Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Age of Aquarius Final Activation Preliminary Report

The critical mass has been reached. Full report will be posted in a week or two.


Victory of the Light!


  1. Victory of the Light!
    Thanks Cobra, thank you to all!

  2. What a fantastish message. We are now in a paradise timeline. All creation is witnessing a monumental reversal on Earth. We're going to build a beautiful world.

  3. Victory of the LIGHT!!! thank you Cobra!!!

  4. Victory of the Light!

  5. Replies
    1. What? you don't know what's next.... wer u been man!

    2. We'll find out in a week or two.

    3. Being able to put one And one together.

    4. Entity~
      if you have to ask this question
      and expect the answer from without
      it is time to go WithIn and be still.
      Therein make Known the Unknown.

      The answer is there, not out 'here'.

      Merry Blessed Christmas present to you.

  6. 💜Yes Yes Yes💜
    💜Victory of the Light 💛 💜

  7. I had a dream/vision/feeling last night. No Ego, it had disappeared from me. It was wired and interesting the feeling.

  8. E agora, o q acontece daqui pra frente? Eu participei visualizando a Luz da fonte(Deus) vindo para nosso sol através do Sol Central, e limpando a terra da escuridão. E agora Cobra?

    1. Agora a Terra será limpa e purificada. Nunca te esqueças que és uma semente estelar, um trabalhador da Luz. Quando alguém te maltratar, percebe que é a libertação das sombras deles e não um ataque pessoal a ti, isso já está a acontecer a todos desde que a meditação terminou. Agora na Era de Aquário, quando as sombras saem, elas não voltam a entrar. Por isso ama-te e ama todos à tua volta. Nós todos te amamos. Não estás sozinho, estamos todos juntos contigo de mãos dadas. Gratidão por teres ajudado a humanidade ao fazeres a meditação. Gratidão 🙏

    2. Agora é por aí o que acontece.

      Mais luz sobre o que está oculto,

      Mais luz sobre as coisas podres que precisam ser limpas,

      Toda ação negativa e prejudicial ao semelhante voltará mais rápido e mais forte pra qm o fizer,

      Toda ação positiva de amor incondicional e compaixão terá muita força e reverberará mais longe

      A Cabala vai ser exposta ao público geral, e arcará com seus atos

      Tecnologias negativas estão sendo removidas

      O trabalho continua, mas agora as forças da luz podem intervir mais diretamente no plano físico.

      Acabou a brincadeira, e pronto.
      A paz vai vir nem q seja a força.

    3. Victory for the Light. Thank you Cobra for the update.

  9. AWwWwYeaaAaAHhH Here we goooo hold on tight folks!!!! ++++++

  10. Thanks Cobra!♥️
    Victory of the Light !✨✨✨

  11. Can I ask Light Firces to also tell us how we can help them, how we can work internally? We receive more information from the battlefield than information that helps us survive difficult moments.

    Why isn't there more data on awareness education? Or other important information for our personal development.

    We need a spark of hope that we will see and feel.

    For now, after every meditation, it really gets worse and worse. I do not question anything. I just observe it.

    There is a constant lack of information from the level of heart and love. We do not need fights.

    1. We all do, and I believe it's coming soon. Things get "worse" because the higher the light, the harder the dark forces attack because they know their time is almost over. I believe this was the peak of the darkness rule on Earth and from now on it will finally start to get better.

    2. How about the light forces take those of us who want off planet WITH them?

      I've got nothing....absolutely NOTHING going for me on this planet.

    3. If you are still living and breathing, then you do have something to live for. Don’t give up!

    4. You're wrong.

      There's years of information about the inner self and how to deal with the process.

    5. @sherman

      You are blinded, that's not how things work.

      You are NOT ready, not even close.

    6. @Unknown

      Easy to be a saint in paradise, pal.

      Welcome to the war zone.

      So SPARE me the self righteous speech.

    7. @Mylena

      To survive is not enough.
      To merely exist is not enough.

      I said it many times, I NEED alien contact....I NEED my gender and genetics restored.....I NEED to leave earth and see what's out there....I NEED to find my special someone (Who I KNOW is alien).

      IS what I ask for so unreasonable? Unknown probably thinks so...and will probably say I need to live like a Tibetan monk or something.

      Those things I ask for...the FEW things I ever asked for, personally, in life, is the only reason I am not either a drug addict....or not having put a gun to my head.

      Hope Cobra addressed the topic of traumatized starseeds, like me. It's not all rainbows and lollipops, you know.

    8. There is nothing wrong with asking and hoping to be off planet. If that is what we really feel. It's sad to see lightworkers shaming those who are in suffering and pain , this is all very disappointing

    9. @a lightworker

      Welcome to my world....being chastised for not being the 'big brave light warrior' SOME claim to be....which makes them look like arrogant pricks.

      the light forces got their safe, cozy space ships, long life spans, no aging, perfect bodies, and amazing tech to use.

      What do WE got?

      Nothing. What are WE gonna get from doing all this? What prize are WE gonna be presented with? OR am I gonna be doomed to become an emotional wreck like John Rambo.

    10. Some lost too many energy complaining about things they create for them self.

      Think, everything starts inside, then goes out side, you will create a joyful path if you keep the joy inside first, even if it need to go through darkness times, you can do it with joy.

      It's always your fault, and nobody else.

      It's always how you approach things,
      good or bad, do you chooses love or angry?

      Guess what, you will experience more of that you put out at any circumstances.

      That's the key you cant see. Too angry to see

      It's hard, very hard to bring love in darkness time, it's not impossible.

      No body will save you, only YOU CAN.
      Nobody will pick you up, you not ready, maybe if you start vibrating with love, so you become compatible with them, then ask again.

      Everything around you is a co-creation party, it's just about thing you put out, everybody around helps with that.

      If you life is a piece of shit, you've pooping a lot by yourself. Blame your self, and only your self.

      Our human self have no clue, we are just a tiny little part of the total we really are, we are here to experience the madness, to bring light in the dark. And you are crying about... Every single post.

      No body will pick you to leave the planet because you cant see good things.

      You focusing on bad things, WHY do you expect good ones?

      More you complain, more thing to complain about is what you get. Get it?

      Flow with the energy, rise your own energy by focusing on loving and compassion, stop putting rocks in your own path.

      Dear brother, you are the only one who chooses to keep your frequency low.

      I guarantee you that you have a full team of souls, and ets, and family, and everybody else at the other side cheering for you.

      Just to start, you signed that contract, this is the path you need to take to learn as a soul.

      You are soul first, physical body is a vessel, the soul's car.

      How have you been driving all the way to here?

      As a hurried and cranky driver, or as a driver riverwho knows he will get there regardless the road he takes, which therefore follows the path in peace.

  12. Victory of the light!! Yesterday's meditation was an amazing experience!

  13. Replies
    1. Angels discover that the star of Bethlehem has reached its destination.

  14. 謝謝大家支 我們完成了這一世重大的任務

  15. Thanks for everyone who have done the meditation!

    As always, Victory of the Light!

  16. 謝謝大家的支持 我們這一世重大的能量任務已經達成了

  17. Thank you for making this possible! Victory of the Light! 💖

  18. New Dawn of the Divine Rays Merged and Victory of the Light.

  19. Благодарю всех тех , кто в этом принял участие. Победа света друзья!

  20. Thank you very much Cobra, VOTL ✨

  21. WOO-HOO!! I knew we could do it!
    Thank you Cobra, and ALL who participated!!!

    Victory of the LIGHT!!!

  22. In my meditation, I was shot through the atmosphere into a grid like formation with points of light shining at each intersection within the grid. At first, I wasn't sure what I was looking at until I realized that the point I was at,was in fact my own spiritual light shining through. Then as I investigated this vision or clarified what this magnificent scene was further, I could see faces. Faces of people all over our planet shining their own personal light into this grid. It looked like thousands of angels reaching into the heavens supporting a diamond core structure. As I delved deeper, it was level atop of levels of pure light interconnected pulling earth from the darkness and destructive frequencies of evil.
    Then, out of the blue I hear a voice...sounding like our creator saying..see I told you that humanity could save themselves from evil. Maybe not in the material world but in the spiritual realm is where you save humanity. It was overwhelming feeling of peace and love. A truly remarkable experience, thank you to all who participated! Love to all!

    1. Ďakujem za krásny opis vašej vízie! Som šťastná že dobrý transformovaní ľudia a svetlo sú silnejší než zlo a nedovolime mu rásť! Prosím , nech sa zastaví virus a očkovanie! Rok som neobjala vnúčikov a rodinu(nemohli sme cestovať kôli Covidu), a keď cestovanie bude podmienené očkovaním tak sa skoro neuvidíme! Víťazstvo svetlá!

  23. V slovenščini: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2020/12/predhodno-porocilo-o-finalni-aktivaciji.html

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220306748080801

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  24. Thank you. We need to see some positive change now please....

    1. The Light Forces are doing what they can. And us?

    2. @3k14Pi

      As shocking as this might be...we are TRYING, damn you.
      Read and TRY to understand it's easy to be a saint in paradise.

      Because the majority of Lightworkers have been here since Atlantis, so we’re talking 11,000 to 25,000 years worth of lifetimes.

      That’s a lot of lifetimes!

      How Darkness uses this to cause attacks.

      So think of each one of those words listed in the chart, as a gap, or conduit … darkness ‘accesses us’ at levels well beneath the threshold of our conscious awareness.

      Again … this is stuff you already know, but because you … as an off-worlder …

      don’t have all these thousands of layers of interference/conduits in you

      don’t know what it feels like to feel the energetic charge of insanity coming through one of these gaps/conduits

      you don’t know what it feels like to be taken over or impacted like a grenade, by the energetic charge of anger, rage, pain, etc … and then having that amplified by the internal negative entities coming through that same gap/conduit.

      you don’t know what it’s like to have your consciousness level knocked down to the ground, thus no hope of recognizing “sent” thoughts, or “sent” emotions straight from darkness.

      you’ll never know … until you’ve experienced it yourself, to the degree & quantity that we have … on a daily basis … for the past 11 to 25 thousand years.

      In other words ...You CAN’T understand it … until you experience it HERE … and for that long.

      Mind you … they were having to focus & concentrate on the work at hand and on working with each other … all the while darkness has all the time in the world to orchestrate this very deliberately (because they’re outside of linear time) and strike from below the consciousness level & psychic visual awareness of the two Lightworkers trying to concentrate on lightwork.

      So try working as a Lightworker for 11 to 25,000+ years under this kind of typical condition

      When dealing with the issue of Lightworkers ‘attacking’ each other, you’re not really dealing with Lightworkers or ‘poor character’ … you’re dealing with darkness itself. Lightworkers attacking each other is nothing more than a RESULT.

      And because you’re dealing with darkness, you’re dealing with CRAZY …

      … you’re dealing with insanity

      … you’re dealing with illogic

      … you’re dealing with psychopathy

      … you’re dealing with phenomena that doesn’t - and can’t - make any sense … ever.

      And any psychiatrists or evolved enough spiritualists will tell you … you can’t reason with CRAZY.

      Now you know what sort of a fight you have on your hands.

      Now you know what sort of fight WE have on our hands.

      For you … after a day of hard work fighting darkness, you get to retire to a 5 star resort & sleeping quarters on board some ship.

      We get to go to our bedroom that we have to work hard just to pay the rent for, and have darkness as our constant companion.

      We have the charming honor of fighting (oops, sorry … ‘working’) all over again on the non-physical planes during our sleep state.

      You have the very best technologies to heal yourself with, when required …

      We have to wait & save up for technologies only a fraction as good as what you have access to.

      Try living under such conditions for 11,000 to 25,000 years … and we’ll see how easy it is for you to keep calm next time darkness jabs real hard on an unresolved wounding through what another Lightworker says or does, below the level of their conscious awareness.

      The accurate physical analogy of all this is … if darkness manipulated me through my conduits to hold a red hot piece of iron to your skin … would you keep calm & refrain from taking a punch at me?

      That’s what happens to our emotional bodies, when darkness works through one Lightworker for the deliberate purpose of attacking another, to break up the network & comradery.

      Do you understand now?

    3. @Sherman I know these things. never again. never ever again, for any of us.

    4. Please everyone calme down.

      Sherman i know your pain but i can't totally experience you are passing through. And please stop putting the same message over and over again please)

      But please sherman I advise you with all my understanding and with my sincere hope to let go the problems of the world and meditate a little bit. Working on you and your soul, healing past trauma ect you have all the tools simply going on youtube.

      Sherman you are here for a long time and you totally understand that we can't have directly what we need in this world.

      But you need to understand the reality that even after a big mass meditation the light force can't just decided to say oke let's go we will just have physical contact with one of us. After all of this after the removal of the dracos and chimera fleet, IBC and native reptilians just decide to fuc*ked all of the liberation processes that take way to long. Now we are in the final battle the light forces need to be extremely patient and concentrate. I physical contact right now can trigger the toplets bombs and all of the suffering you have been through have served to nothing absolutely NOTHING . Imagine if the toplets bombs explode and you because a spider with primary anomaly. It will be inimaginable.

      Hopefully this will not happen and now if you have read the interviews that cobra have made you can totally understand that the situation will be better right now and that this take time!!!!!

      I am sure that the chimera bases are practically gone.
      When the chimera bases are gone the cabal will begin to be cleared!!!

      All the people here that want change just after a mass meditation like i don't see change i just see negative around me. are just being targeted by the matrix or are totally naive about the world you are living in.

      you are in the 3d hello 👋🏽 you can't just do a meditation and hop the world is a paradise the primary anomaly is gone and the cabal have just disappeared and the toplet bombs just decided to retire and Deactivated themselves.

      They want you to suffer. After all of the Mass meditation the lightworkers are attacked and targeted this time i am better than the others times. Maybe that's the light forces removing all of this technology.

      Sherman take a break. You have done something that you need to be proud yesterday. Have made it to this time, it's no time to break but to break the matrix instead.

      Light and love for everyone stay safe and protect yourself every day please.

      We need unity here. You underestimated the power of unity with lightworkers. If we are united we can heal ourselves.

      Please be in the present moment.
      I am sure cobra will come with good news.

      And for god sake don't watch the TV!! The cabal are trying to put there timeline in the consciousness of the sheeps there. They know they are in the shi* but they will try to bring there timeline the closest possible to reality knowing that it can't happen just to scared the masses.

    5. Sorry for the mistakes, english is not my main language!

    6. Here's someone I talked to on youtube:
      Ya know...I think I'm picking up what you're throwing down. I'll try to keep this in "short story" mode as apposed to "novel" mode..lol When I was young around 7-10 years old I said I don't want to live past 40. around the same time I developed anger issues stemming from my parents divorce and feeling abandon by those closest to me. I have kept that anger in check. I love that feeling of anger because it makes feel invincible which is why I love extreme metal music. That intensity of the explosion's inside me....fuck!! I was 4-5 years old during the divorce. I went from a peaceful, quit small city to a fucking ghetto surrounded by violence, a few molestation experiences, (not anything in comparison to some people but molestation none the less), moved around quite a few times, exposed to a entity in one of the houses we moved into and all this in the matter of about 2 years 5-7 years old I was. Had to give that little back story. Fast forward to now. I'm 42 years old. I've been on my path of awakening now for about 14 years. I have a pretty good knowledge and understanding of things yet I understand the more I know the more I have to learn. I stay pretty humble. dimensional beings, and information pertaining to the "meta physical". On the other hand this has been the worst year of my physical existence. I've been unemployed for exactly a year. Spent all my savings, ran out of money about 4 moths ago. I have been on a descent into the worst depression I have ever experienced. My goals and dreams of devoting all my time and focus to a music carrier were shit on by the plandemic, I refuse to bow to the mask mandate bullshit and complete control just to earn a dollar, I have experience in many different fields of work one of those being a skilled trade, so call me arrogant, lazy or what ever but for me to work a fucking entry level job to make pennies with the experience I have is fucking suicide. I'll get to the point and rap this up..... Suicide.... oppressive and down right evil insanity of wrong is right and right is wrong. The fact that I see evil physically acted out in front of me and I can't do anything but raise my vibrations to stop it? when I see injustice it's like splitting an atom inside of me yet I must not get angry and stop it...no...just think it away?? FUCK!!! I'm getting so tired of this "just go sit out in nature and kiss a flower when you feel angry". I'M NOT FUCKING ANGRY TO BE ANGRY!! I'M ANGRY BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN HELP AND IF I DO THEN I AM NO BETTER THAN THOSE DOING THE INJUSTICE! That's what really pisses me off!! I think what I'm saying in the last paragraph is what you're saying?

    7. Shermen, ALL of us are experiencing heavy attacks so you are not alone. Some of us had really hard lives, in some cases much, much worse then yours... I feel your pain but my point is you should concentrate more on change, peace and patience rather then post poems about your pain and anger on these blogs, not mention how long it takes to write this huge text and keep your FOCUS on it.. I know its hard but try keep your focus on possitve things which you like fe. walk in nature, music etc. defenetly not TV or any actors of holywood Agenda. I guess we all face anger issues, possibly in the manner of unjustice as "Righteous one" but im not sure if either one is possitive energy. Sorry for english and
      Strenght to You!

  25. Nothing can stop it! Victory of the Light!💖❤️💕🌹🌟🌈

  26. Well done to all that participated, even if in spirit only. God/Goddess bless you all! 😇🌈🕊

  27. Ou jees Gandalf♡♡ I LOVE YOU ALL! What a ride it has been..I am exhausted but sooo happy and reliefed. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all sisters and brothers♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  28. Pharmaceutical factory on fire after explosion: factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world's second largest HCQ raw material supplier.


    1. @victory, this happens right as the deadly cv1984 vax comes out. hmmm.

  29. Uhuuuuuu Vitória da Luz 👏👏🌎♥️🙏🛸🛸🛸

  30. In German / auf Deutsch:


  31. Thank you so much dear sisters and brothers of the universe!!! Happy New Age of Aquarius to everybody!!!!

  32. I say when this is all over, we press the “pause” button for about 72 hours of global nap-time.

    Sike. I’m ready to go!

    Victory of The Light!!!

  33. In the next few days, it might be very important to stabilize the planetary energy grid with the Flower of Life meditation every four hours:


  34. After successful meditating, our blog will slowly resume.
    We'll try also to bring in discussion more Q and A on subjects of interest for the Islands and Areas of light development, for only who has still an interest...

    1. The White, Pink, Blue, and Golden Light Bulb

      Q and A - A scientifically based discussion

    2. There are also some new images (headshields) here:

      And some few others might come.
      However it is roughly complete, with all the available blueprints on the page.
      For who still might be interested, please take it as our gift for this New Year, in the benefit of our upcoming Areas of Light development...

    3. http://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/p/post-top-outdoor-post-top-lighting-unit.html

      Consider it as a medium size (most common) lighting unit
      that might be used for esoterics as well, as described here:

  35. Even though some personal distractions arose during the meditation, my heart was fully focused on the collective consciousness at all times. Victory of the Light!

  36. Nice visual representation! The "eye of Sauron" is growing dim. Send in the eagles.... Oh wait, that's us!!!

  37. So, are we gonna see some mega amazing changes....or will it be one of those painfully long gradual things?

    1. I think it’s gone be the “painfully long gradual changes” much more probably. Humanity it’s not ready yet for any big sudden changes.

    2. One of those loong pleasurable things, mmmm :)))

    3. Your choice.

      I bet you will get the hard path, as usual.

      You wnt peace, be the peace first, then you will be able to see peace all around. Get it?

    4. @Galacticwarrior17

      Let go...IF I let go...and stop trying to get what I need so badly...the Arhons and the lizard WIN...in their battle with ME, anyhow.

      Sooo...what you saying is I will NEVER meet aliens?
      I will NEVER become the woman I should have been?

      I will NEVER become the alien I was and should be now?

      That I'm gonna have the life of a mere human...be forced to live as a man.

      That I'll never set foot on an alien planet? That I will never find my special someone (Who I know is an alien?) That all I got to 'look foreword' to is going to work....paying bill....being laughed at by the masses...and my ONLY freedom is when I DIE....IF I am lucky...is THAT what are you saying?

      OH...but I get the MEDITATE...THAT will solve ALL MY PROBLEMS!!! NO, meditation will NOT solve my problems...Nor 'going within'.

      I DON"T want TV...don't make assumptions about me.

      So....PLEASE tell me this....IS what I ask for SO unreasonable? Am I doomed to live my FINAL incarnation on this gulag of a planet....as a man....and die with bitterness...and die feeling BETRAYED and ABANDONED by BOTH the light forces AND the creator itself?

      IS my last lifetime going to end in despair...all the sake of the SHEEPLE?

    5. And WHAT will MY prize be?
      WHAT will I be presented with and told, "THANK you very much! THIS is what you have fought and suffered for! THIS is for all the misery and PAIN you have gone through, Sherman!"


    6. From a few month ago:

      See, ALL my life, I have TIRED to help people wake the HELL up, that the world is not as it appears, that what we been taught in school is a LIE, the govt don't give a shit about you or me, and all that other stuff. What do I have to show for over 20 years of trying? A balding head since age 16, tons of ridicule, viewed as 'the village idiot' by nearly everyone...broken teeth from fists slamming into my face. Even my own so-called family disowned me, for all this, and not accepting their dogma, nor their bigotry.

      I want something FAR better to show for it.

      And to anyone saying "but the experience you had IS the reward! the aliens are so envious of you experiencing these hardships!" SOD that CRAP!

      IF any alien is both DUMB enough and MASOCHISTIC enough to WANT to experience this, I'd be GLAD to let them trade places.

      I don't want to be the equivalent of a war veteran who did his or her part, only to end up either living in a cardboard box in some alley, or the poor sod with shell shock, or like when Rambo had his breakdown at the of "First Blood"

      I've HAD meltdowns like this over the past 20 years or so, having been treated like a mutant or an outcast by society as long as I can remember. COUPLED with the fact my soul is trapped in the WRONG gender body.....you would too if the real you is like Kim Bassinger, and you see in the mirror Golum from Lord of the Rings.


      Other person:

      Rambo's breakdown in First Blood made a mark on me as well, and similar thoughts have crossed my mind. Everyone will need healing after the Event, and some starseeds might end up needing it even more than normal unawakened people. If they aren't properly taken care off and treated like common folk, they could end up breaking down just like Rambo did. Are traumatized starseeds going to receive the same unfair treatment Rambo did in First Blood? I doubt it. Is it going to be enough? I hope so.

      Sorry if that sounds ego oriented, but starseeds currently partaking in this liberation DO deserve to receive a nice retirement package and be received as heroes wherever they go, after this is over. Hold on and hang in there.


      Yep, the starseeds and those who TRIED to wake the masses/sheeple up are DEFINITELY going to need a LOT of help. Otherwise, many of us WILL go crazy like Rambo did in that town. Remember the lyrics of the classic Black Sabbath song, "Ironman"?

      It's amazing I did not take a gun to school and do a Columbine, several years before that one happened, or go around, blowing up shopping malls. Speaking of school, I was often called "Charlie Brown" many times, by some of the teachers....

      And, over the years...from my teens, to now, my early 40's, I DO have breakdowns like Rambo, even talking and screaming to myself, and folks who are not even there.

      And no, ego has nothing to do with needing a lot of help and healing, and it's not egotism in saying those who suffered the most deserve a DAMN GOOD reward for their services....pffft...service is too conservative a description.....sacrifice is more of a proper word to use.

      Let the ET's pick me up, and let me undergo emotion and gender healing, as well as whatever they can do with DNA...I want to remove as much human elements from my own. All I need is 5-10 minutes notice to get myself presentable, and grab a single, small suitcase to take with me, and tell the cats who live on my property, the only friends I pretty much had over these years, good bye. And sit in the observation port to see earth, aka Plant Gulag diminish as the ship warps, jumps, or whatever the process is, and realize, "No more Gulag, hooray!"

    7. AM I gonna get any much needed help? OR am I gonna be chucked to the curb, like Rambo was, when it's all said and done? Those FEW things I have asked for in life...IS it unreasonable? AM I gonna be denied what I ask for? MUST I wait for death.....

      ....am I just a mere utility...to be chucked aside....told to meditate (where I feel beat up and messed up for days each time I take part in this, mind you)....and told to shut up and 'go within' till I die?

    8. I'm gonna be either dead or elderly, at this rate, Galactic...before anything GOOD finally happens.

      Personally...i'd wish they take some chances....

      Like Paul, from the movie, Paul said "Sometimes you gotta roll the dice"

      Thelight forces need to roll the dice. Won't do ME any good if I am dead or old by the time the good stuff happens.

      The things I need are the ONLY reason I am not a drug addict, or dead by now.

      Light forces needs to realize that some of us need help...and justice.

      Fix my body, restore my gender and genetics...give me good weapons, equipment and super powers..and a decent chance to win and come out alive...and send ME to fight the cabal.....like the Terminator did to those police officers...as in his massacred them.

      And I volunteer for such a thing....the light forces needs to know some of us ARE more than ready for REAL fighting. And I'd feel a lot better, since I feel I'm doing something, other than sitting on my ass, meditating and HOPE things come out alright, while I am both alive and young.

  38. Great news, and I'm glad for it. Congratulations.

  39. Yes yes yes! Best Christmas present the world has ever received is coming! FREEDOM FOR GAIA FREEDOM FOR HUMANITY!

    Love and Light to ALL!

  40. Constitution Court of Bosnia and Hercegovina ruled today that corona measures are against Constitution and that they represent treath/breach of basic human rights and freedom that are garantied by BiH Constitution and European convention for protection of human rights and freedom.
    Well done Bosnia 💜
    Veil is lifting up!
    Victory of the Light 💜

    1. That's great news! That's because they are not in the EU and the cabal pressure does not apply (at least not so high). At some point we should all exit.

    2. Yes!
      And this proves- POSITIVE CHANGE is Manifesting the very first day after arrival of Aquarius!

      So much more good news are coming, on daily basis, just look around and share it.

      And some detail: After several weeks of heavy clouds and constant fog, today it was Sunshine breaktrough :-)

      Sky Celebrating and Embracing Earth and all her beings with Sunshine...
      And at sunset was Amazing Grace... I haven't seen in a long time so many Colors...and intensive Blue, Violet, Pink the Most - Celebration!

      I took some pictures and share it. People were thinking that I did some color enhancement or something, but it was genuine picture with so intense colors in the Sky.

      True Amazing Grace!
      Victory of Light

    3. @Radhika

      WHEN is ET contact happening?
      WHEN is my genetics and gender gonna be restored?
      WHEN do I get to go to other planets?

      Or is this gonna be MORE painfully slow, subtle drip...drip....drip....for the 'benefits' of the sheeple?

    4. We need to see the most repressive governments stopping and reversing these insane "measures" NOW

  41. Thank You COBRA. This is excellent work.
    Thank You to everyone else too.
    All deserve congratulations.
    This one is a pretty big deal.

  42. this is a great news - thank you - Victory of the Light

  43. Difficult truths will now become known. It's gonna get interesting.

    1. So true and those of us who hold the light of truth and love will need to be a source of strength to those who look to us for answers in the days ahead.

    2. @5th dimension.
      I just wanna get off planet...not hand hold those who laughed and beat me up when I TRIED to help them.

      When's the GOOD stuff gonna happen?

  44. We are from the future. Victory to the Light.

  45. We are from the future. Victory to the Light.

  46. Thank you Cobra!!! Victory of the Light!!!!!

  47. Wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder wonderful ! ! ! ! !

  48. Would Love to see some truth that this is real Im tired of the lies!
    Please, thank you!

  49. Como funciona essa ativação da Era de Aquário?? Pois eu vi que a Terra e o alinhamento dos Planeta foi em sagitário.
    Alguem pra me.ajudar entender??

  50. danke cobra, auch für dein unermüdliches wirken, obwohl du bestimmt genauso müde bist, wie die meisten von uns, große hochachtung! & dank an alle, gutes wirken weiterhin für uns alle. die liebe siegt!

  51. Yaaaay!!! Congratulations Everyone!!! Victory of the Light!!!❤️❤️❤️

  52. Большое спасибо всем вам, кто медитировал.

    Победа света!!!!!!!!!

  53. With pride and gratitude, I would like to thank all the meditators for making it possible to reach critical mass.

    You all prevent the dark forces from implementing their New World Order 100%. You all prevent the dark forces from overrunning humanity with their New World Order and bringing it into total enslavement.

    You are not only giving humanity a better future, but you are also giving yourselves a better future.

    No one, really no one wants to see, smell, taste and feel the New World Order in its full glory.

    You can all be damn proud of yourselves.

    Please be aware of this.

    Cobra and the Light Forces are very happy and proud. Believe me.

    A very nice gift for Christmas.

    1. We want to SEE and EXPERIENCE that the implementation of the new world order stops NOW. Now not later. Let us see some real significant positive changes

    2. @a lightworker


      When are we finally get some prize or reward for our efforts? Seems WE are doing harder work then the the light forces...at least the light forces have their safe, cozy ships, long life spans, and amazing tech...

      ...we DON'T.

    3. It was the best Christmas gift ever! Connecting to all the positive energies with like- minded people from all over the world was euphoric! I wish we could do it again!

    4. I believe you GER. Only have to watch myself. Extremely sensitive. Congrats to you too. It's finally done. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    5. @TruthSeekerandTeller

      Absolutely! I wish for that too.


      I know what you mean. I feel the same way sometimes. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Please take care of yourself.

  54. It was an amazing feeling to visualize the light transmuting the darkness throughout, bringing this new era forward. Thank you Cobra! VOTL!

  55. Let's the party begin!
    Turn on the lights!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  56. Does anyone feel or see anything positive yet......strange the opposite and very negative so far.......hopefully a positive wave is coming through soon.

    1. I might have an explanation. Awakening involves seeing the darkness first. The earth is extremely dark and the mind-control is extreme. The negative energies you describe may simply be your consciousness zooming in on reality. However, positive energies have been coming into this matrix of total control.

    2. Same. Still a gulag here on this rotten planet.
      Still seeing the sheeple walking around with diapers on their face, thinking they are heroic.

    3. I feel a lightness around my head and I noticed today that the fake news is no longer triggering me. I feel very aware and respect that the awakening of others is divine timing. I trust the plan and can feel we are so close. It is ok to feel any feelings right now. Release and let go. Expressing your feelings is part of the healing taking place for us all.

    4. @Indigo

      I feel gloomy, and my head feels drunk.

      is there ANY end to this...or are we doomed to keep meditating until we die....and be written off like disposable utilities for the light forces?

      For all this 'love and light!' they preach..I sure don't FEEL like we're getting a drop of it.

    5. I felt and feel much happier and calmer and free from physical pain which is really nice for a change.

    6. @ Sherman. This 'rotten planet' Sherman remains our main role. All we should do is raise the frequency, by a positive behavior, positive role, positive intensions. Love Sherman, love yourself. Love yourself to the end.

  57. The critical mass was 144000 or much higher?

  58. Victory of the light Thanks Cobra

  59. I also still waiting for the event! These stupid useless meditations do NOTHING!! Yes..only bring more misery..i go suicide if the event not happen within a month. The suffering is UNbearerable right now! I give up! Have already give up for 3...4 years! We want/ABSOLUTELY need the EVENT/BIG changes right now! Or we ALL doomed! MASS arrest the cabal/NWO members right now! start the EVENT RIGHT NOW! How many times i have to say that again! Were dying here! Were DOOMED! Thats why i NEVER do ANY meditation! I want the EVENT/spaceships show up...NOTHING MORE!! The world is in ABSOLUTE DANGER right now! Please rescue earth..us..and ALL its inhabitants RIGHT NOW! Before we ALL go die/Or suicide!

  60. I knew we made critical mass. ;-) And I am certainly looking forward to the full report. Awesome news! But it ain't over until it is over, so let's hang in there until we have created the world we want to see. This is just the beginning. I am in for the long haul, I know that. Thank you Cobra! And thank you to all that participated. I send my love and gratitude to all those that continue to battle on for us where ever you may be, seen or unseen. Namaste and VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

    1. Will we get ANY reward or prize, Zack?

    2. I believe so, we get our freedom. And for that I will not quit. That is all I know that we will get, sorry. I know it is frustrating, Sherman. I was really bummed for a few hours when they terminated my youtube account that I had since 2007 with no warning or nothing. I had worked my butt off through that platform. We all get depressed sometimes. But I got over it pretty quick. Hang in the there. You will be glad you did. We are almost there. Love you, Sherman. Namaste.

  61. We made it! Victory of the light.

  62. How is everyone feeling today? Anyone else feeling a lot of frustration after the mediation?

    1. Yess same. Lightworkers are under attack right now. We being targeted.

    2. I think you are right. I was hoping for some improvement after the meditation but I'm feeling worse.

    3. Of course there is some frustration especially seeing how they keep tightening the grip on innocent beings and the medical tyranny gets worser by the day. How long do we have to bear with this insanity ?

    4. That is a great question. I am not sure. Cobra if you read these comments will you please let us know in your next update the approximate time frame of when enough clearing will occur that the affects will be tangible and felt by people. Thank you!

    5. Yep, and depressed.

      It's like the higher up light forces don't give a damn about us down here.

      WHAT does it take for the light forces to say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" and come and simply KILL the bad guys?

      KILL THEM....it's just THAT simple.

      PLEASE answer, Cobra. WE'RE doing all this grunt work....and the light forces, with all their technology, med beds and safe, cozy starships don't seem to give a darn about US.

    6. For me 22nd December was the worst day this winter

  63. I believe, due to the Pluto-Saturn configurations, 2020 was the last great opportunity they had to create chaos until Jupiter "touched2 Saturn. Now it's game over for them, we're protected from then on. It's party time.

    Time to Shine!

  64. I believe, due to the Pluto-Saturn configurations, 2020 was their last great change to create chaos. Now that Jupiter has caught on and "touched" Saturn, we're protected from here on.
    Let the Party begin.

    Time to Shine!

  65. I noticed that as well. I was expecting some improvement in the energies but so far I haven't felt any.

  66. yesterday was really magical for me and im glad so we made it im still being attacked ,still trying to physically harm me and use mind games take all whT i have and after this year theres not much of my past left maybe its a good thing i dont need my past anymore im with tears most of the tines now after a year of being tough but thats releaf although not over yet . i have majorly transformed learnt so much like never before although my constant student being and this is my true reward
    im so ready for this . thank you so much everyone blessings from my personal prison grid im being kept ih
    yes wired stuff indeed
    all the love

    1. Chin up D, I understand you,Love to you. I have been like this for decade, also lost everything,my sometimes beautiful past also, but I'm still alive. We are tougher than we think.
      Change started, Victory is close.

    2. And I'm mega depressed....like after each of those damned meditations.

      Also....to survive and exist is NOT enough.
      Guess we're nothing to the light forces...just low ranking employees that the higher ups give no concern about.

      and please define 'CLOSE'. WILL I get what I askfor in this lifetime or not?

  67. Replies
    1. The galactic pulse comes next, the so called "solar flash". What we've accomplished is securing a positive timeline between now and then. It likely still going to be a rough ride to The Event for most of humanity but we've ensured it won't be horrible.

      Right now the chimera and archons and assorted other negative entities are still putting up a fight and there could be surprises the light forces didn't anticipate. Keep meditating daily and wait. We're still in a war, but it's a war we aren't losing.

  68. The energy was amazing. Give thanks brother Cobra for such an amazing job bringing us together again. Victory Of The Light!!!!

    1. Yes the energy was amazing and outstanding! I was buzzing from it all day. Still feeling good today.


  69. As always I did not look for this.
    It comes directly from the Universe.

    This is a party tune.

    Third Eye - NEW LIFE


  70. Hello all, lightbrothers and lightsisters, Let me share with you what happened to me the nigth before our meditation. In the middle of nigth, I was dreaming to this moment, and suddenly a clear and loud voice said : I do not agree ! This woke me up, obviously. I clearly remember that I thougth : We don't have anything to oppose to you except Love and Ligth. Invoked Saint Germain, and felt asleep. Conclusion : dark forces are real and afraid, it is real. Victory of Ligth.

  71. So it be, so it is!

    Victory of the Light!

  72. Cobra, will anything be done to address what I call "Traumatized starseeds', like myself? Or are we gonna be ignored, similar to war veterans?

    This is from a dialogue that me and another poster on Cobra's blog had, recently:


    See, ALL my life, I have TIRED to help people wake the HELL up, that the world is not as it appears, that what we been taught in school is a LIE, the govt don't give a shit about you or me, and all that other stuff. What do I have to show for over 20 years of trying? A balding head since age 16, tons of ridicule, viewed as 'the village idiot' by nearly everyone...broken teeth from fists slamming into my face. Even my own so-called family disowned me, for all this, and not accepting their dogma, nor their bigotry.

    I want something FAR better to show for it.

    And to anyone saying "but the experience you had IS the reward! the aliens are so envious of you experiencing these hardships!" SOD that CRAP!

    IF any alien is both DUMB enough and MASOCHISTIC enough to WANT to experience this, I'd be GLAD to let them trade places.

    I don't want to be the equivalent of a war veteran who did his or her part, only to end up either living in a cardboard box in some alley, or the poor sod with shell shock, or like when Rambo had his breakdown at the of "First Blood"

    I've HAD meltdowns like this over the past 20 years or so, having been treated like a mutant or an outcast by society as long as I can remember. COUPLED with the fact my soul is trapped in the WRONG gender body.....you would too if the real you is like Kim Bassinger, and you see in the mirror Golum from Lord of the Rings.


    Other person:

    Rambo's breakdown in First Blood made a mark on me as well, and similar thoughts have crossed my mind. Everyone will need healing after the Event, and some starseeds might end up needing it even more than normal unawakened people. If they aren't properly taken care off and treated like common folk, they could end up breaking down just like Rambo did. Are traumatized starseeds going to receive the same unfair treatment Rambo did in First Blood? I doubt it. Is it going to be enough? I hope so.

    Sorry if that sounds ego oriented, but starseeds currently partaking in this liberation DO deserve to receive a nice retirement package and be received as heroes wherever they go, after this is over. Hold on and hang in there.


    Yep, the starseeds and those who TRIED to wake the masses/sheeple up are DEFINITELY going to need a LOT of help. Otherwise, many of us WILL go crazy like Rambo did in that town. Remember the lyrics of the classic Black Sabbath song, "Ironman"?

    It's amazing I did not take a gun to school and do a Columbine, several years before that one happened, or go around, blowing up shopping malls. Speaking of school, I was often called "Charlie Brown" many times, by some of the teachers....

    And, over the years...from my teens, to now, my early 40's, I DO have breakdowns like Rambo, even talking and screaming to myself, and folks who are not even there.

    And no, ego has nothing to do with needing a lot of help and healing, and it's not egotism in saying those who suffered the most deserve a DAMN GOOD reward for their services....pffft...service is too conservative a description.....sacrifice is more of a proper word to use.

    Let the ET's pick me up, and let me undergo emotion and gender healing, as well as whatever they can do with DNA...I want to remove as much human elements from my own. All I need is 5-10 minutes notice to get myself presentable, and grab a single, small suitcase to take with me, and tell the cats who live on my property, the only friends I pretty much had over these years, good bye. And sit in the observation port to see earth, aka Plant Gulag diminish as the ship warps, jumps, or whatever the process is, and realize, "No more Gulag, hooray!"

    1. patience... we will make it there.

    2. There are many who are eager to assist you but if they try to help you right now the dark ones will kill you before the day is over. That's just the sad reality. Most of us are weary and worn down, just like yourself, and we al are in dire need of healing. Once the galactic pulse hits, you'll be taken to a ship for whatever healing you require. You'll also rejoin your 'real' family and be given choices as to what you want to do next. I've recently started remembering the daily torture sessions I was subjected to back in the 90s, so I know what you mean when you say you need healing. Rest assured, there's a nice warm tachyon bath waiting for us all.

    3. Sherman, be careful with your thoughts and imaginations. They are YOUR playbook for YOUR creation. Erase what you don't want.

    4. Thank you Sherman. You talked about it a lot. Still I did not and don't realize the size of your pain. You must be an example of how evil it all could have been. Come to the LIGHT and LOVE, with respect. Your sister.

    5. Do not take any offence to what I say because this is just my opinion and some guidance. But I do think you’re resonating too much in the 3rd dimension my friend, you’re stuck in victim mode and looking for a saviour elsewhere when in fact it is you that holds the key. See the beauty around you and for the sheeple, well we were once sheep too but we heard our calling and in time they will too. Stop looking for someone to take all your problems away and start raising your vibration and you will receive the healing you so desperately need.
      This is by no means judgement as I myself struggle daily with anxiety and raising my vibration, we all have deep trauma to heal but most of that will become available after the event such as physical needs etc. I wish you well and hope you get back on track with the mission we all have. You’re still here and contributing with nothing in return, that my friend is unconditional love and thats the greatest gift humanity has

  73. 💖Thank you, Cobra! 🌟
    Victory of the Light!🌈🌞🖖🏼

  74. How do you catch a sniper in full darkness. You let him shoot first. Be carreful .much respect for your strength

  75. God Bless President Trump 🙏🇺🇲

  76. Mission accomplished. 👍

    We did it!

    Victory of the Light!

  77. To ze nikt nas nie rozumie wcale mnie nie dziwi. Kiedyś powiedziałam parę słów o swoich doświadczeniach to mnie wyśmiano. No to przestałam rozpowiadać . Nadejdzie taki dzień kiedy wszyscy się obudzą i mam nadzieję że nam podziękują za to co zrobiliśmy

  78. I would love to see the Galactic Federation openly intervene now. 💚💚

  79. Duas semanas para uma atualização??????

  80. interesting synchronicities around the dec 21st meditation at the bottom

  81. We need the Event,now!I decide to suicide if it doesn't happen within this year.

  82. It is a huge shame for me that why the matrix is not down and why the cabal is still living since we enter Age of Aquarius and the new cosmic cycle?

    Where is love and light?
    Where is the great awakening?I am in Chinese mainland and I don't see these pigs' awakening.

    1. Sweetheart, this is 3D - things don't happen over night.. Every change that we've had so far has taken time and patience. This is not a moviescreen.. Just let them do their thing and have faith.. keep your light shining bright and you'll see the changes soon enough.. ❤️

  83. If there is anything else that we can do Cobra to speed things up please ask us. VOTL

  84. We have been waiting for this for years, some of us for decades~so?the Event?

  85. Took the day off work. Got everyone i could to sit thier ass down and get on the stream. Felt the energy all day. Hell i still feel different. Things are changing

  86. Lord of the rings is my favorite movie trilogy and I will read the books soon. The metaphors and archetypes are very accurate. I wonder if what has went on on other planes and timelines resembles LOTR. When I saw the pic of Gandalf I only thought of one thing:
    "Fool of a Took!".

    1. I remember recently someone on another show explained that J.R. Tolkien got a hold of some secret ancient documents below Cambridge University and drew on the texts for his novel and it implies that it was based on factual information. Whether or not that can be verified is unknown.

  87. Thank you everyone for participating. Thank you beloved Cobra, Light forces, light workers and light warriors. Amazing meditation. Victory of the light 🙏❤️

  88. astrology with heather made a good point. set your new years resolutions on the solstice. set them now, not jan 1st

  89. Well done!!!
    Victory of Light!!!
    So it is 💜💜💜🕉️

  90. Beloved Starseeds, to all those disappointed that change does not seem immediately apparent.. Cobra stated this meditation allowed the Light Forces in to truly and FINALLY start dismantling all the dark technologies that keep earth in the dark matrix. Can you imagine their relief at finally being able to do this?! They have been waiting, right here, for so long, ready to go! knowing if ONLY they could get in to dismantle the dark matrix, everything would be over. And now, finally they begin!

    This HAS to be done before the revelations can begin, so humanity is safe. Do you know how huge this is?! how long we have waited, for THIS?! That we cannot possibly have any more detours to darker timelines now?!

    The darkness will kickback. There was NO surprise here in the UK we go back into lockdown the very day before the Solstice! Do you not see the significance? desperate acts by a desperate df. And we ALL showed up ANYWAY.

    Stay in the truth my friends. Use your protections. Rest, heal, do what you need to do. Please turn to each other when exhausted, hopeless. We all need to pick each other up, shining our light on each other. We all go together!
