Monday, January 7, 2019

LSIP  Wonderland protocols systemic surface failure, urgent evaluation, ASCOM briefing at 190107.23Z


  1. Dear Cobra - I second this new year's wish to you ...

    When you wrote "This nightmare WILL be over, soon" in September

    what timeframe did you have in mind.

    After all this time and in the light of this current 'failure- please now share at least when the very VERY latest you see the "central sun sneeze". Please don't keep on dangling the carrot in front of us, giving us more and more the impression you treat us like donkeys. We're not. Dare the most pessimist estimate which is of no danger to the mission. We're worth it. It's way past overdue - please.

    To make your answer easy: "This nightmare WILL be over, soon", even when considering the WORST CASE SCENARIO, should mean:

    1. still years from now
    2. the latest by the end of 2020
    3. the latest by the end of 2019
    4. within the next few months
    5. within the next few weeks

    Do it, Cobra. It's time.

    Thank you, brother.
    Lee from Konstanz

    1. be the ankor of light and breakthrough is going to be anytime of the day

    2. Hey man, chill. At least you know better than to pay for Cable. Just kick back and watch sci-fi reruns on Comet TV. There was tons of soft disclosure going on in the 90s. It will keep you entertained while you figure it out and you will know just what to do when you get the call from your space fleet regiment that it's time to put on your special suit and meet up with team Stark.

    3. There is no way Cobra can predict the timing. It is too multidimensional.

    4. nothing happen in the universe because you are watching a calendar o a clock..everything happen when the frequency is right..

    5. Lee, COBRA is just a man. No one really knows when the "sneeze" will happen, but keep the faith Lee.

    6. Hi. I see some people are waiting for the Event like children are waiting for Christmas presents. If they don't get what/when they want it then it's a huge disappointment

      Nobody knows when the Event will happen..nobody! ETs won't save us either. Yes, they are helping us but essentially it's up to us do the work. We can only free ourselves by raising collective consciousness and raising our vibrations. I guess it's up to us the awaken us to do this

      If you become to obsess with the event then you miss out on life completely. Focus more on the present rather than past or future.
      Remember about the law of attraction. Be grateful for the good things in your life. Do what brings you joy..than you will start seeing positive changes in your life and stop relying on the event.
      I know life in 3d can be a bummer. Sending you violet flame brother. Namaste

    7. Premier contact à lautol'au 2021, les arrestations vont commencer, le mois de Janvier 2019 sera historique, les divulgations arrivent


    8. the next coming days, weeks, months and years... :=)


    9. ...and don't forget a phrase which was in some of Cobra's interviews: "much longer after the Event"...

    10. just as a friendly reminder - ultimately the earth changes/event depend on humanity and our abiity to reconcile and transmute our issues to the love vibration. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. I wonder do we forget we are not going to be rescued or saved - we are going to transform ourselves through living LOVE and being the best we can be. the timing of the event has NOTHING to do with COBRA he is simply the MESSENGER. no one knows when it will happen because no one knows how long it will take humanity to do the work necessary.

    11. If Cobra said 10 years it would be a lie. It is not time based. Only 3D reality is "linear time". So what sense would it make for 4D or 5D reality to occur within a 3D time frame? Get it now?

    12. To live one's life 'waiting' for a better tomorrow is a sad waste. Personally I don't expect any significant change toward a brighter future for humanity to occur for many thousands of years.

    13. @ Cobra: nobody forced you to write "soon". Again, what ROUGH idea of timelapse did you have in mind when you wrote "soon". That's all. It's your turn, brother. The talking stick is back to you. So?

    14. @Bob Steve

      Enough of the 'we are the ones we been waiting for' cheer leading speech.

      I TRIED to awaken the masses, but all they do is laugh, ridicule, and throw punches at us.

      And HOW are WE to take down the evil empire, alone and unaided....when they got big guns, COUPLED with advanced technology...some of which is ALIEN in origin (so SPARE me the we are the ones speech).....alone and unaided?

      Look how many people were DESTROYED by the bad guys, one of them a us president.

      Gonna take more than love and light, for, as the past as shown us, all the love and light WON'T stop a bullet, or an energy weapon, with your name on it.

      We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY, Bobby.

    15. @Klodi

      1: The event, and ET contact for me, are some of the FEW things that has kept some of us, like MYSELF, from putting a bullet in my head.

      2: Like the late George Carlin, I have GIVEN UP ON MY SPECIES. For over TWENTY YEARS.....HALF MY LIFE....from ages 14 to 34, I have TRIED to awaken the masses. Only results I got was masses LAUGHING AT ME, RIDICULE, and, on several occasions, them beating my ass to a bloody pulp.

      And you EXPECT human to somehow awaken on their own?

      And HOW does one take on the evil empire, who has


      Advanced technology (Some of which is ALIEN in that speech about do direct intervention is BULLSHIT)

      A shameless and ruthless media

      The masses so brainwashed, that they'll fight to PROTECT the system and their slave masters

      And legions of high school flunkies in silly uniforms, all of them drunk on words like "Patriotism", "Nationalism", "National Security" (2 of the most over abused words in the English Language for the past 70+ years), "Duty" and "Honor"....and have pledged to live, and to die, at the command of their masters.

      HOW are WE to take THAT on, alone and unaided? THAT, sir, is like a caveman, armed with a stick, trying to take on a fully loaded, fully armored tank. And look how many have been destroyed already for trying to take on the empire.

      And given how the masses have treated ME since I was a kid, I am NOT going to martyr myself for humanity....sorry, pal, but I am not going to throw myself back to the wolves again. Sorry, but I'm tired of trying to play super hero.

      And in the 39 years I have lived, I do not recall ever being truly happy.

      You see, my one chance, my ONLY chance, for happiness lays with the aliens. I need to meet the aliens....get the much needed physical and especially emotional healing they can give me. PLUS, as I said before in other posts, I might be born male, but inside there is a WOMAN who is BEGGING to become real....the aliens can help me with this as well, I am sure. Plus, I want OFF this god forsaken prison planet and to travel the stars, see what's out there and find my REAL home planet. Earth never, EVER felt home to ME.

      Earth, and humanity, have nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to offer me that the ET's and the stars can not. I'm putting all my eggs into the ET contact, "Make or break", I believe the saying is.

      So, Klodi, I NEED contact, and I am sure there are others who need this as well. And, seeing at this going to be my FINAL REINCARNATION....NO MORE AFTER THIS.....this life has GOT to be damned has to be....and nothing on this planet, or humanity can take the place of it.

      Understood, Klodi?

    16. @mg2323 The longer it takes, the more suffering WE have to go through, and more people who die each day will miss out on it all.

      Do YOU get it now?

    17. No. The event takes place in a 3D environment so of course it is within a linear timeframe. There us a timeframe for the event and for ascension, look it up, Cobra mentioned it in one of his interviews.

    18. Good question, actually, we were told the Event would be triggered once the toplet bombs were no longer an issue. I have read we have enough Light on the surface, enough awakened people, and to say the ETs can only help us so much, I find that an odd statement in that we are them are we not? If we ascend, they can ascend as we are all 1 Unity Consciousness. Many starseeds are from other star systems, who chose to come here to help Earth and native humans ascend, they will go home. There is no us and them, there's really only us. AI controls the plane right, the programming, why people are having trouble waking up, despite clear evidence in front of them, they still deny it and go about their day as if all is fine. Zombie like if you will, I have tried and people who are intelligent still can't understand the fires in CA were by DEWs, the homes vaporized, trees fine, melting car wheels and engine blocks, trees and grass nearby fine. It really shows me how programmed and asleep people are, we do need the wave of photon light as soon as possible, we need the dark ones teleported off planet, time is relevant, to say there is no time in the higher dimensions, how is that if 4D and 5D humans do eventually die? Agarthans die right, after say 1000 yrs or so, so clearly, time is relevant if you die well transition etc.. The ancient Galactic wars were in the past right? The Great Pyramid wasn't built yesterday, so time is important it's just measured differently I guess at higher dimensions. Time travel, how is that possible without some time of past and future reference point? All I know is, the band-aid needs ripped off not slowly pulled off, people will need to be shocked about their true reality it's the only way to awaken them. Toplet bombs remember, once they are cleared, per Cobra, the Galactics can trigger the Event, well, what's the status of these plasma, black hole causing, satanic devices? Nobody likes open-ended timelines, let's finish the dark ones off now by force.

    19. Sherman once again one of the few voices of reason. Humanity is FOR the Cabal. They are the enemy. A few ruling families could do nothing on their own. That's why we want off the planet, or out of physical reality in my case. It doesn't matter if we have the Event, we'll still be on a planet with people who LIKE the sickness. They WANT cell towers, the want GMO poison, what vile creatures, it's unbelievable. I challenge anyone to stand out front of a grocery store like people who have petitions, and talk about aliens, chemtrails, etc. See if 99% of people don't spit on you. Literally, someone will attack you, and everyone will think you're crazy, while they suck down a diet Coke and talk on their phone. I hate this place, I hate humans, they're the enemy of anything good.

    20. Perhaps you should ask yourself when is it that you're going to die?

      Trying to explain a multidimensional Grand Event is like, trying to tell someone in 1800s about the internet of which they have no clue what a computer is to begin with.

      Do you get it? It will happen when it is suppose to? Look around you see what's happening to the power structures of the world. Does that give you a sense of what's brewing?

      Look inside yourself and ask your higher self and get the answers that are relevant for you. Love and Light!

    21. @Shermen Potter
      I'm really sorry to read your story. I do understand your disappointment and frustration with humanity and stalemate on planet earth. I can only feel compassion about your womanly inner self locked in man's body.

      My point of view is complaining about event not happening won't help much. I'm not a fan of people either and I get this feeling of being homesick when I look at the stars. But here we are on planet earth so personally I feel I just need to get on with it and make the most.
      You say you're tired of being a superhero. Maybe you expect too much of yourself? You're disappointed at masses not awakening. Perhaps that's not our mission ? People are at different stage of development. If they are to awaken, it will come from inside rather than outside influence. I don't think we're expected to slay evil forces either.
      Anyway, wish you good luck. May you find inner peace

    22. Further to my post if one is to awake they will. I had read about Annuaki in my late teens or early twenties and dismissed it back then. More than 10 years later one thing led to another and I believe it now. Nobody influenced me. I was browsing Internet and I trust I was guided from one YouTube video or internet site to another. All of this resonates with me now. Back in the day I would say all of this is made up.

    23. Timelines describe probabilities. One acts, although one does not know something 100% exactly. Otherwise life would come to a standstill. In daily life, decisions are made all the time even though you don't know something exactly. Who was surprised by the rain, went off, although he did not know it exactly. If he didn't, he would probably never go.

      The forces of light act in exactly the same way, as the term goldilock principle already says. Even in fog, progress is possible, despite constant false assumptions.

  2. Chimera group sending a message to the public. LOL ;)

    1. What other cultures were saying about spiders, bugs and so on.

      Do we have bug phobia right now so its easier to attribute 'evil' to some life form?

      Were cats animal of satan according to catholic church few centuries ago?

      Really makes you think.

    2. Cats were revered and worshiped in ancient times. Even heard cats are aliens, or transdimensional beings. I feel love from cats.

      the catholic church, however, was responsible for bloodshed over the centuries, and are today raping kids.
      So the catholic church can f*ck itself.

    3. Spiders are too territorial to work together like that. You know what insect would be more likely to kill everyone(but still probably not though)? Ants. They have the numbers and a complex social structure. They are actually very much like people.

  3. A messgae from / about the poope:
    '... lol.. they no clue they have to die to save the planet' and

    'We need to talk about climat change, global depopulation and world government. We need an earth-constitution that will transcent the UN charter & can create 'freedom' for humanity with a new 'planetary court'.

    Well Thát's true information.

    You can see the pic on my website. I could not get a better one:

  4. Great detox package from tachyon technologies.

    Tachyon Aqua + Zeolite 250g

    Victoy of Light!

    1. Not sure who tachyon-portal folks are. I see
      they also have the tachyon chambers around the world listed.

      There is also a new tachyon chamber (which tachyon-portal is not yet listing) which is north of San Francisco, in Petaluma, California.

      Website here:

    2. We will soon add a tachyon chamber from San Francisco on

      If you have tachyon healing chamber and want to heal other people..please contact us on and we will list your tachyon chamber on

      Victory of the Light!

  5. This is rather important -to understand how you all been cheated on:

  6. Dear cobra here is a Return to light mass meditation video in English \ for the 21st January lunar eclipse return to light mass meditation and a call for action### . - on my YouTube account = Ria Aurora Athena Ash Oneness Oneness )

    It has been uploaded to the sisterhood of the Rose Facebook blog page ... And we love mass meditation fb fb p xxx as you know we are encouraging light workers and light warriors to share and spread the mass meditation videos out as far as I can.

    So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth ☺️🤴💓💜💛❤️💘💚

  7. Ok. Briefing today at 23:00 Zulu?!
    Liberate the planet by force if needed!

  8. You can literally see the wave squish into the planet and then it goes wild like a bomb went off, but the crazy thing is that these energies are not coming from the sun.

    Is this might be the first waves of energy from the Galactic Central Sun.?? The Event ???

    1. This wave represent completion on spiritual level.
      She confirm that we are ready for the EVENT
      We are now in The Process Of Restoration - Coming back to life
      “One secures the gold of the spirit when one finds himself.”
      The Event will awaken(dormant-junk DNA)during full moon in Jan. - New moon Feb.
      The Voice of Silence – Blavatsky “The best time for connecting closely with the energies of Sirius is when the Moon is full in the House of Leo. The Leo Full Moon is the time for a close encounter of paranormal kind with the Sirian Forces.”


  10. Meaning no Implant dissolution yet...

  11. Nevermind urgent evaluations how about urgent execution and implementation.!! We lightworkers are ready. Most of the dark ones are unwilling to change. Victory of the light.

  12. Looks like a briefing being held
    at 11pm tonight. Then again I could be wrong.

  13. every time I feel horribly bad, sad, anxious, depressed without reason, something like this gets posted here, i dont know if im just crazy or there is some connection

  14. Oh no, is this bad news?? I've been having wonderful astral travels and felt there has been a breakthrough somewhere. But this? I'm keeping the faith everyone. Victory of the light!!❤️

  15. I hear the date of the Event is now LOCKED IN and any information is off limits, except hints that it is at least 2 years from now. Any truth to that?

    1. Yeah I read that too. It seems like a long drawn out battle. I am optimistic though as the odds are in our favor the light forces.

      Since more light is on Gaia more then ever before and cabal ground forces are being trialed as we speak. Victory to light!

    2. Yeah I'm haveing similar impression

    3. Yeah but locked in u mean definite? Oh that I dont think so

    4. I would say this is false info, planted by cabal's minions.

    5. There's an idiot on fb and YouTube claiming to have dreamed of experiencing the event on a specific day in 2021 and has been prophecying his BS ever since.

      And of course so many ppl are eager to escape theirselves so they feed right into it like jerry and the plutonians lmao

    6. It is not true. Cobra said no one can predict the exact timing.

  16. Trump orders military to Gabon to prepare for Congo operation.

      The U.S. military is also preparing for financial systems negotiations with China by sending troops to Africa and Brazil in order to seize key resources and thus bargaining chips (coltan for mobile devices, soybeans, etc.), the sources say.
      With these chips in hand, Trump will be meeting Chinese Vice Premier and financial expert Wang Qishan at Davos on January 22nd.

    2. 这位王先生,是全中国最富有的家族之一。国家副主席。手里的财富沾满了中国人民的鲜血,汗臭,被污染的国土,还有无数年青人被无偿摘走的人体器官,用于它们的金钱和政治利益交换。谁敢动用这笔钱里的每一分钱都立即遭到死神的召唤。这笔天量的财富必须归还于每一位中国人~~~本杰明是被提供了很多虚假的中国消息,否则他就是在假装不知道。感恩尊敬的Cobra先生,感恩每一位朋友的付出。我们不能再同意任何拖延的借口。只要我们脱离所谓的人类集体意识,我们自己就可以形成一个独立的脱离旧统治阶级给我们设计的牢笼。不要怕死,千万不要怕死~~只要我们有足够的奉献精神,就能推翻所有想要阻扰我们解放的任何计划。我们共同呼吁来自源头的神圣介入。和我们现站在一起去抵抗任何反对我们的计划。谢谢!非常感恩大家。请记住我的名字~张靖楣~

    3. translate: This Mr. Wang is one of the wealthiest families in China. Vice President of the State. The wealth in his hand is covered with the blood of the Chinese people, the smell of sweat, the soil of pollution, and the human organs that countless young people are taken away for free, for their exchange of money and political interests. Whoever dares to use every penny in this money is immediately called by the god of death. This amount of wealth must be returned to every Chinese person~~~ Benjamin is being provided with a lot of false Chinese news, otherwise he is pretending not to know. Thank you, Mr. Cobra, for the contribution of every friend. We can no longer agree to any excuse for delay. As long as we are separated from the so-called collective consciousness of humanity, we ourselves can form an independent cage that has been designed for us from the old ruling class. Don't be afraid of death, don't be afraid of death~~ As long as we have enough dedication, we can overthrow any plan that wants to block our liberation. We collectively call for sacred intervention from the source. Stand with us now to resist any plan against us. Thank you! Very grateful to everyone. Please remember my name~张靖楣~

  17. We are with you Galactics we so will prevail! Godspeed to ultimate victory!


  19. Las últimas publicaciones parecen un poco desalentadoras


  20. Never Forget:

    I AM DC

  21. Really woth a read.


  22. Not that it's anybody's business but Mine and Gaia's, but...

    LightMachine at 100

    Keep It 100

    I AM DC



  24. Become The Wind


    I AM DC


    Thank You for sharing ♡♡♡♡

  26. Whatever happens here, we, the light will eventually prevail. I trust the greater plan, the plan laid out by the, Pleiadians and many others, including, Earth alliance.

  27. OK, one more try.
    I had to remove good comments since I have doubts (...)

    To Psychedelic Paul:
    I received your e-mail yet I've got doubts whether to get involved. If you are interested in possible help resend me this email, OK? I have something for you yet won't I disclose it here, and I've lost your address, I need to ask you questions.

    To Patrick D(R?)efoe:
    The one who responded to my draconian proclamation. Well you've disclosed yourself to me, so to exchange honesties I'd advise you to rethink whether are you dark or light and it's no need to put on superfluous masks. Me personally likes bunnies and rainbows but also likes darker aspects of life. Well I think you may be liking working rituals with these people. Anyways, if you want to learn more of the Draconian Path I am open to disclose...something.

    Now, the lost messages will I try to restore here:
    MY mail is and I will share my spiritual and esoteric knowledge and divination on terms of exchanging favours or if you are needy and feel the urge to contact me, do state your problem and we will think of solutions.

    At the moment I would gladly accept money but of course, I am not pushing anyone to pay me this way, it's only a temporary necessity of mine.

    Well, I may also add that if someone wants to donate me, do donate since I am in need of money at this time.

    The last message was my call of the Great Dragon. I can initate on the Draconian Path, if you are interested you should contact me, you would become so to say a Disciple of the Dragon. Feel free to ask more questions as I like to initiate and, oh I have the right to do it. This is more or less connected to the draconian order of Dragon Rouge but I work independently besides them.

    And my channel for the Event expectants is simple and thus: Do persevere through the end no matter what, since the prize is worth it. The Event may be this year , may be in 2 years' time, we don't really know it. Nevertheless you should do your best, no matter what.

    Do contact me on the mail since , as I stated I am looking for partnership relations.

    1. Well I say divinations but in fact they are prophecies
      The word coming to my mind is "oracle"

  28. "The Declaration" is meant only for "inside" Assembly it shouldn't have come to attention, the banners and the meaning of the background colors along w/ circles explain all. The white circle is critical for understanding the rest. Weary of fanatics...there's no shortage of em.

  29. Dear Cobra, us lightworkers here on Gaia are eagerly awaiting the arrival and full disclosure. How long do we wait for?

  30. RM, watch out for next cabal move on Jan 11, 2019:
    Because Venezuela is selling their oil in yuan now cabal retaliates by invading Venezuela. Maybe that is why the troops relocation (moving out from Syria to Venezuela)

  31. I don't need shift so far but Currency reset is required immediately.
    I know the January meditation is about planing for the currency reset

  32. I know the hardest missions are on the surface. Light workers, resistance, and galactic confederation setbacks are just ways to update your protocols to be more successful. All my clones are now confirmed to be in the hands of the light, with the dark fleet having none of my clones any longer. And in my dreams I provide coding advice to the galactics on the astral. This upcoming meditation is going to be sweet.



  34. "Wonderland" is the cabal's playground... the false matrix we live in. I believe it is coming down!




  36. Etheric Crystals

    Invisible crystals that contain fifth-dimensional energy that have been sent to the Earth by the Arcturians. The purpose of these etheric crystals is to provide healing energies to the Earth’s meridians. To this date 12 etheric crystals have been downloaded. Here is a summary of the process and the role they play in the Earth’s healing.


  37. etheric crystals, photonic crystal, ancient energy sources, 'photoradionics' A'drieinous, Pleiadian interview, Island of light of Brazil, tachyonis, plain sight hidden technology, Cobra's team,... in... a post-Event era unfolding 'in the now'...

  38. This is good news! If Wonderland refers to the financial System. Anabella is a virus and LSIP is surface phase, then it appears that a virus was put in the system and there is now systemic failure. This is what we want. There was also mention of SWIFT being dismantled from another Pleiadian Source. It also correlates with events around us. The Stocks and Bonds are girating like crazy since October, the Government Shutdown, Troops being recalled from Syria (although there has been descent exposing traitors in my veiw). In Europe, the Yellow Vest movement and the crumbling of the EU. Have faith everyone it is all on track.

    1. I often think Cobra' statements can be read in two opposite ways. This post being a prime example. I think you are on target Purplehaze. However, nothing the corporate military arm of the cabal does can be trusted; they work for the ruling-class and not the people.

  39. LSIP obviously has something to do with operations of the light forces on the surface of the planet. LSIP had to be stopped for months due to unfavorable grid conditions and could start on January 3, 2019.

    Yesterday LSIP obviously discovered something unknown to the light forces, and a briefing (Konzil?) was probably called for yesterday.

    The veil that the dark ones have created here and the high amount of primary anomaly create a lack of Intel even in higher dimensions. This is also the reason why also the forces of light only gradually find out many things.

    COBRA-Info today about the meditation on 22/21 January 2019
    We have made a choice for Full Disclosure, for First Contact, for Liberation, for the Event. Now, we are meditating to magnetically draw that choice to the physical plane and then we’ll act upon it. Because this meditation will trigger a change.

    It will trigger physical shifts on the planet. It will trigger things that will be undeniable. And then, of course, we’ll be more free to act physically to support that process.


  40. What is TORSION FIELD? What does TORSION FIELD mean? TORSION FIELD meaning, definition & explanation:

  41. Exploring Alternatives


  42. Open Source Everything...

    (for only who is in knowledge, Cobra's team, etc...)
    What if replace the orgonite and other 'chi energy' transmitters with tachyonized light transmitters??…

    Are tachyons incompatible with orgone? At what level?...

    What if entirely replace with light (visible but etheric as well) transmitters?

    Are cintamani stones needed too, inside the device?

    How do you give an internal protection against irresponsible use?...


  43. Open...

    How do you keep the energy of invisible light (i.e. Stellar Healing 13 Rays, a.o.) and superimpose it onto a visible light in order to spread it on an 'earhtling' level?...


    1. source everything...
      (with nowadays tech...)


    2. Cold fusion, Tesla, Scalar wave, Torsion field, "Free energy", "Over-unity"..= Really All Pseudo Science? The Coming Paradigm Shift in Commercialized Cleantech Energy With Controversial Geo-Socio-Financial Ramifications


    3. We have to do it with 'nowadays' tech... but not with the ever promised but never coming 'they will give us' technology...


    4. think to optical fibers transmission...

      what do you transmit, and what do you could transmit as well...

    5. @Unknown

      "nowadays tech" is NOTHING....

      it's prehistoric JUNK only LABELED as advanced.
      Smart phones are actually 100 year old technology.



  45. Science & Environment

    'We can build a real time machine'

    Ron Mallett built a device that illustrates principles he believes could be used to build a time machine



  47. Ronald Mallett has been working on plans for a time machine. This technology would be based upon a ring laser's properties in the context of Einstein's general theory of relativity

  48. Ronald Mallett



  50. Following the tide is dead fish. this virtual reality here on earth is insane. everything is reversed, unfortunately the good thing is to be very bad to thousands of years it happens on earth. wake up!!!!



  52. This comment has been removed by the author.


  53. Open Source EVERYTHING...

    A word in the benefit of Light Communities and the development...

    A gift is already in place for the benefit of the 1st Area of Light...

    A Radial-Waves outdoor open lighting unit outline, using 'natural numbers', phi and many others,...

    1. The intent there is to achieve an 'object' which's dimensions, decrease roughly with a ratio of 1.618 (phi) in area units, from it's largest part, the OD of 369mm (the area of circle), to the other parts, upward...

      So, the upper dia of the lampshade is app 1.62 smaller in its area than the disk, then the mid piece is 1.62 smaller (at its lower part) than the upper part of the lampshade, and so on, to the upward dimensions, to top...

    2. The same will be the case for a post-top unit (an extended version of the 16' one) but also designed in each detail following 'natural numbers', phi a.o.

      Page is under construction, but details will come 'soon enough'...

  54. I have an insider that said that 'The Event' would be early in 2019

    1. Only the “Alpha-Omega” or the Cosmic Logos knows when the event will take place. No terrestrial soul or even the masters know when.

    2. Can you say any more about this insider or yourself? Do you believe them?

    3. Mass arrests will begin soon

  55. Top Secret Radionics Machine


  56. They have a single question... "when the Event will come?"...

    they consider that nothing is worth to be done,... because 'there will be released the new technologies'...

    they await that: there will be given to them...

    these are they:... should it be given to them...

    should them be given!!...

  57. The video of the Halo was recorded by the sister of a friend of my sister in Slovenia.

  58. Cobra is this what they were going to use for the dark portal with their fire sacrifice in California?

  59. Victory of the light beautiful ones ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you Cobra for all that you have done and continue to do....all the sacrifices you have made...thank you!!!

  60. "The Forbidden Parapsychology"- anyone read it?

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.


  63. Dave Janta claims the world is a safe place now, isn't it?

  64. Why Alice in Wonderland?

    Why evaluation on that high level? Something unexpected detected?


  65. Right, I think it was around early 2018 that someone predicted the event to be in early 2019. A month was mentioned. I thought March, April, or May.

    By the way, this 1969 record:

    5th Dimension -- Medley: Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In

    is probably going to go up in value after the event, what do you think? I already own two versions of the vinyl. (Not to make money off it though.) BUY WHILE AVAILABLE

  66. State of the Nation 1-6-19… “2019: The Year Deep State Gets Demolished”: Fisagate.

    In Dutch:

    1. If 2018 was the year of many breakthroughs then maybe 2019 could be the year of the breakthrough. I only say it as a possibility, not to spread any false hope.

  67. Of course 'we need to raise our vibration by integrating more light and purify our consciousness. And many of us do understand that, the Event happens according to the divine timing. But we need help too, and a lot because, the negativ ET/cabal mind control, our indoctrination have been extremely strong, and the suffering is too much on our planet.
    Cobra has said that humanity has tried to liberate itself fortime to time but, clearly we are incapable to do it alone. The point is...and it is a legitimate one... that, it has already gone too far anyway. We can loose the momentum in a way,..our light quotient fluctuates too much. So I understand those who are questioning the timing. There is one more thing here,..which is that the Event has to happen soon, long before the so called cosmic window of the ascension is closing. Which is,..if I am right in 2024. Cobra tries to keep our spirit up, by telling us as much as he can. Thank you Cobra!

    1. EXACTLY.

      We humans don't have any super powers. We have no weapons, no technology.....nothing that can take on the bad guys in a direct, one on one fight. The commercially available technology we are ALLOWED to have by the bad guys (you think the baddies will let us have the good stuff?) is PREHISTORIC junk, only MARKETED as high tech. Smart phones, for example, is based on 100+ year technology.

      And look at how many people DIED, trying to take on the of them being a US president...and to me, the ONLY president with any guts and conviction so far.

      This is NOT the American Revolution, or the Civil War, or the Crusades....where BOTH sides had the same technology. In those days, both sides had:

      Single shot pistols
      Leakey wooden boats
      Horse drawn carriages

      NOT TODAY.

      Today, us, fighting the bad guys is like a caveman, armed with a pointy stick, trying to take on a fully armored, fully loaded, Sherman tank.

      Remember what happened in China during the late 1980's, folks......

      ....getting turned into red smears on the landscape is not going to mean a GODDAMNED SHIT! And this whole "WE are the ones we have been waiting for!" is a crock of BS. This whole idea of that WE have to take on the evil empire....alone and unaided....DESPITE the face that said evil empire has alien technology, and if rumors are true....malevolent aliens, working alongside them (Hell, Vernor Van Braun and Oberth both said they had help from beings not of this planet HELPING them create the technology that the Nazis had developed), HOW do we fight THAT? This "we gotta do it alone!" is nothing but macho chest beating. To ME, one of the HEIGHTS of knowledge AND wisdom is being able to say the following 2 lines:

      "I don't know"


      "Please, help me"

      And we need a LOT of help....sorry, but this "I'm going to fight, even though I KNOW I am going to die/or have no chance of winning" is for the birds.

      A stick is much harder to break when it's in a bundle....humanity is just one stick. We need outside help in this war...and yes, this is a WAR. And in this war, there is no prize for second place....only death or enslavement.

      We the event, we need ET contact....NOW....hell, we need it YESTERDAY!

  68. Impression about Earth the way it's ruled, with gratitude and lots of love to Creator:
