Saturday, August 3, 2019

Project 501 Update

VTXPOS requirements are strictly enforced, leading to n=5. Surface filtering complete, FLT.exe flow active.

INT YXR flow recovery almost complete, ANT INT multiphasic interference almost removed, surface GDS coding partial recovery.
Projects 310 and 061 integrated into project 501. 

All 501 protocols are nearing completion, 501/MASTERPIECE integration delayed due to unfavorable grid ratio, PT intersection on hold.

Evaluation expected 190921.


  1. Some time ago ... I realized that going through difficult times & upheavals, as hard as they are ... is not the real problem.

    The real problem is:

    1. not being able to deal with or triumph over them
    2. staying blocked by them
    3. fear of the next challenge or upheaval
    4. the pain of not being able to control things in your 3D life
    5. the pain of ‘disrespect or being looked-down-upon’ by family & those around you because you just can’t “get it together”.

    Enough ..!

    And I really mean it.

    Now, with the updated ICB MASS-Guided Clearing Session, you have the option of:

    • enlisting Beyond Multiversal help, with far more ROBUST and MASS transmutational power … to truly get to the bottom of things and avoid a lifetime of piece-meal healings

    • seeing & clearing in a non-linear way, from Omnipresence … and knowing the protocols for that, to unravel all the permutations & respective root causes of things that have been repeating themselves for thousands of your life-times … and finally getting free of them to improve your life & super-charge your self esteem.

    • finally clearing life-long afflictions (either directly by working with the Teams, or by ascending to a higher timeline where you will find the 3D resources, times, places & events that get you the help you need) … because you just cleared the energetic slate for "X,Y,Z" issue.

    Imagine what this could do for you …

    Where you can more easily, and with more confidence soldier on in life … knowing that if anything ‘weird’ or highly negative comes up … you’re covered … with all the energetic backing & support you need.
    And no need to constantly spend a small fortune on live one-on-one help. You’ll be able to drastically cut down on the need for that, by as much as 90% … if not completely.

    Just recently … the breakthrough ICB (Internal Compression Breakthrough) MASS Clearing guided session – has been shortened & streamlined and turned into a package of 7 different tracks that you can use in different ways, depending on your needs … without any reduction to its power – so you can fit this sacred work into your busy schedule.

    [Stay for tomorrow's email with the live link.]

    "But, Unknown Lightwarrior … you said the 4 Phases clears everything?!"

    Firstly … I never did say that. What I did say is; it’s probably one of the most powerful … comprehensive … healing & clearing resources & help .. out there. And I stand by that, because you can check out the feedback for yourself.

    However …

    Sometimes, especially with those real acute, stubborn blocks … ‘exclusive focus in a single session, on a single issue’ … is needed.

    That’s the truth.
    The 4 Phases tends to have a more broad & general focus, and finds everything that needs to be cleared through the chakra system. It clears things that the Teams & I know everyone has to deal with.

    And of course … sometimes it does clear those acute or life-long affliction type issues.

    But I want you to have a more full set of tools … support … & help … that cover a far bigger gamut of energetic blocks.

    Partly because you won’t have to put up with that ‘gradual shut-down over time’ nonsense whenever you find something that finally works … only to witness it start losing its effectiveness.

    [Stay for tomorrow's email with the live link.]

    Just have a read, and your guidance will tell whether to invest in it or not.
    As always … proceeds go to funding the 144lk outreach campaign … so we can grow much faster, and thus take control of this planet faster.

    Freedom Now!

    Yours in service,

    The Unknown Lightwarrior

    1. In my very particular case as a CONTACTEE GNOSTIC LIGHTWARRIOR and LIGHTWORKER I fight like this:
      1) MULTIPLE BUDDHI COLUMNS OF LIGHTS FROM ALL THE STAR AROUND GAIA,WORKING at the same time 24 hrs/7days; besides my particular one.
      2) AN's WHITE FIRE FEATURING 24 hrs./7days as well



      Lightwarrior /Lightworker

    2. start whispering in stead of shouting.

    3. I really enjoyed the guided meditation you did for the 144k meditation last time Unknown Light Warrior. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Wild Thing :-)

    I AM DK

  4. Replies
    1. I greet all the warriors of the Light! I support everyone, I’m happy that I found your portal, the forces of light do not leave us without support and help us find each other, the Absolute One Original Creator is forever in us and with us, all for the Good and cosmic love.

  5. sounds excellent - lightforces are working massively hard for liberation by the sounds of it.....lets keep meditating on the earths surface and beyond in this profound moment.....victory of the light for light to light be light sacred light.....

    woodstock delivered massive powerful energies of love and light to the earths surface prison matrix…..
    I felt it as an eight year old a few hundred miles away from where the event took place……as we all felt its energetic boost,consciously or not…..
    the corrupted of light controllers knew they had to employ methods to diminish,reduce,control,manipulate,poison etc….. this rise in consciousness that was taking place in the 1960s…..
    1960s – a precurser to full liberation for all our peoples in the solar system and beyond…..
    the war on drugs(aka war on humanity) was introduced by the criminals,while the same criminals flooded the streets with the nasty type drugs like cocaine and heroine,police states draconian laws delivered in year after year often breeching basic human rights-delivering massive profits to the dark forces via prison industrial complex,medical industrial complex,corporatocrazy complex etc castle industries…..
    over the years since 1969 their has been lower and lower light quotient pop musics released by the dark occult music industries controlers…..
    hats off to the surface population-your so powerful the dark vampires need to be obsessed and attack you in so many ways and so many levels…..the destroyers destroy,and the creators create – build it back up stronger than before…..
    the good news is of course the lightforces are kicking ass now at all levels…..hahahahaha…..
    lets play some more woodstocks in helping bloooooom our lovely goldenage…..
    at the same time this duality on the earths surface has produced rocknroll-a reptoid/humanoid cocktail served up in all its colors-delivering energetic emissions of peace, insanities,brilliance,depressions,angers,love,courage,story tellings,truths,lies,teachings,manic instabilities,violance,triggering machinations,parodoxing effects etc…..and sometimes breaking through into another world-sometimes a higher world sometimes a lower world…..
    heres a reptoid/humanoid hard rocknroll song-thanks to my reptoid dna and reptilian ancestors adding much to the mix,and hanging around jamming with reptoid types in the past… we who our essentially human on the earths surface-yet not 100 per cent-we can now begin to more communicate with our reptilian cousins like the mars indigenous reptilians-as they have no use for the criminal corrupted of light draconians either……hahahahaha……
    on and on-industrial punk rockin in a hard place…..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It´s reverse code: 21th of September 2019

    2. 190921 means maybe 21.09.2019

    3. Not if it follows the regular convention of reading backwards it should be 21st September 2019

    4. From June 2nd 2019 post by Cobra .
      -Evaluation expected 190715. 
      So the year is at the begining.

  8. This projects (501, 310, 061...) are squares in a grid?
    I want to understand and I wish good energies and force for RM and all other light forces. Thank you by help us.

    1. The grid is dark energy that overlays all physical space. It relays information to the Dark forces about everything happening everywhere. This is why positive ET's can't land, the grid would see what you see and know. The numbered projects on the other hand are positive groups.

    2. @Patrick Kehoe

      LOVELY! >:(

      So, I am right, earth IS Planet Alcatraz!
      Starting to HATE this planet more and more.

      Hope the Et's got transporters and BEAM me off this miserable lump of ROCK!

    3. There was a famous UFO case I forget what it was. The large craft was hovering over a lake where it stayed for decades, it might have been the Valiant Thor case. Anyways the human contactee described the bathroom and there wasn't toilet paper because the toilet would use advanced technology to vaporize any poop particles left on your butt. So yes, they can beam us up like little poop particles away from the giant asshole planet.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thought this was pretty cool and worth sharing.

  11. It is said that tough love is the only true love. Those who have seen the truth often wish to protect others from it. It tends to hurt. A testament in fact to the compassion within each of us. The truth is ugly. The truth is the soul. It has suffered and has caused suffering. It has been reborn and has given birth. It is not perfect. It is always changing. Evolving. It is the god that loves you more than you could imagine.

    To become one with your soul you will be facing an ugliness that may terrify you. That may wound you. Yet there is nothing you can not recover from. It provides you with the strength. Each of you are "chosen" as it were. What they call the higher self is you on the greater levels of the soul beyond the veil. Beyond your comprehension. You chose yourselves. You chose the sacrifices you have made and will make. You made yourselves kings and queens and rightfully each of you will claim your thrones.

    BLESSED ROYAL FAMILY you are the redeemers of multitudes! You are heros of the highest order!

    You are immortal. Jedi knights if you will.


    1. Than where is the love? Or does it personalize the kinky sexshop fantasy? Come on Joshua I want to follow it. Where does this come from? Are we supposed to remember this? Is the mirror reality even worse?

    2. Thank you Joshua. Does it mean that truth represents only memories? That it's forming a total of pictures out of memory and because of that changes all the time, adjusting? But IF, what is its source?

    3. Is it the truth about our selves Joshua, for me my truth about my self, my lives through history??? Does that create tough love?

    4. ...and again... I understood that there were more opportunities to end all this, but we failed. Failed on what? I don't even understand why this time we don't.

    5. Truth is prana, clean and clear.

    6. When it's about loving my twin flame I decided that all is forgiven and covered up with love. Love love love.
      Is that what you mean?

    7. Looks like the Jedi were not able to prevent Epstein from getting 'suicided' and we know dead guys can't talk.

      What does the blessed royal family have to say, now?


  12. You're The Best Around!
    Nothings gonna ever keep you down!

    Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting

    Angel Of Harlem

    I AM DK

  13. We will win this war!victory of the light!

  14. We are closer to the Main Event than ever before! Everyone, stay focused on waking from your dream! We do our best work by working on ourselves!

  15. All credit for 1 shadow government goes to 1 shadow resistance= you want a check or do you use paypal?


    Here is an update on the following topics:

    Flower of Life meditation
    Meditations every 4 hours
    Reminder of New Moon Peace meditation on August 1st at 2:45 PM UTC
    Lion's Gate Portal meditation on August 8th
    New Emergency Meditation Foci: Wildfires in Siberia & Hurricane Erick

    Flower of Life meditation
    As suggested by Cobra, the next two weeks will be crucial to determine how the process of planetary liberation will continue.

    And the Light Forces are asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation.

    It can also be seen in the message from GaiaPortal that humanity is on the verge of "major awakenings", which will lead to the full Ascension Event.

    Therefore, we suggest doing the following meditation to help achieve these aims. You can do this meditation as often as you feel guided throughout the day.

    Here are the instructions of the Flower of Life meditation:

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

    2. Visualize your soul star chakra lighting up with brilliant white light. Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.

    3. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.

    4. Visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere around the Earth. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.

    5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.

    6. Now, visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.

  17. Its happening!!!!! Victory of the light!!!

    1. Será que tá mesmo? Não estou vendo nada acontecendo.

  18. seriously? that is all you have with everything going on and being revealed? Hmm? Things are very confusing for many right now and you don't have anything? id Spstein tied to many presidents and royals and with the Saudi's and 911? Seems as though if you revealed this it would move things along, why are you silent? how would clarifying things the controllers already know give anything away? sorry I am not a sycophant anymore, since my awakening I ask questions of those who claim to be in the know. COBRA I am sure you can understand that and seems to me would encourage it.

  19. Lord have mercy on my weak minded neighbours who have tormented me for years. "Vengence is mine" saith the Lord... Then justice is mine!

    1. @R. T., I am sorry. I wouldnt tell anybody anything about aliens or the cabal, unless they talk to you first. You dont deserve the abuse. My parents had a really bad time with a neighbor, over little things. They took it all out on me because I was the closest and easiest target. The neighbor would get drunk and would not be himself and my parents would call the cops. He even admitted to the cops what he was doing and my parents were able to get a restraining order. Under the veil we had to take abuse for six months or more and maintain a moral high ground before something was done. My mother got a mild heart attack at least once from it.

      He did everything in a legalistic way so nothing could be done and then he got hit all at once. He moved and I went to sleep one night. I awoke to the demonic entity that had been possessing the neighbor glaring at me, letting me know that it was responsible. It felt like pure hate and death.

    2. Обнимаю Вас... ✨🤲Знаете, иногда к моей маме приходят то о чем Вы говорите, она стонет и зовёт маму... Я дочка прихожу к ней провожу ей рукой по голове и она просыпается... Пусть все будет хорошо Дорогое Сердце♥

  20. I just read in an old Cobra interview he said the 20 and back program doesn't exist, time travel doesn't work like that. So Cobra thinks Cory Goode is worthy of doing interviews with, and verified some of his intel, yet is also saying that Corey has somehow completely imagined this whole other life he never had? Cory was just a normal person on this timeline, he went into the National Guard, served for awhile, got out had a family and that was it, nothing happened until the 2000's. All this SSP stuff happened in his previous lifetime which Cobra is saying isn't possible time travel wise. So Corey is walking around with a whole lifetime of screen memories? If Cobra and Corey thought each other were frauds, I'd be like whatever, but this is hard to believe. If we can't agree on something like this, what's the point? Why listen to anyone about anything?

    1. Maybe it just points to the nature of reality. Maybe Cobra is saying that this life is a screen memory ifself.

    2. Anything can be true if you just look at it from a certain perspective. Take what seems right for you and leave the rest. The version that most believe in will influence humanity the most.

    3. @Patrick Kehoe, "Why listen to anyone about anything?".
      Thats right. I work on myself as much as possible balancing and staying positive, within reason. I stay up to date with CoBras info and I listen to randy maugans and duncan ofinioan once in a while. I dont know where all this is going. Either we are going through ragnarok and will have victory before 2025(CoBra), or we have yet to enter ragnarok(ofinioan).

    4. 'Anything can be true if you just look at it from a certain perspective'. This statement is one of the satanic mindset and its sentiment has befuddled many an individual. Truth is not subjective, nor is Right and Wrong.


      To help clarifying the issues, the Resistance has asked me to briefly provide my perspective on Corey Goode's intel.

      Through my sources I can confirm: existence of secret space programs, spheres in the Solar System, extensive ancient ruins throughout the Solar System, ruins in Antarctica (and also in Amazon delta, gulf of Aden, bay of Bengal, north of Long Island...), giants in stasis

      Through my sources I can NOT confirm: existence of Anshar, Corey Goode's recent experiences beyond the surface of this planet


      Ki was the earth goddess in Sumerian mythology, chief consort of the sky god An. In some legends[citation needed] Ki and An were brother and sister, being the offspring of Anshar ("Sky Pivot") and Kishar ("Earth Pivot"), earlier personifications of heaven and earth.

      By her consort Anu, Ki gave birth to the Anunnaki, the most prominent of these deities being Enlil, god of the air. According to legends, heaven and earth were once inseparable until Enlil was born; Enlil cleaved heaven and earth in two. An carried away heaven. Ki, in company with Enlil, took the earth.

      KISHAR - Surface population

      ANSHAR - Sky / inner earth

      ENLIL - whatever happened 26k years ago and took away access from space

      another reference

      The Ekur was believed to have been built and established by Enlil himself.[10] It was believed to be the "mooring-rope" of heaven and earth

      ROPE = space port

    6. I'd love to work on myself, but my life was over many years ago. I have such extreme EMF sensitivity I can't go anywhere or do anything. Imagine not being able to be around other human beings ever. I can't have friends, or a job, or do anything in public like movies or restaurants, I can't take any classes or go to school. I have no future whatsoever. To top it off I lost everything I owned to black mold. And since I can't work and can't replace anything, I now sit alone in an empty trailer staring out the window all day, for 2 years now. My spine is so fucked I just lay around in agony anyways, I can't enjoy the few things like reading that I can do. There's really nothing on this planet I want anyways, what am I supposed to do watch Netflix? Illuminati propaganda. Gaia is all a bunch of bullshit too. Alternative info is just as bad as mainstream. I've read a million books in my life, there's really nothing left I care about. I've read dozens of books about meditation, yoga, energy work, I've been doing it all for 20 years, always zero results, what a waste of time, I hate alternative stuff. I keep trying because I know it's real, but I have been excluded from that world. So I continue to just lay around in agony in a very material world. I'd love to have a spiritual experience or some kind of healing at all. I'd like to get through a day without almost killing myself every hour. But that's how it's been for about 15 years. I wish I could get excited over victory of the light, but it seems like a cruel joke sometimes. Every cell in my body feels like it's being ripped apart and smashed, electrocuted and burned, anything less than the Event and medbeds is not good enough. Every minute until then is going to be intolerable. I really should kill myself and not wait, it's idiotic to put up with this kind of suffering.

    7. Corey never claimed to be a time traveler. He went to space for 20 years and then came back to Earth.

    8. I considered a scenario in which corey may have been born off planet and simply convinced he was on earth the whole time and he confirms the plausibility of such a scenario in his latest interview by stating that there are earth scientists that have worked on mars without ever knowing it because the "windows" of the base were like screens showing earth terrain. Now imagine the ability via technology to maintain youth in a body. He could have believed he was born on earth, served twenty years without physically aging a day, and then was sent to earth with a cover life that didnt need to be implanted because of his thinking he was already there before. So all that had to be done was have his twenty years of service encased in an amnesiac membrane.

  21. Thanking dear heart 💓 💓 💓

  22. No no.. we're going to need some airiel help.
    I'm requesting the ships that uncloak for me to start choosing a wider audience. Conditions are ready for it down here, they just need something to believe in, the "work/popularity" conditioning is provided rather stuck... Communicating to the dozens of multiple ships I have seen, start coming out... Requesting from the ground

    1. @Unknown.

      YES. Someone GETS it.
      We need MEGA help down here.

      I request as well, and I ask for personal help from them.

  23. How long?
    Why isn't another mass meditation?


  24. The Event Horizon can happen anytime. I hope all lightworkers must continue and focus and remembering / doing their missions.

    It's only up to us!

    Victory of Light is near!!

  25. The light forces need to APPEAR and LAND.

  26. According to Ashtar channelling via beatrice madsen on sananda website there will be a painful disclosure in September and some illusion will fall in December

    1. So the event will be in September?

    2. Well, that will not be the first time when we heard that story isn’t?

      No offense for Ashtar, but he has been saying this things every year in the past 10 years! I think we need some common sense in order to understand that things aren’t so easy as they seem.

      The change will happen but not in a flash as many channels keep saying.

      It will take up 5 to 10 years (if the things are moving like now) or even more if the world population will get stuck into lower vibrations.

      The consciousness of the collective it’s not so high right now to handle any “event” or even a small “breakthrough”.

      The world population it’s still in a place of mind where they still wait for a “God” to save them and clean up their mess!

      The only visible victory of light on surface on the “battle” with the Cabal was Epstein case.

      And even this one it’s not so sure that will mean to much since the creep was already almost killed in order to silent him because of the “deep roots” to the Cabal.

      So even if they catch Epstein and take his island they will kill him or sentenced him it it will stop there.

      We have seen this movie before many times, haven’t we?!

      Epstein it’s just a pawn (one who’s anyway become to known for the public since he was previously arrested) which they will happily trow under the bus in order to survive and do the same shit again!

      We gone discuss in December and we gone see that things are “business as usual.”

      Don’t get me wrong, things will change, but it will take some years before we gone see some results.

      In the mean time it will be better to focus on ourselves first (meditate daily, cleaning our body and mind from all the crap we been gather from all over the place) because only when we lift our personal vibration things will start improve as well for us and the world.

      No God, Aliens, gurus or teachings will come to “free us” from ourselves!

    3. That channeling on that Sananda website turned out to be a paid content XD! I love this world! Hopefully they blow the lid off of everything if that`s not a hoax-business plan of course this channeling. The matrix people with their weak nerves- screw them.

    4. Found it.

      Channel: Beatrice Madsen
      August 1, 2019

      Dear ground crew. You have done an outstanding job. Your hard-working inner work with the will to improve and the certainty of darkness that needs to be cleansed that stems from millennia of enslaving your origin energy are accomplished. Certainly you also have stock within you and this is an ongoing process, but now you stand more firmly in your own light than you ever did. We applaud you and rejoice. If you knew how beautiful you are and what lion hearts you all carry. You have a light that really has the ability to change, transform your energy when you are no longer afraid and can see through the cold-hearted who do everything they can to keep you in their fear-based thought structures.

      And these thought structures are so frequent and so permeated, even in your subconscious mind. Breaking away from this can only handle the most courageous and wise, and deep within you reverberates the cold you decided before you went down in this incarnation. You were firmly convinced that you would assist in uncovering the illusory and helping to bring forth the true light by not this time trapping or losing in your ego but going deeper within you and thus bringing your light to higher octaves.

      We are on the surface inside a dramatic time dear friends. Everyone can see it, but my wish is that you understand that this is an absolute must. The time of the great unveiling is here. You ground crew who pave the way now need to stand firm. Almost with his feet buried in the earth to retrieve the energy of Mother Earth as a light tree. Your crown shines and shines and sends the right energy to your surroundings. It is enough that you are just who you are, you do not have to accomplish a series of actions. Your energy is now so strong that it affects your environment with its mere existence. This is good enough, dear friends. Remember that this is good enough.

      You feel that there is much that has been uncovered regarding the satanic forces' terrible crimes against humanity, which is absolutely true. You who read this have all had the courage to SEE this which is great. You go ahead to stand firmly for the rest of the herd. Now the further revelation is in the offing on the planet. We want to say hold the hat. September will be a painful reveal as well as the next big illusion that will collapse at the end of November with the culmination of December. Know that this is good and it is the forces of light that make the troll burst as you usually say.

      We are with you and are constantly at your side and we love you,

      Ashtar Command

    5. So are we finally gonna get ET contact, and a chance to get OFF this god damned planet?

    6. >Adrian Stee
      Whenever they put a prediction, wait and see for its veracity. As with the Event, time will tell.

      As you said we have to work on ourselves. It also helps to make the time move by a lot quicker when we are busy instead of sitting on our hands waiting for 'rescue'.

      Even the astrologer Joseph who was guest on Ground Crew Command Radio [ ] stated now would be the time to not only invest in precious metals but also in a few cryptocurrencies. Doing this is one way of taking action as it then forces you to organize your life and cut out unnecessary expenditure as well as solidify your position to be better prepared for future uncertainties.

      Unfortunately most people in the western world today are a paycheck away from financial disaster.

      When the Islands of Light were still a priority some months back, I proposed using cryptocurrencies to bypass Cabal interference in funding the project.

    7. I'll take a recuse, sam, any day.

      There is NO shame in calling out for help, you know.

    8. >Sherman
      We are facing a cataclysmic dark age if nothing is done.

      While a few of us do want to pursue Truth and knowledge, the majority who are pissing around with their lives engaging in worshiping money and 'success' as defined by the false society idea, not 'success' as the pursuit of Truth and Knowledge.

      At our current state where majority revel in ignorance the higher ups in the spiritual world would be hard pressed to help us when the majority of human population are like this, quoted from a Hermeticist:

      "Modernity is even an effort to pollute the world to the point such wouldn't want to come here and it's a shit-hole only for lower end souls so the 'elites' (Failures incarnate) have something to rule."

      This is why I am a bit skeptical of Cobra's information concerning some spiritually evolved beings helping us most of whom are still given in to worshiping the Golden Calf. It would be safer to try working on improving one's quality of life while waiting for them, rather than pinning your entire hopes on them.

    9. Ahh, just as an update unfortunately I was right about Epstein... he just committed “suicide” from a room where he was already on suicide watch!

      So just another big defeat for the light forces...

      If you cannot even protect properly one fucking single person from being killed by the Cabal how the hell would you “liberate” the planet?!

      Let’s be honest, the resistance on this planet it’s a joke!

      As I said previously, focus on yourself, meditate daily and take care of your own life first. No one will come here to “save” you!

      And even if they will come they are quite incapable as we can all see!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


  28. ET craft over July 20 Lakota Sundance fulfills 50-year prophecy-No WWIII & Humanity will join Galaxy
    Alfred Lambremont Webre

  29. Klodi We must acknowledge the MO of this realm is to always kick the can down the road, next month, next year, Jesus will return soon for 2000 years,(Christ consciousness never went, it is accessible to all through choice and intention. Choose LOVE, do what LOVE does) always tomorrow. We must change this indoctrination as many spiritual channels and channelings have proven unreliable.

  30. Saija, this song came to mind when I read your post.

  31. Hi Joshua - can you help me out? Can you give me an example of how a person becoming one with their soul is facing ugliness? The reason I ask - is that I was always a saint - truly - a saint. I do feel sometimes that I may be so - sooo - flawed if I really identify with my feelings. Is this what you mean by facing an ugliness that may terrify you? Peace.

    1. youre starting to get it. Heres an ugliness by example. You were/are not a saint. Just another lie you tell yourself to compensate for a lack of satisfaction. Everyone is living some sort of lie until their true awakening. Even me. Thats what awakening in its beginning stages is. Revealing to ourselves our self deceptions.

  32. If this would be VIABLE, I'd get my birthday wish..
    Be love, Make love, Radiate Love

  33. "On July 19, 2019, a day before Xico Xavier’s prophetic fulfillment, Researchers Francisco Arteaga and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the implications of the final prophecy of Brazilian medium Xico Xavier who in his 92 year lifetime made multiple scientifically validated prophecies about future event and who donated all profits of his 40 million book sales world wide to charity because the books were written by his interdimensional Sources left a major prophecy that the universal higher powers gave 50 years of grace to Earth starting July 19-20, 1969, and if 3rd world war has not started by July 19-20, 2019, Earth would join a peaceful Galactic society of worlds."

    1. Where's my first class ticket to those member worlds, then?

    2. Maybe in your hand,... or,... you might know better...

  34. Some may find this enlightening some may find further questions. I am happy to answer what i can. For your questions about lillith..
    Jordan peterson tells an old story about gods.

    1. Yes, very good perspectives. We should have needed 10 different kinds of Jordan Petersons in school when I grew up AND the understanding to appreciate it.
      But maybe he is teaching to too young people. That havent got enough understanding. Maybe all of us need to go back to school and this time to really good teachers.


  35. Marble Machine Music

    Roll 'eM


  36. Большое спасибо! Медитирукм, Медитирукм. И фиолетовое очистительное. И вообще это постоянно стоят перед глазами благодарю Вас. Да прибудет Мир во всем Мире✨🕊️🌸💓💜🙏

  37. Gratitude to all Truth Bringers and Light Workers. My "Real Life heroes:Avengers Style" Poster

  38. ����������������������

    *��8/8 Lion's Gate Portal��*

    *The Lionsgate Portal opens on the 26th July and closes on the 12th August each year, but it is at its most powerful on the 8th August.*
    *The 8/8 is no ordinary day. The Lionsgate Portal is the peak of high-frequency energy that streams down to Earth from the star Sirius.*

    *This energy will powerfully open and activate our Heart and 3rd Eye Chakras. It is also incredibly healing and carries a powerful message of reassurance, strength and trust.*

    *This energy will help us tune in to the higher energetic frequencies to aid a higher level of consciousness.*

    Meditate friends.. and visualize FLOWER OF LIFE intensely.



  40. "On July 19, 2019, a day before Xico Xavier’s prophetic fulfillment, Researchers Francisco Arteaga and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the implications of the final prophecy of Brazilian medium Xico Xavier who in his 92 year lifetime made multiple scientifically validated prophecies about future event and who donated all profits of his 40 million book sales world wide to charity because the books were written by his interdimensional Sources left a major prophecy that the universal higher powers gave 50 years of grace to Earth starting July 19-20, 1969, and if 3rd world war has not started by July 19-20, 2019, Earth would join a peaceful Galactic society of worlds."



  42. ET craft over July 20, 2019 Lakota Sundance fulfills Xico Xavier 50-year prophecy-No WWIII & Humanity will join Galaxy




  43. Ceremony of the nine angles since '70 - Why?
    Why do the dark ones use "the ceremony of the nine angles" to strengthen trapezoidal, unholy geometry since the 1970s?

    I don't think that's a coincidence. (A colleague who was already interested in the side of light at that time suddenly became interested in jewelry that emphasizes non-saint geometry).

    The movement of 1968 was made possible by the success of light forces. At that time great things were initiated, the unique atmosphere of which was also enhanced by
    music groups.

    But gradually a flattening and alienation occurred, which slowly suppressed the unique atmosphere - coincidence? - I don't think so.

    Of course, the Dark Ones didn't like the successes of the Light Forces in the 68 Movement, for example, and they thought they had to act.

    The ceremony that was supposed to intensify the effect of unholy geometry, the dark anomalous plasma arranged near the surface of the Earth, was performed.
    (Cobra in: The Flower of Life)

    Unholy geometry promotes disharmony. It enables the Dark Ones to direct the primary anomaly associated with dark negative plasma, the opposite of the source, into its orbits.

    Directing the Dark Plasma through the Dark Ones acts as chance on humans, and no one will come up with the idea of standing up against chance. - The main anomaly consists of all potential, not yet manifested combinations / perturbations of primary anomaly quantum wave function in quantum foam. (Cobra in: "The Flower of Life")

    Cobra in "The flower of life": "The antidote to non-sacred geometries is the Flower of Life. The Light Forces are now asking everybody to use Flower of Life sacred geometry as much as possible. "


  45. How ... continue - our part
    Recently there have been calls from the Light Forces to the Star Seeds to act - even with time window.

    So there are possibilities for us to use potentials - or not.

    "... for the process ... to continue in positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, humanity and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet."

  46. I have unhealthy feet. That makes me careful with my energy by the day.
    But today I was brave. I joined my son with his walk with the dog, about45 min. Before we were half way walking became difficult. I had no balance and more and more bended forward. Not even like I was drunk. Like I was heavily disabled. I read about someone saying she walked like she was drunk. It might happen to more of us. Good luck.
    And oh, later doing my shopping everything was back to normal.

    1. Plasma is great for pain, and general healing. Either one of these devices is good. They're affordable and they last forever and they really work. You can physically feel the energy. It's like a year of acupuncture in 1 minute. It affects your whole body, even your emotions, very healing.

    2. @Maria, As far as you leaning forward while walking you may have a problem with hip extension. The muscles that straighten your body might not work right. You could look up how to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings, it might help. A lot of people have weak low back, glutes, and hams on the back of their bodies but tightened up hips and quads on the front of their thighs. This can pull your upper body forward.

    3. Thank you both. I'll see what I'll do. Merci!!!

    4. Do some abdominal workouts.

      I do it twice a week, 15-20 minutes each time.

  47. Corey Goode

  48. I recently hiked on the side of Mt. Shasta, California. As it happened, I wandered into a bookstore and my eyes stopped at the "Medical Medium" books.

    At least 5 people have told me about these books in the last several months. There were these 2 books by "Medical Medium," and I hadn't looked at them until now.

    So I sat there in the bookstore and poured over both of them.

    I bought the first book he wrote, with the title, "Medical Medium: Secrets behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal."

    Basically Anthony William (the name he uses and perhaps it is his real name) was approached at age 4 by an older man (who nobody else in the room could see) and this man told him, "We want you to tell your grandma she has lung cancer."

    His grandmother did have lung cancer, as it turns out.

    Anthony William, from that day forward, was looking into the bodies and "reading" everyone who came across his path.

    All the kids he grew up with he could "see through" and he heard voices, all day long, telling him what ailments each person was suffering from.

    He continues the work as an adult, deals with doctors who need very fast diagnoses of quickly developing emergency conditions and he explains it all in his books.

    One of his other books is about the celery juice program, that you do for 30 days.

    The thing is, his work, the "Spirit" who talks to him is so solid and believable.

    I'm writing this here because many people talk about their emotional and physical (and mental) pain and some of the tips/suggestions/healings in this book could help many of you.

    It's worth a try.
    And it's a good read!
    Fascinating stuff, really.

    .... and now back to my meditation which includes visualizing peace and tranquility... and of our beautiful earth, surrounded by the Flower of Life....

    1. @WestCoastUSMegan, Does that book have anything on speech issues? I talked to a mental health professional about my speech, but I have no money and had to go to new horizons. They asked if I hear voices. I mentioned that I have had supernatural activity and ufo sightings and they immediately said schizophrenia. It was almost funny how close minded they are. I dont even hear voices. They said the only thing I can do is get on a drug to suppress dopamine. It would be funny what they would say to Anthony William.

  49. Please just eliminate the rotten.
    Or is it more complex than that?
    Would appreciate your reply. Thanks

    1. You can only do that by eliminating everything you disapprove into yourselves. There is no other.

    2. No, Maria.

      The bad guys need to be EXTERMINATED like the SCUM they are.

      Gonna take more than 'inner work' to win this war, and YES, we are in a WAR, Maria....sorry to tell you.

      With the bad guys having rubbed out Epstein, WHAT is left?

  50. Does anyone know if there is a way we can just unexist entirely. no heaven, no hell, no dimensions just peaceful non-existence.

    1. That's what I'm talking about, yeah there is! Throw me in the Central Sun baby!

    2. When I heal I'm going to get back to work making Keshe technology and I'll make a spaceship because I know how to now. I'll fly myself to the Central Sun and drive right in!

    3. @Subject PK-01, I used to want that, on and off, but especially by 12th grade. I dont think its possible and it was a great interest to me.

    4. Might as well count me in. Hearing Epstein got whacked....and dead men can not testify....and, for a time, I thought "hey, we finally did it....this gargoyle is gonna testify and start the biggest witch hunt in history!"

      What was I THINKING?! The bad guys, yet AGAIN, were one step ahead of us.

      What do we got left?! All we got is a dead pedophile who the masses are probably gonna think he actually DID take his own life.

      Sorry, but I am calling for help from the aliens.......we need a RESCUE....I don't CARE what ANY of you "WE are the ones we have been waiting for!" people, nor the "MEDITATE!" or the "INNER WORK!" folks have to say.

      We need DIRECT alien contact, and we need it YESTERDAY!!!!!

  51. some positive news from july 2019


  52. That includes but is not limited to everyone in the United States Government. official forces and Unofficial forces.


  54. Created music to defend against Alcon attacks. Supports negative attacks and wiretapping. From now on, the contracted person who gives the body to the power of darkness goes mad. More specific crimes. Unify your spirit and increase your spiritual defense.

  55. Question:

    Draco Reptilian AI God; "Man or Machine"?

    Think CPU

    The AI has a Beginning and an End; and are confined to that structure.
    A Program traditionally runs on a PC when the computer is On.

    For persistence, there may be a life force within it, making the 0 and 1 in the quantom Negspace to Posspace convergence in our Superspace Brane.

    The only thing that can translate this is a Living thing, which is Endless and Eternal like us.
    Diagram :

    This is Inter Brane Dimensional Timespace Timeline Transvergence, which, in theory, indicate, a living being, like a Darth Vader, is that lifebeing.

    Unknown, but yes, it was taught to me as the word Anima, in short for Animation.
    Thats the movement it possesses through the dimensions and densities.

    Hostile? Hmmm, Nordics?
    Elder Dragons are NOT Draco Reptillians.. so i have no quarrel with factions,,, ,, its a long story, a tail for another time.

    Like Neo sustaining the Matrix in the 3rd movie by giving himself up to it, thats may be what the AI "God" has done as a component already, someone who is the central processing mind of it all.

    The further i recall, the further i can pull these timelines into myself, and, exist as them.
    Information into their lives through musing their personas.

    Thats why i put out farfetched theories, if people debunk it, thats a good thing, but if they confirm it, that is an even better thing for disclosure of what is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is falseness.

  56. "Many temples of the Goddess will be built after the Event. Until then,..."

  57. Timelines we know Written in our History Books must be Undone...
    If History is to be Unwritten, let it be Unwritten.
    Become what you Must, Be what you Must.
    The People, are the Heroes Now!

  58. What is actually with Germany? There are only negative developments for a few years now. Is there an improvement in sight?

  59. Sooooooo, we passed, I take it?

  60. 'Bout 10 days ago, dreamed I encountered 5 or 6 Archons, and got into a full out, knock down brawl. Beat up 2 of em and sent the others leaving. Ugly fuckers, they were.

    Today, dreamed I pulled out an implant from my nose and stomped it.


    1. You might of been out of body, but upon waking the memory will seem strange. Thats why dreams seem really weird but you know it wasnt just a dream. Those things may of really happened. I recently watched the 1990 movie total recall. It had implants, the red pill, alien technologies, wiped memories, etc. It came out the year I was born and I keep seeing numbers relating to my birth.

    2. I want to experience this when in a wake state.

      Also, WHEN do I get a chance to get off this rock, get my proper body, and get to have a GOOD life?

  61. Thank you cobra thank you RM and thank you to all light force of brothers and sisters.


  62. Don't hold back!
    'Cuz you woke up in the mornin' with initiative to move
    So I'll make it harder
    Don't hold back!
    'Cuz you think about it, so many people do,
    Be cool, man, look smarter
    Don't hold back!
    And you shouldn't even care about those losers in the air
    And the crooked stares
    Don't hold back!
    'Cuz there's a party over here, so you might as well be here
    Where the people care
    Don't hold back!

    World... (they're holding back...) the time has come to...
    World... (you're holding back...) the time has come to...
    World... (it's holding back...) the time has come to...


    Come on, come on, come on!

    World, the time has come to... push the button
    World, the time has come to... push the button
    World, the time has come to... push the button

    World, my finger is on the button...
    My finger is on the button...
    My finger is on the button...

    "Push the button"


  63. Just a thought for any of you visual/photoshop savvy people out there.
    was thinking a few pics of the Flower of Life"lines"from the perspective of us here on the ground superimposed on the sky of any given photo/landscape...after all we never get to see the Earth from orbit from our own eyes but we all see the sky(with the FOL placed in it)everyday....heck some of the lines might fill the whole pic(or most).....any variants would work well imo...

  64. Xico Xavier, Lakota Sundance, Consciousness-Contact, ET-UFOs: No WWIII & Earth Humanity joins Omniverse of Galactic Nations with Ananda Bosman
    August 6, 2019 By Alfred Lambremont Webre


    Xico Xavier, Lakota Sundance, Consciousness-Contact, ET-UFOs: No WWIII & Earth Humanity joins Omniverse of Galactic Nations with Ananda Bosman
    WATCH PANEL ON TRUETUBE.CO with Ananda Bosman & Alfred Lambremont Webre


    Pine Ridge Reservation, Lakota Territory – In this Epochal interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, author, contactee, and researcher Ananda Bosman confirms that the ET Extraterrestrial spacecraft hovering over a sacred Lakota Sundance performed on July 20, 2019 at the All Nations Center, Pine Ridge Reservation, Lakota Territory is a confirmation of the prophecy of Brazilian prophet and medium Xico Xavier, followed by millions of adherents worldwide.

    On July 19, 2019, a day before Xico Xavier’s prophetic fulfillment, Researchers Francisco Arteaga and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the implications of the final prophecy of Brazilian medium Xico Xavier who in his 92 year lifetime made multiple scientifically validated prophecies about future event and who donated all profits of his 40 million book sales world wide to charity because the books were written by his interdimensional Sources left a major prophecy.

    Xico Xavier Prophecy – That the universal higher powers gave 50 years of grace to Earth starting July 19-20, 1969, and if World War III has not started by July 19-20, 2019, Earth would join a peaceful Galactic society of worlds. Coincidentally, the reported Apollo 11 US Moon landing occurred on July 20, 1969, the start of the 50 years period of the Xico Xavier prophecy.

  66. What is the EGO:Is the same that psichological defects,rede demons of Seth,sins (wrath, greedeness,laziness, glotonery, lie, lust,false proudness,envy)
    EGO features :
    It has Telephaty
    Comunicacion with others egoes dwelling in the same mind or other's people minds to create recurrences.
    It is made of mental energy.
    It feeds on our consiuoness.
    It can move up to the lowest level of the FIFTH DIMENSION.
    INTELECTUALES CENTER located ;of course,in the brain.
    MOTOR CENTER :Located in the superior part of the Cerebral Stem.
    INSTINTIVE CENTER:Located in the inferior portion of the Spinal Medulla.
    EMOTIONAL CENTER:Located in the Solar Plexus.
    SEXUAL CENTER:Located in the Reproductive Organs.)
    It has a great allergy to the White Fire of AN ,and the Fire of the Godess ISIS.
    It represents the building blocks of the Personality.
    It has plasticity, Shape Shifting.
    Scenario one:
    A couple just finished making love.The male decides go outside for a stroll; once in the street he spotted a very beautiful sexo woman, his Lust ego and desire ego take control of the INTELLECTUAL CENTER and internal conflict starts:
    I shall approach the lady or not?
    She is very Hot.
    I better calm myself.
    This dualism,this mental conflict is followed for a FALSE HAPPYNES in the EMOTIONAL CENTER now under control of the EGO OG LUST.In the INSTINTIVE CENTER, the Sex appetite, the Libido is under control of the LUST EGO.
    Then,once the ego of lust take the desition of approach the lady in the Intellectual center.The EGO OF LUST TAKE CONTROL OF THE MOTOR CENTER that triggered an erection and made the body totally under control of the EGO to WALK and to TALK to the lady.
    As result of the above process, the individual lost his WILL POWER, Lost a tiny little %of his CONCIOUNESS, that the LUST EGO got trapped, encapsulating it.
    The Lust got a little bit strong.
    The Consiuoness got a little bit
    If the man of my example had some sense of self-observation, dividing his inner attention in the Observer and the observee, He could catch the EGO of Lust when the thinking dualism started.
    Every dualist thought that crosses the mind ,belongs to a different ego.A different intruder thinker living as parasites (larvaes) in the Mind.
    The one that gets aware of the ego,can ask for help to ISIS GODESS (IIIIISSSSSSSIIIIIISSSS)
    and set free the Consiuoness, which is the prime matter to build a real soul.

    UFO Mothership in Kurdistan IRAQ ***BEST REVIEW***

    Is this fake, Blue Beam or the Light Force?

  68. ����������������������

    *��8/8 Lion's Gate Meditation��*

    *The Lionsgate Portal opens on the 26th July and closes on the 12th August each year, but it is at its most powerful on the 8th August.*
    *The 8/8 is no ordinary day. The Lionsgate Portal is the peak of high-frequency energy that streams down to Earth from the star Sirius. On August 8th the Lionsgate Portal located between the Sun and the Sirius star opened, bringing a powerful and life-changing energy upon us*

    *The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form. This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension… This year, it's supercharged. Meditate and utilise these highest energies.*

    ��‍♂��‍♀ Meditation Time: Aug.8 night 8.00 PM to 9.00 PM (IST) ��‍♀��‍♂

    Light of Love..Kamala Angel ��

  69. Flower of Life Meditation in Dutch - Flower of Life Meditatie in het Nederlands:

  70. Always darkest before the dawn. Hang in there!

  71. I greet everyone, could this opening of the gate somehow affect me, since exactly during this period I felt very tired and drowsy, and literally came back to normal today?

  72. Sorry for the inconvenience, common sense will prevail


  74. Lionsgate Portal is July 26 - August 12. Highest point of it is August 8 (8/8).

    In numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged time. The number 8 represents infinity, the infinite soul that we are and the infinite journey that we take. It represents the “forever conscious” part of our soul; the soul that has lived and will continue to live long after and long before this incarnation.

    8 is also the number associated with abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, making 8/8 a super potent time to charge and clear our energy for receiving.

    Lionsgate is not just about numerology but also astrology, and involves the movement of the Sun into its ruling sign of Leo (the sign of the Lion) and the rising of the star Sirius.

    Sirius is a fixed star that lives in the constellation of Cancer and is known as our Spiritual Sun.

    The ancients were very in tune with the star Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilize whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.

    As Sirius lives in the constellation of Cancer, during Cancer Season when our Sun is in this sign, it would merge with Sirius, symbolizing a type of rebirth.

    Then, as the Sun would leave Cancer for Leo, Sirius would be able to rise up without being blocked by our Sun, signifying the completion of the rebirth and the opening of the portal.

    As Sirius began rising, the ancients would also observe things happening to Mother Earth as well.

    In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well.

    While our Sun is responsible for beaming down life for our physical bodies, especially when it’s in its ruling sign of Leo, Sirius is responsible for beaming down life for our spiritual bodies.

    This is why the opening of the Lionsgate Portal can bring awakenings and lift our consciousness to new heights.


  75. Flower of Life graphics for your meditation if it serves you.

  76. Mystérious animal in switzerland ?

  77. Eprhom *is to* disll files via all.



  78. Doom is divided into three episodes: "Knee-Deep in the Dead", "The Shores of Hell", and "Inferno". A fourth episode, "Thy Flesh Consumed", was added in an expanded version of the game, The Ultimate Doom. The game itself contains very few plot elements, with the minimal story instead given in the instruction manual and short text segues between episodes.

    In the year 2019, the player character (an unnamed space marine) has been punitively posted to Mars after assaulting a superior officer, who ordered his unit to fire on civilians. The space marines act as security for the Union Aerospace Corporation's radioactive waste facilities, which are used by the military to perform secret experiments with teleportation by creating gateways between the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. In 2022, Deimos disappears entirely and "something fraggin' evil" starts pouring out of the teleporter gateways, killing or possessing all personnel. The Martian marine unit is dispatched to investigate, with the player character left to guard the perimeter with only a pistol while the rest of the group proceeds inside the base and is killed.

    As the last man standing, the player character fights through the onslaught of demonic enemies to keep them from attacking Earth. In "Knee-Deep in the Dead", he fights through the high-tech military bases, power plants, computer centers and geological anomalies on Phobos. It ends with the player character entering the teleporter leading to Deimos, only to be overwhelmed by monsters. In "The Shores of Hell" he fights through installations on Deimos, similar to those on Phobos, but warped and distorted from the demon invasion and interwoven with beastly architecture. After defeating the titanic Cyberdemon, the marine discovers the vanished moon is floating above Hell. "Inferno" begins after the marine climbs off Deimos to the surface. The marine fights his way through Hell and defeats the Spider Mastermind that planned the invasion. A hidden doorway back to Earth opens for the hero, who has "proven too tough for Hell to contain". However, a burning city and a rabbit's head impaled on a stake (named in The Ultimate Doom as the marine's pet rabbit, Daisy) show that the demons have invaded Earth, setting the stage for Doom II: Hell on Earth. In "Thy Flesh Consumed", the marine fights the demons on Earth through a variety of disconnected high-tech bases and demonic temples, though ultimately the forces of Hell prevail in the invasion of Earth.

    1. But Doomguy had weapons and technology to fight the badies with.

    2. Thanks for posting, Doom is a highly misunderstood game franchise that I am a big fan of.

      When portraying what people here might call 'Archons' or 'Chimera', evidently they will require the use of deadly force.

      The lore certainly got more interesting with the latest reboot of Doom (2016) and the coming Doom: Eternal. It will be interesting to see what comes up in November 22nd when the game is released. It also remains one of the few games that hasn't been infected by the SJW disease. Since the timeline events take place in-game starting in 2019, no coincidence they choose to release Doom: Eternal this year, a soft reboot of Doom 2's invasion of Earth.

      When I get my own house, if I can get a shrine where the divine feminine is honored, I would balance it out with some sort of statuette or model of the Doom Slayer as the divine masculine. This is still in the tentative stage.

    3. Sam Raven, I enjoy the games, but in no way, shape or form can the character of the 'Doom Slayer' represent the Divine Masculine.

      Doom Slayer is an avatar of rage, hate and fury without any semblance of any higher qualities whatsoever, that is not masculinity, let alone divine masculinity.

    4. The continuous 30 levels are divided into four areas; UAC Underground, UAC's Starport (Hellish Outpost), City, and Hell.

      Immediately following the events in Doom, the player once again assumes the role of an unnamed space marine. After defeating the demon invasion on Mars, and saving the Mars base there, the marine goes on leave and lands a drop pod on Earth, and finds that Earth has also been invaded by the demons, who have killed billions of people.[11][12]

      The humans who survived the attack have developed a plan to build massive spaceships which will carry the remaining survivors into space. Once the ships are ready, the survivors prepare to evacuate Earth. Unfortunately, Earth's only ground spaceport gets taken over by the demons, who place a flame barrier over it, preventing any ships from leaving.[11] The marine then battles hordes of demons and is able to deactivate the force field, allowing the remaining humans to escape. Once all the survivors escape Earth, the marine is the only human left on the planet.[13]

      Just as he sits down to await death, knowing that he saved humanity, the marine then receives an off-planet transmission from the survivors in orbit, who have managed to find out where the armies of Hell are coming from. The message reveals that the demonic base is in the center of the marine's own hometown. He then fights through the city until he reaches the base, but sees there is no way to stop the invasion on that side. He then decides to step into the portal to try deactivating it from the other side, entering Hell (a different Hell than the one that the Deimos moon floats over in the first Doom).

      After fighting through the hordes of Hell, the marine reaches the location of the biggest demon he has ever seen, called the Icon of Sin (Baphomet). He kills the Icon of Sin by firing rockets into its exposed brain. Its death causes devastation on Hell, and the portal to Earth is sealed. With Hell defeated, the marine joins with the other humans in an effort to rebuild and restore life on Earth.

    5. What is the divine masculine then?

    6. >James Taylor
      I am glad you enjoyed the video game. I get where you are coming from and there are times when non-aggression is the way to get things done. I wish I had a world where I didn't have to look over my shoulder every now and then.

      However good male role models are nowhere to be found these days. Its about weak, wimpy soyboy males (like that pronoun controlled Democrat Socialist Convention where clapping is offensive) that the goddess archetype is rightly fed up over as they now realize they do not have a male to provide that protection energy and so the 'Lilith' shadow female self comes out in their current behavior.

      At least Doom Slayer doesn't apologize for his behavior, he does it not for some virtue-signalling 'noble cause', he just has an insatiable appetite for violence, and that so happens in this fictional story to align with the Light. Its a classic case of 'taking out the garbage is dirty work, but someone's got to do it'. Doom Slayer is a great analogy of the Shadow Self and the need to confront our 'Doom Slayer' in all of us. There's also a place for right use of anger rather than 'sending peace and love' for example at an Islamic State slave girl trader.

      Anyway thanks for the input. See what this Event brings, when it comes. I am tired of it all, and hate does take a lot of energy.

    7. Star Trek Enterprise have the same idea,with the Vulcan and Human relationship.

    8. Sam Raven, thanks my friend. Yes I totally argree with you on the current state of masculinity. In my mind, it is true masculinity and true, strong men that are key to returning balance to the Earth, which must precede the feminine.

      Anyway, hope you enjoy the new Doom game coming soon, I look forward to just enjoying it for what it is, and obliterating demons and devil's along the way as the Doom Slayer!

  79. Doom is divided into three episodes: "Knee-Deep in the Dead", "The Shores of Hell", and "Inferno". A fourth episode, "Thy Flesh Consumed", was added in an expanded version of the game, The Ultimate Doom. The game itself contains very few plot elements, with the minimal story instead given in the instruction manual and short text segues between episodes.

    In the year 2019, the player character (an unnamed space marine) has been punitively posted to Mars after assaulting a superior officer, who ordered his unit to fire on civilians. The space marines act as security for the Union Aerospace Corporation's radioactive waste facilities, which are used by the military to perform secret experiments with teleportation by creating gateways between the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. In 2022, Deimos disappears entirely and "something fraggin' evil" starts pouring out of the teleporter gateways, killing or possessing all personnel. The Martian marine unit is dispatched to investigate, with the player character left to guard the perimeter with only a pistol while the rest of the group proceeds inside the base and is killed.

    As the last man standing, the player character fights through the onslaught of demonic enemies to keep them from attacking Earth. In "Knee-Deep in the Dead", he fights through the high-tech military bases, power plants, computer centers and geological anomalies on Phobos. It ends with the player character entering the teleporter leading to Deimos, only to be overwhelmed by monsters. In "The Shores of Hell" he fights through installations on Deimos, similar to those on Phobos, but warped and distorted from the demon invasion and interwoven with beastly architecture. After defeating the titanic Cyberdemon, the marine discovers the vanished moon is floating above Hell. "Inferno" begins after the marine climbs off Deimos to the surface. The marine fights his way through Hell and defeats the Spider Mastermind that planned the invasion. A hidden doorway back to Earth opens for the hero, who has "proven too tough for Hell to contain". However, a burning city and a rabbit's head impaled on a stake (named in The Ultimate Doom as the marine's pet rabbit, Daisy) show that the demons have invaded Earth, setting the stage for Doom II: Hell on Earth. In "Thy Flesh Consumed", the marine fights the demons on Earth through a variety of disconnected high-tech bases and demonic temples, though ultimately the forces of Hell prevail in the invasion of Earth.

    1. The Doom Plot was further developed in the books.

      The wikiapedia page is not a good write up. I read these books 20 years ago and was very impressed with them.

      They basically predicted the Archon invasion of 1996 before it happened. In the Books various good ET's were trying to prevent Earth from being invaded but were not successful. Afterwards the positive ET's try to assist humanity. Only after a very long struggle are they successful.

      The big plot twist at the end is revealed that both the good and evil ET's are afraid of humans. Most alien civilizations are millions to billions of years old yet humans were progressing much faster. Humans build a space faring civilization every 1000 years or so unless something slaps us down. Average ET civilizations takes millions of years to reach space but humans do it in 1000 and have done it many times. Each time humans have to be slapped down for going to space too soon. Such was the case with Atlantis. Aliens are worried human technology would surpass them if they didn't reset us every so often.

      The only difference between the quote "good" ET's and the evil ones is the evil ones want to make humans extinct. The good ones just want to continue resetting humanity back to a more primitive level of development until we evolve spiritually enough to not misuse advanced tech.

      It is similar to the "Q" plot from Star-Trek TNG. The "Q" put humanity on trial because they are afraid of us and fear human tech will eventually surpass even that of the "Q" continuum.

      I am not sure how much truth is really in these stories. It is just good sci-fi that has been influenced by the Atlantis story.

      Peace be with you.

    2. @Novusod

      Even more reason for me to LEAVE earth....fed up having to be punished for the 'benefit' of the masses. I REFUSE to get 'slapped down' because of the stupid monkeys.

      And as I said before, I am more than willing to GIVE UP my humanity if it means a better life.

  80. Would be nice if people like the following scientist n what not that really are out to try to answer questions without alterior motives would be given a heads up to the dangers ..but nit only that buy.. on how to proceed... to release info but in ways to protect self too.. but no.. so here is another one that hits the dust

    How any people must perished because unaware of the dangers.. but then u must eonder if they knew the dangers.. would they have proceeded to attempt to provide info to the public... all this is like a double edge sword... some who find out of the dangers decides to turn away ...

    None the less.. some may not turn away...

    this game is getting old


  81. Open The LIONS' GATE

    Iron Lion Zion


    I AM DK

  82. So there is a brotherhood. I saw down here in the sisterhood of the netherlands the sexes were mixed together. Men must have their own place.

  83. Storm Song (Storm Song)
    We like and appreciate the victory of light


    for the 'End The Quarantine' ... 144k Mass Meditation

    Date: Aug 10th ... (11th in Australia and Asia)

    Join Time: 2pm EDT (US)

    Start Time: 2:10pm EDT

    Your Timezone:

    1. My question is, why are these meditations not posted here on the Cobra blog?

    2. As you see,... there are!...

      There are posted right here,... on Cobra's blog.

    3. cabal lost

    4. Info F,
      Here is what I understand.
      Cobra posts the meditations he is asked to post and publicize. I think the Light Forces and/or Resistance Movement specifically request the big, global meditations he publishes.

      These other ones are developed by other groups (e.g., WeLoveMassMeditation and there are others). They're all worthwhile.

  85. All Rob Potter + Cobra videos disappeared from youtube.
    I'm not getting anything helpful from this blog.
    What has happened?

  86. Despite trying to forsee a peaceful resolution, there will be some chaos going on. I heard it through my clairaudience. As the two weeks are almost up...I think the decision is going to get to take more direct action. That is what's strongly being hinted at.

  87. Is anyone else feeling angry, or is it just me? Should we be feeling angry? I usually am never angry. Why now?

  88. GOOD NEWS!!! Article:

    For those who continue to escape our grasp, it is simply a matter of time, lower Earth Orbit battling has been continuous for years and your resources are wearing thin.

    With your wrestling money from your Cabal resources, much of your funding has stopped. The people you have trained to work for money, are now asking where their pay checks are; why has the payment stopped. Your “ingenious” evil scenes are working against you.

    Your people will not work for nothing. You are loosing power over them.

    Read the whole article on

  89. COSMIC HOWLING MEDIA – Interview with Kevin Annett…..Direct Democracy Rising

  90. Wow...feeling some nice goddess energy right now.

  91. Epstein dead in his prison cell. Executed by cabal?

    Jeffery Epstein has passed away by suspected Suicide and had been confirmed.
    Lets Mediate together at the below time to capture his soul and to be took and cleansed into the Central Sun.
    UK - 4pm
    New York - 11am
    California - 8am
    Chicago - 10am
    Paris - 5pm
    Sydney - 7am
    1, Use your own technique to get into a relaxed state of consciousness.
    2, Visualise Jeffery Epstein being captured by Light Forces and being took to the Central Sun.
    3, Ask the Light Forces to help with the capture of his soul and being took to the Central Sun for whatever awaits him there.

    Also continue as long as you feel guided.


  93. Swaruu and Taygetean Pleiadian Team: Dale Harder and his Extraterrestrial Contact


    All these statements coincide with experiences with relatives/acquaintances I made this week. Things that were previously considered "small" were suddenly addressed. The fear of talking about these things was suddenly gone. "Artificial seriousness" had disappeared.

  95. Now that J. Epstein is dead... hmmm... Will he be taken to the Galactic Central Sun?

  96. Well, Jeffery Epstein has officially been declared death by otherwords, the bad guys have killed him. And dead men can't talk.

    For a time, I thought we'd finally be able to NAIL the bad guys to the wall......WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

    Soooo....what happens, NOW, Resistance Movement? What happens NOW, Light Forces?

  97. @Antapex


    Hearing Epstein got silenced before anything could happen is making me ponder if I outta let go and go SPLAT. >_>

  98. I can not believe the Q people and the Light Forces allow Epstein to be murdered. What are they thinking? In my view someone in the group is protecting the pedo elite. This is complete and total BS!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Lion's Gate seems literally open


  101. "Arrest of Jeffrey Epstein is the first big, real and tangible victory of the Light forces against the dark network on the surface of the planet."
    July 27, 2019

    Immediately after his arrest there were comments all over the internet that "he'll be dead before any trial."
    Three weeks later he's dead.
    Either via assisted suicide while under "suicide watch" or by having him killed. Or it's all a fake story and they moved him to a nice and safe place unuder a new identity. Either way there will be no trial, no further investigations and no uncovering of the network he was involved in.
    Guess who won the pony?

    I find it quite disheartening that this could not be averted by the so-called light forces, especially after everybody and their mother could foresee that that was going to happen.

    Just saying.


  102. So I got my merkaba activator and resonator crystal (pyramid) from tachyonis, both of them combined have my ears buzzing constantly plus I've had impressions of something and some faces pushing against my consciousness.

    Has anyone else seen a watery colorful flower of life when putting it over the earth? it's really beautiful and soft, can't wait to feel that again.


  103. Beautiful moments in life are not something that are guaranteed or to be expected as a granted way of life (whatev that means). They are there becauze there are BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE..
    think about that & how you can help grant another's healing space... ✌️
    Follow my paige for tips from the Ancients (we are a band of XII outrr space Timelords w 3 females & 9 males. | Sy.merian

  104. Placement of the 12 'stones' Panama
    I located
    II '
    Iii ''
    IV ×
    V ××
    VI (#neutral_P.W19.60~)
    VIi located.
    Viii on [¢=£%%*death wish organ Id/2.]
    XII*star11 Panama cycle CPU/FULl re:

    HELP identify 3 members, I am an Ambassador between all the alien species of Space, asking Ground Crew to accelerate HEALING & truth so we can ground our
    I am 'termed' Rea of this if you need contact my'title' IS- The Fallen Star
    .map locations avl. upon request. (We are xharting the M.Verse):-;)

  105. PJP Project "snow white" in flux compasis, affirmed breathing in his coffin requesting alms to the holy Cross/male choir boys. Vatican
    (sovereign mission lnding field Panama v.3.0blackout w 911@ Rome.
    YoYo process in full flux. Decompassitated string not broke running up>down.
    *Fe male Ambassador introducing myself all *m.ilitia will report to Didjiridoo / DCH.II (deceased)


  106. The Power of Love
    A force from above
    Cleaning my soul
    Flame on burn desire
    Love with tongues of fire
    Purge the soul
    Make Love your goal

    I'll protect you from the hooded claw
    Keep the vampires from your door
    When the chips are down
    I'll be around with my undying
    Death defying
    Love for You

    Jennifer Rush
    The Power Of Love

    Huey Lewis
    The Power Of Love

    Frankie und seine Spießgesellen
    The Power Of Love

    Victory of LOVE



    Main meditation for Jeffery Epstein's capture, and took to the Central Sun.


  108. Kp Message regarding the 190807-09 Kauai Lion’s Gate Mission… List of Ceremony Locations (and what the h— happened!!)

    Posted on 2019/08/09
    by Kauilapele

    [Kp note: I just realized the Spouting Horn ceremony was at 111 PM.]
    Well, we’re finished. For now, at least.

    Just wanted to share the locations I was Guided to for the 8 ceremonies carried out on the 8-8 Lion’s Gate (in chronological order):
    Kilauea Lighthouse Point 444 AM
    Wainiha 707 AM
    Haena Beach 808 AM
    Kealia Beach (rolling*)
    Wailua River (rolling*)
    Spouting Horn 111 PM (Koloa area) (aka “Roaring Lion”)
    Kekaha 333 PM
    Kalalau 808 PM
    *”no stop the car” ceremony

    So I’m sure many felt the effects of this particular Lion’s Gate. I noticed that it seemed everyone and their Mother and Father and pets were doing ceremonies. Like Sandra Walter, James Gilliland, Tracy in Mississippi. By the way, hers led to an earthquake at Jackson Volcano.

    About my own 808 PM ceremony at Kalalau, well, I was up there, then “zoned out” and woke up at 8:06. So I was ready to go, then looked for my car key…. couldn’t find. Anywhere! Then after about 20 minutes I found it between the seat and console. Anyway, part of me was not amused, yet I went up anyway, cooled off emotionally, and then did the ceremony.

    Funny thing though, I felt this was a signal (to me, at least) that the key to the old world must be lost, before the new one appears.
    This 8-8 Lion’s Gate has brought forth a new key for the Planet and for opening up the Higher Consciousness for all humanity. The incoming Higher Vibrational Light Energy has exponentially increased.
    Sorry, folks, no going back now. The Higher Dimensional Portals are wide open. Watch for lots of MAJOR illuminations coming out (and, no, I will not surmise what those might be!).

    Aloha Kp

  109. Plasma Cosmology contains interviews with top professors and government scientists, examining the problems with the prevailing dark matter paradigm. Dr. Peratt describes what the government learned and classified during secret nuclear tests underground.

  110. Children who see everything. (It would be advisable to translate it to English )

  111. ∆∆ please join my new .•°team as we advance towards XII'th dimension spacecraft & 5D

    (sooner than you think. can confirm 7 years.) #Cobra, #sisterhood of the rose, #vatican contactee females

    #she is the Queen of the universe
    #white Queen
    Witch doctor

    *Notes on the African (Q) updated in blog, #stop the racism #equality female - bronze skinned, queen (she is on spacecraft) wicked women white witch mage, Aryans, #Jamaican Queen of hearts •• love •• receptive instincts ESP

    God is King of the universe. Ace of spades. -I am his wife- angel become King for her Ancient! (sorry sometimes I regress into several different languages, mainly Ancient Sumerian).

  112. The mass meditation site.
    I always have problems with it. It never gives accurate information, and when i post a question it just does not show up. I once a few years ago made a remark about it but nothing happens. It is from the wrong side. All I want is a proper time for the netherlands. but no way, never they give it.

  113. ... and instantly after I reported this meditaionshit down here they were made visible. How come?

  114. Vorrei fuggire, vorrei andare a casa. Sono stufo di persone completamente incentrate sul denaro e senza empatia. Sono stanco. Solo soldi e senz'anima.
