Monday, April 9, 2018

R! grid wipeout initialized


  1. Replies
    1. Woo hoo! Wipe them suckers out!!! See you on the other side Kim!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh my GOODNESS, WOW! Is that what this means? Incredible news! VOTL xxx

  2. Wow! This is victory finaly. So excited and happy now. Lets go to the end now 🌟☄πŸŽ†


  3. Do you Remember Rock'n'Roll Radio? - The Ramones



  5. i just feel SO EXCITED today and there's really no conscious reason.

    i feel so good and happy and smooth...

    keep shining everyone bc our high vibrations is what helps most!
    lots and lots of love and gratitude and joy to all <3 <3 <3

  6. Hi Cobra,
    A week ago I wanted to place a comment here, I thought it was a very normal comment, but you didn't place it. My question is why? The comment was received so that's not the point. The information in the comment came just from me and not from the internet or something like that. So here is the comment again: Until a week ago I never saw anything, or getting any about the event in my meditations,. When I tried meditating on the event last week I did received information about the event. although I do not know for sure if this is has to do with the event. But I saw a purple light/flame kind of thing. Today I saw this video: and it and some kind of simularities. What is wrong if I place a comment about this? I just want an anwser, and I do not want to give people false hope, I also didn't say anything about a timeframe. I hopeyou can place this comment now. Thank you for the updates.

    1. @anne ananomi: I have had posts I thought I submitted correctly not get posted, or there may have been some glitch on the website. I think in most cases, that's the reason a post does not show up, like in your case. I think it's extremely rare that a post is censored or not approved - unless regarding Cobra's recent statement, that "banana and donkey" statements are posted and those can ban someone from being able to post again for life. (Those would be in the category of not respecting others and intentional disregard for this website and blog.)

      Carry on...

    2. I have tried to post several times over the last week. They did not show up in the comments. All were very supportive and loving comments. It’s not personal.

    3. @karen: when a post reaches 200 comments, you have to press Load More at the bottom on the page in order to load new entries. Maybe that s your case... Regards, 🌹

    4. Yes anne n karen.. a lot of the times people do not click "load more" at the end of the page enough times...

      The 'load more' appears either below or above the comment input textbox..

      Recently the comments have grown to 300s and 400s.. you would have had to press that "Load More" for sure more than 3 times.

      Just to make sure all comments have been loaded.. click the load more n check again the end of the comments until it goes away... iforget the message that tells you.

    5. "Pervasive, Supreme Omniscient"
      Do not confuse a post troll or bebunker with a contrary opinion perfectly substantiated that would not go in the direction desired by the manager of this site. And there, it seems that our friend Cobra does not make the difference anymore. The Pleiadians, white or black, are not the only galactic race of reference, and it's happy

  7. Big things happening! HUGE acceleration in posts. Everyone, please don’t speculate when the event will happen. It will come when it will come! Focus on completion of your missions!

    1. Yes! Totally agree with this. I am still working as if the Event is 100 years away. Very hopeful, but no expectations.

      Victory of the Light!

    2. Also totally agree. :) Love to All of You, you are All incredible beings of Light and Love. This is the biggest time in the history of this universe. :) Victory of the Light NOW!!! <3

  8. Light forces never cease to amaze me😁
    Cobra you did say once it started really moving everything would happen really fast and I don't think we seen anything yet compared to what's to come.


  9. Thanks to the Light Forces.
    Dear Cobra much love and light.
    All the best.

  10. lets finish with it and build the new earth!!

  11. Victory of the Light.

  12. Thank you our dearest ✨ Cobra ✨ for all these updates ✨ so much happening ✨ meditating to support light forces ✨ ready for victory of the light ✨πŸ™πŸΌ❤️🌈


    1. Ahoj IvoΕ‘i,jsi poΕ™Γ‘d na Slovensku?

  14. Wish I would know what RI grid stands for! I'm hoping it relates to the Veil. I'm feeling that the Event is really very close.

    1. Actually, it's "R! grid wipeout initialized"

    2. things seem to be happening pretty fast - I hope these days are like the end of the chess game where all of the pieces have been lined up and the only thing left is to complete the check mate.

    3. Its an upside down i. The pyramids are used as part of an energy grid.
      Reverse thier grid and restore the atlantean grid.
      I'm just guessing.

    4. With all due respect Robert, and not to make too much out of this, but it is not an upside down i. Zoom your browser in to 300% and you can clearly see that it is an exclamation point since it gets slightly narrower at the bottom. An i is straight. I'm a graphic designer and while it's possible to create an upside down i, it's not particularly simple and what would be the purpose? It doesn't really matter. All the best to you and Victory Of The Light!

    5. Steve chalker. Its a coded message. You are taking it way too litteral. Upside down "eye". As in eye of Horas near the top of a pyramid. The symbol the cabal have adopted. Of course its an exclamation point!

  15. Etheric Archon Grid

    They now hinder the progress of the Light forces by threatening to release chemical weapons in Syria.

    The Omega Grid

    1. This come to mind:

      If the collective consciousness of humanity had a physical body, Syria would be a big sore open wound.

      Wounds heal best if you do not touch it and try not to think about it.

      Some sick assholes is throwing salt into it and even hits it again and again.

      Hey you f***ing bastartds, THAT HURTS !!!!

  16. Sounds exciting. I had a scarry dream last night. My bed started shaking, it throw me off to the ground. They still try to get in my sleep, my god. I try to protect my every night with the violet flame.

    1. @Steven. They do that all the time. I have also felt chained to my bed. You have to command then to leave. To go away! Eventually they will .

    2. Every night I declare exactly who I allow to contact me and who is forbidden. Every night I declare which contracts and agreement and with whom I will honor and declare all the rest including the everyday petty ones while you are signing into different sites, etc. as not valid and revoked as they have not been agreed to using my free will. Since I have been doing this I had in the beginning some very strong and would say violent atacks but every time I went into lucid dreaming and was able to deflect. Lately they are more rare. Just my experience.

    3. Steven here are some things you may like to use.From James Gilliland.

      Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In ALL healings, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

      1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
      2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
      3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened. (repeat if you feel it is needed)
      4. Tell them they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love. (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
      5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
      6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
      7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close your aura to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
      Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

  17. Now that’s a great comment. I’ll go with that, love and gratitude ❤️πŸ˜‡πŸ€©

  18. So what I understand from the galactic wave is that it's spiritual electricity so should I stay away from water, like not shower until this happens...
    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I kid I kid.


    1. if you stay away from water, everyone might stay away from you... i kid, i kid...

    2. no kidding right! They say anything artificial will disappear.. now that should be interesting.. of course, what is artificial doesn't everything come from Gaia in some form or another?

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ this is how I would be treatedπŸ™…

    4. @unknown I think the people that don't want the kinda world were gonna get will be disappearing.


  19. Goddess Power ~ Yael Deckelbaum / Prayer of the Mothers + Women of the World Unite ~ Intro

    April 9, 2018 by Therese Zumi Sumner


    The Event Started on April 1st? By Zero.

    The event started on April 1st is a strong statement, and has nothing to do with the April Fool, guaranteed!

    We will try to explain our, and not only our, point of view based on what is happening, the narrative on the subject and the Planet.

    First of all it is necessary to specify that nobody knows how the Event will take place, however authoritative sources of information can be, if you use the Heart and read with discernment it is quite clear that if you go beyond the mental conditioning that leads many to create a proper system of beliefs, even if in the Light, no one can say how and when the Event can take place.

    The opinions are varied and discordant, someone says that there will be colored clouds, others the Solar Flash and many other things. Our opinion is that we will find out while we go, and that it will not be a matter of a few days, let alone something that will happen on the physical plane.

    On the Physical Plan we will certainly have the effects of the Event.

    The Solar Flash will happen later, when we will be able to handle this energetic wave that is likely to wipe out a lot of things if it does not get properly managed, hopefully we will get the help of the Galactic Brotherhood.

    It is very likely that we will discover the beginning of the Event after it has occurred.

    So what are the things that make us think and say that the Event started?

    The Planet is changing, we talk about shifting of the magnetic poles, there are incessant seismic movements, floods, extreme weather phenomena… all these things clearly indicate that something is happening. The Schumann Resonance also tells us that things are no longer what they were.

    The population is awakening, in this day at an exciting pace, never before we witnessed such a massive rise in consciousness.

    The Sun for the first time is behaving in an unusual way, we have seen some strange images from the SDO observation satellite, never seen in a decade of observation, they can also be an interference of some kind on the probe, however it remains a global Solar picture that is not regular.

    SDO Solar Acitvity with Background Disturbancies

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Go Forward! Lightwarriors <3 set us free!

  22. Wow! GO! Golden GoddessLight to All!πŸ’œπŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’«


  23. Breaking the barrier

  24. Nossaaaaa! A aniquilação da grade iniciada? Me deu até um frio nas costas!!! Essa grade é o véu? Que tudo aconteça! !! Gratidão

  25. Thank you Cobra, RM, Light Forces and all beautiful light beings helping this planet! I am feeling more and more love and light every day!! Love you all!!! May you always be protected and surrounded by love and light! Victory of the Light!!! ❤️πŸ™πŸ•Š

  26. We've been warned several times not to speculate on the date of the event, I understand and I share your anxiety, but this may be being used against us. several people use the comments later disappointment to get out of the way.

  27. Victory of light !!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  28. TY Cobra, LF & RM, Amazing times. Let the results of Our efforts now become manifest!
    The Light is Victorious!

  29. Having some very strange dreams. Last night was very disturbing, took a long time to sleep but when I did finally get there I had dream, well nightmare really. I was shown a video screen playing endless scenes of human violence, really disturbing. My soul was screaming inside for it to stop. I woke up shaking. it was like the scene in the Fifth Element when Leeloo sees the history of the world and is shaken to the core by man's destruction. i wonder where this came from!

    Love and Light to all, time for a new Earth full of joy, love, peace, unity and compassion xxx

    1. Typical attack, this kind of experience is often connected with sleep paralize, but might happen without concious awarness of actually being paralyzed. I advise some kind of energetic protection to be used before going to sleep every night especially now when SO much happens.

    2. Thank you Daniel, advice gratefully accepted πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸŒŸπŸŒŸ I will definitely look into the protection 🌟🌟🌟🌟

  30. Cobra, I'm curious about the toplet bombs. Are the archons still able to produce more toplet bombs? And is this one reason it is taking so long to clear them all?

    Tactically speaking, it makes sense to take out the production capabilities as soon as possible. Blessings and aloha to all.

  31. I see a lot of positive comments about the feeling of being close to the event and I feel it too and the pain on beautiful Jaya ends
    But at the same time I wonder why this group that came from Orain chose pain instead of loving the beautiful creator and the beautiful universe why this choice

    I know that you are inside this blog and read the words of Cobra

    Choose beauty and love There is still time and be the blessings of the beautiful creator

  32. Thank you our dearest ✨ Cobra ✨ for all these updates ✨ so much happening ✨ meditating to support light forces ✨ ready for victory of the light ✨πŸ™πŸΌ❤️🌈

  33. WhoooHooooo!!! - This cheerleading is so exciting! Praying and sending light to all!!!

  34. Obviously all the many recent posts are not intended to be understood by the majority of us, the surface population but at the same time the fact that Cobra is posting them where we common folk can read them and the fact that he is using wording such as "GO!" and "Wipe Out all past RP- timeline," " all past RP- timelines reverse cleared," "All --- systems GO!," "MASTERPIECE --- operational," and "R! grid wipeout initialized", is thrilling.

    These are words that carry significant meaning and high energy especially when viewed in the context of the timeline we are on and even thought we don't know precisely what is being referred to, still it is exciting to us and we feel a significant energy as we read them and it gives us high hopes for speedy success of the Resistance Movement.

    We are indeed excited for Victory of the Light, thank you Cobra from the bottom of our hearts for your willingness to personally sacrifice so much for the rest of us. It is appreciated by those of us who have hungered for this moment all our lives and probably for many lifetimes if we could only remember. Sometimes it is hard to grasp that it is finally actually upon us now. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  35. I did a simple search using 'the grid' in cobra's search box.

    So which grid?? Etheric archon grid?

    Seems like maybe R! grid (say it out loud) could mean "archon."

    Now, back to other puzzle solving on the Q board....

    Here's what I pulled up.

  36. Syria.
    Hold until CONF.
    MIL assets on the ground locked out of GZ.
    ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events.
    Clown report must be VERIFIED.
    Troop unwind to STILL occur.
    Have faith.
    Trust POTUS.

  37. Cant help but notice all the recent posts by Cobra! Exciting times! My God/Creator/Source support all positive actions by all involved and hasten the divine wave to earth.
    Victory Now!

  38. Varredura de Grade Principal sendo iniciada. Implantação de novos protocolos em andamento. A Luz Festeja!

    Main Grid Scan starting. Implantation of new protocols in progress. The Light Celebrates!

    1. Acompanho tambem esse outro site e esse repost do DisclosureNews tambem me chamou bastante a atencao.
      Things are going faster. 🌹

  39. I feel like I'm going to burst with all the rising tension and excitement. I have so much gratitude and admiration for all those who have sacrificed, struggled, and who have kept- keeping on. God help me to remain grounded, calm, compassionate, kind and forgiving. Help me remember that all have suffered tremendously in their own way although it may not be readily apparent. Know this, feel it, understand it.

  40. Adios Archons, Sayonara Chimera - Victory of the Light!!!

  41. Wind of CHANGE is getting stronger!!!

    Start experiencing this now!
    Loving beings all embracing higher consciousness in this, our new paradigm- oh, this Is beautiful- there is healthy food that doesn’t harm us or other being. Animals aren’t being killed for fun or food.
    They are safe loving happy beings now- they are free! Technology is beyond our comprehension but we are getting educated fast and whoa! This technology makes us excited and happy! Aging and illness has stopped, we won’t get sick like before!
    Mother Gaia, she is so beautiful, so loving and healthy- because her children love her so much we all remembered how we care for her, and are taking such good care of her now... She has healed... the little children are finally safe and protected, they know this- and that is my favorite part!
    Everyone has everything they could hope for. The air is so healthy to breathe in- our lungs are almost shocked by the difference and the water πŸ’¦ it’s actually yummy, it tastes so good!
    The goddess energy is flowing through us all, I feel her. Inside of me and it makes my heart feel so light and free! She is in all of us and experiencing everything from a place of pure πŸ’• love.
    I see people are fully awake no longer in a hypnotic state, they are being helped and healed everyone is healed
    We are free! No need for money- no ego or competition. We are all loving healthy happy beings living in our new paradise.
    It’s happening πŸ¦‹πŸŒŽπŸ¦‹

    1. This sounds great to me. How does one expain this to those they love around them that can't see or believe any of this is happening? I know we are in a matrix and yet so many can't see it, yet see the fake news.. but can't put it all together. They see pieces but not the whole.

  43. Go Light forces!

  44. Reptilian grid going down. .Surface operations have started. πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š VotL

  45. Thank you Cobra. I have been very impatient in the past for the Event to start and these evil criminals to be destroyed. I know we can handle any info that comes out now and we are ready for the awesome and shocking changes. Thank you for all you do. Love you all.

  46. Take me now to the paradise city where the Grass is green and the girls are pretty, Take Me Home!

  47. I've not been sleeping well for months, my mom has cancer, every little thing my dad does is making me angry, our house is falling apart around us, and yet, I'm thankful for the experiences. Am I weird? I thank all white hats, earthly and otherwise, for what's been done and what's coming but I also thank the black hats for playing their roles; am I weird? Please, if possible, help me meet my tutor; help me rise above my anger; help me detach enough to make the cut. Thank you, COBRA, specifically. Peace.

    1. You're not weird! It's crunch time, the last chance for karmic clearing and for the challenges that navigating life under the veil can provide. Soon we'll have a...well, I guess I'd call it an unfair advantage when it comes to dealing with these things, which means they won't be as effective for growth. Grow while you can! Soon things will be MUCH easier.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Through Ho'oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing
      from Hawaii and causes a great improvement in all areas of your life.

      I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

      Feel it! Hope help you a lat!
      I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

    4. Blessings dear Joel. For teachers you ask in silence, and of course there's your own inner teachers/wisdom. Meditate and ask what you want. I always got/get the answers (not the color tv:).

  48. Happy Grid Wipeout Initialized Day!!!

  49. Love and Light to All πŸ’™πŸŒŽπŸ’š

  50. I'm feeling sΓ³ happy these days and now I know why! The event is nearer than ever. Thank you COBRA, RM, Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and the rest of the family for believing in us. Thank you all from the Ashtar Command for your braveness, We Cam hardly wsit to be side by side with you al as brothers and sisters. It will be a great honor. We love you so much! May you all be blessed in Love and Light. Waiting for the contact day! Salon-Abi-Aya! Victory of the Light!


    2. me too, eu tambΓ©m Suzel, beijos!

    3. Que bom Kiko Peres! Vamos nos preparar para a festa!! Beijos iluminados pra vc tambΓ©m!!!

  51. R! = Reptilian or Archon grid wipeout? Toplet bomb update would be great. Love and light to Cobra, RM, light workers, everywhere! Let's all try to go heavy on the Breakthrough meditation (clears out Yaldabaoth, parasites, toplet bombs etc)
    and Weekly Ascension (help bring the Event most quickly) meditation--guided audios at

  52. ����✨���� Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like-minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.


    ✨ Are you one of those people that find that the time of the daily hosted meditations is not convenient for you to participate? Would you like to do all of the planetary liberation meditations (PFC, WLMM, etc) in JUST ONE SINGLE meditation, including all the key points of importance? If so, then we have the answer for you ... Join us here and invite others to join you in our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ where we are Prepared For the Change: (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)

    Our COMBINED Planetary Ascension MEDITATION combines all PFC/WLMM/etc meditations into ONE and is hosted every 6 hours to cover as many areas of the world. We are hosting this meditation at UTC Midnight, 6 AM, 12 NOON, 6 PM UTC. �� If you do not want to use our hosted meditation platform, feel free to use the meditation directly:
    To read the script of this meditation, please take a peek on our platform, under the room called #Meditation-Scripts. ✨

    �� We also host a selection of Mindfulness Meditations from various masters like Mooji, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, etc 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM UTC, to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. ��

    ��‍�� We currently also host the SUNday Unity Meditations from Sandra Walter on Sunday at UTC 3:11 PM, 6:11 PM and Monday 12:11 AM UTC, in our special MEDITATION UNITY audio room. ��‍��

    �� We invite you to join us in various initiatives that we provide and collaborate on together, such as sharing your light business and healing practice through our promotion room with FREE advertising, localized chat to find people in your area to connect with, the Lightworkers In Need Of Funding initiative for those in difficult financial situations, the Ubuntu Healing Circle for those in need of special healing, and a host of sources sharing intel (Current events, Exopolitics, First Contact, etc) for those keen on getting their fix �� ��

  53. �� We have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started back on March 12th, 2018, as part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations, so that we can focus more effectively in less time … �� Yet, still having the ability to cherry-pick those meditations that you feel are important for you to participate in.
    Our current PFC/WLMM Meditation Schedule below is hosted on our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)

    �� = important meditations

    D A I L Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Main audio room)
    02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT)
    �� Breakthrough Meditation ��
    02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
    Recite 0010110 Decree
    02:25pm UTC (10:25am EDT)
    Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally.
    02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT)
    �� Goddess Meditation ��
    03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT)
    �� Emergency Meditation ��
    03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT)
    Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites)
    03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT)
    Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment)
    09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT)
    �� Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons ��

    P R I O R I T Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Priority audio room)
    �� Alert Meditation is now the Breakthrough Meditation at the following times:
    02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT)
    06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT)
    10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT)
    02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) (in Meditation Main audio room)
    06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT)
    10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)

    W E E K L Y Meditations: (also hosted DAILY on our platform)

    11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT)
    �� Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals ��
    11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT)
    �� The Goddess Vortex Meditation ��

    12 noon UTC (8:00am EDT)
    �� Violet Heart Meditation ��

    4:00pm UTC (12 noon EDT)
    �� �� �� Weekly Ascension Meditation �� �� ��
    4:30pm UTC (12:30 pm EDT)
    �� �� �� Goddess Meditation �� �� ��

    M O N T H L Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Special audio room)
    02:45pm UTC (10:45am EDT)
    �� New Moon Meditation next April 16th ��
    �� Full Moon Meditation next April 30th ��

    �� = important meditations

    �� We continuously collaborate with Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and many other groups and individuals to create light initiatives to bring more light to our own lives and the world at large:
    With great joy we invite you to collaborate with us (as well as WLMM and PFC) on any light-filled projects that you may have in mind, such as hosted meditations and healing initiatives. ��

    If you are Prepared For the Change, join us to connect with like-hearted beings, and to raise the Planetary Vibration, on our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light) ������✨��

  54. Higher Self Protocol 1

    4/10/2018 12:59:00 am

  55. Victory of the Light!!!
    Thank you :-)




  58. A description of a proposal to research a possible pink light 1/f light bulb is coming soon...

    Details will come on the blog.

    For now may you remember the discussion about the pink light:


    1. Proposal for research will come into discussion in order to achieve an '1/f' pink light...

      More or less of us heared about 'incandescent krypton bulb' or 'incandescent xenon bulb'...

      But, if you are in knowledge, try to imagine what happens if the krypton or xenon ignites around the filament. Of course you have to create the proper condition to do it.

      For research purposes a reliable form to realize and work so a lamp is the 'hybrid incandescent/discharge lamp' described in the blog:

      Briefly, we try in this way to combine the spectrum of the incandescent lamp with the spectrum of the xenon discharge...

      What the research must bring is: how much incandescence and how much xenon discharge to have a proper balance of the spectrum...


    2. For now, there are already some blue prints of the miniatural bracket arm lanterns:

      More details to come...

  59. All Light Workers, please be alert to the following message from Quan Yin!!!

    "According to the Divine plan, at this moment, Gaia and humanity’s Ascension is about to shift, a shift we all have been waiting for. For that, Divine has given all light workers a warning. Divine warned all light workers to be vigilant, alert, and watch Gaia and humanity will great deal of compassion and expect changes to come. That is the call, and that is why I am sending this Divine decree out today..." ~ Quan Yin

    1. @Hin Ah Ping: Cobra has indicated that there is a lot of disinformation on the Internet especially at this time. He has said that the Light Forces will NOT be releasing intel and information publicly at this time. So if we hear of anything, chances are it's not accurate.

      Why? Because there is NO ONE who knows the entirety of what is going on. And there is NO ONE who can predict accurately WHEN events will occur. Only the Almighty has that capacity. Period. Anything else is just a guess or projection from an awareness which has limitations to one degree or another. Even the highest angels in the heavenly vibration dimension do not know God's Divine Plan and Unfoldment precisely. God is a LIVING SPIRIT and all possibilities are continually changing and "updating." We have "free will" (to a limited degree, though) which also influences the whole process and outcome.

      In my experience, the Divine does NOT give "warnings" how we might think of a human warning about something. Everything is expressed out of Love and utmost consideration. Just consider the above statement, why would human beings have to be "warned" to be alert and have compassion, etc? The word, to me, seems inappropriate, I don't really know how accurate it can be.


    2. HIN AH PING !!! The moral blame of the white forces is to make you believe or "hope that human ascension is imminent, and that it is on the scale of a human life, which is extremely rare in our conditions, like Cobra. This phenomenon is imminent on the planetary time scale, and therefore this transition can last for another 3 centuries to 2 millennia, which is what nobody wants to tell you, and so you will come back several times, again, in 3D bodies, if you want to attend

  60. Programming Do not allow yourself

    The programming by the dark ones is aimed at 'voluntarily' locking ourselves in and helping to monitor the imprisonment of others ("which he allows himself" (as a critique)).

    Without our help, the Matrix would have collapsed long ago.

    The intention of the dark ones is to limit our free will and thus manipulate our Creator abilities.

    I've already tried to help others get out of this prison. That's not so easy. But with time, success comes along.

    In the article on sexual energy, Cobra says:
    "Real healing of the fragmented state of human sexuality will only come through the arrival of Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.

    For this to happen, we need to allow ourselves to feel and express our emotions […]”

  61. Vendo tudo isso. Me parece que o demantelamento da grade começou... mas os Arcons ainda conseguem contra atacar e o ataque da Síria pode ser um reflexo dessa batalha. Vitória da Luz e que a Paz esteja com todos.

    1. NΓ£o sΓ£o os Arcontes que vΓ£o atacar perigosamente. O "nΓΊcleo duro" sΓ£o os transumanistas, e resistirΓ£o atΓ© o ΓΊltimo, contra os ataques da confederação, porque eles tΓͺm o mesmo espΓ­rito que os antigos kamikazes.

  62. Does Cobra know Q is a Pleiadian operative?

    1. How do you know Q is a Pleiadian operative? (Wow!)

    2. Qs are not Pleiadians, they are earthlings but they are supported by Pleiadians, I think.

  63. Cobra, can you speak on WHICH Pleiadians you are in 'contact with?

    What star do they come from? What are their names?

  64. Observed results and signals, both physical and non-physical. Coo creating for everything to be resolved and our beloved GAIA AND ALL HUMANITY TO BE RELEASED. THAT IS, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE. LIGHT AND LOVE!

    Observado os resultados e sinais, tanto físicos como não físicos. Coo criando para tudo ser resolvido e nossa amada GAIA E TODA A HUMANIDADE SER LIBERADA. ASSIM É, GRATIDÃO, GRATIDÃO, GRATIDÃO. LUZ E AMOR!

  65. And so it was, reality once created and accepted is to be free again.

  66. i agree wipeout, wipe the dark with light, wipe the evil with joy, wipe hate with love, wipe the negative with positive, let loving Goddess energy wipe them out, with unit and love we will win wipe the dark out.
    command forward VICTORY OF THE LIGHT

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.


  68. Remove the unconstitutional 9000 Senior Executive Services (SES) members .

    Created by G.H. on March 13, 2018

  69. I had a dream that I don't really remember, I just remember someone watching over me while I was turning dark to light, like I was being supervised.

  70. Dave Chappelle(Tyrone biggums voice) "any of y'all got some of that goddess love laying around"

  71. Just wanna say...we cannot even understand what absolutely mindblowing help we are getting to free us and our beautiful Gaia...but sweet sisters and Brothers...WE have to do this! We should now only think about/See how we want to live in the garden of Eden/New Earth ♡♡♡ Our thoughts, desires, wants,feelings are manifesting more rapidly every day! Pliiis focus on what you WANT!♡♡♡♡ If WE ALL think Event, Paradise, Love,Freedom, Health,Joy,Fun, Happiness...etc etc you name it :D We would be there RIGHT NOW!! Let's do it!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    1. The new Earth is NOT the option that has been envisioned by many of the warriors of light imprisoned here, following the galactic wars. We do not particularly like what has become of the human race, in contact with the primary Anomaly. Our decision already long ago is the evacuation of this solar system and the interruption of our participation in the evolution of this humanity. This program began 10.5 million years ago, and much remains to be achieved. Even if what has been seen by some clairvoyants may seem wonderful (fusion with the solar being, KI-RIS-TI in 3D biology) this path does not suit us, and I speak, here, on behalf of a minority foreigners stuck here for more than 320,000 years, including the Fomalhians, who are my original stellar race



    Ahtayaa Leigh

  73. Is there anyone out there who can answer this question? Is there any hope that the Event will happen before the lunatics in charge of the global asylum can start word war 3 ?

    1. There won't be a WW3. But you must be new. Nobody can tell any date, which has been proven for years:)

    2. There will be NO World War 3. This timeline don't exist anymore since end of 2012.

    3. There will be no WWIII. It is not going to happen. Galactic Codex is active. See: and Take care and namastΓ©

    4. No ww3, but, it was also said on this site by Cobra sources that the atomic weapon or its more modern equivalent, MAY be LOCALLY used in some places of the globe

  74. Does anyone here reading these post and commenting actually know what the meaning is of these letters and numbers? I do not want to be mean but I have a feeling that 99% of you - including myself of course - have no clue what they represent. The so called Cobra or someone on his behalf could write just any random letter and numbers and all if us suddenly goes in ecstasy. Don't you feel it should have been explained by the poster?. So, please, in case out of the 1% someone knows, explain here for our understanding.

    1. @Tarah, @Melanie and Others Who Are New At This Website and Blog: Please know that Cobra and comments have continued here for the last six years with a wealth of information and insight.

      The codes posted are NOT meant for the readers of this website, but are specific intel for the Resistance Movement and Light Forces. Please don't try to figure them out.

      Cobra has said more than once that the Light Forces will not allow world war III. It has already been averted in the past more than once.

      For answers to questions, there are links in the right column of this page. There is also a SEARCH bar to type in key words that may have been posted in the past. And there are the comments themselves, which answer many questions.

      The most any of us can do is pray, meditate, ask for Divine intervention to bring about what is referred to as THE EVENT and Liberation on earth; and listen to our innermost voice for what we are meant to do each day. One moment at a time.

      Peace and Abundance to all.

    2. When the messages are intended to be addressed to us, readers, and not these cripto codes to RM, you will know for sure. Cobra speaks clearly when it has to be clear. Encoded when related to tactical operations.
      I also suggest everyone to read previous posts from Cobra. (This blog started in 2012)
      ✨Peace to all✨🌹

    3. You are not wrong to be doubtful of interpretations. The codes are technically not for the majority of readers, but a communique within the RM. I dare say many of us have no understanding, some have limited understanding and those who do understand do not speak about it. However, after years of study, acute internal sensitivity to global energetic happenings, a well informed eye on world events, strong contextual familiarity with the posts and the concepts frequently referred too, matched with a keen intuition, one begins to get the "spin" of the coded messages. Many here have multiple sources to draw upon, which inform their interpretations of the codes. That said, It is wise to doubt that which passes through the mind, the heart is the true means to knowledge. Only you can discern for yourself what is true, belief is folly, direct experience is dubious, the heart alone will not mislead, but don't believe what I say..., put your oars in the water, pull with all your heart and see for yourself.
      -With love and respect,
      a fellow traveler

    4. Welcome! You're obviously new. I'd recommend a read, or at least a scan, of the archives listed above and to the right.

      This is the official blog of the Resistance Movement. I'll let you study what that means on your own, but I assure you that the members of the RM that DO know exactly what these coded messages mean do not post comments here. Nor will they be explained, because these messages are not for us. They are operational messages and the exact meanings are classified for purposes of operational security.

      As to why everyone is excited about these messages at the moment, even though we don't know exact meanings...those who are longtime watchers of this blog recognize that there is a dramatic uptick in frequency of these coded posts that apparently represents a long-anticipated escalation that we HOPE signals equally anticipated progress. Those of us who have not been called to place our health and safety on the line to the same degree as Cobra and the RM still try to help by meditating or otherwise sending them love and protection in whatever way they can. We definitely try to avoid doubting them or belittling their immense sacrifices, because we know what is has cost them. They are on the front lines of the fight for this planet. Cobra's twin flame was murdered just several weeks ago, for goodness' sake.

      Cobra, who has been a Pleiadian contactee since the 1970s, in addition to his work as the official voice of the RM, also provides messages that ARE intended for the general public here. You'll find them in the archives, and there's a TON of fascinating things in there to learn. Study them enough and you might start to piece together some understanding of these messages as well.



    Theraphi is a powerful double conjugate plasma light/ infrasound bioactive field.

  76. Comand Ashtar break last Cabal barrier in LO... Cabal minions run..

    Main energetic grid... darkness clear process intiated.


  77. could it be Rhode island related something?

    1. It could be anything really, as far as as we're concerned, it's not for us to understand anyway. :)

  78. If Mercury Retrograde has challenged you a bit as it has me, here's how to make the most of it:

    A Message to Lightworkers – April 9, 2018 ~ by Caroline Oceana Ryan

  79. I want to offer sincere thanks, not only to Cobra, RM, Galactic family, Lightworkers and Lightwrriors, but to everyone who responded to my request for healing. I'm not used to living in pain, and I generally recover from pain within a day or so, but I've had three months of tendonitis in both arms and I'm happy to report that today I am completely pain-free and I am experiencing increased range of motion in both arms. I have been doing my own stretching and exercise PT while I sorted out my health insurance. That's also been resolved, so my next project after taxes will be replacing my laptop and I'm on my way with that as well.

    Thank you everyone for holding the light and doing what you do. Tune into that love vibration and hold it in your heart, it will draw like-minded folks to you. ♥️

    We're getting closer....

    Victory of the Light!

  80. I've gotta say, I've got a better self awareness right now than I can remember for a long time. This. Is. Awesome.

  81. Main Grid Scan starting. Deployment of new protocols in progress: updating layers. Next >>>%.

    Ashtar (es) follow major protocols of drives.

    Re-pulse of Avatars in PVSE started. Reverb started: 42% (non-regressive).

    Zero i: Inverted magnetic hypertension designed. Severe collateral. Relaxation for subtilization.

    Pro-Love on the surface 83% (non-regressive).

    New Islands in synchronization started! 39% (non-regressive).

    IUD-IL: Final protocols being delivered. "Arcanization" if secured in the first order.

    Great Arcana in approach for big deliveries.

    Roman lines being pointed. Akashic bases ready.

    Exploration of potentials in imminent physical plane! The Light Celebrates!

    Temporarily, end of transmission.

    Pleiades 1 (Establishing Metatronic Standards)

  82. keep cool corey Goode say the solar flash will be in 2019/21

  83. Hi dears, is here somebody so kind and can explain me all these ´´shorties´´ like ´´R´´ and many other short ones? Or what the hell does mean for ex.´´Modulate Masterpiece?´´ Thnx in advance! ;-)

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. HSP 1 (Higher Self Protocol 1)

    I now ask for my physical self to be filled with Light from my Higher Self.

    For my physical, plasma and etheric self to be harmonized in Pure Love and Light.

    I ask for all Beings of Light within my Soul Family, to cloak my human self with a blanket of Love and Light, that will raise my vibration in such a way that all is flowing with Love, Grace and Harmony in all Realms.

    I ask that the Highest Light and Love of my Higher Self (Divine Logos) which is connected to Source, Activates and Harmonizes all around me with Pure Unconditional Love and Light.

    And so it is

    Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

    Pray for the world and hope for the best decisions from the light forces.

  87. Regarding posts not showing up... This is my experience yesterday, which makes me feel like an outside force is sabotaging our posts. Yesterday I decided to sign up for LiveJournal so I could post on this blog. I didn't want to have to sign in via Google (spy kings), but only had 2 free choices. After signing up for LJ and publishing my comment, it never showed up AND I kept getting a "Walmart" pop up saying that I'd won a free phone (Right!). It kept yelling Congratulations at me and scaring me. I proceeded to clear all of my cache, browser history, etc and when I logged back in there were ALOT more blog posts than had been just showing. Apparently most of the day, new posts weren't showing up. Unfortunately, the pop up keep recurring, though I have uninstalled LJ. I'm having to use Chrome rather than Internet Explorer. Now, even on Google Chrome, refreshing the page was not showing additional posts as they came in. I had to clear the history etc on Chrome as well (after only a day). Just feels suspicious to me, like negative interference, but NOT from Cobra/RM. I don't know; maybe it is just me/my phone...but try clearing your history, if a post doesn't show up!

  88. Aie aie aie..the situation turn red in the Middle East, RM, White Hats and the others Light forces, be prepared !

    Oh, and Eurocontrol issued a 72-hour warning to civilian aircraft over the eastern Mediterranean...

  89. Extract from P1 of today:

    “Exploration of potentials on physical plane imminent! (DisclosureNewsIt)

    I think I’m gonna faint!...🌹

  90. Cobra, does the Mirader Empire really exist, and are they a potential threat to Earth?

    See post here:

    1. From what I've seen - big part of the "intel" from IDC is pretty much "banana intel" ( altough there are good articles from time to time ) . Theyre active for years - pretty much continous "hope porn" put forward , very often with highly unrealistic expectations and date "predictions" that get always postphoned . Thats why COBRA ( and Alliance ) insist that there are no "prediction promises" in focus of people currently regarding the Event , but to focus more on IMMEDIATE things we can do - as they all lead to Event . Some people often get disheartened and even depressed when things do not happen "as predicted" . Yet , things can never be predicted - thats always a guessing game , because there are infinite variants of realities .

      For "Mirader Empire" - I never personally even heard for it anywhere else than IDC and OD sites - I dont think its true at all . The last news mentioned about potential invasion , which is a complete nonsense , as whole Solar System is full with various ships of various factions and races that are all benevolent . Nothing can pass through ... nothing can go out ... until the Event . The only "pockets" left will be maybe underground , if it is correct that certain factions can kept themselves in "timespace bubbles" during the time of the Event .

  91. latest Q:
    my guesses:

    @Snowden Yes. << Snowden is revealing lots.
    Testify then drop. << Zuck's not-under-oath testimony
    We have it all.
    These people are stupid.
    POTUS’ weekly address. << coming up!
    END. << beginning of the end for Fbook?

  92. “The end is near”

    A obvious Q reference made today by Senator Corey Gardner in Mark Zuckerburgs meeting ( last 3-5th questioner of the group, towards end of video) another tip of the hat that the alliance is here and we are winning , thank you all the members participating in Ascension .

  93. @Andrew H,


    Andrew HApril 9, 2018 at 2:02 AM
    Dear cobra family,
    i got a small heart attack a couple days ago @ tender age of 23. I am hoping to post this comment to garner support

    This is for YOU from the Ashtar command, sweetheart: 😊 πŸ™ πŸ™πŸΌ❤️



    GOOOOOO!!!! πŸ™πŸΌ❤️ 🌹 🌹


  94. Senior US Cabal Honchos Officially Charged for 9/11, as Cobra posts “Grid Wipeout Initialized” + 10min Psychic Counseling For Callers + Planetary Liberation News Analysis

    April 11, 2018

    The Unknown Lightwarrior

    1. @unknown,
      Unfortunately, you forgot to mention the most important thing - posting the TIME.....

  95. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm How Delicious is This”, says The Mother from The Void ~

    “M” being the “Middle” point of the alphabet if you were to spin it, as in The Goddess Spiral/Spring of Evolution ~ and Whoa, We truly are All about to “Spring” (pun intended) into a Whole New World & “Whole” New State Of Being ~

    “Jump High Folks”, says The Rabbit ;)

  96. ....the centre of the alphabet spin is actually “M.5”, so it tilts over toward “N”...

    “N” for “Now”

  97. Dearest family of light ⭐️

    What our dearest Warrior brother Cobra is referring to here regarding the R! grid wipeout initialised:
    Is Code ...

    Think ... R- Reset ...... Reset at the push of a button..... Think The Omega Grid ..... physical Archons within the black nobility families in Italy that have access to biochemical weapons through Jesuits controllers, that handle people within negative military worldwide ... they have access to biochemical weapons....

    Think recent Syria chemical attack...... Think Last Cabal Stand ....

    Think Grid Wipeout initialised now ....

    Think Northern Syria is the area of a very important energy vortex ....
    Think Goddess.....

    Remember my brothers & Sisters of the light ....
    The Cabal is controllng this vortex for the last 5500 years and are not willing to let go..... since it is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet......

    Think Next is the Israel vortex.... to be initialised.....

    Think why Q Anon Team are alerting you to Israel ..... Israel is next .... the final card.... The final VORTEX initialisation.....

    Beloved Family of light, Remember what our wonderful brother Cobra has always said through all these times ‘ and all of these years of confusion and chaos...... while we ride this stormy wave together .... we must continue to stay vigilant and steadfast..... your individual meditations of love , bringing down the Photonic light from the Galactic Central Sun And bringing in Goddess energy is Key ....

    Your visualisations of how you want ( Nova Gaia ) to look like is very crucial right now.......

    You should be spending at least 15 to 20 minutes visualisation and meditation every day on The intent of how you wish life on Nova Gaia will be like for Humanity......... your manifestation is key right now..... if there is 144,000 Warriors of light manifesting this intent every day this will increase the probability of the Trigger Event ...... for November 11th 2018 11:11:11 = 2018

    Strength in numbers .... strength in unity..... divided we fall.... where we go ONE we go ALL ...... VOLT ....

    Sending all who read this and our dearest brother Cobra , unconditional love and light πŸ™πŸ½❤️

    Salute: Ria / Athena / Ashtar πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ½


  98. For many who comment on what they read from the mainstream media, such as the current Mark Zuckerberg meetings regarding facebook, I believe it is a total distraction propagated from the cabal/global elite on earth. In just listening to Zuckerberg, for example, I have the sense that everything he says and his facial and body expressions indicate that he is lying. Congress members who are questioning him appear to be sincere, however, the cabal ALREADY has control over all three branches of US government: legislative (Senate and House comprising Congress), judicial (Supreme Court), and executive (president). That's why the whole thing is a disinformation "misdirection" or distraction. In this example, facebook I believe is already in the hands of the cabal destructive controlling force on the ground level of affairs on earth.

    Nothing significant can much change on the ground level because it is controlled by so many levels above it - all the way to the top dark control of the chimera and archons.

    Regarding QNon daily posts, Cobra has said sometime ago that QNon is about 70% accurate.

    I've learned that our time is valuably best addressed by doing what we can do to help bring about Divine Light on earth; i.e. prayer, meditation, asking for Divine intervention, following our innermost guidance to find and fulfill our role on earth as an individual.

    Just an observation that may be helpful to others. We have been brought up to think "reading the newspapers" and staying informed about the world from "mainstream media" sources is something good. Something an educated person does. However, we usually have not known, have been UNAWARE of the deeper levels of control that are manipulating those so called sources of information.

    We are waking up more and more to the Truth.

    Victory of the Light on earth.

  99. it just feels like the finale of what's going on in syria, we hope the kabal will finally be defeated and there will be no eScale!
