Monday, April 23, 2018

Peace Meditation and Budapest Ascension Conference Report

We had very little time to gather people for our Peace Meditation and the critical mass has not been reached, but the meditation still had a deep impact on the geopolitical situation in Syria, minimizing the effects of the military escalation on Friday April 13th ( a very important day on the Templar timeline), stabilizing the Syria goddess vortex and bringing more healing and peace to the region.

Deeper occult reasons for Syria conflict are explained here:

Now that this particular military escalation has failed, the Archon black nobility families / Knights of Malta / Jesuit forces behind Erik Price are trying to steer Trump into another military conflict in Syria:

It is interesting to note that most US troops in Syria are located in the northeastern corner of the country, which is the exact location of Hassuna-Samarra goddess vortex:

Situation in Syria is the battlefield of the last phase of the proxy war between Galactic Confederation / Pleiadian fleet supporting Putin and Assad, and Chimera / Draco forces supporting Erik Price and negative military factions in Saudi Arabia and US, with Donald Trump being caught in the middle:

This is as much as I can say now about the planetary situation on the surface of the planet.

Our Ascension Conference in Budapest was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We have secured the new positive timeline for the planet by activating the planetary Sisterhood of the Rose network on a totally new level. It is now of the highest importance to create as many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible. Those groups need to meet once weekly at a physical location and anchor Goddess energies into the planetary energy grid by doing both Goddess Vortex and Return of the Goddess meditations:

Successfully formed Sisterhood of the Rose groups can contact me at and they will receive further instructions. 


Our conference has awakened many people, brought many members of soul families together and has anchored massive flow of energies of Love into the planetary energy grid. This experience has been deeply touching, as you can read in this report:

The powerful Goddess energies anchored during the conference may or may not be the reason Soros has decided to relocate his Open Society office from Budapest to Berlin just a few days after the conference:

Little does poor Soros know that Berlin is a powerful Goddess vortex as well, and he may need to relocate soon again. Berlin is also the location of one of the main European underground Resistance Movement bases that does have an influence on the surface space programs:

Since the death of Isis Astara, the Resistance has been working from behind the scenes to expose the existence of electromagnetic weapons, directed energy weapons and other weapons that are used by the Cabal to target the most awakened civilians, through the alternative media:

And now “accidentally” also through the mainstream mass media, such as Popular Mechanics and Russia Today:

Expect more exposure soon.

Now that the new positive timeline has been secured, I am open for interviews again. Please send your interview requests to All interviews will be conducted after May 25th.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Dear Cobra,

    this is truly amazing. Thank you for this wonder-filled report and I am happy you wish to spread your light within a new timeline of inter-view-s.

    Honestly, the only question I would have right now, would be:

    "What can I do to make you happy?"

    Maybe this tiny little article uplifts you...

    Let us all trust in the Love of our Creator!

    Victory of the Light!

  2. Thank you Cobra for all this very uplifting and encouraging information.
    Lots to review here.
    thanks for being there for all of us.

    It sounds like the Budapest conference was terrific.
    So glad to read this.
    Victory of the Light.

  3. Awesome! Thank you, Cobra and LF!!!!!
    Victory of the Light!

  4. I have attended the conference and can confirm that the energies flowing there were rather intense. For me, there is no doubt that some kind of extraterrestrial support did indeed happen. The people I have talked to confirmed my impressions. This was an important event for many people.

    I think the formal written overview over what had been taught will be delivered later. I think it will be worth reading it, lest you forget your part in this, and it might be that you have one. Keep an open mind about this, since otherwise you might cut out your own possibilities.

    However, this seems to be one of the last conferences where a single person would be able to deliver such a „tour de force“, given all this jam-packed knowledge. Much of this had been published before, but for a newcomer, it must have been quite a ride.

    In some instances, Cobra’s answers did not meet my expectations, were too blunt, shorthanded, rugged. But alas, the situation had been difficult, and if the main goal was to anchor Goddess energies and restart the rose network, well, then, the objective seems to have been reached.

    One might assume that due to psychological hindrances and individual setbacks, the goal of unification might be difficult to achieve. On the other hand, let’s not forget where the universal train is going in terms of general frequency shift.

    So, there is reason for optimism. However, this is a process, and it requires participation and will. The light forces were described as beings who would like us to be more active and courageous. Finding our mission in life has been named as a primary goal– in spite of normal society's opinions.

    It might be difficult, but, on the other hand, difficulty has no meaning when any other options are poor and limited. And I think things are moving, albeit in a subtle way, yet to be revealed at a later and possibly final breakthrough.

  5. Good to know a "new positive timeline has been secured". But this don't delay another timeline? like if we keep changing between them or this just change the path but not the goal(Event), don't know just saying.

    1. The new timeline startd on the 27th of January, 2018 when Isis Astara died. This triggerd the new timeline, which was secured in Budapest (jeeeej.) I dont't think there is another timeline.
      The goal is still the Event (and far beyond :-), though it may happen differently, than it was described earlier.

  6. All great news - especially the securement of positive timeline. The return of Cobra interviews will also help momentum in a big way.

  7. 2018. április 22., vasárnap

    Ascension Conference Budapest - Part 1.

    By Steve Smaly (István Apró)
    Translation: Anita Rácz

  8. catch 22. we are expected to help and be courageous but we get brutally attacked when we do.

    1. No we do not get attacked, or suffer the attacks, if we deprogramme ourselves and anchor very strongly our own free will. This is exactly what Cobra talked about during the conference: how to deprogramme ourselves and manifest our own goals. So please take a look at the post above, part 1 of the ascension conference. And wipe out your own fear and negative emotions. I have always felt protected by my own light, I know it works this way.

    2. I agree we do not get attacked, however our close ones get attacked...

    3. Well this is a war. Attacks are to be expected. All we can do it protect ourselves and our Loved ones to the best of our abilities.

      "Long time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir" (excerpt from Cobra's "Power of the Goddess" post)

      Some very powerful and effective scalar protection devices can be purchased here:

      A friend of mine has recently begun experimenting with adding crushed up shungite to paint. I believe Shungite has a property that helps protect against emf, so in theory you could create emf protective paint that could be applied to your walls.

      EMF protection products can also be found here:

  9. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    Looks the dream i had

    ""the blue-prints will start to activate in mid-may
    this year, be ready"

    can fit with "Successfully formed Sisterhood of the Rose groups"

    1. I wondered about your dream. But don't speak enough spanish:)

    2. I know I'm not handy. Can't find it.

  10. Anyone want to do a mothers day thing? Seems appropriate.

  11. primo.....thank you cobra fine sir.....and thank you all the galactic confederation lightforces members here in theatre of service-pleasure to watch you work-hahahahaha.....massive progress ongoing at all levels of lightforces societies by the looks and sounds and feels of brilliant expansionary visionary methodologies via prime creators supreme players on the earth surface who still tune in 440 hz-consider tuning instruments in 432 hz.....this is also very helpful in liberation processes ongoing......namaste all fine members of the family of light.....ascension times in 432 hz.....

  12. Za slovenske bralce:

    Thank you for the report Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  13. Thanks Cobra for the good news and keep the good work brother !!

    Now, for people who want more information about the exposition of the Cabal, you have here more intels about the satanist Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United Slaves of America:

    1. Eat The Pain - Obama attended Spirit Cooking

    2. James Woods tweets about Obama and spirit cooking

    3. The Obama Connection - Maggie Nixon (young girl)

    Informations aboutNXIVM sex cult:

    1. Smallville actress Allison Mack arrested in New York sex trafficking case

    2.PizzaGate: Allison Mack Arrested, More Politicians Connected to Hollywood Sex Cult Nxivm?

    3. NXIVM sex cult Clare Bronfman's father Edgar Bronfman was massive CLINTON ally & ZIONIST.. NO SHIT!

    4. NXIVM sex slave cult ‘held wild parties and seminars’ on Sir Richard Branson’s private island Necker

    Victory of the Light!!!

    1. Sorry, I don't believe Obama is a Satanist. Numerous celestial sources have said repeatedly that he is a member of a Galactic council and, although not perfect, is of the light.

  14. ...Which I find interesting is the words used here "We have secured the new positive timeline for the planet by activating the planetary Sisterhood of the Rose network on a totally new level", because in my confirmation E-Mail for the upcoming Sisterhood of the Rose workshop I wrote that "we will activate the grid of love for planet Earth".
    You can still join us in Berlin next weekend:

    Victorious is the Light!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i'm happy to see the comments and how happy everybody is, but i'm just sooooo tired. the attacks increased these last days and my cat had convulsions again. He spent more than half month without crises. this report made me feel it will take longer than until the half of the year for this to stop. i really wanna go home now ;-;
    hope it gets better next days.

    pink love flame to you all <3

  17. And the former head of Armenia has resigned. I am assuming this is a good thing?

    Found this in the latest Q posts.

  18. The love that I feel now is beyond words. Thank you dear Cobra, thank you all fellow anchors of Light. Let's flow together along this good timeline. Love and Light permeates all

  19. Gratidão querido pelo relatório! Acredito com todas as minhas forças que tudo vai acontecer em direção a Luz!!! E seremos libertos!!! Vitória da Luz !

  20. Didn't feel like the critical mass was achieved, didn't feel intense enough during the meditation.

    1. I have to admit, I am very disappointed. No wonder "Critical Mass" has yet not happened. I'm sure many people have come & gone disappointed because nothing tangible has happened. I have told people so many times, & yet none of them yet believe me, & because there is nothing to show for them to believe. No arrests, no new government, no stop to gov abuse & gov corruption, no RV, no GCR, no Constitution, & thus no Republic. Yes there might have been some subtle signs, but subtle signs are not enough. I am not saying this to being negative, but being realistic. Unless "you", those claiming to be helping, show some real , measurable, & tangible progress, people joining your call are eventually going to leave disappointed & no longer believe in your message. Hopium is not enough.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jimmy, stop following sites and do what you came here to do, Cobra and all the lightforces need cocreators, not followers. You yourself have a part in this game otherwise you would not be posting here. We all have a part in this game! Take into account that the dark forces have had the patience and perseverence to manifest this world during a long, long time. We have made considerable progress during the last 6, 7 years, that alone is huge! Start manifesting the world you want yourself, because that's what it is about! See also Steve's message, via this link:
      Do not despair, keep courage!! Apathy is a sign of programming, so deprogramme yourself. And read the resume Cobra soon will post of the two conferences. I was there and I have felt the shift, very strongly!! It is also and very importantly an inner shift one has to make. We are the ones we have been waiting for! Together with our galactic brothers and sisters we can really anchor and effect this change. And the galactic superwave is facilitating us!

    4. I agree. Many light workers lose faith because there is no tangible evidence. It is characteristic of man in incarnation. It is even more difficult to wake up someone in this way. Not to many people agree to believe in something just because someone asks to believe in it. People have believed in many things, but have been deceived. Faith is fragile. And the veil does it's part. I often think, what would make people quicker to wake up and make them to start asking questions? I came to the answer - something that is out of people everyday. Would it be possible for the UFO to appear frequent over cities? People tend to believe in specialists, experts, such as doctors, scientists, researchers. If more such whistle blowers come to the public with information about secret government programs and experiments.. But when they do, many of them are being taken out by the Cabal and their information has been distorted in 100 different versions to make people confused. But we must remember, Cobra has said many times, THINGS ARE SO COMPLICATED AND PROGRESS IS SO SLOW BECAUSE OF THE HOSTAGE SITUATION AND because of threats to destroy the planet and as far as I understand, for Light Forces to remain invisible, is one of the conditions for toplet bomb mechanism to not be triggered. Light forces act strictly on protocols and prudently, in order not to cause unnecessary damage to humanity. Another great reason of slow progress is that mainstream media is still under Cabal control and this will change only at the time of the Event. The best we can do at this point is to continue to meditate and to wake people around us. CoBra and RM, maby you could give us some good advices to wake mainstream media "hostages" more efficiently and faster?

  21. Trump is being lead and supported directly by Pleiadians.

    Q is a Pleiadian.

    1. I doubt that Q is currently, in this physical body, Pleiadian.
      Why? Sarcasm, ego, intolerance, gloating are part of the "high consciousness" of many of Q's posts.

  22. Love and Light to All 💙🌎💚

  23. Dear lightworker community, don't hang your head for one second about not reaching critical mass. We don't come up with dates of completing missions... Then change the date and produce new reasons "why it didn't happen". We are the heroes!! We are in the 3d!. We must forge our survival, face the real attackers and greet them with love, meditate, be poisoned,chemtrailed, ECT, or worse. I seen these dates pushed back since 2011 . .before this became a site. Fact is they ( peleidians , galactic federation , andromedians). Don't have the thunder they THINK THEY DO. OrIT WOULD be done. I don't think they enjoy humans suffering, they just can't cut the mustard. But!!!! We are definitely making progress. The dark is not hiding anymore and are scared and losing power. They had no idea the surface hostages (us) would anchor love and dedication so strongly. Surviving so long while suffering has begun to forge us into
    Our new role of super angels and guardians of pure human love radiant beings. If any of us had super advanced technologies would allow bombings in Syria or even the power being out in Puerto Rico still?? FUCK NO. I we were running this shift would have been done. When it's over trust ME: THEY WILL SPEAK OF US THROUGHOUT THE NEVER ENDING UNIVERSE. The resistance of all others will be appreciated but non will be as noble or heroic with those with SKIN IN THE GAME. So have you conferences and wait for future portals. Me and my heroic hostages have a planet worth loving , saving , and living for
    And if you get bored cloak in your great ships. Put some ass in to it and make some shit happen. Enough. Chicken shits
    Victory of our light

    1. Hi Dwayne, well versed, I agree. Can you enlighten me.... the critical mass, is it 144,000 or is that a figure for something else?

    2. We are THE ONE!
      We are THE LOVE!

      The realization and magnification of that truth throughout every awakening human being, regardless of origin, is the secret, sacred purpose for this planet from the start.

      Waters are getting choppier. Breathe through it. Love through it. Reach out and hold on to one another as we re-create our reality in Love's image. All here who are suffering, please allow what arises to just rise up, and use love and inner guidance to help it pass through and away from you so you can experience newer, better things from this point forward.

      I am One within you - we are Love together. And together, we shine the Light today, tomorrow, and throughout the Eternities.

      Thus, it is completed for All.


    3. Or your darkness, apparently.

  24. so nice to hear about the new positive timeline established and the stronger goddess energies anchored. i hope "our" conference in Taipei can be just as potent and wonderful or more! ... as i will be there! thank you Cobra, and see you in less than 3 weeks

  25. Obrigado por tudo COBRA, aqui no Brasil também há muitos torcendo por você.

  26. I'm sorry if I don't make it, I'm tired of this world and the people around me, people that say they care about me threaten me with violence over words and this is the one who I let in my heart the only person, I just feel like crying I really don't like this place, I have nowhere else to go, I have PTSD I really don't trust people especially ones IDK so I can't move, I live oon 800 from the nanny state, my legs deteriorated from the time on antidepressants so I can't really do the work I prefer with my hands and my back feels like its ready to break from previous years work, tired of being enslaved, yay another threat as I am writing this.

    1. Sending you Love❤️ my brother of the Light. Hang in there, we have never been so close.

    2. i feel for you, brother. i know it may not be much, but i've said a prayer for you. thanks for being here.

    3. Brandon Stamps so sorry to hear what you are going through. The people around us who do not know about the level of suffering on the planet don't understand what they are doing. Research organic portals, background people or NPCs (Non Player Characters) and you may be able to get a different perspective on your situation. I sense the end to all this is close hold on, be gentle and care for yourself. Sending you love.

    4. I am struggling as well and I am very tired,if you wish to speak with me add me here

    5. Thanks I appreciate it, I felt better when I woke up this morning you really did help🙏🤗😜


      P.S.I believe it's animosity from this life and previous between us and I just don't have any of my soul family around, I also feel like I'm living with people that are of a animal nature only.

    6. I feel you, Brandon, just know that it is darkest before dawn. Take deep breaths and surrender to your higher self. You are not alone and you have purpose here.

    7. God bless you. Stay strong bro and call on your hidden power. The power that gets fighters up off the canvas. You may feel down right now but you are NOT out. Remember if you think you can't do something... you are right. The power of your own thoughts is your greatest strength right now. Keep it positive. Let the universe know you are a warrior and will NEVER surrender the good fight. I'm rooting for you man. Seriously!!! Big love out to you Bran!

    8. Brandon please try Eft to more quickly heal ptsd. Gary Craig invented it, he healed war vets in a few hours so they could sleep. You can tap along to ptsd type eft sessions that therapists put on the YT for free. There is therapy just from tapping to other people's sessions. But as you learn it you can apply it to yourself. It'll make you laugh and cry just go with it my friend.

    9. Thanks everyone, I love this blog, they won't let you feel bad in here😍🤗💞


    10. Thanks bb but I don't have facebook anymore.

    11. @Loveandlight I tried the eft finally I'm hard headed and stubborn my Taurus traits so it took me a little but I immediately felt a lift thanks so very much😌🙏❤

  27. The corporate news reported this evening that old man bush is sick with some kind of blood disease. I was hoping to see him arrested in the physical, but looks like that is not going to happen.

    I'm sure his wife with the "beautiful mind" remember that? ... was taken into custody. Whether she goes to the GCC depends how deeply involved she was in the crimes her husband committed. I would think she is up there with him. But it looks like hw bush is on the way out.

    I am one of the people that didn't buy the Q posts about trusting Trump as far as the Syria bombing goes. Some were saying it was a covert action to bomb the cabal strong holds. From the intel Cobra gave and the article link, what Trump supporter were saying was not the case. If Trump really wanted to help the situation he would have removed the troops there illegally in Syria. Instead he went along with the BS false flag attack. He need to remove himself from the middle asap.

    Perhaps Cobra will be able to fill in the gaps during the next report or interview.

    1. Cobra did say we may or may not have mass arrests, look like not.

    2. Yes he did state that, but I don't think it will be the case as far as the unholy four goes ... they are prime candidates for the GCS ... Looks like they had something to keep the old man going. Maybe we will get to see him arrested in the physical after all. That would be nice.

  28. Yes! I can feel it! Victory of the light! :)

  29. Wonderful! Thank you Cobra. Looking forward to your interviews again! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Always, GO TO!

  30. Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,

    Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC every day

    I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change.... to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.

    We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21"

    If many awakened community can hold next "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21", to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC, it can accelerate "The Event" and maybe activate "The Event" within 2018 April.

    I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize "Unity Meditation" like "UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21" to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.

    1. Elo Light, Corey Goode is organizing a large group mediation for Full Disclosure on 8.18.18.
      Follow the link below:-

  31. Love❤️ Love💗 Love💖 Love💓 All Ya need is LOVE!

  32. Thank you Cobra for all you've done for us! Great news ! I am sending you love & light

  33. I’m fucking pumped and excited! We’re going to finish this fully ASAP. Finally, The Event. Finally, Ascension. Don’t slow down one bit now, Light! Push even harder to the ultimate goal of love and freedom! No fear, Light Warriors! Let’s do this!

    1. I once had the advice to answer in stead of react. I reakized later that I did it again... But sincere:)

  34. Don't be too hyped about the positive timeline... It's strengthened 3 years ago:

    Only positive existed 7 years ago:

    And you know how much changed since. Nothing in this update we didn't already heard somewhere else, we would need a bigger situation update, so sorry Cobra can't tell us more... So we should wait, do the meditations and other lightworks, but I see too many of us get tired not sure how long we can last.

    1. Arpad Palinkas, I think the Alpha timeline was destroyed a couple of months ago and a Beta timeline was adopted - then an intersection was added creating the new positive timeline to replace the one that had been corrupted.

    2. Yes, you are absolutely right, I just wanted to warn people do not think the Event will happen tomorrow because of this positive timeline (actually it can happen but most likely we need to wait longer :-/ ). Just saw people overwhelmed by the positive timeline part and don't want them to be dissapointed.

  35. I would say , from my POV , and from what I have acquired - this is completely off .

    Trump is not only a positive force here , but hes also in same boat with Putin . What is presented forward to the public , doesnt have any connection to what is really occuring behind the curtains . Think about weird and odd communications between the USA and Russia . Think about how there were not a single casualty in the attack that was supposed to make massive damage . Think about how there was a sudden de-escalation , if Trump was really on the side of the dark , he would ultimately push for full confrontation with Assad and Russia . That never occured .

    Alongside that - many things that Q pointed out , occured ultimately , as a proof and confirmation the Q is authentic . Armenia was the last one , as example . The "signs" from Q , are "eerily" accurate . The "red-pilling" within the mainstream is rapidly increasing , many are exposed for who they truly are , and some "celebrities" are awakening fully ( Kanye West ) - the program is crumbling to expose the truth .

    There are Cabal elements embedded within every country in the world . Sometimes , the presence is very light , sometimes , the presence is overwhelming . Or at least was - as their power vanishes as they get exposed .

    Sorry COBRA - I will not anymore put too much attention to the information you put out . I see you as a positive force . But I also see clearly what is occuring , having direct proofs , and I cannot ignore that , I cannot agree with something that is clear disinformation or twisted information . Having your own intuitive , true path , is an immediate confirmation of truths everyone seeks . Having a hard proofs onto that , it confirms even further .

    All in all , wish you a best on your path , COBRA - and to find the path back to truly important person in your life - Isis Astara . Also , wish the best to others , too ... do not wait for the "Event" , create your own little series of "Events" , there are plenty of opportunities . When the main Event hits , its not like you will need anyone to tell you it hit ... you will know it You are the One who creates the happiness and joy ... or the desperation and depression - choose wisely . Were returning back Home - every single one of us , and everyone will be where they need to be , with whom they need to be , doing what they need to do .

    1. I've been following this blog since mid-2016 and I appreciate the posts and comments on here because they've led me down some interesting roads in terms of research & spirituality.

      But I totally agree with you. Though, Cobra is a positive force in this paradigm shift, something just seems off about his posts from the past 2-3 months. I've been following Q since Nov 2017 and can confirm that he is who he says he is. On multiple occasions, Q has proved that the plan is still alive, even though things are sometimes portrayed the complete opposite on T.V. (The cabal still controls a lot of the mainstream media, this is slowly changing.)

      Informative post from an anon regarding Q:
      "Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
      >[future proves past]
      Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

      What needs to be understood to appreciate what's going on here is the fact that Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can't just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead, Q drops questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real and done for a reason. In other words, Q is pointing in one direction, but really the focus is on a completely different direction, and only until you publicly get the news, can you go back and understand. All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It's quite genius."

      Some explaining:

      "Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases."

      - Whenever major events take place and are shown to the public, people can always cross-reference with the updated Q boards to ACTUALLY see what's happening.

      "Q can't just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol."

      - Q clearance is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations (Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data), and DOE "security" areas. For this reason, Q cannot completely reveal everything they're doing or they could be compromised. This is legitimate stuff in terms of national security.

      "Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real and done for a reason."

      - Q purposely misdirects and causes confusion, this is done because the cabal are monitoring the boards 24/7.

      I hope this made sense lol. Daedalus is also correct when he says not to wait around for the event, create your own events each and every day. :) When the time comes for the compression breakthrough, we'll all know, trust me.

      Stay aware,

    2. Trav - Correct . I have actually given some time before trusting the Q ( more than 4 months actually ) - but at this point , I have no doubts anymore .

      We see it occuring lately - even in MSM , which , desperately , tries to twist the truth just to avoid the crux of the problem . Just like they didnt mentioned anything about Allison Mack's children trafficking ( only sex trafficking , without mentioning underage children ) - despite that being clearly stated in PACER .

      Sometimes during this week ( possibly tommorow - April 26th full disclosure of all JFK documents ) there will be what Q called , a "MOAB" .

      So , far , there were no critical mistakes in what Q said - the information was always presented indirectly to get cross-references over time ( "future proves the past" ) . Also , not to expose anything directly to the Cabal .

      I think and feel COBRA is positive - from that , I think only two explanations could be : 1.COBRA is not telling us the whole picture here ( yet ) , but he knows about the main plan 2. COBRA is part of the White Hats that is still compartmentalized and do not know directly the main plan .

      I cannot ignore that Q offered more confirmations , in just few months , than any other source out there . That "a-ha" moment would be a confirmation that would , often , change the skeptics into deep researchers . It is good to question everything , anytime - but every single one of us wants much more than just "hopium" , often used by many New Ageish sources out there . Also , to read and interpret Q posts needed more effort than other sources , it actually made people active on that field .

      For the Event , I have got my own confirmations , I have no doubt anymore . Got them during the dreamstate - but just like in every dreamstate , we cannot pinpoint the exact moment . That was the main mistake of any source regarding the Event that tried to pinpoint the Event into one time period . It simply cannot be put like that - every being is unique , and will experience the Event uniquely . Definetly , there are many "small Events" , every single day presenting to us , and we are not even aware of them sometimes . To say someone something positive ... to make someone happy ... to gently push the people into their own journey of truths ... to open someones eyes that there is much more than they persuaded themselves into . These "small Events" come continously ... yet people too much focus on "Grand Big One" - those small ones are a key to "Grand Big One" !

      All will sit on its place perfectly , as people realize their own power of Creation - they never were separated from the Source , they were only persuaded , and even tortured , brainwashed , to delude themselves they are not connected to a Source .

      Soon , we will all be Home . And even sooner , if people use those "small Events" along the way .

    3. What happened to MegaAnon.. that is me question... where is she

    4. Everyone out there.. are working from different angles...

      Is a good thing some are out there herding the different groups... the less esoteric n looking for more tangible (down to earth) answers will empathize with Q... and call him out as being the only legit source... same can be claim of others... Cobra has also provided information that later was confirmed..... there is no difference in outcome.. just tactics...

      u go with what resonates.. but best research is when one is open minded n consider all options..

      If everyone out there had all the anwsers we wouldnt be here playing the herder n herdee for 26 thousand years would we..

      Anyways... lets just b greatful information of whatever sort is flowing thru the cracks n reaching many of different tastes....

      As far as whose lingo i bet my money on... would have to b.. me heart.

    5. DragonHeart - Mega Anon is mysteriously absent for months now ... however , her latest posts actually showed she agrees ( to extent ) with Q . She didnt agree before that . I hope she is okay ...

      Yes , go with what resonates . However , I wanted also to point out on hard proofs ( "future proves the past" ) of Q's posts - we can see it on any happening lately . Including Kanye West ... and , there is something very big supposed to spill out to public today or until Sunday . Today feels and looks like "highly electrified" day on Q boards ... and also , today is the day when the rest of JFK docs are supposed to be declassified and released fully . The Q's posts are "eerily" accurate .... nobody who LARPs or even tries to disinform would put something accurate as that . Talking about certain personas and countries ... only for main happening spill into public few days , or even months , later . Now , thats a proof ... something more than just a speculation .

      There are so many truths as there are people on Earth ( and wider ) - but all truths lead to same outcome , back to the Source . Even the lies are the "truths" , because lies surface ultimately - outlining whats true and playing a part in shattering of old paradigm . Without lies , we wouldnt be able to realize the value of truth .

      Heart is definetly a shorter route from the mind ... mind speculates , analyzes , puts into perspective and concludes . While mind does all of that ... heart simply FEELS .

    6. btw if u have not noticed... no matter who we follow... the words that Come out of our mouth after we have settled to trust someone is 'he or she is who she claims to be'... too many of that to go around n very few to b written in stone.

      There r plenty to follow.. plenty to believe in... plenty who we think is legit...All for many a reason... created by our perception.

      The problem is... in this high risk game.... they all look like angels... those who r not they will need to look like one in order to be believed... with all bells n whistles... n that include 'victimize' or self sabotage. For example... Alex Jones.. many have claimed he is a mole for whichever group... He experienced some attacks at some points.. With or without his approval Or knowledge his handlers or bad guys know in order to convince people he is in the side of the good guys he will need to have some 'bad' experiences...(cause we tend to believe only good guys get targetted).

      How can we discern when someone is legit nowadays.. there is very lilttle physical ways... Even those that are to be believed a campaign gets mounted to discredit them.. so maybe indeed Alex J is who he claims to be after all.

      Point here is... the trust 'reasons' needs to rise from within...

      I have spent very litle time to ponder what is happening in a global scale to humanity... in comparison to the time i have spent in focusing in the stupidities at the local level.. and it concerns me... the way humanity (the lil people) been treated like a second hand object...

      There r all sorts of reason brought up for such lack of care... n u can be certain they all look like reasonable legit reasons.

      The problem with the cyclinG bad trends that even those who mean well still follow is that we only been taught to speak one lingo n is all we know. thus seems we seek freedom thru self sabotage.

      We apply still yet neanderthal tactics to fix things that needs none such treatment.

      peetty much most in the world is upside down. worse we allow all this to happen right under our noses.. as if playing a soccer match but our goalkeepeer is 'out-to-lunch'

    7. We have plenty of soothsayers... can we finally get Moseses... something.. Gaia needs Neos.. yesterday.. see her 'wanted post'

      However most of us r stuck in who to believe... how about believing in ourselves for a change.

    8. Anyways.. back to the draggery program... same channel same episode as the last 26yrs.

    9. We are getting some concrete actions ...

      Yesterday , there was an official end to all hostilities between two Koreas - basically , offical end of the Korean war . The hostilities were present for decades . I have spoke to some friends from South Korea , and I can tell that people are very happy ...

      People want concrete actions - but they want it more and more grandiose ... some things cannot occur yet , but need very little to fire up . And many people always ignore things that DO occur .

      I do understand this will need to fully conclude at the point of the Event . But like I said on one post before - I definetly think some things , like financial changes , can occur even before the Event . I disagree with COBRA on that - if financial system is saturated with material wealth before the Event through physical backed currencies and deflation , that would actually feed to the Event directly . It would change mentalities to one extent . The money and current working system are the biggest programs in this reality on physical layer . The financial reset would also serve to bridge the gap until the mentality is good enough for advanced technologies to be implemented . After Event , the mentalities would be enough , anywhere ...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Cobra and Light Forces thank you. I pray for Peace and Love to flow in this Planet and the Solar System. May the High frequency sleepers also Awaken and take their place as Guardians of Peace and Love.



    "The energy of the rose is growing. She is blossoming and moving us into the vibration of love. However she is becoming impatient. She wants us to remember now and to take action. She is inviting us to bring in our generative energy as a member of the Sisterhood of the Rose. There is something more – please pay attention to the life you are living now and move on from it consciously. You deserve more and you are worthy. And please believe there is a reason you are here. Have you figured it out yet? Who are you really? Well take action – please take action – just one step will do it."

  39. Sisters of the Rose

  40. I agree with Jimmy that there no evidence of any progress. Unfortunately the only evidence I have personally is brutal attacks to myself and other people I know that have helped. Obviously whatever plan the resistance movement has is not working since we are losing more people than we are gaining. Something has to change. The rules are not fair in this game.toplet bombs we're being dismantled we were told. Then we heard nothing else except there was a faster timeline but we still see no proof of any progress anywhere. They knew how to dismantle the toplet bombs why wasn't that task completed. One disappointment after the other is the realistic news on this portal. We are given 0 hope since we have no tangible evidence but somehow we are supposed to believe everything and hope for the best. This is a formula that has proven to fail not succeed. So the real question is why is there only evidence of brutal attacks and nothing else?

    1. self-same I think.. but the total radio silence explains everything..

    2. Thank you for your comment. I also thank the moderators for allowing us to express our frustration this time. I wish everybody the best. The very long wait is extremely exhausting for those of us that know w/o a shadow of a doubt that a better world has been possible ever since Nikola Tesla walked this earth.

  41. Replies

    1. One or more outdoor light units might be installed around the Thachyon Chamber buildings, with each light unit having inside the lampshade a mandala of 12 circle light tubes around inside the lampshade with the colours of The 12 Roses (thus there are only 10): White Rose, Yellow Rose, Amber Rose, Green Rose, Blue Rose, Lavender Rose, Red Rose, Orange Rose, and Black Rose.

      This will work not only as a rainbow light unit, but for the average awakened who gets healing sessions, it will work keeping his intent and attention, knowing what these mean, in the way in which a radionics device keeps your intent on the goal to achieve...
      And,... supposedly, it will enforce the effect of healing keeping the energy of this 'Roses' together with the healing energy...


    2. Light units of large size are almost ready in dimensional details on the blog, and all interested parties may keep them and order to a specialized plant to manufacture and test them according to IEC60598 standards. As nowadays classification, these are decorative luminaires (not for general lighting), thus from our point of view there are esoteric meanings.


    3. Details and discussion about tubing the light unit will come...

      Minimal required protection degree for the outdoor light unit is IP43, but IP54 is desired.

    4. This is for me like the green color of sweet water and the blue color of salt water.. Just kidding..

  42. We are supposed to believe that they are more advanced and highly intelligent than us. But so far the only plan they came up with the fight and invisible enemy is to do meditation once a year and hope we reach a critical mass that does not get reached. Does this seem to anyone like a highly intelligent plan to defeat powerful enemy the brutally attacks us without any form of Defense?

    1. Are you kidding?!! I don't know what blog you've been reading but it sure isn't Cobra's blog where he continually shares with us why meditating is vital to help generate the needed changes...Have you checked out the Prepare for Change website where there's many scheduled meditations?....Meditation is a daily thing we should all be doing to strengthen our beings to strive to be of a higher BE OF THE LIGHT to help ourselves and others from being more susceptible to the dark energies. Remember, we're all apart of the please help do your you're needed!

    2. You can't fight darkness with more darkness. That only creates darkness. It is light that is required. They understand this, of course.

  43. Thank you dearest Cobra for this encouraging update ✨ continue meditating to support light forces ✨ victory of the light ✨🌈❤️🙏🏼

  44. As we have all the STARDUST-Nanites in our bodies (for taking out Cabal-members during the event), is there any other use in the meantime -except than usage for "COMMAND PB STARDUST"?

  45. Thank you, thank you brother for your hard work and galvanizing others as well. Much love and light!

  46. Dear Cobra,

    'Our Ascension Conference in Budapest was successful beyond our wildest dreams' cannot express exactly what most of us experienced at the conference. This shift in our consciousness was beyond measure. What happened there during those two days completely changed the way we look at life. We love you and will support you till the final Victory of the Light... and beyond... 💖💖💖

  47. Hi Cobra, i dreamed about you today. you were being ferouciously persecuted. hope you are well.






  50. The 12 Roses

    White Rose – this Sisterhood group create resting and safe places for the teaching women of the Pink Rose to stay, teach and regenerate as they travel from place to place. There is a purity in their devotion which draws others to their door.

    Yellow Rose sisters are the administrators who are responsible for the day to day running of the priory or house where they live.


    Amber Roses are the predominant healers of body, mind and spirit who have a great knowledge of herbal lore, flower essences and energy transference healing like Seichem.

    Green Rose sisters are the agriculturalists responsible for growing foods for feeding the groups and flowers and herbs for medicines.

    Blue Rose sisters are the mystics, those who spend a deal of time in meditation and prayer to contact the higher realms and bring down vital new teachings (although all the other groups are highly trained in meditation).

    Lavender Rose sisters are those in transition between the Pink and Blue rose groups, those who no longer need or wish to teach and becoming more finely attuned to the higher realms.

    Red Rose sisters are those who display courage, passion and fearlessness in the face of danger. They are the protectors and the emissaries.

    Orange Rose sisters are very creative, artistic and the scribes of the group.

    Then there are the Sisters of the Black Rose – those brave souls who walk between the worlds, who carry the pain of aeons, who help others through the dark night of the soul, the hidden ones. They are the most spiritual of all for they delve deeply into hidden mysteries.

  51. I have faith in donald trump and the Q team, they are doing amazing work so far but their agenda is yet to be seen. Are we seeing them remove corruption for it only to be replaced by another corrupt group? Time will tell but i think thats what cobra is saying. Either that or cobra knows they are working for the good but does not want to expose them to the dark ones monitoring this site.. hmmm





  54. Look what I found. I am over the Moon. Love, light and healing to everybody. Thanks so much everybody.

    1. Yes! Just stumbled upon the trail to PVSE myself, and was about to post it. I'm over the Moon, too (with SYLVESTRA?). 'Sisters' are ubiquitous in the 'Verses,' thank The Mother, and every Love-lighted being anywhere.

  55. I just have to share in love.

  56. Thank you Cobra and RM. So grateful for this update and to read about the conference here as well:

    So much resonated with me, I am beginning to understand my mission, just a shame that circumstances leave me unable to travel. I have never followed the rules/society and have always listened to my inner voice which has often led to adversity through going against the grain.

    I am now a single mum to a beautiful daughter, crystal child, severely autistic, non verbal, beautiful, loving and bright as a button but disabled with complex needs, 24/7 care from myself. I cannot work due to my daughter's needs and have a chronic illness myself but I am grateful for each day and hold the LIGHT as much as I can. I do my lightwork from home as we cannot travel and this blog helps me feel less isolated, thank you all for being here! I hope one day I will meet you all. Until then, I will keep the light shining here in Norfolk, England!

    LOVE, LIGHT, STRENGTH to all xxx

    1. Moonlilly, I have friends in Great Dunham. The spiritually awaken are everywhere. Keep your frequency high. Soon this will be over, maybe by the end of the year.
      Remember, don't think about the problem, think about the solution.

    2. I love your posts MoonLily! Always resonate with them.

    3. Thank you Paul and everyone here, sometimes a few words go a loooong way ;) So grateful for this blog! VOTL!

    4. Into ourselves thank you, love your posts too! 😊 Love & Light 🌟❤️🌟 It is raining here (again!) in Norfolk but things feel lighter today, strength and love to All 🌟🌟🌟

  57. Use the foundation of your being. Be confident. You know what the truth is you just have to have the courage to live by it. Don’t be intimidated into believing something. Especially when you know it is a trick/ruse.

  58. My future self
    has a past life of...

  59. Part 1 of 2 Posts:

    Consideration of Events, THE EVENT, and Life…

    I have heard about Cobra and been with this website blog since 2012. My personal life has been deeply open to Truth, Spiritual Realization, since childhood. I have been exposed to a lot of teachings, teachers, individuals with “Divine Gifts” that they were born with, and I have gone through quite a lot of challenge and suffering in my own experiences. Like many have. A few observations I will briefly share:

    A) The ultimate ONE responsible for His/Her/Its own Creation everywhere (I will refer to as “His”), at all times past, present, and future has certain Divine qualities (because the ultimate ONE is the one who has created all qualities in the first place):

    Ever Present: Eternal, His Awareness is of All things simultaneously and permeates
    everything in His own Creation, in All Universes and Worlds.
    All Knowing: because he is ONE, undivided, and all Creation comes from within Him,
    therefore there can be nothing “outside” of his Being, his scope that he is unaware
    of. This is astounding and beyond our human comprehension.

    B) Any human or other being, whatever degree of information or knowledge or gifts that they have acquired, is limited to some degree. Therefore, Cobra, the Light Forces, Angelic Beings, Myself, You, Others, and all individual beings have limited perspective.

    Only the ONE who is All Knowing has that status as the “Living God” of All. The ONE has allowed a creation of earth(s) and what we call the 3rd dimension to have vast diversity and polar opposite expressions (pleasure-pain; up-down; hot-cold, etc.). He has also created “free will” capacity in the human, in angels (and I don’t know whether other beings as well). But our free will is limited to a degree, according to our circumstances in each moment.

    EVEN WITH THIS allowance of free will created by God, He has All Knowing Awareness of all their possibilities of any outcome resulting from choices made. God can “re-calculate” His Will and Purpose instantly in any moment. He is All Powerful, All Resourceful. After all, everything arises from His own Being. So even when “mistakes” are made that cause great challenge and suffering, such as the “anomaly” and its resulting quarantine and enslavement of earth, and all of the atrocities related to that, God is still Ultimately Aware and He is in control. He is the ONE who has created in the first place the possibility for constructive creation, as well as its opposite, destructive, random manifestation (what has resulted in evil), what Cobra calls the anomaly.

    C) If we want to pray, request, meditate and find out answers in our life, to me it makes sense to go to the “Highest First”. That is, to the ONE. Anything else will be limited.

    Many people, perhaps not knowing this, not believing this, for whatever reason, instead wish to blame others. No individual can be held responsible for the Divine Plan of the ONE and His corrective measures that are re-calculated in each moment, according to the flux of what’s happening in Creation with the free will choices of individual beings. This is why God is referred to as the Living Spirit of God and Almighty ONE. (And countless other names.) Because He is not static, fixed, even though He is ONE and
    Ever Complete, Unchanging, in His Ultimate Absolute status of Being.

  60. Part 2 of 2 Posts:

    D) We have seen that in politics, no president has the power that he thinks he may have once he gets into office and faces the reality of the powers that be, that control earth. So we cannot really blame any one individual such as Donald Trump, Congress, the Supreme Court, etc. ALL entities have been compromised, controlled under the cabal/global elite, in turn under the rule of the top level of dark forces Cobra and his intel has told us are called the chimera and archons. They primarily control by threats of torture, death, extortion, any way they choose. What would any of us do in a similar situation of threat? They own the mainstream media and effectively control the masses.

    E) No one knows the full story. As Cobra suggests, use your own intuition, thinking, feeling, find your “role” on earth from within yourself. Don’t be “waiting” for THE EVENT because no one except God knows when it will occur. AND we don’t know HOW it will occur. In truth, we don’t even know if it will culminate in one huge compression breakthrough which defines THE EVENT. But we can agree that we are desiring a major/huge breakthrough from this very dark, destructive existing age, into the bright Divine age and vibration on earth of Light, Harmony and Abundance for All, Spiritually and Materially. Heaven Earth. The New Age.

    F) We are told that darkness thrives on human fear. They constantly try and create fearful events and situations, promoting “divide and conquer” tactics to divide the population against itself. Our best way to turn things around is through the cultivation of love, positive energy, compassion, forgiveness – the qualities Cobra emphasizes of the “Goddess Presence” that have been largely missing from the Awareness in the people on earth. That does not mean that those who perpetrate evil do not have to account for their actions, nor that we do not act to stop such horrors.

    (If we recall, before Jesus Christ came to earth, there was a law evident of an “eye for an eye” from the Babylon king’s code Hammurabi. Hate and revenge were operating as the everyday occurrence. Jesus Christ came in a mission to restore Love and Forgiveness. That mission came from the ONE.)

    Let us continue to follow our own inner direction, each individual, and if we’re receptive pray, ask for Divine intervention, meditate deeply, and promote positive energy in our lives. Our individual free will TOGETHER WITH the Divine Unfoldment of His Supreme Will insures that the Divine Light will prevail. God has always been in Ultimate control. It’s a matter of us living out the Divine enactment in each moment, one day at a time. It's not easy, it takes courage, inner strength, trust, like a Spiritual Warrior, like a Lightworker. We only understand pieces of the Infinite puzzle of life. We’re fed up with the suffering on earth. God understands the Totality. Let us continue to go to the SOURCE for Supreme Harmonious resolution.

    Peace. Well Being.

    Victory of the Divine Light for All.


  61. North Korea Complete, Phase II, Operation Search & Destroy Clowns - Episode 1551b

  62. If anyone in the Los Angeles area is interested in joining a Sisterhood of the Rose Group please let me know at this email address

    Victory of the Light!

  63. "Thoth desired the Lemurians and he saw it as a treasure in a bag. Here I, METATRON would like to describe the image to you, and you will see how it relates to Lemuria.

    What Thoth desired was the Crystalline Grid, as it was known that the Crystalline Grid held all the power of all the universes, and whoever could own that Grid, would own the universe.

    As the Lemurians were connected within it, it seemed an easy task for Thoth. I, METATRON also desired to own the Crystalline Grid, as then my power would rise beyond CAEAYARON’s and I would have the three Light Grid Programmers to control the entire creation universe. To do that, I needed Thoth and Yahweh to connect to the Lemurians.

    The Lemurians were intelligent, but to Thoth they seemed innocent as they did not understand the denser universes, or the knowledge. They were intelligent and grasped his knowledge quickly. Thoth admired their intelligence, but did not like the way they thought, as he thought they were childish.

    He did not understand that their childishness, or innocence, was the reason as to why they could hold so much power together.

    Once they came into the fear energies and were connected into his energy systems with the merkaba system, they lost that innocence, and drifted away from the collective love, and thus they could not create what Thoth desired to have."

    more at:

  64. "...Individuals are only able to hear guide suggestions and intuition when they are quiet enough to hear the still, silent voice within. Technological distractions are serving to block inner communication for many. It is not only important, but imperative that anyone seeking guidance from within, learn to detach themselves from 24/7 technology . Anyone choosing to evolve and live spiritually, will have a very difficult time if they are plugged into and checking phones and computers every five minutes.

    Some will say, " I need it for my work" which may be true for those who believe that success is entirely dependant upon personal effort because according to the three dimensional belief system, it is a "dog eat dog" world. However, you who read these messages are beyond this level and have become aware of the bigger picture. For you, a continuing reliance on three dimensional concepts will no longer serve you because you are no longer in alignment with that energy.

    Let go of the temptation to stay constantly plugged in to news and information that quickly becomes obsolete. Technology is an important and powerful tool especially as it serves to awaken those of the status quo with video exposing situations the world over that heretofore were being ignored or covered up. However never lose sight of the fact that Technology is a tool to serve you, not for you to serve it...."


  65. An allegory for how humanity can overcome evil.

  66. I’m already on to it. Thinkin they can mess me lol. Just shows after a few enlightened comments they will latch onto you. I’m already ahead of it. They gon be surprised how this one plays out. See you soon black cap rug rats. U playin with a real one.

  67. Would that ALL had Isis-CoBrA's UNBENDING INTENT.


  68. I received this email today from our friend Angel AC.

    "RaJah, I need help...I'm being hit with direct energy weapons until I bleed to death with no help. Please tell Cobra..."

    So please help her.
    Thank you.



  69. DEEP Theta Binaural Beats ➤ LET GO of Fear, Overthinking & Worries ➤ 432Hz Deep Relaxation
    PowerThoughts Meditation Club

  70. Dark forces must be desparate. Yesterday, April 24th, was, by far the worst, chemtrail day I have ever seen in any location, here or in my travels. Here in WA State, on the Olympic Peninsula, it began in the morning, THEY were not even attemping to be sublte about it , stripes everywhere until the sky was covered, and then complete blanket of haze blocked out the blue sky entirely. In the evening, when some blue sky began to appear, THEY went at it again and continued after sunset! No rain in forecast for several days. It was as if THEY made a last effort and dumped everything they had on us. My dogs don’t understand why I keep taking them inside.

    Deep gratitude to ALL who are assisting the Light Forces. We know things are getting closer with each day, and much appreciation for safe measures in multilevel complex situation to manifest The EVENT.

    Though probably not practical, When this is all over, I have th desire ( which I am certain I share with many of you) to meet you all,
    Terra-birthed and elsewhere birth, all those with purity of heart and alignment with
    divine love and light.

    1. Edie:
      Was discussing your comment with another Washington state person. We all need to drink as much clear water as we can and visualize protection around ourselves. and Detox.

  71. Hammer of Thor update? I got the impression it was take no prisoners, time for negotiating was over, ships and DUMBS were being taken down, if they have the tech to teleport anyone off planet.. why not do that and remove the top?


    1. Yes, i read it for a long time now. But the most important here is to you discover by yourself if something is or not trustworthy. Don't just blind believe in something just because x or y person told you to.

  73. Stranger in a Strange Land...

  74. Cobra
    I have been paying attention to Q, as have many others. Q's message looks to be the same as yours. Unity. Love. Good vs Evil. Q is clearly very close to Trump. Now you're saying Trump is caught in the middle. I know you do not comment on others. What I'm asking is how does Q fit into the geopolitical equation here?
    Thank you for all you do.


  76. I'm sorry, I was going to take myself out again then I read your messages to me again and it helped.💖
    So anyway today is my birthday and no one from my family called, not my brothers or sister not even my mom, my father died with unresolved issues between us and he never called, then I asked a girl for her number she said I took to long to ask and that with all my life I feel rejected by this world, but then I think about what cobra said about them putting us in dysfunctional families to stop us from awakening and how it never works, well I'm living proof, but man does it suck feeling like you're mother doesn't love you, I feel isolated and tortured, I hope I was a thorn in the dark brothers side in past lives, cause this here is ridiculous😂😂😂THE LIGHT is the most strongest shield ye could ever need, and cobra I just gotta say you the MAN you have helped me so much I LOVE YOU BROTHER AND MY SPACE FAM ON HERE, and I can't miss ISIS ASTARA coming back that's gonna be like a meteor of love hitting the earth, it's gonna be awesome, yeah just a bunch of things I don't want to miss, especially meeting you all at the keeger party we are throwing at cobras house😇
    In closing all I ever wanted was to love and be loved, but people don't get on this planet.


    1. Happy Birthday Brother! I know how that feels..
      Much love.

    2. Happy birthday Brandon! Tomorrow it's mine lol

    3. And what about the toplets dear Cobra? I know you will not give us an answer lol but I hope it's soon clear and then ... The event! (excuse my bad English)

    4. Happy Birthday sweet Angel in human-form !!! You are very special and loved by sooo many of us ♡♡♡It's true we are going through hard times now...but you are not alone! Sending you warm birthday-hugs!♡

    5. Happy Birthday and hang on in there you're doing great! ❤️🌟❤️🎈🎁🎈❤️🌟❤️ keep that light shining 🌟🌟🌟

    6. Dear Brandon,
      I have to re-post this, in case you've missed reading it.
      THIS GOES TO ALL STARSEEDS, (just change the names of the people I replied....).
      And brandon, I ask you to, specially, read, and re-read the very last phrase.

      WE LOVE YOU, SWEET 💖!!


      HYE ANGELApril 19, 2018 at 3:19 PM
      Congrats, Sister/Brother! That means YOU ARE a Starseed.
      And that's the story with ALL Starseeds.

      The bad guys keep them under SPECIAL radars for 24/7/365. Because the Starseeds are the ones the darks fear most! So, they keep them by blocking all their moves, sabotaging all the plans/dreams the Starseeds want to create/bulit/start.
      Above ALL, they make sure, that EVERYBODY, (especially your loved ones), have been turned against YOU. So, the Starseeds feel UN-Loved, forgotten, rejected by the society, abandoned and lonely.
      That's the way to keep the Starseeds heart broken, suicidal, so they can NOT achieve/fulfill their MISSION.

      So, as long as the darks have some power, and can do something to harm the Starseeds.... Very few Starseeds - who are well protected and have direct/private contacts with the Cosmic Family - can, and/or will get what they want.

      Do NOT seek love from the mind controlled people, "for they know not what they are doing". The day will come when they will love you more than you can imagine.

      Keep shining your inner LIGHT! And remember:

    7. The secret about LOVE that few really understand, that LOVE is most potent coming FROM you than coming to you. Listen to the song "The greatest Love of all" by our friend Whitney Houston and you will "feel" that this is true. So Brandon, Call your family, each one and express the joy you feel for ONE another for your birthday and BE the LOVE you feel you are missing WITH them. be the Way shower for your family. I send you Love and Light and here is a link to a blog article I wrote about LOVE. I hope it helps you to see that the LOVE you seek comes from you, not to you. :)

    8. Brandon Stamps, Happy Birthday! Just want to say that I felt exactly as you regarding family and friends like there was something wrong with me all my life until I discovered there is a diffenent consciencousness on this planet and your family
      members might be different to you. For example they may not be able to feel the same feelings as you do. Hopefully we will gravitate toward our real family and friends/soul group soon. I've stopped expecting any closeness from many of the people here.

    9. Brandon... I had the same situation...still do... It is Hell...hang in there is all we can do...after a lifetime of crap we deserve something better....

    10. I am very sorry. Happy Birthday.

    11. I feel your pain brother. I've gone through the same thing with my family. Exactly. I've learned to forgive them, for they know not what they do. At the end of theday, I like my own company, so I'm never alone. Feel the connection with source. Good bless.

    12. HAPPY BIRHTDAY! Glad you still here with us and you are LOVED!

    13. Hey Brandon, a bit late for your birthday but congrats. A little, also late, present in music of one of my favorite musiciens, the uncredible Pogues with Fiesta:

      And have every day a beautiful one! Maria

    14. Happy Birthday Brandon. Love you man.

    15. Thanks everyone, I know I can depend on you to understand the things I feel.

      @hye angel thanks I did not see it the first time, good read, did you send me a friend request back in 2015? Because if you did I'm sorry I never replied, I wasn't in a good place, it was when I was breaking up with my wife and she thought the request was a affair😂 but she was having one.

      @unknown that would definitely garner a huge audience😂😂😂

      It's just crazy I get treated the exact opposite on this blog, but I do give my ex credit she went and got me 2 shirts and cupcakes and a pack of smokes😅 which she tried to say is from my daughter but it was her, my daughter just picked them out, she wanted a t-shirt with cats cupcakes and unicorn on it😍 but they didn't have any, it just sucks the only person who actually puts effort forth is the one who broke my heart(I did cheat but never an affair/double life)

    16. @brandon - i am also one of the "shunned". my family and friends have all written me off a long time ago about 6 years ago to be exact. i have learnt to share little and pray a lot never denouncing my knowing of what is going on. it has simply become the elephant in the room at every family gathering and i have accepted that when all this is done and dusted they will come to me and we will all know the truth.

    17. Thanks Bob, how bad it is now just shows how great it will be once it's all over.

  77. Can I get abducted for like a week...
    Not talking to you John podesta😂😂😂

    1. lol.. i am sure by now that thought crossed many lol... as long as is "abducted" by the good guys.

    2. U got a crazy Humour Bro !!! Really, even for a french guy it sounds crazy ;)
      Enjoy the ride as best as u can cause we're all in this togeher !
      and bring your humour at Cobra's house, good ingredient for the party...
      Big Up

    3. Thanks Max, I try to entertain myself by finding the funny in the bad, cause that's seems all were allowed most of the time.

      @dragon heart but of course, I wouldn't mind one of the liquid light ships getting me especially if it's the one with Buddha chilling in there😜

    By David Wilcock & Corey Goode
    Season 10, Episode 10

    David: Did this frothy ice exist on all of the surfaces or just the floor?

    Corey: It was just on the floor, which, as I told you, there was no gravity. So they stated that, at the time . . . It had been close to a star.

    They said that this craft was around a star not too far away – they named the star – and that it was stuck in an orbit around this star for millions and millions of years.

    The temporal data that they were able to use to date this object was one billion plus years old...

  79. Meditation Update

    4/26/2018 01:58:00 am

  80. if someone know how we can find a list of groups of sisterhood of the rose around the cities of the world, maybe a web portal to get in contact with this groups will be great
    I am searching fot this group in my city but i still doesnt find a group hete, I live in Bogotá, Colombia, and I hope one conference of Cobra, here in Latin America

  81. Hello everybody, reading Cobra's report I am reminded of how many French missiles failed to fire at this coordinated strike on the 13th of April. I feel it confirms what Cobra says about the dampening effect of the meditation on the Syria situation.
    Good result.

  82. I wanna be like cobra when I grow up💃

  83. James Gilliland (Political, New Currency, The Event, Aliens, Bigfoot)

  84. At my workshop I will lit the candle I have for Isis Astara. Always when I lit it, something magical happens. She is alive. She has transcended. Now let us allow ourselves to transcend "her in us" as well. If so, we will be where she is and she will be where we are, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

    Victory of the Light!

  85. Sister of the rose in the Midwest?

  86. A well of knowledge: General Petrov

  87. Just just... No tota, on kai toi Evankeliumi ihan OK? :/


  88. Just a few observations:

    The peace meditation was timed to be at the exact time of new moon. Notwithstanding the fact that I was told and all evidence points to the moon not being a natural object at all, that time meant that it was the middle of the night in all of Europe and Africa.

    That time also made it very very hard for everybody living in India and Bangladesh as they were just starting their day.
    And basically all of Asia was already at work, generally eliminating them from being able to participate as well.
    Obviously the time of new "moon" was more important than reaching critical mass.

    As I have been told millions of times, and continuously say in my comments as well:
    "Timing, baby. It's All about the TIMING."
    Well? *That* timing was absolutely horrible.

    So we were basically left with North and South America to meditate without going through quite a hazzle. Yet there was NO spanish video for the meditation available, making it quite hard for almost all of South America and Mexico.
    And I know for a FACT that somebody HAD made a Spanish language video for the peace meditation. But when it was posted in the Prepare For Change Facebook group it got deleted - multiple times.

    As a result OF COURSE the critical mass was not reached, but thankfully we managed to minimized the damage of the missile attack that happened two days BEFORE the meditation. Okay.

    So please allow me a simple question:
    What The Fuck???

    Not cool with that. Absolutely NOT COOL AT ALL.


  89. I just seen the q post about John Legend😢 he was one of my favorites, this is worse than I thought, I should have known with him defending Hillary and taking pics, I thought they were just pawns not active participants, I already stopped listening to rap mostly because I consider it death cult music now so Eminem wasn't that bad to learn about, john legend was the song for my wedding... no wonder it fell apart😂

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Everyone's health is so bad it's ridiculous. The walking dead everywhere you look.

    2. I've felt betrayed by positive ET's since I was like 5 years old, I just knew. As soon as I could read my mom's books about aliens and new age stuff I was like "You assholes. You're the worst, chilling up in your ships with perfect health and 1,000 year lifespans while we rot in hell. Rambling on about how wonderful life is, how much you love us, and how great humanity is." I'm with you man, it's difficult to hear.

    3. Stay awake during 36 hours. If possible, never sleep during 48 hours. Then, go to bed. You must sleep like mud. Never give up.

    4. i am so grateful that i do not share your morbid reality and god only knows why you feel the need to share it.

    5. @Bob Steve Staying silent was the number one reason why I'm still in this mess. Covering my mom's ass and being manipulated by her all my life. Should have spoken up as a kid. It's where most of my issues stem from. Would have been financially well-off and able to tackle any problem otherwise.

      Anyway, I did delete my post.

  91. If Cobra returns to standard mode from 20 May, which means that the surface operations are by then largely completed.. What do you say? "Fine-tuning" about one month.. After 20...

  92. 🌈💗✨🙏😍 Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like-minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.


    ✨ Are you one of those people that find that the time of the daily hosted meditations is not convenient for you to participate? Would you like to do all of the planetary liberation meditations (PFC, WLMM, etc) in JUST ONE SINGLE meditation, including all the key points of importance? If so, then we have the answer for you ... Join us here and invite others to join you in our 🌌 MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: 😊🙏💗 where we are Prepared For the Change: (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)

    Our COMBINED Planetary Ascension MEDITATION combines all PFC/WLMM/etc meditations into ONE and is hosted every 6 hours to cover as many areas of the world. We are hosting this meditation at UTC Midnight, 6 AM, 12 NOON, 6 PM UTC. 💗 If you do not want to use our hosted meditation platform, feel free to use the meditation directly:
    To read the script of this meditation, please take a peek on our platform, under the room called #Meditation-Scripts. ✨

    💗 We also host a selection of Mindfulness Meditations from various masters like Mooji, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, etc 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM UTC, to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. 💗

    🏳‍🌈 We currently also host the SUNday Unity Meditations from Sandra Walter on Sunday at UTC 3:11 PM, 6:11 PM and Monday 12:11 AM UTC, in our special MEDITATION UNITY audio room. 🏳‍🌈

    🌎 We invite you to join us in various initiatives that we provide and collaborate on together, such as sharing your light business and healing practice through our promotion room with FREE advertising, localized chat to find people in your area to connect with, the Lightworkers In Need Of Funding initiative for those in difficult financial situations, the Ubuntu Healing Circle for those in need of special healing, and a host of sources sharing intel (Current events, Exopolitics, First Contact, etc) for those keen on getting their fix 😊 🌎

    🌞 We have a NEW MEDITATION SCHEDULE that started back on March 12th, 2018, as part of a unified initiative to reduce or compact the number of meditations, so that we can focus more effectively in less time … 👼 Yet, still having the ability to cherry-pick those meditations that you feel are important for you to participate in.

    🌎 We continuously collaborate with Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and many other groups and individuals to create light initiatives to bring more light to our own lives and the world at large:
    With great joy we invite you to collaborate with us (as well as WLMM and PFC) on any light-filled projects that you may have in mind, such as hosted meditations and healing initiatives. 🌎

    If you are Prepared For the Change, join us to connect with like-hearted beings, and to raise the Planetary Vibration, on our 🌌 MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: 😊🙏💗 (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light) 💖🌈🙏✨💗

  93. Cobra, I deeply apologize for my previous post. I got really sick, because I had something with caffeine without even realizing it, and this caused my health to take a nosedive. So please disregard my previous message. We're all counting on you. Thank you for your service.

  94. Great blog! Thanks for sharing it. Enjoyed reading about Peace Meditation and how you prepared this. pawn a watch
