening to this greater reality. We all will have a major responsibility to use our hard-earned talents and assets to promote this process. David Wilcock and I had a recent conversation where he stated that in 20 years, he had not seen the community so ready to participate in the disclosure process. I believe he stated you were “stepping up”. This alone is very exciting! Most of our community is aware that the Cabal plans to use their version of disclosure as a mass distraction from the revelations of their corruption and connections to Human Trafficking. The closer we get to those revelations the more we can expect this type of UFO/Alien coverage on the Main Stream Media and in Entertainment. With all of the testimony in the public about these programs and experiences, the SSP Alliance believes a partial disclosure is no longer possible. The public will be excessively skeptical of the government once the corruption is exposed as well as the revelation of Secret Space Programs and visitations by ET’s. The public will dig into all of our information looking for threads to pull at. In the last 3 years this community has made it impossible for a partial disclosure to occur. The Earth Alliance and “Cabal” have agreed to a partial disclosure process. This is not expected to change. I believe that we should support everyone that is doing any type of disclosure (Not fake, real disclosure). As we receive little bits and pieces it is then up to us to start pulling at the threads and showing everyone there is yet more to learn. We can assist the partial disclosure groups by working with them and gently showing them more information along the way. If we do this, we may finally make the right connection who see’s there is more, digs deeper and then drops the whole story onto a shocked world. I want to thank all of you who are stepping up. You realize that none of us is more important than the other. NONE of us! Only if we continue to put ourselves “out there” will we ever have a chance for Full Disclosure. *Keep an eye out for the update before or on Christmas* We are Disclosure! Corey Goode
The signs are everywhere that the Deep State/Cabal is being taken down. *Marines visit CIA in Langley, get intel on the Bush Crime Cartel's locations of 400 drug refining labs in Afghanistan - the NEXT DAY, sends F22 stealth bomber jets to start bombing these facilities. *A week later, Dover Air Force base - big "earthquake" BOOM. This base is notorious for being the Trans-shipment Hub of Drug running by the Cabal. *Helicopter Crash over Rothschild Estate. 4 dead but only 3 named. The other dead probably someone whose last name starts with "R". *List of Senate and House Swamp Critters not seeking re-election is growing.Senator John "Daesh" McCain leaving DC, using illness as cover that he is not in Congress to vote against the Tax Bill, which means that he's been neutralized. The Swamp is being drained before our very eyes. If the MSM wasn't the Project Mockingbird propaganda arm of the CIA/Deep State, the sheer number of Senators and Reps leaving DC would be BIG NEWS. *Speaking of Project Mockingbird, in recent Q Anon posts, are 2 photos of Anderson Cooper, both very revealing. 1. Photo of him as a boy with his brother and mother Gloria Vanderbilt. Pink walls and children's bedspread, above the bed is a diorama of a masked and hooded person standing over an alter. Close up of alter shows a naked man with his throat slit. New Yorkers might remember a news story years ago about Anderson Cooper's brother committing suicide by jumping out of their mother's apartment window onto 57th Street. *side note - all trauma based mind controlled slaves have several "alters" programmed for self-harm and for suicide. 2. Photo of Anderson Cooper sitting on a couch reading a sheet of paper with the Gannett logo, along with other papers on the coffee table, all with the Gannett logo. Many analysts on youTube have surmised that Gannett is the Central news power that issues each day's "talking points" to the entire MSM. However, the BIGGER REVEAL in the photo is the life size cardboard cutout of the little girl by the wall! The little girl has bouffant child beauty pageant hair, and a hot pink dress with pink tutu. It looks like Jon Benet Ramsey, but her face is covered with a White Mask.... which signifies.... Mannequin Programming !!! Most people have heard of MK Ultra, Monarch programming, Beta sex kitten, Delta assassination programs.
Omega suicide programming. In Cisco Wheeler/Dr. Fritz Springmeier books, they say that mind controlled slaves are "retired" at age 30 by activating their Omega programming. I've noticed that most of the survivor whistleblowers are all over 30, and were all born into Illuminati or multi-generational Satanic families such as: Cisco Wheeler, Leo Zagami, Katherine Hamnett,Jay Parker. not sure about Cathy O'Bryan or Arizona Wilder.
*In Mannequin programming, an alter is programmed to believe that they are a mannequin. If they look in a mirror, they see a white porcelain mask, not a human face. The fact that Anderson Cooper (who is homosexual) has a girl cutout in his living room with a white porcelain Mask instead of a face... I think it's a Trigger for him. That little girl is one of his alters.
It's open Warfare between the White Hats and the Deep State, and just because the MSM does not cover any real news, we can see for ourselves. All "mysterious" events are signs of one side attaking the other. Sunday- Atlanta Airport shut down for 10 hours, busiest airport in the world, and only 1 plane flies out. Next day retaliation - Amtrak train sabotaged on new tracks derailed over a highway.
President Trump is rolling up the Deep State from all sides. I think AG Sessions is only appearing to be useless. Basic Sun Tzu is Fool Your Enemies.
The First Rule of the Cabal has always been Rule by DECEPTION. They have oppressed Humanity with their Evil for thousands of years, so it's truly remarkable what Pres. Trump has already accomplished in 10 months.
very good post. thanks for info. for all those folks saying "but i dont see anything happening!"...thats the point, the cabal is making is seem that way!
Continued... The true Victory will be when all the Children in the huge world wide child sex slave trade are rescued.
Craig Sawyer founded Vets 4 Rescue Children. He and other former operatives are arresting child sex traffickers and rescuing children from them. He's making a Documentary called ContraLand. Look up the trailer on ytube.
We cannot consider ourselves "liberated" while little kids, toddlers and babies are still being destroyed every day in the most horrific and painful ways.
How about a Global Meditation on freeing every child sex slave? If even one child is being raped today, our planet is not "liberated".
All righty then, let's prepare for take-off. Checklist? - Properly thrown out the window. Check. Supplemental lights? Switched off. She's levitating by her own powers. Check. Glitter Lamps? All thre switching when asked to. Check. Ready if you are, then. Check, mate.
LightMachine firing on 51 White candles. Some of them lay dormant for years and never expected to ever be lit up - but there's always a right Time and Place, you just gotta be ready ;-)
That means NOW!
In The Air Tonight
Therese Z here; As the transcript of this radio program is now available I will provide the third part of the direct transcript today. Before I do I would like to inform my readers, who might not be aware, that in this discussion below Steve is getting advice from Archangel Michael regarding the redistribution of wealth after The Event. Steve Beckow will be one of those...
it will ever be the event in this life or its just a big lie witch we all believe.i am sick of it all the waithing.i better kill my self but i have a child and this force me to stay here . Hi Monica. This is the latest Allison Coe video On QHHT session. You will find it uplifting. In the next quarter of 2018, a supernatural event will occur.
Cobra please write an update on the grottos entrances of Agartha to surface. Here is a video that explains how to connect with DouMu :)
I bought the maxi-single of that back in the day, so I think I got the correct number ;-)
I'll just dial the number and hand the microphone over to you.
Who We're gonna call?
Very good. Rehearsals Over.
"GhostBusters Universal, how can I help you?" "Yes, hello. This is RaJah. We need the ExTermination Team on Gaia please. We've got an appointment." "Yes, I see. PassWord please?"
Thanks Rajah. EmotionallyI'm not very well at the moment, being in the goodbye blues of my beloved workingplace. Have beautiful days, christmas and new year with lots of love and nice music.
Get Well soon, my dear. Have a wonderful Festival Of Light.
The Fool On The Hill Has Learned How To Fly :-)
It's on a shoe-string budget, the thing is being held together by chewing gum and duct tape, and We're flying on a Wing And A Prayer, but She's really holding up nicely. Happy Flying and Smooth Sailing, everyone.
Learning to FLY
Be focused, be prepared, be calm. I have a feeling 2018 gonna be a wild ride for the world in general, so use the last weeks of this year to relax and recover before next year :)
Self recovering and chill time is VERY important. :)
People are now reacting to the government release of the UFO info...
finally confirmation for some people that UFO exist... however
they are interpreting as being a prelude to an alien invasion.. which some had warn us about (even by good guys in the past) as being a plan of the bad guys at one point..(even if now the good guys wont allow that to happen)
problem is... that layer needs to be addresed.. that it is not invasion by bad guys.... i know it will come clearer in time for people... but perhaps someone could start also easing such fear factor that certainly will plague many as this unintentional misinterpretation spreads.
A friend and me, we did an operation and we where beamed up to Sirius. We had searched for a quiet place because before plasmoids had attacked us. On Sirius then just wanting to get a bit of nicer energy, suddenly an electric fire-like oracle place appeared. It looked like those plasma lamps. I asked a few questions, for example if I am doing enough to fulfill my mission. The answer was a big "Yes". Then I asked if my friend is doing enough and they said: " He is doing waaaayyyyy to much, he must learn to enjoy his life." I looked a bit pleased and my friend looked a bit unhappy. But we both fel that something was not right with that answer. My friend started to report details on the situation here on Earth and I too reported some things. Then the oracle was near before a blackout and needed a bit time for evaluation. Then they said my friend would do exactly what needed to be done, it would be extremely difficult and hard but it was absolutely neccessary and they said I needed to do way more. I asked if they could give me any advice and they answered something that did not really fit. So I tried to make them even more understandable what is going on related to my real mission. They admitted, that many things would need to change before I could do it and I really needed help, because there is not a space for that at all. More details on what my friend said and what I said I keep for myself, it was something like "yes you where right, but I am right too" etc. etc.. (usually we are not arguing, we don't like it.) I admit my programming from the entity has hurt him many times and I am deeply sorry but the same time very proud of him to have endoured so many tests. We further spoke with the oracle and where transmitted to a meeting in space. A darkie tried to listen, so before we could discuss any-thing, we ALL had to do with the attack. The beings that had tried to listen was teleported into the GCS but technology was kept to analyse it. So a few more could be found, also all technology kept for further analysis. It went on like that, special task force found a main computer and could deactivate the alarm system by analysis of the other things. You know it works like that, there is a big computer where you put in all the data and the more data it has, if you ask a question, it evaluates the best solution according to the momentous state of knowledge. This procedure went on for a few topics. There are really so many helpers/lightbeings who await our call for assistance. I experienced it myself, we really need to report in detail what is happening down here, because a being of light who has never been here, can have no idea of this reality. For every major operation, a special team is being built and for other operations already existing teams are being sent. There are many situations the lightforces up there could probably help us if they knew about it. If nobody tells them, they can not know. And at the end I ask you, did you know how darkies are? If lightforces sent them to the GCS they still are laughing dirty. You won't see them regret. They still have this hostile evil dirty laugh even while being dissolved. AND: FULL DISCLOSURE means removing all masks. Imagine full disclosure in your own family. It happens and it has to happen. Truth can really be a shock but the same time a relief of a whole construct of lies being pulled off your shoulders. That was all for now. Stay safe and happy and have a wonderful warm celebration. Victory of the Light!
Dear sister, I chose this one for you, cause you're one of the "vets". Meaning, like most of us, for years; you had to deal with with the good and the bad news all the time, and adjust your-SELF up and down ;))
*************************************** Soon, the night will be over!!! And it's time to sing:
Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)
Somethings different. I was outside. (its dark here) and the wind was blowing it isnt that cold but it has been. And i heard birds chirping like it was spring. the only time that ever happened was when pleiadian or light ships were nearby. I didn't see anything. But you could feel it. anyone else?
Ladies and GentleMen, We have a surprise appearance for you! I did not see this one coming at all, and that's a shoot. What a plesant surprise on this ChristMas Eve Morning, thank you for that!
It's JC - Joe Cocker!
12 x 12 really *is* 144, right? And 12:12 equals 1, correct? "So far so good. Do go on." Just checking ;-)
So what are We waiting for? It's a Magic Moment. To turn this thing around :-) Right Here Right Now
Have a Wonderful Time during these Celebration Days full of Love and Light, everyone. WorldWide. Peace. Ending Cycle :-) And no I am not an astrologist. I am "just" Connected With my Inner Star ;-)
Been feeling very good today, despite this constant buzzing in my ears. I sense progress for the good guys is underway
ReplyDeleteI've also been having constant buzzing in my ears for the past 3 or 4 days. Anyone else?
DeleteSame here. The solstice meditation was great too. Hopefully the executive order against human trafficking and corruption Trump signed today will pave the way for the arrests once the Toplet bombs are sufficiently removed✨
DeleteMaybe RR9 has to do with that
Buzzing in your ears? Me too, for months up to now. I went to many doctors, examinations.. even a contrasted Magnetic Resonance in the head/ears, which Medical report I should only know by February. I really want to know more about this feeling in my ears, especially on the left one. No pain. Only buzzing and a weird sensation on it. What do you think about guys? (From Sao Paulo, Brazil)
DeleteMe too, left ear.
DeleteIf that is tinnitus, some magnesium should fix it, I'll recommend D-Stress. But you guys probably not talking about that ;), I know this buzzing in the ear, but for me it's usually really short and occasional.
DeleteOn the other hand, do you hear 'the Hum'??
DeleteThe Hum - Wikipedia
P.S. Cobra claims that it is from the tech of the veil...
I am from austria and i have this buzzing in both ears for over the last two years. It came after a mediation. If you talk about that all people think it is a tinitus but this is not possible.
DeleteGuys, this buzz is/was expected, as the frequency of Earth is being adjusted and so are ours own. A part of that, we are being openend for wide communications. Look for that, it's absolutely an expected symptom. I'm having it for months as well.
DeleteI’ve had continual tinnitus in both ears for several years, and always figured it was because of the work I used to do. Then about a year ago it became consistently “louder”, not painful, but really frustrating!
DeleteIn the last several months though, I’ve noticed some changes ... after the eclipse in August the sound became higher pitched, but the volume fluctuated. Since November it has ceased completely in my right ear! .. now only in my left ear, same high-pitched tone, but at a more steady volume....
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DeleteI have ringing in my ears; buzzing in my ears; people talking, like at a party where it's just general conversation hum; and chamber music. Everything but the ringing has almost stopped since doing the Solstice Meditation and that has reduced considerably.
DeleteHe was asked in interviews with Rob Potter years ago...
Just over a year ago, COBRA wrote, "RR8 complete".
What does RR8 and RR9 mean?
DeleteReprobates Removed or Roundup Realized phase 9
These are code-names for >>special activations<< To understand this better here is an excerpt from previous post on RR6:
Delete"The turning point of this Window of opportunity will be on January 21st next year with a special activation codenamed RR6, which is important for the Resistance Movement and not so much for the surface population."
And the other RRs?
DeleteCobra, let's be clear!!
The 'RR10' activation, in the end of 2018 is in post-Event era!!...
Let be clear still from now!!
Oh yeah! Time to make the donuts!
ReplyDeleteBest idea yet today. :)
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ReplyDeleteYeah! That sounds like something!
ReplyDeleteCan´t wait no more, can´t stand no more!
Best Christmas present 4 all beings here will be liberation! (also from ignorance;)
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Deletemaybe someone from prepare for chance could direct u... also i think there is an email somewhere that cobra has
DeleteYou can contact him through mail :) :
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DeleteRR9: this is just a time marker or the ending of a time window with a celestial Event/constellation
ReplyDeleteIn numerology, 9 represents an ending. Something must end before that which follows (a new beginning) can occur. Trump, for example, is the 45th president; 4+5 is 9 and therefor the opportunity exists for his administration to be the last before some type of new beginning. I am optimistic.
DeleteNine also represents spiritual rebirth and the power of the Ankh.
DeleteZero is the number of transcendence and wholeness.
Going back to "one" which follows zero is the new beginning.
However to skip zero and go from 9 -> 1 is a crisis. Rebirth without the transcendence phase is always a disaster.
Zero hour is the event when humanity transcends into a completely new age. Be of good cheer we are almost there.
Peace and abundance be with you.
David: you interpret to much in numbers.. doesn't work that way.. After RR9,RR10 will follow (we're in it now)
DeleteNovusod: In numerology there is no zero.
DeleteBeck: Sure, and RR10 is 1 in numerology.
DeleteGreetings Cobra and lightbeings.
ReplyDeleteI would like to share tiny little experiences here.
Yesterday when I went to buy a few things in hurry I saw Babaji (as he looks on the real photograph shared by Paramahamsa Vishvananda)
letting slide down through me a golden equilateral cross with a red heart into Gaias heart. And at the shop there are those little "seperators" where you put things on the table, so the cashier knows which things belong to you or the next person. On those "seperators" (I call it like that right now) was written: "Nothing can seperate us ❤️". I looked behind me if someone was following me, because that was kinda scary ;) (not really! ;) :D). I smiled to heaven.
After todays meditations I saw a rest of Yaldabaoth entity being further pulled out of Gaia and I saw (please sit down) a real big fur. Silly laugh.... I mean.....kkkkhhhhh.........and further I again saw a equiliteral cross with those round ends, the core of the entity being wrapped around the cross.
Thank you for your unconditional love - for all of us, Cobra. Thank you for guiding us into the light. Thank you for your eternal patience -even enforced, more or less.
Merry Christmas and Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteSuccessful Solstice meditation, 21th December, 2017, 4.28PM UTC!
ReplyDeletesuccessful meditating, 21th December, at 2.00pm, 2.30pm, 3.00pm, 3.30pm, 4.28pm UTC...
Cobra,... have we reached the critical mass?
ReplyDeleteHow epic is what are we achieving?...
Critical mass was not achieved. But I do not believe it was necessary this time. The light forces are in control.
ReplyDeleteRetired Marine - QAnon Says Trust Sessions "The End Is Near" - 12/20/2017
Steve Motley
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 …..RR8 complete ……Posted by Cobra at 11:19 ....
ReplyDeleteCOBRA..HOW MANY RR ARE .... ???? Sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015
DeleteRR7 completo, 12:21 inicializado Publicado por Cobra a las 3:21 a.m. 2015-RR7...2016-RR8...2017-RR9...RR10::????
another one from today:
United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe
DECEMBER 21, 2017
New Executive Order Implements Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act,
Provides for Treasury Sanctions Against Malign Actors Worldwide
Hey Cobra lets show us an Alien �� i dont realy belive of the galatic federation, because i Never saw them and thats it
ReplyDeleteDon't hit the messanger. Shouting aside the line does not help you or any of us. Become silent and go within. We all have our different times to bring us where we are supposed to be. But we do the work ourselves.
DeleteHave a beautiful christmas and new year.
Che sia la svolta tanto aspetta, la onda definitiva che spazza l'ultimo buio, vivo per questo giorno della liberazione per pianeta, per l'anima che ha tutto da rivivere con le leggi di Dio, che siete benedetti e protetti in prima linea portatori di luce è verità,
Now then. This here is only a metaphor, but it's very fitting and true.
"It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing SunGlasses."
"Hit It."
So let's ride and ride and ride and ride and RIDE
We're Moving On Up now!
Getting out of the darkness!
Our Light Shines On!
Our Light Shines On!
So One more Time.
According to the credits this video is an ISIS production.
Come Together As One
DeleteAnd so it All Begins . . . Again :-)
Walk Of Life
Ok also der erste Song war voll ins Schwarze, woher weisst Du das, hey das kannst Du gar nicht wissen....hahaha hab ich sogar zu getanzt war echt spitze, danke, knicks. ;)
DeleteOh wow, klasse, ich freu mich. Danke dass Du mir das gesagt hast. :-)
Happy Dancing!
Mein Höheres Selbst hat da gewissene Connections um klarzumachen wann was wo und wie von wem gespielt werden soll.
Früher oder später kriegen wir ALLE mit MUSIK :-)
Call SomeBody!
really hope this is good...
ReplyDelete5 days of black alert are not being easy.
i felt amazing vibes and light cleaning in my dreams.
looking forward to the next update after christmas.
Happy solstice and love to you all ♥
ReplyDeleteMore Swedish lightworkers/lightwarriors here, eh?
DeleteSeger för Ljuset! Victory of the Light!
Jag är svensk! Från Stockholm :)
DeleteKlart vi ska! Seger till ljuset!
DeleteSwedish too 🇸🇪
DeleteGreetings to You
ReplyDeletesure you will bro
DeleteRR1: May 21, 2013 / RR2: Oct 21, 2013 / RR3: March 22, 2014 / RR4: August 23, 2014 / RR5: Jan 21, 2015 / RR6: June 22, 2015 / RR7: November 21, 2015 / RR8: Dec 7, 2016 / RR9: Dec 21, 2017 ...
ReplyDeleteJeremy, foram saltos de 6 em 6 meses, e depois de novembro diminuíram consideravelmente. Provavelmente porque estamos avançando muito rápido agora !
DeleteRR10 in post-Event era!! Dixit!!
I've felt a huge shift in the air lately, no longer under scalar attack. Can't wait for a Situation Update :)
ReplyDeleteWe are winning.
Victory of the Light!
So much Gratitude to COBRA, RM, GF and all BEings of Light everywhere in the Universe...Above, Below and on the surface of Gaia, and to the Creator, for sharing your LIGHT/LOVE at this Solstice Meditation and thru Dec. 25. We will continue daily to access this Multidimensional Portal for The Liberation of Earth and all her inhabitants.
ReplyDeleteIt was a powerful meditation to connect with the LIGHT of ALL. And I felt the same excitement that I felt at the Eclipse, as my body quivered with the quickening of New Life. It felt as if we have reached Critical Mass just like the Eclipse.
Let us stay focused on our intentions of the Decree. Never wavering or looking back...
We are only moving Full Speed Ahead NOW!
VVictory of the light NOW!
ReplyDeleteRocknRoll9 complete - let's boogie - sooner the better!
ReplyDeleteExisy a rebelion in sector 9 in umbral, i think have some connection
ReplyDeleteEmtão o 9 pode estar relacionado com o setor 9.. depois será o setor 10 e assim por diante ?
DeleteIt's happening. New Presidential Executive Order will allow POTUS to lock down asssets of "persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption."
thumbs up
DeleteFor those looking for material that support old claims that later turned out true...
ReplyDeleteThe Top Ten "Conspiracy Theories" Which Became Absolute FACTS In 2017....Even In So-Called MSM...
ReplyDeleteBellerophon + Pegasus DEFEAT the Chimera!
Cobra, I'm having fun the way You play with the timing! I'm supporting You.
ReplyDeleteSo, here's for You, dear brother:
May this Winter Solstice, and the opening of the Portal of the Galactic Alignment, be the opening of the doors to Freedom, Peace and ABUNDANCE!!
Here are some more!
DeleteThese from Nelson Mandela.
Always good reading. :)
Thanks sister Megan! I'll check the link.
DeleteI'm obsessed to solving "word-find" puzzles. It is helping me to exercise my mind/concentrate and really helps to stay calm.
So, the one I posted was from a "Word-finds" puzzle book called "Quotes to Lift Your Spirit". I was solving the first one, and then..... I forgot finding the words and started reading the whole book!!!
I'll find and post another one just for YOU!! 💋
Does anyone know that the tax bill included letting the cabal drill for oil in the arctic wildlife preserve. The fracking and oil drilling is not only destroying our water but is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas. How trump can be good is beyond me because he had given corporations every chance to save money by destroying the planet.
ReplyDeleteOh? Such as how he just signed an executive order to round up even MORE pedophiles?
DeleteHe is a partial puppet who is making smart, good moves when he can.
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DeleteDoes anyone know that the tax bill included letting the cabal drill for oil in the arctic wildlife preserve. The fracking and oil drilling is not only destroying our water but is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas. How trump can be good is beyond me because he had given corporations every chance to save money by destroying the planet.
ReplyDeleteTrump definitely works for the cabal. Although he is not smart enough to be a full member.
DeleteDo not be necessarily deceived, the way he acts on TV is for show. Just how Bush was caught multiple times purposely pronouncing certain words wrong so the American public would think he was a big ol country boy dumbass, but behind the scenes he was very intelligent and doing very evil things.
DeleteI did not feel so many people in this meditation, but those who participated were old souls, very focused, connecting the points (Star Chakras) and taking their place within the Holy Grail!
ReplyDeleteIndeed I felt a solemn and sacred meditation as if praying...
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
ON EARTH as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
OUR kindgdom come!
DeleteOUR will be done!
Stop giving your power to imaginary sky daddies and build YOUR world! Stop worshiping "God", BECOME god yourself! These beings do not want you to be aware that a single mind can create literally everything it wants, they want you to worship others and give THEM power. God is NOT within you because there is no God, but YOU. When you are meditating, you are not speaking to God but yourself. Become a god instead of worshiping one, it is easy. Skilled occultists and hyperians like me already know this, you are a mathematical being, a MONAD. That's you, that's what a soul is: a monad. Other people are just past-present-future incarnations of YOU. Do you understand how karma works now? You hurt another being you hurt yourself because you were-will be-are that being. Understand what you are, and create YOUR world, NOT THY, but YOUR/OUR. OUR is the kingdom, power and glory. Nobody will save and help you but yourself. There is only one person here, remember that.
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Delete something important
ReplyDeleteThe early birds are singing their tunes now.
Like an Army We Come!!!
Watch us now, watch us real close
Man I finished that Ridge Racer a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteThis comment is meta
DeleteUrgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
ReplyDeleteDear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
I am writing to urge many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT.
I wish It can be held within 2017.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT within 2017, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2017.
I wish Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT and urge It can be held within 2017.
Urgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
This comment has been removed by the author. - correct link.
Delete9 is finality.
ReplyDeleteRabbit Hole Guides
Hello My Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Patriots and Truth Seekers Worldwide!
My name is Steve Motley and I want to welcome you to my site Rabbit Hole Guides!
This site provides a growing list of YouTube Channels created by my fellow Patriots, Truth Seekers and Good People from all over the world who like you and I desire Peace, Harmony, Love & Justice for all Mankind!
Are you motley, sir?
DeleteHello motley, I watched your videos on youtube, that's cool. I like your how to talk. Sound off!
Now many things are going on, exciting time. Please continue your work, I enjoy that.
Do you know this?
"United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe"
DECEMBER 21, 2017
Oh yeah, Tempur is a good mattress. God bless you.
DeleteSteve Motley
ReplyDeleteIt was Love at First Sight.
It was Love at Every Other Sight since then.
And it is a Love that will Last Forever!
Your Time is here.
Your Time is Now!
It's Gaia Time.
Time to Shine.
I Love You.
She's THE ONE - boy, is she ever!
Hope you all had a wonderful Solstice, everyone.
The Energies were and still are really incredible, I'm sure you can feel them too.
BIG WAVE coming in!
It is All Happening!
A world of fame and fortune just around the corner.
Earth Defense Force(Very interesting!):
Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!!!
ReplyDeleteCobra what happens to the veil these days?
The mandate of heaven shall be made true. Life shall be restored on this sphere to its greater glory. Above all, respect the free will of others and do not act in an un-loving/hurtful way towards another self.
ReplyDeletePeace comes soon. The fighting between light and dark in the 3rd and 4th densities shall come to a close.
May this be the beginning of a prosperous future for mankind, scaling the higher realms back towards the one and all. Towards the full love and light of the one.
That which dances infinitely throughout creation is the Logos, making new experiences so that the creator may know itself.
To simplify, I am you and you are me, we are all one.
I personally, am a 5th density entity whose entire purpose for returning to 3rd density was love in service of the one infinite creator.
With my racial memory (past life memories) partially restored. I leave a message from my higher self:
It is my greatest joy to help those yearning souls who would call in their hour of need. Saying things such as "please love me" fear not, dear soul for you are enternally loved!! We shall descend from the heavens to embrace you as family and walk amongst your peoples as brothers!! This is our promise to you, dear souls. For we love you greatly and await patiently until you are ready to recieve us and the infinite blessings of the heavens.
We leave you now in the infinite joy and peace of the one infinite creator.
May you always walk in the love light and bask in the glory of all that there is. May you claim that which you seek. The boundless mysteries of heaven, shall be yours soon.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You.
~ The Light Sharer
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DeleteThank you The Light Sharer. I love how you arrange your vibratory sound complex. Victory of the light! Caroline.
DeleteThank you. I love the way you arrange your vibratory sound complex. Victory of the light!
DeleteThank you for Writing this, Light Sharer.
DeleteIt is of no consequence, Caroline. I love you dear soul and hold all my brothers and sisters dear.
DeleteI will add that I have done a great service today in the love and light of the one infinite creator towards another self, you may ask your guides what that service was through my energy signature in these words.
A call cannot be ignored.
I should note above that not only have I bound myself in service towards others, but also in great sacrifice as consequence for my being here. For my love was so strong that I decided to risk my being just so that I may have the opportunity to again walk amongst your people as a responsibility I felt towards the service of the one. To be of aide and of service towards other-selves in great need.
For a calling, much like a festering wound, cannot be ignored.
May I add that, it has not been easy since, but I have overcome all the challenges thrown at me and prospered, not only that but i've managed to remember who I am in the process. That in and of itself is a major victory along this path.
Unfortunately, the distortion of words are not a proper tool for truly expressing ones-self. So I leave it at that. I try.
I leave you now, with an added addendum.
May you always prosper in the peace and love of all that there is and bask in the peaceful/tranquil glory of the love and light of the one infinite creator.
Thank You.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You.
~ The Light Sharer
The service I performed today was great indeed, I helped a dearly beloved soul break free from the chackles of slavery by having them claim ownership upon themselves and claiming back their power.
DeleteThis certain entity wrote this on paper "This belongs to..." its name following. The name of an negative Orion/Reptilian entity of origin which shall not be spoken here, but altered into something more appropriate such as, "He-Who-Has-No-Claim-Here" Haha!!
How's that sound Cobra? I know you can agree! ^_^
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You
May you always bask in the eternal warmth, safety and glory of all that there is. May you shine in the Love & Light of the one infinite creator and may all of your desires come true.
~ The Light Sharer
Let me iterate on the above comment, I wrote it in a hurry.
DeleteA dearly beloved soul was attacked by a negative entity whose origin was reptilian, that of orion. This negative entity attacked the beloved soul in the beloved souls' sleep. The negative entity ripped a rosary and broke it off of the beloved souls' neck. The beloved soul then woke up in distress, crying and stating that the negative entity said to "repent all your sins' for "destruction" is coming. The beloved soul went on and wrote this on a piece of paper, it was a message from the negative entity stating "This belongs to..." its name described in great detail, notice that the negative entity describes the beloved soul as a non-entity by use of the word "this" and not anything else. The name was written in both the negative entities' language and in english underneath in paranthesis (He-Who-Plunders......). More appropriately now, "He-Who-Has-No-Claim-Here" haha! ^_^
Seeing this, I did everything in my power to help comfort this beloved soul and I managed to rid the shackles this negative entity placed on the dearly beloved soul, as well as, rid the negative entity itself.
I have been of great service and of that I feel proud.
I leave you now.
May you forever bask in the Peace, Love & Light of the one Infinite Creator.
As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You
~ The Light Sharer
Thank you very much. Very very much. Peace Love Unity.
DeleteSanar Kumara : The light is the Victor
Saturday, November 21, 2015
ReplyDeleteRR7 complete, 12:21 initialized
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ReplyDeletei dont know about you but for me today i think the sun is brighter
ReplyDeleteI observed this since a few years, the sun becoming brighter and brighter and I heard it people say who do not really believe in this stuff. Maybe the sun is happy because of the progress and thinks: "whoooo finally.... Gaia" ... ;) :D <3
DeleteI had an experience with LSD that exhibited what appeared to be a light brightening phenomena that i instinctively recognized to be some kind of cleansing of my third eye and also possible sudden dialation of my eyes.
Deleteheres the kicker, the brightening occurred suddenly at the exact end of a thirty minute bowel purge. there were multiple "departures" but the final was truly a finale as when it departed with little to know resistance, the light in the bathroom got three times brighter and remained so as if effected by "paranormal" activity.
Yes it is brighter, and that's why i feel so happy when it sinks at 19:00 here. I starting to grow an aversion towards the sunlight. I really hate it and try to avoid it at all costs. I feel comfortable in the dark. But anyway i dont feel "bad" because of it, it doesnt make me evil or vampire or something. After all, it is also a fake light , part of the Matrix.
ReplyDeletesuccessful meditating, 22th December, at 2.00pm, 2.30pm, 3.00pm, 3.30pm, 4.00pm UTC...
Are some things breaking open (as a result of?) the solstice mission(s)?… A few links…
ReplyDeletePosted on 2017/12/21 by Kauilapele
I’m far too “tired” to spend any time on this, but I do feel these are connected to what was done over the solstice… by many around the planet.
UFO/SSP things going mainstream… “Is the MSM Starting to Believe in UFO’s & Aliens? Fox News “The Five” on the Secret DOD UFO Program“…
Human trafficking… Issuance of Global Magnitsky Executive Order; Global Magnitsky Designations… (related to freezing assets of those involved in human trafficking…)
Related Presidential EO letter:
About the Magnitsky Designation:
UPDATED: New Tax bill: US Senate passes tax reform; historic changes mean rapid expansion of the Health Ranger Store and its offerings of organic superfoods and science-validated supplements
The Solstice Energies were so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteEspecially when we connected our Soul-Star Chakras!
Thank you, Everyone!
Much love to all...Happy Solstice,
Merry Christmas,
and in this Season of Light,
may we embody Victory of the Light!
What ever it was I saw in the night sky, from my bed, through the window; it blinked every nine second, among other stuff like the intensity, (color?) frequencies. It seems to be blinking not only every nine second but from when I started counting with the help of a small ticking clock besides my bed. Some sort of downloading? Hope it was from the light forces. It went on for ... I think maybe between one to two hours. The stars in the sky moved to the right but the light ship, satellite or whatever it was, was staying put to the exact same place. I did not see it as a light; I saw it only when it blinked. Never seen anything like that before. I was laying in my bed, depressed, staring at the night sky, thinking it was so quiet, so nothing. Then SLOWLY it caught my attention. First i just saw a very tiny blinking. .... Much love and respect from me to you all.
ReplyDeleteNorway, the first hour of Dec. 21, 2017.
ReplyDelete"We Are NOT Alone!" Going Mainstream? US Navy Pilot gives full account of "Tic Tac" UFO sighting.
SphereBeing Alliance
21 dec. 2017
“We are not alone” going Main Stream? – Interesting Interview with Navy Pilot who witnessed “Tic Tack” UFO on Fox - There is obvious excitement among the Ufology Community about the recent revelations of a DOD UFO study program along with footage of a “Tic Tac” UFO filmed by a Navy Fighter Pilot in 2004. We are seeing a major increase in interest from the media and among the general population.
There is also quite a buzz in the background among the Ufology and YouTube’er talent about huge investments in our community from major streaming video providers and Hollywood Entertainment in general. I would expect to see a lot more movies and series in late 2018 and early 2019 that are centered around UFO’s or Aliens. It will be interesting to see how these large corporations ‘spin’ the narrative.
Because of the protracted and partial disclosure that is underway, I expect that the next challenge for the Ufology community will not be how to stop the infighting and work together but how we handle a surge in numbers of people that are awakening to this greater reality. We all will have a major responsibility to use our hard-earned talents and assets to promote this process. David Wilcock and I had a recent conversation where he stated that in 20 years, he had not seen the community so ready to participate in the disclosure process. I believe he stated you were “stepping up”. This alone is very exciting!
Most of our community is aware that the Cabal plans to use their version of disclosure as a mass distraction from the revelations of their corruption and connections to Human Trafficking. The closer we get to those revelations the more we can expect this type of UFO/Alien coverage on the Main Stream Media and in Entertainment.
With all of the testimony in the public about these programs and experiences, the SSP Alliance believes a partial disclosure is no longer possible. The public will be excessively skeptical of the government once the corruption is exposed as well as the revelation of Secret Space Programs and visitations by ET’s. The public will dig into all of our information looking for threads to pull at. In the last 3 years this community has made it impossible for a partial disclosure to occur.
The Earth Alliance and “Cabal” have agreed to a partial disclosure process. This is not expected to change. I believe that we should support everyone that is doing any type of disclosure (Not fake, real disclosure). As we receive little bits and pieces it is then up to us to start pulling at the threads and showing everyone there is yet more to learn. We can assist the partial disclosure groups by working with them and gently showing them more information along the way.
If we do this, we may finally make the right connection who see’s there is more, digs deeper and then drops the whole story onto a shocked world.
I want to thank all of you who are stepping up. You realize that none of us is more important than the other. NONE of us! Only if we continue to put ourselves “out there” will we ever have a chance for Full Disclosure.
*Keep an eye out for the update before or on Christmas*
We are Disclosure! Corey Goode
The signs are everywhere that the Deep State/Cabal is being taken down.
ReplyDelete*Marines visit CIA in Langley, get intel on the Bush Crime Cartel's locations of 400 drug refining labs in Afghanistan - the NEXT DAY, sends F22 stealth bomber jets to start bombing these facilities.
*A week later, Dover Air Force base - big "earthquake" BOOM. This base is notorious for being the Trans-shipment Hub of Drug running by the Cabal.
*Helicopter Crash over Rothschild Estate. 4 dead but only 3 named. The other dead probably someone whose last name starts with "R".
*List of Senate and House Swamp Critters not seeking re-election is growing.Senator John "Daesh" McCain leaving DC, using illness as cover that he is not in Congress to vote against the Tax Bill, which means that he's been neutralized. The Swamp is being drained before our very eyes. If the MSM wasn't the Project Mockingbird propaganda arm of the CIA/Deep State, the sheer number of Senators and Reps leaving DC would be BIG NEWS.
*Speaking of Project Mockingbird, in recent Q Anon posts, are 2 photos of Anderson Cooper, both very revealing.
1. Photo of him as a boy with his brother and mother Gloria Vanderbilt. Pink walls and children's bedspread, above the bed is a diorama of a masked and hooded person standing over an alter. Close up of alter shows a naked man with his throat slit.
New Yorkers might remember a news story years ago about Anderson Cooper's brother committing suicide by jumping out of their mother's apartment window onto 57th Street.
*side note - all trauma based mind controlled slaves have several "alters" programmed for self-harm and for suicide.
2. Photo of Anderson Cooper sitting on a couch reading a sheet of paper with the Gannett logo, along with other papers on the coffee table, all with the Gannett logo.
Many analysts on youTube have surmised that Gannett is the Central news power that issues each day's "talking points" to the entire MSM.
However, the BIGGER REVEAL in the photo is the life size cardboard cutout of the little girl by the wall! The little girl has bouffant child beauty pageant hair, and a hot pink dress with pink tutu. It looks like Jon Benet Ramsey, but her face is covered with a White Mask.... which signifies....
Mannequin Programming !!! Most people have heard of MK Ultra, Monarch programming, Beta sex kitten, Delta assassination programs.
Omega suicide programming. In Cisco Wheeler/Dr. Fritz Springmeier books, they say that mind controlled slaves are "retired" at age 30 by activating their Omega programming. I've noticed that most of the survivor whistleblowers are all over 30, and were all born into Illuminati or multi-generational Satanic families such as: Cisco Wheeler, Leo Zagami, Katherine Hamnett,Jay Parker. not sure about Cathy O'Bryan or Arizona Wilder.
*In Mannequin programming, an alter is programmed to believe that they are a mannequin. If they look in a mirror, they see a white porcelain mask, not a human face.
The fact that Anderson Cooper (who is homosexual) has a girl cutout in his living room with a white porcelain Mask instead of a face... I think it's a Trigger for him. That little girl is one of his alters.
It's open Warfare between the White Hats and the Deep State, and just because the MSM does not cover any real news, we can see for ourselves. All "mysterious" events are signs of one side attaking the other.
Sunday- Atlanta Airport shut down for 10 hours, busiest airport in the world, and only 1 plane flies out.
Next day retaliation - Amtrak train sabotaged on new tracks derailed over a highway.
President Trump is rolling up the Deep State from all sides. I think AG Sessions is only appearing to be useless. Basic Sun Tzu is Fool Your Enemies.
The First Rule of the Cabal has always been Rule by DECEPTION. They have oppressed Humanity with their Evil for thousands of years, so it's truly remarkable what Pres. Trump has already accomplished in 10 months.
very good post. thanks for info. for all those folks saying "but i dont see anything happening!"...thats the point, the cabal is making is seem that way!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe true Victory will be when all the Children in the huge world wide child sex slave trade are rescued.
Craig Sawyer founded Vets 4 Rescue Children. He and other former operatives are arresting child sex traffickers and rescuing children from them. He's making a Documentary called ContraLand. Look up the trailer on ytube.
We cannot consider ourselves "liberated" while little kids, toddlers and babies are still being destroyed every day in the most horrific and painful ways.
How about a Global Meditation on freeing every child sex slave? If even one child is being raped today, our planet is not "liberated".
Yes!!! So true!!! Thank you...
ReplyDeleteAll righty then, let's prepare for take-off.
Checklist? - Properly thrown out the window. Check.
Supplemental lights? Switched off. She's levitating by her own powers. Check.
Glitter Lamps? All thre switching when asked to. Check.
Ready if you are, then.
Check, mate.
LightMachine firing on 51 White candles. Some of them lay dormant for years and never expected to ever be lit up - but there's always a right Time and Place, you just gotta be ready ;-)
That means NOW!
In The Air Tonight
So . . .
We're SuperStyling?
Lift Off
DeleteEnd of 24-year Cycle – Archangel Michael Speaks Out – Part 3 of 3
ReplyDeleteDecember 22, 2017
by Therese Zumi Sumner
Therese Z here; As the transcript of this radio program is now available I will provide the third part of the direct transcript today. Before I do I would like to inform my readers, who might not be aware, that in this discussion below Steve is getting advice from Archangel Michael regarding the redistribution of wealth after The Event. Steve Beckow will be one of those...
Q is the fellow who has been posting interesting, coded messages on the "Calm Before the Storm" section of the 8chan website.
ReplyDeleteQ appears to be a high-level insider, associated with Donald Trump and the White House. is easier to use than 8chan. Reddit is now organizing the Q posts and you can find them all on Reddit.
Tracy Beanz interviewed some 8chan guys who have been running the Q posts. Tracy's interview from 12/22/2017 here:
You can go directly to the section of Reddit where this is all organized here.
All of this is quite interesting and worth a bit of your time.
Merry Solstice and Happy Christmas!
ReplyDelete"Trump attacks international human rights abuse by going after the money"
ReplyDelete<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
it will ever be the event in this life or its just a big lie witch we all believe.i am sick of it all the waithing.i better kill my self but i have a child and this force me to stay here .
DeleteHi Monica. This is the latest Allison Coe video On QHHT session. You will find it uplifting. In the next quarter of 2018, a supernatural event will occur.
thank you ! i hope the event it will happen in early 2018.
DeleteCobra please write an update on the
ReplyDeletegrottos entrances of Agartha to surface. Here is a video that explains how to connect with DouMu :)
found this link....
ReplyDeletefrom same site i found the previous History of Man link...
i thought it was pretty good.. even feels right.
thanks for that site/authors for helping to put puzzles together.
when i grow up i will make a point to revisit n preview the past.... a holodeck would b nice :)
ReplyDeleteZu Risken und Nebenwirkungen essen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen den Arzt Ihres Apothekers.
We All Shine On!
Like Gaia,
The Stars
Instant Karma
We're gonna get what We give.
And they're gonna get what they deserve.
And that's the way it is sand was always meant to be.
DeleteDestroying The Illusion
ReplyDeleteAudience Participation Time - WoooHooo!
It's Time To Call Somebody
And We call . . . ;-)
I bought the maxi-single of that back in the day, so I think I got the correct number ;-)
I'll just dial the number and hand the microphone over to you.
Who We're gonna call?
Very good.
Rehearsals Over.
"GhostBusters Universal, how can I help you?"
"Yes, hello. This is RaJah. We need the ExTermination Team on Gaia please. We've got an appointment."
"Yes, I see. PassWord please?"
Have a nice day :-)
RaJah Rajah!
DeleteThanks Rajah. EmotionallyI'm not very well at the moment, being in the goodbye blues of my beloved workingplace.
DeleteHave beautiful days, christmas and new year with lots of love and nice music.
DeleteGet Well soon, my dear.
Have a wonderful Festival Of Light.
The Fool On The Hill
Has Learned How To Fly :-)
It's on a shoe-string budget, the thing is being held together by chewing gum and duct tape, and We're flying on a Wing And A Prayer, but She's really holding up nicely.
Happy Flying and Smooth Sailing, everyone.
Learning to FLY
Lots of Love and Light
so what is Gaias wishes...
ReplyDeletei cant hear her among all this distractions.
Be focused, be prepared, be calm. I have a feeling 2018 gonna be a wild ride for the world in general, so use the last weeks of this year to relax and recover before next year :)
DeleteSelf recovering and chill time is VERY important. :)
People are now reacting to the government release of the UFO info...
ReplyDeletefinally confirmation for some people that UFO exist... however
they are interpreting as being a prelude to an alien invasion.. which some had warn us about (even by good guys in the past) as being a plan of the bad guys at one point..(even if now the good guys wont allow that to happen)
problem is... that layer needs to be addresed.. that it is not invasion by bad guys.... i know it will come clearer in time for people... but perhaps someone could start also easing such fear factor that certainly will plague many as this unintentional misinterpretation spreads.
u people probably already know this.
not sure if this is an accurate compilation of star beings and their agends...
Piperon (who is also on this blog) has a cool channel too on the star races.
DeleteBrowse the channel and you can see all the species...very cool!
Ah yes.. I forgot. i also seen piperon's great youtube work.. Its been a while i revisit it.
DeleteThanks Barda
getting back to the news of the ufo on cnn and fox... is this soft disclosure or something else?
ReplyDeleteDragon Heart
December 20, 2017 at 3:09 PM
so which unknown are you claiming to be ...
the one demanding for no more evolution ...
the one bashing the 70 billion souls... and calling them unworthy among other things...
the one that was being vulgar in some posts and people asked to respect them..
the one that posted inappropriate links as i some claimed..
Please expand who is mistreating you and specifically give examples.
Just to be clear who is who.
Do not get me started kid. If you are seeking attention you are going to have to look somewhere else.
DeleteYou clearly want to seem to appear as a victim. Do play that card with those that do not know yet your number.
There are more important things to do.
I have said all i needed to say. Good luck in your path.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"You clearly want to seem to appear as a victim. Do play that card with those that do not know yet your number."
This was what we got (alongside with being outlaughed) years ago when we sayied to the unawakened 'all we have to do is to stand up!'
oh thank Zeus Chb... sorry for what happened to you and very much appreciate your transparency.
Deletewhen i looked at that official ufo soft-disclosure video... looks to me more like a step toward funding for the space projects....
ReplyDeletei am sure if the objective was to bring a clear understanding that we are not alone.. better videos n explanations would have been brought up.
someone claim that was a video from 2014...
so besides treating the population like children they dont even give as proof a more recent account.
correction.. video from 2004...
DeleteDestroying The Illusion
ReplyDeleteInterview w/ James Gilliland of ECETI - Deep State, True Human History, UFO Disclosure & Ascension
Destroying The Illusion
Cobra is this that Plejadeans are behind Q posts?
...around 40' mark?
DeleteMaybe your words will be more audible. My ones were not,... or, even they were, they were after years.
Deletewould you like Tracy Beanz too?
DeleteCobra and Gilliland should have been in interview years ago...
Meditate and co-create a new world that brings us happiness. Merry Christmas!! I think we are close.
ReplyDeleteTo everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
ReplyDeleteA friend and me, we did an operation and we where beamed up to Sirius. We had searched for a quiet place because before plasmoids had attacked us. On Sirius then just wanting to get a bit of nicer energy, suddenly an electric fire-like oracle place appeared. It looked like those plasma lamps. I asked a few questions, for example if I am doing enough to fulfill my mission. The answer was a big "Yes". Then I asked if my friend is doing enough and they said: " He is doing waaaayyyyy to much, he must learn to enjoy his life." I looked a bit pleased and my friend looked a bit unhappy. But we both fel that something was not right with that answer. My friend started to report details on the situation here on Earth and I too reported some things. Then the oracle was near before a blackout and needed a bit time for evaluation. Then they said my friend would do exactly what needed to be done, it would be extremely difficult and hard but it was absolutely neccessary and they said I needed to do way more. I asked if they could give me any advice and they answered something that did not really fit. So I tried to make them even more understandable what is going on related to my real mission. They admitted, that many things would need to change before I could do it and I really needed help, because there is not a space for that at all. More details on what my friend said and what I said I keep for myself, it was something like "yes you where right, but I am right too" etc. etc.. (usually we are not arguing, we don't like it.) I admit my programming from the entity has hurt him many times and I am deeply sorry but the same time very proud of him to have endoured so many tests. We further spoke with the oracle and where transmitted to a meeting in space. A darkie tried to listen, so before we could discuss any-thing, we ALL had to do with the attack. The beings that had tried to listen was teleported into the GCS but technology was kept to analyse it. So a few more could be found, also all technology kept for further analysis. It went on like that, special task force found a main computer and could deactivate the alarm system by analysis of the other things. You know it works like that, there is a big computer where you put in all the data and the more data it has, if you ask a question, it evaluates the best solution according to the momentous state of knowledge. This procedure went on for a few topics. There are really so many helpers/lightbeings who await our call for assistance. I experienced it myself, we really need to report in detail what is happening down here, because a being of light who has never been here, can have no idea of this reality. For every major operation, a special team is being built and for other operations already existing teams are being sent. There are many situations the lightforces up there could probably help us if they knew about it. If nobody tells them, they can not know.
ReplyDeleteAnd at the end I ask you, did you know how darkies are? If lightforces sent them to the GCS they still are laughing dirty. You won't see them regret. They still have this hostile evil dirty laugh even while being dissolved.
AND: FULL DISCLOSURE means removing all masks. Imagine full disclosure in your own family. It happens and it has to happen. Truth can really be a shock but the same time a relief of a whole construct of lies being pulled off your shoulders.
That was all for now. Stay safe and happy and have a wonderful warm celebration.
Victory of the Light!
I agree with you on the importance of Full Disclosure...
Deleteis the key to remove all negative bondages... no matter how uncomfortable and painful....
how is delivered plays a big role on how it may get received.
ReplyDeletesuccessful meditating, 23th December, at 2.00pm, 2.30pm, 3.00pm, 3.30pm, 4.00pm UTC...
ReplyDeleteDear sister, I chose this one for you, cause you're one of the "vets". Meaning, like most of us, for years; you had to deal with with the good and the bad news all the time, and adjust your-SELF up and down ;))
Soon, the night will be over!!!
And it's time to sing:
Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video)
Have the best HOLY-DAYS EVER!!!
i like that quote HyeAngel
DeleteThanks Hye!
DeleteA lot of energy in these concert videos!
I wish my hair were as gigantic and fluffy as these band members. :)
Merry Holidays to all of us.
I woke up early this morning with a solid vision in my third eye.
DeleteIt was a bright, distant light. Like a sun. It was big and bright and had a halo around it.
I looked at it in my mind's eye for a minute or two. It was not in my eye sight. It was in my mind's eye. And it was before the sun came up.
I occasionally see things with my pineal gland -- I guess this is what I would say it was.
It makes me think the Galactic Central Sun is starting to send beams our way.
ReplyDeleteTracy Beanz
"You clearly want to seem to appear as a victim. Do play that card with those that do not know yet your number."
ReplyDeleteThis was what we got (alongside with being outlaughed) years ago when we sayied to the unawakened 'all we have to do is to stand up!'
ReplyDeleteRetired Marine - QAnon Says God is Love! 2018 Will Be GLORIOUS! - 12/23/2017
Steve Motley
He gave a call to all the patriots.
Somethings different. I was outside. (its dark here) and the wind was blowing it isnt that cold but it has been. And i heard birds chirping like it was spring. the only time that ever happened was when pleiadian or light ships were nearby. I didn't see anything. But you could feel it. anyone else?
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm in England so it gets dark early and I too heard birds chirping after sunset, most unusual.
ReplyDeleteNicely Moving On Up :-)
Getting Out Of the darkness.
Our Light Shines On.
That's why I'm Easy.
Easy like a SunDay Morning.
Lots of Love and Light and a Sunny SunDay
ReplyDeleteAch Du ahnst es nicht! :-D
Ladies and GentleMen, We have a surprise appearance for you!
I did not see this one coming at all, and that's a shoot.
What a plesant surprise on this ChristMas Eve Morning, thank you for that!
It's JC - Joe Cocker!
12 x 12 really *is* 144, right?
And 12:12 equals 1, correct?
"So far so good. Do go on."
Just checking ;-)
So what are We waiting for? It's a Magic Moment.
To turn this thing around :-)
Right Here
Right Now
Have a Wonderful Time during these Celebration Days full of Love and Light, everyone.
Honour Divine Mother within you :-)
ReplyDelete<3 Ending Cycle :-) And no I am not an astrologist. I am "just" Connected With my Inner Star ;-)
ReplyDeleteMove on UP !!!
ReplyDeleteI am Baby Unicorn.
ReplyDeleteI am the Messiah.