Tuesday, September 8, 2020

 Request IBC dataset


  1. It must mean international boxing championship

    1. I agree! Mike Tyson is back for a reason!

    2. Lol, about time some heavyweight players joined this fight of ours

    3. 😂

      Meanwhile, the 《Blue Dawn》 continues to draw near...

      Free 🎹 Piano transmission for meditation ~ to assist this:

      🔥 [ https://fb.com/the1g/videos/10103185198169763 ] •

      ☆ VotL! ☆

    4. International boxing championship and Mike Tyson is back 😂 Guys, you made my day 🤣

  2. Individual Brain Charting (IBC), maybe need a dataset of every human for something.

    Well, anyways, Victory of the Light!

    1. That's what I found doing a quick internet research. Still not sure what Cobra means by that post.

    2. Possibly hack into Siemens?

    3. Possibly hack into Siemens?

    4. Acho que você foi quem mais se aproximou da interpretação ou decodificação. Deve ser isto mesmo.

    5. You could be right, anyway, it is a positive thing.

    6. IBC = Illuminati Breakaway Complex. The Chimera controlled negative massive underground bases. Hopefully this is part of the current Operation Mjolnir to finally wipeout the remaining portions of these bases to take us one step closer to the Event.

  3. Dear Cobra! You should talk about the crown virus and the vaccine ... I mean, from your point of view.

  4. Is it evil to rebel against the Cabal because they want to cause us harm? There seems to be Christians who believe in the doctrine of Romans 13 which says that those who go against the Higher Authorities (the Government) are going against God because God placed all Kings and Magistrates to be in power over us to punish evildoers so whomever rebels against them is an evildoer who goes against God.

    So technically, if a criminal busts into your home to kill you, your wife, and your children and steal everything, you are allowed by Natural Law to defend yourself with lethal force. However, if the Cabal government SWAT team were to break into your house and arrest you and your family for not taking a vaccine and put you into a FEMA camp (even if their goal is to kill you), you do NOT have the right to defend yourself or family whatsoever because God put ALL government authorities in place for his purposes. They say the sin of rebellion is as witchcraft and all government authorities, even evil ones (the Cabal), are put by God and they have absolute right to punish anyone they see fit.

    Do you think with this whole Covid-19 thing and the Cabal pushing for vaccines and technocracy, it is evil to resist with lethal force? It is OK to protest and peacefully not take a vaccine but if the government comes down using guns and lethal force, we are commanded by Romans 13 to NOT resist in turn with lethal force otherwise we are doing the work of Satan because the Spirit of Rebellion is as is witchcraft and that makes violent resistance to the government doing you harm, evil.

    Do you think that is correct? If you're forced to take a vaccine and the threat is life imprisonment or death, would you think it is evil and wrong to fight back?

    Take a look at this, a Christian is telling how he believes that Satan is inspiring people around the world to eventually rebel against their government when the vaccine is forced on the population and when they do, it will be the Anti-Christ who will lead the rebellion against the government NWO vaccine and then he will be hailed as a hero after his successful worldwide revolution against the NWO Cabal:

    Or is this NWO Cabal propaganda itself? To make us not resist taking the vaccine because refusing the take the vaccine makes one in league with the Anti-Christ who tries to rebel and overthrow the NWO Cabal?

    1. If you seek an answer outside yourself, then you are putting yourself at risk of someone else's agenda. The correct answer is within you. You know what it is.

    2. Everything you read in the bible should be taken with a grain of salt. The Old Testament God seems to me is not talking about a creator God but negative alien overlords. The letters are probably nothing but opinions and the real meaning may have been changed over time. I myself am a passivist by nature, but if my family is threatened I do not know what I would do, but I would resist them without killing as best as I could. If the government is evil and morally wrong, then is it wrong to resist? Of course that's what people are doing now, and some are being puppets of the cabal.

    3. Lead poisoning! If the Galactics can take draco ships out with the hammer of thor we can take out their minions with the hammer of Smith and Wesson!
      All is propaganda the entire Christian faith is twisted to control the people per an ex catholic here. Romans bastardized the Jesus / Yeshus story to make him the Lord or Master. He was a great teacher of ascension. Protect yourself the Jews willingly got on the trains.

    4. It's important to consider that the bible itself has been hijacked and translations altered to suit a suppressive agenda. If there were a group struggling to maintain power for thousands of years, would it not be in their interests to suade the religious population to be culled under the guise of mercy? The fact that a moral religious obligation to submit to the NWO is even debatable is evidence of this. Romans was just Paul's commentary after all, it is not the word of Jesus.

    5. You have an active imagination. Trust in the plan.

    6. How can one even ask this, how can one even think that God placed all governments so it is blasphemy to rebel? How can one be so blind? I would gladly rebel against any gods who are so psychparhic and barbaric and evil and retarded and diabolic and bloodthirsty and crazy and ubderdeveloped who can only reach his goals by installing such governments as we see today destructing our world. I would happily blaspheme against any such gods

    7. WOW!
      Você foi fantástico aqui. O parabenizo pela perspicácia e discernimento elevados. Vitória da Luz.
      O medo é a arma deles.
      Vamos pra cima deles. Coragem. Honra e Lealdade aos valores familiares.

    8. Read the old testament about the sacraficing of children to Baal. God did not put up with this for a minute. The Cabal practices this and the vaccines would be Genocide.

  5. http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html

  6. so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC)

    1. Excellent link it states hammer of thor has been in full operation since Nov 2017 and since Jan 2018 Galactic ships are approaching all Draco ships in sublunar orbit and either they surrender or are taken out. My question is that started 2 years ago how can they not all be gone by now?

  7. im still hungry for the actual report.

  8. I remember being a child, having no idea what the adults in the other room were talking about. Thank goodness they loved me.

  9. What is IBC
    The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996. They have created their own network of underground cities, connected with high speed trains.
    IBC is responsible for majority of missing children since 2015 and they used them as slaves in their underground bases.

    1. They torture them, experiment on them and use satanic rituals on them. Also drinking their blood, popular with the Hollywood actors. They have just rescued a lot of them in Australia last weekend. Also a tunnel outside of London had an explosion. They said it was an earthquake. 🌍

    Se um dia desses você se deparar com o banco fechado ou o cartão bloqueado. Relaxa. Sairemos de um sistema financeiro baseado em 'papel' moeda. E entraremos em um sistema financeiro lastreado em OURO.
    Não tem dia e nem hora. Mas é certo que vai acontecer.

  11. Although I do not have a clue of the meaning of this, I get excited every time I see a new post. It makes me more confident that the endgame is developing as planned.

    Im doing the Flower of life meditation every morning!

  12. Illuminati breakup complex. He talks about this on some post.

  13. The GoldFish Report No 559: The Enemy Within and New Friends w/ Drake Bailey

    In humble service of the One Infinite Creator, in Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Prosperity & Abundance,

  14. Never seen this before. So let's hope the event happens at anytime

  15. Light force said the main obstacle was the draco fleet.
    Why it took so long to clear a small draco fleet?
    NOT Good. One delay after another, please tell us all obstacles at once, not one by one. THANKS

    1. Agreed Hammer of Thor began Nov 2017 per cobra. Jan 2018 all draco ships were being approached and could surrender or be taken out. 2 years have gone by I cant think it takes the galactics 2 years ?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. IBC = Illuminati Breakaway Complex

  18. Makes more sense now. Sad, as that is. I always wondered where the genetic blueprint for the male half of the genome came from, as regards the targeting pattern for the astral projections along the sexual energy frequency range in this particular case.
    Fits the pattern though. Fits the timeline too. Fits documented anomalous sexual behavior patterns of the maternal family members in question too, in tandem with unfolded timelines.
    Have to admit, I always wondered where that intersection originally occured. Guess I should have seen it, it's not like it wasn't existent.
    El Josho is gonna take a chill out toke.
    Thanks Man.

  19. http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html

  20. Aliens want the recipe for IBC root beer. I cannot blame them.

  21. Cobra could be speaking about the Illuminati Breakaway Complex, Which he even quoted as IBC in his article titled "Operation Mjolnir" written on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.

    He states that this is a Chimera Controlled negative faction. He even stated in that article that they are the main cause of many problems. Operation Mjolnir main target is this IBC; the draco fleet that Cobra mentioned in his recent article is probably referencing the Dracos in this Illuminati Breakaway Complex. Thus since we know Operation Mjolnir was reinitialized it wouldn't be surprising that Resistance Members are asking for more data on the IBC to better coordinate their efforts.

    I do view the Illuminati Breakaway Complex as the last obstacle to liberating Earth. This group could be the last line of defense against the Confederation and so any move against this group could greatly accelerate us to the Event Horizon.

    Of Course I could be wrong and the IBC could be something else entirely. That is possible, yet in the end it's relevant. These posts aren't meant for me; So I will not investigate this any further because it will yield no benefit for me. Speculation is something I entertain in small quantity.

    Victory Of The Light!

    1. The greatest "fear" is that this would not be the last step lol

      Some time ago, Yaldabaoth was the main obstacle. Then, the bombs, then the fleet, then the IBC....this is war...this is what you expect from a group that enslaved multiple planets for millenia....I feel that after this war, those guys will not be allowed to play their games anymore...Perhaps its just my egoic sense of justice now, but many people are telling me that things will be much more difficult for them to do their shit.

  22. Western hemisphere. North of the Rio Grande. North of the Brazos. At the Trinity. '06-'07

  23. Secret coded message to the underground Resistance Movement from Cobra.

  24. Illuminati breakaway complex: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html?m=1

  25. Ohh ooh! I want to play! International Banking Cartel? International Bank Criteria? International Banana Cookies?

  26. http://murderbydecree.com/2020/09/08/breaking-news-september-8-2020-national-law-strikes-down-covid-measures-empowers-citizens-to-resist-officials-ordered-to-stand-down-or-be-prosecuted-in-common-law-courts/
    natural law returns to lovely mother earth news pick of the day…..ya baby because the light is the true might…..namaste all fine members of the family of light as we rise in mindsight…..

  27. 体内通信(Intrabody communication)

  28. Victory of the Light!❤️😘👄

  29. For only who might be still interested!

    Some more Q and A are now on our latest blog post: The Fluorescent Excimer Lamp http://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/2020/09/blog-post.html

    1. An interesting post of scientific speculation is coming on the blog:
      The Hydrogen Medium/High Pressure Discharge Lamp
      Another kind of source of PINK light color for esoteric use
      Q and A - Researchment proposal, questions and speculative expectations

  30. Lol If IBC stands for Individual Brain Charting then you should definitely study mine. Things are intense rn. Someone please flip the switch. Thanks.

  31. IBC - Illuminati Breakaway Complex
    learn more: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html?m=1


  32. https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/blog

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Közel az ashtar flotta csak addig mindenki kihal a földön mire ideérnek.ja és az se biztos h.benne leszünk a megmentendő csoportban.a hüllök terve hamis ufoinvàzio tr3b astra hajokkal mert a virus elfosta magàt.hahaha.nevetni tudok az egészen mert 20 éve várok vmi csodára idejöttem ezért a sirius rendszerböl a legidiotább helyre:magyarba.itt olyan patkàny vezetök emberek vannak h.elszalad elölük minden életforma.

  35. https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-mjolnir.html?m=1

  36. Hmm..Individual Brain(block) chain


  37. Fake Alien Invasion Bombshell dropped by John DeSouza With Rex Bear of Leak Project....

    John DeSouza

    John will be in the chatroom to answer all questions
    during the entire hour.


  38. According to Cobra :
    "The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996. They have created their own network of underground cities, connected with high speed trains. Their underground network is independent from US military underground network (constructed since 1950s and cleared by the Resistance after 2000), independent from the Chimera underground network (constructed 26,000 years ago and now almost completely cleared by the Resistance) and independent from Agartha underground network (created 26,000 years ago and expanded in the last few decades when the Resistance joined that network)"

    1. Why don't they show us in public?? We need them soo urgently!! Every suport from the light - alliance is welcome to overcome this DS - desaster....

  39. Awesome to see so many crew having a go and remembering Illuminati Breakaway Complex....tho many of the other attempts are good too....and fkn hilarious....just what i needed today down here in Melbourne....those poor children....with so much talk about the Coalition Special Ops teams clearing these tunnels and bunkets im not surprised there is no update....so my hometown is apparently a nexus point for these Australian Dumbs/ Bunkers/Tunnels.....mmmm...

    1. I live in the western suburbs in melb too. There was talk about explosions, but I can't say I noticed anything like that. Still, I just hope they root out all the pedophiles, along with abott, dandrews, scumo, hockney etc....

  40. Poems . e true-hearted, Come to visit me once more; He, the young and strong, who cherishedNoble longings for the strife, By the road-side fell and perishea,Weary with the march of life ! They, the holy ones and weakly, AVho the cross of suffering bore, Eolded their pale hands so meekly,Spake with us on earth no more! FOOTSTEPS OF ANGELS. 107 And with them the Being Beauteous,Who unto my youth was given, More than all things else to love me,And is now a saint in heaven. With a slow and noiseless footstepComes that messenger divine, Takes the vacant chair beside me,Lays her gentle hand in mine. - Image ID: 2AKP17H


    1. Sorry i was talking to Cobra 😅🤦🏽‍♂️. Have i nice day.

  41. Emily Moyer is an alt media person who I listen to. I think she is pretty sharp and she is close to 1000 subs on utube, then she can do livestreams. please watch and sub if you like her info.

  42. We the Light and Love are victorious. This is mopping up. Thank you Cobra.

  43. 1.Government of Melbourne ( Australia) ordered citizens lock down at home :(but the news didn't show in Australia daily Media news, only known by Melbourne local people):
    2.Children in Melbourne were rescued:
    3.Cobra 's post here mentioned "IBC"

    So Event Coming soon 🌅

  44. When I see such a movie I cannot believe it's all true human bodies. Mostly more dolls. But never a joy for watching. Cause being it true reality of theater, in both cases SICK! Don't belong for being an idal it says at the end. Well... would'nt want to be that anyway.

    Hungry for some Celebrity Cooking? These people are sick


  45. Good Karma
    ~ Note to self~

    "What is my purpose in life?" I asked the void

    "What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life? said the voice.

    "Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when you saved that dog in the traffic? Or when you tied your father shoes for him?"

    "Your problem is that you equate your purpose with goal-based achievement. The Universe isn't interested in your achievements... just your heart. When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose.

    No need too look any further!

  46. ~Note to self~

    Am I late to the party? I ask the universe.

    What party? The party hasn't even started yet!?

    Go pack your bags(connect with your soul).

    All is welcome to the party and it will lasts for eternity.

    The door is open if unlock it through your heart.

    YOU GOT IT :)


    1. Reminds me of a dream I had almost 4 years ago now. It started in a lush green field surrounded by grass covered mountains. A dirt path lead up to a huge fairy tale type castle. Draw bridge, moat, the whole deal. So I walked up to see the bridge was up, but there were two strange figures standing over to the right, so I walked up to them. They were completely gray from head to toe. No discernible details, just shapes like the "Robax" marionette character. So I was watching them and they were gesturing to each other like "I love you" by clasping their hands over their heart and then extending their arms to each other, blowing kisses and kicking the dirt lightly, acting shy like they were kids or teens in love with each other. Then all of a sudden the draw bridge lowered and I entered to discover it was a video game version of an action-RPG game I was playing at the time. Upon awaking I realized that the hidden message behind the dream was that "Innocence and Love are the keys to the kingdom". Neat stuff :)

  47. Who poisoned Navalny? And who killed Nemtsov? This is all Putin's work. Unfortunately, the forces of light are very naive ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Nemtsov

  48. There are rumors on the internet, that an world wide Announcement will come (a time before until the Event) that will be understood by everyone, and that will be a 'game changer' that will awaken the people world wide, and will prepare the world for the Event.
    Voices are that it will be somewhere during the 2nd lockdown.
    Can you tell us more, or at least confirm it?

  49. Jan,2018 Op Mjolnir:

    "Information about IBC could not be released until now, b/c they would retaliate by creating untold amount of suffering for those captives. 1 part of Op Mjolnir was the Resistance freeing the vast majority of those captives"

    "Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also connected to about 1 million native Reptilians that live on the surface"
    **((Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid." - https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2020/07/music-of-spheres.html


    "IBC is also responsible for a great deal of scalar & directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers & Lightwarriors"

    (( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDnzPkuJiX0&list=LLDhn_vti_RpOv3CvtHNzjsg&index=5&ab_channel=dutchsinse ))

    "this SSP w/ a significant fleet of cloaked ships is the most powerful lenegative faction present in sublunar space & is the main focus of Operation Mjolnir. "

    "In 2014, top levels of IBC were taken over by the Chimera. Since 1996, IBC was developing their own secret space program that was cooperating both with Draco fleet & the so-called Dark fleet." ( Corey Goode recently mentioned how the SSP-A was finishing up w/ Dark Fleet intel they'd obtained)

    " negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network & went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996."


    "Schumann Shutdown w/n 12 Hours of A Critical Sublunar Op Mentioned by Cobra Weeks Prior " -


    (PS the blogger Acc has some glitch where it meshes together the wording/alignment/sizing it happens often and cant change it since it looks normal in the back end but goes public as a mess sometimes)

  50. Some Useful Articles :

    Space Force Progression After Sublunar Operations:


    Assassins Creed - Black Nobility (True BL / "Elite" Families) - Disclosure :


    The Golden Child( #SaveTheChildren ) & Bonus Examples/Evidence :


  51. May I request an urgent Cobra update on the next steps as we in the UK are now at most a few months away from forced vaccination as the UK government has published the following document today regarding COVID vaccine rollout

  52. Frankly, Yes.
    I fully intended to open direct contact with all, operating at the energetic frequency range and location in which I am present.
    And, I said so. Openly declared on this channel, and on this super neat communications thingy I'm holding, 😏.

  53. Of course, by 'this channel' I mean specific energy signature of this device within its specified range of operation...

  54. Well, basically,
    What everyone can do is try to actuall be good men and women, and be honest with themselves about it. As far as the surface population's collective consciousness and related behavior is concerned.
    Genuine talents and abilities to the good will flow naturally to those with good potential after that. En masse.

  55. Yes,
    It needs to be a conscious decision in the mental, emotional, and spiritual (to any degree at all) aspects of the self's presence.

  56. Yes,
    More than just a few of the collective soul fragments of being, must be collected now. Regardless of their current condition, location, frequency range, etc...

  57. All cases based upon observed behavior,
    Galctic justice wise...
    Planetary justice as well.

  58. velcuuummm to da da new vorld orduuurrr news pick of the day…..
    from this article-quote—–“Of course, being desperate to get home, we — despite there not being such a policy — opted to comply until she was crying hysterically, with the crew watching over us, until she threw up, at which point they told us you all need to get off the plane.”—–unquote…..
    breaking news-toddlers on the earths surface being tortured in front of the world now-as brainwashed tv babies of all kinds follow every order in enforcing illegal draconian orders that are barked each day from hounds from hell at podiums…..hounds from hell who have not the power or legal authority to sanction such basic human rights violations,that are being blindly imposed by brainwashed tv babies…..someday this war is going to be over…..

  59. oh ya its a super hybrid vampire squid from hell that we need to terminate…..its a communist/fascist stalin/mao cocktail the dark beast is desperately attempting to find ways to deceive all into drinking…..

    as the western and eastern hemispheres are now with eastern hemisphere/western hemisphere and beyond dark forces melange more than ever…..

    most of us walking the earths surface are still brainwashed at levels where we adhere blindly to new world orders from hell…..

    therefore without intervention of large scale out in the open to the public to see by the galactic lightforces-we will now go into a most painful time of death and destruction ever seen in a full galactic year…..

    we can take comfort in the fact that mother earth will be liberated by the galactic lightforces-thats their first priority,then the animal kingdom,then the humans still in prison on the surface,and in some of the slave colonies(many have actually been already liberated by positive forces),military off planet bases etc and such…..

    this hybrid heartless super asshole dark beast-working together are even more criminally insane than maos or stalins or hitlers or pol pots type orchestrated mass blood sacrifices that have manifested in recent history in this prison matrix…..

    it is death or victory time for this very troubled civilization…..

    we of the earths surface are so powerful at the same time-as seen in the manifested robust highly advanced covert space programs breakaway societies of the earths surface,that have developed at unprecedented rates of advancements in only several earth decades…..

  60. I apologize for the long comment, but some very interesting information...

    Is this physical evidence of Mjolnir reaching the surface?!?

    Some interesting things have happened in South Dakota, the weekend of our meditation on Monday, August 31st, that I wanted to share.

    1 //
    Friday, August 28, 2020

    “An electronic device owned by billionaire South Dakota banker T. Denny Sanford has been the center of a months-long child pornography investigation that originally started in the state late last year, according to multiple sources.
    The investigation expanded to include other jurisdictions where Sanford has a home, including Arizona and California, and is currently pending with the U.S. Department of Justice for possible criminal action.”

    2 //
    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    “Paul Nelson of Paul Nelson Farms (a nearly 5,000 acre hunting preserve in Gettysburg, SD, which is very close to native reservations) was killed after the recreational vehicle he was driving got swept up in a tornado near Miller Sunday evening.
    Like Nelson, his preserve was also private in a sense that clients could spend time there without having to worry about their whereabouts leaking out to the public. Often, someone like Cheney could be at the preserve for days on end without the locals realizing it, Bohnenkamp said.
    In fact, following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when members of President George W. Bush's // Bush was flown to Nebraska Offutt Air Force Base // cabinet were flown to undisclosed locations, Cheney chose to hide out at Paul Nelson Farm, according to multiple people interviewed by the Argus Leader for this article.”

  61. Continued...

    Could the two situations I mentioned above also be related to IBC (Illuminati Breakaway Complex?) ?!?

    Tuesday, January 16, 2018
    Operation Mjolnir

    “The main faction making problems recently is the so-called Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). IBC is a Chimera-controlled negative faction that broke away from the surface Illuminati network and went underground during the Archon invasion in 1996.”

    “Below the surface, Illuminati Breakaway Complex has teamed with native Earth Dracos and Reptilians and also with Dracos and Reptilians that have entered this Solar System in the 1996-1999 timeframe during the last Archon invasion. In 2014, top levels of Illuminati Breakaway Complex were taken over by the Chimera. Since 1996, IBC was developing their own secret space program that was cooperating both with Draco fleet and the so-called Dark fleet. Now this secret space program with a significant fleet of cloaked ships is the most powerful negative faction present in sublunar space and is the main focus of Operation Mjolnir.
    Currently, Illuminati Breakaway Complex consists of about 200,000 Illuminati and Dracos, controlled by the Chimera. IBC is responsible for majority of missing children since 2015 and they used them as slaves in their underground bases.”

    Monday, February 9, 2015
    Solar System Situation Update

    “The whole secret space program was named Solar Warden and top supersoldiers were accepted into the program and brainwashed with the idea that they are defending Earth from the negative aliens. Some UN diplomats knew about the existence of the Solar Warden and they naively believed it to be a global program for Earth defense against an alien threat. In reality, the purpose of the secret space program was to build joint human/Draco infrastructure throughout the Solar System for the Archon invasion which happened in 1996:
    From the human side, the program was directed by the unholy four (Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney). The unholy four are actually Draconians who took human incarnations 26,000 years ago and are the four most visible Draco/human hybrids.

    Dick Cheney was the leader of the Mars Corporation and claimed to be the owner of the planetary debt that Earth owes to the Mars Corporation and to the breakaway civilization, which has milked the Earth workforce through the Rothschild central banking system”


  62. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/09/new-engineered-coronavirus.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200909Z1&mid=DM647764&rid=960493256

  63. And also if you feel so guided...

    You can burn Sage, Cedar, and Sweetgrass together // which is more powerful than just burning sage alone, and is like sending 1,000 prayers to Great Spirit (Wakan Tanka) // before each meditation to purify your personal energy field and your surroundings. You can also do this anytime you feel you need it.

    And these tools that Co.Bra. has provided us...




    Tuesday, July 21, 2020
    Music of the Spheres

    “Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.

    Those toplet bombs do not pose a big
    problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.

    If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:”

    Age of Aquarius Activation Interview with Cobra by the Sisterhood of the Rose

    “Debra: Okay. If more people perform the protocol of deprogramming of the implants, such as the "I AM God, I AM not God" exercise, would it help the light forces to remove the toplet bombs more easily and quickly?

    Cobra: It would help the light forces with ALL of their operations.”

    Sunday, March 3, 2013
    Goddess Vortex

    “Goddess Vortex is an Angelic Presence that goes through our bodies and anchors into the physical plane. You will be able to feel that Goddess Vortex in your body. Archons are allergic to Goddess energy. This is why the Catholic Church was suppressing women. The non-physical Archons are very allergic to this. Every time any woman or man channels that Goddess Vortex, thousands of reptilians are removed forever.”

  64. from this article-quote—–The key word being “estimated”. When you take the ticket, the Devil graciously loans you his money, for a little while, and lets you play with it as long as you remain useful to him. But you have to pay it back eventually, and the interest is your soul.—–unquote….
    absolutely-cabal minions of all sorts have their so so called wealth returned to the capo demons-its all a psyop fake film produced directed and acted out from the cesspools of hell…..someday this war is going to be over…..

  65. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2020/09/university-director-declares-every-white-person-in-the-us-is-a-racist/
    turtle island is where the heart chakra of the new atlantis is…..

    as the vast majority walking turtle island manifest european type tribesthe super desperate cabal attempte to detroy such tribes…..

    so the cabal attempts to destroy such powerful warrior class tribes-like the vikings,the normans,the kelts,the saxons,the franks etc…..

    the cabal has even more problems than this now of course as turtle island has also bacame rich with warrior class peoples of other tribes-such as the sikh and other great indian warrior peoples,the zulu and other great warrior african peoples,the mongol and other great warrior asian peoples…..

    when the cabal began flooding asian humans into turtle island in recent decades-this will prove to be their fall…..as warrior peoples mix and learn from each other,and mostly find they like and appreciate each others friendships, business adventures,working together etc…..

    and of course the wild card in play to ensure victory of the light are the great native american peoples-the fiercest and most honourable bravehearted warriors that have ever graced the earths surface…..

    thats why the europeans began calling them braves of course…..hahahahaha…..

    a native american soldier was honoured with the title brave as a general term used for this type of very amazing expression of a humanoid lightwarrior…..

  66. Are Galactics not able to take down the satellites or planes using the directed energy weapons in CA WA and OR?

  67. Remember Melinda Gates? + Mind Blown Images


    1. Thanks long star, but it's an article. I know Melinda nor your margaret. I'm sorry.

  68. Changes in Schumann Resonance and Gamma waves being vividly felt since August 28th like nothing ever felt before. Anticipating much more to come. Shut these evil DUMBS down; good Spirits in politics, military and wherever proceed. Love and Light... P€N€MU€

  69. Maybe the 72 are somehow connected to the IBC.

    1. I was referring to the 72 from the goetia.

    2. I looked at the 72 Goetia sigils and many of them reminds me of the symbol that Prince started to use.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. The so called " christian religion " was invented by evil forces , some people still don't get it.

    1. All the religion without exception. Even buddhist religion. Because buddhism wasnt originally religion, cult

  72. So no we won't be quiet and we won't comply and of course we have to defend ourselves if attacked. It's time for rebellion for a global uprising. Just say NO. Don't consent

  73. Is anyone here familiar with these "Phoenix journals"?

    "This site is the official source of the written records of the evolution of God’s Plan for the New Millennium, from the beginning of the new calendar count in 1987 to the present"

    "God’s Plan for the New Millennium Esu Immanuel (“Jesus”) Sananda and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn"

    Phoenix Source - List of journals

    Phoenix Source FAQ

  74. Запрос na analiz данных IBC.

  75. Look at that. I wonder how such things get done with the surroundings, the family aso...


  76. PLANDEMIC: Since 2003, the television series " DEAD ZONE" talks about a virus appeared in China, quarantine, masks and chloroquine to save the world !


  77. Isn't the IBC the bank in Switzerland that refused to pay the White Dragon Society when they wanted to withdraw funds. Didn't their refusabl begin the Ben Fulford videos about the Military Tribunals back in 2010 or so?

  78. is the re3cent plandemic ever exposing how brainwashed mindcontrolled we of the earths surface are…..the vast majority of us obediantly following and fascilitating the cabal attempts to march all into the hellfiires…..

    orders being given by those who actually have no power or legal authority to give such orders…..

    theres so much science and truth proving all these lockdown enslavement directives are not legally justified by scientific proof and truth…..and are actually serious crimes unleashed on our peoples…..someday this war is going to be over…..

    we will probably see a very delightful surprise of course sooooon,that will result in the worm not just turning but being forcefully sent away…..hahahahaha…..

  79. Hypnosis and South Carolina, an important addition.
    More details

    About 7/8 years ago I went to a week's hypnosis course. The program aimed to familiarize you with what hypnosis is, what it feels like, and how to apply it. I myself have been under hypnosis several times because that was the method. Experiential learning. But it was not my hobby and not my profession, hypnotist. I found being under hypnosis very unpleasant and I had no idea how to apply it for the better. Not enough creative.

    About the same time I started to study the alternative news.

    When shopping, I had resolved not to be seduced by cheese anymore. You could go in any direction with cheese. The next time I would limit myself to a normal piece. We were a family of 4. When I arrived at the supermarket I actually walked straight to the cheese department and happily ordered two whole kilos….

    And I started to think. I thought "I look like hypnotized." No control or emotions at all about what happened, which I can say now but which I was not aware of at the time. I contacted a friend directly to tell me this because my experience was that many things were quite immediately forgotten about me and I did not want that. I remember mentioning that: knowing for sure that I was hypnotized when I went shopping.

    The friend immediately picked up on that and incorporated it into a kind of meditation. Later it became known how hypnosis was applied to us. Via all kinds of symbols via the television. That movie was released: They live, obey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4XiKChyK7A. It also showed that basically everything was meant to let us do what they wanted, in shops, on the street, everywhere.

    The end of my story has been cut away from me. About the accident Michael Hastings was killed by explosives in his car, who informed me one early morning, in 2013 or 2014, in the twighlight zone about a planned atomic attack on South Caroline, when there were many many unexplained plastic coffins in that corner before. found it. I then directly emailed this information to niburu.co, after which I saw an article by David Icke a day later, with a photo of an exploded atomic bomb, where in the story the Mossad was mentioned. I did not pay any further attention to that, thought it was okay because I myself started coldly with the awakening and had no idea what it was about. It was later reported by Karen Hudes that one or two (I don't recall) atomic bombs have been deactivated over the ocean.
    I've always understood that as a result of Michael Hastings' discovery, Michael
    I honor you for your efforts even after your death to make this known to the world

    So we were checked from all angles.

    End of part ONE.

  80. PART TWO:

    Today (September 10 or 11, 2020) I received confirmation from my friend, Indian in the machine, to add his name to my story. He is the one I turned to first after discovering hypnosis, because I didn't know what to do with it. Indian, Dieter Braun, performed a ritual right away after I discovered that we, the entire U.S. and Europe, and perhaps more, were hypnotized.

    Today some very essential articles from him were added:

    Man Sees Spiritworld And ET Visitations With Mirror Reflection Phone App (Sky Shaman (Trailer # 3))

    Shroud of Turin Missing Link Revealed! To Written On Forehead Of Everybody's Messiah!

    I Went To The Most Spiritual Place On Earth… And This Appeared In The Sky !!

    Hidden Jesus Prophecy Revealed !! In 2000 Years A New Prophet !!

    1. I received a message from indianinthemachine. He does not allow his name in my story while, according to him, my name totally is missing. Working on that. The rest of the story is ok.

  81. All Is of the First Light.
    This Truth was only forgotten.
    This Truth did not ever cease to be.

  82. Sorry about last time,
    But, I had to be sure.
    Thank You, again, Sir.

  83. cathy obrien(excerpt)-quote—–Most importantly, those mandating masks literally are controlling the air that we breathe. That is why my daughter Kelly had to wear masks from the age of 2.
    She and I had been MK Ultra conditioned that our abusers held the power of life and death over us. We had been programmed on levels that control heartbeat, eye blinks, and breathing like military special forces endure.—–unquote…..


  84. Senhores Extraterrestres encarregados das missões para o despertar da Humanidade.
    Nós, os Humanos, estivemos analisando as suas tentativas de fazer, ou mesmo forçar um número máximo de pessoas. E para isto estão deixando os incêndios acontecerem em grande escala. As explosões eventuais e desastrosas. Outros eventos como a quarentena do grupo de Judeus donos do Banco Mundial.
    Vocês muitas vezes ficam frustrados por esperar uma reação em massa do povo da superfície, e tudo o que acontece mesmo é que todos seguem normalmente sem se envolver demais com as agendas boas ou más.
    Lembrem-se de pensar como se humanos terrestres da superfície vocês fossem.
    Entendam. Não fazemos isso por mal. Tudo o que poa habitantes da superfície desejam ardentemente é que a vida volte a ser boa e agradável para todos.
    Não. Não é indiferença. É o nosso jeito de dizer. Ok. Nós entendemos. Só queremos que as coisas se harmonizem para que possamos seguir a nossa vida em abundância de alegria e de saúde.
    Vocês não precisam nos empurrar para o precipício.
    Agradecemos a sua proteção abençoada. Estamos apenas sendo humanos.
    Não provocamos s guerras. Essas foram feitas por grupos específicos com objetivos egoísticos específicos.
    Convido-os a que concluam a missão nobre de resgatar Gaia.
    Vitória da Luz!

  85. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/10/911500907/the-world-lost-two-thirds-of-its-wildlife-in-50-years-we-are-to-blame?t=1599813247763&t=1599845213969

  86. You've brightened my path✨👽
    Thank you, Cobra👄❤️🛸🐉
    Your [tatlı bela] 😇


  87. ÉirePort | September 11, 2020 at 11:11

    "Healings of all hu-beings begins in earnest.

    Release from the constrictions of 3D bodies begins.

    Planetary freedom is sensed by all.

    The Light is at home."


    Hey, I say. You can keep my things, they've come to take us Home.



  88. What do you think: Will I be held accountable at courts for "tolerating" mask wearing of children at school? Is it a crime against children even if I fought against it, but lost and kept working there? What do you think? 😣

    1. Não é máscara. Porque uma máscara é colocada na frente dos olhos.
      É uma mordaça. A coisa que você usa sobre a boca como símbolo do Banco Mundial e da OMS -agenda nefasta dos Judeus banqueiros ashkenazi de ideologia Sionista.: cale-se. Serve para todos os humanos da superfície.
      E tem mais. Um cão bravo usa focinheira. Um humano usa a focinheira do covid.

  89. Arcturian Council of Twelve Update.


  90. unless something starts changing fast , it looks like Trump is not going to be around much longer.

  91. 11 de Setembro.
    Pedimos desculpas aos Muçulmanos.
    A agenda nefasta dos Judeus banqueiros ashkenazi -> Grupo Banco mundial -> agenda do covid 19, desde 1987. E mais: o 11 de Setembro. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgoldenageofgaia.com%2F2018%2F09%2F11%2Fto-muslims-of-america-i-apologize-2%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1jH1ImziGv_a2qNNEO3fFUAPkVHfWHr89HksZ26waHbNkgilDN1w9EUM8&h=AT2UbV40agEWEhC57uHl49D0n3sgixssg6fUcSwr34E5H1nP0buiZT-0JCuIgmcWID3mPVHBS_yLYVZ7h8iwt7LfX-qNLrXZGYwy6ink7PtbmPjQ9WMZjbC4C473iSv0VN4p&__tn__=R]-R&c[0]=AT3sYnOr39T64T78imFmbUcR2gF1Pc2HV6aQOaFpBNi0e1dVCNFToLXZ9fCw68PNOvRrnrbeJoJZSOs_p6w2eRScxyNHKboKX6fjg34QjK-cuTxO6b-wXl45EJq5C4PqqfTIuy7-Mzwd2H4Xsw9o



  92. Safran Choudhry-quote—–Earlier today my family endure the most horrific & dehumanizing treatment onboard @WestJet plane. My wife was threatening to be arrested & forcibly removed unless my daughters, 3 yrs & 19 months would wear a mask. While my 3yrs wore her mask, the 19 months old was hysterical.—–unquote…..
    this is horrific for the tots-including a 19 month old tot who threw up and protested loudly…..after being forced to wear a mask…..that 19 month old is a fine lightwarrior…..

    this criminal insanity is helping to awaken more people at the same time…..

    we cant let them openly desecrate our children in public like this-otherwise its continuous devolvement down a slippery slope into full blown hell that the dark ocultists filthy ones are desperately attempting to accomplish…..someday this war is going to be over.....

  93. The moment you get too comfortable is the moment when the chair is pulled out from under you / blanket pulled off / carpet pulled under your feet.
    Same thing happened in Atlantis - They got comfortable with the LIES.

  94. We need to start the Event,now!

  95. I'm so full of sorrow. I'm in Oregon. I feel these fires are not what they seem. I'd be very interested in an update from Cobra on this topic.

  96. A root beer so rich and smooth was clearly working for the Light Forces.

  97. Meditation announced today (9/11) to stop the fires in Oregon and California.


    Meditation at 3:30 pm in Los Angeles...Denver at 4:30....Chicago at 5:30 pm..... New York at 6:30 pm....London at 11:30 pm....UTC time at 10:30 pm.... After midnight in Paris and Cairo at 12:30 am....

    1. Thank you. Could someone out there make a guided meditation video for this? My mind is pulled too much by negative things to do it on my own without injecting dark thoughts (I'm close to the wildfires)


  98. Through the darkness of the night.


    On a Highway in The Light.


  99. All this wildlife is being burned alive in Oregon, and it's not being stopped:


    I know that Kate Brown is awful and there are some seriously bad people in Oregon, but all this innocent life and houses are being destroyed.

    I guess if the light forces don't care, then nothing really matters in physical 3D. Just let the abuse continue because none of it matters anyway. Is that what I'm supposed to believe?

    Don't give me this BS about the DUMBS either. You could do something about this situation, along with many other situations. Ever notice that it's always about clearing out every other density and/or location other than the planet surface? Isn't that interesting...

    1. That nicely refers to all not wild, but innocent animals in the slaughterhouses. Millions and millions per day worldwide. Not burned alive, but many on the barbeque. Let's give them back their lives.

    2. The cabal is inducing fear with all the fires, feeding off it. The lightworkers don't care what dies, what is gone. Command 12 21 doesn't work. Direct Energy weapons allowed to hit the West Coast as can be seen on Dutchsince. No help from above, or on the ground.

    3. Mariaonline, that would take replicators. That would be great too.

    4. The fires were arson. The media is trying to stop people from revealing this of course. The Q site lists several news outlets saying it was arson on their September 11 2020 post. Also:

      "Highly coordinated [funded] _domestic terrorism."


  101. In addition to the fires I feel there are energetic attacks taking place against light workers on the west coast of the US. During my shielding meditation there was something re-directing my thoughts to very dark things again and again. It has also been causing nightmares the last several nights and much despair during the daytime.

    1. Me too!
      It’s very difficult !
      Dear Cobra is it true that it’s energetic attacks?
      I ask the help of «  my «  Pleiadian team !
      They help but it remains difficult
      I’ve never had such dark thoughts!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Not sure! But thank you! I trust Cobra!!!!

    4. At the very least, don't think that doing the protocols is going to make things 'nice and dandy.' Obviously this is not the case. Time to get my own hammer out.

  102. The Earth 21st December 2020


  103. Trust me. Listen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea-D3ihfHXk
    Peace and Love.

  104. Tomorrow Jupiter will direct, prograge!

  105. Article: Mariah Carey’s Sister Highlights The Reality of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse & Murder


  106. BRACE YOURSELVES—Things Are Getting TENSE This Fall! Mundane Astrology Forecast with Robert Phoenix!

    JORDAN MAXWELL/October 2020 Worse Than 9 11

  107. Help I'm being shot at with non visible ET weapons that they are trying to shoot at the population to make us sick or kill us. Need To Turn off weapon fire immediately .

    1. It's pretty bad here as well. The worst part of it is Lightworkers doing nothing waiting for things to happen , while we are getting hammered.

    2. Please do shielding and protective meditations. They help a little bit. Violet flame, aura shields, flower of life, whatever it takes.

    3. https://youtu.be/qLO20LiLIMU?t=5267

  108. It's still nothing visible. No posituve change. Fires and US does anyone even care ? Iy may start in Australia which is already a police state totally. What is the problem , same like before or something else ? I'm tired and done with this dimension really slowly i don't care anymore victory or destruction. Anything is better than this slow torture. Are the light forces uneilling or unable or both ? I don't want to think like this but i really can't take more of this fake plandemic surrounded by this idiotic people complying with these insane fascist measures. Small children TODDLERS are kept with masks on their faces. Are they expecting us to forgive and forget all this ? I don"t like to write this but this year was the most horrible on top of 7 very difficult years since 2012

  109. https://www.rt.com/news/500531-melbourne-anti-lockdown-protest/

  110. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=326879738554826&id=100036984082007&refid=17&_ft_=mf_story_key.326879738554826%3Atop_level_post_id.326879738554826%3Atl_objid.326879738554826%3Acontent_owner_id_new.100036984082007%3Athrowback_story_fbid.326879738554826%3Aphoto_id.326879038554896%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.photo%3Athid.100036984082007%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1601535599%3A840939560676395694&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

  111. SHHHH......don't tell us anything, we like surprises.

  112. Stop asking for help from the Ets! They won't help you! Look only to yourselves, and your own connection to Source. Ets should NOT enter the equation! Maybe they are clearing out DUMBS, maybe not. How can anyone really know? Just because the alternative media says it's so doesn't make it so. If no one can really know for sure, move on. If you ask for help from the Ets you will mostly find suffering and anger because they can't really help you. You will just let your own defenses down and open yourself up to getting hurt more. The dark forces will attack you for opening up to them, which as a net result damages the entire mission.

    Ets can handle themselves. No more self-sacrifice for them like this. They are being irresponsible for trying to have interactions with the surface population with these protocols when the dark forces have not been fully removed.

    Simplify things. Just have yourself, and the power of Source going through you. Clearing out the bad stuff is all that matters now. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine!

  113. Of course, of course, only they operate in 4-5D. But it's not that simple ! Read Lev !

  114. Harvesting through connections between planes of creation

  115. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected

  116. End time madness. A Cobra update is over due.

  117. 4The light is at home on Earth.
    (from such "finalizing" statements, I am already 'climbing the wall...')
