Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Short Message to the Surface Population

There will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet. During that time, it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.

The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.

Instructions for the meditation are here:

In addition to that, you can visualize all energies across the continental United States being purified by the Violet Flame at any moment you feel so guided, from January 20th to 22nd, and also in days before and after. 



Victory of the Light!



  1. I hope there will be physical events soon that will finally give people hope again .. Many people are getting more and more depressed because they see nothing happening .. Victory of the light !!

    1. Estou prestes a desistir de acreditar

    2. Agreed. Especially in the light of US political failures.

    3. A moleza das forças da luz é desanimador

    4. Totaly agree...nad i even heard that Trump Has been accused of Child molesting as well. And this is a clone of D.T who Has been assisinated Long Time ago

    5. The people need to take their own action too even if it's just trying to keep vibration higher. Up to now, the people have given their power away by expecting others (ie. Politicians) to look after everything.

    6. Those with eyes can see many things happening. The QAnon starseeds who also follow Cobra don't anchor the light from trust, but from knowing things are happening behind the scenes. Have you even paid attention to the recently declassified documents?

    7. literally everything is happening lol
      people always want to know about the “end” of the movie. just “be quiet” and watch (enjoy) the movie from your unique perspective. let’s try to love our last moments of this long fear-filled journey. happy to be with you guys, stay positive.

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @dragon, if it was anything like what I experienced it will be powerful.

  3. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  4. The event has likely been delayed because everyone has been too polarized into political camps. A healthy body needs it's right and left sides. To think that the millions who voted for another candidate are either socialists or racists is to be deluded into division by the Dark Forces. They have co-opted the entire political spectrum in order to turn us against ourselves. To be coerced into any sort of violent action is to be fooled. Many many thanks to the Light Forces for their exquisite understanding of the razor's edge upon which we all walk. May they please continue to delay the Event until we all mature enough so that the greatest number may ascend. I know it is hard to wait, but as we work on ourselves it will be worth it.

    1. Any further delays = certain death of all life on Earth.

    2. Essa polarização pegou os despertos que ainda carregam essa energia em cheio! Vejo discussões, pessoas que já deveriam ter avançado nesse sentido alegadas a dogmas que em nada os levam para frente! Espero que possamos romper essa barreira de identificação com o jogo da cabala e co criarmos o Evento! Ele tarda e estamos exaustos desse jogo que a Luz caminhe conosco rumo à ruptura!

    3. Planetary liberation is more important than ascension. ascension can happen later, we must stop the suffering first.

      If people are polarised, how can you blame them!!!!

      All the criminals are walking around loud and proud taunting us with their crimes in a brazen fashion. The average human needs to see this criminals be held accountable.

    4. We need libération not delays. Your response is a typical holier than thou type statement which betrays your arrogance and disdain for those you deem somehow less worthy.

      Liberation of the planet must be achieved now, ascension can wait.

      Physical healing is desperately needed for humankind.

    5. No the event was not delayed, not only that is impossible there a matter of fact that even if the event could be delayed further that would make us lose.

      There is a time limit, because will have a climate change in the world, even COBRA pretty much confirmed this by other means.
      Exemple: People will be taken to ships or will be taken inside the earth a few months after the event happen.

      The earth will go for a "cleaning" phase, the surface will pretty much be uninhabitable for a period of time.(a few years, at least)

      There are even backup plans by light forces to rescue the people that is already aware of the situation, to be transported into the light forces ships if the worst case scenario happens.

      So no don't talk nonsense, people that is not ready will be transported to another world where then can continue their spiritual growth, where the people that are ready will stay and be part of the golden age of humanity.

    6. Delay the Event?What this means?

    7. Except bombs,any thing should never be reasons of delaying the Event.

    8. Nah. It's time. Like Cobra has mentioned. Those that aren't prepared will be able to continue their ascension path on a different planet. Time waits for no man. We happen to be in divine Space. Carpe Diem.

    9. So true! 🙏🏼🦋✨♥️
      We are One, we should do it together.
      Everythings is right and on time.

    10. The LAST thing we need is MORE delays.

      For if we need to WAIT until the masses are 'mature' enough, we'll all be either dead or thanks.

    11. I want to be both ALIVE and YOUNG enough to enjoy the good stuff....not waiting for the sheeple to 'get it'.

    12. The Event is not triggered by the light forces it self, like if it's a button to push. No

    13. we if you think that will happen then we will be waiting for eternity for humans to become mature

    14. They are not delaying the Event. All delays are caused by the dark forces and the plan has always been to remove their power until most of their critical power is lost and the light forces are not for humanity to catch up in the awakening so the Event can happen because if so it will take more generations.

    15. .
      " ... delay the Event until we all mature enough..."?

      Your comment implies that both political candidates are equal in moral and spiritual beliefs and foundation.

      How 'bout this. Just avoid the righteous attitude and simply say

      "delay the Event until the Satanic worshiping, demonstrably corrupt politicians" are tamed..."

    16. Je mi 75let a radostně si počkám klidně dalších 300let.

    17. In case you are not aware, The Event is to affect everyone and every aspect of society. Where finally the population will be free of the control mechanisms from the bad guys. Since your concern is ascension, note when the event happen in fact it will assist everyone to make big changes internally and outwardly toward it if the individual so chooses it. The event is not only physical.. or 3d.. is in all levels.. is not just financial, social, medical etc freedoms... is the works...including spiritual.. so is to our best interest for all for the event to happen asap.. no one will be left behind.

      In adddition... it has been said there will be a major change by 2025.. so come rain or hail or snow wheather we ready or not changes will happen by then. So we got only a few years to make leap changes ... is of our best interest event gets trigger sooner tha later when finally the time is ready.. hopefully tomorrow... there is much to be done when the whistle is blown... 4 years is too little time in order to enjoy n make something of our freedom we are to gain.

    18. Thank you,Cobra.God bless humanity.

    19. Makes sense. The Cabal plan for a false savior to be revealed world wide in 2025.

    20. Event or wave of love is exactly what the budhic column is trying to invoke right? Event wld remove plasma implants.. remove non humans and lower dimensional beings. All would regain their awareness. Ok to solve this 3D way TAKE OVER MASS MEDIA SATELLITES broadcast truth show world what has happened to.the children. In fact that was all supposed to happen last October per qhht so clearly nothing we hear is accurate. Also heard a major announcement wld occur proving Trump won not cabal backed Biden. This represents Light vs Dark .. Biden is mostly likely a clone black eyes now he did have blue. He clearly cant speak glitches alot so if he is allowed in there wont be any disclosure so this helps unite America how? If Trump is rightly elected 80% of voters went to him CA went red. Then we have truth occurring not note matrix lies. Media backs Biden so does big tech pretty obvious both are controlled by cabal. I dont get it RIP off the bandaid tell people the truth who cares if some cant take it they leave the planet then to be healed. We have been PRISONERS FOR 1000S of years and what has and is being done to the children is beyond any galactic codex universal law, law of one, free will system .. the DARK DONT PLAY ANY OF THOSE RULES only the Galactics until they have to take out draco ships then they must resort to action. Delta Option if Trump isnt sworn in and truth broadcasted on all media in this now. No more

  5. Did you notice the time? The exact moment of the Inauguration is when it starts. I have a huge feeling this is not going to be a normal election. The astrology is very complicated for this day and ANYTHING can happen. I feel this is when the Q plan will take effect. Have your supplies ready in case a lockdown is coming. This will probably be the tipping point we've all been waiting for. The people are angry, the people are done with the darkness. America will not be taken over by communists! We want our freedom and the freedom for the whole world. All the pieces are in place, it's time for us to hold the light and hold the line. Together we are more powerful than all the darkness!

    1. Well said. As well as aligning with everything Lin Wood & Steele has been saying about how these arrests & whatnot will occur over the next 10-14 days. Which, when he said that, would have put us just past inauguration day... I completely agree. Here it comes! We’re already seeing things I’ve always believed would come “eventually” but it always felt like nothing more than a concept, until now. So Let us blast the whole dang planet in light!!!✨

    2. I often listen to Jony Patry, see here pleasse: "Update for the Inauguration of the U.S. President"> She explains very accurate and not simple, but understandable!

    3. My fathers friend has a son in the military. He says national guard are being deployed as a part of mass arrests.

    4. Mas comunistas? Gente é sobre essa polarização que ele fala na mensagem! É vai demorar mesmo pq a cabala ainda joga bem e as pessoas assimilar suas mentiras como verdade

    5. I love you all very much. Please be psychologically prepared for nothing more than an (ab)normal inauguration of Joe Biden. Please be psychologically prepared for Q to be nothing more than a LARP designed to stain populism with violent extremism. Please be psychologically prepared for your fellow Americans who voted differently to be not communists, socialists, or fascists, but normal citizens with a different idea of how to move us forward. Please be psychologically prepared to accept that you have been lied to and manipulated. It may not be so, but the openness to this possibility is key to understanding the unipolar nature of the light that is transforming our planet. Please be truly prepared.

    6. You don't need 20,000 Troops for mass arrests

    7. the democrat's build their own prison longstar117

    8. Democrats are not communists.

    9. @LongStar. Mass arrest of who? Trump supporters or the real criminals?

    10. If you think that Democrats are not compromise by the ccp you are totally in another world.

      And Republicans can be to. But please inform yourself.

    11. The DNC agenda is CCP agenda why Twitter removed our President as did all social media and the MSM wont show his speeches. How much more obvious must they be? Anyone who dissents gets blocked that is COMMUNISM 101. TWITTER REMOVED 70,000 accounts .. Forbes and others now want to block conservatives from employment. Biden is on the laptop.. his home in Ukraine raised tunnels underneath.. video of him touching little girls. He owns an island by Epstein island. My God if you think Biden and Trump are the same I am worried if the awakened cant see what is happening.. The left supports antifa BLM flag burning fake elections no genders cleansing of conservatives mandatory lockdowns mandatory vaccines mark of.the beast nanotech.. all the sites I use promote Trump clearly Biden is a clone puppet they kept in the back no rallies.. 47 yr politician bought and paid for..

    12. @Salvatore Lucania
      "You don't need 20,000 Troops for mass arrests"

      Actually, 20.000 troops is a conservative number for the mass arrest team contingent. There will be 100.000 to one million arrests worldwide, depending how high or small ranks they decide to arrest.

    13. If you are not prepared to be wrong in your cherished divisions you are not prepared for the event. Desperation will not cause the Light Forces to act prematurely. We are all small ignorant minds in light of the glorious Infinite that is God.

    14. I have no idea what is really going to happen or why nat guard are in dc. the only thing I was privy to was a preview of the event scenario.

    15. I may close down all media for 3 days and only pray and meditate. But then i may miss some anouncement ?

  6. For those who feel guided:

    A Positive Divine Message 432Hz

  7. During this timeframe, Mars will conjunct with Uranus.

    1. Exactly Mars will conjunct with Uranus on January 20th at 20:38 UTC, at 15:38 EST!

  8. And on January 20th Inauguration day!

  9. Lets FINISH this together as one.

  10. Thank you Cobra 💜!
    Also a Huge Thank you and God Blessings to all involved in 💜 🌍 Earth Liberation 🌏 🌎 💜
    God speed, Love and Light!
    Let's do this in the name of all beings and this beautiful planet!
    💜Victory of the Light 💛

  11. Thank you Cobra!!! Romanian translation is here:! Always in Light and Love!

  12. Not long to go now, the last of the dark is reluctantly leaving and then the work of rebuilding our world begins. Victory of the light.💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🙏🌞🌠⭐🛸🌠

    1. Imagine the time when we will rebuild this world in light and true freedom and no fear to do anything.

      When you will see people from all around the world as same as yourself.

      Poverty will be past, greed will be past, ad all those bad things will be past.

      Imagine when every single one of us will have the opportunity to reach the high potential of ourselves.

      I CAN'T WAIT!

    2. what about those who want OFF world? I don't WANT to rebuild the world, I want to go to one of the alien worlds...especially in the Pleiadies....and be at my REAL homeworld.

  13. Znów 21.
    Wyślijmy moc pozytywnej energii dla USA, w tym momencie przejścia.

  14. Thank You Cobra & Light Forces, gratitude to All who Serve the Light. Let's Finish this fight once and for Evermore! Let darkness rule no more. 🙏🏼❤️🌈
    The Light is and always will be Victorious!

    1. Each has their Own will and Path to follow. I wish you well with yours ❤️

  15. Victory of the BALANCE. Light and Dark becomes one. Heal through the Violet Flame of Balance!

  16. Many thanks Cobra! I have been following your blog and doing the mass meditations since last April and I know many in the group have been patiently at it for several years. It does appear that some decisive and epic events will be happening very soon... VOTL 😊💖💫

  17. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  18. Harmonia


    1. I'm just a singer in a Rock'n roll Band

  19. YES! Thank you. THIS is the focus, anchoring the light. We leak our precious, useful light energy and lower our vibrations when we get caught up in the chaos and drama of the 3D world. Focus on the LIGHT. That's what we are here for! :)

  20. Bringing the United Nations of Earth to Atlantis. We're 5D building now...

    Earth to Light - Don't Ever Quit on US!


  21. Thank You Cobra and Light Teams!

    Livestream 7pm Scott McKay |1.14.21 Patriot Streetfigther POST ELECTION UPDATE #23: MILIntel Indicating Imminent Nation Lockdown

  22. Probably the dark ones are planning some false flag ops in this time window. Again to blame trump supporters and label them as domestic terrorists.

    1. Which is why it is more important than ever to do what the Lightforces ask us... the Buddha Coloumn Meditation and the violate flame. Simply is that. Then the Light will do what light does.🌎🌈✌️💖💫

    2. So what, focus dear brother!


    These two guided meditations might be good leading up to, and following, the 20th-22nd (should work together and support pretty well).

  24. Will the light forces take advantage of the situation during that time or strictly stay out of it like they always do?

  25. A bit dazed and confused so many sites I follow and qhht clients have been clear Biden would not be president and this would he a catalyst when an announcement was made and it reveals Trump won and then other disclosures like the children would he revealed. If this 47 yr cabal agent is allowed into the WH I dont see how that furthers any awakening

    1. I don't know much about QHHT. I was always watching Allison Coe's videos on yt and she seems like a very genuine and good-hearted person. But at the same time the messeges from her clients that she shared with us were ALWAYS wrong. Any date, any prediction, and any advice about doing or preparing for something that's supposed to happen in 3D was always pointless and misleading in the end. People were being told that they'll be able to meet their loved ones very soon, that they shouldn't focus on paying off their loans because they'll be gone soon anyway, that they'll be able to leave their jobs by specific dates, and of course countless dates and timeframes for mass arrests, disclosure, the Event, and ascension - nothing of which ever came true.

      If her stories are true, then I genuinely feel sorry for her clients who are constantly deceived, mislead, and lied to by beings claiming to be their higher selves and guides.
      She explains that "these beings have different perception of time" and "our interpretation of their messages can be wrong". But I don't buy it. If they're genuine, then why don't give a vague description of what has to happen on the planet before the Event, instead of giving us straight up dates that always just come and go with nothing happening? Are our higher selves really so ignorant that they don't understand what they're telling us? Or if our interpretation of their messages can be so far off, then what's the point of QHHT sessions if for all we know everything we interpret might be completely wrong or even harmful to us?

      Anyway, Cobra has said that 80% of channelings can't be trusted. Even if the people have good intentions, you can't know what they're actually channeling. Cobra also said many times that we shnuld use our discernment and if the message is uplifting, then it comes from the Light. And Allison's messages are generally uplifting, but always false. So I don't know what to make of it.

    2. @Tropby

      Are there people still wasting time and energy watching Allison Coe? You got that right @Tropby, her messages are always false. She only says what people would like to hear, like almost every channeler out there. Whether she is misguided, compromised or just a classical snake oil charlatan, in the end shouldn't really matter to us.

      "Even if the people have good intentions, you can't know what they're actually channeling."

      That is it. This is the most important redpill about channeling. It's too easy for lower beings from higher densities to deceive channelers and impersonate someone else or influence minds of people who are open to it (like Allison Coe's "patients" in her "QHHT" sessions).

      Still, despite this knowledge and Cobra frequent warnings on channelers, some who should know better still insist on consuming the addictive hopium they give. You can't change these people.

    3. I was into reading channelings but for a year now they stop resonating with me. Think the only channeller I believe to be true is Daniel Scranton. I also think Blossom Goodchild is genuine person with good intent.
      At the same time there are a lot of people from alternative media but I did lost interest in them too. They do give out predictions of mass arrests, blackouts, probs there's tons of predictions of what might be happening with tramp.
      At the end we can't verify any of what their saying, might be fairytales. Seems like a waste of time directing all our attention to them. I support cobra, am doing mass meditation, got knowing inside that event, ascension are what we're here for. Scrutinising every message from say Simon Parkes is not what this is about


  27. This requires a certain finesse now which can lead to breakthrough as both sides have manufactured a high tension, highly charged division that will have to be released. I see maybe one more psyop before the inauguration, the left has manufactured the image of being beneficial ,to remove what the right sees as a true patriot. Anyone who researches the info from both sides may begin to see that the different perspectives of the same event breakdown into nontruths, or propaganda. Many are questioning the validity of the system. Addressing authority is a huge part of quantum entanglement, and for many years very few suspected their dear leaders were deeply corrupt and the government a vessel of corruption and social engineering. Now many are beginning to live in that state of awareness.
    Simply, the left needs to enter into term with as little resistance as possible. With little resistance to covid vaccine measures, which many realize are Orwellian and will resist. Biden has already planned a stimulus to ease many on the prospect of relief. And will most likely entice vaccinations with monetary bonuses. And that will work somewhat until many begin to react to the vaccine in strange ways , and that will lead to further debate and the eventual dismantling of the covid psyop, and some will have paid with their lives.
    Many more are likely to die from the vaccine, more so than any unfortunate losses in the manufactured civil unrest that has been created by the dracos to destabilize the current administration.
    Trump is no hero btw. No hopium on that front. He had four years to do something substantial but spent his time pandering to Israel and most likely Russia as aids in his second term. He was heavily manipulated. Now pretty much blacklisted. A coupe, or ursurping, at the 11th hour of his term would most likely force full fledged pandemonium and destroy the government completely. We don't want that, or do we want violence. Learn from their tactics and find a better strategy. We would require a new system before this one is thrown into chaos.

    1. No wars.. told people fake news which is true. Renegotiated terrible trade deals sending industry to China. Brought troops home. Signed EO going after the pedophiles and their assets.. why Epstein was arrested wldnt happen under Obama or Biden. They were so afraid of him they started Russian collusion story, impeachment over a phone call, a bio attack and now a stolen election. Clearly if the dark ones want him out so bad he cant be with them.. ??

    2. And what if all that was stuff that Earth Alliance did and Trump wants to take credit for it?? Like above is said he had 4 years to tell people something not just repeating fake news fake news like some chicken,, i fallowed Q for some time and in some point I was so disappointed so now I don't fallow anybody because they all suck,, imagine if you do secret missions but you give info to those Q or Charlie ward or Santa surfing or whoever,, logical is if they are secret they are secret if they are not well why don't you publish them on Twitter or in fox News and I'm talking about Trump,, all those people earn nice money from that and I agree with cobra when mass arrest will start or similar stuff we will know it because it will be in msm,, according to Benjamin Fulford below my country they destroyed x10 underground bases and it is half a joke because after 1st big earthquake he said underground base was destroyed and we had allot of them in 2020 so just put somthing on paper,, like Trump was waiting for last day to do something about it,, even if somthing happen before inauguration 99% people that I know would say he is mad man and wouldn't move a finger to stop somone shoot him in front of public.

  28. To me it is time for all of us to grow up and stop think that there is some sort of magical formula which will turn everything once and for all to utopian Perfect World. Life In is Very nature is a eternal process of rising and falling everlasting changes. To see that is the beginning and the end of human confusion to have profound inside to that fundamental truths because in that truth there is tremendous energy which can utilise the qualities of that we're so wishing for.
    It is time for us to be the conduit for that intelligence instead of being part of the problem everlastingly adding on our own contradiction and creating more of the very thing that we wants to avoid.

    1. That would make perfect sense if you dont believe that our whole existance has been hijack... much of our current beliefs have been instilled on us by the very ones that intent to keep us in bondage.

    2. Victimhood is the most weak point that you can approach the situation which is to me not very wise things to do. Please understand I'm not questioning what you're suggesting because I'm fully aware to it but what I'm pointing out is the fact not tha idea which we have about the fact. And the fact is that victimhood is not the ground that we will bring transformation. We are cells needs to be the change that we would like to see up there in other words true Revolution begin inwardly and therefore it's become organically what we call Society

  29. We have been very concentrated since january 6th and will continue to do so! Thanks Cobra for all you've been doing since 2012, and haven't you talked extensively about this moment in time? The dark forces will never go down easily, but the Light forces have been talking about this moment ever since and here we are! We are ready, bring it on, release the Kraken, enough of this slave planet, we will be free no matter what! Victory of the Light! <3

  30. I will of course be joining this meditation, starting right after I post this comment.

    Here's the current news tidbits:

    Joe Biden will be facing articles of impeachment on January 21st, 2021

    There will be more US troops in DC than there are in Iraq and Afghanistan combined for the week of "Biden's inaguration" despite the fact that the inaguration will only be hosted virtually and nobody will be allowed to attend in person.

    More than 30,000 national guard troops were deployed to Washington DC. They were all vetted to insure that they do not support Donald Trump. They all had to pass background screenings making sure that they were not "sympathetic to terrorists."

    Positive Military is preparing to make some moves (RUMOR)

    Cobra knew this was going to happen all along:

    "The third aspect is the completion of a certain cycle on November 3rd. Nothing more can be said about that."

    Check out the picture of the United States in the above link.

    "Light Forces are also asking everybody to decrease the polarization and to start seeing people as an embodiment of their Soul, regardless of their political orientation.

    That said, neither of the presidential candidates is without flaws and both have a certain degree of involvement with the dark forces:

    "The Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection Act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election.

    Jesuits are polarizing the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA."

    Remember, the president of the United States is not part of the planetary liberation plan, although he does have a certain degree of influence on the planetary geopolitical situation.

    In humble service of The One Infinite Creator, In the glory of creation,

  31. 20/1/2021 auspicious. The day of the great arrests.

  32. Another blogpost which might explain the delays in liberation some people heavily demand much better:

  33. 'A note from Golden Light to my reader'. with at the end a pic of coming events:


  35. Ashtar was referring somewhere to the one-month intervals. So that "next one month" then goes as just 'easily' as the previous one. Things to do during this are the complete destruction of parasites, the destruction of toplet bomb carriers, etc.. (However, the Lemurians date the event from 26 July.))

    1. Please stop spreading dates all of the canalisations are compromised so don't belive them please. Believe what you want but i warned you.

    2. I will give you a date and is not from any canalization: end on 2024-beginning of 2025, Cobra said 2025, is ok, Victory to the light

    3. @Zelez4ever

      again you are wrong. You have miss a lot of information. Read the interviews. How many times cobra have to say there is no date and he can't know? how many? i want to know.

      Please stop this can hurt the most sensitive lightworkers and can actually be a Psychology warfare against the lightworkers that are not totally protected. The archontes can actually play games with it.

      So i urge you please stop saying dates.

      How long you will play this game?

      Do you want to cause harm to our brothers and sisters?

      Because there is not many option left.

      1: you are doing this on purpose.

      2: you don't have read the cobra information.

      3: you know all, you are not a dark agent but you just decide to be ignorant.

      4: you are stupid.

      Ah and by the way Cobra never said that the event will be in 2025 or 2024. Again you are not inform.

      My god i am really thinking that many people here are doing desinformation.


  36. Truth video with Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes

  37. I am amazed even after 8 years of long wait, NOTHING physical change had happened😀

    1. I know right. When people started making plasma tech 5-6 years ago, I thought that was the end. It means the situation is worse than I thought. If we can be openly making alien tech (tachyons too) and it doesn't trigger a growing movement or even instant disclosure, that's scary. I feel foolish for getting my hopes up. I'll wait, I'll do it, but it's hard to continue when nearly all humans are on the wrong side.

    2. Please list out that for me then..😀

  38. Of course dear Cobra and dear forces of Light, we will get the job done ... really hoping that all of this finally leads us to the event and the Liberation of the planet! It's too much daily suffering for everyone! (M-H and V)

  39. Estaremos juntos aqui no Brasil ⚡🛸🙏❤️

  40. There is a large group in Romania, and also in many other countries, (more than 3000 people) who is doing meditation every day, for 30 minutes, from a long time ago, in order to transfer the divine help energy, to the president of USA, Mr. Trump.
    Any king of meditation it is very welcome in this crucial moments.
    Thank you to everyone who is doing something spiritual in this direction. It is helpful for yourself and also for the entire planet and humanity.

  41. Steve Quayle Emergency Alert! Attention All Conservatives & Men & Women of Good Will! Do Not Under Any Circumstance Take Part in Any Protest at State Capitols No Matter What!

  42. "...the LIGHT is on, it is strong and clear and bright is getting through everything/everybody/everywhere...easilyj...."

    Viktory of the Light

  43. Thank you, Cobra. God bless humanity.

  44. why don't they miss my comment

  45. So..Indonesia was attacked twice..Airplane crashing(Boeing hijacked), now earthquake(
    God Code Matrix of 188 knows it for sure). Probably because of role in Financial reset that country plays

  46. Is this timeline numbered 1013 or the label indicates something else?

  47. Celebration!!! End of Bilderberg Rutte || Rinus Verhagen

    1. And now let's hope the judicial apparatus will be tackled so that justice will return into the dutch and world society. Let the world be flooded with love ❤️❤️❤️

  48. I'm confused. If it's about the future of the whole planet then why is the meditation for the US only? Or does it mean that the situation in the US will influence the whole planet tremendously?

    1. Yes. Easy peasy.🙏✌🌍💞

    2. @Asteraltraveler. Thank you for seeing the importance of our Mother's Heart.

      Love, Strength, Balance

    3. The USA is the last holdout for the Great Reset (NWO). If American falls, then the world may fall.

    4. @CoryCat think bigger, then bigger yet again.

      Love and Light

    5. The Goddess that was the 'vision' to George Washington at Valley Forge, stated (paraphrase): "The Third pass for the Republic is not just about this country but the world."
      This IS the Third Pass (test). If America goes down so to will the world.
      News today has several countries governments crumbling
      (my second vision). Patience. Observation.

    6. Cobra-
      Bear with me, please.
      I've been meditating on the Buddhic Column for days now, yet feel I've created an attack upon my Mind and heart as a result.
      Whether this is a toroidal field of chaos I've created for myself, or the dark forces are pushing back or both) is of no consequence.
      I shall invoke the Violet Flame BEFORE my meditation rather than after feeling the attack.
      my bad
      I got sloppy
      with all the distractions that are upon us.
      I cannot blame anyone or thing. I did this to myself.
      No apologies, just lean into the gale forces and push through it.
      Light is at the end of this dark tunnel of consciousness and energy.

      We Triumph-
      Victory of Light and Love.

  49. En Español, en castellano:

  50. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post

    Post en français :

    Victoire de la Lumière ! Victory of the Light!

  51. Bambie Roca is harassed by reptile humanoids. She needs help !

    1. My suggestion. Dont share the main plans via email or electronics cause most likely that can be intercepted.

      What sort of attacks.. community harassmemt? Does she know some of the perpetrators?... does she know why she being harasssed exactly.. is she mostly isolated?

  52. I had a dream about America... I seen it america from space and it was full of holes, deep holes with water inside, mostly on western side, some state size holes.

  53. Got caught 😂

    Our timeline will win. Their timeline will not succeed. Lightworkers need to understand that the democrats psychopath cabal are trying there best to put the negative timeline in place with the Republicans (politicians) they want to kill all trump supporters and begin like in the old timeline nazi.
    They want to do what the nazis have done with the Jewish.

    How sick is this, they want to put a mark on trump supporters like if they were terrorists.

    I am not in any polarization but lightworkers need to understand that The Jesuits are controlling china and china have a plan for controlling the us with joe biden. The cabal want to created their timeline with the help or the corruption of the left and the right to begin their final attack to destroy the USA and create a Communist tyranny. That's what cobra told us about the plan of the dracos. Actually they want to directly begin the new world order via the infiltration of the CCP Agents. (many are actually red dragon agents so again they will not succeed).

    people that think that something is not wrong with this need to stop watching TV= PROGRAMING. The majority of the media is supporting globalism that is actually the LEFT mentality with primary anomaly and the control of the rothschild. They want you devided. But we have to understand that one group of the masses is more awake and can actually think for themselves (Trump supporters) lightworkers need to understand that the Trump supporters don't have the knowledge of want we know. There are starseed and humans souls that love their country. They want the dead of the cabal like we want, but remember you can't Criticize someone that is no aware of all we know especially the planetary situation with dracos reptiliens and chimera.

    Same for the other group, sadly we can totally see that BLM Antifa and others are just totally controlled by soros and are the real terrorist of the United States.

    If you can't see a difference between BLM protests and trump protest i a am sorry you are definitely lost.

    One is educated the other is uneducated. One is peaceful the other is violent with only the worlds destroy in mind event with inocentes people.

    One is totally mindful the others is totally mindfuck with no brain.

    If you can't see the difference again you have a serious problem of mk ultra Television. And no The Proud boys are not racist!

    I am not saying all the people that are democrats are bad, no but the protest of antifa and blm are totally terrorists. I am sure there is bad people in both sides but if we put all together we can see a big difference.

    The trump supporters are awakening very rapidly sadly the other is in full control of mind.

    I want to say that i have seen democrats questioning the cabal and begin to awake to, again i am saying here the group in general.

    But sadly both group don't know everything and that's normal at the end they will be no more of all of this if we have the event soon.

    I just want one day that every person on earth can actually think for themselves and knowing the truth (after the event)

    Please we need now to be at our best they will not succeed.

    Again lightworkers, if you want to support a group, please inform yourself and see how have the best MORALITY and common sense.

    But i advise you to all even if you support a group , to be detached and be aways Independent of yourself and not blind yourself if you see something wrong with the group you support.

    Aways be you, an independent free soul and mind.

    1. At last some common sense - thank you. I was getting severely sick and tired of the self righteous nonsense I was reading in the comments here.

      Thank you.


  54. Roger that! Dark forces are desperate. We need to hold the light stronger. Victory of the Light!

  55. No matter how many times I have to meditate...
    No matter how many times I will have to try again and again...

    I will never stop until is finished because the only one that can stop me is myself!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. May your strength be everyone's.

      I will enjoy your presence in the city of Atlantis. Our Mother loves the strong and the ones who carry Love no matter the burden.

      We will celebrate this unity of light like you have imagined and more!

      We're so close.

      Strength, Love, Balance
      King of Atlantis

  56. Rest assured I will fully participate in this. I know this is the final battle and no matter how hopeless I feel, (even though I don’t normally feel like this) I will continue my small part of meditating for good ol’ US of A.

  57. Might be useful for this:


    1. It really bums me out to see people believe stuff like this. I've received a heavy dose through Facebook. Alternative people are no better than mainstream in their desire to be fed comforting lies.

  59. President Trump has declassified and authorized the release of "more than a foot-high stack of documents" related to the Obama administration's surveillance and espionage committed against the 2016 Trump campaign, as part of a larger campaign to discredit and undermine the incoming US president.

  60. Who are the cabal minions answering to if the top dracos and chimera have been either removed or severely impacted by the LFs? Information is the problem. The Democrats are believing the Mainstream media. The Republicans do not. The Ds believe the pandemic, masks and vaccine. The Republicans do not. Clearly the Republicans are more awake than the Democrats.. of course all is an illusion but we need mass media taken over and truth broadcasted so all can hear what the REAL truth is at once. Only way to solve this polarity.

    1. Like q says...information warfare... who controls the media controls the narrative.

    2. Neither side, Unknown....remember the patriot act, and the Iraq war?

  61. Peace and harmony ♡ Violet flame and bright light to all our beautiful Gaia, and specially USA right now ♡♡♡ Much Love from Finland :)

  62. We will do what we can! Love to all! 💖

  63. Join in please. We need all the help we can get!

  64. Put aside personal opinions and concentrate on peace.

  65. German translation of this article:


    Archangel Gabriel works on White Ray for Grace and Purification.

    It is time to release old memories, ingrained habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations.

    Archangel Gabriel will bring Order and Discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly.

    You can also call on him to bring you Clarity and Joy.

    You are reminded that you are Beautiful, Light and Wise spirit and that only the material mantel disguises your True Self.

    So envision yourself surrounded by Pure White Light.
    Let your Pure Spirit emerge and Fly.

    Affirmation: I am Pure and Light.

  67. Interview providing situation clarity about lockdowns, politics, human trafficking and Nesara/Gesara.


  69. dysmantle the m@m@n spyder statues

  70. Translation of this article in form of a video

    in German:

    in Japanese:

  71. I will be participating, no doubt. Thank you Cobra for the heads up.

  72. Angel Number 1013!

    We need to connect to I AM PRESENCE, and the Source!

  73. Hi Cobra, when can you give us infos about the new Ascension plan?

  74. Is this time node part of the 21th december 2020 timeline?

    Final phase is coming.

  76. Today I was talking to my relatives in Paris to share what I know with them, to prepare them. Of course they didn't know (msm) but were Very Receptive to the info. Also said they had no intention to be vaccinated. Both, giving me conclusions that many people, on the Soul level, Know.

    Also, very good info coming from them... Today they read that France has no vaccines to continue with vaccination. It is questionable even for those who received first shots to get second.

    So, it seems like Resistance Movement is doing everything to prevent mass vaccination by stopping channels of distribution and production.

    💜Good news💜
    Let's Light up this beautiful planet 🌏 even more?!
    💜Victory of the Light 💛

  77. Cheers Cobra... I AM A WALK-IN SOUL....Lord Michael’s Legions, are here! Along with all the other folks. What got played out yesterday was orchestrated by the deep state and the 13 Families, who answer to the Fallen Angels. • Right at this moment, let’s say there is a “Coming to Jesus” moment for the 13 Families. Because we’re in Sat Yuga. We’re not in Kali [Yuga – Age of Destruction] anymore! And there’s a lot of answering and explaining to get done.• It’s about the different shifts of dimensions and realities blending with each other.• What is being explained to me by the forces of Light—the White Knights—is that it is about the great lies that have gone on since the beginning of this story—the cradle of civilization, and before that, Atlantis and Lemuria.• All time is now, in the context where we are immortal beings having a human experience,because we chose to come in at this time, and it is intense. Nobody said this was gonna be easy, but they did say we would make it! • We chose to show up at this time, because we said we would be here full circle, and now is that time. As people are getting a huge Wakeup Call...

  78. 2020 Vision to see
    2022 we see natural spirit
    2023 we see the Space Age
    2024 we Leap into a new year
    2025 we're green to gold.

    Victory is Ours yet how we cross the finish line is the difference of more pain or less pain. How goes below goes above is an energetic connection of your self to all realms Quantum to Physical. We simply get the experience we ask for not the other way around. Be a seed of exceptional purpose, higher purpose does not mean your ego's ways. The beast has marked us an animal, fight that lesser animal with your higher spirit (game over).

    Keeper of Time

    I love you All.

  79. But why climate change during the event ? We only pass the iron age, we still have bronze silver and gold
    Then the climate change...

  80. Rothschild dead? Hope more to follow..

  81. P 1 M Jan 15 2020.
    Should P1 continue ?
    Dark times finalized.

  82. Fulford:
    My understanding is that Donald Trump is opposed by most of the world’s intelligence and military groups because he is standing in the way of “an improved system for running the planet.”

    I am hearing that we are dealing with a group headquartered in Switzerland that is above the level of visible governments.

  83. WHAT in the fuckin' SMEG is going on?

    IF Trump was arrested, the media, the dems, Hollywood and Pelosi would be out partying in the streets....So, I highly doubt that is the case, here. And with the HUGE amount of UFO sightings now happening.......makes me wonder.....


  85. Yes we must do whatever we think it takes to work
    On what the Light forces suggest, yet at the same time not to “rely” on any outcome including the Event, to “save us”. Each one of us individually is the only one or thing that will save us. We must do our own inner work. Then and only then will our “outer work” will be effective. Just realize that the Event will be the beginning of even more work we have to do to create Heaven on Earth. The Galactics will help but it is our planet, our dear Mother Earth.
